In the Beginning PREVIEW GUIDE
The Gospel Project for Kids. The story of God’s provision.
From the Editor Jeremy Carroll
The Gospel Project® for Kids tells a single story—the story of Jesus and His mission to restore a broken relationship between God and humanity. The entire Bible tells God’s one big story, and this story is all about Jesus (Luke 24:27). He is the central figure woven throughout the pages of Scripture. The Gospel Project® for Kids is a curriculum designed to guide children on a chronological journey through the Bible—from Genesis to Revelation—to encounter Jesus and learn the essential doctrines of the Christian faith. The goal is not for kids to know more about God, but rather for them to know Him more. To truly understand the story of salvation is to discover God’s missionary heart. And discovering God’s heart will lead kids to love Him more and embrace His invitation to join in the story by sharing Jesus with the world. We believe that when a child truly encounters the gospel, everything changes. A mind that understands the gospel story and a heart that loves the Author of that story lead to genuine, lasting Christ-centered transformation. It is the gospel—and only the gospel—that encourages and empowers a child to live out the mission to which God has called him or her, both in his or her neighborhood and to the uttermost parts of the world. We are so glad you are considering The Gospel Project® for Kids! If you have questions, please feel free to email Sincerely, Jeremy Carroll The Gospel Project for Kids Publishing Team Leader
How Will This Help? The Gospel Project® for Kids helps you teach kids to:
In the Beginning Younger Kids Leader Guide VOLUME
1. See the Big Story
The Gospel Project® for Kids immerses kids in the gospel through every story, theological concept, and call to mission from Genesis to Revelation. Kids will understand the Bible is not just a collection of stories, but one unified story—God’s story of redemption and provision.
Use Week of:
Unit 1 • Session 1
God Created the World BIBLE PASSAGE: Genesis 1
2. Read Scripture as Christ-centered
The Leader Guides and Activity Pages provide a deep, Christ-centered Bible study experience for all ages—babies through preteens. Kids will understand that all Scripture, from Genesis to Revelation, gives testimony to Jesus Christ.
3. Grasp Essential Christian Doctrines
The Big Picture Questions and Answers are designed to help kids understand essential theological doctrines of the Christian faith.
STORY POINT: God created everything, and everything He created was good. KEY PASSAGE: Colossians 1:16b-17 BIG PICTURE QUESTION: Who is God? God is our Creator and King.
LEADER Bible Study In the beginning, God created everything. God created the universe ex nihilo, or “out of nothing.” All of creation began with a word. When God spoke, it happened: light, land, sky, stars, plants, and animals. God made them all, and they were good. Creation was perfect, just as God intended.
The first story—in fact, every story in the Bible—is a small piece of a much bigger story: God’s redemptive story. Sin would enter the world and affect everything, but God already knew. He already had a plan to show His grace to people through His Son (2 Tim. 1:9), to rescue and restore. The Bible says that God’s plan existed before He created the world. (Eph. 1:4-6) The Bible tells the story of how a great God redeemed rebellious people by sending His Son, Jesus, to be the perfect sacrifice for sin. The story of Jesus does not begin in a manger. The Son has always existed, and He was present at creation. He is the Word through whom all things were created. (John 1:1-3) Colossians 1:16-17 says that everything was created by Him and for Him, and He holds everything together. Through creation, we see and understand God’s eternal power and divine nature. (Rom. 1:20) As you begin teaching kids about creation, help them discover who God is. Remind boys and girls that God created everything with a purpose: to bring Him glory. Psalm 19:1 says, “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the expanse proclaims the work of his hands.” The Book of Genesis is the beginning of the greatest story ever told. It is a true story, and at the center of it all is the true hero: our Savior, Jesus Christ. This story changes everything.
Additional resources for each session are available at For free training and session-by-session help, visit
Younger Kids Leader Guide Unit 1 • Session 1
Creature Factory INSTRUCTIONS:
Use the different creature parts to mix and match to make your own creature.
God Created Everything
Younger Kids Activity Pages
Unit 1 • Session 1 God Created The World BIBLE STORY:
• God has always existed. • God created the universe in six days. • God created things we can see and things we cannot see. • God created everything, and everything He created was good. KEY PASSAGE:
Colossians 1:16b-17 BIG PICTURE QUESTION:
• Who is God? God is our creator and king. FAMILY DISCUSSION STARTERS:
• Why is it important that God created everything? • Who decides if something is good? • If God created everything good, why is there evil in the world? FAMILY ACTIVITY:
• Use craft supplies to make art. Talk to your kids about the difference between our ability to make things using materials we find around us, and God’s ability to create things from nothing.
INTRODUCE the Story God Created the World Genesis 1 God created everything, and everything He created was
Session starter (10 minutes)
OPTION 1: Duck-duck-zoo Instruct the kids to sit in a circle. Choose a kid to be It. She will walk around the circle of kids, gently tapping each kid’s head saying “duck.” She will select a kid to chase her by saying another animal, such as monkey, when she taps that kid’s head. He must stand up and chase It around the circle. Both children must move and make sounds like the animal Use the different creature parts to mix and match to make your own creature. INSTRUCTIONS: It called out when choosing her chaser. If the chaser tags It before she sits in his spot, It must sit in the center of the circle until another kid takes her place. Otherwise, she sits in his spot. The chaser becomes It in the next round. SAY • It is fun to pretend to be different animals. Today we will learn about the creation of the world. God created the land and the sea and all the animals on the earth. Everything God created was good.
Colossians 1:16b-17 Who is God? God is our Creator and King.
Welcome time Greet each kid as he or she arrives. Use this time to collect the offering, fill out attendance sheets, and help new kids connect to your group. As kids arrive ask them about their favorite animals. Why do they like the animals they chose? Ask them who made all the animals. SAY • Those are some great choices for favorite animal. All kinds of fascinating creatures live in our world. Some creatures swim, some fly, and others crawl along the ground. Today we will learn that God made all the animals, as well as all the different places where the animals live.
Activity page (5 minutes) • “Creature Factory” activity page, 1 per kid • pencils or markers
Invite kids to complete the “Creature Factory” activity page. Encourage kids to mix and match different features from real animals to come up with a pretend animal of their own. SAY • It’s fun to imagine new creatures by mixing different parts of creatures that exist, like a horse with wings. God did not need to parts to create animals. God created the world out of nothing, and all His creations were good.
Creature Factory
Land and sea Place a tarp or drop cloth on the floor. Set on the tarp a large plastic tub with water and another large tub with sand. Allow kids to play in the sand and the water with their hands. Make sure kids dry or wipe off their hands before switching to the other tub. SAY • God created the oceans and the land. He filled the oceans with sea creatures and covered the land with plants and animals. Today we will learn about when God made all the wonderful things we see in nature. How do you think God created everything? Why do you think He created things?
• Who is God? God is our creator and king. FAMILY DISCUSSION STARTERS:
• Why is it important that God created everything? • Who decides if something is good? • If God created everything good, why is there evil in the world? FAMILY ACTIVITY:
• Use craft supplies to make art. Talk to your kids about the difference between our ability to make things using materials we find around us, and God’s ability to create things from nothing.
Younger Kids Leader Guide Unit 1 • Session 1
God Created Everything
God Created the World Genesis 1 God created everything, and everything He created was
Big picture Big Pictuequestion Question from (1 minute)
Colossians 1:16b-17 Who is God? God is our Creator and King.
Spread showing Big Picture
Question paragraph in need is our big picture leader guide question. That will help us know part of the big picture about what our Bible story teaches us. I’ll say it once, then you repeat after me. Ready? Who is Countdown God? Now all together: Who is God? Great job. As you listen to the story, see if you can figure out the Introduce the session answer. We’ll talk more about it soon. • room decorations • Theme Background Slide (optional)
Suggested Theme Decorating Ideas: Decorate the room to look like a repair shop. Place a table on stage and scatter various metal parts, nuts, bolts, or gears around it. Use a pegboard to create a place to hang some tools, or paint foam board to look like a pegboard and tools. You may display a few items in need of repair, such as a bicycle, a lawn mower, or a vacuum cleaner.
• countdown video • “The Big Story” video (optional)
Show the countdown video as your kids arrive, and set it to end as the session begins.
• leader attire • Bible
[Leader enters wearing greasy overalls and a tool belt. He or she is carrying a Bible.] LEADER • Well hey, everyone! I wasn’t expecting visitors today, or I might have changed into some cleaner clothes. Welcome to my repair shop. I love to work on fixing broken things to make them as good as new. Occasionally I’ll use leftover parts to build something totally new, but that’s a bit harder than fixing something that someone else already invented. You know, just about everything breaks down
(3 minutes)
it to
or she
s er ork
Giant timeline (1 minute)
Colossians 1:16b-17
eventually. But this wasn’t always the case. When the world was brand new, everything wasthegood Transition to teach story and perfect, and nothing ever broke. 11 That may sound pretty different, but it’s the truth. You see, this here [hold up Bible] is my Bible. The Bible is God’s Word and it tells us what is true about God, about ourselves, and about the world we live in. Would you all like me to tell you the story of when TEACH everything was new and perfect? [Allow responses.] Allthe Story right! Let’s get started.
of Leader pagewe LEADER top • The firstGiude thing
• God has always existed. • God created the universe in six days. • God created things we can see and things we cannot see. • God created everything, and everything He created was good.
• large plastic tubs, 2 • sand • water • tarp or drop cloth (optional) • towels for cleanup
om atter a foam ay a ower,
Younger Kids Activity Pages
Unit 1 • Session 1 God Created The World
Tip: If you prefer to avoid themed content and characters, adapt or omit this introduction.
Show the giant timeline. • Giant Timeline 12 LEADER • Now that we know what big picture question we are going to answer in this story, we need to check our timeline. This helps us see how all the different stories in the Bible are really painting one big picture about God’s plan for the world. Today’s story is about the very first thing that happened in the universe.
Younger Kids Leader Guide Unit 1 • Session 1
eventually. But this wasn’t always the case. When the world was brand new, everything was good and perfect, and nothing ever broke. That may sound pretty different, but it’s the truth. You see, this here [hold up Bible] is my Bible. The Bible is God’s Word and it tells us what is true about God, about ourselves, and about the world we live in. Would you all like me to tell you the story of when everything was new and perfect? [Allow responses.] All right! Let’s get started.
Big picture question (1 minute) • The first thing we need is our big picture question. That will help us know part of the big picture about what our Bible story teaches us. I’ll say it once, then you repeat after me. Ready? Who is God? Now all together: Who is God? Great job. As you listen to the story, see if you can figure out the answer. We’ll talk more about it soon.
Giant timeline (1 minute) Show the giant timeline. • Giant Timeline LEADER • Now that we know what big picture question we are going to answer in this story, we need to check our timeline. This helps us see how all the different stories in the Bible are really painting one big picture about God’s plan for the world. Today’s story is about the very first thing that happened in the universe. Before this story happened, there was no universe! There was nothing but God, who has always existed. Our story is called “God Created the World,” and it is the beginning of the larger story of the Bible.
God Created Everything
How it Works
1. Chronological Timeline of Bible Events
Use Week of:
Unit 1 • Session 1
God Created the World
Using a chronological approach, kids will see how Christ fits into the whole Bible, from pre-creation to eternity. Kids will begin to understand the timeline of the overarching Bible story.
BIBLE PASSAGE: Genesis 1 STORY POINT: God created everything, and it was good. KEY PASSAGE: Colossians 1:16b-17 BIG PICTURE QUESTION: Who is God? God is our Creator and King.
2. Creative Teaching Elements
Each week, Bible stories are brought to life through: • Bible story videos • “Questions from Kids” videos for younger and older kids • Music for all ages • Coloring pages for preschool and younger kids • Fun activity sheets • Hands-on activities
LEADER Bible Study In the beginning, God created everything. God created the universe ex nihilo, or “out of nothing.” All of creation began with a word. When God spoke, it happened: light, land, sky, stars, plants, and animals. God made them all, and they were good. Creation was perfect, just as God intended. The first story—in fact, every story in the Bible—is a small piece of a much bigger story: God’s redemptive story. Sin would enter the world and affect everything, but God already knew. He already had a plan to show His grace to people through His Son (2 Tim. 1:9), to rescue and restore. The Bible says that God’s plan existed before He created the world. (Eph. 1:4-6) The Bible tells the story of how a great God redeemed rebellious people by sending His Son, Jesus, to be the perfect sacrifice for sin. The story of Jesus does not begin in a manger. God the Son has always existed, and He was present at creation. He is the Word through whom all things were created. (John 1:1-3) Colossians 1:16-17 says that everything was created by Him and for Him, and He holds everything together. Through creation, we see and understand God’s eternal power and divine nature. (Rom. 1:20) As you begin teaching preschoolers about creation, help them discover who God is. Remind boys and girls that God created everything with a purpose: to bring Him glory. Psalm 19:1 says, “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the expanse proclaims the work of his hands.” The Book of Genesis is the beginning of the greatest story ever told. It is a true story, and at the center of it all is the true hero: our Savior, Jesus Christ. This story changes everything.
Additional resources for each session are available at For free training and session-by-session help, visit
Preschool Leader Guide Unit 1 • Session 1
God Created Everything
3. Old and New Testament Studies
Kids will learn how each passage they study connects with the gospel. • Kids will spend equal time in the Old and New Testaments • Kids will learn how people and events from the Old Testament point ahead to Jesus • Kids will learn about the events from Jesus’ life and what He taught His disciples • Kids will learn about the early church and how people lived out God’s mission • Kids will learn about missions taking place around the globe
God Created the World Genesis 1 God created everything, and it was good. KEY PASSAGE: Colossians 1:16b-17 BIG PICTURE QUESTION: Who is God? God is our Creator and King. SESSION TITLE:
made animals that live in the water and animals that fly in the sky. God made animals that live on earth— all different kinds. God is so creative; He made so many different animals! We will hear how God made animals—and everything else—in today’s Bible story.
Play in a seed sensory bin Welcome time • “My Father’s World” song • offering basket • Allergy Alert download • favorite toys related to the Bible story theme
Play the unit theme song in the background as you greet preschoolers and follow your church’s security procedures. Set an offering basket near the door to collect at an appropriate time. Post an allergy alert, if necessary. Set out a few favorite theme-related toys, such as puzzles and blocks.
• “God’s Creation” activity page, 1 per child • pencils or crayons
Invite preschoolers to circle the creation or creature that is different from the others in its row. SAY • Good job choosing the one that was different! The world is full of so many different plants, trees, fish, birds, and animals. What a good idea to make so many different things! Do you know who made all these things? God! In today’s Bible story, we will hear how God created the world.
Activity page
Walk in an animal parade Form a single-file line. Explain that you will call out the name of an animal. Preschoolers must follow the line leader while pretending to be that animal. When you call out “zoo” preschoolers may pretend to be any animal they choose. Play while periodically changing line leaders. SAY • Did you know that God made all the animals? God
Preschool Leader Guide Unit 1 • Session 1
Cover a table and the floor below with plastic tablecloths. Fill a large plastic tub with a few inches of bird seed. Set the tub on the table with sensory bin tools, such as measuring cups and spoons, funnels, tongs, and toy shovels. Invite preschoolers to play freely in the seeds. Consider placing items such as craft feathers, plastic animals, and nature items in the bin for preschool to hide and find as well. SAY • Did you know that we could plant these seeds and they might grow into plants? God made all the plants and trees. Every plant and tree has seeds to grow more of the same kind of plant or tree. God is so smart how He created plants and trees to make more plants and trees. We will hear about how God created everything in our Bible story today.
• plastic tablecloths, 2 • large plastic tub • bird seed • sensory bin tools • craft feathers (optional) • plastic animals (optional) • nature items (optional)
Transition to tell the story To gain the attention of all the preschoolers to move them to Bible study, show the countdown video, flip off the lights, or clap a simple rhythm for the children to copy. Invite preschoolers to walk as their favorite animal as they move to Bible study.
God Created Everything
• countdown video (optional)
4. Additional Hour of Worship
For those who desire to provide an additional hour of content that reinforces learning and provides a worship experience for preschoolers and kids, The Gospel Project for Kids Worship Hour Add-on is available.
5. Family Resources
Age group resources are designed with built-in content just for parents—so they will be equipped to continue the learning at home. You’ll find Activity Pages, The Big Picture Cards for Families, and a LifeWay Kids App.
Creature Factory
Use the different creature parts to mix and match to make your own creature.
Younger Kids Activity Pages
Unit 1 • Session 1 God Created The World BIBLE STORY:
• God has always existed. • God created the universe in six days. • God created things we can see and things we cannot see. • God created everything, and everything He created was good. KEY PASSAGE:
Colossians 1:16b-17 BIG PICTURE QUESTION:
• Who is God? God is our creator and king. FAMILY DISCUSSION STARTERS:
• Why is it important that God created everything? • Who decides if something is good? • If God created everything good, why is there evil in the world? FAMILY ACTIVITY:
• Use craft supplies to make art. Talk to your kids about the difference between our ability to make things using materials we find around us, and God’s ability to create things from nothing.
God Created the World Genesis 1
Story Point: God created everything, and everything He created was good.
MAIN CREATED AND Big POINT: PictureGOD Question: Who is EVERYTHING, God? EVERYTHING HE CREATED WAS GOOD. God is our Creator and King. Christ Connection: Jesus is Lord over all of creation. The Son has always existed. The Bible says everything was created by Him and for Him, and He holds everything together. All of creation exists to bring God glory.
God Created The World Genesis 1
Key Passage: Colossians 1:16b-17
God Created the World Genesis 1
We can’t teach the gospel without teaching Jesus.
Leader Guide In the Beginning
Preschool Leader Guide VOLUME 
(Sample shown at 85% of actual size)
Use Week of:
Unit 1 • Session 1
God Created the World BIBLE PASSAGE: Genesis 1 STORY POINT: God created everything, and it was good. KEY PASSAGE: Colossians 1:16b-17
BIG PICTURE QUESTION: Who is God? God is our Creator and King.
Additional resources for each session are available at For free training and session-by-session help, visit
Preschool Leader Guide Unit 1 • Session 1
Features LEADER Bible Study 3 In the beginning, God created everything. God created the universe ex nihilo, or “out of nothing.” All of creation began withBeginning a word. When God In the spoke, it happened: light, land, sky, stars, plants, and animals. God made Preschool Leader Guide them all, and they were good. Creation was perfect, just as God intended. VOLUME
The first story—in fact, every story in the Bible—is a small piece of a much bigger story: God’s redemptive story. Sin would enter the world and affect everything, but God already knew. He already had a plan to show His grace to people through His Son (2 Tim. 1:9), to rescue and restore. The Bible says that God’s plan existed before He created the world. (Eph. 1:4-6) The Bible tells the story of how a great God redeemed rebellious people by sending His Son, Jesus, to be the perfect sacrifice for sin. The story of Jesus does not begin in a manger. God the Son has always existed, and He was present at creation. He is the Word through whom all things were created. (John 1:1-3) Colossians 1:16-17 says that everything was created by Him and for Him, and He holds everything together. Through creation, we see and understand God’s eternal power and divine nature. (Rom. 1:20) As you begin teaching preschoolers about creation, help them discover who God is. Remind boys and girls that God created everything with a purpose: to bring Him glory. Psalm 19:1 says, “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the expanse proclaims the work of his hands.”
1. Story Point 1
The Story Point for each session is listed and reinforced throughout the session.
2. Big Picture Questions
Big Picture Questions are included in each unit.
3. Leader Bible Study
A Leader Bible Study is provided to prepare leaders for teaching.
4. Teaching Suggestions Additional teaching suggestions are available online.
The Book of Genesis is the beginning of the greatest story ever told. It is a true story, and at the center of it all is the true hero: our Savior, Jesus Christ. This story changes everything.
God Created Everything
The BIBLE Story God Created the World Genesis 1 In the beginning, there was nothing but God. There was no sun, no dirt, no creeks, no animals, and no people. God began to do something that no one else could ever do. God began to make the world … out of nothing! First, God made the heavens and the earth. The earth was covered with water, and it was dark. God said, “Let there be light!” And there was light. God saw that the light was good. God called the light day, and He called the darkness night. That was Day 1. On Day 2, God made the sky. On Day 3, God gathered the water on earth into oceans. Now there was dry land. God saw that it was good. He made all kinds of plants and trees. Every plant and tree had seed to grow more of the same kind of plant or tree. And God saw that it was good. Everything God makes is good. On Day 4, God made lights in the sky for day and night. He made the sun for daytime, and the moon and stars for night. God looked at what He had made, and God saw that it was good. On Day 5, God made animals that live in the water and animals
Preschool Leader Guide Unit 1 • Session 1
Features that fly in the sky. He made fish and whales and seahorses Bible 3 and eels that move in the water. He made birds that fly in the Storytelling Tips sky. He made each kind of animal different, and God saw that it was good. So God blessed the animals and told them • Draw the story: to have baby fish and baby birds so there would be more of Enlist an adult leader to draw images from them on earth. the Bible story on a On Day 6, God made animals that live on earth—all dry erase board as different kinds! He made wild animals, like lions and giraffes you tell it. He or she and foxes. He made animals that crawl on the ground, like may scribble blue to represent water and alligators and caterpillars. He made animals that help people, black to represent like cows and camels and sheep. And God saw that all of it the world before creation. Erase the was good. Christ Connection: Jesus is Lord over everything. The Bible says everything was created by Him and for Him. Jesus holds everything together.
God Created Everything
darkness and scribble yellow for light. Scribble blue for the sky. Erase some of the water and use brown for land. Draw plants, trees, the sun, the moon and stars, fish, birds, and land animals. • Use numbers: For older preschoolers, write the numbers 1-6 on separate sheets of paper and post them around the room. Move to the number that represents each day as you come to it in the Bible story.
1. Bible Story
Each Bible story is designed to connect preschoolers to the grand narrative of redemption. Leaders can use the bold-type text to tell a shortened version of the Bible story to younger preschoolers.
2. Christ Connection
The Christ Connection shows how each session points to Jesus.
3. Bible Storytelling Tips
Each session includes tips to help leaders bring the Bible story to life.
INTRODUCE the Story God Created the World BIBLE PASSAGE: Genesis 1 STORY POINT: God created everything, and it was good. KEY PASSAGE: Colossians 1:16b-17 BIG PICTURE QUESTION: Who is God? God is our Creator and King. SESSION TITLE:
Welcome time • “My Father’s World” song • offering basket • Allergy Alert download • favorite toys related to the Bible story theme
Play the unit theme song in the background as you greet preschoolers and follow your church’s security procedures. Set an offering basket near the door to collect at an appropriate time. Post an allergy alert, if necessary. Set out a few favorite theme-related toys, such as puzzles and blocks.
• “God’s Creation” activity page, 1 per child • pencils or crayons
Invite preschoolers to circle the creation or creature that is different from the others in its row. SAY • Good job choosing the one that was different! The world is full of so many different plants, trees, fish, birds, and animals. What a good idea to make so many different things! Do you know who made all these things? God! In today’s Bible story, we will hear how God created the world.
Walk in an animal parade
Form a single-file line. Explain that you will call out the name of an animal. Preschoolers must follow the line leader while pretending to be that animal. When you call out “zoo” preschoolers may pretend to be any animal they choose. Play while periodically changing line leaders. SAY • Did you know that God made all the animals? God
Activity page
Preschool Leader Guide Unit 1 • Session 1
Features 1. Introduce the Story
made animals that live in the water and animals that Beginning fly in the sky. God made animals thatIn livethe on earth— all different kinds. God is so creative;Preschool He made so Guide Leader many different animals! We will hearVOLUME how God made animals—and everything else—in today’s Bible story.
Opening activities help introduce preschoolers to the Story Point of each session.
Play in a seed sensory bin Cover a table and the floor below with plastic tablecloths. Fill a large plastic tub with a few inches of bird seed. Set the tub on the table with sensory bin tools, such as measuring cups and spoons, funnels, tongs, and toy shovels. Invite preschoolers to play freely in the seeds. Consider placing items such as craft feathers, plastic animals, and nature items in the bin for preschool to hide and find as well. SAY • Did you know that we could plant these seeds and they might grow into plants? God made all the plants and trees. Every plant and tree has seeds to grow more of the same kind of plant or tree. God is so smart how He created plants and trees to make more plants and trees. We will hear about how God created everything in our Bible story today.
• plastic tablecloths, 2 • large plastic tub • bird seed • sensory bin tools • craft feathers (optional) • plastic animals (optional) • nature items (optional)
2. Low-prep Options
Low-prep options are provided for leaders with limited time and resources.
Transition to tell the story To gain the attention of all the preschoolers to move them to Bible study, show the countdown video, flip off the lights, or clap a simple rhythm for the children to copy. Invite preschoolers to walk as their favorite animal as they move to Bible study.
God Created Everything
• countdown video (optional)
TEACH the Story God Created the World Genesis 1 STORY POINT: God created everything, and it was good. KEY PASSAGE: Colossians 1:16b-17 BIG PICTURE QUESTION: Who is God? God is our Creator and King. SESSION TITLE:
Tell or watch the Bible story • Bible • bookmark • “God Created the World” video (optional) • Bible Story Picture Poster
Place a bookmark at Genesis 1 in your Bible. Invite a preschooler to open it. Reverently display the open Bible. SAY • The Bible is the most important book. The Bible is God’s Word, and God’s Word is true. Today’s Bible story comes from the very first book of the Bible, Genesis. Can you say Genesis? Genesis is in the first part of the Bible called the Old Testament. Show the video or tell the Bible story using the provided storytelling tips. Use the bolded version of the Bible story for young preschoolers.
Talk about the Bible story • Story Point Poster • Giant Timeline
Point to the Bible story picture on the giant timeline. Remind children that all the stories in the Bible fit together to tell an even bigger story. The Bible tells us the big story of how God rescues sinners through His Son, Jesus. SAY • God did something that no one else could ever do. God created everything, and it was good. The sun, moon, oceans, plants, trees, animals that live in the water, animals that live in trees, animals that live on land—God made all of them and all that God made was good!
Preschool Leader Guide Unit 1 • Session 1
Features Practice the key passage
the Beginning • “Key Passage Marker” Cut out the “Key Passage Marker” and placeIn it at Colossians 1:16b. Invite a volunteer to comePreschool up andLeader open Guideprintable • Key Passage Poster your Bible to the key passage. Read the key VOLUME passagealoud. • “All Things” song Create motions for preschoolers to use as they say the key • “My Father’s World” song passage. Use the key passage song video for inspiration. SAY • Our key passage tells us that everything that was made was made by Jesus and for Jesus. Jesus is Lord over everything. Jesus holds everything together. Sing the key passage song, “All Things,” and the unit theme song, “My Father’s World.” Learn the big picture question SAY
• Our big picture question asks, Who is God? God is our Creator and King. God created everything and He rules over everything. That makes Him our Creator and our King!
Missions moment
• Big Picture Question Poster
• God created the whole universe, and everything God made is good! God made people, too, and God loves people in a special way. Watch this video about how much God loves people. Show the “God’s Heart” video. SAY • A lot of people on earth still don’t know that Jesus came to show us God’s love. Missionaries tell others about Jesus all over the world! SAY
• “God’s Heart” video
1.Teach the Story
Leaders can choose to tell the Bible story or watch the Bible story video, or both.
2. Key Passage Preschoolers learn a Key Passage verse that reinforces the point of the session.
3. Big Picture Question
The Big Picture Question helps preschoolers understand the point of the session.
4. Missions Moment Missions awareness is included in the teaching hour.
Pray and transition to experience the story
God Created Everything
EXPERIENCE The Story God Created the World Genesis 1 STORY POINT: God created everything, and it was good. KEY PASSAGE: Colossians 1:16b-17 BIG PICTURE QUESTION: Who is God? God is our Creator and King. SESSION TITLE:
Make creation bracelets Wrap a piece of masking tape around a child’s wrist, sticky side out. If weather permits, lead preschoolers outside on a • masking tape • walking rope nature walk. Use a walking rope for younger preschoolers. If (optional) weather does not permit, bring nature items inside and set Follow your church’s them around the room for preschoolers to discover. Invite security procedures. preschoolers to stick nature items to their masking tape to create a nature bracelet. Encourage preschoolers to enjoy the things that God made as they are outside. SAY • All these things you put on your bracelet are things that God made! God made the [items preschoolers placed on bracelet]. God created everything, and it was good. The Bible says everything was created by Jesus and for Jesus. So these things on your bracelet also show how amazing Jesus is! Jesus is Lord over • table lamp everything. • “My Father’s World” song (optional) • “All Things” song (optional) • flashlights (optional) Tip: Make sure preschoolers do not look directly into a light source.
Shadow dance Place a table lamp where it will be out of reach of preschoolers but will cast light on a blank wall. Turn on the lamp and dim the other lights. Play the unit theme song or key passage song. Invite preschoolers to dance to the music and observe their shadows. Challenge older preschoolers to make their shadows connect. Consider using flashlights to
Preschool Leader Guide Unit 1 • Session 1
Features 1. Hands-on Activities
create additional shadows. In the Beginning SAY • The earth was dark, but when God said, “Let there be light,” there was light. God called Preschool the lightLeader day, Guide and He called the darkness night. God created VOLUME everything, and it was good. Jesus is Lord over everything. He has power over the light and the darkness. Jesus holds everything together.
Hands-on, small group activities are designed to reach kids with multiple learning styles.
2. Low-prep Options
Form play dough animals Set out play dough and play dough tools. Invite preschoolers to form animals out of play dough. Preschoolers may wish to flatten the dough and use cookie cutters or shape the dough into three-dimensional animals. As preschoolers work, comment on how God created animals. SAY • Your play dough animals are great! God made so many different kinds of animals. God blessed the animals and told them to have baby animals so there would be more of them on earth, and they did! God created everything, and it was good. Jesus is Lord over everything. Jesus holds everything together.
• play dough • play dough tools • animal-shaped cookie cutters
Low-prep options are provided for leaders with limited time and resources.
Paint a sun with plastic wrap Before the session, cut large circles from heavyweight paper. Cover a table with a plastic tablecloth. Put a smock on each child. Give a child a circle. Help him drop red, orange, and yellow washable paint onto his circle. Cover his circle with a piece of plastic wrap and fold it over the edges. Invite him to use his fingers to squish the paint around to create a sun. When he is finished “painting,” remove the plastic wrap and glue the sun to a sheet of blue construction paper. Consider allowing him to finger-paint rays around his sun. Write the
God Created Everything
• plastic tablecloth • painting smocks • heavyweight paper • scissors (adult use) • red, orange, yellow washable paint • plastic wrap • blue construction paper • marker
story point on each preschooler’s artwork. SAY • On Day 1, God said, “Let there be light!” And there was light. God called the light day. On Day 4, God made the sun for daytime. The Bible says everything was created by Jesus and for Jesus. When we see the sun in the sky or in our artwork, we can remember how wonderful Jesus is. God created everything, and it was good.
Explore God’s big world • globe Remind preschoolers of the “God’s Heart” video shown in “Tell the Story.”
Tell preschoolers that you are going to explore God’s big world! Sit in a circle and guide them to take turns spinning a globe. A preschooler will stop the spinning by placing her finger anywhere on the globe. Read the name of the nearest country and spend time “exploring” the surrounding geography by fingerwalking. Allow each child to have a turn. SAY • God created everything, and it was good. God loves the world, and He wants everyone to know Him as Creator and King.
Preschool Leader Guide Unit 1 • Session 1
Features 1. Snack
Snack and review
Beginning Play the countdown video to signal the endIn of the activities. • countdown video (optional) Wash hands and gather preschoolers for snack time. Pray, Preschool Leader Guide • Allergy Alert thanking God for the snack. VOLUME download Serve animal crackers for snack. Invite preschoolers to • paper cups and napkins look at the crackers and name the animals. Point out that • snack food God made many different animals. Remind preschoolers • animal crackers that God created everything, and it was good. (optional) • Bible Story Picture Display the Bible story picture as you ask the following Poster review questions. Retell portions of the Bible story as needed: 1. What was there in the beginning? (nothing but God) 2. Did God use anything to make the world? (No, He made the world out of nothing.) 3. What did God call the light? the darkness? (day, night) 4. What did God put in the sky for daytime? for nighttime? (sun, moon and stars) 5. What did God say when He saw everything He made? (It was good.) 6. Who is God? God is our Creator and King. Transition
When children finish their snack, preschoolers may color the Bible story coloring page, play a simple game to practice the key passage or big picture question, or sing along to the key passage or unit theme song. If parents are picking up their children at this time, tell them something that their child enjoyed doing or did well during the session. Distribute the preschool big picture cards for families.
God Created Everything
Snack suggestions are provided, along with talking points to tie snack time back to the session content.
2. Transition Suggested transitions are provided to help move between parts of the session.
• Bible Story Coloring Page • crayons • Key Passage Poster • Big Picture Question Poster • “All Things” song • “My Father’s World” song • Big Picture Cards for Families: Babies, Toddlers, and Preschoolers
Circle the creation or creat
God Creat
Activity Pages Preschool
Preschool Activity Pages
Unit 1 • Session 1 God Created the World
ture that is different from the others in each row.
ted the World Genesis 1
• In the beginning, there was nothing but God. • God made the world out of nothing. • God created everything, and it was good. KEY PASSAGE: Colossians
Bible story points help parents review the session with their preschoolers.
2. Family Discussion Starters
Family Discussion Starters equip parents to engage their preschoolers in spiritual conversations.
• Can we create something out of nothing like God? • What do you think it means that everything was created for Jesus? • Ask each family member to share their favorite thing God created.
3. Family Activities
1. Bible Story Points
• Who is God? God is our Creator and King.
• Take a nature hike as a family and enjoy God’s creation. • Care for God’s creation as a family and pick up trash on your street. Be sure to use gloves.
Family Activities help parents continue the Bible learning at home.
God Created the World Genesis 1
God Created the World Genesis 1
Key Passage: Colossians 1:16b
2 Babies & Toddlers Christ Connection: As God the Son, Jesus is Lord over everything. Preschool Christ Connection: Jesus is Lord over everything. The Bible says everything was created by Him and for Him. Jesus holds everything together.
3 Big Picture Question: Who is God? God is our Creator and King. 4 Story Point for Babies & Toddlers: God made everything. Story Point for Preschoolers: God created everything, and it was good.
5 Gospel Gems: • Everything God made was good. • God is in charge of everything He made. • God made the world because He is good.
The Big Picture Cards for Families Preschool
Features 1. Key Passage 2. Christ Connection 3. Big Picture Question 4. Story Points 5. Gospel Gems The Big Picture Cards for Families: Preschool help parents engage their preschoolers in spiritual discussions. Additional content is included for babies and toddlers.
When you understand all the Bible is about Jesus, you teach others that all the Bible is about Jesus.
All Ages Study Plan Year 1 Volume 1 (Fall 2018) In the Beginning
Volume 2 (Winter 2018-19) Out of Egypt
Volume 3 (Spring 2019) Into the Promised Land
Volume 4 (Summer 2019) The Kingdom Provided
God Created Everything (Genesis; Job)
God’s People in Egypt (Genesis; Exodus)
Wandering in the Wilderness (Numbers; Deuteronomy)
Samuel and King Saul (1 Samuel)
God Formed a Nation (Genesis)
Toward the Promised Land (Exodus)
Conquering the Land (Joshua)
Great King David (1 Samuel; 2 Samuel; Psalms)
The Nation Grew (Genesis)
Worship in the Wilderness (Exodus; Leviticus)
The Cycle of Judges (Judges; Ruth)
Wise King Solomon (1 Kings; Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs)
Year 2 Volume 5 (Fall 2019) A Nation Divided
Volume 6 (Winter 2019-20) A People Restored
Volume 7 (Spring 2020) Jesus the Messiah
Volume 8 (Summer 2020) Jesus the Servant
Elijah and Elisha (1 Kings; 2 Kings)
Hope in Exile (Daniel)
Into the World (Matthew, Luke, John)
Jesus the Healer (Mark; Luke; John)
Prepare the Way (Matthew; Mark; Luke; John)
Jesus the Teacher (Matthew; Luke; John)
Among the People (Luke; John)
Jesus the Miracle-Worker (Matthew; Mark; Luke; John)
The Northern Kingdom of Israel (2 Kings; Jonah; Hosea) The Southern Kingdom of Judah (2 Chronicles; Isaiah; Jeremiah; Ezekiel; Habakkuk)
Return to the Land (Ezra; Obadiah; Zechariah) The People Restored (Esther; Nehemiah; Malachi)
Year 3 Volume 9 (Fall 2020) Jesus the Savior
Volume 10 (Winter 2020-21) The Mission Begins
Volume 11 (Spring 2021) The Church United
Volume 12 (Summer 2021) All Things New
The Kingdom to Come (Matthew; Luke; John)
The Holy Spirit Empowers (Acts; 1–2 Peter)
From Jews to Gentiles (Acts; Hebrews)
Fight the Good Fight (Acts; Ephesians; Philippians)
To the Cross (Matthew; Mark; Luke; John)
The Early Church (Acts; Romans; James)
Making Disciples (Acts; 1 Corinthians; 1–2 Timothy, Titus)
Finishing Strong (Acts; Philemon; 1 John; Jude)
Out of the Grave (Matthew; Luke; John; Acts)
The Church Grew (Acts; 2 Corinthians; Colossians)
A Firm Foundation (Acts; Galatians; 1–2 Thessalonians)
Come, Lord Jesus (Revelation)
Kids Products
Start with a Leader Kit! Each Leader Kit is packed with the essential resources you need to lead your groups. Start by ordering one Kit per preschool or kids ministry. For an additional hour of content, including worship resources, add the Worship Hour Add-on to your Leader Kit. Order a Leader Guide for each leader and Activity Packs for each child separately.
Print Digital curriculum bundles are available. Visit for details.
Kids Leader Kit Includes Younger Kids Leader Guide, Older Kids Leader Guide, Kids Activity Pages, videos, and music. Purchase one Leader Kit and additional Leader Guides and Activity Packs as needed for your ministry size.
Kids Worship Hour Add-On Contains a full set of worship resources— including music videos, and a worship guide— for an additional hour of worship. Purchase of the Kids Leader Kit is required in order to purchase the Kids Worship Hour Add-On.
Preschool Leader Kit Includes Babies & Toddlers Leader Guide, Preschool Leader Guide, Preschool Activity Pages, videos, and music. Purchase one Leader Kit and additional Leader Guides and Activity Pages as needed for your ministry size. The Babies & Toddlers Leader Guide includes bonus teaching hour suggestions.
Preschool Worship Hour Add-On Contains a full set of worship resources— including music videos, and a worship guide—for an additional hour of worship. Purchase of the Preschool Leader Kit is required in order to purchase the Preschool Worship Hour Add-On.
In the Beginning Younger Kids Leader Guide VOLUME
Leader Guide Provides easy-to-use, low-prep lesson plans and a variety of hands-on activities for each session. Order one for each leader. Available for Babies and Toddlers, Preschool, Younger Kids, and Older Kids
Creature Factory INSTRUCTIONS:
Younger Kids Activity Pages
Unit 1 • Session 1 God Created The World
Use the different creature parts to mix and match to make your own creature.
• God has always existed. • God created the universe in six days. • God created things we can see and things we cannot see. • God created everything, and everything He created was good. KEY PASSAGE:
Colossians 1:16b-17 BIG PICTURE QUESTION:
• Who is God? God is our creator and king.
Activity Pages Engage kids in learning! Includes one Activity Page per session, along with a coloring page for Preschool and Younger Kids. Order one per child and extra for visitors.
The Gospel Project for Kids Classroom Bible This paperback Bible coincides with the 2018-2021 study plan and can be used in class and at home to encourage kids to hone their Bible skills.
• Why is it important that God created everything? • Who decides if something is good? • If God created everything good, why is there evil in the world? FAMILY ACTIVITY:
• Use craft supplies to make art. Talk to your kids about the difference between our ability to make things God using Createdmaterials The Worldwe find around us, 2 things Genesis 1 to create and God’s ability from nothing.
Available for Preschool, Younger Kids, and Older Kids.
God Created the World Genesis 1
Story Point: God created everything, and everything He created was good. Big Picture Question: Who is God? God is our Creator and King. Christ Connection: Jesus is Lord over all of creation. The Son has always existed. The Bible says everything was created by Him and for Him, and He holds everything together. All of creation exists to bring God glory.
God Created theColossians World Key Passage: 1:16b-17
The Big Picture Cards for Families 15 colorful cards equip parents with a Big Picture Question and points for family discussion. The preschool version also provides simple phrases parents repeat to babies and toddlers to reinforce learning at home. Order one pack per child and extra for visitors.
BIg Picture Questions and Answers for Kids A poster and booklet pack containing over 70 Big Picture Questions and Answers to help kids systematically learn important doctrines if the Christian faith and help parents and teachers understand the theology of a Christ-centered study of the Bible.
Genesis 1
Available for Preschool and Kids. Posters A variety of poster options are provided to help you create an engaging learning environment.
Small Group Timeline and Map Set The Gospel Project for Kids Giant Timeline & Genealogy of Christ Posters Poster Pack Books of the Bible Posters
LifeWay Kids App The LifeWay Kids App is a kiosk filled with apps for each of our kids’ curriculum lines. Simply download the free kiosk app and select The Gospel Project for Kids app to access fun activities that complement what kids learn each week. Available from the App Store® and Google Play®.
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