Learner Involvement NOS

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National Occupational Standards

National Occupational Standards for Learner Involvement

Contents You can use the links below to take you directly to different sections.



Section 1 Promote, Support and Implement Learner Involvement


Standard 1 – Influence strategies that involve the learner


Standard 2 – Evaluate the quality of strategies to involve the learner


Standard 3 – Facilitate understanding of the learner’s rights and responsibilities


Section 2 Engage Effectively with the Learner


Standard 4 – Encourage involvement of the learner


Standard 5 – Enable the learner and prospective learner to access information


Standard 6 – Obtain feedback and act on it in partnership with the learner


Standard 7 – Communicate effectively with the learner


Section 3 Support and Facilitate the Voice of the Learner



Standard 8 – Encourage learner representation


Standard 9 – Support and develop the learner as a representative


Standard 10 – Provide guidance to learner representative bodies


Standard 11 – Provide support to learner campaigns


National Occupational Standards Learner Involvement


Section 4 Enable the Learner to Contribute to Planning, Quality Improvement and Governance


Standard 12 – Support the learner contribution to planning


Standard 13 – Recognise the learner contribution to quality assurance and improvement


Standard 14 – Support the learner contribution to governance


Section 5 Facilitate Learner Support


Standard 15 – Signpost support available to learners


Standard 16 – Promote and support responsibility and self-development in the learner


Standard 17 – Support the learner through a process or procedure


Section 6 Promote and Support Learner Enrichment


Standard 18 – Develop, promote and support enrichment opportunities


Standard 19 – Recognise the role of enrichment in learner self-development


Section 7 Develop as a Learner Involvement Professional


Standard 20 – Develop own skills and practice to facilitate learner involvement


National Occupational Standards Learner Involvement


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Introduction   Introduction National Occupational Standards for Learner Involvement have been produced in response to calls from the National Union of Students and Staff Student Liaison Officers, that stated support was needed to professionalise emerging roles. This need was reflected in the government’s 2006 Further Education White Paper for England “Further Education: Raising Skills, Improving Life Chances”, which stated, ‘…we will extend the successful national scheme of support for learner representatives. And we will strengthen the Staff Student Liaison Officer role by asking Lifelong Learning UK to develop standards for this vital role’. During research and subsequent development of these standards, it became apparent that there are a number of different definitions for these roles which cover a wide variety of job titles across the four nations. The term ‘learner involvement’ was adopted, as it was recognised that the standards should also cover roles that include learner engagement, learner representation and contribution, learner support and learner enrichment activities. These roles might include, for example, advocacy on behalf of the learner, assistance for learner representative organisations and supporting the voice of the learner. The National Occupational Standards for Learner Involvement have been designed to cover a broad range of roles and functions directly related to this area, for any individual working in the wider lifelong learning sector. The standards, however, are not designed for roles that include the delivery or assessment of the primary learning objectives of the individual. To inform the content of the standards, a high-level strategic Board was convened, and a number of consultation events were held, which included representation from across the lifelong learning sector footprint and the four nations of the UK. The draft standards were also posted on the Lifelong Learning UK website and electronic responses fed into the final standards. It is not expected that an individual would be delivering all the functions defined within the standards. Rather, it is anticipated that organisations would consult on and mutually agree those parts of the standards appropriate to a given job role, to define job descriptions or professional development associated with that role. It is largely to make them more manageable, that the Standards have been subdivided into seven broad sections.

About National Occupational Standards National Occupational Standards (NOS) describe what a person needs to do, know and understand in their job, in order to carry out their role in a consistent and competent way. In essence, they inform ‘best practice’ by bringing together skills, knowledge and values. Lifelong Learning UK has worked in consultation with a wide range of employers, partner organisations and stakeholders to develop National Occupational Standards. This ensures they are relevant and fit for purpose.


National Occupational Standards Learner Involvement

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Our aim is that the standards are versatile and support employers in a range of ways, including: • Performance management (e.g. appraisals) • Identifying training needs • Aid in structuring learning programmes (formal and informal) • Recruitment and selection (e.g. job descriptions) • Assessing achievement • Formal recognition of competence (e.g. Continuing Professional Development) • Careers guidance and counselling. A wide range of individuals and organisations will find the standards a useful tool for a variety of activities. A good starting point is to look at the titles of the individual standards and then decide which ones will be relevant to meet your needs. National Occupational Standards follow a similar format across all sectors; however, Lifelong Learning UK works with employers and others to ensure that the relevant information required to describe best practice is included. Standards can inform qualification development, are structured into units and as a minimum must include: • A title indicative of the content of the unit • An overview of the content of the unit • Knowledge, understanding and skills needed to effectively carry out your tasks and responsibilities within a particular job role or function • Performance statements. Detailed description of the activities which would represent effective performance of the tasks within a unit. Development of National Occupational Standards is usually preceded by both occupational and functional mapping. An occupational map provides the context and background to the development of National Occupational Standards. It illustrates the main features and characteristics of job roles within an occupational sector, highlighting overlaps with other roles and their boundaries with other sectors. A functional map identifies the functions that people carry out on a day-to-day basis as part of their job role within the broad work activities that take place across an occupational sector. This information then forms the basis of standards development. National Occupational Standards are free to use and easily downloaded from www.lluk.org and from www. ukstandards.org.uk. We welcome your feedback and would like to hear how you have used the National Occupational Standards, and in what ways they have supported your work. Please contact us at http://www. lluk.org/2849.htm.

National Occupational Standards Learner Involvement


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National Occupational Standards for Learner Involvement

National Occupational Standards for Learner Involvement The National Occupational Standards are arranged in seven sections: 1. Promote, support and implement learner involvement 2. Engage effectively with the learner 3. Support and facilitate the voice of the learner 4. Enable the learner to contribute to planning, quality improvement and governance 5. Facilitate learner support 6. Promote and support learner enrichment 7. Develop as a learner involvement professional.

Section 1   Promote, support and implement learner involvement Standard 1 – Influence strategies that involve the learner Standard 2 – Evaluate the quality of strategies to involve the learner Standard 3 – Facilitate understanding of the learner’s rights and responsibilities

Section 2   Engage effectively with the learner Standard 4 – Encourage involvement of the learner Standard 5 – Enable the learner and prospective learner to access information Standard 6 – Obtain feedback and act on it in partnership with the learner Standard 7 – Communicate effectively with the learner

Section 3   Support and facilitate the voice of the learner Standard 8 – Encourage learner representation Standard 9 – Support and develop the learner as a representative Standard 10 – Provide guidance to learner representative bodies Standard 11 – Provide support to learner campaigns


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National Occupational Standards for Learner Involvement

Section 4   Enable the learner to contribute to planning, quality improvement and governance Standard 12 – Support the learner contribution to planning Standard 13 – Recognise the learner contribution to quality assurance and improvement Standard 14 – Support the learner contribution to governance

Section 5   Facilitate learner support Standard 15 – Signpost support available to learners Standard 16 – Promote and support responsibility and self-development in the learner Standard 17 – Support the learner through a process or procedure

Section 6   Promote and support learner enrichment Standard 18 – Develop, promote and support enrichment opportunities Standard 19 – Recognise the role of enrichment in learner self-development

Section 7   Develop as a learner involvement professional Standard 20 – Develop own skills and practice to facilitate learner involvement

National Occupational Standards Learner Involvement


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National Occupational Standards for Learner Involvement

What these Standards are about The National Occupational Standards for Learner Involvement are for all involved in supporting learners and prospective learners, individually, collectively and within the organisation, workplace or community, and who: • Promote inclusion and participation by engaging with all learners at all stages of their learning journey, from pre-entry to post-exit • Provide support for individual learners and/or groups of learners to enable them to become more involved in the learning experience • Improve participation and representation of learners to improve learner services • Work with others to promote wider opportunities for enriching the experience of all learners and their individual self-development • Promote learner independence and self-reliance • Create an environment for and a culture of learner involvement • Continuously improve own practice and contribute to improving the practice of the organisation.

Professional Attributes   Learner involvement practitioners recognise and value: • The learner, as an equal partner in the learning process • Learning, its potential to benefit individuals economically, socially, emotionally and intellectually, and its contribution to community development, social cohesion, global citizenship, sustainable development and environmental awareness • The right of every learner to have a voice and be involved in improving the learning and development opportunities • The role of the learner in improving the effectiveness of quality assurance and improvement in the lifelong learning sector • The confidence, motivation, improved learning outcomes and self-development of the learner actively involved in learning and the learning organisation • Their own, reflective practice and how this informs their professional development.


National Occupational Standards Learner Involvement

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National Occupational Standards for Learner Involvement

  Terminology Within the standards, certain terminology is used which may have different connotations in different parts of the lifelong learning sector. Key terms as used in the standards are defined below. Accountable officer. Used in the context of these standards, as the individual responsible for overseeing any elections to a learner representative body on a formal basis. Enrichment. Activities which broaden learning and self-development, which are extra-curricular to the primary learning objectives of the individual learner. Governance. The structures and processes which set the vision and strategic direction of the organisation. They may be set through a governing body, further education corporation, management committee or board/ board of trustees. Learner. An individual participating in formal or informal learning. This may be in, for example, a college, university, the workplace, the community, a library or as a distance learner. Learner campaign. An initiative, issue or event organised by learners for learners. Learner involvement. The range of ways in which learners are encouraged to actively participate in the development and improvement of their overall learning experience. It includes learner engagement, representation, contribution to the organisation, learner support and learner enrichment. It does not include, however, the delivery or assessment of the primary learning objectives of the individual. Each organisation will have a different approach to learner involvement. Learner involvement practitioner. Any individual within an organisation who has, as a key part of their role, responsibility for ensuring that learners are actively involved in the organisation and in their overall learning experience. Learner representative body. A body run by learners, established to represent the interests of the learners within an organisation. It is normally a formally constituted body. Learner support. A broad range of activities and services which do not provide direct support for the learner’s primary curriculum learning goals. Learning support. Learning activities which are part of the primary learning objectives and which enable an individual learner to achieve curriculum goals more readily. Nominated officer. The senior person within an organisation, responsible for safeguarding children and vulnerable adults. The organisation. The learning context within which the learner is learning; it may be formal (such as a college, workplace or community learning centre) or informal, such as in the community, in a library, or at home. Provision. A generic term used to include structured, formal and informal learning opportunities for individuals, incorporating learning programmes and curriculum.

National Occupational Standards Learner Involvement


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Promote, Support and Implement Learner Involvement

Section 1   Promote, Support and Implement Learner Involvement Section 1 defines how learner involvement is promoted, supported and implemented throughout the organisation.

Standard 1

  Influence strategies that involve the learner   What this Standard is about This Standard is about how all those who are contributing to learner involvement, through working closely with the learner and the prospective learner, influence and contribute to involvement strategies.

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

1.1 Advocate for learner involvement with others, in line with requirements.

1.1.1 The values and principles underpinning learner involvement, including the national regulatory, legal and ethical requirements that apply. 1.1.2 Methods of forecasting national trends and developments relating to learner involvement. 1.1.3 Ways to identify factors which may affect organisational policies and strategies. 1.1.4 The impact of trends and developments related to learner involvement, upon the nature of provision and services.


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Promote, Support and Implement Learner Involvement | S1

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

1.2 Recognise and understand the input and insights of the learner.

1.2.1 The purpose of encouraging the learner to be involved in the learner involvement activity. 1.2.2 The fundamental value of learner involvement and engaging the learner in all aspects of the organisation’s development and implementation. 1.2.3 The importance of not raising unrealistic expectations about learner involvement. 1.2.4 Ways to involve the learner that optimise the benefits to the organisation and to the individual involved.

1.3 Support the implementation of systems and processes that encourage learner representation and enable the learner to shape the learning experience.

1.3.1 The types of systems and processes which are effective. 1.3.2 The importance of consultation and feedback in learner involvement systems. 1.3.3 How to gain commitment from senior staff, management committees and governing boards for learner involvement policies, strategies and procedures.

1.4 Bring learner involvement to the attention of relevant stakeholders in an appropriate way.

1.4.1 Individuals and groups within the organisation that have a stake in learner involvement. 1.4.2 Organisations and agencies outside the organisation with a legitimate interest in learner involvement. 1.4.3 Ways to promote learner involvement as a means to influence stakeholders and enhance the reputation of the organisation and the individual learner.

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S1 | Promote, Support and Implement Learner Involvement

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

1.5 Work with the learner to develop and present clear and appropriate recommendations to improve strategy and procedures.

1.5.1 The range of appropriate opportunities for the learner which need to be reflected in learner involvement strategies, policies and implementation plans. 1.5.2 The ways in which the organisation responds to recommendations to improve learner involvement strategy, including from partners. 1.5.3 The key people in the organisation that the learner needs to influence, to gain commitment to developing and enhancing the learner involvement strategy. 1.5.4 How improvements to the strategy can impact positively on other organisations and agencies involved with and involving learners.

Standard 2

  Evaluate the quality of strategies to involve the learner   What this Standard is about This Standard is about working with learners to evaluate the quality and impact of strategies to involve them and how any obstacles to the implementation of effective strategies can be overcome.


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Promote, Support and Implement Learner Involvement | S1

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

2.1 Review with learners whether the objectives of learner involvement strategies are being met.

2.1.1 How to assess whether the organisation’s learner involvement strategy has values and principles aligned to national legal, regulatory and ethical requirements. 2.1.2 The organisation’s objectives and structures relating to learner involvement activity and associated activities and programmes. 2.1.3 How to work with colleagues and learners to set objectives and criteria to evaluate the impact of the learner involvement strategy.

2.2 Gather feedback on progress being made to develop and implement the learner involvement strategy.

2.2.1 How to encourage colleagues, learners and stakeholders to provide feedback on the progress being made against the agreed objectives for learner involvement. 2.2.2 How to distinguish between prejudice and opinions that are backed by evidence when assessing learner involvement. 2.2.3 How to distinguish between directly observed evidence, evidence from reliable sources and hearsay. 2.2.4 The ways to measure tangible and less tangible benefits and successes of learner involvement. 2.2.5 How to analyse and present the outcomes of feedback.

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S1 | Promote, Support and Implement Learner Involvement

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

2.3 Work with the learner to overcome any obstacles to involvement.

2.3.1 Main obstacles and perceived barriers to learner involvement and how they might be addressed in the organisation, the workplace and the community. 2.3.2 How to engage the learner and learner representative bodies to address issues impacting on learner involvement, in a constructive partnership. 2.3.3 Who to refer obstacles and barriers to within the organisation. 2.3.4 How to get support for overcoming obstacles to learner involvement from within and outside the organisation.

2.4 Evaluate with learners the impact and extent of learner involvement on learner experiences.

2.4.1 The importance of involving learners, colleagues and stakeholders in the evaluation of learner involvement, and methods for achieving their participation. 2.4.2 Performance indicators that measure the impact and extent of learner involvement. 2.4.3 How to act on the outcomes of the evaluation of learner involvement appropriately, working with learners, colleagues and stakeholders.

2.5 Promote the organisation to partners and stakeholders through the outcomes of the learner involvement strategy.


National Occupational Standards Learner Involvement

2.5.1 How and why to promote best practice in learner involvement to colleagues, learners, partners and external stakeholders. 2.5.2 The importance of promoting the positive benefits and successes of learner involvement to support organisational reputation and future learner recruitment.

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Promote, Support and Implement Learner Involvement | S1

Standard 3

  Facilitate understanding of the learner’s rights and responsibilities   What this Standard is about This Standard is about recognising that every learner has rights that need to be promoted, upheld and enhanced and responsibilities which they should deliver. It also recognises the role that the learners themselves can play in ensuring rights and responsibilities are exercised.

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

3.1 Demonstrate an understanding of and commitment to the rights and responsibilities of the learner.

3.1.1 The rights and responsibilities of the learner as defined by national requirements and organisational policies. 3.1.2 The importance of taking into account, and being seen to take into account, the rights and responsibilities of the learner. 3.1.3 The importance of recognising the views of others in relation to upholding the rights of the learner.

National Occupational Standards Learner Involvement


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S1 | Promote, Support and Implement Learner Involvement

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

3.2 Work with learners to agree how learner rights and responsibilities can be promoted.

3.2.1 Legal and regulatory requirements and codes of conduct addressing the rights and responsibilities of the learner, including their national, local, social and political context. 3.2.2 The rights and responsibilities of adults and those of young people and children, and the differences between these rights and responsibilities. 3.2.3 How learners can promote their rights and responsibilities appropriately. 3.2.4 How learners can agree their collective and individual rights and responsibilities and with whom. 3.2.5 How to agree actions with colleagues to promote the learner’s rights and responsibilities.

3.3 Promote equality and diversity and constructively challenge discrimination against the learner.

3.3.1 Ways to encourage learners to embrace equality, diversity and inclusion. 3.3.2 How to work in partnership with colleagues to ensure all learners are given the opportunity to be engaged and involved. 3.3.3 Ways to minimise discrimination against the learner by other learners and colleagues. 3.3.4 How to challenge discrimination constructively should it occur.


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Promote, Support and Implement Learner Involvement | S1

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:


3.4.1 Ways to communicate effectively with individual learners, recognising needs and interests.

Encourage learner advocacy.

3.4.2 What constitutes effective advocacy that adds value to the learner. 3.4.3 Ways to promote effective advocacy services by learners and for learners. 3.4.4 Ways to encourage and support the learner to become an advocate for their peers. 3.4.5 Where to get support for advocacy within and outside the organisation. 3.4.6 When to refer a learner to other individuals and partners that can advocate on their behalf. 3.5 Encourage the learner to recognise and exercise rights and associated responsibilities.

3.5.1 How to use legal and regulatory frameworks and codes of practice to encourage the learner to recognise and exercise rights and responsibilities. 3.5.2 Ways to encourage the learner to express views and opinions positively to others in the organisation, the workplace and the community. 3.5.3 The importance of acting sensitively within boundaries and maintaining confidentiality appropriately when dealing with the rights of the learner.

3.6 Work with others to promote the learner’s rights.

3.6.1 Key national, regional and local organisations, partners and individuals that promote the rights and responsibilities of learners. 3.6.2 When and how to approach other partner organisations and individuals that promote and support the rights of the learner.

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S1 | Promote, Support and Implement Learner Involvement

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

3.7 Act in accordance with relevant guidelines and codes of practice regarding the rights and responsibilities of learners.

3.7.1 Key national organisations, partners and local agencies responsible for setting out and monitoring the rights and responsibilities of learners. 3.7.2 The organisation’s policies and procedures for establishing and monitoring the rights and responsibilities of learners. 3.7.3 The learner’s role in monitoring and promoting the rights and responsibilities of learners. 3.7.4 How to monitor and review the effectiveness of guidelines and codes of practice.


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Engage effectively with the learner

Section 2   Engage

effectively with the learner

Section 2 defines the role of all those involved in learner involvement, in engaging with learners to improve their overall learning experience.

Standard 4   Encourage

involvement of the learner

  What this Standard is about This Standard is about encouraging the learner to be involved in learning and the learning organisation.

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

4.1 Promote opportunities available to the learner and prospective learner, identifying the benefits of involvement.

4.1.1 The values and principles underpinning learner engagement and involvement.

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

4.1.2 Legal, regulatory and ethical requirements relevant to engaging with the learner and their impact on own practice. 4.1.3 Ways to promote involvement opportunities to the learner and to colleagues, including through technology-enhanced methods. 4.1.4 The benefits to the learner of involving themselves in the organisation. 4.1.5 How the learner can give something back to the organisation by being involved.

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S2 | Engage effectively with the learner

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

4.2 Know the roles, rights and responsibilities of involved learners.

4.2.1 The key democratic and decision-making processes operating in the organisation, the workplace and the community.

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

4.2.2 The rights and responsibilities of learners in engagement roles. 4.3

Recognise the aims and aspirations of involved learners within the organisation, workplace and/or community.

4.3.1 Relevant starting points for the learner when considering engagement and involvement. 4.3.2 How the organisational ethos and structures and learning environment may impact on opportunities for involvement. 4.3.3 The importance of not imposing own ideas and values on the learner. 4.3.4 How learner engagement contributes to widening the experience and fulfilling the goals of the individual and all learners.

4.4 Encourage the learner to propose opportunities to enhance involvement and influence

4.4.1 Opportunities and activities that enhance the involvement of the learner. 4.4.1 Creative ways to promote and implement opportunities and activities for learner involvement. 4.4.1 The importance of involving the learner fully in exploring opportunities and activities that enhance learner involvement, so they can take ownership of the process.


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Engage effectively with the learner | S2

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

4.5 Respond positively to learner proposals which enhance involvement

4.5.1 The factors to take into account when assessing the feasibility of opportunities proposed by learners.

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

4.5.2 The use of appropriate behaviour and communication when responding to learner proposals. 4.5.3 Available sources of support to encourage the learner to become more involved in the organisation.

4.6 Work in partnership with the learner and prospective learner to find ways to overcome actual or perceived barriers to involvement.

4.6.1 Possible barriers and constraints that may hinder the learner in becoming fully engaged and involved. 4.6.2 Ways in which perceived barriers may be overcome, including through accessing new and emerging technologies. 4.6.3 How to engage the hardest to reach learners and prospective learners within the workplace and community.

4.7 Facilitate opportunities that involve the learner.

4.7.1 The types of activities that might be used to increase learner involvement. 4.7.2 The importance of involving the learner in partnership in order to design activities to engage with them. 4.7.3 The type of resources required for different activities and how to access these resources. 4.7.4 The importance of designing activities which take into account the different needs and learning environments of individuals, and the methods for doing this.

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S2 | Engage effectively with the learner

Standard 5   Enable

the learner and prospective learner to access information   What this Standard is about

This Standard is about how information can be made available to the learner and prospective learner to meet individual needs, without removing the learner’s right to empowerment.

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

5.1 Identify relevant sources of information in line with the organisation’s procedures.

5.1.1 Legal and organisational requirements impacting upon the provision of information and support to the learner.

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

5.1.2 The values and principles underpinning the provision of information and support. 5.1.3 Sources of relevant information within and outside the organisation. 5.2 IWork with the learner and prospective learner to establish information needs.

5.2.1 Ways to establish in partnership with the learner and prospective learner the information needed. 5.2.2 Methods to select and collect relevant information from within and outside the organisation, including from partners and brokers. 5.2.3 The strategies that can be used to engage the hardest to reach learners and prospective learners.


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Engage effectively with the learner | S2

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

5.3 Present information clearly, concisely and accurately in ways relevant to individual learners and prospective learners.

5.3.1 Different information types and formats.

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

5.3.2 How to express information clearly, concisely, accurately and appropriately related to the needs of the learner, including where relevant using national or community languages. 5.3.3 The use of technology-enhanced sources of information. 5.3.4 How to check that the learner and prospective learner understand the information they have received.

5.4 Signpost the learner or prospective learner to further sources of information.

5.4.1 The people or organisations learners and prospective learners can be referred to for specific information. 5.4.2 The arrangements for referring the learner or prospective learner to other organisations and individuals for information. 5.4.3 Rights of the learner related to data protection and confidentiality.

5.5 Review information provided and options available with learners and prospective learners.

5.5,1 How to assess the relevance and appropriateness of information and match it to the needs of the learner or prospective learner. 5.5.2 The methods that can be used to derive suitable options. 5.5.3 How to support the learner in making decisions about suitable options.

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S2 | Engage effectively with the learner

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

5.6 Encourage the learner and prospective learner to make a decision regarding the preferred option.

5.6.1 The importance of ensuring the learner or prospective learner’s right in making their own decision.

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

5.6.2 The networks and organisations that can support the learner or prospective learner in making their own decision on a preferred option. 5.6.2 How to provide advice and support on options impartially, without imposing own values and views.


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Engage effectively with the learner | S2

Standard 6   Obtain

feedback and act on it in partnership with the learner   What this Standard is about

This Standard is about the importance of obtaining learner feedback and acting on and being seen to act on it in collaboration with the learner. This includes promoting and supporting learner engagement and involvement and improving organisational effectiveness.

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

6.1 Facilitate, with learners, the development, design and implementation of effective feedback processes.

6.1.1 The organisation’s policies, procedures and practice in collecting feedback from the learner.

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

6.1.2 The benefits and disadvantages of different feedback methods. 6.1.3 How to involve colleagues in the development, design and implementation of effective feedback. 6.1.4 Who feedback needs to be gathered from and the frequency of that feedback. 6.1.5 How the learner can contribute to the design of feedback. 6.1.6 How feedback methods can be designed and structured to optimise participation of all learners. 6.1.7 The level of detail that is needed for feedback to be useful.

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S2 | Engage effectively with the learner

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

6.2 Work with others to make use of all opportunities to invite feedback.

6.2.1 Formal and informal structures and methods for obtaining appropriate continuous feedback in the organisation, the workplace or the community.

Learner involvement practitioners

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

6.2.2 The benefits and disadvantages of gathering the learner’s views on an informal and naturally occurring basis. 6.3 Ensure structures and feedback systems enable the learner to contribute views.

6.3.1 How feedback-gathering methods can be adapted in line with the learner’s learning and language abilities. 6.3.2 Ways to communicate with the learner to enable them to contribute views, taking into account equality and diversity. 6.3.3 The support that is needed and available to help the learner participate in feedback opportunities. 6.3.4 The structures and mechanisms in the organisation to listen to and act on learner complaints.


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Engage effectively with the learner | S2

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

6.3 Encourage the learner to participate in feedback opportunities.

6.4.1 The organisation’s commitment to learner feedback.

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

6.4.2 How the organisation has reacted to feedback from the learner in the past. 6.4.3 How to encourage colleagues and stakeholders to seek learner feedback continuously. 6.4.4 How to present the benefits of participating in feedback to the learner. 6.4.5 How to get the message across to potential participants in a variety of media suited to specific learning and language abilities. 6.4.6 How to ensure the learner feels comfortable giving feedback. 6.4.7 How to access training for learners and learner representative bodies in how to provide effective feedback that will be listened to.

6.5 Evaluate feedback with the learner and identify opportunities for change.

6.5.1 Different ways to record and report feedback from learners continuously. 6.5.2 How to check that feedback is gained from a representative number and range of diverse learners. 6.5.3

How to evaluate feedback with the learner and identify key findings from the entire range of feedback.


How to summarise, present and publicise the key findings from feedback.


How to work with the learner to recommend change which is realistic and achievable.


How to evaluate the impact of recommendations on learners and different parts of the organisation.

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S2 | Engage effectively with the learner

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

6.6 Encourage learners to present recommendations to others in ways that will gain their understanding and support.

6.6.1 How to present information and the advantages and disadvantages of various methods of presentation.

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

6.6.1 How to manage the expectations and concerns of those being presented to. 6.6.1 Different presentation styles and their appropriateness for different audiences, such as senior managers, colleagues, partners or learners. 6.6.1 The importance of responding to and being seen to respond to feedback from the learner. 6.6.1 How to respond appropriately to learner recommendations, without raising expectations unrealistically.

6.7 Work in partnership with learners to implement change.

6.7.1 The importance of implementing change in partnership with learners. 6.7.2 How to gain the commitment of learners and others to enable changes to be implemented. 6.7.3 How to facilitate change within appropriate timescales so the learner does not lose motivation to provide feedback. 6.7.4 The ways in which change can be implemented effectively in partnership with the learner. 6.7.5 How to recognise the impact of change on the learner.


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Engage effectively with the learner | S2

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

6.8 Support learners in sharing feedback with representative bodies.

6.8.1 When to report formal and informal feedback from learners to national and organisational learner representative bodies.

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

6.8.2 How to work with learner representative bodies to ensure that feedback is acted upon.

Standard 7   Communicate

effectively with the learner

  What this Standard is about This Standard is about communicating effectively with learners and building and maintaining an appropriate level of rapport.

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

7.1 Identify and utilise suitable locations and environments, including technology- enabled, to establish contact with the learner.

7.1.1 Where the learner and prospective learner meet within and outside the organisation, the workplace and the community.

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

7.1.2 The importance of communicating with the learner and prospective learner in an environment in which they feel comfortable. 7.1.3 The use of technology-enabled opportunities to access the learner and prospective learner.

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S2 | Engage effectively with the learner

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

7.2 Communicate appropriately with the learner in ways that suit individual needs and abilities.

7.2.1 The learning, working and social patterns of learners.

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

7.2.2 How to use different styles and forms to communicate at an appropriate time and place, including in a virtual environment. 7.2.3 How to listen actively and respond constructively to the ideas and concerns of the learner and prospective learner. 7.2.4 How to select and use technology-enhanced methods to communicate with the learner and prospective learner. 7.2.5 Possible barriers to communication, their causes and ways to overcome them appropriate to individual learners, recognising gender, age, ethnicity, race, culture and disability.

7.3 Maintain appropriate ethical, legal and contractual arrangements in all dealings with learners.

7.3.1 Legal requirements and organisational codes of practice relevant to working with learners, and their impact on communication when dealing with the learner. 7.3.2 Potential risks to their own personal safety and ways to mitigate these. 7.3.3 The importance of not imposing own ideas and values on the learner. 7.3.4 The boundaries of their own personal competence and responsibility, when to involve others and how to obtain advice and support. 7.3.5 Requirements regarding confidentiality and the importance of meeting them appropriately.


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Engage effectively with the learner | S2

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

7.4 Use language and terms understood by and familiar to the learner.

7.4.1 The importance of using appropriate language and dialogue accessible to each learner to develop rapport.

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

7.4.2 Where to get language and cultural support for the learner who speaks a community language. 7.4.3 The importance of non-verbal communication and how different cultures interpret body language in different ways. 7.4.4 The importance of using appropriate forms of communication with learners with additional support needs. 7.4.5 How to work with appropriate specialist staff to ensure effective communications take place with those learners requiring communication or language support. 7.4.6 When to ask the learner to communicate and advocate for other learners and prospective learners.

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Support and facilitate the voice of the learner

Section 3   Support

and facilitate the voice of the learner

Section 3 defines the role of all those involving the learner, in facilitating learner representation and supporting the voice of the learner in the organisation, the workplace and the community.

Standard 8   Encourage

learner representation

  What this Standard is about This Standard is about how the learner can develop the skills and confidence to represent self, views and interests within and outside the organisation.

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

8.1 Clarify with the learner views to be represented.

8.1.1 The aims and objectives of the learner in representing views.

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

8.1.2 The importance of establishing realistic goals for the outcome of representation. 8.1.3 The role of individual and collective representation and when each is appropriate.


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Support and facilitate the voice of the learner | S3

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

8.2 Facilitate representative and decision-making structures.

8.2.1 Appropriate representative and decision-making structures for different types of organisation.

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

8.2.2 The importance of ensuring representation and decision making is open to all learners, regardless of their place of learning. 8.2.3 Who to negotiate with in the organisation to establish or develop representative and decisionmaking structures. 8.2.4 The sources of support available to help establish representative and decision-making structures. 8.2.5 How learners and their representative bodies can be empowered to represent the views of every learner. 8.2.6 The ways in which representative and decisionmaking structures can be managed for the benefit of all learners. 8.3 Enable the learner to represent views and interests.

8.3.1 The national, legal, organisational and ethical requirements relevant to learner representation and advocacy. 8.3.2 The aims, objectives and ethos of learner representative bodies nationally and within the organisation. 8.3.3 Who key decision-makers are in the organisation and who can influence the decision-making process. 8.3.4 The importance of access to advocacy for every learner, with particular regard to equality and diversity. 8.3.5 How to work within own boundaries, roles and responsibilities related to learner representation and advocacy.

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S3 | Support and facilitate the voice of the learner

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

8.4 Empower the learner to identify opportunities for representation.

8.4.1 The range of formal and informal situations where representation may take place.

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

8.4.2 Ways to ensure that the views of every learner can be expressed, in the organisation, the workplace or the community, taking into account equality and diversity. 8.4.3 Perceived constraints and barriers learners may identify when involved in representation, and how to provide support to overcome them. 8.4.4 The organisational structure for learner representation. 8.4.5 Learner responsibilities associated with effective representation. 8.4.6 How learners can develop partnerships and relationships across the organisation and with stakeholders to support representation. 8.5 Facilitate support and training for the learner representative.

8.5.1 The importance of ensuring the learner is prepared when presenting views and arguments. 8.5.2 What constitutes valid information on which to base learner representation. 8.5.3 The importance of recognising the needs and expectations of the audience, and selecting appropriate methods to meet these. 8.5.4 Why learners should develop advocacy, presentation and related skills appropriate to different situations and audiences.


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Support and facilitate the voice of the learner | S3

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

8.6 Encourage the learner to review the outcomes of representation.

8.6.1 How learners can evaluate the effectiveness of representation.

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

8.6.2 What constitutes a successful outcome from representation. 8.6.3 How to encourage implementation of outcomes following representation. 8.6.4 How learners can be empowered to implement change based on the outcomes of representation. 8.7 Help the learner to understand the reasons for own views and those of others.

8.7.1 The principles of equality, diversity and interdependence and their importance in underpinning learner representation and advocacy. 8.7.2 The right of every learner to be heard. 8.7.3 The importance of ensuring that learner representatives do not impose their views on other learners.

8.8 Provide appropriate guidance for learner representation.


The national context for learner representation.

8.8.2 Organisational policies, procedures and reporting requirements related to learner representation. 8.8.3 Sources of guidance, training and support for learner representatives and learner representative bodies. 8.8.4 How to advise and support colleagues and partners within the organisation, workplace or community on the rationale, structures and procedures for learner representation.

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S3 | Support and facilitate the voice of the learner

Standard 9   Support

and develop the learner as a representative

  What this Standard is about This Standard is about the expectation placed on many people working in learner involvement roles to develop and train learner representatives, learner governance representatives, learner representative body officers, learner Academic Board members and other senior committee learner representatives in the requirements of their role.

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

9.1 Support the learner representative in sourcing information and training needed to fulfil the role.

9.1.1 How to identify appropriate types of information, guidance, training and support and how learner representatives can access them.

9.2 Provide advice to the learner representative about appropriate training and development opportunities.

9.2.1 How to identify what may affect each learner’s ability to plan own learning and development.

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

9.1.2 The key roles and responsibilities of those supporting learner representatives.

9.2.2 The importance of personalising training and support. 9.2.3 Learner characteristics and their relevance in optimising training and support programmes. 9.2.4 The range of delivery methods and resources that can be used to meet training and support needs, including using new and emerging technologies.


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Support and facilitate the voice of the learner | S3

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

9.3 Work with the learner and learner representatives to identify training, guidance and support needs.

9.3.1 How to identify individual skill and development needs.

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

9.3.2 How to take account of each learner’s personal circumstances, beliefs, capabilities, aspirations and learning situation. 9.3.3 How to embrace equality and diversity and ensure training and development practices do not discriminate, when applied to learner involvement and representation. 9.3.4 How to ensure that all learner representatives act in line with health, safety and environmental protection legislation and best practice. 9.3.5 When and how to source external expertise to meet training or support needs.

9.4 Facilitate training and support to enable the learner representative to develop and make decisions.

9.4.1 How to select and use learning and support methods, including technology-enabled, appropriate for individual or specific groups of representative learners. 9.4.2 How to ensure learner characteristics are recognised in training and support programmes. 9.4.3 How to give learners advice and support in a way that encourages them to develop, take responsibility and make decisions. 9.4.4 The importance of regularly checking that learners understand and are benefiting from their training and support, adapting techniques as appropriate. 9.4.5 The importance of positive feedback and support during and after training, which informs future support.

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S3 | Support and facilitate the voice of the learner

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

9.5 Facilitate effective learning and deliver training on the role of the learner representative.

9.5.1 How to plan learning and deliver a successful training session.

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

9.5.2 How to engage each learner within a training session. 9.5.3 How to check the understanding of learners. 9.5.4 How to evaluate, with the learners, the effectiveness of their training.

9.6 Support the learner representative in overcoming barriers to training.

9.6.1 How to identify and resolve difficulties in facilitating training of the learner representative. 9.6.2 Ways to provide advice to the learner about ongoing support and training that may be available to them as they deliver representative responsibilities. 9.6.3 How learner representatives can access appropriate mentoring and coaching to support their role, reflecting individual needs.


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Support and facilitate the voice of the learner | S3

Standard 10   Provide

guidance to learner representative bodies

  What this Standard is about This Standard is about providing appropriate guidance to learner representative bodies, including student unions, student councils or learner associations and individual elected learner representatives. Depending on the organisation, the support may be ongoing strategic, administrative, personnel or financial support, or it may be occasional support such as with elections.

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

10.1 Work with learner representative bodies to help to identify support needs.

10.1.1 The national context for formal and informal learner representative bodies, including the legal basis of formal bodies.

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

10.1.2 The roles and functions that are needed to run a learner representative body effectively. 10.1.3 The types of support, systems and processes that might be needed by learner representative bodies. 10.1.4 How learners can identify the support needs of their representative bodies. 10.1.5 How to diagnose the current skills of the learner representative officers, representatives and members. 10.1.6 Available training, mentoring or coaching for learner representatives to meet skills gaps. 10.1.7 How to ensure continuity as the learner representation changes.

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S3 | Support and facilitate the voice of the learner

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

10.2 Work productively with learner representative bodies, their officers, representatives and members.

10.2.1 The roles and responsibilities of the people involved, including any sabbatical officers.

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

10.2.2 The nature of advice needed by the learner representative body and own role and boundaries in sourcing or providing it. 10.2.3 The decision-making processes within the learner representative bodies. 10.2.4 How to build effective work relationships with others. 10.2.5 How to gain the views of all learners, regardless of whether they are based in the organisation, the workplace or the community, to ensure they are represented. 10.2.6 The difference between individual and collective representation.

10.3 Support election processes for learner representatives.

10.3.1 How to work with national and organisational colleagues to ensure democratic processes for the election of learner representatives. 10.3.2 Ways to oversee election processes to ensure all learners can access them and they are fair. 10.3.3 The statutory obligations and legal requirements underpinning election processes. 10.3.4 How to act as the Accountable Officer for elections. 10.3.5 Ways to announce election results. 10.3.6 How to debrief unsuccessful candidates.


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Support and facilitate the voice of the learner | S3

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

10.4 Facilitate guidance, training and mentoring for learner representatives.

10.4.1 Circumstances under which guidance and training may be required for learner representative body officers and representatives.

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

10.4.2 The information or advice needs of learner representative body officers and representatives. 10.4.3 National and local sources of guidance and training for learner representatives and how to access them. 10.4.4 The importance of training learners who are curriculum or course representatives. 10.4.5 The value of mentoring learner representatives to ensure an effective representative system. 10.4.6 Where to get advice and support for mentoring within and outside the organisation. 10.5 Source appropriate advice as required to support learner representative bodies.

10.5.1 Work within the limits of own role and expertise. 10.5.2 Who to seek advice from, both within and outside the organisation. 10.5.3 The role of national representative organisations and other agencies in providing advice and support.

10.6 Encourage learner representative bodies to evaluate their effectiveness and act on outcomes.

10.6.1 The nature and purpose of the representative services provided and own role in supporting them. 10.6.2 Support for evaluation from own self, national representative organisations and other agencies. 10.6.3 How to encourage learner representative bodies to act on the outcomes of their evaluations in the interests of the learner.

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S3 | Support and facilitate the voice of the learner

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

10.7 Evaluate own effectiveness in supporting learner representative bodies

10.7.1 The nature and purpose of the support provided.

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

10.7.2 How to evaluate whether the support provided is meeting the needs of the learner representative body. 10.7.3 How to determine how the support provided can be improved for the benefit of learners and their representatives.

Standard 11   Provide

support to learner campaigns

  What this Standard is about This Standard is about providing advice to learner campaigns (an initiative, issue or event organised by learners for learners) which may be, but do not have to be, organised through student unions or student/ learner associations or councils.

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

11.1 Provide technical advice and support to learners developing or working on a campaign.

11.1.1 The national and local structure and context for learner campaigns.

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

11.1.2 Key issues impacting on learners locally and/or nationally. 11.1.3 Resources available within the organisation and externally to support learner campaigns.


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Support and facilitate the voice of the learner | S3

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

11.2 Provide advice to learners to develop effective campaign plans.

11.2.1 Why each campaign must have a clear aim and purpose.

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

11.2.2 How to determine appropriate and measurable outcomes specific to each campaign. 11.2.3 Support available from national, regional and local learner representative bodies and other agencies. 11.2.4 How to identify and work within codes of practice, agreements, procedures and legal requirements which may affect learner campaigns. 11.2.5 How campaigns can be used to engage and motivate the learner. 11.2.6 Why it is important for learners to approach and brief senior managers on their campaign.

11.3 Support the learner in developing relevant and accessible briefings and campaign materials.

11.3.1 Ways to identify and access relevant sources of information. 11.3.2 How to oversee learners as they prepare and modify campaign materials to meet different audiences and reflect local circumstances. 11.3.3 The importance of learners involved in campaigns supporting access for all learners.

11.4 Encourage learners to take responsibility for and be accountable for the campaign.

11.4.1 The importance of learners and their representative bodies taking responsibility for and being accountable for campaigns. 11.4.2 How to provide support to learners and their representative bodies for campaigns, without imposing own values and views.

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S3 | Support and facilitate the voice of the learner

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

11.5 Ensure that learners evaluate the outcomes and local impact of campaigns.

11.5.1 How to support learners in measuring the success of a campaign locally.

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

11.5.2 The importance of learners being involved in the evaluation of campaigns. 11.5.3 How a campaign can influence positively the learner experience within an organisation.


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Enable the learner to contribute to planning quality improvement and governance

Section 4   Enable

the learner to contribute to planning quality improvement and governance

Section 4 defines the role of learner involvement practitioners in promoting the learner role in the strategic development, planning, quality improvement and governance within the organisation or learning context.

Standard 12   Support

the learner contribution to planning

What this Standard is about This Standard is about the role that the learner plays in institutional strategic and operational planning and its impact on improving the learner experience in the organisation.

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

12.1 Support the learner contribution to planning and development across the organisation.

12.1.1 The organisation’s approach to strategic, operational and business planning and the key differences between them.

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

12.1.2 Key people in the organisation involved in strategic and operational planning and their roles and responsibilities. 12.1.3 Strategies, methods and best practice to encourage learner contribution to planning across the organisation. 12.1.4 The role of stakeholders and external organisations in informing and supporting strategic and operational planning. 12.1.5 Their own role and responsibilities in supporting the learner contribution to planning. 12.1.6 The most effective ways for learner representatives to access and work with senior managers.

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S4 | Enable the learner to contribute to planning quality improvement and governance

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

12.2 Facilitate the evaluation of the learner representative’s contribution to planning.

12.2.1 Ways in which each learner representative can evaluate own effectiveness in contributing to planning in the organisation.

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

12.2.2 How to provide support to learner representatives evaluating own contribution to planning. 12.2.3 How to refer issues emerging from the evaluation of learner contribution to planning and to whom.


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Enable the learner to contribute to planning quality improvement and governance | S4

Standard 13   Recognise

the learner contribution to quality assurance and improvement   What this Standard is about

This Standard is about recognising that every learner has an important role to play in contributing to self-assessment, quality assurance and quality improvement in the organisation.

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

13.1 Promote and support the learner role within the quality cycle.

13.1.1 The national statutory requirements for quality assurance and quality improvement as applied to the organisation.

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

13.1.2 The organisation’s approach to quality assurance and improvement and the policies and procedures defining the quality cycle. 13.1.3 The importance of the learner role in assessing learning and support and proposing improvements in the quality cycle. 13.1.4 Their own role and responsibilities in supporting the learner contributing to the quality cycle. 13.1.5 The importance of encouraging the learner to challenge practice where improvements can be made. 13.2 Encourage productive working relationships between the learner, self, colleagues and partners to improve quality in the organisation.

13.2.1 Key structures and partners involved in quality improvement and their roles and responsibilities. 13.2.2 How to encourage colleagues, including senior managers, and partners to recognise the importance of learner involvement in quality improvement. 13.2.3 Strategies and methods that encourage learner contribution to quality improvement.

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S4 | Enable the learner to contribute to planning quality improvement and governance

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

13.3 Support the contribution of the learner to organisational selfassessment.

13.3.1 The importance of self-assessment in determining an approach to strategic development and quality improvement in the organisation.

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

13.3.2 National statutory requirements surrounding selfassessment and evaluation of the organisation. 13.3.3 Methods of and approaches to self-assessment in the organisation and how the learner can contribute to them. 13.3.4 Ways for learners to access and work with managers to improve quality, based on selfassessment outcomes. 13.4 Support learners contributing to external agencies responsible for quality assurance and quality improvement.

13.4.1 Key external national organisations and agencies involved in quality assurance and quality improvement. 13.4.2 Ways in which the learner can get involved in external quality assurance and quality improvement organisations and agencies. 13.4.3 The benefits to own organisation of learners being involved in external quality assurance and quality improvement organisations and agencies.

13.5 Encourage and support the learner in evaluating contribution to quality improvement.

13.5.1 Ways the learner can evaluate their effectiveness when contributing to quality improvement. 13.5.2 How to provide support to the learner in selfassessing contribution to quality improvement. 13.5.3 How to act on any issues emerging from the assessment of learner contribution to quality assurance, including supporting training.


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Enable the learner to contribute to planning quality improvement and governance | S4

Standard 14   Support

the learner contribution to governance

  What this Standard is about This Standard is about providing support for the selection and briefing of the learner in governance and providing ongoing support for them as they fulfil the role.

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

14.1 Educate others within the organisation about the role of learner governance.

14.1.1 The role and purpose of learner representation on the governing body, management committee or board.

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

14.1.2 The national context for the representation of the learner within governance arrangements. 14.2 Provide support for the election of learner governance representatives.

14.2.1 The organisational framework for the election of learners who will represent learner interests in the governance of the organisation. 14.2.2 How learner governance representatives can be elected fairly in the context of the organisation. 14.2.3 The sources of internal and external support available to the learner and learner representative bodies for governance.

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S4 | Enable the learner to contribute to planning quality improvement and governance

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

14.3 Ensure learners involved in governance are inducted, briefed and supported.

14.3.1 The role of the governing body, management committee or board in the organisation and the statutory and legislative frameworks within which it operates.

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

14.3.2 The scope and boundaries of the learner in governance in the organisation. 14.3.3 Who within and outside the organisation can provide induction, training and support for learner representatives within governance. 14.3.4 Who within and outside the organisation can provide evaluation of effectiveness of learner representation within governance structures. 14.3.5 Why learners need to respect levels of confidentiality and how and when learners should communicate sensitive information. 14.3.6 The role of the learner representative body, where appropriate, in encouraging learners involved in governance to represent the views of all learners, whether based in the organisation, the workplace or the community.


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Enable the learner to contribute to planning quality improvement and governance | S4

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

14.4 Work with others to enable learners to contribute to governance.

14.4.1 How to broker relationships between learners involved in governance, the learner representative body (where appropriate), senior managers and members of the Governing Body, Management Committee or Board.

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

14.4.2 The importance of communication by the learners involved in governance with any learner representative body and other learners. 14.4.4 How to manage the transition process as learners involved in governance are replaced, working with the learner representative body, where appropriate.

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S4 | Performance Criteria with the Knowledge and Understanding

Facilitate learner support

Section 5   Facilitate

learner support

Section 5 defines the role of those involved in learner involvement, in promoting, signposting and providing support to the learner.

Standard 15   Signpost

support available to learners

What this Standard is about This Standard is about different ways in which support for the learner and the prospective learner, other than learning support, can be made available, and how to work with others to ensure that the support has a positive impact on the overall learner experience. The support may come from within the organisation (including from senior managers, governors or the student’s union or association) or from outside the organisation (including from employers, community groups, specialist support agencies or those promoting and protecting the interests of the learner).

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

15.1 Help the learner and prospective learner identify support requirements.

15.1.1 The types of support that may be required for the learner and the prospective learner and how these differ from learning support.

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

15.1.1 What may be required to identify the support needs of each individual learner and prospective learner. 15.1.1 Ways to approach the learner and prospective learner about support needs, respecting individual values, rights and privacy. 15.1.1 The boundaries of their responsibility in making assessments about the provision of support for the learner and prospective learner. 15.1.1 How to set aside own prejudices when requesting support for learners and prospective learners.


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Facilitate learner support | S5

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

15.2 Establish effective partnerships with colleagues and stakeholders to optimise support to the learner and prospective learner.

15.2.1 Why developing effective partnerships with colleagues and stakeholders, including those providing learner support, are in the interests of the learner and prospective learner.

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

15.2.2 Common and appropriate sources of specific support within and outside the organisation for particular circumstances encountered by learners. 15.2.3 Key national, regional and local organisations within the public, private and voluntary sectors that can provide support for learners and prospective learners. 15.2.4 How to promote, with partners, support available to the learner and prospective learner. 15.2.5 The role of the learner in developing effective support partnerships. 15.2.6 The importance of exchanging information and resources concerning learner support with colleagues, partners and the learner. 15.2.7 How to assess what information and resources will facilitate partnership working. 15.3 Promote a culture that safeguards all learners.

15.3.1 The legislative framework and codes of practice governing the safeguarding of learners and in particular young and vulnerable learners. 15.3.2 The organisation’s policies and procedures in respect of safeguarding the learner. 15.3.3 The role of a nominated officer, senior managers, governors and self in safeguarding learners. 15.3.4 How to work with others in the organisation to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all learners and prospective learners.

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S5 | Facilitate learner support

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

15.4 Recognise and respect the roles and responsibilities of colleagues and partners providing support to the learner and prospective learner.

15.4.1 Line management responsibilities and relationships across the organisation providing support to the learner and prospective learner.

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

15.4.2 The importance of working effectively with those facilitating learning and assessment in the organisation and outside, in the interests of the learner and prospective learner. 15.4.3 The role of learner representative bodies in providing support to the learner. 15.4.4 The boundaries between own role and the roles and responsibilities of other colleagues providing support to the learner and prospective learner. 15.4.5 Organisational and national regulations and codes of practice that apply to learner support and involvement.

15.5 Plan and agree with the learner and prospective learner the nature and level of support.

15.5.1 The critical importance of planning, with the learner, support requirements and how they will be delivered and resourced. 15.5.2 How to agree with the learner and stakeholders the nature and frequency of support and related interventions. 15.5.3 The methods and appropriate timing of future reviews of support, with the learner, and who will do the reviews.


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Facilitate learner support | S5

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

15.6 Encourage the learner and prospective learner to seek guidance and support.

15.6.1 The value of learners taking responsibility for sourcing appropriate guidance and support from individuals within the institution, learner representative bodies and/or the workplace and/or the community.

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

15.6.2 How the organisational type and structure can impact on the support available, including for safeguarding. 15.6.3 How to give confidence to learners to enable them to seek support from other individuals, learner representative bodies and partners. 15.6.4 The role and value of peer support and advocacy. 15.7 Maintain the confidence of the learner and prospective learner and respect confidentiality.

15.7.1 Legislative and organisational requirements governing data protection, confidentiality and copyright and how to seek advice on the requirements. 15.7.2 How to recognise when to pass on sensitive and confidential information when it is in the interests of safeguarding the learner or prospective learner. 15.7.3 The need to be aware of own values and beliefs and of not imposing them on others.

15.8 Work with the learner to evaluate the effectiveness of the support received.

15.8.1 Methods of evaluating the effectiveness of support. 15.8.2 Why and how to encourage the learner to evaluate the effectiveness of support they have received. 15.8.3 Information and resources that different colleagues and stakeholders need to make decisions about new forms of support and practice. 15.8.4 Structures within the organisation for making decisions. 15.8.5 Organisation and decision-making processes of partnerships involved in providing support.

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S5 | Facilitate learner support

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

15.9 Act within own area of responsibility for learner involvement.

15.9.1 Levels and boundaries of own responsibility with regard to providing support to specific groups of learners or individual learners.

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

15.9.2 Who to refer to when own levels of responsibility are reached or could be exceeded. 15.10 Work to achieve an atmosphere of professionalism and mutual support.

15.10.1 The organisation’s values and culture. 15.10.1 How to work within a culture of learner support and involvement. 15.10.1 How to mitigate conflicts of interest with colleagues that might impact adversely on learner interests.


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Facilitate learner support | S5

Standard 16   Promote

and support responsibility and self-development in the learner   What this Standard is about

This Standard is about promoting and providing appropriate support to encourage responsibility and selfdevelopment in the learner.

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

16.1 Facilitate opportunities for the learner to increase confidence and to become an active citizen.

16.1.1 What constitutes active citizenship.

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

16.1.2 Techniques that can be used to improve levels of confidence in the learner and encourage selfdevelopment, recognising the different starting points of learners. 16.1.3 How being an involved learner can increase confidence and facilitate self-development. 16.1.4 How a confident learner can advocate for and support the self-development of other learners.

16.2 Encourage the learner to build on self-development opportunities.

16.2.1 How to help the learner recognise increasing confidence and own self-development. 16.2.2 How to encourage the learner to become more involved as a means to increasing confidence and self-development. 16.2.3 How to support the learner planning the next stage of self-development.

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S5 | Facilitate learner support

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

16.3 Work in partnership with the learner and others to facilitate learner self-development.

16.3.1 Where and how learners can access activities and support for self-development within and outside the organisation, in the workplace and in the community.

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

16.3.2 How to negotiate support for self-development of learners from others, ensuring equality and diversity. 16.4 Signpost support for the learner exhibiting challenging behaviour.

16.4.1 Organisational policies and the boundaries of own responsibility in providing support to the learner exhibiting challenging behaviour. 16.4.2 The paramount importance of protecting and safeguarding the safety and wellbeing of the learner, other learners, colleagues and self. 16.4.3 The right of every learner to have access to uninterrupted learning opportunities while in an informal or formal learning situation. 16.4.4 When and how to obtain specialist support on behavioural matters.


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Facilitate learner support | S5

Standard 17   Support

the learner through a process or procedure

  What this Standard is about This Standard is about the role of all those engaging with learners, including learner representative bodies, in supporting them when they are subject to an organisational or related process or procedure, such as grievance, disciplinary or appeal and signposting them to specialist advice.

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

17.1 Signpost the learner to relevant information and support on processes and procedures.

17.1.1 Processes and procedures operating within the organisation, workplace or community.

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

17.1.2 The role of learner representative bodies and advocacy services in supporting the learner subject to an organisational process or procedure. 17.1.3 The right of every learner to access advocacy and representation services. 17.1.4 Key national, regional and local organisations that can provide technical and/or legal support. 17.1.5 How to approach technical and legal advisers for specialist support.

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S5 | Facilitate learner support

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

17.2 Provide support to the learner and learner representatives as they prepare for a process or procedure.

17.2.1 Levels of support and guidance available to the learner and learner representatives as they prepare the case for a process or procedure.

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

17.2.1 Boundaries of own role and responsibility in supporting the learner and learner representative bodies preparing for a process or procedure. 17.2.1 When and how to call in a professional adviser to provide support and guidance. 17.2.1 How to provide training to learner representatives who are providing support for learners undergoing a process or procedure. 17.2.1 Ways to work with others to ensure learner-friendly information is available about processes and procedures, appropriate to the needs of every learner.

17.3 Encourage partnership between learners, their representative body and the organisation to develop and review processes and procedures.


National Occupational Standards Learner Involvement

17.3.1 The value of learners and their representative body being involved in the development and review of processes and procedures that relate specifically to them. 17.3.2 How to encourage colleagues to listen to the views of learners and their representative bodies about the outcomes of processes and procedures.

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Promote and support learner enrichment

Section 6   Promote

and support learner enrichment

Section 6 defines the role that those involved in learner involvement play in developing, promoting and supporting enrichment activities in the organisation. These are activities which broaden learning and selfdevelopment that are extra-curricular to the individual learner’s primary learning objectives.

Standard 18   Develop,

promote and support enrichment opportunities

What this Standard is about This Standard is about the role of those involved with the learner to develop, promote and plan enrichment activities with the learner, which broaden learning and self-development but are not integral to the individual’s primary learning objectives.

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

18.1 Work in partnership with learners to plan and develop enrichment opportunities that meet economic, social, cultural, linguistic and personal development needs.

18.1.1 The purpose of enrichment and how it benefits the learner and contributes to the learning experience.

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

18.1.2 The range of different enrichment opportunities and how to identify and develop realistic options. 18.1.3 How to identify the wider learning needs and interests of each learner. 18.1.4 The value of consulting and working in partnership with learners to plan and develop new enrichment opportunities.

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S6 | Promote and support learner enrichment

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

18.2 Facilitate enrichment opportunities that meet the demands and needs of the learner.

18.2.1 The delivery methods, times, places, access, technology, guidance and support, and assessment opportunities appropriate for each enrichment activity.

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

18.2.2 How to use new and emerging technologies to deliver learning through enrichment. 18.2.3 How to engage other learners, learner representative bodies, colleagues and stakeholders in partnerships, in order to facilitate enrichment opportunities. 18.2.4 How to encourage colleagues and partners to link enrichment opportunities with primary learning objectives where appropriate. 18.2.5 How to ensure all learners have access to appropriate enrichment opportunities that enhance their overall learning experience. 18.2.6 Who needs to approve enrichment activities. 18.2.1 How to encourage the learner to engage in enrichment opportunities. 18.3 Secure internal and external resources to deliver enrichment.

18.3.1 Resource opportunities and constraints in respect of enrichment, including staffing. 18.3.2 Ways to secure resources from within the organisation and from stakeholders and partners to deliver enrichment. 18.3.3 How to use learners to facilitate and deliver enrichment where appropriate. 18.3.4 Potential funding opportunities through local partners and national initiatives to support the implementation of enrichment activities.


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Promote and support learner enrichment | S6

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

18.4 Carry out risk assessments of planned enrichment activities.

18.4.1 The national legislative framework and statutory health and safety requirements that may impact on enrichment activities.

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

18.4.2 How to work with the learner to assess the risks of proposed enrichment activities. 18.4.3 Where to seek guidance on risk and learner safety. 18.4.4 How to ensure the safety and welfare of the learner participating in enrichment activities, taking due account of equality and inclusion. 18.4.5 Why and how risk assessments need to be kept up to date. 18.5 Ensure enrichment activities promote and support equality and diversity.

18.4.1 How enrichment can be used to promote equality, diversity and active citizenship. 18.4.2 How to ensure activities and practices do not discriminate against people or restrict access.

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S6 | Promote and support learner enrichment

Standard 19   Recognise

the role of enrichment in learner self-development   What this Standard is about

This Standard is about recognising the contribution of the learner being involved in enrichment opportunities in broadening learning and self-development. Enrichment activities are extra-curricular to the individual’s primary learning objectives.

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

19.1 Develop, with learners, systems to record and evaluate enrichment.

19.1.1 What information can be usefully collected to help in the evaluation of enrichment opportunities and activities.

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

19.1.2 The importance of learner input into the evaluation of new and existing enrichment opportunities and ways to achieve this. 19.1.3 How to seek advice from learners on new enrichment opportunities and those which are no longer appropriate. 19.1.4 How evaluation of enrichment activities can be used to develop new enrichment opportunities.


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Promote and support learner enrichment | S6

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

19.2 Encourage the learner and colleagues to evaluate enrichment opportunities in relation to the organisation’s objectives and targets.

19.2.1 How enrichment opportunities contribute to the organisation achieving its objectives and targets.

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

19.2.2 What systems can be used or adapted to gather the information required about enrichment opportunities and evaluate it. 19.2.3 How to analyse information to evaluate the impact and reach of enrichment activity. 19.2.4 The role of the learner and learner representative bodies in evaluating and reporting on enrichment. 19.2.5 National and organisational quality measures and benchmarking parameters for enrichment activities. 19.2.6 The impact on the learner and the overall learning experience of enrichment opportunities.

19.3 Encourage the learner to promote the benefits and successes of enrichment inside and outside the organisation.

19.3.1 Promotional methods available and their benefits and drawbacks. 19.3.2 How to encourage learners to advocate for enrichment activities. 19.3.3 The positive impact of enrichment on learning. 19.3.4 How to assess the profile and outcomes of enrichment activities inside and outside the organisation.

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Develop as a learner involvement professional

Section 7   Develop

as a learner involvement professional

Section 7 defines the role of reflective, professional practice at the core of learner involvement practitioner roles.

Standard 20   Develop

own skills and practice to facilitate learner involvement   What this Standard is about

This Standard is about the values, ethics, integrity and reflection that those involved in learner involvement bring to their practice and personal development. It reflects the professional development standard within the Learning Delivery National Occupational Standards and has some of the same performance criteria.

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

20.1 Reflect on own values and commitment to improving the learner experience.

20.1.1 The requirements, rights and responsibilities of their role.

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

20.1.2 Their own values, attitudes and practice and how these impact on the way they interact with learners and the learner experience. 20.1.3 How continuous improvement of own skills can impact positively on the experience of the learner.


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Develop as a learner involvement professional | S7

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

20.2 Manage self, work relationships and work demands effectively.

20.2.1 How to manage own self in a variety of work contexts and settings.

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

20.2.2 How conflicting demands can affect own emotional and physical wellbeing. 20.2.3 How to promote own health, safety and wellbeing. 20.2.4 How to build professional and inclusive relationships. 20.2.5 How to evaluate own role within their work context. 20.3 Keep up to date in own area of expertise.

20.3.1 Developments in learner involvement that may impact on their practice. 20.3.2 How to keep their technical knowledge up to date.

20.4 Reflect continuously on own practice, skills and knowledge.

20.4.1 Their own, team and organisational goals. 20.4.2 How to check own practice meets learner needs. 20.4.3 How to show empathy for other people’s feelings, needs and motivations. 20.4.4 How to obtain useful feedback from the learner, colleagues and stakeholders on their performance. 20.4.5 Ways to evaluate their own efficiency and effectiveness. 20.4.6 The language skills they need to support learners, including where relevant, bilingual.

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S7 | Develop as a learner involvement professional

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

20.5 Model behaviour that shows respectfulness, helpfulness and co-operation with learners.

20.5.1 The importance of building relationships and trust with the learner, colleagues and stakeholders.

Learner involvement practitioners:

Learner involvement practitioners know and understand:

20.5.2 Personal integrity and the importance of developing and maintaining trust with learners. 20.5.3 The importance of not imposing own ideas and values on learners.

20.6 Identify own development needs.

20.6.1 Methods to evaluate own development needs. 20.6.2 How learners, colleagues, stakeholders and partners can provide feedback on own development needs. 20.6.3 The importance of contributing to group reflection and evaluation of development needed to support learner involvement. 20.6.4 The value of peer observation and evaluation by partner organisations to identify development needs.

20.7 Negotiate the development needed to carry out learner involvement work effectively.

20.7.1 How sharing good practice with others can help to develop practice and skills that support the involvement of the learner. 20.7.2 How to negotiate access to continuous professional development. 20.7.3 Resources for relevant professional development.


National Occupational Standards Learner Involvement


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