Lifestyles Magazine May-June issue 2013

Page 1

may june 2013

Your Guide to A Healthy, Happy, Balanced Life

saving on


shade gardens

MARK CULLEN pets improve

YOUR HEALTH safety tips for

HEALTHY HIKING celebrating



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contents Vol 2 No 3

shade gardening Mark Cullen


inexpensive bathroom REMEDIES







get going with GRAZING


sofa so GOOD

Welcome to LSM, Orillia’s own, dedicated to delivering articles designed to enhance a Healthy, Happy, Balanced Life. From designing and decorating your own home, to healthy eating and exercise, to just plain relaxing, travelling and building your dreams, we intend to deliver stimulating articles that lead to personal well-being and happiness.

contents The Best Selection Of

Casual Summer Fashions In Orillia Sizes 4 to 18

Vol 2 No 3

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safety tips & HIKING P28

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Kim, a sometimes jogger, lives, works and raises her family in Orillia. cover photo: by Brock Weir

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healthy, happy, balanced life


I can’t tell you how many times I have heard someone lament, “I can’t garden, all I have is shade!” Wrong!

F Mark Cullen’s

The ShadeLoving Garden

or 18 years, my wife Mary and I lived in the shade of a hardwood forest – the building lot was carved out of a sugar maple bush. True, for the first few years I struggled with the many plants that I planted there. By the fifth year, however, I hit my stride and began to see many of the perennials and shrubs in my garden scheme maturing into something very beautiful. Our shady garden was filled with a fabulous assortment of shrubs, bulbs, flowers and foliage. We could be outside comfortably reading in a chair or deadheading flowers even in the heat of the mid-afternoon. I discovered what many gardeners know – there are advantages to shade over full sun, despite some preconceived prejudices about it.

Shady Advantages

The majority of weeds are adapted to the hot, dry, bright conditions of full sun, so shade gardens often have fewer problems with noxious invaders. Many pests also avoid the shade. Without the

heat of full sun, gardens shaded by a structure lose less moisture to evaporation so their watering needs are reduced. The cooling effect of shade means that the soil holds on to moisture longer, allowing plants to access it throughout the day. Although shade trees also keep the air cooler and reduce evaporation, their roots can suck a lot of moisture out of the ground. Slower rates of photosynthesis caused by the absence of sun mean that plants don’t deplete soil nutrients as quickly so fertilizing can be reduced or even eliminated. While some people assume that their plant choices are limited for a shade garden, experienced shade gardeners will tell you that there are all sorts of fabulous shade plants on the market. And native plant enthusiasts will point out that the shade garden is the perfect setting for a native woodland garden. It is well worth the effort to choose shade-tolerant plants rather than struggle to grow plants not suited to these growing conditions. Shade also protects you and your family from both the heat and the harmful UV radiation of the sun. It’s no surprise that more people are asking for landscape designs that include structures such as pergolas to provide shade.

healthy, happy, balanced life



Shade is Relative

It is important to keep in mind that shade is different at different times of the day. Generally, afternoon shade is better for plants than morning shade as it gives plants a respite from the harshest, hottest sun. “A spot that is sunny in the morning receives the coolest sunshine of the day”. By the time an eastern exposure heats up, it is mid-to late morning and soon to be in shadows for the afternoon. The east side of the house is the perfect place for plants that dehydrate quickly, like hydrangea and coleus. For this reason shadeloving plants often perform quite well on the east side of the house. “The west side of a brick or stone wall tends to be very sunny and hot.” The radiant heat that is absorbed by the wall is fine for true heat-seeking plants, but can be a difficult place to grow plants that do not thrive in bright sun. While walls, buildings and fences cast permanent shade, you can also create temporary shade with plants. In a sunny border, for example, put in statuesque plants such as giant fleece flower, Joe-Pye weed and maiden grasses, and you can safely plant shade-lowers in their shadow.

Pick the Right Plants

There are both annuals and perennials that are shade-lovers. You will get the greatest variety of bloom time, colour and shape if you incorporate both into your garden design. Perennials and bulbs are particularly useful for early spring colour. If you plant bulbs with shade-lovers like hostas, ferns, astilbe and lobelia, the latter will take over in summer and hide the bulbs’ dying foliage. Many perennials that do well in the shade are low-growing types that have wonderful leaf colours and shapes but less spectacular flowers. They can make excellent ground cover or border plants. Light-coloured flowers, especially white, shine more brilliantly in a shady garden than dark colours like red, purple or deep blue. Silvery foliage plants such as Lamium, Brunnera and Pulmonaria will also brighten a shady spot. Plant fewer varieties of flowers in greater

numbers to create large swaths of colour as subtle tone variations and individual flowers tend to get lost in the shade. Use plants that will naturalize in the setting (generally plants that are vigorous growers and sometimes aggressive). Seek out shade-loving native plants that selfseed – they will naturally find their optimum growing conditions in your garden. Excerpts from The Candian Garden Primer Mark Cullen, Host, Orillia Home Hardware Annual Ladies Night, May 15th


healthy, happy, balanced life


A Landscape Plan Your Best Home Investment!


nvestment in landscaping is a smart move.

According to the story landscaping has a recovery

Many property owners go to the effort and

value of 100 to 200 percent, “if it is well done and

expense only to wish they had started with

harmonizes with foliage nearby.� This compares

a plan. Picture this, two homeowners the Hodgsons and Smythes, are given identical houses and budgets

to a recovery value of 75-125 percent for a kitchen remodel, 80-120 percent for a bathroom, and 20-50 percent for a swimming pool.

to landscape their new properties. The Smythes,

A Clemson University study found that

much older and wiser decide to use part of their

landscaping can result in more than a 100 percent

budget to hire a landscape designer to create a plan

return on investment. This study also found that

that they can implement over a five-year term, at a

consumers value a landscaped home up to 11.3

cost of $1,500. The Hodgsons on the other hand,

percent higher than its base price.

did most the planting themselves. The professional

Ninety-five percent of respondents to a Society of

landscaped property gets better with age and is the

Real Estate Appraisers survey said that landscaping

admiration of the neighbourhood. After 10 years

adds to the dollar value of residential real estate,

both properties coincidentally are put up for sale

while 99 percent of them said it enhanced the sales

at the same time. The Smythes home sells in two

appeal of residential real estate.

weeks. The Hodgson home sells two months later

A professionally designed landscaped property,

for $12,000 less than the Smythes identical house

whether you do it yourself or hire a contractor

next door. Although a hypothetical situation, it is

makes a huge difference. A landscape plan will

based on facts. Smart Money magazine notes in the March 2003 issue that spending five percent of the total value of your home on landscaping, and doing it wisely, can add 15 percent or more to the value.


healthy, happy, balanced life

“The Best Time To Plant A Tree Was 20 Years Ago. The Next Best Time Is Now” ~ Chinese Proverb

give you the largest return on your dollar, guaranteed! You would not build a house without a plan. Why would you invest thousands into your property without one. Another piece of advice. When building a new custom designed house, you should always allow a extra 20 percent for cost overruns. Why? Because by the time you get to landscaping the budget is shot. There is just enough money to put in a walkway and one tree that was on sale at the local grocery store. Not so pretty and for years to come nothing changes. It would be far wiser to budget with the landscaping included – an additional five to 15 percent. Professionally designed landscaping is your best home investment because it increases its value over time. It is like money in the bank, only with a much higher return.

Michael Scott



healthy, happy, balanced life


The effects STRESS has on controlling your weight


©2012 Anytime Fitness, LLC

pring is here, and with it often comes a renewed determination to shed that extra weight. It is absolutely necessary to understand that weight loss simply cannot and will not happen without exercise and healthy food choices - plain and simple. However, when these lifestyle changes are implemented successfully and weight loss is still unobtainable, it’s time to consider other issues. Stress is one of the first areas to investigate when it comes to difficult weight loss. Cortisol and adrenaline are released by the adrenal glands in response to a perceived stress. These hormones activate and shut off processes in our body in an effort to increase and preserve energy, also

known as ‘the fight or flight response’. This response works effectively in a scenario in which we are forced to fight or flee a predator, and these hormones quickly decrease once the stress is over. Unfortunately, our perceived stressors today are much more constant and difficult to address financial stress, work deadlines, and family life. In the case of ongoing stress, this fight or flight response becomes detrimental to our health, and our waistline. Chronically high cortisol levels can lead to immune deficiencies, other hormone imbalances, and poor cardiovascular health. Excess glucose is not being used up the way it would be during a true fight or flight scenario, and is eventually stored as fat. This leads to weight gain. Further exacerbating the issue, we also start to crave more high-sugar, carbohydrate rich foods, as a source of instant energy and gratification. We eat as a means of coping with the emotions that come up in times of stress. We live in a society that places far too much emphasis on appearance. Our physical form becomes an integral part of our self worth. For those struggling with extra

pounds, this often results in poor self-esteem and emotional eating. There is a physiological origin behind this behavior and it can all be linked to cortisol. The good news is, we can naturally and effectively balance high cortisol levels and lose the weight associated with chronic stress. The first step is to understand that stress is a perception. We are in control of how we allow a circumstance to ‘stress us out’! Cardiovascular exercise is complimented well by meditation or gentle yoga, which bring our awareness to our body and out of our heads. These types of exercise also promote the parasympathetic processes that are shut down in times of stress, like digestion and repair. Plant based medicines, such as Rhodiola, Ashwaganda and Holy Basil can also be extremely effective in balancing cortisol levels. Talk to your natural health practitioner about the best options for you! Dr. Jody Snider, Naturopathic Doctor

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healthy, happy, balanced life

Brides relax with Shiatsu!


here is an expression “happy wife, happy life”. The same could apply for a bride to be. A happy bride stands strong by your side. Women are amazing cultivators and creative beings. When it comes to one of the important days of their lives, their wedding


day, no expense is spared to create the best day possible. Usually, the bride over extends herself so much with planning and making everything “perfect” she ends up over anxious and exhausted by the day of the nuptials. Forgetting about the simplest of tasks, like making sure one is emotionally and mentally calm or prepared, usually gets over looked. Beyond the manicure, taking time for self care and balancing of one’s energies will help immensely with pre wedding jitters. Shiatsu and chakra balancing are a relaxing way to treat yourself or the groom. Working with the meridians (energy channels) that flow through our body to help stabilize and balance one’s natural energy flow will leave the bride floating on a cloud. Removing clutter within the mind, calming the nervous system and awakening the natural homeostasis of the body allows for space within the receiver to make clean decisions, breathe deeply and feel grounded within her body right down to her toes. Former brides who received shiatsu the day before their wedding reported with great enthusiasm the grounding body work received was the key to them getting through their wedding day with ease. Truly the best wedding present one could ever give and receive. Beth McKean

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healthy, happy, balanced life


Make Your Cupboards Work For You! H

ave you ever wondered just what someone was thinking when they designed your kitchen cabinets? User friendly they are not. Well, you don’t have to demolish your entire kitchen to make it more organized and accessable. By refinishing cupboards, adding new hardware and installing custom glides, you can save yourself a lot of time and money and give yourself a user friendly updated organized look without having to tear your entire kitchen apart. Customized glides are a wonderful addition to any space. Those young and old are finding them extremely helpful. With an increasing number of seniors wanting to stay in their homes for a longer period of time it makes sense to have ease and accessability in the kitchen and bathroom. And, for those in wheelchairs, no problem. The glides offer the freedom of complete accessibility. Younger budget conscious couples are finding this is an excellent alternative to a complete reno .





The Benefits

Finding those long lost items that hide in the back of those deep cupboards is a thing of the past. After installation, you will suddenly experience one of those eureka moments, “why didn’t I do this sooner” when realizing that nothing is hidden deep inside anymore. Many people have half shelves in their lower cabinets to contend with. With the addition of a glide in that area you have now gained 50 percent more usable space and have eliminated the need to get down on your hands and knees to find items in that cabinet. Blind corners, those areas where there should be a Lazy Susan, can be converted to useful space as well, just as there are solutions for underneath kitchen and bathroom sinks. For those people that are having issues with their kitchen and bathrooms, glides just might make sense. Cathy Storey



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A healthy breakfast of oatmeal and fresh fruit is a good breakfast for men and women adopting grazing as their approach to diet.


ating healthy is a goal for many people. For some, altering what they eat is all it takes to shed those extra pounds and improve their overall health, while others find changing what they eat isn’t helping them reach their goals. One option that has its share of supporters and detractors is grazing, which involves eating five or six smaller portions throughout the day instead of the more widely accepted diet of eating three square meals per day. Those who stand by grazing claim it keeps a person’s metabolism going all day, helping to burn more calories while encouraging men and women to eat smaller portions. Those who question grazing point to studies questioning its efficacy, namely that it does not have the calorie-burning effects its supporters suggest. In fact, researchers in the United Kingdom have said eating throughout the day (a standard grazing diet has men and women eating five to six meals per day, with three to four hour intervals between meals) undermines the body’s ability to burn fat. The debate over grazing does not figure to go away anytime soon, as many people have found it

healthy, happy, balanced life

How to get going with grazing a successful way to lose weight and get healthier while many others have found it ineffective. For those who want to give it a shot, consider the following advice. Choose healthy foods. Grazing can only be effective if you choose healthy foods. Snacking on foods like chocolate or potato chips every three to four hours is a recipe for disaster regardless of portion size. When grazing, choose foods that are low in fat and high in nutrients. Avoid sugary foods as well as those that are high in sodium. Foods that are strong sources of protein and complex carbohydrates, including chicken breasts, fish, low-fat dairy products and whole grains, will help you feel full and keep you feeling that way until the next time to eat rolls around. Don’t skip breakfast. A healthy breakfast is an essential element of successful grazing. If you skip breakfast, you’re more likely to overeat, which could establish a domino effect of poor eating as the day goes on. A simple breakfast, such as a bowl of cereal with fat-free or low-fat milk or some oatmeal with berries mixed in, is all it takes to start the day off on the right foot. Stick to a schedule. When grazing, meals should be eaten every three to four hours. If you stray from that schedule, you could wind up eating larger portions or more meals than you should be consuming. Stick to your schedule and remember the portions are supposed to be smaller, so you should not feel skittish about pulling a snack out at a meeting in the office or if you have company over

at your house. Prepare meals in advance. A problem many people encounter when they first begin to graze is the lack of availability of smaller-portioned meals and snacks. Large portions and snacks with no nutritional value are the norm, so finding smaller meals and healthy snacks when you’re away from home will be difficult. The best way to counter that problem is to prepare meals in advance and take them with you. Cook enough food for the week over the weekend and store it in easily transportable containers. In addition, bring snacks with you to the office so you aren’t forced to eat unhealthy fare between meals. Recognize results aren’t immediate. No effective weight loss plan produces results overnight, and grazing is no exception. You will not drop 10 pounds in the first week, but you might notice heightened energy levels throughout the day shortly after you begin to graze, especially if you choose the right foods. Give grazing enough time to get going before judging if it’s the right approach for you. The topic of grazing is one that continues to inspire debate, but men and women who want to lose weight and keep the weight off should consider grazing as a healthy and potentially effective option.


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Bioidentical Hormone FAQs


ormones are called bioidentical or natural if they are exact duplicates of what your body makes. The molecular structure of a bioidentical hormone is identical to that of the hormones made by your body. This is an important distinction because the hormones often prescribed by doctors are not bioidentical. In fact, many are not found anywhere in nature, thus are synthetic hormones.

Bioidentical vs. Synthetic?

One of the best examples of synthetic hormones are the commonly prescribed menopause drugs Premarin and Provera. Premarin is an estrogen made from the urine of pregnant mares. Provera is a synthetic progesterone, known as a progestin. Provera has been shown to increase a woman’s risk of heart disease, stroke and breast cancer. This is in contrast to bioidentical progesterone, without which a woman cannot get pregnant or stay pregnant. The fetus is bathed in progesterone during the third trimester of pregnancy. Bioidentical progesterone is very safe. Synthetic progestins are not. Unfortunately, the terms “progesterone” and “progestin” are often incorrectly used interchangeably resulting in confusion.

Why are Bioidentical Hormones Safer than Synthetic? Hormones do very complex and specific jobs in the body by fitting into parts of your cells called receptors, much the same way that a key fits into a lock. Once the hormone is in the receptor, it gives the cell instructions. If the molecular structure of the hormone is different, the instructions given to the cell are different. Bioidentical hormone instructions have evolved within the human body for thousands of years, so your body knows how to use them, and how to safely dispose of them. Synthetic hormones that aren’t natural to your body often give instructions that are harmful. In some cases, they will activate the receptor in a manner similar to the natural hormone, but in other cases the synthetic hormone will have no effect or will block the receptor completely. Thus, hormones that are not bioidentical do not provide the same total physiologic activity as the hormones they are intended to replace, and all will provoke undesirable side effects not found with the human hormone. Human insulin, for example, is preferable to pig insulin. Pharmaceutical companies, however, prefer

synthetic hormones. Synthetic hormones (not found in nature) can be patented, whereas real (natural, bioidentical) hormones can not. Patented drugs are more profitable than nonpatented drugs. Sex hormone prescription sales have made billions of dollars for pharmaceutical companies Thus is women’s health sacrificed for commercial profit. Hormone therapy should be individualized for men and women with symptoms. This involves tailoring the regimen and dose to individuals needs. Men and women receiving BHRT should be regularly monitored to allow practitioners to use the lowest dose of hormones that will provide therapeutic benefit, thereby minimizing the risk of side effects. Dennis Lee, Compounding pharmacist/owner

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healthy, happy, balanced life

Can diet soda cause weight gain?

F Diet soda may seem a healthier option than sugary drinks, but it may cause weight gain and contribute to obesity.

or decades, people have turned to diet soft drinks as a healthier alternative to regular soft drinks. However, consuming diet soda on a regular basis may have some serious health ramifications, including weight gain. It may seem counterintuitive to suggest that diet sodas may be causing people to gain weight, particularly because these sodas are commonly consumed by people who are trying to lose weight. However, artificial sweeteners found in some diet sodas may increase a person’s risk of obesity. It’s not entirely what you are eating that can cause weight gain but what the body thinks it is eating (or drinking) that plays a role. There are two factors at play with regard to the artificial sweetener conundrum. First, The University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio has researched the potential link between obesity and artificial sweeteners. Researchers have found that something in the chemical structure of these sweeteners alters the way the brain processes the neurotransmitter serotonin. In addition to helping with sleep,

mood and other functions in the body, serotonin helps tell the body when it is full. When natural foods and sugars are consumed, serotonin signals to the brain to turn off your body’s appetite. However, artificial sweeteners may prolong the release of serotonin, and your appetite remains in full force long after it should have abated. Another component of artificial sweeteners, particularly aspartame, is that these chemicals can trick the body into thinking it has, in fact, consumed sugar. That triggers the pancreas to produce the insulin needed to regulate blood-glucose levels. It also causes the body to store the glucose as fat. This can lead to low blood sugar, which may cause you to eat a sugary treat in response. Having diet soda or eating a sugarless item once in a while won’t create any long-term effects. But repeatedly relying on artificial sweeteners could affect appetite and change blood sugar levels for good. These aren’t the only consequences to diet soda and other beverages. Drinking diet soda regularly may affect cardiovascular health. According to the American


Heart Association, research presented at the American Stroke Association’s International Stroke Conference found people who drink diet soda every day have a 61 percent higher risk of vascular events than those who reported no soda consumption. Regular soda isn’t a better alternative. It can contribute to weight gain and cardiovascular issues as well as an increased risk for diabetes. A 2011 review published in the journal Circulation stated that a positive association has been shown between sugarsweetened soft drink consumption and weight gain in both children and adults. Nutritionists and doctors have advised that instead of adding artificial sweeteners to water and other beverages, flavor them with lemon or lime juice. Instead of drinking diet soda, opt for unsweetened tea or plain water. Although diet soda may seem a likely option to help curb calories and prevent weight gain, such beverages may actually be having an adverse effect on a person’s weight.


healthy, happy, balanced life


Do you have jaw Pain? TMJ Disorders...


emporomandibular (TMJ) disorders can easily be helped by chiropractic treatment. Jaw pain and dysfunction, and associated symptoms are not fun to live with, but many people do unfortunately. Some do not realize the symptoms they experience are caused by a TMJ disorder. Symptoms that can be related to a TMJ disorder/ syndrome include both mechanical functional problems, as well as other nervous system disruption: jaw pain when talking, chewing, yawning, and at rest; reduced range of motion and locking of the jaw; ear pain and fullness; facial pain; migraines and headaches; neck pain and reduced range of motion; tinnitus (ringing in the ears); vertigo(dizziness);breastfeeding difficulties in infants; problems swallowing; sinus congestion; gastrointestinal upset; and recurring throat and ear infections. Causes to TMJ Disorders can include the

birthing process, injury, whiplash, dental work/visits, sleeping and chewing habits, jaw clenching and grinding, mental and emotional stress, poor posture with forward head carriage. Assessment includes a look at the local TMJ/jaw mechanics and tissues, as well as globally at full body mechanics and postural alignment. Positioning of the head, jaw, and neck are intricately related. There can be different things to address with each person. Treatment with chiropractic care is easy and very effective in the majority of cases. Light adjustments to the cranial bones help align the jaw socket and allows the cranial nerves to the head and neck to send the right messages for muscles involved in swallowing, chewing, and posture. Soft tissue work and





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adjusting of the TMJ joint may be necessary to regain full and normal range of motion. Imagine eating your favorite burger this summer with your mouth wide open! And of course, any necessary postural correction program is important with the chiropractic alignment corrections for long term postural change. Dr. Lynn Dowswell Dowswell Chiropractic 705-325-0832

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healthy, happy, balanced life



Bathroom Remedies “ I would love to create a hotellike environment for my guest bathroom. My present bathroom lacks pizazz, and is very dimly lit. What can I do to improve and provide my guests a more pleasurable experience?”




he challenges we faced in this particular bathroom, were to propose new lighting where it did not exist. A new centre ceiling fixture will add overall general ambient light. The placement of overhead lighting only can cast unsightly shadows on the face, therefore, placement of wall sconces provide up and down light, a more pleasing light for viewing complexions. A walnut wood vanity provides warmth and having it suspended from the floor gives the illusion that it is floating. It also makes for easier maintenance. Small shelves on each side provide ample space for guest hand towels. To maximize your counter space, consider a solid surface counter such as the quartz product shown, and continue it over the toilet. We call this a banjo top where it narrows in depth over the toilet area. Just be sure you specify a low profile toilet so the plumbing can still be accessed. To add drama and sparkle, integrate an interesting back splash with wow factor, such as these glass mosaic tiles.




his client requested their guest bathroom to be very dramatic with it’s deep hues of red and taupe. Red and burgundy blended glass mosaics provide a punch of colour. Glass vessel bowl sinks add a uniqueness to a space. When using counter mounted vessel sinks, make sure your counter height is adjusted to accommodate the additional height of the vessel. Also ensure that the correct type of faucet coordinates with the bowl shape you select. The wrong faucet or incorrect placement of the faucet can cause unnecessary splashing from the spout.

Nancy Lem, Interior Designer



or this modern cottage guest bathroom, the client requested wall mounted faucets providing a very clean, easy to maintain counter surface. Wall mounted faucets can easily be integrated during new construction, but will take a bit of plumbing re-work in the walls should you try to renovate. Windows at the shower area can always be challenging. Consider installing a higher, horizontal format window to provide natural light, privacy and to minimize water on the sill. The flooring for this space are tiles of river rock held together with a durable resin coating. A fun way to integrate the beach experience!


healthy, happy, balanced life


Time for Tea? Step out of your comfort zone!


ost of us don’t often have time to pause in our busy lives and enjoy taking tea. It’s time to dust off those special cups (the ones you got from Grandma or even as shower gifts when you got married) or attend at your favourite tea house with friends to relax, socialize and rejuvenate. There are many teas and tisanes with which to tempt you for a relaxing moment in your day or week. Try a different tea from your usual…perhaps a subtle Pai Mu Tan White, citrusy Green, aromatic Oolong, fragrant Darjeeling, bracing full-bodied Assam, fruity Rooibos, or a Wellness Herbal. A fun event with friends is “Tea Tasting” where you choose to sample several teas. Ideas might include teas from a particular country such as India (Assam, Darjeeling, Nilgiri or even Masala Chai); various blends of white teas or green teas; comparing teas from different countries such as Orange Pekoe from Sri Lanka, Kenya, India, and China. There are endless possibilities and while you pause to sample, compare and discuss you can’t help but relax. Cream Tea is an enjoyable repast of tea and scones with jam (or lemon curd) and Devonshire or clotted cream. Preparing your scone is part ritual and part anticipation of its yummy goodness. A charming Afternoon Tea with friends can also be a welcome break. Traditional Afternoon Tea is served between 3:00 and 5:00 as a light refreshment to stave off hunger until the later evening meal. It typically includes miniature sandwiches, scones, cakes, pastries and fruit as well as cups of tea. On the other hand, High Tea is served around 6:00 and constitutes a substantial evening meal including meat dishes. These two terms are often confused in North America. The major beneficial properties of tea include controling hypertension, reducing fatigue, strengthening your immune system, reducing cholesterol, balancing body temperature and detoxification so it is also a very “healthy” break. Take time for tea and conversation (turn off the cell phone) and the stress of your day will just melt away. Laurie Neill, White Lions Tea House www,

healthy, happy, balanced life


The Hall of Tame!


Your Six Everyday Must Haves


ith the warmer weather comes an array of lighter fashion and a lot more outdoor and social activity! And, if you are like most people, putting on a pound or two over the long cold winter months, is pretty common. So, if you are looking to kick-start your toned appearance just in time for this good weather, here are six simple SPANX solutions to help you out with your entire wardrobe, day and night... by offering you a seamless, refined, controlled and comfortable look all day long! 1. “Simplicity” Open-Bust Mid-Thigh Bodysuit has you covered from your bust right down to your mid-thigh, with a soft-to-the-touch fabric and powerful compression and chic design with the thoughtful details for stylish shaping you’ll want to wear every day. This item is ideal to wear underneath the majority of your wardrobe and the open-bust concept allows you to wear any bra of your choice while flattering your chest! 2. “Bra-dacious” Full-Figure Underwire Bra is super-supportive, completely comfortable and offers a streamlined look...that’s Bra-dacious!

This t-shirt bra is perfect for woman with full breasts who are looking for complete coverage. This bra was also designed with a higher platform to smooth under the arms! We have concluded that this bra is perfect for women who want a flawless seamless shape with everyday comfort! It also offers a beautiful shape to accentuate your assets! We really love this bra and so do our customers. This bra is starts at C36 and goes up to a 44DDD! How awesome is that? 3. “Simplicity” Girl Short is perfect if you are looking to control your tummy, hips and butt without a lot of fuss! It offers a comfortable yet powerful compression to provide you the look of flawlessness and control all day long and is perfect to wear underneath skirts and shorts, along with an array of other wardrobe staples. It is simple, practical and comfortable...and, most importantly, it gets the job done! 4. “Simplicity” Open-Bust Camisole eliminates the “muffin top” or those unsightly bumps and lines that are caused by an improperly fitting bra by providing a beautiful high back that covers those annoying issues. This garment is to be worn under your favorite tops and also

offers extra slimming at the waist! So, if you are looking for just a little more refinement and flawlessness under your shirts, give this item a try. You won’t be disappointed! 5. “In-Power Line” Super Footless Shaper allows you to wear light colored or fitted pants that you might have avoided. It provides soft, slimming compression that “airbrushes” cellulite for a flawless finish and no visible panty lines. Ideal underneath dress pants and longer dresses and skirts! 6. “Undie-tectable” Panty is the everyday brief that features a total tummy tamer! These bottoms seamlessly transition to a second skin and eliminate visible panty lines while also offering you control! Raffaella Tassone

Laminate Flooring


Is thicker better?

o t r e a l l y, but there are some direct and indirect benefits that a thicker laminate may provide. The bottom line? Thickness does not make up for poor quality or poor design. Well-designed laminates (like Shaw brand for example – typically an 8mm product) can be very high quality, delivering long-lasting floors. European laminate manufacturers, known for their high level of quality and innovation, typically do not exceed 10mm, while some of the worst quality laminates available from sub-standard mills in China are 12-15mm. It is very important to buy from a respected manufacturer or distributor. The “thicker is better”

pitch is often used merely as a sales gimmick much like the “heavier carpet pile weight equals a better carpet” pitch. Rather than spending time with the client in providing proper information on things such as quality and warranty coverage, it is simply just easier and quicker for the salesperson to use this misleading thickness argument. One flooring review found online states thicker laminates are more moisture resistant and dent resistant. This is just plain wrong as it is not the thickness that makes a laminate more resistant to moisture or harder to indent (the exact opposite can be true) but the quality. Denseness of the core along with any edge treatment that may have been applied (such as a wax sealer) is what can make the difference, and these features can be found in every thickness of laminate. So when choosing a laminate, be sure to research the product carefully and to consult a professional to avoid disappointment.


healthy, happy, balanced life



Ways pets could improve personal health

ather than heading to the pharmacy for solutions to common ailments, a majority of people may be able to stop at the nearest pet store or animal shelter and find a finned or furry remedy instead. Studies that link positive health benefits to pet ownership abound. One study found that 48 stockbrokers who adopted a pet experienced lower blood pressure readings in stressful situations than did people who did not own pets. Another study found that individuals suffering from serious diseases, such as cancer or AIDS, are far less likely to experience depression if they have a strong tie to a pet. Plus, pets have proven beneficial to seniors struggling with loneliness. Any pet can try a person’s patience at times, expecially when a kitty has used a sofa as a scratching post or when a pooch needs to be let into the yard at 3 a.m. But for many pet owners, the benefits of having a pet far outweigh the negatives. Here are some of the many ways that pet ownership can be good for your health. Lower blood pressure. Petting a dog or cat can lower blood pressure, as can watching a fish swim around a tank. Those with hypertension may want to purchase or adopt a companion animal to help lower their blood pressure. Reduce stress. Stress is something people face on a daily basis. According to a National Health Interview Survey, 75 percent of the general population experiences at least “some stress” every two weeks, and many times that stress is moderate to severe. Research has indicated that when people spend time with a pet their levels of cortisol, a hormone associated with stress, is lowered while their level of serotonin, a hormone associated with improved mood and well-being,

is increased. Lower cholesterol. Lifestyle factors associated with pet ownership, particularly a focus on increased physical health and activity, can help lower cholesterol levels. Also, having a pet works to reduce stress, which may keep individuals from looking to fatty foods as sources of alleviating anxiety. Fight depression. Many therapists have prescribed pet therapy as a method to alleviating and recovering from depression. A pet is an unconditional friend and can provide that listening ear a person needs to talk through problems. Also, walking and taking care of a pet devotes attention away from problems and inward thinking. Improve physical activity levels. Heading to the gym is one way to get a workout, but spending an hour walking the dog or tossing around a ball for a game of chase and fetch is another way to get the heart pumping. Many dog owners benefit from the “forced” exercise that goes with daily walks. Some people choose to exercise with their pets, enjoying the companionship and the physical activity. Reduce stroke incidences. There has been evidence that cat owners are less likely to suffer strokes than people who do not have cats. Researchers are not sure of the connection, but surmise that cats have a more calming nature than other types of pets. Greater opportunities for socialization. Humans are social animals and need to interact with others. Pet owners have a tendency to want to share time and experiences with other

pet owners. Pets can provide opportunities for people to get together. ADHD therapy. Children and adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder often benefit from working with a pet or having a pet as a family companion. Playing with a pet is a great way to release excess energy and focus on tasks. Also, a pet with his or her unconditional love can help someone with ADHD overcome self-esteem issues. Similar results are possible when pets are used as therapy animals for children with autism and other behavioral disabilities. Reduce propensity for allergies. Children who grow up in homes with cats and dogs are less likely to develop common allergies and even asthma, research suggests. In fact, children who live around two or more dogs or cats before their first birthday are less likely to have allergies of any sort, according to a study published in The Journal of the American Medical Association. Research presented at the 10th International Conference on Human Animal Interaction found pet owners were the least likely to have to visit the doctor. The survey of more than 11,000 respondents from Australia, China and Germany found that over a fiveyear period pet owners made 15 to 20 percent fewer annual visits to the doctor than non-pet owners. The companionship and love pets provide could be a key benefit in promoting good personal health.

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Designing a Deck

healthy, happy, balanced life


dos & don’ts


hen springtime comes, everyone wants a great deck to hang out on and enjoy our all too short warm weather season in Ontario. But what is a great deck? Well, here is my take on some deck dos and don’ts. I try and design decks so that they have different exposures and can therefore have different uses and different degrees of sunshine and heat during the day. A south facing deck is one of my favourite spaces. They are the first place for snow to melt off and provide an opportunity to feel the warm springtime sunshine. If the lot and the house cooperate, you will have decks to experience different exposures throughout the year. You can have sun on different parts of the deck all day long, making for a lovely spot for anyone to sit and enjoy. The flip side of that

is there is usually a shady spot as well, for those of us who also enjoy being out of the sun. It’s also a great option to have an area of the deck that is covered with a roof, both to provide shade or cover from the rain and to offer the option of screening in the roofed portion. This is a great idea especially in the country, when those summer evenings can get buggy! It’s also a lovely and simple way to really feel like there is a whole extra room on the house, once you have a roof over it. It’s beneficial to consider what you will use your deck space for, before you build it. Everyone has different requirements: different

Ask the Trainer

I’ve never been the best sleeper. Is this having a negative impact on my overall health?

Expert answers to your health & wellness questions Does cooking food in a microwave cause nutrient loss? Answer This is a great question because microwaves are a staple in almost every kitchen. Despite their popularity, many people are convinced that radiation from microwaves destroys nutrients. Thankfully, research does not back this up. The primary determinants of nutrient loss are cook time, cook temperature, and the amount of liquid used. In other words, any form of cooking can lead to nutrient loss, but microwaving is actually a better option. Microwaves do a great job of heating your food very quickly, and microwaves heat at temperatures that are lower than most other forms of cooking. The water-soluble vitamins, B-complex and C, are easily the most susceptible to heat, and are commonly found in beans, fruits, and vegetables. Bottom line—use the microwave as often as you need to, but try to avoid using water in the cooking process to avoid leaching of those water-soluble vitamins.

Answer Unfortunately, yes, it probably is! There is a lot of emerging research revolving around sleep (or the lack thereof) and its associated health implications. There’s some data now indicating that those who get just one night of poor sleep end up with abnormal lab values indicative of pre-diabetes. That’s right, pre-diabetes! Folks with poor sleep cycles can end up with suppressed insulin secretion after a meal, which leaves them with elevated blood sugar levels for far too long. They also have lowered resting metabolic rates, which could ultimately contribute to weight gain as well. Other researchers have discovered that hundreds of genes get disrupted after just one week of suboptimal sleep, thereby impairing the body’s ability to heal itself. Chronic sleep problems have been associated with heart attacks, stroke, diabetes, and obesity for years, but now we’re starting to see direct observations in the laboratory setting. In the end, optimal sleep is just as important as your fitness level and your nutritional status when it comes to overall health, so try to get at least eight hours a night, and more when you can.

areas for sitting or entertaining, an area for outdoor cooking, an outdoor eating area, and even a place where an al fresco nap might fit into the picture! Enjoy the warm weather and your special outdoor space! Kristi McKechnie B. Tech Arch Sci.

I lift five days per week consistently, but my strength gains have flat-lined. How do I continue to get stronger? Answer Despite not having much information to go on here, let’s see if I can provide some insight. First of all, there’s the distinct possibility that you’re working out too much. Maybe your volume (the combination of sets and reps) is too high—a common problem for those looking to gain strength as quickly as possible. And how long has it been since you’ve taken some time off to allow your body to fully recuperate from the stress of exercise? Some much-needed rest may do the trick, and amazingly, people often come back even stronger. I also wonder if you’re changing up your workouts enough. Many people get into the habit of using machines or free weights, but then never gravitate toward other forms of exercise. Cables, tubing, bands, kettle bells, medicine balls, and even bodyweight exercises can all increase strength, so you should try to vary up your routine regularly. Lastly, you have to remember that strength doesn’t just increase exponentially on a continual basis. There is a threshold that you’ll reach at some point, and you could be there already. If you feel like you need help with your current program, talk to a certified personal trainer. Jessica Brown, CSEP-CPT


healthy, happy, balanced life


Spring Lawn Care Tips

Start Early!


ast year we experienced the hottest, driest summer on record! Due to these extreme conditions, combined with water restrictions, your lawn may have experienced severe draught, disappointing those who did not or could not water their lawns regularly. Your lawn may require over-seeding/aeration this year to be rejuvenated. Aeration reduces the compaction and allows optimum root development resulting in better growth. Over-seeding helps fill in the patchy areas, promoting thicker grass. A thin layer of top soil may be needed to help level the ground. Keeping the soil moist, not wet, (1 ½ inches of water at least once a week) for about thirty days until the seed germinates and the plant establishes itself will encourage deep roots and discourage weeds.

Crabgrass Control

Another situation that may require some care is crabgrass, an annual weed grass that germinates in early

May and must be treated in early spring, before germination! When dry enough to prevent ripping up the roots, give the lawn its first exposure to sun with a light raking. A slow release organic based fertilizer for the promotion of strong, healthy, dense roots will help “choke out” the weeds. If near water, a good quality organic based product that will not leach into the surrounding area is essential.


Moles looking for grubs may cause tracks of dirt across your lawn. Grubs destroy your lawn by chewing the grass roots resulting in dead patches. Grubs must be treated in late summer for a minimum of three years to stop development at each life stage. A poor lawn takes time and effort to be revived. By being patient and diligent you will soon be able to sit back and enjoy the summer weather. Barry Ziegler

Welcome Gloria!


ennis and the team at Laclie Pharmacy are very pleased to welcome Gloria Beazley-Broad to our award winning pharmacy. Gloria has worked in Orillia a number of years and is well known for her great customer service and caring manner. Gloria would like to thank all of her loyal customers from her previous workplace for making it a joy to come to work and feel appreciated. If you would like to follow Gloria and receive the service that you have become accustomed to, transferring your prescriptions and health records to Laclie Pharmacy is FREE of charge. We look after all the details. Feel free to call one of our team members or better yet, drop by to experience the difference in our appearance and customer service first hand….. your health depends on it!

Sincerely, Dennis Lee Owner/Compounding


Laclie Pharmacy has invested in your health!

Due to Liberal government funding cuts to pharmacies in Ontario, some pharmacies have had to decrease expenses (staff) to remain viable which translates into longer wait times for prescriptions, automated phone lines, a lower quality of customer service and the possibility of prescription errors.. We have two pharmacists on duty and sufficient staff to service our clientele in a timely and efficient manner (usually 10 to 15 minutes for new or repeat prescriptions). We don’t have an answering machine or an automated phone service… you actually get to talk to a real person right away, honest!


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Sofa so Good?


hoosing a new sofa is often a daunting task. Guess what? It doesn’t have to be. Selecting a new sofa can actually be fun! First of all, you have to establish what exactly your new sofa will be used for. Is it a central piece in your room for entertaining formally, or is it a sanctuary where you’ll curl up your legs for rest and relaxation while watching your favourite sport or movie? The type of use intended for your sofa will dictate style. In a more formal living room, visually appealing designs such as camelbacks provide a statement and add to your artistic room design. There are so many unique styles and designs available. Shopping is an adventure in creativity. On the other hand, if the sofa is intended for hours of TV watching and everyday family life, including children and pets, it would be wise to consider a more relaxed style with rolled arms and comfy cushions. One popular trend is slipcovered sofas. These pieces allow for washing of the entire fabric and are ideal for families. Another desirable attribute of slipcovers is that you may interchange the

Paper Kapers

covers to reflect the seasonal décor of your room. Comfortable seating such as upgrading to “feathersoft” cushions compliment a relaxed and welcoming experience in any home. Always remember to consider who will be experiencing the sofa most often. If you have tall family members or guests, it is important to look at deeper seating, while shallow seating with more firmness and solid arm rests are more appropriate for shorter statures or those with compromised mobility. Always educate yourself on how your sofa is constructed… it does matter! Frames are an integral part of sofa construction. Avoid particleboard, plastic and metal in favour of hardwoods. Hardwoods will not crack or warp like lesser quality and less expensive cheaper frames. Be sure to inquire about foam density, spring count, zippered cushions and warranties. Not all sofas are created equal! Choose a fabric that is both visually and aesthetically pleasing to you and beware of premature fabric wear. To prolong the life of the fabric vacuum with an upholstery attachment often. Dirt and dust, as well as sunlight, weaken

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and fade your sofa’s fibres. Window treatments may play a protective role in your sofa’s longevity if it is located in an area of your room that is exposed to a lot of direct sunlight. The good news is that most reputable companies treat the actual fibres that make up the fabric covering your sofa before construction of the sofa eliminating the need for costly add on expenses like “scotch guarding.” Finally, consider the space in which you will be placing your new sofa. Be sure to give ample space between tables and other pieces of furniture for a sensible flow in your home. Ultimately, owning a sofa is both a luxury and a necessity. Choosing a sofa with good longevity is vitally important for a harmonious relationship to exist between you and your sofa. Michelle Madden


healthy, happy, balanced life

Prone To Food Allergies?


check yourself out


ome of the top food allergens include wheat, yeast, corn, soy, eggs, milk and sugar. Gluten, a protein found in wheat and some other grains has been linked to 55 diseases according to the New England Journal of Medicine. According to Dr. Mark Hyman, bestselling author and guest speaker on Dr. Oz, hidden food allergies are a major unrecognized epidemic in the twenty first century. Studies show that food allergies can trigger inflammation in the body and cause weight gain in many. Food reactions are classified as Immediate, where symptoms are obvious in minutes, or Delayed, where symptoms may appear even days later. Therefore many of us are not even aware of our food sensitivities. Are you sensitive to food allergies? You may want to ask yourself the following questions. 1. Are there foods that you crave and eat often? These are often the foods we are allergic or sensitive to!

2. Are you experiencing weight gain? According to Dr. John Mansfield, a pioneer in the study of allergies and nutrition, food sensitivities are “by far the most common single cause of weight gain” 3. Do you suffer from any of the following symptoms, gas, bloating, fatigue, moodiness, inability to concentrate, diarrhea, constipation, headaches, sinus congestion, rashes or acne? If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, food sensitivities are likely a factor.

What can you do?

You can try a method called “Elimination and Reintroduction”, where you start by eliminating the foods you are sensitive to for 30 days and let

your immune system cool down. (Note, during the 30 days you may experience a feeling of wellbeing and weight loss.) Then slowly reintroduce one food at a time, every four days and pay attention to how you feel. During this time, take a good probiotic to assist healing of the gut. Remember that dealing with your food allergies can create wellness of the mind, body and brain. Linda Vance RPN, RMT, R.BIE

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Experimenting is part of the fun of entertaining Entertaining friends and family with a homecooked meal is something many amateur chefs cherish. Gathering friends and family for a hearty meal without having to deal with the hustle and bustle of a local restaurant is a relaxing way to reconnect and make new memories. Such hosting duties also enable home chefs to try their hands at more exotic recipes. Perhaps due to the growing popularity of

Spanish Mackerel Grilled with Citrus Sauce Serves 4

1 cup plain sugar syrup

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½ cup water 4 kinkan (kumquats)

6½ tablespoons koikuchi shoyu soy sauce) 6½ tablespoons mirin 6½ tablespoons sake

Zest from ½ yuzu (Japanese citron), substitute with one lemon, grated 4 filets Spanish mackerel, about 4 ounces each, cut in three-section filet 8

fiddleheads total about 2 ounces, blanched in salted water, then refreshed in cold water (optional)

celebrity chefs who specialize in foods from all over the globe, more and more home chefs are making bolder choices in their own kitchens. Those who want to try their hand at Japanese fare for their next dinner party should consider the following recipe for “Spanish Mackerel Grilled With Citrus Sauce” from Takashi Sugimoto’s and Marcia Iwatate’s “Shunju: New Japanese Cuisine” (Periplus). 1. Put 1 cup plain sugar syrup and ½ cup water, and the whole kumquats, in a small saucepan, and bring to a gentle boil, then simmer for 5 minutes. 2. Place soy sauce, mirin and sake in a saucepan and heat over medium heat until it comes to a boil. Remove from heat and cool. 3. Add grated citron zest to the cooled sauce and pour over the fish, then leave to marinate for 3 or 4 hours. 4. Remove the mackerel from the marinade, skewer each slice with 2 metal or bamboo skewers (soaked in water), and grill on a charcoal grill or broil under an oven grill, taking care not to burn the fish. 5. When nicely browned on both sides and thoroughly grilled, arrange each filet on a serving platter and garnish with poached kumquats and blanched fiddleheads.



healthy diet plays a significant role in a person’s overall health. Without a healthy diet, men and women are more susceptible to disease and other potentially harmful ailments. But when many people think of a healthy diet, a lack of flavour is often one of the first things to come to mind. That’s a common misconception, as a diet that’s healthy and full of nutrients can simultaneously be flavourful. In fact, it’s easy to enjoy many of your favourite dishes in a way that makes them much healthier. Oftentimes, a few minor alterations to a recipe is all it takes to turn the dish from high-risk to healthy. Trim the fat. No one wants to eat fat, but fat isn’t entirely bad for you. Fat can help your body absorb vitamins A, D, E and K, and replacing fat with something like carbohydrates decreases how much these valuable vitamins are absorbed. In addition, dietary fat releases chemicals in the brain that make you feel full, reducing the likelihood that you will overeat. Those are just a few of the benefits of dietary fat, which is an essential element of a healthy diet. But overconsumption of dietary fat can be dangerous, and many people simply need to

healthy, happy, balanced life


Make your favourite recipes healthier Using nonstick cookware when preparing your favorite meals can reduce reliance on oil or butter, cutting fat and calories from your diet. trim some fat from their diets. One way to do that is to reduce how much butter, shortening or oil you use when cooking. For some recipes, you may be able to cut suggested portions of such ingredients by half without replacing them. However, for others, especially those for baked goods, these items may have to be replaced. In the case of the latter, find a suggested alternative to high-fat items, and only use half of the highfat item listed in the original recipe. Chances are you won’t taste the difference, but your body will be better for it. Substitute healthier fare. Substituting items is another way to turn a favorite dish into a healthier dish without altering the flavor dramatically, if at all. For example, instead of cooking with enriched pasta, purchase wholewheat or whole-grain pastas, which are higher in fiber and lower in calories. If a recipe calls for using milk, choose fat-free milk instead of whole milk. Doing so reduces your fat intake by nearly eight grams per cup. Recipes can even be made healthier by simply cutting back on the main dish and adding more vegetables. Instead of using the recommended amount of meat or chicken, scale back and

make up for it with additional vegetables, which reduces your caloric and fat intake while adding more vitamins and minerals to your diet. Change your methods. Certain cooking techniques are healthier than others. Frying foods or cooking with fat, oil or salt is not the healthiest way to prepare a meal. Some of your favorite dishes that call for frying or cooking in oil can be just as flavourful if you opt for healthier methods like braising, broiling, grilling, or steaming. When recipes call for basting foods in oil or drippings, forgo these unhealthy options and baste foods in vegetable juice or fat-free broth instead. What you use to cook can also be healthy or unhealthy. Nonstick cookware won’t require you to use oil or butter to keep foods from sticking to the pan. This reduces the amount of fat and calories you will consume, and you likely won’t notice a difference with regards to flavour. Men and women who enjoy food and cooking their own meals can take several steps to make those meals healthier without sacrificing flavour.



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Practice safety and common sense when hiking


warm breeze, the sound of a bubbling brook and the fresh smell of pine in the air are just some of the draws of hiking. There’s nothing quite like getting outdoors and enjoying nature. Although hiking isn’t inherently dangerous, being at the mercy of the elements does imply some risk. As a result, it pays to be prepared when embarking on a hiking trip. Even novice hikers know to avoid bug bites and apply sunscreen before heading outdoors, but there are also some lesser-known potential hazards on the hiking trail. Heeding these tips can keep a person safe. Plan ahead. Understand the terrain and the trails before you begin the hike. Visit the park or area’s official Web site to access detailed, printable trail maps and other information about the area. Make note of ranger stations, portable bathrooms and any other places you may want to use as pit stops along the way. Give a copy of the trail map to someone staying behind, marking your planned place of entry. In the event you get lost, the person at home can alert authorities to your approximate location. Know your environment. Hiking trails can be found all around the world. Some may be arid and barren areas, while other areas may be lush and tropical. Each of these regions brings with them their own share of plants and animals. It is wise to know which species you may encounter along the way so you will know how to treat a bite or a brush with a poisonous plant in the event of an emergency. Be mindful of the weather. Before going on the hike, get the latest weather report from a few different sources. This way you will have an average picture in your head of what the weather will be, and you can choose your footwear, clothing and other essentials based on that forecast. Few things can spoil a trip faster than unpredictable weather and failure to be ready for it. Pack a supply kit. It’s easy to go overboard on gear, but there are some basics that should be

hiking essentials. Include a first aid kit, a Swiss Army Knife, matches or a lighter, aspirin, a flashlight, and toilet paper in your supply kit. Bring water. Water is essential when going on a hiking trip. By the time you are feeling thirsty, you are already dehydrated. Bring at least 1 to 2 liters of water per person. Keep in mind that this may mean adding 3 to 4 pounds to the pack. When necessary, trade excess weight in other supplies for water, since water is most essential. Drinking from springs or lakes is not adviseable. Animals bathe and relieve themselves in that water, and it might be teeming with bacteria. Pack snacks. Bring along lightweight snacks, such as granola bars, dried fruit and nuts. Avoid sugary or starchy snacks that your body will burn up in no time, leaving you feeling hungry again. Keep food in tightly fitted containers so aromas won’t lure curious animals in close. Embark early. The temperature is lower in the morning, and the sun is less intense in early morning as well. In addition, starting early reduces the chance you will be hiking in the dark. Be aware of your surroundings. Although most animals will be content to avoid a hiking party, if they are provoked or caught off guard, they may defend themselves. Watch where you are walking and avoid going off the trail. If scaling rocks, be careful where you put your hands. There may be snakes or small rodents lurking in crevices. Carry a field guide. Refer to a field guide to help identify plants, trees and animals you may have seen. Take plenty of photographs. Most hikers want to document the sights around them. Capture the moments with photos and be sure to make prints later. Carry out only what you carried in. Litter can ruin a natural landscape and put animals in danger. Always bring a trash bag and remove your spent items. Also, leave nature as you found it. Resist the urge to take flowers or saplings or any other samples of the environment.

healthy, happy, balanced life



Travel ideas for active seniors


hose who have said goodbye to the work-a-day grind now have many hours to settle down and relax. People who have continually put off vacations in lieu of work responsibilities may now have all the time they need to explore the world. Traveling for seniors can be rewarding and relaxing. Those with a substantial retirement nest egg have numerous destinations at their disposal. Mature vacationers travel more frequently and stay longer than any other age group. Travel ranks among the top leisure activities for men and women over 50, according to the Web site Suddenly Senior. Seniors can find several travel advantages at their disposal. Also, thanks to special senior discounts, travel may be even more affordable than first expected. While certain destinations are not always practical for certain age brackets, there are many places to which seniors can visit comfortably and enjoy a wealth of memories. • Theme parks Although theme parks may seem carved out entirely for the adventureseekers, there are many other more placid activities that would appeal to those who prefer to keep their feet firmly on the ground rather than looping through the air on a rocketpropelled coaster. With animal preserves,

Travel ranks among the top leisure activities for men and women over 50. water parks, fine dining, and a bevy of hotels either in the park or directly on the outskirts, theme parks provide many activities for older travelers. Although theme parks require a lot of walking, many provide wheelchairs or motorized scooters for those who need to get off of their feet. They also make a great option for seniors who will be traveling with the entire family, including children. • Beach resorts Provided flying is medically safe, a beachside vacation can be the ideal trip for seniors looking for the utmost in relaxation. For those who have passports, the possibilities are endless. Those who prefer to remain on relatively domestic soil can retreat to Puerto Rico, south Florida, the California coast, Hawaii, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. • Cruising  Cruising is a preferred vacation choice for the 50+ set because it offers the convenience of an all-inclusive package and transportation all in one. With the myriad activities offered on board, cruises are a versatile vacation option for seniors. Also,

there is no need to worry about traveling far for meals and other entertainment options, as everything is selfcontained on the cruise ship. For more active seniors who enjoy the daily getaway, excursions in ports of call can provide the variety desired. • Guided tours Seniors who want to experience a piece of history can sign up for tour packages backed by reputable companies. The tours may involve train or bus travel, and various attractions will be visited. At the end of the tour, individuals can choose to extend the vacation by checking into a hotel nearby. • RV trips Another self-contained vacation that is entirely up to the people traveling is vacationing by recreational vehicle. Seniors can customize their routes depending on which areas they want to see. Companies like Cruise America RV enable people to rent an RV so they needn’t worry about the expense of buying one outright. However, should RV traveling become addictive, there always is the option of buying a camper later on. Setting an itinerary and then establishing the pace enables travelers to tour the country or cross the border as desired. From beaches to national parks, many areas offer RV hook-up areas and amenities. • Exotic tour Seniors who were never able to afford or spare the time for an extensive vacation may now want to visit those exotic locations that have beckoned for years. Now could be the time to book a ticket for Europe and visit all of the cities that have made the history books. Those looking for even more adventure can travel to the South Pacific and explore tropical islands. Others may want to go “down under” and experience the rugged Outback or the culture of Australian city centers. With a bevy of free time and fewer restrictions holding them back, seniors could be ready for the next great travel adventure.


healthy, happy, balanced life


Spend less on family travel


Taking a connecting flight is one way to save money on travel expenses.

any families go on vacation once the school year ends. But with the fluctuating prices of fuel, driving or flying with a family of four or more can be costly. Those fed up with yet another “staycation” may be wondering how they can trim costs but still get away. Taking a vacation is a way for people to rest and recharge. Even if a trip lasts just a few days, the change of scenery and the chance to leave behind the daily grind can provide a much-needed escape. According to studies, people traveling with children or grandchildren make up roughly 30 percent of all adult leisure travelers. The average American family takes four to five leisure trips per year, and there are many ways to save money on such excursions without compromising the fun factor.

Booking trips well in advance enables consumers to shop around for affordable flights, but many times deals can be had when shoppers wait until the last minute and take advantage of airline and discount travel sites offering lastminute deals. Seats on half-empty flights may be offered at a discount. You may even be able to contact an airline and negotiate the cost of a flight.

accommodations. If you prefer a hotel to earn vacation points or rewards, consider staying a town over. Hotels in tourist destinations request top dollar, but staying a few miles out of town can help you save a bundle.

Package Deals

Travel Method

Think Outside the Hotel

Purchasing amusement park, theatre or special event tickets in advance is typically less expensive than paying the “at the door” price. Research all of the places you plan to visit while on your trip and book these adventures in advance. Not only will it save you the hassle of making arrangements while on vacation, but also you can save a few dollars along the way. Some hotels offer similar discounts. If you book a non-refundable stay and pay in full, you may earn a rate that is lower than the standard room price.

Flying to a destination is often more expensive than taking a train or driving. Consider renting a van or even an RV to transport the entire family to your destination if it is within reasonable driving distance. Family members can take turns driving to cut down on the number of stops that need to be made. If you prefer to fly, realize that direct, nonstop flights tend to be the most costly. Discounts are to be had when you fly in the early morning or late at night and are willing to endure a layover. Booking round-trip tickets tends to be less expensive than one-way tickets, as is flying in and out of the same airport as opposed to using a different airport on the return trip.

Travel sites and independent travel agents often give you better prices when you package items together. Therefore, if you stay at a particular hotel, book with a certain airline and add a rental car in the same transaction, the cost may be far less than purchasing these components separately.

Hotels are not the only places to stay while on vacation. Many times private house or condo rentals cost considerably less money than pernight stays at hotels. There are Web sites that cater to rentals-by-owner that can be searched and booked. Staying in a private rental often gives you more space to spread out and may even provide access to a full-service kitchen. This can help you to conserve funds by letting you prepare some or all of your meals, rather than eating out. Discount hostels and individuals who open up their homes to travelers can be other avenues of investigation for less-expensive

Pay in Full/ Pay in Advance

Be Flexible

Rigid travel dates and plans will not leave wiggle room for negotiation. High-demand dates tend to cost the most. Flying out a day before or after a peak date can reduce airline rates considerably. Also, try to book vacations in off-peak times. Resorts will be less crowded, and you will save money by taking advantage of off-season prices. Vacationing as a family can be an ideal way to spend time together. When a group is traveling, it is a good idea to look for any and all ways to save money on the trip.

Multi-day tours


CHARLOTTE, NC, May 23-28, 2013



• 5 nights accommodation, including 3 in Charlotte, N • Tickets to the Coca-Cola 600 race in the Ford Grand Section. • 6 shop tours including J.R. Motorsports, Penske Race. • Original, Stewart-Hass Racing, Hendricks Motorsport and Roush Racing. • Tour of Kannapolis, NC... The Home of Dale Earnhardt. • Tailgate lunch at the Track, lunch at Lancasters’, 5 breakfasts, dinner with Mrs. Martha Earnhardt.

Federated Auto Parts 400

Our Annual


Girl’s Shopp

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eekends are So Pop ular we can barely keep up • Tickets to the Nationwide Series race. with the dema nd. Book Now an • Tickets to the Federated Auto Parts 400 Sprint Cup race. d discover the deals that everyone Annual Shopping Weekends is talking abo ERIE, PA, MAY 31-JUNE 2, OCT 18-20, NOV 22-24 ut...

Welcome to ‘America’s Premier Short Track’ – the most exciting three quarter mile in racing! Don’t miss this final event before the Chase for the Sprint Cup which will leave you on the edge of your seat wondering who will make the chase?


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