2 minute read
Beachport residents about to Students whip up a new career opportunity
Mount Gambier High special education workshops
Services Australia’s newest Mobile Service Centre, Kangaroo Paw II, will be visiting Beachport on Wednesday, July 19, in the Visitor Information Center car park, between 9am-4pm.
Mobile Service Centres are 20 tonne trucks operated by staff from Services Australia, providing regional and rural Australians with friendly face-to-face service and tailored support.
Staff on board can help with:
• Centrelink claims
• Medicare registrations, and
• Accessing online services.
Information about National Disability Insurance Scheme and Department of Veterans’ Affairs programs and support services will also be available.
Find out more about the services provides at https://www. servicesaustralia.gov.au/mobile-service-centres or contact staff at the Port MacDonnell Community Complex for additional support.
Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates
Notice is hereby given that the Council, in exercise of the powers contained in Chapters 8, 9 and 10 of the Local Government Act 1999 and the Landscape South Australia Act 2019 at a meeting held on 27 June 2023 and for the financial year ending 30 June 2024:
1. Adoption of Valuations
Adopted for rating purposes, the capital valuations of the Valuer-General’s most recent valuations applicable to land within the area of the Council totalling $5,939,212,560.
2. Declaration of Rates
(i) Declared differential general rates in the dollar based on capital values as follows:
(a) 0.191470 cents in the dollar on rateable land of categories
(a) Residential, (g) Primary Production and (i) Other land uses; and
(b) 0.516970 cents in the dollar on rateable land of categories (b) Commercial - Shop, (c) Commercial - Office, (d) CommercialOther, (e) Industry - Light, (f) Industry - Other and (h) Vacant Land land uses.
(ii) Declared a fixed charge as a component of the general rates of $566.60.
(iii) Declared separate rates with a fixed charge amount that depends upon the use of the land to recover the contribution to the Regional Landscape Levy for the Limestone Coast Landscape Region as follows:
(a) $88.10 per assessment on rateable land categories (a) Residential,
(h) Vacant Land and (i) Other,
(b) $130.10 per assessment on rateable land categories
(b) Commercial - Shop, (c) Commercial – Office and
(d) Commercial – Other,
(c) $210.00 per assessment on rateable land categories (e) Industry –Light and (f) Industry – Other, and
(d) $385.00 per assessment on rateable land category (g) Primary Production.
3. Service Charge Imposed a Waste Service Charge of $217.70 on all land to which it provides or makes available the prescribed service.
4. Payment of Council Rates
Declare that rates and charges be payable by quarterly instalments due on or before:
• Friday 8 September 2023
• Friday 8 December 2023
• Friday 8 March 2024
• Friday 7 June 2024
Last month, TAFE SA lecturers Lisa Fewins and Tony Quin held a series of workshops in the Mount Gambier High School Commercial Kitchen as part of a Hospitality Immersion Program, attended by Mount Gambier High School and Gordon Education Centre special class students. The four-week immersion course introduced the students to skills required to work in hospitality. They explored making drinks such as mocktails, creating snack boxes, cake decorating, chocolate garnishes and cooking an Asian noodle dish. Several students who participated in the immersion course are now looking at accessing TAFE SA courses to complete qualifications relating to their experience.
“The TAFE SA Hospitality Immersion Program provides an important bridging step for our young people living with disabilities in the Limestone Coast area. It allows them to explore potential areas of interest that could help them obtain paid employment in the future. I am so grateful that TAFE SA were able to work with us on this venture and that they are continuing to support young people living with disabilities to access higher learning,” Kirilee Chapman, Mount Gambier High School Inclusive Education Support Program Coordinator.
MOCKTAIL CREATION: (Above left) Mount Gambier High School Student, Zahlia Humby puts the finishing touches on her mocktail
SMOOTHIE SUCCESS: (Above right) Mount Gambier High School Student, Ryan Hann whips up a delicious smoothie
HOSPITALITY LESSONS: (Below) TAFE SA Hospitality Lecturers, Tony Quin and Lisa Fewins demonstrate the art of speciality drink making to the Mount Gambier High School Special Education students