LifeOil Digest

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Moringa: SecretS revealed | Malunggay 101 Moringaling vegetable veggie oil exchange


Looking every bit like a quintessential alpha male, it’s hard to imagine that 8-time Muay Thai World Champion Vince Soberano could ever have been bad at sports. However, he admits that sports wasn’t really his strong suit as a kid. Vincent explains that he was born with a lot of health problems, which made it difficult for him to engage in high intensity sports. “I had a sinus problem, slight asthma, and some rheumatic problems,” he says. Despite being deficient in sports when he was younger, Vincent developed a passion for martial arts because he saw it not so much as a sport, but as an activity that he could practice and develop on his own. Vincent says he is stronger, faster, and generally a better fighter now that he’s 50, as compared to his heyday as a professional fighter in the 90s. Although he owes much of his success to hard work, discipline, and a lot of determination, Vincent says that taking LifeOil has helped him live a healthier lifestyle, which in turn, has made him a better athlete. According to Vincent, he is very selective about the products he chooses to endorse.

“Fast recovery times, high testosterone levels, muscular and bone density, 11% body fat, healthy skin and hair, and sustained high energy levels... not bad for 50. LifeOil is a big factor of my health and fitness. It is a part of my daily life.”

After using Lie Oil for six months, however, he found the results amazing, and he was immediately sold. For anyone who wants to get into martial arts, Vincent gives this piece of advice, “Martial arts is my world, and it became my world because I’m passionate about it. Anything that you do, if you put your heart into it, if you find a way to love what you do, you will not only excel in it, but you will be able to do it for a very, very long time.”

Vince Soberano

World Muay Thai Champion

TABLE OF CONTENTS P. 10 p.4 LifeOil History LifeOil founder, Andy Lugtu, recalls how a seemingly far-fetched idea turned into a successful and game changing business venture. p.8 Malunggay Secrets Not your ordinary vegetable. The malunggay plant’s health benefits are revelaed.

P. 16

p.10 Moringaling Filipinos may not be aware of it yet, but the unassuming malunggay plant may be the key to a healthier and wealthier Philippines. p.14 Malunggay 101 Moringa oleifera or malunggay in Filipino is one of the most cultivated varieties of moringa.

P. 18

p.16 VVOX Know more about Vegetable Veggie Oil Exchange or VVOX. It is the only producer and distributor of combined moringa leaves and seeds oil here and abroad. p.18 Kasuso Foundation Find out how a non-profit organization is helping ordinary Filipinos take a more proactive stand against breast cancer.

The LifeOil® Digest is a serious advocate of healthy living. Loaded with interesting feature articles, the magazine aims to give its readers easy access to a wealth of information regarding health and wellness. With LifeOil Digest as a guide, it is possible for anybody to be happy and fit.

PUBLISHER’S NOTE Now is a very exciting time to be part of the malunggay industry. With all the groundbreaking discoveries that have been made in recent years, there is no telling what else we are capable of approaching in the near future. Through this magazine, we aim to educate the public about the Moringa Oleifera’s many health and economic benefits. And hopefully, we can finally put the spotlight on the oftenoverlooked wonder plant.

CORPORATEPROFILE Manila Nature’s Link was founded with

concerns of every individual striving to attain

a unique alliance of key resources including

total wellness. The company has a marketing

a biotechnology company that utilizes on

team committed to effectively communicate

traditional and indigenous medical systems,

the message of good health as well as build

plant-pharmaceutical labs and oil extraction

a stable network of distribution to make our

facilities. Through the years, it has developed

products accessible to the consuming public.

a strong partnership with agriculturists, plant

of our existence as a company and the bedrock

guaranteeing a steady supply of raw materials

of our effort to nurture exponential customer

to meet its various production needs.

loyalty and patronage. Our commitment is Wellness in the Philippines and the world. It is

products to people who want to attain and

our clear vision to attain and deliver optimal

enjoy the best of health. We have a proprietary

health and improved quality of life to all

line of nature-based products formulated to


2 Life Oil Digest | November


VO L U M E 1 , I S S U E 1 N OV E M B E R 2 0 1 5

to help shape a new model of Health and

to provide the excellent and highly effective

suit a wide range of health and nutritional

On the Cover

Moringa Oleifera leaves, often called “the miracle tree”, is one of the most nutritious plant food.

Excellent service is the underlying principle

growers and farmers all over the country

As a result, Manila Nature’s Link was able

If you have comments, reactions or suggestions, please email

Moringa: SecretS revealed | Malunggay 101 Moringaling Kasuso Foundation


Malungai LifeOil

A By-Product of Faith and Innovation

The healthy farm. Moringa farms are gaining popularity all over the Philippines. 4 Life Oil Digest | November

More than a garnish, Malunggay leaves have a wealth of health benefits that rival the world’s leading natural supplements.

Not too many businessmen would be willing to seek the Bible for inspiration, but then again, Filipino entrepreneur, Armando “Andy” Lugtu, isn’t like most people. With a business sense like no other, Andy has made a name for himself in the international business community by creating enterprises that are not only original, but successful as well.


nspired by the bible verse, Ezekiel 47:12, which goes, “Fruit trees of all kinds will grow on both banks of the river, their leaves will not wither and their fruits will not fail; the fruits will serve for food and their lives for healing,” Andy sought to develop the humble malunggay plant into a health supplement. Created by Manila Nature’s Link, Malungai LifeOil is the world’s first and only product developed from pure Moringa Oleifera seeds and leaves. Each soft gel capsule contains 500 mg of combined oil extract, which is equivalent to half a kilogram of malunggay leaves and seeds. First launched in 2010, LifeOil soft gel capsules provide all the health benefits

the malunggay plant has to offer, such as increased energy, a stronger immune system, lower sugar and cholesterol levels, and lower blood pressure. LIFEOIL’S DEVELOPMENT Although many people assume that the development of LifeOil happened overnight, the reality is, it took years and a lot of hard work before Andy and his team deemed the product ready for public consumption. “We thought of finding a cheaper alternative source of fuel. That’s how we stumbled upon the malunggay tree’s abundant uses and surprisingly rich nutrient content,” Andy says. But when this didn’t materialize, Andy decided to develop a supplement instead, so as not to waste the plant’s health benefits. At first, the scientists he was working

“It started as a simple experiment. Little did I know it will make a significant difference in the lives of countless Filipinos.”

Andy Lugtu Chairman, President & CEO Manila Nature’s Link



with didn’t want to believe that it was possible to extract oil from malunggay. But by simply wrapping a kernel inside a malunggay leaf and rubbing the two together, Andy was able to prove them wrong. From identifying the best variety of malunggay or Moringa Oleifera (which happens to grow in the Philippines),

enterprising. At the age of 15, he started running a service center for Trinitron products. And by the time he turned 17, he had already made his first million. “Anything na nakakahiligan ko, ginagawa kong business (Anything I find interesting, I turn it into a business),” shares

to developing customized machines to optimize the extract yield of leaves and seeds, it took close to four years to perfect the product. Moreover, Andy consulted renowned drug development company, Caovance, in order to conduct safety and quality tests on the product. Among the first people who tried the supplement were the families and friends of the company’s core investors. After which, it was formally introduced to different religious organizations and ministries. And in less than a year, LifeOil was made available nationwide through Mercury Drug. “At first, the public couldn’t believe that this oil extract could move mountains and save lives. But when they tried it, they started believing in what LifeOil could do and even recommended it to others,” Andy discloses. “I’m not claiming that it’s my discovery. It’s God’s discovery. I believe that even the genetic [makeup] is His,” he adds. At present, LifeOil has grown leaps and bounds, which is why the company is in the process of developing products that will cater to children, mothers, and athletes.

Andy. “If you love what you are doing, it becomes a hobby. And if you treat

THE MAN BEHIND LIFEOIL Even as a kid, he was already

he says. At present, Andy is considered one of the best businessmen in the Philippines, but he says he prefers to be called “the fittest.” “Being here only means that I survived a lot of challenges, which made me stronger and wiser,” he says.

THE TRUTH ABOUT LIFEOIL More and more people are looking for alternatives to the expensive pharmaceutical medicines that are being marketed in drugstores. Proudly Philippine-made, LifeOil is an all-natural food supplement that helps nourish the body’s immune system for optimum function. The Manila Nature’s Link team emphasizes that the product they are marketing is a food supplement and not a drug. They clarify that they cannot claim that it is a medicine intended for specific illnesses. The team adds, “It is important to note that sickness is not acquired; we get sick because we lack vitamins, making our resistance weak. That’s why our immune system is our frontline of defense.” The main vision of Manila Nature’s Link is to shape a new model of health and wellness through excellent products. That is why more than a business, Andy considers the propagation of LifeOil as an advocacy. “It started out as a simple experiment, little did I know, it would make a significant difference in the lives of countless Filipinos,” he says. n

Green gold. Malungai LifeOil is currently the world’s most potent Moringa Oleifera supplement.

your daily chores as a hobby, then work becomes a lot lighter,” he adds. Despite having dabbled in a wide variety of businesses, Andy shares that his greatest breakthrough was figuring out how to extract the essence of malunggay, so the body could absorb all of the plant’s vitamins, minerals, amino acids, phytochemicals, and even its chlorophyll. He says the process wasn’t easy, but his “passion for excellence” attitude and great work ethic were the two things that helped him push forward during the times he felt like giving up. As a management graduate, Andy is well oriented with all the basic principles of running a successful business. However, when asked about what his secret to success is, Andy says that it is not something you learn in school. He attests that the formula to Small, but terrible. Don’t let their size fool you. These tiny seeds are some of the healthiest in the planet.

6 Life Oil Digest | November

achieving success is simple and goes a little something like this: First, you need to seek the Kingdom of God. Once you do this, God will grant you wisdom, which in turn, will lead to blessings. And when you make the most out of these blessings, you become prosperous. “You need to seek the Kingdom of God first and everything else will follow,”




SECRETS REVEALED (1*## 5Ĺ?+.Ĺ? (1*## 5Ĺ? (!%"!. ÄŒĹ?0$!Ĺ? +))+*Ĺ? '5 . Ĺ? 2!#!0 (!Ĺ?%*Ĺ?0$!Ĺ? $%(%,,%*!/Ĺ?0 '!/Ĺ? !*0!./0 #!Ä“


ong known as an ideal source of essential nutrients, the Malunggay plant is currenlty making a resurgence in the market via an all-natural food supplement called Malungai LifeOil. LifeOil is made from 100% oil extracted from selected leaves and seeds of Malunggay Oleifera. Packed with a rare combination of nutrients, amino acids, anti-oxidants, anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties, the malunggay’s potency as a natural supplement is unmatched. And because of this, it is referred to as a powerhouse of health and nutritional value in the plant kingdom. Dierent Essential Vitamins Vitamin A helps form and maintain healthy teeth, bones, soft tissue, mucous membranes and skin. It helps maintain good vision, resistance to infections, supports growth and repair of body tissues, maintains integrity of white and red blood cells, and epithelial lining. 8 Life Oil Digest | November

Minerals Calcium Sodium Copper Iron Phosphorous Selenium Boron Tin

Magnesium Potassium Zinc Chromium Molybdenum Silicon Vanadium Nickel

Phytochemicals Malunggay is unusually rich in glucosinolates and isothiocyanates. These unique compounds have been found to have hypotensive, antiviral, anticancer, and antibacterial properties. Benzyl Isothiocyanate, in particular, helps strengthen the body’s cells, thereby making chemotherapy more tolerable for cancer patients. While it is true that the function, structure, and composition of most green plants are similar, malunggay is exceptionally rich in chlorophyll, which is the secret behind its


Malunggay contains

Ä‘Ĺ?4x more than Vitamin A than in carrots Ä‘Ĺ?Ĉ4Ĺ?)+.!Ĺ? %0 )%*Ĺ? than oranges Ä‘Ĺ?Ä…4Ĺ?)+.!Ĺ? ( %1)Ĺ?0$ *Ĺ?)%(' Ä‘Ĺ?ă4Ĺ?)+.!Ĺ?,+0 //%1)Ĺ? than in bananas Ä‘Ĺ?ă4Ĺ?)+.!Ĺ?%.+*Ĺ?0$ *Ĺ?%*Ĺ?/,%* $ Ä‘Ĺ?ă4Ĺ?)+.!Ĺ? %0 )%*Ĺ? than almonds Ä‘Ĺ?Ä‚4Ĺ?)+.!Ĺ?,.+0!%*Ĺ?0$ *Ĺ?%*Ĺ? yogurt CONTENTS: Moisture: 75.9 g (75.9%) Fat: 1.7 g Minerals: 2.3 g Fiber: 0.9 g Carbohydrates: 12.5 g Energy: 92 Kcal Phosphorous: 70 mg Iron: 0.85 mg Thiamin (B1): 0.06 mg Riboflavin (B2): 0.05 mg Niacin (B3): 0.8 mg Copper: 0.07 mg Magnesium: 42 mg Zinc: 0.16 mg

coMparison with coMMon Food The nutritional contents of Malunggay leaves compare very well to common foods: (Values below are per 100 g edible portion. Malunggay values are for fresh leaves.)

VITAMIN A (carotene) Malunggay: 6780 mcg Carrots: 1890 mcg

VITAMIN C Malunggay: 220 mg Oranges: 30 mg

potency. By distilling both oil and leaves into a pure, cold-pressed oil, Malungai LifeOil maximizes the benefits of the plant’s chlorophyll and renders in “preserved, conserved, and available.” LifeOil And Chlorophyll Chlorophyll to plants, is like blood to humans. Chemically, it is similar in composition to human blood, except that the central atom in chlorophyll is magnesium, while iron is the central atom in human blood. Chlorophyll enhances insulin function and balances blood sugar. Here are some of the known chlorophyll benefits: 1. Helps in the growth and repair of tissues. 2. Along with vitamins A, C & E, chlorophyll has been found to help neutralize free radicals that do damage to healthy cells.

3. It possesses some anti-atherogenic activity, which prevents fatty plaque build-up in the arteries. 4. Chlorophyll helps neutralize the amount of pollution we breathe in everyday. It is also an ideal supplement for smokers. 5. Chlorophyll is also an effective deodorizer that reduces bad breath and body odor. 6. It can be used to treat infected wounds naturally. 7. It efficiently delivers magnesium and helps the blood carry oxygen to the body’s different cells and tissues. 8. It may reduce the ability of carcinogens to bind with the DNA of the body’s major organs. 9. Regular intake of chlorophyll allows you to beat the ill effects of abnormal blood sugar levels. It strengthens the body’s immune system, allowing you to you to enjoy the benefits of a naturally healthy body. n

CALCIUM Malunggay: 440 mg +3ņ/ŏ)%('čŏāĂĀŏ)#

POTASSIUM Malunggay: 259 mg Bananas: 88 mg

PROTEIN Malunggay: 6.7 g +3ņ/ŏ)%('čŏăċĂŏ# 9


Championing the Potential of the Little Plant That Could Let’s be honest, in the world of natural supplements, moringa or malunggay, as it is popularly known locally, isn’t king.


lthough many studies have proven that it is one of the most nutritious plants in the world, its reputation as a common backyard vegetable has made it difficult for moringa products to infiltrate the market. And with many people preferring to buy supposedly fancier supplements like wheatgrass and kale, the healthy moringa plant has unfortunately been relegated to merely being used as a garnish in Filipino dishes. The good news is, not all hope is lost. There is a group in the Philippines whose main purpose is to champion the humble plant’s health and economic benefits. Through various information campaigns, the Moringaling Philippines Foundation Inc. (MPFI) aims to encourage the production and consumption of innovative moringa products. The organization is composed of businessmen, medical practitioners, public servants, and other moringa enthusiasts.

Founding Chair Dr. Bernadette Estrella-Arellano speaks in one of the workshops.

10 Life Oil Digest | November

THE FOUNDATION’S ORIGINS In an interview with Moringaling’s founder, Bernadette Estrella-Arellano, she shares that it took several years and a major setback, before the idea of putting up a moringa foundation finally came to fruition. Down-to-earth, yet incredibly clever and enterprising, Bernadette is the ideal moringa plant advocate, as she perfectly personifies the moringa plant’s unassuming quality. Although farming is now a huge part of her life, entering the field of agriculture wasn’t exactly one of Bernadette’s goals in life. A banker by profession, it was only after she was tasked to manage her family’s business, the Rural Bank, where she steadily developed an interest in farming. Since the bank catered primarily to farmers, Bernadette became well acquainted with their needs, as well as their problems, and as a result of this emotional investment, she left her financially lucrative profession in order to dabble in agriculture. DISCOVERING THE MORINGA PLANT During a visit to the Florida Suncoast Ecofarm in the United States, Bernadette learned about the moringa plant’s different health advantages, particularly its ability to coagulate dirt

particles in water. Inspired by the tiny plant’s immense abilities, Bernadette immediately rallied a group of her friends to start the Moringa Green Gold Corporation. The organization’s main product was moringa powder, which was used by culinary expert, Heny Sison, to make moringa pan de sal. Wanting to test the plant’s efficacy as a supplement, the corporation supplied four moringa buns a day to about 200 fourth grade students in Porac, Pampanga for a period of three months. Through this experiment, they found that the students gained weight, had more energy, and healthier teeth. Although the findings were good news for Bernadette’s team, whose main objective was to create health programs for less fortunate children, Johns Hopkins Hospital in Maryland was less than impressed with their experiment, saying it wasn’t conclusive because of the limited number of respondents and the short amount of time they conducted it. Because the group did not have sufficient finances to comply with the revisions requested by the hospital, the Moringa Green Gold Corporation eventually died a natural death. PAYING IT FORWARD Following her group’s failed venture, Bernadette went back 11


Paying it forward. Representatives from the foundation educate the public about the many health and wealth benefits of malunngay.

12 Life Oil Digest | November

to her hometown of Acop, Rosales, Pangasinan, where she decided to continue cultivating moringa plants. Having learned from past mistakes, Bernadette carefully studied the soil of her grandfather’s property first in order to make sure that it was conducive to growing moringa

plant moringa crops. The foundation’s current chairman is Manila Nature’s Link CEO, Armando “Andy” C. Lugtu. According to Bernadette, her partnership with Mr. Lugtu works because they meet halfway. “Andy is good at marketing products, while I’m

to leave behind, it would be to officially make the moringa plant the Philippines’ national vegetable. “Pag naging law na ‘yon, puwede na ako mamatay (After the bill is approved, I can die happy).” The bill, which was co-authored by Pangasinan Fourth District Rep. Gina de Venecia, had

plants. Her persistence paid off, and she eventually managed to grow 30,000 trees on her grandfather’s one-hectare property. Wanting to impart her farming knowledge with her town’s local farmers, Bernadette encouraged them to grow moringa plants for commercial purposes.

more adept at working with farmers,” she says.

already been passed by the House of Representatives and is now awaiting approval from the Senate. Thanks to Bernadette and the rest of her team at MPFI, the moringa industry is slowly gaining prominence. It might take a while before the moringa plant gets the respect it deserves, but if history has proven one thing, slow and steady always wins the race. n

I cannot encourage people to plant, without reminding them that they should be aware of the plant’s health benefits first

BELOW: Moringaling Founding Chair, Dr. Bernadette E. Arellano, with Manila Nature’s Link President and CEO and current Moringaling Chairman Andy C. Lugtu.

MPFI IS FINALLY ESTABLISHED Together with Fr. Restituto A. Lumanlan, S.V.D., Deo Lopez, Fannie Yuchengco, Zonito Torrevillas-Tamase, Ted Salonga, Arlene Parreno, and Reynaldo Kangleon, Bernadette officially established the MPFI in 2009. According to the foundation’s website, its vision is to be the moringa umbrella organization in the Philippines in order to create a united and globally competitive industry. Moreover, its mission is to promote the health and economic benefits of moringa, thereby providing a platform for the people’s fight against malnutrition and poverty, especially in agricultural areas. Bernadette stresses that MPFI wants to promote moringa for two main purposes. First, they want everyone to know, most especially farmers, about the many health benefits of the moringa plant. “I cannot encourage people to plant, without reminding them that they should be aware of the plant’s health benefits first,” she says. Second, they also want to educate people about the various socio-economic benefits of producing innovative moringa products. And through free workshops they are able to share these information to farmers and encourage them to use whatever vacant space they may have to

THE POWER OF MORINGA On a more personal note, Bernadette believes that the moringa plant is one of

the reasons why she and her family are blessed with good health. She shares that even though only half of her pancreas is working, she’s still in tiptop shape, and she believes this is because she takes fifteen moringa capsules everyday. She adds that although her late father died of cancer last year, his regular consumption of moringa supplements most probably helped him live up to 96 years old. THE FUTURE OF THE MORINGA INDUSTRY According to Bernadette, if there is one legacy she hopes



Malunggay 101

Slender Tree

Moringa oleifera or malunggay in Filipino is one of the most cultivated varieties of moringa.


ts English common names depend on its use. It is called drumstick tree for its long, slender, triangular pods that are used by drummers; horseradish tree for the flavor of its roots, which resembles horseradish; miracle tree for the impressive list of its health benefits; and ben oil or benzoil tree for the oil produced from its seeds. THE SPECIES OF MORINGA Including moringa oleifera, there are 13 identified species of moringa that can be classified into three broad categories according to life form and origin. 14 Life Oil Digest | November

SLENDER TREES These are trees with tuberous juvenile stage. They grow tall and thin in size. These trees produce cream to pink and slightly zygomorphic (bilaterally symmetrical) flowers. Moringa Concanensis (mostly India), Moringa Oleifera (India), Moringa Peregrina (Red Sea, Arabia, Horn of Africa). BOTTLE TREES These moringa species are massive trees with bottle shaped, bloated

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Moringa Oleifera Lam ENGLISH COMMON NAME: Drumstick tree Horseradish tree Miracle tree Ben oil or Benzoil tree LOCAL NAME: Malunggay (Tagalog) Kalunggay (Bicolano) Kamalongan, Malunggay (Bisaya) Kalamunge (Pampango) Aruggay, Marunggay (Iluko & Pangasinense)

water-storing trunks. They have small actinomorphic (radially symmetrical) flowers. Moringa Drouhardii (Madagascar), Moringa Hildebrandtii (Madagascar), Moringa Ovalifolia (Namibia and extreme SW Angola), Moringa Stenopetala (Kenya and Ethiopia). TREES, SHRUBS, AND HERBS These moringa trees are tuberous adults or tuberous juveniles maturing to fleshyrooted adults. They grow short with thin or no leaves. Their flowers are colorful and zygomorphic (bilaterally symmetrical). Moringa Arborea (NE Kenya), Moringa Borziana (Kenya and Somalia), Moringa Longituba (Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia), Moringa Pygmaea (N Somalia), Moringa Rivae (Kenya and Ethiopia), Moringa Ruspoliana (Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia). USES AND IMPORTANCE Malunggay is a versatile tree native to northwestern India, and is now widely cultivated in many tropical regions for different purposes. Here in the Philippines, malunggay is a national favorite. Its leaves are usually added in various native dishes such as chicken tinola, while its pods are mixed with other vegetables to make pinakbet, an indigenous Filipino dish from the northern part of Luzon. The malunggay leaves, bark, roots, flowers, and seeds are used as natural medicine in many countries. The leaves may be dried and crushed into powder that can be used as a food additive, food supplement, or herbal tea. Its bark and seedpods are good source of dyes and

tannins. Its stems produce gum used in calico printing. Its seeds are used as water purifying agent because of its coagulating and anti-bacterial properties. Ben oil, edible oil from the seeds, is used for illumination, cosmetics and lubrication. NUTRITIONAL VALUE Per 100 grams (g) edible portion, malunggay leaves and fruits contain: Water (g) Energy (kcal) Protein (g) Fat (g) Carbohydrates (g) Fiber (g) Ash (g) Calcium (mg) Phosphorous (mg) Iron (mg) Vitamin A (IU) Thiamine (mg) Niacin (mg) Ascorbic Acid (mg) Riboflavin (mg)

87 109 2.5 0.1 3.7 4.8 2.0 30 110 5.3 184 0.05 0.2 120 0.07

75 385 6.7 1.7 13.4 0.9 2.3 440 70 7 11,300 0.06 0.8 220 0.05

FARMING METHOD A malunggay tree is a fast-growing deciduous tree that can be propagated from cuttings or seedlings with the following soil and climate conditions: Parameter Rainfall Temperature Altitude Soil pH Soil type Climate

Requirement 250-1500mm 25-35°C 600m above sea level pH 5.0-6.5 Loamy, sandy, or sandy-loam soil Grows best in tropical or subtropical

In preparing the cuttings, cut clean 1-1.5 m long, 3-10 cm in diameter mature branches and plant at least one third of the cutting directly in the field/ground. In places where it is planted for fencing purposes not only for food, cuttings are planted one meter apart or an ideal distance of 5 m to give room for the expansion of the tree top. In preparing the seedlings, collect healthy mature seeds from parent trees. Soak the seeds overnight and plant an

inch deep in plastic bags. Neatly mulch each plastic bag with coir dust or paper to keep the moisture of the soil. The seeds need to be watered daily, until seedlings emerge from the soil. Seeds germinate within 15 days. Seedlings are ready for transplanting when they are about 60-90 cm tall or at 4-6 months after emergence. Because malunggay trees grow rapidly, pruning is recommended to keep the trees at a manageable height of about 8-12 feet maximum. This will also promote branching, increase pod production, control pests, and make harvesting easier. HARVESTING AND POSTHARVEST HANDLING Harvesting time differs with the planting materials used. Leaves can be harvested 3-4 months after transplanting cuttings. From seeds, harvest within a month from transplanting of seedling. Harvest interval is 3-4 weeks under good management. Malunggay has a short storage life. Leaflets fall off within 24 hours from harvesting due to water loss. Wrap malunggay leaves in banana or taro leaves to keep them fresh. n

References: The Philippine Food Composition Tables, 1997. Food and Nutrition Research Institute-Department of Science and Technology (FNRI-DOST) Malunggay Production Guide, 2009. Phiippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources Research and Development-Department of Science and Technology (PCARRD-DOST) Malunggay, 2013. Cagayan De Oro Department of Agriculture (DA-CDO). Retrieved June 1, 2015, from The Species of Moringa: Life Forms. Retrieved June 1, 2015, from



Vegetable Veggie Oil exchange (VVOx) the UntOld StOry

Most people probably would not know about Vegetable Veggie Oil Exchange (VVOX). It is perhaps the first time you hear such company exists. It is because VVOX has been taking the back seat all these years and let its clients (local and international) take the limelight.

16 Life Oil Digest | November


VOX is a plant-based oil extraction company, founded by Mr. Armando Lugtu. After years of oil extraction research

for a renewable energy company, Mr. Lugtu becomes well-acquainted with the different plant oils. Equipped with such experience, he uses his research-based knowledge to do his own experiments and comes up with something that’s never been available in the market before – pure oil extract from combined moringa seeds and leaves. This oil becomes the company’s flagship product. As a result of hard work and undying faith his brainchild is now a tangible reality. Headquartered in Southern Luzon, VVOX offers a wide range of quality edible vegetable oils and oil extracts from organic sources. The company is founded with a clear vision to produce sustainable bio-based products – pure and unaltered oil for pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industries. Today, VVOX is the only producer and distributor of combined moringa leaves and seeds oil here and abroad. Among its growing list of clients are Flare Inc., Manila Nature’s Link Corporation, the makers of Malungai LifeOil®, and American Firebrand, distributor of The Moringa Farm PureExtract dietary supplement in the United States of America. THE COLD-PRESSED EXTRACTION PROCESS The process of extraction begins with the freshly harvested vegetables being transported over a short distance to be processed in small-scale oil mills. The leaves and/or seeds are then thoroughly washed before pressing out the fiber without heating. This process is called cold-pressed extraction. Such process ensures that all the health properties of the veggie oil are enjoyed and consumed for a healthy mind and body.


PRODUCTION The company’s vision helps shape its future strategies for creating new and better

products while helping local farming communities. VVOX believes that sustainable bio-based products can be achieved and should start from sustainable crops. That is why they strictly practice ethical sourcing and support small-scale farmers who grow crops under responsible farming practices. They work closely with the farming community and through this, they can be assured that all vegetables/plants being extracted are free from harmful chemicals and pesticides. These farmers are trained on health, safety, conservation, and environment management. Through environment-friendly farming practices, farmers can maximize the use of their lands and increase their yields. By doing these, the company not only contributes in strengthening the farming community but also helps in building a sustainable supply of high-quality crops. A win-win for all - farmers, VVOX, and mother earth. n

Members of the local farming community.

Live healthy. Strengthen your DNA by taking Moringa Suppliments. 17

FEATURE STORY Iconic Makati landmark, the Manila Peninsula, joins forces with the BPCI in their fight against breast cancer.

Empowering Women Through Education And Empathy One of the worst things about breast cancer is it doesn’t discriminate.


t doesn’t care if you’re a doting mother, a loving wife, or an innocent child. Heck, it doesn’t even care if you’re male or female. It will attack who it wants, when it wants. The bad news for Filipinos is, we are more susceptible to developing this disease. It had been found recently that the Philippines has the highest incidence of breast cancer in Asia, where an estimated 3 out of 100 women contract the disease before the age of 75. Making matters worse, we also have the lowest rate of survival, making it a double whammy. Although the Philippine Government has yet to come up with an effective national breast care program, there are a number of non-profit organizations that are dedicated to catering to the specific breast care needs of Filipinas, the Philippine Foundation for Breast Cancer, Inc. (PFBBCI), being one of them. The PFBCI is the only advocate and support group in the country that operates and manages a breast care center in a 18 Life Oil Digest | November

public hospital, the East Avenue Medical Center (EAMC), to be more precise. Although its official name is the Philippine Foundation for Breast Center, Inc., it is more commonly known as the Kasuso Foundation. The foundation’s current president, Malou Cortez, explains that when the name was first coined, it was difficult for some people to swallow because society has put so much malice in the word suso. However, they decided to stick with it in order to dismiss any negative connotations attached to the word. By doing so, the foundation hopes that people will start thinking of the word suso not so much as a joke, but more of a symbol of womanhood and health.




In its effort to ease the plight of Filipinas battling breast cancer, the PFBCI hopes to realize these following programs: đŏBOOBS BALITA – an information and education campaign program đŏBANTAY BUKOL – a program which offers affordable mammography service, free breast screening, and extensive breast self-exam training đŏBUKOL BIOPSY – a program designed to facilitate diagnostic services đŏBIGAY BUHAY – a program which aims to facilitate surgical, medical, and radiological services đŏBUKAS BINTANA – a program designed to offer emotional healing and support and spiritual counseling to women diagnosed with breast cancer đŏBALIK BCC – a program which aims to improve resolution rates and maintain a long-term surveillance service for those diagnosed with breast cancer đŏBAHAY BISITA – a supportive home for women with terminal breast cancer đŏBUHAY BAHAY – a halfway house for women who are in the process of recovery đŏBOOBIE BOLONTIR – a leadership program which aims to effectively train volunteers on how to properly deal with breast cancer patients đŏBOOBIE BARKADA – a support group / fellowship designed to help women deal with issues related to breast cancer đŏBOOBIE BISNESS – a program designed for resource generation and management đŏBOOBIE BOTIKA – a program which aims to grant access to affordable chemo drugs and other prescription medication

20 Life Oil Digest | November

HOW THE FOUNDATION CAME ABOUT Through the efforts of Dr. Florentino Noble, the EAMC decided to put up the Breast Cancer Center in order to accommodate the hospital’s growing number of breast cancer patients. But because the center needed more volunteers and financial help, Dr. Noble, together with Pearl Imperial, a nurse and cancer survivor, and a group of dedicated medical practitioners,

Unfortunately, come November, this overwhelming display of enthusiasm is replaced by an even more overwhelming display of complacency. As a result, whatever gains were made are all eventually thrown out the window. In other words, there is no consistency. And if the battle against breast cancer is to be won, constant vigilance is necessary. The PFBCI says early detection is one of the

established the PFBCI. In 2001, the PFBCI was registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission. And through the leadership of Dr. Cristina Santos, the organization was finally charted.

keys to surviving breast cancer. That is why they encourage all women to take a proactive stand against the disease. By getting regular check-ups and attending seminars sponsored by different health groups.

THE FOUNDATION’S SERVICES The goal of the PFBCI is to help women from all walks of life confront all the issues surrounding breast cancer, head on. It was envisioned as a “one-stop shop,” where women could go to for assistance and education. Because cancer can be a very debilitating illness, not only physically, but mentally and emotionally as well, the Breast Cancer Center also offers women psychological counseling to help them deal with their diagnosis in a healthy and optimistic manner. For more than a decade now, the foundation has proven to be a dependable fixture in the fight against breast cancer. That being said, it still has a lot of goals it wants to accomplish, particularly the complete implementation of its 12 “Boobie Programs,” which aims to help those diagnosed with breast cancer live a more dignified and comfortable life. FIGHTING THE CULTURE OF COMPLACENCY Every October, which happens to be Breast Cancer Awareness month, there always seems to be a collective effort from women to finally take a stand against breast cancer. From joining benefit runs to wearing pink items of clothing, women across the country enthusiastically participate in various activities aimed at raising awareness about the dreaded disease.

SPREADING AWARENESS ALL OVER THE PHILIPPINES Through their “Barangay Caravan Laban sa Breast Cancer” advocacy campaign, the foundation aims to educate all Filipinas, especially those who live in rural areas, about breast cancer treatment, cure, and prevention. According to them, one of the main reasons why Filipinas don’t get tested is many of them still believe in using homemade herbal remedies. Although sometimes effective in relieving minor pains, she says that homemade medical concoctions aren’t ideal for treating or diagnosing breast cancer. Moreover, the foundation understands that before a woman comes to a decision to undergo testing, a lot of factors need to be considered. That is why it is here to remind them that it’s perfectly normal to be scared, but through proper guidance and information, breast cancer doesn’t have to be as scary as it is perceived to be. And through early detection, it can be beaten. PFBCI is a non-stock, non-profit grassroots volunteer-based organization, committed to fighting breast cancer and saving lives. It was established in the year 2000. For inquiries, you can visit their website, kasuso-foundation.html, or you can call their office number, 9273492. n





Although LifeOil would be very beneficial to the growing stages of children, unsupervised intake is not recommended as it may cause choking.


Can be taken to reduce acne.




1 capsule


If supervised, it can be taken once a day for kids’ mental and physical development.

1-2 capsules; 6 capsules max


Taking more than 2 capsules gives a boost in Vitamin A.


1-2 capsules; 6 capsules max


Taking more than 2 capsules gives a boost in Vitamin A.

41 yo and up

1-2 capsules; 6 capsules max


Taking more than 2 capsules gives a boost in Vitamin A.

Every after meal

3 capsules



For people who want to gain weight For people who want to maintain their normal weight 12-15 yo


3 capsules

An hour before every meal

1 capsule

Every three hours

16-18 yo


2 capsules

Every four hours



3 capsules

After every meal

35 yo and up


4 capsules

Take 2 capsules in the morning; 2 capsules in the evening. Must be taken before meals.

Common colds

2 capsules



2 capsules



2 capsules


For all ages

Notes: Ä‘Ĺ? $!.!Ĺ? .!Ĺ?*+Ĺ?$ . Ĺ?+.Ĺ?" /0Ĺ?.1(!/Ĺ?.!# . %*#Ĺ?0$!Ĺ?%*0 '!Ĺ?,!.Ĺ? disease condition. LifeOil is pure malunggay extract that is considered as a nutrient-dense food and there is no threat of overdosing. Ä‘Ĺ? %#*%Ăź *0Ĺ?!Ăť! 0/Ĺ?+*Ĺ?0$!Ĺ? + 5Ĺ?) 5Ĺ?2 .5Ĺ? /Ĺ?,!.Ĺ? individual’s age, weight and general health condition. 22 Life Oil Digest | November

Must be taken along with a diet that is high in fiber (oats, vegetables, wheat, etc.)

Ä‘Ĺ? %"! %(Ĺ? +!/Ĺ?*+0Ĺ? ( %)Ĺ?$! (%*#Ĺ?!Ăť! 0/Ä‹Ĺ? $ 0Äš/Ĺ?0$!Ĺ? function of immune system. What LifeOil does is to supply the necessary cellular nutrition, which supports and strengthens the immune system so it can adequately do its job of combating illnesses. Hence, it is a common place to hear people directly attributing their healing to LifeOil. If symptoms persist, consult your doctor.







For adults

Eye problems, sore eyes, eyes with cataracts and other eye infections

2 capsules


However, dissolving cataracts will depend on severity of the eye condition.


3 capsules


Patient must observe proper eating habits (no overeating, no skipping meals, eating on time, eating small portions on regular intervals)

Pregnant women and lactating mothers

1-2 capsules


Since LifeOil is oil extract of malunggay it is still considered as food. However, no extensive research has been conducted on reactions with other drugs.


2 capsules

Everyday or until fever lasts

Must be taken with a 500 mg paracetamol.

High Blood Pressure

2 capsules


Breast Cancer

6 capsules



2 capsules


Oil from one capsule must be extracted and applied directly 0+ŏ û! 0! ŏ, .0

Common ulcers

2 capsules


It is best to bite capsule so that oil can cover the lining of the gut.

Kidney problems (except for those with kidney stones as this might be aggravated by high ascorbic acid content.

1 capsule


Gall stones

1 capsule


Patients with gall stones or had their gall stones removed are highy discouraged to take any substance in oil form. Can LifeOil be exemption? The “oil” in LifeOil is extracted from pure malunggay leaves and seeds and is not similar to the cholesterol.



The color red is usually associated with passion and extreme dedication, which is why it is only fitting that it is the signature color of Gwendolyn Pang. The youngest person to ever be appointed Philippine Red Cross (PRC) Secretary General, Ms. Pang has been tirelessly advancing the organization’s humanitarian programs for the past 15 years. Because of her impressive track record and her innovative ideas, the PRC Board of Governors unanimously elected her as the organization’s Secretary General. Now, she works assiduously in order to make sure that the PRC maintains its reputation as the country’s prime humanitarian organization. Although many people think it is impossible to accomplish so much at such a young age, Ms. Pang attests that it is possible to achieve great things just as long as one’s heart is set aflame with passion. In order to keep up with the demands of her job, Ms. Pang says she tries her best to maintain a healthy lifestyle through

Dedication, passion, and a healthy body should go hand in hand. It is for this reason that I rely on the power of LifeOil. As the willingness to serve comes innately, complete nutrients should also come naturally.

proper diet, exercise, and taking LifeOil daily.

Gwendolyn Pang

Secretary General, Philippine National Red Cross

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