Lifelong Learning UK Information & Advice Service Telephone 0300 303 1877 Email: Last Updated May 2010 015 –SFL NQ
Teaching Skills for Life – Literacy, Numeracy and English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Professionalising the workforce Since 1st September 2001, all new teachers in FE have been required to work towards an initial teaching qualification appropriate to their role and based on the FENTO/SVUK standards for teaching and supporting learning. There are, however, additional qualification requirements for teachers of Literacy, Numeracy and ESOL in FE. Skills for Life outlined the Government’s commitment to improving the quality of the learning experience for adult learners in programmes of literacy, numeracy and ESOL. Part of this strategy was the introduction of professional qualifications for new teachers. 2007 Regulations In line with the FE Teachers’ Qualifications (England) Regulations 2007, from 1st September 2007 new teachers of Skills for Life have been required to gain a full teaching qualification at Level 5, including a subject specific qualification at Level 5 (see below). Skills for Life teachers and the full teaching role Under the new regulations, two different roles are identified for teachers – the full teaching role and the associate role. Please note that all Skills for Life teachers are considered to be carrying out the full teaching role and must therefore gain a full teaching qualification at Level 5. The new qualifications Courses may be offered on a one year full-time basis or a two year part-time basis, and there are different routes that can be followed. The courses can be studied on an integrated basis (a generic teaching qualification and subject specific qualification at the same time) or as two separate courses. If you take an integrated course, depending on the subject specialism, the qualification you will gain is: Level 5 *Diploma in teaching English (Literacy) in the Lifelong Learning Sector Level 5 *Diploma in teaching English (ESOL) in the Lifelong Learning Sector Level 5 *Diploma in teaching Mathematics (Numeracy) in the Lifelong Learning Sector
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Lifelong Learning UK Information & Advice Service Telephone 0300 303 1877 Email: Last Updated May 2010 015 –SFL NQ
If you take two separate courses, depending on the subject specialism, the qualifications you will gain are: Level 5 *Diploma in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector plus Level 5 Additional Diploma in teaching English (Literacy) in the Lifelong Learning Sector Level 5 Additional Diploma in teaching English (ESOL) in the Lifelong Learning Sector Level 5 Additional Diploma in teaching Mathematics (Numeracy) in the Lifelong Learning Sector *Please note that some colleges and universities may use alternative qualification titles such as Cert Ed, PGCE or Post Graduate Diploma. For more information on course levels, see the factsheet on the National Qualifications Framework at: Finding a course The LLUK Information and Advice Service has up-to-date lists of Skills for Life teacher training courses available in your region. Alternatively you can visit and search their database of current courses. Please note that the majority of courses start in September/October each year. Entry requirements To join a programme of study, candidates “will be required to demonstrate the underpinning process skills required to function effectively as users of Mathematics or English.” Skills must be demonstrated at level 3 of the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) and typically will be assessed by the course provider in advance of the course start date. For further details visit . Those who plan to join part-time courses will also need to secure sufficient teaching hours delivering their specialist Skills for Life subject. This equates to 75 hours of teaching practice for each year of a two year part-time programme of study. The teaching must take place within an appropriate FE context such as a college of further education, adult education, offender learning, work-based learning, or a community or voluntary setting. Funding
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Lifelong Learning UK Information & Advice Service Telephone 0300 303 1877 Email: Last Updated May 2010 015 –SFL NQ
If you are taking an integrated DTLLS Skills for Life course, you will be eligible for a maintenance grant from your local authority. Please see our information sheet on funding. If you are taking a pre-service course (most of which are full-time courses), you may be eligible for a bursary from the course provider. Please ask for our information sheet on financial incentives.
Currently there is no specific funding available for the standalone Additional Diploma courses. Learning support practitioners in Skills for Life New standards have recently been developed for learning support and awarding bodies. Please see our Information Sheet on Learning Support Practitioners for more information. Volunteering in Skills for Life Many organisations now require that volunteers undergo some training. This may be inhouse training or a Level 2/3 qualification. Please contact your local providers of Skills for Life courses, for example, Adult Education Centres, FE Colleges, Prison and Probation Services and local voluntary and community organisations. You may also find the following organisations useful: National Association for Voluntary and Community Action (NAVCA) Website: Phone: 0114 278 6636 ‘Do-it’ (part of Youthnet) Website: Timebank Website: Phone: 0845 456 1668 England’s Volunteer Development Agency Website: Tel: 0845 305 6979 Talent Website:
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Lifelong Learning UK Information & Advice Service Telephone 0300 303 1877 Email: Last Updated May 2010 015 –SFL NQ
This information was accurate at the time it was sent. Updates will be made as new information is received.
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