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Face-to-face help on its way to region
The Services Australia Mobile Service Centre will visit Naracoorte and Lucindale this month.

can have a detrimental impact on their physical and mental wellbeing,” Ms Carr said.

“The Winter Care Packages will undoubtedly make the winter season a little more bearable.”
Ms Carr urged the entire community to look out for one another.
“We are playing our small part, but it is crucial that everyone looks out for their neighbours, relatives, friends, and anyone in need of a helping hand,” she said.
United Way Glenelg encourages community members to join in their efforts to make a difference this winter season.
By coming together to address the needs of older residents, this collaborative effort reflects the remarkable community spirit that thrives within the Glenelg Shire region,” Ms Carr said. This is the fourth year the Winter Care Packages have been delivered to older residents.
For more information on how to get involved in or contribute to the Winter Care Package initiative, please visit the unitedwayglenelg. com.au or phone 0410 513 305.

It will visit Naracoorte this Friday and Monday, July 10, and Lucindale on Tuesday, July 11.
In Naracoorte, the Mobile Service Centre will be located in MacIntosh Square, Jones Street, at 9.30am-4pm on Friday and 9am-4pm on Monday, July 10.
In Lucindale, it will be located opposite the Rural Transaction Centre in Musgrave Avenue at 9.30am-4pm on July 11.
Visit the Mobile Service Centre to find out about Australian Government payments and services for rural families, older Australians, students, job seekers, people with disability, carers, farmers and selfemployed people.
Information about Department of Veterans’ Affairs programs and support services for veterans and their families will also be available. Staff can provide you with information and support. They can also help you create a myGov account. myGov is a simple and secure way to access government services online. For more information, go to servicesaustralia.gov.au/ mobileoffice