3 minute read
Ending child poverty one family at a time
Sadly, child poverty in Moray does exist. It may not be immediately apparent but there are numerous families in our community who are struggling with every aspect of daily life. It happened before Covid, during Covid and, most particularly, right now as we are in the grip of rocketing prices and economic hardship.
To combat all this is a massive undertaking but there is one organisation that is doing its very best to turn things
The Sarab family said, ‘We feel, as shareholders, that we are part of an organisation that truly helps people help themselves. These individuals and families are able to grow and thrive by building their self respect, knowledge and confidence through the programs and training provided by RFG. Our communities are enriched by this growth. This family is very proud to be shareholders in R-evolution for Good.’ around. You may not have heard of them but, without them, things would be a lot worse.
The organisation in question is R-evolution for Good, a community owned business and charity. In 2020 they released their first share offer and attracted 53 community shareholders who invested in their business and became community owners. Their second community share offer went live on 30th May to raise between £40,000 and £60,000 to grow and develop their training and development business.
How does it work, you may ask. Well, R-evolution (or RFG) is a charitable community benefit society, which means that all the profit that is made through the business is used for good in the community, through the charitable work of RFG and the local charity Moray School Bank. RFG is a training and development business offering training in Counselling, Coaching, Management, Mental Health, Wellbeing, and Trauma. They use the profit to provide support services to individuals who may not normally be able to afford them, including counselling, coaching, and group work, making them the business for Counselling and Coaching in Moray.
Kimberley is a prime example of how progression coaching works and she has allowed them to tell her story. She has, with the assistance of R-evolution for good, overcome her 17 year battle against drugs and alcohol, stemming from childhood trauma. She has now secured a full-time role as a Recovery Support Worker for Quarriers after 9 months of sobriety, an exceptional achievement. Her plans for the future are to support and encourage other addicts who are ready to take that step into a life of recovery and fulfilment through peer support and sharing of lived experience. Kimberley worked with her coach for just 6 months and fed back that she felt listened to and heard for the very first time in her life.

To get involved is quite simple: people, businesses, and community groups can buy shares in the business to invest their money. You can buy from 25 shares to 4000 shares and all share holders get 1 vote at the Annual General Meeting. Each share is valued at £1 and can be bought in multiples of 25 up to a maximum of 4000 shares; this allows there to be no majority shareholders and all shareholders are equal, 1 member =1 vote.
Their website has all the information you need to get involved. It’s really easy – just go to www.revolutionforgood. org.uk/share-offer where you can find their share offer document and the form to purchase shares. If you cannot invest, you can still help and the website will provide all the information you need to support them.
If you become a shareholder, you will invest your money in the business for a minimum of 5 years, after which you can apply to withdraw your investment. The business endeavours to offer interest on your investment per year; this will be dependent upon the success and profitability and, as with all investments, community shares also come with a risk.

RFG will use the money raised from investment to employ a Business Development Manager who will actively grow and develop the business arm of R-evolution for Good, so that the business can use the profit to deliver its charitable support services of Counselling and Coaching in the community, making a difference to the lives of families and working to end child poverty in Moray. Since 2020 they have worked with nearly over 300 people, making change in Moray.
They would like to thank you for taking the time to find out more about their business for good and hope to hear from you soon.
Lifestyle owner/editor Rhona Patterson said “Lifestyle became a community shareholder of R-evolution for good as I totally believe in Debi and her team and what they are trying to achieve. I have witnessed the passion and commitment of Debi and her team, and I wanted to show my support, be it in a small way.”
By Mica Bale