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New facility unveiled at Mundulla
Al levels of government work together to fund new changeroom facilities
Member for Barker Tony Pasin joined the Tatiara District Council and the Mundulla Football Netball Club to officially open new changeroom facilities at the Mundulla Oval.
The $1million project was supported with $300,000 in funding from the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI) Program, a former Coalition Government initiative.
Mr Pasin said the LRCI program was unique in that it responds to expressed local needs rather than being invested via top down determined priorities and strategies.
“I’m incredibly proud of the support provided to Local Government through the LRCI Program because it’s projects like this that ensure our productive and vibrant region remains strong, resilient and prosperous in the long term,” Mr Pasin said.
The $3.25 billion Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI) Program supports Local Government around Australia to deliver priority local road and community infrastructure projects, creating jobs and long-lasting benefits for communities.
The Tatiara Local Government area is benefiting from the
LRCI program with investments into the Bordertown and Keith swimming pools, the Nalang Creek pedestrian bridge and footpath, Padthaway Netball Club, Bordertown and Keith Football Clubs and Keith and Padthaway Bowling Clubs as well as many local road upgrades. “It’s all part of ensuring that local communities remain a great place to live, work and raise a family,” Mr Pasin said.
The South Australian State Government also contributed $445,000 to the project with the balance from the Mundulla Football Club. The project has constructed a unisex change room including amenities, office space, umpire’s room and storage.
“This is a fantastic example of working together to deliver for the Mundulla community,” Mr Pasin said.
Mundulla Football Club president Brendon Geary said the new facility was a game changer for the club and the project wouldn’t have been possible without the funding support from Government.
“The project means that the club has a fantastic facility for generations to come. The facility will help ensure that all Mundulla user groups can benefit for the long term,” Mr Geary said.