The Life Connection Magazine - April 2015

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April 2015









Our Quality of Life is About the Connections We Make

EarthFair in Balboa Park Earth Day in Vista 'Our Earth’s' Abundant Resources 7 Simple Things That People Who Love Themselves Do


The Biological Roots of War Vitamin D: Natural Pain Relief

Plus an Interview with James Van Praagh

Connect With Your Higher Self Spiritual Medium

James Van Praagh

will guide you on your path to enlightenment! Join the JVP community at

Join James Van Praagh for an Evening of Spirit Seaside Center for Spiritual Living | Encinitas, CA Friday, April 17th For details go to

Read Us Online 2 | The Life Connection

D April 2015

–Melissa Joy Jonsson

MELISSA JOY JONSSON Author & Instructor Hilton San Diego Del Mar 15575 Jimmy Durante Blvd Del Mar, CA 92014


This course is designed for women who want to explore consciousness and its unlimited potentials. We will specifically address and release patterns that may hinder us from embodying our True Authentic Selves as limitless beings. Specific applications will be shared, demonstrated, and practiced, so that women may access and realize more joy, flow, integrity and personal fulfillment in all endeavors.

Sophisticated Nutritional Supplements for Physicians and Patients!

M-Joy Practically Speaking: Matrix Energetics and Living Your Infinite Potential Melissa Joy Jonsson

Registration & Information


Air Quality Natural Resources Zero WastePublic Transit Solar Energy EcoHome REcycled Glass Natural Foods Wilderness Protection

Animal Resrue Population Issues Acid Rain Green Economy Organic Peace Ozone Depletion

• Top-rated Maximum Vitality® multivitamin • Vitamin D3 in doses of 1000, 2000, 5000, and 10,000 IU olive oil based softgels • Supplements to support functional medicine: adrenal, cognitive, cardiovascular, GI, joint, lifespan, lipid, metabolic energy, skin, sleep, vision, healthy weight, and more. Call or visit Rejuvenation Science® today: Toll Free 888-737-3588

EarthFair 2015

Mulch International Issues Composting Safe

End Hunger

Yoga & Massage



Rainforest Organics Political Action Recycling Sunday, April 19, 2015 Reusable Bags Organic Clothing Species Balboa Park, San Diego Animal Rights Wildlife Res Air Quality Parks Handcrafted Goods Sustainable Agriculture The world’s largest Water Quality FREE Zeroenvironmental Waste Watershed fair and Water Conservation Urban Day Agriculture Earth Celebration Nature Disease Prevention Solar Panels Water Quality For full info visit: Recycling Alternative Transportation Water Conservation Global Climate Change Clean Water Earth Day Green Home Xeriscaping Certified Organic Rainforest Habitat Preservation — use Doctor Discount Reusable GoodsFair Trade Alternative Energy Animal Rights Animal Rescue Trees Code TLC when checking out for a special discount

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from the publisher 'Our Earth's' Abundant Resources

Who owns them? Who profits during our drought? Waking up recently to another beautiful San Diego day I started to think of what a great environment we have here. Though it was expected to be a bit warmer than normal it's certainly preferable, to me, to the extremes the rest of the country experiences. I was recently discussing with someone how great it was to travel and experience new places, but traveling also always made me appreciate just how special it is in San Diego County. I thought about the different environments I've had the opportunity to live in. Both my parents were born in Utah and raised in Salt Lake City. I think they were both ready to see more of the world and my dad made the Air Force his career. We moved a lot and I only lived in Salt Lake when a toddler. We lived in very different climates, including Northern Virginia, Iowa, central Alaska, Japan, and Northern and Southern California, both the coast and the desert. From the northern lights and ice fog to desert sand storms, hurricanes, lots of earthquakes and the humidity of Virginia summers. All were home at one time and I learned to appreciate the beauty of all those areas. As with most of us, I grew up in school reading about how abundant our diverse natural resources were and how that—and people—made us a rich country. As we celebrate our planet this month, it has me thinking how the earth provides the essential resources for survival—earth, water and air. Whether we prefer to hunt, gather or grow it, there are resources available to sustain our bodies; and there are amazing, mostly untapped, sources of energy that nature provides to warm, cool and power us. When I read about these resources growing up, I have to admit that I thought of them as common resources—the school books 4 | The Life Connection

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told us that “we” were a rich country, which sounded as if these gifts belonged to us/US. It didn't occur to me then that this meant that some people, or corporations (as they used to be called), owned those resources. Now it appears that those who get to the resources first are resource-rich. It seems reasonable, of course, to compensate someone for extracting and providing those resources to people. But are they selling something that belongs solely to them? The more we see resources being polluted the more some of us believe that these common resources we all share—especially air and water—belong to all of us. Now that some people have discovered how profitable it is to sell what nature freely provides—air, water and the power of waves, the wind, and the energy of the sun—haven't we come to a time when we need to look closer at how we define ownership of some of our resources? Isn't it an issue when people in Detroit are denied the vital resource of water when they can't pay for it? Since they live next to a lake that situation jumps out as troubling. While it seems that local government is responsible, it's about them having to pay close to the highest water rates in the country because they need to pay back Wall Street brokers who financed their bankruptcy and restructuring. Plus there's a lack of jobs there. As unnatural as it may seem to some of us, there are plenty of examples of US companies that own and sell our vital resources back to us. Look at what's happening with water. California is experiencing an extreme drought. Aggressive restrictions on water usage are being considered and already in place in some areas. At the same time, in drought-stricken —continued on page 28

THE LIFE CONNECTION april 2015 | vol 31 issue 4

publisher/editor expansion design

Steve Hays Amelia Leigh Kate Griffin


Timothy Brittain



bookkeeping writers

Deborah Clark David Gersten, MD Dr. Paul Drouin Amelia Leigh, MS Steve Hays Higher Perspective Penelope Young Kate Griffin Roddy Scheer Doug Moss

THE LIFE CONNECTION P.O. Box 789 Vista CA 92085-0789 AD TIMELINE for MAY CALENDAR, CLASSIFIED & DIRECTORY ADS due by April 15 DISPLAY ADS due by April 20 INQUIRIES? (760) 631-1177 (760) 631-1144

april 2015

vol 31 issue 4

TLC is distributed the first of each month. We provide a guide to San Diego County’s resources for improving your health, the environment, relationships and expanding human potential.


'Our Earth’s' Abundant Resources | 4

7 Simple Things People Who Love Themselves Do | 16

Greetings From the Publisher by Steve Hays



What’s News | 6

EarthFair 2015, Strawberry Festival, Shakti Fest, Earth Day, Power of the Labyrinth, M-Joy of Being , Holistic Chamber

Vitamin D Reduces Pain | 9 Biological Root of War |10

by Higher Perspective


Are Your Loved Ones Not Compassionate? | 18 Transformational Talk by Penelope Young-Andrade


Alternative Health by David Gersten, MD


James Van Praagh Interview | 12 by Amelia Leigh, MS


the tlc staff

Amelia Leigh | Expansion

Local Faves - Farmers' Market Edition | 21 Ocean Fertilization?

Resource Directory | 23

Calendar of Events | 14

Steve Hays | Publisher

by Amelia Leigh, MS

EarthTalk® | 22

by Amelia Leigh, MS

Classified Ads | 15

Thermography | 19 Farmers' Markets | 20

Product Reviews | 13


New Books & DVDs | 17


Note From Amelia | 30 by Amelia Leigh, MS

Timothy Brittain | Production

Kate Griffin | Graphics

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what’s news Earth Fair April 19, 2015,10 am 5 pm, Free, Balboa Park, The annual EarthFair in Balboa Park is the largest free annual environmental fair in the world. EarthFair 2015 will be our 26th annual event! Each year, the EarthFair draws around 60,000 visitors. Produced by 400 volunteers, EarthFair 2015 will feature more than 300 exhibitors, special theme areas, a Food Pavilion, a special Children's Activity Area, five entertainment venues, the Children’s Earth Parade, the eARTh Gallery art show, and the Cleaner Car Concourse. The exhibitors form the heart of EarthFair. They represent every type of environmental organization, governmental program and commercial enterprise with goods, services and causes that address our environment and quality of life. Our exhibitor fees are graduated to allow everyone to participate, from the smallest organization to the largest corporation. It's impossible to list everything you will find at EarthFair: traditional conservation organizations, wildlife preservation groups, products made from natural and organically grown crops, organic gardening information, alternative energy vehicles, ecotourism opportunities, many alternative and traditional health care products and services, pet adoption services, clean air and clean water products, rainforest preservation groups... the list goes on and on.

Strawberry Festival San Marcos Farmers Market
, Sunday April 12, 2015
, 11am - 3pm San Marcos - Kick off Spring with "Everything Strawberry" at the San Marcos Farmers Market on Sunday, April 12 from 11am-3pm. Sample sumptuous strawberry delights including Strawberry Fudge, Strawberry Smoothies, Strawberry Granola, Chocolate Strawberries and, of course, this season's best fresh, local Strawberries! Fun for the whole family includes a Strawberry Scavenger Hunt with Prizes for all ages. Live music by reggae big band "Sol Remedy" will be playing all day. The farmers market has over 30 vendors every week including fresh local and organic produce, cut flowers, raw 6 | The Life Connection

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honey, eggs, dried fruit, almonds, peanuts and juice. Hand crafted jewelry, cosmetics, hats and homestyle gourmet foods such as hummus, sauces, pickles and pantry goods round out the array of items available. For more information contact the San Diego Farm Bureau's farmers market manager Christy Johnson at 760580-0116 or

Shakti Fest Fri. May 15, 2015 at 7am - Sun. May 17 at 10pm. Shakti Fest is dedicated to the divine feminine that dwells within all of us which celebrates the devotional path that has its roots in yoga, kirtan, and meditation. It embraces ancient and modern sacred wisdom and traditional and non-traditional spiritual practices. The festival is a vehicle for evolution of human consciousness through a heart-centered revolution.

Earth Day Alta Vista Gardens is excited to host “Earth Day 2015”. Saturday, April 11 2015, from 10am -3:30pm. On this day Earth Lovers will experience local vendors with healthy solutions. Wander the garden to find the Plant Sale, Children's Activities, The BubbleMan, Artisans, Healers and mystics, Yoga on the Grass, The Labyrinth, Healthy Food and Many Surprises. 11am Permaculture Presentation by Alden Hough, 1pm Sacred Sound Healing and Eagle Dance Ceremony. Let's grow wellness in our Community.

Location: Alta Vista Gardens, Brengle Terrace Park, 1270 Vale Terrace Dr, Vista, 92084, (760) 945-3954,

Sacred Sound Healing & Eagle Dance Ceremony This is the 2nd year Alta Vista Botanical Gardens brings the “Gongs For Peace Troupe” with Jeremy Pfeiffer. What’s new and transformational is we are introducing the Native American inspired Eagle Dance Ceremony. This Sacred Sound Healing is meant to show people we can create Peace on Earth. We are being reminded that it is our responsibility to create this energy. We are building the future want to leave our children. Many of us are looking to the elders and indigenous cultures to reconnect to the “original instructions”. According to Jeremy “Gongs for Peace is a Sacred Journey of Sound and Spirit” As the Gongs reverberate in the ceremonial garden the Eagle will dance for Global Peace and Earth Healing. Steven Garcia is of the Tongva Native Tribe originally from Catalina Island. His Grandfather raised him to be the bridge and to “share the energy of the ancestors”. Steven Garcia is the Eagle who dances for Global Peace and Earth Healing. He along with his partner Kathy Wilcots will perform as the Gong Ceremony reminds us, “We all walk the same earth. We breathe the same air. We swim in the same waters. We see and feel the same. “It is time to listen with your heart as well as your ears. Keep your mind open, your spirit and body in tune”. It is so! Black Star Eyed Eagle, Steven Garcia 2015 With special guests Steven, Kathy and many friends. This ceremony is brought to Alta Vista Botanical Gardens by Lia Strell and Creative Healing with her vision for a healthy vibrant and creative future.

The Power of the Labyrinth In mythology, Labyrinths are known as sacred gateways and are found at the entrance of ancient sites around the world. It is said that if you walk a labyrinth and meditate, you create the power for personal and spiritual transformation. While those who lived in ancient times believed in the

power of the labyrinth, the practice of the walking meditation still exists today. There are labyrinths all over the world-- near schools, parks, and prisons to even corporate campuses in Silicon Valley. Google offers two for employees in Mountain View. Visitors are welcome at the walking path at Electronic Arts in Redwood City. Imagine if that power is created at once all over the world. World Labyrinth Day is celebrated globally on the first Saturday in May. All over the world, people are invited to unite and ‘walk as one at one.’ Wherever you are, whatever time zone you are in, you can walk a labyrinth and be a part of the effort to create a wave of peaceful energy across the nations. People have signed up to walk this year in countries from Australia to Zambia. Last year, according to the Labyrinth Society, there were more than 5,000 people from more than 23 countries. “It’s heartwarming to think of hundreds of people walking in Australia, Poland, Scotland, and Colombia, among other countries where participants organized local events last year,” says Lars Howlett from the World Labyrinth Society. The most beautiful labyrinth in San Diego County is at Stallion Oaks Ranch in Descanso. Run by the Unity Center, the labyrinth is surrounded by beautiful, aged oak trees. There is a specially designed peace pole in the middle. Those who walk it say it is an opportunity for deep meditation. The public is invited to celebrate World Labyrinth Day at Stallion Oaks Ranch. Festivities begin on May 2 at 11 am. The whole family is invited to bring food for a picnic then walk the labyrinth ‘as 1 at one’ and share the energy. For more information go to:

Rev. Patti Paris featured in Science of Mind Magazine The May issue of the United Centers for Spiritual Living’s monthly magazine, Science of Mind, VISION’s senior and founding minister Patti Paris has written the thirty-one “Daily Guides” and is featured in a short article about her and her ministry. Each day’s guide offers a short reading from Ernest Holmes’ or other spiritual leaders with comments and an affirmation by Rev. Patti. The guides are intended to be read at the beginning of the day Rev. Patti Paris

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to set the tone and intention for that day. The magazine can be purchased at Barnes and Noble stores and at VISION’s Resource Center. Rev. Patti will also be facilitating an eight-week class, on the 5 Gifts for an Abundant Life by Diane Harmony designed to help develop a consciousness of wealth and prosperity. The first class will be held on April 6th from 6-8:30 pm. This class is offered on a Love Offering basis.

Special Harmony Express Concert Janet Hammer and the Harmony Express will perform in a special concert on 4/16 at 7pm featuring Doo Wop music from the 1950’s and an Tribute to the Manhattan Transfer. Ms. Hammer has entertained at VISION several times before always leaving her audience wanting more. “Come for the Music; Stay for the Message” has always been a guiding principle for VISION. In 2013, VISION was voted second best Live Music Venue in San Diego by the UT readers. VISION is located at 6154 Mission Gorge Road, Ste 100. For further information and directions call 619-303-6609 or visit

Holistic Chamber of Commerce Invitation

The Holistic Chamber of Commerce (HCC) in North County has two meetings this month for people who want to learn about the chamber, membership and to meet other members. The Monthly Lunchtime Meeting is April 8 (Bring Your Own Lunch), from noon to 2 pm at the California Institute for Human Science, 701 Garden View Court, Encinitas, CA 92024. A special guest will be at the meeting, HCC National Director Camille Leon. On April 15, Wednesday from 8:30am-9:30am there is a Speed Networking at Swami's, 1163 S Coast Hwy 101, Encinitas, CA 92024. This is for members and first-time guests only. $10 Fee. "The San Diego North Country Holistic Chamber of Commerce is for the benefit of both consumers and the public. Our members learn business skills, share information with each other, network, socialize, and advocate for easier access to holistic, natural and eco-friendly products, 8 | The Life Connection

D April 2015

services and solutions. We collaborate together towards creating healthy people on a healthy planet," states Elieen Kurlander, Founding Chapter President. The Chamber stands for excellence among holistic, complementary, alternative, and sustainable professionals, practitioners and businesses. All Professional Members of The Holistic Chamber of Commerce have submitted references, which The Holistic Chamber of Commerce has checked. HCC is expanding their membership and invites holistic professionals, practitioners and businesses. Contact Eileen Kurlander, Founding Chapter President 2013, for more information at (858) 945-7532.

'M-Joy Of Being' (Women) Melissa Joy invites you to experience an emerging form of empowered community experience in San Diego, California, May 2-3, 2015 as ‘M-Joy Of Being’ (Women) is offered to all women. The emergence of the Sacred Feminine is not necessarily a women’s movement. Rather, it is a movement in consciousness giving rise to the remembering of our essence as inherently whole and limitless beings. In this recognition, there is an integration and synthesis of both feminine and masculine within us all. We remember, we notice, and we experience a return to our natural state of wholeness as flow, through the joy of being. ‘M-Joy Of Being’ (Women) offers a deeply expansive experience for discovering and embodying True Authentic Self (TAS) as a direct extension of universal consciousness and infinite potential. Through practical immersion into heart-centered awareness, intuition, and grace, combined with the power of choice, we embrace coherency, congruency, and integrity-in-action that ripples effectively into all that we encounter. Choose to participate in the evolution of You. Notice and let go of limiting memetic programs and morphic fields that may hinder consistent access to the Joy of Being... Women. In this transformative course, we establish resonance with empowering patterns of infinite potential to allow for more flow, well-being, and personal fulfillment. Sacred feminine and masculine essences are explored,

—continued page 23

\\\ Health Update ///

Vitamin D Reduces Musculoskeletal Pain in 95% of Patients


ight out of 10 people will have back pain in their lifetimes. In many cases, such pains are chronic - lasting more than 3 months - and there is no evidence of any injury, disease, or bone problem like a slipped disk. An extensive review of clinical research in a new report from Pain Treatment Topics found that Vitamin D may provide relief to 95% of patients. According to Stewart B. Leavitt, MA, PhD, editor of Pain Treatment Topics, "our examination of the research, which included 22 clinical investigations of patients with pain, found that those with chronic back pain almost always had inadequate levels of vitamin D. When sufficient vitamin D supplementation was provided, their pain either vanished or was at least helped to a significant extent."


The report, "Vitamin D - A Neglected 'Analgesic' for Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain," which was peer-reviewed by a panel of 8 experts, includes the following highlights: • Vitamin D is essential for calcium absorption and bone health. Inadequate vitamin D intake can result in a softening of bone surfaces, or osteomalacia, that causes pain. • The lower back seems to be particularly vulnerable to this effect. • In one study of 360 patients with back pain, all of them were found to have inadequate levels of vitamin D. After taking vitamin D supplements for 3 months, symptoms were improved in 95% of the patients. All patients with the most severe vitamin D deficiencies experienced back-pain relief. • Expect that Vitamin D therapy may take 3 - 9 months to effectively raise 25(OH)D plasma concentration, saturate vitamin D receptors, lower PTH levels, and effect skeletal composition enough to reduce pain. Just like eating next week, next month, and next year, continued maintenance dose of vital vitamin D micronutrients is necessary to maintain good health. • The currently recommended daily allowance of vitamin D - 200 to 600 IU per day - is outdated and too low. According to the research, most children and adults need at least 1000 IU per day, and persons with chronic back pain would benefit from 5000 IU or more per day of supplemental vitamin D3 (also called cholecalciferol). • Vitamin D3 supplements have a highly favorable safety

profile. They interact with very few drugs or other agents, and are usually not harmful unless extremely high doses such as 50,000 IU or more - are taken daily for an extended period of time. • Vitamin D3 supplements are easy for patients to selfadminister, are well tolerated, and cost as little as 7 cents per day for 1000 IU and 20 cents per day for 5,000 IU.


We recommend that all patients take a sophisticated multivitamin and multimineral to assure basic micronutrient intake. A basic protocol would include Rejuventation Science Maximum Vitality™ multivitamin, a superior source of Omega-3 such as Biom3ga Krill Oil, Probiotic + FOS, and possibly additional Vitamin D-3. The best way to manage vitamin D levels is using the plasma 25(OH)D test, where <19 ng/mL is deficient, 20-29 ng/mL is insufficient, and the current optimal adult level is defined as 50-80 ng/mL. A typical vitamin D3 adult loading dose is 5,000-10,000 IU/day and maintenance is 3,000 5,000 IU/day with some sun exposure. Besides the comprehensive Research Report (50 pages, 170 references), there is a shorter Practitioner Briefing (7 pages) that summarizes the report and provides guidance for healthcare providers. Additionally, a special Patient Brochure (6 pages) explains what vitamin D is, how it works, and how it may help in relieving pain. Chronic pain remediation with no side effects! You can master this. While vitamin D3 therapy does not provide instant symptomatic relief, its effect is to slowly strengthen the mulculoskeletal structure, thus reducing the underlying source of pain, while providing numerous other benefits.

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\\\ Alternative Health ///

Biological Roots of War: Bonobo or Chimp?

by David Gersten, M.D.

There is no period of written history in which war was absent. Is war just part of human nature? Is it genetic? Is it caused by male-dominated societies? Much of what we were taught in history classes was the dates of wars, who won, and who lost. The group or country that won a particular war generally wrote the history of that war. As I researched last month’s article on PTSD, I found myself in strange territory. You can’t talk about veterans with PTSD without addressing the big question, “Why are humans so prone to war?” The world has not been successful at slowing down or stopping war. Thinkers from philosophers to military generals have shared their thoughts about war. The task of changing this destructive side of mankind seems nearly insurmountable. I remain optimistic about the human condition and will do my small part to shed light on a very dark subject. There are two main theories about war. 1) Wars are initiated to increase the wealth and power of a particular group. Unbridled greed underlies this idea. Greed is the desire to have more of something than we need. Enough is not enough. 2) The roots of war reside in destructive drives that may be biological. Genes may be involved. In this article we’ll see that both theories are right.

Chimps and Bonobos

Human beings, chimpanzees, and bonobos (apes) are closely related. These three species have a common ancestor. About 4 million years ago humans, chimps, and bonobos split 10 | The Life Connection

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off as separate species. Chimps and bonobos split from their common ancestor 1.5 million years ago. There is good reason to consider that our war-like nature originates from our connection with chimps, which are an extraordinarily vicious and violent animal. Chimps are a male-dominant, patriarchal group. Male chimps are quite hostile to males from outside the group or community. Small groups of males patrol the “neighborhood” looking for males that are traveling alone. Chimps attack and often kill those single males, attacking in a very organized onslaught. When chimps attack humans, they often attack the face, destroying all facial features. While some have theorized that human contact with chimps is the cause of chimp violence, research has shown that humans do not play that role. Chimps are violent by nature. At least, that is one side of chimps. They are highly evolved animals living in tight-knit communities and displaying a wide range of emotion. In 1928, the bonobos, a close relative of chimps, were discovered. Bonobos, a matriarchal group, are peace loving and non-violent. They tolerate strangers, share resources with random bonobos outside their own community, and even exhibit what appears to be empathy. Bonobos resolve every conflict with sex, which is mainly recreational, not simply procreational. They have sex throughout the day with just about anyone – friend, relative, or total stranger. When chimps come across another chimp that has encroached on their border, they will viciously attack that chimp. When a bonobo runs into a bonobo approaching their community, they will simply have sex. They don’t seem to discriminate. Homosexual sex occurs if a heterosexual partner isn’t readily available.

Many have wondered if the Homo sapiens’ warlike nature has its roots in our genetic similarity to chimpanzees. But most of us would prefer that we had evolved from bonobos.

What’s In the DNA?

Chimps and bonobos share 99.6% of their DNA. Humans and chimps share about 98.7% of their DNA. Humans and bonobos also share about 98.7% of their DNA. So, the chimp violence connection is not so clear-cut, since humans have equal amounts of bonobo and chimp DNA. Around 11,700 years ago the ice age slowly came to an end. In its wake, the huge Congo River took its current form in Africa. While chimps and bonobos had clearly become separate species more than a million years ago, the Congo River made that separation complete, as bonobos ended up living south of the Congo River while chimps live north of the Congo. That separation led to a total separation of chimp and bonobo DNA. While we seem so similar to chimps in terms of our propensity to solve problems through violence, what happened to the peaceful, happy bonobo DNA that human beings carry within every cell? Why isn’t that a larger part of human history? The answer goes back a very long way.

From Prey to Predator

The first humans were not alpha dominant creatures. They lived as prey — as careful, watchful, and scared as any other animal that could become dinner of a predator. But when we figured out how to use spears and other weapons, we slowly changed from prey to predator. The history of being hunted resides deeply buried in the human mind, in our DNA, and in the collective consciousness. As we entered tribal life as hunter-gatherers living in small groups, humans were somewhat like bonobos. We were not violent creatures. Tribal communities tended to be peaceful, cooperative, and non-competitive. In some societies, rites and rituals developed to help prevent violence, competition, and ambitious behavior. When Homo sapiens progressed to a life of agriculture and herding, the sense of ownership of land began to develop. We guarded our territory with more and more violence in order to keep others from infringing on “our” land and also to help expand our territory. It is at this point in human evolution that we became the violent species that we are – much more like chimps than bonobos. If our genetic similarity to chimps and bonobos has any credibility, we are capable of being peaceful and cooperative like bonobos. That occurs when we were (and are) tribal

David Gersten, M.D. practices Nutritional Medicine and Integrative Psychiatry out of his Encinitas office and can be reached at 760-6333063.

people living in small groups as hunter/gatherers. The bonobo genetic influence seems to have disappeared, and the violent chimp influence appeared when we entered the current phase as agriculturists. One condition encourages the expression of bonobo DNA in human beings while other conditions, namely agriculture and land ownership, encourage the expression of chimp DNA. This is just my theory.

Greed: Uniquely Human

Modern man became more and more attached to the idea of ownership of land and the need to protect that land and property. At some point greed came into the picture. Having land or property wasn’t enough. The desire to own more and control more began to grow and never stopped. The lessons to be learned from bonobos still live on in many indigenous, tribal societies. While some tribal people have been quite violent, their lack of a desire to own land is important. We have much to learn from Native Americans, who see One spirit that lives in every living creature. One reason why it was easy for the first Americans to steal Native American land, and then kill them, is that the Native Americans did not believe in ownership of land. We made dirty deals with Native Americans, trading land for —continued on page 24

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D April 2015 | 11

An Interview with James Van Praagh By Amelia Leigh, M.S.


ames Van Praagh is considered a spiritual pioneer and one of the most well-know spiritual teachers in the world today. He has been bringing an awareness to the subject of “communication with the dead” into the public psyche for the past thirty years. Mr. Van Praagh is known as a “survival evidence medium,” meaning that he provides evidential proof of life after death via detailed messages from the spiritual realms. Through his work, Van Praagh shares his life experiences and insights so that others will benefit in opening up their hearts and gain a connection with their own spiritual self. His work has brought spiritual insights to millions with his numerous guest appearances on shows such as Oprah, Dr. Phil, Larry King Live, 20/20, The View, The Today Show, Chelsea Lately, Beyond Belief, Biography, Coast to Coast, 48 Hours, and a multitude of others. Currently, James can be seen on the web hosting Gaiam TV’s live streaming show Spirit Talk, which has quickly become one of the network’s most viewed original shows. Weekly he can also be heard around the world on his weekly radio show Talking To Spirit, on the Hay House Radio Network. He will be in Encinitas at the Seaside Center for Spiritual Living April 17. (More at end).

Great to see that you are coming to San Diego at the Seaside Center for Spiritual Living on April 17th. I love them there. James Van Praagh (JVP): Yes, I am excited! I just got back from a tour on the East Coast and it was really great. I love connecting with people.

I am very interested in consciousness and want to help people understand. JVP: That’s great! Yes, everything is connected. I think we are going through a time of transformation. The whole world is. We started the shift about 2-3 years ago. People 12 | The Life Connection

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are realizing that they can’t turn on the TV for an answer. They must go within. It’s not ‘out there.’ It is inside. It goes back to having a relationship with our spiritual selves. It's knowing who you are. So much of society in our world is caught up with the outside, and what you see in the physical, and disregarding what's on the inside.

How did you know you were called to this field? JVP: When I first got into this industry, I was a huge skeptic. [As he still is to certain things]. A lady that I worked with asked if I wanted to go see a Medium. I told her I really didn't believe in that sort of thing. To humor her, I went to see this man. As soon as I walked through the door, he said to me, 'You are sensitive. You're a medium. You are supposed to be a conduit of information. In two years time, they're going to give you messages and help you communicate.' I was so impressed by what he told me.

I am sure you have seen a change in people’s awareness and feelings on this subject. JVP: Ha! Yes. When I first started in this industry about 35 years ago, people were just trying herbal tea. Then they tried yoga, then meditation, and now getting in touch with their intuition. We don’t have to prove it to people as much as help them get it. People know truth when they hear it and feel it. Intuitively.

At each seminar I ask who is new. About 90% raise their hands, which is really good. People are more becoming more open. About 10 years ago a survey showed that 64% of people believed in an afterlife: Now the number is about 80%.

How do you describe your purpose or mission? JVP: The main purpose is to let people know this is not the end. There is more. We are all fluid. I want family members to know that their loved ones have just passed over to the other side. The most important thing to real-

Enigma Candles

“In the absence of light, darkness prevails. You own the light.” Candles are a wonderful way to set the ambiance for the appropriate mood. Multiple senses will become engaged as you create light. The Enigma Life candles are made very well and let off a beautiful delicate scent while burning for hours. They have many products that will help protect and cleanse your home or office. Every candle is thoughtfully made. “This is an ancient recipe to guard the home, written in the darkness of the eleventh century.” The look and longevity is quite impressive. If it has the power to clear the space also, that is just an additional bonus. Check out their website They have a lot of cool things for the home and body.

ize is that the soul cannot be harmed, and that death itself is not painful. Death is an illusion; your loved ones are always around you. The soul cannot die, the soul is eternal. I want to make people aware that we are spirit encased in a physical body. “Spiritual Beings having a Human Experience.” I am here to help people heal and open up to their own truth. When you open yourself up to this awareness (that you are spirit), you then not only know that you are eternal, but that you can create the world you want. Once you become aware that you are the creative force within —continued on page 26

\\\ Products of the Month /// By Amelia Leigh, M.S. natural or artificial, whether salmon is wild or farm-raised, and what country a food comes from. We should also have the right to know if foods contain GMOs, so we can make informed decisions about what we eat and feed our families. Certified organic to USDA National Organic Program standards, Dr. Bronner's Fair Trade & Organic Products are fantastic essentials that always make the body and world a better place. Lotions are made with pure organic oils free of synthetic ingredients and preservatives. Organic jojoba oil moisturizes dry skin exceptionally well due to its unique similarity to the skin's natural oils. Organic coconut oil assists with absorption, while organic hemp and avocado oils help keep skin smooth and supple. Organic grain alcohol (ethanol) is used as a natural preservative at a level that helps absorption without being drying. Only the finest organic essential oils are used for fragrance. They are gentle enough to be used anywhere on your body, including your face. The lotions are highly emollient, so start with a small amount (about the size of a dime) and moisturize as needed.

Dr. Bronner Lotion

Dr. Bronner’s commitment to healthy and sustainable agriculture, corporate accountability and the consumer’s right to know is part of the company’s mission. They put into practice the social and ecological principles that inform others of Dr. Bronner’s philosophy (printed on the company’s iconic soap labels). In recent years, Dr. Bronner’s has supported a variety of efforts to promote the labeling of genetically modified (or engineered) foods, those foods made from genetically modified organisms (GMOs). In the U.S., we have the right to information about the foods we buy and consume, such as sodium and fat levels, whether flavors and additives are

D April 2015 | 13

\\\ Calendar of Events ///

April 2015

4 Saturday - Full Moon 5 Sunday - Easter 8 Wednesday HOLISTIC CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Monthly Meeting- Bring Your Own Lunch, 12pm - 2pm at California Institute for Human Science 701 Garden View Court, Encinitas, CA 92024 Guest, HCC Contact Eileen Kurlander at (858) 945-7532

11 Saturday

EARTH DAY - ALTA VISTA GARDENS On this day Earth Lovers will experience local vendors with healthy solutions. Wander the garden to find the Plant Sale, Children's Activities, The BubbleMan, Artisans, Healers and mystics, Yoga on the Grass, The Labyrinth, Healthy Food and Surprises. Permaculture Presentation by Alden Hough, Sacred Sound Healing &Eagle Dance Ceremony 10am-3:30pm

San Marcos Farmers Market on Sunday, April 12 from 11am-3pm. Fun for the whole family includes a Strawberry Scavenger Hunt with Prizes for all ages. Live music by reggae big band "Sol Remedy" will be playing all day. For more information contact the San Diego Farm Bureau's farmers market manager Christy Johnson at 760-580-0116 or UNDERSTANDING LAB ASSESSMENTS ClinicalHealth Analysis. Blood chemistries, urine analysis,saliva hormone testing, stool analysis, much more.Labs you can work with. 5:30 pm. Natural Healing Institute, (760) 943-8485

15 Wednesday

SPEED NETWORKING WITH HCC The Holistic Chamber of Commerce is hosting a Networking Wednesday 8:30 am to 9:30 am at Swamis 1163 S Coast Hwy 101, Encinitas. For Holistic Chamber MEMBERS & FIRST TIME GUESTS ONLY, $10. Fee Ea. Contact Eileen Kurlander (858) 945-7532

17 Friday

James Van Praagh Appearing at Seaside

CANCER STOCK 12pm-10pm at the Moonlight Ampitheatre in Vista. (847) 565-9733

12 Sunday STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL - SAN MARCOS Kick off Spring with "Everything Strawberry" at the

April 5 • 10 Am

EastEr sunday sErvicE April 16 • 7 pm

Harmony Express concert

James Van Praagh is considered a spiritual pioneer and one of the worlds’s most celebrated and respected spiritual teachers working today. He has brought a mind-full awareness to the subject of “communication with the dead” into the public psyche for the past thirty years. Mr. Van Praagh is known as a “survival evidence medium,” meaning that he provides evidential proof of life after death via detailed messages from the spiritual realms. Seaside Center for Spiritual Living in Encinitas -VIP Reception 6pm -Event 7pm For tickets visit: or call (760) 753-5786

sional practice. World renowned Aromatherapy instructor. NHI had the 1st State Certified Aromatherapy program in U.S. Natural Healing Institute, (760) 9438485. April 6- May , 2015

Thursdays TWIN HEARTS MEDITATION Every 1st & 3rd Thursdsay 7:00pm – 8:30pm at the Myo-Sei Center 741 Garden View Ct. Suite 204 Encinitas, CA Call (888) 226-4325 or Visit www.


2-3 Saturday - Sunday M-Joy of Being Seminar with Melissa Joy Melissa Joy Jonsson, Instructor. This course is designed for women who want to explore consciousness and its unlimited potentials. The M-Joy Of Being (Women) course offers the student a deeply expansive experience for discovering and embodying True Authentic Self (TAS) as a direct extension of universal consciousness and infinite potential. Through practical immersion into heart-centered awareness, intuition, and grace, combined with the power of choice, the student will learn to embrace coherency, congruency, and integrity-in-action that will ripple effectively into all that is encountered. Hilton San Diego Del Mar, 15575 Jimmy Durante Boulevard, Del Mar, CA 92014. 800.269.9513.www.

18 Saturday - New Moon

FREE HEALONG CLINICS! You Are Strong, Healthy, Successful, Wealthy, Happy, Smart, and Wise! 3rd Saturday of the Month from 1pm–3pm at the Myo-Sei Center, 741 Garden View Ct. Suite 204, Encinitas, CA 92024 www.goddess Call (888) 226-4325.

19 Sunday

1950s doo Woop Manhattan transfer tribute

A Center for Spiritual Living 6154 Mission Gorge Rd.

14 | The Life Connection

D April 2015

EARTH FAIR - BALBOA PARK The annual EarthFair in Balboa Park is the largest free annual environmental fair in the world. EarthFair 2015 will be our 26th annual event! Each year the EarthFair draws around 60,000 visitors and 400 volunteers, and feature more than 300 exhibitors, special theme areas, a Food Pavilion, a special Children's Activity Area, five entertainment venues, and the eARTh Gallery

April Weekly


CERTIFIED CLINICAL AROMATHERAPY (CA) program. Individual classes. Learn self-help, profes-

Psychic Faire! Sunday, April 26 ❀ 12–4pm ArtBeat Gallery 330 Main St., Vista, CA 92084

(760) 500-5633

Lindsay Duff — Tarot & Clairvoyant Individual readings and events.

15-17 Friday - Sunday SHAKTI FEST - JOSHUA TREE, CA Shakti Fest is a Yoga | Dance | Music Festival which celebrates the devotional path that has its roots in yoga, kirtan, and meditation. It embraces ancient and modern sacred wisdom and traditional and non-traditional spiritual practices. The festival is a vehicle for evolution of human consciousness through a heartcentered revolution.

Frank arjava Petter

\\\ Classified Ads /// BusinessOpportunity


WORD PRESS AND APPLE TECH HELP Can you help us with with Word Press, Apple computers or iPhones? Contact

Jikiden Reiki Seminar May 21–25 • 10–6 pm

Join World-Renowned Reiki Author in San Diego. Learn Authentic Reiki from Japan with no Western influence.

Healing BRING IN THE POSITIVE! Spiritual Readings, Aura Cleansing, Tarot, Home Cleansing, Spiritual Ceremony for Protection from Negative Energy. Bring in the positive! By appointments only (619) 459-4812 HOLISTIC HARMONIES Facilitates a powerful yet gentle release of negative energy, opening pathways to optimal health and personal success. 760-575-4451.

$850 Level I and II Certification from Jikiden Reiki Institute, Kyoto

Home Design • 858-449-6197

How to Submit Classified & Calendar Ads & Listings LISTINGS—$1.00 per word (includes first line in bold) $10 minimum per ad. Count phone numbers as 1 word. Count Websites & email addresses as 3 words.

Make sure to specify the category or date. Don’t count the date or category in the total words unless they are repeated in the ad. LISTINGS IN BOLD cost an additional 20%

Pay for 2 months in advance and receive a third month FREE (on listings above only— not on ads that have photos or logos). LISTINGS with PHOTO or LOGO cost $25 plus $1.00 per word for each month run.

PAYMENT — email the ad and call with debit or credit card info, or snail mail both the ad & check to us at the PO Box below. Please submit ads before the 15th of the month preceding publication. Late ads may be accepted if there is room, but there is a late fee of $10. Sorry, but no ads dictated over the phone. We need something in writing. Thank you.

Email us at: or mail us at: TLC PO Box 789, Vista CA 92085

Free Consultation. Home design and drafting services. Remodels, additions and landscapes. Kitchens and bathrooms. 3D renderings and consulting. Call 760-940-8910 for a free consultation.

Home Repair OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE Does your home need Cabinetry, Carpentry, Electrical Work, Plumbing, Tiling and/or Painting? Quality workmanship now available in North County and general San Diego area. Call Handyman Hugh Clark at 619415-5390 or 760-509-4580.

Personal Growth ARELATIONSHIPGURU.COM Sliding scale.

20+ years of experience helping you heal emotional wounds and physical ailments, find/live your life purpose, awaken spiritually, connect with angels/spirit guides. 'with table tipping, I help you pinpoint issues, make crucial decisions, bring through energie/ information from archangels/guides. Special Prices: or (760) 613-3854


ROOM TO RENT I am seeking accommodation, ideally one or two rooms on the first floor of a home. Being an “International Healer” whose name is Edward Waite. Can be contacted at 508-529-6177. Thank you. INTERESTED INDIVIDUALS We are looking for individuals interested in participating in the creation of life sharing home situations with opportunities for creative art work, gardening, home business in San Diego North County coastal area. For information call 858-481-3998.

Hawes Home Design Services

Space Limited: Register Early

Healing From The Heart with Linda Wolf

The Song Whisperer Needs pianist for metaphysical musical celebrated composers have channeled through me. To audition (619)501-9262 . Sample the music at mystarsabove. com/music-clips/

Web Design

IS YOUR WEBSITE OUT OF DATE? The web is evolving. Your website should evolve along with it. Affordably. Learn more and visit our portfolio at Call Todd at 760-731-4855 or email for a free assessment and consultation.

Our Rates Have Changed! Get Our New Media Kit! TLC office (760) 631-1177 or Email

In Vista and Oceanside Pick Up The Life Connection Magazine at Frazier Farms! :)

D April 2015 | 15

7 Simple Things People Who Love Themselves Do Every Day 1. They Remember To Take Ownership Of 4. They See Life As Full Of Abundance. For happy people, there is hope in every sunrise and a Their Lives. Happy people have no problem taking ownership of their lives. This includes mistakes, successes, failures, and everything in between. When you’re happy, you don’t need to pass off blame when you mess up, nor do you really need to make a big fuss if you’ve been successful or have done something right. This sense of ownership indicates a desire to please themselves with their successes and become a better person with their failures. Truly, to a happy person, these things are about them, not the people around them.

2. The Company They Keep Adds Value To Their Lives.

Happy people only keep company that adds some kind of value to their lives. It’s not to say that they’re surrounding themselves with yes men and women or people who will consistently validate their existence. But these are people who make them happy, who they have things in common with, and who challenge them and help them grow every single day. These aren’t friends you catch up and drink with every single night. These friends serve such a larger purpose than that. And that purpose is returned to those friends as well. The company that happy people keep helps them become the best person they can possibly be.

3. They Never Stop Learning.

For happy people, getting your diploma isn’t where education ends. Every day is about learning more and knowing what’s going on in the world around you. Happy people love picking up new hobbies, new talents, new skills, and acquiring new information to apply to their lives. Happy people have no problem reading a dense book or enrolling in a few classes at the local community college to sharpen themselves on a certain subject or learn how to do something fun that they’ve always wanted to do. These are the kinds of people who have fulfilling careers but still want to go out and get their yoga teaching credentials. Happy people understand that education isn’t a chore, but a way to enrich yourself and help you lead a fuller life. 16 | The Life Connection

D April 2015

path forward through every failure. The universe provides abundance to us all in so many ways, but for many of us, it’s about seizing it. Happy people have mastered the ability to seize that abundance and make it work to their advantage. Not only seize it, but see it when it presents itself. Realizing that their lives are full of abundance makes them even happier people, especially when they can share it.

5. They Focus In On What They Can Control.

Too often we find ourselves getting caught up on disasters and problems and setbacks that none of us are truly in control of. Happy people don’t have time for any of that. Sure, there are things that are even out of their control, but why would they stop and dwell on it? Instead of focusing on all of the numerous things that happen that are out of their control, they focus in on what is in their control – on what they can influence in their lives. By focusing on what they can do instead of what they can’t, they build a better, more fulfilling life for themselves.

6. Their Health Is A Top Priority.

If you don’t feel good, you have a heck of a time feeling happy, and happy people understand that. Happy people take care of their bodies and their health because their bodies truly are their temples. If you’re feeling broken down and tired, how can you pursue the things that truly make you happy? It becomes exponentially more difficult the worse shape you’re in.

7. They Understand That They Are Good Enough As They Are.

This one’s an easy one to grasp. Happy people know that they’re good enough as they are. Why? Because there truly isn’t any measure of excellence for you except what you decide. Even if you aren’t perfect, you know you’re trying your best and you can really get a lot of joy out of that. And remember, no one but you can decide if you’re good enough. This article was published by: Higher Perspective: Connect, Reveal, Transcend – March 22, 2015. To view this and other articles, visit:

\\\ New Books & DVDs /// Creative Integrative Medicine By Dr. Paul Drouin

Published by Balboa Press (Division of Hay House), 2014 It is great to see such important information become creatively integrated into the current model of medicine to form a new paradigm of health. Dr. Paul Drouin has a warm inspirational character in person as well as on paper. He is passionate about reforming the way we understand disease. A family tragedy, the loss of his youngest brother at the age of 18 from an osteosarcoma of the skull, triggered Dr. Drouin’s interest in studying medicine. Unsatisfied with the model of healing he encountered in medical school, he explored many other models of medicine that eventually led him to practice what is now called Integrative Medicine. He soon realized that for these complementary medicines to be accepted and integrated into our health care system, they must be scientifically recognized and become part of the curriculum in medical schools. The entire foundation of our approach to health and disease must be redefined through a deeper understanding of reality as described by quantum physics. Dr. Drouin’s initial quest has evolved into the creation of a medical and natural medicine curriculum that embraces this new paradigm of healing, and the founding of the International Quantum University for Integrative Medicine (Quantum University). The cost of an incomplete model of understanding in medicine has enormous consequence in the management of chronic and mind-related disease. Creative Integrative Medicine addresses the real questions and offers a solution to the present crisis in health care. This book looks at the science behind spontaneous healing, integrating Taoist medicine into a quantum model, homeopath, hematology and a new perspective on patient evaluation. Dr. Joe Dispenza, a leading neuroscientist supports the vision of this integrated form of healthcare. “Dr. Paul Drouin is a true hero for writing this long overdue book. Finally, people are being told the

truth about health, healing, and alternative treatments. This book has sound scientific proof to empower you back to true ‘health’ care instead of ‘sick’ care. Read and learn.” -JOE DISPENZA, D.C. New York Times best-selling author of You Are the Placebo and Evolve Your Brain In Dr. Paul’s words: “This book is a story about my own journey as a medical doctor toward creative integrative medicine. It is about my passion to promote changes in the health-care systems and medical schools that will lead to a greater understanding of the true nature of the human being and assist us in reaching our greatest potential through healing on all levels.” “It is now time to redefine a form of medicine based on the new scientific model of understanding of the universe according to quantum physics — a creative integrative medicine. Doing so will be the key to solving the current health-care crisis, and it will lead to a new vision of integrative health care based not on disease but on the full potential of the individual. Our understanding of the human body will expand to include the body’s subtle energy systems and the mental and emotional connections to the physical body. How the mind works can be explored from a nondualistic viewpoint, compared to the dualistic philosophy used today. It will open the door to creative new approaches to healing that have the opportunity to solve problems still unresolved by conventional medicine, specifically in the areas of chronic and degenerative diseases.”

Spirit Voyage Presents:

Kundalini Yoga: Recharge Yourself with Snatam Kaur

Snatam Kaur may be best known for her truly angelic voice. Here, she brings us a Kundalini yoga experience that is both invigorating and deeply healing. The class begins with an amazing 11 minute breathing meditation that transforms your awareness to the very state of your BEing. Followed by an invigorating experience with Archer's Pose, and a kriya to recharge your physical and energetic self, you’ll come out of this class empowered and rejuvenated body, mind and soul! While you move through your practice, Ajeet Kaur sings so sweetly accompanied by Sukhmani Rayat playing the tablas and Siri Kirtan Carlisle. Experience the power of kirtan and Kundalini yoga together in one dynamic class, filmed live at Sat Nam Fest! The DVD also includes written instructions and illustrations for both the meditation and kriya so you can do them anytime, anywhere!

D April 2015 | 17

\\\ Transformational Talk /// Transformational Talk

Are Your Loved Ones Are You Afraid of Idleness? Not Compassionate? BY PENELOPE YOUNG ANDRADE, LCSW



re you afraid of idleness? Like many, you may feel most

Shift your attention from thoughts about what you should be

What can you do when loved ones are not compassionbrief emotion to resolution. Feel the heartfelt caring of comfortable when you’re being productive. That’s okay doing to your body’s experience here, now. If you feel like ate? Whether you’re missing empathy about your needs the person with you to undo any aloneness. Place your as long as you balance purposeful action with directionless climbing the walls, be gentle with yourself. Find sensations or flaws, it’s painful to feel judged by significant others. hand on your own heart as you feel it soften and open. rest. Unfortunately the notion that the devil lurks in idleness Finally, that feel calm (check your feet/ hands). Move awareness While the inevitable action involves relationship repair, focus awareness in your tender heart. Imagine has a big gripnot on to ourmiss culture and psyche. word idleloving back and forth between agitated and calm sensations for it’s important an opportunity forEven innerthe healing. arms holding, soothing and reminding, “No matter may send shivers down your industrialized-work-ethic spine. three minutes. Watch as the calmness spreads just by bringHere’s the tip. First, check for any self judgement which what, you deserve compassion.” When and only when The problem is the kind of rest your nervous system needs ing attention to your body. If you still can’t settle down, seek has now been triggered. If so, consider this an invitation you have restored self-compassion you may be ready and creative mind requires is exactly the kind that lollygagprofessional evaluation for food allergies, over medication, for inner work. Next, it’s imperative to let go of any, “I’m to see whether you now also feel more compassion ging andinternal wool gathering Down time means spaciousfor or other physical/emotional so bad” narrativesoffer. to look for healthy responses those judging you. If not, noissues. blame. Repeat above time at home, in internal the tub, judgement. in nature, listening music, reading timeare for safe idleness increases to external and It’s alsotoessential to steps Remember, as necessary.making Once you and secure in not only novels—even museum/gallery crawls or meditation will do – your joie de vivre, but paradoxically also increases find a friend or counselor to be with you while you work compassion for your precious self, empathy for others producas long as they’re aimless. (No screens!) Don’t just do something, sit there! © through the anger, grief, fear that naturally arise when willtivity. flow naturally. Here’s the tip: youloud already thatfeeling), you need feeling judged. SayIfout (even know if not fully “I’mmore Penelope Young Andrade LCSW, 858-481-5752, EmotionalMedicine Young Andrade LCSW, EmotionalMedicineRx. mad/sad/scared about….” Drop into your allow time for just ‘being’, see if you’re ready to body makeand some chang-Penelope,, Twitter @EmotionalRx space for instinctive responses may,, Twitter @EmotionalRx, es. If yes, start with emotional just 5 minutes. Maketoaflow. cup This of herbal 858-481-5752 not feel good. You may recall other, earlier times when you felt similarly. Breathe and let your body lead through

from the publisher

from page 4

the year with a new TLC, and because “something” pulled us to be out this month, here we are with a December issue. There were several factors—and a lot of energy—that made that possible. I mentioned new ads that needed to run in December, but there were also our current and ongoing advertisers who quickly embraced the idea and were happy to hear we were printing. More than anything, at least on this level of existence that we usually participate with, what allowed us to come out were some great people—some new and some who’ve been around for a while—who helped get this issue out, are working on our expansion, or both. This month I want to thank Tim Britain, whom I often refer to as our graphics guy. Tim and I are starting year 26 together, and his contributions far exceed being our “graphics guy.” He’s designed and redesigned the magazine both in print and online; he designs a lot of the ads in the magazine; he’s designed the cover, off and on over the years; added his design skills to special projects; gives me computer advice; and even though it’s not part of his job description, he won’t allow himself to ignore it when he sees the language grossly misused and he edits. He approaches his “duties” with the magazine in a way that the volunteer might. When I say that, I think of some environments that I have been in that used both employed people and unpaid volunteers. 18 | The Life Connection D April 2015 I remember one instance when someone said, “You can always tell who the volunteers are. They are the ones who are willing to do things you can’t pay people enough money to

Their passion to contribute and support whatever it is, and what they get from doing it seems to far outweigh and exceed the monetary compensation. He is definitely underpaid; but then again, perhaps th idea that he is reflects our accepted societal belief about wha compensation means and how we should be compensated Wouldn’t it be something if everyone in the work force op erated in a similar way? We do all need money, of course What I’m looking at is that to participate primarily becaus it’s something you want to see in the world is not where ev eryone comes from. I’ve most likely forgotten something that he contributes but you can see he’s someone I can talk to, he’s a great friend and partner in producing TLC. You know that because th pressure of deadlines has gotten to both of us at times, bu we adjust and keep moving. Thank you, Tim! In addition to his support, what’s been in the works th past several months is that several new people who appear to share that commitment and approach want to add their talent and passion to expanding TLC too. Hard to compare to 26 years of commitment, but the passion is obvious and welcome There are some things I’ve wanted to put in place for while, and we’re receiving a surge of energy to do them. Mor accurately I can say that we’ll discover exactly what that look like and where TLC is taking us as it reveals itself to us. You’ll hear more about these new contributors and se some of the results of their efforts next issue. Some may no be obvious, and some changes will come later. If you are wondering how are things going—It’s pretty amazing, thank you.

\\\ Modality of the Month ///

Thermography Dr. Otto Warburg, a German cell biologist, won the Nobel Prize in 1931 for discovering that inflammation is the beginning of disease. In the same way that disease can only grow in an acidic body, disease can only grow in an inflamed body. Now if many of you are wondering, ‘If only there was a medical test that could look for inflammation,’ look no further than Thermography! Thermography or Medical Thermal Imaging is a non-invasive health assessment that scans the body for inflammation. Thermography was invented by the Father of Modern Medicine, Hippocrates himself! Hippocrates would take wet clay and smear it on his patients looking to see if the clay dried uniformly or if it dried quicker in one area over another. He concluded “in whatever part of the body excess heat or cold is felt, there is disease to be discovered.” Luckily, since 400 AD Thermography has evolved, first being used as night vision, and then becoming highly specialized and highly sensitive as it was introduced to the medical field. Thermography uses an infrared camera to non-invasively image patients scanning for inflammation. With thermography there is nothing emitted at, towards or through the patient like in other standard medical tests. Mammography has a sensitivity of 80% in postmenopausal women, and in pre-menopausal mammography’s sensitivity drops to 60%! Thermography as a sensitivity of upwards of 90% and a recent study in 2013 found Thermography to have a sensitivity of 100% (Kolaric et al 2013)! Thermography is well known and documented for its capability to image inflammatory breast diseases but it is not just limited to

the breasts! Whereas some medical tests are assessing anatomy and structure, and thus are limited by that same thing, Thermography is a scan of physiology and function and thus can find inflammation, the pre-cursor to disease, before manifestation! A tumor is the end stage of disease, so scanning for a tumor isn’t preventive, but reactive. Tumors do not appear overnight, they grow. This process is called angiogenesis and it creates a heat signature that can be easily visualized with Thermography. At Psy-Tek Subtle Energy Laboratory we use a state-of-theart Medical Thermal Imaging camera, coupled with our one-ofa-kind TotalVision software, that was made by Thermographers for Thermographers; which allows for a deeper understanding of the body and its functionality. Thermography was approved by the FDA as an adjunctive test in 1982. Thermography creates options for proactive choices because it detects problems early! Because Thermography provides a first glance you can find and correct imbalance with hormonal testing, nutrition, healthy supplementation and other natural therapies! With Thermography there is no contact, no pain, no compression, no radiation and it’s safe for young women, women with implants, breast cancer survivors and new mothers! If you’re looking for early detection, with NO radiation and NO pain, and with professional medical analysis, look no further than PsyTek Subtle Energy Laboratory! Thermography is the future of healthcare! Contact Jessica Luibrand at Psy-Tek Subtle Energy Laboratory located on the Campus of the California Institute for Human Science. 741 Garden View Ct Ste 104 Encinitas, CA 92024. || 760-733-6000 ||

From An Interview with Nassim Haramein

By Amelia Leigh, M.S.

The wave form occurs….

The brain is like an antenna. Where the microtubules are the highly tuned antenna filament that are oscillating. The water molecule is actually producing hydrogen plasma. Because there is a single water molecule going through them, it is actually interacting with the vacuum and the structure of space, with this fundamental network. So it is basically tuning into certain networks of information. Network dynamics of the vacuum exist so that it can basically download a certain set of information. It is driven by the spinal fluids pumping into the spinal column. The brain is 90% water…which is constantly ignored. You can think of it as a highly efficient water plasma antenna. And the body is a big bio-oscillator, like a crystal. So it is like a sync circuit. Literally living as a radio. Really, kinda interesting to see how you actually look at the sync circuit of the radio set. It obeys mathematically the same conditions as a black hole. So basically…it is mathematically like a black hole. That is what we are saying. The brain and body are big bio-oscillators that can be tuned to certain frequencies. Vibrational energy. Our emotional state is actually what is tuning the antenna. The brain is the antenna, but the dial can be adjusted. Turning the dial on the radio to change the channel is the through the emotional state. To be continued…

D April 2015 | 19

San Diego Farmers' Markets Downtown Dockside Fish Market, Saturday: 8am 1pm, Fish Harbor Pier (near Tuna Harbor, between USS midway & Seaport Village) Open-Air fish market featuring pop-up canopies, tables & lots of Fresh local catches for sale, San Diego, CA 92101 Gaslamp Quarter, Farmers Market and Asian Bazaar, Sunday: 9am - 1pm, 400 block of Third Ave. between Island Ave and J Street, San Diego, CA 92101 Little Italy Mercato, Saturday: 8am 2pm, Cedar St (between Kettner & State Streets), San Diego, CA 92101 Point Loma Farmers Market Sunday: 9:30am to 2:30pm, 2900 block of Cannon St., between Rosecrans & Shafter San Diego, CA 92106

Plaza, 10 Evergreen Ave, Imperial Beach, CA 91932

4pm, 1050 Camino Del Mar (Between 10th & 11th Streets), Del Mar, CA 92014

La Jolla Open Air Market, Sunday: 9am - 1pm, 1111 Marine St, (SW Corner of La Jolla Elementary School) Girard and Genter, La Jolla, CA 92037

Encinitas Station Farmers Market, Wednesday: 4pm - 7pm, 5-8pm (May Sept). Corner of Vulcan and E Street in the parking lot of the Coaster stop, 620 Vulcan, Encinitas, CA 92024

Ocean Beach Farmers Market & Night Out, Wednesday: 5pm - 8pm, 4900 block of Newport Between Cable & Bacon, Ocean Beach, California 92107 Pacific Beach Certified Farmers Market, Saturday: 8 am - 12pm, 4150 Mission Blvd between Reed & Pacific Beach Blvd Pacific Beach, California 92109

East County

Hillcrest / Uptown

Chula Vista Certified Farmers Market, Thursday: 4pm - 8pm, Downtown Chula Vista at Center St between Church and Third Ave, Chula Vista, California 91910

Hillcrest Farmers Market, Sunday: 9am - 2pm, 3960 Normal Street at Lincoln (Adjacent to the DMV), San Diego, CA 92103

Downtown El Cajon Farmers Market, Thursday: 3pm - 7:30pm, 190 E. Main St at Rea Ave. El Cajon, CA 92020

North Park Farmers Market, Thursday: 3pm - 7pm. Herman Street between University and North Park Way , San Diego, CA 92104

Santee Farmers Market, Wednesday: 3pm - 7pm, 9608 Carlton Hills Blvd. (corner of Mast & Carlton Hills Blvd), Santee, CA 92071


North County Coastal

Coronado Farmers Market, Tuesday: 2:30pm - 6pm, 1st & B.- Ferry Landing Coronado, California 92118 Imperial Beach Certified Farmers' Market, Friday: 12pm - 7:30pm, Portwood Pier 20 | The Life Connection

D April 2015

Carlsbad State Street Farmers Market, Wednesday: 3pm - 7pm, State Street between Carlsbad Village Drive and Grand Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Del Mar Farmers Market, Saturday: 1pm -

Leucadia Farmers Market, Sunday: 10am - 2pm, Paul Ecke Elementary, 185 Union Street (at Vulcan), Encinitas, CA 92024 Oceanside Sunset Market, Thursday: 5pm - 9pm, Tremont and Pier View Way, Oceanside, CA 92054 Vista Farmers Market, Saturday: 8am - 1pm, County Courthouse, 325 South Melrose Drive, Vista, CA 92081

North County Inland Escondido Certified Farmers' Market, Tuesday: 2:30pm - 6 pm, 262 E Grand at Juniper, Escondido, California 92025 Fallbrook Certified Farmers Market, Friday: 10 am -2 pm, 102 S. Main St (Corner of Main and Alvardo), Fallbrook, California 92028 Julian Certified Farmers' Market, Sunday: 10 am -3 pm, 1656 Hwy 78, Julian, CA 92036- Library/School Parking Area Poway Farmers Market, Saturday: 8am - 1pm, 14134 Midland Road at Temple Street, Poway, CA 92074 San Marcos - Restaurant Row, Sunday: 11am - 3pm, 1080 W. San Marcos Blvd., San Marcos, CA 92078

\\\ Local Faves: Farmers' Market Edition ///

by Amelia Leigh

Hey ya’ll. So, for this month of Local Faves I decided to hop around the Farmers' Markets and get familiar with some of the local vendors. Loved what I found and going to be starting a new FM Directory to help you find the essentials. Want to be included next month? Contact Amelia at

Asana Foods | The Almond Buddah is simply fantastic! I didn’t even try it until my recent visit to the Leucadia Farmers Market. I started out becoming addicted to this stand with Moringa. They have lots of natural products such as bee pollen and spirulina. I heard about Cocao Nibs a few years ago from Dr. Norm Shealy during a fascinating conversation about aging and the telomere research he is doing. So, everything at this booth looks yummy (and is). Asana Foods’ hand-crafted, artisan Almond Buddah™ is sweetened with coconut palm sugar. If you’re wondering if there’s really a difference between coconut palm sugar and regular table sugar and high fructose corn syrup, the answer is a definite, “YES!” - Coconut palm sugar, unlike regular sugar does not contain empty calories; it naturally contains minerals such as potassium, calcium, zinc and iron. It also contains antioxidants, fiber and healthy natural fatty acids. The organic almonds in the Almond Buddah contain protein and natural fat, which also further slows the bloodsugar raising effect of the coconut palm sugar. And whether or not you believe it’s important to eat nuts that are organic, we believe that almonds are truly one food you should eat from certified organic sources. While there are some crops where conventional and organic processes are similar, there is a wide disparity with almonds. Nine pesticides were found by the USDA on conventional almonds, including 3 known neurotoxins and one carcinogen. Conventional almonds may also use propylene oxide (PPO) during pasteurization, which is also a probable carcinogen. Our organic California almonds are grown without pesticides and are steam-pasteurized,

Lady and the Chef

| James Stewart -

Seasonal flavors are mixed by hand to bring you Gourmet Flavored Butters that are easily added to any meal. Eat straight on bread or bagels, add to rice and pasta dishes, even cook with meats and veggies. Gourmet Butters add life to any dish! Leucadia & Carlsbad Farmers' Markets

which leaves the almonds uncooked, pathogen-free, and chemical-free. Suggested Uses: Spread or dip with your favorite fruits and veggies! Or just enjoy the butter straight outta the jar! Check out Asana Foods at these Farmers' Markets: Sunday 8am to 1pm (La Jolla), Sunday 9am to 2pm (Hillcrest) near the live music. Sunday 10am to 2pm (Leucadia) near the food court. Sunday 1pm to 5pm (Solana Beach) at the south end. Wednesday 4pm to 7pm (Encinitas Station), Saturday 8am to 1pm (Poway) in front of the train station. Saturday 1pm to 4pm (Del Mar)

Naughty Pies

Chef Sarah Chauhan Satisfy your sweet tooth. Naughty-Full Flavor or NiceHealthier Gluten Free, Delicious pies, quiches, frittatas, and more! All made with love! Solana Beach & Pacific Beach Farmers' Markets

D April 2015 | 21

\\\ EarthTalk® from E - The Environmental Magazine ///

Dear EarthTalk: How do environmentalists feel about the concept of ocean fertilization as a form of carbon sequestration? — Jeffrey Edwards, Pomfret, CT


cean fertilization is a technique whereby swaths of ocean are “seeded” with iron to promote the growth of phytoplankton (microscopic plants that form the base of the marine food chain), and is one of several promising geo-engineering techniques that could help mitigate global warming. Also known as carbon sinking or ocean seeding, the idea was first suggested in the 1980s by Moss Landing Marine Labs’ John Martin, who subsequently conducted experiments off the California coast confirming that phytoplankton growth could be encouraged by dumping ferrous sulfate (iron) into nutrient-deprived areas of the ocean. More recently, California entrepreneur Russ George has developed ways through his firm, Planktos to use ocean fertilization to help governments and companies meet emissions reduction goals. In 2012 Planktos helped the Haida Gwaii tribe of western Canada spread 100 tons of iron sulphate into the Pacific 180 miles off the coast of British Columbia, which triggered a phytoplankton bloom across 10,000 square miles of ocean. Juvenile salmon feed on phytoplankton, and salmon runs came back fourfold across the region. The tribe is keen to use ocean fertilization to restore the severely depleted salmon fishery they have depended on for centuries and to generate income from the sale of carbon credits to the Canadian government (a carbon credit—or carbon offset—is a credit for greenhouse gas reductions achieved by one entity that can be purchased and used to compensate (offset) the emissions of other entity). But some environmental leaders warn that ocean fertilization might be too good to be true as a tool for mitigating climate change. “Many scientists have suggested that the complex interplay between the iron and carbon cycles prevents any direct extrapolation of how much carbon dioxide will actually be removed from the atmosphere following fertilization,” says Jackie Savitz, Vice-President for U.S. Oceans at the non-profit Oceana. “This means we will never be able to estimate the benefits, much less verify them well enough to sell carbon offsets based on fertilization.” Savitz adds that “much of the carbon taken up by phytoplankton may simply be re-released when those plants are consumed by bacteria or zooplankton at rates that are impossible to accurately predict.” She also worries that largescale, long-term fertilization could drastically alter marine 22 | The Life Connection

D April 2015

Aerial View of Phytoplankton in the Ocean ecosystems: “Unanticipated downsides, like changing the phytoplankton community structure, could cause repercussions throughout the food web, and may disturb key feeding relationships.” Another issue with ocean fertilization is that phytoplankton blooms could release large amounts of other greenhouse gases, like methane or dimethyl sulfide, that are even more potent than the carbon dioxide they are sequestering. Also, the bacterial decay resulting from the die-off of massive iron-induced phytoplankton blooms could create oxygen-free dead zones in the water column that could leave marine ecosystems in worse shape than before. “Rather than engaging in expensive and uncertain experiments on our oceans,” Savitz concludes, “we should move away from fossil fuels, by stopping subsidies, and stopping expansion of offshore drilling and at the same time, invest in technologies like solar and wind power that are certain to reduce carbon emissions without threatening complex ocean ecosystems.” CONTACTS: Moss Landing Marine Labs, www.mlml.; Planktos,; Oceana, www. EarthTalk® is produced by Doug Moss and Roddy Scheer and is a registered trademark of Earth Action Network Inc. View past columns at: Or e-mail us your question:

What's News from page 8

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Music and Culture of Brazil Celebration at Fair Trade Décor San Diegans are invited to a free performance of —continued on page 29

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“Optimal Health & Vitality with Beautiful Smiles” 24 | The Life Connection

D April 2015

Roots of War from page 11

trinkets and coins. The Indians did not grasp what was going on. They did not feel that they owned land, so it was easy for the white man to steal what God created and what belonged to everyone.

Born to Love, Able to Kill

Clearly we have the genetic potential to act like violent chimps or peaceful bonobos. The peaceful Senoi Semai tribe in the Malaysian Peninsula raises some very interesting questions. There are about 13,000 Senoi Semai. They are non-violent, don’t get angry, and murder does not exist. In the 1950’s the British army conscripted (drafted or enlisted against one’s will) the Semai to fight Communist insurgents. The peaceful Semai became violent, ferocious warriors. They became overcome by the insanity of war and called the condition “blood drunkenness.” After the fighting was over and the Senoi Semai returned to their villages, they resumed being totally peaceful. It was as if the fierce “inner warrior” that war brought out disappeared, leaving no blemish on their psyche. If we look at the Senoi Semai in the light of our DNA discussion and how chimp or bonobo DNA might get expressed by environment, we have arrived at an interesting theory. Let’s look at some basic DNA physiology. The genotype is what’s in our genes. The phenotype is what gets expressed. A man who has genes for baldness will only go bald in the presence of testosterone. If a man with that gene has low levels of testosterone,

the baldness gene won’t get expressed. The tribal life of the Senoi Semai may foster the expression of the peaceful bonobo DNA. When they were drafted into military service, they were suddenly removed from the environment that fosters peaceful bonobo DNA expression, and were thrown into a chaotic, non-tribal, high stress, competitive environment, an environment they had never experienced previously. The new environment of war and dislocation from the tribe may have flipped a genetic switch, turning on chimp violence and turning off bonobo peacefulness. According to Dr. Larry Dossey, “Men who go to war have experiences far beyond anything they ever thought was possible.” Regarding his own experience as a battalion surgeon in the Vietnam War Dossey says, “Along with the danger came the wildest sensations and most paradoxical satisfactions I have ever known. There are simply no comparisons to the emotions of war.” It’s clear that those who have not battled in war cannot conceive of the mental and even spiritual states that warriors experience. Dossey and others who have tried to understand war believe that war has been a kind of religious sacrament for thousands of years. In the next issue we’ll examine the idea of war as sacrament, which brings the issue of “belief systems” into the discussion. There is nothing pretty about discussing war, but only the most thorough inventory of human nature (from the angelic to the demonic) will lead us to a world that finally makes a quantum leap in consciousness, arriving at a peaceful world.


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D April 2015 | 25

James Van Praagh


from page 13

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Exactly! The power of the mind and thoughts are so powerful.

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by love and suppor t from the angelic realms, as channeled through Uki. Gain clarity and insight in all areas of your life.

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760•434-5224 & 26 | The Life Connection

D April 2015

Chiwah Slater

JVP: Yes! Above all, I am a teacher first and foremost. I love philosophy. There is no separateness. We have to control our thoughts. There are spirit guides all around us that can be called on to help us in time of need.

Everything is energy. How do you distinguish between ghosts, spirits or spirit guides and angels? Is it various levels of frequencies, vibrations? JVP: I love that you are smart and “get this stuff.” There are worlds within worlds. Levels upon levels. Taking a 3-dimensional world and interpreting 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th dimensions. How could we even make sense of that? There is no time on the other side. We have this rule in the 3D world that we must be in a

box and that we are limited. It’s the opposite. We are limitless. I have never seen guardian angels with wings (like depicted in the Bible). Doreen Virtue talks about them and is a good friend. I am completely open to them existing. I just have never seen them. That does not mean that they are not out there.

Real Estate

Spiritual Centers

In closing, are there some simple exercises or thoughts that you could give us for our own spiritual healing? JVP: As you ask that, something just came to me. It is about loving ourselves and breathing that love into every single person and experience. I think it's connected to that oneness, that love energy. We're all made of God. You are light. We have to practice forgiveness and letting go. Think of a moment that brings you joy. Or back to an early childhood memory. Start focusing on that happy place. Print a picture or affirmation and put in on your bathroom mirror. Be surrounded by those emotions and lift yourself up. Live in the present moment. James Van Praagh will be at the Seaside Center for Spiritual Living on April 17 at 7pm. 1613 Lake Drive Encinitas, CA 92024. Call (760) 753-5786. Visit James Van Praagh’s website at

THE SOUL CENTER Soul Awakening Sunday Services Topics for April April 5 April 12 April 19 April 26

Hope Springs Eternal Pour Your Heart Into It Relationship: A Path to the Divine Faith: Full Attention in the Heart

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Sunday service: Healing, 10am; Lecture, 11am Classes & Workshops Healing Methods, 3777 42nd St., San Diego, CA 92105 Psychic Development, 619-284-4646 • Spiritual Law

D April 2015 | 27

from the publisher

Spiritual Centers cont.

from page 4

Self-Realization Fellowship The Kriya Yoga teachings of

Paramahansa Yogananda


The True Meaning of Resurrection


April 12

Peace: the Altar of Heaven

April 19

Balancing Your Material and Spiritual Life

April 26

Healing by God’s Unlimited Power


Services every Sunday at 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.

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Y O G A N A N D A – S R F. O R G

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Rev. Sheila Anderson

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28 | The Life Connection

D April 2015

California, there are some people/corporations who feel they deserve more than the rest of us. More than they can drink. They take water from our common tap, bottle it and sell it all over America. Tap water! Sometimes treated. With a secret sauce, perhaps? According to a Mother Jones article published in August of 2014, 55% of bottled water sold in the US is spring water and 45% comes from the municipal water supply. Two of the largest companies, Aquafina and Dasani, "treat" and bottle tap water. While the article states that bottled water is a small percentage of water used for food and beverage production, they question why Americans across the country are drinking water from drought-stricken California. Some bottling companies use additional water. Coca-Cola, which produces Dasani, will use 1.63 liters of water for every liter of beverage produced in California. That's according to Coca-Cola representative, Dora Wong, who gave a statement to Mother Jones. She also stated that their CA facilities were continuing to seek ways to reduce overall water use. One reason CA water is used, the article states, is that we are the only Western state without groundwater regulation or management of major groundwater use. "In other words, if you're a water company and you drill down and find water in California, it's all yours," stated Julia Lurie, who wrote the article. Arrowhead and Crystal Geyser are companies that tap into California groundwater sources. We have a similar policy

when it comes to oil extracted from California. Unlike many states, CA does not require that oil companies pay a royalty for the oil they take. In contrast, Alaska and Norway pay its citizens a royalty for the oil taken from it. It's hard to understand why California doesn't have regulations. It's certainly not in keeping with its image of having tough environmental regulations that hurt business. Isn't the lack of groundwater one reason farmers have to dig deeper and deeper wells? And why some local farmers are now letting their avocado orchards die and planting grapes instead. Without giving exact figures, the article stated that if you're drinking bottled water, "There's a good chance that your water comes from California." Ultimately, however, the article states the obvious— if consumers weren't buying it, they wouldn't be selling it. Our demand for it keeps them in business. While spokesmen say their companies are taking measures to reduce water use, doesn't it appear that the primary drought solutions are directed at the notfor-profit owners of the water (that would be us)? I refer to the people that actually require water to sustain their bodies as compared to the people who need it to increase their bottom-line figures. Having more water than the minimum needed for our body's survival is important, too. Providing individuals with more water than the minimum means we can grow landscapes that produce oxygen, and we can grow food and flowers. Gardening lifts the spirits of many of us. Isn't keeping ourselves clean also a water-requiring individual activity that also contributes to —next page

Sundays at 10 am with programs for Youth and Teens Peace Meditation at 9:30 am

Celebrating Life with Open Minds & Loving Hearts

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3320 Monroe Street, Carlsbad • Carlsbad CA 92008 ClaSSeS at 390 Oak Avenue Ste H, Carlsbad 760-434-9579 •

Rev. matti dObbS

What's News from page 23

Brazilian music and story telling at 7 pm., Saturday, April 11, at Del Mar Décor, the 100% fair trade store at 1412 Camino Del Mar. The performers will be Nós de Chita, “we who wear Chita,” referring to a fabric used in the clothes, accessories and home decor of the working-class people of Brazil. Nós de Chita will entertain with lively stories, Brazilian music and language, and vibrantly colored costumes. Nós de Chita, which is based in the

San Diego area, was founded by Claudia Lyria, the group’s artistic director, also the founder of San Diego’s Brazil Cultural Center. Del Mar Décor is a 100% fair trade retail store open daily from 9 am-9 pm. In addition to economic opportunity and fair/prompt payment, principles of fair trade include sustainability, transparency, equality, safety, children’s rights, clean environment, and respect for the culture of developing countries. See fairtradedecor. com (858) 461-1263.

D April 2015 | 29

\\\ Note From Amelia /// By Amelia Leigh, M.S.

There is one thing that stands out when I look at the coast… the tenacity of all the surfers I see. The weather is great here in Cali andt the water temperature is quite exhilarating. With each wave, they monitor the oncoming acceleration with pure excitement. The anticipation builds with every attempt to catch that perfect ride. There is only the present moment. Not a minute more or less. The future can only be seen from a current perspective. It is important to look out for yourself as well as paying attention to other comrades, while simultaneously attempting to enjoy the ride. This brings up the other prominent figures that I have noticed in my recent move, the United States Armed Forces. It is a constant reminder of how much security, safety and freedom my country has created. Whether they are sharing a wave or combat, it is all about taking each moment as it comes. How are you going to ride the wave? Go with the flow… We are all looking for a connection. Regardless if it is in the form of social interaction, love, companionship, divinity or business. We are all wanting to fit in, feel part of a team, the camaraderie. There are shared interests such as sports, art or music. Let us all unite on what makes us human. Build one another up, not break anyone down. It got to the point that I was disgusted with the news. I honestly have only turned on

from the publisher from page 29 the group well-being? Unfortunately, those who manage our water resources seem to be looking short-term solutions—simply use less. Locally we always flip back and forth between complaining that there is no rain and complaining about floods when it comes in abundance. We can't handle it when we get it. We waste it. It's not managed well. Some suggest that's the major problem—our reliance on reservoirs to collect water. Isn't it a little like using a small bucket of water to collect rain and thinking it will later water our whole garden? Obviously living in the desert contributes to the challenge for us in So Cal. But can't we support rooftop systems that collect rain? Rain falls everywhere. Homes are almost everywhere. There's a lot to look at, and we will in future issues. The challenge for human beings is that the earth does not provide resources equally in all areas. We artificially attempt to adapt and adjust the environment. In the case of Southern California it's a little late to decide not to overbuild in a desert. A good option, however, may not be to give ownership of a shared common resource to a private corporation and expect that to work for the common good. We might want to relook at who owns what 30 | The Life Connection

D April 2015

"When you are in harmony with yourself, everything unfolds with grace.” ~Panache Deasi the television once since moving to California, the super bowl of course. My time has been immersed in learning a new industry and city. Haven't even gone on a date yet. I am passionate to help empower people to become the best they can be. Go beyond the limitations of the ego. A place that supersedes the basic understanding of consciousness. I want to help connect San Diego (and beyond). Expand awareness and provide tools that help individuals find connection to themselves. It is not about making someone else’s concept, philosophy or dogma fit into your box. The point is exploring your own box (not mother, father, or great-stepuncle-once-removed). Find your own way. Your own path. We are so fortunate to live in a time where there are so many options at our fingertips…literally. The whole world is now able to communicate, yet it begins within. Let's function at our highest potential and as a positive healthy community.

Three Tips To Stay in the Present Moment: 1) Breathe Deeply and Count to Five 2) Replace Negative Thoughts with Happy Ones 3) Be Grateful for the Good Peace, Amelia Leigh nature provides and find a fairer distribution system. Do we approach it the way California does its water and oil and say they are not shared-valuable assets, but mostly there to make some people rich? Or do we view it the way Alaska and Norway do, and require that those who extract and sell it give something back to real people, ones with blood in their veins that they take it from. Isn't that what Congress spends a lot of their time on? Deciding who owns what resources and who is entitled to what? They give tax breaks or cash to those who want to manage our resources for their own benefit. While there are a lot of debates about what government should and shouldn't do, can we agree that one basic function they have is to govern the common resources that are vital to our existence? An idea discussed at one time was to conserve resources and help control the local environment by building domes over cities. In today's world, I wonder if that wouldn't also lead to one more utility bill that might be listed on our bill as an air recirculation fee? Why not? Domed cities would require air to be filtered and circulated, right? If we can't pay that bill could our air supply some day be cut off the way water is being turned off now in Detroit? Have a great month & celebrate Earth,

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