2 minute read

Message from Chief Pharmacy Offcer


Cohesion. Grit. Perseverance. Spirited enthusiasm. Innovation. Opportunity. Accomplishments.

These are the words and phrases that come to mind when refecting on our past year. We certainly had our challenges: severe pharmacist and pharmacy technician staffng shortages, Covid surges, drug shortages, fnancial recovery efforts, multiple competing projects and priorities, etc. But our cohesion kept us together as a team and our grit and perseverance got us through it. That could have been the end of the story, but not for us. We didn’t want to settle for “just getting through it”, so our spirited enthusiasm kicked in and sparked great innovation, opportunities, and accomplishments.

The results are refected in the pages that follow. Here are just a few highlights:

• Enhanced medication safety and outcomes through advanced data science tools, new technology, and expansion of our clinical services. Reported several potential safety hazards to the Institute of Safe Medication Practices (ISMP), which also promoted improvements in medication safety nationally.

• Implemented new stewardship programs, modeled off our long-established antimicrobial stewardship. Programs added or expanded this year include the areas of anticoagulation, glycemic control, blood factors, opioids, and pharmacogenomics.

• Expanded pharmacy residency, both through initiation of new programs and growth of existing ones. This supports to our commitment to academics, provides high-value resources, and serves as a pipeline of pharmacist specialists with advanced training. We also continued to grow our compliment of longitudinal students.

• Contributed to fnancial recovery efforts for the organization through several initiatives that increased operating margin. These included retail and specialty pharmacy revenue growth, 340B contract pharmacy reinstatement process to offset manufacturers’ counter actions, and drug savings initiatives.

• Ensured medication access for our patients. Drug shortages were signifcant but our pharmacy purchasing, clinical, operational, and data analytics teams collaborated with the medical staff to insulate our patients from them. For outpatient prescriptions, we expanded our access services (e.g., fnancial assistance, prior authorization, refll authorization) to new clinics, removing these treatment barriers for more patients.

• Strengthened research commitment through creative restructuring of our residency research model. Also expanded academic contributions through increased university faculty appointments for the training of pharmacy, medical, physician assistant, and advanced practice nursing students.

• Advanced training and development through achievement of national board certifcation and advanced degrees by several of our pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, and information technology specialists, increasing the proportion of employees with specialized training and competencies. Also enhanced the career ladder and opportunities for pharmacy technicians.

• Achieved national awards that refect the collective contributions of the pharmacy team and establish Lifespan’s pharmacy service line as a national leader.

• Developed strategic plan for the next three years that builds off our current, highly successful, strategic plan, aligns with the organization’s priorities and objectives, and sets an exciting path forward.

• Promoted innovation through our frst annual Innovation Challenge. We had 39 submissions, representing all Lifespan affliates, which demonstrates the enthusiasm and dedication of our team in ensuring excellence.

None of this would have been possible without the outstanding pharmacy team we have across the Lifespan system, supported by our highly competent, talented, and dedicated pharmacy leadership team. It is my great fortune to work with such a strong and accomplished team. The support of Lifespan’s executive leadership has also been essential to our success, in particular Dr. Ken Wood with his inspiring guidance and strong advocacy on our behalf.

It is an honor and privilege to lead a team that I am so proud of – well done! Looking forward to the new opportunities in the year ahead…

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