2 minute read
Supporting rural women Jam packed program of workshops on offer
From 2023, the Limestone Coast Women in Ag Network will be coordinated by WoTL (Women Together Learning), an organisation which is dedicated to inspiring and supporting women in agribusiness around Australia.
The LCWiAN was established for women in the agriculture industry in the Limestone Coast to communicate with and support each other in both a social and a professional capacity, building strong connectedness in the region.
In March last year, MacKillop
Farm Management Group, with a consortium of partners, established the Limestone Coast Women in Ag Network (LCWiAN) , which was funded by the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund and their Networks to Build Drought Resilience program, which is administered by the Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal.
The Network was launched with a sell-out event at Bellwether Wines, attended by more than forty women from across the Limestone Coast.
“WoTL is looking forward to working with all LCWiAN partner organisations and growing the network in 2023,”
WoTL EO Ms Kim Blenkiron said.
“As a collective of organisations, we will continue to bring social and professional opportunities to the Limestone Coast that support women in agriculture to thrive.”
WoTL has a stimulating program planned for the LCWiAN in rgis year including a 2-day personal development workshop and events focussed on business and soil management.
Last year, MacKillop Farm Management Group coordinated the network, working in partnership with DairySA, Lucerne Australia, the Grassland Society of Southern Australia, Coorong Tatiara Local Action Plan, Women in Business and Regional Development, WoTL (Women Together Learning) and the Limestone Coast Landscape Board, and supported by a steering committee.
“MacKillop Farm Management Group was pleased to initiate and coordinate the LCWiAN during 2022,” MFMG CEO Meg Bell said. “We believe WoTL is a great organisation to lead the next stage and continued growth of the Network.
“We’ll be supporting and working with WoTL to promote opportunities for women in agriculture in the Limestone Coast,” MFMG CEO Meg Bell said.
Throughout last year, the LCWiAN held a series of workshops and networking events tailored specifically for women to upskill themselves in various aspects of the agriculture industry. The topics focused on building resilience both personally and in their businesses.
The workshops included:
• Business Succession Planning with Tony Catt
• Business Planning and Quick Business Analysis with Chris Scheid
• Effective Communication with Jeanette Long; and
• The Psychology of Pricing and Financial Resilience vs Financial Wellness with Melissa Browne.
Membership of the Network is free, and when you sign up, you’ll receive direct communication about LCWiAN events and networking opportunities.
The Network also runs a private Facebook group where information is shared, connections are built and Network members can get to know each other.
To find out more and join the LCWiAN at www.mackillopgroup. com.au/blog/lcwian/1684770
HARD WORKING WOMEN: Meg Bell (MFMG CEO), Kim Blenkiron (WoTL EO) and Sally Klose (MFMG Communications and Events Officer).