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王惠美 鎮長

Mayor Sequence 6

推薦序 Preface


Wang Hui-Mei Lukang Town Mayor

洪震宇 Hung Chen-Yu



The current status and development of Lukang’s traditional art Shih Chen-Yang


工藝家的故事 Stories of the craftsmen 塑藝類 Sculpture

綜藝類 Synthetic Crafts


施教鏞 Shih Chiao-Yung


施順榮 Shih Shun-Jung


施性輝 Shih Hsing-Hui


施秀雅 Shih Hsiu-Ya


施竣雄 Shih Chun-Hsiung

繪藝類 Traditional Chinese Painting 14

吳敦厚 Wu Tun-Hou

製香類 Incense


李奕興 Li Yi-Hsing


施起燻 Shih Chi-Hsun

其他類 Others



吳肇勳 Wu Tsao-Hsun


林俊臣 Lin Chun-Chen

鹿港工藝師列表 List of Lukang Craftsmen


桂花巷藝術村介紹 Osmanthus Alley Artist Village


鹿港文化導覽地圖 Lukang tourist cultural guide map


工藝之美,盡在鹿港 在鹿港發展過程當中,傳統工藝一直是構成在地文化的重要元素之一, 更與民眾的生活息息相關;工藝家代代相傳,保留工藝之美,成為行銷鹿港 文化觀光產業的重要平台。透過平台,讓遊客走進工藝之美的殿堂中,細細 品味,鹿港風華,盡在其中。昔日先民來台,落地生根,鹿港因地利之便, 成為台灣第二大城鎮,也帶進許多工藝,這些工藝源於民眾的需要,例如神 像雕刻及錫雕等等,是庶民文化的一部分,進而成為鹿港重要的文化內涵。 因此,保留並傳承鹿港的傳統工藝,是鹿港鎮公所的使命與責任。 為發揚並傳承鹿港傳統工藝之美,在公所團隊的努力下,設立了桂花巷 藝術村,由工藝家進駐,除了能拉近遊客與工藝師們的互動,更讓遊客能在 互動中體驗鹿港工藝之美。另一方面,也辦理許多工藝DIY的活動,讓參與 者對鹿港工藝有進一步的認識。紀錄工藝家的創作過程,是公所現階段努力 的目標,此次先介紹19位工藝家的創作過程,相當感謝工藝家在百忙之中接 受訪問,才能讓本刊順利出版。接著,我們將繼續介紹其他工藝家,讓他們 的人生故事,成為鹿港傳統文化的寶貴資產,豐富行銷鹿港文化的內涵。 傳統工藝是鹿港文化不可或缺的一環,希望透過此刊的發行,讓民眾對 傳統工藝有進一步的認識,是認識工藝家實用的導覽手冊。相信,在大家的 努力下,鹿港傳統工藝必能代代相傳,讓傳統的工藝文化,成為鹿港傲人的 文化資產!



The Beauty of Crafts All in Lukang Throughout the history of Lukang, traditional crafts have been an essential element of the local culture and closely linked with people’s life. One generation after another, the skills were passed on to preserve the beauty of the crafts that have become a platform for Lukang’s cultural and tourism industries. Through this platform, tourists are ushered into the altar of arts where they can savor Lukang’s exuberance.In the past, immigrants from mainland China settled here. Thanks to its geographical advantages, Lukang became the second largest town in Taiwan and the immigrants brought in many crafts that also catered to people’s needs, such as god figurines and tin sculptures. The crafts were part of the folk culture and constituted Lukang’s cultural connotations. Therefore, preserving and passing on Lukang’s traditional crafts is the mission and responsibility of the Lukang Township Office. To pass on and to bring Lukang’s crafts to full play, Osmanthus Alley Artist Village was established with the efforts of the township office. The art village features residential crafts artists, thereby bridging the gap between tourists and artists as well as allowing the tourists to have a better understanding of the beauty of Lukang’s crafts through the interactions with the actual artists. In addition, many craft DIY activities are held so that the participants have a better understanding of Lukang’s crafts.To record the creative process of those artists is the current goal of the township office. First, we will introduce 19 artists. We are truly grateful for their participation in the interviews especially since they were so busy. Without their help, this collection could not have been published. Besides, we will continue to introduce other craft artists to cherish their life stories as precious assets and a marketing basis for Lukang’s traditional culture. Traditional crafts are an indispensable part of Lukang’s culture. It is expected that the publication of this collection, a practical guide handbook, will equip the general public with the knowledge of Lukang’s traditional crafts and the artists. I believe that with so much efforts from everyone involved, Lukang’s traditional crafts will be transmitted to future generations and will remain cultural assets that the people of Lukang will always be proud of! Lukang Town Mayor

Wang Hui-Mei 5

鹿港工藝,無盡藏 我一直記得 , 當我問捏麵人大師施教鏞老師一個問題 「 你捏出的捏麵 人是在呈現你的內心嗎?」施老師原本嚴肅的表情突然鬆開了,「你怎麼知 道,我活到六十多歲,從沒有人說出我內心的話!」陽光照耀下,他的笑容 如木箱上頭的可愛捏麵人般純真,鹿港的歲月、捏麵人家族的流轉、執著的 工藝哲學,故事如風如浪,娓娓道來,每個故事都充滿時間累積的富饒。這 就是鹿港不變的精神,在全球化劇烈變動的時代,只有在地化的生活風格與 價值,才能成為與世界分享的禮物。 學家馬奎斯說 :「 事物都有靈魂 , 在於如何喚醒它 。」 鹿港醞釀的歲 月價值與靈魂,就呈現在工藝大師巧奪天工的作品中,不論是李秉圭、黃媽 慶、黃紗榮的木雕、王肇楠的傢具,吳肇勳與林俊臣的書法,甚至還包括施 麗梅、許陳春與施秀雅幾位女性工藝家細膩柔美的作品,還有數不盡的工藝 師,他們的作品與堅持的價值,都令人動容。 然而讓工藝大師激發創意、注入不斷創造的能量,更來自鹿港這個靈魂 小鎮創造的氛圍。每條巷弄、每座歷史古蹟都充滿迷人深度,連空氣都帶有 濃厚的人文氣息。王肇楠老師說,鹿港的價值就在於你認識多少,鹿港就給 你多深。一塊磚都能訴說無窮的故事,啟發無盡的創意。鹿港之美之深之博 大,就如蘇東坡所說:「取之無禁,用之不竭,是造物者之無盡藏也。」 感受鹿港工藝之美,就是感受鹿港的無盡藏。



Lukang’s Crafts have much more to offer I always remember that when I asked the dough figurine master Shih Chiao-Yung the question “do the figurines you make always reflect your state of mind?” his stern expression became relaxed and said, “How did you know that? You are the first one that truly expressed my thought during my more than sixty years of life!” Under the sunlight, his smiles were as pure as the cute dough figurines on the wooden chest. The history of Lukang, the changes in the families of dough figurine masters, and the never-fading craft art philosophy all turn into stories that are told in an easy way. This is the never-changing spirit of Lukang. Against the enormous changes arising from globalization, only the local lifestyle and values can serve as a gift to share with the world. From Cien anos de soledad by Márquez, we have the quote ““Things have a life of their own," the gypsy proclaimed with a harsh accent.” It's simply a matter of waking up their souls.”” The value and spirit in Lukang, cultivated with time, are embodied in the works of the craft art masters. Whether it is the wood sculptures of Li Ping-Kuei, Huang Ma-Ching, and Huang Sha-Jung, the furniture of Wang ChaoNan, calligraphy of Wu Tsao-Hsun and Lin Chun-Chen, or the subtle and elegant works of Shih Li-Mei, Hsu Chen-Chun, and Shih Hsiu-Ya, just to name a few, their works and the underlying values on which they are firmly built are highly touching. Yet, it is the atmosphere of Lukang that sparks the genius and creative powers of these masters. Every lane and alley, every historic site is full of charming profundity. Even the air seems to be strongly humanistic. Master Wang Chao-Nan said that the value of Lukang lies in how much you know about it. The more you know it, the more it will give you. Even a brick here can carry many a story and inspire endless creativity.The enormity of Lukang’s beauty is just like what the poet Su Dong-po once said, “These we can take freely and enjoy forever; these are inexhaustible treasures supplied by the Creator.” To feel the beauty of craft art in Lukang is to feel its inexhaustible treasures. Writer、Editorial Consultant of Supert Taste

Hung Chen-Yu 7

傳統藝術在鹿港是一筆無可論價的瑰寶,除寺廟古蹟外,在非物質文化 資產的部份亦非常豐碩,國家藝術薪傳獎工藝類歷屆得主中鹿港佔六位、表 演團體佔兩席,比例為全國之冠。其他國家工藝重要獎項皆傳捷報有傲人的 表現。這些藝術成果皆是鹿港子弟用血汗堆積出一幅百年歲月無限長度的美 麗圖騰。 鹿港工藝藝術數百年來幾度興衰 。 現中山路上宗教藝術相關器物店依 然林立,寺廟古蹟美麗雄偉依然,早期參與者較具指標性大師如李煥美、施 禮、施金福、李松林、李棟樑昆仲、郭新林、施進傳、施坤玉等。 雖早期量化藝術生產形勢已不復存在。但現地方藝術家仍以自己的方式 發展。鹿港有八位獲選具藝術水平代表性的「台灣工藝之家」,更有其他工 作者,繼續為鹿港工藝努力奉獻。在乾隆至道光共一百五十八年間台灣文化 史之鹿港期,當時鹿港民力殷富、人文蔚起,音樂表演藝術亦蓬勃發展,南 管社團全盛期有八館,而北管社團更有十八團。落地掃(傳統藝陣)分佈於各 個角頭寺廟,逢年過節迎神賽會成為地方特色。 現北管社團只剩一兩團,南管社團鎮內尚有雅正齋、聚英社、遏雲齋等 三館繼續運作,均受文化單位補助延續薪火的傳承使命。鹿港傳統藝術經歲 月洗鍊 , 藝能者在現實壓縮中尋求突破 , 祈以新思維適應新環境 , 將傳統 藝術發展新價值讓鹿港傳統藝術繼續揚名國際。



Traditional art is a priceless treasure in Lukang. Besides temples and historic sites, the intangible cultural heritage here is also abundant. Among the winners of the craft art category of the national art heritage award, artists from Lukang have won six with two in the category of performing group, achieving a winning share topping others across Taiwan. Lukang also garnered remarkable results in other important national craft art awards. These artistic achievements are definitely a beautiful totem weaved with hundreds of years of effort by Lukang’s artists. Craft arts in Lukang have risen and fallen in popularity in the past. Now rows of religious and art utensil shops can still be seen along Zhongshan Road and the temples and historic sites are equally magnificent. The representative masters in the past include: Li Huan-mei, Shih Li, Shih Chin-Fu, Li Song-lin, Li Dong-liang and his brother, Guo Xin-lin, Shih Jin-chuan, and Shih Kun-yu. Although the small amount of artwork produced is not seen today, local artists still develop in their own way. Currently, there are eight “Taiwan Crafts Workshops” in Lukang, an honor that represents a high artistic achievement. There are still other artists continuing to devote themselves to the crafts of Lukang.During the Lukang Period that spans from the reign of the Qianlong and Daoguang emperors, totaling 158 years, Lukang enjoyed a prosperous economy and exuberant culture. Music and performing art also thrived. During its peak times, there were eight Nanguan clubs and 18 Beiguan clubs. Luodisao (traditional battle array) were established in every temple whose festive performances are a local characteristic. Now there are only one or two Beiguan clubs, and the Nanguan clubs that are still operating include Yazhengzhai, Juyingshe, and Eyunzhai. They are all subsidized by the related culture organizations whose purpose is to promote their respective cultural heritages.Traditional art in Lukang has been refined by the long history of time. Artists always seek breakthroughs while facing the challenges of reality. New thoughts and concepts have been generated to adapt to new trends and environments, adding new value to Lukang’s traditional art and its presence in the international art field.

Winner of 3rd National Craft Art Achievement Award

Shih Chen-Yang 9

Stories of the craftsmen

塑藝類 Sculpture



施教鏞 Shih Chiao-Yung 與作品互動才是創造藝術 Interacting with art leads to an understanding of the significance of creation. 若在鹿港老街,看見騎著一台載有木箱的骨董腳踏車身影,那人就是鹿港的施教鏞。 身著西裝外套、頭戴畫家帽,散發著藝術氣息的他,是位率真的人。白白淨淨沒有生命的 麵糰,在他靈巧的雙手下,捏出喜怒哀樂,「與作品互動才是創造藝術」他說。或許有著 這樣領略,施教鏞所創造出來的作品,無論是在神韻、骨架,總是唯妙唯肖的呈現。 捏麵人的技法,由施教鏞的祖父施家文(魚仔文)、父親施學賜傳至他已是第三代,兒 子施泰州運用了捏麵人可吃又可玩特性,與現代和傳統作結合,開設了怡古齋與阿舍茶 樓。小時候時常跟著父親牽腳踏車,遍行中部各地的廟口,車子立定、開起木箱,父子 倆就開始捏起麵糰,在圍觀的民眾前敘述手中人偶的故事,當他憶起這段往事,神情洋 溢著喜悅,彷彿往日廟口熱鬧的光景近在眼前。他誠實的表示,並不是因為喜愛才接觸 這項技藝,為了討生活在流連玩樂的童年時光,卻需要不停的工作。然而,辛苦總有收 穫,一手好技藝讓他獲獎無數,出書也教學,為這世代傳承文化。 「民俗文化跟小孩一樣,很純樸、自然所引發的東西、民俗就是生活周遭」他說。 經過長年累積經驗,施教鏞對民俗有所感而有這樣的詮釋,也因此他總帶著赤子心,觀 看這世界,並用家傳「糯米尪仔」記錄每一段鮮活的故事。 If you see a man riding an antique bicycle with a wooden chest on it in Lukang Old Street, it is probably Mr. Shih Chiao-Yung.Often dressed in a suit jacket and wearing a beret, Mr. Shih is straightforward and looks like a stereotypical artist. Plain dough comes to life under his dexterous hands; the expression of every figurine seems to convey emotions. “Interacting with art leads to an understanding of the significance of creation”, he said. Perhaps it is under this concept that the works created by Shih are true to life whatever the expression and body figure. The techniques for molding dough figurines have been passed on from Shih Chiao-Yung’s grandfather, Shih Chia-Wen (nicknamed Yuziwen), and his father, Shih Hsueh-Ssu. He is the third generation to inherit this craft. His son, Shih Tai-Chou, founded Yiguzhai Tea House and A-Sir Tea House, which feature a combination of modern and tradition styles and put the edible and fun characteristics of dough figurines into full play. When he was a child, he and his father often pushed a bicycle to temples around central Taiwan. After they stopped their bikes and opened a wooden chest, they began to mold dough and tell stories regarding the figurines in front of the audience. When he recalls these times, Shih is always filled with joy, as if seeing the boisterous temple scenes of the past. He honestly said that he began to become involved in this art not out of interest, but because he needed to make a living during his childhood, a time we think that is supposed to be full of play. However, labor always reaps a harvest; his artistic mastery has earned him countless awards. He also writes books and teaches with an enthusiasm for passing on culture to new generations. He said, “Folk culture is spontaneous and as pure as a child; it is actually an important part of our daily life.” His interpretation of folk culture stems from years of experience, so he views the world with the eyes of a child and records impressive stories with his “dough figurines.”


Stories of the craftsmen

施性輝 Shih Hsing-Hui 不願意作自己不能感動的作品 I would never create art that I could not touch.

塑藝類 Sculpture



今年四十八歲鹿港燒負責人施性輝 , 將所有理想投注在這間陶藝館 上 。 座落在龍山寺旁 , 融合閩南與歐式風格由陶藝品作點綴 , 為鹿港添增 極富藝術價值的據點 。 他認為 , 目前鹿港正使用祖先遺留的精粹 , 反思 這一輩 , 留下什麼給後代子孫 ? 有了這樣的認知 , 他打造全然的 「 新古 蹟 」, 一手包辦所有的空間設計 , 並以馬拉松式的毅力 , 逐年創作細部裝 飾,完成時間:十年。 小時候喜歡繪畫的施性輝 , 因為老一輩觀念 : 藝術不能糊口 , 為了不 讓父母擔心,而選擇了建築科系就讀,「因為建築裡有畫畫」他幽默的說。 求學期間,時常走訪藝文展覽,欣賞不同的藝術領域,在某次展覽不經意遇 見陶藝,就因那變幻萬千的特質而深受吸引,升學時毅然決然轉念陶瓷玻璃 科。這個決定,使得陶藝成為他生命中無可取代的地位。 身為鹿港人,創作內容皆以自己生長的土地與生活為中心,堅持採用當 地元素創作,因此金紙灰、蚵灰等在地素材,都成為他重要的材料。「不願 意作自己不能感動的作品」,是他的創作哲學,問他感動是什麼?他說這抽 象的議題必須提升內在素質才有能力去了解、感受,所以他致力在教育上, 期望藉由培育孩子的內涵而傳遞感動。 而如今,他雖謙虛的表示僅用微薄的力量傳承與改變,但由他勇敢的實 踐精神,已為後代豎立最好的典範。 The 48-year-old person is in charge of “Lukang Shao.” Shih Hsing-Hui has put his entire life into this pottery art gallery.It is located by the side of Longshan Temple and blends southern Fukien and European styles together with decorative ceramic art that add a rich artistic value for Lukang. He indicates that the people of Lukang are benefiting from the dedication of their ancestors and worries that nothing can be passed down to the future generations. Based on such ideas, he started to build a “new historic spot” and personally designed the space and further created all of detailed decorations, all of which took ten years to complete. Even though he liked painting as a child, Shih Hsing-Hui chose to learn architecture because his family believed that art could not allow him to make a living. He learned architecture to avoid worrying his parents as well as due to the fact that “there are paintings in architecture”. He frequently visited art exhibitions to appreciate various artistic domains during his time in school, and he resolutely changed his studies to focus on learning ceramics and glass. This decision to make ceramics gave him a unique purpose in life. As a Lukang native, the land in which he was raised form a core of all of his creations. Because he insists on using local elements in his art, it is important that locally-sourced materials, such as paper ash and oyster ash, are the materials for his art. “I would never create art that I could not touch” is the philosophy of his creations. He proposes that this abstract issue is understandable and touchable only when you raise an inner quality, in answering the question about what touching is. Consequently, he strives to educate others in an effort to pass down his knowledge through fostering the dreams of children. Today, even though he humbly indicates that he just contributes a minor part to retaining their heritage, his spirit in aggressive practice has established the best example for future generations. 13

Stories of the craftsmen


Traditional Chinese Painting



吳敦厚 Wu Tun-Hou 鹿港的文化就是他的師傅 With his genius sparked by Lukang’s folk culture. 燈火在紙糊燈籠中微亮的照耀著,為歸人領路、指點坦途。中國自 古與燈籠有著緊密的關聯,在鹿港,有位蓄著白鬍的老人,仍在為這民 俗傳統傳承。 已是九旬老人的吳敦厚,有著親切樸實的笑容,儘管年事已高,清 晨五點依舊騎著腳踏車在鹿港大街小巷穿梭、閒逛。燈籠這項技藝,古 時是不對外傳授,而當時於鹿港製作燈籠的後代,因對這項技藝排斥, 使得燈籠不再流傳。從小對美術有興趣的吳敦厚,學習領悟力也高,他 常在製作燈籠的那戶人家旁,看著製作過程,無師自通下自學起來這項 手藝,也接續傳承這項技藝成為國寶級燈藝大師。 燈籠是一個匯集編織 、 美工 、 書法 、 彩繪 、 裱褙的五種綜合體藝 術,裱褙必需要有力學的概念及技術,彎曲度的燈籠才能成形。「鹿港 的文化就是他的師傅」,吳敦厚二子這麼說。受到鹿港民俗的激盪,他 堅守古製方式,將燈籠推向另個舞台。 Lamps exude mild light through the paper lantern, leading those who are lost to their destination. Since ancient times, China has been closely associated with lanterns. In Lukang, there is still an aged master with a white beard passing down this folk craft. At over 90 years old, Wu Tun-Hou always impresses people with his friendly smiles. Although at such an advanced age, he still rides his bike through the lanes and alleys of Lukang around five in the morning. Lantern crafts have traditionally been passed down only to family so others who were interested could not learn how to make them. With less and less interest in inheriting this craft, lantern making therefore has become obsolete. With a strong liking and talent for art since his childhood, Master Wu often watched how lanterns were made by the family next door to learn this craft. Now he glorifies this art and has become a national treasure himself. Lantern making is an art incorporating weaving, design, calligraphy, painting, and stick bending techniques. Stick bending requires the concepts and skills of mechanics. The second son of Master Wu said, “Lukang’s culture is truly the teacher of Master Wu.” With his genius sparked by Lukang’s folk culture, Master Wu insists on making lanterns in a traditional way to promote this art to another stage.


Stories of the craftsmen

李奕興 Li Yi-Hsing 延續古人的美學與智慧 He manages to continue promoting ancient aesthetics and wisdom.

繪藝類 Traditional Chinese Painting



鹿港鎮玉渠宮梁柱上方的斗栱,出現了海綿寶寶,如此創新大膽的 繪製手法來自李奕興。他表示,因早期廟宇彩繪,皆會將當時民俗符號 融入彩繪中,因此他將現代的風情融入廟宇彩繪中,使得創作手法創新 也突破。 有著炯炯有神目光的李奕興,自國立台灣師範大學美術研究所畢, 曾任藝文版記者,跑新聞十餘年,因為「翻修就是會消失」而意識到傳統 民間藝術的重要性,所以帶著記者的敏銳度,投身記錄與研究傳統彩繪。 後來發現,彩繪紀錄的主幹分支出更多的細流,過程繁複、困難度極高, 花費更多的專注於此,也因而踏入鹿港文化的維護工程。而他的代表作 正是自己的自宅「元昌行」,修護過程他謹慎處理每個細節,盡可能保 持原本樣貌的完整性,也因此「元昌行」成為鹿港的知名老宅之一。 參與許多專業廟宇修復工程與宗廟彩繪的李奕興,在工程上導入設 計概念,有計劃性的思考,需先思考結構,瞭解廟宇宗教哲學背後的意 義,才能逐步完成,他企圖延續古人的美學與智慧,也用文字記錄歷史 脈絡。 The supporting blocks above a column in Yuqu Temple in Lukang have a picture of Sponge Bob on it. Such a brave drawing comes from Li Yi-Hsing. He said that in the past, temple paintings were integrated with the symbols of folk culture, so he tried to bring in modern elements, meanwhile making a breakthrough in creative techniques. With bright and piercing eyes, Li Yi-Hsing actually earned a master’s degree from the Department of Fine Arts, National Taiwan Normal University and was once a journalist for the art and culture section of various newspapers for more than ten years. He believes that reconstruction will often lead to the destruction of traditional culture. Such an understanding of the importance of preserving folk art and the observant mind as a journalist led him to devote himself to recording and studying traditional painting. He later discovered that there are more details and challenges in the craft than he had expected, so he thrust himself into the maintenance work of Lukang’s culture. His representative work is his own residence, Yuanchang Shop. Every detail during a reconstruction is cautiously cared for with the premise that the original appearance of the building should be kept. Yuanchang Shop therefore has become one of the most well-known old residences in Lukang. By participating in many professional temple reconstruction works and paintings, Master Li introduces design concepts, that is, a planned thinking process. Only when the structure, as well as the religious and philosophical significance, of the temple is determined can the work be completed. He manages to continue promoting ancient aesthetics and wisdom, while recording history with written words.


Stories of the craftsmen

綜藝類 Synthetic Crafts



施順榮 Shih Shun-Jung 每個人思維不同,所以不同的角度 能找自己的盲點 Everyone has his or her own thoughts, so different perspectives can help find blind spots.

一談起「弄獅」,施順榮眼神閃著光芒,熱忱的為我們介紹他用其一生在 追尋的花獅。 鹿港與宗教有著密不可分的關聯 , 從小生長在鹿港的施順榮 , 生活充滿 宗教民俗色彩,民間進香活動中,舞獅是他最感興趣的。在鑼鼓爆竹聲響下, 俐落輕盈的步伐舞動著獅頭,栩栩如生的舞獅,宛如神氣活現的獅身呈現在眼 前。或許就是這樣的畫面吸引他,打從9歲即開始學習製作獅頭,這股熱愛持續 至今 。 鹿港花獅是他的代表作 。 台灣獅的樣貌較為保守 、 表情不豐富 , 施順 榮無意間看見八家將的花面 , 而開始構思打造一個具有活潑氣息的獅頭 , 大 膽用色及立體花佈滿獅面 , 顛覆傳統台灣獅的造型 , 而施順榮也因這醒目的 花獅得名。 對於鹿港,施順榮認為因地方小,使得工藝師密集,可互相激盪創作,即 使使用媒材不相同,追求的目的也是相同,他說:「每個人思維不同,所以不 同的角度能找自己的盲點」,喜歡挑戰的他,在追逐別的同時也在超越自己。 While talking about the “lion dance”, Shih Shun-Jung enthusiastically introduced us to the Hua Lion (flower lion) that he has worked on over much of his life. Lukang is closely connected with religion. Growing up in Lukang, he has a life full of religious elements. Among the pilgrimage activities, the lion dance appeals to him the most. Following the overwhelming drum beatings and firecrackers, performers with agile steps manipulate the lion heads, making the lions vivacious as they come to life. Perhaps it was the performance scenes that fascinated him, so much so that he began to learn making lionheads when he was nine years old and this zest persists to date. The Lukang Hua Lion is his signature work. The Taiwan Lion is plainer in appearance and expressions. Inspired by the exuberant facial makeup patterns of the Eight Infernal Generals, he thought about making a vibrant lion head with innovative coloring and flower decorations. The Hua Lion revamped the design of Taiwan Lion and made Shih Shun-Jung famous. Master Shih thinks that because Lukang is a small town with plenty of craft artists, it can spark creative genius for each other. Even with various creative materials, the artistic goal is the same. He said, “Everyone has his or her own thoughts, so different perspectives can help find blind spots.” Loving to conquer challenges, Shih Shun-Jung is actually surmounting himselfwhile seeking what he wants. 19

Stories of the craftsmen

施秀雅 Shih Hsiu-Ya 找到自已的目標, 生活過得很快樂 Life is really happy once you find your own goal.

綜藝類 Synthetic Crafts



小刀倚著直尺在厚紙板上快速飛舞,紙板瞬間劃開一分為二,寧靜 的工作室裡,除了輕音樂,靜的只能聽見紙板與刀片合奏的聲音。施秀 雅,正專注眼前的工作,儘管手指長期彎曲施力,使她關節紅腫發疼, 她依然滿心喜悅持續手邊的工作。 39歲之前的施秀雅,是位平凡、為生活打拼的市井小民,她曾在成 衣廠,手捻針線縫補衣物;也曾在市場擺攤叫賣,販售批來的服飾,這 一路來並非順遂,但她仍秉持著信仰,堅毅地往前行。直到她擔任廟宇 志工,一口答應製作大型紙雕,這決定讓她踏進始料未及的際遇。她運 用裁縫的製圖等技巧,一雙巧手完成了巨型「龍王」紙雕,旁人嘖嘖稱 奇,連她也驚訝自己能激發如此潛能。她相信,虔誠的信仰是讓她中年 還能發掘專長的主因,「找到自已的目標,生活過得很快樂」,眼神透 著感激光芒的她如此說。 無繁複的技巧或專業的功法,施秀雅隨手拿起工具就能開始製作, 顯然是她在駕馭工具,而非被工具駕馭,她依照腦中的畫面構圖,經過 剪裁、填貼、上色,紙藝由她的手中呈現強韌的生命力,也為紙雕寫下 傳奇的一頁。 The knife leaning against the ruler shuffled back and forth on the paperboard. Suddenly, a large board was divided into two pieces, making the only sound in the quiet studio besides light background music. Meanwhile, Shih Hsiu-Ya was absorbed in her work. Although her fingers suffer from inflammation due to long-term bending, she still plunges into the work with delight. Until she was 39 years old, Shih Hsiu-Ya was an ordinary citizen. She once did needlework in a clothing factory and also sold clothes as a vendor in a market. With ups and downs on the way, she still kept her faith and strived to realize her dreams. It was not until she served as a temple volunteer and agreed to make a large paper sculpture that she was ushered into a field she never expected. She used sewing techniques to complete the huge “Dragon King” paper sculpture, which was an astounding feat in itself. Even she was surprised that she had such artistic potential. She believes that her solid religious faith is the main factor that allowed her to discover her specialty at such an age. “Life is really happy once you find your own goal”, she said with eyes expressing gratitude. Without complicated techniques, Master Shih can create a work with any tool at hand. She commands the tool, rather than is restricted by it. She creates by following what’s in her mind; such elements are made into paper art with a solid life force after a process of cutting, collaging, and coloring. Paper sculpture becomes legend under her hands.


Stories of the craftsmen

綜藝類 Synthetic Crafts



施竣雄 Shih Chun-Hsiung 每個獅頭都有個故事 Every lion head has its own story.

有著宏亮、開朗笑聲的施竣雄,訪談中愉悅的氣氛穿插著歡笑聲。 說起施竣雄學製獅頭的過程 , 有著不平凡的契機與際遇 。 20歲出頭的 他,對於父親製作獅頭這項技藝並不以為意,偶然間代替父親販賣,卻 遇見一位中年人一口氣訂了50對獅頭,指名一定要他親手製作,並且要 求每個獅頭造型皆不能相同,對於這莫名的要求反而啟動他想挑戰的信 念 ; 而早出道 , 曝光度不足 , 直到認識一位教授 , 帶著他參與各項展 覽,甚至拓展至國外,使他名氣大開,眼界也跟著寬廣了起來。一位促 使他開始,一位引領他拓展,順著命運的牽引而有了今天的成就,施竣 雄相當感激,而這樣的際遇也造就他助人為樂的豪爽性格。 「每個獅頭都有個故事」,委託施竣雄製作獅頭的不在少數,他成 功複製許多人記憶中的那頭獅,由客戶的喜悅而獲得成就感。後來,他 決定收藏自己的作品,於是每次接到訂單會再多製作一個珍藏,因此在 他的工作坊中,可看見各式各樣的來自不同典故的獅頭,也留存著不同 的故事。 With his sonorous and sanguine laughs, an interview with Shih Chun-Hsiung was very enjoyable. When speaking with him about his experiences learning to make the lionheads, one sees that there are extraordinary junctures and experiences throughout his whole life. At age 20, he did not seriously study his father’s technique in making lion heads but only sold them for his father occasionally. Nevertheless, some middle-aged man ordered 50 pairs of lion heads at one time and designated that they be made by him personally. Moreover, this order required that each head have a different appearance. This unusual request was an interesting challenge in which he could succeed. However, his other efforts did not go so well until he met a professor who assisted him in participating in various exhibitions and even expanding abroad. Shih Chun-Hsiung deeply appreciates that this person urged him to start, helped him develop his skills, and pushed him to fulfill his destiny. This experience has inspired him to help others as well. “Every lion head has its own story.” Many people commission Shih ChunHsiung to make lion heads, and he successfully reproduces the lion head according to the memory of people and acquires a sense of achievement from his customers. Subsequently he decided to collect his own art, and he always makes additional ones for his collection every time he gets an order. Therefore we can see a wide range of lion heads with different looks and stories retained in his workshop. 23

Stories of the craftsmen

製香類 Incense



施起燻 Shih Chi-Hsun 在粉末堆中找黃金 Looking for gold in the incense powder. 一支香 , 輕煙裊裊隨風飄揚 , 卻需要掌握溫度 、 濕度才能堅持好 品質。一踏進「施金玉三房」,撲鼻而來的是陣陣檀香,氣味清雅不刺 鼻,提神安心。 看著施起燻在悶熱的工作室裡,抓起大把的香支在盛滿香粉的竹簍 中翻轉,等到香粉勻稱的附著在香支上,還須要看老天是否能賞個好天 氣。這般嚴謹、繁複的過程才能造就「好香」,而好的香燒剩下來的灰 燼不燙人、味道溫順不嗆鼻,這也是施家父子守護家業所堅持的水準。 笑稱 「 在粉末堆中找黃金 」 的施起燻 , 是個憨厚耿直的人 , 他堅 持不用化學原料製香,曾為了原料特地至蠻荒的原產地找出沉香,由這 些細節就能端詳出,他接管的香鋪後所下的苦心。自大陸製香入境台灣 後,生意大不如前,但他仍然不放棄家業。如今交棒兒子,因填入兒子 年輕的思維,激發出不一樣的火花,將店鋪轉型成觀光工廠,展現新風 貌,而「施金玉三房」也仍秉持兩百多年來傳統製香技術,讓高品質清 雅天然的香氣一直延續下去。 Fragrant smoke rises with the wind when incense is lit. Yet, it takes careful control of temperature and humidity to make a quality incense. After stepping into Shih Chin-Yu Sanfang, visitors will be overwhelmed by waves of fragrant sandalwood scent, which is elegant to smell and refreshing. Shih Chi-Hsun is often found holding a big bunch of incense to turn them in a bamboo basket filled with incense powder in the sweltering studio. When the powder is evenly coated, the incense still needs good weather to dry them. Such a strictly-controlled, complicated process is the key to top-quality incenses. The incense ashes are low in temperature and mild in smell, which is the quality that the Shih family insists on. Humorously saying that he is looking for gold in the incense powder, Master Shih is a down-to-earth person. He insists on not using chemicals and once traveled to a wasteland to find incense raw materials. From such considerateness, his efforts to take over the incense shop are undoubtedly great. Since most of the incense made in China is now imported, his business has been less prosperous than it once was; yet, he stills hold on to the family business. Now the shop has been taken over by his son whose creative ideas help spark diverse results. The shop is now a tourist attraction. Shih Chin-Yu Sanfang is and will be keeping the two hundred years of experience in incense making in order to provide high quality, elegant, and natural fragrances that continue to fascinate people. 25

Stories of the craftsmen

其他類 Others



吳肇勳 Wu Tsao-Hsun 就像同一首歌,不同人唱有不同詮釋 Just like a song, it shows different interpretation if sung by a different person. 穿過紫藤小徑,一戶紅磚砌成的屋子佇立在頃田之中,清幽的環境似乎 呼應著屋主有著從容文雅的形象,踏進門就以一壺香氣四溢的茶招待訪客, 琥珀色的茶香,由手心中的瓷杯悠悠飄出,那是一股淡雅、深刻的味道,如 同吳肇勳的字,清新雋永。吳肇勳是位書法家也是茶商,祖先自泉州來,於 鹿港這小鎮落地生根,家族中長輩擅長製茶與書法,而在緊密的血脈與舊城 的影響下,使他將茶與書法的精神融合,並表現在藝術上。 「識字後就開始寫書法了」問起吳肇勳學習書法的淵源,他這麼回答。 在長輩的指導與鼓勵下 , 勤學至今不曾間斷過 , 直到參加書法個展嶄露頭 角,才正式投入創作。而從小就學習書法的關係,懂得由「靜」與「慢」中 品味生活,在他34歲接管茶行後,帶入書法的思維製茶,因疾不徐的落實每 個製程 , 只為了堅持好味道 。 而無論是書法還是製茶上 , 皆由靜一字為中 心,他說。 「就像同一首歌,不同人唱有著不同詮釋」認為不該只是古人複印機的 吳肇勳,在書法上融合茶道與書法的精神,找尋自我風格,因此他的筆觸呈 現更顯溫潤沉穩。 Passing a footpath full of wisteria, we saw a house of red bricks located in hectares of farmland. The secluded environment seemed to respond to the owner with an unhurried and elegant appearance. Visitors were greeted with a pot of aromatic tea with an amber fragrance that flowed from the porcelain cup in hand. It was a light but profound delight just like the calligraphy of Wu Tsao-Hsun, a calligrapher as well as a tea dealer. His ancestors came from Quan-zhou and put down roots in this small township of Lukang. The elder members of his family are good at both making tea and calligraphy. With the influence of his close family and the old town, he merges tea into the essence of calligraphy and expresses it in art. He began to practice calligraphy right after he learned how to read. He still continues to study diligently under the direction and encouragement of older calligraphers and does not plan to stop studying. He is able to appreciate life from being “still” and enjoying “leisure.” This is especially true in regards to both calligraphy and tea making. He took over the tea store at 34 years of age and is content in fulfilling each procedure with full composure to produce excellent smells. He said that the word “still” has been the core for both calligraphy and tea making. “Just like a song, it shows different interpretation if sung by a different person”, he said. Wu Tsao-Hsun insists that he cannot be a copying machine for past calligraphers. He merges the spirit of the tea ceremony and calligraphy into his art to pursue his own style, which results in strokes that are very gentle and calm. 27

Stories of the craftsmen

其他類 Others



林俊臣 Lin Chun-Chen 打開五感,用心去感受 Open up all your sensations and feel with your mind. 溫文儒雅的林俊臣 , 隱匿在桂花巷藝術村最角落的位置 , 室內陳設靜謐雅 緻,揮灑文墨時,專注、心無旁騖,彷彿獨自遊走在古典詩詞與文墨之間。 認為自己的藝術天分承襲自母親 , 母親的好文筆 、 重視閱讀 , 開啟他對文 學的喜愛。畢業於輔大體育系,大學期間參加社團才正式接觸書法,因體育系的 背景,使他對身體律動格外敏感,在學習書法的運筆、體態、力道皆有莫大的幫 助。林俊臣認為學習書法的態度,影響他觀看鹿港的方式,也藉由書法創作拉回 古人的思維、以及生活態度,或許就是秉持這般的理念,使他在談吐間,透露著 更內斂的靈魂。 「打開五感,用心去感受。」受讀幼稚園兒子的啟發,他發現書法運筆是自 然而然的事,放下心中所有的圭臬、順應環境才能創作出好作品,這般與自然和諧 共存的林俊臣,由他分享的一段經驗就能見識到他獨到的美學:「一隻春燕意外飛 進屋內,駐留在作品上方,正想用相機捕捉畫面時,牠卻飛走了,而眼前所瞥見的 偶然,用千言萬語都無法勾勒出那瞬間的美。」 這位流露詩人氣息的書法家,悠悠敘述自己的美感體驗,一席話,悄然地打 動在場所有人的心。 Lin Chun-Chen, polite and courtly, hides himself in the plain corner of the “Osmanthus Alley Artist Village” Art Village. His workshop is displayed in a tranquil and elegant style. When he is working on calligraphy with absolute concentration, he wanders alone between classic Chinese poetry and calligraphy. He believes that his talent for art was inherited from his mother. Her literary talent and reading habit inspired his love of literature. He graduated from the Department of Physical Education, Fu Zen Catholic University and formally approached calligraphy after attending a club at the university. Because of his background in studying physical education, he was particularly sensitive to the physical motion which helped a lot in learning all about the wielding, carriage and strength of calligraphy.Lin Chun-Chen believes that the attitude towards learning calligraphy affects the manner in which he views Lukang. It is probably because of his calligraphy that he thinks about ancient practices and attitudes towards life as well as the insistence of such beliefs that makes him seem to be a restrained soul during conversation. His motto is “open up all your sensations and feel with your mind.” Enlightened by his son studying in kindergarten, he finds that wielding in calligraphy is a natural motion. It is only when leaving all the criteria behind and orientating oneself to the environment can one create excellent art. Lin Chun-Chen has always coexisted with nature harmoniously and believes that we can learn unique aesthetics by the experience he shares:”A spring swallow flies into the room accidentally and stays on a piece, but it flies away just when I try to capture the scene with a camera. The instant beauty of occasional scenes is not able to be sketched even in innumerable words.” This calligrapher reveals poetic grace and leisurely narration in his aesthetic experience and with his words that softly touch everybody who sees them. 29

List of Lukang Craftsmen

木藝類 Woodcraving 吳清波




Wu Ching-Po

Hsiao Hsi-Tien Buddhist Sculptures

Kuo Chih-Yuan

Kuo Chih-Yuan Wood Sculptures





Chuang Jih-Hsin

Chuang Jih-Hsin

Huang Huan-wen

Huan-wen Sculpture Workshop





Chen Huang-Hui

Cheng-Li Wooden Furniture and Traceries

Shih Chin-Fu

Shih Chin-Fu Wood Sculptures and Crafts





Hsu Kun-Chieh

Xu Kun-jie Traditional Furniture Renovation

Huang Sha-Jung

Huang Sha-Jung Wood Sculptures Workshop





Chen Ching-Hsiung Chen Ching-Hsiung Wood Sculptures Workshop

Wu Chang-Jung

Hung-Hsu Industry Co., Ltd





Shih Chen-Yang

Hua-Tai Sculptures and Crafts Center

Shih Ming-Wang

Shih Ming-Wang Wood Sculptures Creations





Shih Shun-Yi

Hsin ju-Hsuan Traditional Buddhist Statues Sculptures

Chen Ming-Sung

Chen Ming-Sung Sculptures Workshop





Li Ping-Kuei

Song-Lin Artistic Sculptures Center

Shih Ching-Tang

Shih Ching-Tang Traditional Furniture





Yang Kuei-Yu

Tai-Yi Wooden Crafts

Kuo Ting-Tsung

Kuo Ting-Tsung Sculpture and Drawing





Huang Ma-Ching

Huang Ma-Ching Wood Sculptures Art Center

Huang Kuo-Shu

Huang Kuo-Shu Creative Wood Sculptures





Huang Yung-Chou Yu-Hung Temple Wood Crafts

Hsu Chiu-Lin

Lukang Arts and Literary Creations Workshop





Chen Shih-Tsung

Shi-Zong Buddhist Tables Factory

Nien Hsiu-Ming

Nien Hsiu-Ming Buddhist Statue Sculptures





Huang Chun-Yang Huang Chun-Yang Sculpture Art Museum

Wang Chao-Nan

Hung-Tse Artistic Creations Workshop



施至輝 施至階


Wu Chiang-Chun

Tien-Tsang Wood Sculptures Creations Workshop

Shih Chih-Hui Shih Chih-Chieh

Shih Tzu-Ho Buddhist Brassware Store

縫織類 Weaving works 施香花




Shih Hsiang-Hua

Shih Hsiang-Hua Fragrance Sachets

Chou Yueh-Jung

Chou Yueh-Jung Handcrafts





Hsu Chen-Chun

Chiao-Hsin Embroidery Sculptures

Chen Shu-Ching

Royal Embroidery


金工類 Mental Carving 李邦雄



Li Pang-Hsiung

Li Pang-Hsiung Iron Shop

Cheng Ying-Hsieh Cheng Ying-Hsieh Artistic Gold Sculptures





Chen Wan-Neng

Wan-Neng Tin Shop

Li Han-Ching

Folk Tin Crafts

塑藝類 Sculpture







Hsu Chih-Hsiung

Hsu Chih-Hsiung Traditional Arts Workshop

Chen Yi-Yi

Chen Yi-Yi Dough Figurines





Shih Chiao-Yung

Shih Chiao-Yung Folk Crafts Workshop

Shih Hsing-Hui

Lukang-Shao Pottery Crafts Museum

編織類 Weaving works 陳錦煌



Chen Chin-Huang Chin-Huang Steamers


Tsai Pin-Chuan

Tsai Pin-Chuan Bambooware Weaves




Chen Chao-Tsung Chen Chao-Tsung Hand-made Fans


Liang Hung-wen

Liang Hung-wen Satin Thread-Flowers




Shih Cheng-Chun Tung-Hua Fans Factory


Shih Pao-Jung

Shih Pao-Jung Chinese Knots





Chang Hsiu-Chi

Chang Hsiu-Chi Lanterns Weaves

Hsien Ya-Hsiu

Hsien ya-Hsiu Embroidery Thread-Flowers

詹 娟





Chan-Chuan Lanterns Weaves

Shih Li-Mei

Lukang Thread-Flowers Arts





Lin Tsan-Tung

Hsuan Lu-Ting Earthen Threshers Production

Kung Hsien-Sen

Sha-Ti Workshop

繪藝類 Traditional Chinese Painting 吳敦厚




Wu Tun-Hou

Wu Tun-Hou Lanterns Shop

Li Yi-Hsing

Li Yi-Hsing Decorative Painting





Jhou Jian-Mian

Tong De-fa Paper Crafts Shop

Li Kun-Chieh

Ting-Yu Buddhist Statues and Arts





Wen Wen-Ching

Lo-Chiang Folk Prints

Cheng Tun-Hou

Cheng Tun-Hou Furniture and Brush Painting



Lin Hsi-Hsiung

Yen-Chung Painting Fans

綜藝類 Synthetic Crafts 尤金科




Yu Chin-Ko

Folk Crafts and Cloth Toys

Shih Chun-Hsiung

Jun-xiong Lion-Head Production





Wang Ling-Hsuan Fang-Zhu Paper Clay

Shih Hsiu-Ya

Yi Ya-Hsuan Artistic Lanterns





Yu Chang-Ming

Yu Mo-Hsuan

Chen Pei-ling

Yueh-Lai Paper Clay and Painting Art Gallery



Shih Shun-Jung

Shih Shun-Jung Lion-Head Production

其他類 Others 施石柱




Shih Shih-Chu

Shih Shih-Chu Tarts Crafts

Wang Ning-yao

Lukang Folk Beliefs and Buddhist Brassware Craft Creations





Huang Cheng-tiao Nan-Kuan Musical Instruments Production

Lin Chun-Chen

Ink Painting and Seal Engraving Studio





Chang Chin-Tu

Hsin Wen-Yi Pen Brush and Chinese Ink Store

Wu Tsao-Hsun

Wu Tsao-Hsun Calligraphy Workshop




Kuo Chia-Yao

Kuo Hsiang-Yu Incense Shop

製香類 Incense 施起義 Shih Chi-Yi

施起燻 施燁志 Shih Chi-Hsun Shih Yeh-Chih

Shih Mei-Yu Incense Shop

施金玉三房 Shih Chin-Yu Sanfang



全彰化縣絕無僅有 、 深具特色的鹿港桂花巷藝術村 , 座落在鹿港 公會堂(藝文館)前紅磚道盡頭的聚落 , 原址在8 、 90年前日治時期是日 式宿舍群 , 由於日式宿舍群在日治及戰後初期被稱為桂花巷 , 因此取 名為 「 桂花巷藝術村 」 在彰化縣政府及鎮公所積極的規劃及修建下 , 結合城鎮歷史發展脈絡 、 文化設施佈局等元素 ,「 鹿港桂花巷藝術 村」誕生了。 藝術村包含視覺藝術展覽、藝術文化活動、駐村藝術家計畫、藝術 文化展覽及藝術教育推廣等。在駐村藝術家計畫部分,希望藉由不同地 域性的藝術交流,撞擊出藝術多元的火花,且揭示了新藝術文化地標時 代的來臨。 The most unique place to visit in all of Changhua County is the famous Lukang Osmanthus Alley Artist Village. It is located in the hamlet at the end of a red-brick road in front of Lukang Public Hall (Art and Culture Museum). The location was formerly a dormitory area during the Japanese Colonial Period 80 to 90 years ago. During the Japanese Colonial Period and the early Post-war period, it was called Osmanthus Alley Artist Village. This is why the Osmanthus Alley Artist Village was accordingly named. Thanks to the proactive planning and construction by the Changhua County Government and the Town Office, which integrated elements concerning the development context of the city and town history as well as cultural facilities and layouts, “Lukang Osmanthus Alley Artist Village” was finally established. The Art Village features visual arts exhibitions, art and cultural events, Resident Artists Program, art and cultural exhibitions and arts education promotion activities. In regards to the Resident Artists Program, the diverse sparkles of inspiration that they will give to other artists hopefully will be transmitted through the art exchange of various other local artists, thereby proclaiming a new era in art and culture.




鹿港工藝手感小鎮 一個充滿傳統藝術的小鎮【第二部】

Lukang, A Touchable Craft Town A small town full of traditional arts

發行單位 發行人















魏彰志 黃詠芸、魏秀娟、詹秉軒、盧鈺婷、蕭凱尹





Published by

Lukang Township Office, Changhua


Wang Hui-Mei


No. 168, Minquan Road, Lukang Township, Changhua County

Tel Website

Editorial Consultant Executed by Address Tel Editor-in-chief Editors Art design Published in July, 2011







04-7772006 http://www.lukang.gov.tw/ Hung Chen-Yu P&P Digital Strategy Consulting Co. Ltd. 3F-2, No.62, Zhongming South Road, West District, Taichung City 04-23282866 Wei Zhang-zhi Huang Yong-yun, Wei Xiu-juan, Zhan Bing-xuan, Lu Yu-ting, Xiao Kai-yin Paranet Digital Design Corp. Ltd. Published in July, 2011

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