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National Occupational Standards

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Contents Introduction


Standard A SA1 Understand the external environment SA2 Understand the organisation SA3 Identify customer requirements for information and library services, archive services and records management SA4 Develop and contribute to strategy and policy for information and library services, archives services and records SA5 Influence stakeholders SA6 Develop and implement operational plans for your area of responsibility SA7 Evaluate the performance, value and impact of services SA8 Plan improvements to services and functions

8 11 13 16 19 23 25 28

Standard B SB1 Ensure compliance with legal regulatory, ethical and social requirements SB2 Enable the learner and prospective learner to access information SB3 Identify and apply professional codes of conduct and ethics SB4 Comply with your employer’s values, policies and procedures SB5 Advise on information governance

31 35 38 40 42

Standard C SC1 SC2 SC3 SC4 SC5 SC6 SC7 SC8


Determine customer and organisational requirements for content and collections Establish what content is available to meet identified requirements and sources of supply Develop content and collection acquisition policies and strategies Develop, negotiate and manage supplier relationships Acquire external information, materials and services Acquire internal content and records Acquire archive materials and collections Manage information quality

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

45 47 51 54 57 60 63 66


Standard D SD1 SD2 SD3 SD4 SD5 SD6 SD7

evelop policies and strategies for knowledge management D Diagnose knowledge needs, assets, use and flows Support team and virtual working Support collaboration, knowledge sharing and re-use Facilitate knowledge capture Enable the transfer of knowledge into information Foster knowledge management culture, behaviours and skills

68 71 74 77 80 83 85

Standard E SE1 Determine policies and strategies for managing content and collections throughout their life cycle



Determine policies and strategies for managing content and collections and repositories



etermine policies and strategies to ensure that items and content can be identified D and found



Provide appropriate environments and systems for physical collections and repositories



Provide effective virtual environments for digital content and repositories



Provide effective virtual environments for digital content and repositories



Apply standards that help people find content



Apply standards for the description and location of items



Manage content and collections for business continuity and information security



Assist customers to organise information effectively


Standard F SF1

Develop strategy and policy for service provision



Develop service delivery plans



Promote resources and services



Educate customers to find and use information



Provide lending services



Provide enquiry and search services



Provide research and analysis services



Provide alerting services



Commission content or research



Present information in appropriate formats for customers


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management



Standard G SG1 Develop and implement your organisation’s strategy for facilitating lifelong learning



Provide support to individuals or groups of learners



Provide learners with support to use ILT



Understand the external environment


SG3.2 Provide learners with support to use ILT: support learners to enhance their performance using ILT




Develop and adapt ILT materials to support learning

SG4.1 Develop and adapt ILT materials to support learning: plan and structure ILT materials development 158 SG4.2 Develop and adapt ILT materials to support learning: develop design specifications for ILT materials


SG4.3 Develop and adapt ILT materials to support learning: design ILT materials to specifications


SG4.4 Develop and adapt ILT materials to support learning: evaluate the effectiveness of the designed materials in use




Develop training sessions

SG5.1 Develop training sessions: identify options for training sessions


SG5.2 Develop training sessions: deliver training sessions for learners



Enable learning through presentations



Enable learning through presentations: give presentations to groups


SG6.2 Enable learning through presentations: produce follow up exercises



Facilitate learning on-site using ILT



Facilitate learning on-site using ILT: facilitate learning for individuals using ILT



Facilitate learning on-site using ILT: facilitate learning for groups of learners using ILT



acilitate learning on-site using ILT: encourage learners on-site to learn from F each other using ILT effectively


SG7.4 Develop and adapt ILT materials to support learning: evaluate the effectiveness of the designed materials in use


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management



Standard H SH1

Provide leadership for your team



Provide leadership in your area of responsibility



Allocate and monitor the progress and quality of work in your area of responsibility



Allocate and check work in your team



Develop productive working relationships with colleagues



Develop organisational structures and systems to support volunteering


SH6.1 Develop organisational structures and systems to support volunteering: identify and evaluate organisational structures and systems to support volunteering


SH6.2 Develop organisational structures and systems to support volunteering: design organisational structures and systems to support volunteering


SH6.3 Develop organisational structures and systems to support volunteering: implement organisational structures and systems to support volunteering 207 SH7

Manage your own resources and professional development



Promote equality and diversity in your area of responsibility



Work with others to improve customer service



ork with others to improve customer service: work with others to follow W plans for improving customer service



ork with others to improve customer service: monitor your own performance W against plans to improve customer service



Work with others to improve customer service: monitor joint performance against plans to improve customer service



Provide learning opportunities for colleagues


Functional Map for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Introduction   About National Occupational Standards National Occupational Standards (NOS) describe what a person needs to do, know and understand in their job, in order to carry out their role in a consistent and competent way. In essence, they inform ‘best practice’ by bringing together skills, knowledge and values. Lifelong Learning UK has worked in consultation with a wide range of employers, partner organisations and stakeholders to develop NOS. This ensures they are relevant and fit for purpose. Our aim is that the standards are versatile and support employers in a range of ways, including: • Performance management (e.g. appraisals) • Identifying training needs • Aid in structuring learning programmes (formal and informal) • Recruitment and selection (e.g. job descriptions) • Assessing achievement • Formal recognition of competence (e.g. continuing professional development) • Careers guidance and counselling. A wide range of individuals and organisations will find the standards a useful tool for a variety of activities. A good starting point is to look at the titles of the individual standards and then decide which ones will be relevant to meet your needs. NOS follow a similar format across all sectors; however, Lifelong Learning UK works with employers and others to ensure that the relevant information required to describe best practice is included. Standards can inform qualification development, are structured into units and as a minimum must include: • A title indicative of the content of the unit • An overview of the content of the unit • Knowledge, understanding and skills needed to effectively carry out your tasks and responsibilities within a particular job role or function • Performance statements. Detailed description of the activities which would represent effective performance of the tasks within a unit • Development of NOS is usually preceded by both occupational and functional mapping.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


An occupational map provides the context and background to the development of NOS. It illustrates the main features and characteristics of job roles within an occupational sector, highlighting overlaps with other roles and their boundaries with other sectors. A functional map identifies the functions that people carry out on a day-to-day basis as part of their job role within the broad work activities that take place across an occupational sector. This information then forms the basis of standards development. NOS are free to use and easily downloaded from and from We welcome your feedback and would like to hear how you have used the NOS, and in what ways they have supported your work. Please contact us at

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management



Understand the external environment

Area A – Planning, developing and evaluating services Standard A1:

Understand the external environment   What this standard is about Services need to be responsive to the world outside. This standard is about understanding the broader environment in which your organisation works, and the external drivers that influence its objectives and strategies. It includes monitoring developments and tends in the delivery of services that may impact on future service development.

The standard Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff must know and understand:

1 Identify and prioritise the opportunities and threats to your organisation from the external environment.

KU1 The relevant local national and international drivers in the environment in which your organisation operates.

2 Identify, evaluate and monitor trends and developments in the operational environment of your organisation.

KU2 The internal and external drivers for the engaging with your local community in the development of your services.

3 Identify, evaluate and monitor trends and developments in information and library services, archive services and records management.

KU3 C urrent thinking in information and library services, archives services and records management.

4 Relate those trends and development to your own services, and consider how they might affect them. 5 Explore and assess a range of future scenarios within the environment in which your organisation operates. 6 Consult with relevant colleagues and other stakeholders on market and trends and developments in order to inform and support decisions on future strategy.


KU4 Your actual and potential competitors (if applicable), including their activities and relative performance levels. KU5 Your actual and potential partners, including their activities and relative performance levels. KU6 How to analyse the factors in the external environment to identify those which may affect the future development of your services.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Understand the external environment | SA1

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff must know and understand:


ndertake community profiling using both U qualitative and quantitative methods in order to inform the development of service strategies.



nsure that your staffing profile, collections E and services respond to and reflect the diversity of your customer base, including groups defined by age, disability, gender, race, religion and belief, sexual orientation and bilingual requirements.


How to think about the future so that you can build scenarios and assess their implications.

KU8 Equalities legislation and public sector equality and diversity duties, as applicable to your organisation and its development. KU9 The demographics of your customer base (and potential customer base), whether it is stable or changing.

I dentify valid key indicators to evaluate the performance, value and impact of services and functions.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SA1 | Understand the external environment

Further information   Who is this standard for The standard is applicable to people in management roles with responsibility for developing policy and strategy in information and library services, archive services and records management. It is also relevant to people in practitioner and operational roles, so they understand something of the broader context in which their organisation functions.

Behaviours In addition to the core values and behaviour, these behaviours underpin effective performance: You monitor the environment in which your organisation operates:

1. You engage with relevant stakeholder and professional networks

2. You take note of significant changes in circumstances and signal these to colleagues

3. You identify issues and trends that could impact positively or negatively on current and future work

4. You adjust plans and activities to reflect external factors

6. You demonstrate a commitment to community participation in service design and delivery

7. You anticipate likely future scenarios based on a realistic analysis of trends and developments.

Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards This standard has links with B2 – Map the environment in which your organisation operates in the NOS for Management and Leadership, developed by the Management Standards Centre.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Understand the organisation

Area A – Planning, developing and evaluating services Standard A2:

Understand the organisation   What this standard is about Services need to meet the requirements of the parent organisation and contribute to the achievement of its objectives. This standard is about understanding the culture, objectives and key processes of your organisation, and tracking these changes, so that strategies and services are fit for purpose.

The standard Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Records Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff must know and understand:


I dentify the key objectives of your organisation, both current and planned.


I dentify, evaluate and monitor the key risks to your organisation and their implications for the services you provide.

3 Identify, evaluate and monitor trends and developments inside your organisation.

KU1 The relevant local, national and international drivers of the environment in which your organisation operates. KU2 Your organisation’s strategic aims, policies and procedures. KU3 Your organisation’s current and future objectives and business plan.


I dentify and work creatively with your organisation’s politics and culture.

KU4 Your organisation’s performance against its targets/success factors.


ndertake an assessment of take-up of/ U participation in the services and facilities your organisation offers.

KU5 Your organisation’s processes for developing policy and decision making.

6 Develop a clear understanding of how community profiling can support the achievement of organisational objectives. 7

I dentify available resources to undertake community engagement and potential sources of funding to support this activity.

KU6 Your organisation’s organisational structure and the key roles. KU7 Your organisation’s culture and style of working. KU8 How to analyse your organisation’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. KU9 How information and library services, archive services or records management contribute to organisational goals (if these are a function within a larger organisation).

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SA2 | Understand the organisation

Performance criteria Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Knowledge and understanding Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand: KU10 How engaging with local communities can potentially support the achievement of organisational objectives. KU11 Public sector equality and diversity duties, as applicable to your organisation.

Further information   Who is this standard for The standard is applicable to people in management roles with responsibility for developing policy and strategy in information and library services, archive services and records management. It is also relevant to people in practitioner and operational roles, so they understand their organisation’s objectives.

Behaviours In addition to the core values and behaviour, these behaviours underpin effective performance:

1. You take an interest in developments in your organisation and seek to understand their significance to your role and the services you manage

2. You identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the provision of information and library services, archives services and records management

3. You develop and maintain contact with stakeholders to enable discussion on the impact of organisational change on the services your deliver to customers

4. You engage with other occupational and professional groups in your organisation (where these exist) to develop effective working relationships with them.

Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards This standard has links with B2 – Map the environment in which your organisation operates,B3 – Develop a strategic business plan for your organisation and F10 – Develop a customer focused organisation in the NOS for Management and Leadership, developed by the Management Standards Centre.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Identify customer requirements for information and library services, archive services and records management

Area A – Planning, developing and evaluating services Standard A3:

Identify customer requirements for information and library services, archive services and records management   What this standard is about Services need to be responsive to the world outside. This standard is about understanding the broader environment in which your organisation works, and the external drivers that influence its objectives and strategies. It includes monitoring developments and tends in the delivery of services that may impact on future service development.organisation, and tracking these changes, so that strategies and services are fit for purpose.

The standard Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Identify customers and potential customers.

KU1 The current and potential customers of your services, including those identified by age, disability, gender, race, religion and belief, sexual orientation and the language requirements of bilingual communities.

2 Develop processes, appropriate to your service and its size, for monitoring the requirements of current and potential customers and usage of current services. 3 Identify the ways in which the physical environment, organisational policies and procedures can impact upon people with physical, sensory, learning or other disabilities to deter or prevent them from accessing services and facilities. 4

mploy quantitative and qualitative market E research techniques appropriately to assess the needs of potential and current customers.

KU2 The context in which they need information and library services, archive service or records management systems. KU3

hat their objectives and priorities are, and W the differential impact of policies on different customer groups.

KU4 T he key business processes and workflows of your organisation. KU5

he key activities and concerns of your T current and potential customers.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SA3 | Identify customer requirements for information and library services, archive services and records management

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Records Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

5 Identify and establish contact with individuals/groups within local communities who can benefit from and/or contribute to the services you provide.

KU6 The range of quantitative and qualitative market research and consultation techniques available, and when it is appropriate to use them.


ndertake consultation using appropriate U methods and feedback analyse the results to determine future service developments.


nalyse results of market research in the A external environment to determine potential requirements.

KU7 How information and library services, archive service or records management systems can benefit organisations and individuals.

8 Identify appropriate agencies or specialists to undertake market research, if appropriate.

KU8 The potential contribution of community participation work to wider social policy agendas both regionally and nationally.

9 Ensure that data and information gathered as part of market research is used appropriately and ethically. 10

repare clear and relevant briefs for market P research projects.

Further information   Who is this standard for The standard is applicable to people in management and practitioner roles with responsibility for planning and developing information and library services, archive services and records management functions. It is also relevant to people in practitioner and operational roles who are engaged in the delivery of services to customers.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Identify customer requirements for information and library services, archive services and records management | SA3

Behaviours In addition to the core values and behaviour, these behaviours underpin effective performance: 1. You take note of and communicate changing customer needs as you identify them 2. You consider the likely needs of potential customers, especially those from diverse, under-represented and hard-to-reach groups, in addition to those of existing customers 3. You recognise that customers may not express their needs clearly, through lack of awareness of the capability of services or for other reasons 4. You are aware of the potential barriers to communities and individuals in taking-up / participating in the services you provide 5. You respect and value diversity.

Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards This standard has links with F7 – Support customer service improvements and F8 – Work with others to improve customer service in the NOS for Management and Leadership, developed by the Management Standards Centre.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management



Develop and contribute to strategy

S4 | Performance Criteria with thefor Knowledge and Understanding and policy information and library

services, archives services and records

Area A – Planning, developing and evaluating services Standard A3:

Develop and contribute to strategy and policy for information and library services, archives services and records   What this standard is about Having understood the world about you, your organisation and your customers the next stage is to develop a strategy to meet the requirements. This standard is about developing and contributing to the development of strategies and policies that ensure that services are aligned with your organisation’s objectives, stakeholder expectations and customer requirements. If your service unit is part of a larger organisation then you need to ensure that your perspective is taken account of in other organisational strategies.

The standard Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Identify how the services and functions currently in place to help your organisation meet its objectives and customer needs.

KU1 How information and library services, archives services and records management services deliver value to organisations and the diverse range of customers (and potential customers).

2 Identify and prioritise customer needs in terms of value and impact to your organisation as well as the feasibility of meeting them. 3 Identify current and new information service requirements. 4 Identify new opportunities for services and functions as the organisation’s objectives change. 5 Identify and prioritise the strengths and weaknesses of services and functions and in terms of their benefit to your organisation.


KU2 Good practice in information and library services, archives services and records management. KU3 The concepts of product and service life cycles, specifically those that relate to information and records. KU4 Existing and emerging information management theories, concepts, processes and tools. KU5 The information requirements of different communities, and how to balance or prioritise between them.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Develop and contribute to strategy and policy for information and library services, | SA4 archives services and records

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:


KU6 How to determine the information needs of your organisation and its work processes.

I dentify risks to the services and functions you manage, their severity and how these risks can be managed.

7 Create a vision for the services for which you are responsible. 8 Identify relevant resources and developments in the wider world that should influence the activity you manage. 9 Build alliances with partners to support the delivery of services. 10 Develop (or contribute to) an information strategy for your organisation which is aligned with business goals, legislative requirements, strategic planning and operational practices and which clarifies service and functional priorities. 11 Align this strategy to other organisational strategies e.g. business strategy, operational/delivery strategy, skills development, IT systems strategy. 12 Propose delivery options, cost them and evaluate their likely effectiveness.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


S4 | Develop and contribute to strategy and policy for information and library services, archives services and records

Further information   Who is this standard for The standard is applicable to people in management roles with responsibility for establishing strategy and policy. It is also relevant to people in practitioner and operational roles who may contribute to the process on the basis of their experience of service delivery and contact with customers.

Behaviours In addition to the core values and behaviour, these behaviours underpin effective performance:

1. You are creative and innovative in the development of strategy and policy

2. You exploit external experience to apply appropriate and current practice in the delivery if information and library services, archives services and records management functions

3. You contribute practical insights and experience to strategy and policy development

4. You address equality and diversity issues at a strategic level, ensuring that measures to make services accessible and inclusive are included in core business plans and that the necessary resources are available.

Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards This standard has links with B3 – Develop a strategic business plan for your organisation and F9 – Build your organisation’s understanding of its market and customers in the NOS for Management and Leadership, developed by the Management Standards Centre. See or


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Influence stakeholders

Area A – Planning, developing and evaluating services Standard A5:

Influence stakeholders   What this standard is about Customers are not the only people whose requirements need to be considered. There are other individuals, groups and organisations (inside and outside of your organisation) who have an interest in the services you provide. This standard is about identifying and understanding the perspective of stakeholders and engaging with them to develop positive and mutually beneficial working relationships.

The standard Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:



I dentify the key stakeholders, both internal and external, who influence the development of the services and functions you provide.

2 Identify potential competitors and partners, both internal and external. 3 Identify organisations whose expertise may be available to assist in developing services to meet the requirements of customer groups, e.g. disabled people’s organisations, local access groups, black and minority ethnic community groups or community archives groups. 4

aintain effective working relationships with M stakeholders.


ommunicate with stakeholders using C appropriate language, reflecting their concerns and avoiding the use of unnecessary technical language or jargon.

he profile of stakeholders and their relative T influence.

KU2 The roles of others outside your organisation who may have an impact on the direction of the services and functions you provide. KU3 The politics and culture of your organisation, and the sector in which it operates. KU4

he objectives and priorities of your key T stakeholders, and what they perceive as benefits and risks.


he needs and expectations of your key T stakeholders.


he perceptions of stakeholders of the T services and functions you provide.

KU7 The needs of customers that require bringing to the attention of key stakeholders. KU8 The range of services and functions you provide.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SA5 | Influence stakeholders

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

6 Present the needs of customer groups and individuals, including the particular access requirements of disabled people, for services and functions to decision-makers.

KU9 The range of services and functions that you could provide.


KU10 How to communicate with different types of stakeholders.

I nfluence attitudes and decisions relating to services and functions.

8 Secure champions for particular services and functions. 9 Develop and present convincing arguments on behalf of the principles underlying the services and functions you provide. 10


uild alliances with stakeholders and B partners to help you establish services.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Influence stakeholders | SA5

Further information   Who is this standard for The standard is applicable to people in management roles with responsibility for developing strategy. It is also relevant to people in practitioner and operational roles who will have contact with stakeholders and have the opportunity to influence them.

Behaviours In addition to the core values and behaviour, these behaviours underpin effective performance:

1. You recognise the importance of building support with key individuals, groups and organisations

2. You seek ideas from stakeholders for service developments

3. You recognise that not all stakeholders have equal importance and can prioritise whilst having due regard to the legal requirements to provide equitable services to groups identified by age, disability, gender, race, religion and belief, sexual orientation and (in Wales) the requirement for bilingual services

4. You recognise the need to keep all stakeholders informed at an appropriate level about plans and proposed changes to services

5. You recognise that customers have choices and that you may have competitors for the services you provide

6. You value partnership working in developing and delivering services.

Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards This standard has links with B2 – Map the environment in which your organisation operates in the NOS for Management and Leadership, developed by the Management Standards Centre.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management



S4 | Performance Criteria withand the Knowledge and Understanding Develop implement operational

plans for your area of responsibility

Area A – Planning, developing and evaluating services This standard is B1 imported from the Management Standards Centre suite of standards Standard A6:

evelop and implement operational plans for your area D of responsibility   What this standard is about Every organisation should have an overall strategic business plan and each identified area of responsibility should also have an operational plan that will contribute to achieving the objectives set out in the strategic business plan. The ‘area of responsibility’ may be, for example, a branch or department or functional area or an operating site within an organisation.

The standard Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Balance new ideas with tried and tested solutions.



Balance risk with desired outcomes.

KU2 The importance of creativity and innovation in operational planning.


ake sure your plans are consistent with the M objectives of your area of responsibility.



ake sure your plan is flexible and M complements related areas of work.

ow to develop and assign objectives H which are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time–bound).


How to analyse and manage risk.


evelop and assign objectives to people D together with the associated resources.


in the support of key colleagues and other W stakeholders.

7 Monitor and control your plan so that it achieves its overall objectives.


rinciples and methods of short-to P medium-term planning.

KU5 How to develop and plan for contingencies. KU6 Principles and methods of delegation. KU7 How to use resources effectively to achieve objectives. KU8 How to consult with colleagues and other key stakeholders.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Develop and implement operational plans for your area of responsibility [MSC B1] | SA6

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Records Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Records Management know and understand:

8 Evaluate the implementation of your plan and make recommendations that identify good practice and areas for improvement.

KU9 How to monitor and control operational plans to achieve their objectives. KU10 How to develop and use an evaluation framework. KU11 Legal, regulatory and ethical requirements in your sector. KU12 Market developments in your sector. KU13 Actual and potential competitors, and their strategies and plans. KU14 C ontext specific knowledge and understanding. KU15 T he market in which your organisation works. KU16 The overall vision of your organisation and the goals you are responsible for achieving. KU17 Actual and potential partners, and their strategies and plans. KU18 Available market opportunities. KU19 How to respond to market opportunities. KU20 C olleagues and other key stakeholders, and their needs and expectations. KU21 Processes for consultation. KU22 Sources of information you can use to monitor and evaluate plans. KU23 P rocedures for reporting and making recommendations.

Further information   Who is this standard for The standard is applicable to people in management roles with responsibility for developing strategy. It is also relevant to people in practitioner and operational roles who will have contact with stakeholders and have the opportunity to influence them. National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SA6 | Develop and implement operational plans for your area of responsibility [MSC B1]

Behaviours In addition to the core values and behaviour, these behaviours underpin effective performance:

1. You constantly seek to improve performance

2. You work towards a clearly defined vision of the future

3. You present information clearly, concisely, accurately and in ways that promote understanding

4. You reflect regularly on your own and other’s experiences, and use these to inform future action

5. You prioritise objectives and plan work to make best use of time and resource

6. You set demanding but achievable objectives for yourself and others

7. You create a sense of common purpose

8. You balance agendas and build consensus

9. You consider the impact of your own actions on others provide.

Skills Listed below are the main generic skills which need to be applied in developing and implementing operational plans for your area of responsibility. These skills are explicit/implicit in the detailed content of the standard and are listed here as additional information: • Planning • Risk management • Delegating • Networking • Involving others • Innovating • Consulting • Communicating • Influencing and persuading • Monitoring • Evaluating • Setting objectives • Building consensus.

Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards This unit is linked to units B6 Provide leadership in your area of responsibility and E2 Manage finance for your area of responsibility in the overall suite of National Occupational Standards for management and leadership.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Evaluate the performance, value and impact of services

Area A – Planning, developing and evaluating services Standard A7:

Evaluate the performance, value and impact of services   What this standard is about Monitoring and evaluation are key to ensuring quality in service provision. This standard is about assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of services and functions, and the value they deliver to customers and communities, i.e. their impact. It includes the development and maintenance of monitoring and measuring processes, and recording the evidence of evaluation.

  The standard Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:


I dentify valid key indicators to measure the performance, value and impact of services and functions.

KU1 How to develop and use measures to evaluate the performance, value and impact of services and functions.


evelop a framework to gather the D qualitative and quantitative data needed to evaluate work with specific communities.


hat procedures your organisation uses W to measure and report on organisational performance.

3 Establish systems and monitoring procedures for collecting and assessing information on the performance over time.

KU3 How to ensure that methods of collecting qualitative and quantitative data are inclusive and participatory.

4 Operate monitoring procedures to ensure the relevance, quality and accuracy of data collected.

KU4 How to ensure that staff and customers are able to report service problems, and that the mechanisms for doing so are visible, accessible and inclusive.

5 Monitor service levels to ensure quality and timeliness targets are met. 6 Analyse data and information collected using statistical and other technique.

KU5 The operational plan and budget for services and functions.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SA7 | Evaluate the performance, value and impact of services

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Recors Management staff know and understand:


se the findings to assess the value and U impact of services, and to identify where performance needs to improve or be modified.


enchmark the performance of your B organisation against other comparable organisations and take action based on the findings.

9 Report regularly on service performance, value and impact, including performance against budget. 10 Identify when a discrete service is not meeting its targets, and propose remedial action. 11 Assess the future of low impact services. 12 Ensure that lessons learned are disseminated both internally and externally and acted upon as appropriate.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Evaluate the performance, value and impact of services | SA7

Further information   Who is this standard for The standard is applicable to people in management roles with responsibility for developing policy and strategy in information and library services, archive services and records management. It is also relevant to people in practitioner and operational roles, so they understand something of the broader context in which their organisation functions.

Behaviours In addition to the core values and behaviour, these behaviours underpin effective performance:

1. You establish a culture where people feel able to identify performance issues and identify improvements

2. You seek to improve the performance and potential value of services

3. You take ownership of issues and their resolution

4. You ensure that methods of evaluation are meaningful to customers and stakeholders

5. You committed to reviewing your own work

6. Your are committed to learning and to the sharing of experience.

Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards This standard has links with F12 – Improve organisational performance in the NOS for Management and Leadership, developed by the Management Standards Centre.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management



Plan improvements and S4 | Performance Criteria with the Knowledgeto andservices Understanding functions

Area A – Planning, developing and evaluating services Standard A8:

Plan improvements to services and functions   What this standard is about This standard is about responding to factors that highlight where beneficial improvements can be made or where organisational strategies indicate change is necessary, and developing internal knowledge management techniques to enable staff to learn from experience and identify good practice on which to build.

  The standard Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Contribute constructive ideas to improve services.

KU1 The goals or targets of your organisation and future plans.

2 Identify and assess the impact of internal and external developments on services and deal with their consequences.

KU2 The implications of the outcomes of performance and impact monitoring.

3 Identify with others how strategies, business plans and services could be improved or should be modified. 4 Identify factors that contribute to under performance and determine improvement strategies. 5

etermine the future of low value/impact D services and functions.

KU3 The assessed needs of current and potential customers and implications of changing customer requirements, including those caused by changes to the demographic profile of the community served. KU4

KU5 How current services are delivering value and impact, and where there are gaps that need to be addressed. KU6


hanges in the market place or in the C organisation that affect services and functions.

ow to identify significant feedback from H customers.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Plan improvements to services and functions | SA8

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

6 Assess the implications of proposed changes on the organisation and customers, including the differential impact on particular groups such as those identified by age, disability, gender, race, religion and belief, sexual orientation or who have a preferred first language.


ho else is involved either directly or W indirectly in information management and service provision within the organisation.


echniques for sharing knowledge and best T practice, and how these are being applied.

7 Produce implementation plans for improvement where necessary. 8 Liaise with a wide range of customers to discuss the impact of changes. 9 Show that the improvements planned reduce the gap between customer and stakeholder requirements and what current functions, services or processes are actually delivered. 10 Show that the improvements made are those that have been identified as being of most benefit to the organisation, its customers and other key stakeholders. 11 Assess the implications of proposed changes on stakeholders, staff and customers. 12 Assess the implications of any contractual arrangements with customers or suppliers. 13 Lead and encourage the development of internal knowledge management techniques that enable staff to build on experience and good practice.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SA8 | Plan improvements to services and functions

Further information   Who is this standard for The standard is applicable to people in management roles with responsibility for developing policy and strategy in information and library services, archive services and records management. It is also relevant to people in practitioner and operational roles, so they understand something of the broader context in which their organisation functions.

Behaviours In addition to the core values and behaviour, these behaviours underpin effective performance:

1. You monitor the environment in which your organisation operates

2. You engage with relevant stakeholder and professional networks

3. You take note of significant changes in circumstances and signal these to colleagues

4. You identify issues and trends that could impact positively or negatively on current and future work

5. You adjust plans and activities to reflect external factors

6. You demonstrate a commitment to community participation in service design and delivery

7. You anticipate likely future scenarios based on a realistic analysis of trends and developments.

Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards This standard has links with F8 – Work with others to improve customer service and F12 – Improve organisational performance in the NOS for Management and Leadership, developed by the Management Standards Centre.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Ensure compliance with legal regulatory, ethical and social requirements

Area B – Governance and ethics This standard is B8 imported from the Management Standards Centre suite of standards Standard B1:

nsure compliance with legal regulatory, ethical and E social requirements   What this standard is about Organisations must show that they act responsibly in relation to their staff, customers, investors and the communities in which they work. All types of organisations must obey the law in key areas such as health and safety, employment, finance and company law. Many organisations also have to work within specific regulations for their industry and ethical frameworks. Organisations who want to maintain a good reputation also have to take account of the views of people in their communities on a whole range of issues such as the environment and other ways in which the organisation affects people’s quality of life.

The standard Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Monitor the relevant legal, regulatory, ethical and social requirements and the effect they have on your area of responsibility, including what will happen if you don’t meet them.

KU1 The importance of having an ethical and value-based approach to governance and how to put this into practice.

2 Develop effective policies and procedures to make sure your organisation meets all the necessary requirements. 3

ake sure relevant people have a M clear understanding of the policies and procedures and the importance of putting them into practice.

4 Monitor the way policies and procedures are put into practice and provide support.

KU2 Relevant legal requirements governing the running of organisations. KU3 Current and emerging social attitudes to management and leadership practice and the importance of being sensitive to these. KU4 Legal, regulatory and ethical requirements in your sector. KU5 Procedures to follow if you do not meet the requirements.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SB1 | Plan improvements to services and functions

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

5 Encourage a climate of openness about meeting and not meeting the requirements.

KU6 Particular current and emerging social concerns and expectations that are relevant to your sector.

6 Identify and correct any failures to meet the requirements.


7 Identify reasons for not meeting requirements and adjust the policies. 8 Provide full reports about any failures to meet the requirements to the relevant stakeholders.

ays in which other organisations deal with W current and emerging social concerns and expectations.

KU8 The culture and values of your organisation and what effect they have on corporate governance. KU9

olicies and procedures that make sure P people meet the requirements.

KU10 The processes for maintaining the relevant policies and procedures and making sure they continue to be effective. KU11 T he different ways in which people may not meet the requirements and the risks of these actually happening. KU12 The procedures for dealing with people who do not meet the requirements, including requirements for reporting.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Plan improvements to services and functions | SB1

Further information   Who is this standard for The standard is applicable to people in management roles with responsibility for developing policy and strategy in information and library services, archive services and records management. It is also relevant to people in practitioner and operational roles, so they understand something of the broader context in which their organisation functions.

Behaviours In addition to the core values and behaviour, these behaviours underpin effective performance:

1. You recognise changes in circumstances promptly and adjust plans and activities accordingly

2. You make time available to support others

3. You give feed back to others to help them improve their performance

4. You identify and raise ethical concerns

5. You are vigilant for potential risks

6. You make appropriate information and knowledge available promptly to those who need it and have a right to it

7. You encourage others to share information and knowledge within the constraints of confidentiality

8. You show sensitivity to stakeholders’ needs and manage these effectively.

Skills Listed below are the main generic skills which need to be applied in ensuring compliance with legal, regulatory, ethical and social requirements. These skills are explicit/implicit in the detailed content of The standard and are listed here as additional information. • Information management • Communicating • Involving others • Analysing • Monitoring • Assessing • Motivating • Decision making • Reporting • Risk management • Valuing and supporting others • Presenting information • Leadership.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


S4 | Performance Criteria with the Knowledge and Understanding

  Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

  Links to other standards This unit is linked to all other units in the overall suite of National Occupational Standards for management and leadership where compliance with legal, regulatory, ethical and social requirements is a possible requirement Standard B1 in the NOS for Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Records Management is standard B8 imported from the NOS for Management and Leadership, developed by the Management Standards Centre.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Identify and apply information legislation, regulations and standards

Area B – Governance and ethics Standard B2:

I dentify and apply information legislation, regulations and standards   What this standard is about This standard is about identifying and applying legislation, regulations and standards that relate to information and its use. This includes copyright and other intellectual property rights, legal deposit, public records and freedom of information, data protection and privacy, computer misuse and the creation and maintenance of company records. It is essential that staff working in information and library services, archive services and records management can apply those areas of information that apply to their working environment.

The standard Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:


KU1 The relevant information legislation and regulations that apply to your organisation.

aintain your current knowledge of relevant M legislation and regulations affecting the provision of information and library services, archive services and records management systems.

2 Identify how information and library services, archive services and records management systems and services must be developed and managed to comply with information legislation and regulations appropriate to your organisation. 3 Develop policies, procedures and services that ensure your organisation meets information legislation and regulatory requirements.

KU2 Your organisation’s information policies and processes and how these have been influenced by relevant information legislation and regulation. KU3 The ways in which legislation and regulations influence the development and delivery of information and library services, archive services and records management systems in your organisation. KU4 The ways in which other similar organisations deal with these issues and what is considered to be good practice. KU5 Current and emerging concerns about information legislation and regulations.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SB2| Identify and apply information legislation, regulations and standards

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

4 Ensure that colleagues, customers and stakeholders understand the impact of information legislation and regulations on system and service provision and the importance of following policies and procedures.

KU6 The different ways in which people may not comply with requirements and the risk of this happening.

5 You encourage a climate of openness about compliance. 6 Monitor compliance with policies and procedures and take remedial action if these are not followed, providing advice and support as appropriate.

KU7 The procedures for dealing with people who do not comply with requirements, the process for reporting this and any follow-up action that may be required. KU8 The processes for reviewing the relevant policies and to procedures to ensure they continue to be effective.

7 Report on any failures in compliance through the appropriate channels. 8


I dentify the reasons for non-compliance and adjust policies and procedures to reduce the likelihood of failures in the future.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Identify and apply information legislation, regulations and standards | SB2

Further information   Who is this standard for The standard is applicable to people in management and practitioner roles who must ensure that services and functions comply with information legislation and regulations. The standard is also relevant to people in operational roles who require sufficient knowledge to ensure that their own actions are compliant and who may need to make customers and stakeholders aware of the effect of information legislation on their activities.

Behaviours In addition to the core values and behaviour, these behaviours underpin effective performance:

1. You ensure your own actions comply with the relevant information laws and regulations relating to your work

2. You are concerned for the reputation of your organisation

3. You are vigilant for potential risks and breaches of legislation and regulation

4. You make appropriate information available promptly to those who need it

5. You show sensitivity when the actions of customers and colleagues conflict with the legislation.

Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards This standard has links with standard B1 - Ensure compliance with legal, regulatory, ethical and social requirements in this set of NOS, which is taken from the NOS for Management and Leadership developed by the Management Standards Centre.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management



S4 | PerformanceIdentify Criteria with Knowledge and Understanding andtheapply professional codes of

conduct and ethics

Area B – Governance and ethics Standard B3:

Identify and apply professional codes of conduct and ethics   What this standard is about Professional bodies develop codes of practice and ethics that define The standards expected from members of their professions. These impact on occupational activity even though many individuals in the workforce are not members of a professional body. This standard is relevant to all staff and is about identifying and understanding how these professional codes of conduct influence the development and delivery of information and library services archives services and records management functions.

  The standard Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Maintain your current awareness of relevant professional codes of practice.


2 Explain concisely and clearly where and why professional codes and ethics impact on your work. 3

efend decisions taken for professional or D ethical reasons.

4 Identify where the organisation may be operating in ways that contravene relevant professional codes of conduct or ethics. 5 Provide clear guidance on codes of conduct and ethics applicable to information and library services, archives services and records management functions to colleagues, customers and stakeholders. 6 Use the appropriate channels for raising concerns about misconduct or unethical behaviour.


he importance of an ethical and valueT based approach to information and library services, archives services and records management functions, and how to put this into practice.

KU2 The principles of the relevant professional codes of practice. KU3

he ways in which these frameworks apply T to the management and development of information and library services, archives services and records management functions, services and systems.

KU4 The proper relationship between information providers and their customers, both inside and outside the organisation. KU5 The legal requirements that address issues of participation and, in the case of disabled people, the legally required reasonable adjustments which make that right a reality.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Identify and apply professional codes of conduct and ethics | SB3

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

7 Differentiate between personal and professional codes of conduct defined by age, disability, gender, race, religion and belief, sexual orientation and bilingual requirements.

Further information   Who is this standard for The standard is applicable to people in management, practitioner and operational roles.

Behaviours In addition to the core values and behaviour, these behaviours underpin effective performance: 1. You respect the values, human rights and lifestyles of colleagues and customers 2. You comply with relevant professional standards and codes of practice 3. You claim expertise only where you have adequate skills and knowledge 4. You refrain from activities that compromise professional integrity and objectivity 5. You champion professional ethics across the organisation 6. You identify and raise ethical concerns where necessary.

Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards Members of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals observe their Code of Professional Practice for Library and Information Professionals. See professionalguidance/ethics/code.html Members of the Society of Archivists observe their Code of Conduct. See Both documents set out valuable principles which are relevant to everyone working in information and library services, archive services and records management.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management



S4 | PerformanceComply Criteria with theyour Knowledge and Understanding with employer’s values,

policies and procedures

Area B – Governance and ethics Standard B4:

omply with your employer’s values, policies and C procedures   What this standard is about Staff working within an organisation need to follow and uphold their employer’s values, standards, policies and procedures in the workplace. Employer practice may also need to be influenced so that it reflects good practice. This standard is about complying with the expectations of your employer and identifying and resolving any tensions between these requirements, professional codes of conduct and the law.

The standard Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Develop information and library services, archive services and records management systems that reflect your employer’s values, policies and procedures.

KU1 The importance of having an ethical and value-based approach to information and library services, archive services and records management, and how to put this into practice.

2 Provide and maintain services that comply with your employer’s policies and procedures. 3 Demonstrate your employer’s values in your work. 4

I nfluence colleagues to support employer values, policies and procedures.

5 Identify where current employer values, policies and procedures impede appropriate activity and make suggestions for change.

KU2 The culture of your organisation and how this affects the provision of information and library services, archive services and records management systems. KU3 Your employer’s values and why they are important. KU4 Your employer’s policies and procedures, how these have been developed and how they are kept under review. KU5 How to demonstrate and apply your employer’s values, policies and procedures in the workplace.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Comply with your employer’s values, policies and procedures | SB4

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand: KU6

ow to influence the development of your H employer’s values, policies and procedures.

Further information   Who is this standard for The standard is applicable to people in all roles within the workforce.

Behaviours In addition to the core values and behaviour, these behaviours underpin effective performance:

1. You respect your employer’s values and demonstrate them in your everyday work.

2. You support your employer’s policies and procedures

3. You use appropriate channels to highlight any areas of potential or actual conflict between your employer’s values, standards, policies and procedures and the law or relevant professional codes of conduct

4. You encourage others to adhere to your employer’s values, policies and procedure.

Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards This standard has links with B2 – Map the environment in which your organisation operates in the NOS for Management and Leadership, developed by the Management Standards Centre.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management



S4 | Performance Criteria with the Knowledge and Understanding

Advise on information governance

Area B – Governance and ethics Standard B5:

Advise on information governance   What this standard is about This standard is about advising your organisation and its customers on how information and records should be managed and used to meet the organisation’s objectives and operational needs, whilst also meeting regulatory, legislative, ethical and quality standards. This includes advising on the governance framework for information assets and on operational practice. The standard also includes addressing risks to the confidentiality, integrity, availability and transmission of information (e.g. plagiarism, unauthorised disclosure or inappropriate use of information assets) and developing, managing and maintaining an effective compliance framework for information and records management.

The standard Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Develop effective policies and procedures for information and records management to avoid or mitigate your organisation’s information risks.

KU1 Statutory and regulatory requirements and standards relating to knowledge, information, data protection, documentation, records and information assurance.

2 Embed information governance and records management policies and practices as part of the organisation’s strategic management and its operational processes.

KU2 The elements that need to be included in a compliance framework.




I dentify, evaluate and prioritise the risks to your organisation from the misuse or unauthorised disclosure of information or the lack of integrity of the information. onitor new types of risk related to M information governance and records management.

KU3 Existing and emerging good practice relating to all aspects of information governance and records management. KU4 The nature of the information and records produced by your organisation and its services and the specific legislation and regulations that must govern their management. KU5

he nature of the information risks affecting T your organisation’s plans and objectives.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Advise on information governance | SB5

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:


KU6 The needs of your organisation and its different communities for information governance and records management.

ork co-operatively with others concerned W with risk management (e.g. legal and audit) to ensure information risks are included in your organisation’s risk register and managed.

6 Develop systems to monitor compliance with information governance policies and procedures in your area of responsibility. 7 Ensure relevant people have a clear understanding of the policies and procedures and the importance of putting them into practice. 8 Maintain information and records systems and services to the required governance standards.

KU7 Your organisation’s policies, practices, and processes for information governance and records management. KU8 The different ways in which people may not meet the requirements for managing knowledge and information and the risks of these actually happening. KU9 The legal consequences of failing to manage those information risks, both to the organisation and the individual. KU10 T he business consequences of failing to manage those information risks.

9 Alert the organisation to concerns about its information governance and records management activities. 10 Identify reasons for not meeting requirements and adjust the policies and procedures to reduce the likelihood of failures in the future.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SB5 | Advise on information governance

Further information   Who is this standard for The standard is applicable to people in management and practitioners roles.

  Behaviours In addition to the core values and behaviour, these behaviours underpin effective performance:

1. You promote the value and importance of managing information, records and knowledge legally and effectively to all levels of the organisation

2. You exemplify good information governance

3. You take responsibility for alerting the organisation to information and records risks, and their consequences

4. You encourage a climate of openness about meeting and not meeting the requirements for managing knowledge and information

5. You make appropriate information and knowledge available promptly to those who have a right to it

6. You respect the need for confidentiality.

  Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards This standard has links with standard B1 - Ensure compliance with legal, regulatory, ethical and social requirements in this set of NOS, which is taken from the NOS for Management and Leadership developed by the Management Standards Centre.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Determine customer and organisational requirements for content and collections

Area C – Identifying, evaluating and acquiring content and collections Standard C1:

etermine customer and organisational requirements for D content and collections   What this standard is about Content is required to support information and research services, as well as in response to specific customer demand, and may be free or incur costs. This standard is about identifying the needs of both the customer and the organisation for information. It includes both external and internal information; an organisation’s need to maintain a comprehensive record or archive of its activities and developing its collections through the acquisition of new material.   The


Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:


KU1 The sector in which your organisation operates and the organisation’s strategy, products, services and processes.

I dentify the key stakeholders and diverse customer groups to consult on their needs for content.

2 Identify the relevant legislation relevant to the management of the organisation’s records and ensure that the records management policy is compliant. 3 Identify user communities with particular needs for specific content, including those groups who are traditionally ‘hard-to-reach’ and who tend to be under-represented or invisible in collections. 4 Develop systems and processes to gather information from customers and stakeholders on content needs, e.g. through information audits.

KU2 Legislation which may impact on requirements for content and collections, such as the public sector equality duties (which require pro-active action to promote equality) and which may require services to address issues of under-representation in collections. KU3 Relevant legislation on what records are required of your organisation’s activities. KU4 The range of customers and potential customers for external and internal content, records and archives.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SC1 | Determine customer and organisational requirements for content and collections

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

5 Use these systems and processes to gather information on content needs.


hat content your organisation needs to W operate effectively.



ays and techniques for identifying and W communicating with customers on their content needs.

ctively look for changes in the internal and A external environment of your organisation that may signal changes in content requirements and new opportunities for content.

7 Identify gaps in content and collections. 8 Analyse and structure information on content and collection needs and gaps so that it can be shared and understood by others. 9 Communicate customer and organisational needs for content and content gaps to those responsible for content policies. 10 Ensure that there is a shared understanding of customer and organisational needs for content across your organisation.

KU7 Information audit techniques for identifying information needs. KU8

echniques for evidence-based content T decision making.

KU9 The information about customers and organisational needs that is already available in your organisation. KU10 W here you can get information about your customers and alternative sources of content that they may use. KU11 How well your customers understand their legal responsibilities in managing the documents and other records they create. KU12 How to assess sources of information on your customers to determine their relevance and suitability for use. KU13 The implications of collecting, storing and using information on customer needs and how to manage these ethically. KU14 H ow to analyse and assess data and information and turn it into information suitable for decision making.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Determine customer and organisational requirements for content and collections | SC1

Further information   Who is this standard for This standard is applicable to people in management and practitioner roles who are involved in identifying the content and collection needs of customers or the organisation in which they work. It is also relevant to people in operational and practitioner roles who provide content to customers and who obtain feedback on its relevance and usefulness.

Behaviours In addition to the core values and behaviour, these behaviours underpin effective performance:

1. You develop working relationships that enable you to understand customer and organisational needs

2. You recognise the need to prioritise the acquisition of content and collections within budgetary and other constraints

3. You recognise that information about content requirements may be sensitive, and handle it appropriately

4. You recognise the sensitivities around personal or corporate ownership of documents and records and handle them appropriately

5. You recognise the need for content and collections to represent requirements of customers and potential customers.

Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards This standard has links with standards F4 – Develop and review a framework for marketing and F10 – Develop a customer focused organisation in the NOS for Management and Leadership, developed by the Management Standards Centre.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management



Establish what content is available to

S4 | Performancemeet Criteria with the Knowledge and Understanding identified requirements and sources

of supply

Area C – Identifying, evaluating and acquiring content and collections Standard C2:

stablish what content is available to meet identified E requirements and sources of supply   What this standard is about New content is constantly being created, whether as internal documents and records or as published material in hard copy or electronically. New material may become available either as individual items or as collections. This standard is about developing and implementing processes for identifying the availability of new content and collections, sources of supply and monitoring supply trends. It requires an understanding of how content becomes available, the sources (internal and external) and the processes for obtaining content.   The


Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Identify the range of sources of supply available.


2 Identify changes in the internal and external environment of your organisation (including technical and social developments) that are likely to impact on supply. 3

I dentify key suppliers of external content (including holders of relevant archives or collections), including suppliers of content in alternative formats and languages.

4 Identify potential suppliers of internal content, e.g. abstracts, web pages, reports, etc.


he information supply marketplace T (including sources and supply methods), and how to keep up to date with new developments.

KU2 The business drivers of potential suppliers. KU3 How regulatory, social and technical developments impact on supply chains. KU4 Constraints and concerns that affect the supply of internal content. KU5

ow and where key or vital records are H created so they can be captured and managed as organisational records in order to meet organisational goals and legal and regulatory requirements.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Establish what content is available to meet identified requirements and sources of supply | SC2

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

5 Identify the records to be managed as organisational records and categorise these into series, determined by their value and importance.

KU6 How to analyse new developments for relevance to your organisation or customer group.

6 Develop systems and processes to identify and track developments in external content (including new sources and methods of supply) relevant to your organisation and customer groups. 7

ssess the value and benefit of new means A of content supply including new suppliers, extensions to services provided by existing suppliers, and new ways of providing and delivering content.

8 Set up processes for monitoring suppliers and new suppliers. 9

rack changes in the internal content being T generated by your organisation.


ork with customers to assess the potential W of new internal and external content.

11 Advise your organisation of changes that can beneficially be made to its external content portfolio. 12 Advise your organisation of the potential of new internally developed content to meet.

KU7 The types of internal information and records created within your organisation and how these need to be available to meet organisational and customer needs. KU8

ow to maintain a working knowledge of H the content that the organisation already has that is relevant to your area of responsibility and customer needs.


ow to maintain a working knowledge of H new content (including collections and archives) relevant to your organisation.


ow to make a reasoned case for action H where you assess development in sources and supply as significant in terms of their value to the organisation and/or its customers.

KU11 The techniques for evidence based content decision including research techniques and methods for obtaining customer feedback. KU12 How to analyse and assess data and information and turn it into information suitable for.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SC2 | Establish what content is available to meet identified requirements and sources of supply

Further information   Who is this standard for This standard is applicable to people in management and practitioner roles that are responsible for identifying appropriate content and collections, and sources of supply.

Behaviours In addition to the core values and behaviour, these behaviours underpin effective performance:

1. You maintain a current knowledge of the sources and suppliers of external and internal content and collections of relevance to your area of operation

2. You foster good working relationships with suppliers, including potential donors of archives

3. You recognise the importance of assessing content quality.

Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards This standard has links with standards F4 – Develop and review a framework for marketing, F9 – Build your organisation’s understanding of its market and customers and F10 – Develop a customer focused organisation in the NOS for Management and Leadership, developed by the Management Standards Centre.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Develop content and collection acquisition policies and strategies

Area C – Identifying, evaluating and acquiring content and collections Standard C3:

evelop content and collection acquisition policies and D strategies   What this standard is about Having identified customer or organisation requirements, what content is available and its potential sources of supply, the next stage is to develop and implement a content acquisition strategy. This standard is about developing and managing strategies and processes for the cost effective acquisition of information resources in a range of media.   The


Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Develop policies for content and collection acquisition, ensuring that they support compliance with legislation and public sector responsibilities as appropriate.


2 Gain commitment for the acquisition strategy and budget and its implementation from stakeholders and colleagues. 3

rack and report on the content strategies, T policies, and practices of similar and competitive organisations.

4 Assess priorities for content acquisition, balancing the needs of the organisation and specific customer groups. 5 Assess the most appropriate formats for acquiring content, including the needs of those with disabilities and people who access content using assistive technologies.

Organisational objectives and processes.

KU2 Organisational procurement processes and practices. KU3 How and by whom information is produced within the organisation. KU4 The range of external sources from which relevant information is available. KU5 The principles of supply chain management and how to evaluate suppliers. KU6 Financial analysis methods including budgeting. KU7 Consultation and negotiation strategies, methods and processes. KU8 Contract law and other legal or regulatory requirements that may restrict the use of content from different sources.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SC3 | Develop content and collection acquisition policies and strategies

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

6 Assess the potential need for collection policies to include the collection of content relating to under-represented groups, including those defined by age, disability, gender, age, religion, belief and sexual orientation.


7 Assess the potential need for collection policies to include bilingual content (in Wales, a legal requirement in the public sector), the needs of British Sign Language users and the community language requirements of minority ethnic and economic migrant groups within your organisation’s catchment area.

actors influencing how people manage F contents they create as records.

KU10 How to assess what information created by your organisation requires capturing and preserving in order to meet organisational, legal and regulatory requirements. KU11 Developments in the content and collection strategies of other relevant organisations including competitors. KU12 The principles of cost-benefit analysis.

8 Determine when content will be acquired or borrowed. 9 Develop strategies and processes for acquiring internal content and records in ways that link its capture directly to the processes for its creation and management. 10 Ensure that everyone creating documents and records in your organisation is aware of their responsibility to comply with the records management policy as it relates to capture. 11 Build the sustainability of sources of supply into the content acquisition strategy. 12 Develop strategies for acquiring archive materials and collections. 13 Develop processes for the purchasing of content or acquiring free published content and collections. 14


evelop budgets and financial plans, and D maintain an effective audit trail.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Develop content and collection acquisition policies and strategies | SC3

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

15 Ensure that people who will implement the content and collections acquisition strategy have the necessary skills and knowledge. 16 Review the content acquisition strategy and its impact with customers and stakeholders and use their feedback to develop the strategy.

Further information   Who is this standard for This standard is applicable to people in management and practitioner roles that determine, implement and manage strategies and processes for acquiring content and collections. It is also relevant to those in operational roles who are involved in implementing processes and procedures.

Behaviours In addition to the core values and behaviour, these behaviours underpin effective performance:

1. You are committed to meeting diverse and varied customer and organisational needs for content

2. You are committed to developing practical and cost effective strategies and processes for the acquisition of content and collection

3. You are innovative in developing approaches for acquiring content and collections

4. You work in partnership with others to obtain the content required.

Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards This standard has links with standard S1 – Develop a supply chain strategy for the organisation from the NOS for Supply Chain Management, developed by the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management



S4 | PerformanceDevelop, Criteria with the Knowledge Understanding negotiate andand manage supplier


Area C – Identifying, evaluating and acquiring content and collections Standard C4:

Develop, negotiate and manage supplier relationships   What this standard is about This standard is about the selection of suppliers and the negotiation of contracts for the supply of resources and services on behalf of the organisation. It includes the development of relationships with suppliers and working in partnership with other organisations to obtain resources and services through co-operative purchasing arrangements. It also includes the acquisition of archival collections, where the process may be negotiated as a donation, loan or purchase.   The


Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Specify the requirements for an invitation to tender in sufficient detail to ensure that the successful tender will meet your organisation’s requirements.

KU1 The principles and practice for tendering and contract negotiation.

2 Select from alternative sources of supply to create the best mix of suppliers for your customers and your organisation in terms of reliability, relevance and quality. 3


KU2 Your organisation’s procurement policies and procedures and how to obtain expert advice. KU3

ost benefit analysis methods and C procedures.

evelop a good working relationship with D owners of archival collections and have clarity of the terms and conditions of potential donation, purchase or transfer.

KU4 Quality management principles and practice.

efine the criteria for assessing the D suppliers’ response to the ITT or contract details.


Evidence-based decision making practices.


Contract law.


Risk analysis methods and procedures.

KU6 Analysis and evaluation techniques.

KU9 Legal and regulatory requirements affecting content acquisition and use.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Develop, negotiate and manage supplier relationships | SC4

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

5 Obtain information from suppliers to enable assessment and verification of their capacity to meet the defined needs and identify any risks and quality issues with the suppliers’ proposals.

KU10 How to monitor business intelligence on suppliers. KU11 The different terms under which archival collections may be transferred.

6 Select the preferred supplier(s) using predefined criteria. 7 Negotiate a contract for the supply of content that meets the defined need and complies with legal requirements and organisational guidelines. 8 Communicate the terms of the contract to stakeholders and to staff who will be involved in day to day operations under the terms of the contract. 9

I mplement the contract and undertake day to day management of content acquisition within the terms of the contract.

10 Monitor the supplier’s performance under the contract and address problems that arise. 11 Monitor the organisation’s compliance with the terms of the contract and take any action required to achieve compliance internally. 12

se key contacts to develop strategic and U working relationships with the supplier that enable the organisation to understand and influence supplier developments


e-tender and re-negotiate as required by R organisational needs and supplier contract terms.

14 Maintain all necessary records regarding contract development and performance.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SC4 | Develop, negotiate and manage supplier relationships

Further information   Who is this standard for This standard is applicable to people in management and practitioner roles, responsible for supplier selection, managing supplier relationships (including with owners of archive collections) and negotiating contracts. It is also relevant to those working with purchasing consortia.

Behaviours In addition to the core values and behaviour, these behaviours underpin effective performance:

1. You respect your organisation’s processes for negotiating contracts for supplies and seek advice when needed

2. You recognise the need to develop good relationships with the owners of collections of archival material

3. You represent your organisation’s interests in negotiating with suppliers

4. You seek innovative arrangements for acquiring content and services including partnering with other organisations

5. You operate to the ethical and commercial standards required by your organisation.

Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards This standard has links with standards in the NOS for Supply Chain Management such as M12 - Produce specifications for suppliers, M13 - Evaluate the capability of suppliers to meet supply specifications and T1 - Maintain operational relationships within the supply chain which were developed by the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Acquire external information, materials and services

Area C – Identifying, evaluating and acquiring content and collections Standard C5:

Acquire external information, materials and services   What this standard is about This standard is about the cost-effective acquisition of externally published content and other materials through establishing processes for procurement and negotiating contractual arrangements. It applies both to the direct purchasing of external information by an organisation and also to the purchasing of information through partnerships. It covers the acquisition of primary, secondary and tertiary information resources, in electronic, multimedia and physical formats. It covers the acquisition of the resources themselves and arranging for.   The


Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Establish the range, language and format of information sources, materials and services relevant to your organisation and maintain your current awareness of this.

KU1 The principles and practices of information supply chain management.


stablish the needs for specific content E or types of content for different customer groups.

3 Evaluate content sources for relevance, quality, and accessibility. 4 Evaluate the merits of alternative formats, e.g. electronic versus print, including the access requirements of people who use alternative formats and/or assistive technology.

KU2 The purchasing strategy and processes of your organisation and how these influence your content acquisition processes. KU3 The requirements of your customers, including those who may have particular language requirements, need materials in a particular format and/or use assistive technology. KU4 Current good practice in content acquisition in comparable organisations. KU5 How to engage with purchasing consortia relevant to your sector and subject interests. KU6 The suppliers relevant to your sector and subject interests.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SC5 | Acquire external information, materials and services

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

5 Consider the language requirements (and in the case of Welsh, the legal requirements) of bilingual communities and British Sign Language users.


he technical criteria for acquiring e-content T for your organisation.


How to develop a business case.

6 Assess the relative merits of competing products using a logical set of criteria that take into account the views of users and potential users.


ow to undertake cost benefit analysis in H relation to purchasing and acquisitions.

7 Identify preferred suppliers for particular types of content, including suppliers of materials in different languages and formats, and for suppliers of assistive technologies. 8 Consider the potential of using established purchasing consortia or developing partner arrangements for purchasing external content.

KU10 B udgeting, financial analysis techniques and procedures. KU11 H ow to manage financial records for the purposes of audit. KU12 L egal and regulatory issues relating to contracts

9 Plan the supply chain for the acquisition of external content using an appropriate mix of suppliers and/or partners. 10

efine the parameters for negotiation with D suppliers.

11 Articulate the business case for the purchase of external content. 12 Develop and maintain processes for the acquisition of content, gaining the necessary approvals from within the organisation. 13

evelop the skills of staff who will be directly D involved in the acquisition of internal content and records.


evelop financial plans manage budgets D and control expenditure.

15 Review acquisition processes and supplier performance for efficiency and cost effectiveness and customer satisfaction.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Acquire external information, materials and services | SC5

Further information   Who is this standard for This standard is applicable to people in management/leadership, practitioner/expert, and operational roles who are involved in development and operation of processes for acquiring external publications and other resources relevant to providing information, library and knowledge services.

Behaviours In addition to the core values and behaviour, these behaviours underpin effective performance:

1. You strive to obtain best value from the organisation’s budget for published information

2. You demonstrate judgement in decisions on procurement both in areas of policy and practice

3. You consider ease of access and use as factors in how to acquire content

4. You deal with customers courteously and efficiently when they make requests for.

Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards This standard has links with other standards in the NOS for Supply Chain Management, developed by the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management



S4 | Performance Criteria with the Knowledge and Understanding

Acquire internal content and records

Area C – Identifying, evaluating and acquiring content and collections Standard C6:

Acquire internal content and records   What this standard is about This standard is about ensuring that content created by the organisation is evaluated for its current and future value, and captured for storage, protection and access. You will need to be aware of your organisation’s objectives and understand organisational and legal requirements relating to records management. Records may include documents of all types including pre-publication material, presentation materials, materials in other forms that record/provide evidence of specific activities, e.g. laboratory specimens.   The


Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Identify the types of information and records created by your organisation, their purpose and their potential as information assets for the organisation.

KU1 The principles of internal information and records management.

2 Identify the different systems and processes used for content and records creation within your organisation and the different formats in which information is produced. 3

onfirm organisational support for the C classification of internal information as records and for overall records management strategy and policy.

KU.2 The types of information assets created by your organisation and the context in which they are created. KU3 The retention schedules operated by your organisation. KU4 The requirements for access to internal content and records in your organisation. KU5 Organisational policy and practice on the creation, capture and management of internal content and records. KU6 Current good practice and processes in internal content and records capture and management in other organisations.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Acquire internal content and records | SC6

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:



stablish the organisational, legal and E regulatory implications and constraints on the required accessibility of each content and record type, including confidentiality and security, and how it should be managed.

Legal and regulatory requirements that affect the creation and capture of content and records for your organisation.

5 Develop and document policies and processes for acquiring each type of record as soon as possible after production in a way that integrates smoothly with the operating processes of the organisation and supports ongoing records management. 6 Prioritise the content and record types to be captured and managed. 7

evelop efficient and effective processes D to capture content and records for retention and organisational use as a component of the information life cycle.

8 Operate processes for internal content and records capture accurately and securely. 9

evelop the skills of staff who will be directly D involved in the acquisition of internal content and records.

10 Monitor changes in the types of content and records created by the organisation and the techniques used to produce information. 11

aintain good working relationships with the M creators of internal content.

12 Monitor the methods used to capture of internal information assets and records in other organisations. 13 Review processes for capturing internal content and records to ensure that they continue to meet organisational needs

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SC6 | Acquire internal content and records

Further information   Who is this standard for This standard is applicable to people in managerial/leadership, practitioner/technical expert, and operational roles who are concerned with ensuring the accessibility of internally generated information and who develop, implement and operate processes for internal information capture.

  Behaviours In addition to the core values and behaviour, these behaviours underpin effective performance:

1. You work to ensure that internal information resources are available for use by others in the organisation when appropriate

2. You promote the principle that information created within the organisation is intellectual capital and has the potential for value and impact beyond its immediate recipients

3. You promote awareness of the need to capture internal information and resources of all types and to manage them in accordance with legal requirements and organisational policy

4. You deal with stakeholders including the creators of information in an ethical and open manner

5. You apply good practice to the acquisition of internal information resources as defined by your organisation.

  Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards There are no explicit links to other standards.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Acquire archive materials and collections

Area C – Identifying, evaluating and acquiring content and collections Standard C7:

Acquire archive materials and collections   What this standard is about This standard is about the development and management of the processes for acquiring archive materials and collections through purchase or donation, and through negotiation and influencing sources of supply.   The


Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:


aintain a current working knowledge M of sources of archival material and be proactive in identifying new sources of archival material, especially where these fill existing gaps and ensure that collections are representative of the diverse communities they serve.

KU1 The nature and purpose of archives.

evelop and maintain stakeholder D relationships relating to the acquisition of archival material and nurture mutually beneficial partnerships with relevant community groups and community archive networks.

KU4 The record types and series created by your organisation, the context in which they are created, the systems used to create them, and those areas of the organisation that produce them.


3 Identify the content and record types produced by or acquired by your organisation which need to be treated as of archival importance. 4

evelop the skills and knowledge of D staff within your organisation who will be involved in archive acquisitions.

KU2 Good practice in records in acquisition of archival material as evidenced in your won and other organisations. KU3 Your organisation’s archival collection policies and acquisition processes.

KU5 The differences in acquiring and managing electronic and physical archives. KU6 The scope and function of the archives with which you are concerned. KU7 How to identify and monitor sources of archival material, and potential donors.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SC7 | Acquire archive materials and collections

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

5 Maintain records of archive acquisition so has the authenticity of the archive can be demonstrated to meet legal and regulatory requirements.


6 Research archival material for acquisition within your organisation’s strategy for archives. 7 Determine the ownership and provenance of potential external archive acquisitions.

ow to negotiate and influence customers H in order to acquire records and archives.

KU9 The scope and function of related and competitor archives. KU10 How to acquire archival material ethically and legally. KU11 The processes for documenting the provenance of acquired material.

8 Appraise the value and importance of the material to be acquired. 9 Assess the resource implications of acquiring the material. 10 Negotiate the appropriate acquisition of archive material, whether this be by donation, loan or purchase, or by obtaining digital copies of archive material which remains in the custody of its owner/creator. 11 Acquire material and document the transaction so that the evidence train is clear and provenance is established. 12 Arrange for and document any transfer of ownership required. 13 Monitor the effectiveness of archive and records acquisition, and recommend and implement improvements.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Acquire archive materials and collections | SC7

Further information   Who is this standard for This standard is applicable to people in management and practitioner roles who are involved in obtaining material for archives. It may also be applicable to people in operational roles whose work involves the practical aspects of acquiring archive materials and collections.

Behaviours In addition to the core values and behaviour, these behaviours underpin effective performance:

1. You work to ensure that archive materials are acquired as required by your organisation’s archive strategy, policies and procedures

2. You develop appropriate working relationships with internal or external stakeholders so that they are informed of and support the acquisition of archives by your organisation

3. You use influencing and negotiating skills in the acquisition of archives

4. You act in accordance with professional ethics in all acquisition operations.

Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards The Society of Archives has published a number of good practice guidelines. See


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


S4 | Performance Criteria with the Knowledge and Understanding

Manage information quality

Area C – Identifying, evaluating and acquiring content and collections Standard C8:

Manage information quality   What this standard is about Content, however acquired, and whether externally or internally generated, needs to be fit for purpose and meet customer and/or organisational needs. This standard is about the activities necessary to ensure this. It includes advising on the actions to be taken where quality does not meet requirements.   The


Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:


KU1 The principal factors that determine the quality of information.

efine or contribute to the definition of D standards for content and resource quality for both internally and externally sourced information.

2 Monitor content and source quality against the agreed standards.


ow to define quality parameters for H content and sources.

KU3 The quality standards applied to purchased content and sources.

3 Identify partners to assess content in languages or formats beyond the expertise of staff or the scope of existing standards.

KU4 The quality standards applied to internally generated information.


KU5 How to monitor and assess quality of content and sources efficiently.

I dentify deficiencies in content and source quality, and assess their significance to your customers.

KU6 Quality management theory and practice.

5 Communicate concerns to colleagues and advise customers accordingly.



dvise on actions to be taken to improve A information quality.


ndertake agreed actions to resolve U information quality issues.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Manage information quality | SC8

Further information   Who is this standard for This standard is applicable to people in practitioner and operational roles responsible for assessing the quality of content and resources in order to ensure that these meet the required standards of accuracy, currency, and relevance for use by customers.

Behaviours In addition to the core values and behaviour, these behaviours underpin effective performance:

1. You are vigilant in ensuring that content and resource quality meets the required standards

2. You deal with quality concerns as soon as they arise

3. You maintain good working relationships with colleagues and customers.

Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards This standard has links with standard QUMG – Quality management in the Skills Framework for the Information Age (SFIA). See For those working in the civil service, this standard also has links with standard 4.22 – Quality management in the Professional Skills for Government framework – knowledge, information and records management competencies. See for further information.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management



S4 | PerformanceDevelop Criteria with the Knowledge and Understanding policies and strategies for

knowledge management

Area D – Managing knowledge Standard D1:

evelop policies and strategies for knowledge D management   What this standard is about This standard is about defining the organisation’s intention in implementing knowledge management (KM) practices and the development of strategies to support the organisation’s objectives. It is relevant to people who lead or who are active in influencing the future direction of KM in their organisation. It includes identifying areas where KM will have most value and determining the KM activities and processes that are appropriate to the objectives and culture of the organisation.   The


Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Relate the principles and practices of KM to your organisation.

KU1 The organisation, its sector, its customers, its environmental context and its strategies.



ow knowledge is currently developed, H shared and used in your organisation.


he techniques of knowledge mapping, T knowledge auditing, and network analysis.


he key internal and external stakeholders T who will influence the success of the KM strategy.

I dentify where key knowledge is developed, shared and transferred and how it adds value to the organisation.

3 Determine where and how KM goals, processes, and tools can add value to the organisation. 4

efine strategies to facilitate the building D and maintenance of organisational knowledge.

5 Specify activities, processes and standards that support knowledge creation, sharing and capture and which ensure that valuable knowledge is recorded.

KU5 Existing and emerging KM theories, concepts, strategies, principles, techniques and good practice. KU6 The approaches of similar or competitor organisations to KM. KU7 How ICT tools can be used to facilitate KM.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Develop policies and strategies for knowledge management | SD1

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:


ake the business case for KM, identifying M the objectives, benefits and outcomes of KM policies and activities and the required KM strategy.



I dentify key internal and external, and influence them to support and champion the KM strategy.

he KM tools and services market and how T to select appropriate tools and services.

8 Ensure communication and collaboration between those functions that focus on the creation and communication of knowledge and information and organisational learning. 9 Identify, implement and review processes that will promote the use of information and knowledge. 10 Determine, in partnership with external and internal stakeholders, the tools and systems required to support KM activities and processes, develop specifications and make a business case for their acquisition. 11

rack, assess and report on the value T obtained by the organisation from its KM activities.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SD1 | Develop policies and strategies for knowledge management

Further information   Who is this standard for The standard is applicable to people in management and practitioners roles.

Behaviours In addition to the core values and behaviour, these behaviours underpin effective performance:

1. You are committed to ensuring that KM policies and practices are aligned to organisational goals and strategies

2. You are proactive in identifying and championing the value of KM to all levels of the organisation

3. You work with others to embed KM into organisational thinking and practices

4. You work collaboratively with others in the organzation and external partners to facilitate knowledge sharing across boundaries

5. You temper passion for KM with practicality.

Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards This standard has links with HI10 – Monitor, evaluate and improve the management of data and information; HI12 – Promote and facilitate the use of information and knowledge; HI13 – Identify the needs of clinicians, patients and the public for communication, information and knowledge systems; and HI14 – Develop a specification for communication, information and knowledge systems to meet the needs of clinicians, patients and the public which are standards within the NOS for Health Informatics, developed by Skills for Health. See or The standards also has links with D2 – Develop productive working relationships with colleagues and stakeholders and F12 – Improve organisational performance from the NOS for Management and Leadership, developed by the Management Standards Centre.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Diagnose knowledge needs, assets, use and flows

Area D – Managing knowledge Standard D2:

Diagnose knowledge needs, assets, use and flows   What this standard is about This standard is about the direction and implementation of processes for knowledge mapping, auditing and monitoring - activities that provide a basis for determining knowledge management (KM) priorities. These activities identify current knowledge needs; business processes and working practices which create and use knowledge; and the way in which knowledge is shared, transferred, and re-used between individuals and groups across the organisation. The standard includes processes to discover the location, ownership and value of the organisation’s knowledge assets, including expertise and know-how, and the assessment of barriers to effective knowledge transfer, capture and reuse.   The


Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:


KU1 The organisation’s goals and strategies.

lan and direct knowledge mapping and P audit activities.

2 Determine and direct processes for the identification of key business processes and activities that create organisational knowledge and knowledge assets. 3 Determine and direct processes to identify how organisational knowledge is used and re-used and how readily it is available. 4 Determine and direct processes to establish the need for knowledge sharing and transfer, mapping knowledge flows, noting ‘bottlenecks’ and assessing the effectiveness of current practices. 5 Establish criteria for determining the value of knowledge assets and the costs of poor KM activities.

KU2 Current theory and good practice in knowledge mapping and auditing and network analysis. KU3 The difference between mapping and auditing. KU4 Qualitative and quantitative research techniques. KU5 The organisation’s structure, operational processes, workflow and the external factors that act as its drivers. KU6

ow to look at your organisation’s activities H using a KM perspective.

KU7 Tools available to assist mapping and audit processes.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SD2 | Diagnose knowledge needs, assets, use and flows

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

6 Determine and direct processes to identify knowledge assets, assess their value and determine duplication, synergies, and gaps.



eview new tasks or changed organisational R processes for their knowledge needs and output.

8 Establish processes to monitor changes in knowledge flows and needs and to enable regular knowledge mapping and review.

ays to structure and present results, their W implications and recommendations and ideas for action, clearly and appropriately for the audience.

KU9 How to evaluate the effectiveness of knowledge mapping and auditing and network. KU10 W hen to repeat mapping, auditing and network analyses.

9 Design and apply survey and data collection tools, or know where to source that expertise. 10

ontribute to knowledge mapping and C auditing.

11 Analyse data obtained from different techniques.



xtract meaning from the analysis and make E recommendations for KM processes and tools.


Make a business case for recommendations.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Diagnose knowledge needs, assets, use and flows | SD2

Further information   Who is this standard for This standard is applicable to people in management and practitioner roles who make recommendations for improving knowledge use and flow within the organisation. It is also relevant to people in operational roles who are responsible for identifying the processes that build and use knowledge, and the formal and informal networks that contribute to knowledge flow.

Behaviours In addition to the core values and behaviour, these behaviours underpin effective performance:

1. You have clear goals and patience when working towards them

2. You combine attention to detail with the ability to see the bigger picture

3. You are ambitious to see KM succeed in your organisation

4. You use diagnostic tools and their results pragmatically to prioritise KM opportunities and advise on KM approaches

5. You are sensitive to issues of knowledge ownership.

Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards This standard has links with HI10 – Capture, organise and disseminate information and knowledge; HI13 – Identify the needs of clinicians, patients and the public for communication, information and knowledge systems; and HI16 – Monitor, evaluate and improve the management of data and information in the NOS for Health Informatics, developed by Skills for Health. See or

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management



S4 | Performance Criteria with the Knowledge and Understanding

Support team and virtual working

Area D – Managing knowledge Standard D3:

Support team and virtual working   What this standard is about Team working within organisations and across organisational boundaries, is now a common working practice. People may work on a number of teams and may be located in different places geographically or in different parts of the organisation. Virtual working, with people moving between locations is also becoming commonplace. Effective team and virtual working requires that individuals and teams have access to tools that enable them to communicate effectively. This standard is about providing, managing or supporting these tools and processes.   The


Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Determine strategies to support team and virtual working.


2 Demonstrate and communicate the value of effective knowledge and information management to team and virtual working. 3

ecure senior management and stakeholder S support for information strategies to support team and virtual working.


I dentify with stakeholders the key challenges for teams and people working virtually.


I dentify and review with stakeholders the requirements for communication tools and processes.

6 Identify, develop and maintain effective tools and processes, e.g. social computing and document management tools, to support team working.


he organisation’s working practices and T how these affect teams, virtual teams and remote workers.

KU2 Regulatory, social and commercial constraints that apply to working remotely and in teams. KU3

he principles of team working and how T these impact on ILKRA issues and needs.

KU4 The range of tools and techniques available to support teams and remote working, including face to face and technology enabled techniques. KU5 How to enable the management of information resources for virtual teams. KU6

ow team and virtual working interfaces with H core business processes.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Support team and virtual working | SD3

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:



I dentify networks, processes and systems that allow people to connect to information and knowledge from wherever they are working.

he records, information and knowledge T management issues arising from team and virtual working.

8 Monitor processes and tools for team and virtual working and identify improvements. 9 Provide guidelines, training, coaching and support to facilitate and encourage effective use of team and virtual working tools and processes. 10 Provide guidelines to facilitate interactive collaboration between internal and external stakeholders. 11 Ensure that team members understand and adhere to regulatory, social or commercial constraints that may apply. 12

nsure that teams and remote workers have E access to knowledge assets and information and the tools to help them record knowledge and experience.

13 Ensure that the records management issues arising from team and virtual working are addressed. 14

I dentify the contribution that knowledge management is making to team and virtual working.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SD3 | Support team and virtual working

Further information   Who is this standard for This standard is applicable to people in management and practitioner roles who are responsible for supporting teams and staff working remotely. It is also applicable to people in operational roles responsible for identifying, developing and managing tools and processes to support teams and remote workers.

Behaviours In addition to the core values and behaviour, these behaviours underpin effective performance:

1. You demonstrate support for people who work remotely and ensure that you understand their priorities and constraints

2. You demonstrate an understanding of the objectives and priorities of the teams you support

3. You balance the use of new technologies with the development and maintenance of established techniques for supporting teams and remote working so that that the most appropriate processes are employed

4. You lead by example and demonstrate a commitment to team and virtual working

5. You demonstrate an appreciation of the challenges of virtual working.

Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards This standard has links with HI12 – Promote and facilitate the use of information and knowledge from the NOS for Health Informatics, developed by Skills for Health. See or This standard also has links with D2 – Develop productive working relationships with colleagues and stakeholders and F12 – Improve organisational performance from the NOS for Management and Leadership, developed by the Management Standards Centre.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Support collaboration, knowledge sharing and re-use

Area D – Managing knowledge Standard D4:

Support collaboration, knowledge sharing and re-use   What this standard is about Active collaboration, sharing and reusing knowledge are key benefits of good knowledge management practice. This standard is about encouraging, facilitating and supporting collaboration and knowledge sharing and re-use, including making use of communities of practice. It includes processes for making knowledge accessible to others but does not include the use of tools and standards for facilitating access or managing information, which are covered by standards in Areas E and F.   The


Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Engage with internal and external stakeholders to develop service strategies and programmes to support collaborative working and knowledge sharing.

KU1 The principles and the techniques for knowledge sharing and learning.


etermine where collaborative working and D knowledge sharing and re-use will most benefit your organisation.

3 Identify and articulate the value and business benefit of support for collaboration and the sharing and re-use of knowledge and experience. 4

ecure senior management and stakeholder S support for strategies and programmes of work to support collaboration and knowledge sharing.


I dentify and select existing networks and communities which are benefiting the organisation and develop processes and activities to foster their development.


ssist new networks and communities to A launch and sustain activities.

KU2 The range of collaborative techniques available, including face to face and technology enabled techniques. KU3

hy knowledge sharing is important to your W organisation.

KU4 Promotion techniques to encourage knowledge sharing and re-use. KU5

ood practice for supporting networks G and communities in your own and other organisations.

KU6 The practical and cultural issues relating to collaboration knowledge sharing and re-use. KU7 The cultural, practical and information issues of networks and communities working in dispersed locations.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SD4 | Support collaboration, knowledge sharing and re-use

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

7 Identify the factors that encourage or impede knowledge sharing in your organisation and their impact on its operations and identify where improving knowledge sharing will be of most benefit.


8 Select appropriate approaches for sharing knowledge and stimulating its reuse. 9

nsure that the knowledge assets of the E organisation are visible to all who need to use them.

he organisation’s working practices and T how these affect knowledge-sharing and reuse.

KU9 Regulatory, social, and commercial constraints that apply to knowledge-sharing and re-use. KU10 How to manage the records management issues arising from collaborative working.

10 Establish processes and tools to enable people to find expertise, experience and knowledge, e.g. expertise databases or links to project people profiles, social computing tools, and facilitate links with expertise and knowledge outside the organisation. 11 Establish formal and informal sharing events appropriate to the style and culture of the organisation. 12

rovide skills, training and support for P sharing approaches and tools.

13 Monitor processes and tools for team and virtual working and identify and implement improvements. 14 Provide guidelines, training, coaching and support to facilitate and encourage effective use of team and and virtual working tools and processes. 15 Ensure that team members and remote workers understand and adhere to regulatory, social or commercial constraints that may apply. 16

I dentify networks, processes and systems that allow people to connect to information and knowledge from wherever they are working.

17 Ensure that collaborative teams and groups have access to knowledge assets and information and facilities to record and reflect on their activities. 78

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Support collaboration, knowledge sharing and re-use | SD4

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

18 Ensure that staff are encouraged to share and re-use knowledge by influencing organisational systems for recognising this contribution. 19 Ensure that the records management issues for specific collaboration and networking activities are addressed.

Further information   Who is this standard for The standard is relevant to people in management, practitioner and operational roles who develop, implement and maintain processes and tools that enable and foster knowledge sharing, re-use and collaboration. The standard is also applicable to people who support, train, develop and facilitate communities of practice.

Behaviours In addition to the core values and behaviour, these behaviours underpin effective performance: 1. You lead by example and demonstrate a commitment to collaborative working, knowledge sharing and re-use 2. You foster the development of networks and communities, and links between them, for the transfer of good practice and best practice 3. You are realistic in promoting the advantages of collaborative working by balancing the opportunities offered by new technologies with supporting and developing face to face techniques 4. You are committed to encouraging the re-use of knowledge that already exists in your organisation.

Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards This standard has links with HI12 – Promote and facilitate the use of information and knowledge from the NOS for Health Informatics, developed by Skills for Health. See or This standard also has links with D2 – Develop productive working relationships with colleagues and stakeholders and D7 – Provide learning opportunities for colleagues from the NOS for Management and Leadership, developed by the Management Standards Centre. See or National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management



S4 | Performance Criteria with the Knowledge and Understanding

Facilitate knowledge capture

Area D – Managing knowledge Standard D5:

Facilitate knowledge capture   What this standard is about Knowledge is created in various ways: through an individual’s education, experience and interaction with others. This standard is about the processes and approaches that facilitate and enable appropriate and valuable knowledge to be developed and captured for the benefit of the organisation and other individuals. It covers techniques for debriefing individuals and groups, and processes for recording ‘lessons learnt.The standard is applicable to people in management and practitioners roles.   The


Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:



I dentify where critical knowledge is being created and developed.

2 Determine where the organisation is at greatest risk from not developing or capturing knowledge so that it can be reused. 3


I dentify the processes and techniques for knowledge development and capture and select those that will work best in your organisation and which can be used as part of day to day work. ake the business case for employing M knowledge development and capture processes and techniques and the priority areas for their use.

he principles and practices of knowledge T management (KM).

KU2 Current approaches, techniques and good practice to developing and capturing knowledge. KU3

ow to work with individuals and groups to H capture knowledge.


he context in which your organisation T needs to capture and re-use knowledge.

KU5 How people in your organisation currently capture and value knowledge and its re-use. KU6

he barriers and enablers to knowledge T capture.

5 Establish processes to capture the routine knowledge developed by individuals in the course of their work.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Facilitate knowledge capture | SD5

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

6 Establish processes to enable the knowledge acquired through group activities and projects, e.g. after action reviews, to be captured. 7

stablish processes to build knowledge E capture into the organisation’s business processes so that knowledge capture is an ongoing activity.


stablish tools for recording knowledge E (turning knowledge into information), e.g. supporting the recording of stories and evidence, journalistic and writing skills, provision of templates and guidelines, harvesting toolkits, etc.

9 Ensure that that the records management issues associated with knowledge capture are addressed in capture processes. 10

apture and communicate the benefits of C knowledge capture and transfer processes.


upport and facilitate knowledge capture S processes as applicable to the situation and context.


rovide training in knowledge capture P processes.


onitor the effectiveness of and the M benefit from the use of knowledge capture processes.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SD5 | Facilitate knowledge capture

Further information   Who is this standard for This standard is applicable to people in management and practitioner roles responsible for the development and implementation of processes to enable the capture of knowledge and lessons learnt from experience.

Behaviours In addition to the core values and behaviour, these behaviours underpin effective performance:

1. You champion the identification and capture of knowledge in the course of day to day work

2. You recognise and acknowledge the interdependence of knowledge and an individual’s sense of their value

3. You are selective and prioritise knowledge capture targets

4. You are sensitive when knowledge needs to be captured from staff leaving the organisation.

Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards This standard links with HI10 – Capture, organise and disseminate information and knowledge in the NOS for Health Informatics, developed by Skills for Health. See or


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Enable the transfer of knowledge into information

Area D – Managing knowledge Standard D6:

Enable the transfer of knowledge into information   What this standard is about This standard is about the activities and processes that help others to capture knowledge and experience in such a way that a broad audience can access and learn from it. The methods of capture include written communication, the publishing of information on a website, development of presentations, video and audio recording, and the use of social computing tools.   The


Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:



I dentify types of knowledge of potential value to the organisation.

2 Provide advice and guidance on the most appropriate formats for capturing the specific piece of knowledge and its intended audience.

When and how knowledge is created.

KU2 The differences between tacit, implicit and explicit knowledge. KU3

The organisation’s knowledge strategies.


The organisation’s style conventions.

3 Provide guidelines and templates consistent with your organisation’s house style.

KU5 The organisation’s tools for recording pieces of knowledge.

4 Enable customers to recognise that they create items of information when they record knowledge and experiences.


5 Identify the training needs of individuals and your organisation in the development of knowledge objects. 6 Support and advise individuals on their training needs and how to obtain relevant training.

he different ways in which knowledge can T be captured.

KU7 The potential audiences for the piece of knowledge. KU8

ustomers’ working patterns and C constraints.

KU9 The relevant technology required to help customers create and record knowledge.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SD6 | Enable the transfer of knowledge into information

Further information   Who is this standard for This standard is applicable to people in practitioner and operational roles who develop standards and guidelines for recoding knowledge in formats most suitable for the knowledge object and the audience.

Behaviours In addition to the core values and behaviour, these behaviours underpin effective performance:

1. You value the experience and knowledge of others

2. You have patience and empathy when working with people to capture knowledge

3. You are convinced of the need to be selective in capturing knowledge and experience

4. You champion good practice

5. You instill confidence in people who need to create and record their knowledge.

Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards This standard has links with HI10 – Capture, organise and disseminate information and knowledge from the NOS for Health Informatics, developed by Skills for Health. See or


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Foster knowledge management culture, behaviours and skills

Area D – Managing knowledge Standard D7:

oster knowledge management culture, behaviours and F skills   What this standard is about Effective knowledge management (KM) requires a working culture that fosters an understanding of the value of knowledge and positively encourages knowledge sharing and transfer. This standard is about developing the skills and behaviours that enable people to participate in ‘knowledge working’.   The


Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Identify your organisation’s culture and values.

KU1 The culture of your organisation, and how to both work within it and influence it to achieve your goals.

2 Assess where organisational culture, values and practices hinder effective KM and the changes required. 3 Find supporters and collaborators and identify with them strategies and activities for implementing changes in work practices, behaviours and values to enable good KM practice. 4


I nfluence senior management to act as role models in sharing knowledge, using of KM tools and processes, and in capturing benefits. I dentify and develop knowledge champions and ‘super users’ to encourage the use of knowledge standards, tools and processes.

KU2 The potential champions of KM in your organisation and whom is likely to be most effective. KU3

he key processes of your organisation, and T which can best be optimised by adopting knowledge behaviours.


urrent thinking in effective knowledge C behaviours and processes.

KU5 How to coach people to adopt effective knowledge behaviours. KU6 How to manage change. KU7 How to assess progress in the adoption of KM related values and behaviours.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SD7 | Foster knowledge management culture, behaviours and skills

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:


rticulate the KM skills, competencies, A and behaviours required throughout the organisation and influence appropriate stakeholders to embed them in working activities and through processes such as appraisal.

7 Train and coach people in the use of KM processes and tools. 8 Provide guidelines, templates and other aids for KM processes and tools. 9 Identify and implement processes that promote the use of information and knowledge and communicate benefit. 10


eview progress in embedding knowledge R capture and behaviours and improvements and plan essential change.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Performance Criteria with the Knowledge and Understanding | S4

Further information   Who is this standard for This standard is applicable to people in management roles who are responsible for the development and adoption of good KM practice. This standard is relevant to people who are leading or participating in the development of KM practices and approaches across the organisation or within a business unit or function and who encourage the adoption or take-up of working practices that contribute to KM. It is also relevant to staff in practitioner and operational roles working in a KM organisation.

Behaviours In addition to the core values and behaviour, these behaviours underpin effective performance:

1. You champion the knowledge culture

2. You personally adopt and demonstrate knowledge behaviours and values

3. You are sensitive to the concerns of individuals in sharing their knowledge.

Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards This standard has links with B9 – Develop the culture of your organisation in the NOS for Management and Leadership, developed by the Management Standards Centre. See or

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management



Determine policies and strategies

S4 | Performancefor Criteria with the Knowledge and Understanding managing content and collections

throughout their life cycle

Area E – Managing content and collections Standard E1:

etermine policies and strategies for managing content D and collections throughout their life cycle   What this standard is about This standard is about the development of organisational policies for ensuring that collections and content are managed to meet organisational, legal and ethical requirements throughout their lifecycle. It is also concerned with developing the strategies to be adopted for ensuring that the policy is effectively implemented. This includes determining processes and standards for the access, retention, and disposal of collections, items and content and is applicable to print and digital materials.   The


Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Develop policies and standards for the management of content and collections in your area of responsibility that meet the needs of the organisation and your customers.

KU1 That published materials, artifacts, records and archives need to be managed appropriately at each stage of their lifecycle.

2 Identify, develop, monitor and assess processes that ensure collection management policies are applied accurately and effectively. 3 Ensure that policies and procedures adapt to changes in content subject matter, content formats, to the changing needs of the organisation and of customers. 4 Consult on the continuing usefulness of content and collections. 5


onsult with stakeholders on the C development of lifecycle management.


he business objectives and direction of T the organisation, and how this impacts on lifecycle management.

KU3 The nature of the content and collections for which you are responsible. KU4 The requirements of your customers for access to content and collections, and the impact of these needs on how collections and content should be managed. KU5 The principles of collection management and the principles of the information and records lifecycle. KU6 Current good practice and trends in content and collection management.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Determine policies and strategies for managing content and collections throughout their life cycle | SE1

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

6 Determine processes for establishing how content and collections are used.


7 Advise on standards and rules for the creation, sharing and storage of records and information that will ensure that they can be managed effectively for access, retention and disposal. 8 Determine criteria for reviewing collections and content in terms of their active, semi active and archival value and that they are disposed of or destroyed appropriately. 9 Advise on the records management implications of IT application development.

he implications of relevant office systems, T such as workflow and image processing, for records and internal information management.

KU8 The implications of relevant legislation and standards for content and collection management. KU9 International, national and corporate frameworks and standards that apply to the organisation of the information for which you are responsible. KU10 External regulations and practice that affect lifecycle management.

10 Develop and agree standards and appraisal criteria for the review, retention and disposal of content and materials physical and electronic - that meet corporate requirements, legislative requirements, the guidelines of appropriate authorities, and the needs of users. 11 Determine access policies and process to ensure that collections and content are secure but accessible to accredited customers, including those with visual, hearing or other relevant impairments affecting access to information. 12 Monitor and assess the effectiveness of processes and standards for the management of collections and content.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Further information   Who is this standard for This standard is applicable to people in management roles who lead and develop policies, process and standards for managing content and collections. It is also relevant to people in practitioner roles who contribute to policies, processes and standards, and who are responsible for their application and enhancement.

Behaviours In addition to the core values and behaviour, these behaviours underpin effective performance:

1. You are committed to ensuring that content and collections are managed in a legal and ethical way

2. You are committed to developing policies, processes and standards that meet the organisation’s business objectives and the needs of customers

3. You recognise that caring for collections is implicit in their management

Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards This standard has links with the NOS for Health Informatics. See or Other relevant technical standards are: British Standards Institution. PD0010: Principles for good practice for information management, 2nd ed, 1997. British Standards Institution. BS ISO15489-1:2001 Records Management.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Determine policies and strategies for care of collections and repositories

Area E – Managing content and collections Standard E2:

etermine policies and strategies for care of collection D and repositories   What this standard is about This standard is about developing the organisation’s policy for the care of collections and repositories, and the strategies for achieving the level of care required to ensure the survival of materials. This includes determining The standards and processes to be used to achieve the appropriate level of care. Collections and repositories may contain a range of material and formats including published items, internally generated records, archives and artifacts. The standard is applicable to physical and digital materials.   The


Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Determine criteria for the level of care required for different collections.


2 Identify, develop and assess processes and standards that ensure effective collection care and prevent unauthorised alteration of content. 3 Manage the implementation of these processes and standards and ensure that standards and processes are applied accurately and efficiently. 4 Ensure that policies and processes adapt to changes in content subject matter, changing needs of the organisation and your customers.

The objectives of your organisation.

KU2 The principles and theory of content and collection care. KU3 Customer requirements for access and use of content and collections. KU4 The implications of different types of collections for their management and care. KU5 The design and access implications of the different range of materials and formats required by different customer groups, including people with visual, hearing or other impairments affecting access to information. KU6 How to manage and care for collections including different media and format e.g. artifacts, paper, electronic, images, etc.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SE2 | Determine policies and strategies for care of collections and repositories

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:


KU7 How to develop and implement care processes for collection care.

I dentify and define any constraints on access to content resulting from, for example, supplier contracts, restricted access rights or the special needs of customers and determine appropriate access criteria.

6 Ensure that management and processes support contracts with suppliers for the volumes, types and levels of access.

KU8 How to monitor the effectiveness and efficiency of care management processes. KU9

urrent best practice and likely future C developments in content and collection management, and their care.

7 Monitor, evaluate and identify potential improvements for collection and content management. 8 Develop processes for assessing the effectiveness of current and emerging content and collection management.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Determine policies and strategies for care of collections and repositories | SE2

Further information   Who is this standard for This standard is applicable to people in management and practitioner roles who are responsible for specific collections and/or areas of content. It is also appropriate to people in operational roles who undertake activities that support the maintenance of content and collections.

Behaviours In addition to the core values and behaviour, these behaviours underpin effective performance:

1. You appreciate the value and the use of the collections and content

2. You maintain a working knowledge of the content and collections

3. You recognise that caring for collections is implicit in their management

4. You work with colleagues to ensure that collections and content are managed for optimum care

5. You appreciate the risks in unauthorised alteration of content.

Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards This standard has links with the NOS for Health Informatics. See Other relevant technical standards are: • The Society of Archivists – best practice guidelines for preservation and conservation, 1997. British Standards Institution. • BS ISO 15489-1:2001 Records management. • The National Archives. • The Lord Chancellor’s code of practice on the management of records under section 46 of the Freedom of Information Act, 2002.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management



Determine policies and strategies to S4 | Performanceensure Criteria with Knowledge and Understanding thatthe items and content can be identified and found

Area E – Managing content and collections Standard E3:

etermine policies and strategies to ensure that items and D content can be identified and found   What this standard is about This standard is about determining the organisation’s policy on how collections and content will be organised so that material can be found by customers, and the strategies to ensure that the policy is effectively implemented. This includes determining which standards, tools and processes will be used to describe the items in collections, label specific content, and assign location. Collections may contain a range of material and formats (physical and digital) including published items, internally generated records, archives and artifacts.   The


Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:


KU1 The potential uses of the collections and content, including their potential to uncover ‘hidden’ content relating to groups traditionally under-represented or ‘invisible’ in collections.

nsure that policies for the identification and E accessibility of items and content reflect the intended or potential use of the material, objectives of the organisation, and the needs of diverse and varied customers.

2 Ensure that selected strategies, standards and tools adapt to changes in content subject matter, the changing needs of the organisation, and the needs of your customers. 3 Determine appropriate standards, rules and schedules for describing the item and its provenance.


KU2 The principles of information science, information retrieval, records management, and the organisation of collections. KU3 International, national, and organisational standards for collection and content description, labeling and coding, and metadata. KU4 Good practice in the application and modification of external standards to create standards for use by your organisation.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Determine policies and strategies to ensure that items and content can be identified and found | SE3

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

4 Determine appropriate standards and tools for describing the content and nature of an item, e.g. subject indexes, catalogue descriptors, taxonomies, thesauri, ontologies, metadata, using external standards where appropriate and developing internal standards where necessary.

KU5 Good practice in the development of organisational specific standards for description coding and labeling content.

5 Determine schedules and tools for assigning an item to a location, e.g. classification, and filing plans. 6

ork with suppliers of published information W and resources to streamline and simplify processes for the organisation of content for retrieval.

7 Ensure that organisational tools and standards developed or amended in-house are well documented and include review and update mechanisms. 8 Develop processes for applying selected tools/standards/schemes. 9 Monitor and assess the effectiveness of processes and standards.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SE3 | Determine policies and strategies to ensure that items and content can be identified and found

Further information   Who is this standard for The standard is applicable to people in management and practitioners roles.

  Behaviours In addition to the core values and behaviour, these behaviours underpin effective performance:

1. You appreciate the objectives and constraints of people looking for items and content

2. You appreciate the value of ensuring that items and content can be easily found and that links to related material can be made

3. You listen and respond to customer comments on their experience of locating content.

  Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards There are no specific links to other standards.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Provide appropriate environments and systems for physical collections and repositories

Area E – Managing content and collections Standard E4:

rovide appropriate environments and systems for physical P collections and repositories   What this standard is about This standard is about designing, managing and maintaining spaces that are environmentally appropriate for the material in physical collections and provide appropriate facilities for customers and staff.   The


Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Design and maintain storage facilities appropriate to the material (printed material, artifacts, images, etc) held within the collection and, to the greatest extent possible, accessible for staff with physical or sensory impairments.

KU1 The environmental requirements for different types of material and collections.

2 Ensure that access to the collections is appropriate to the level and type of use, and the amount of control required. 3 Design and maintain customer space that encourages and facilitates effective use of the collection and allows for interaction between customers, and between customers and staff, allowing for the access requirements of disabled people (either as staff or customers). 4 Design a helpful and logical arrangement for the collections, taking account of the physical media of the collections.

KU2 The principles of designing environments and facilities for the materials for which you are responsible. KU3 How the collection is used and the facilities that will support these uses. KU4 The long term policies for the collection and its content. KU5 The requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act, other relevant legislation and the implications for the design of physical environments. KU6 Good practice and trends in the design of physical environments for specific collections.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SE4 | Provide appropriate environments and systems for physical collections and repositories

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

5 Ensure appropriate environmental controls. 6 Maintain and develop appropriate information systems such as filing systems and manual records. 7 Monitor and assess the utility and effectiveness of the environment.

Further information   Who is this standard for This standard is applicable to people in management, practitioner and operational roles who are responsible for the space in which physical collections are housed and used, and the facilities for customers and staff using them.

  Behaviours In addition to the core values and behaviour, these behaviours underpin effective performance:

1. You appreciate how physical environments affect the way customers use collections

2. You appreciate the value of the collections and strive to ensure that it is housed appropriately

3. You empathise with the needs of customers who use and work with the collection

4. You listen and respond to customer comments on the environment

5. You take note of how service environments are designed for use in other sectors.

  Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards The British Standards Institute and CEN (the European Committee for Standardization) have developed standards for facilities management which may be relevant, e.g. PrEN 15221 Facility management - terms and definitions and PrEN 15222 Guidance on facility management agreements.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Provide effective virtual environments for digital content and repositories

Area E – Managing content and collections Standard E5:

rovide effective virtual environments for digital content P and repositories   What this standard is about The standard is about designing, managing and maintaining interfaces and systems that enable electronic content to be created and effectively accessed. This includes the development of environments for specific customer groups, e.g. virtual learning environments, research environments, digital repositories, portals, navigation and content management systems. It also includes contributing to the development of information architecture for the organisation through the selection of standards and systems. It does not include the development or application of coding and labeling schemes such as taxonomies, metadata, which are covered in standards E3 and E7.   The


Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Assess and monitor the requirement for access to virtual content, collections and repositories by different customers, including those with visual, hearing or other impairments affecting access to virtual content.

KU1 The policy and design of your organisation’s enterprise architecture.

2 Align the design of virtual environments to organisational needs. 3 Provide information management advice to inform the planning of IT infrastructure and technical architecture which support virtual working environments. 4 Specify ICT and information management requirements for virtual content environments.


he principles of information architecture T and of virtual environment design.

KU3 The implications of collaborative and virtual working for the storage, finding and exchange of information. KU4 Customer requirements for access to collections and content. KU5 The design and access implications of the different environments required by different customer groups. KU6 The implications of accessibility standards on the design of electronic environments.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SE5 | Provide effective virtual environments for digital content and repositories

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

5 Specify standards and protocols that provide a coherent information architecture to enable the identification, access and use of content and repositories irrespective of location.

KU7 Technical developments and current trends in virtual environment design and, tools.

6 Identify appropriate search engines and other tools to support navigation of digital material. 7 Specify and select appropriate content management systems. 8 Specify requirements for general and personalised interface, (including web sites and portals) and ensure that they conform with accessibility guidelines and good practice in content and navigation.

KU8 Current good practice in the design of interfaces – including websites and portals. KU9 Legislation and regulations relating to the content of websites, portals and other interfaces. KU10 Constraints on access to content resulting from, for example, supplier contracts, restricted access rights or the special needs of customer, and the levels of custom identification required by the or and usable.

9 Develop and implement processes to ensure that links to required content are current and usable. 10 Establish appropriate access procedures. 11 Design processes to monitor performance, use and customer satisfaction. 12 Establish procedures for maintaining the currency of standards and tools. 13 Monitor developments in the technology and approaches being used to develop and manage virtual environments. 14 Assess the implications of new systems development on records policies and practices and embed records management requirements in systems design and operation.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Provide effective virtual environments for digital content and repositories | SE5

Further information   Who is this standard for This standard is applicable to people in practitioner and operational roles who are responsible for enabling the organisation and management of e-content so that it can be found and used.

Behaviours In addition to the core values and behaviour, these behaviours underpin effective performance:

1. You appreciate the different ways in which people interact with electronic environments, including people with visual, hearing or other impairments affecting access to the electronic environment and users of assistive technologies

2. You work closely with colleagues in related areas of activity, e.g. business strategists and IT strategists to ensure a good fit between the organisation’s business strategy, IT infrastructure, and its information architecture and information environments

3. You offer support and expert help to departments and functions developing their own shared environments

4. You are willing to adopt and adapt other people’s systems.

Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards The Skills Framework for the Information Age (SFIA) provides a common reference model for the identification of the skills needed to develop effective information systems (IS). See This standard has links with the NOS for Health Informatics, developed by Skills for Health. See or OLN have links to a number of technical standards on their website including JISC Information Environment Technical Standards. See

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management



S4 | PerformancePreserve, Criteria withconserve the Knowledge Understanding andand manage

collections and content

Area E – Managing content and collections Standard E6:

Preserve, conserve and manage collections and content   What this standard is about This standard is about ensuring the necessary systems for appraisal, retention and disposal of material, and safe storage are observed. Also that appropriate techniques for the preservation and conservation of physical and electronic materials, including archives, rare books, records, artworks and other artefacts held in collections, are applied. The standard includes managing the digitisation of materials to provide for their survival and to protect the original while allowing access and use.   The


Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Contribute to the policies and strategies concerning the care and management of collections and content.


2 Apply collection management processes including retention and disposal. 3 Ascertain the identity, current and future roles, and location of the item and content. 4

I dentify risks factors associated with the use and retention of an item or content.

5 Identify, to an appropriate level of detail, the structure and composition, of items. 6

I dentify possible risk factors associated with the item and its use.

7 Propose and implement preventative care and routine procedures.


he principles of lifecycle management, T conservation and preservation.

KU2 The policies, strategies and processes agreed within your organisation for lifecycle management, preservation and conservation. KU3 National and international standards and accepted good practice in preservation and conservation. KU4 The techniques for ensuring that digital records can be preserved and/or migrated to future formats. KU5

here specialist advice can be obtained and W who are the relevant experts for the class of item.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Provide effective virtual environments for digital content and repositories | SE6

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

8 Guard against unauthorised changes to electronic content.


9 Apply appropriate access and use criteria and processes. 10

I dentify and obtain specialist skills when needed.

11 Determine criteria for the selection of physical material to be digitised and apply processes and standards for the digitisation process.

he likely relevant sources of information T about the item and how they can be accessed.

KU7 The different methods of recording decisions on content. KU8 The possible future uses there might be for items.

12 Apply the processes for maintaining the quality of digital records and content.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SE6 | Provide effective virtual environments for digital content and repositories

Further information   Who is this standard for This standard is applicable to people in practitioner and operational roles with who are responsible for ensuring that content and collections (physical and electronic) are managed appropriately to ensure their preservation. It includes the assessment of whether a conservator is needed for particular materials and whether electronic formats are likely to remain accessible in the future.

Behaviours In addition to the core values and behaviour, these behaviours underpin effective performance:

1. You recognise the importance of managing content and collections to the organisation’s standards

2. You recognise the need to preserve particular physical and electronic materials and apply objective criteria to decide which content requires preservation

3. You recognise the need to dispose of material that is no longer needed safely and appropriately

4. You will recognise the value of using specialist skills such as, for example, conservation skills

5. You work collaboratively with experts in other disciplines.

Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards This standard also has links with the NOS in Conservation, developed by Creative & Cultural Skills. See or The following technical standards may also be relevant: • UKOLN, the centre of expertise in digital information management based at the University of Bath, contributes to the development of service standards, and provides advice on their implementation. See • British Standards Institution. BS 4971 2002 Repair and allied processes for the conservation of documents. • British Standards Institution. BS 5454 2000 Recommendations for storage and exhibition of archival documents.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Apply standards that help people find content

Area E – Managing content and collections Standard E7:

Apply standards that help people find content   What this standard is about This standard is about enabling customers to find the specific information and content they need within physical and digital collections. It covers the application of classification schemes, indexing schemes, taxonomies, thesauri, ontologies, etc. It does not include the application of cataloguing, and other tools for determining the storage location of items, which are covered in standard E8.   The


Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Select appropriate standards, rules and descriptors to apply to the content of collections and items, in order that customers can find the content they need irrespective of location (i.e. taxonomy, thesaurus, ontology, classification schemes, cataloguing rules, metadata etc).

KU1 The basic principles of describing information content including classification, indexing, abstracting and thesaurus construction.

2 Identify, introduce and use automated tools for coding and labelling content.

KU3 The principles underlying the construction of classification and indexing systems.

3 Analyse and understand the information content.

KU4 The latest developments in information organisation standards relevant to your organisation.

4 Use appropriate standards and rules (e.g. taxonomy, thesaurus, ontology, classification, cataloguing and metadata schemes, etc) to index, label and describe specific items of content.

KU2 Published techniques and standards relevant to your area.

KU5 Your organisation’s own indexing and labelling systems. KU6

he subject matter in your area of T responsibility.


ow the content will be used and any longH term implications of this use that will affect your treatment of material.

5 Prepare informative abstracts. 6 Identify and apply the level of descriptive cataloguing appropriate for your organisation and its collections.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SE7 | Apply standards that help people find content

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

7 Assess the need to ensure that catalogues and indexes capture information on traditionally under-represented groups (including those defined by age, disability, gender, race, religion, belief and sexual orientation) ensuring their visibility in collections.


ow the retrospective assessment of H collections and their associated finding aids can reveal ‘hidden histories’ and how best practice in cataloguing can ensure the visibility of unrepresented groups.

8 Enter coding information accurately into manual or electronic systems. 9 Develop, amend and maintain indexing and classification systems as appropriate. 10

eep records about modifications needed K and made to the indexing and classification systems.

11 Develop indexes to collections using agreed conventions.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Apply standards that help people find content | SE7

Further information   Who is this standard for This standard is applicable to people in practitioner and operational roles who use standards and tools to describe the content of items so that users can find relevant content irrespective of location. It is relevant to staff who are responsible for coding and labelling items of content to reflect their subject matter, content type and potential use, and for ensuring that content can be effectively located and accessed.

  Behaviours In addition to the core values and behaviour, these behaviours underpin effective performance:

1. You appreciate the level of detail needed to meet the needs of the organisation and customers and to ensure that the information can be found

2. You recognise that standards for labelling and identifying information so that it can be easily located are essential and champion their use across the organisation

3. You are willing to adopt standards and tools developed by others

4. You pay attention to detail together whilst appreciating the purpose of the labelling and coding systems you use

5. You look for opportunities to simplify the coding and labelling of content using automated techniques.

  Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards This standard has links with the NOS for Health Informatics, developed by Skills for Health. See or

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management



S4 | PerformanceApply Criteriastandards with the Knowledge Understanding for theand description and

location of items

Area E – Managing content and collections Standard E8:

Apply standards for the description and location of items   What this standard is about This standard is about cataloguing items so that they are accurately described and their location assigned. It covers the use of metadata standards for describing the item’s purpose, type, audience, currency, provenance, etc. It also covers the use of cataloguing and filing schemes so that items can be stored in an appropriate place and easily retrieved. It does not cover indexing and labelling standards to enable the identification of the content of an item for subject searching, which is covered in standard E7.   The


Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Analyse and understand the information content.


2 Ensure a helpful and logical arrangement of the physical collections by applying agreed classification and filing schemes.

KU2 Relevant external standards for classification, metadata, and filing structures.

3 Organise physical and digital items according to the scheme used.

KU3 Your organisation’s processes and standards for classification, metadata, and filing structures.


pply or check metadata to ensure it A accurately describes the item and its provenance.

5 Develop templates and systems to enable the automated addition of metadata. 6 Develop indexes to collections using agreed conventions. 7


rite catalogue entries with the amount of W description appropriate to the collection and its use.


he principles of classification, metadata T and filing structures.

he subject matter in your area of T responsibility.

KU5 How the content and materials will be used and any long-term implications of this use that will affect your treatment of material. KU6 The purpose of the indexes, catalogues or files, and the factors that determines their scope and range.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Apply standards for the description and location of items | SE8

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:


evelop and maintain classification and D filing systems appropriate to the collection.


ccurately enter classification and filing data A into manual or electronic systems.

KU7 How best practice in cataloguing and indexing can ensure the representation and visibility of under-represented groups in collections.


eep records about modifications needed K and made to the conventions.

Further information   Who is this standard for This standard is applicable to people in practitioner and operational roles who apply processes and standards that enable items in physical and digital collections and repositories to be found.

  Behaviours In addition to the core values and behaviour, these behaviours underpin effective performance:

1. You appreciate the level of detail needed to meet the needs of the organisation and customers

2. You champion the application of standards across the organisation

3. You are willing to adopt standards and tools developed by others

4. You seek to improve the relevance of standards for describing items for your organisation

5. You recognise the importance of standards for enabling items to be identified, stored, and found.

  Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards This standard has links with the NOS for Health Informatics, developed by Skills for Health. See or

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management



Manage content and collections for

S4 | Performancebusiness Criteria with the Knowledge Understanding continuity andand information


Area E – Managing content and collections Standard E9:

anage content and collections for business continuity and M information security   What this standard is about Organisations require systems to counteract and prevent interruptions to their activities and to protect critical processes from the effects of major failures or disasters. This standard is about developing and implementing policies for managing information assets and vital records, including safeguarding sensitive information and records, such as corporate information and customer information. It includes the enabling of secure information sharing.   The


Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:


KU1 The importance of information security to your organisation and to your customers.

rovide management direction and support P for information security, demonstrate that information security is being taken seriously and that effective steps are in place.

2 Promote a strategic approach to securing the organisation’s knowledge and information assets and collections. 3

I dentify vital records and other information assets critical to your organisation’s business and the level of protection required.

4 Ensure that proper attention is given to information assets and vital records in your organisation’s business continuity planning. 5 Ensure that your area of responsibility manages information assets and vital records in accordance with business continuity policies.


KU2 Your organisation’s business continuity plan. KU3 Current practices and issues in business continuity. KU4

he implications for information, records and T archive management of relevant national and international standards and guides to good practice, e.g. BS25999 and the Business Continuity Institute standards.


ow to influence stakeholders to feature H information assets and vital records in business continuity plans.

KU6 The information content, collections and records acquired and created by the organisation and their implications in terms of information risk and security.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Manage content and collections for business continuity and information security | SE9

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:





I dentify developments in information assets and vital records that require current business continuity plans to be amended. evelop and apply processes for D establishing customer’s identity, their eligibility to use/access information and collections and to enable secure access to information and collections. I dentify, quantify, and manage the range of threats to electronic information in the organisation.

9 Develop and implement policies and procedures that reduce the risks to physical records and collections of human error, theft, fraud or misuse of facilities.

ow the organisation uses key information, H collections and records.

KU8 The information sharing security standards (ISS) employed by the organisation. KU9 You and others’ responsibilities for information security. KU10 The range of standards and guides to good practice developed by national and international organisations, e.g. BSI/ISC and the Information Security Forum. KU11 Asset protection, recovery and disaster planning techniques and facilities. KU12 The impact of any changes in ISS controls on customers and others.

10 Monitor the application of information security processes by the organisation or ensure that monitoring is undertaken by the appropriate function. 11

evelop contingency plans and procedures D for disaster recovery and for salvage of materials, both physical and electronic.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SE9 | Manage content and collections for business continuity and information security

Further information   Who is this standard for This standard is applicable to people in management, practitioner and operational roles with responsibilities for information assets and vital records, and for implementing agreed security policies and strategies. It is also relevant for people with responsibility for ensuring authorised access to and use of information assets.

Behaviours In addition to the core values and behaviour, these behaviours underpin effective performance:

1. You judge what content, collections and assets have implications for business continuity and work closely with those in your organisation with responsibility for business continuity management

2. You champion the need to include information and vital records in business continuity plans

3. You recognise the impact that information security controls have on customers

4. You work to reduce risk, and promote compliance with standards and processes for information security to colleagues and customers

5. You comply with business continuity policies and practices in your own work

6. You are sensitive to breaches of security and their importance.

Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards This standard links with the NOS for Health Informatics, developed by Skills for Health. See or The Skills Framework for the Information Age (SFIA) provides a common reference model for the identification of the skills needed to develop effective information systems (IS) and includes a number of standards relevant to this area. See The Business Continuity Institute has developed 10 standards of professional competence which provide an overview of good business continuity practice and relate to this standard. See


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Assist customers to organise information effectively

Area E – Managing content and collections Standard E10:

Assist customers to organise information effectively   What this standard is about In order to use information well customers need to be able to organise their own information. This standard is about helping customers to manage their personal physical and electronic information (including email) effectively and in accordance with any legal guidelines or organisational procedures. It is also about helping them to understand when and how to discard information.   The


Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Identify the training needs of your users and your organisation.


The principles of information literacy.


urrent thinking in user education and the C development of information literacy skills.

2 Support and advise individuals on their training needs and how to obtain training. 3 Develop, design and promote training to help customers understand why they should manage their information effectively. 4 Develop, design and promote training to help customers manage and integrate their physical and electronic files, and email. 5

evelop, design and promote training to D help customers apply metadata and index terms.

6 Develop, design and promote training to help customers understand when and how to store and discard information. 7 Plan, design and deliver training and support for customers to enable them to make use of guides and finding aids to the collections.

KU3 Theories and principles of effective communication and ways to structure and present information and ideas clearly and effectively to learners. KU4 Techniques that can be employed to support learning and how to design training and skills transfer events and e-training to meet user needs. KU5 How to design and promote the relevant guides and aids to organising information. KU6 How available technology can help customers organise information. KU7 How to organise and record information in accordance with your organisation’s policies and procedures.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SE10 | Assist customers to organise information effectively

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Recors Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

8 Plan and deliver training and support for customers to enable them to use technology to find information.


ow to assess the effectiveness of training, H coaching and support.


ow people with visual, hearing or other H relevant impairments can access and manage information using a variety of methods and assistive technologies.


lan, design and deliver one-to-one training P and coaching.

10 Provide appropriate assistance to people with visual, hearing or other impairments affecting the management of information. 11


atch the need for information skills M development with the resources available.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Assist customers to organise information effectively | SE10

Further information   Who is this standard for This standard is applicable to people in management and practitioner roles with responsibility for helping customers to manage information effectively.

Behaviours In addition to the core values and behaviour, these behaviours underpin effective performance:

1. You promote the advantages of self–sufficiency in organising information

2. You keep your own knowledge on information management techniques current and share your skills with others

3. You identify with customers and the way they work

4. You communicate with users without using unnecessary jargon.

Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards There are no explicit links to other standards.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management



S4 | PerformanceDevelop Criteria with the Knowledge and Understanding strategy and policy for service


Area F - Facilitating access to and use of content and collections Standard F1:

Develop strategy and policy for service provision   What this standard is about This standard is about developing strategy and policy for the provision of services that facilitate access to and exploitation of content and collections. The service strategy will define the types of services to be provided and their target customer groups, the priorities and the way resources will be allocated to reflect priorities. The standard also covers the definition and application of policies and procedures to manage access to services, e.g. customer registration, access rights and lending policies.   The


Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Determine the range of customers for which access to content and collections can be of value.


2 Determine the types of services required to meet customer and organisational needs. 3 Develop strategies for service provision that prioritise the services to be provided and the types of customers (markets) for which these services will be provided. 4 Determine whether access restrictions are needed for any services and resources for which you are responsible.


our organisation’s strategies and Y objectives.

KU2 The range of customers for which services and resources can be provided. KU3 Good practice in the principles and practice of service provision. KU4 The services provided by other comparable organisations and other relevant sectors. KU5

arket research techniques to enable M customer needs to be established.


etermine the confidentiality and security D of content and collections for which you are responsible.

KU6 Contractual arrangements, which may affect users in terms of who can access certain materials and the types of use which can be made of them.


efine access policies for the services for D which you are responsible.


our organisation’s confidentiality and Y security arrangements.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Develop strategy and policy for service provision | SF1

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

7 Secure support and approval for service strategy and access policies and restrictions.

KU8 Relevant information regulation and legislation that influences access to content and collections.

8 Set up mechanisms for managing access restrictions and permissions; these may include customer registration, and identification, other access processes, or developing access management systems. 9. Set up mechanisms for providing services and content provision within the required levels of confidentiality. 10 Ensure that staff understand the reasons for any limiting of access and how to manage customers and requests for access sensitively. 11 Ensure that users are made aware of access restrictions, and the need and importance of them. 12 Review the effectiveness of access policies and procedures so that essential changes are made, e.g. the renegotiation of contracts for content. 13 Review the impact and effectiveness of the service provision strategy. 14

ork within the required regulatory and legal W constraints.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SF1 | Develop strategy and policy for service provision

Further information   Who is this standard for This standard is applicable to people in management and practitioner roles who develop strategy and policy on access to and use of content and collections. It is also relevant for those in other roles who contribute to the development and delivery of services relating to accessing and using information materials.

  Behaviours In addition to the core values and behaviour, these behaviours underpin effective performance:

1. You are committed to defining the optimum range and type of services to meet organisational and customer needs

2. You balance the needs of your customers with the needs of the organisation in setting service and access priorities

3. You are committed to providing services that deliver value to the customer

4. You are sensitive to the effect of access restrictions on customers

5. You are vigilant for potential risks concerning access to services and to types of information.

  Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards There are no explicit links to other standards.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Develop service delivery plans

Area F - Facilitating access to and use of content and collections Standard F2:

Develop service delivery plans   What this standard is about This standard is about designing and developing specific services within the strategy for service provision and access, and determining how these services will be delivered cost effectively. It is also concerned with scoping and defining the services or mix of services required to meet the needs of specific customer groups with particular needs, e.g. services for students, researchers, business communities, children, disadvantaged groups, etc.   The


Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Develop and deliver clear and measurable service provision plans for each service area.



I dentify the market segments (specific customer groups) for which services may be relevant.


ork with a specific group of customers to W determine the services they need.

4 Specify and design the service, using the expertise of colleagues and involving customers. 5

ssess the likely cost benefit of the service, A including its anticipated value and impact and the cost of developing and sustaining the service.

ow to identify specific customer groups for H which services are relevant.

KU2 How to determine organisational needs and the needs of customer groups for services (customer needs analysis, market research, and community profiling techniques). KU3

ser behaviour and its influence on service U design.

KU4 The range of potential services that are relevant to the needs of your customers. KU5 The tools and techniques that enable the provision of services. KU6 How to assess the potential value and impact of a proposed service and to undertake a cost benefit analysis.

6 Prioritise the need for a service.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SF2 | Develop service delivery plans

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

7 Develop a plan for development and delivery of the service or cluster of services.


J ustifying and making a business case for a new service.

8 Develop a business case to secure approval to develop the service and to secure resources.


roject planning and management of a P service development.

9 Ensure that the plan is executed to time and budget including testing the service.

KU9 How to assess the use and value of a service.

10 Train those who will be involved in service delivery. 11 Capture experience with the service and monitor its use and effectiveness. 12 Report on the value of the service. 13 Review and enhance the service if appropriate.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Develop service delivery plans | SF2

Further information   Who is this standard for This standard is applicable to people in management and practitioner roles who contribute to the planning and design of services and who will be responsible for and/or actively engaged in service delivery and the definition of customer needs. It is also applicable, in part, to people in operational roles who can contribute to service design from the perspective of delivering frontline services.

Behaviours In addition to the core values and behaviour, these behaviours underpin effective performance:

1. You identify trends in services, processes and systems and judge their relevance and importance to your organisation and your services

2. You actively look for new and improved services that will deliver real value to your customers and to specific communities

3. You recognise the importance of fostering partnerships with specific communities as essential to the design, development and delivery of effective services

4. You seek to understand the various contexts which determine your customers’ needs for services

5. You want to bring innovative thinking to service design.

Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards This standard has links with Standard F9 – Building your organisation’s understanding of its market and customers in the NOS for Management and Leadership, developed by the Management Standards Centre. See

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management



S4 | Performance Criteria with the Knowledge and Understanding

Promote resources and services

Area F - Facilitating access to and use of content and collections Standard F3:

Promote resources and services   What this standard is about This standard is about engaging with customers to promote resources and services in order to ensure that customers are aware of their accessibility, value and potential benefit. It applies to promotion within an organisation and its premises, and to the development of promotion and outreach activities that are delivered externally to community groups and/or in external facilities.   The


Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Identify the range of customer groups for which specific services have potential benefit.

KU1 The principles and practices of promotional activity.


I dentify current users and non-users of your organisation’s services so that the reasons for non-use can be ascertained.


evelop a promotion and marketing strategy D and vision both for your services as a whole and/or for specific services or customer groups.

4 Secure resources for service promotion and ensure that the necessary skills are acquired.



se the skills available in your organisation U to support promotional activity.


esign, develop and deliver specific D promotional activities, e.g. newsletters, promotional visits, displays and exhibitions, talks and workshops etc.


How specific services benefit their users.


he main factors that influence your existing T customers to use specific services.

KU4 The range of techniques that can be applied to promotion. KU5

ow to carry out specific promotional H techniques eg: how to run a storytelling circle, set up an exhibition, produce a newsletter.

KU6 How legislation such as health and safety, copyright, intellectual property, and security requirements impact on promotional activities. KU7 How to give balanced information to your customers on the role and value of your services.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Promote resources and services | SF3

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Records Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Records Management know and understand:

7 Select and obtain, or design and produce promotional materials and items for displays and exhibitions.


ow to encourage customers to ask for H information on additional services.

8 Share information with colleagues on your experience in promoting services and seek their advice and experience. 9 Use cross selling techniques to promote additional services to customers of other services that you provide. 10 Maintain accurate data on service use and trends in service use by specific customer groups. 11 Assess the impact of promotional activity on service use. 12

I dentify specific instances where use of a service has produced a specific impact so that examples are available to use in promotion.

13 Learn from promotional activity in order to improve practice.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SF3 | Promote resources and services

Further information   Who is this standard for This standard is applicable to people in management and practitioner and operational roles who have responsibility for the promotion of services and for promotional strategies.

Behaviours In addition to the core values and behaviour, these behaviours underpin effective performance:

1. You regard every interaction with the customer as an opportunity to promote the range of services your organisation provides

2. You consider customer needs and your organisation’s reputation and brand in all aspects of service delivery

3. You strive to ensure that services reach the widest relevant user base

4. You recognise that customers are individuals who will need different approaches to promotion

5. You are innovative in thinking of new ways to promote your organisation’s services

6. You promote services ethically and with accurate claims for their value.

Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards This standard has links with the NOS in Marketing, developed by the Marketing and Sales Standards Setting Body. See for other relevant standards.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Educate customers to find and use information

Area F - Facilitating access to and use of content and collections Standard F4:

Educate customers to find and use information   What this standard is about This standard is about engaging with customers to develop their information literacy skills. It is relevant if you assist customers to find information they need for themselves, deal with requests for assistance or contribute to creating guides, tools and training/development events. It also includes helping customers to critically appraise various types of information, to understand its significance, make inferences and deductions, and evaluate its reliability for decision making.   The


Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Identify the training needs of your users and your organisation.


2 Prioritise the need for training on information skills against the available resources.

KU2 The principles and practices of information literacy.

3 Support and advise individuals on their training needs and how to obtain training.

KU3 The organisation’s information resources, their content and how to use them and the available tools.

4 Plan, design and deliver induction programmes relevant to the resources and services of your organisation. 5

evelop guides and finding aids to help D customers locate information or content.

6 Plan, design and deliver training and support for customers to enable them to make use of guides and finding aids to the collections.

urrent thinking on user education and C training.


ow to use the relevant guides and finding H aids to the collections.


ow to use the available technology to help H customers find the information they need.


he range of techniques that can be T employed to support learning.

KU7 Theories and principles of effective communication. KU8

ays to structure and present information W and ideas clearly and effectively to learners.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SF4 | Educate customers to find and use information

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

7 Plan, design and deliver training and support for customers to enable them to understand the range of internal and external resources available to them, how to identify, evaluate, appraise and use the information they require, and how to share information appropriately.


8 Plan and deliver training and support for customers to enable them to use technical tools to find information.

ow to design training and skills transfer H events to meet user needs.

KU10 How to design e-training and support. KU11 How to assess the effectiveness of training. KU12 How to help customers evaluate information quality and reliability.

9 Provide help to customers who experience difficulty in using technical tools. 10

lan, design and deliver one-to-one training P and coaching.

11 Evaluate the effectiveness of training programmes for planning their further development.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Educate customers to find and use information | SF4

Further information   Who is this standard for This standard is for practitioners and operational staff who are involved in developing customers’ information literacy skills.

Behaviours In addition to the core values and behaviour, these behaviours underpin effective performance:

1. You advocate the advantages of developing effective information skills and seek to share your information skills with others

2. You listen carefully to customers to identify their needs for support and guidance.

3. You are sensitive to customers and the way they work

4. You recognise the importance of communicating with a minimum of jargon.

5. You look for opportunities for education and training programmes

6. You recognise the risk of using the wrong information or misusing information.

Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards This standard links with the Professional Standards for Teachers, Tutors and Trainers in the Lifelong Learning Sector and NOS in Learning Support, developed by LLUK. See For those working in a school environment, see also the Training and Development Agency for Schools’ standards at

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management



S4 | Performance Criteria with the Knowledge and Understanding

Provide lending services

Area F - Facilitating access to and use of content and collections Standard F5:

Provide lending services   What this standard is about This standard is about managing and providing the lending process, including document supply and delivery services, and the systems employed to meet the needs of customers for loan materials, ensure the item’s safe eventual return to the lending organisation.   The


Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Identify the loans requirements of customer groups.

KU1 Developments in lending, loans management systems, document delivery and access services, tools and technologies that are relevant to the management and operation of a loans service.

2 Determine loans policies and strategies in line with organisational policy to meet customer needs for loans services. 3


efine the role of interlending and document D supply and access services within the loans strategy. in and manage resources to enable the W implementation of loan strategies and processes.

5 Develop contractual arrangements for document supply and interlending. 6


rovide an effective and cost-efficient P loans and document supply service to meet customer needs using local resources or interlending or document supply services as appropriate.


he legal and regulatory framework which T influences the lending of materials.


Why users require materials on loan.

KU4 Characteristics of materials that determine their suitability for loan and the reasons for constraints on lending. KU5 Criteria for lending material and the alternatives available. KU6 The factors and access controls that may affect customers being able to borrow material. KU7 How to manage potentially rare or delicate objects in transit.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Provide lending services | SF5

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

7 Ascertain requirements for loaned material accurately. 8 Issue loan material and process details of its return. 9

anage inter-organisational loans supply M and return.

10 Arrange for the safe transit of material loaned to or borrowed from another organisation, including insurance cover. 11 Manage a document supply service. 12 Maintain records of loans and loan operations. 13

Recover loaned material.

14 Ensure compliance with legal and regulatory constraints.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SF5 | Provide lending services

Further information   Who is this standard for This standard is applicable to people in practitioner and operational roles who will are involved in the provision of lending services from library, archive and records (i.e. documents) collections. It is also applicable to those people involved in providing interlending services and those providing document supply services.

Behaviours In addition to the core values and behaviour, these behaviours underpin effective performance:

1. You strive to provide an efficient and cost-effective loans service in line with your organisation’s objectives

2. You strive to provide the customers with the best advice on how to obtain the material they need

3. You strive to prevent the loss or damage of loaned materials

4. You value good relationships with interlending partners and document supply services

5. You proactively seek to identify developments required in lending processes to improve their effectiveness.

Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards This standard has links with the NOS for Customer Service, developed by the Institute for Customer Service. See for other relevant standards.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Provide enquiry and search services

Area F - Facilitating access to and use of content and collections Standard F6:

Provide enquiry and search services   What this standard is about This standard is about the provision of services that provide answers to initial enquiries for information from customers. Questions may be received via a variety of means. Answering initial enquiries does not require detailed research. Answers may be drawn from the knowledge of the person dealing with enquiries or require consulting another information resource.   The


Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Determine the needs for enquiry and search services.

KU1 Organisational and customer needs for enquiry and search services.

2 Establish the scope of the enquiry and search service in terms of the type of enquiries to be dealt with and the customer groups to be supported.

KU2 Developments in enquiry handling techniques and practices.

3 Determine the boundaries between providing an enquiry and search service and encouraging self-help.

KU4 Trends in the provision of enquiry and research services including outsourcing.

4 Plan and manage the enquiry and search service. 5 Secure resources to deliver the service from within or outside the organisation. 6 Develop the process for dealing with requests.


ow to find out what a customer really H requires.

KU5 How enquiry and research services complement other services provided by your organisation and where self-help is expected. KU6

The standard of services expected.

KU7 Services and systems relevant to the enquiry service that provided by your organisation.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SF6 | Provide enquiry and search services

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

7 Identify, evaluate, select and provide access to the electronic and print resources needed to meet customer needs for enquiry and search services.

KU8 How to evaluate a source for relevance and usefulness. KU9

he influence of cultural, language and T behavioural differences on how customers.

8 Ensure that staff involved in the provision of the service are sufficiently skilled and knowledgeable about sources to provide accurate and swift replies. 9

eal with requests, taking care to ascertain D the exact nature of an enquiry or reference request and why the information is needed so that replies are accurate and timely.


irect an enquiry to the most appropriate D person.

11 Answer enquiries using the appropriate sources, services, searching mechanisms and tools to meet the specified need. 12 Provide the enquiry response in the right format for the customer. 13 Deal with the enquiry within the time and budget restraints of the customer. 14 Identify and evaluate new sources for their usefulness in answering enquiries. 15 Develop your expertise in enquiry handling by learning from colleagues and sharing your experience. 16 Maintain records of enquiries and searches. 17


onitor feedback, use and usage trends to M plan for service development.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Provide enquiry and search services| SF6

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

18 Monitor enquiry practices, ensure good practice is identified and shared and that enquiry teams strive to improve their expertise.

Further information   Who is this standard for This standard is applicable to people in management, practitioner and operational roles who manage an enquiry service or deal with enquiries.

  Behaviours In addition to the core values and behaviour, these behaviours underpin effective performance:

1. You recognise the value of enquiry and search services to customers and to your organisation

2. You strive to understand customer needs for enquiry and search services, generally and specifically

3. You strive to provide responsive and accurate answers

4. You recognise the need to balance answering enquiries with supporting the customer to find the information they need for themselves.

  Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards This standard has links with the NOS for Customer Service, developed by the Institute for Customer Service. See for other relevant standards.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management



S4 | Performance Criteria with the Knowledge and Understanding

Provide research and analysis services

Area F - Facilitating access to and use of content and collections Standard F7:

Provide research and analysis services   What this standard is about This standard covers the provision of value-added services that require in-depth information research, including synthesis, consolidation, analysis, evaluation and interpretation, and the presentation of results. Services may be provided to colleagues within an organisation or to external customers. The information research may require the use or a range of sources. This standard does not cover undertaking primary market research, other than that directly undertaken for organisational planning.   The


Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Identify the needs of your organisation and your customers for a research service.


he context in which in-depth desk research T takes place within your organisation.



urrent best practice in desk research C techniques and the tools and sources available to your organisation.

efine the scope of the research services D needed.

3 Develop and obtain support for the strategy, priorities, operation and organisation of the research service and the required resources. 4 Develop processes for managing the research service. 5 Ensure that the electronic and physical resources required are selected, evaluated and accessible. 6 Implement and manage the research service. 7 Ensure that staff involved in the research service are sufficiently skilled to do so. 8 Monitor usage trends to plan for service development.


KU3 The value of data mining and text analysis for analysing search results. KU4

rends in the provision of desk research T services including outsourcing.


ow organisations use desk research, e.g. H for business and competitor intelligence.


ow desk research services complements H other services provided by your organisation and when customers are expected to do their own desk research.

KU7 The standard of service expected.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Provide research and analysis services | SF7

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

9 Evaluate the value of the research service to the organisation.


10 Establish relationships with customer and potential customers in order to understand their needs for research and to promote the value of desk research.

KU9 How to evaluate a source for relevance, quality and usefulness.


ake and develop a research brief with a T customer so that you are both clear on the information required, how it will be used and how it needs to be presented.

12 Identify the appropriate sources, systems and tools to use. 13 Establish appropriate search strategies to retrieve information from the required range of text (structured and unstructured) and data resources. 14

ubject expertise, together with sources and S tools in your field of research.

KU10 How to take and clarify a research brief. KU11 Desk research techniques. KU12 Conditions and legal requirements that may apply to the use of the information you find – in particular copyright, data protection and confidentiality. KU13 How to manage the research process methodically so that sources can be cited and work repeated if and when needed.

ndertake the research and obtain the U information needed.

15 Evaluate the information retrieved for relevance. 16 Synthesise, organise, analyse, and assess information to meet the research brief. 17 Use tools for data and text mining and visualisation to support the analysis of information located through desk research. 18 Develop and deliver the research output for use by the customer. 19 Maintain records of sources, search techniques and strategies together with the results or your research in. 20

ollow-up the enquiry to ascertain F relevance, value and the need for follow-up work.


rack and evaluate new source of T information relevant to your field of research expertise.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:


hare your expertise and know-how S acquired doing research with your colleagues.

Further information   Who is this standard for This standard is applicable to people in practitioner roles responsible dealing with in-depth enquiries requiring desk research using internal or external resources. It may be applicable to some operational roles where staff have in-depth subject knowledge. It is also applicable to those in management roles with responsibilities for desk research services. The standard is relevant to those working in information brokerage services.

  Behaviours In addition to the core values and behaviour, these behaviours underpin effective performance:

1. You recognise the importance of relevant, high quality information in decision making

2. You strive to identify opportunities for research services to contribute to the success of your organisation and your customers

3. You strive to provide accurate, evidenced, well-structured and cost-effective responses to a research request

4. You judge the effort to be directed to a specific research request in terms of the use to which the information will be put and the breadth and depth required.

  Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards This standard has links with the NOS for Health Informatics: HI10 - Capture, organise and disseminate information and knowledge, HI11 - Appraise information and knowledge resources, HI15 - Analyse data and information and present outputs of analysis, HI19 -Critically appraise clinical information and evidence, developed by Skills for Health. See A number of other NOS suites have standards relating to research, gathering and evaluating information. A search of will identify these. 136

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Provide alerting services

Area F - Facilitating access to and use of content and collections Standard F8:

Provide alerting services   What this standard is about This standard is about the provision of services that enable customers to keep abreast of developments in their subject field, or other area of interest. Alerting services provide targeted information at regular intervals to individual customers or to groups. They may be automated or bespoke services that involve the selection of relevant information, summarising the material found, and highlighting information of particular importance.   The


Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Identify the needs of your organisation and your customers for alerting services.

KU1 The principles and practices for alerting services.

2 Consider the options for providing alerting services.

KU2 The potential for alerting services for your organisation.

3 Determine the strategy, scope and priorities for the alerting services required and obtain organisational support for their development together with the required resources.


4 Investigate, exploit and monitor developments in electronic resources and tools that can be used to deliver alerting services. 5 Plan the introduction and ongoing operation of the alerting services. 6 Ensure that the electronic and physical content resources required to produce specific alerting services are selected, evaluated and accessible.

he current alerting services and tools that T are relevant to your organisation’s needs.

KU4 Trends in the provision of alerting services. KU5 How other organisations use alerting services to deliver value. KU6 How alerting services complement other services provided by your organisation and when customers are expected to provide their own alerting. KU7 The type of alerting services already operational in your organisation. KU8

How to take and clarify an alerting brief.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SF8 | Provide alerting services

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:



nsure that staff involved in providing E alerting services have the skills to identify the needs of customer groups, develop, deliver and sustain relevant services and adapt these as the requirements of their customers change.

8 Design, implement and manage alerting services. 9 Review and evaluate the use, value and impact of alerting services to your organisation and to your customers. 10 Determine whether customers require assistance to undertake their own alerting, a commercial service, or an internally produced service.

he subject matter and sources relevant to T the alerting need.

KU10 How to evaluate alerts for relevance to the customer’s requirements, and adapt the search accordingly. KU11 How to manage the alerting process methodically so that sources can be cited and work repeated if and when needed. KU12 C onditions and legal requirements that may apply to the use of the information you find particular copyright, data protection and confidentiality.

11 Identify the appropriate sources, systems and tools to use in providing the service. 12 Evaluate the information retrieved for relevance, if required, and communicate it in a style and format that aids absorption of information and recognition of new information of importance. 13 Store details of the sources used and the alerting output if needed according to organisational procedures. 14


rack and evaluate new sources of T information relevant to the subject for which alerting services are being produced.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Provide alerting services | SF8

Further information   Who is this standard for This standard is relevant to people in practitioner and operational roles who are involved with the delivery of alerting services. It is also applicable to those in management roles with responsibilities for alerting services.

  Behaviours In addition to the core values and behaviour, these behaviours underpin effective performance:

1. You explore the potential opportunities for alerting services to deliver value to customers and the organisation

2. You balance the use of in-house resources with the use of commercial services

3. You look for new approaches and tools for providing alerting services

4. You judge the depth and breadth required of a service to meet a particular customer need

5. You target alerting services to areas of most importance

6. You strive to produce relevant and accurate alerting services.

  Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards This standard links with Standard HI10 - Capture, organise and disseminate information in the NOS for Health Informatics, developed by Skills for Health. See This standard also has links with the NOS for Customer Service, developed by the Institute for Customer Service. See for other relevant standards.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management



S4 | Performance Criteria with the Knowledge and Understanding

Commission content or research

Area F - Facilitating access to and use of content and collections Standard F9:

Commission content or research   What this standard is about This standard is about identifying gaps in content and collections, and the commissioning of internal or external content to fill those gaps.   The


Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:



aintain a working knowledge of the specific M information required by your customers, both internal and external content.

2 Assess whether the organisation has the internal and external content required. 3 Research external sources of content for sources that will meet the customer’s need. 4

I dentify content gaps that cannot be filled from existing sources externally and internally.

5 Determine the priority for commissioning the development of new content considering its likely cost and the practicality of creating it.



eek the support of stakeholders for the S commissioning of new content.


evelop and confirm the content brief, D including the required format and medium of delivery, with the customers for the content.

Organisational objectives and processes.

KU2 The information currently being produced in your organisation and the external information available to it. KU3 Research techniques for obtaining information on customer needs for internal and external content, and assessing gaps where content is not available either externally or internally to meet a specific need. KU4 How to specify a content brief accurately and effectively. KU5 How to determine whether a content gap can be filled through internal resources or through repurposing content already available. KU6 How to develop a business case for the commissioning of external content or negotiating for the content gap to be filled using internal resources.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Commission content or research | SF9

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

8 Identify and select suppliers and negotiate contracts for content creation including standards for quality and delivery.


9 Manage the contract and receive and assess the deliverables with the customers who will use the content. 10

evelop financial plans and budgets for D commissioned content.

The principles of cost-benefit analysis.

KU8 How to identify and assess suppliers who can develop content to meet the identified gap. KU9 Procurement practice and processes in your organisation, including procedures for supplier evaluation and selection, contract negotiation and assessing the delivered product. KU10 Contract and copyright law.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SF9 | Commission content or research

Further information   Who is this standard for This standard is appropriate for people in management and practitioner roles whose who identify gaps in content for which commissioning new content represents the best way to meet the required need.

  Behaviours In addition to the core values and behaviour, these behaviours underpin effective performance: 1. You are committed to developing and maintaining a current analysis of content needs. 2. You develop your skills and expertise in techniques for understanding customer needs including market research 3. You develop systems and processes to gather and manage information on content needs effectively, efficiently and ethically 4. You cultivate and build the working relationships that enable you to understand customer and organisational needs 5. You are up to date in the internal content being developed by the organisation and its ability to fulfil specific customer needs 6. You have current working knowledge of content available externally and its ability to fulfil specific customer needs 7. You are committed to identifying critical content gaps 8. You listen to the needs of customers 9. You analyse and structure information on content needs so that it can be shared with others.

  Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards This standard also has links with the NOS for Customer Service, developed by the Institute for Customer Service. See for other relevant standards.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Present information in appropriate formats for customers

Area F - Facilitating access to and use of content and collections Standard F10:

Present information in appropriate formats for customers   What this standard is about This standard is about presenting information in appropriate formats for different audiences. When dealing with different customer groups it may be necessary to present the same or similar information and resources in different ways for each type of audience to ensure its impact and usability. The output from enquiry, research and alerting services should be presented in ways that facilitate the customer dealing with and absorbing the information. .   The


Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Identify the way content needs to be organised and presented for the needs of the specific customer.

KU1 The structure and characteristics of information and data and how this influences presentation of results.

2 Select a presentation method appropriate to the content and to the audience.

KU2 The value of good design and presentation.

3 Follow the design principles and standards of your organisation. 4 Design an appropriate format if none exists and gain approval if necessary. 5 Present the output from searches, research and alerting services so that any assumptions made are clear and that the sources are cited accurately. 6 Use appropriate tools to analyse and present information. 7

KU3 The principles of information design and presentation. KU4

he influence of different audiences on the T way information needs to be presented.

KU5 How to present information clearly and unambiguously and with the necessary context. KU6 How to use IT tools to support information presentation and design. KU7 Your organisation’s standards and formats for information presentation.

ake information from a range of resources T and re-package for specific purposes.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SF10 | Present information in appropriate formats for customers

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

8 Assess the impact of the presentation format used on the customer.

Further information   Who is this standard for This standard is applicable to people in practitioner and operational roles providing content based services to a range of customer groups. It is also relevant to those in management roles with responsibilities for defining standards for the design and presentation of information.

  Behaviours In addition to the core values and behaviour, these behaviours underpin effective performance: 1. You strive to present information in an appropriate format 2. You recognise the influence of culture, age, language, work context on the presentation of information 3. You seek new ways to re-use content and resources.

  Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards This standard has links with the NOS for Health Informatics: HI5 - Analyse data and information and present outputs of analysis, developed by Skills for Health. See


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Develop and implement your organisation’s strategy for facilitating lifelong learning

Area G – Facilitating lifelong learning Standard G1:

evelop and implement your organisation’s strategy for D facilitating lifelong learning   What this standard is about Organisations in the information services sector differ in the priority they accord to facilitating lifelong learning. This standard is relevant if your organisation identifies that it has a role in supporting customers who are pursuing formal or informal learning opportunities. In a management role you will be responsible for developing, or contributing to the development of, your organisation’s strategy and plan for facilitating lifelong learning, for allocating and managing resources and for evaluating the effectiveness of your organisation in facilitating lifelong learning. .   The


Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Agree a vision for lifelong learning that is aligned with the overall vision for your organisation.

KU1 Your organisation’s overall vision and strategic plan.

2 Identify the most appropriate strategy for achieving your organisation’s vision for lifelong learning. 3 Provide appropriate opportunities for stakeholders to contribute to the development of your organisation’s vision and strategy for facilitating lifelong learning. 4

evelop specific, measurable and timeD bound objectives for your organisation’s strategy relating to lifelong learning.


pecify the activity to be undertaken in S achieving your organisation’s objectives relating to lifelong learning.


he range of different stakeholders involved T in your organisation and how to encourage their active participation and commitment.


urrent thinking on lifelong learning and the C skills agenda.

KU4 National policies, strategies and funding priorities relating to lifelong learning. KU5 How the facilitation of lifelong learning relates to the implementation of equal opportunities, inclusivity and widening participation. KU6

ow to develop specific, time-bound and H measurable objectives.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SG1 | Develop and implement your organisation’s strategy for facilitating lifelong learning

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

6 Identify accurately the resources required to achieve your organisation’s objectives relating to lifelong learning.

KU7 How to identify appropriate resources.

7 Provide appropriate support and guidance to those developing specific and detailed implementation plans. 8 Ensure that plans contain systems for monitoring progress and criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the strategy relating to lifelong learning. 9 Use appropriate media and techniques to communicate your organisation’s vision, strategy and objectives for lifelong learning to different stakeholders.

KU8 How to use appropriate media and techniques to effectively communicate vision and strategy to stakeholders and the wider audience. KU9 The importance of providing support and guidance to those developing and implementing plans, and how to do this. KU10 How to develop criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of strategies and systems for monitoring progress against plans.

10 Evaluate the effectiveness of your organisation’s strategy relating to lifelong learning against agreed criteria, identifying clearly those areas where the strategy is ineffective and the reasons for this.



I nvolve relevant stakeholders in reviewing your organisation’s vision and strategy for lifelong learning and acknowledge the contributions of those involved.


ake necessary changes to your M organisation’s strategy in order to achieve the vision relating to lifelong learning and communicate these changes to stakeholders.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Develop and implement your organisation’s strategy for facilitating lifelong learning | SG1

Further information   Who is this standard for This standard is applicable to people in management and practitioner roles who lead or contribute to the development of vision and strategy for their organisation.

Behaviours In addition to the core values and behaviour, these behaviours underpin effective performance: 1. You demonstrate a personal commitment to and enthusiasm for lifelong learning 2. You create a sense of common purpose 3. You communicate effectively, appropriately and consistently with stakeholders and the wider audience 4. You show sensitivity to stakeholders’ needs and interests, and manage these effectively 5. You value the contribution of others in contributing to the development of vision and strategy.

Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards This standard relates to others in Area A – Planning and developing services and Area H – Working with people to deliver services of this set of NOS.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management



S4 | PerformanceProvide Criteria with the Knowledge and Understanding support to individuals or groups

of learners

Area G – Facilitating lifelong learning Standard G2:

Provide support to individuals or groups of learners   What this standard is about This standard is about planning and assessing for learning support.

Values Learning support practitioners in the lifelong learning sector value: • All learners, their progress and development, their potential, their learning goals and aspirations, and the experience they bring to learning • Learning, its potential to benefit individuals (emotionally, intellectually, socially and economically) and its contribution to the wider community • Learners’ independence and self-determination • Equality, diversity and inclusion in relation to learners, the workforce, and the community • Constructive working relationships with colleagues, groups and/or organisations to promote the progress and development of learners • Improving the quality of their practice through reflection, evaluation of their own practice and continuing professional development.   The


Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Provide high quality learning support that enables learners to achieve identified goals.

KU1 The importance of having high expectations of learners.

2 Engage learners in activities that advance learning for individuals and groups.


3 Develop and maintain effective relationships with learners that promote learning.

KU3 The nature, extent and boundaries of learning support role/s. KU4

he aims, objectives, content and T approaches of the learning programme.


ow individual learning objectives are agreed H with the learner.

4 Communicate effectively with learners.


he contribution learning support can make T to learners’ achievement.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Provide support to individuals or groups of learners | SG2

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:



ays in which learning activities can meet W learner needs.

6 Provide support that builds on learners’ experience, learning preferences and levels of independence and encourages learners to work independently.


ays of motivating and engaging learners W that promote learner confidence.


Flexible and varied approaches to learning


Ways of working with individuals.


KU10 Ways of working with groups.

se, adapt and / or develop resources that U support learners’ needs.

ork with colleagues with appropriate W expertise to identify and address the language, literacy, numeracy and ICT needs of learners.

8 Support learner progression. 9 Provide learning support in a purposeful learning environment where learners feel safe, secure, confident and valued. 10 Promote, maintain and model behaviour that demonstrates respect for others. 11

nable learners to manage, reflect on and E make decisions about their learning.

12 Collaborate with and respect the contribution of colleagues and others. 13 Communicate relevant information about learners to others with a legitimate interest.

KU11 The importance of mutual respect. KU12 T he role of advocacy and self-advocacy in the achievement of learner goals. KU13 T he boundaries of the teacher/learner relationship, including ethical and professional considerations. KU14 W ays to structure and present information and ideas clearly and effectively to support learning. KU15 T he contribution that resources can make to the learners’ achievement. KU16 W ays to encourage learners to manage and use resources independently. KU17 H ow to use new and emergent technologies to meet the needs of individual learners. KU18 I ndividual learners’ learning and support needs.

14 Maintain accurate records relating to learning support.

KU19 W ays in which learning activities can promote learner independence.

15 Provide learning support that conforms to organisational and legal requirements.

KU20 The different ways in which language, literacy, numeracy and ICT skills are integral to learners’ achievement.

16 Contribute, and encourage learners to contribute, to review of learning programme and of organisation.

KU21 W ays in which learning promotes the wellbeing of individuals and communities. KU22 Progression opportunities and routes for learners.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SG2 | Provide support to individuals or groups of learners

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

17 Evaluate and improve the effectiveness of own practice, identify own professional development and training needs, and take steps to address these.

KU23 The routes available to the learner to access guidance and support for progression. KU24 The contribution a learning environment can make to learners’ success and achievement. KU25 W ays of promoting a learning environment that is inclusive and that complies with safe practice. KE26 W ays to support learners consistently and as individuals. KU27 W ays to encourage behaviour that promotes respect for and between others. KU28 W ays to identify and respond to discriminatory behaviour in order to promote and maintain an inclusive environment for learning KU29 W ays to help the learner to understand and take responsibility for their own learning. KU30 Roles and responsibilities of colleagues and others. KU31 The importance of effective team working. KU32 W hen to seek advice from colleagues and others. KU33 T he need for confidentiality, respect and trust in communicating with others about learners. KU34 L egal requirements relating to confidentiality and disclosure. KU35 Organisational systems and processes for record-keeping. KU36 Relevant legal requirements and codes of practice. KU37 The needs and rights of young people and vulnerable adults. KU38 Own role in the organisation’s planning and review processes.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Provide support to individuals or groups of learners | SG2

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand: KU39 W ays in which learners can contribute to planning and review. KU40 W ays to identify, reflect on and evaluate the impact of own practice on the learning of individuals. KU41 Ways to develop and improve own practice. KU42 E nsure own personal skills in English and / or Welsh, mathematics and ICT are appropriate for the effective support of learners.

Further information   Who is this standard for This standard applies to learning support practitioners in a generic or a specialist role who are working under the direction of the person leading the learning who: 1. provide learning support for individual and/or groups 2. work with others to provide learning support 3. promote learner independence and self-determination 4. promote inclusion and participation 5. improve own practice and that of the organisation.

  Behaviours There are no specific behaviours associated with standard other than within the performance criteria.

  Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards There are no explicit links to other standards.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management



S4 | Performance Criteria with the Knowledge and Understanding

Provide learners with support to use ILT

Area G – Facilitating lifelong learning Standard G3:

Provide learners with support to use ILT   What this standard is about Staff need to ensure learners can develop their skills in using ILT and provide going support.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Provide learners with support to use ILT: help learners continuously develop their use of ILT

Area G – Facilitating lifelong learning Standard G3.1:

rovide learners with support to use ILT: help learners P continuously develop their use of ILT   What this standard is about Services need to be responsive to the world outside. This standard is about understanding the broader environment in which your organisation works, and the external drivers that influence its objectives and strategies. It includes monitoring developments and tends in the delivery of services that may impact on future service development.

The standard Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:


Generic knowledge

stablish the knowledge and skills learners E require to use ILT.

2 Accurately identify learners’ current levels of knowledge and skills and what they need to learn in order to use ILT effectively. 3

se appropriate, effective and efficient U strategies and techniques to help learners develop the knowledge and skills they need to use ILT.

4 Provide learners with practical opportunities to apply their knowledge and skills in using ILT.

KU1 The organisation’s ILT policies. KU2

ow to select appropriate teaching methods H for ILT on the basis of learning theory.

KU3 W ays of learning and learning strategies appropriate to the use of ILT. KU4

ow to assess learners’ levels of knowledge, H skills and performance in ILT.

KU5 The range of tools and techniques that can be used to identify learners’ ILT needs.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SG3.1 | Understand the external environment

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand: KU6 How to assess the extent to which learning objectives have been achieved through ILT. KU7 How ILT can be used to assist implementation of equal opportunities, inclusivity and widening participation policy and practice. Critical understanding and essential knowledge of KU8 The range of current ILT available and emerging trends. KU9 How to use the range of ILT. KU10 The range of practical opportunities available for learners to apply their knowledge and skills in using ILT, and how to provide them. KU11 The range of appropriate strategies and techniques to help learners develop the knowledge and skills they need to use ILT.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Provide learners with support to use ILT: support learners to enhance their performance using ILT

Area G – Facilitating lifelong learning Standard G3.2:

rovide learners with support to use ILT: support learners P to enhance their performance using ILT   The standard Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Promote the principle of learners continuously enhancing their performance in using ILT.

Generic knowledge


ncourage learners to take a systematic E approach to continuing personal and professional development through ILT.

3 Use appropriate tools and techniques to identify learners’ emerging needs to enhance their performance in using ILT. 4 Encourage learners to access appropriate resources and support to enhance their performance in using ILT.

As knowledge and understanding KU1 to KU7 in standard G3.1 Provide learners with support to use ILT: help learners continuously develop their use of ILT Critical understanding and essential knowledge of KU1 The importance of continuously developing performance in using ILT. KU2

he resources and support learners need to Τ enhance their performance in using ILT.

KU3 The range of enabling technologies available to meet diverse learning needs.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Further information   Who is this standard for Staff carrying out this function assist students to make best use of ILT as distinct from providing ICT instruction.

  Behaviours There are no specific behaviours associated with standard other than within the performance criteria.

  Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards There are no explicit links to other standards.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Develop and adapt ILT materials to support learning

Area G – Facilitating lifelong learning Standard G4:

Develop and adapt ILT materials to support learning   What this standard is about Staff who carry out this function may be developing ILT materials for themselves or may be collaborating with subject, authoring and design specialists. They need to establish the requirements for ILT materials in terms of content, learning objectives and learning strategies. They need to develop and agree the technical specifications for the materials. They then need to design and develop prototype ILT materials in line with the specifications, test the materials with a representative group of users and deliver them to the commissioners as appropriate.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management



Develop and adapt ILT materials to

S4 | Performance Criteria with the Knowledge Understanding support learning:and plan and structure

ILT materials development

Area G – Facilitating lifelong learning Standard G4.1:

evelop and adapt ILT materials to support learning: plan D and structure ILT materials development   The standard Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Identify the learning outcomes for the ILT materials by use of appropriate targets for learning and individual learners’ achievements.

Generic knowledge


tructure ILT learning materials to foster S learners’ curiosity, creativity and ability to work on their own.

3 Match interactions with ILT learning materials to the abilities and learning styles of wide range of learners, including those who are hearing or sight impaired. 4 Identify interactions with ILT learning materials which allow groups and individuals to learn through experience, including opportunities to demonstrate and practice skills. 5 Identify interactions with ILT learning materials which provide opportunities for learners to reinforce knowledge and understanding.


KU1 how to draft clear, concise and comprehensive specifications. KU2

he importance of checking with T commissioners that specifications fully meet their requirements, and how to do so.

KU3 The importance of obtaining acceptance by commissioners of finished materials, and how to do so. KU4

he range of subject, learning and design T specialists with whom the member of staff must collaborate.

Critical understanding and essential knowledge of KU5

elevant syllabi and outline programme R content.


Required learning outcomes.

KU7 Methods of engaging learners’ interest and fostering creativity. KU8 How to provide for learners of different abilities and preferred learning styles.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Develop and adapt ILT materials to support learning: plan and structure ILT materials development | SG4.1

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand: KU9

ow to reinforce knowledge and H understanding.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Develop and adapt ILT materials to support learning: develop S4 | Performance Criteria with the Knowledge and Understanding design specifications for ILT materials


Area G – Facilitating lifelong learning Standard G4.2:

evelop and adapt ILT materials to support learning: D develop design specifications for ILT materials   The standard Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Draft clear, concise and comprehensive specifications for ILT materials in collaboration with relevant subject, authoring and design specialists.

Generic knowledge

2 Establish the characteristics of the learning environment in which the ILT materials will be used. 3 Establish the technical requirements and authoring tools to be used. 4 Establish documentation standards and requirements check that the specifications are capable of delivering the agreed learning objectives.


As knowledge and understanding KU1 to KU4 in standard G4.1 Develop and adapt ILT materials to support learning: plan and structure ILT materials development Critical understanding and essential knowledge of KU1 The ways in which the characteristics of the learning environment may impact on the design of ILT materials. KU2 The range of authoring tools and methodologies that may be used, and how to select appropriate ones. KU3

ikely documentation requirements and how L to establish these.


he importance of checking that the T specifications are capable of delivering the agreed learning objectives, and how to do so.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Develop and adapt ILT materials to support learning: design ILT materials to specifications

Area G – Facilitating lifelong learning Standard G4.3:

evelop and adapt ILT materials to support learning: D design ILT materials to specifications   The standard Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Acquire authoring tools to meet specifications.

Generic knowledge

2 Design, develop and test prototype user interfaces to ensure they meet user requirements. 3

As knowledge and understanding KU1 to KU4 in standard G4.1 Develop and adapt ILT materials to support learning: plan and structure ILT materials development

raft on-screen text, help instructions, D user manuals and technical documentation according to specifications.

Critical understanding and essential knowledge of

4 Enter or import content to the software platforms and test that it functions correctly.

KU1 How to acquire, adapt and develop software platforms to meet specifications.

5 Ensure that ILT materials are tested for suitability with a representative sample of learners.


ow to design, develop and test prototype H user interfaces to ensure they meet user requirements.


ow to draft on-screen text, help H instructions, user manuals and technical documentation according to specifications.


odify materials according to feedback from M testing.


eliver finished ILT materials to D commissioners and obtain their acceptance.

8 Review the design and development process and identify ways in which the process could be improved in the future.

KU4 How to enter or import content to the software platforms and test functionality.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SG4.3 | Develop and adapt ILT materials to support learning: design ILT materials to specifications

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand: KU5 The importance of testing the usability and capability of the ILT materials to meet the agreed learning objectives with a representative sample of typical users, and how to do so. KU6 How to create originals of ILT materials.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Develop and adapt ILT materials to support learning: evaluate the effectiveness of the designed materials in use

Area G – Facilitating lifelong learning Standard G4.4:

evelop and adapt ILT materials to support learning: D evaluate the effectiveness of the designed materials in use   The standard Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Maintain systems for gathering information on the use of the designed materials and evaluating their effectiveness against the specified learning outcomes.

Generic knowledge

2 Involve learners and colleagues in evaluating the effectiveness of the designed materials. 3.

ather complete, valid and up-to-date G information about the use of the designed materials.

As knowledge and understanding KU1 to KU4 in standard G4.1 Develop and adapt ILT materials to support learning: plan and structure ILT materials development Critical understanding and essential knowledge of KU1 Systems for gathering information on the use of the designed materials and evaluating their effectiveness.

4 Monitor how learners are responding during the programme to ensure that ILT materials match learners’ abilities and learning styles.

KU2 The importance of involving learners and colleagues in evaluation.

5 Evaluate the effectiveness of ILT materials in meeting learning objectives for learners with a diverse range of needs and abilities.

KU3 The importance of evaluating the effectiveness of the designed materials in meeting learning objectives for learners with a diverse range of abilities. KU4 The criteria by which to evaluate the effectiveness of ILT materials.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SG4.4 | Develop and adapt ILT materials to support learning: evaluate the effectiveness of the designed materials in use

Further information   Who is this standard for Staff carrying out this function assist students to make best use of ILT as distinct from providing ICT instruction.

  Behaviours There are no specific behaviours associated with standard other than within the performance criteria.

  Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards There are no explicit links to other standards.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Develop training sessions

Area G – Facilitating lifelong learning Standard G5:

Develop training sessions   What this standard is about This standard is about developing training sessions for individuals and groups. This includes reviewing different ways of delivering a session, identifying the types of activities to use in a session, developing exercises for learners, deciding on the appropriate use of demonstrations and presentations, planning instruction materials, deciding on the appropriate use of individual and group activities, deciding when oneto-one coaching is appropriate, reviewing the potential for using technology-based learning and e-learning methods as part of the session, preparing material and equipment for different types of sessions and evaluating how effective the session is against learning objectives.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management



S4 | Performance Criteria with thetraining Knowledgesessions: and Understanding Develop identify

options for training sessions

Area G – Facilitating lifelong learning Standard G5.1:

evelop training sessions: identify options for training D sessions   The standard Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Identify the purpose of and necessary outcomes from the training session.

The nature and role of learning sessions


roduce specific aims and objectives for the P session.

3 Identify different ways you could deliver the session. 4

onsider the appropriate use of technologyC based delivery and e-learning.


ow to produce aims and objectives for H specific sessions.


ow to choose appropriate ways of H delivering training in relation to the objectives of the session and learners’ needs.


ow to ensure that the way you have H chosen will help individual learners achieve the necessary outcomes of the session.


ow to match the delivery method to the H necessary outcomes of the session.

5 Choose ways of delivering the session which meet the aims and objectives of the session. 6 Identify the resources you need to deliver the session.

KU5 How to monitor and review learners’ progress in the session. KU6

ow to evaluate the effectiveness of the H session against aims and objectives.

KU7 How to identify and evaluate changes and developments in technology and e-learning and their relevance to how the organisation delivers learning and development.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Develop training sessions: identify options for training sessions | SG5.1

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand: Principles and concepts KU8 How to identify the resources you need to deliver effective learning sessions. KU9 How to identify and use an appropriate place and environment for effective learning. KU10 H ow to assess which materials are the most suitable for learners. KU11 How to get the necessary resources to deliver the session. KU12 How to ensure you promote equal opportunities through the material and methods you use. External factors influencing learning sessions KU13 How to evaluate developments in education, training and qualifications which have a direct effect on the design of learning sessions. KU14 How to analyse and use developments in learning and new ways of delivery, including technology-based delivery and e-learning support.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management



S4 | Performance CriteriaDevelop with the Knowledge Understanding trainingand sessions: deliver

training sessions for learners

Area G – Facilitating lifelong learning Standard G5.2:

evelop training sessions: deliver training sessions for D learners   The standard Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Ensure all learning material are available.

As knowledge and understanding KU1 to KU14 in standard G5.1 Develop training sessions: identify options for training sessions

2 Ensure that the method you have chosen will promote equal opportunities and access. 3 Include a range of appropriate techniques and activities throughout the session, including technology-based learning. 4. Evaluate how effective the session is against the aims and objectives.

Further information   Who is this standard for This standard is appropriate if your role involves developing training sessions for individuals and groups.

Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards There are no explicit links to other standards.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Enable learning through presentations

Area G – Facilitating lifelong learning Standard G6:

Enable learning through presentations   What this standard is about This standard is about identifying individual needs and learning styles, choosing appropriate presentation techniques, structuring presentations and adapting presentations to take account of technology-based learning.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management



Enable learning through

S4 | Performance Criteria presentations: with the Knowledge give and Understanding presentations

to groups

Area G – Facilitating lifelong learning Standard G6.1:

nable learning through presentations: give presentations E to groups   The standard Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:


The nature and role of presentations

ake account of the size and different needs T of the people in the group when deciding on how to deliver the presentation.

2 Present information in a tone, manner and at a speed which is appropriate to the needs and capabilities of the learner. 3 Recognise and respond to individual needs and learning styles. 4 Use visual aids which support the information you are presenting and use technology-based learning if it is available. 5

ncourage learners to ask questions and E get explanations at appropriate stages in the presentation.

6 Give clear and accurate information to reinforce learning points in the presentation. 7 Reduce distractions and disruptions as much as possible.



hich types of learning are best achieved W and supported through presentations.

KU2 The separate areas of exercises and activities which encourage learning. KU3 How to choose from a range of presentation techniques. KU4 How to put information in order and decide whether the language you will be using is appropriate for the learners. KU5 How to adapt presentations and activities to support learning. KU6 How to identify and use different learning opportunities. KU7 How to structure presentations and activities. Principles and concepts KU8 How to put learners at their ease and encourage them to take part.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Enable learning through presentations: give presentations to groups | SG6.1

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand: KU9 How to choose appropriate activities. KU10 W hich factors are likely to prevent learning and how to overcome them. KU11 H ow to check learners’ understanding and progress. KU12 How to choose and prepare appropriate visual aids. KU13 How to identify and evaluate changes and developments in technology and e-learning and whether they are relevant to delivering learning and development. KU14 How to use appropriate forms of questioning during presentations. KU15 The separate areas of presentations which encourage learning. KU16 How to choose from a range of exercises and activities. External factors influencing the learning environment KU17 H ow to make sure everybody acts in line with health, safety and environmental protection legislation and best practice. KU18 How to evaluate developments in education, training and qualifications which have a direct effect on the design of learning materials. KU19 How to analyse and use developments in learning and new ways of delivery, including technology-based learning.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management



Enable learning through

S4 | Performance Criteria with the Knowledge and Understanding presentations: produce follow up


Area G – Facilitating lifelong learning Standard G6.2:

nable learning through presentations: produce follow up E exercises   The standard Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Choose exercises and activities which will reinforce the main areas of the presentation.

As knowledge and understanding KU1 to KU19 in standard G6.1 Enable learning through presentations: give presentations to group

2 Ensure group members understand the aims and expected outcomes of the exercises and activities. 3 Give clear guidance and instructions on how to take part in the exercises and activities. 4 Ensure that the manner, level and speed of communication throughout the process encourages the learner to take part and understand. 5 Get involved in the exercises and activities to make sure they are effective. 6


ive learners positive feedback on the G process and learning outcomes.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Enable learning through presentations: produce follow up exercises | SG6.2

Further information   Who is this standard for This standard is appropriate if your role involves making effective presentations and producing follow-up activities after presentations.

  Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards There are no explicit links to other standards.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management



S4 | Performance Criteria with the Knowledge and Understanding

Facilitate learning on-site using ILT

Area G – Facilitating lifelong learning Standard G7:

Facilitate learning on-site using ILT   What this standard is about Staff carrying out this function need to identify and exploit opportunities to use ILT to support individual learners and groups of learners within the organisation. They need to work with individuals to help them use ILT autonomously to achieve their learning objectives and with groups to use ILT on site to exploit fully the benefits of group working. They also need to develop and promote the use of ILT to encourage learners to learn from each other.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Facilitate learning on-site using ILT: facilitate learning for individuals using ILT

Area G – Facilitating lifelong learning Standard G7.1:

acilitate learning on-site using ILT: facilitate learning for F individuals using ILT   The standard Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Identify opportunities for using ILT to support individual learners.

Generic knowledge


gree with learners the learning objectives A to be met through ILT.

3 Agree with learners a learning plan that enables them to achieve their learning objectives autonomously using ILT. 4

ake available suitable ILT materials and M resources to enable learners to meet their learning objectives.

5 Encourage individual learners to use ILT materials and resources autonomously, providing the support they need to use them effectively. 6 Evaluate the effectiveness of ILT in supporting individual learning.

KU1 Learning theories and how they affect teaching and learning through ILT. KU2 How to select appropriate ILT teaching methods on the basis of learning theory. KU3

ays of learning through ILT and W appropriate learning strategies.

KU4 The relationship between learners’ abilities and learning styles and the required outcomes of learning programmes delivered through ILT. KU5 How to develop ILT plans to meet learning objectives. KU6

ow to assess learners’ levels of knowledge, H skills and competence through ILT.

Critical understanding and essential knowledge KU7 The range of opportunities available for using ILT to support individual learners. KU8 The range of opportunities available for individual learners to develop the knowledge and skills required to use ILT effectively for their own learning.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand: KU9 The ILT materials and resources available. KU10 The importance of encouraging learners to work autonomously through ILT, and how to do so. KU11 The types of support individual learners may need to use ILT effectively and how to provide this support.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Facilitate learning on-site using ILT: facilitate learning for groups of learners using ILT

Area G – Facilitating lifelong learning Standard G7.2:

acilitate learning on-site using ILT: facilitate learning for F groups of learners using ILT   The standard Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Identify opportunities for using ILT to support learning in groups.

Generic knowledge

2 Produce learning plans to encourage best use of ILT to help groups meet learning objectives. 3 Use ILT materials and equipment effectively to help groups of learners to develop their knowledge and skills. 4

ncourage effective learner participation in E group activities through the use of ILT.

5 Manage the group learning process effectively through the use of ILT . evaluate the effectiveness of ILT in supporting learning in groups.

As knowledge and understanding KU1 to KU6 in standard G7.1 Facilitate on-site using ILT: facilitate learning for individuals using ILT Critical understanding and essential knowledge KU1 The range of opportunities available for using ILT to support learning in groups. KU2 The ILT materials and resources available. KU3 How to encourage learner participation and the particular contribution ILT can make to this. KU4 How learners work and learn in ILT-groups. KU5 The principles of effective ILT-group management and how to apply them.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management



Facilitate learning on-site using ILT:

S4 | Performance Criteria with the Knowledge and Understanding encourage learners on-site to learn

from each other using ILT effectively

Area G – Facilitating lifelong learning Standard G7.3:

acilitate learning on-site using ILT: encourage learners F on-site to learn from each other using ILT effectively   The standard Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Identify opportunities for using ILT to encourage learners to learn from each other.

Generic knowledge

2 Provide opportunities for learners to develop the knowledge and skills required to use ILT. 3

Effectively to learn from each other.

4 Encourage learners to use ILT to communicate with, and learn from, each other. 5 Evaluate the effectiveness of ILT in helping learners learn from each other.

As knowledge and understanding KU1 to KU4 in standard G4.1 Develop and adapt ILT materials to support learning: plan and structure ILT materials development Critical understanding and essential knowledge KU1 T he range of opportunities available for using ILT to encourage learners to learn from each other. KU2 The knowledge and skills learners need to use ILT effectively to learn from each other. KU3 How to encourage learners to use ILT to communicate with, and learn from, each other.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Develop and adapt ILT materials to support learning: evaluate the effectiveness of the designed materials in use

Area G – Facilitating lifelong learning Standard G7.4:

evelop and adapt ILT materials to support learning: D evaluate the effectiveness of the designed materials in use   The standard Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Maintain systems for gathering information on the use of the designed materials and evaluating their effectiveness against the specified learning outcomes.

Generic knowledge

2 Involve learners and colleagues in evaluating the effectiveness of the designed materials. 3

ather complete, valid and up-to-date G information about the use of the designed materials.

4 Monitor how learners are responding during the programme to ensure that ILT materials match learners’ abilities and learning styles. 5 Evaluate the effectiveness of ILT materials in meeting learning objectives for learners with a diverse range of needs and abilities.

As knowledge and understanding KU1 to KU7 in standard G3.1 Understand the external environment Critical understanding and essential knowledge of KU1 Systems for gathering information on the use of the designed materials and evaluating their effectiveness. KU2 T he importance of involving learners and colleagues in evaluation. KU3 T he importance of evaluating the effectiveness of the designed materials in meeting learning objectives for learners with a diverse range of abilities. KU4 T he criteria by which to evaluate the effectiveness of ILT materials.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SG7.4 | Develop and adapt ILT materials to support learning: evaluate the effectiveness of the designed materials in use

Further information   Who is this standard for Staff carrying out this function assist students to make best use of ILT as distinct from providing ICT instruction.

  Behaviours There are no specific behaviours associated with standard other than within the performance criterial.

  Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards There are no explicit links to other standards.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Provide leadership for your team

Area H – Managing people to deliver service This standard is B5 imported from the Management Standards Centre suite of standards Standard H1:

Provide leadership for your team   What this standard is about This standard is about providing direction to the members of your team and motivating and supporting them to achieve the objectives of the team and their personal work objectives.

The standard Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Set out and positively communicate the purpose and objectives of the team to all members.

General knowledge and understanding


I nvolve members in planning how the team will achieve its objectives.

3 Ensure that each member of the team has personal work objectives and understands how achieving these will contribute to achievement of the team’s objectives. 4 Encourage and support team members to achieve their personal work objectives and those of the team and provide recognition when objectives have been achieved. 5

in, through your performance, the trust W and support of the team for your leadership.


teer the team successfully through S difficulties and challenges, including conflict within the team.

KU1 Different ways of communicating successfully with members of a team. KU2

ow to set objectives which are SMART H (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound).

KU3 How to plan the achievement of team objectives and the importance of involving team members in this process. KU4 The importance of being able to show team members how personal work objectives contribute to achievement of team objectives. KU5 That different styles of leadership exist.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SH1 | Provide leadership for your team

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

7 Encourage and recognise creativity and innovation within the team.

KU6 How to select and successfully apply a limited range of different methods for motivating, supporting and encouraging people and recognising their achievements.

8 Give team members support and advice when they need it especially during periods of setback and change.


9 Motivate people to present their own ideas and listen to what they say. 10

ncourage people to take the lead when E they have the knowledge and expertise and show willingness to follow this lead.

11 Monitor activities and progress across the team without interfering.

ypes of difficulties and challenges that may T arise, including conflict within the team, and ways of overcoming them.

KU8 The importance of encouraging others to take the lead and ways in which this can be achieved. KU9

he benefits of and how to encourage and T recognise creativity and innovation within a team.

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Records Management specific knowledge and understanding KU10 Legal, regulatory and ethical requirements in the sector. Context specific knowledge and understanding KU11 T he members, purpose and objectives of your team. KU12 T he personal work objectives of members of your team. KU13 The types of support and advice that people are likely to need and how to respond to these. KU14 S tandards of performance for the work of your team.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Provide leadership for your team | SH1

Further information   Who is this standard for This standard is recommended for team leaders.

Behaviours The behaviours that underpin this standard require you to demonstrate that you:

1. Create a sense of common purpose

2. Take a personal responsibility for making things happen

3. Encourage and support others to take decisions autonomously

4. Act within the limits of your authority

5. Make time available to support others

6. Show integrity, fairness and consistency in decision-making

7. Seek to understand people’s needs and motivations

8. Demonstrate behaviour that shows respect, helpfulness and co-operation.

Skills Listed below are the main generic ‘skills’ which need to be applied in providing leadership for your team. These skills are explicit/implicit in the detailed content of The standard and are listed here as additional information. • Communicating • Planning • Team building • Leading by example • Setting objectives • Motivating • Consulting • Problem solving • Valuing and supporting others • Monitoring • Managing conflict • Decision making • Following.

Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SH1 | Provide leadership for your team

Further information   Links to other standards This standard is linked to B6. Provide leadership in your area of responsibility and B7. Provide leadership for your organisation in the overall suite of National Occupational Standards for management and leadership.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Provide leadership in your area of responsibility

Area H – Managing people to deliver service This standard is B6 imported from the Management Standards Centre suite of standards Standard H2:

Provide leadership in your area of responsibility   What this standard is about This standard is about providing direction to people in an area, or part of an organisation, which is clearly and formally defined, and motivating and supporting them to achieve the vision and objectives for the area.

  The standard Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Create a vision of where your area is going and communicate it clearly and enthusiastically, together with supportive objectives and operational plans, to the people working within your area.

General knowledge and understanding


nsure that people working within your E area understand and can see how the vision, objectives and operational plans link to the vision and objectives of the overall organisation.

3 Steer your area successfully through difficulties and challenges, including conflict within the area.

KU1 The fundamental differences between management and leadership. KU2 How to create a compelling vision for an area of responsibility. KU3 How to select and apply successfully different methods for communicating with people across an area of responsibility. KU4 A range of different leadership styles and how to select and apply these to different situations and people. KU5 H ow to obtain and make use of feedback from people on your leadership performance.

4 Create and maintain a culture within your area which encourages and recognises creativity and innovation.

KU6 T ypes of difficulties and challenges that may arise, including conflict within the area, and ways of identifying and overcoming them.

5 Develop a range of leadership styles and select and apply them to appropriate situations and people.

KU7 T he benefits of, and how to create and maintain, a culture which encourages and recognises creativity and innovation.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SH2 | Provide leadership in your area of responsibility

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:


KU8 The importance of encouraging others to take the lead and ways in which this can be achieved.

ommunicate regularly, making effective C use of a range of different communication methods, with all the people working within your area and show that you listen to what they say.

7 Give people in your area support and advice when they need it, especially during periods of setback and change. 8 Motivate and support people in your area to achieve their work and development objectives, and provide recognition when they are successful. 9 Empower people in your area to develop their own ways of working and take their own decisions within agreed boundaries.

KU9 How to empower people effectively. KU10 H ow to select and apply successfully different methods for encouraging, motivating and supporting people and for recognising achievement. Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Records Management specific knowledge and understanding KU11 L eadership styles common in the industry/ sector. KU12 Legal, regulatory and ethical requirements in the industry/sector. Context specific knowledge and understanding

10 Encourage people to give a lead in their own areas of expertise and show willingness to follow this lead.

KU13 Your own values, motivations and emotions.


KU15 The strengths, limitations and potential of people that you lead.

in, through your performance, the trust W and support of people within your area for your leadership and obtain regular feedback on your performance.

KU14 Your own strengths and limitations in the leadership role.

KU16 Your own role, responsibilities and level of power. KU17 T he vision and objectives of the overall organisation. KU18 T he vision, objectives, culture and operational plans for your area of responsibility. KU19 Types of support and advice that people are likely to need and how to respond to these. KU20 Leadership styles used across the organisation.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Provide leadership in your area of responsibility | SH2

Further information   Who is this standard for This standard is recommended for middle managers.

Behaviours The behaviours that underpin this standard require you to demonstrate that you:

1. Articulate a vision that generates excitement, enthusiasm and commitment

2. Create a sense of common purpose

3. Take personal responsibility for making things happen

4. Make complex things simple for the benefit of others

5. Encourage and support others to take decisions autonomously

6. Act within the limits of your authority

7. Make time available to support others

8. Show integrity, fairness and consistency in decision-making

9. Seek to understand people’s needs and motivations

10. You model behaviour that shows respect, helpfulness and co-operation

11. You encourage and support others to make the best use of their abilities.

Terminology The ‘area of responsibility’ may be, for example, a branch or department or functional area, or an operating site within an agency or organisation.

Links to other standards There are no explicit links to other standards.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management



Allocate and monitor the progress

S4 | Performance Criteria with the of Knowledge Understanding and quality work inand your area of


Area H – Managing people to deliver service This standard is D6 imported from the Management Standards Centre suite of standards Standard H3:

llocate and monitor the progress and quality of work in A your area of responsibility   What this standard is about This standard is about ensuring that the work required in your area of responsibility is effectively planned and fairly allocated to individuals and/or teams. It also involves monitoring the progress and quality of the work of individuals and/or teams to ensure that the required level or standard of performance is being met and reviewing and updating plans of work in the light of developments.

The standard Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Monitor the relevant legal, regulatory, ethical and social requirements and the effect they have on your area of responsibility, including what will happen if you don’t meet them.

General knowledge and understanding

2 Develop effective policies and procedures to make sure your organisation meets all the necessary requirements. 3

ake sure relevant people have a M clear understanding of the policies and procedures and the importance of putting them into practice.

KU1 How to select and successfully apply different methods for communicating with people across an area of responsibility. KU2 T he importance of confirming/clarifying the work required in your area of responsibility with your manager and how to do this effectively. KU3

ow to identify and take due account of H health and safety issues in the planning, allocation and monitoring of work.

4 Monitor the way policies and procedures are put into practice and provide support.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Allocate and monitor the progress and quality of work in your area of responsibility | SH3

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

5 Encourage a climate of openness about meeting and not meeting the requirements.

KU4 H ow to produce a plan of work for your area of responsibility, including how to identify any priorities or critical activities and the available resources.

6 Identify and correct any failures to meet the requirements. 7 Identify reasons for not meeting requirements and adjust the policies and procedures to reduce the likelihood of failures in the future. 8

rovide full reports about any failures to P meet the requirements to the relevant stakeholders.

KU5 T he importance of seeking views from people working in your area and how to take account of their views in producing the plan of work. KU6 W hy it is important to allocate work to individuals and/or teams on a fair basis and how to do so effectively. KU7 W hy it is important that individuals and/or teams are briefed on allocated work and The standard or level of expected performance and how to do so effectively. KU8

he importance of showing individuals and/ T or teams how their work fits with the vision and objectives of the area and those of the organisation.


ays of encouraging individuals and/ W or teams to ask questions and/or seek clarification in relation to the work which they have been allocated.

KU10 Effective ways of regularly and fairly monitoring the progress and quality of work of individuals and/or teams against The standards or level of expected performance. KU11 How to provide prompt and constructive feedback to individuals and/or teams. KU12 W hy it is important to monitor your area for conflict and how to identify the cause(s) of conflict when it occurs and deal with it promptly and effectively.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SH3 | Allocate and monitor the progress and quality of work in your area of responsibility

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand: KU13 W hy it is important to identify unacceptable or poor performance by individuals and/or teams and how to discuss the cause(s) and agree ways of improving performance with them. KU14 T he additional support and/or resources which individuals and/or teams Might require to help them complete their work and how to assist in providing this. KU15 How to select and successfully apply different methods for encouraging, motivating and supporting individuals and/or teams to complete the work they have been allocated, improve their performance and for recognising their achievements. KU16 How to log information on the ongoing performance of individuals and/or teams and use this information for formal performance appraisal purposes. KU17 The importance of reviewing and updating plans of work for your area in the light of developments, how to reallocate work and resources and clearly communicate the changes to those affected. KU18 The type of problems and unforeseen events that may occur and how to support individuals and/or teams in dealing with them.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Allocate and monitor the progress and quality of work in your area of responsibility | SH3

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand: Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Records Management specific knowledge and understanding KU19 I ndustry/sector requirements for the development or maintenance of knowledge, understanding and skills. KU20 I ndustry/sector specific legislation, regulations, guidelines, codes of practice relating to carrying out the work Context specific knowledge and understanding KU21 T he individuals and/or teams in your area of responsibility. KU22 T he vision and objectives for your area of responsibility. KU23 T he vision and objectives of the overall organisation. KU24 T he work required in your area of responsibility. KU25 T he available resources for undertaking the required work. KU26 T he plan of work for your area of responsibility. KU27 The organisation’s written health and safety policy statement and associated information and requirements. KU28 Your organisation’s policy and procedures in terms of personal development. KU29 Organisational standards or level of expected performance.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SH4 | Allocate and monitor the progress and quality of work in your area of responsibilitying

Further information   Who is this standard for This standard is recommended for first line managers and middle managers.

Behaviours The behaviours that underpin this standard require you to demonstrate that you:

1. Recognise changes in circumstances promptly and adjust plans and activities accordingly

2. Prioritise objectives and plan work to make best use of time and resources

3. Make time available to support others

4. Take personal responsibility for making things happen.

Terminology The ‘area of responsibility’ may be, for example, a branch or department or functional area, or an operating site within an agency or organisation.

Links to other standards There are no explicit links to other standards.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Allocate and check work in your team

Area H – Managing people to deliver service This standard is D5 imported from the Management Standards Centre suite of standards Standard H4:

Allocate and check work in your team   What this standard is about This standard is about ensuring that the work required of your team is allocated effectively and fairly amongst team members. It also involves checking on the progress and quality of the work of team members to ensure that the required level or standard or performance is being met.

  The standard Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:


General knowledge and understanding




onfirm the work required of the team with C your manager and seek clarification, where necessary, on any outstanding points and issues. lan how the team will undertake its work, P identifying any priorities or critical activities and making best use of the available resources. llocate work to team members on a A fair basis taking account of their skills, knowledge and understanding, experience and workloads and the opportunity for development. rief team members on the work that they B have been allocated and The standards or level of expected performance.

KU1 Different ways of communicating effectively with members of a team. KU2 T he importance of confirming/clarifying the work required of the team with your manager and how to do this effectively. KU3 H ow to plan the work of a team, including how to identify any priorities or critical activities and the available resources. KU4 H ow to identify and take due account of health and safety issues in the planning, allocation and checking of work. KU5 W hy it is important to allocate work across the team on a fair basis and how to do so.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SH4 | Allocate and check work in your team

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:


ncourage team members to ask questions, E make suggestions and seek clarification in relation to the work that they have been allocated.

KU6 W hy it is important to brief team members on the work that they have been allocated and The standard or level of expected performance and how to do so.


heck the progress and quality of the work C of team members on a regular and fair basis against The standard or level of expected performance and provide prompt and constructive feedback.

KU7 W ays of encouraging team members to ask questions and/or seek clarification and make suggestions in relation to the work which they have been allocated.

7 Support team members in identifying and dealing with problems and unforeseen events. 8 Motivate team members to complete the work that they have been allocated and provide, where requested and where possible, any additional support and/or resources to help completion. 9


onitor the team for conflict, identifying the M cause(s) when it occurs and dealing with it promptly and effectively.

KU8 Effective ways of regularly and fairly checking the progress and quality of the work of team members. KU9 How to provide prompt and constructive feedback to team members. KU10 How to select and apply a limited range of different methods for motivating, supporting and encouraging team members to complete the work they have been allocated, improve their performance and for recognising their achievements.

10 Identify unacceptable or poor performance, discuss the cause(s) and agree ways of improving performance with team members.

KU11 T he additional support and/or resources which team members might require to help them complete their work and how to assist in providing this.

11 Recognise successful completion of significant pieces of work or work activities by team members and the overall team and advise your manager.

KU12 Why it is important to monitor the team for conflict and how to identify the cause(s) of conflict when it occurs and deal with it promptly and effectively.

12 Use information collected on the performance of team members in any formal appraisal of performance.

KU13 Why it is important to identify unacceptable or poor performance by members of the team, and how to discuss the cause(s) and agree ways of improving performance with team.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Allocate and check work in your team | SH4

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand: KU14 The type of problems and unforeseen events that may occur and how to support team members in dealing with them. KU15 How to log information on the ongoing performance of team members and use this information for performance appraisal purposes. Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Records Management specific knowledge and understanding KU16 I ndustry/sector specific legislation, regulations, guidelines, codes of practice relating to carrying out work. KU17 I ndustry/sector requirements for the development or maintenance of knowledge, understanding and skills. Context specific knowledge and understanding KU18 T he members, purpose and objectives of your team. KU19 The work required of your team. KU20 T he available resources for undertaking the required work. KU21 Your organisation’s written health and safety policy statement and associated information and requirements. KU22 Y our team’s plan for undertaking the required work. KU23 T he skills, knowledge and understanding, experience and workloads of team members. KU24 Your organisation’s policy and procedures in terms of personal development

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SH4 | Allocate and check work in your team

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand: KU25 Reporting lines in the organisation and the limits of your authority. KU26 Organisational standards or levels of expected performance. KU27 Organisational policies and procedures for dealing with poor performance. KU28 Organisational grievance and disciplinary policies and procedures. KU29 Organisational performance appraisal systems.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Allocate and check work in your team | SH4

Further information   Who is this standard for This standard is recommended for team leaders.

  Behaviours The behaviours that underpin this standard require you to demonstrate that you:


Make time available to support others


Agree clearly what is expected of others and hold them to account


Prioritise objectives and plan work to make best use of team and resources


State your own position and views clearly and confidently in conflict situations


Show integrity, fairness and consistency in decision-making


Seek to understand people’s needs and motivations


Take pride in delivering high quality work


Take personal responsibility for making things happen


Encourage and support others to make the best use of their abilities

10. Are vigilant for possible risks and hazards.

Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards There are no explicit links to other standards.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management



S4 | Performance Criteria withproductive the Knowledgeworking and Understanding Develop

relationships with colleagues

Area H – Managing people to deliver service This standard is D1 imported from the Management Standards Centre suite of standards Standard H5:

Develop productive working relationships with colleagues   What this standard is about This standard is about developing working relationships with colleagues, within your own organisation, community and within other organisations that are productive in terms of supporting and delivering your work and that of the overall organisation and community.

The standard


Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:


KU1 T he benefits of developing productive working relationships with colleagues.

stablish working relationships with all E colleagues who are relevant to the work being carried out.

KU2 Principles of effective communication and how to apply them in order to communicate effectively with colleagues.


ecognise, agree and respect the roles and R responsibilities of colleagues.


nderstand and take account of the U priorities, expectations, and authority of colleagues in decisions and actions.


ulfil agreements made with colleagues and F let them know.


dvise colleagues promptly of any difficulties A or where it will be impossible to fulfil agreements.



I dentify and sort out conflicts of interest and disagreements with colleagues in ways that minimise damage to work being carried out.

KU6 The importance of exchanging information and resources with colleagues.

KU3 How to identify disagreements with colleagues and the techniques for sorting them out. KU4 How to identify disagreements with colleagues and the measures that can be used to manage or remove them. ow to take account of diversity issues H when developing working relationships with colleagues.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Develop productive working relationships with colleagues | SH5

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

7 Exchange information and resources with colleagues to make sure that all parties can work effectively.

KU7 H ow to get and make use of feedback on your performance from colleagues.


rovide feedback to colleagues on their P performance and seek feedback from colleagues on your own performance in order to identify areas for improvement.

KU8 How to provide colleagues with useful feedback on their performance. Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Records Management specific knowledge and understanding KU9 Regulations and codes of practice that apply in the industry/sector. KU10 Standards of behaviour and performance in the industry/sector. KU11 Working culture of the industry/sector. Context specific knowledge and understanding KU12 Current and future work being carried out. KU13 C olleagues who are relevant to the work being carried out, their work roles and responsibilities. KU14 Processes within the organisation for making decisions. KU15 Line management responsibilities and relationships within the organisation. KU16 The organisation’s values and culture. KU17 P ower, influence and politics within the organisation. KU18 Standards of behaviour and performance expected in the organisation. KU19 Information and resources that different colleagues might need. KU20 Agreements with colleagues.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SH5 | Develop productive working relationships with colleagues

Further information   Who is this standard for This standard is recommended for team leaders and first line managers.

Behaviours The behaviours that underpin this standard require you to demonstrate that you:

1. Present information clearly, concisely, accurately and in ways that promote understanding

2. Seek to understand people’s needs and motivations

3. Make time available to support others

4. Agree clearly what is expected of others and hold them to account

5. Work to develop an atmosphere of professionalism and mutual support

6. Model behaviour that shows respect, helpfulness and co-operation

7. Keep promises and honour commitments

8. Consider the impact of your own actions on others

9. Say no to unreasonable requests

10. Show respect for the views and actions of others.

Terminology ‘Colleagues’ are any people you are expected to work with, whether they are at a similar position or in other positions.

Links to other standards There are no explicit links to other standards.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Develop organisational structures and systems to support volunteering

Area H – Managing people to deliver service This standard is UKWHA3 imported from the UK Workforce Hub suite of standards Standard H6:

evelop organisational structures and systems to support D volunteering   What this standard is about Organisations need structures and systems that properly integrate and support the work of volunteers. In particular, these structures and systems should cover personnel management in a volunteer context, health and safety, induction, training and development, supervision and support, communication and resourcing. This standard is about how to evaluate how existing structures and systems can be improved to meet your organisation’s and volunteers’ needs. You may need to introduce quite new structures and systems where none exist.When designing or redesigning structures and systems, you need to develop various options and consult on these with volunteers, other stakeholders (such as beneficiaries of volunteer work, individual or corporate funders, partner organisations and paid staff) and decision makers (such as trustees, committee members and senior managers).Before putting the agreed structures and systems in place you need to negotiate their introduction with the volunteers, other stakeholders and decision makers.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Develop organisational structures and systems to support volunteering: identify and evaluate organisational S4 | Performance Criteria with the Knowledge and Understanding structures and systems to support volunteering


Area H – Managing people to deliver service This standard is UKWHA3 imported from the UK Workforce Hub suite of standards Standard H6.1:

evelop organisational structures and systems to D support volunteering: identify and evaluate organisational structures and systems to support volunteering The standard Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Identify existing structures and systems that are relevant to volunteers in your organisation.


2 Identify the diverse needs of volunteers and potential volunteers in relation to structures and systems. 3 Encourage and support volunteers and colleagues to provide feedback on the effectiveness and efficiency of structures and systems and how well they meet diverse needs. 4 Identify and evaluate structures and systems in other related organisations to identify best practice. 5 Analyse the information and identify ways in which structures and systems in your organisation could best meet the needs of your volunteers.


KU1 The principles of effective communication and how to apply them. KU2

he importance of getting informed feedback T from people, and how to do so.

Continuous improvement KU3 The importance of continuously reviewing and improving structures and systems, and how to do so. KU4

he value of seeking innovation in structures T and systems.

Diversity and equality KU5 The role that institutional discrimination can play in promoting inequality and how to minimise this.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Develop organisational structures and systems to support volunteering: identify and evaluate | SH6.1 organisational structures and systems to support volunteering

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:


hare your findings with decision makers S and stakeholders and take account of their feedback.

KU6 The particular needs that volunteers with different experiences, backgrounds and abilities may have and how to cater for these within volunteer support structures and systems. Involvement and motivation KU7 The importance of consulting with people and how to do so. KU8 The importance of showing that you have taken account of feedback. KU9 The importance of involving volunteers and other relevant staff in planning and how to do so. Learning and development KU10 How to identify people’s training and development needs. KU11 How to provide appropriate training and development to meet people’s diverse needs. Monitoring, review and evaluation KU12 How to evaluate existing structures and systems for effectiveness and efficiency. KU13 H ow to ensure that structures and systems are being adhered to. KU14 The importance of monitoring and evaluation, and how to establish monitoring and evaluation processes and methods. Negotiating and agreement KU15 How to negotiate with and influence others.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SH6.1 | Develop organisational structures and systems to support volunteering: identify and evaluate organisational structures and systems to support volunteering

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Recors Management staff know and understand: Planning and co-ordination KU16 How to develop specifications for structures and systems. KU17 The importance of identifying a range of options for others to consider when making new proposals. Support and supervision KU18 The types of support that volunteers and other staff may need in order to deal with change ed structures and systems, and how to make sure they receive the necessary support. Resource management KU19 How to quantify the resources available for your plans. KU20 How to estimate the type and quantity of resources required for your plans. Volunteering KU21 The particular needs that volunteers have by comparison with other types of staff. KU22 The types of structures and systems that are needed to support volunteers.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Develop organisational structures and systems to support volunteering: design organisational structures and systems to support volunteering

Area H – Managing people to deliver service This standard is UKWHA3 imported from the UK Workforce Hub suite of standards Standard H6.2:

evelop organisational structures and systems to support D volunteering: design organisational structures and systems to support volunteering The standard Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Identify the current and potential resources available for structures and systems.

As knowledge and understanding KU1 to KU11 in standard G6.1 Develop organisational structures and systems to support volunteering: identify and evaluate organisational structures and systems to support volunteering


evelop specifications for structures and D systems using evaluation and feedback.


evelop options to meet these specifications D which are achievable within available resources and are consistent with other relevant structures and systems in your organisation.


ake sure the options you develop promote M people’s rights, responsibilities and diversity.


resent your options to decision makers P and stakeholders and help them to provide informed feedback on your options.


ake account of the feedback of decision T makers and stakeholders in selecting and refining an option and gain their approval.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SH6.2 | Develop organisational structures and systems to support volunteering: design organisational structures and systems to support volunteering

Further information   Who is this standard for This standard is recommended for all those developing organisational structures and systems to support volunteering.

  Behaviours There are no behaviours specifically associated with this standard other than within the performance criteria.

Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards There are no explicit links to other standards.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Develop organisational structures and systems to support volunteering: implement organisational structures and systems to support volunteering

Area H – Managing people to deliver service This standard is UKWHA3 imported from the UK Workforce Hub suite of standards Standard H6.3:

evelop organisational structures and systems to support D volunteering: implement organisational structures and systems to support volunteering The standard Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:


As knowledge and understanding KU1 to KU11 in standard G6.1 Develop organisational structures and systems to support volunteering: identify and evaluate organisational structures and systems to support volunteering

I nvolve volunteers and colleagues in planning how to implement structures and systems.

2 Negotiate and agree your plans for implementing structures and systems with decision makers and stakeholders. 3

ake sure those involved in implementing M the structures and systems understand the implications for their work.

4 Identify and provide the training, development and other support that may be required to make the structures and systems effective. 5 Put in place methods to monitor and evaluate the structures and systems and identify when evaluation will take place.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SH6.3 | Develop organisational structures and systems to support volunteering: implement organisational structures and systems to support volunteering

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

6 Monitor the implementation of the structures and systems, ensuring they are being adhered to. 7

arry out scheduled evaluations and make C any necessary improvements.

Further information   Who is this standard for This standard is recommended for all those developing organisational structures and systems to support volunteering.

  Behaviours There are no behaviours specifically associated with this standard other than within the performance criteria.

Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards There are no explicit links to other standards.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Manage your own resources and professional development

Area H – Managing people to deliver service This standard is UKWHA3 imported from the UK Workforce Hub suite of standards Standard H7:

Manage your own resources and professional development What this standard is about This standard is about managing your personal resources (particularly knowledge, understanding, skills, experience and time) and your professional development in order to achieve your work objectives and your career and personal goals.You need to understand your work role and how it fits into the overall vision and objectives of the organisation whilst also understanding what is driving you in terms of your values and your career and wider personal aspirations. dentifying and addressing gaps in your skills and knowledge and understanding is an essential aspect of this standard.

The standard Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Evaluate, at appropriate intervals, the current and future requirements of your work-role taking account of the vision and objectives of your organisation.

General knowledge and understanding

2 Consider your values and your career and personal goals and identify information which is relevant to your work role and professional development. 3

iscuss and agree personal work objectives D with those you report to and how you will measure progress.

KU1 The principles which underpin professional development. KU2 The importance of considering your values and career and personal goals and how to relate them to your job role and professional development. KU3 How to evaluate the current requirements of a work role and how the requirements may evolve in the future.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SH7 | Manage your own resources and professional development

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:



I dentify the learning styles which work best for you and ensure that you take these into account in identifying and undertaking.

ow to set objectives which are SMART H (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound).

5 Identify any gaps between the current and future requirements of your work-role and your current knowledge, understanding and skills.

KU5 How to identify development needs to address any identified gaps between the requirements of your work-role and your current knowledge, understanding and skills.

6 Discuss and agree, with those you report to, a development plan to address any identified gaps in your current knowledge, understanding and skills and support your own career and personal goals.

KU6 W hat an effective development plan should contain and the length of time that it should cover.




ndertake the activities identified in your U development plan and evaluate their contribution to your performance. eview and update your personal work R objectives and development plan in the light of performance, any development activities undertaken and any wider changes. et regular and useful feedback on your G performance from those who are in a good position to judge it and provide objective and valid feedback.

10 Ensure that your performance consistently meets or goes beyond agreed requirements.

KU7 The range of different learning style(s) and how to identify the style(s) which work(s) best for you. KU8 The type of development activities which can be undertaken to address identified gaps in your knowledge, understanding and skills. KU9 H ow to identify whether/how development activities have contributed to your performance. KU10 How to update work objectives and development plans in the light of performance, feedback received, any development activities undertaken and any wider changes. KU11 M onitoring the quality of your work and your progress against requirements and plans. KU12 How to evaluate your performance against the requirements of your work-role. KU13 How to identify and use good sources of feedback on your performance.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Manage your own resources and professional development | SH7

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand: Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Records Management specific knowledge and understanding KU14 I ndustry/sector requirements for the development or maintenance of knowledge, skills and understanding and continuing professional development. Context specific knowledge and understanding KU15 T he requirements of your work-role including the limits of your responsibilities. KU16 T he vision and objectives of your organisation. KU17 Your own values and career and personal goals. KU18 Your personal work objectives. KU19 Your preferred learning style(s). KU20 Y our current knowledge, understanding and skills. KU21 I dentified gaps in your current knowledge, understanding and skills. KU22 Your personal development plan KU23 Available development opportunities and resources in your organisation KU24 Your organisation’s policy and procedures in terms of personal development. KU25 Reporting lines in your organisation. KU26 P ossible sources of feedback in your organisation.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Further information   Who is this standard for The standard is recommended for first line managers, middle managers and senior managers.

  Behaviours The behaviours that underpin this standard require you to demonstrate that you:

1. Address multiple demands without losing focus or energy

2. Recognise changes in circumstances promptly and adjust plans and activities accordingly

3. Prioritise objectives and plan work to make best use of time and resources

4. Take personal responsibility for making things happen

5. Take pride in delivering high quality work

6. Show an awareness of your own values, motivations and emotions

7. Agree achievable objectives for yourself and give a consistent and reliable performance

8. Recognise your own strengths and limitations, play to your strengths and use alternative strategies to minimise the impact of your limitations

9. M ake best use of available resources and proactively seek new sources of support when necessary


10. Reflect regularly on your own experiences and use these to inform future action.

Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards There are no explicit links to other standards.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Promote equality and diversity in your area of responsibility

Area H – Managing people to deliver service This standard is B11 imported from the Management Standards Centre suite of standards Standard H8:

Promote equality and diversity in your area of responsibility What this standard is about This standard is about actively promoting equality of opportunity and diversity in your area of responsibility. It is intended to go beyond compliance with equality legislation and move towards a situation where there is awareness in your area of and active commitment to the need to ensure equality of opportunity and the benefits of diversity.

The standard Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:


General knowledge and understanding

nsure commitment within your area of E responsibility to promoting equality of opportunity and diversity, including making it a priority area in terms of informing the vision and objectives for your area and planning and decision-making.

2 Ensure that your behaviour, words and actions and those of people working in your area of responsibility support a commitment to equality of opportunity and diversity. 3 Identify your personal responsibilities and liabilities under equality legislation and any relevant codes of practice.


Different definitions of diversity.

KU2 The different forms which discrimination and harassment might take. KU3 The business case for ensuring equality of opportunity and promoting diversity. KU4 The probable effects of not promoting equality of opportunity and diversity within your area of responsibility. KU5 How commitment within your area of responsibility to promoting equality of opportunity and diversity might be demonstrated.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SH8 | Promote equality and diversity in your area of responsibility

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

4 Identify the diversity and needs of your area’s current customers and potential customers and identify areas where needs could be better satisfied and where the diversity of customers could be improved.

KU6 W hy it is important to make equality and diversity a priority area and how to do so effectively.



nsure that the organisation’s written E equality and diversity policy is clearly communicated to all people in your area of responsibility and other relevant parties. I mplement the organisation’s written equality and diversity policy in your area, including relevant parts of any accompanying organisation-wide action plan, seeking and making the required resources available.


nsure regular consultation with people E in your area of responsibility or their representatives on equality and diversity issues. C2.8. Set up processes for monitoring suppliers and new suppliers.


eek and make use of specialist expertise in S relation to equality and diversity issues.


nsure that working arrangements, E resources and business processes in your area of responsibility respond to different needs, abilities, values and ways of working.

10 Monitor, review and report to the relevant people on progress in relation to equality of opportunity and diversity within your area of responsibility, identifying required actions and changes to practice.


hy it is important to lead by example in W terms of your behaviour, words and actions supporting a commitment to equality of opportunity and diversity.

KU8 How to recognise when the behaviour, words and actions of others does and does not support a commitment to equality of opportunity and diversity. KU9 How and where to identify your personal responsibilities and liabilities under equality legislation and any relevant codes of practice. KU10 T he importance of identifying the diversity and needs of your area’s current and potential customers in order to identify areas for improvement and how to do so effectively. KU11 How to communicate the organisation’s written equality and diversity policy to people who work in your area of responsibility and other relevant parties. KU12 The importance of implementing an organisation’s written equality and diversity policy and any supporting action plan. KU13 The type of resources which might be required to support implementation of an equality and diversity policy and any supporting action plan. KU14 H ow and when to consult with people in your area of responsibility or their representatives on equality and diversity issues.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Promote equality and diversity in your area of responsibility | SH8

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand: KU15 Sources of specialist expertise in relation to equality and diversity. KU16 H ow to provide working arrangements, resources and businesses processes in your area of responsibility that respond to different needs, abilities, values and ways of working. KU17 H ow to monitor, review and report on progress in relation to equality of opportunity and diversity within your area of responsibility. Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Records Management knowledge and understanding KU18 Sector-specific legislation, regulations, guidelines and codes of practice relating to equality and diversity. KU19 Equality and diversity issues and developments that are particular to the industry or sector. KU20 Information sources on equality and diversity in the industry or sector. Context specific knowledge and understanding KU21 T he vision, objectives and operational plans for your area of responsibility. KU22 T he planning and decision-making processes within your area of responsibility. KU23 T he overall vision, values, objectives, plans and culture of the organisation.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SH8 | Promote equality and diversity in your area of responsibility

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand: KU24 T he diversity of the people working in your area of responsibility. KU25 Your area’s current and potential customers and their needs. KU26 Other relevant parties with an interest in diversity in your area of responsibility. KU27 The organisation’s written equality and diversity policy and any accompanying action plan and how they are communicated to people who work for the organisation, people in your area and to other relevant parties. KU28 Sources of specialist expertise in relation to equality and diversity used in your area of responsibility. KU29 The support and resources allocated to and across your area of responsibility to promote equality of opportunity and diversity. KU30 Employment policies and practices within the organisation – including recruitment, selection, induction, development, promotion, retention, redundancy, dismissal, pay and other terms and conditions. KU31 W orking arrangements, resources and business processes in your area of responsibility. KU32 Systems in place in your area of responsibility for monitoring, reviewing and reporting on progress in relation to equality of opportunity and diversity.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Promote equality and diversity in your area of responsibility | SH8

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand: KU33 Allocated responsibilities for promoting equality of opportunity and diversity in your area of responsibility and the organisation in general.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SH8 | Promote equality and diversity in your area of responsibility

Further information   Who is this standard for The standard is recommended for first line managers and middle managers.

Behaviours The behaviours that underpin this standard require you to demonstrate that you:

1. Use communication styles that are appropriate to different people and situations

2. Understand individuals’ needs, feelings and motivations and take an active interest in their concerns

3. Encourage and support others to make the best use of their abilities

4. Use a range of leadership styles appropriate to different people and situations

5. Show a clear understanding of different customers and their needs

6. Treat individuals with respect and act to uphold their rights

7. Show integrity, fairness and consistency in decision making

8. Make time available to support others

9. Comply with, and ensure others comply with, legal requirements, industry regulations,organisational policies and professional codes.

Terminology The ‘area of responsibility’ may be, for example, a branch or department or functional area or an operating site within an organisation.

Links to other standards There are no explicit links to other standards.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Work with others to improve customer service

Area H – Managing people to deliver service This standard is F8 imported from the Management Standards Centre suite of standards / ICS 39 from the Institute of Customer Service Standard H9:

Work with others to improve customer service What this standard is about This standard is about how you develop a relationship with others to improve your customer service performance.The delivery of excellent customer service depends on your skills and those of others. It involves communicating with others and agreeing how you can work together to give a more effective service. To achieve this unit you must show that you have worked positively with others. You must also show how you have monitored your joint performance and changed the way you do things to improve customer service. When you are working with your customers you are not working alone. Behind or alongside you there are others involved in the process who impact on how well you can deliver your products or services. These individuals may be from within your organisation or from the outside.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Work with others to improve customer service: work with others S4 | Performance Criteriatowith the Knowledge andimproving Understanding follow plans for customer service


Area H – Managing people to deliver service This standard is F8 imported from the Management Standards Centre suite of standards / ICS 39 from the Institute of Customer Service Standard H9.1:

ork with others to improve customer service: work with W others to follow plans for improving customer service The standard Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Contribute constructive ideas to plans for improving customer service.

KU1 Full appreciation of the legal and organisational responsibilities relevant to your job role.

2 Identify what you have to do to follow plans to improve customer service and confirm this with others. 3

o-operate with others to follow plans to C improve customer service.

KU2 The rules and regulations of your organisation. KU3 The position of your organisation in the wider context including: • major competitors of your organisation • the effects of legislation on the performance of your organisation

4 Keep your commitments made to others.

• the implications of a change of structure, products or services for your organisation

5 Keep others advised of situations that may affect plans to improve customer service.

• the implications of other market place activities on your organisation. KU4 what your customers’ rights are and how these rights limit what you are able to do for your customer. KU5


he specific aspects of health and safety, T data protection, equal opportunities, disability discrimination and legislation and regulations that affect the way the products or services you deal with can be delivered to your customers.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Work with others to improve customer service: work with others to follow plans for improving | SH9.1 customer service

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand: KU6 Industry, organisational and professional codes of practice and ethical standards that affect the way the products or services you deal with can be delivered to your customers. KU7 Any contractual agreements that your customers have with your organisation. KU8 The products or services of your organisation relevant to your customer service role. KU9

he guidelines laid down by your T organisation that limit what you can do within your job.

KU10 The limits of your own authority and when you need to seek agreement with or permission from others. KU11 Any organisational targets relevant to your job, your role in meeting them and the implications for your organisation if those targets are not met. KU12 How to communicate in a clear, polite, confident way and why this is important. KU13 W ho else is involved either directly or indirectly with your ability to offer your organisation’s products or services. KU14 The roles and responsibilities of others in your organisation. KU15 The roles of others outside your organisation who have an impact on the products or services you provide. KU16 W hat the goals or targets of your organisation are in relation to customer service and how these are set.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Work with others to improve customer service: monitor your S4 | Performance Criteria with Knowledge and against Understanding ownthe performance plans to improve customer service


Area H – Managing people to deliver service This standard is F8 imported from the Management Standards Centre suite of standards / ICS 39 from the Institute of Customer Service Standard H9.2:

ork with others to improve customer service: monitor W your own performance against plans to improve customer service The standard Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

1 Discuss with others how what you do affects their customer service performance.

As knowledge and understanding KU1 to KU16 in standard H9.1 Work with others to improve customer service: work with others to follow plans for improving customer service.


I dentify how the way you work with others contributes towards meeting plans to improve customer service.

3 Continuously review your own performance with others against plans to improve customer service.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Work with others to improve customer service: monitor joint performance against plans to improve customer service

Area H – Managing people to deliver service This standard is F8 imported from the Management Standards Centre suite of standards / ICS 39 from the Institute of Customer Service Standard H9.3:

Work with others to improve customer service: monitor joint performance against plans to improve customer service The standard Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:


iscuss with others joint performance D measured against aims to improve customer service.


I dentify with others how joint efforts to follow plans and achieve aims could be improved.

As knowledge and understanding KU1 to KU16 in standard H9.1 Work with others to improve customer service: work with others to follow plans for improving customer service.


ake action with others to improve joint T customer service performance.


I dentify how the way you work with others improved customer service for your organisation and for your customers.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SH9.3 | W ork with others to improve customer service: work with others to follow plans for improving customer service

Further information   Who is this standard for The standard is recommended for first line managers, middle managers and senior managers.

  Evidence requirements Simulation is not allowed for any performance evidence within this standard. You must supply all the evidence for this standard from work you have carried out with others in your workplace. The customers you are improving service for can be internal or external to the organisation or a combination of both. You must prove that you have improved customer service through working with others who may be internal or external to your organisation. To meet the requirements of this standard you must include evidence of agreeing customer service roles and responsibilities which are part of your own job and have been agreed with others as part of their job. The work you carry out must show that you have worked with at least two individuals from the following list: team members, colleagues, suppliers, supervisors/managers/ team leaders, service partners, manufacturers, individuals from other departments, individuals from other sites/regions/countries, individuals from other organisations. Working with others may involve either meetings or exchanges of information from a distance. You must show how your contribution matters to others and how it affects customer service and others’ contributions matter to you and how they affect customer service. Your evidence must show that you have applied all the knowledge and understanding requirements when you are working towards customer service improvements with others.

Terminology There is no terminology specific to this standard.

Links to other standards There are no explicit links to other standards.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Provide learning opportunities for colleagues

Area H – Managing people to deliver service This standard is D7 imported from the Management Standards Centre suite of standards Standard H10:

Provide learning opportunities for colleagues What this standard is about This standard is about supporting colleagues in identifying their learning needs and helping to provide opportunities to address these needs. Encouraging colleagues to take responsibility for their own learning is an aspect of this unit as is your role in providing an ‘environment’, for example, in your team or area of responsibility, in which learning is valued.

The standard Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:


General knowledge and understanding

romote the benefits of learning to P colleagues and make sure that their willingness and efforts to learn are recognised.


he benefits of learning for individuals and T organisations and how to promote these to colleagues.

2 Give colleagues fair, regular and useful feedback on their work performance, discussing and agreeing how they can improve.


ays in which you can develop an W ‘environment’ in which learning is valued and willingness and efforts to learn are recognised.


KU3 W hy it is important to encourage colleagues to take responsibility for their own learning.

ork with colleagues to identify and W prioritise learning needs based on any gaps between the requirements of their work-roles and their current knowledge, understanding and skills.

KU4 How to provide fair, regular and useful feedback to colleagues on their work performance.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SH10 | Provide learning opportunities for colleagues

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:

4 Help colleagues to identify the learning style(s) or combination of styles which works best for them and ensure that these are taken into account in identifying and undertaking learning activities.




7 8


ork with colleagues to identify and obtain W information on a range of possible learning activities to address identified learning needs. iscuss and agree, with each colleague, a D development plan which includes learning activities to be undertaken, the learning objectives to be achieved, the required resources and timescales. ork with colleagues to recognise and make W use of un-planned learning opportunities. eek and make use of specialist expertise in S relation to identifying and providing learning for colleagues. upport colleagues in undertaking learning S activities making sure any required resources are made available and making efforts to remove any obstacles to learning.

10 Evaluate, in discussion with each colleague, whether the learning activities they have undertaken have achieved the desired outcomes and provide positive feedback on the learning experience. 11


ork with colleagues to update W their development plan in the light of performance, any learning activities undertaken and any wider changes.

How to identify learning needs based on identified gaps between the requirements of colleagues’ work-roles and their current knowledge, understanding and skills.

KU6 How to prioritise learning needs of colleagues, including taking account of organisational needs and priorities and the personal and career development needs of colleagues. KU7 The range of different learning styles and how to support colleagues in identifying the particular learning style(s) or combination of learning styles which works best for them. KU8 Different types of learning activities, their advantages and disadvantages and the required resources (for example, time, fees, substitute staff). KU9 H ow/where to identify and obtain information on different learning activities. KU10 Why it is important for colleagues to have a written development plan and what it should contain (for example, identified learning needs, learning activities to be undertaken and the learning objectives to be achieved, timescales and required resources). KU11 H ow to set learning objectives which are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-Bound). KU12 Sources of specialist expertise in relation to identifying and providing learning for colleagues. KU13 What type of support colleagues might need to undertaken learning activities, the resources needed and the types of obstacles they may face and how they can be resolved.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Provide learning opportunities for colleagues | SH10

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand:


KU14 How to evaluate whether a learning activity has achieved the desired learning objectives.

ncourage colleagues to take responsibility E for their own learning, including practicing and reflecting on what they have learned.

KU15 The importance of regularly reviewing and updating written development plans in the light of performance, any learning activities undertaken and any wider changes. KU16 How to take account of equality legislation, any relevant codes of practice and general diversity issues in providing learning opportunities for colleagues. Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Records Management specific knowledge and understanding KU17 I ndustry/sector requirements for the development or maintenance of knowledge, skills and understanding and professional development. KU18 L earning issues and specific initiatives and arrangements that apply within your industry/sector. KU19 W orking culture and practices of your industry/sector. Context specific knowledge and understanding KU20 Relevant information on the purpose, objectives and plans of your team or area of responsibility or the wider organisation. KU21 T he work roles of colleagues, including the limits of their responsibilities and their personal work objectives. KU22 T he current knowledge, understanding and skills of colleagues. KU23 I dentified gaps in the knowledge, understanding and skills of colleagues. National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


SH10 | Provide learning opportunities for colleagues

Performance criteria

Knowledge and understanding

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff:

Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record Management staff know and understand: KU24 Identified learning needs of colleagues. KU25 Learning style(s) or combinations of styles preferred by colleagues. KU26 The written development plans of colleagues. KU27 S ources of specialist expertise available in/ to your organisation in relation to identifying and providing learning for colleagues. KU28 Learning activities and resources available in/to your organisation. KU29 Your organisation’s policies in relation to equality and diversity. KU30 Y our organisation’s policies and procedures in relation to learning. KU30 Your organisation’s performance appraisal systems.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Provide learning opportunities for colleagues | SH10

Further information   Who is this standard for This standard is recommended for team leaders.

Behaviors The behaviours that underpin this standard require you to demonstrate that you:

1. Recognise the opportunities presented by the diversity of people

2. Find practical ways to overcome barriers

3. Make time available to support others

4. S eek to understand individuals’ needs, feelings and motivations and take an active interest in their concerns

5. Encourage and support others to make the best use of their abilities

6. Recognise the achievements and the success of others

7. Inspire others with the excitement of learning

8. Confront performance issues and sort them out directly with the people involved

9. Say no to unreasonable requests

10. Show integrity, fairness and consistency in decision making.

Terminology For the purposes of this standard, ‘colleagues’ means those people for whom you have line management responsibility.

Links to other standards There are no explicit links to other standards.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Functional Map for Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record management

unctional Map for Information and Library Services, F Archive Services and Record Management   Introduction This functional map enables all those working in and supporting roles in the information and library services, archive services and record management sector to see how their work fits together and contributes to the best possible outcomes for those being supported through the information and library services, archive services and record management workforce.

What is a functional map? A functional map is a visual representation of the key purpose of a given workforce and the functions needed to achieve that purpose. It provides an underpinning framework on which national occupational standards are based. Collectively the functional map and the national occupational standards lead to a shared understanding about what units of assessment the workforce needs for career choices, progression and mobility. They also enable employers in the sector to support organisational development and performance management systems which ultimately improve outcomes in the information and library services, archive services and record management sector.

Who will use the functional map? The functional map will be of use for employers and stakeholders in the information and library services, archive services and record management sector.

What is the information and library services, archive services and record management sector? The purpose of information and library services, archive services and record management: To anticipate, determine, stimulate and satisfy the needs of existing and potential users for access to information in an ethical manner The functional map is split into two main sections or key areas: A Develop and manage information services B Provide information services to users


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Functional Map for Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record management

Section A is concerned with the overall development of information services, and includes functions that cover the design, management, and resourcing of the service. In effect this is the section that deals with the strategic functions of information services. Section B is concerned with the delivery of the information service to users, including the detailed development and promotion of services, including direct contact with users. The policy context for the information and library services, archive services and record management sector is related to five sets of drivers: • social (such as inclusivity and equality, lifelong learning); • Respect for others - recognise that other people – customers, stakeholders and colleagues – have their own perspective; understand their views and concerns, and deal with them in an appropriate manner. Promote equality of opportunity and value diversity • Customer focus - actively seek the views of customers and other stakeholders in relation to the services provided; appreciate that they each have different needs and expectations and think about the impact of services on them • Continuous improvement - deliver the highest quality of service within the constraints of the organisation; seek ways to improve services; innovate and question and change established practices; evaluate services for quality and impact; identify problems, seek solutions, redesign or discontinue services which are no longer required • Continuing personal service - take responsibility for own personal and professional development, ensuring own knowledge and skills necessary for job are current; actively find out about new developments relevant to role/organisation • Working collaboratively with others - collaborate effectively with others both across the organisation and with external stakeholders including suppliers; share information, experience, good practice and ideas to help everyone excel at what they do • Effective communication – think about the best way to convey a message to an intended audience, using appropriate language; actively seek and act on feedback.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Functional Map for Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record management

The workforce employed in libraries, archives and information services can be viewed as an occupational sector in its own right but should perhaps more realistically be seen as a workforce that crosses the boundaries of several occupational sectors, while being rooted in the lifelong learning sector. As a workforce, it consists of a group of occupations linked by the core functions relating to the sourcing and provision of information to people. The key roles that are principally recognised are those of librarian, archivist and records or information manager. These occupations exist, if not in name then in function, in organisations of all sizes, across all industrial sectors. During the last five years Information Services workers have had to take on more responsibilities, and deal with a far more complex environment. This has meant that there has been a change in the functions undertaken. These are both new functions and existing functions that have been transformed, either by the impact of IT or by the new demands placed on the sector, which include management and managing staff in complex environments, programme orientated activities including purchasing, bidding for resources and marketing, customer services and customer care, research, search, interpretation, contextualization, presentation and critical appraisal of information, including use of the internet, organising and preserving information including creating virtual networks, training staff and customers to use technology and information, outreach and compliance. However, it would not be expected that an individual would be involved in all these functions.


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Functional Map for Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record management

How was the functional map developed? The functional map has been developed by Lifelong Learning UK in consultation with the information and library services, archive services and record management sector. It involved a mixture of desk research and specific consultation conducted with key stakeholders, employers and employees working in the sector. NOTE: given the split between the Section A and Section B functions, two options have been shown for the development of the functional map: • a high level map – which uses Section A and Section B as the two key areas – and which will consulted on a potential internal and an external functional map • a more detailed map (which cannot all appear on one page in this exercise), which show the functions for the management level separately from the operational level to reflect the subsequent development of standards. However, since many working in the Archives, Information & Library Services and Records Services/Management sector have functions that cut across the two sets of functions, internal consultation is required as to whether this is a helpful differentiation within the functional map.

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Functional Map for Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record management

  Functional Map for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

A1 Establish an information strategy

A2 Develop information services

A. Develop and manage information services A3 Introduce information services

Key purpose To anticipate, determine, stimulate and satisfy the needs of existing and potential users for access to information in an ethical manner

A4 Manage resources to introduce and deliver information management

For B Functions see next page


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Functional Map for Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record management

A1.1 Review the information infrastructure of the organisation A1.2 Establish a strategy for providing information services A1.3 Determine policies for the management of information services

A2.1 Identify the objectives of the information service A2.2 Evaluate information services in the organisation A2.3 Provide options for information services A2.4 Specify information services

A3.1 Obtain resources to introduce information services A3.2 Commission information management systems A3.3 Review the use of information services

A4.1 Recruit people to deliver information services A4.2 Manage teams, individuals and self A4.3 Develop teams individuals and self A4.4 Manage finances to deliver objectives A4.5 Manage physical and technological resources to deliver objectives A4.6 Liaise with colleagues and other organisations A4.7 Manage projects to achieve specific objectives

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


Functional Map for Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record management

  Functional Map for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

For A Functions see previous page

B1 Promote access to information

Key purpose To anticipate, determine, stimulate and satisfy the needs of existing and potential users for access to information in an ethical manner

B2 Acquire information into the information services

B. Provide information services to users

B3 Retain and access information

B4 Provide access to information systems

For B4 & 5 Functions see next page


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

Functional Map for Information and Library Services, Archive Services and Record management

B1.1 Market information services to users B1.2 Demonstrate information services to users B1.3 Provide training for users of information services B1.4 Provide opportunities for users to access information services B1.5 Provide facilities to assist users of information services

B2.1 Establish information acquisition processes and procedures B2.2 Identify information content for the information service B2.3 Acquire information to meet the requirements of users B2.4 Receive information into the information system

B3.1 Position information in the information system B3.2 Protect information during use B3.3 Withdraw information from use B3.4 Preserve information for further use

B3.1 Position information in the information system B3.2 Protect information during use B3.3 Withdraw information from use B3.4 Preserve information for further use

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


  Functional Map for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management For B1 to B4 Functions see previous page

B5 Assist users to obtain information

B6 Comply with policies and legislation


National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management

B5.1 Identify a user’s requirement for specific information B5.2 Evaluate information to assist users B5.3 Undertake searches for users B5.4 Retrieve information packages for users B5.5 Retrieve information from information systems B5.6 Deliver information to users B5.7 Process transactions for the use of information services

B6.1 Implement the information policies of the organisation B6.2 Comply with legislation B6.3 Maintain health and safety in the workplace

National Occupational Standards for Information and Library Services, Archives Services and Record Management


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