Lifestyles Magazine Sept-Oct 2013

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yoga is here CHOICES ARE MANY! cut calories IT’S SIMPLE healthy salads




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Lifestylescontents Vol 2 No 5

yoga is here CHOICES ARE MANY!


cut calories IT’S SIMPLE P9

healthy salads TIPS FOR SUCCESS




caffeine BENEFITS P19



Welcome to LSM, Orillia’s own, dedicated to delivering articles designed to enhance a Healthy, Happy, Balanced Life. From designing and decorating your own home, to healthy eating and exercise, to just plain relaxing, travelling and building your dreams, we intend to deliver stimulating articles that lead to personal well-being and happiness.

Lifestylescontents Vol 2 No 5

get the most FROM YOUR WINE


cozy up FOR FALL P25



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Rosanna Shillolo encourages everyone to give yoga a try and to do more of it! COVER PHOTO: by Brock Weir

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Backyard Herbalist


healthy, happy, balanced life


“There is no individual who cannot benefit from the therapeutic physical, mental and spiritual benefits.”

Yoga is here T and the choices are many!

oday yoga is everywhere. Western society has finally embraced this ancient Eastern lifestyle practice and as a yoga instructor I couldn’t be happier with this new status in mainstream culture. It’s not a fad, but rather a sign of a positive shift toward a more health conscious and open minded society. Yoga studios are commonplace even in small towns like Orillia, which means there is now greater access to a variety of styles, classes and instructors. It is an exciting time for those who are already yoga enthusiasts and for those just starting out. There is no individual who cannot benefit from the therapeutic physical, mental and spiritual benefits. Everyone should regularly practice some type of yoga and there is a class style to suit everyone’s needs and preferences. For those who have tried yoga and felt it wasn’t for them, try again! I often use a restaurant analogy when encouraging individuals to continue sampling different styles of yoga until they find what they enjoy. If you have a bad restaurant experience, you wouldn’t necessarily swear off dining out. Likely, you would, in future, try a different venue or style of cuisine. The

same analogy should apply to one’s approach to yoga. Every instructor adds their own flavour to teaching, so shop around until you find someone whose approach you enjoy.

Yoga Styles For Everyone!

There are so many branches of Hatha (physical) yoga that you must consider what you would like to achieve from a class in order to choose one appropriately. Restorative is more relaxing and aims to reduce stress, anxiety or insomnia. Vinyasa, my most popular here at Sunrise Yoga Studio, is more of a group flow that emphasizes synchrony of movement with breath. Ashtanga or Power Yoga, which I teach weekly at CrossFit Orillia, focuses on building strength and can be quite challenging but fun. There are approaches specifically designed for kids, seniors and pre and post natal women. While these are just a few examples of the styles available, all types will improve balance, flexibility, core and overall strength. There is a common


healthy, happy, balanced life



aving worked in the fitness industry for the past decade, Rosanna naturally gravitated to the strengthening and toning benefits of Yoga, but also the many health and wellness benefits as well. It has become an integral part of her active lifestyle along with running, biking, weight training, swimming and most recently, stand up paddle (SUP) boarding and SUP yoga.

With Sunrise Yoga Studio being located on Lake Couchiching, it is the perfect setting for this new sport trend. SUP yoga is challenging, playful and fun! It is a dynamic new way to bring your studio practice to the water. It offers natural elements of beauty and peace in the great outdoors which we want to enjoy as much as possible while the good weather is here. misconception that you have to turn yourself into a pretzel to achieve zen, a notion I often dispel among those who may be hesitant at first. It is important to attend a class based on your current level beginner, intermediate, advanced or one designed for all levels. Some may feel most comfortable practicing within the privacy and convenience of home. Recently I released a professional, high quality, instructional yoga DVD suitable for all levels which was filmed right here on the shores of beautiful Lake Couchiching. My goal is to encourage everyone to give yoga a try and then do more of it. It will improve your life and your whole outlook. Rosanna Shillolo, Certified Personal Trainer, Nutritional Counsellor, Yoga Instructor For more on yoga, health & wellness, subscribe to Orillia’s & the all new Lifestyles Xtra.

“Here, one can explore the possibility of their practice, have some fun and really challenge their core muscles.”


healthy, happy, balanced life

Beer Boasts


Health Benefits

To some men, the major food groups include burgers, chicken wings and beer. Whether hanging out with buddies watching a game on TV or firing up the grill for a backyard barbecue, many men prefer beer as their beverage of choice in social settings. Though beer is not something many people associate with health, some might be surprised to learn that beer does provide some notable health benefits. Beer should always be consumed in moderation, but beer fans should know that those cold ones aren’t just refreshing but potentially healthy as well.

Builds bone strength

Raise a glass to improved health. Moderate beer drinking has a variety of benefits.

LIFESTYLES MAGAZINE increases the level of good cholesterol in the blood, too. Hops and the malt used in beer making also provide polyphenols, which are heart-healthy antioxidants.

Reduces risk for kidney stones

According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, compounds in hops could help slow the release of calcium from bones, which may prevent kidney stone formation. A study in Finland singled out beer among other alcoholic drinks, finding that each bottle of beer men drank daily lowered their risk of developing kidney stones by 40 percent. Researchers suggest beer’s high water content helps keep the kidneys working and flushing out the system.

A 2009 study from researchers at Tufts University determined older men and women who consumed one or two drinks daily had higher bone density. Beer contains silicon, which has been linked to bone health. Of the various types of beer, pale ale Increases mental acuity has been shown to have the highest concentration Beer may be associated with hazy thinking and of silicon, so beer drinkers might want to enjoy forgetfulness the morning after consumption a pale ale when having their next beer. Keep in — but that’s only when consumers overindulge. mind, however, having more than two drinks has A 2005 study published in the New England been linked to increased risk of bone fractures, Journal of Medicine that examined the effects so stick to one or two. of moderate alcohol consumption on cognitive function found older women who consumed Antioxidant boost about one drink per day lowered their risk of Beer contains flavonoids, which are natural mental decline by as much as 20 percent when antioxidants that help to protect the body from compared to nondrinkers. Such benefits may be disease. Dark beer contains more flavonoids applicable to men as well. than other varieties. Beer also contains vitamin B6. This is essential to making hemoglobin, Guards against stroke the red protein in blood that also helps ferry According to researchers at Harvard School of oxygen around in the body. More oxygen helps Public Health, moderate amounts of alcohol, muscles work more efficiently and has other including beer, help prevent blood clots that block health benefits. blood flow to the heart, neck and brain. These clots are contributors to ischemic stroke, which Lowers risk of heart occurs when an artery to the brain is blocked. disease Beer can also promote relaxation, reduce Dark beers have roughly one gram of soluble stress levels and help bring on a more restful fiber in each 12-ounce serving. Various research sleep. The United States Department of suggests that consuming adequate amounts of Agriculture also reviewed various studies that soluble fibre through a healthy diet can help indicate moderate drinkers live longer than lower LDL, or “bad,” cholesterol in the blood. nondrinkers due to lower rates of heart disease, Any source of alcohol, including beer or wine, stroke and diabetes.


healthy, happy, balanced life

Simple ways


to cut calories


eople take a variety of approaches when attempting to lose weight. Some try fad diets that may or may not produce results, while others commit to a daily exercise regimen. One of the more popular ways men and women attempt to lose weight is to cut calories from their diets. Cutting calories can be an effective way to shed extra pounds, but it should be done in a way that does not compromise your overall health for the sake of a slimmer waistline. Any changes adults make to their diets should be discussed with their physicians prior to going forward, but the following are a handful of healthy ways to cut calories. • Put away the potato chips Potato chips are a favorite snack of many people, but those delicious chips could be a reason your belt size is getting bigger. Instead of potato chips, opt for air-popped popcorn, which contains roughly one-fourth the amount of calories as potato chips. Popcorn also is a whole grain, which means you’ll be adding fibre, minerals and vitamins to your diet while decreasing your caloric intake. • Add healthy flavour to your pasta Perhaps because it’s become increasingly available in recent years, whole grain pasta has risen in

popularity. But men and women looking to cut calories can go even further when cooking up some pasta for dinner. When making whole grain pasta, cook about half the amount you normally would, and then add fresh or even frozen vegetables to the mix. Reducing the amount of pasta will reduce the amount of calories you consume, and the vegetables will add nutrients to your diet. Another way to cut calories from your favorite pasta dishes is to leave the parmesan cheese on the sideline. Parmesan cheese can be loaded with calories, and the vegetables should add all the flavor you need. • Choose the right condiment for your sandwich Many people love a good deli sandwich slathered in mayonnaise. But while that sandwich might be delicious, that mayo could be adding a significant number of calories to your meal. One tablespoon of mayonnaise can have

as many as 57 calories, while an alternative like mustard can be just as flavorful while containing far fewer calories. • Say “so long” to soft drinks Perhaps no method to cutting calories is more effective for soft drink lovers than cutting soft drinks from their diets. Sugary beverages are not only loaded with calories, but such drinks offset the body’s blood sugar, increasing appetite as a result. Instead of reaching for a soft drink at the convenience store or at home, try water. It’s a much healthier alternative, and it’s sure to help you achieve a slimmer waistline. • Don’t forget to eat fruit Fruit is not just a fresh and delicious snack, it’s also a fibre and antioxidant-rich and low-calorie alternative to more popular snack foods. Strawberries are a popular fruit, and men and women might be surprised to learn that a pound of strawberries contains nearly the same amount of calories as a half-cup of vanilla ice cream. When eating breakfast in the morning, add some fruit to your cereal or oatmeal. Allowing the fruit to occupy some of the space that would otherwise be occupied by more cereal or oatmeal will lower your caloric intake while adding fibre and antioxidants to your diet. When choosing fruits, opt for fresh instead of dried fruit. Sugar and calories are much more concentrated in dried fruits than fresh fruits, so choose fresh fruits whenever possible.


healthy, happy, balanced life



Here’s how to make homemade peanut butter.

peanut butter

(Note: This recipe yields roughly 1 quart.)

1. Purchase 1 bag of unshelled peanuts or 1 can (1 pound) of shelled, raw or roasted peanuts.

a healthy snack P

eanut butter is not only a staple of children’s lunches, but it also is a healthy food. While commercially made peanut butter is popular, foodies can also make their own homemade peanut butter. Rich in fibre and protein, peanut butter makes a healthy addition to any diet. Fibre helps maintain a healthy colon and reduces bad cholesterol in the blood. It also may help to regulate blood glucose levels, while possibly reducing an individual’s risk of developing colorectal cancer. Individuals looking to eat high protein foods can choose peanut butter as a good protein source that can help the body feel full longer. Peanut butter sometimes gets a bad rap because of the amount of fat per tablespoon of the food. While a serving of peanut butter

2. Set aside about a tablespoon of vegetable or peanut oil. 3. Shell the peanuts, if necessary, and put them into a food processor.

is roughly 188 calories and may have 16 grams of fat, the fat is monosaturated, meaning it is heart-healthy. When enjoyed in moderation, peanut butter is healthy. There are several advantages to making your own peanut butter. One of the main reasons is you have complete control over the ingredients. Unlike store-bought varieties, your peanut butter will not contain extra additives, such as preservatives, sugar, salt and oils — all of which can make commercial peanut butters less healthy. Taste is another factor in homemade peanut butter. Many people find the taste is more authentic in homemade peanut butter. Plus the saltiness, sweetness or roasted flavour can be customized based on preference.

4. Pulse the food processor to start chopping the peanuts. Scrape down the bowl to ensure that all of the peanuts get finely chopped. 5. Add the vegetable oil to help make a smooth butter and continue to blend until smooth. 6. Taste the peanut butter and mix in salt or a small amount of sweetener depending on personal preference. Honey makes a good sweet alternative to sugar. 7. Peanut butter can remain fresh in a sealed container for roughly one month. It also can be frozen. Making homemade peanut butter ensures you have control over the ingredients, potentially creating a healthier alternative than store-bought varieties. It is an activity that families can do together and you’re guaranteed a great-tasting peanut butter customized to your palate.

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Omega-3 Benefits Kids


ith cooler weather and start of school, children have to get used to getting up in the dark, staying indoors all day, and using their brain in a more concentrated way. Ensuring the basics of good health is important – good food, lots of exercise, enough sleep, and reduced stress. For these reasons you might also consider supplementing with Omega-3s. There are a number of studies pointing out the advantages of boosting our Omega-3 intake, and children in particular can benefit greatly. Cognitive development is enhanced, with improvements in hand-eye coordination, attention span, social skills, and intelligence test scores. Omega-3 has also been linked to reduced hyperactivity and boosted attention skills in ADHD kids. Ideally, we want a balance between Omega-3, six and nine, often called essential fatty acids. Most North American diets are overly high in Omega-6’s, and this coupled with the body producing its own, the really essential oil to supplement with is Omega-3. Taking a high quality fish oil will provide this. A suggested dosage guideline is to have 10-20% of your total daily calories from a fish oil. As in anything, dosage would depend on your child’s heath, diet and advice from your health care practitioner. Increasing your child’s intake of high quality Omega-3’s may improve energy, enthusiasm and expertise!

Healthy Tip

Try playing catch with your child for 15 minutes indoors with a soft foam ball before supper. Both you and your child will benefit from the physical activity, fun, and time away from eye-straining computers and homework. Debra Rowe ~

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healthy salads


alorie-conscious people often turn to salads as a low-calorie options come mealtime. Salads can be consumed at any time of the day and are no longer considered just an appetizer or side dish. Despite their simplicity, healthy salads are not always easy to make. But there is a method to making the perfect salad. The following are a handful of ways calorie-conscious men and women can prepare a healthy and delicious salad. Start with fresh ingredients  Choose your own fresh ingredients rather than buying prepackaged salads. Salad mixes sold in many stores may be convenient, but they tend to get old rather quickly and could be hiding already spoiled pieces of lettuce and other greens. Use the salad kits as a guideline to which lettuce varieties go well together, then buy your own heads of lettuce. This may take more time, but it will be worth the effort. Mixing spicy greens with sweet ones like endive and romaine will balance flavors. Also, choose varying textures of greens so that there is variety in every bite. Wash everything well  It is essential to wash salad greens thoroughly, not only for flavor but also for safety. Even organic lettuces grown with all-natural ingredients could be harbingers of bacteria, and you don’t want to run the risk of becoming ill due to a foodborne pathogen. E-coli outbreaks have been traced back to spinach and other lettuces in the past, requiring recalls on these foods. Lettuce leaves also can collect dirt and silt, which tend to lodge in the inner ends of lettuces. Insects also may be hiding out in salad greens, and that can be an unwelcome surprise to anyone. Soak the salad greens in a bowl of cold water, then drain and repeat.

The cold water will not only clean the lettuce but also perk up the leaves. Wash all salad accoutrements, including tomatoes, cucumbers and citrus fruit rinds, as well. Thoroughly dry Nothing can ruin a salad faster than limp, overly wet leaves. Salad spinners are invaluable tools that can quickly rid leaves of moisture. Dry the lettuce in batches to ensure it is as dry as an be. Choose fresh vegetables to add punch to salads  To improve the nutritional content of salads, add an array of vibrantly colored raw vegetables. Tomatoes, peppers, artichoke hearts and beets can be combined to create a healthy and delicious salad that’s loaded with flavor and vitamins. Add lean protein If the salad will be your entrée, adding lean protein can help you feel more satisfied after you eat. Anything from tofu to sliced salmon to kidney beans can add protein and even fibre to a salad to make it a more complete meal. Add dressing at the end Wait until the last possible minute before you add salad dressing. When adding the dressing, remember the dressing should enhance the flavours of the salad and not overpower them. Light vinaigrettes made with seasoned vinegar and oil pair well with many salad combinations. Keep in mind that the oil in a dressing will penetrate the lettuce and make it limp. That is why the dressing should be added just before the salad is served. Think about placing a dollop of dressing in the bottom of a salad bowl and then toss right before eating to mix all ingredients. Once you have become a master of salad basics, consider new ingredients and flavors to come up with combinations that please the palate.

healthy, happy, balanced life



healthy, happy, balanced life


5 Tips to Help Your Student Transition into Life at University


s your son or daughter prepares for their first year of post-secondary education, you may be curious about your role as a parent. The transition to university is not always easy, but in the end, the path to success is worth the challenges that may be encountered. The following are five tips for parents on how to help your student make a smooth transition into university life.

v Be aware Always attend orientation workshops geared toward parents. The university will educate you on what to expect from your student’s first year and these sessions will help to alleviate the anxiety that comes along with university – for both students and parents. v Remember to be patient The move to university drastically changes students’ lifestyles so be patient as settling in takes place. Once classes start, students may decide to adjust their initial plan so be understanding as their path though university transforms.

v Encourage communication Always let your student know that home is just a phone call away. Students are bound to go through times of stress, specifically during midterms and exams, so always remind them that they are still connected to home, no matter how far away they may live. v Help them stay healthy Midterms tend to arrive sooner than students expect, causing stress and anxiety, and in turn, healthy habits may fall by the wayside. By sending your student care packages or easy-to-cook meals, you will help your son or daughter to get through the most stressful times, all while staying healthy. v Trust your child Finding oneself is a difficult enough process without feeling that the people who you respect the most are questioning your decisions. You guided your children through the path to university, so trust in them to make the right decisions and be there to support them when they question themselves.

Be open to your student’s changing interests and paths because university is full of discovery, inspiration, and good friends as much as it is full of indecision, insecurity, and mistakes. Remember as a university parent, you need to be supportive of your student and always provide positive encouragement. Although you may not realize it yet, parents play a very important role in shaping your university student’s academic future and success. Written with assistance from Lakehead University’s Office of Admissions & Recruitment “Parent Guide.”

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Gluten-free doesn’t mean grain-free


any people are adopting gluten-free diets for a variety of reasons. While such a diet means passing on foods that contain wheat protein, such as certain breads, crusts and baked goods, it doesn’t mean giving up on grains entirely. Many grains are acceptable for those adhering to a gluten-free diet, and such grains can help fill the void left by avoiding wheat products. Gluten-free foods are required for people who have Celiac disease, an autoimmune condition of the small intestines that is triggered by the consumption of wheat

protein. Celiac disease can cause damage to the lining of the small intestines, which results in a decreased absorption of nutrients. This can cause vitamin deficiencies that deprive the body and brain of necessary nourishment. While people with Celiac disease have to avoid foods that contain gluten, many more people choose to remove gluten from their diets. This includes people with gluten allergies or sensitivities that are not as severe as Celiac disease but can cause some gastrointestinal discomfort. The relationship between gluten and certain behavioral problems in children and adults has also been studied. It has been found that sensitivity to proteins in both dairy and wheat has been associated with a number of neurological and behavioral disorders in groups of adults and children. To avoid gluten, a person has to remove wheat products, barley, spelt, rye, and triticale from his or her diet. However, there are many other foods that can be eaten. Plus, flours made from grinding other grains can be used in place of wheat flour in recipes. Here are some grains men and women on glutenfree diets can still enjoy. Oats Though they are traditionally gluten-free, oats are often processed on the same equipment that processes


other grains. Therefore, there may be some cross-contamination. Oats that are certified gluten-free can be more costly. Buckwheat Despite the name, buckwheat is not related to regular wheat and is not exactly a grain. It is a relation of rhubarb. In its whole form it can take the place of pasta. In its roasted form, buckwheat takes on a nutty flavor. Millet This is a seeded plant used for grain and cereal production. Millet is typically sold in pet stores as a treat for birds. Millet is generally flavorless and can be grainy. It can be mixed with other glutenfree flours. Quinoa This is not a grass plant or cereal grain but is actually related to leafy vegetables. Quinoa is often eaten like you would eat rice or pasta, but it can also be baked into bread and cakes. Montina  This is made from Indian rice grass and can be milled into flour or combined with other flours in a baking blend. Montina bakes up into a springy texture, which makes it popular in breads. Rice  Many people avoiding gluten turn to rice as an alternative. Rice flour can be substituted for wheat flour in many recipes. Corn Cornmeal can be used in baked goods. However, it will offer a grainy texture. Amaranth This is a tiny, ancient grain. It is a complete protein and has more iron than most grains.


healthy, happy, balanced life


Prescriptions Don’t Have To Be Off The Shelf

Compounding Helps With Special Needs

unique dosage forms. For those patients who find it difficult to swallow a capsule, a compounding pharmacist can prepare the drug as a flavoured liquid suspension instead. Other dosage forms include topical gels or creams that can be absorbed through the skin, suppositories, lozenges or even lollipops.

Pharmacy compounding is a long-established tradition that offers customized care to meet the specific needs of individual patients. In the 1930’s, the majority of prescriptions were compounded. With the advent of mass drug manufacturing in the 1960’s, compounding declined as the pharmacist’s role changed from preparer to dispenser Prescriptions That of manufactured dosage forms. However, this “one-size- Can Be Compounded fits all” approach to medication meant that some patients’ Almost any kind. Compounded prescriptions are ideal needs were not being met. for any patient requiring unique dosages and/or delivery devices. Compounding applications can include: bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT); Compounding Benefits There are several reasons why prescribers and pharmacists hospice; pediatric; pain management; dental; veterinary; provide compounded medications to patients. The primary dermatology; medication flavouring; neuropathy; sports reason is to avoid patient non-compliance, which means the medicine; infertility; pregnancy and lactation; pain and patient is either unable or unwilling to use the medication symptom management for palliative care and wound therapy. Compounding Pharmacies can be few and far between. as directed. Many patients are allergic to preservative or dyes, or require a dosage that is different from the standard In Orillia, Laclie Pharmacy, with its specially trained staff, drug strengths. A compounding pharmacist can adjust has been compounding for 12 years and is a proud member the strength of a medication, add flavour to make it more of PCCA (compounding specialists in London, Ontario). palatable, or alter its form to make it easier for the patient Dennis Lee, compounding pharmacist / owner to ingest. Pharmacists can also prepare medications using





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Creating Warmth “ I would love to update my current fireplace. Could you provide some suggestions on how this can be achieved?”




ireplaces evoke a sense of warmth and atmosphere in any home. Fireplaces are typically the focal point of the living space they are in. Your fireplace may still be operable, but in need of an update. Perhaps the scale of the fireplace unit is too large for the surround, perhaps lacks visual presence. It may just require a new finish facade. With the addition of a new painted wood mantle, full height wood frame and panels, new wall mounted wall sconces, and a new limestone tile facade finish, this existing fireplace with gas insert has been updated, keeping with the charm of the arts and crafts style home it is in.

ooms that don’t have a fireplace can be modified to accept one. The best scenario is to incorporate a new gas fireplace on an outside wall for direct ventilation to the exterior. If this can’t be achieved, there are wonderful options for electric fireplaces. This client’s living room room lacked any visual focal

point. With the addition of a new fireplace unit, storage and shelving wall units, and change in orientation of the furnishings, it has been completely transformed. With the cooler weather coming, we seek warmth, cocooning within the comfort of our homes. Perhaps a fireplace renovation is just what you need!


healthy, happy, balanced life


Tips on Winter Boat Storage WINTER LAYAWAY This is the time of year all boaters dread. A few simple steps taken now can make your life easier next season and protect the environment. Before haul-out, be sure holding tanks are pumped out and well rinsed. Be sure the fuel tank is filled to one quarter and add fuel stabilizer to preserve fuel quality and prevent condensation. CORROSION PROTECTION While the engine is warm, oil in four stoke and larger engines should be changed. Oil containing contaminants will cause corrosion of internal engine parts if left over the storage period. Be sure the waste oil and filters are recycled. This will be done automatically by your marina, but if you change your own, take it to a municipal waste recycling site. A small quantity of fogging oil should be injected into the engine intake while idling to protect internal engine parts during the storage. FUEL STORAGE Filling your fuel tank to one quarter is recommended and adding fuel stabilizer to prevent fuel deterioration. If this is not done the entire tank full may have to be disposed of. This is not only expensive but must be disposed of as hazardous waste. Make sure you run the engine for a short period after adding the stabilizer to distribute it through the lines, pumps and carburetors or fuel injectors. FREEZING Please note that non-toxic or plumbing-type antifreezes are both very toxic. You can drain and remove all water from the fresh-water cooling system without using anti-freeze but you must be sure there is no water left in the cooling system, all drain plugs or valves must be clear, hoses removed and dumped. The best way to insure everything is clear is to blow air through the system, but if there is still some doubt pour a small amount of glycol-based anti-freeze into the system. Some marina’s pump anti-freeze through the system and then drain it back out for recycling or reuse. This is done in the spring before launch. FRESH WATER SYSTEMS Plumbing anti-freeze is used to flush water out of taps, shower heads, as well as the traps in all drains. REMOVE SOME ITEMS Take freezable chemicals, aerosols, and chemicals that will rust out on your boat. Take all electronic accessories home. Some electronics could collect condensation and not function properly in the following spring. These items are also easy targets for theft, and part of the reason insurance costs continue to increase. COVER UP Tie-down tarps with ridgepoles are inexpensive, but have a nasty habit of collapsing under a heavy snow load – not something you want to fix in the middle of a snowstorm! Shrink-wrap is an excellent way to provide protection from the elements. Make sure vents are installed for air circulation. If you remove the shrink-wrap yourself make sure it goes to a recycling facility since it will take about 100 years to break down in a landfill. COMPLETED If you have any questions or concerns go to your marina and ask. No question is stupid. Not knowing and not asking is. Ted Maillet, Lagoon City



he pitfalls of caffeine consumption are well known, but the various health benefits of caffeine are often overlooked. Excessive caffeine can make a person jittery and unable to fall asleep. However, caffeine can also prevent disease by boosting the immune system. Caffeine is a bitter, white crystalline xanthine alkaloid that acts as a psychoactive stimulant drug. It is a naturally produced plant product that is most often found in coffee beans, tea and cocoa. Whether caffeine addiction is real or not is open for debate; however, regular coffee drinkers who stop drinking coffee have experienced caffeine withdrawal symptoms. In the last 60 years, researchers have conducted thousands of studies on caffeine and they’re continuing to study whether or not it’s addictive. Though few might be willing to say with certainty that caffeine is “good” for you, caffeine does have its strong points. • Fights damage-causing free radicals  Free radicals are molecules in the body that can attack healthy cells and cause damage that

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Health benefits of caffeine could outweigh negatives precipitates disease. Antioxidants are substances that eliminate free radicals in the body. Recent studies have shown that caffeine’s antioxidant activity actually fights free radicals quite well. In a study published in The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, the different chemical mechanisms of caffeine were studied in relation to free radicals. Researcher Jorge Rafael Leon-Carmona of Mexico found that a mechanism called radical adduct formation, or RAF, was the main reason caffeine can protect against damage from free radicals. • Improves memory and brain function  Harvard University researchers have determined that men who drink four cups of caffeinated coffee a day are half as likely to develop Parkinson’s disease as those who don’t. The results are believed to be linked to caffeine’s stimulation of dopamine production in the body. Dopamine is a brain chemical that is responsible for alertness, problem-solving capabilities and feelings of pleasure. An Austrian study says caffeine can boost cognitive abilities for about 45 minutes, which means it may help individuals score better on tests or perform better in business meetings. There is also evidence that caffeine can delay or prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. That’s because caffeine can block adenosine receptors in the brain. Adenosine slows down the neurological system so that the body can relax. However, adenosine may also contribute to the buildup of amyloid-beta, a toxic brain plaque that’s associated with Alzheimer’s disease. • Helps the heart  Although caffeine can cause blood pressure to rise because it constricts the arteries, caffeine does not appear to contribute

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much to the development of heart disease. In fact, scientists at Brooklyn College found people who drank four cups of caffeinated coffee daily had a 53 percent lower risk of dying of heart disease than those who didn’t consume a cup of Joe. Individuals who do not already have hypertension can tolerate moderate coffee drinking, and over time their bodies actually may become accustomed to the temporary rise in blood pressure. • Aids with type 2 diabetes risk reduction  More than 125,000 participants were studied in a 20-year look at coffee consumption and its potential relationship to type 2 diabetes. Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health and Brigham & Women’s Hospital have found individuals who drank caffeinated coffee lowered their risk for type 2 diabetes considerably. Men saw a 50 percent reduced risk, and women saw their risk reduced by 30. • Alleviates headaches Caffeine is often a hidden component of analgesics. Working in conjunction with the pain medication, caffeine helps the body absorb the pain reliever more efficiently. This requires a smaller amount of the drug and brings relief faster. Some other people surmise that since caffeine is a natural mood booster, it also helps the body to feel better faster. Following this line of thinking, caffeine may help to prevent other pain associated with exercise, fibromyalgia and arthritis. Sometimes caffeine is seen as the villain in a healthy living plan. Yet there is much research and ever-evolving theories that caffeine may be more help than hindrance.

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Are You A Writer?


Writer’s Community Accepting Contest Entrants


he Writer’s Community of Simcoe County (WCSC) is offering the chance for publication and a cash prize in their “Flash Prose” contest. Entries of 300-500 words can be an essay, memoir or fiction that reflects the theme of Northern Living. The prize is $50, publication in Lifestyles Magazine, plus free admission to a WCSC meeting and workshop. An entry fee of $10 is required for each submission. The WCSC is offering this contest because writing can often be hard. So hard, in fact, that many people struggle with the very idea of calling themselves a writer. They think being a “writer” means they have a fancy degree, a novel on the shelves at Chapters, or a monthly column in a major magazine. They don’t dare utter the “w” word for fear that the REAL writers will find out. The truth is, writers’ communities exist to nurture, educate, and connect writers at all levels, from seasoned pros to those whose inner voices are just beginning to whisper, “write, write, write!” “Writing is an intimate activity,” says Writers’ Community of Simcoe County webmaster Sue Reynolds, an award-winning novelist and pastpresident of The Writers’ Community of Durham Region. “When you write, you’re exposing a part of you that others may rarely see. It takes a lot of courage to begin to share your writing. Every writer wonders ‘Is this good enough? What will people think of it? Do I have any talent? “But people who harbour dreams of ‘one day’ being a writer need to know they don’t have to wait — for anything,” Reynolds says. “They

don’t have to wait until someone gives them permission, or until they finish school, or until an idea is perfectly formed. They can be writers right this minute simply by writing. Being among other writers and learning that they have faced the very same struggle is often exactly what people need to unlock that creativity and let them finally start writing.” Whether you’ve resolved that this will be the year you write your memoir, return to the poetry that used to give you so much pleasure, or have an eye on making money as a freelance feature writer — or any other pursuit that involves playing with words — the WCSC is a place to connect with kindred spirits. It’s also a place to hear an inspirational speaker, and take a knowledgeenhancing workshop. These regular get-togethers, held the third Sunday of each month, start with a one-hour optional workshop, which runs the gamut from outlining for fiction writers, editing, writing memoir, pitching your story to publishers to using sound in poetry. There’s time before and after the speaker for participants to network and socialize. While the workshops are open only to meeting registrants, the organization welcomes guests and non-members to both events. Monthly meetings are held from 1:00 to 2:30 pm at Brewery Bay, 117 Mississauga Street, Orillia, with the optional workshop beginning before the meeting at 11:30 am. For more information email us at

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Going Green!

A healthy tea choice

©2012 Anytime Fitness, LLC


ea has been cultivated for centuries, beginning in India and China. Today, tea is the most widely consumed beverage in the world, second only to water. Hundreds of millions of people drink tea, and studies suggest that green tea (Camellia sinesis) in particular has many health benefits. Green tea is made from unfermented leaves and reportedly contains the highest concentration of powerful antioxidants called polyphenols. Antioxidants are substances that fight free radicals -- damaging compounds in the body that change cells, damage DNA, and even cause cell death. Many scientists believe that free radicals contribute to the aging process as well as the development of a number of health problems, including cancer and heart disease. Antioxidants such as polyphenols in green tea can neutralize free radicals and may reduce or even help prevent some of the damage they cause. In traditional Chinese and Indian medicine, practitioners used green tea as a stimulant, a diuretic (to help rid the body of excess fluid), an astringent (to control bleeding and help heal wounds), and to improve heart health. Other traditional uses of green tea include treating gas, regulating body temperature and blood sugar, promoting digestion, and improving mental processes. Green tea may be useful as a glucose regulator, meaning it slows the rise in blood sugar following a meal. It does this by slowing the action of a particular digestive enzyme called amylase. This enzyme is pivotal in the breakdown of starches (carbs), that can cause blood sugar levels to soar following a meal. Green tea extract is a source of caffeine, and is often used as the caffeine component of many popular fat burners. You’ll get most benefit out of freshly brewed hot tea that has steeped for three to four minutes in 8085˚C water (not boiling), a process that helps to bring out the catechins. Decaffeinated or bottled tea preparations and instant teas have less of those favorable chemicals and compounds. It is extraordinarily amazing what green tea can do for your health. And if you’re not drinking three to four cups of green tea today, you’re definitely not doing your health a big favour. Laurie Neill, White Lions Tea House


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Genevieve Gorder Acclaimed interior designer shares her

top colour tips When designing a home, colour is one of the most powerful tools to add life to a space, says Genevieve Gorder, one of television’s best known interior designers. “Painting is one of the simplest ways to incorporate colour into a home, but people often feel intimidated by it until they have some guidance.This must be why so much of our country is beige and off-white,” she laughs.


re you courageous when it comes to decorating your home? Many of us would like to be as creative as possible but need guidance to venture out from the neutrals and into something more powerfully beautiful. Colour is the most important tool in the toolbox, say experts, who often add that one of the easiest and most inexpensive ways to infuse the home with colour is with paint. “People often feel intimidated by this type of expression and that’s why so much of our country is beige and off-white,” says Genevieve Gorder, an interior designer and colour expert for Valspar Paint. “We need to remember that colour is a great balancer in a space; it’s a juggling act between neutrals, grounding shades, highlight and accent.” When choosing a paint palette for any room, Gorder notes, there are four key components to ensure powerful effects while keeping a harmonious balance: neutrals, which are the beige or creamiest versions of any colour; the grounding shades, like blacks, browns and grays; the highlights, like the bright white on moldings and window trim; and the all-important saturated pops of colour which add life to any room. “You might want your pop of colour to be a powerful accent wall,” Gorder continued. “Then, you can complement it with neutral upholstery and grounding accents in the accessories to balance it all.”

For additional guidance, inspiration and liberation, here are this decorator’s favourite tips.

Take a look at this snapshot of answers to the most frequently asked colour questions, compliments of the designer. do I use colour to tie Q: aHow room together? : Use the different elements A that make up a colour palette in

a way that they balance each other. It’s a juggling act between neutrals, grounding shades, highlight and accent colours. Having the right balance among these different colour components is the best way to tie a room together.

are accent colours Q: How applied? : From the palette, they are A used for emphasis.These paints are

often bold or vivid and are used sparingly. However, if you play with

the palette and create balance for this powerhouse tool, you can easily paint a whole room in an accent colour. tips for working with Q: Any bold paint shades? : Create a sense of balance A throughout the room, as you would

with any colour. For example, if I put a strong colour onto a wall, I would break up those big planes of colour with enough highlights (whites and creams) and grounding colours (grays and blacks) so that it isn’t overwhelming. Neutrals would be chosen for the contents of the room along with small sprinkles of an accent colour, like yellow.

if, on the first stroke, Q: What we feel the colour was a mistake?

: Allow a couple of days to see A how the colour looks at different

times of the day and in different lights, and consider the feeling it creates in the room. If after that you still feel you made a mistake, don’t let it deter you. Magnificence comes with risk. A very special colour, one that will give you joy in that room for decades, is right there waiting for you to discover it.

• If you want to incorporate a trendy colour into your home but feel intimidated, start small with paint or décor accents that are inexpensive. This way, you can always change your mind if you fall in love with something new or want to refresh the look of your room. • Use the chip rack at your retailer to find colour families and their complementing shades. A popular way to find an accent, for example, is to go a few shades darker in the same family. • Feel free this season to express yourself fully without risk.


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Ask the Trainer

Expert answers to your health & wellness questions If I want to get in the best shape of my life, is a gym membership required? Despite the fact that I work for Anytime Fitness, I have to tell you the answer is no. A gym membership is not required to get into great shape. In fact, you can get a fantastic workout doing bodyweight exercises in the comfort of your own home. That said, having a membership to your local club does increase the number of tools in your toolbox. Gyms typically have a lot of high-quality equipment that you wouldn’t have access to otherwise, and the culture and environment in the gym can be very motivating. You’ll typically also find fitness experts that can help you determine the best path towards reaching your goals. Based on these benefits, and many others, do I recommend you join a gym? Yes. But do you absolutely need to join one in order to get in great shape? No. My wife thinks she’ll get big and bulky if she starts lifting weights with me. How


do I convince her otherwise? This comes up all the time, and it’s one of the biggest myths out there. First of all, women simply don’t have the proper hormonal balance to put on large amounts of muscle tissue. Secondly, even if they did have the right physiology, it would take some serious training to do it. Getting bigger muscles requires high-volume, high intensity workouts with lots of sets and reps. Picking up a few weights here and there isn’t a recipe for building mass, it’s what you do and how you do it that really makes the difference. Remind your wife that weight training programs can always be tailored to specific goals, so if she doesn’t want to put on large amounts of muscle, that’s just fine. Generally speaking, a full-body circuit with higher rep ranges a few days per week would work well if she’s just looking to tone up or maintain her current level of muscle tissue. If she wants to get an individualized program based on her goals, look for a qualified personal trainer in your area. I train for a lot of endurance events and I’m getting tired of the same old sports drinks.

Are there any alternatives that would work just as well? Absolutely! There are many other engineered sports nutrition products that are designed for consumption during training sessions and races. Gels are a popular choice and so are Sharkies, Sports Beans, Clif Shot Bloks, and Cytomax Energy Drops. All of these essentially function in the same way, and provide carbohydrate for energy and some much-needed electrolytes. Some may include other ingredients as well, including caffeine. Your best bet is to experiment with several options during your training to find out what’s most palatable and well tolerated. It’s also important to remember that these products are concentrated, so they need to be consumed with plenty of water to help with the digestive process. If you fail to do this, you’ll likely end up with gastrointestinal distress, and no one wants that in the midst of a training session or race. Lastly, let’s not forget about good old solid food. Some people perform really well consuming bananas, pretzels, and even candy like M&M’s. The issue here is finding something that’s both easy to carry and will keep well throughout your event. Good luck! Jessica Brown, CSEP-CPT

Get The Most From Your Wine!

There are two very simple methods that we can employ to get the best out of our wines. The First... Serving Wine At The Optimal Temperature

Don Corrick,

Most of us have a tendency to serve our white wines a little too cold an our red wines a little too warm. Common wisdom tells us that we should serve red wines at room temperature and white wines chilled. However, in the winter when we have our furnace running, room temperature will likely be warmer than the ideal for drinking reds. Likewise , drinking white wine out of the refrigerator that is set at two degrees celsius is too cold. If you serve wine too cold, all the flavours and aroma will be hidden. If you serve a red that is too warm, all you will taste is the alcohol. Serving your wine at the correct temperature takes a little planning ahead. Most of us keep our white wines in the fridge, but they should be removed a little before serving so that they are not overly cold when consumed. How long before depends on the type of wine served. Conversely, a red wine stored at a temperature warmer than you wish to drink it can be chilled slightly by placing it in the fridge thirty or so minutes before serving. To rapidly chill a bottle of wine, placing it in iced water will be quicker than using your fridge

The Second... Aerating (or decanting) Wine

A lot of us that consume kit wines have a tendency to drink them a little younger than we might. Even those that have a nice full cellar will no doubt drink their wine a little young from time to time. Decanting, for the purpose of aeration, can really benefit some wines before consumption. When talking specifically about kit wines it is the darker, heavier reds and oaked white wines, such as chardonnay, that will benefit most from aeration. A delicate white wine such as Pinot Gris or Sauvignon Blanc will not see the same benefit as the heavier wines. However, if your wine is showing a small amount of fizz from trapped carbon dioxide, or if you think that you detect an aroma of sulfite, then decanting will remove both of these from the wine. Ideally you will use a wine decanter with a big, wide base that exposes a large surface area of the wine to the air, and transfer your wine to the decanter 30 minutes before you plan to start serving. If you are doubtful about the benefits of decanting, then why not taste a glass of decanted wine against a glass of poured straight from the bottle? Then you can decide for yourself which one your prefer.


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Cosy Up For Fall


pampering is in!

Candles It is so delightful having the windows open during the beautiful Autumn months, allowing the fresh earthy cool air to breeze through each room of the house. Such a wonderful sensation. To accentuate this pleasantry, I believe scented candles are always a total must! My personal favourites are made by Country Home Candle, a candle company originally based out of Tillsonburg, Ontario and currently operating out of the heart of rural Norfolk County in Delhi, Ontario. With flawlessly mastered fragrances such as Grandma’s Apple Pie, Maple Cream, Autumn Trail, Buttery Pumpkin, Hot Apple Cider and many others, these seasonal scents are the perfect accent for adding the aroma of Autumn within the comfort of your home. Truly delightful.

Bath & Body Products Baths are perfect for providing relaxation and tranquillity. Choosing the perfect bath products is essential in providing you the best of the bathing experience. With a vast selection of bath and body products to choose from on the market, it may difficult determining what is good, better and best! Therefore it may be wise to fine tune your desired experience by its aroma-

Yes, the Summer has come and it has gone, and alas, here we are getting into cozy season once again. There is something different about the air and the energy during the cooler months that provide us a sense of comfort that other seasons cannot; the sense to indulge in relaxation, comfort and warmth. If you are looking to bring that sense of coziness into your home over the next couple of months, here is a list of essentials to help you unwind at home. therapeutic measure, the contained ingredients and/or its means of testing. In my opinion, bath and body products that are made with the finest of oils, organic bases, fair trade butters, organic botanicals and clay, in addition to being free of chemical preservatives, colorants, artificial fragrance, paraben & sodium lauryl sulfate are best suited for most people. Of course, anything environmentally friendly is good for everyone, especially those who are chemical sensitive. My personal favourite bath and body product line is SoapStones. SoapStones is derived and produced in Huntsville, Ontario and they offer an array of products that everyone in your home will absolutely love. SoapStones fabricate hand crafted soaps, bubble baths, lotions, bath salts, body scrubs, shaving and body butter! They have an incredible selection of natural fragrances such as; Pumpkin Butter, Maple Madness, Mandarin Orange, Mocha Mud and, my favourite, Pink Sugar! SoapStones are guaranteed to provide you a soothing peaceful bathing experience…every time! You simply won’t want to hop out of the bath!

Spa Robe/Towel Wraps Everyone loves the luxury of a quality plush white terry velour spa robe, waffle kimono or

Vibrational E Sound Therapy Tunes Your Body Naturally

verything in the universe vibrates and as human beings we are made up of vibrating molecules. If it vibrates, then it can be tuned. Think of how a soft piece of classical music can calm you when you are under stress, or a fast paced piece with a heavy beat can help you get through a rigorous exercise routine. Among contemporary holistic therapists who work with energy, there is an understanding that sound therapy is one of the oldest and most profound methods of treatment that is available.. Crystal singing bowls, Tibetan singing bowls, tuning forks, chanting and drumming all offer to help align the energy that flows through our bodies to bring people into harmony with the universe and into balance with themselves. Once the body is in balance, it can heal itself. The value of using sound to heal is being recognized more and more,

towel wrap. The comfort of stepping out of your warm bubble bath to be wrapped up in comfort and luxury is unlike any other sensation. Ultra cozy, soothing and indulging. Wrapping yourself up in an absorbent 100% cotton spa robe/wrap fine tunes your bathing experience!

Lounge wear Who doesn’t love to lounge? Especially at home after a long day at the office or even on a weekend get-away. To wrap yourself up for Autumn, I believe that throwing on a pair of comfy lounge pants and a cozy long sleeved top is the perfect way to melt into comfort! Collection Arianne and Calvin Klein are my personal favourites, offering the best lounge wear on the market. Cute! Cosy! Warm! Affordable!

Raffaella Tassone, tnt fine lingerie & bra boutique 705 325 9555 tntfinelingerieboutique

even in traditional medicine. Today, we understand that frequency is an important component of health. We know, for example, that drumming accesses the entire brain, and naturally induces an altered state of consciousness that can create a sense of connectedness with ourselves and others Everything in the universe is energy and when that frequency becomes discordant, poor health and a lack of cognitive focus can result. Vibrational Sound Therapy can help the body achieve and maintain its natural, healthy, vibratory resonance. At long last, science and western allopathic medicine are validating what shamans have known for millennia. Dale McKay

Weddings 26

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Choosing Y Your Wedding Officiant

ou’re engaged! Congratulations! Let the planning begin! And first, let’s start with your wedding officiant. Choosing the person who will lead your ceremony may be one of the most important decisions you make about your wedding day. What can you look for in a wedding officiant? What questions should you be prepared to ask? What can you expect them to provide in the way of services? And, what can this person add to your special day? For some, choosing a wedding officiant is perhaps one of the simplest of choices in the planning process. For example, they may be the pastor, priest or minister at the church the happy couple attends. For others, the choice is not so simple. Many people nowadays consider themselves to be spiritual, but not religious or they follow a specific religion, but do not belong to a specific congregation. Most people have at least a general sense of their spiritual beliefs and what their special day could look like. But this is a special ceremony, a special celebration. Do you know each other’s dreams and ideals for it? An officiant is a guide, whose role it is to help you as a couple, uncover what it is that would make the day very special for both yourselves and your guests. It is important that you feel comfortable and at ease with your guide. And then there are practical details you need to

LIFESTYLES MAGAZINE know about your wedding officiant. • Are the ceremonies they help to create specific to a particular denomination or tradition? • Is your officiant open to a non-denominational/ traditional approach? • What is the fee structure? • Will this person be available for rehearsals, phone calls and emails? • Will they travel to the next county, the next province, or abroad if your wedding is to be held in a travel destination and for what fee? • Does the officiant have a portfolio of past weddings and sample transcripts to show you? “As soon as we sat with her in our home, we both felt so comfortable, we just started talking. She sat and listened intently until we finished. We felt so comfortable it was as though we had known her all our lives. Before she left, we already knew we were going to choose her.” Your ideal wedding officiant should have you feel just like that. Rev. Joanne DeGasperis, Ceremonialist, Independent Non-Traditional Minister

eddings W Tips for making seating LIFESTYLES MAGAZINE

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ne of the biggest decisions couples make regarding their wedding receptions concerns where to seat their guests. Many a bride and groom has felt the crunch of compiling responses and then coming up with an acceptable seating arrangement for the reception. Seating guests is not a task exclusive to bridesand grooms. Anyone holding a special party, whether it’s at a reception hall or a restaurant, must determine seating arrangements. Before you begin to make seating arrangements, you will need the entire list of people attending the event. Having a final head count is essential. While you may want to do a seating chart early into the reception planning, it’s best left until a few weeks before your wedding day, when you know who will and will not be in attendance. Next, know the number of tables you will be alloted in the party space. A catering hall may have a set number of seats that can fit at each table and can usually provide you with a map of the room or a blank seating chart. Many standard reception tables can comfortably seat between eight to 10 people. Squeezing in more people can

make for an uncomfortable dining experience. If you are a visual person, you may benefit from writing guests’ names on small pieces of paper and physically moving them around your seating chart, much as you would do if you were trying to arrange furniture on a room layout. Otherwise, write things down as you plan. When arranging the seating, figure out the head or bridal table. This is one of the easier tables to seat because it is traditionally filled with members of your bridal party and their respective spouses or dates. If your bridal party is especially large, consider flanking your own sweetheart table with two tables for the bridal party on either side. After arranging the bridal table, focus on seating parents and close relatives of the bride and groom next. Many couples prefer to separate their families at the wedding, so the groom’s family may sit on one side of the room and the bride’s family will sit on the other. This means there will be two parental tables. Consider seating grandparents or other close family members at these tables to ensure they have a place of prominence in the room. This usually means being close to the dance floor to have a good view of all of the festivities. If your parents are divorced or there are any other strained feelings among parents, you can further separate into another table for stepparents, to avoid any unpleasantness or confrontation. Many wedding receptions are full of friends and even coworkers of parents

whom the couple tying the knot does not even know. You may need further clarification of their relationships and who gets along before seating them. In fact, ask a parent to take care of arranging their own friends so you will be certain the arrangements will be comfortable for everyone. A friends’ table is usually a mingling of friends or your own coworkers who are of similar ages. A friends’ table can make guests who arrived solo feel more comfortable because they can converse with others who are like-minded. Seating children can be tricky. You may be inclined to seat youngsters at their own table, which is fine if the children are mature enough to handle sitting by themselves. But young children sitting apart from their parents may be nervous. Very young children are best seated with their folks. You must also consider special needs’ guests who may have mobility issues. Such individuals should be seated near doors and restrooms so it’s easier for them to get around once the reception hits full swing. Also, consider seating the elderly away from music speakers. There is software and even smartphone apps that make it even easier to make seating arrangements. Tech-savvy couples may prefer this method to the old-fashioned pencil and paper technique.

Weddings Don’t overlook the importance of 28

healthy, happy, balanced life

wedding day photography


imousines, gowns and flowers are each important components of a couple’s wedding day. But few aspects of a wedding are as important as photography. Thanks to the popularity of social media, some couples may overlook the importance of hiring a professional photographer for their weddings. Although there is something to be said for candid images captured on phones and personal cameras, the pictures a couple will cherish and look back on for decades are best supplied by a professional photographer. Even if you will be hiring a videographer and having photos snapped by loving friends and family, professional wedding photography is an ideal way to immortalize this special day. Most couples say “I do” with the hopes of staying together forever, giving them only one chance to capture the magic of the wedding day on film. Leaving photos to chance by hiring an amateur photographer may be

something couples regret down the road. Professional photographers use high-quality equipment that will produce much better results than photos snapped on the average digital camera. Plus, the photographer has experience with posing, placement of arms

A professional photographer will provide the expertise needed to produce beautiful wedding photos. and legs, head tilting, and lighting, each of which ensures that the photos come out looking as good as possible. While a friend may not notice an eyesore in the rear of a photo composition when taking a picture, a professional may notice something that will stand out and make adjustments. Furthermore,


professional photographers tend to have an eye for interesting angles to capture images that may be overlooked. Rather than a series of portraits at one level, he or she may climb high for aerial shots or lie on the floor for a different perspective. The results may be unique vantage points that set your wedding photos apart from those of the masses. Price alone should not dictate which photographer to hire. Although wedding budgets are often stretched, skimping on a photography allotment may result in subpar results. That doesn’t mean you need to hire the most expensive photographer, but couples should realize the value of experience and professional equipment, both of which tend to come at a premium price. Do not expect to pay package prices that would be offered at department or discount stores. Many photographers are artists who take their work very seriously. A photographer will be spending all day with you capturing hundreds of photos. Each image will then need to be reviewed, repositioned and potentially enhanced or retouched. This time-consuming attention to detail is often what dictates the higher costs of a very good photographer. Keep in mind that photographers are unique individuals and not all the visions and styles of particular artists will meld with your own perception of how you want the wedding to look. Expressing your expectations and comparing your goals with the portfolios of photographers will help you find the best fit. Do not feel shy about asking for testimonials from past customers or talking to couples you know who have recently gotten married and asking for a recommendation. While couples are making wedding day magic, photographers are behind the scenes capturing all of the memories couples can relive for years and years to come.


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Weddings 30

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Factors to consider before deciding on a destination wedding But as popular as destination weddings may be, there are factors that the bride and groom must consider on their way to deciding if a destination wedding is for them. Affordability Couples with large families tend to look at destination weddings as more affordable than a wedding in their hometown. That’s because destination weddings tend to attract fewer guests, which is fewer mouths to feed at the reception. But a smaller guest list will not necessarily offset the cost of getting married at a seaside resort. Such resorts may have shorter wedding seasons, increasing the competition for the venue and subsequently driving up the price. In addition, the cost of travel to such resorts can prove costly for couples and their guests, especially if the resort only hosts weddings during the height of its tourist season. Laws Local laws also must be considered before deciding on a destination wedding. Some locales require couples to establish residency within

Nearly 25 percent of all weddings are destination weddings. Couples who want to make their special day even more so are choosing to have their weddings at idyllic destinations or other unique locales that boast special meaning.

the town’s limits before they can get married, and the paperwork to get married overseas can be significant. Planning a wedding can be difficult enough without having to do extra work to secure a wedding license. Many couples may find a destination wedding is more difficult than they anticipated. Resources Remote islands may seem like the ideal place for an intimate wedding, but such locales may not have the same resources as more developed destinations. For example, the reception menu for a wedding in a remote island locale may be far more limited due the difficulty of getting certain foods onto the island while they’re still fresh. In addition, such a locale likely won’t have as many options with regard to vendors, forcing couples to go with less experienced professionals and leaving them at the mercy of local vendors’ rates. Guests While a small guest list might seem like a great way to save money,

couples who come from closely knit families may find a destination wedding excludes many of their guests who simply can’t afford to make the trip. That can make a couple regret the decision to have a destination wedding later on when they look back on their wedding day and recognize that so many of their valued friends and family members were unable to attend. Activities Roughly one-third of couples who choose destination weddings plan a group activity such as sightseeing for their guests, and more than half of those couples pay for the cost of the activity out of their own pockets. Such activities, while fun and a nice gesture for guests who made the trip despite the cost, can have a large impact on a couple’s wedding budget. Destination weddings continue to be a popular choice for couples tying the knot. But couples must consider more than just cost before deciding if a destination wedding is for them.


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