6 minute read
Growing Our Minds
A cool morning mountain breeze. Patches of sunlight stream through the evergreen canopy. A tumbling creek layering the soundscape. Sun-drenched pine needles fill the air with an earthen aroma. I’m instantly transported to my fondest childhood memories of summers spent in the Sierras.
My first time at summer camp fortuitously fused me to my favorite place ever: Shadow of the Giants trail in Nelder Grove. We were led by a knowledgeable and eager 20-something, forging ahead of our group of more than 20 nine-year-olds—her enthusiasm and assurance inspired my curiosity and ignited my enduring love for the outdoors. Transfixed, I blissfully absorbed each nature fact she shared along our way.
The pièce de résistance of that hike and the pinnacle of my nine-year existence culminated just ahead as we rounded a bend. We stopped dead in our tracks as we caught sight of what towered just beyond, and what our guide confirmed as the largest living being on the planet: the Giant Sequoia.
It took everyone hand in hand, fully stretched out, to circle the base of the massive evergreen. What we mistook for a full-sized pine log at its base, was instead a branch, shed at some point in its over-2000-year life so far.
My only thought: How is this possible? We gathered as she knelt, drawing from a collection of egg-sized cones scattered about, and materialized what looked like common oats, debunking our disbelief that these were, in fact, Giant Sequoia seeds. Bearing all the potential to become the next sacred members of a giant generation.
She then proceeded to inform us that fire, of all things, was essential for a healthy Giant Sequoia habitat. It not only opens up the young green cones to expose the seeds for dispersal, but clears the forest floor of debris readying the soil for seed deposits.
We expanded our gaze, curious if we could find any others, and sure enough, we spotted at least a dozen additions to this cherished collection. We further learned that Sequoias thrive in groves, acting as reinforced support to broad and relatively shallow root systems, of which their combined infrastructure can withstand an onslaught of elements.
I was ruined to all else from then on, struggling to move on and head back to main
camp. In some ways I’ve never truly moved on, and the impact of standing in the presence of Giants has stayed with me, inspiring and guiding me with a wisdom that only nature seems equipped to endow.
In 2017, the Railroad Fire decimated Nelder Grove and the beloved Shadow of the Giants trail. It took three years before I felt ready to see the devastation for myself. I was gutted, overwhelmed with emotion. The once-lush mountain views defaced, marred into vistas of charred matchsticks. What I wasn’t prepared for was the astonishing new growth already taking root. Giant Sequoia saplings were rife in the re-emerging landscape. I was as stunned to tears by the tender and ambitious young presence of these sprouts as I was by their grandiose predecessors.
I’m older now and visit the remaining “big trees” as often as I can. I bring my wife and my daughter to make new memories and share old memories I hold dear, too. It’s hard to believe how much time has passed, how much has changed, how life has unfolded in ways I could never have imagined. That I would eventually be the eager 20-something leading the next generation of nine-year-olds on the same trails, witnessing awe capture their hearts while suddenly shrinking amidst the most majestic beings. I couldn’t have guessed that I would continue to teach this treasured wisdom, decades later, in my current roles as a therapist and wellness coach.
Here is some of the wisdom I carry with me from these Giants—the uncontested masters of growth—on cultivating a Growth Mindset.
Embrace Your Potential
Just like the tiniest of Giant Sequoia seeds, your potential for growth is limitless. All growth starts and continues from within you. No amount of external validation can substitute knowing and operating from a deep sense of worthiness, selfacceptance, and compassion. Embrace a belief that who and where you are today are not fixed but only the beginning, to achieve heights you never thought possible.
Opportunity is Everywhere
As tree rings punctuate a Sequoia’s annual growth, we cannot grow without reflecting on past seasons weathered. Rather than rushing to “move on” and miss an opportunity to mine the riches of our experiences, be it learning from failures or celebrating progress, we cannot benefit from either if we don’t pause to evaluate and honor how far we’ve come.
Fire is necessary for healthy Sequoia growth, ushering transformation that cannot be achieved by any other means. So we also recognize that an enduring spirit amidst struggle can be the gateway for generating the very growth we seek.
Reaching for Support
Giant Sequoias’ intertwined root systems provide the support the groves need to thrive. Similarly, surrounding yourself with encouraging community championing a growth mindset is vital to thriving through our own inevitable trials. We can only grow so far on our own before we become stunted or susceptible to the elements. Be intentional to seek out connections that challenge you to be your truest and best self.
Letting Go
We are either empowered or depleted by our environment, and it is up to us to make changes based on our needs, values, beliefs, and personal evolution. A seed cannot stay a seed to become a sapling—growth requires an embracing of change. While it is undeniable that growth does not come without struggle, it is critical to distinguish between a struggle that is fruitful or unproductive. Just as the Giant Sequoia self-prunes limbs that are no longer serving the well being of the whole, we can benefit by honestly evaluating areas of our lives that may no longer be fulfilling or healthy.
Sustainable Flourishing
Remember that Giant Sequoias didn't become giants overnight. It takes time, a commitment in a clear direction (up!), a supportive environment, tapping into inner potential, adaptability, resilience, and a willingness to embrace change. The smallest changes consistently add up to the most effective and lasting growth that can inspire generations to come.