A guide to prayer in islam

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ENGLISH 103 E N G L I S--H103



M. Abdul Karim Saqib Saqib

The Office Guidance at TheCo-operative Co-operative Officefor forCall Csll& foreigners to.eigne.s Guidance atSultanah Sullrnah Under the 00llvinistrv I Ministry 01 and Cal I and Under suoeftsron 0lIslam lhesupervisIOn samiccAHai Allars$ and andEndowment Endowmenland Cal andGu Guidance dance Tel Fax POBox 92675 Riyadh 11663 E-mail Sultanah22@holmail com Te 4240077 4240C// F 4251005 4251005P0 80x926i5Riyadh11663EnE Sullanah22@halma com



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ililPilIRA\YililE IN ms ISJLAM nsn,aMt

fagib M. Karin SoqilJ tbdul KfJrim fi|. ~lJdul



by: Researched and Renearched andEdited Editedby:

Mohammed Abdul Karim KarimSaqib. Mohammed Abdul Saqib.


Translated by: by: Translated Ijaz Saqib. ljazBegum Begum Saqib.

FOREWORD FOREWORD Salat in There books dealing dealing with the There are are many many books the Subject Subiectof Salat lvell written both Many of these Arabic and thesebooks books are are well both Arabic Urdu. Many and Urdu. provide an and view of informative and and provide an informative and comprehensive comprehensiveview performed according teachhow Salat the teachbe performed Salat should according to the should be (SAW). Unfortunately~. Muhammad (SAW). ings ings of Prophet Prophet Muhammad there Unfonunately( there in are in English which deal are very very few few books Englishwhich subjectin books in deal with the the subject the way. The books, the same same informative informativeand books, and comprehensive comprehensive way.The which do exist, which three main main disadvantages. disadvantages. exist, have havethree Firstly, literature Englishis is Firstly, literature concerning in English concerningSalat Salat available availablein points in either either so so brief that it does does not cover essentialpoints cover essential nearly enough nearly is so that it enough detail, detail, or it is so bulky bulky and and detailed detailedthat quick reference, becomes difficult to use esbecomes reference,and and es~ use it for quick points may get lost sential detail. sentialpoints lost in in the the unnecessary may get detail. unnece$sary quality of direct Secondly, Secondly,the direct the Salat Salat lacks lacksthe the quality the text of the research from Prophet Muhammad Muhammad research from the zunnah of the the Prophet the sunnah (SAW). There with(SAW). There are also books books which which contain are also materialwithcontain material out any any reference referenceto the the original originalsources. sources. Thirdly, the the majority accordmajority of books books have have been been written according to the ing the views views held held by certain certain schools schoolsof thought thought and and for peoplehesitate reasonsome this reason this hesitateto follow them. some people them.

literaturein Because in Becauseof these weaknesses in English English theseweaknesses in existing existingliterature prgduce a medium we felt that the we the need need existed existed to prpduce medium sized sized book on book on Salat would approach approachthe Salat which which would the subject according subjectaccording (SAW). The Prophet Muhammad to io the the teachings teachingsof the the Prophet Muhammad(SAW). The Prophet,himself, Prophet, himself,said, said, "Pray as you have praying." "Pray as you haveseen seenme me praying." Such a book book needs needs.to Such to contain contain all detailsof all the the essential essentialdetails Salat without being Salat being'too too bulky bulky or complicated that the the complicatedso so that journey or at readercan can use reader referenceon a journey use it as as a point 01 oJ reference home. home. ft was was also felt that also fE~lt that a comprehensive It comprehensivebook book on Salat in in on Salat English would would be be useful English useful for converts converts to Islam lslam and and for youth brought Muslim youth brought up Muslim in this up in this country. country. Keeping Keeping in


needs of our brothers brothers and and sisters sisters every every effort effort has has mind the needs been made made to produce produce this book in simple simple and and easy easy been language. language. During our research research we sometimes sometimes found that differences differences During practices in various prayer various prayer occurred between established practices occurred between established books. these circumstances circumstances we referred authentic referred to authentic books. In these (SAW), so hadiths of the Prophet so that the Prophet Muhammad Muhammad (SAW), hadiths of possible.This points could points could be be clarified clarified as as much as possible. This was, was, much as because, for a true Muslim there is is no greater greater proof for Muslim there because, for practices hadiths and settling arguments arguments than than authentic authentic hadiths and practices settling (SAW). Prophet Muhammad Muhammad(SAW). of Prophet We hope Allah will accept accept this this humble humble attempt bebeWe hope that Allah cause and help help we we would never never have have without his his support and cause without been been able abfe to do this work. Finally and sisters sistersto study Muslim brothers brothers and study Finally we we ask ask all all our Muslim lf anyone the text and anyone according to it. If strive to pray according and to strive be against finds sunnah againstthe sunnah finds anything anything unacceptable unacceptableor to be (SAW) we grateful if they wo!!ld of the Prophet worrld Prophet (SAW) we would be be grateful inform us. us.

Muhammad Abdul Karim Muhammad Abdul KarimSaqib Saqib


CONTENTS c0ilrEilrs Pages Pages

Foreword ......................•....... 5 Foreword 0 Notes .............................. t10 Notes . . . .12 .t2 .............................. Chapter One . . . .12 .t2 Before doing Wudu Wuqu (Ablution) .............................. Before . . . .I12 .2 .............................. (Siwak) Tooth Stick (Siwak) J2 ..............................12 Niyat for Wuflu Wuc;lu (Ablution) Niyat . . . .12. r 2 .............................. Actions of of wudu (Ablution) (Ablution) Actions , . . . .I13 .3 .............................. Special facilities facilities in Ab.ution. Ab.ution. Special . . . .I13 .3 . Du'a at the end end of of Ablution Ablution Du'i[ 4 .............................. l14 Tayammum r6 .............................. 16 Two Chapter Two . . . . .16 I6 .............................. of $alat ~alat (Prayer) (Prayer) Time of , . . . ..t7 .............................. 17 Player for PraYer Forbidden Times for . . . . l .8 .............................. 18 (PraYer) ~alat (Prayer) Place for $alat Place l 8. . . . . . . . .............................. 18 (Prayer) Dress Dressfor ~alat $alat (Prayer) . . . . I . 9 .............................. 19 (Prayer) Types of $alat (Prayer) Types of $alat . . . . I . 9 .............................. 19 FarQ or Obligatory Pra}er ObligatoryPraPr Far{ l 9 . . . , . .......•....................... 19 Nafl Prayer Prayer , . . .20 ..20 (conPulsory) .............................. Sunnat Mu'akkadah(canpulsory) SunnatMu'akkadah 20 .............................. 20 Nafl (extra) (extra) Prayer PraYer 22 .............................. 22 Number Rakats Number of Rakats 22 ..............................22 Chapter Three Three Chapter 23 Story of Azan ..............................23 Aian 23 The .............................. 23 Muai2in The Muazzin 24 Text .............................. 24 the Aian of the Text of Azan 24 .............................. 24 Fajr for Fajr Aian for Listening 25 .............................. 25 Aian to the the AZan Listeningto 25 .............................. 25 Dariidafter A2an the Azan Danidafter the 26 Du"a ..............................26 the Azan Aian after the Du'ii after 26 ..............................26 lqamat lqamat Text Iqamat of Iqamat Text of


Chapter . . . 28 ..28 Four ChapterFour 'Sutra . . . 28 ..28 'Sutra . . . ..28 Qiblah 28 Qiblah . . . 28 ..28 Intention (NiYat) Intention(Niyat) .....29 Talcbir 29 Tahrimah TakbirTahrimah . . . 29 ..29 Folding hands Foldingof hands . . . ..29 .Recitation before Fatihah 29 Fatihah before Recitation . . . 30 ..30 Ta'awwuz Ta'awwuz 30 'fasmiah .....30 fasmiah . . . 31 . .I3 Surah Fatihah SurahFatihah Recitation 32 FatihahBehind Recitationof Surah Bdrindan an Imam Imam ..-.-.32 SurahFatihah Ameen . . . .32 .32 Ameen .........-....-.33 Recitation 33 Recitationafter Fatihah ._ after Surah SurahFatihah 34 Ruku (&owing) Ruku (J,owing) Du'as in Ruku 35 Du'as Ruku (standing ................36 36 Qawman after Rukfr) afterRukii) Qawman(standing Du'as in Qawmah 37 . . . . .37 Du'is Qawmah .....38 First Sajdah .38 First Sajdah . . . .38 .38 Du'as Du'[s in Sajdah Sajdah (sittingbetween .....39 Jalsah .39 Sajddrs) two Sajdcbs) Jalsah(sitting betweentwo .....40 Second 40 Sajdalt Second Sajdah .........40 Jalsah-e-Istarahat (sitting 40 (sittingfor for rest) rest) Jalsah+-Istarahat Second 40 .....40 Rakat SecondRakat Tashahud 40 .....40 Tashahud ................41 .41 Standing up for up for third Rakat third Rakat Standing ................42 (Darfid) ~alat Alan-Nabi -. .42 Alan-Nabi(Dariid) $alat (Darfrd) ........42 Du'as ~a1at Alan-nabi .42 Du'5safter after$alat Alan-nabi(Dari"xl) Ending 45 Fnding the the Prayer Prayer Du'as .45 Du'6s after Salutation Chapter Five 48 Witr Prayer Prayer .48 Witr Witr PraYer of Rakat of ofWitr Prayer 48 Number of Time of Witr Prayer Prayer 49 Time Pray Witr 49 How to Pray How Du'i Qunfit Quniit in witr Prayer Prayer 50 Du'i ................50 Text of Du'E Du'i Qunilt 50 .................5 511 Jumah (Friday (Friday Prayer) Prayer) · · Jumah ..---...........51 Importance of Friday Friday Prayer Prayer 51 Importance Prayer for lriday Importance of Cleanliness Iriday Prayer 51 .....51 lmportanceof Cleanliness ...-............52 Going early to Friday Prayer 52 Prayer Goingearly Friday Prayer before before Jumalt Jumah 52 Prayer





Listening (Sermon Listeningto Khutbah Khutbah (Sennon Prayer Prayerafter afterJumah Jumah Eid Eid Prayer Prayer Janazah Junazuhl)rayer llrayer 'f Janazah Conduct JanazahPrayer Prayer Conduct,If First Fint Takbir l-akbir Du'as Du'Esof starting starting Surah Fatihah Surah Fatihah Recitation Surah Recitationof aa Surah Second Takbir Second Third Third Takbir Takbir Du'as Du'frsof Janazah Janazah Ending Ending the the Janazah JanazahPrayer Prayer Takbir Fourth Takbir PrayerDuring Prayer During aa Journey Journey Whento shorten When Prayers shortenand combinePrayers and combine journey D-uration Duration of journey journey Natl Nafl Prayer on aa journey Prayeron I

53 54 .54 54 56 56 s7 57 57 57 57 57 58 58 58 58 58 58 59 59 59 59 6r 61 6l 61 6l 61 62 ........62 63 63 .63 63

oo oa oo oo oo tt ••••••••••••


Notes about thtes about the Transliteration the Transliteration represent hasbeen The corresponding beenadopted adoptedto The following followingsystem t0 represent r:orresponding systemhas sounds of Alphabet. sounds of the ArabicAlphabet. theArabic letter ArJbic letter Ar.rbic

I ~


~ dr



C c


C; C c ..) J

j oJ J) J) tA IJ"

... ,.* fJ'" .c oj'

~ f

j; -b


Example Example

English English Equivalent Equivalent

It Arabic) Arabic)

a b t th rh J h h kh kh

Allah Allah bismillah bismillah Tirmizi Tirmizi uthman uthman Jabir Jabir Raheem Ra~eem Khalifah Khalifah

d i rI

Dn.mi Dn,mi Aian Aian Asr fur zahid zahid salam sal5m shuaib shuaib salat ~alat wudu wu~u fahir fahir guhr ~uhr Jam6'at JamIt'at Maghrib Maghrib Fajr Fajrlqamat Iqamat kitab kitab Jibreel Jibreel Muhammad Muhammad Nisai Nisai wu{u wUQu janazah janazah

z2 s sh sh ~I

, d {



? 1


gh gh f g q (l, k I J m I n U o w jt j ~ h I \ in the (t in the letter) the the middle middleof of letterI ~ 15





c.S L5



Example Example ( English) English)

Apple ~pple bat bat !oy loy through t.Drough jug iug bate [ate no English no English equivalent equivalent the lbe reEemble re~emble river liver gero !ero seen ~een shop mop ~ardine sardine noequivalent no equivalent no equivalent no equivalent razor ra~or no equivalent no equivalent no no equivalent equivalent fan lan queen queen feen f,een lean lean !!loon l[oon noon noon wallet fiallet ttour [our noequivalent no equivalent

year 'year

to 10

The following following system system has has been been adopted adopted to to represent represent some some of of the the The complex sounds sounds of of the the Arabic Arabic language. language. complex macron (-) (-) placed placed 0n on aa transcribed transcribed Arabic Arabic vowel vowel indicates indicates AA macron lengthening of of the the sound sound of of that that letter. letter. lengthening Arabic Arabic

Example Example ((EEnglish) n s l i s)h

English English Equivalents Equivalents

Example Example (Arabic) (Arabic)



Allih AilAh

Apple Apple

r\.sL 5l )J

ee ee

Raheem Raheem istanja istanja

seen seen sit sit seen seen he he boot boot true true sew sew shovel shovel baY bay age age

i eee iioorr e hi hT u -u u aw aw aww aww ay ay ayy aYy iyy ivv I



'1 I'I ll)1 jji f ii)1 (51 $i Cf t5i

~~ 13t

Dawud 0awfid awwal awwal

its t0 its according soundaccording Note: an sound to letterchanges changes Arabicletter an Arabic $ometimes Note:Sometimes in heginning, thebeginning, at the position in whether itit isis at in whether for example; example; word;for position theword; in the has Arabic letterhas theArabic the the letter circumstances Insuch suchcircumstances end.In theend. at the 0r at middleor ihe middle equivalent. been by equivalent. English oneEnglish thanone bymore morethan represented heenrepresented

Abbreviations Abbrwirtionr Thefollowing following The abbreviations have been used ininthis abbrwiations been have used thisbook. book.

lIA SALSo WA LAM $Al,ALAYlll LAt Lllltj AlAYHI $tt-lAl ul. LANU $ ,AA .WU v , SAl0


l{ltII uP0tHIM ALt II PEACt AND OF0F AllAH PtACr At0 BLESSING 8l.tS$lll0 Af{ BE8t UPON RR .AA . 0


RADI I/ANHA Ailll|| Ail.llf lillA |J ANHU RA0tALLAHU

PLtA$t0 lllt/ HER l{tR |1llh HIMI IIMAY WITh Aruil BE8t PLEASED tAy ALLAH 11 11

Chcrpter I Chapter B E F O HDOING D EO I N G WIJOU BEFORE WUQU goto someone needs to go to the Iflf someone needs to thetoilet, toilet,he heshould usethe thetoilet toiletand anddo do shoulduse before istanja doingwudu. wudu. istanja before doing A B L U T IN O ABLUTION ( T OO T H- S T I C K ) S I W A K(TOOTH--STlCK) SIWAK goodpractice practice to clean ItIt isis aa good to or cleanthe theteeth teethwith with aa tooth-stick, tooth-stick, or aa toothtoothperforming brushbefore beforeperforming you can brush wudu. wudu.In In this thisway way you canavoid many avoidmany whichare diseases arecaused by unclean caused diseases which by teeth. unclean teeth. (R.A.)reported mentioned As in Allah's messenfu mentioned in the thehadith hadithAisha Aisha(R.A.) reported Allah's messen'The use of a tooth-stick is a means of purifying geras assaying:saying:ger ''The the useof a tooth-stick is a means of purifying the pleasing mouthand andisis pleasing to the the Lord Lordas aswell" well" mouth to ) (Ahmad. (Ahmad. Oarmi, Nisai..l 0armi,and andNisai (S.A.W.) Prophet Muhammad "lf I wouldn't Prophet Muhammad (S.A.WJ also alsosaid:wouldn'thave said:-"If havefelt felt peopleI would diffic,ult that itit isis difficult for my my people woufd have that for them haveordered ordered themto to use useaa prayer,that tooth-stickwith with every tooth-stick everyprayer, that is, is, before beforedoing doingeach wudu.So" eachwuQu. So, (S.A.W.). muslims shouldalways muslims should try (S.A.W.). always try to fulfilthis thiswish Prophet to fulfil wishof of our ourProphet (N|YAT) IGN T E N T | 0 N M A K T N INTENTION MAKING FOR F 0 RWUI}U W U g U(NIYAT) Beforestarting startingthe the actions actions0o wu{u Before wu~u it is is necessary necesaryto t0 make makeniyat. niyat. Make Make Niyat Niyat that that the the act act of of performing performing wuf,u wu~u is for the the purpose purpose of is for purity purity onfy. only. Niyat Niyat should should be be made made in in the the heart heart because because it is is an an action action of of the the heart heart and and not not of of the the tongue. tongue. Niyat Niyat by by words words is is not not approved approved by by Prophet Prophet Muhammad Muhammad (S.A.W.l. (S.A.W.). Then Then start start the the wu{u wu~u by by saying:saying:- Bismillbh Bismillah hir-ra[rma hir-ra~ma nir-raheem nir-raheem (ln (In the the name name of Allah, Allah, most most graciou$, gracious, most most merciful)" merciful) II

FORMIIIIG ACTIONS FOR FOR PER PERFORMING ABLUTION. ACTIO]tIS A8 LUTIOI{. l. 1. Wash Wash the the hands hands up up to the the wrist wrist making making sure sure that that n0 no part part of the the hands hands is is left left dry. dry. 2. 2. Rinse Rinse the the mouth mouth taking taking up up water water w;th with the the right right hand. hand. 3. 3. Clean Clean the the nose: nose: sniff sniff water water up up from from the the right right palm palm and and then then eject eject water water with with the the left left hand. hand. 122 1

a. 4. {ash Wash the the face, face, from from ear ear to -eat, ear, and and forehead forehead to chin chin making making sure sure that that no no part part of the the face face is is left left dry. dry.

5. Then Then rvash wash the the forearms forearms (right (right forearm forearm first) first) up up to the the elbou,s elbows 5. making sure sure that that no no part part of them them is is left left dry. dry. making 6.Rub the head head as as follows:follows:Rubthe 6. Wet your your fingers fingers and and then then wipe wipe the the head head with with your your fingerqnstarting fingers,starting Wet from the the forehead, forehead, taking taking them them to to the the nape nape of the the neck, neck, then then from bring them them back back to to the the forehead. forehead. bring 7. 7. Clean Clean the the ean ears by by inserting inserting the the tips tips of the the index index fingers fingers wetted wetted with with unter water into into the the ears, ears, twist twist them them around around the the foids foids of the the ears ears then then pass pass the the thumb thumb behind behind the the ears ears from from the the bottom, bottom, upwards. upwards. *Washthe (right foot 8. makingsure sure to the the ankles anklesmaking the feet feet (right fint) up up to 8. *Wash foot first) toes. the toes. that parts of the between the betrueen left dry, dry, especially that no no parb the feet feetare areleft especially * S P E C I AFACILITIES *SPECIAL ABLUTION IS il A FLA C I L I T I EIN BLUTIOT{

Rubbing the Eubbingthe the socks handsinstead insteadof washing the feet; feet; with wet wet hands washing sockswith allowed, provided that been put put on perfonr',lg ,rg allowed,provided havebeen afterperfonr' that the the socks sockshave 0n after an washing the for an ablution, ablution,including feet.This Thisis hours including washing the feet. is allowed for 24 24 hours aflowed person from and 3 days is on a journey. journey. fromthe the time for3 timeof of ablution, daysif the isona ablution, andfor theperson After Similarly if there After this thistime feetmust time the the feet bewashed. washed. thereis isa wound wound mustbe Similarly pars of the ablution,and in in in any bodywhich washed in ablution, any parts whichhas hasto to be bewashed andif the body particularpart part isis likely permisible washing that is permissible washing likelyto harm,it is that particular t0 cause causeharm, to wipe wipethe thedressing thewound dressing of the to of woundwith witha wet wethand. hand. HADITH HAOITH (S.A.W.)performed "Prophet(S.A.W.) performed Mughira bin ablution ablution Mughira binshu'bah said, "Prophet shu'bahsaid, and andwiped wipedover hissandals." sandals." overhis andhis hissocks socksand (Ahmad, (Ahmad, Tirmizi, and andIbn lbn Majah). Maiah). Dawild, Tirmizi,Abu Abu Dawud, performed Muhammad Each by Muhammad by Prophet Prophet detailof hasbeen beenperformed of ablution ablutionhas Eachdetail (exceptrubbing (S.A.W.)once, and (S.A.W,) of head headand times(except rubbingof threetimes once,twice 0r three twice or bb done doneonce). cleaning of ears, i.e. actions 6 and 7 should and only be once). actions shouldonly cleaningof ears,i.e. (S.A.W.)tapproval we Since we meetProphet Prophet(S.A.W,}'s approval methodsmeet the above abovemethods Sinceall all the can once, performablution by doing doingthe theactions 0r three threetimes. times. once,twice twiceor ablutionby canperform actions parthas drY. provided that provided beenleft left dry. hasbeen that no no Dart grand' quotinghis hisgrandAmr quoting theauthority of his fatheron on the authorityof hisfather bin Shuaib, Shuaib, Amr bin "lf anyone father (S.A.W.) said, Muhammad anyone ProphetMuhammad said,"If that Prophet fathernarrated narratedthat {S.A.W.) donewrong, wrong, timesrhe hasdone performs actions has performs morethan than3 times,he ablutionmore actionsof of ablution transgressed, and wickedly. anddone donewickedly. tramgresed, (Nisai, (Nisai, Ibn lbn Majah) Majah)

DU'A T H EEND A T THE O FABLUTION ABLUTIOT{ E i l DOF O U ' AAT "Ashhadu "Ash aha anIii haduan l5iIitaha iIIallahu lahu illalldhuwah rmhdahu dahuIfshareeka lf shareeka lahfi 13 13

wa atrna haduan-na ashhadu waash

'abduhE wa Muhammadan 'abduhu wa illuhammadan (Mrnliml. rasuluhu: rruluhu:(Muslim).

fi;*l t f

$jli,Et "e,j'i

l,frglilfS *r;i;*i


'alnseminat minat "Allah hummaj mai'alnn "Allahhum hlneo minal sni taw-wlbeen"Mj 'alnee minal trpwlbmn (Tirmiril. ph-hiren."(TirmizH. muta mub18h-hireen."

<tr;:toiriFi"isl..v}bQy*;5lrtirest;ay;$rf alone.And "1 deityexcept Allahalone. AndI testify testify "l testify thereisis no tctify that that there no rjeity exceptAllah (S.AW.IisisHis that (S.A.W.) and Hisservant andmessenger." messenger." Muhammad servant thatMuhammad (Muslim) (Muslim) penitent whoare me "0 Allah and Allahmake amongthose thosewho arepenitent andmake makeme makeme meamong purified." among those arepurified." thosswho whoare among (Tirmizil (Tirmizi)

TAYAMMUM TAYATIi,IUIt| whenwater In when just enough is rvatercannot In circumstances be found, found,or or just is circumstancs cannotbe enough or available for drinking, or it is injurous to health: in such for drinking, is iniufous in situations t0 health: suchsituations arailable (dryablution) performed. Tayammum (dry can beperformed. ablution) Tayammum canbe procedure givenaccording Hadith. The below to belowisis given according to Ouran Ouranand The procedure and Hadith. you don't ".........And if you ".........And don'tfind water,then thentake find any anywater, takeclean eafth cleanearth (orsand) yourface, Allahdoes (or Allah face,and andhands. doesnot notwish wish rub it on on your hands. andrub sand)and youclean, put you you in wantsto andto to but and difficulty, but he hewants to make makeyou to in aa difficulty, clean, to put youshould grateful you,so to Him." Him." complete -His favour to frvourunto untoyou, so you shouldbe be grateful complete-His (Thepermission (SurahV. permisionto purpose to use for this (Surah isis usesand V. verse verse6). sandfor thispurpose 6). (The allowed in theQuran). Ouran). in the allorved PROCEDURE U8E PRO CEO

in the hmrt. 1. Makeniyat niyatin theheart. l. Make withthe 2. with thename nameof of Allah. 2. Begin Begin Allah. palmsof bothpalms 3. conof hand dustor Strikeboth handon on clean or anything anything con3. Strike cleansand, sand,dust palms. these,e.g. taining tainingthese, wall or blowinto e.g.wall or stone stoneetc. etc.then fren blow into the the palms. pafmsof pan the pass the palms both hands overthe ruh of both the face faceonce onceand thenrub handsover andthen palmand yourright rit'rt hand your handwith with the the left left palm right andleft lett hand handwith theright with the palml. palm). (Bukhari (Bukhari and Mrslim). andMuslim). 14 14

4. Finish Finish with with the the same same Du'd Du'a as as given given at the the end end of ahlution. ablution. 4. Note: 0ther Other procedures procedures include include the the forearms forearms and .and shoulders shoulders as as well well m as f{ote: armpits. These These have have been been transmitted transmitted by reputable reputable scholan scholars but the the armpits. most preferable preferable and and authentic authentic is is that that given given above. above. most

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Chapter Chspter 22 TIME - PLACE PTACE -- DRESS DRESS and TIME¡ TYPES OF and -- TYPES OF SALAT SALAT I . TIME T I M EOF O FSALAT SALAT 1. Each,qalat. beoffered offeredat propertime.. at or orduring Each ~alat must its proper during_iu time..No plat Cln Noflist crn Tult be be offered offeredbefore beforeits its time. time.There Thereare be obligatory falat in a day. arefive five.obligatory iiiiaai. dat F A J RPRAYER PRAYEB FAJR Thetime time for for the the Fajr Fajror or the the morning The morningprayer prayerstarts startsat at dawn dawnand and atsun-rise. endsat sunrise. ends Pnyer ZuhrPrayer Zuhr prayerstarts The time for Zuhr Zuhr or The time for the early or the earlyafternoon aftemoonprayer rtartswhen whenthe the beginsto to decline declinefrom sun sunbegins f rom its its zenith zenithand andends wtrenthe thesize an endrwhen rizeof an obiecttshadow object's isisequal to the the~ize sizeof of the shadow equalto theobject. obiect. 'The angel Jibreel came (R.A.l narrated, Jabirbin bin Abdullah Abdulfah(R.A.) Jabir "The narrated, angelJibreelcams 'Standup and (S.A.W.) to Prophet ProphetMuhammad Muhammad to (S.A.W.) and andsaid saidto to him, him, 'Stand up and (S.A.W\I prayed pray Zuhr'. Zuhr'.So prayedZuhr the messenger pray of messenger of Allah So the Allah (S.A.W Zuhr when the the sun had decl declined from its when ined from sun had its zenith. zenlth.Then Then the tne Angel Anget 'Standup and Jibreelcame againat at the the time time of Jibreel cameagain of Asr Asr and andsaid, said,'Stand up and (S.A.W.)prayed PrayAsr~ AsriThen ProphetMuhammad ThenProphet Muhammad prayedAsr Pray (S.A.W.) when Asr'when the shadowof everything everything the shadow was equal Jibreel came was equalto itself. itself.Then ThenJibreel came (S.A.W.)and the day to the next next day to Prophet Prophet Muhammad Muhammad (S.A.W.) and said, said,'Stand Stand (S.A.W.)prayed and pray up and pray Zuhr'. Zuhr', Then Prophet Muhammad Muhammad (S.A.W.) prayed ThenProphet !p Zuhr Zuhr when when the the shadow shadow of everything everything was was equal equal to itself. itself. Then Then Jibreel Jibreel came came again again at at Asr Asr time time and and said, said, 'Stand 'Stand up up and and pray pray Asr'. Asr'. Then Then he he prayed prayed fur Asr when when the the shadow $hadow of everything everything rvas was trvice twice its length length _ its (after Therr praying Jibreel Then Jibreel said, said, (after praying 10 10 prayers prayers with with Prophet Prophet MuhamMuhammad mad (S.A.W.) (S.A.W.) in in nruo two consecutive consecutive days) days) that that the the time time of prayer prayer is is in in between between th$e these two two timesl" times:" Ahmad, Ahmad, Nasai, Nasai, Tirmizi Tirmizi and and Bukhari Bukhari remarked remarked that that this this is is the the most most authentic authentic hadith hadith giving giving the the times times of prayer. prayer. We We find find that that many many books books on on $alat ~alat state stat~ the the ending ending time time of Zuhr Zuhr prayer prayer and and the the starting starting time time of fui Asr prayer prayer whEn when the the shadow shadow of something something is is twice twice itself. itself. But But this this contradicts contradicts the the above above hadith hadith as as 0n on the the first first day day Jibreel Jibreel asked asked Prophet Prophet Muhammad Muhammad (S.A.W.) (S.A.W.) t0 to pray pray fur Asr when when the the shadow shadow of everything everything was was equaf eQuat to to itself. itself. This This means means that that was was the the end end time time of of Zuhr Zuhr prayer. prayer. And And we we already already know know that that all all the the ulamas ulamas of of the the Muslim Muslim Ummah Ummah 116 6

agree unanimously unanimously that that n0 no prayer prayer can can be be offered offered before before its its time. time. agree Asr Prayer Arr Prryer The trme time for for Asr Asr or or late late afternoon afternoon prayer prayer starts starts when when the the shadow shadow The just bef and sunset. of something is equal to itself and ends just before sunset. itself ore to ends is equal of something orethe It is is better better to to offer offer fur Asr prayer prayer bef before the sun sun beeomes becomes yellow yellow It because even even though though itit is is allowed allowed to to offer offer the the orayer prayer at at this this because time the the Prophet Prophet (S.A.Y{.} (S.A.W.l disliked disliked Muslims Muslims to to 0elay Oelay fur Asr prayer prayer time up to this this time. time. He He remarked remarked that that the the Munafiq Munafiq (Hypocritel (Hypocrite) up offered his his prayer prayer at at this this time. time. offered Maghrib Praycr Prayer Maghrib The time time for for the the Maghrib Maghrib 0r or th0 th~ sunset sunset prayer prayer starts starts just just after after The sunsp.t and and ends ends when when twilight twilight has has disappeared. disappeared. sunset !sha Prayer Prayer !sha The time time for for lsha Isha or or night night prayer prayer starts starts from from the the disappearaitue disappearance The of twilight twilight and and ends ends just just before before midnight. midnight. of preferable io to offer offer this this prayer prayer before before midnight midnight but but it It iiis preferable the dawn' can be offered right uo to thp. break of dawn. break tn of right uo canbe offered Note: In countries countries where where due due to to cloudy cloudy weather weather the the sun sun is is not not l,lote:- In always visible it is is advisable advisable to to follow follow printed printed calendars calendars giving giving the the visible alurnys accurate time of prayer. of each eachPraYer. time accurate

FORBIDDEN TIMES PRAYER HAYER F O R B I D D ET N I M E SOF O FP Therewere uqbahbin bin Amir werethree Uqbah Amir said, said," There threetimes timesat at which whichAllah's Allah's (S.A.W.) messenger forbidus prayor messenger (S.A. W.) used usedto to forbid us to to pray bury our 0r bury our dead. dead. (i) When Whenthe began (i) to thesun sunbegan riseuntir untitit was to rise wasfully fullyup. up. (ii) When Whenthe the sun sun was was at at its passed (jj) heightat at midday its height middaytil! til! it p~sed the themeridian, meridian, (iii) When Whenthe (iii) till thesun sundrew drewnear nearto to setting setting till it had hadset:' setl' (MUSLIM) (MUSLIM) FORBIDDEN TIMES FOR NAFl PRAYER F O B B I D D ETiIl M E SF O RN A F LP R A Y E R H,

(i) {i}

(R.A.)reported mes$enger Abu reportedAllah's Allah'smessenger Khudree(R.A.) Abu Sa'eed Sa'eedalal Khudree Fair "No prayer the Fajr (S.A.W.)as prayerisis to afterthe (S.A.W.) be said to be saidafter as saying, saying,"No prayeruntil the until the the Asr prayer prayeruntil rises,or or after afterthe fur prayer the sun sun rises, until the sun setsl' sunsets:' ( B u k h a r i 'Muslim) &uslim) M (Bukhari-& missed but aa missed prayerisis forbidden timesbut Only at thesetimes at these forbidden nafl prayer Only naf1 Muslim of the theMuslim theulamas ulamas fard of Mostof of the prayercan de offered. offered.Most sande fardprayer prayerafter after Um'mah missedfard fard prayer of missed offeringof allowedthe the offering Ummahallowed hadith Fair of hadith following thefollowing because of the Fajrand andAsr fur because '1/Vho (S.A.W.)said, forgotten Prophet (S.A.W.) has ProphetMuhammad said, 'Who hasforgotten Muhammad pray remembers iti' prayer prayer he should pray it whenever he it:' the he remembers it whenever he should the ( B u k h a&& r i Muslim) Muslim) (Bukhari

(ii) (ij)

lqamatfor prayercannot the Iqamat for fard fard A be offered oncethe A nafl offeredonce nafl prayer cannotbe prayerhas prayer that Hurairahnal'rated that the the mes: mesbeensaid. Abu Hurairah flarrated hasbeen said.Abu 17 17

't{hen the Iqamat (S.A.W.lsaid, hasbeen beensaid" said, lqanlathas senger sengerof Allah(S.A.W.) of Allah said,"When the (Nafl or prayervalid then, there isis no thenrthere valid(Nafl the no prayer or sunnat) sunnat)except exceptthe prayerfor Fardprayer Fard wassaid." for which whichthe lqamatwas the Iqamat said." (Ahmad (Ahmad & Muslim) Muslim) practicethat peoplecontinue in practice It isis seen that many manypeople seenin with the the continuewith prayereven sunnatprayer sunnat thoughthe the iqamat iqamathas wen though hasbeen beensaid saidfor for the the prayerespecially prayer.They far{ prayer Fajr prayer. far~ epeciallyin in the the Fajr They feel feelthat that the the Rakatsunnat Fajrcan 2 Rakat sunnatof of Fajr be offered canonly only be offeredbefore beforethe Far{. the Far~. practiceisis against This practice againstcongregation This Philosophy, discipline Philosophy, congregation discipline Jamd'at,and and a clear of Jama'at, violationof Hadith. Hadith.They clearviolation They should should offer 2 rakat rakatsunnat Fairimmediately immediately offer after sunnatof of Fajr Fardor afterthe the Fard or aftersunrise. after sunrise.

2. FOR PLACE 2 . PLACE F O RSALAT SALAT purpose placeor A place of usedfor woship buildingwhich for the the purpose of worship or a building whichisis used (Mosque). "all prayerisis called tellsus and A hadith us that that "all and prayer mciid (Mosque). hadithtells calleda masjid (Pureand for the Muslims, and the for a mosque beenrendered rendered the Muslims, mosque(Pure the earth earthhas hasbeen clea!l)." clmn)." be he he can This This means wherevera muslim muslimmight offer his his mearsthat that wherever mightbe can offer grmEr prayeroffered prayerbut prayer in a mosque but the reuardof a prayer offeredin mosqueis is far far greater the revvard place.The pointsshould than an ordinary Thefollowing followingpoints thanthat that offered in an ordinaryplace. should offeredin prayer. placefor for prayer. be a place whenchoosing benoted notedwhen choosing (a) The pure.~Iat placeshould be clean in a dirty, dirty,filthy The place (a) andpure. filthy and and shouldbe clan and $alatin placesuch impure tip, slaughter house,bathing impure place such as if a rubbish rubbishtip, bathing slaughterhouse, penis placeand place anda camel isforbidden. forbidden. camelpen (bl The placeshould The place from danger. (b) The be free free from danger. The danger danpr could shouldbe be could be due to due or that to someone that may someone or something maydisturb disturbthe the worshipper. something worshipper. (c) A prayer prayerplace placewhere (c) wherethe the worshipper worshippermight mighthinder hindermovement movement pavements, publicroadothersshould of public be avoided, busy pavements, avoided,e.g. e.g.busy roadof others shouldbe waysetc. ways etc. (Ka'bahl. (d) It prayon (d) to pray (Ka'bah). lt is isforbidden forbidden on the the roof roofof of Saitullah Baitullah (e) It lt is forbiddento prayon isforbidden grave. (e) to pray on top top of or facingtowards or facing towardsa grave. DRESS 3. FOR 3. DRESS FORSALAT SATAT

MEN MEN (i) (j)

The dress dres for for the The the men menshould shouldbe besuch that it covers suchthat coversfrom from the the navelto the kneemtleast. navel the kneesat lect. 18 18

(iil (in

The shoulders should should not not be be left left uncovered. uncovered. ThEshoulders

(iiil (iii)

$alat can tan be be prayed prayed in in one one garment garment if it covers covers the the body body $alat from the the navel navel to the the knees knees as as well well as as the the shoulders. shoulders. from "None of you you must must pray pray in in a sin$e single garment garment of whirh whilh no no "None part comes comes over over the the shoulderj' shoulder:' part ((BUKHARI B U K H A R& USLIM} &I M MUSLIM)

If, however, however, the the grment garment is is not not long long enough enough to to uover cover the the lf, shoulders then then parts parts of the the body body between between the the navel navel and and shoulders the knees knees should should at at least least be be covered. covered. the

WOMEN W O ME N The dress dress of the the woman woman should should be be such such that that it covers covers her her whole whole The body from from head head to foot foot leaving leaving only only the the face face and and the the hands hands un' un¡ body covered. A A prayer prayer offered offered in in transparent transparent clothing clothing is is not not valid. valid. Also Also covered. the body should tight body should of the whichshows the shape shapeof showsthe fitting clothing tight fitting cfothingwhich be avoided. avoided. be 4. OF ~ALAT 4 . TYPES TYPES O FS ALAT

a) or obligatory obligrtory$alat. Salat. Fardor a) Far~ prayer.Every ordered Far~ isis ordered prayeris [very believer Fardprayer believer is an obligatoryprayer. an obligatory prayers Failureto to day. Failure by prayers in in aa day. five obligatory Allahto to offer obligatory by Allah offer five prayers observe anyone prayers isis aa serious seriousand five obligatory obligatory any one of the five and observe of the punishable punishable sin. sin. b) Prayer. ltlaflPrayer. b) NafJ

(S.A.W.) prayerwhich This prayer (S.A.W.) observed Prophet observed theProphet voluntary whichthe Thisisis aa voluntary occasions. also before and occasions. Itlt also isolated Fardat and isolated beforeor or after at special special after Far~ prav. includes those Muslims to Muslims to pray. whichhe heencouraged includes thosewhich encouraged

The can into NaflPrayer Prayer divided intothree threecategones. bedivided TheNafl categortes. canbe (compuhory) (i) Sunnat (i) Mu'akkadah (compulsory) Mu'akkadah Sunnat (S.A.W.) HolyProphet Prophet That which are by (S.A.W.) by the theHoly whic,h areemphasized Thatisisthose those emphasized prayrlr. FardpraYI~r. and by or after afterthe regularly by him him before beforeor the Far~ offeredregularly and offered (optional) (iil Ghair (ii) (optional) Mu'akkadah GheirMu'akkadah Prophet Muhammad by Muhammad That by Prophet Thatisis those thoseoffered offeredonly onlyoccasionally occasionally (s.A.w.l. (S.A.W.).

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(iiil Nell (Extnl (iii) Prryrr(Extrl) thfl Preyer prayer. Thb isis an anextra praying Thereisisaa reward reward for praying This There for itit and extraprayer. andno no forleaving leaving it. Itlt can beoffered sinfor sin it. at instante atcordatany instance canbe offered anyisolated isolated accordingto to the thetime timeand andcapacity ing of Prophet Muhammad capacity of the thebeliever. Prophet believer. Muhammad (S.AW,)encouraged praynatl (S.A.W.) the to encouraged the believers believers t0 pray nall to to help helpmake make up for for any anyminor minoromissions ombsions up or or other otherdefects defec$in in the theobligatory obligatory praysr. prayer. 5. NUMBER TUTIBEROF FORTHEFIVE OFRAKATS RAKATSFORTHE FIVEOBLIGATORY 5. PRAYERS OETIGATORY PRAYERS (il Fejr (0 FrirPrlyer. Prryrr. rakarsunnat Mu'akkadah, sunnat Rakats 22 rakats Mu'akkadah, 22 Rakats Far~. Fard. (ii) Zuhr Prryrr, ZuhrPrlver. (ii) rakats Mu'akkadah, rakats 2 or sunnat 4 rakats sunnat or 4 rakats rakabfar~, sunnatMu'akkadah, far{,2 rakats sunnat Mu'akkadah Mu'akkadah and number of andan number timeand anunspecified unspecified of nafl andcapnaflas ro time capalloun. acityallows. acity (R.A.)said "l prayed prayed Ibn alone lbn Umar Umar(R.AJ with Allah's Allah'smessenger mesengel said"I alonewith (S.A.W.) prayer." rakatsbefore rakatsafter Zuhrprayer." (S.A.WJ 2 rakats afterthe the Zuhr beforeand and2 rakats ( B U K H A R&I MUSLIM) (BUKHARI MUSLIM) practiceto familiarpractice Zuhr It isis a familiar offer 4 rakats rakatssunnat beforeZuhr to offer sunnatbefore prayer,but provesthat rakatsunnat prayer, but this this hadith that 2 rakat hadith proves beforethe the sunnatbefore prayeris Zuhrprayer Zuhr isalso alsoallowed. allowed.

(iiil Asr Arr Praver. Prryrr. (iii) 0r 4 rakats rakat sunnat 2 or 4 rakats sunnatghair Mu'akkadah, rakatsFard. Fard. $rair Mu'akkadah, (R.A.)said, "Allah'smessenger,(S.A.W,) Ali (R.A,) (S.A.W.} Ali used pray 4 rakats said,"Allah's messenfr usedto t0 pray rakafu before Aer prayer before Per prayer separating them ssparatang themwith withaasalll salutation........" tation........" (TlBftllZll (TfRMIZI) (R.A.)says, "Allah'smessenger Ali (R.AJ Another by Ali "Allah's Anotherhadith hadithnarrated narrated by says, mesenger (S.A.W.} (S.A.WJ used pray two before Asr prayer." _ to pray tw'orakats rakasbefore Asrprayer." usedto (ABU (ABU DAWUO} DAWUO) (ivl (iv) Mrghrib Meghrib Prryar. Preyer. 2 rakats fard,2 rakats rakats nafl, nafl, 3 rakan rakats fard, rakats sunnat sunnat Mu'akkadah Mu'akkadah and and an an unspacified unspecified number number of of' nafl nafl 6 as time time and and capacity capacity allows. allows. Abdullah Abdullah bin bin Mughaffal Mughaffal reported reported the the Prophet Prophet (S.A.W.) (S.A.W.) as as saying, saying, 2 0 20

"Pray before prayerj'adding beforethe the Maghrib Maghribprayer;' "Pray addingwhen whensaying sayingit the the "Thisapplies thirdtime, time,"This third to who applies to those those whowish wishto to do d0so." s0." (EUKHAR &USL|MI (BUKHARI &tMUSLIM) M peopleto Thatwas wasbecause because did not he did wish people That he not wish t0 treat treatit as asaa comcompulsory pulsory sunnat. sunnat. rakatsnafl naflafter aftersunset 2 rakats and prayer beforethe prayer sunset andbefore themaghrib maghrib a r eallowed a l l o w e dfor f o r tliose t l i o s ewho l v h owish w i s hto are t o do F o r this d o :::0. 0 . For t h i sthe t h e above above hadithisis aa sure proof.However, sureproof. However, peopleforbid hadith some somepeople forbidthis thisand and find it very othersfind personoffer very suange others if they srrange theysee seeaa person rakats offer2 rakats naflbefore beforeMaghrib. natl Maghrib. (v) Isha (v) lshaPrayer. Pmyer. rakatsaccording An unspecified numberof nafl rakats An number to unspecified 0f nafl according the time time to the andcapacity capacity,4 rakats and unfard,2 rakats rakatssunnat rakatsfard, Mu'akkadah, sunnatMu'akkadah, unnumberof specified number allows and specified of nafl nafl'as as time time and and capacity alloran capacity and 3 witr. witr. I

peopleinsist very emphatically Some upon insistvery Somepeople upon the emphatically offeringof the offering of 4 prayerbut beforethe rakats rakatsoptional ishaprayer optionalsunnat the isha but during duringour sunnatbefore our proof,any practice find aa single entire we research we could not find singleproof, any practice could not entireresearch (S.A.W.) ProphetMuhammad Muhammad or (S.A.WJ or from Prophet hiscompanions or order or his orderfrom companions praynafl to justify this itit isis allowed Certainly allowedtQ while thisclaim. ta pray naflwhile to justify claim.Certainly waiting for Jama'at. Jamd'at. waitingfor prayer.Howpeopleoffer HowSome rakats~nafl the witr witr prayer. afterthe Somepeople offer 2 rakats .nafl after whichstates ever, hadith thereisis an an authentic authentic hadithwhich that the the witr witr statesthat evet,there person prayershould be offered wishcs prayer wishes afterall all the the nafl naflwhich offeredafter whichaa person shouldbe prayhave to to pray havebeen beenoffered. offered. (S.A.W) (H.A.)reported Mesenger Ibn that of Allah(S.A.W.) lbn Umar reported thatthe the Messenger of Allah Umar(R.A.) prayerl' "Makewitr prayerof yournight said, nightprayer:' lat prayer of your asthe thelast witr as said,"Make


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Chapter Chspter J t AZAN ..... IQAMAT AZAN IQAMAT

you know, As in all Muslimcountries Aian is is called aloud As you know, in alf Muslim countriesAian calledaloud you ever youmust wondered it. Have five fivetimes heardit. Haveyou timesaa day day and everwondered musthave haveheard andyou how howit started? stafted?

n2nr*r STORY OF 0FAZAN sroRY Madinah A long migrated from to longtime timeago agowhen theMuslims Muslims migrated fromMakkah Makkah whenthe to Madinah prayer. they about prayer. timefor for the the congregational they used usedto to agree agree aboutaa fixed fixedtime congregational prayer remember for the They the They found foundit difficult difficultto time fixed fixed for the prayer t0 remember the time especially when sometimes, when they were busy busydoing doingtheir work. One they were their work. One sometimesrespecially (S.A.W.)and Muslimsdiscussed discusedthe day (S.A.WJ day Prophet ProphetMuhammad Muhammad and the the Muslims the prayerat peoplefor prayer matter for the the congregational at the the matterof congregational of calling the people callingthe believers suggested the like exact time.Some the believers suggested the use useof like exacttime. Someof of the of something something the others the the bell bell of the the Christians, Christians, othes suggested the use suggested ussof aa horn hornlike likethat that (R.A.)suggested of sending someone to somsone t0 announce announce the Jews, but Umar suggested sending of the Jews,but Umar(R.A.) (S.AW.)appointfd prayer. Messenger prayer. Then Allah's (S.A.W.) the appointedBital Bilal to Then Allah's Messenger t0 the peopleto prayer.But call through t0 prayer. But it seems throughthe the people seems thestudy ahadith callthe studyof ahadith ProphetMuhammad Then that that the methodwas was not Then Prophet Muhammad the method not satisfactory. satisfactory. (a oooch), (S.A.W.}agreed (S.A.WJ (a like Naqoose like the bell agreedto to use useaa NaQoose something the bell eonch),something of but of its wc not to use because of Christians but he hewas not happy happyto useit because itssimilarity Christians similarity with with the the Christians. Christians. (S.A.W.) Prophet hadordered After Muhammad (S.A.WJ had aa bell AfterProphet Muhammad ordered bellto to be bemade made gatherthe peopleto prayer;on so to gather the people to prayer; on that that that it could be struck struckto couldbe so that "l bin Zaid Abdullahbin Zaidbin Abd Rabbihi"said, Rabbihirsaid, same Abdullah "1 day aa companion, bin Abd sameday companion, was sleeDing when aa man aa naqoose in nagoose hishands, whenI saw mancarrying in his hands,and and vrras sleeping saw carrying 'Servant you sell Whenhe I said, will you to me?' me?'When Allah,will selfthis this to he asked said,'Servant of Allah, cked replied,that what that we we would woufddo do with with it?t it?l replied, woulduse to call what I would useit to callthe the guideyou youto peopfeto prayer.He people better Hesaid, not guide to something better ShalfI not somsthing t0 prayer. said, 'Shall tnld me he told than so repliedr'Certainly', t0 sav. thanthat?' that?'I replied/Certainly', so he meto sav,

'Allehu Akbar, A/llJhu 'AI/ahu Akbar, AllEhu Akbar, Akbar, Allahu Allahu Akbar, Akbar, AI/shu Altdhu ,Ash hadu an Ii AkMr, Ash lE ilaha ildha illal illal lah, Akbar,. lEh, ash hdu an la xh hadu li ilaha il6ha illal lEh, Ash Ash hadu an-na an-ru,Mul)ammadar Mufiammadar resulu/¡/iJh, iI/allah, resitut4en, Ash Ash hadu 'al4 $a/ah, MuQammadAr rasulul-llJh, galEh, payya an-na Mul)ammadilr rafilullEh, an-na I)ayya bayya 'a/Sf bayya 'alq galdh 'alal 'alal-falEh 'alSf ~aISh, payya 'alaI-fa Ilh' Allahu fa6h, Qayya AllEhu fuayya 'alaI falal), fuayya Aktur, AI/ahu AllEhu Akbar, Akbar, ¡ illal lilh.'l' Aktur, La G ilaha ilffia iI/allah.

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After the the Aian Aian the the stranger stranger kept kept quiet quiet for for aa while while and and then then After said, {lhen When the the congregation congregation is is ready rea~y you you should should say:say:- Allihu Allahu Akbar, Akbar, said, lah,fuh Allfihu Akbar. Akbar, Ash Ash hadu hadu an an liIii lilaha lilaha illal iIIallah, Ash hadu hadu an'na an¡na [luhamMuhamAll6hu 'alal fal-ah,qad qEmatis 'alaq galih, madar rasOlul-lah, ~ayya 'ala, salah, bayya 'alai fala~, qad qama tis bayya madarras0lul-lifr, hayya ~Iah, qad qad q6ma qama tii tis iaieh, salah, A[l6hu AII3hu Akbar, Akbar, All6hu Allahu Akbar, Akbar, lila ilihillal ilatll illal satah, lah. H h. When II told told Allah's Allah's Mesenger Messenger (S'A.W.) (S.A.W.) in the the morning morning what what When had seenrhe seen1he said, said, 'lt 'It is is a true true vision, vision, insha'Allah, insha¡Allah, so so get get up up along along with with II had Bilal, and and when when you you have have taught taught him him what what you you have have seen seen let let him him use use Bilal, it in making making the the call call to prayer, prayer, for for he he has has stronger stronger voice voice than than you you have'. have'. So II got got up up along along with with Bilal Bilal and and begnn began to teach teach it to him, him, and and So he used used it in making making the the call call to grayer.. praver. he Umar bin bin al-Khattab al-Khattab heard heard this this' when when he he wu was in in his his house, house, and and Umar he came came out out trailing trailing his his cloak cloak and and said, said, 'Mesenger 'Messenger of Allah Allah (S.A.W.), (S.A.W.), he by Him Him who who has has sent sent you you with with the the truth, truth, II have have seen seen the the same same kind kind by (S.A.W.) Mesenger of thin~ as has been revealed", To this Allah's Messenger (S.A,WJ To this Allah's revealed'' as been has oi thing 'Praise replied, 'Praise be be to Allah!"' Allah!'" replied, ' (Darmi, (Oarmi, Ntmad, Ahmad, lbn Ibn Maiah, Majah, lbn, Ibn, Khuzahah, KhuzaicDah, Tirmizi) Tirmizi) present Aian is So from that day on to the present day Aian is said said to gather gather day day 0n t0 the from that So prayer. people for the congregational prayer. people for the congregational THE THEMUAizlN mun2iru is called peoplefor called A person prayer personwho the congregational congregational for the who calls callspeople Frayeris facingKa'bah Ka'bah Aian he shouldstand standfacing aa Muaziin heshould the Aian Beforesaying sayingthe Mua2iin Before puttingthe the tips tips in his ears ean putting raisehis his hands handsto to his He should Makkah.He shouldraise in Makkah. Whenhe loud voice. voice.When he says says in aa loud of into andcall call in into his his ears earsand of forefingers forefingers 'alC ~alah whenhe to the the right rightand andwhen faceto he ~ayya turn his his face he should shouldturn Saldhhe Havva'al~ left. face to the says ~ayya 'alai Fala~ he should turn his face to the left. turn his FalElr he should $yi'flayya"aial


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23 23

Allihu Akbar Akbar Allihu greatest Allahisisthe thegreatest Allah AllEhu Akbar Akbar AlliJhu greatest Allahisisthe thegreatest Allah Allahu Akbar Akbar Allahu greatest Allahisisthe thegreatest Allah Allihu Akbar Akbar AlliJhu greatesr Allahisisthe thegreatest Allah hadu an Ash hadu an la lE i!ยงha il6ha iI/allah illal l1h Ash bearwitness witnesthat thatthp.re thereisisno nodeity deitybut II bear butAllah. Allah. iilat Lah hadu an Ash hadu ld ilaha an la it1ha illal LEh Ash bearwitness witnesthat thatthere thereisisno nodeity deitybut II bear butAllah. Allah. hadu an~na Ash hadu rasulul Eh Ash Muhammadar rasululliJh an-na Muhammadar (S.A.W.I bearwitness witnesthat Muhammad thatMuhammad I bear (S.A.W.) islsthe of themessenger messenger Allah. of Allah. an-na Muhammadar Ash hadu an-na Mul"tammadarrasululliJh rasulul lEh Ash bearwitness witness Muhammad thatMuhammad II bear that (S.A.W.) isisthe of themessenger messenger of Allah. Allah. tS.A.tiJ.) galah l;Iayya~/a~ Hayyalalag~alah prayer tiometo to prayer (;ome sal1h 1;Iayya 'ala1 salah Hayya'alag Prayer. Cometo to Prayer. Come falah /;/ayya 'alaI falal) Hayya'alal yourGood Good Cometo to your Come falah I;!ayya 'alaI falalJ Hayya'alal yourGood. GodA. Cometo to your Come Alldhu Akbar Akbar Allihu greatest Allahis is the the greatest Allah Allahu Akbar Akbar Allihu greatest Allahis the greatest is the Allah ildha illal lah LE iliha LlI Lah Thereis deitybut There is no no deity but Allah. Allah.

ainru AZAN FoR FOR FA"IB FAJR An An additional additional phrase phrase is is included included in in the the Aian Aian for for the the Fajr Fajr prayer prayer 'alal after after the the second second thyya ~ayya 'alai Fal6h Fal~~


e+Att;Hr)-iit A~ ~al5tu Kh-ayrum ~hayrum minan minan nawm nawm -.


As.~aliJtu ~ Khayrum minan minan narvmnawmralatu Khayrum

prayer Prayer is is better better than than sleep. sleep. prayer Prayer is is better better than than sleep. sleep.

TISTEIIIilG LISTENING TO TO THE THE A2Ail A!AN ll1) when When the the beliaren believers hear hear the the Aian Aian they they shourd should risten listen to to ir it in in 224 4

silence and and repeat repeat each each phrase phrase of the the Aian Aian in in silence silence immedi' immedi· silence ately after after the the Muaiiin Muaiiin has has finished finished sayingthe saying the phrase. phrase. ately 2) When When the the Muaiiin Muaziin says:says:- tlayya t:tayya 'al4 'al~ salEh ~alah and and Havya'alalI:tavya 'alat 2l Wala fal'ah . the listener should say in reply:-Lahawla Wala quw' quwLahawla reply:-fal-ah:. thQ.ljstener shouldsayin wata rlla Ina Bil-hh. Bil-lah. wata

d+V,Ei-id;JF! 3) When When the the Aian Aian has has been been completed, completed, the the listener listener and and the the 3) Muaziin recite Oariid Dariid unto unto Prophet Prophet Muhammad Muhammad (S.A.W.} (S.A.W.) recite Muaiiin followed by by the the Du Du'a. follomif f;.


J3 3t h\i3 +fu,J I'gG,;;f.e- ULJljfrti

fu:irb'++P?;i,"f|*1ai,+G14r'g.a't'*ith.l ''i+V,1,# -JI:$ W "*l dt *4'q#

Jt F i $t!. JL1tV U'L-i;+tJ:. )t &i

'ald "Allah 1li Muf1am· Muftam"AlEh humma ¥l1·li Mufiammadin wa wa 'ali ali hlE Mul)ammadin Eal-li 'ala 'ald madin kama 'ali Ibraheema qal-layta'alE lbr1hffima wa wa 'ala ali ili Ibraheema lbrEhema kamE ~/-Iayta innaka lJameedum maied." " fiamedum majeed. (S.A.W.) and peacecome "Oh (S.A.W.) and your peace Muhammad upon Muhammad "0h Allah, Allah, let comeupon let your (S.A.W.}as peaceupon you have upon sent peace the (S.A.W-l havesent Muhammad as you of Muhammad the family family of praiseworthy you are and Ibrahim and are praiseworthy Truly you his family. family.Truly and his lbrahim (A.S.) tA.S.) and gloriouJ~" glorioug:"

'alE ali 'alE Mul}ammadin 6li Mu/;JamMultamhumma barik wa 'ala Mul\ammadin wa ffirik 'ala 'alE 'ali Eli Ibraheema lbrEheema madin kama wa 'aliJ ali lbrhheema wa bitakta 'alll Ibraheema kamd blJtakta innaka maied." " hamedum majeed. innaka I}ameedum !!ilEh ~'Allah

(S.A.W.) Muhammad of Mlihammad "Oh, (S.A.W.) and thefamily familyof andthe bles Muhammad Muhammad Alah,bless "0h, Allah, (A.S.)and Truly (S.A.W.)as family.Truly (S.A.W.) Ibrahim hisfamily. andhis you have lbrahim(A.S.) blessed hare blessed as you glorious." you and praiseworthy andglorious." youare arepraiseworthy



't|*.-*3,\tA'"r;\3'2,i#;\'rlJi?,'ttv'ei3iyi o'nJJUb$ty "AllEh humma rabba rabba "Allah Hazhi da'wa tit Hathi hid da~wa tit tdm mati was wassala sald tam imati iJii til Oi imati hii tit Qa ni I waseelata Mufiammada nil waseelata Muhammada 'ath-hu waf Fa{eelata wab wab ~ath-hu wal Far;Jeelata mahmhda nil maqamam maqimam mahmuda lazee wa wa ad ad tahu." tahfi." taiee "0h Allah! prayerof Allah!Lord Lord of of this this complete "Gh prayer By the the blessing complete of ours. blesing oun. By (S.A.W.)his give Muhammad Muhammad of it, it, give of (S.A.W.) his eternal rightsof intercesion, of intercession, eternalrights (in paradise). paradise). and highest distinctionand highestclass distinction And And raise class(in raisehim him to t0 the the promised youhave promised rankyou promised rank him. him. havepromised (R.A.)reported (S.A.W.) Jabir(R.A.) reported Mesenger "lf Jabir Alla~'s (S.A.W.) as Allah'sMessenger assaying, sayin$"If '0 God, anyonesays sayswhen perfect whenhe anyone , '0 Lord he hears hearsthe the Aian God, Aian . Lordof of this thisperfect prayerwhich grantMuhamandof of the the prayer whichisis established forall call for all time, calland Muham' established time,grant (S.A.W.) rmad(S.A.W.) praisethe Wasila Imad the and and him Wasila andexcellency, andraise raise excellency, himup up in in aa praisepositionwhich you have promised', worthy position worthy he whichyou he will havepromised', will be asuredof of h assured my intercession." intercession." my (Bukhari) (Bukhari) IOAMAT IQAMAT prayerand lqamatis is the thesecond to prayer Iqamat call before second andis isuttered immediately callto utteredimmediately before prayeroffered beginning of the the of the beginning the obligatory obligatoryprayer with congregation. offeredwith congregtion. T E X TOF O FIOAMAT TEXT IOAMAT

o'@N 54';i\ i,ltl ly:,iYt'J\'rIal tCi: \'r;:Ltt Sag c,,arr Jt,s r,;*:e,:t& e cAY.aSt I.r l*\ii3 i'e!&tl5't3ii 6'-qrt i. :rlr* y:r{'1.,'i$fi;{\'i3 %i Akbar Allahu Akbar Allah is is the the greatest greatest Allah Akbar Allahu Akhar Allah is is the the greate$t greatest Allah

26 2 6

en ld Ii il6ha ilaha illal il/alliJh l6h Ashhadu an bear witnes witness that that there there is is no no deity deity but but Alah. Allah. I bear Ash hadu anna anna Mufiammadar Muhammadar nsfrlul rasulullah lEh Arh hadu bear witnes witness that that Muhammad Mu'hammad (S.A.W.} (S.A.W.) h is the the m$sengpr messenger of Allah. Allah. I bear 'alaq$Blah /:Ia yya 'alaf ldh Hayya Come to to prayer prayer Gome /:Iayya 'alaI fa/a/} hlal faldh Hayya Come to to your your good good Come qmatiS galEh Dad QiJmatis salah Qad Jaml'atis rcady ready' Jaml'atis qlmatiqsalah Dad qamatis sal6h Qad Jam. 'at is is reaCy rea~y . Jamt'at Allihu Akbar Alldhu Allah is is the the Gnatest Greatest Allah AI/shu Akbar Akbar All1hu greatest Allah thegreatest Allahisisthe La illal lEh LE ilaha ildha illallah There but Allah. Allah. deitybut nodeity Thereisisno

hadith in the the hadith This in mentioned that mentioned the same of Iqamat lqamatisis the samec~ that Thistext text of haYe the first fint to to have wttoW~ wc the. of bin Zaid bin Abd who Rabbihi bin Zaidbin Abd Rabbihi of Abdullah Abdullah aa vision about . Azan. vision aboutAzan


27 27

Chapter4 Chopter 4 (PRAYER) C O N D U C T OF O t ' SALAT S A L A T (PRAYER) CONDUCT

SUTRA SUTRA personstarts Beforeaa person pray he placesomething staru to Before t0 pray he should shouldplace something8a (doe placewhere distance prmtratc(does in front frontof of him shortdistance him of short in of the the place wherehe he prostrates Sajdah). Suc,h pemon an object objectisis called Sajdah). Such an SUTRA and is used when the person calledSUTRAandis usedwhenthe prayingalone. personpassing pasinginfront alone.A person penonin prayer, isis praying infrontof of the the person in prayer, passon shouldpass on the should of theoutside outside of the thesutra. sutra. prayingin lf someol'le someone If isis praying then in congregation, congregation, then the the imam imamacts ac8 as as The imam, the sutra. imam,however, however, sutra.The musthave havehis the must sutra individual his own own individual sutra i n f r o nof ot f him. him. infront

QIBlAH 0 fE t A H personisis in Wherever in the the world, world,he Wherever aa pernon d face facetowards he shoul towardsthe the should Ka'bah goingto pray.The whenhe he isis going to pray. Ka 'bah when isisin sacred mosque The Ka'bah Ka'bah thesacred mosgue in the (Ka'bah)isis aa very Makkahin of Makkah in Saudi Facing of towards SaudiArabi. Arabi.Facing towardsQiblah very 0iblah(Ka'bah) performance prayer.However, importantcondition conditionof of performance important of However,if the of prayer. the jungle, personisis in placesuch in aa place suchas person jungle, unknown city asa desert, desert, unknownstrange city strange placewhere wherehe doesnot or aa place knowthe or he does not know the direction diiectionof of the Oiblah,he the Qiblah, he try his his best bestto to find find out should of shouldtry out the the direction direction Oiblahfrom from others. othen. of Qiblah However, possible However, if it isis not then judgment and not possible then he he should shoulduse usehis his judgment and facein in a direction direction thinksisis that face which whichhe he thinks that of Oiblahand of Qiblah Allahwill will andAllah prayer. hisprayer. accept accept his ft isis important importantto to start facingthe It prayer facing startthe the prayer directionof 0iblah the direction of Qibtah doesnot not matter and it does matterif his d;rectionchanges and while praying his o;rection while he changes he is is praying trainor anaeroplane in a ship, e.g. etc. ship,a train aeroplane etc. e.g.in 0r an givesthe N0TE: NaTE: Nowadays, Nowadays, a compass which whichgives available direction the direction compasisis available In strange strangeplaces of places and it isis a useful of Qiblah. 0iblah.In usefulinstrument instrument and aeroplanes aeroplanes to possess. to poses. IINTENTION ilTEttlT|ON After After facinq fac.ing the the 0iblah Qiblah the the person person should should make make niyat niyat (inten(intenT h e i n t e n t i o n p e r s osshould nh o u l d ttion). i o n ) ,The intention iiss m a d ew i t h i nh made within hisi s m mind, h e person i n d ,sso0 tthe articula rb l i g a t o r0 tthink h i n ka b o u tthe r a y eh r e Iinabout particular obligatory, optional orr n natl prayer he nh ep o y p, t i o n a lo a f lp ten ds t0 to perform. perform. He He should should not not utter utter the the words words of of niyat niyat aloud, aloud, tertds o ta a h i siiss n u t h e n t0 i cr a r o p h e((S.A.W.L tS . A . W . ) . asstthis not authentic. or approved bydy tthe Prophet p p r o v eb h eP

28 2 8


penonshould After prayer saying After making niyatthe the person starthis his prayer saying makingnivat shouldstart (Allahisis the greatest) "AII'Ihu raising both his hands hands to to thegreatest) bothof of his "AllEhuakbar" akbar"(Allah raising th~ with stretching to He should He fingers to the the earlobes. the shoulders, shouldsrs, with fingers stretching should earlobes. then over hand. This This thenfold fdd his righthand lefthand. overhis overthe hishands hands hischest handover theleft chestright tim because after "AlliihuAkbar" Akbar"isis called TakbirTahrimah Tahrimah because aftersaying saying first"Anihu calledTakbir Takbir every and moveTahrimah worldlyaction, talk or or moveTakbirTahrimah everycommon andworldly action,talk common prayer ment the theeyesof the worshipper Throughout theprayer theeyesof forbidden.Throughout thewonhipper mentisisforbidden. pointto should point the rests in rests to the forehead should spotwhere where theforehead in Sajdah. thespot Sajdah.


peopleplace placetheir Some place handsunder othersplace their hands underthe the navel, navel,others Somepeople them Prophet uoderthe that Prophet themuDder but there arehadiths whichstate the chest thereare hadithswhich statethat chestbut (S.A.W.) placehis Muhammad (S.A.W.) used hishands overhis hischest. Muhammad ued to to place handsover chest. (S.A.W.) (R.A.)reported: "l saw pfacing Prophet a) (S.A.W.) placing HalbA!aee repofted:"1 Alaee(R.A.) sawthe the Prophet al Halb (Ahmadrlirrrnizi). righthand his overhis hisleft lefthand handover hisright handover overhis hischest:' chesti'(Ahmad"Tirtnizi). (R.A.)said: "l prayed prayedwith ProphetMuhammad Muhammad b) Wlll b. b. Hajr Hair(R.A.) with Prophet bl Wi'il said:"I (S.A.W.)and put his right hand overhis (S.A.W.) hand over his his left left hand he put handover overhis and he his right (lbn Khuzaimah, Muslim). chest." Abu Khuzaimah, Dawld,Muslim). AbuOawtid, cho$t."(Ibn someFuqha There which Fuqha Thereare narrations thatsome someother othernarrations whichstate statethat aresome placetheir abovethe the navel. usedto to place theirhands han& under thechest but above used navel. underthe chestbut positions Flacing in either thesepositions "Placing the isiscorrect but it is is better better the hands handsin eitherof of these correctbut practiceof placethem of Prophet t0 the the practice to to Prophet them over the chest according to place chestaccording overthe (S.A.W.) hadiths. in the the above aboveauthentic authentic Muhammad Muhammad (S.A.W.) as in hadiths. as mentioned mentioned R E C I T A T I OBEFORE F RECITATION BTE{ F O R fATIHAH EA T I H A H There are are several ProphetMuhammad Muhammad(S.A.W which Prophet There {S.A.W, severaldu'as du'ts which to recite recitebefore Fatihah. Wewill usedto of them. beforeFatihah. will mention mentiontwo them. used We two of

'ij tJ;( (;- 3V\& 1# i',#i+r:. iliri,,, \733U\i" L:41'L#)i o --Ft5 rt4)t .* jr=:ag46' o#.1r-"+",iit\ 5rll'H r{cs,V,o iili +L \sf,? ? + 6a KamE khat|yEya Kama "Alleh humma humma ba'id wa bayna bayna khat5yaya "Allah be'id barnee banee wa humma naq' maghribi, Allah Allih humma mashrigiwal wal maqhribi, baynal mashriqi /ii'adta naqE'adta baynal 2g 29

a,by$! yunag-qath thawIJul thawnul abyaqu qinee qinee min Ram'a yunaq·qath min khafiJyaya kha6yEya kama bil min Khatayaya KhatEyEya bil minad maghsilnie min hum maghsilnee minad danasi, AtEh hum dan*i, Allih (Bukhari and Muslim). maee and Muslim). bardi." (Bukhari wal bardi." mEeewath wath thaJji thalii wal

"0 Allahset apartfrom from my Eastand "0 Allah my sins sinsas andWest Westare set me me apart m East areapan apart fromeach other. eachother. from garment from my o0 Allah, me isisdeansed Allah,cleanse my sins mefrom sinsas asaa white whitegarment uleansed cleanse wCIhing. fromdirt dirtafter afterthorough thorough from washi ng. Allah,wash frommy my sins o0 Allah, unshme off from with water, water,snow meoff sinswith andhail." hail." snowand penondoes Iflf aa person then know the the duli doesnot not know du'd just mentioned then he he iust mentioned (R.A.) isis reported recitethe followingone. to have should shouldrecite the following one. Umar Umar(R.AJ reportedto hatre usedthis thisdu'i du'aTakbirTahrimah. Tahrimah. used after Takbir aftersaying saying ~\ -" ",,, /'/ " 3 .i+UtiS'#-.. I ~J\.;Z-' !,rVj'.t ~~~~~~, :!J~j~t it; rirg,,,.., r, )iL|j;,fr)t Zi~ \


":_ \ --. eaSi;al,i; ~tJ:

c~AJt'J' .. ,;4'

watabhra "Subpana " SubfrEna Kallah KaltEh humma wabi f)amdika fiamdika wataliiJra ghamtk. ildha wali 'ala jad-duka wallJ illJha gh;wruk. kasmuka wata wata'ald kasmuka iad-duka "Gfory be you, 0 Allah, be to praisssare yoor to you, "Glory Allah,and and alt all praises aro due due unto uflto you·, yourmajesty your name andblessed blessed nameand andhigh highis is your and isis your maie$yand andnone rwnlry noneis iswon'v youJ' of worship wonhipbut but you:' of personcan readboth both du'ls, just one A persol'1 can read du 6s,together togetheror or just oneof them tftemor or py of the otherdu'as du'6swhich any the other which are areapproved approvedby by Prophet ProphetMuhammad Muhammad (S.A.W.),andrthere areabout about7. 7. These Thesedu'as (S.A.W.),and,there are du'& tan befound fbundin in different differertt canbe places sevenl Books Booksof Hadith, Hadith,e.g. places of several e.g.Muslim, Mulim, Tirmizi, Tirmizi, Musnad-. Musnad.r Ahmad,Abu. Dawid, Dar-qutni, Dar-qulni,Nisai, Imam Ahmad, Abu Dawiid, Nisai, Ibn lbn Majah, Majah,Ibn lbn Hibban, llibban, !I.* MuattaImam lmamMalik). Malik). Muana • All of the the 7 du'as du'f,scan All be read before rettting surah can be read together tqether before recitfutg surah Fatihah. Fatihah. This This recitation recitation is is called called Du'#ul-lstiftah Dua:ul-Istiftah which which means means DuE Du'i of starting. lstiftahshould starting. 0ui-ul Du/a-ullstif tah should only only be be recited retited in in the the first first rakat. rakat. TA,A}WYUi TA'Awwui Then Then the the person person who who is is praying praying should should say:say;·

(~\~8,~k\/'~~f t;,:;rrp,i*lr 4;'(;*i ,,; -





A 'uiu biLEhi bi/./ahi minah minash Shaygd Shayta nir-raipm." nir-rai-eem. " " A'uiu "1 seek seek Allaht Allah's protection protection from from satan satan who who is is accursed." accursed." "l This should should only only be be said said in in the the first first rakat. rakat. This TASMIA}I TASMIAM

Then the the penon person who who is is praytng praying should should say: say: Then 330 0

, .,...:?~,. _ o+ij}$rj1 :.)~ _


::J,PF, A~.' ' -...'

I ..... L.~





"Bismfllah hir-rabma ir-rahnm. "" r'nhmd nnir-raheem. "Bism il lEh hi "In the the name name of of Allah, Allah, the the mmt most kind kind and and the the most most mercifuli' merciful:' "ln be said said in in wery FNery rakat rakat before before reciting reciting rurah surah Fatihah. Fatihah. This should should be This


praying recite iurahFatihah. should Thenthepercon

6 ;# 6 rP.i ;u 5+:^J6'.'i;{" !Vyi'*4i AVL3"t-it i;rV ;

;Du i:-*il


l] e .=1e i#i( g rt,ur= e*idrig;;ott - *t"l' S dJ,b\tiirydJb-';ih"F

"Alltamdu "A/hamdu |li/-/ahi rab-bill'6lameen. 'a/ameen. il-Ehi rab-hi Ar rafrmarahma nir-ralrem. nir-raheem. Ar Mali ki yawmid yawmid :- den. deen. Mefiki Iyyaka na'budu wa lyydka na'budu iyyaka nasta'een. nasta'een. Ihdlna~ mustagmm. Ihdl nagsiratal sirital mustaqeem. 'alayhim. Sira(al Lazeena an 'amta 'alayhim. Laieena an'amta $iragal Ghayril magh{1ubi _ Ghayril maghQubi 'alayhim " A,mffin." walay'gal-Ieen. ddl-leen.Ameen. hlaVhim walap

"Praise isis only "Praise for Allah, Allah,Lord Lord unlyfor of Univene. of the the Universe. The kind,the Themost mostmerciful. merciful. mostkind, themost The of Dayof Judgment. of the theDay Themaster master of Judgment. youalone You we and worship to you Youalone weworship andto alone alone we prayfor for help. help. un pray Show way, way, thestraight straight Showus usthe the youhave whomyou thosewhom haveblessed. blessed. theway wayof of those Who your youranger, anger, Whohave notdeserved deserved havenot Nor goneastray:' Norgone astray." (S.AW.) Prophet Muhammad Reciting Fatihah isisso that Muhammad (S.A.W.) thatProphet soimportant important Fatihah Reciting of recitationof the recitation wiqhoutthe said wi1thout prayerwas acceptable wG acceptable no prayer thit no said that Fatihah. Fatihah. (S.A.W.) (R.A) reported Messenger All:th'sMessenger a) (S.A.W.) reportedAllah's bin Samit Samit(R.A.) Ubadahbin a) Ubadah 'There no prayer reciting with_out as without reciting Surah prayeracceptable acceptable assaying: saying:"There isis no $ol, Nhai, Tirmizi,Nisai, Dalfrd,Tirmizi, Abu Oawud, Fatihah." (Bukhari Ahmad,Abu Muslim,Ahmad, Fatihah.;' {BukhariMuslim, Ibn Maiah). l b nMajah). (S.A.W.) Allah(S.A.W.) (n.A.)reported ofAllah b) (R.A.) thatthe of Messenger thattheMessenger reported Hurairah AbuHurairah b) Abu prayer did anddid kind of prayed any was saying that anyone who prayed any kind of prayer and who anyone that wassaying 31 31

not read nad in in that,Ummul thatrUmmul(luranl.and Ouranpndinin one not oneversion Fatihah.tul. versionFatihah路tul路 prayrrwill Kitsbhis hirprayer willbe bodeficient, deficient, Kitab will will willbe bedeficient, deficienr, willbe bedeficient, deficient, (Bukhrri,Muslim notcomplete. andnot complete. MrrlimAhmad). and (Bukhari, Ahmad). (R.A.l reported Abu Hurairah Hurrirah(R.A.) reportedAllah's (S.AW.}as c)cl Abu (S.A.W.) Allah'sMessenger Messenger as praysrwill rrying: "No "[Io prayer person wifl benefit benefitaa pe~an saying: who who did did not readinin not read (lhn Khuzaimah. ftrt .nlh Fatihah."(Ibn rurdr Fatihah." Khuzaimah, that Ibn lbn Hibban. Hibban.Ahmad). Ahmad). In the the Ii-.t ligrt of of the the above abovehadiths In we that hadiths we understand undentand thatSurah surah Fatihdrmust murtbe berecited rscitedor readin or read in every Fatihah rakatof everyrakat prayer. ofany anytype typeof of prayer. BECITATIOil OFSURAH SURAHfATIHAH FATIHAHBEHIND RECITATION OF AN BEHIITID Af{ IMAM. IMAM. pgopl.o $ome.people gE.ysly confused Some are very confused whet~er whetherthey theyshould shouldor or should should not rsad surah Fatihah Fatiharrwhile prayingin whirepraying not l'Iad Surah in congregation. congiegrion.But Bui there ih;;; drouldnot not be b0any any confusion confusionin in'thii should this matter as ir,Jiorro",ing the following hadith niatter-i tilli; vry clearty clmdy.answers question. ansnrers theQuestion. very the '1Ale al Ubadah bin 8) Ubadah bin ~amit (R.A.) said: said:'We were werebehind behindthe Prophet the Prophet $amit.(R.A.) (s.A.w.)in praver,and in the the Fajr Fairprayer, (S.A.W.) from the and he he recited recitedaa passage passage from'the Ouran,but but the the recitation recitation became auran, became difficult him. Then when difficurtfor for'him.'Then when 'Do you he finished finishedhe hc said, said,'Do recitebehind he you recite We your Imam?' behindyour lmam?'we replie.{,.'yE, (S.A.W.)'.Then of Allah Attah(S.A.W.)'. replied, 'yes, ^tlgfenggl Messenger of the Messenger Th'en Messenger the 'Do (S.A.W.)said: of Allah Allah (S.A.W.) said: 'Do (behindthe of not not recite reciteanything anything(behind t-he lmam) except (surah Fatihah) Fatihah-tul-Kitab except Fatihah-tul路Kitab Imam) (Surah he raiitratrjbecause because he who does doesnot not include includeit in who in in his his recitation recitation prayerhis in prayer prayer his prayer (AbuDawiid. notvalid.' valid.'" (Abu DawEd, isisnot Tirmizi). Tirmizi). (R.A.)reported bl Abu Abu Hurairah Hurairah reported b) (R.A.) that of Allah thst the the Messenger Mesenger Allah (s.A.w.)said: "lf anyone (salatlin said:"If anyoneobserves obsewes prayer(~alat) (S.A.W.) prayer in which whichhe hedoes does not read read Ummul ummul Quran 0ur5n (Fatihah), not it isis deficient, it isis deficient, deiicient, {FatihahLit deficient, it is deficient, andnot complete." is deficient, and not complete." It was was said to Abu Abu Hurairahi Hurairah: lt saidto 'What shouldwe do when (Abu 'What should we do when we we are behind an Imam?" He, (Abu arebehind an lmam?,,He, H u r a i r a h((R.A.) lR . A . )rreplied, e p l i e d ,""Read Hurairah) R e a diitt iinn ssilence....... i r e n c e . .". .((Muslim). .M ..u " slim). A MEEIU: AMEEN: It is is sunnah sunnah io to *y say Ameen Ameen when when a person person finishes-recitation finishes_recitation of Surah Surah Fatihah. Fatihah. lfIf he he is is praying praying alone alone he he should should say say "Ameen" "Ameen" in in silence silence and and if hg h~ is is praying praying with with congregation congregation behind behind an an lmam Imam then then he he should should say say Ameen Ameen fairly fairly loudly loudly when when the the lmam Imam finishes finishes saying saying the the last last verse verse of Surah Surah Fatihah. Fatihah. when When saying saying Emeen Ameen the the voice voice oT of the the wtrole whole congregation congregation should should resound resound at at the the same same timu. timlt There There are are many many hadiths hadiths which which prove prove that that saying saying Ameen Ameen aroud aloud is is Sunnah Sunnah of of the the Holy Holy Prophet Prophet (S.A.w.) (S.A.W.) and and itit was was iheiegular the regular practice practice of of the the companions. companions. we We will will mention mention a few few of these these hadiths hadiths here. here. a) a) Naeem Naeem al al Mujammar Mujammar said: said: "l "I prayed prayed behind behind Abu Abu Hurairah Hurairah (n.A.) (R.A.) He He recited recited Bismilfdh Bismillah hir-ra[ma hir-rahma nir-raheem, nir-raheem, then then he hE recited recited surah surah Fatihahrand Fatihah, and when when he he reached reached walad wala路p {alleen, c)a.!.:lee-n, he he saidrAmeen said, Ameen e o p l ebbehind aafter f t e riitt aand n dtthe h e ppeople e h i n dhhim Ameen i m ssaid a i dA m e e...... n . . .", .((Bukhari). .d"u k h a r i ) . b) b) Abu Abu Hurairah Hurairah {R.A.) (R.A.) reported reported that that the the Messenger Messenger ol of Allah Allah (s.A.w.) (S.A.W.) said: said: 'when 'When the the lmam Imam says says GhayriiMaghd0bi Ghayril MaghQubi 'arayhim 'alayhim 332 2

youshould wala{dal-leenrall of you shouldsa~, walaQ.. ~al-Ieen} all of becuase the Ameen, say,Ameen, becuase theAngels Angels gty Ameen and the Ameenand f mamsays the Imam ~y says saysAmeen. Ameen.And And whosoever whosoever says Ameenand and his his voice voiceblends with that Ameen he that of of the the angels angels he would would blendswith (Ahmad, forgiven beforgiven hissins." be his Abu sins."(Ahmad, AbuDawud, Dawld,Nisai). Nisail. (R.A.) reported (S.A.W.) Aisha(R.A.) reportedthat c) of c) Aisha that the the Messenger Mesenger Allah (S.A.W.) of Allah "Jewsare aremore r'noreenvious said: of in said:"Jews envious of Muslims Muslims in two two things thinp ~) our la) our 'alaykum (b) saying greeting someone with Assalamu greeting someone with 'alaykum and and(b) sayingAmeen Ameen Assalamu ( a l o u dbehind ( A h m a dIbn , nMajah). b) e h i n the d (aloud) t h eImam:' l m a m i '(Ahmad, lb Majah). "l found praying dl Ata Atasaid: d) praying in found200 of the said:"I 200of thecompanions in the themosque mosque companions (S.A.W.) Prophet lmam_said of (S.A.W.) and wala~ of the theProphet andwhen whenthe the Imam_said walad~al¡leen, dal-!een, theecho heard voices resound I heard the resound with echoof of their theirvoices withAmeen". Ameen". B E C I T A T I OAFTER ANF T E R FATIHAH RECITATION SURAH FATIHAH SURAH personwho praying for aa person ItIt isis sunnah that sunnahfor who isis praying read that he he should shouldread Fatihah from Quran 0ur5nafter afterFatihah firsttwo rakatsof aa surah in surahfrom in the of the thefard fard thefirst two rakats prayer. reciteone Hereare Her.an m0resurahs. prayer. He Here oneor or more areaa few fewshort canrer.ite surahs. shortSurahs Surahs youcan recite. whichyou whic.h canrecite. a) Surah SurahIkhlas lkhlar a)

#)'.FJt$g--a t An63'd3 itX'rtd;!'*Fa"";Zt I'4:,i5 8'rratfj-rL,jiq;s3 "Oul huwal tahu NQul ldhu ahad. ahad. Allah hus-samad. huq-qamad. . yalid walam yhlad. walam yu/ad. Lam va/iff yakul-lahl Kufuwan a,!ad. Walam yaku/-/ahu ahad."" Wa/am "Say:He Allah,the one. Heis is Allah, "Say: theonly onlyone. needhelp. help. Allah Allahhelps anddoes doesnot not need helpsand r o d u caechild, He H edoes d o e snot a, n dHe He produce n o tp c h i l dand anyone. Wasnot not born of anyone. Was born of Him." T h e r eis There n o one o n eequal e q u ato tlo Him." i s no Falaq. b) Surah b) SurahFalaQ.

c#itt*;S;IF9'.:"', 7 A)6'5';u:+31 d Ft P.k'5.iri Jrb L*ii ih.lJ'J ;-G u3 F i5 d Astil v4v h'-,gti:*'<ii-' 33 3 3

Qui AlAIubi Au}ubi rab-bil rab-bil falaq. fs/aq. ilul KhaJaq. Min shar-rimd shar-rima Khalag. Min Wa min min shar-ri shar-ri ghisiqin iia waqab. waqab. gh*iqin iia Vrla Wa min min shar-rin shar-rin naf-fdthdti nat-famati fil fil 'uqad. #uqad. Wa Wa min min shar-ri shar-ri hxidin hasidin lia /za Hasao Hasaa Wa

HSay: II seek seek refuge refuge in the the Lord Lord of the the dawn, dawn, "Say: from the the wil evil of all all that that He He has has ereated, treated, from and from from the the evil evil of the the darkness darkness of night night when when it falls, falls, and and from from the the wil evil of those those (charmers) (charmers) who who blow blow into into knots. knots. and And from from the the evil evil of the the envier envier when when he he envies." envies." And

c) Surrh Surlh ilar. Nls. cl

3}orr+' oA-{;tfY 'r)3 d -rfu rd) d .4Lr\*\F d *t.' :?'?,'5i;\ I









t ,(t. lry Gr^ll o --yt-=l Lvr"$V4


t qEJr;'93At(a Qui A'uzubi Ail A'uiuhi

rab-bin n&. rab-bin nas.

Malikifl lld hin-nas. hin-n*. n*. IIi Malikin nis. Min shar-ril sil khan-nas. khan-n-awaswdsil shar-ril waswa

gudE rin-nas. rin+,fuAI/ari fee fudu 'niA Attaii yuwaswisu Yuwaswisufx Minai iii'nati jin-nati wan-nas. wan+t*.' 'Say:I seek gustainer of mankind. ''Say: in of mankind. thesustainer in the re{uge seekrefuge Mankind. the of Lord of Mankind. Lordof Mankind, Owner of Mankind, theOwner From whisperer. whisperer. thesneaking sneaking of the Fromthe theevil wil of Who in mankind. of mankind. hearBof in the thehearts Whowhispers wtrispen mankind." or mankind." (Whether he jinns (Whether among fromamong be)from hebe) iinnsor

RUKU BOWITIG B U K U-_ BOWING "Alldhu Akbar" raising Akbar" raising prayingshould Then personpraying saY"Allahu shouldsay the person Then the palms facing the outward both his hands to shoulder level with the palms facing outwar~ level with shoulder to both his hands rukuso bendin thenbend in ruku so Heshould and stretching to He shouldthen to eartobes. eadobes. stretching fingers andfingers (i.e.from perpendicular rest to the the rest that to to hips) hif) isis perpendicular from head headto trunk (i.e. his trunk that his finpn knees with the his knees the fingers of with reston on his shouldrest Hishands handsshould body.His of the the body. The hisbody. do not not touch body.The spread armsdo touchhis that his hisarms takingcare carethat apart,taking spnadapart, posture andnot not the ruku rukuposture person in and in the andcomposed composed psron should h calm calmand slrouldbe yal azeem" lmst azeem"at at least rab-biyal hurry :"Subhana rab-bi read:'tubhana Thenhe shouldread heshould it Then hurry it three . times. $rsetimes.

o-p*---$li \A;g[fi*-j* o~ 34 34

I rr

This means: means: This 's "Glory be be to my my Lord lord who who is the the very very grmtmt:' greatest~' "Glory He can tan read read it (3, (3, 5, 5, 7, 7, 9, 9, 1l 11 etc.) ett.) times. times. He There are are sgme some other other du'& du'ls which which Gan can be be road read with with subfEna subbina There r;rm. Two rab¡bi yal yal a3eem a~eem or or imtead instead of subfrina sub~ina rabbi rab-bi yal yalll~m. TWD of thsm them rab.bi are mentioned mentioned below:below:are Other Du'is Du'as in in Ruku: Ruku: 0ther Aisha (R.A.) (R.A.) reportod reported that that the the melsengpr messenger of of Allah Allah (S.AW-) (S.A.W.) Aisha mostly read the follo~ng du'a in his ruku and sajdah. du'i in hisrukuandnidah. mmtlyreadthefollonring

-41 (tf4tj~)oj~~4JJ'2J~;8,-'J~'~~ \") rtt i, "J?+ifrh\ l,f*n;r "" . t; a vl tl.L.l t,r ..



"Subl)ana Kalla humma humma rab-banE rab-bana wabifuamdika wabi(1amdika "Sublpflna Kalld AllAh hum maghfirln." maghfirlee. " (0ukhari, fBukhari, Musliml. Muslim); AlEh This means: means: This "Glory be to you, you, oh oh our our Lord, lord, and and all aU praise praise "Glorybe be to you. h Allah, mei' forgiveme:' you. 0 Allah,forgive 0h be

read usedto read Aflah used Ali of Allah Messenger (R.A.) reported the Messenger that the reportedthat Ali (R.A.) the fonowing Du'a in Rttku: Ruku: in Du'a thefollowing


i :-)j5 3;J, f .b?5&;3s +a Ld"Nv,

V h.,za-; *Lz;',#s

e',gs 6F;=--e-f

-,ziJLli r_;j hr!,xL o;,-ii{U, I r.tirt1,,{*r ro "AlEh humma laka "Allah laka Raka'tu Raka'tu, wabika , ffiika amantu, Ennntu, walaka alunru, vnlaka aslamtu, rab-bTkhashi'a ~ta trta rab-bT Rhahi'a sam'ee sam'ee 'azme wa mukh-khee mukh-kt E wa Wab~ wa wa 'azmee 'qafu wa ~abee wa wa vn masta gal - lat mista qal tat . qada may-va bihe qada bihee mav-ya lil-Iahi. lil-Ehi. rab-bil rabSil 'alameen." Elameen!' (Ahmad, Muslim, Mtslim, Abu Abu Dawiid Dawfid etc.) etc.)

you and "0h! my in you you and "Ohl in subbelieved andIlrub borwdto my Lord, Lord,I bowed to you and I believed my mitted you. You my brain, brrin, my You are' my sight, t0 you. Lord.My My ear, mr, my sight my mitud to are my my lord. fnt isb subby my my feet rub' bones, dons and my ten tendom hr been beencarried bones,my andwhatever whateverhas carriedby mitted for the the lord mittedfor of the theworlds:' worl&l' Lordof (S.AW.}.-.d rnd in ProphetMuhammad in There (S.A.W.) Muhammed Thereare areother du'& which whichProphet otherdu'as Hadith. Ruku in other otherBooks Rukuand befound furnd in Booksof of Hadith. andthey theycan canbe

Perfection of andSaidah. Saidah. ol Ruku Rukuand Perfection (R.A) reported of Allah Al*t Meseqrrr of Abi Badri(R.A.) rrportedthlt ilrrt the Mrud a' al Badri the Messenger Abi Masud (S.A.W.) said: said: {S.AW.} 35 35

"Allahdoes doesnot prayerofof aa man not consIder theprayer conslder "Allah the manwho whodoes doesnot not hisback straighten backwhen whenbowing bowing forRuku Rukuand performing his for Sajdah:' straighten andperforming Saidahj' ( l b nKhuzaimah, K h u z a i m aIbn H i b b a Tabrani). nT, a b r a n i ) . lhb,nHibban, (Ibn (R.A.l reported Abi Gatadah 0atEdah(R.A.) reportedthat Abi ofof Allah that the the Messenger Messenger Allah (S.AW.) said: (S.A.WJ said: 'The n0rst thiefisisone whosteals ininhis onewho prayer.,' ''The WOBt thief steals hisprayer." "H0wcan Thenthe thecompanions companions asked, Then asked, "How steal from cansomeone someone stear fromhis his prayer?" prayer?" (S.A.W. Prophet ansnered. (S.A.W.) Prophet )ansmred, "He doesnOlcomplete nncomplete hisRUKU "He does his with Or Ruxuand andSajdah perfection." sajdah withperfection." al hesaid, said, he "He does doesnot not make makehis his balk backstraight "He inin Ruku srraight Rukuand andSajdah." Sajdah.,' ( A h m a dTabrani, T, a b r a nIbn lib, nKhuzaimah, K h u z a i m aHakim). Hh a, k i m ) . (Ahmad, provethat Thesehadiths hadithsprove Rukuand that RlJku These and Sa;dah saidahshould shouldbe be done done perfectly, cafmfy, slowly and calmly, slowty and perfer.tly, otherwIse sa/at otherwrse penonwill salatof of the the person will be be deficient. deficient. (ASHT A i l O I t { AFTER G O A U W I , I(STANDING A F T E RRUKU) QAWMAH BUKU} perfectRuku After the the perfect Ruku the personpraying prayingshould After the person raisehis shouldraise his headfrom from Ruku Rukusaying:saying:head

6;FdiJ"ol,'*'"Sami'allAh hllehhu hu liman liman~amida:' "Sami hamidai, * raise "verily.Allah Allahlistens listens t0 onewho "Verily toone praises him." who praises him."and and* raise~is han& hishands up up to to the the level level of of his his shoulders shaul deB with with palms palms facing facing outwards outwards and and ffingeB ingenstretched stretched to to the the earlobes earlobes and and then then he he should should lower lower his his hands hands to his his sides. sides. In In the the standing standing position position he he should should be be erect erect so so that that the the joints joints of his his body body go go hack hack in in place. place. while While in in this this position position he he should should recite recite one one 0r or all all of the the following following du'is du'as iN as many many times times as as he he likes. likes. *some peopteget *Some people get very very annoyed annoyed when when they they see see someone someone raising raising his his hands hands while while going going inro into Ruku Ruku and and again again raising raising his his hands hands whili while lifting lifting his his head head from from huku. kuku. There There are, are, however, however, authentic authentic hadiths hadiths which which prove prove that that rrrophet ?rophet Muhammad Muhammad (s-A.w.) (S.A.W.) used used t0 to raise raise his his hands hands ai at the the beginning beginning of of prayer, prayer, before before and and after after Ruku Ruku and and when when standing standing up up foithe for the ihird third rakat. Every llngfq single Book Book of of Hadith Hadith like like Bukhari, Bukhari, filuslim, Muslim, Muatti Mual~a rakat. ^Fuglv lmam Imam Malik, Malik, Abu_Dawr.rd, Abu Dawud, Tirmizi, Tirmizi, Nisai, Nisai, rbn Ibn Majah, Majah, lbn Ibn Khuzaimah, Khuzaimah, Hakim, Hakim, Ahmad, Ahmad, Shafaee, Shafaee, Tabrani, Tabrani, Baitraql Baihaqi etc. etc. etr. etc. mentions mentions these these hadiths. hadiths. Nearly Nearly four four hundred hundred companions comDanions also also narrate narrate this this practice practice of of Prophet Prophet Muhammad Muhammad {s.A.w.}.s0, (S.A.W.). So, there there is ;s not not the the slightesi slightest doubt doubt that the raising raising of of hands hands is is sunnat sunnat and and aa person person who who fractises practises this this that the sunnat sunnat gets gets aa greater greater reward reward than than the the person person who who does does not not practise practise it. it. However, However, even even though though the the action action is is mentioned mentioned in in the the hadiths, hadiths, all C O n tt n u e d all the the ulamas ulamas agree agree that that the the prayer prayer of of aa penon person who who does does not not raise raise r ,continued a g e 37) oon n ppage 37)

336 6

DU'AS tltlQAWMAH oAwtttAH ou'AsIN

6'i;;+,'tsu*.5 hamdl' lakal~amd:' a) lakal "Rab'baha a) "Rab-bana youl' to you;' praises beto "Gh, be the praises Lord,all allthe "0h, our 0ur Lord, b) "Rab-bana lakal hamd,hamdan llamd,l;ramdan lakal "Rab'bani b) feei' mubarakan Katheeran ~ayviban fee:' tayyibanniubaraka.n Katheeran ,If'






,~ ~

ii.;Jltt 6

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to you, beto "Gh be all praises "0h OlJ( Lord,all You, our Lord, Praises y9u.'' beto to you." praises Very many, pure and blessed praises be pure and blesed Verymany, of (rtuuitt mesenger the messenger when that t) Abi Sa'eed al Khudree (R.A.) says that when the of says in.n.t Ali'S.'r*o'if cl (S.A.W.) Allah used Allah(S.A.W.) to say:ued to say:'all5hhu "Sami'allah "Sami hu liman f ollowit with:limanhamida" hamida"he hewould wouldfollow with:-

* S;*,"i+i =.5U-;.rr1Y^,i;.3tq ui: #ti

J6\rg (,;.ZV i|*t Jii-i-ii hiJ;aJ-n4u | ; ii,L-{t W €;9 }^i -'"rJiU urt;',.glj r t-

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1ird1,.drrr) "Alldh humma rab-bana llamdu mil "Allah rab-bani lakal l;1amdu mil as as samawati smEwEti wa wa mil mil al ardi mil ama arQi wa wa mil shi'ta shi'ta min shayin ba'du:ah ba'du: ah lath qdlal thanaee than1e wal majdiahaq-qu maidiahag-gu ma mE qalal 'abdu Wa /abd, Allah 'abdu WaKullu-na Kullu-naLaka Laka'abd, AlEh humma lE mani'a limi a'tayta m1ni'a lima a'tpyta wala 16 wal6 mu'tya lima mu'Sya lima yanfa'u tal mana'ta wala jad-di minkal jad:' wala yanfa'u minkal iad!' Zal iad-di (Muslim, Ahmad, Ahmad, Abu Abu Dawud) Daw0d) "0h Allah, Allah,our praisesbe our Lord, Lord, all all praises you, as "Gh be to to you, as much muchas asthey they tan tan you want and the andeverything fill and which fill the the heavens heavens the earth earthand want to everything whichyou be to be praised You deserve that. You deserve You deserve filled to be and glorified. You filled after afterthat. be praised andglorified. deserve your servant your slaves. what your more than what servanthas hassaid and all saidand us are morethan all of us areyour slavc. prwentwhatever you want give giveand Nobody Nobodycan whateveryou to give want to and nobody canprevent nobodycan canRive you want preventand penonwith whateveryou umntto t0 prevent with high rankcannot whatever and a person high rank cannot your will." himselfor anotherfrom from his benefit benefithimself or another his high high rank rank against aginst your will." is acceptable. Muslimsshould his Therefore) Muslims handsis acceptable. Therefore, his hands shouldnot fight over over not fight issue.If lf someone doesnot this this issue. someonedoes not wish wish to raisehis his hands to raise handshe he should should discourage not discourage from doing because othersfrom doingso (continuation not others it isis not (continuati_o4. majorconso because not a major conp4e36) frompage 36)trovertia' from point. $sysrtialpoint.

37 37

0awmah readin the Qawmah be read in the There which can can be du'is which other du'as are some someother Thereare Hadith. Books other position and these can be found in other Books of Hadith. found in potitionandthececanbe

(PROSTBATIO FIRST SAJDAH (PROSTRATION). FIRST TI. SAJDAH qawmahthe personpraying perfectqawmah prayingshould After the the perfect After the person shouldmove mwe perform to perform to sajdah saying:' nidahsaying:palms "AllihuAkbar," puttingpalms ground Akbar,"putting downwards "Allihu downwards on below on the theground below kneesshould The knees be brought ground. the on the ears. shouldbe broughtdownwards downrvards ean.The on the the ground. pointingtowards His fingers fingenand and toes His Qiblah toesshould be pointing shouldbe torvards 0iblahwithout without prostration fingersof Duringprostration spreadinp the seven parts the fingers han&.During spreading the hands. of the sevenparts ground: of touch of the thebody should touchthe bodyshould theground: (i) (j)

forehead the along theforehead with the alongwith tip of 0f the thetip the nose. nose. both bothhands hands both bothknees knees bottomsurface the the bottom the toes surfaceof the toesof both bothfeet. feet.

(iil (ii) (iiil (iii) (ivl (iv)

position In he In this thisposition heshould shouldsay:say:-

\\. ;:.- l, -;'i ,,/,....... ~




'-='.-J .}t?tOi6t+p,,, ., ~~ '\J


a'16" "Subl)ana "Subl76na Rabbi yal a'la" I I etc. etc.times. tirnes. 7, 9, 9, 11 He timesor 5, 7, this at at least least3 times 0r 5, say this He should shouldsay glorybe you,the "0h Allah, "Oh high." themost mosthigh." Allah,glory beto to you, in the the sajdah sajdah du'ft which be read readin There which can are some $omeother other du'is can be Thereare position. position. III SAJDAH OTHER SAJDAH DU'ASIN OTHEBDU'AS

i)i) ,

(S.A.W.)used (R.A.)said usedto say Ali of Mesenger of Allah Allah(S.A.W-l say the Messenger that the Ali (R.A.) saidthat while doingsajdah:saidah:whiledoing /





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(fl-. 1,..1g.r-Gj (~)~~~\~""'-'.,.:j~'2Jj~~-' I JA'.*t!:U:X;e; ; "Allehhumma "Allah wabika amantu, hummalaka sajadtu, wabika lakasajadtu, Emantu, walaka clamtu ,. rmlakaaslamtu saiadawajhiya ranjhiya LillaZikhalaqahii sajada Littaiikhalaqahl guwarah-u, Wasaw-warahii suwarahu, fa ahsana af.rsana Waspw-vrarahfifa qa sam'ahu FaShaq-qa Fashaqwabaqa sam'ahfr waba~rahu rah-u kh-al fatabara kal-Iahu khill iqeen". kal-l6hua~sanul fatab-ara al.rsanul iqeen". (Ahmad, (Ahmad, Muslim). Muslim). 38 38

"0h "0~ Allah, Allah, for for you you I have have prostrated, prostrated, and and in you you I have have faith, faith, and and unto unto you you I have have submitted, submitted, my my forehead forehead has has prostrated prostrated in front front of one one who who created created it and and gave gave shape shape to it and and made made it perfeutly. perfectly. Then Then he he gave gave power power of hmring hearing and and sight sight and and blesed blessed is is Allah'5 Allah's nafils name who who is is the the perfect perfect creator." treator." ai) ii) Abu Abu Hurairah Hurairah (R.n.) (R.A.) said said that that the the Mesenger Messenger of Allah Allah (S.A.W.} (S.A.W.) used to to say say in in his his saidah:saidah:used ';".


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,/.,. (1t-a) (~)-,.~ ""h3 '~Allah hum hum maghfirlee maghfirlee Zanbee Zanbee kul-lahD kul-Iahjj diq-qahi, diq-qahu, "Alleh .-'

-akhirahf, wa jil-lahf jil-Iahu wa wa aw-walah-u aw¡walahu wa wa akhirahu, wa wa wa 'ald 'alii niy-yatah-u niy-yatahu wa wa sir-rahfi. sir-rahu. " Abu Oawud, Hakim). a w D dH ,a k i m ) . {(Muslim, M u s l i mA ,b uD

"0h Allah, "Oh all Allah,forgive forgive all of minor of my my sins, sins,minor ones andmajor majorones, onesand ones, previously Ones previously and 0nesI committed and committed Ones in the future. 0nesI commit thefuture. commitin Ones OnesI commit openly commitopenly And Andones onesI commit secretly." commitsecretly." Mesengerof Allah of Allah There are some other 'as whith which the the Messenger du'E's There are some other du (S.A.W.)used du'is are t00 long longto to aretoo (S.A.W.) to say but these thesedu'as in his his Sajdah Saidahbut usedto say in Hadithlike like Booksof of HaeJith mention Books foundin in authentic authentic be found Theytan here.They canbe menti0nhere. not surprising that Muslim, that lt isis not surprislng Dawddetc. etr,.It Ahmad, Nisai Abu DawTId Muslim,Ahmad, Nisai Abu (S.A.W.) long in R.uku for long Prophet (S.A.WJ stayed for andSajdah Saidah ProphetMuhammad Muhammad stayedin Rukuand intervals. intervals. withsub~ana du'dstan besaid All approved du'as saidwith sub[Ena approved canbe authentically All of of the theauthentically time Rabbi according to theirown or altogether according to the thetime yal a'ia own or altogether 0r on 0n their Rabbiyal a'ldor person. available and of of the theperson. andcapacity available capacity to Allah. Allah. positionthe his closest In to at his closest the worshipper wonhipperisis at In Sajdah Saldahposition quietly, without without performed HenLe, Sajdah should calmly, andquietly, be performed calmly,and Hence, shouldbe Sajdah he du'asas ashe readas asmany figgeting, and the should t0 read manydu'as try to theworshipper shouldtry figgeting,and worshipper possibly p o s i b l ycan. can. JAlSAH BETWEEN TWO TWOSAJDAH) BETWEEI'I SAJDAH) JALSAH{SITTING {SITTING ------perr,on perfectly the person performing After one andr.almly, onesajdah sajdahperfectly and After performing calmly,the "AllaJtu akbar", praying should saying, "Allahu akbar", from sajdah praying his head headfrom saidah saying, raisehis shouldraise rightfoot foot while'keeping theright bending the 'keeping the left foot on itit while f oot and andsitting sittingon the left bending palms the palms pointingtowards 0iblah,the propped up the Qiblah, towardsthe toespointing propped with its in toes up with knees. backshould the back should of the andknees. histhighs thighsand reston on his handsshould shouldrest his hands of his place.Itlt isis sunnat go bac.k in place. t0 say say be backin sunnatto that the the joints so that be straight straightso iointsgo thetwo saidahr. the du 'a while the in between between twosajdahs. du'a whilesitting sittingin thefollowing following


*:liiry'vlr?.lrr-r\';â‚Źtt3e,rP;N 6'c>J;:ti'ciiLtj wahdinee hummaghfirlee maghfirlee rvarfrmnee "Allah warlJamnee wahdinee "AlEhhum 'f,finee warfa'nee" 'ifinee warzuqnee wajburnee war warzuqnes wajburnee fa'nos" (AbuDawOd). Dawild). (Abu

WI m

Allah,forgive forgiveme, andhave mercyon 0nme, m0, "Oh mercy "0h Allah, have me,and path, keepme theright rightpath, andkeep meon onthe and keepme andkeep mehealthy, healthy, and provide withhalal sourccof of living, living and me sources andprovide mewithhalal andcomplete myshortcomings, shortcoming, and my complete myrank rankhigh." andmake makemy hidr." and The can Theworshipper wonhipper thisdu'i du'i'once 0r _G many oncoor manytimes he cansay saythis timr _c he likes. likes. SAJDAH SECOND SAJDAH SECOTIO person perform Then should perform the sajdah saying, ".Allahu Thenthe theperson thesecond ".Allahu should second sajdah saying, fint siUdah. Akbar" . sqideh. Akbar"and andrepeat wtrathe didin in the thefirst hedid npeatwhat (SITTIITG E- ISTAFAHAT FONREST). JAI$AH-- E-ISTARAHAT RESTI. JALSAH (SITTING FOR 'AllEhuAkbar" raisehis Thenhe he should hishead Then .All1hu Akbar" and shouldraise headup up saying saying rndsit sit for aa short whileas Hedoes shortwhile hedid did in in ialsah. for jalsah. He this up c he dooE frh before befonstanding standing up thesecond rakat. for the second for rakat. RAKAT SECOTD SECOND RAKAT Afterstanding standing up for for the thesecond rakathe After up rakat second heshould shouldfold fold his hishands hands his chest orcr his ashe he did did in in the the first first rakat rakatand chectas over recitation bv bv andstart starthis hb recitation reading "Bismill6h..........and SurahFatihah reading "Bismillih and Surah Fatihah follorrmd followed by by any any pffige passagl or or a chapter chapter of of the the Holy Holy 0uran." Ouran." Then Then he he should should complete complete his his rscond second rakat rakat in in the the manner manner of of the the fint first one. one. While While choming choosing a passage passage or or a chapter chapter for for the the rocitation recitation in in the the second or or a subsequant subsequent rakat rakat the the worshipper worshipper shoufd should observe observe the the scond order order in in which which they they mcur occur in in the the Holy Holy OurEn. Ourin. Al$0, Also, eoch each Surah Surah or or wne verse should should be be shorter shorter than than the the one one recited recited before before it. it. Hence, Hence, longer longer surahs surahs are are rcited recited before before shorter shorter surahs. surahs. TASHAHUD TASHAHUD After After completing completing the the lrot last sajdah sajdah of the the second second rakat, rakat, the t~e penon person should should nise raise his his head head srying: saying: "All6trAkbar". "Allah-Akbar". He He should should sit sit as as he he sat sat betryreon between the the two two sajdah, sajdah, putting putting his his left left hand hand on on hls his left left knee knee and and righthan&n right handon his his rigrt riltlt knee. knee. TheJist The fist of the the right right hand hand is is cfosed closed sxcept except for for ths the index index finpr finger which which is is protruded. protruded. ltIt is is protruded protruded so so that that the the 440 0

thu.mb b brought broughtto thesecond second riqht t~~mb is division of division of the theindex indexfinger. finger.In In {$t 1othe ftbporitionthe pefionshould theperson thllposltlon rhouldread:rad:-

qii.r 6 b rtat6*y Lu;iit ,+Jsl$*ie gl ; it',J,-J,tt';i; rii ,W #s ilqi;c;l-Jl i ;ffi gfi'rff-iei,rV:'[yl j Se-, o'r#-L;"1 p r (+Jeili:., .fr;$;il+5 'At-tal|iy-yEtu lil-Ehi yiffitu. salawatu war-ray "At-tal}iy-yatu liI-lshi waf wq ~alawatu wat-lay yibiJtu. As-salBmu 'alayka ay-yuhan-nabiy-yu Aseafiniu-'alayka ay-yuhrt-nabiy-yu'' ral1ma tUJlahi W,J wt ral)ma tullEhi wa barakiJtuhu bankEruhi 'alaynE wa'ala 'iblJdil-/a 'ibediLE hi~-~aJiheen." As+alEmu 'alayna his+alihen." As-salamu wahl6 "Ash hadu hdu anli iliha il/al/ahu anla'ildha illal lEhu hdu an-na Mul}ammadan wa ash ah hadu Mul7ammadan 'abduhi 'ab~uhu wa rasOluh. rafiluh." " physicalprayer, prayer, "All compliments, "AII all all physical compliments, for Allah. Allah. and wonhipare arefor andall all monitary monitaryworship you,Oh Peace be 0h Prophet, Prophet, Peace uponyou, beupon and mercyand andblessings. blessing. Allaht mercy andAllah's all righteous righteous Peace be Peace on us andon beon on all u and slaves Allah." slaresof Allah." isworthy worthyof "1 "l bear that no witnessthat no one oneis bearwitness Allah. worship worshipexcept exceptAllah. Muhammad And that Muhammad witnesthat And I bear bearwitness (S.A.W.} Messenger." (S.A.W.l is Hisslave andMessenger." b His slareand person hadu......'abduh-u "Ash hadu rasilluh."a person While ......'abduhu wa wa rasiiluh." reading"Ash While reading return and right hand should raise the index finger of his right hand slightly and return of his slightly finger shouldrabe the index it. pmitionafter.he finsihed sayingit. it to position saying prarious haofinsihed afterhehas in previous to its personpraying praying2 rakats A person rakatsonly nextstage only should shouldcontinue to the the next stage continueto (Dar[d]. which (Darud). is Salat wfrichis Alan-Nabi SalatAlan-Nabi RAKAT F O RTHIRD T H I R ORAKAT STANDING UP U PFOR STAf{DII{G prayingthree penonis rakats, If then or four four rakats, thenhe lf a person threeor shouldstand stand is praying heshould "All-ahuAkbar" he up sayIng Akbar"and and raising raisinghis handsas ashe his hands tashahud up after aftertashahud saying"Allahu "Bismill6h.....and recitation his recitation did start with Tahrimah start his with "Bismillah.....and in Takbir TakbirTahrimah did in prayer fard prayer Fatihah."In third or rakatof of far~ men In the the third or fourth fourth rakat SurahFatihah." then Surah sayanother another needto to say recitation Fatihahisis sufficient. no need recitationof sufficient.There Thereisis no of Fatihah 41 41

Surah. But But aa pgrson person praying praying sunnat sunnat or or nafl nafl praYer prayer can can read read aa surah surah Surah. after Fatihah. Fatihah. After After recitation recitation he he should should continue continue t0 to complete complete his his after third rakat rakat (or (or fourth fourth rakat rakat ifif he he is is praying praying four). four). third After the the cornpletion completion of lrot last rakat rakat he he should should sit sit for for tashahud tashahud Atter as described described above abpve (as (as he he sat sat after after praying praying 2 rakats). rakats). as After Tashthud TashJhud he he should should read read Salat Salat Alan'ltlabi Alan-Nabi (0rr0d] (Dariid) as as follor,rrs: follows:After

aL 3ih(J,fai,J r'&Gi,{J4 U U'giit r3.1 {Lri>L,6#)\ 12+\6 )t,}-'i I-^+ ytir, JJ;i,P &'54Y ;#!jt$t CLs\$qk6 ;1#rol"+ltjyoa2V.y)lgi: "Allah humma humma sal-li sal-Ii blE 'ala Muhammadin "AlEh wa 'atE 'ala ali Muhammadin, . 6ti Muhimmadin, 'ald lbrEheema Kama qal-layta fal-Iayta 'ala Ibraheema KamE Wa'ala ali lbrdheema Ibriheema Wahld Eli innaka bameedum majud." hameedum majeed."

"Oh Allah, send grace and honour on on andhonour "0h Allah, sendgrace (S.A.W.) Muhammad (S.A.W.) and and Muhammad (S.A.W.), Muhammad On of Muhammad (S.A.W.), follovrnrs truefolloVYers andtrue familyand 0n the thefamily just on just as yousent Honouron andHonour Graceand sentGrace asyou (A.S.) Ibrahim lbrahim(A.S') (A.S.) andon on the thefamily familyand and andtrue followenof truefollowers lbrahim(A.S.) of Ibrahim Surely, the praiseworthy, the GF1!at. Grgat'IJ" youare arepraiseworthy, Surely,you "Allah "AlEh humma barik hll Muhammadin bilrik 'ala ' wa • htE ali MuQammadin, dti Muhammadin, wa 'ala Kama lbraheema b1rakta'all Ibraheema KamEblIrakta¡'ala 'ald Wa lbrdheema Wa 'ala dli Ibraheema innaka lJameedum maied. " fiameedum majeed.


(S.A.W.) "Qh on (S.A.W.) Muhammad yourblessing onMuhammad blessing "0h Allah, Allah,send sendyour (S.A.W.)riust and of (S.A.W.),just Muhammad of Muhammad followers thetrue truefollowers andthe (A.S.) as on lbrahim(A.S.) yousent 0n Ibrahim blesings sentblessings asyou and his true followers. andhistruefollowen. praiseworthy, Great." Surel~ you are the theGreat." arepraiseworthy, Surelvryou (DAR[D} DU'AS AFTER (DARUD) ALAI{-I{ABI SALATALAN-NABI AFTERSALAT DU,ES (S.A.W-) to usedto Prophet wtrichProphet There (S.A.W.) used quiteaa lot of du'as du'dswhich lot of Thereare arequite Herewe we say after Dariid and he taught them to the companions. Here them to the companiom. say after DarEdand he taught will aafew ofthem. them. fewof mention willmention (R.A.)said (R.A.)said the to the saidto Bakr(R.A.) i)i) Abdullah bin thatAbu AbuBakr saidthat Amr (R.A.) bin Amr Abdullah

42 42

Messenger of of Allah, Allah, "Please'teach "Please'teach me me aa du'd du'f so so II can tan say say itit in in Masenger my prayer." prayer." my So the the Mesengnr Messenger of of Allah Allah (S.A.W.l (S.A.W.) said, said, So s.y:Sry:-

ijl$;J-'t i t;*sA3

d,-' 3#3$ ;fin,',

:i i s: yl,j; rY+4'r;7'iilJ

A*-C dli'J1

'-a};$;-Jt (~~.J:.J:) ~~ r{,std) "Allah humma hllmma innee innee zalamtu zalamtu nafsee nafsee "All6h ?uJman Katheran Katheeran , wa| wala yaghfi yaghfi ruz Zulman ruz zuncJba iunr.lba ilia anta anta faghfirlw faghfirlee maghfiratam maghfiratam min min illd 'indika, 'indika, war war fiamnee I)amnee innaka innaka antal Mtal ghaflirur ral7eem." ra!)eem. " ghaffirur and Muslim). ((Bukhari B u k h aa r in dM uslim). my duty "Oh Allah, Allah, II have have been been very very cruel cruel to myself myself (by (by ignoring ignoring my duty "0h Extept the sins forgive you) and and there there is is no no one one who who can can forgive the sins 'except to you) you. So So forgive forgive me me because because ygu you are are the the only only forgiver forgiver and and have have you. andmerciful." merciful." forgiverand mercy are theforgiver arethe Verily.you me.Verily.you on me. mercyon Allah (R.A.)reported theProphet ii) bin that of Allah thatthe reported Prophet Aus(R.A.) bin Aus Shadad ii) Shadad (S.A.W.) used (S.A.W.) hisprayer:in his sayin to say usedto PraYer:-

,*1 \g'-e -A \i.i il|4 L\h\'A'ri'LI;ilti "' tA3:i{ttj


4;Y+ iJLiiffi1ii


ufi,b1$39 r, +6Lv; ur.r"

r "Alleh hUlnma "Allah nee as-diU innee katn ThubatJ humma in as'dtukatn ThubatA 'azeemata fil wal 'azeemata 'alar blar rushdi, rushd[, fil alnri, amri, wal wa shukra ni'matika ni'matika ,, as-alukashukra wa as-aluka 'ib1datixa, wa as-aluka wa ai-aluka l4usna'ibadatil< a, wa wa I]usna qalban q4diqan, qalban saleeman, lis-ananfacJiqan, wa lisanan saleeman,wa wa m:a min khayri khaYri rna as'aluka min waas-aluka Ta'lamu, min wa a'uzubika a,uzubika min Ta'lamu,wa Shar-ri astaghfiruka, waas taghfiruka, mE ta'lamu, ta'lamu, wa Shar-ri rna lima Ii m-ata'lamu."(Nisai). ta'lamu."( Nisai). "0h Allah, youfor "Oh inin every ofofdean and Allah,II ask forstrength askyou strength dean everymatter matter and youto powerto path.And aastron~ will will power to be beon onthe theright rightpath. AndII ask to stronq askyou 43 43

make me me thankful thankful for for your your bountir bounti. and and give gi\lR me me ability ability to m0k0 worship you you perfectly. perfectly. And And I ask ask you you to to make make my my hoart heart rincsrs sincere nronhip and my my tongus tongue truthful. truthful. I aak ask you you for for cvory every goodnas goodness known known and you and and I stek seek refuge refuge in in you you from from arerything everything bad bad that that you you to you know is is bad. bad. know I ck ask your your forgiveness forgiveness for for all all mistakm mistakes you you know." know." (iiil (iii) Aisha Aisha (R.A) (R.A.) reported reported that that the the Prophet Prophet (S.A.W.) (S.A.W.) tsed used to to say say this this du'i in in his his prayen:prayers:dut

fuU+') Ft.)rfu31,-,tLL,4 +'ilLi Vt*nr r", t c_,\Li))jril3 r ?fu, * t;!l SJ,r.F,fu r tf' c'v) ;rl,rti +tbt 4+:t'A'eUii:rt "Allih A'iiiubika min inneeA'Eiubika humma innee "AlEh humma Alibil qabri, A 'Uzubika min qabri, wa Aiibil va A1iubika fitna tid daj-jali, A 'uzubika wa A'iiubika dai-iEli, wa mam*t. min fitna til mal}yi wal mamat. mabYi wal Allih humma A 'uzubika minal innee A'friuhika hummainnee Alfah Ma'thami '1 maghrami.'t wal maghrami. Ma'thami wal (Bukhari and Mrslim}. andMuslim). {Bukhari

punishment you from of the the 1I0h of refugein from the the punishment in you AllahI seek seekrefuge "0h Allah you from dqi'ial, of daj-jal, grave, the troubles troublc of grave,and from the refugein in you and I seek seekrefuge you from andtroubles troubles of and in and of fromthe the difficulties difficulties refuge in you seekrefuge and I seek you from fromevery nrery refugein in you the Allah,I seek seekrefuge death.Oh 0h Allah, anddeath. life and the life kind troubles." troubles." ofsin andunexpected unexpected kindof sinand


rL9-+ i+i'r;:i"ltl+1,;:&*r 5 <rt 3 J.r} 33r.'4';4 ; L .ng.i'J:,Jl+t W' K!, .r

| /


(iv)" Rab bij'alnee livl'Bab bijbtneemuqeemBf mug*mE salati gatatiwa min wa min yateerab-bani gab-bal zur-riy tur-riy yatee rab-banEwata wata qab-bal naghfirle waliwaliday-ya du'a,rab-ba. du E,rab-banaghfirlee waliwali day-ya yawmayaqumul yaqfrmul wa lil mumineena mumineenayawma wa iii /}isab. " fiisEb. 'I

"0h Lord, Lord,make "Oh me keep make meand andmy prayers, mychildren keepup children upprayers, prayer, Our our 0urLord, Lord,accept accept ourprayer, parents Our me OurLord, Lord,forgive forgive meand andmy myparents andall Believen and on " allthe theBelievers Dayof 0nthe theDay ofJudgment. Judgment."

44 44


peopleread Althoughmost mmt people rmd Rab Rabbij'alnee Although after itit isis perper. bij'alnee afterOariid; DarEd; mittedto reciteany to recite any nice nicedu'i. Howwer,itit should duE However, mitted be known shouldbe that knownthat (S.A.W.)used this du'i du'6'isis not not one one of of those thosedu'as du'a-s this which Prophet(S.A.W.) which Prophet used t0 say preferable Darfrd.Itlt isis preferable sayafter after Darud. to to to read readboth both Rab Rabbij'alnee bij'alneeand and (S.A.W.) du'a-s whichare provedfrom the du'as areauthentic.ally authentically the which proved (S.A.W.) fromthe Prophet the Prophet and those thosehe he taught taughtto to his his compllnions. and only comprniom.We We have havementioned mentioned onfy four but but there thereare are about about twelve. twelve.However, four they However, lengthy they are are too too lengthy to mention mention here. to here. E I I I D I t {THE GH EPRAYER T PRAYEH ENDING prayingfor After praying person f or himself himselfas After wishes he asmuch muchas asthe theperson wishes heshould should prayer endhis hisprayer end saying:saying:j

oiltus:r;j*i$!ji-i\ 'ataykum wa ra/;lmatullfJh, " "As-salflmu~alaykum ''As-salamu wa rafimatul lehr" "Peace youand andthe beon on you mercyof "Peace be themercy of Allah," Allahr" the face facefirst first to the right right and to the andthen turning to the the left, turningthe then to lett, both both timesover theshoulder. overthe times shoulder. prayerto Thisbrings bringsthe four rakats rakatsof This two, three threeor or four t0 tomthe two, of the the prayer completion. pletion.

DU'AS D U ' A SAFTER A F T E RSALUTATIONS SATUTATIOT{S (S.A.W.) which Prophet ProphetMuhammad There There are du'a-swhich Muhammad(S.A.W.) are many many du'as personpraying praying used So, should aftersalutation. memusedto to say So,a person try to t0 memo salutation. shouldtry sayafter (S.A.W.). practice ProphetMuhammad the practice Muhammad arise of (S.A.W.). and follow followthe of Prophet orisethem themand wewill will mention du'aiwe Some Someof of these mentionhere. here. thesedu'as (S.A.W.l practice ProphetMuhammad ItIt was practice of (S.A.W.) wasthe of Prophet Muhammad the continuous continuous fromhis when prayer to whenhe awayfrom hisprayer to say:heturned turnedaway say:-

o~~1At, ,,) r,' oljs\irnf " ~ ,~ ..' ~ ,*'/1 0ct",4U~ ~ 1" ~ ~''''l ,,: 9''>::. . ''''', i*t34ii-l"i 6oYr"11it wr 04\>~· .. ~ 0c,4U'A· ~.. (r, o'it';)3:J

r. 1.

ai^ii t iu r:a\ d)y(;j..5l:J ~1;~ ~\~ c,t ; V::J';, -L6u:,I ~~ja~1 Hr (r') *;^ (~)ScratPlts (;~~".~!j q-l*l'


a) a) Allahu Allahu Akbar Akbar (once (onte aloud) aloud) (Allah (Allah is is the the greatestl greatest) b) tutagh Astagh firul-f6h firul·liih (3 (3 times) times) b) (l (I rok ask Allah Allah to to forgive forgive mel. me). r.l I•. ) Allah humma antas salamu Allih humma antassalEmu Wa minkas saldmu Wa salamu wal ikrim. tabarakta ya ialialali waf ikram. taharakta yd

45 4 5

you are the peace, Oh arethe Allah,you 0h Allah, Peace, of peace, 'And you are thesource sourceof arethe And you Peace, posessor Glory of Glory you 0 possessor of youare areblessed, blessed, () M and H o n o u r(MUSLIM) . USLIM) a n dHonour).

o+ 5V 1g)'4]& lJ#z&a";Afri iikrika atd Zikrika 2,' a'inneeali hummaa'innee Altahhumma 2.' Allah 'ibadatika' wa wa Qunsni shukrikawa washukrika hunsni'ibadatika.

(Ahmad, (Ahmad, Abu Daw-ud). AbuDawud). youall thetime, time, allthe (0hAllah, (Oh help you remember to remember meto Allah, helpme perfectly!. youperfectly). And you worship you,and to worship andto thinkyou, to thank Andto

# j J,Uj\'Ajj,'oj i+? I LSgtr;'r fudlf{

,b^t; i#Li nr,eu,t ,;il{'i'p r6" q V -*J I\j'E!{ * af*g r,He,6,; r1:3l(t t

tahl. 3. afLa la shareeka 3. lIal lahu tah| wal)dahil shareekalahu. ibha i itlal wahdah7 Ii ta ilaha

Lahul hul hamdu Mulku wala hul Lahul Mulku Qamdu 'ald kul-li shay-in qadrer. "'' wa shay'in qadeer. wa huwa 'ala kul-li limd a'tayta bf'Allah mdni'a lima a'gayta Al'arcn humma la mini'a limE mana'ta manata wa la ld wa la mu:riva mulgiva lima wa Iii yanfa'u Zaljad-di jad. I," yanfa'u minkal iad. Zaljad-di minkal (Bukhari, (Bukhari, Muslim). Muslim). 'There a) ''There is a) is no Godbut no God but Allah, Allah, Heis isthe partner, theonly onlyone He oneand andhas hasno no partner, praise Sovereignty Sovereignty and are andpraise areonly onlyfor for Him. Him. Andhe hehas full authority hasfull authorityover And overeverything." everything." "Nobodycan prwentwhatever b) "Nobody youwant b) you canprevent whatever want giveand to give givewhatever andnobody nobodycan to you cangive whatweryou prevent wantto pers0n to prevent want and with anda person with high high rankcannot benefithimself cannotbenefit rank himselfor or another another fromhis from your hishigh highrank rankagainst yourwilL" against will."

- t55 rs ~ ...J~34.~JTAt\ . A, 33 ~r( -.JL33 -tt*j(3iit( ~-:!, . ~'S~ ii't 6g-* tb,ir.a) /;


(33times), t0 Allah." "Glorybe beto subh6 4. to nallah (33 sunnat nalfEh Allah." to say saysub~a timest,"Glory 4. ItIt isissunnat (33times), "Praise Alhamdu beto AI~amdu lillah "Praise be lillah(33 times), Allah." to Allah." (34times) "Allahisisthe great6t." AlldhuAkbar and "Allah andAllahu Akbar(34 times) thegreatest." 46 46

(S.AW.} Muhammad There Muhammad (S.A.W.) Thereare du'[swhich whichProphet Prophet verymany rnanydu'as arevery These be used These can usedto to say canbe themto to his hiscompanions. andhe he taught taughtthem companions. sayand Books Hadith. found Books of foundin in famous famous of Hadith.

oo ol oo oo or •• •• •l o• •• •• ••

47 47

Chapter 5 Cheipter ,OCCASIONAT 'OCCASIONAL PRAYERS PRAYERS WITR PBAYER PRAYER WITB Witr Prryer Prayer b is runnat sunnat Mu'akkadah. Mu'akkadah. lt It is is very very much much emphrized emphasized Witr Prophet Muhammad Muhammad (S.A.W.). (S.A.W.). He He did did not not leave leave this this prayer prayer even even by Prophet during a joumoy journey or when when mounted mounted on on camelbac,k. camelback. dudng \WI ro so m'ach mt.ch emphacized emphasized that that some some Muslim Muslim scholars scholars underunderIt rns stood that that it was was wajib wajib (compulsoryl (compulsory) but but after after a c,areful careful study study of stood hadiths it can can be be said said that that it is is not not wajib wajib but but a very very much much emphasemphashadiths ized prayer. prayer. ized Witr prayer prayer is is often often mistrkenly mistakenly thought thought of of as as part part of the the lsha Isha Witr prayer. prayer. This This is is not not so. so. Witr Witr prayer prayer is is a separate separate prayer prayer which which can can be be the offered prayer right break of dawn. For the right up up to to the the break dawn.For lshaprayer after the the Isha offeredafter (S.A.W.)allowed Witn to to be Prcphet(S.A.W.) convenience of the believers Prcphet be allowedWitrs the believen convenience offered straight after Isha. offeredstraightafter lsha. Mesenger the Messenger One.In In hadiths hadithsthe In means,One. word witr witr means, tne word tn Arabic Arabictne 0NE." of Allah number, "Allahis number,ONE." is one-so helikesthe onqsohelikesthe Allahsays: says:"Allah (Muslim). {Muslim}. an odd odd number number because wten an Allah when odd numbers numbersbecause also likes likes odd Allah also Prophet For this reason one.For isis divided isis always Prophet thisreason remainder alwaysone. by 2"the 2rtheremainder dividedby (S.A.W.} numbers Helikedto do things (S.A.W.) preferred odd Helikedto do thinp in in odd oddnumbers preferred odd numbers. numbers. du'ds, prayers, in rOlltine life, also, such as: when saying prayers, saying du'as, saying when saying also, as: such life, in his routine his believers the believers Prophet(S.A. eating W.) asked askedthe That isis why why Prophet datesetc. etc. That {S.A.W.} eatingdates the prayerso makethe to that it can canmake the night nightprayer so that the end praywitr at the of the witr at end of to pray night prayer into an odd number. number. prayer into an odd night (R.A.! says Allah Messenger of Allah Abdullah of that the the Messenger saysthat bin Umar Umar (R.A.) Abdullahbin When prayerisis to rakatsunits. units.When (S.A.W.) (S.A.W.) said: "Nightprayer beoffered to be offeredin in 2 rakats said:"Night rakatwhich which offer1 rakat one dawnisisnear nearthen thenhe heshould shouldoffer that dawn you feels feelsthat of you oneof prayerhe intoan can anodd oddnumber." number." heoffered offeredinto thenight nightprayer allthe makeall canmake ( B u k h a rMuslim}. i,uslim). M {Bukhari, NUMBER W I T RPRAYER PHAYER O FWITR ] ' I U M B EOF O R FRAKATS B A K A T SOF (R.A.)said of Allah Allah that the mesenger Abdullah of the messenger saidthat bin Umar Umat (R.A.) Abdullahbin 'l,Vitrprayerisis one prayer thenafl naflprayer (S.A.W.) said: (S.A.W.) rakatat at the theend of the endof onerakat said:''Witr prayer at atnight." night." (S.A.W.) (R.A.)says said: Muhammad Abu Muhammad (S.A.W.) said: Prophet that Prophet Ayub(R.A.) saysthat Abu Ayub pray55 rakats rakats praywitr. t0 pray wholikes "Every should who likesto Anvone witr. Anyone shouldpray "EvervMuslim Muslim p r a y33 rat:kats, r a l k a t she n,eshould should of a n y o f rwho weh olikes l i k e sto t o pray h eshould s h o u ldo d oso, s o ,anyone o fwitr w i t rhe d0so." s0." rakat,he prayone heshould shorrld onerakat, do who do likesto to pray who likes anyone andanyone do so, so,and ( A b uDawud, Maiah]. (Abu N it,b nMaiah). O a w [ dNisai, , i s a Ibn

48 48

We understand understand from the the above We from abovementioned mentionedhadiths hadithsthat that the the prayerisis one personcan actualwitr rakat,although witr prayer one rakat, actual althoughaa person offer, 1,3, 1,3, canoffer, prayer.All rakatsof 5,7,or of witr witr prayer. or 9I rakats 5,7, All of of these numbersare thesenumbers areapproue~ apprnved (S.A.W.) Prophet by Prophet Muhammad by Muhammari (S.A.W-l in hadiths. in authentic authentic hadiths. T I M EOF TIME O FWITR W I T RPRAYER PBAYER prayercan prayerright Witr prayer be oftered Witr canbe ofteredafter afterthe lshaprayer up to the Isha rightup to the the oreakof of dawn. dawn. oreak (R.A.)said: (S.A.W.)prayed "ProphetMuhammad Aisha(R.A.) prayedwitr Aisha (S.A.W.) Muhammad said:"Prophet witr duringall of the prayedWitr all times timesof during he the night. night.Sometimes Sometimes he prayed duringthe Witr during the part of first part the night, part of of the night,sometimes first during duringthe sometimes the middle middlepart of the the night,and andsomeHmes part of duringthe night, sometimuduring the end of the end part the night nightbut but he he used used prayerbefore to complete theprayer beforethe thebreak to the complete breakof dawn."o of dawn. (Bukhari, (Bukhari, Muslim). Muslim). personwho However, get up thinkshe pray However, aa person who thinks he could could not not get up to to pray part of witr at at the the end witr after end part of the the night nightcan witr immediately can offer offer witr immediately atter goesto lshaor beforehe bed. But or before he goes to bed. Isha who But someone someone who thinks thinksthat that he he get up praynafl praywitr can nightshould canget up and andpray naflat at night witr at shouldpray at the the end of his his endof prayer. nightprayer. night (R.A.)said Jabir (R.A.) Prophet(S.A.W.) Jabir said: "Anyoneof saidthat that the the Prophet of said:"Anyone {S.A.W.) you who get up who could part of not get up at at the you couldnot the end end part of the the night he should nighthe should praywitr partof first part witr in in the the first the night pray of the you who nightand andanyone anyoneof of you who thinks thinks get up partof he can up at at the the end of the canget endpart praywitr he the night nighthe heshould shouldpray witr then, then, presentfor because prayeroffered arepresent the angels angelsare for the part because the the prayer offeredat the end at the endpart of the the night. night." (Muslim, (Muslim, Ahmad, Tirmizi, Ahmad, Tirmizi,Ibn lbn Majah). Majah). II

HOWTO TO PRAY PRAYWITR HOW WITR prayingone Whenpraying oneWitr Witr a person When person can prayer. offer it as asthe the usual usualprayer. canoffer Whenpraying When praying 3, prayer there or 9 I rakats rakatsof witr 3, 5, 5, 7 or witr prayer is mon~ morn thereis thanone waythe the prayer oneway than prayer can be offered. offered. canbe Forexample:For example:a) A A person rakatswitr can a) person praying praying 3 rakats pray 2 rakats rakatslike like the the can pray 'alaykumwa usual prayer. the Salutation, usual prayer. After 'alaykum After the Salutation,As-salamu As-salSmu wa first to the nhmatul-16h, the right rahmatul-Iah, first rightand then to to the the left left he he should and then should gei immediatelyto com-plete get up up immediately complete the the third third rakat. rakat. This This way way of offering witr prayer prayer is is called, called, witr bil bil fasal'. f~al'. . offering b) b) A A person person praying praying 3 rakats rakats or or 5 rakais rakats Witr Witr should should not not sit sit for for Tashahud Tashahud in in between between the the rakaB rakats except except in in the the last last rakat. rakat. c) A A penon person praying praying 3, 3, 5 or or 7 rakats rakats Witr Witr should should sit sit in in Tashahud Tashahud c) in in the the last last but but one one rakat, rakat, â‚Ź.9. e.g. in in the the second second rakat rakat if he he is is offering offering 3 Witr, Witr, fourth fourth rakat rakat if he he is is offering offering 5 witr, witr, or or sixth sixth rakat rakat if he he is is offering offering 7 Witr Witr and and so so on. on. He He should should read read Tashahud Tashahud and and then then get get up up for for the the lat last rakat rakat and and complete complete it. it. 49 4 9

great practised are All are authentic and are prac.tised bybythe ulam~ are authentir. and thegreat ulamas All33methods methods r;an Muslims any of these and scholars. So Muslims r~an lhoose anyone of these 3 methods toto one 3 methods So uhoose andsuholars. praying prayer. offer When 33 rakats, witr, ititisis Whenpraying rakats, witr,however, thewitr witrprayer. however, offerthe 'b'asProphet (S.A.W.) preferable Muhammad meth0d preferable totoLhose method 'a''a'oror'b' ~ ~rophet Muhamma.d (S.A.W.~, r.hose " D o p r a y e r y 0 u r y o u r w i t r m a g h r ipbr a y e r . " said: "00 not make yourwitr prayer similar to your maghnb praye~. notmake s i m i l atr0 said: (Qiamul·lall). (Oiamul-lail). PBAYER DU'A PRAYER O U N UIN T I NWITR WITR D u , ADUNUT rakatofof the WitrPrayer Reading du 'ei Dunut isisaa Reading thelast lastrakat Prayer du'a Ounutinin the theWi~r (S.A.W.) proved practir:e proved practire ofof Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) and Prophet Muhammad beread read andItit c.an canbe reu k uor o rafter b e f o rruku a f t erui<.u. r uku. before someone whowants wantsto to read a)a)Someone who readQunut Ounutbefore beforeruku rukuhe heshould should

readitit after afterhe hehas hasfinished f inished reciting read reciting surah Fatihah and surah Fatihah anachapter cr,apiei o f the t h eHoly H o l yDuran. 0 u r a nWhile . h i r ereciting w of tan r e c i t i ndu'a g u ' aQunut d 0 u n 0 ta. person p r o o n? rn h i shands h a n din si n front f r o n rof o f him h i mor o i hhee can c a nleave l e a v them et h e mfolded. fofded. . . rup l u p his b) Someone someone who wants wantsto to read readdu'a b) who du'a-Dunut 0unu:tafter itter the ttreruku rukuhe he r e a diti t with c a nread w i t hhis h i shands h a n dcupped sc u p p ein can d i n front f r o n tof o f him h i mor o r he h ecan cin let his his hands handsrest re6tat at his let hissides. sides.Saying sayingdu'a du'E'after afterthe tne ruku ruku andLupping rupping hands in front preferalle frontisispreferaQle and hands in as the asthis thiswas wasthe practice (S.A.t/.). Prophet ofProphet Muhammad practice of Muhammad (S.A.\JV.). some Fuqhas insisr Some Fuqhas insist that du'a that reading reading du'i Qunut 0un[t isis compul· compulsory in in the the last lastrakat rakatof of the the Witr sory witr and andsome someothers otherssay sayitit isis rompulsory in the the last lastrakat rakatof compulsory in of the Fajrprayer, prayer,but the Fajr you but if if you studyhadiths hadithscarefully carefully you will study you is not not compulwill find finclthat that'it it'is ,orirtsory either eitherin or in sory in the the witr Witr or in the the Fajr prayer. Therefore, if a a Fajrprayer. Therefo re,it person person leaves leaves du'a du 'ei ounilt Dunut in in his his witr witr prayer prayer his his prayei'wilr prayer will not not be be deficient. defic.ient. Also,if Also, if someone someone does does not'know not know du,i du'a 0unfit Qunut he he need need not not say say another another uhrpter chapter of the the Ouran 'Ouran 0r or any any other other words words in in its its replacement. replacement. Du'a Ou'(j ounDt QunIit can can be be reao read in in iny any prayer. prayer.

T EXT TEXT OFFD OU'A QUNUT O U ' AO UruUT a) a) Hasan Hasan bin bin Ali Ali (R.A.) (R.A.) said said that that the the Messenger Messenger of of Allah Allah (S.A.W.) (S.A.W.) taught taught me me the the woids words which which II should should say say in in the the du,d' du'a oi of witr:witr:-

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hadaYta, "Allah feemanhadayta, "AlEh hum hum mahdinee mahdinu feeman 'ifinu feeman Wa feman 'afayta, Efayta, Wa'5finee tanl-lanrefeeman feemantawal-Iayta, tawal-layta, wata wata wal-Ianee a'taita, wa lee feemi barik lee wabarik f*mE a'taita, qaQayta, mEqa~ayta, shar-rama waqinee waqine shar-ra yug(Etalayk, wald yuCl'/a'alayk, fa-innaka aqde wala fa-innakataqdee manw wllayt, innahu lE Yazil-lu innahDII Yaiillu manw ya'iz-zuman man 'Idaita, Edaita, wala walEya'iz-zu Elaia, wata '!Iaita, tablJrakta rabbanEwata tabeJaktarabbana n alagh fi iil *a wanatubu i lav ka, wanatubu ilavka. nastaghfiiuka qal-lal Wasal-Ial lahu alan nabee." nabffi." lahu alanWa Dawfid,Nisai, Abu Dawud, Nisai,Ibn (Abu tbn Majah). Maiah). "0h Allah, Allah.make me among youhave guided, "Oh those makeme among thosewhom whomyou haveguided, makeme andmake amongthose youhave meamong thosewhom and and whomyou havesaved, andmake saved, make meamong amongthose youhave thosewhom wtromyou me and havechosen, chocen, andbless blcs whatever whatever youhave givenme, hwe given protect me,and andprotect you me mefrom fromthe you theevil whichyou evilwhich you decide hrvedecreed; decreed; verilyr decide have verily., you the thethings thingsand andnobody nobodycan can you;surely decide penson against you befriended the person decide against you; you can't surelythe befriended can't penonyou bedisgraced, dlsgraced, youopposed theperson andthe be and can't opposed cantbe behonoured. honoured. Youare areblessed, yourforgiveness blecsed, our lord, andexalted, You our we Lord,and rtr ask exalted, aslrtor tor your forgivenes you.Peace andturn turn to t0 you. Peace and and mercyof andmercy Allahbe be upon of Allah uponthe theProphet." Prophet."

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"AlEh humma inna innd nasta'eenuka nista'eenuka .w "Allah nntaghfiruka wa w nastaghfiruka 'alayk-al 'atayka .w yw nuthnee nu'minu bika bika wa vn natawak-ka/u natawak-kalu 'a/ayka nu'minu nuthne 'atayk-al Wa nashkuruka wa 16 khayr. Wa /5 nakfuruka nakfuruka wa nakhla'u nakhla'u wa natruku man-y yafjurka. Allah natroku Allih humma iyyaka iyyhka na'budu ne'budu tn nahfidu wa laka wa nasjudu nxjudu wa wa /aka nugal-le nu~al-lee wa vn ilayka ilayka nas'i n*'d wa naltfidu 'azfraka wa wa narj0 narjO rahmataka wa nakhshE nak hsha hzibake 'azabake inna 'azabaka bil bil kuf-fdri kuf-fari mulhig. mulhiq. "0h Allah, Allah, we we ask ask you you for for help help and and seek seek your your forgivenes, forgiveness, and and we we believe believe in in you you and and have h~Ye trtst trust in in you, you, and and we we praiso praise you you in in the the best best way way and and we we thank thank you you and and vve we aIE are not not unungrateful grateful to to you, you, and and um we forsake forsake and and turn turn away iNlay from from the the one one who disobeys disobeys you. you. 0 Allah, Allah, we we worship worship you you only only and and pray pray wtro 511 5

you,and runtowards towards prostrate beforeyou, werun to ourselves before andwe youand 0urselves andprostrate to you yourm~rcy, and you,and hopeto rec,eive mercy,a.nd to re~eive. you your ycu and andwe wehope andserve serveyou, yourpunishment. punishment. disbelievers will receive receive we Surely, the will thedisbelievers fearyour Surely, we fear punishment." y o ur rpunishment." you someulamas recommend ulamas this-du'aSome recommend this¡du'a inin the Of prayer. thewitr witr prayer. 0f course, courue, readas uanbe beread asitit isisaanice nicedu'a du'i but itit Lan which butitit isisnot notone oneof of those thosedu'as du'6's which (S.A.W.) Prophet Muhammad Prophet Muhammad (S.A. W.) read readin in his hisQunut. 0unfrt, Thereare aresome someother otherdu du'fs (S.A.W.} whichProphet There 'as which Muhammad (S.A.W-l Prophet Muhammad prayeror praves. to read in the in his used readin in his hisQunut 0un[t in Witr prayer hisother otherprave~. usedto 0r in theWitr penonLan A person jusione readall uanread thesedu'as all these du'frstogether A togetheror or jUSl oneof of them them orcombine combine themwith withother du'a-s. or them otherdu'as. ( F R0 f A Y PRAYER) JUMAH J U M A H(FRIDAY PRAYERI IMPORTANC OEFATTENDING A T T E N D I NFRIDAY GH I D A YPRAYER IMPORTANCE OF F PBAYER FridayPrayer Prayer veryimportant amp0rtant Friday isisvery in in Islam. gotits lslam.It lt has hasgot itsown ownmoral, moral, political and political social benefits. every, social and benefits. Itlt isisobligatory for Muslim except obligatory for every' Muslim except w0men,children, children, people slaves, women, slaves, seriously ill and They seriously ill people andtravellers. travellen. Theycan cin prayJumah Jumahbut but itit isis not notobligatory pray on obligatory on them. them. (s.A.w.) ProphetMuhammad Muhammad givenaa strong Prophet (S.A. W.) has hasgiven strongwarning warningto to aa person wholeaves leaves prayer hisJumah Jumahprayer goodreason. person who his without withoutaa good reason. In one (R.A.) narrates one hadith hadithAbdullah Abdullahbin In (A.A.) what bin Masud Masu-d narrates whatthe the (S.A.W.) Messenger of Allah Allah (S.A.W.) Messenger of once oncesaid peoplewho saidabout abourthe the people who did did not tome t0 the FridayPrayer cometo the Friday Prayer goodreason. not without withoutaa good reason. '.'l wishto to appoint appointsomeone someone "I wish to prayer and to leadthe leadtheprayer go to andmyself myselfgo to the houses housesof of those thosewho who missed missedthe the FridayPrayer the Friday Prayerand andset iet fire fiie to to theirhouses houses with their with the the occupants in t~em." occupants in tl-em." (Muslim, Ahmad). Ahmad}. {Muslim, Another states,"A pen;on Another hadith hadith states, pen;on who who leaves leaves 3 Friday Friday prayers prayers uonsecutively, Lonsecutively, Allah Allah puts puts a seal seal on on his hi:) heaft." heart." (Ahmad, (Ahmad, Tirmizi, Tirmizi, abu abu Dawfd). Oawud). IIMPORTANCE MPORTANC O FC OFE CLEANLINESS FOR FRIDAY PRAYER L E A N L I N EF SO S RF B I O A YP BAYER Because Because in in Friday Friday Prayer Prayer a c0mparatively comparatively large large number number or 01 MusMuslims lims gather gather in in a big big placersorlslam place,so,lslam emphasizes emphasizes 0n on the the physical physical cleancleanlines liness as as well. well. Prophet Prophet (S.A.W.) (S.A.W.) said, said, "A person person who who has has a bath bath on on Friday, Friday, cleanses cleanses himself himself fully, fully, uses uses cil oil and and perfume; perfume; then then goes goes to the the mosgue mosque early early in the the afternoon afternoon and and takes takes his his place place quiefl1, quieti',' without without pushing pushing or disturbing disturbing people; people; then then he he prays prays (optional (optional prayer prayer as as much much as as r a y ) ;then t h e nssits a saable hhee w b l ettoo ppray); u i e t l yllistening was Khutbah;he i t sqquietly i s t e n i ntto go tthe h eK hutbarh;he will will be be forgiven forgiven his his sins sins between between this this Jumah Jumah and and the the next next Jumah." Jumah." (Bukhari). (Bukhari).


ITIPORTATTGE IMPORTANCE OF OFGOING EARTYTO FRIDAY GOIIIGEARLYTO FRIDAYPRAYER PBAYER 0n Friday Fridayit isis more gntready morerewarding rewarding quirklyto goto On to readyquickly to get to the the to go mosque. mosque. (R.A.) narrated Hurairah(R.A.) Abu Hurairah Abu narratedthat that the the Messenger MesengnrI)f Atlah of Allah (S.A.W.} "0n Friday Fridaythe (S.A.W.) said, stand said,"On theAngels Angels ott the nrosque standQ. thedoor doorof ol the themosque andwrite write down peoplein downthe names and of the names the people of the in the they the order in which whichthey orderin prayer.The enterthe the mosque Fridayprayer. mosquefor for Friday groupof people enter who Thefirst firstgroup who of people get the mosqueget enterthe the mosque the reward rewardequivalent enter to aa equivafent to that that of of sacrificing sacrificing peoplewho getthe the mosque rermrd camel,the the people who enter camel, mosqueafter afterthem enterthe themget the reward peoplewho to that that of equivalent of sacrificing sac,rificing The people equivalent to aa cow. who enter cow.The the enterthe get the mosqueafter them get after them the reward rewardequivalent mosque to that of t0 that equivalent of sacrificing sacrificing ramand peoplewho getthe andthe the people likewiseget aa ram who follow follow on 0n likewise the reward rarard of of aa gradation people chic,ken, andso 0n there chicken, egg of for eggand s0 on thereisis aa gradation of rewards raruards for the thepeople asthey they enter. people Theangels angels keepwriting as keep of as enter.The writingthe thenames names thepeople of the asthey they giveKhutbah.Then mosqueuntil enter Khutbah. Then enterthe the mosque the Imam lrnamsits until the downto sitsdown to give the angels angels their registers registers andsit Khutbah." the collect and collecttheir andlisten listento to the the Khutbah." sit and (Bukhari, (Bukhari, Muslim). Muslim). JEU M A H PRAYER P R A Y E BEfORE R B E F O RJUMAH prayas prayercan Fridayprayer as many goesto many A pdrson who parson to attend attendFriday canpray who goes from its its zenith zenithto to whtm wherr nafls from hasdeclined declined the sun wishesafter afterthe sunhas ashe he wishes naflsas prayat giveKhutbah. to pray at Khutbah. he is is expected the Anyhow to Anyhowhe expected to give lmamcomes comesto the Imam sunnat. rakats least sunnat. least2 rakats (SEBMON} T LISTENING L I S T E i I I t {TO GO KHUTBAH K HU T B A H(SERMON)

Once should the Khutbah Khutbahstarts, listen 0nue the the whole wholecongregation shouldlisten starts,the codgregation person givingKhutbah in silence. arrives to Iflf a person arrives while to it in silence. whilethe the Imam lmamisis giving Khutbah personshould pray2 rakats this person rakatsnafl then to then this shouldpray nafl before beforesitting sittingdown dorrun to to Khutbah. Khutbah. listen listento (R.A.)said (S.A.W.)said Messenger Jabir of Jabir (R.A.) that the the Messenger said that of Allah Allah (S.A.W.) said g i v i n gKhutbah: w h i l e Khutbah: while he h ewas w a sgiving "lf anyone goesto you goes FridayPrayer Prayerwhile "If of you attendthe anyoneof to attend the Friday whilethe the is delivering delivering Khutbahhe Imam Khutbah pray 2 rakats lmam is shouldpray he should rakatsand and should should long." m a k ethem t h e mlong." not n o t make (Musliml. (Muslim). (R.A.)says There Thereis is another anotherhadith. hadith.Jabir Jabir(R.A.) that once oncea man saysthat mancame came (S.A.W.) FridayPrayer Prayerwhile Messenger to of was whilethe the Messenger of Allah Allah(S.A.W.) wasdelivering delivering to Friday "Did you Khutbah, so so Allah's Allah's messdnger messenger (S.A.W.) (S.A.W.) asked asked him, him, "Did you pray?" pray?" Khutbah. "N0", hg he answgrgd. answered. "No", Then Prophet Prophet (S.A.W.l (S.A.W.) said said to to him,'Stand him, ''Stand up up and and pray pray:' ." Then (Bukhari, (Bukhari, muslim, muslim, Abu Abu Dawfd,Tirmizi]. Dawud,Tirmizi). It is is a .continuous continuous practice practice in in Saine mosques that that those those who who soinemosques arrive while'the while'the lmam Imam is is giving giving speech speech sit sit down down and and listen listen to to the the arrive speech. When When the the lmam Imam has has finished finished the the speech speech he he gives ~ives time time to the the speech. late arrivals arrivals to to pray pray 2 or or 4 rakatr rakats sunnat. sunnat. After After that that the the lmam Imam gives gives a late 5 3 53

short Khutbah Khutbah in in Arabic Arabic before before praying praying the the Jumah Jumah Prayer. Prayer. short These people people get get very very annoyed annoyed ifif they they see see aa person person offer offer Thete 2rakats sunnatwhile sunnatwhile the the lmam Imam is is giving giving speech. speech. They They -feel Jeel that that the the 2raxas psnon person is is being being disrespectful disrespectful io to the the lmam. Imam. This This is is incorrect incorrect and and unproved from from the the practice practice of of Prophet Prophet Muhammad Muhammad (S.A.W.). (S.A.W.). unproved It is is also also agninst against those those hadiths hadiths which which we we mentioned mentioned above above and and ft the one we we are are mentioning mentioning below. below. ilteone Abi 0atadah(R.A.l Oatadah (R.A.) says says that that the the Mesenger Messenger of Attah Allah (S.A.W.) (S.A.W.) Abi said, "Whaneyer "Whenever ong one of you you enters enters the the mosque mosque he he should should not not sit sit $id, down without without offering offering 2 rakats." rakats." down ((Bukhari, B u k h a rM i,usfim). Muslim), points These These hadiths hadiths clarify clarify the the points which which are are mispractised mispraetised above. above. The The lmams Imams and "nd ulamas ulamas who who have have even even a slight slight fear fear of of Allah Allah and and respect for for nadith nadith and and the the sunnah sunnah of Prophet Prophet Muhammad Muhammad (S.A.W.) (S.A.W.) respect should stop stop this this practice practice and and should should not not become become annoyed annoyed when when should others pray pray 2 rakats. ra leats. othen

ACTUAL PRAYER RAYER U M A HP A C T U A TJJUMAH Jumah Prayer Prayer is is 2 rakats rakats fard. far~. If person is is late late and and finds finds onty only lf a person Jumah the secondrakat 1I rakat rakat with with the the congregation he should the second rakat shouldcomplete he complete congregation alone. If a penon person arrives that he he mises mis:;es the the Jumah Jumah prayer prayer latethat arrivesso so late alone.lf The of Zuhr completely then he he has has to to offer rakat far{ far~ of Zuhr prayer. prayer. The offer 4 rakat completelythen to has prayer lmam but the Jumah prayer is replacement of Zuhr prayer but the Imam has to Zuhr prayer of is replacement Jumah recite Prayer. in Jumah JumahPrayer. Oir6taloud aloudin reciteQirat

PRAYER AFTERJUMAH JUtt,IAH PRAYERAFTER prayerisis an anauthenauthenAfter of rakats of sunnat Prayer2 rakats sunnatprayer the Jumah Afterthe JumahPrayer (S.A.W.)but but some some tically of (S.A.W.) Muhammad provedpractice practice ProphetMuhammad of Prophet tically proved Prayerthe Jumah companions used to pray 4 or 6 rakats sunnat after the Jumah Prayer. pray after rakats sunnat to or used companions (S.A.W.) (R.A.l says of Allah Allah(S.A.W.) Ibn of Messenger the Messenger that the Umar(R.A.) saysthat lbn Umar then prayeruntil homeand andthen wenthome did not pray Fridayprayer until he he went pray after the Friday afterthe didnot he rakats' p r a y e2d rakats. h eprayed ( B u k h a rMuslim). i, usrim). M (Bukhari, ( R . A . )narrated or f Allah Allah M e s e n g eof t h e Messenger Abu (R.A.) that t h a t the narrated Hurairah A b u Hurairah Friday prayafter goingto afterthe theFriday (S.A.W.} "Anyoneof youwho t0 pray (S.A.WJ said: whoisisgoing of you said:"Anyone prayer, he should pray44 rakats." rakats." prayer,he shouldpray (Muslim). (Muslim). 'lVheneve r ( 8 . n . ) p r a y e Jumah dJ u m a h Ata says: ''Whenever Abdullah ibn Umar (R.A.) prayed i b n U m a r Abdullan Atdsays: prayer forward the Jumah after in Makkah,he would move a little forward after the Jumah prayer little move a would Makkahrhe in and forwardagain againand littleforward and offer 22 rakats; then moveaa little he would wouldmove rakats; thenhe andoffer he did prayed Madinah, in Madinah offer And he Jumah whenever he prayed Jumahin Andwhenever rakats. offer44 rakats. J he did back prayer wentback unti!he hewent not after until Jumahprayer afterthe theJumah prayin the mosque mosque in the not pray d i dnot not h edid praye2 d2 rakats. r a k a t sWhen . h e nhe a s k ewhy w d h yhe home; W h ewas w a sasked h e prayed t; h e nhe h o m ethen 'This answered, prayer,He Heanswered, pray 'This Jumahprayer. afterthe the Jumah mosqueafter pray in the mosque in the was Mt u h a m m (S.A.W.): a( S d . A . W ".") : P r o p h eMuhammad p r a c t i cof oef Prophet u a sthe t h epractice after b eoffered o f f e r eafter d r a k a tcan tsa nbe These o r 6S rakats t h a t2,2 , 4 or cs l a r i f ythat T h e s hadiths eh a d i t hclarify

54 54

prayeraccording the to of theJumah Jumahprayer according to the person. thetime timeand andcapacity of the theperson. capacity goodpractice practice ItIt isis not to people peoplewho not good to accuse accuse who read read22 rakats raka$only only because this, was the practice of Muhammad practice because this,too, toorwas theauthentic authentic Prophet of Prophet Muhammad (s.A.w.l. (S.A.W.).

EIO PRAYE EIDPRAYER R PLACE P T A CFOR EO REIO F E I DPRAYER PRAYER prayer Eidprayer Eid should be outdoor in park should beoffered offdred 0utd00r in the open,e.g. theopen, in aa park e.g.in field,or posibleto field, etc. desert or aa desert etc.Ifff itit isis wet wet or or not not possible to find findaa suitable suitable place prayed outdoor place itit can in or hall. outdoor beprayed inaa mosque mosque canbe 0raalarge large hall. (AbuDawlid) (Abu Dawfid]

TIME E I DPRAYER PRAYER T I M EOF O FEID prayershould Eid prayer be offered Eid above shouldbe whenthe offeredwhen the sun sunISn obvious above obvious thehorizon. the horizon. I{UMBER NUMBER OF OF OFRAKATS BAKATS OFEID EIDPRAYER PBAYER prayerisis 22 rakats. Eid prayer rakats. Eid There prayer before Therei5is no nafl.prayer no nafl. beforeor after or after Prayer. EidPrayer. There theEid or azim the There isisno or no Iqamat lqamat azin for EidPrayer. Prayer. for Eid (R.A.)reported: "N0 doubt, lbn Abbas Abbas(R.A.) reported: Prophet Ibn "No Muhammad doubt,Prophet Muhammad (S.A,W.} pray2 rakats (S.A.W.) used He not pray pray rakatsonly EidPrayer. Prayer. usedto to pray onlyfor for Eid Hedid did not before anything orafter afterthat. anything before or that. (Bukhari, (Bukhari, Muslim). Mrslim). UGTOF OFEID EIOPRAYER PRAYER COI{D CONDUCT prayer Eidprayer rakats beoffered of Eid shouldbe 22 rakats of should in manner 6 as offered in the thesame samemanner prayerexcept the usual rakatsof of the usualprayer exceptthat the that there there are takbirs in in the 2 rakats are7 takbin rakatand andfive fivetakbirs takbirsin in the thesecond the first first rakat rakat. the rakat. With With Ech each extra extra second be-raised raisedup takbir up to to the the shoulder level (as (as in in shouldbe the hands handsshould takbirthe shoulder level Tahrima). TakbirTahrima). Takbir All extra takbinshould be pronounced shouldbe extratakbirs All pronounced before before starting starting Oir6t Girst (recitation). (recitation). reportedfrom Kathirbin Abdullahreported from his bin Abdullah fatherand Kathir his father' and his his father father (S.A.W.I grandfather Prophet(S.A.W.) from grandfather that Prophet said7 takbin from that said takbirs in in the the fint first prayerand rakatof Eid prayer takbinin of Eid and5 takbirs in the thesecond rakat second rakat rakat of of Eid Eid Prayer Prayer before beginning recitation. before beginning recitation. (Tirmizi, (Tirmizi, lbn Ibn Majah, Majah, Darmi). Darmi). P R A Y EIS O F F E B EB DE F O RK E I OPRAYER IRSOFFERED EH U T B A H EID BEFORE KHUTBAH Jafar bTrl--MlJhammad (R. A.-) -re-p-o-rte-d-:--'-'N-o-do-u-bt-, -P~ro-p-h-etJafarUin f,rtutrammad Prophet 19.a1 lgporteo\-"No doubt, (S.A.W.I, (R.A.l (R.A.) Muhammad Bakr Abu Umar and Muhammad (S.A.Wol, Abu Bakr (R.A.) and Umar (R.A.) said said 7 takbin in in the the first exrratakbirs firsr rakat rakat of of their their Eid Eid and and Rain Rain Prayer Prayer and and extra 55

five extra extra takbin takbirs in in the the second second rakat rakat of their their Eid Eid and and Rain Rain Prayer. Prayer. five Prophet (S.A.W.) (S.A.WJ offered offered Eid Eid Prayer Prayer before before Khutbah Khutbah and and recited recited Prophet aloud."" aloud. (Shafaee). (Shafaee). ((FUNERAL F U N E R AP LR A Y E R } PRAYER PRAYER) P RAYEH JJANAZAH ANAZAH PRA P R AYER YER JJANAZAH ATIAZAH

is a right right of of a Muslim Muslim that that when when he he passes passes away away other other Muslims Muslims It is should pray pray Janazah Janazah prayer prayer for for him. him. Janazah Janazah prayer prayer is is supererogatory supererogatory should prayer. If no one one from from the the whole whole of of the the Muslim Muslim Community Community prayed prayed prayer. lf no ; t h etthe nh ew prayer; whole would bee cconsidered a n a z ap hr a y e rthen h o l eccommunity o m m u n i tw yo u l db onsidered tthe h eJJanazah sinful in in the the sight sight of of Allah. Allah. lf If some some of of the the people people prayed prayed the the Janazah Janazah sinful frornthe angerof of Allah prayer then is saved the anger Allah prayer savedfrom the whole wholecommunity then the communityis givento to the even be given participants only. the participants only. rewardwill will only only be the reward thoughthe eventhough (S.A.W.)emphasized In (S.A.W.) and Muhammad emphasized andeu-ProphetMuhammad In hadiths hadithsProphet err-Muslim couraged the to So,every Muslim funeralceremonies. Sorevery to attend attendfuneral Muslims ceremonies. the Muslims couraged deceased. dut',,for for me tnedeceased. male best to futftl his to tUlfll hisdut'/ try his hisbest shouldtry maleshould prayer asthis thisis Janazah prayer should be prayed prayed in as is more more in congregation congregation Janazah shouldbe but rewardful. !t be prayed prayed in but thanone in more onecongregation congregation morethan rewardful. lt can c,anbe people. by different people. by different placebut prayershould but in in case 2. prayer be offered in an an open shouldbe offeredin openplace case Janazah 2. Janazah prayed reason be prayed of itit can any other weatheror otherreason canbe or bad bad weather 0r any of rain rain or in or halletc. or aa hall etc. in aa mosque mosque

1. l.

PRAYER 3. PRAYER P R A Y I N JANAZAH W H I L EPRAYING JGA N A Z A H 3 . WHILE of andshoulders The of with the shoulders levelwith the head headand lmamshould The Imam shouldstand standlevel levelwith with the is male. lmamshould male.Imam shouldstand standlevel deadbody body if the the body bodyis the dead partof female. the bodyifif itit isisaa female. middlepart of the thebody themiddle 4. P R A Y E DIFFERS D RIFFERS JEA N A Z A PRAYER H 4 . WHERE W H E R JANAZAH prayers in otherprayers Janazah prayer in prayerisis only differentfrom from other slightlydifferent Janazah onlyslightly Thereisis no in it. no that and in Tashahud it. There andno no Tashahud sajdah, no ruku, ruku,no no sajdah, thereisis no that there prayedin prayer. in aa standing standing fixed this Itlt has hasto to be beprayed for,offering thisprayer. fixedtime offering time for purification, 0iblah, facingQiblah, position facing like purification, positiononly. 0ther conditions only. Other conditionslike prayers. sutra, dress etc. have to be satisfied as in the usual prayers. as the usual in to be satisfied dress have etc. sutra, 5. PRAYER PRAYER C O N D U COF OTFJANAZAH JANAZAH 5 . CONDUCT The prayers a.a. Like facing condition. necessary condition.The Oiblahisis aa necessary other prayers facingQiblah Like other rows.There There peopleto their rows. Imam d ask their to straighten straighten lmamshoul ask the the people should rewardful. should of rowsas m0rerewardful. bean number of rows asitit isismore shouldbe anodd oddnumber prayeras necessary b. in prayer in Janazah asitit isisnec.essary Makingintention intentionisis necessary Janazah necessary b. Making prayerthe intentionshould in Before prayer prayers. should beginning the intention Beforebeginning in other other prayers.

56 56

be made made in in the the heart heart as as uttering uttering any any words words of niyat niyat aloud aloud was was not not be the practice practice nf Prophet Prophet Muhammad Muhammad (S.A.W.) (S.A.W.) or or of his hi~ comp' compthe anions. anions. c. FFIRST TAKBIR ORRT TAKBIR TAHRIMA. A K B I FT AHBIMA. A K B I RO I B S TT Janazah prayer prayer contains contains 4 Janazah Takbirs. First First Takbir Takbir is is Takbir Takbir Tahrima. Tahrima. The The lmam Imam says says Alldhu Allahu Takbim. akbar and and raises raises his his hands hands up up t0 to the the shoulder shoulder level level with with fingers fingers akbar stretching to the the earlobes earlobes and and the the congregation c.ongregation doa does the the same' same. stretching Then the the lmam Imam folds folds his his hands hands on on his his chest chest right right hand hand over over Then the lgft. lett. the d.. DU',A DU'A 0F OF STARTltrlG. STARTING. d Du'a of Starting. Starting. Then Then the the person person can can read read one one of those those du'as du'as 0u'6'of which are are recommended recommended in in the the first first rakat rakat of of the the usual usual prayer prayer which before recitation recitation of of Fatihah. Fatihah. For For examplo' examplo' before

'4 1+ lit;.'i ~ ~~~j~\8j~';,;j~;;~/j~\~~~ tti: srr^t'i l;V; I )el$)t ~"





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kasmuka tabara kasmuka hamdikawa #Sub!}ana ka wa tabara "SubfiEnaKa//ah wabi f}amdi humma wabi Kaltdh humma gh'ayruk." wata 'ala jad'ouka jad-duka wafS ildha ghayruk." wali il5ha iata"dli

you, "Glory be you, 0 Allah, due unto "Glory be to praises are unto you, and all all praises aredue Altah,and to you. your majesty none your name and none and isis your majestyand blessed and high high isis your nameand and blessed ;sisworthy but you." butyou." of worship worship worthyof recommend do not Or not recommend otherdu'as. du?s.Some Somescholars scholando he can cansay say other 0r he preferable. prayerbut reading but reading du 'a of it isis preferable. in Janazah Janazahprayer startingin du'5 of starting it, it does doesnot not affect affecthis his However, if someone does not read readit, doesnot However, someone practised by Muslim prayer. Both by scholars.. prayer. waysare Bothways arepractised Muslim scholas.. Then should say:person should theperson say:Thenthe



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"A'fiu uA 'uiu bil-Iahi minashshaY!8 rajeem!' biHehi minash shayg1nir rajeem:' "Eismilldhhir-rahma "Bismill5h nir-rafieem." hir-rahnEnir-ral;eem" Fatihah. and recite surah recite surahFatihah. heshould should thenhe andthen

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57 57

"Alfamdu "AIJ:1amdu lillehi lil-Iahi rab-hil rab-bil '6lameen. 'alameen. -ra Ar rahma nir¡raheem. ralt ma' n Ar i r fieerfi. Maliki yawmid yawn1id:- deen. deen. Mefiki Iyyaka na'budu na'budu wa lyydka iyyaka nasta'een. nasta 'een. iyyika hdi n ag g ~ira!al mustaqeem. IIhdina~ i rEgal m ust aqeem. ladheenaan'amta'alayhim. Sirafalladheena an 'amta 'alayhim. $irEgal Ghayril maghdubi maghdUbi Ghayril -_ 'alayhim 'alayhim walaf, wala{1 /dl-leen. cjal-Ieen. Ameen." Ameen."

only Allah, ""Praise P r a i siises o orA n l yffor l l a hL ,Lord ord the Universe. Universe. of the The most most merciful. T h em o s tkkind, i n d ,tthe o s tm h em erciful. The master ofrf tthe Day off JJudgment. a yo T h em a s t eo udgment. h eD YOI; alone we worship and alone o ua Y o ' .a lonw e ew o r s h ia pn dttoo yyou lone r a yffor wee ppray help. orh elp. w Show usstthe way, h esstraight S h o wu t r a i g hw ta y , a yo way off tthose whom have blessed. tthe h ew h o s ew h o n yyou r o uh a v eb lessed. Who your youranger, Whohave havenot deserved anger, not deserved g o n eastray". Nor N o rgone astray". prayer Fatihahin Janazah Some people do prayer but but in Janazah readsurah do not not read surahFatihah Somepeople prayeras typeof as of prayer the of any anytype the validity validityof (S.A.W.) prayer without validwithout that no Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) has isisvalid no prayer hassaid saidthat Muhammad Prophet surah Fatihah. surahFatihah. ( R . A . )says prayed the h e prayed Talhah bin the t h a t he b i n Aouf A o u f (R.A.) s a y sthat b i n Abdullah Abdullah T a l h a hbin ( R . A . )and Abdullah a n d Abdullah Janazah b i n Abbas A b b a s(A.A.) ph r a y e rbehind A b d u l l a hbin b e h i n dAbdullah J a n a z aprayer (R.A.) read he said: said: Afterwards bin he Fatihahaloud. aloud.Afterwards readsurah surahFatihah Abbas(R.A.) bin Abbas y o u may the k n o wthat t h a titi t isi s the m a yknow "1 t h a t you " l did r e a diti t out l o u dso s o that o u t loud d i d read (S sunnah Mt u h a m m a(S.A.W.)." d.A.W.)." P r o p h eMuhammad ohf Prophet s u n n aof ( Bu k h a r i ) . (Bukhari). in Fatihahisis necessary necesary provesthat fhis surah in reciting surahFatihah that reciting Ihis hadith hadithproves Janazah prayer as prayer well. aswell. Janazah ~urah for for Fatihahisis necessary necesary surahFatihah

6. OF SUHAH ONFA SURAH 6 . RECITATION RECITATIO partof be read readafter A chapter or can r"napter ran be afterthe therecitation recitation of aa chapter or part chapter readit. of but to Fatihah to read it. butitit isisnot notessential essential ofsurah surahratihah

7.I . SECOND TDA K B I R S E C O NTAKOIR r.)ongregThen s a ythe t h esecond s e c o ntakbir t h e Imam l m a mshould s h o u l dsay tda k b i rand a n dthe t h econgregT h e nthe ation fio l l o wbut b u t iti t isi s not n o t necessary n e r e s s ato troyraise r a i s the e t0 t h ehands h a n dup u s pto s h o u l rfollow a t i o nshoulrl the deo e siti,t isi s alright. w a y sare le b l u t ifi f someone s o m e o ndoes, a l r i g h tBoth B. o t hways are t h eshoulder s h o u l d elevel r v ebut greatulamas practised by and practised andscholars. bygreat ulamas scholars.

58 s8

8. TDA K B I R A F T E RTHE T H ESECOND S E C O NTAKBIR 8 . AFTER per$onpraying prayingJanazah Janazah After Takbir should the person should sec.ond Takbir the After the the second preferable dar0dwhich which to read readthe the darud reLite to lt isis preferable in his his heart. heart.It darid in reuitedarud prayer. pers0n aa person reads if! of reads of his hisusual usualprayer. Tashahud in Tashahud 9. TAKBIR T H I H DTAKBIR 9 . THIRD shouldsay takbirand andthe thec.ongregation congregation Then the third thirdtakbir saythe the Imam lmam~hould Thenthe pray for the deceased. deceased. personshould for the should shouldpray follow. Now, Now, eac.h eachperson shouldfollow. prayout loudand thecongregation congregation Alternatively the andthe lmamtan out loud the Imam canpray Alternatively benefitof of the the for the the benefit du'Bsfor can kindsof of du'as afterhim. him. All All kinds Amin,after say,Amin, r.ansay; below. theseare arementioned mentioned deceased Lan below. besaid. Someof of these said.Some deceased t.anbe 10. O FJANAZAH JANAZAH D U ' AOF 1 0 . DU'A (S.A.W') A l l a h(S.A.W.) orf Allah (hR . A . )said M e s e n g eof a.a . Abu t h e Messenger t h a t the s a i dthat H u r a i r a(R.A.) A b u Hurairah (the follow' du? in his hisdu'a (the followprayed of saidin andhe hesaid Muslimand prayedJanazah of aa Mus\im Janazah ing words): i n gwords): ,.. ., (+-1 -!.\.,/ \,; \ .... Li :w ~,/ \~_~ ::. j>~' "J~'l (j *,jfri - +;'r $vs(++ ~,~ ~ ~ *r~ u++; y-vv -


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"Allahhum wa shahidina wa shihidiniwa "Allah ~ay-yina wa wa may-yitina. mayyitina.wa maghfirli hay-yina hum maghfirli waunthiinl, gh6-ibinE, kabeerinS'wa gha-ibina, wa wa wa zakarina unthana, wa kabeerina iakarin-awa sagheerinE wa sagheerina 'alal hummaman la ahyihee isld'm. Allah ahyihee'alai islam. mrn-ndfa man ahyaytahu ahyaytahImlO-oa Alleh humma wamantawaf-!aytahu fatawaf-fahualai waman min-na tawaf-faytahu min-na fatawaf-fahu alal iman. iman.Allah Allah taftin-niba'dahii" ba'dahil." wal6taftin-na hummJ ajrahu airah[wah~ humnraIii tahrimna latahrimmi (nhmad, (Ahmad, Abu . Dawld,Tirmizi, Abu Dawlid, lbn Majah). Maiah). Tirmizi,Ibn peoplewho who are "0 Allah, forgiveour our people still alive who have Allah,forgive arestill andwho have aliveand presenthere pasedaway, passed forgivethose who are andthose thosewho arepresent hereand thosewho av,Ey,forgive who youngand forgiveour are forgive areabsent, absent, andour our males our young our elderlv, elderly,forgive forgiveour males 'sh to you "r :sh and females. females.0 Allah, Allah,the the one and one whom whom you to keep keepalive alive from among liveac.cording from to amongus us make hirnlive to Is, ls. 11, n, and according andanyone anyone makehim you wish whomyou whom wishto fromamong us,let let hi;n to die diefrom amongus, him Ql1 in belief beliefand and 0r'rin faith. 0 Allah, faith. Allah,do do not depriveus us from from his not deprive his reward rewardand and do do not not put us fitna (hardship put or us in in fitna or any any type of trial) trial}after type of hisdeath." death." afterhis {hardship


(R.A.)said (S.A.W.) 4ouf bin bin Malik Malik(R.A.) of Aouf that the the Messenger ft4essenger Allah(S.A.W.) saidthat of Allah prayedaa Janazah prayerand prayed prayer and I heard him saying following heardhim the following sayingthe Janazah du'a du'dand andI memorised memorisedit . tlt.',

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+i\s ,'rjj-Jn 6'aAti'i'r'liit'r;liffr 59 59

++ i H\):id-! t; i# V:4*V'aiL *'v ; t 5^ U$iS+h\ At',#.1,.S.-r'eg;13UtSHtt t'i;Yri; +J fi; ,[L.u3ij Pri';ilirLrit3 3,x ; j&i \"t+ # 3'l'4 lrja;5 #j b rfrrq\rtt "Allah hum hum maghfidahfr maghfirtahu warhamh[ warhamhti wa'fu wa'fu 'inhu 'anhu wa wa 'dfihee 'afihee wa wa "All6h akrim nuzulohI nuzulohu un wa was-sif was-si' hudkhalah-u, 'mudkhalahu, waghsilhu waghsilhu bil bil m-aee maee akrim 'khatdy1 wath thalji thalji wal wal bardi, bardi, wa wa naq-qihlnaq-qihT minal minal 'khataya Kama yunaq' yunaqKama wath qath thawbul thawbul abya{u al)ya~u minad minad danasi, danasi, wa wa abdilhu abdilhu d6ran d3ran Khayram Khayram qath min darihr-, darihT, wa wa ahlan ahlan Khayram Khayram min min ahlihTwa ahlihi wa zawian zawjan khayrum khayrum min min min wa'Aia zawjihi, wa wa adkhil adkhil hul hul jan-nata, jan-nata, waqihT waqihT fitnatal fitnatal qabri qabri wa ' Aia zawiihi ban ndr"' nar." ban (Muslim) ,Musrim) grant him,grant "0 Allah, pardon him, mercyon on him, forgivehim, him, have havemercy him, pardon Allah,forgive lodgings, him provide him place and lodgings, spacious him a nice nice place andspacious him security, security,provide (off from and ice, ice,purify wash purify with water, water,snow from his snowand his sins) sins)with washhim him (off garment dirt, replace from him from his sins as a white garment is cleansed from dirt, replace is white cleansed him fromhissinsas present replace family his present his abode his family present betterone, one,replace with a better abodewith his present partnerwith present with a better betterone, one, with his partner replace his present one,replace betterone, with a better grave the trials trialsof paradise him from from the of grave make and andsave sarehim him enter enterparadise makehim punishment and of hell." of hell." andthe thepunishment t. c.

(S.A.W.) (R.A.l Abu A.) sa id that of Allah Allah(S.A.W.) the messenger mssengerof Hurairah(R. that the Abu Hurairah said prayed prayed and andsaid:said:-

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prt -lrVtr )I (.JI_>~'.>J.I wa KhalaqtaltS,wa "Alleh humma anta "Allah wa anta anta Khalaqtaha, anta r3b-buha reb-buh| ",, wa vw anta lil islam, islEm, VIla anta anta hadaytahE IiI wa anta anta hadaytaha razagtahS, wa anta razaqtaha, wa ~/a niyhlE niybislr-rihi wa 'Iam~ bisir-riha qabacjta gaba{ta rD!)aha wo anta anta aa'lamu rilfiahl ,, wa 'banu"" lah} Zan yatiha, yatiie, ji ni shufa'a'a, Lan-banu faghfir lahu shuia'a'a,faghfir ii n~ Ahmad). (Abu Daw0d, Ahmad). Abu DawiJd, "0 Allah, you are Allah,you you have areits its Lord, Lord,you "0 it, havecreated it, and andvou created have vouhave guideditit towards toramrds lslam,and you have guided Islam, his soul andyou havetaken takenout outhis soufand and you know knowbest bestabout aboutits itssecret you We secretand andopen opendeeds. deeds. we have havecome come asintercessors, as so him." intercesors. soforgive forqive hi0.': r

60 60

One thing thing we we can can see see clearly clearly from from the the obovo above mentioned mentioned hadiths haditM One that every every companion companion wtro who narrated narrated ilo the duT du'i of Janazah Janazah prayer prayer that says that that he he heard heard the the Prophet Prophet (S.AW.I (S.A.W.) $ying saying fio the words words of of dut du'i rays in Janazah Janazah prayer. prayer. Thir This prores proves that that ths the Mosssngor M. .nger of Allsh Allah (S.A,W.! (S.A.W.) in used to say say the the Janazah Janazah prayer prayer or or at at least least the the duB du'is in in Janazah Janazah prayor prayer used aloud. Therefore, Therefore, there there should should not not bs be any any objection objection or or confusion confusion if aloud. the lmam Imam recites recites aloud aloud in in Janazah Janazah Prayer. Prayer. the There are are $ome some other other du'is du'is which which are are narrated narrated from from Prophet Prophet There Muhammad (S.A.W.)and (S.A.W.)and they they can can be be found found in in Hadith Hadith Books. Books. All All Muhammad of these these du?s du'is can can be be said said together together or or individually. individually. 0ther Other duft du'is can can of be said said with with thesa these dutr du'is but but it is is better better to to stick stick to to duE du'is approved approved be by Prophet Prophet (S.A.W.}. (S.A.W.). by (R F 0 URTH ENDING THE TAKBIR)¡ P U R T HT A i l A Z A PRAYER H R A Y E(FO AKBtRI. E r { o t ] {T c H EJJANAZAH

Then mam should the Ilrnam the fourth fourthtakbir andthe Thenthe shoufdsay saythe trkbir and fie congregcongngl ation and follorru that the andafter afterthat lmamshould ationshould shouldfollow tre Imam shouldsay ray "As-alimu "Ar*ali'mu 'alaykum yvarafmatul-16h" 'alaykum wa ra~matul¡lih" turning faceto ri$t tim turninghis to the theright firt and rndthen hisface thsn to should do andthe theleft; left;and thecongregation thosame. to the congregation should dothe $mB. Note:- Some people stress aa lot du'. Ilote:onsaying du& after Somepeople stress lot on thscompletion saying aftsrthe completion prayer Janazah of prayer but but we lupp~rting of Janazah we did did not not find hadithruppgrting find aa single ringlehadith poron prayerisis designed this prayer so Janazah $is idea. idea.Janazah dub aa person designed that all all the dto du. so that t0 say for the dececedcan wants to uyants the deceased be said sayfor nid after afbr the fie third bkbir. canbe ftird mkbir. (S.AW.} pnctice of This This was the authentic authenticpractice of Prophet ProphetMuhammad Muhrmmrd(S.A.W.) wasthe and andhiS hn companions. compantons. PRAYER DURING JOURNEY URTEY DURIilGA JO PRAYEB

in tre situations rituatior in Islam way practical lite and andconsiders corsidenthe way of of life lslamisis aa practical the madethe hc made So Allah Allahh. which So difficulties. facedifficulties. follorwn may mayface which its it followers in th_ ths$ Included things in Included in in suclLsituations. believen such.situatiom. for the the believers thinp easy emyfor prayoll dailyprayers facilities isis the for and daily permision andcombining combining for shortening shortening thepermission facilities joumey. during aa journey. during (SHORT 1. PRAYER (SHORT PRAYER). PRAYERI. PRAYER OASR I. QASR 's a journey he should pray far{ for for raks6far~ When on a iournoyhe shouldprry 2 rakats Muslimis on Whenaa Muslim they rre. remoin c Zuhr, Per and Isha. Fajr and maghrib prayers remain. they are. m4hrib Fair and lsha. Prayg6 Zuhr, lcr and PBAYER PBAYA QASR OASRPRAYER 2. TO TO PRAY ]TOREREWARDFUl REWARDFUL IT IS IS MORE 2. IT ($HORT (SHORT PRAYER) PRAYERI onaa journey. It isis more to while prayaa Qasr Prayer wtrileon 0asrPrayer rervardful to pray morerewardful iournoy. (S.AW.)said: gift from "lt ish aa gift Allrh which h'hhh fromAllah The of Ms$snger TheMessenger Allah(S.A.W.) said:"It of Allah you;t0you youshould accept it." he u~on it." rhouldaccept hc bestowed bectornd hshas uponyou;so (tttrsliml. (Muslim). 61 61

3. PGR A Y E R S . C O M B I N I NPRAYERS. 3 . COMBINING prayers personon A person journey can toZuhrand Asr prayers combineZuhr andAsr t0on aa journey cancombine prayingthem getherpraying Zuhror Asrtime. time.He gether or Asr Hecan alsocombine themboth bothat at Zuhr canalso combine prayingthem prayers at Maghrib Maghrib Maghrib together togetherpraying both at and Isha them both lshaprayers Maghriband or l s h atime. time. o r Isha (R.A.)sa'ys (S.A.W.) Mesenger Ibn of the Messenger of Allah Allah (S.A.W.) lbn Abbas Abbas(R.A.) that the saysthat used when journey Zuhrand and Asr Asr together together whenhe he was wason on aa journey to combine combineZuhr usedto Maghrib lsha. and Maghrib and to combine andIsha. heused alsohe usedto combine andalso (Bukharii. (Bukhari). (S.A.W.) (R.A.)says Mu/az of was Messenger Mu'62(R.A.) that the the Messenger of Allah Allah (S.A.W.) was saysthat Tabook.If lf the on journey for deof Tabook. the sun hadalready already defor the the Battle Battleof sunhad on aa journey clined journey after wantedto t0 start his journey afterhaving havingcamped when he lre wanted starthis clinedwhen camped prayers Zuhr an"d somewhere, he together his Zuhr and Asr would combine together he would combinehis fur prayers somewhere, praythem at Zuhr Zuhrtimet time,and andif he he decided decided to move movebefore and to themboth bothat before and pray prayerand prayed the then the r prayer he delayed delayed the Zuh Zuhr had declined declined thenhe andprayed the sun sun had prayerat it combined with at Asr Asrtime. time.And And if the thesun hadalready with Asr fur prayer sunhad already cornbined wouldcombine t0 move movehe he would Maghrib set and combineMaghrib whenhe he wanted wantedto and Isha lsha set when hadnot And if the thesun sunhad notset whenhe together at time. Maghrib time.And setwhen wanted at Maghrib hewanted together p r a yit M a g h r iand abn dpray w i t h Isha l s h aat to d e l a yMaghrib i t with a t Isha h ewould w o u l ddelay l s h atime. time. t o move m o v ehe ( A b uDawud, (Abu D a w i l dTirmizi). T, i r m i z i ) . provethat their very clear meaning These r meaning and arevery in thei Thesehadiths andprove hadithsare clearin that provedand and aa regular regular combining prayers journey isis aa proved prayerswhile while on 0n aa journey combining p e o p lwho e ho (S w aer epeople S) .t i l lthere , t h e rare practice M d . A . W .Still, P r o p h eMuhammad t u h a m m a(S.A.W.). p r a c t i cof oef Prophpt traveltheyare aretravelprayers whilethey together do in prayers together while in combining combining believe do not not believe believers gift from the believers should whichthe Allahwhich ling. this should from Allah this isis aa gift However, ling, However, and his reject Allah's to accept gratefully ard if someone wants to reject Allah's and his wants gratefully and someone accept to him. him. Messenger's offer upto offerit isisup Mesenger's 4. TO WHEN ANN DCOMBINE C O M B I NPRAYERS. PEB A Y E R S . 4 . WHEN T OSHORTEN S H O R T EAND question Now,there to what Now, ~ thereisis the the question what isis the m to the limiting limitingdistance distance o u r n e yto and d u r a t i o nof o f the t o make t h e facility f a c i l i t yof o f Qasr O a s and r nd t h e duration t h e jjourney m a k ethe a a n d the Jama valid. Jamavalid. ( H . A . )when " l asked Y a z e esaid, a.a . Yahya b i n Yazeed A n a sbin b i n Malik M a l i k(R.A.) a s k e dAnas when Y a h y abin sda i d ,"I (R.A.) prayer the Qasr prayer was allowed." A.nas (R.A.) answered that Oasr Anas that the the answered wasallowed." the (S.A.W.) Messenger whenever he he went went away awayabout Allah (S.A.W.) Mesengerof whenever about of Allah prayed Oasr. Gasr. 3 miles heprayed mileshe ( M u s l i mAhmad, (Muslim, D a w f d Baihaqi). , aihaqi). A,h m a dAbu A, b uDawud, B ( R . A . )says (hS . A . W . l A b u Sa/eed b. b . Abu S a ' e e d(R.A.) s a y sthat t h a t whenever w h e n e v eRasulullah Rr a s u l u l l a(S.A.W.) t r a v e l l eabout adb o u t1 farsakh f a r s a kapproximately travelled ahp p r o x i m a t e3 l miles, y i l e she pray m h, ewould w o u l dpray Qasr. 0asr. (Talkhee (Talkhees Ibn l bsnHajr). Hair). 0 n the p e r s ocan t h ebasis b a s iof s f these p r a yQasr 0 a sand t h e s ehadiths On o h a d i t haas person cna npray ar n dcan can per a y e rwhen c o r n b i nprayers combine ws h e nthe t h e distance d i s t a n che hee travels t r a v e laway asw a yfrom f r o mhome home m i l e sThis T. h i sdistance d i s t a n cisies the p isi s 3 miles. t h e minimum m i n i m u mlimit f o r Qasr O a s prayer. r rayer. f i m i tfor H o w e v e rthere t ,h e r eare a r e many However, m a n yvaried v a r i e dopinions o p i n i o n on s0 n the t h e minimum minimum l i m i tof o f the t h edistance' d i s t a n cfor e ' fexample limit m i l e s48 . 4 miles m 8 i l e sor 0 r one eoxr a m p 9 lI e,lliles, o n eday's day's 62 62

journey journey etc. etc. what In o dt e f i n i t i n of n f aa journey t h e correct o o r r e cdefinition I n our o u r opinion o p i n i o nthe i o u r n e yisi s what the urlder theirc.ircUlllstances, reCognises utrdettheir circurttstances, wholerecognises as aa whole the society societyas the limit l i m i tbeing b e i n 3g miles. 3 miles. minimum t h eminimum 5. J OU R N E Y D U B A T I O OF iO l FJOURNEY 5 . DURATION prayersfor long A person for as aslong his prayers' pray Qasr personcan and combine Oasrand combinehis can pray yearu. journey, or months as he remains on a journey, whether it takp.s weeks, months or years. weeks, it takes whether on a ashe remains purpose of his hisjourney Even of the purpose placeto put in to fulfil fulfil the in one oneplace hestays Evenifif he staysput iourney prayers. However, he However, prayQasr his prayers. and combine Oasrand combinehis to pray continueto he can cancontinue then of days daysthen numberof ifif he to for aa fixed placefor fixednumber in aa place t0 stay stayin intended he intended g 0on agn dshortenshorten" the o ncombining l o n ghe h ecan c o m b i n i nand c a ngo dsi f f e ron o n how h o wlong o p i n i o ndiffer t h eopinions daysetc.. 18days ing e.g. 4 days, 10 18 days,17days, lTdays, etc. prayers, 10days, days, inghis hisprayers, e.g.4 whensomeone Aft~r study we that when s0meone saythat we can cansay hadiths of hadiths Aftsrrta careflll studyof careful beconsidered traveller stays he aa traveller considered placetemporarily hewould wouldbe fixedplace telnporarily in aa fixed staysin dayshe cart journey, of days he can on and of the number nunrber limit on on the thereisis no no limit andthere on aa journey, prayers. prayHaST pray and his hisprayers. Oasr andcombine combine 6. P R A Y E ON R NAJOURNEY AJOURNEY O N A F LPRAYER 6 . NAFL (S.A.W.) prayerduring Prophet(S.A.W.) Prophet always journey offeredWitr Witr prayer alwaysoffered duringhis his journey andhe heexmphasized exmphasized andexpressed and and the of the importance importance rakatsunnat expressed of 2 rakat sunnat Fajrprayer. prayer.Therefore, of the the Fajr Therefore, of the should pray these, these, while while the believers believers shouldpray journey. o naa journey. on Butwhat prayer? whatabout anyother But aboutany othernafl andsunnat nafland sunnatprayer? question. followinghadith Thefollowing hadithanswers The this answers thisquestion. ", l accompanied (R.A.) H a f sbin b i n Asim s a y s"1 a c c o m p a n iAbdullah Aebdd u l l ab hi n U Hafs bin Umar f u i m says, m a r(R.A.) j o u r n e to yt o Makkah. M a k k a hOn . 0 nthe o n aa journey t h e way Makkah on hee led uss iinn tthe w a yto t 0 Makkah l e du he prayeran Zuhr and offered2 rakats. rakats.Then Thenhe Zuh r prayer d offered his tent. tent. he went went to sit in in his to sit peoplepraying prayingand He saw sawsome somepeople and asked askedme me what He were doing. doing. whatthey they were p r a y i n gnafl', a r e praying T h e y are n a f l ' ,said T h e nh s a i dI.l . Then 'They hee said, pray nafl r a yn s a i d ,'If' l f lIccould ould p afl prayedthe thenI should shouldhave haveprayed the complete complete fardprayer.'Then then farq prayer.' Then he continhe contin'l accompanied ued,'I accompanied the Messenger Messenger ued, the of Allah on on i, (. journey. journey. He He did did of Allah prayduring duringhis not pray travelsmore his travels than2 rakats. morethan not rakats. Then Then I accompanied accompanied Abu Bakr, Bakr,Umar Umarand and Uthman Uthmanand and they thev did did the Abu the same same as as Pr.ophet Prophet (S.A.W.}'. good example Muhammad ThereISF a good examplefor Muhammad (S.A.W.)'. There for you you in in the the practice of Prophet PropherMuhammad practice of (S.A.W.). J) Muhammad {S.A.W.).', ((Bukhari). Bukharil. Thereare aresome someother otherhadiths There hadiths which which prove prove that that some some of the the comcompanions usedto to pray panions used pray nafls nafls during during thelr their journey. journey. lt It is is better better not not t0 to praynafls naflswhile whiletravelling but travelling pray but if you you stay stay somewhere somewhere and and have have time time youmay doso. maydo so. you

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