Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder Most Typical Symptom of Bipolar Disorder Cycles of elevated (manic) and depressed mood. Elevated mood o High energy o Reduced need for sleep o Loss of touch with reality Depressed mood o Low energy o Low motivation o Loss of interest in daily activities
Behavioural symptoms during depressive period Feeling sad Feeling irritable Hopelessness Loss of interest
Guilt Worthlessness Lack of sleep Planning or attempting suicide Behavioural symptoms during manic period Feeling very happy Feeling full of energy Feeling self important Impulsiveness Taking unnecessary risks Feeling aggressive Symptoms of bipolar disorder in teens Not very straightforward Maybe present along with ADHD, anxiety and substance abuse Triggered by traumatic episodes like death, divorce Also triggered by changes during puberty Adolescents with bipolar are at a high risk of suicide
Bipolar disorder and substance abuse People suffering from bipolar disorder often abuse alcohol/drugs Substance abuse makes diagnosis of bipolar disorder difficult Medicines for bipolar are less effective with substance abuse
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