Retailer Matters 21

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Retailer Matters The magazine exclusively for Lifestyle Express Retailers


It’s good to talk

Why your RDM is your secret weapon

Fighting back



January 2013 2014 September

cash back Bigger and better than ever before

Take on the multiples and win

deal or no deal? Best ways to shout about value

2014 your best year yet

Ex cl fr usi om ve ly


Tap into our expert advice, information and support 4073_RM21_p01_Cover_v3.indd 1

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welcome Issue 21 / January 2014

welcome welcome to the first issue of retailer matters for 2014. i hope that the festive spirit brought you sparkling sales over christmas and the New Year. And now, as you take down the tinsel, it’s time to focus on the coming year. in January and february, after the flurry of seasonal spending, customers are always looking for ways to economise. This is a chance for lifestyle express retailers to really stand out from the competition. turn to page 19 for tips on how to tell customers all about the great value, high-quality items in your store. why not begin 2014 by making some New Year’s resolutions? You could make this year your best yet by taking advantage of the new-look cash Back programme (see page 10 for details), all you need to do is work with us to ensure you’re stocking the core range and watch your profits soar. or make 2014 the year you expand your offering. if you’re tempted to branch out into food-to-go, but are wary of making such a big jump, you could start by offering your customers a hot drink and snack alongside their morning newspaper. see page 25 for more. This is our third issue of the new-look retailer matters and i think you’ll agree with me that one of the best things about the magazine is the advice from other retailers – great ideas that have worked for them and could do the same for you. Do you have any tips or suggestions for other retailers, or would you like us to visit your store? if so, we’d love to hear from you (see right). wishing you a happy and successful 2014.

Stuart Johnson Retail Controller, Landmark Wholesale 02 Retailer Matters

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On the cOver Thanks to our cover star Colin Clabby, from The Top Shop in Caerphilly, South Wales. See page 47

tOp fOur stOries


Make 2014 yOur best year yet

19 32 50

value, value, value

Use the new year as an opportunity to make a fresh start and take advantage of Customers’ New Year resolutions to boost sales Shout about value and the Customers will come flocking to your Store

rise tO the challenge Take on the multiples and win

all yOu need tO knOw… … about Retail Development Managers

get in tOuch, share yOur news If you have news, top tips or ideas for features, get in touch with Retailer Matters. Just pick up the phone and call

01926 319982 Alternatively, email

retailermatters@ or write to Retailer Matters, Summersault Communications, 23-25 Waterloo Place, Warwick Street, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire CV32 5LA.

Retailer Matters is published six times a year by Summersault Communications. To advertise, please contact Adam Turner on 01926 319932 or email To discuss editorial, please contact Stephenie Shaw on 01926 319982 or email Disclaimer: all prices listed are correct at the time of going to press, but may be subject to change.

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25 34 19 29


05 Industry news

17 The big interview

34 Store profile

10 Retailer news

19 Feeling the pinch

38 Top tips

25 Put the kettle on

40 Community news

29 Get in on the act

42 Core list

All the latest industry information Cashing in on Cash Back

12 New products

Expand your range for the New Year

14 Looking ahead

A fresh start for 2014 – stock the essentials that Customers need for their New Year’s resolutions

Amar Jagpal shares his knowledge

Make sure your Store shouts value

Focus on hot drinks to keep Customers warm this winter Have the right technology to maximise on grab-andgo hot drinks sales


Meet Marty, who goes all out for his Customers

47 The secrets of my success

Marty’s great advice on boosting sales Making wishes come true, award wins and charity talk Your at-a-glance guide to the top-selling products

Colin Clabby explains about his Store and why it’s special

50 Your guide to…

… Getting the most from Lifestyle Express by finding out about RDMs

32 Fighting the multiples

You can do it – we tell you how

32 4073_RM21_p02-03_Contents_v2.indd 3

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industry news Baby boom delivers boost to sales Did you know that a baby boom is worth billions? Make sure you’re ahead of the competition by having the right products official statistics show that Britain has had a modern baby boom, with more than 813,000 births registered between June 2011 and June 2012. This is great news for Retailers, as babycare is a hugely significant category in convenience, worth £1.54 billion, with 4% growth year-on-year. Babies need nappies, wipes and food, so it is important for all Retailers to make room to stock these essentials.

Babies are big business for Retailers

preferred brands when choosing your stock, focus on the core Range, but also be aware of consumer trends. Parents these days are opting for convenience foods, such as food pouches, for their little ones, so consider stocking those as well as on-the-go cartons of formula. if you have shoppers with young families, talk to them about the

products they favour. if parents know you have the products they need, it will save them a trip to a multiple and they will come to you for their top-up shop. if you don’t stock their chosen brand of formula or nappies, they’ll make the trip to the multiple to avoid upsetting

their baby with a new product. Remember though, parents are savvy shoppers. as their family expands and the costs spiral, they will be budgeting. if your nappies, wipes, food and formula are priced higher than the competition, they’ll go elsewhere.

UK households abandoning bid for five-a-day healthy eating

struggle Mintel, who carried out the research, revealed that the price of fruit and vegetables has surged by as much as 10% in the past year for everything from apples to potatoes,

ParkIng under Pressure MPs are putting pressure on local authorities for a more common-sense approach to car parking in town centres and shopping areas after a survey showed that 40% of Independent Retailers claimed a lack of available parking was having a negative effect on their business. A Transport Select Committee report has made a series of recommendations.

lotto survIves PrIce rIse

Fruit and veg sales dip ReseaRch has shown that less than a quarter of UK households are now getting their five a day – the Department of health target of eating five portions of fruit and vegetables every day – as the prices of fresh produce continue to rise.


following poor harvests in 2012. The Mintel fruit and Vegetables report showed that 38% of adults admit they ‘struggle’ to eat their five-a-day, and only 40% see fresh fruit as value for money. according to the research, shoppers wanted more information about the nutritional benefits of eating fruit and vegetables, and the report warned that the

number of processed foods that count towards the five-a-day target, such as smoothies and soups, was confusing the public. a Department of health report last year found that 61% of adults were not hitting the target, with some thinking tomato ketchup and strawberry ice cream counted as healthy options. The research also found that 37% believed their diets had deteriorated since the start of the credit crisis.

Despite fears that doubling the price of Lotto tickets to £2 would affect sales, they have not slowed down, with some Retailers reporting an initial surge in business. Retailers expected Customers to swap their weekly ticket to The Health Lottery or scratchcards, but the incentive of increased jackpots and more prizes has won consumers over.

Include us In bag tax Independent newsagents want to be included when the plastic bag tax comes into effect in England from 2015. Small Stores will be excluded, but Paul Baxter, Chief Executive of the National Federation of Retail Newsagents, wants this reconsidered. Baxter cited environmental benefits, and wanted to help those Retailers struggling with the cost of providing bags.

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Duty fraud on booze must not be a burden ACS steps forward with proposal of measures to support Retailers against duty fraud A response from Association of Convenience stores (ACs) to the Hm revenue and Customs’ (HmrC) consultation on alcohol fraud, calls for the regulation of Wholesalers to be properly enforced, while reducing the burden on retailers.

threat ACs has asked HmrC to ensure that retailers who occasionally sell in large amounts do not end up being registered as Wholesalers, and that retailers’ requirements to check the legitimacy of their Wholesaler are not excessive. ACs Chief executive James Lowman said: “Duty fraud is a

Retailers have voice in court CHAnges To THe ViCTims Code now mean that retailers who have been the victims of crime can speak up in court by making an impact statement. The new Victims Code, introduced in December 2013, includes a dedicated section recognising businesses as victims of crime and the creation of ‘business impact statements’. “retail crime is not victimless: there is always a human and monetary cost,” said ACs Chief executive James Lowman. “Allowing individuals and businesses to reflect the impact of crime will help give retailers the confidence that sentences will fit the crime.”

06 Retailer Matters

significant threat to retailers and we welcome HmrC’s proposals to strengthen anti-fraud measures. However, this must not impose unnecessary burdens on legitimate retailers and, therefore, we propose the following measures to be included in the scheme. “retailers who engage in ‘incidental’ wholesaling should not be subject to registration. These businesses do not pose a significant duty fraud risk and should not be burdened by registration requirements. We strongly oppose any requirement for retailers to undertake and record proactive checks of the registration status of their regular Wholesalers.”

Savings to be made Retailers to benefit from new bill, which could reduce National Insurance contributions and make it easier to take on more staff THe inTroDuCTion of THe national insurance Contributions Bill could save independent retailers up to £2,000 a year. from April 2014, the bill will give up to 1.25 million businesses and charities a £2,000 tax cut on their annual national insurance contributions, resulting in 450,000 businesses being taken out of paying contributions altogether. This has been welcomed by ACs Chief executive James Lowman, who said: “The employment Allowance will provide direct help to local retailers, helping them to take on new staff. Local stores already create around 375,000 jobs

The new tax cut will help Retailers take on more staff

a year and increasing wage costs put pressure on retailers’ ability to employ more people.” more than 90% of the benefit of the employment Allowance will go to small businesses with fewer than 50 employees. small businesses will be able to employ four adults or ten 18- to 20-year-olds full-time on the minimum wage, without paying any employer national insurance contributions. The government has developed an online calculator at www. allowance-calculator/ for businesses to work out how the new rules may reduce their bills.

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sales of cooked meats, such as chorizo, are soaring, as Britons are getting more daring in the kitchen.

new plastic bags that use chemicals to prevent bacteria growing are being developed to stop bread and cheeses going mouldy after just a few days.

retailers have reported a surge in sales of home baking products following the success of The Great British Bake Off.


hot What’s good and bad in the industry


Not jam is under threat as proposed new rules will allow jam producers to drop sugar levels from 60% to 50%, which will threaten the taste, texture and quality.

the proposed ban on cigarettes in packs of less than 20 would have a huge impact on Convenience Stores’ bottom line, as a quarter of smokers buy packs of 10, but shop more often, rarely leaving Stores without purchasing other items.

08 Retailer Matters

Be vigilant when recruiting staff If you are considering employing young people in your Store, make sure you are aware of the rules and regulations When looking to add to your team of staff, it pays to take extra care when employing young people, as there are particular rules and regulations surrounding their employment. it is important to note that young people under the school leaving age cannot be employed in work, other than light work, and they cannot be employed to carry out any kind of work that could be harmful to their safety, health, development, or that could affect attendance at school or work experience. There are limits to the number of hours school-age children can work, particularly on schooldays. Check the website of your local authority for details.

by-laws The local authority where you live may also have some extra rules, called by-laws, about the employment of children and young people in your area. You should check with your local authority to find out what these are. There are extra rules about the

employment of children under 14, as they are not allowed to work at all, unless it’s babysitting, odd jobs for a parent or neighbour, or taking part in sports, advertising, films, plays or entertainment. however, children of 13 or above may be able to do some other types of work, depending on the by-laws of the local authority in their area.

for more information visit www. the facts n Young people must be 13 years or over before they can get a part-time job (age 14 in some local authority areas). n If you are employing a young person, you must complete an employment permit from the local authority. This needs to be signed by you and the young person’s parent or guardian. n Once completed, the young person needs to return the form to the local authority within seven days of the start of employment. n The local authority will send you and the young person a copy of the agreed permit to prove that the young person is registered for employment.

Big boost for small business the Uk’s first small Business saturday on 7 december had a boost from government ministers, who issued a rallying call to small and independent businesses to get behind the initiative. in particular, Business minister michael fallon and his labour shadow Chuka Umunna

were keen for Convenience store retailers to play their part in the day of celebration, describing it as a great opportunity for everyone to get behind small shops. support for the initiative snowballed, with nearly 30 local authorities backing it, offering free parking. in addition, american

express pledged support, launching a national advertising campaign and cardholders received £5 back when they spent £10 or more at participating businesses. it is hoped that this is just the beginning for small Business saturday and it will become an annual event.

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Waste not, want more? Research shows a shocking amount of food is thrown away

In Tesco Stores, 40% of apples go to waste

Despite the harsh recession and many British families struggling to pay bills and put meals on the table, research shows that the levels of food thrown away or left to rot are higher than ever. The research, published by tesco, reveals that families are throwing away an average of £700-worth of food each year – that’s a shocking 15 million tonnes annually across the UK. The research also revealed that in tesco stores, 25% of grapes and 40% of all apples are never eaten, while barely half of all bakery products get consumed. Of all the bagged salads produced in the UK, 68% are left to rot in the fields, packing warehouses or in the bottom of fridges.

to combat this and to discourage Customers from buying produce they’re unlikely to use, tesco has announced that it will no longer sell bagged salads as part of buy-one-get-one-free deals. it will also trim down its bakery aisles.

the biggest supermarket in Britain is doing this, but we need to move beyond individual supermarkets and look at fixing the system, which will require greater regulation and action from governments worldwide.”

scandal Max Lawson, head of policy at Oxfam, said: “Wasting this amount of food when a billion people go to bed hungry every night is a scandal. it’s t’s great news that

does your store have food that goes to Waste? Let us know. Get in touch


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retailer news Maximise your sales by stocking the Core Range – keep your Customers happy and receive Cash Back vouchers too

Cash Back gets bigger and better The excellent Cash Back Incentive has been updated and improved to bring Retailers even more benefits and support LifestyLe express is changing the way that Cash Back works to give you, the retailer, even greater support and better opportunities to build your business. Now, retailers will receive a visit from a Cash Back Buddy most months, who will offer you opportunities to earn Cash Back. This could be a money-off voucher for a Core range product you currently don’t sell or an incentive to create a display, such as Lifestyle Value or Big Night in, and you can also earn yourself Cash Back by using point of sale. four times a year, Lifestyle express will send you information that contains Cash Back discount

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vouchers for Core range products you currently don’t have in your store. These vouchers, which you use to buy those products, can be redeemed in your Landmark Wholesale Member Depot.

core range essential to maximising your sales and profit potential is stocking the Core range. This way, you know that you are stocking the proven Bestsellers that your Customers will be looking for when they visit your store. if each and every Customer bought just one extra item because you’ve introduced new, interesting products, just imagine what that would do to your weekly takings.

to help you identify the Core range products missing from your shelves, Lifestyle express has also appointed four Core range Advisors. These Advisors will produce a report for you that shows the potential extra sales you could achieve by stocking each of the missing Core range products. for every single Core range product that you then stock, you will be given a £1-off Cash Back voucher. These Advisors can make a huge difference to your store and your sales. if you would like a Core range Advisor to call in and show you how you can boost your bottom line, contact the Cash Back team at and give

them your name, telephone number, store address and postcode.

changes There will also be some great changes made to the way tradewins measures the Core range in your store. instead of measuring a small number of products each month, we have divided the Core range into two and will measure half in June and half in November. each time tradewins visits your store to measure Core range, they will leave you a list of products your store is missing, which you can use as a shopping list to gradually build up your lines until you have all or most of the Core range in stock.

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new products

Bonjour to new sPeedy fries McCain Foods has launched Quick Cook French Fries, a new thin-cut fry that cooks in the oven in five minutes. With French fries still as popular as ever with Customers, these extra thin and crispy Quick Cook French Fries are sure to follow the success of McCain’s other oven chip products. McCain Quick Cook French Fries will be available in a 700g price-marked pack for Independent Retailers. RRP £2.50

Pricemarked treats The dark nights of winter see an increase in sales of single chocolate bars, as shoppers feel the need for an affordable treat. Mondelez is adding to the appeal by introducing a range of price-marked Cadbury bars. Snap up bars of Twirl, Boost, Dairy Milk, Crunchie, Dairy Milk Caramel, Double Decker or Wispa, to appeal to Customers looking for a snack with a sweet price. RRP 60p

New stock for Think about expanding your product lines this year with the latest must-have products waiting to fill your shelves

new ideas for midweek meals Birds Eye has launched two new dinner options in a bid to liven up midweek mealtimes. Veg Fusions follows the same format as bestseller Rice Fusions, with a pyramid steamer, herbs and spices. Melt in the Middle Fish Cakes come in two flavours: Cod, Tomato & Herb and Haddock & Creamy Cheese. Veg Fusions RRP £1.79. Fish Cakes RRP £2.99

12 Retailer Matters

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PrinceS beefS uP itS offering Hoping to drive value into the corned beef category, Princes has created a new range of tasty products. There’s no need for condiments with the new corned beef range, which includes chilli, onion and mustard variants in 200g cans. RRP £1.99

grab bagS get a Size revaMP With one in five Customers buying grab bags when shopping for savoury snacks (Kantar data), Walkers has now made its grab bags 20% bigger to ensure that its range of savoury snack products stand out

from the competition on the shelves. The all-new bigger grab bags include: Walkers 60g, Doritos 66g, Quavers 41g, Monster Munch 48g, Wotsits 42g and Squares 48g. RRP 85p

the new year ★

★ ★

SaleS booSt for booSt Energy drinks brand Boost, champion of the Independent Retailer, has launched a limited edition 49p price-marked pack on its 250ml Boost Energy can in all five variants – Original, Sugar Free, Cola, Citrus and Orange and Mango. RRP 49p

high five for heinz Heinz has launched a revolutionary 5 x 415g can pack as an alternative to four- and six-can packs of Heinz Beanz. There are some new faces for Heinz Pasta Shapes (205g) for younger Customers. Heinz has joined forces with Moshi Monsters to create a teatime treat for little ones. RRP 45p

Movie nightS get cooler Butterkist has branched out into premium ice cream by teaming up with Fredericks Dairies. Toffee Popcorn Ice Cream is available in 480ml tubs and Butterkist hopes that this new offering will follow in the footsteps of its popcorn and appeal to those looking to enjoy a night in. RRP £3

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news looking ahead

fresh start Make 2014 a

After the indulgence, feed your Customers’ New Year’s resolutions by stocking essential products to get 2014 off to a flyer EvEryonE knows that 1 January heralds a flurry of pledges to introduce good habits for the body, mind or home. with healthy living messages everywhere we turn, it’s no surprise that health improvement is at the forefront of people’s minds when it comes to new year’s resolutions. next on the list is getting the house shipshape and spick and span, followed by the need to watch the wallet and ensure finances are as healthy as can be. to do all these things, Customers need the right products, whether they’re food or for cleaning. and where better to get them than at their local Convenience store? remember, if shoppers find what they need in your store, it means fewer trips to the outof-town supermarket for them and another regular Customer for you. once you have the right products, make sure you tell your Customers all about them. send

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out promotional leaflets to advertise all your themed products, specially selected for those wanting to declutter and spring clean, shape up or watch the pennies. Create a display to grab shoppers’ attention as they walk through the door. and if that doesn’t do it, why not have some promotions at the till? Everyone needs rubbish bags, kitchen cleaner or fresh fruit and, at the right price, they can be a perfect impulse buy.

Clean living when it comes to resolutions, the most popular has to be the pledge to get into shape. whether it’s to improve health, get fit, tone up or shift some pounds, January is the month for careful food shopping as dieters scour the shelves looking for ideas and not wanting to break their new-found willpower. today’s consumers are much more aware of what constitutes a ‘healthy’ diet (according to Leatherhead Food research’s Diet,

health and obesity in the Uk report) than they were a few years ago, with 95% recognising the importance of eating fresh fruit and vegetables, 87% recognising the need to eat a balanced diet, and 74% the need to drink enough fluid. so it’s no surprise that low-fat, lighter, healthier foods fly off the shelves every January. The same research also identified Customers’ desire to cook more meals from scratch to ensure they know what is on their plate fter and in their bodies. after

TOP For some Customers, supporting TIP local Retailers will be a year-long resolution. Make the most of this by advertising your low prices and delivery to make sure yours is the go-to Store

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did you Psychologists say 27 January

know? is the most depressing day of the year and is when people abandon their healthy living resolutions, so stock up on tasty treats

Keep it fresh and healthy for 2014

the festive food frenzy, Customers are likely to want: n Simple, easy, healthy dishes, so have plenty in stock. n Tinned chopped tomatoes and tomato purée, herbs, spices, seasonings, rice, pasta, gravy and flavoured stocks. n Soups and prepared salads for quick, easy lunches, so consider your promotions and displays to make the most of these. n A wide range of fresh fruit and vegetables presented in an eye-catching and attractive display. At this time of year you’re competing with the multiples, who will have healthier foods on promotion, so where you can, think about what you can offer your Customers and at what price. Can you do a 3 for 2 on fresh fruit, or reduced-price bagged salads? In addition, make sure your chiller has plenty of bottled

waters and diet soft drinks. Other favourite products can be low-fat yogurts, such as Müller Light, and cream cheeses, such as Philadelphia. Think about low-fat snacks like Snack-a-Jacks, popcorn and low-fat biscuit or cereal bars, such as Go ahead! or Alpen. Smaller bars of chocolate like Freddos aren’t just for children. With fewer calories and fat, they’re great for adults trying to be good, but wanting a small treat. As the days and weeks progress, some Customers need inspiration to make sure they stick to the straight and narrow, so stock your magazine displays with titles designed to support those battling the bulge. Most January and February issues will

include diet features, so ensure they’re neatly displayed and they’ll be a popular choice.

Clean home Once the Christmas tree has been taken down and the decorations are back in the box, it’s not long until the big spring clean is on Customers’ minds. Stock up on more cleaning products and consider themed promotions. Keep an eye on what new, innovative products are being advertised in the media and add those to your shelves, particularly if they are price-marked or can be introduced at a promotional price.

Alongside the bleach, kitchen and bathroom cleaners, toilet cleaner and furniture polish, stock up on dusters, vacuum cleaner bags and scouring pads. Black refuse bags are ideal for those who want to declutter. It’s also worth adding some more intense cleaning products to your range at this time of year, such as oven cleaners, carpet cleaners and limescale removers. Draw attention to your products with a promotional display of branded and Own Brand products. The multiples will be making a big deal of cleaning, so make sure you go to town on your display and promotions.

Budget, Budget, Budget The new year is when Customers start to regain control over their outgoings and finances are a priority. While families are feeling the pinch, now’s the time to direct attention away from the branded goods to your Own-Brand ranges. If a Customer is buying branded items, ask if they’ve ever tried the Own Brand range and recommend it to save them money and boost your profit, thanks to the 30% margin. Customers respond well to suggestions from their Retailer, and it creates a good relationship. Do you have a Value Zone? And how many of the price-marked £1 products do you currently stock? If you’re thinking of expanding this area, new year is the best time. Read more about how to shout about value in your Store in our feature on page 19.

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the big interview

Amar Jagpal owns a 900 sq ft Lifestyle Express in the village of Wideopen, on the outskirts of Newcastle


Have you always been a Retailer?

No. I became a Retailer three years ago, with a different Store in Gateshead. That allowed me to learn the trade before I bought this Store in June. We bought the Store and immediately shut it because we needed to do some major building work. We gutted the whole place from floor to ceiling and created a brand-new Store.


Why and when did you join Lifestyle Express?

The first shop was trading as Lifestyle Express when I bought it and I was happy with the service and product range, so I continued with the contract. When I bought the new Store, I had no hesitation in staying with Lifestyle Express.


How has Lifestyle Express benefited your Store?

We’re trading as Lifestyle Evolution in Wideopen and it’s a great selling point, as Customers are attracted to the new look. Having such a wide and well-stocked product range, along with the convenience of all the services the shop has, makes the Store unique and helps us stand out from the competition.


in detail

toP Keep your Store clean, tiP keep your staff motivated and keep your Customers happy


How important is Customer service and what do you do to go that extra mile for your Customers?

We have a Co-op close by, so we have to keep an eye on what they’re doing. We take Customer feedback seriously to ensure all their needs are met. If there are products not in stock that a Customer wants, they will be bought in specially – this is something the Co-op doesn’t do.

the finer details… at work…

at home…

n What’s your bestselling product? At the moment, 500ml cans of Fosters and 59p price-marked Coca-Cola cans. n Bestselling Lifestyle Own-Brand product? Price-marked LSV Energy drink. n The best thing about your job? Forming bonds with Customers and suppliers.

n Favourite holiday destination? India. n What do you do in your spare time? What spare time? When I can, I go to the gym – it keeps me fit and helps me wind down. n Favourite childhood memory? My most lasting memory was getting my first car. n What would you choose as your last meal? Chicken curry and rice!


It’s early days for the Store – how are you engaging with existing and prospective Customers?

We had an open day that we promoted by distributing leaflets highlighting some great special offers. We also offered free product sampling in Store. Leafleting and posters are our main source of advertising, but word of mouth has worked well for us – it shows how happy our Customers are when they leave the Store.


How important are promotions?

I think they’re very important because they give you a point of difference over your competitors. We run all the Lifestyle Express promotions and make sure they’re on our leaflets and posters.


What has been one of your best decisions about the Store?

Having a free ATM has brought in a lot of footfall and we’ve found that when people use the machine, they tend to use the Store afterwards. We’re finding that when you offer a service like Lottery or PayPoint, people not only use that service, but they spend money in other areas of the Store too. issue 21 2014

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Focus on value feature

What does

mean to you?

To Customers, ÂŁ1 shouts VALUE. As shoppers tighten their belts after the festive season, are you doing what you can when it comes to value? issue 21 2014

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feature Focus on value


ll shoppers want to feel they’re getting a good deal when it comes to spending money, and during the long-running recession the quest for value has become increasingly important for Retailers and their Customers. Many Lifestyle Express Retailers have already woken up to the fact that shoppers’ behaviour in a recession is very different from their habits when the economy is strong and people are not worrying about redundancy or faced with other financial pressures. The shift to a greater focus on price is evident across the independent retail sector, so the challenge for Retailers is to get the message across to Customers that your Store represents excellent value without compromising on quality. With Poundland aiming for 1,000 Stores in the UK – that’s almost double its existing portfolio – it is clear that UK consumers have an appetite for good value on all their everyday essentials, including health and beauty products and household goods. Discounters like Lidl and Aldi continue to invest heavily in marketing and TV advertising, and are seeing soaring sales that prove there is no longer any stigma attached to shopping in ‘low-budget’ Stores. Today’s Customers want value for their hard-earned money.

Many Stores have introduced a Value Zone, where Customers know they will find the best bargains

Stand out

Guaranteed value

While for some, these tough financial times mean putting off a big-ticket purchase, such as a car or new furniture, and maybe downscaling holiday plans in favour of paying off debt, for others it is all about making their money go further when it comes to the essentials, such as food and groceries. And this is where you and your Store can really stand out from the competition.

A great start is to stock price-marked products (PMPs). These are a great way of letting a consumer know they are getting value for money and a shining example of this is the Lifestyle Value range of everyday groceries. Not only can you rely on a fantastic POR, but your Customers are guaranteed excellent value for money. Add Lifestyle Own Brand to the equation and you can have real confidence that you are offering Customers a comprehensive range of good quality, low-price alternatives to major brands.

20 Retailer Matters

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Stocking the Lifestyle and Lifestyle Value Own-Brand products is a sure-fire winner when it comes to demonstrating terrific value to your Customers. In the village of Wideopen, near Newcastle upon Tyne, Amar Jagpal is delighted with the performance of the two Own-Brand ranges. “Customers are keen to try them,” he said. “I think initially they buy them because of the price, but when they come back again to buy more it confirms that they are also happy with the quality.” He’s not on his own. In Rhymney in Caerphilly,

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South Wales, Colin Clabby believes that his Customers are actively seeking bargains and special offers. Colin always ensures that there is plenty of variety in his Store, The Top Shop, to keep Customers coming back for more. “They appreciate value for money and the Lifestyle promotions are fantastic in that respect,” Colin said. At Meteor Stores in Cardiff, Retailers Aisha and Nadeem Saleem agree, saying: “The Lifestyle deals have been fantastic for us and our Customers love them because they can see they’re


“Customers are keen to try Own-Brand products. I think initially they buy them because of the price, but when they come back to buy more it shows that they are happy with the quality.”

getting great value for money.” And it’s not just about stocking the right products, it’s clear that how you display and promote your deals is crucial. It’s not enough to have a few value lines tucked away at the back of the Store or in an area of slow footfall. Take a leaf out of Raj and Bobby Singh’s book by devoting more space to value lines. At their store in Kilbirnie, North Ayrshire, the introduction of a

Value Zone bay led to a dramatic increase in sales of Lifestyle, Lifestyle Value and £1 lines. Bobby and Raj pride themselves on really understanding their Customers, recognising that they are looking for both value and quality. Raj said: “We’ve increased our focus on the Value Zone and offer a full range of PMPs in key categories including cigarettes, coffee, cereals and beer. “Promoting these ensures that our Customers are aware of them and are able to access products that provide really good value for money. We even have a Lifestyle Express Snack Deal in our food-to-go area. Simply by moving it to where people are getting their hot and cold food has seen sales increase.”


Lifestyle Own Brand guarantees a minimum 30% POR across the entire range. By stocking these products you will build shopper loyalty by offering a quality, low-price alternative to the major brands. Your Customers will shop in your Store with confidence because they’ll see that Lifestyle offers great value on the products they want.

LIFESTYLE VALUE Lifestyle Value is our price-marked, economy range of everyday groceries, which gives you great POR and guaranteed lowest market RSPs. With many shoppers buying on price alone, it’s the perfect Own Brand range because it is also a quality product and customers can see that.

LSV If you are not stocking LSV in your Store, you are missing a golden opportunity and the chance to be part of an amazing Lifestyle Express success story. The range of 18 products sells at less than half the price of the leading brands and gives you up to 50% POR.

Careful positioning of value products is clearly important, so be as flexible as you can. The Singhs regularly swap displays

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feature Focus on value

around when they want to push a particular promotion, so don’t be afraid to experiment – after all, you can always move things back again. Often, space that you think is dead can come alive if you position the correct products or promotion there. There’s no harm in trying something new or doing something differently. This is backed up by research from him! Supermarkets 2012, which revealed that 52% of shoppers noticed items on promotion or special offer. Interestingly, when asked how they found out about the promotions on offer, 42% assumed the Store would have promotions, while 17% said they saw it the last time they were there. So it’s crucial to use POS materials to the best possible effect.


“They appreciate value for money and the Lifestyle promotions are fantastic in that respect”

ViNtNERs CoLLECtioN N WiNEs An impressive award-winning wine range, this value range brings together wines from the world’s most popular vineyards and offers great-value price points. What’s more, you don’t need to feel daunted by the prospect of choosing a range – we’ve done it for you! Think trusted favourites like Merlot and new varieties like Pinot Grigio – there are 13 full-size 75cl wines and eight single-serve 18.7cl varieties in the Vintners Collection range.

What do you do to promote value in your store?

Meanwhile, him! CTP 2013 from a Convenience Store research gives further insight although 32% would like to see into shoppers’ behaviour and more promotions across a habits, with 47% of shoppers wider range of products and saying they found out about 30% would like to see fewer a promotion from promotions and lower Let us know. Get in touch with us promotional signs on the everyday prices instead. retailermatters@ shelves. In addition, 21% said So whether through cross-category promotions promotions, or by encouraging would encourage them to Customers to try Own Brand, purchase products more regularly value is key to keep shoppers happy.

top tips


Shout about your promotions and special offers – display posters, have leaflets available at the till and automatically put one in the Customer’s shopping bag. If they don’t want a carrier bag or have their own with them, simply hand them a leaflet.

CiDERs Our range includes White Storm White Cider, Eridge Vale Amber Cider and Black Storm Finest Strong Cider, all available in popular plastic bottle and can formats. The range offers branded quality at a great price.


Be proud of your Own Brand. Keep telling Customers that while Lifestyle and Lifestyle Value products are excellent value for money, they are also great quality.


Make merchandising work for you by positioning Own Brand next to branded items. If you don’t have space to do this, merchandise Lifestyle and Lifestyle Value in a prominent position and train your staff to constantly point out the benefits and price comparisons. Ensure price tickets are clear.


Even the smallest of Stores can accommodate a Value Zone – this will allow you to group Lifestyle Value products together. Your Customers won’t be able to miss it – even a small display can create a big impact.


Remember, Lifestyle Express Retailers have access to more than 900 Own-Brand products across a variety of ranges – this is a powerful proposition, so stock as many as you can.

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No3 If you sell cigarettes and tobacco, No3 will need little introduction as it is now a well-established, trusted range of great value cigarettes.

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Hot beverages feature

Put the

kettle on t

As the cold winter temperatures continue and Customers want the warmth of a comforting cuppa, there has never been a better time to think about what’s on your hot drinks shelves

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tet le

n gr


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26 Retailer Matters


With this in mind, Retailers need to stay one step ahead to ensure they deliver what their Customers want. Think carefully about your stock, price points and promotions, and keep an eye on new products and trends in the sector. Tea and coffee sales benefit from regular promotions, with extra-value or price-marked packs, and Retailers should encourage Customers to take advantage. As tea and coffee are ongoing purchases, Customers know the prices and Retailers are competing with the multiples. Always refer back to the Core Range, which includes Own-Brand and branded items all at great value, then you can be sure you have the products your Customers want and need.

fé cappuccin o x

stay ahead

ca es


Tea, once the staple drink of the UK, is on the wane, with a decline in sales of traditional black teabags, as consumers abandon their traditional cuppa for herbal, green, decaf or speciality teas. To counter this, some brands – including Tetley – are producing smaller price-marked packs of green or herbal teas, which appeal to Customers and are relatively low risk for Retailers. Coffee isn’t a simple choice anymore either. Customers can now choose from jars, cans and bags of granulated, freeze-dried and ground coffee, all very different tastes and prices. While some shoppers will pop in and grab a greatvalue jar of granulated coffee for their caffeine fix, others will spend more on a higher-priced coffee as an indulgence. Customers can also opt for barista-style instants, such as mocha and latte.

ags 80 bags £2 eab .45 t y

bags ea 50 £1.89 t n ee



Make sure there’s something for everyone in your Store – top tips for satisfied Customers and great margins


he UK’s love affair with hot drinks seems to be growing and growing. Whether a Customer’s top tipple is a creamy latte, strong cappuccino, sweet hot chocolate or a traditional cuppa, hot drinks mean one thing in retail – big money. With so many cafes, coffee bars and tea shops around, Customers have high expectations and demand a great taste. More than any other, the hot drinks category sees incredible brand loyalty, with many shoppers choosing only particular brands of teabag, instant coffee or hot chocolate, which is why brands such as PG Tips, Twinings and Nescafé are all such success stories.

The besT of The brews

feature Hot beverages

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what hot beverages to stoCk

250g £1.79 ate L Co


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Hot beverages england and wales 1m 3 sHelf

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Product shelf 1 Nestlé Coffee-mate Nesquik Strawberry Cadbury Drinking Chocolate Cadbury Hot Chocolate Instant Horlicks Original Drink Douwe Egberts Real Coffee Nescafé Cappuccino Nescafé Cappuccino Unsweetened Silverspoon Granulated Sweetex Tablets



200g 300g 250g 280g 300g 250g 10s 10s 1kg

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Product shelf 2 Nescafé Original Nescafé Gold Blend Nescafé Original Decaf Kenco Decaf Tetley Decaf Twinings Earl Grey Twinings Pure Peppermint



100g 100g 100g 100g 40s 50s 20s

3 2 2 2 1 1 1



Product shelf 3 Lifestyle Teabags Tetley Softpack Tetley Softpack PG Tips Pyramid PG Tips Pyramid Yorkshire Tea


80s 40s 80s 40s 80s 80s

1 2 2 1 2 1


top tips

00 3.29 g£

n Take a close look at how each line is performing. Are some products selling only when on promotion? Are you stocking lines that represent each sector, such as decaf, herbal tea, speciality, etc? Review your range every three months and if a line isn’t working, consider running a promotion or replacing it with something new. n Ask your Customers if you are carrying the products they want. n Encourage Customers to do their hot drinks shopping in your Store by offering promotions with tea, coffee, biscuits and treats. n Stock up on extra-value large packs of coffee and tea if you have offices or workplaces nearby.

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New technology feature

Get in on

the act

With coffee shops jostling for space on every UK high street, isn’t it time you cashed in on hot drinks?


f you’re looking for a great way to expand your offering or really stand out from the competition, adding grab-and-go hot drinks can make a huge difference to your footfall and really heat up your sales.

Hot drinks can offer a potential margin of


high margins

impulse buys Hot drinks to go are also a great way to introduce other impulse purchases. Research shows that 71% of Customers will also buy themselves a snack when they purchase a hot drink. Pastries and sweet bakery products are the most popular choices for this. Think about promotions and product placement to encourage incremental sales with drinks. This could be a cookie or a croissant sold with a morning coffee, or a bar of chocolate to go with a cup of tea later in the day.


Position pastries and cakes next to your hot drinks to increase sales

55% of Customers often leave the house without eating breakfast

AllegrA Project cAfé rePort

Research has shown that 55% of Customers often leave the house without eating breakfast (Allegra Project Café Report), so first thing in the morning is when your drinks machine will come into its own. For those Customers just popping in for a last-minute grocery item or top-up shop, tempt them with a delicious hot drink and snack to kick-start their day. Consider creating your own meal deal for the lunchtime rush, with a sandwich, snack and tea or coffee, or maybe a promotion on hot chocolate for thirsty children on their way home from school.

retAiler view Harvinder Singh Thiara, Marty’s Convenience Store, Great Barr, Birmingham, said: “We have a Nescafé &Go machine and it’s a great way to offer something new to Customers. Shoppers know they can come in for a newspaper and grab a great-tasting hot drink at the same time. It’s definitely improved our footfall.”

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As most Retailers know, every square inch of their Store needs to make money and the art to real retail excellence is prioritising the products with the highest margins. With this in mind, did you know that hot drinks can offer a potential margin of 70% for very little effort? Tasty figures, aren’t they? With consumers looking for convenience in every aspect of life, from buying bread to their morning coffee, there is a real appetite for hot drinks to go. The UK’s total coffee shop market is worth £5 billion and is set to double in the next few years. Is it time to make sure you’re part of this growth?

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feature New technology

A cup of hot stuff to go There are two drinks machines Lifestyle Express would recommend, both use Nescafé. By offering a trusted brand, you will sell more and make more profit self service Nescafé &Go is a self-serve machine ideal for Stores serving up to 20 cups a day. It needs no plumbing, simply plug it in and fill with water. Each 12oz branded cup is individually sealed to preserve freshness. All your Customers need to do is pull the foil tab, pour on hot water and go. The double-walled cups are high-quality, with a 12-month shelf life. Drinks are dispensed within 10 seconds, making them ideal for Customers in a hurry.

top tips n Think about providing coffee and a snack for your early-morning Customers, either a pastry or even a bacon sandwich. n Look at promotions offering a latte or cappuccino with a chocolate bar for mid-morning shoppers. n Promote hot chocolate for after school on cold, winter afternoons. n When weather conditions are extreme and Customers visit on foot, consider offering them a free drink to keep them warm for their trip home.

offer! Get started with a Nescafé &Go machine for just £99. This includes a free starter kit, with 24 cups of the most popular variants of Nescafé &Go, 24 lids, sugars and stirrers, plus point of sale kit.


FoR MoRE INFoRMATIoN: Call 0800 745845 and quote ref: &Go LM 2014*

barista to go

* Reg. trademark of Société des Produits Nestlé S.A.

For Stores selling more than 20 cups a day, the Nescafé Alegria creates barista-style coffee at the touch of a button, offering Customers the choice of latte, mocha, hot chocolate or cappuccino. This machine is easy to use and can be self-serve or operated by staff – it can even be coinoperated. Choose from three different sizes, according to the size and demand of your Store.

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It’s not just about the teabags and the coffee beans. By adding a range of snacks to your hot drinks offering, you’ll boost your sales even further. The Cuisine de France Thaw and Serve range of cakes and pastries (above) is perfect, with no baking and reduced wastage. All products are individually wrapped, ideal for people on the go, and the new packaging gives them instant appeal – perfect for that impulse buy. The range has recently been extended with cookies, brownies, carrot cake, granola bars and low-fat muffins. So what next? If you’re looking to stand out from the competition and expand your offering, hot drinks and snacks could well be the best next move.

for more information, look in the lifestyle express services directory, or talk to your member depot bdm or to one of the landmark wholesale rdms

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feature Multiples

Rise to the Challenge You’ve just heard that a major multiple is muscling in on your territory. Will your Customers desert you? Not if you keep a cool head and make a few changes. Take a measured approach, work with your Lifestyle Express BDM and embrace the opportunity to reappraise your Business


t’s the news every Independent Retailer dreads: one of the major multiples is moving into your neighbourhood. But it’s not a large, edge-of-town superstore, it’s a shiny, new Convenience Store and it will do everything it can to steal your trade. Independent Retailers are facing up to the challenges of a constantly evolving retail environment and one of the most significant changes of recent years has been the arrival and growth of the smaller convenience multiple, such as Sainsbury’s Local or Tesco Express.

Whether it’s a dry-cleaning service or food-to-go, hot coffee or home deliveries, focus on what you do that the supermarket can’t

or food-to-go, hot coffee or home deliveries, focus on what you do that the supermarket can’t, and make sure you tell your Customers all about it.

huge impAct

If it all seems daunting, talk to your Lifestyle Express Business Development Manager. Together you can prepare a Action plAn strategy within the confines of your The most important thing is not to panic. budget to bolster your Customer offer. Keep a cool head and view the arrival of That could include introducing new the new upstart as an opportunity to take services or could even involve refitting stock of your own business, identify your your Store to give it a little more of the strengths and weaknesses, and put in wow factor. Even the smallest of changes place an action plan to build Customer can have a huge impact. loyalty. What do you do well? What do In Cardiff, Nadeem Saleem and his your Customers appreciate about you wife, Aisha, did just that. The couple and your Store? How do you go the extra joined Lifestyle Express in 2005 and their mile? And what are you going to do to shop, Meteor Stores, was one of the first retain your Customers and win a few to be converted to Lifestyle Express by more into the bargain? BA Cash & Carry. In 2010, however, The fact is Independent Retailers will when a Tesco moved into the come under pressure every time a new neighbourhood, they responded by shop opens locally, so you need to carrying out a complete refit, opting punch above your weight when it for the latest Lifestyle Evolution comes to Customer service and specification. give people more reasons to According to the him! shop locally. Supermarkets Consumer Tracking cannot provide the high Programme 2013, top-up levels of Customer service shopping remains the that Independents can. Let us know. Get in touch with us most important reason Think about how you can retailermatters@ for Customers going to a stand out from the Convenience Store. However, competition. What can you poor price perception, along with offer that no one else does? the quality and range of fresh Whether it’s a dry-cleaning service

has a multIple moved close to your store?

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retailer view Aisha Saleem, Lifestyle Express, Cardiff “We take time to chat to Customers and make them feel welcome – we offer the sort of one-to-one Customer service that Tesco can’t. When Tesco opened in 2010, we told our Customers that they could rely on us and that we would be upgrading the Store, and that gave them confidence to stick with us. The support from Lifestyle Express and BA was also fantastic, so our advice to other Retailers in a similar situation is: don’t panic – there are plenty of things you can do to limit the impact.”

retailer view produce, has driven top-up shoppers away from Convenience Stores and into the multiples, so look carefully at their current offer.

prioritise Make sure you prioritise key categories such as news, tobacco, wrapped bakery, milk, confectionery and soft drinks, as 80% of footfall in Convenience Stores comes from these categories (him!). And always focus on speed of service, value for money, range, ease of shop and signage. Availability, in particular, is crucial – if a Customer fails to make a purchase twice, chances are they won’t come back. Don’t be afraid to push boundaries with new ideas. Work with your Lifestyle Express Business Development Manager and take advice. Remember, you have one key component in your armoury that doesn’t cost a penny – a smile.


Simon Krzysiak, Lifestyle Express, Wolverhampton

retailer view Nadeem Saleem, Lifestyle Express, Cardiff “The arrival of Tesco prompted us to do the refit. Having a really modern Store has helped us remain competitive in the area. Despite having lots of local grocers, newsagents and Tesco nearby, we’re really busy. The Lifestyle Express promotions have been fantastic – our Customers love them because they can see they’re getting good value for money.”

of footfall in Convenience Stores comes from key categories such as news, tobacco, wrapped bakery, milk, confectionery and soft drinks

“It’s essential that you understand your Customers and their needs. We have a large supermarket around the corner, but our Customers are very different to theirs. Our Customers want the convenience of coming into our Store, grabbing what they need at a price that’s competitive, not having to walk all around a big Store to find what they need and not having to worry about parking.”

retailer view Calum Duncan, Kincraig Stores, near Aviemore “There’s a Tesco Metro in Aviemore and we only need to look at how often the Tesco delivery van is in the village to know that local people are using the Internet for food shopping, so we talk about our own website to Customers when they come into the shop. We also offer a Click & Collect service.”

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Store CV Name: Marty’s Convenience store Store’S time with LifeStyLe expreSS: Three years featureS: Hot-drinks-to-go, dry-cleaning service, PayPoint, National Lottery, ATM, myHermes collection and drop-off point, fresh produce, gas, turf and top soil BeStSeLLerS: Chilled soft drinks, beers, wine and spirits, sweets and chocolates NeareSt CompetitioN: Co-operative store, 100 yards away on opposite side of the road tradiNg timeS: 6am-10pm, seven days a week

XX Retailer Matters

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Marty likes to do things a little differently – turf is one of the biggest sellers and the Store also stocks sacks of potatoes and gas bottles

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Marty’s Convenience Store store profile

Customers call in for the basics on their way home

The Store is bright, smart and carefully thought out

Standing out from the crowd

For Marty, running a Convenience Store isn’t just about stocking the right products at the right prices, but about making his Store stand out from the competition and offering much more than bread, beer and baked beans Marty’s is owned by Harvinder Singh Thiara, known as Marty. He comes from a family with retailing in their blood and took over the Store from a family friend four years ago – he hasn’t looked back since. It’s a family affair, with Marty manning the till every day with help and support from his wife, mum and other family members who all live close by. “My family were all market traders,” he recounted. “I began working on the markets with my dad as a child and it obviously planted a seed for the future.

“It was exactly what I wanted… to run my own business, with support, advice and expertise available whenever I needed them”

“From a really young age, I wanted my own business and I wasn’t afraid of hard work or long hours. Going into retail made sense to me. I feel at home behind the till and love being responsible for my own decisions and driving my own future.”

advice and expertise It was this sense of independence that led Marty to join Lifestyle Express three years ago. “I wanted to be part of a symbol group, and looked around to see what was on offer. “I instantly knew Lifestyle Express was the right fit for us as it was the only group that encouraged you to retain your independence. That’s exactly what I wanted: to run my own business, but with support, advice and expertise issue 21 2014

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ituated on a busy dual carriageway in Great Barr, Birmingham, Marty’s Convenience Store stands out like a beacon for passers-by. With its gleaming smart fascia, you can’t fail to notice Marty’s as you drive along the main road, and the Store’s popularity with Customers is obvious, judging by the number of cars queuing to pull up outside. As you enter the Store, you can understand why Customers visit Marty’s and return again and again. From the personalised mat welcoming Customers to the neatly stacked blue baskets, the hot-drinks-to-go machine and the sleek-looking chillers, it’s clear that this is a Store where everything has been carefully thought out.

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store profile Strapline

will also grab a bottle of wine, some milk or a loaf of bread.”

location is key With lagers and wines as two of his bestselling items, Marty has an impressive range of chilled beers, wines and ciders on offer, not to mention a dazzling array of gleaming bottles of spirits behind the counter. While these are popular with shoppers on the way home from work and wanting supplies for a relaxing weekend, he knows that his location is key to great sales. “We have a pub a few doors down from us, and Customers often call in here on their way home and will want some beers to take with them,” he said. “And we have a hotel a few minutes’ walk away that charges high prices for drinks. Lots of hotel guests will take a walk, spot the Store and buy some drinks to sneak back into the hotel. It’s not great for the hotel, but it’s great for us!”

The angled counter was specially made for Marty’s new Store

available whenever I needed them.” When he took over the Store, Marty already had great plans for his business. These have now come to fruition with a move to a brand-new building. “The old building was great, but the new one, just yards away, was always going to be a step up, as it offered so much space and was a blank canvas.” The new Store is the result of lots of input from Matthew Wakelam, Retail Development Manager for Lifestyle Express. “I took it over as an empty shell,” said Marty. “I had a vision of how I wanted it to look and Matthew and I worked together to create the layout. From the glass doors on the chillers to the smart signage, I knew the look I wanted and it has come together brilliantly. I love the angled counter, which was custom-made for my Store.”

a keen eye

“From the glass doors on the chillers to the smart signage, I knew the look I wanted and it has come together brilliantly”

to get them.” Alongside the potatoes and turf are rows upon rows of gas bottles, another item that makes him stand out turf and top soil from the competition. “My Customers While the Store offers many of the items buy gas bottles from me in the summer you’d expect to see in a Convenience for their barbecues and then when it gets Store, such as tinned goods, toiletries, colder, people come to me for their household products, newspapers, larger bottles for heaters,” he said. cigarettes and fresh produce, Marty Offering something so many other prides himself on thinking more Convenience Stores don’t has been a creatively. “Would you believe one of our winner for Marty, as Customers rarely biggest sellers is turf?,” laughed Marty. leave with just a sack of potatoes. “Years ago, this site used to be a garden Another example of thinking beyond centre and people still make that standard convenience shopping is connection. What started off as a Marty’s decision to become a small trial run of a few rolls of turf myHermes collection and has now become a huge hit – in drop-off point. “It has been the summer I can sell 4-5,000 a great decision and has rolls of turf each month, plus really increased our footfall,” top soil and compost.” he said. “Our opening hours And it’s not just turf and Would you like your Store to be featured? Get in touch are long and Customers can soil that are surprise just drive up and drop off bestsellers. “We also sell sacks retailermatters@ a parcel at any time, which of potatoes that are a big hit makes it really convenient for with our Customers. They come them. And if they’re calling in direct from a nearby farm and after a long day at work, Customers some of our Customers drive miles

And alcohol is set to rise in popularity even more. “Over the next few months, there’s going to be a big car park and a restaurant built next door. This will give us a real boost for sales of chilled beers, wines and ciders, as it will be a Bring Your Own restaurant,” Marty added. And he’s not resting on his laurels – Marty has some great plans for the future. “Having seen how brilliantly the turf, top soil and compost sell, and with such great margins, I’m going to extend the gardening range by offering bedding plants and shrubs, which I think will be a real success.” With a perfect location, a loyal and ever-growing Customer base and a well-trained eye for what will appeal to his Customers, Marty’s Store is definitely thriving.

tell us about your store

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store profile

Marty’s top tips

Take five… check out his simple but effective advice below to boost sales

location, location, location It’s natural to check out the local competition when looking for the right place for your Store, but think about the long term too. Is there about somewhere nearby marty Marty has run Marty’s Convenience where someone could Store for four years and has just moved to a new, larger premises just open a Store in the yards from his original Store. He joined future? You don’t want Lifestyle Express three years ago and has worked closely with Matthew Wakelam, a competitor arriving Retail Development Manager, to create the look of his new on your doorstep. Store, which is staffed by him and his family.

reflect your customers’ needs

marty’s bestsellers

I have great success with the Core Range, but because I know my Customers, I’m always willing to try new things.

Cans of Carling, bottles of Echo Falls wine, sweets, chocolate and crisps.

create a great first impression First impressions count. If Customers come in and see half-empty shelves and a dirty floor, they’re not likely to come back. I was given advice years ago by a fellow Retailer who said that if a cigarette gantry is half empty, that’s a sign of a weak shop. Staying on top of your stock might take time, but it makes a real difference.

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make it easy In both my Stores, I’ve always had baskets, as it makes it easier for Customers to buy more products.

service with a smile Providing great Customer service is critical to your business. I always take time to greet Customers and ask how their day is going. I appreciate their business and the fact that they choose to shop in my Store, and I want them to know that.

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community news

Making wishes come true for youngsters September was the month when Retailers across the Blakemore Wholesale estate raised thousands to help ill youngsters, while employees help all year round More than 80 LifestyLe express retailers have worked to raise much-needed funds to make magical wishes come true for children and young people fighting life-threatening conditions. Lifestyle express stores that use Blakemore Wholesale hosted a series of in-store activities throughout september and raised more than £2,000 for the Make-a-Wish foundation UK. The top fundraising stores were Belle Vue in Middlesbrough, nevs in Walsall, hallets in Grimsby, Garforth in Barnsley and stowheath Lane in Wolverhampton. There are currently 20,000 children and young people in the UK fighting life-threatening conditions and the Make-a-Wish foundation granted around 1,000 wishes this year. to do this, it needs to raise £7 million, so every penny raised by Lifestyle express retailers really does count.

Volunteers rolled up their sleeves to give Barnsley’s Toll Bar Primary School a makeover (and below)

in addition to this, each year kind-hearted employees from Blakemore Wholesale spend time taking part in community activities to make a positive impact in their local area. over the past six months, more than 700 hours of employee time has been donated through initiatives such as painting and gardening projects, work placements, mentoring and study tours. a terrific example of this is the regeneration project at toll Bar Primary school, Barnsley. around 100 hours of employee time was committed to giving the school

charity fund

support Make-a-Wish foundation senior Corporate account Manager Laura fisher said: “The support that we have received from Blakemore Wholesale has been fantastic. The children and young people that we work with all deserve to have their magical wishes come true, whether this is to spend a day as a firefighter or visit a theme park. “support from businesses like Blakemore Wholesale is helping us to deliver these wishes and make a difference to these children’s lives.”

40 Retailer Matters

Above: Employees from Blakemore Wholesale Gateshead took part in a Give and Gain Day, clearing a large part of the River Tyne to make it safer for their community

a makeover. The school was nominated for support through Blakemore Wholesale’s Lifestyle express retailer of the year scheme, which aims to recognise excellence across Lifestyle express stores. Dave Barrow, Blakemore Wholesale Key account Manager,

said: “We chose to work with toll Bar Primary school because of the great links the school already has with Lifestyle express retailer, toll Bar Post office. The store was awarded Best Work in the Community at the Lifestyle express retailer of the year awards.”

A.F. Blakemore’s charitable trust, the Blakemore Foundation, donates 2% of pre-tax profits each year to good causes chosen by staff, Customers and the community. The fund, together with employee fundraising, has made donations totalling £42,000 to more than 260 good causes. Beneficiaries have included the Alzheimer’s Society, The Haven Women’s Refuge, Macmillan Cancer Support, St Andrew’s Children’s Hospice and the Wolverhampton MS Society.

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Raj Kanagasingram took the Best Newcomer Award

The Most Improved Retailer title went to Chris and Nicholas Phillips

Trio of award wins Three outstanding Lifestyle Express Retailers shine at BA Cash & Carry’s Retail Awards Three LifesTyLe express retailers have scooped the top honours at BA Cash & Carry’s 11th Annual retail Awards. The awards, held at Cardiff ’s sWALeC stadium, recognise the achievements of retailers, suppliers and staff in the independent sector and this year’s event was the biggest and the best to date, with more than 500 guests.

winners raj Kanagasingram of Lifestyle express, Ammanford, was named Best Newcomer for implementing high store standards and for his understanding of what he needed to do as a retailer to hit the ground running. Mahmood Akram of Lifestyle express, Cwm, won the Lifestyle Own Label Award in recognition of the exceptional effort he makes

to promote Own-Brand products in his store and increase footfall. Chris and Nicholas phillips of Lifestyle express, Abercwmboi, were crowned Most improved retailer after making some dramatic changes to their store, such as adding a post Office and food-to-go counters, which have resulted in exceptional results. “We hold the event to reward and recognise the hard work put in by retailers,” said Zahier Ahmed, Director of BA Cash & Carry. “so many retailers go the extra mile to support us and contribute so much to our retail club, so this is our way of saying thank you.”

opportunity During the event, Zahier took the opportunity to talk facts, such as how retailers choosing to join Lifestyle express were enjoying

The Lifestyle Own Label Award went to Mahmood Akram

helping others

huge increases in sales once they had converted to the group. he also highlighted the incentives and initiatives, such as Cash Back and On-Target, that are part of the appeal of Lifestyle express, and urged retailers to get behind the incentives on offer.

Zahier was also proud to announce that last year BA raised £15,000 to help orphaned children in Gaza. And this year £12,000 raised from the local community has delivered an ambulance and 70,000 emergency aid packages to Syria. He hopes to raise a further £20,000 this year to deliver two more ambulances filled with aid to Syria.

Retailers’ charity efforts go unnoticed A sTAggeriNg 87% Of Britons believe that retailers are failing to support charities, according to a study by give as you Live, a fundraising organisation. More than 2,000 Britons were asked about retailers’ support for

good causes and their impact on Customer loyalty and spending, and overall, only 13% of consumers recalled their favourite retailers providing charity support. polly gowers, CeO of give as you Live, commented: “Our

previous data indicated that consumers would spend more with a retailer that was seen to be giving back to society. retailers who engage in Csr activities not only look good, but could also increase their sales.”

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core range item



Soft DrinkS – ChilleD Irn Bru Rockstar Xdurance Blueberry Rubicon Mango Boost Boost Boost 7UP Mountain Dew Diet Pepsi Fruit Shoot NAS Blackcurrant & Apple Fruit Shoot NAS Orange Juicy Drench Orange & Passionfruit Lipton Ice Tea Lemon Pepsi Pepsi Max Pepsi Max Tango Orange Capri Sun Orange Cherry Coke Cherry Coke Coca Cola Coca Cola Diet Coke Diet Coke Dr Pepper Dr Pepper Fanta Fanta Fruit Twist Monster Oasis Citrus Punch Oasis Summer Fruits Powerade Berry & Tropical Relentless Sprite Evian Sportscap Evian Volvic Sportscap Volvic Volvic Touch of Fruit Strawberry Lucozade Caribbean Crush Lucozade Orange Lucozade Original Lucozade Pink Lemonade Lucozade Sport Orange Lucozade Sport Raspberry Ribena Blackcurrant Ribena Blackcurrant Ribena Strawberry Ribena Strawberry Highland Spring Still Buxton Red Bull Red Bull Red Bull Red Bull Sugar Free Vimto Still *Barrs Cream Soda *Barrs Limeade *Irn Bru *Irn Bru Sugar Free *Irn Bru Sugar Free *Irn Bru Wee Bru *Rockstar Original *Rockstar Punched Guava *Rubicon Passionfruit *Lipton Ice Tea Peach *Volvic Juiced Apple *Volvic Touch of Fruit Lemon & Lime

500ml 500ml 500ml 1ltr 500ml 250ml 500ml 500ml 600ml 275ml 275ml 440ml 500ml 500ml 600ml 330ml 600ml 330ml 500ml 330ml 500ml 330ml 500ml 330ml 500ml 330ml 500ml 500ml 500ml 500ml 500ml 500ml 500ml 500ml 750ml 500ml 1ltr 500ml 500ml 380ml 380ml 380ml 380ml 500ml 500ml 500ml 288ml 500ml 288ml 500ml 500ml 473ml 355ml 250ml 250ml 500ml 500ml 500ml 330ml 500ml 330ml 250ml 500ml 500ml 500ml 500ml 500ml 500ml

£1.11 £1.83 £1.10 £1.29 £0.95 £0.65 £1.25 £1.35 £1.25 £0.85 £0.85 £1.09 £0.99 £1.25 £1.25 £0.60 £1.25 £1.19 £1.19 £0.71 £1.19 £0.71 £1.19 £0.71 £1.20 £0.71 £1.20 £1.20 £1.59 £1.20 £1.20 £1.30 £1.59 £1.20 £0.85 £0.52 £0.91 £0.46 £0.84 £0.95 £0.95 £0.95 £0.95 £1.10 £1.10 £1.03 £0.65 £1.03 £0.65 £0.49 £0.50 £2.19 £1.89 £1.35 £1.35 £1.19 £0.79 £0.79 £0.76 £1.11 £0.76 £0.54 £1.83 £1.83 £1.10 £0.99 £1.19 £0.84

Soft DrinkS – lifeStyle & lSV range Apple Juice Orange Juice LSV Energy LSV Energy LSV Energy LSV Sugar Free LSV Glucose Cherry LSV Glucose Orange LSV Isotonic Mixed Berry

200ml 200ml 1ltr 500ml 250ml 250ml 380ml 380ml 500ml

£0.33 £0.33 £0.89 £0.69 £0.35 £0.35 £0.45 £0.45 £0.50

42 Retailer Matters

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Your guide to the bestselling brand and Own-Brand products, along with suggested selling prices Size


LSV Isotonic Orange LSV Isotonic Tropical Berry

500ml 500ml

£0.50 £0.50

Soft DrinkS – ambient Irn Bru Rubicon Mango J20 Orange & Passionfruit Diet Pepsi Pepsi Pepsi Max Robinsons NAS Blackcurrant & Apple Robinsons NAS Orange Coca Cola Diet Coke Dr Pepper Fanta Orange Schweppes Lemonade Schweppes Indian Tonic Water Schweppes Slimline Indian Tonic Water Volvic Volvic Touch of Fruit Strawberry Lucozade Energy Orange Lucozade Energy Original Ribena Blackcurrant Highland Spring Sparkling Vimto Cordial Vimto Fizzy *Irn Bru Sugar Free

2ltr 1ltr 4pk 2ltr 2ltr 2ltr 1ltr 1ltr 2ltr 2ltr 2ltr 2ltr 2ltr 1ltr 1ltr 1.5ltr 1.5ltr 1ltr 1ltr 600ml 1.5ltr 725ml 2ltr 2ltr

£2.31 £1.53 £4.39 £2.09 £2.09 £2.09 £1.59 £1.59 £2.25 £2.25 £2.25 £2.25 £1.78 £1.79 £1.79 £0.92 £1.35 £1.99 £1.99 £1.99 £0.99 £1.75 £1.59 £2.31

Soft DrinkS – lifeStyle range Apple Juice Cranberry Juice Orange Juice

1ltr 1ltr 1ltr

£0.95 £0.99 £1.09

biSCuitS Cadbury Milk Chocolate Fingers Jammie Dodgers Maryland Choc Chip Cookies Oreo Vanilla Roll Kit Kat Jacob’s Cream Crackers MCV Digestive MCV Ginger Nuts MCV Hobnobs MCV Jaffa Cakes MCV Milk Chocolate Digestives MCV Milk Chocolate Hobnobs MCV Plain Chocolate Digestives MCV Rich Tea Penguin Original Paterson’s Shortbread Fingers *Tunnock’s Caramel Wafer *Tunnock’s Teacakes

150g 150g 150g 154g 5pk 300g 300g 250g 300g 146g 300g 300g 300g 300g 6pk 150g 4pk 6pk

£1.39 £1.15 £0.99 £1.08 £1.09 £1.30 £1.19 £1.46 £1.36 £1.55 £2.49 £2.49 £2.49 £1.36 £1.00 £0.49 £0.79 £0.99

biSCuitS – lifeStyle range Custard Creams



CriSpS & SnaCkS Pringles Original Pringles Salt & Vinegar Pringles Sour Cream & Onion Pringles Texas BBQ Hula Hoops BBQ KP Dry Roasted Nuts KP Salted Nuts McCoy’s Cheddar & Onion McCoy’s Flamegrilled Steak McCoy’s Flamegrilled Steak McCoy’s Salt & Vinegar McVitie’s Mini Cheddars McVitie’s Mini Cheddars Space Raiders Beef Doritos Tangy Cheese Doritos Tangy Cheese Doritos Chilli Heatwave Doritos Chilli Heatwave Doritos Cool Original Doritos Hot Salsa Dip Doritos Mild Salsa Dip Frazzles Bacon

165g 165g 165g 165g Sharing 80g 90g Std Sharing Std Std Sharing Std Std Sharing Std Sharing Std Sharing 150g 150g Std

£2.49 £2.49 £2.49 £2.49 £1.00 £0.89 £0.89 £0.63 £1.00 £0.63 £0.63 £1.00 £0.63 £0.20 £1.29 £0.55 £1.29 £0.55 £1.29 £1.29 £1.29 £0.39




Monster Munch Beef Monster Munch Pickled Onion Quavers Quavers Sensations Thai Sweet Chilli Squares Salt & Vinegar Walkers Cheese & Onion Walkers Cheese & Onion Walkers Cheese & Onion Walkers Deep Ridged Flamegrilled Steak Walkers Prawn Cocktail Walkers Ready Salted Walkers Ready Salted Walkers Salt & Vinegar Walkers Smoky Bacon Walkers Snaps Tomato Wotsits Mr Porky Pork Scratchings Transform-a-Snack BBQ *Walkers Pickled Onion *Walkers Tomato Ketchup *Golden Wonder Cheese & Onion

Sharing Std Sharing Std Sharing Std 6pk Sharing Std Std Std 6pk Std Std Std Std Std Clipstrip Std Std Std Std

£1.29 £0.89 £1.29 £0.55 £1.29 £0.55 £2.06 £1.29 £0.55 £0.85 £0.55 £2.06 £0.55 £0.55 £0.55 £0.39 £0.55 £0.80 £0.30 £0.55 £0.55 £0.51

Sweet SnaCkS Kellogg’s Nutri-grain Strawberry Kellogg’s Rice Krispies Squares Mallow Kellogg’s Rice Krispies Squares Totally Chocolatey Kellogg’s Special K Biscuit Moments Strawberry Kellogg’s Special K Cereal Bar Tracker Bar Chocolate Chip Belvita Breakfast Milk & Cereal Biscuits Cadbury Brunch Bar Raisin Cadbury Snack Shortcake Lu Mikado Oreo Snack Pack Go Ahead Yoghurt Break Strawberry KP Milk Chocolate Dips MCV Galaxy Muffin MCV Medley Hobnob Alpen Strawberry & Yoghurt Bar

37g 28g 36g 25g 23g 37g 50g 35g 43g 39g 66g 35g 32g 86g 40g 29g

£0.50 £0.55 £0.55 £0.55 £0.55 £0.50 £0.55 £0.75 £0.49 £0.79 £0.55 £0.68 £0.59 £1.19 £0.55 £0.42

ConfeCtionery – gifting Ferrero Rocher Celebrations Maltesers Milk Tray Heroes Roses Quality Street

T16 388g 120g 400g 350g 350g 350g

£4.49 £4.79 £1.73 £8.49 £4.59 £4.59 £4.38

ConfeCtionery – Sharing Haribo Starmix Haribo Supermix Haribo Tangfastics Galaxy Counters Galaxy Minstrels Maltesers M&M’s Peanut Revels Galaxy Galaxy Caramel Cadbury Giant Buttons Cadbury Twirl Bites Bassett’s Jelly Babies Cadbury Eclairs Maynards Wine Gums CDM Caramel CDM Dairy Milk CDM Fruit & Nut CDM Wholenut Rowntree’s Fruit Pastilles Aero Mint Milkybar Skittles

Large Bag Large Bag Large Bag Pouch Pouch Pouch Pouch Pouch Large Bar Large Bar Pouch Pouch Large Bag Large Bag Large Bag Large Bar Large Bar Large Bar Large Bar Large Bag Large Bar Large Bar Pouch

£1.00 £1.00 £1.00 £2.09 £2.09 £2.09 £2.09 £2.09 £1.39 £1.39 £2.13 £2.13 £1.52 £1.49 £1.52 £1.00 £1.00 £1.00 £1.00 £1.29 £1.29 £1.29 £1.28

ConfeCtionery – ChoColate Kinder Bueno Kinder Bueno White Kinder Surprise Bounty

Std Std Std Std

£0.65 £0.62 £0.75 £0.54

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*Scotland only

iteM Galaxy Galaxy Caramel Galaxy Minstrels Galaxy Ripple Maltesers Malteser Teasers Mars Mars Milkyway Stars M&M’s Peanut Snickers Snickers Twix Twix Boost Cadbury Buttons Cadbury Freddo Cadbury Freddo Caramel Cadbury Fudge CDM Caramel CDM Dairy Milk CDM Fruit & Nut Crunchie Daim Double Decker Flake Fry’s Turkish Delight Picnic Starbar Twirl Wispa Wispa Aero Mint Drifter Kit Kat Kit Kat Chunky Lion Bar Milkybar Milkybar Buttons Munchies Rolo Smarties Toffee Crisp Yorkie Yorkie Raisin & Biscuit

Size Std Std Std Std Std Std Duo Std Std Std Duo Std Xtra Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Duo Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std

rrSp £0.57 £0.57 £0.56 £0.57 £0.56 £0.59 £0.69 £0.51 £0.53 £0.56 £0.71 £0.51 £0.69 £0.51 £0.58 £0.52 £0.25 £0.25 £0.25 £0.61 £0.61 £0.61 £0.58 £0.58 £0.58 £0.61 £0.67 £0.58 £0.58 £0.61 £0.80 £0.61 £0.62 £0.57 £0.58 £0.58 £0.59 £0.50 £0.50 £0.75 £0.61 £0.50 £0.59 £0.60 £0.60

ConfeCtionery – Sugar Maynards Wine Gums Randoms Rowntree’s Fruit Gums Rowntree’s Fruit Pastilles Rowntree’s Jelly Tots Skittles Starburst

Std Std Std Std Std Std Std

£0.47 £0.51 £0.51 £0.51 £0.51 £0.49 £0.49

ConfeCtionery – MintS & MediCated Tic Tac Mint Halls Soothers Blackcurrant Trebor Extra Strong Mints Trebor Softmints Peppermint Trebor Softmints Spearmint Polo Lockets Honey & Lemon

Std Std Std Std Std Std Std

£0.55 £0.67 £0.47 £0.47 £0.47 £0.50 £0.58

ConfeCtionery – Chewing guM Airwaves Menthol Eucalyptus Airwaves Menthol Cherry Extra Cool Breeze Extra Ice White Extra Ice Peppermint Extra Ice Spearmint Extra Peppermint Handy Box Extra Peppermint Extra Spearmint Extra Strawberry

10’s 10’s 10’s 10’s 10’s 10’s 25’s 10’s 10’s 10’s

£0.45 £0.45 £0.40 £0.49 £0.49 £0.49 £1.00 £0.40 £0.40 £0.40

groCery – BreakfaSt CerealS Kellogg’s Bran Flakes Kellogg’s Coco Pops Kellogg’s Cornflakes

500g 295g 500g

£2.19 £2.09 £2.19

iteM Kellogg’s Crunchy Nut Cornflakes Kellogg’s Frosties Kellogg’s Rice Krispies Kellogg’s Special K Kellogg’s Variety Pack Nestle Multi Cheerios Nestle Shredded Wheat Nestle Shreddies Quaker Oats So Simple Golden Syrup Quaker Oats So Simple Original Alpen Weetabix Sugar Puffs

Size 375g 500g 340g 310g 8’s 375g 16’s 500g 8’s 10’s 375g 24’s 320g

groCery – hot BeverageS Horlicks 300g Cadbury Drinking Chocolate 250g Cadbury Hot Chocolate 280g Carte Noir 100g Kenco DeCaff 100g Coffee-mate 200g Nescafé Cappuccino 10’s Nescafé Cappuccino Unsweetened 10’s Nescafé DeCaff 100g Nescafé Gold Blend 100g Nescafé Original 100g Nescafé Original 50g Nesquik Strawberry 300g Silverspoon Granulated Sugar 1kg Tetley Decaf 40’s Tetley Green Tea 50’s Tetley Teabags 80’s Tetley Teabags 40’s Taylors Rich Italian 227g Yorkshire Tea 80’s PG Tips 80’s PG Tips 40’s Twinings Earl Grey 50’s *Scottish Blend 80’s *Nambarrie 80’s groCery – hot BeverageS – lifeStyle range groCery– hot BeverageS – lifeStyle range Teabags 80’s groCery – Canned veg, Meat & fiSh Heinz Baked Beans Heinz Baked Beans Heinz Baked Beans with Sausages Heinz Character Spaghetti - As Stocked Heinz Macaroni Cheese Heinz Ravioli Heinz Spaghetti Heinz Spaghetti Bolognese Heinz Spaghetti Hoops Heinz Spaghetti Hoops Heinz Spaghetti with Sausages John West Anchovies John West Mackerel Fillets in Tomato Sauce John West Sardines in Rich Tomato Sauce John West Tuna Light Lunch French John West Tuna Light Lunch Mediterranean John West Wild Pink Salmon Smash Original Smash Original Batchelors Bigga Marrowfat Peas Batchelors Mushy Peas Batchelors New Potatoes Batchelors Red Kidney Beans Branston Baked Beans Hunger Breaks All Day Breakfast Hunger Breaks The Full Monty Napolina Tomato Puree Princes Beef Paste Princes Chicken & Stuffing Paste Princes Corned Beef Princes Ham Princes 8 Hot Dogs Princes Red Salmon Princes Sliced Mushrooms Princes Stewed Steak

415g 200g 415g 205g 400g 410g 400g 400g 400g 205g 400g 50g 125g 120g 240g 240g 213g 176g 88g 300g 300g 540g 400g 415g 395g 395g 142g 75g 75g 340g 200g 400g 213g 300g 400g

rrSp £2.65 £2.39 £2.09 £2.69 £2.45 £2.29 £1.89 £2.29 £2.79 £2.79 £1.99 £2.59 £2.39

£1.99 £1.79 £2.09 £3.99 £3.79 £1.39 £3.00 £3.00 £3.39 £4.19 £3.29 £1.99 £2.09 £1.09 £1.59 £1.89 £2.45 £1.35 £3.65 £2.59 £2.51 £1.45 £2.99 £2.51 £2.29


£0.69 £0.53 £1.07 £0.49 £1.07 £1.07 £0.60 £1.07 £0.60 £0.49 £1.07 £1.25 £1.55 £1.09 £2.49 £2.49 £2.49 £1.09 £0.59 £0.59 £0.65 £0.65 £1.09 £0.65 £1.85 £1.85 £1.25 £0.85 £0.85 £2.69 £1.39 £1.15 £2.99 £1.09 £3.59



Princes Tuna Chunks in Brine Princes Tuna Chunks in Sunflower Oil Princes Tuna & Mayonnaise Paste Green Giant Naturally Sweet NAS Sweetcorn Green Giant Original Niblets Sweetcorn Fray Bentos Chicken & Mushroom Pie Fray Bentos Meatballs in Gravy Fray Bentos Meatballs in Tomato Sauce Fray Bentos Steak & Kidney Pie Glenryck Pilchards in Tomato Sauce Spam Chopped Pork & Ham Tyne Beef Curry Tyne Chicken Curry Tyne Chilli Con Carne Tyne Irish Stew

£1.55 £1.55 £0.85 £1.09 £0.87 £2.49 £0.95 £0.95 £2.49 £0.65 £1.85 £1.29 £1.29 £1.29 £1.29

groCery – Canned veg, Meat & fiSh – lifeStyle value range Baked Beans 400g £0.35 Tuna Flakes 185g £0.75 groCery – Canned veg, Meat & fiSh – lifeStyle range Baked Beans 420g Carrots Sliced 300g Carrots Whole 300g Peas Garden 300g Peas Mushy 300g Peas Processed 300g Tomatoes Chopped 400g Tomatoes Peeled Plum 400g Tuna Chunks in Brine 185g

£0.55 £0.51 £0.55 £0.55 £0.41 £0.38 £0.49 £0.49 £1.35

groCery – Soup Heinz Big Soup Beef & Vegetable Heinz Big Soup Chicken & Vegetable Heinz Chicken Soup Heinz Lentil Soup Heinz Minestrone Soup Heinz Mushroom Soup Heinz Oxtail Soup Heinz Tomato Soup Heinz Vegetable Soup Batchelors Cup a Soup Chicken Batchelors Cup A Soup Golden Vegetable Batchelors Cup a Soup Minestrone Batchelors Cup a Soup Tomato *Heinz Chicken Noodle *Heinz Scotch Broth *Baxters Chicken Broth *Baxters Lentil & Bacon *Baxters Minestrone *Baxters Scotch Broth

400g 400g 400g 400g 400g 400g 400g 400g 400g 4pk 4pk 4pk 4pk 400g 400g 415g 415g 415g 415g

£1.09 £1.09 £0.85 £0.85 £0.85 £0.85 £0.85 £0.85 £0.85 £1.75 £1.75 £1.75 £1.75 £0.85 £0.85 £1.25 £1.25 £1.25 £1.25

groCery – SauCeS & CondiMentS Amoy Dark Soy Sauce Heinz Salad Cream Heinz Tomato Ketchup HP Original Sauce HP Classic BBQ Sauce Lea & Perrins Worcestershire Sauce Dolmio Bolognese Extra Mushroom Dolmio Bolognese Extra Onion & Garlic Dolmio Bolognese Original Dolmio Creamy Tomato Pasta Bake Uncle Ben’s Express Basmati Rice Uncle Ben’s Express Egg Fried Rice Uncle Ben’s Express Long Grain Rice Uncle Ben’s Medium Chilli Sauce Uncle Ben’s Original Sweet & Sour Sauce Batchelors Pasta’n’Sauce Chicken & Mushroom Batchelors Savoury Rice Golden Batchelors Super Noodles BBQ Beef Batchelors Super Noodles Chicken Bisto Chicken Gravy Granules Bisto Gravy Granules Homepride Curry Oxo Cubes - Beef Paxo Sage & Onion Stuffing Sharwood’s Green Label Mango Chutney Sharwood’s Korma Sauce Sharwood’s Rogan Josh Sauce

150ml 460g 460g 255g 425g 150ml 500g 500g 500g 500g 250g 250g 250g 500g 500g 122g 120g 100g 100g 170g 170g 500g 12s 85g 227g 420g 420g

£1.29 £2.09 £1.89 £0.85 £1.59 £1.25 £2.35 £2.35 £2.35 £2.09 £1.70 £1.70 £1.70 £1.85 £1.85 £1.09 £0.89 £0.89 £0.89 £1.45 £1.45 £1.72 £1.35 £0.65 £1.75 £1.95 £1.95

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160g 160g 75g 340g 198g 475g 410g 410g 475g 155g 200g 392g 392g 392g 392g


Retailer Matters 43

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core range

item Sharwood’s Tikka Masala Sauce Colman’s Bramley Apple Sauce Colman’s Cheddar Cheese Sauce Mix Colman’s Classic Mint Sauce Colman’s English Mustard Colman’s Sausage Casserole Mix Hellmann’s Mayonnaise Hellmann’s Mayonnaise Light Knorr Chicken Stock Cubes Pot Noodle Chicken & Mushroom Pot Noodle Curry Baxters Sliced Beetroot Branston Original Pickle Branston Small Chunk Pickle Chicken Tonight Honey & Mustard Chicken Tonight Spanish Chicken Haywards Traditional Onions Oceanspray Cranberry Sauce Old El Paso Fajitas Dinner Kit Sarson’s Malt Vinegar Tilda Basmati Rice



420g 250ml 40g 250ml 100g 40g 400g 400g 8’s 90g 90g 340g 360g 360g 500g 500g 454g 190g Kit 250ml 500g

£1.95 £1.29 £0.75 £1.29 £0.99 £0.99 £2.12 £2.12 £1.59 £1.10 £1.10 £0.99 £1.69 £1.69 £1.99 £1.99 £1.99 £1.25 £3.49 £0.85 £2.49

Grocery – SauceS & condimentS – LifeStyLe ranGe Pasta Quills 500g Salt 750g Spaghetti 500g Sunflower Oil 1ltr Vegetable Oil 1ltr

£0.65 £0.55 £0.65 £1.69 £1.59

Grocery – Homebake Nutella Carnation Evaporated Milk Ambrosia Creamed Rice Ambrosia Devon Custard Pot Ambrosia Devon Custard Angel Delight Strawberry McDougalls Plain Flour McDougalls Self Raising Flour Marmite Yeast Extract Del Monte Fruit Cocktail in Juice Del Monte Peach Slices in Juice Del Monte Sliced Pineapple in Juice Hartley’s Best Apricot Jam Hartley’s Best Raspberry Seedless Jam Hartley’s Best Strawberry Jam Hartley’s Strawberry Jelly Block Robertson’s Golden Shred Marmalade Rowse Honey Pure & Natural Clear Squeezable Sunpat Peanut Butter Crunchy

400g 410g 400g 150g 400g 59g 1.5kg 1.5kg 125g 415g 415g 432g 340g 340g 340g 135g 454g 340g 227g

£2.19 £0.85 £1.09 £0.59 £1.09 £0.59 £1.98 £1.98 £1.55 £1.09 £1.09 £1.09 £1.75 £1.75 £1.75 £0.85 £1.89 £2.79 £1.75

Grocery – baby Farley’s Original Rusks Heinz Country Veggies & Chicken Heinz Egg Custard with Rice Heinz Mums Creamed Porridge Heinz Mums Cottage Pie Heinz Mums Sweet Potato & Mince Heinz Rice Pudding Heinz Sunday Beef Dinner Huggies Pure Baby Wipes Pampers Baby Dry Size 3 Pampers Baby Dry Size 4 Pampers Baby Dry Size 4+ Pampers Baby Dry Size 5 Pampers Baby Dry Size 6 Sudocrem J&J Baby Bath J&J Baby Lotion J&J Baby Oil J&J Baby Powder J&J Baby Shampoo SMA Gold RTU SMA White RTU

150g 128g 128g 128g 200g 128g 128g 128g 64’s 22’s 20’s 18’s 16’s 17’s 60g 200ml 200ml 200ml 100g 200ml 250ml 250ml

£1.49 £0.49 £0.49 £0.65 £0.85 £0.65 £0.49 £0.49 £2.49 £4.49 £4.49 £4.49 £4.49 £4.49 £2.32 £1.19 £1.49 £1.29 £1.00 £1.19 £0.56 £0.56

Pet care – doG Cesar Turkey & Lamb Pedigree Dentastix Pedigree Jumbone Pedigree Original Pedigree Original

44 Retailer Matters

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150g 7s 2s 1.2kg 400g

£0.85 £2.03 £1.88 £1.79 £0.68




Pedigree Schmackos Beef Bakers Complete Beef & Veg Winalot Chicken Winalot Chicken

10’s 1.5kg 400g 1.2kg

£1.00 £3.99 £0.65 £1.49

Pet care – LifeStyLe VaLue ranGe Dog Food Superchunks Beef



Pet care – cat Sheba Turkey & Chicken Thomas Cat Litter Whiskas Chicken Whiskas Chicken Pouch Whiskas Pouch Fishermans Choice Whiskas Pouch Poultry Whiskas Salmon Whiskas Temptations Chicken & Cheese Felix As Good As It Looks Ocean Feast Felix Chicken Felix Pouch Mixed Favourites Felix Tuna Pouch Go Cat Complete Duck, Rabbit & Chicken Go Cat Complete Tuna, Herring & Veg

150g 5ltr 390g 100g 12 x 100g 12 x 100g 390g 60g 12 x 100g 400g 12 x 100g 100g 375g 375g

£0.60 £2.65 £0.76 £0.40 £4.21 £4.21 £0.76 £1.38 £5.06 £0.70 £4.09 £0.48 £1.35 £1.35

PerSonaL care – toiLetrieS Gillette Blue II Fixed Disposable Razors Gillette Shave Gel Sensitive Head & Shoulders Shampoo Classic Clean Pantene Shampoo Smooth & Sleek Silvikrin Hairspray Firm Dove Cream Bar Lynx Bodyspray Africa Lynx Showergel Africa Sure APA Active for Men Sure APD Crystal Clear Aqua Carex Handwash Original Colgate Toothbrush Twister Colgate Toothpaste UCP Radox Showergel Fresh Moisture VO5 Mega Hold Gel

5’s 200ml 250ml 250ml 250ml 100g 150ml 250ml 150ml 150ml 250ml Single 100ml 250ml 200ml

£2.06 £1.99 £2.99 £2.79 £1.96 £0.59 £3.25 £2.54 £2.61 £2.49 £1.63 £1.00 £1.00 £2.59 £2.80

PerSonaL care – feminine HyGiene Kotex Maxi Pad Normal Always Ultra Long Plus Always Ultra Night Always Ultra Normal Always Ultra Normal Plus Tampax Regular Tampax Super Bodyform Ultra Normal with Wings Lil-Lets Super

16’s 12’s 10’s 16’s 14’s 20’s 20’s 14’s 10’s

£1.15 £2.29 £2.29 £2.29 £2.29 £2.29 £2.29 £1.49 £1.60

non food - PaPer Andrex Natural Andrex Natural Andrex Quilts White Andrex White Andrex White Fiesta Kitchen Roll White Kleenex Balsam Pocket Tissues Kleenex Balsam Regular Kleenex for Men

4 Roll 2 Roll 4 Roll 4 Roll 2 Roll 2 Roll 9’s 90’s 100’s

£2.82 £1.61 £2.85 £2.82 £1.61 £1.39 £0.43 £1.99 £2.34

PaPer – LifeStyLe VaLue ranGe Facial Tissues Toilet Tissue White

120’s 4 Roll

£0.59 £0.79

PaPer – LifeStyLe ranGe Kitchen Roll White Softest Toilet Tissue White Softest Toilet Tissue White

2 Roll 4 Roll 2 Roll

£1.19 £1.85 £0.99

non food – Laundry Ariel Biological Ariel Excel Gel Bio Ariel Liquitab Biological Bold 2 in 1 Crystal Rain Daz Auto Regular Lenor Concentrated Spring Awakening Comfort Fabric Conditioner Original Blue

800g 592ml 11’s 800g 680g 750ml 750ml

£4.29 £4.59 £4.59 £3.99 £2.97 £2.13 £2.73

item Comfort Fabric Conditioner Pure Persil Capsules Non Bio Persil Non Bio Persil Small & Mighty Liquid Non Bio Surf Small & Mighty Liquid Tropical Surf Tropical



750ml 10’s 850g 630ml 630ml 800g

£2.73 £3.49 £3.99 £4.41 £2.99 £2.63

non food – Laundry – LifeStyLe VaLue ranGe Auto Washing Powder 780g


non food – Laundry – LifeStyLe ranGe Conc Fabric Conditioner Jasmine & Sandalwood



non food – HouSeHoLd Fairy Wash Up Lemon Fairy Wash Up Original Febreeze Airspray Cotton Fresh Flashguard All Purpose Liquid Lemon Flashguard Bathroom Spray Flashguard Spray with Bleach Flash Wipes Lemon Cif Cream Lemon Domestos Original Bleach Bloo Acticlean Original Dettol Surface Trigger Duck Liquid Fresh Finish All in 1 Mr Muscle Lemon Kitchen Mr Muscle Oven Cleaner Mr Muscle Sink & Plug Unblocker Mr Muscle Window Mr Sheen Original Shake ‘n’ Vac Citrus Blossom Vanish Carpet Powershot Vanish Oxi-Action Multi

433ml 433ml 300ml 500ml 500ml 500ml 40’s 500ml 750ml Twin 500ml 750ml 13’s 500ml 300ml 500ml 500ml 300ml 500g 600ml 500g

£1.51 £1.51 £2.99 £1.20 £2.25 £2.25 £1.00 £2.34 £1.17 £1.15 £2.03 £1.45 £3.99 £2.24 £2.59 £3.95 £1.99 £1.11 £1.15 £4.50 £4.59

non food – HouSeHoLd – LifeStyLe ranGe Clingfilm 350mm Disinfectant Firelighters Heavy Duty Refuse Sacks Kitchen Foil 300mm Press ‘n’ Seal Sandwich Bags Thick Bleach Original Wash Up Liquid Original

25m 500ml 14’s 10’s 7.5m 50’s 750ml 500ml

£1.00 £0.69 £0.80 £1.00 £1.00 £1.09 £0.79 £0.89

tobacco – ciGaretteS JPS Blue KS JPS Blue KS Lambert & Butler KS Lambert & Butler KS Richmond KS Richmond SK Windsor Blue KS Windsor Blue SK Mayfair KS Sterling KS Sterling SK Sterling SK

20’s 10’s 20’s 10’s 20’s 20’s 20’s 20’s 20’s 20’s 20’s 10’s

£6.61 £3.39 £7.45 £3.83 £7.11 £7.18 £6.61 £6.66 £7.36 £6.86 £6.91 £3.55

ciGaretteS – no3 (own brand) ranGe No3 KS No3 KS No3 SK No3 SK

20’s 10’s 20’s 10’s

£6.25 £3.19 £6.31 £3.20

ciGarS Classic Hamlet Hamlet Miniatures Café Crème Café Crème Blue

5’s 5’s 10’s 10’s 10’s

£4.81 £4.55 £4.30 £4.77 £4.77

tobacco Golden Virginia Golden Virginia Amber Leaf Amber Leaf Gold Leaf

12.5g 25g 25g 12.5g 12.5g

£4.32 £8.42 £7.93 £4.06 £3.77

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*Scotland only




Beer Budweiser Bottle Budweiser Can Stella Artois Bottle Stella Artois Bottle Stella Artois Pint Can Stella Artois Can Stella Artois Can Tennent’s Super Can Carlsberg Can Carlsberg Can Carlsberg Export Bottle Carlsberg Special Brew Can San Miguel Bottle Skol Can Guinness Draught Can Desperados Bottle Foster’s Gold Bottle Foster’s Pint Can Foster’s Can Foster’s Can John Smiths Extra Smooth Can Kronenbourg 1664 Can Newcastle Brown Ale Peroni Bottle Peroni Bottle Tyskie Can Carling Pint Can Carling Can Carling Can Carling Zest Bottle Cobra Bottle Coors Light Can Corona Bottle Grolsch Bottle Crabbie’s Alcoholic Ginger Beer Old Speckled Hen Red Stripe Can *McEwan’s Export Can *Tennent’s Pint Can *Tennent’s Can *Tennent’s Can *Tennent’s Special Ale Can *Miller Genuine Draft Bottle

6pk 4pk 660ml 6pk 4pk 4pk 8pk 4pk 4pk 8pk 6pk 4pk 4pk 8pk 4pk 350ml 6pk 4pk 4pk 8pk 4pk 4pk 550ml 4pk 660ml 4pk 4pk 4pk 8pk 4pk 4pk 4pk 6pk 4pk 500ml 500ml 4pk 4pk 4pk 4pk 8pk 4pk 6pk

£6.49 £6.25 £2.25 £5.49 £6.79 £5.79 £8.99 £8.99 £4.50 £7.50 £5.25 £9.20 £5.00 £5.00 £6.36 £1.89 £5.79 £5.29 £4.49 £8.29 £4.49 £5.50 £2.25 £5.76 £2.67 £6.36 £5.29 £4.49 £7.79 £3.49 £4.99 £5.99 £9.19 £4.99 £2.39 £2.25 £4.99 £5.56 £6.68 £4.50 £8.29 £5.20 £7.74

Cider Stella Cidre Bulmers No.17 Bulmers Original Bulmers Pear Jacques Fruit des Bois Scrumpy Jack Strongbow Strongbow Strongbow Pear Magners Original Magners Original Can Magners Pear Carling Cider Merrydown Dry Merrydown Medium Crumpton Oaks Frosty Jacks Koppaberg Mixed Fruit

568ml 568ml 568ml 568ml 750ml 4pk 4pk 2ltr 4pk 568ml 4pk 568ml 500ml 750ml 750ml 2ltr 2ltr 500ml

£2.15 £2.19 £2.01 £2.01 £5.40 £5.40 £4.25 £3.79 £4.49 £2.09 £6.25 £2.09 £1.89 £2.80 £2.80 £3.49 £3.87 £2.55

Cider – eridge Vale & White Storm (oWn Brand) range Eridge Vale 2ltr White Storm 2ltr White Storm 1ltr White Storm 500ml Wine – White Echo Falls Chardonnay Echo Falls Pinot Grigio Echo Falls White Hardys VR Chardonnay Hardys VR Pinot Grigio Kumala Cape Classics White Stowells Chenin Blanc Turner Road Chardonnay-Pinot Grigio

75cl 75cl 75cl 75cl 75cl 75cl 75cl 75cl

£2.79 £2.99 £1.69 £0.99

£6.99 £6.99 £6.99 £7.39 £7.39 £6.09 £7.39 £6.09

item Casillero Del Diablo Sauvignon Blanc Isla Negra White Barefoot Pinot Grigio Gallo Pinot Grigio Gallo Sauvignon Blanc Blossom Hill Chardonnay Blossom Hill White Jacob’s Creek Chardonnay Jacob’s Creek Semillon Chardonnay Lindemans Bin 65 Chardonnay Wolf Blass Yellow Label Chardonnay Oyster Bay Sauvignon Blanc

Size 75cl 75cl 75cl 75cl 75cl 75cl 75cl 75cl 75cl 75cl 75cl 75cl

rrSP £7.99 £5.99 £6.79 £6.99 £6.99 £6.75 £5.99 £8.05 £8.05 £8.49 £9.29 £10.99

Wine – VintnerS ColleCtion (oWn Brand) range Vintners Australian Chardonnay 75cl Vintners Californian Chardonnay 75cl Vintners Californian White 75cl Vintners Chilean Sauvignon Blanc 75cl Vintners Italian Pinot Grigio 75cl

£5.49 £5.49 £4.99 £5.49 £5.59

Wine – Premium oWn Brand The Narrows New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc



Wine – red Echo Falls Cabernet Sauvignon Echo Falls Merlot Echo Falls Red Hardys VR Cabernet Sauvignon Hardys VR Merlot Hardys VR Shiraz Kumala Cape Classics Red Stamp Shiraz Cabernet Stowells Tempranillo Turner Road Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot Casillero Del Diablo Cabernet Sauvignon Isla Negra Red Gallo Cabernet Sauvignon Blossom Hill Red Campo Viejo Crianza Jacob’s Creek Grenache Shiraz Jacob’s Creek Shiraz Cabernet Lindemans Bin 50 Shiraz Wolf Blass Yellow Label Cabernet Sauvignon Wolf Blass Yellow Label Shiraz

75cl 75cl 75cl 75cl 75cl 75cl 75cl 75cl 75cl 75cl 75cl 75cl 75cl 75cl 75cl 75cl 75cl 75cl 75cl 75cl

£6.99 £6.99 £6.99 £7.39 £7.39 £7.39 £6.09 £7.79 £7.39 £6.09 £7.99 £5.99 £6.99 £5.99 £8.69 £8.05 £8.05 £8.49 £9.49 £9.49

Wine – VintnerS ColleCtion (oWn Brand) range Vintners Australian Shiraz 75cl Vintners Californian Merlot 75cl Vintners Californian Red 75cl

£5.49 £5.49 £4.99

Wine – Premium oWn Brand Don Fabian Spanish


Wine – roSé Echo Falls Rosé Echo Falls White Zinfandel Stowells Merlot Rosé Barefoot White Zinfandel Gallo White Zinfandel Gallo White Grenache Blossom Hill White Zinfandel Jacob’s Creek Shiraz Rosé


75cl 75cl 75cl 75cl 75cl 75cl 75cl 75cl

Wine – VintnerS ColleCtion (oWn Brand) range Vintners Californian White Zinfandel 75cl

£6.99 £6.99 £7.39 £6.79 £6.99 £6.99 £6.75 £8.05


Wine – SParkling Asti Martini Jacob’s Creek Sparkling White

75cl 75cl

£9.99 £10.39

Wine – Premium oWn Brand Prosecco Santa Loretta



Wine – FortiFied Wine Stone’s Ginger Wine Martini Bianco Martini Extra Dry Harveys Bristol Cream Cockburn’s Fine Ruby Port Croft Original

70cl 75cl 75cl 75cl 75cl 75cl

£7.49 £9.49 £9.49 £11.49 £11.99 £12.99



QC Cream QC Medium Taylor’s Select Port

70cl 70cl 75cl

£5.49 £5.49 £12.45

Wine – SParkling Perry Lambrini Lambrini Lambrini Cherry

1.5ltr 75cl 75cl

£3.59 £1.79 £2.89

Wine – Bellarini (oWn Brand) range Bellarini Bellarini

1.5ltr 75cl

£2.39 £1.35

SPiritS & artd’S – SPiritS Bacardi Jack Daniels Jack Daniels Southern Comfort Baileys Bell’s Whisky Bell’s Whisky Captain Morgan Captain Morgan Spiced Gordon’s Gin Gordon’s Gin Smirnoff Smirnoff Disaronno Glenfiddich Three Barrels Brandy Tia Maria Courvoisier Sourz Apple The Famous Grouse The Famous Grouse Jameson Malibu Russian Standard Glen’s Vodka Glen’s Vodka Glen’s Vodka Jagermeister *Bacardi *Drambuie *OVD Rum *OVD Rum *The Famous Grouse *Martell *Isle of Jura *Whyte & Mackay *Whyte & Mackay

70cl 70cl 35cl 70cl 70cl 70cl 35cl 70cl 70cl 70cl 35cl 70cl 35cl 50cl 70cl 70cl 70cl 70cl 70cl 70cl 35cl 70cl 70cl 70cl 70cl 35cl 20cl 70cl 35cl 70cl 70cl 35cl 20cl 70cl 70cl 70cl 35cl

£18.49 £23.99 £13.99 £19.99 £15.49 £17.49 £9.79 £17.49 £16.99 £16.45 £9.49 £15.99 £8.99 £14.59 £33.99 £17.19 £15.39 £25.70 £13.45 £16.59 £9.39 £21.95 £14.99 £16.30 £11.49 £6.59 £3.99 £22.45 £8.75 £27.10 £17.29 £9.65 £5.75 £26.49 £32.99 £16.50 £9.45

SPiritS & artd’S – PrinCe ConSort (oWn Brand) range Prince Consort Brandy 70cl £11.99 Prince Consort Brandy 35cl £7.29 Prince Consort Gin 70cl £11.49 Prince Consort Vodka 70cl £10.99 Prince Consort Vodka 35cl £6.79 Prince Consort Whisky 70cl £12.49 Prince Consort Whisky 35cl £7.79 artd’S Jack Daniels & Cola Gordon’s Gin & Tonic Smirnoff Ice Smirnoff Ice Smirnoff & Cola Smirnoff & Cranberry WKD Blue WKD Blue WKD Iron Brew *Bacardi Breezer Orange *Morgans Spiced & Cola *WKD Red

330ml 250ml 70cl 4 x 275ml 250ml 250ml 70cl 4 x 275ml 70cl 70cl 250ml 70cl

£2.55 £2.09 £3.75 £4.59 £2.09 £2.09 £3.59 £6.05 £3.59 £2.99 £2.09 £3.49

light SPiritS (oWn Brand) range V*dgrad V*dgrad

70cl 35cl

£5.59 £2.99

All RRSPs listed are correct at the time of going to press, December 2013. We must stress that this is a recommended guide to pricing and you must use this guide in conjunction with your knowledge of your Store and your Customer base. E&OE.

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Retailer Matters 45

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feature Cash Back

Earning Cash BaCk

is as easy as 1, 2, 3! Retailers can be quids in just by taking advantage of a new Cash Back Incentive on Lifestyle Value


ustomers want to start the New Year being careful with their cash and Retailers can help, while also helping their bottom line. All Retailers know that now is the time that their Customers are looking for great value without compromising on quality, so what better time to promote the Lifestyle Value range of Own-Brand products? While Customers get items at a great price, you’ll get to enjoy some fantastic margins as, for the first few weeks of January, the Lifestyle Value range is available at 40% in depot.

46 Retailer Matters

In addition to this, Retailers can also earn £40 Cash Back just by following the three simple steps below.

Earn £40 Cash Back with Lifestyle Value products

1 2 3

Create a display featuring at least 12 of the top 20 Lifestyle Value products. Use the POS materials that will be provided. Take a photo of your display and send it to

When we receive your photo, we’ll then send you your £40 voucher. Retailers will receive full instructions and the required POS in the post during the first week of January.

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The secrets of my Retailer Matters goes behind the scenes in a busy Store to discover the tools of the trade

In this issue Retailer Matters meets Colin Clabby, who, with his family, owns and runs The Top Shop in Rhymney, Caerphilly, in South Wales When did you start out as a Retailer?

It was way back in 1982. We ran our first shop for 10 years, then turned our backs on retail for a while and started up our own building company before purchasing two shops and knocking them into one big Store. It has gone from strength to strength.


When did you join Lifestyle Express and why?

We’ve always been Lifestyle Express Retailers, right from the off when we joined BA Cash & Carry’s Retail Club. Our Customers have always liked the feel of the Store – the brand colours are warm and welcoming – and the support we get is second to none.

Colin Clabby and team appreciate the support they get from Lifestyle Express


What would you say is your unique selling point?

That’s quite simple – we strive to offer the best possible Customer service at all times. It’s what gets people coming back to us. We’re very much part of the community and if you get involved and treat people with respect, they appreciate that and grow to rely on you. issue 21 2014

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Retailer Matters 47

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feature Your Store

through the door since the refit. The new chillers look amazing and show off products really well. Our in-store bakery and food-to-go has also been really popular, we’re delighted with it and so are our Customers.


Any tips for other Retailers?

Every Retailer knows their own Store better than anyone else, so I don’t think I can offer much advice, but I would advise all Retailers to provide top-class service and strive to do this every single day. Great Customer service is an independent’s key point of difference – it’s what we are known for.

You and Your Store in the Spotlight n Describe your Store in three words: Warm, welcoming

and friendly.

n Describe yourself in three words:

Genuine, passionate and skint (after the refit)! n What is your bestselling product: At the moment,

Lifestyle Value Toilet Tissue.


for posting details about seasonal products such as fireworks or Easter eggs. Facebook really gets the message out there and it’s great fun. We get a real buzz when someone ‘likes’ our page.


How do you spread the word?

What promotions do you always take advantage of?

Pretty much everything because our Customers are always looking for a bargain and special offers. They appreciate value for money and the Lifestyle Express promotions are fantastic. We like to offer variety to our Customers – it keeps them interested.


What has been a recent success for you?

We took the decision to upgrade this year to Lifestyle Express Evolution and it’s been absolutely brilliant. Customers love it. The feedback has been amazing and people are telling us we’re a credit to the community. It was a big investment for us, we spent around £50,000, but we’re already reaping the rewards after just a few months.


Great Customer service every single day – Colin says this is key

What is the best part of the Lifestyle Express group?

It’s the amazing support you get from everyone, including other Lifestyle Express Retailers. As independents we could go with any group we want, but why would we when we have such a good relationship with our Wholesaler and everyone at Lifestyle Express? It’s like an extended family. From the management down, everyone’s great – nothing’s too much trouble and there’s always someone at the end of the phone to help. The Lifestyle and Lifestyle Value Own-Brand ranges are also perfect for our Customers.


What are your plans for the future?

You have to keep looking ahead and introducing new ideas. We’re still in the process of settling things back down after refitting the Store a few months ago, but I’ve got my eye on some land at the back of the shop. If I can buy that, I’d love to extend and bring in a Post Office. Retailing is very different to how it was when I started out back in the early 1980s. Shopping habits have changed and you have to keep up with the times.


Final words?

Try to enjoy what you do. We’re a strong family unit, so we work together and support each other, and we enjoy it. It’s hard work, but it’s great dealing with the public and being at the heart of your community. Don’t be afraid to take risks and keep your Customers interested by supporting new products and promotions. We’re finding that all our price-marked products are flying out of the door at the moment. Give your Lifestyle Express Own-Brand products a good showing too because people are looking for good-quality products that offer great value for money.

We have our leaflets highlighting regular promotions and they work, but nothing beats word of mouth, so we What has been the best make a point of always decision you’ve made telling Customers what’s new about the Store? Get in touch and share your story or coming up. Our Facebook Staying with Lifestyle page is also proving to be Express and upgrading to retailermatters@ really effective and we put up Evolution, without a doubt. regular posts about promotions It makes us stand out in the and specials from our community and we’ve noticed a food-to-go, and so on. It’s also good lot of new Customers have walked

What’s the secret to your success?

48 Retailer Matters


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your guide to…

… Getting the most from Lifestyle Express Why your Retail Development Manager is a key player in your Store team for success WHAT IS AN RDM? If you want to take your Store to the next level, add to your offering or boost your sales, there are a million and one ideas you could consider. But time and money are too precious to gamble on something you don’t know will pay off. Wouldn’t it be great if you could tap into the experience of someone who knows the Convenience trade inside and out, and who could advise you on the best next steps for you and your Store?




Retail Development Managers excel as part of a team. Your team. With their honesty, insight and expertise, they are available at any time to help you score for your future.

kNoWleDge Luckily, Landmark Wholesale’s Retail Development Managers (RDMs) are on hand to do exactly that. They can share with you their knowledge of what works, what doesn’t and what developments would really pay off for your Store.

oppoRTuNITIeS Your RDM can visit your Store and assess your strengths and weaknesses. They will scope out the competition, identify opportunities and pinpoint any potential threats, such as newly opened Stores or existing Stores developing their Customer offering.




SuggeSTIoNS With all this information, the RDM will then make some suggestions for your future. This could mean adding services such as a cash machine, Lottery or bill payments, introducing something new such as food-to-go, or working with you on your Store’s look and layout, or product lines and promotions.

50 Retailer Matters

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if you’d like to talk to your rdM, get in touch with your wholesaler representative who will Make contact for you

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