Centre for Goethean Science and Art
“Beholding the Heart of Nature” 14th - 22nd April 2016 - “The Plant as Teacher” Margaret Colquhoun and Margaret Shillan
Nine days on a path of inner development through outer contemplation of Nature Course Costs £515 (Concessions £490) Includes tuition, all materials, lunch and snacks at Pishwanton Community Wood, Longyester, Gifford (accommodation available) Registered Scottish Charity SC020705 (www.pishwanton.org) For more details & booking contact 01620 810259 (9am - 1 pm) or email: admin@pishwanton.com
For further information please contact: The Administrator, The Life Science Trust, Quince Cottage, 4 Baxtersyke, Gifford, East Lothian, EH41 4PL, Scotland. Tel/Fax: + 44 (0)1620 810 259 Email: admin@pishwanton.com Website: www.pishwanton.org A member of the Camphill Association The Life Science Trust is a Registered Scottish Charity SC020705 Pishwanton Wood Contact No. 01620 810931