4 minute read
Dear Friend,
I am so thrilled that you decided to join me for the Be Known Bible Study. Writing this is the fulfillment of a calling and promise from God, and I can’t wait for us to dive into His Word together. The Be Known study is born out of an understanding that God's greatest desire is for us to know Him and be known by Him.
It’s no coincidence that when the Lord puts a message on your heart, it might encompass many stories, both personal and Biblical, but when you look back you can clearly see the overarching message. I wrote this Bible study out of obedience to my Heavenly Father. It began as a book until the Lord began to shape it into a Bible study. I love teaching. It’s a passion of mine having been a lifelong learner. Studying the Bible and taking you all on a journey with me, at first, seemed like a big task. One I wasn’t sure I had feet big enough to fill the shoes for. Isn’t that the goodness of God that when He calls us to something, He gives us the tools we need to prepare for that calling. If we are obedient in the preparations, suddenly we begin to see Jesus move, like a swift wind that catches you off guard, but you lean into because it feels so good on your skin.
If I could take this whole Bible study and sum it up in one word; it would be ABIDE. To know who you are in Jesus, to have your identity be
the foundation of who God says you are, you have to first understand the importance of sitting in His presence. Learning to hear His voice, coming into agreement with who He says you are. It’s then that you can walk in your purpose or calling, using the gifts He’s given you, in every season of your life. It’s not only about abiding so that Jesus will accomplish all the goals you have for your life. You have to be willing to abide in all things, for all things and to all things.
Whether we are married, single, young kids, older kids, no kids, God has a purpose and plan for our lives. That is the overflow of what our lives can look like and how He can use us when we ABIDE in Him. The definition of Abide means “to remain.” This word alone is written over 80 times in the Bible. If you’ve ever read the Bible start to finish, you will see ‘remain’ is written in the Bible even more times than the word Abide. Clearly God is saying to us, abide or remain in Me and what will I do? I will show you all the things you do not know (Jeremiah 33:3). I will give you the plans I have for, plans to prosper you (Jeremiah 29:11). I will give you an abundant life (John 10:10). When we abide in Him — we hear from Him, we know who Jesus is. We’ve created an intimate relationship with Him so that we can put our spiritual blinders on and focus on who He says we are, where he’s taking us, what gifts He’s going to use and how He’s going to use them.
John 15:7 says, “if you remain in me and my Words remain in you, ask and you shall receive.”1 Corinthians 13:13 says, “these three things remain, faith, hope and love, but the greatest of these is love.” When we remain or abide in Jesus, our faith increases. It becomes abundant. And when our faith increases then we are able to live in this faith and in faith filled hope that what He has promised, He will bring to pass. We get to have the hope for the future He has for us and for the calling He has for our lives. Why? Because He loves us so much. That deep love for us is the reason He desires to be in relationship with us, so that we can go out and love others. To have greater kingdom impact and grow the kingdom of heaven.
This Be Known study is the first in a series of books and Bible studies designed around creating a community of women who can learn who they truly are in Christ and then turn to share the same message of truth and hope with others. Let’s seek the Lord together, dream together, study His Word together, pray together, and then go together to expand the kingdom of God in our hurting world. It starts right here, right now in you and me, in our hearts. Let’s go after Him. Let’s dive in and Be Known!