Is a Credit Card Safer Than a PayPal Account How You Can Improve Your Credit Score Here ph
To some people, a credit card may indeed be far safer when compared to a PayPal account. Yet, to some others, a credit card may not be as safe as a PayPal account. But the true answer actually depends. Whether it is a credit card or a PayPal account, they both have their own advantages that make them safe and disadvantages that make them rather unsafe. PayPal itself is in fact a money processor that is invented to protect the use of credit card and it can be used internationally.
While credit card is very easy as well as practical to use, there are security gaps that people with bad intentions can quite easy take advantage of. When someone is committing transactions by means of their credit card, it is always necessary for them to reveal their credit card credentials. This mean that they will have to give out their credit card number besides the CVV code that is written on the back of their credit card. With the credit card number alone, it has already become very easy for people to commit credit card fraud. Then, keeping in mind that the CVV code will also need to be provided, this just makes things even easier for fraudulent credit card transactions to take place. This is what PayPal is designed to prevent. With the use of PayPal, the credit card credentials will be revealed only to PayPal. It can also be seen from PayPal privacy policy that it will never reveal the credentials of the credit cards to any third parties. But does this really mean PayPal is safe already Well, unfortunately not. Although PayPal tries to protect its members from credit card frauds and identity theft, it does not seem to protect them from transaction reversal. What this means is that those that accept payments via PayPal can easily be charged back just to lose all their hard earned money within a few seconds. This is especially true to freelancers that use PayPal as their method of accepting payments. Freelancers normally deliver intangible products such as articles or websites. Therefore, they are not normally capable of showing delivery proofs when PayPal requests them to reverse the chargeback. As a result, the buyers that take services from the freelancers can easily take back all the money they have paid leaving the freelancers with nothing in the end. With that being said, both PayPal and credit cards are not safe all the time. So, what do you think? Tell me and I'll send you a free gift.
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