3 minute read

Lesson 2: Genesis 4—6: e Gift of the Firstborn


Greetings friends and colaborers of the Lord Jesus Christ!

I am writing to you with an excitement that is beyond words. For I would like to dedicate this book to individuals like yourselves whose desire to grow closer to Jesus and go deeper in the Word of God brings such JOY to my heart. And my prayer for each one of you is that the Holy Spirit will reveal more of Himself to you in this in-depth time of studying the Word of God daily. Jesus said, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied” (Matthew 5:6 NASB). So as you embark on this journey of studying each book of the Bible, may you experience a freshness and a fulfillment that can only come from the Spirit of God. You will have days that you won’t want to wake up early and read. ere will be moments when life throws you a situation that delays your personal devotional time with Him. But please press in and allow the Holy Spirit to strengthen your every step. is will allow you to exercise your faith muscles and walk out what you are learning in this. From my experience, obedience will bring education to life!

It will be quite a strenuous commitment, yet it’s a part of an intentional strategy to equip the saints for His return. And your participation with reviveSCHOOL is a unique part of this preparation.

May the Lord receive all the glory, honor, and fame in this pursuit of righteousness.

Praying, Dr. Kyle Lance Martin



ReviveSCHOOL History and Introduction ..................................................xi How to Use is Bible Study Series............................................................. xiv About the Cover........................................................................................... xv


Lesson 1: Genesis 1—3: e Seed of the Woman Is Jesus!...............................1 Lesson 2: Genesis 4—6: e Gift of the Firstborn..........................................5 Lesson 3: Genesis 7—9: God’s Judgment and Redemption: e Flood ..........9 Lesson 4: Genesis 10—12: God’s Promises to Abraham ...............................14 Lesson 5: Genesis 13—15: e Promise of Offspring...................................19 Lesson 6: Genesis 16—17: God Provided the Offspring...............................24 Lesson 7: Genesis 18: Abraham’s Divine Visitors..........................................29


Lesson 8: Genesis 19: Problems with Being in the World .............................34 Lesson 9: Genesis 20—21: e Birth of Isaac...............................................39 Lesson 10: Genesis 22: God’s Command to Sacrifice Isaac ...........................44 Lesson 11: Genesis 23—24: Finding a Wife for Isaac ...................................49 Lesson 12: Genesis 25—26: e Birth of Jacob and Esau.............................54 Lesson 13: Genesis 27—28: How Jacob Stole Esau’s Birthright....................59 Lesson 14: Genesis 29: e Line of Judah Came rough Leah ...................64


Lesson 15: Genesis 30: e Twelve Tribes of Israel........................................69 Lesson 16: Genesis 31: Jacob Considers Returning to His Homeland...........74 Lesson 17: Genesis 32—33: Jacob Wrestling with God ................................78 Lesson 18: Genesis 34—35: Jacob’s Delay in Following God’s Instructions ..83 Lesson 19: Genesis 36—37: Joseph Sold into Slavery...................................87 Lesson 20: Genesis 38: e Sons of Jacob.....................................................92 Lesson 21: Genesis 39—40: God Blesses Joseph in Everything He Does......97


Lesson 22: Genesis 41—42: Joseph’s Brothers in Egypt..............................102 Lesson 23: Genesis 43—44: Joseph’s Brothers Return to Egypt ..................107 Lesson 24: Genesis 45—46: Joseph Reveals His Identity............................112 Lesson 25: Genesis 47—48: Jacob Blesses Ephraim and Manasseh.............117

Lesson 26: Genesis 49—50: Jacob Blesses His Sons....................................121 Lesson 27: Exodus 1: Pharaoh Oppresses Israel ..........................................126 Lesson 28: Exodus 2—3: Moses and the Burning Bush..............................130


Lesson 29: Exodus 4—5: Moses Given Powerful Signs...............................135 Lesson 30: Exodus 6: God Promises Deliverance........................................140 Lesson 31: Exodus 7—8: Plagues 1–4 ........................................................145 Lesson 32: Exodus 9—10: Plagues 5–9 ......................................................150 Lesson 33: Exodus 11: e Final Plague reatened...................................155 Lesson 34: Exodus 12—13: e Passover ...................................................160 Lesson 35: Exodus 14—15: Crossing the Red Sea......................................166


Lesson 36: Exodus 16—18: Water from the Rock and Amalekite Defeat....171 Lesson 37: Exodus 19—20: Israel at Mt. Sinai: God’s Treasure, Kingdom of Priests, and Holy Nation.......................................175 Lesson 38: Exodus 21: Ordinances Regarding Slaves and Personal Injury...180 Lesson 39: Exodus 22: Ordinances Regarding eft, Crops, and Personal Property......................................................................185 Lesson 40: Exodus 23—24: Festivals of Unleavened Bread, Harvest, and Ingathering ...............................................................................190 Lesson 41: Exodus 25: Directions for the Tabernacle: Ark, Mercy Seat, Table, and Lampstand...............................................................194 Lesson 42: Exodus 26: Directions for the Tabernacle: Curtains, Planks, Bars, Veil, and Screen................................................................198


Lesson 43: Exodus 27—28: e Priestly Garments ....................................202 Lesson 44: Exodus 29: e Instructions of the Holy Priests........................207 Lesson 45: Exodus 30—31: Skilled Workers and the Sabbath ....................212 Lesson 46: Exodus 32—33: Moses Intercedes for the People......................217 Lesson 47: Exodus 34—35: New Stone Tablets..........................................222 Lesson 48: Exodus 36: Building the Tabernacle..........................................227 Lesson 49: Exodus 37—38: Constructing the Tabernacle...........................231


Lesson 50: Exodus 39: Making the Priestly Garments ................................236 Lesson 51: Exodus 40: Setting Up the Tabernacle.......................................240 Lesson 52: Leviticus 1—3: e Burnt Offering ..........................................244 Lesson 53: Leviticus 4—5: Sin Offering.....................................................248

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