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ShaheedDr Sheikh AbdullahAzzam First Edition

Az za m Pu bl ic at io ns BCM UHUD London WC1N 3XX UNITED KINGDOM


Publisher’s Foreword Who Was Abdullah Azzam? Part I: The Lofty Mountain Introduction Youth Education Working Life In Afghanistan His Travels The Battle of the Lion’s Den, Jaji, Afghanistan, 1987 His Personality His Last Journey A Soul Parts this World Sheikh Tameem and Martyrdom Tribute to Sheikh Tameem Words on Sheikh Tameem by Abu Hafs Al-Misri The Martyrs in Reality The Fine Examples The Miracles of Dr Salih The Sincere Man Part II: The Battle of the Lion’s Den, Afghanistan, 1987 Introduction by Usama Bin Muhammad Bin Ladin Impressions of an Arab Journalist in Afghanistan The Battle of the Lion’s Den – A First Hand Account The First Military Encounter – Operation 17 Shaban The Battle of the Lion’s Den: May 1987 Usama Bin Ladin Narrates the Battle Beneficial lessons from the Battle of the Lion’s Den Part III: Biography of Correspondent Suraqah Al-Andalusi Words of Remembrance From His Brother His Contribution to the Work of Azzam Publications From the Friend and Companion of Shaheed Suraqah Dreams Following His Martyrdom The Last Will and Final Testament of Suraqah Al-Andalusi Farwell Sheikh Abdullah Azzam said about Usama Bin Ladin Glossary


Dedicated to Sheikh Abdullah Azzam and the Mujahideen of Afghanistan who ignited the flame of Jihad in the 20th Century and launched the vessel of this Deen upon this blessed path, raising its banner high with honour and dignity. Amongst them were those that joined the Caravans of Martyrs and amongst them are those that are still waiting...

"From amongst the believers are men who have been true to the covenant that they made with Allah (i.e. been martyred in His Way) and amongst them are those that are still waiting, but they have never changed in their determination in the least." [Quran33:23]


“Blood is more valuable than tears.” [SheikhTameem Al-Adnani,1988]

[PHOTO: Sheikh Tameem Al-Adnani sitting on a horse in Afghanistan in an undatedphoto]


Publisher's Foreword Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. The Hereafter is for the piou s, and ther e is no enmi ty exce pt towa rds the unju st. I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah Alone, and I bear witne ss that Muhamm ad is His Slave and Messe nger. May Allah bless him, his pure Household, his noble Companions, and all those who follow them in goodness up to the Day of Judgement. “Islamic history is not written except with the blood of the martyrs.” [Sheikh Abdullah Azzam] The Lofty Mountain contains the translation of perhaps the last book that Sheikh Abdullah Azzam wrote before he was assassinated. It is a unique biography of an individual that is not known to many people: the martyred Sheikh Tameem Al-Adnani from Palestine, whose soul left this World in 1989, after accompanying Sheikh Abdullah Azzam in the Afghan Jihad for a number of years. He says, Exalted is He who said it: “Think not of those who are killed in the Way of Allah as dead. Nay, they are alive, with their Lord, and they have provision. They rejoice in what Allah has bestowed upon them of His Bounty, rejoicing for the sake of those who have not yet joined them, but are left behind (not yet martyred) that on them no fear shall come, nor shall they grieve. They rejoice in a Grace and a Bounty from Allah, and that Allah will not waste the reward of the believers. Those who answered (the Call of) Allah and the Messenger (Muhammad, Peace be upon him) after being wounded; for those of them who did good deeds and feared Allah, there is a great reward. Those (i.e. believers) unto whom the people (hypocrites) said, ‘Verily, the people (pagans) have gathered against you (a great army), therefore, fear them.’ But it (only) increased them in Faith, and they said: ‘Allah (Alone) is Sufficient for us, and He is the Best Disposer of affairs (for us).’ So they returned with Grace and Bounty from Allah. No harm touched them; and they followed the Good Pleasure of Allah. And Allah is the Owner of Great Bounty.” [Quran 3:169-174]


Allah - the Mighty and Majestic — had ordained that men should die in differe nt manners, but that their status after death would depend on their intentions. He ordained that this Deen of His be built by the effor ts of men and commun ities and be raise d by their skull s and bodies, and accordi ng to the efforts which are exercis ed on the path of this Deen. That it is raise d by pains which are borne on its Way, and by sustain ing the hardshi ps on the path. The result of all of this, then, would be the prosp erity of the Frien ds of Allah . The Deen of Allah — the Mighty and Majestic — cannot be victorious by a miracle fro m the sky; rat her man must exe rci se his eff ort s and und erg o hardships. The Deen of Allah will be victo rious accor ding to howev er much man strives, however much he sheds blood on the way, and however much his limbs fall from his side. The peopl e will bear witne ss for the blood of the martyrs on the Day of Judgement — blood, the colour of which will be the colour of blood, but the smell of which will be the smel l of musk 1. The ang els wil l bea r wit nes s for the m at the seizing of their souls. It is on these peopl e that Islam was first raise d, and it will not be rai sed aga in exc ept by tha t way whi ch the Pro phe t (SAW S), the choices t noble Companio ns, and his helpers from the indivi duals of this Ummah underto ok. Whoever thinks that the Deen of Allah can be vi ct or io us by cu lt ur e an d te ac hi ng on ly , or by po li ti ca l infor mation and analys is, or obser ving event s, or only speec hes on the pulpit and guidance and sermons, then these people do not know the nature of this Deen, nor do they know the method of the final Messenger (SAWS). Kingdoms are not built like the mornings Nor are truths adopted or enforced For the killed ones are centuries of lives And for the prisoners are ransoms and growing old For the red freedom is a door Which hammers in every bloodstained hand And before the words of poetry are the words of the Lord of Might: 1

In reference to the hadeeth: On the authority of Abu Hurairah (RA), the Messenger of Allah (SAWS) said: "No-one is wounded in the Path of Allah, and Allah knows best who is wounded in His Path, except that he will come on the Day of Resurrection with his wounds spurting blood. Its colour will be like the colour of blood and its smell will be that of musk." [Reported by Al-Bukhari, Book 7, No. 441.]


“Do you think that you will enter Paradise before Allah tests those of you who fought (in His Cause) and (also) tests those who are patient?” [Quran 3:142] The best men in life, as the Prophet (SAWS) said, are those who stay up when the people are sleeping, and those who cry when the people are happy. They rise up if the people spend the night in frivolous entertainment. These are the knights of this Ummah, its virtuous for tif ica tio ns and its sol id str uct ure , who tur n to All ah Alo ne whene ver angui shes or misfor tunes incre ase. Thus, as was narra ted in the authent ic hadeeth 2 , whoever protect s the land of the Muslims will receive the reward of the prayer of one who constantly prays, the fasting of one who constantly fasts, and the remembrance of one who constantly remembers Allah. This is because without these guards, nobod y would be able to grow a beard , or rise at night , or secur e their religion, their honour or their wealth. People are moved by living examples that reside amongst them. Fine examples whose hearts are attached to the Highest Place, but their bod ies liv e bet ween the peo ple , eat ing lik e the peo ple eat and drinking like the people drink. Examples that are unique amongst the masses by their attachment to Allah and their love of meeting their Lord. And whoever loves to meet his Lord, his Lord loves to meet him3 . Sheikh Tameem Al-Adnani was the last martyr in the book of Sheikh Abd ul lah Azz am, Ush aa q-ul -Hoo r (Lo ver s of th e Par ad is e Maidens), mentioned as Ash-Shaheed Al-Batal Ash-Sheikh Tameem AlAdnan i (The Heroi c Marty r Sheik h Tamee m Al-Adnan i). The uniqu e thing about him is that Sheik h Tameem was not kille d in battle, nor did he die in Afghanistan. Rather, he died of a heart attack in Orlando , Florida , USA. The short-sighted eye and the ignoran t heart may immediately say, "How can someone who dies in America of a heart attack be considered a martyr?" The answer is clear: 2

From the hadeeth narrated by Abu Hurairah (RA): 'A man came to Allah's Messe nger (SAWS) and said, "Instruct me as to such a deed that equa ls Jihad (in reward)." He (SAWS) replied, "I do not find such a deed." Then he (SAWS) added, "Can you, when the Mujahid goes out to the battlefield, pray without ceasing your prayer and fast without breaking your fast?" The man rep lied, "Bu t who can do tha t?" Abu Hurairah (RA) add ed, "Th e Mujahid is rewarded even for the foot steps of his horse while it wanders about for grazing tied in a long rope. — [Reported by Al-Bukhari, Vol. 4, Book 52, No. 44] 3

From the hadeeth narrated by Ubadah bin As-Samit (RA) that the Messenger (SAWS) said: "Whoever loves to meet Allah, Allah loves to meet him and whoever dislikes to meet Allah, Allah dislikes to meet him..." [Reported by Al-Bukhari, Vol. 8, Book 76, No. 514]


“Those who emigrated in the Cause of Allah and after that were killed or died, surely, Allah will provide a good provision for them. And verily, it is Allah who is indeed the best of those who make provision. Truly, He will make them enter an entrance, with which they shall be well-pleased, and verily, Allah indeed is All-Knowing, Most Forbearing.� [Quran 22: 58-59] Abu Malik Al-Ashari (RA) heard the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) say, "He who goes forth in Allah 's Path and dies or is killed, is a martyr, or has his neck broken through being thrown by his horse or by his camel, or is stung by a poisonous creature, or dies on his bed by any kind of death Allah wishes, is a martyr and will go to Paradise. "4 It was narrated from Malik bin Hadam that he said: I heard Umar bin AlKhattab (RA) say, "What do you see in a group of three, who entered Islam together and emigrated (in the Way of Allah) together, and they did not commit any sins? The first was killed by the plague, the second was killed by an abdominal disease, and the third was kille d as a marty r." It was said to him, "The marty r is the best of them (in rank)." So Umar (RA) said, "By Him in whose Hand is my soul, they will be companions in the next life just as they were companions in this life. "5 Whoever emigrated to assist the Jihad or emigrated with his faith to assist the Deen, to any country in the World, whoever left his family and Worldly comforts for the sake of Allah's Deen, and came to a life of hardships and difficulties and tribulations, he is considered an emigrator in the Way of Allah. And whoever emigrates in His Way is a martyr no matter how he dies, and for him is the Parad ise if Allah accepts his Martyrdom. Furth ermore , it is the schol ars of the Mujah ideen who have more rig ht to exp lai n the rul ing s of Jih ad bec aus e the y are the most profi cient in its knowl edge. Imam Ahmad bin Hanba l was once aske d as to what was the best way to memor ise know ledg e, he replied , "Practi se it." The scholar who lives the Jihad in his daily life, who sees the whizzing of bullets, feels the moisture of trenches and smel ls the blo od of mart yrs, sur ely he is more wor thy of explaining the rulings and laws pertaining to Jihad? 4 5

Reported by Abu Dawud, Book I4, No. 2493, Al-Haakim. Declared Saheeh by Al-Albani. Reported by Saeed bin Mansoor in his Sunan, Vol. 2, No. 2844


Suc h was the sta tus of She ikh Tame em Al-Adn ani in She ikh Abdul lah Azzam' s eyes that he dedic ated an entir e book to him, titled At-Tood Ash-Shaamikh (The Lofty Mountain), which many believe was the last book written by Sheikh Abdullah Azzam before he himself was martyred a few weeks later. We are pleased to present this first edition, which has never before bee n pu bl is hed in th e Eng li sh lan gu age , eit her on pap er or electro nically. Transla ted jointly by Umm Salamah Al-Ansariyya h and Shahe ed Suraq ah Al-Andal usi, this book was compil ed and tran slat ed over two years . It comp rise s thre e part s of whic h the biography of Sheikh Tameem AlAdnani is Part I. Part II cont ains a uniq ue firs t-hand acco unt of the Batt le of the Lion's Den which took place in Jaji, Eastern Afghani stan, in May 1987. This encounter was perhaps the most decisive battle that took place between the Mujahideen and their enemies in the 20th Century. Led by Usama Bin Ladin, a group of only 50 Arab Mujahideen held off a ground and air assault by several battalions of Soviet (including Spet snaz Spec ial Forc es) and Commu nist forc es, cons isti ng of thousands of well-armed soldiers. The account given in this book has been translated from various sources and includes first-hand accounts of the batt le from Usama Bin Ladi n hims elf as tran slat ed from intervi ews conduct ed with an Arab journal ist in both Afghani stan and Jeddah, Arabian Peninsula. This material has never before been published in the English language. Par t III con tai ns the bio gra phy and las t tes tam ent of Azz am Publications Correspondent, Shaheed Suraqah Al-Andalusi, who was one of the translators of this book and was martyred in the Battle for Tora Bora against American forces in Afghanistan, on 14 December 2001. May Allah reward the sister, Umm Salamah Al-Ansariyyah, for her countless hours spent in translating and checking the material and for her patience with our never-ending requests. May Allah reward with Paradise and the ranks of martyrs, the other brothers and sisters who helped in publishing this book: the people may not know them but Allah knows them. As for Suraq ah, we hope that he is in a bette r place than us and not in need of our supplicatio ns; nevertheless we pray


that Allah accep ts his deeds and joins us with him in a state where He is pleased with us. May Allah bring benefit by means of this book such that perhaps someone who reads this book will be the Sheikh Tameem or Suraqah of tomorr ow. May He grant succe ss and victo ry to all those who fight in His Way in all corners of the World. May He accept their martyrs, release their prisoners and heal their wounded.

Azzam Publications April 2003CE6/ Rajab 1424AH7


CE: Christian Era as opposed to A.D. (Anno Domini, In the Year of our Lord, referring to Prophet Jesus (SAWS)) 7 AH: An no Hijra h, the date sig nif yin g the mig ration of the Pr op het (SAWS) and the Compa nions to Madinah from Makka h in 622C E


Who Was Abdullah Azzam? “Sheikh Abdullah Azzam was not an individual, but an entire nation by hims elf . Musl im wome n have prov en them selv es inca pabl e of giving birth to a man like him after he was killed.” [Usama bin Ladin, Al-Jazeera TV Channel Interview, 1999] “He was responsible for reviving Jihad in the 20th Century.” [Time Magazine] “His words were not like ordinary people's words. His words were few but rich in meaning. When you looked into his eyes, your heart would fill with Iman and the Love of Allah (SWT).” [Mujahid Scholar from Makkah] “There is not a Land of Jihad in the World today, nor a Mujahid fighting in Allah's Way, who is not inspired by the life, teachings and works of Sheikh Abdullah Azzam.” [Azzam Publications] “In the 1980's, the martyred Sheikh Abdullah Azzam coined a phrase who se mea nin g rev erb era tes tod ay acr oss the bat tle fie lds of Chechnya. The Sheikh (may Allah have Mercy upon him) described the Mujahideen who were killed in battle as joining ‘The Caravan of the Martyrs.’” [Field Commander Shaheed Khattab of the Foreign Mujahideen in Chechnya] Ab du ll ah Yu su f Az za m wa s bo rn in th e vi ll ag e of As ba 'a h Al Harti yeh, Jenin Provi nce, in the occup ied Sacre d Land of Pales tine in 194 1. He was bro ugh t up in a hum ble hou se whe re he was tau ght Isl am, and was fed wit h the lov e of All ah, His Mes sen ger (SAW S), the Muj ahi dee n fig hti ng in the Way of All ah, the rig hte ous peo ple and the desire for the Hereafter. Abd ull ah Azza m was a dis tin gui she d chi ld who sta rte d pro pag ati ng Isl am fro m an ear ly age . His pee rs kne w him as a pio us chi ld. He


showe d signs of excel lence durin g his youth . His teach ers recog nised this while he was still at elementary school. Sheik h Abdul lah Azzam was known for his perse veran ce and serio us na tu re ev er si nc e he wa s a sm al l bo y. He re ce iv ed hi s ea rl y elemen tary and secon dary educa tion in his villa ge, and conti nued his educ atio n at the agri cult ural Khad orri Coll ege, wher e he obta ined a Dip loma . Des pit e bei ng the youn ges t of his col lea gue s, he was the most inte llig ent and the smart est. Afte r he grad uate d from Khad orri Col leg e, he wor ked as a tea che r in a vil lag e cal led Add er in Sou th Jorda n. Later he joine d the Shari ah Colle ge in Damasc us Unive rsity wher e he obta ined a B.A. Degr ee in Shar iah (Isl amic Law) in 1966 . Aft er the Jew s cap tur ed the West Ban k in 196 7, She ikh Abd ull ah Azza m deci ded to migr ate to Jord an beca use he coul d not live unde r the Jewis h occup ation of Pales tine. The sin of the Israe li tanks rolli ng in to th e We st Ba nk un me t by an y re si st an ce in cr ea se d hi s det erm ina tio n to mig rat e in ord er to lea rn the ski lls nec ess ary to fight. In the late 1960' s he joine d the Jihad against the Israe li occup ation of Pa le st in e, fr om Jo rd an . So on af te r th at , he we nt to Eg yp t an d grad uate d with a Mast er's Degr ee in Shar iah from the Univ ersi ty of Al-Azha r. In 1970 , afte r the Jiha d came to a halt by forc ing the PLO forc es out of Jord an, he began to lect ure in the Jord ania n Univ ersi ty of Amma n. In 197 1, he was awar ded a sch ola rsh ip to the Al-Azh ar Uni ver sit y in Cai ro fro m whi ch he obt ain ed a PhD Deg ree in the Princ iples of Islami c Juris prude nce (Usoo l Al-Fiqh) in 1973. Durin g his sta y in Egy pt he cam e to kno w the fam ily of Sha hee d Say yid Qutb (1906-1966). Shei kh Abdu llah Azza m spen t a long time part icip atin g in the Jiha d in Pale stin e. Howe ver, matt ers ther e were not to his liki ng, for thos e inv olv ed in the Jih ad were far remo ved fro m Isl am. He told of how thes e peop le used to spen d the nigh ts play ing card s and list enin g to music, under the illusion that they were performing Jihad to liberate Pa le st in e. Sh ei kh Ab du ll ah Az za m men ti on ed th at , ou t of th e thous ands in the settl ement that he was in, the number of peopl e who off ere d the ir Sal ah (Pr ayer ) in con gre gat ion were so few tha t the y coul d be coun ted on one hand . He trie d to stee r them towa rds Isla m, 12

but the y res ist ed his att empt s. One day he rhe tor ica lly ask ed one of the `Muj ahid een' what the religio n behi nd the Pale stin ian revo luti on was, to which the man replied, quite clearly and bluntly, "This revolution has no religion behind it." Thi s was the las t str aw. She ikh Abd ull ah Azza m lef t Pal est ine , and went to Saud i Arab ia to teac h in the univ ersi ties ther e. When Shei kh Azza m rea lis ed tha t onl y by mean s of an org ani sed for ce wou ld the Umma h ever be able to gain vict ory, then Jiha d and the gun beca me his pre-occupation and recreation. “Jihad and the rifle alone. NO negotiations, NO conferences and NO dialogue,� he would say. By pract ising what he was preac hing, Sheik h Abdul lah Azza m was one of the fir st Arab s to joi n the Afg han Jih ad aga ins t the Soviet Union. In 19 80 , wh il st in Sa ud i Ar ab ia , Ab du ll ah Az za m ha d th e oppo rtun ity of meeti ng a dele gati on of Afgh an Muja hide en who had co me to pe rf or m th e Ha jj (P il gr ima ge ). He so on fo un d hi mse lf attr acte d to thei r circ les and want ed to know more abou t the Afgh an Jih ad. When the sto ry of the Afg han Jih ad was unf old ed to him, he fel t tha t thi s was the cau se for whi ch he had bee n sea rch ing for so long. He thus left his teac hing posi tion at King Abdu l-Aziz Univ ersi ty in Jedda h, Saudi Arabi a and went to Islama bad, Pakis tan, in order to be able to parti cipat e in the Jihad and remain close to it. There he got to kno w the lea der s of the Jih ad. Dur ing the ear ly par t of his sta y in Pakistan, he was appointed a lecturer in the International Islamic Univ ers ity in Isl amab ad. Aft er a whi le he had to qui t the uni ver sit y to devote his time and energy fully to the Jihad in Afghanistan. In the earl y 1980 's, Shei kh Abdu llah Azza m came to expe rien ce the Ji ha d in Af gh an is ta n. In th is Ji ha d he fo un d sa ti sf ac ti on of hi s


long ing and unto ld love to figh t in the Path of Alla h, just as Alla h's Messenger (SAWS) once said, “Standi ng for an hour in the ranks of battle waged for the Sake of Allah is better than standing in prayer for sixty years.� 8 Insp ired by this hade eth, Shei kh Abdu llah Azza m even brou ght his fami ly to Pak ist an in ord er to be clo ser to the fie ld of Jih ad. Soo n aft er, he the n move d fro m Isl amab ad to Pes haw ar to rema in on the door step of the land of Jiha d and Mart yrdo m. In Pesh awar , toge ther wit h hi s dea r fri end , Usa ma bi n Lad in , She ik h Abd ul lah Azz am fou nde d the Bai t-ul-Ans ar (Mu jah ide en Ser vic es Bur eau ) wit h the aim of off ering all pos sib le ass ist anc e to the Afg han Jih ad and the Mu ja hi de en , th ro ug h es ta bl is hi ng an d man ag in g pr oj ec ts th at suppo rted the cause . The Burea u also recei ved and train ed volun teers pouring into Pakistan to participate in Jihad and allocated them to thefrontlines. Un su rp ri si ng ly , th is wa s no t en ou gh to sa ti sf y Sh ei kh Az za m's burni ng desir e for Jihad . That desir e inspi red him final ly to go to the fr on t-li ne . On th e ba tt le fi el d, th e Sh ei kh gr ac ef ul ly pl aye d hi s des tin ed rol e in tha t gen ero us epi c of her oism . In Afg han ist an he hardl y ever settl ed in one place . He trave lled throu ghout the count ry, visiting most of its provinces and states such as Logar, Kandahar, the Hind ukus h Moun tain s, the Vall ey of Panj sher , Kabu l and Jala laba d. Thes e trav els allo wed Sheikh Abdu llah Azza m to witn ess firs t hand the heroi c deeds of these ordin ary peopl e, who had sacri ficed all that they posse ssed - inclu ding their own lives - for the Supre macy of the Deen of Islam. In Peshawar, upon his return from these travels, Sheikh Azzam spoke about Jihad const antly . He prayed to resto re the unity among the divided Mujahideen commanders and called upon those who had not yet joined the fighting to take up arms and to follow him to the Front before it would be too late.


Rep ort ed by Ibn Adee and Ibn Asakir fro m Abu Hurair ah (4/ 616 5). Saheeh. Saheeh Al-Jaami' AsSagheer No. 4305.


As Abd ul lah Azz am was gre atl y in flu enc ed by th e Ji had in Afghanistan, similarly the Jihad was greatly influenced by him since he devoted all his time to its cause. He became the most prominent figure in the Afghan Jihad aside from the Afghan leaders. He spared no effort topromote the Afghan cause to the whole World, especially throu ghout the Musli m Ummah . He trave lled all over the World , calling on Muslims to rally to the defence of their religion and lands. He wrote a number of books on Jihad , such as Join the Carav an, Sig ns of Ar-Rahm an in the Jiha d of the Afgh an, Defe nce of the Muslim Lands and Lovers of the Paradise Maidens. Moreover, he himself participated physically in the Afghan Jihad, despite the fact that he was in his forties. He traversed Afghanistan, from North to South, East to West, in snow, through the mountains, in heat and in cold, riding donkeys and on foot. Young men with him used to tire from such exertions, but not Sheikh Abdullah Azzam. He changed the minds of Muslims about the Jihad in Afghani stan and pre sen ted the Jih ad as an Isl amic cau se tha t con cer ned all Musli ms aroun d the World . Due to his effor ts, the Afgha n Jihad became universal in which Muslims from every part of the World participated. Soon, volunteer Islamic fighters began to travel to Afg hanis tan fro m the fou r cor ner s of the Eart h, to ful fil the ir obl iga tio n of Jih ad and in def enc e of the ir opp res sed Mus lim brothers and sisters. The She ikh 's lif e rev olv ed aro und a sin gle goa l, nam ely the est abl ish men t of All ah' s Rul e on Ear th, thi s bei ng the cle ar respo nsibi lity of each and every Musli m. In order to accomp lish his life' s noble missi on of resto ring the Khila fah, the Sheik h focus ed on Jihad (the armed strug gle to estab lish Islam) . He belie ved that Jihad must be carried out until the Khilafah (Islamic State) is established so the Light of Islam may shine on the whole World. He reare d his family also, in the same spiri t, so that his wife, for example, engaged in orphan care and other humanitarian work in Afg han is tan . He ref us ed tea chi ng po si ti on s at a nu mbe r of universities, declaring that he would not abandon Jihad until he was either martyred in battle or assassinated. He used to reiterate that his ultimate goal was still to liberate Palestine. He was once quoted as saying,


“Never shall I leave the Land of Jihad, except in three cases. Either I shall be killed in Afghanistan . Either I shall be killed in Peshawar. Or either I shall be handcuffed and expelled from Pakistan.” Jihad in Afghani stan has made Abdulla h Azzam the main pillar of the Jihad movement in the modern times. Through taking part in this Jihad , and throu gh promot ing and clari fying the obsta cles which have been erected in the path of Jihad, he played a significant role in changing the minds of Muslims about Jihad and the need for it. He was a role model for the young generation that responded to the Call of Jihad. He had a great appreci ation for Jihad and the need for it. Once he said, “I feel that I am nine years old: seven-and-a-half years in the Afghan Jihad, one-and-a-half years in the Jihad in Palestine, and the rest of the years have no value.” From his pulpit Sheikh Azzam was always reiterating his conviction that: “J ih ad mu st no t be ab an do ne d un ti l Al la h (S WT) Al on e is worshipped. Jihad continues until Allah's Word is raised high. Jihad until all the oppressed peoples are freed. Jihad to protect our dignityand rest ore our occu pied land s. Jiha d is the way of ever last ing glory.” Hi st or y, as we ll as an yo ne wh o kn ew Sh ei kh Ab du ll ah Az za m clos ely, all test ify to his cour age in spea king the trut h, rega rdle ss of th e co ns eq ue nc es . On ev er y oc ca si on Sh ei kh Ab du ll ah Az za m reminded all Muslims that, “Muslims can never be defeated by others. We Muslims are not defeated by our enemies, but instead, we are defeated by our own selves.” He was a fine examp le of Isla mic mann ers, in his piet y, his devo tion to Alla h and his mode sty in all thin gs. He woul d neve r adul ate in his rela tion s with othe rs. Shei kh Azza m alwa ys list ened to the yout h, he was dign ifie d and did not allo w fear to pene trat e his brave hear t. He pra cti sed con tin ual fas tin g, esp eci all y the alt ern ate dai ly fas tin g rout ine of Prop het Dawu d (SAWS ). He stro ngly coun sell ed othe rs to pra cti se fas tin g on Mon days and Thu rsd ays. The She ikh was a man of


upr igh tne ss, hon est y and vir tue , and was nev er hea rd to sla nde r others or to talk unpleasantly about an individual Muslim. Onc e a gro up of dis gru ntl ed Mus lims sit tin g in Pes haw ar dec lar ed him to be a kaf ir (di sbe lie ver ), who was squ and eri ng the weal th of th e Mus li ms. Whe n th is new s rea che d She ik h Abd ul lah Azz am, rath er than go and argu e with them , he sent them some gift s. Desp ite thes e gift s, some of them cont inue d to abus e and slan der him whil st Shei kh Abdu llah Azza m cont inue d to send gift s to them . Many years on, when they realised their mistake, they would say about him: "By Allah, we never saw anyone like Sheikh Abdullah Azzam. He would continue to send money to us even though we were swearing at him and abusing him." As the Jih ad in Afg han ist an wen t on, he was suc cee din g in uni tin g to ge th er al l th e va ri ou s fi gh ti ng gr ou ps in th e Af gh an Ji ha d. Naturally, such a pride to Islam caused great distress to the enemies of Isla m, and the CIA and KGB join tly plot ted 9 to elim inat e him. In No ve mbe r 19 89 , a le th al amo un t of TN T ex pl os iv e wa s pl ac ed benea th the pulpi t from which he deliv ered the Sermon every Frida y. It was suc h a for mida ble qua nti ty tha t if it had exp lod ed, it wou ld have dest roye d the mosq ue, toge ther with ever ythi ng and ever ybod y in it . Hu nd re ds of Mu sl ims wo ul d ha ve be en ki ll ed , bu t Al la h provided protection and the bomb did not explode. The enemi es, dete rmin ed to acco mpli sh thei r ugly task , trie d anot her plo t in Pes haw ar, sho rtl y aft er thi s in the sam e yea r. Whe n All ah (SWT) will ed that Shei kh Abdu llah Azza m shou ld leav e this Worl d to be in His Clo ses t Com pan y (we hop e tha t it is so) , the She ikh dep art ed in a glo rio us mann er. The day was Fri day, 24 Nov embe r 1989 and the time was 12.30pm. The enemi es of Alla h plan ted thre e bomb s on a road so narr ow only a si ng le car cou ld tra vel on it . It was th e roa d She ik h Abd ul lah 9

Wes ter n acc usatio ns that Usa ma Bin Lad in had a dis agr eeme nt with Sheikh Abdullah Azzam and thus plotted to assassinate him are fictitious and far from the truth as Bin Ladin himself has publicly praised Sheikh Abdullah Azzam many times.


Azz am wou ld use to dri ve to the Fri day Pra yer . Tha t Fri day , the Shei kh, toge ther with two of his own sons , Ibra him and Muha mmad, and wit h one of the son s of the lat e She ikh Tame em Adn ani , dro ve alon g the road . The car stop ped at the posi tion of the firs t bomb , and the Shei kh alig hted to walk the remai nder of the way. The enemi es, lyin g in wait , then expl oded the bomb . A loud expl osio n and a grea t thundering were heard all over the city. Peop le emerg ed from the mosq ue and behe ld a terri ble scen e. Only a small fragme nt of the car remain ed. The young son Ibrah im flew 100 met res in to th e air ; th e ot her two you th s wer e th row n a si mil ar dist ance away and thei r remai ns were scat tere d amon g the tree s and pow er lin es. As for She ikh Abd ull ah Azza m hims elf , his bod y was fou nd res tin g aga ins t a wal l, tot all y int act and not at all dis fig ure d, except that some blood was seen seeping from his mouth. That fate ful blas t inde ed ende d the Worl dly jour ney of Shei kh Abdulla h Azzam which had been spent well in struggl ing, strivin g and fighting in the Path of Allah (SWT). It also secured for him, the real, eternal life in the Gardens of Paradise - we ask Allah that it is so - that he will enjoy along with the illustrious company of “...those on whom is the Grace of Allah: the Prophets, the Sincere ones, the Martyrs and the Righteous. And what an excellent Company are they.� [Quran 4:69] It was in this way that this great hero and reviver of Islam departed from the arena of Jihad and from this World, never to return. He was bur ied in the Pab i Grav eyar d of the shu had aa (mar tyrs ) nea r Peshawar, where he joined hundreds of other shuhadaa. May Allah accept him as a martyr and grant him the Highest Station in Paradise. The struggle which he stood for continues, despite the efforts of the enemies of Islam. There is not a Land of Jihad today in the World, nor a Mujahid fightin g in Allah's Way, who is not inspire d by the life, teach ings and works of Sheik h Abdul lah Azzam (may Allah have Mercy on him, a Plentiful Mercy). We ask Allah (SWT) to accept the deeds of Sheikh Abdullah Azzam and reward him with the Highest Paradise. We ask Allah (SWT) to raise up for this Ummah more scholars of this calibre, who take their knowledge to the 18

battlefield rather than confining it to the pages of books and the walls of mosques. With this biograp hy, we record the events of Islamic history in the 20th Century which took place in the decade from 1979 to 1989, and continue to happen. As Sheikh Abdullah Azzam himself once said, “Indeed Islamic history is not written except with the blood of the shuhad aa, except with the stories of the shuhad aa and except with the examples of the shuhadaa.� "They seek to extinguish the Light of Allah by their mouths. But Allah refuses except to perfect His Light, even if the disbelievers hate it. It is He who has sent His Messenger with the Guidance and the True Religion, in order that He may make it prevail over all other religions, even if the polytheists detest it." [Quran 9:32-33]


Part I: The Lofty Mountain Introduction I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan. I begin in the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful: "And if you are killed or die in the Way of Allah, forgiveness and mercy from Allah are far better than all that they can amass." [Quran 3:157] "Those who emigrated in the Cause of Allah and after that were killed or died, surely Allah will provide a good provision for them. And verily, it is Allah who is the Best of those who make provision. Truly, He will make them enter an entrance with which they shall be well-pleased, and verily, Allah indeed is All-Knowing, Most Forbearing." [Quran 22:58-59] All Prais e is for Allah Alone , and Peace and Bless ings on he after whom there is no Prophet. Suddenly, this Lofty Mountain became absent: a peak of honour and glory, pride and eminence. We were taken by surprise at the event – we were not at all prepared for it. Fate rained upon us a shower of calamities and disaster. I looked at the road and the people around us, and there I found grief, sorrows and pain, blended with tears and sweat. The only friend in every town When the goals increase, the helpers decrease Of course we continued our lives, but new disasters would scrape the scabs from the old wounds, which had not yet had a chance to heal... Calamities, disasters and spears Are all allies and companions, whether they are imposed or relieved The truth is that writing about Sheikh Tameem like this fails to give him his due , for I tru ly hav e nev er met anyo ne lik e him — we consider him thus and we do not sanctify anyone above Allah. It is not enough to have books written about him, singing his praises, nor is it enough for pious men 20

to persevere in praising him, or the riders to entertain themselves by recollecting his anecdotes on their travels and journeys, "And grant me an honou rable ment ion in later gener ation s." [Quran 26:84] His sudden heart failure distressed us immensely, but the Prophet (SAWS) said in an authentic hadeeth narrated by Abdullah bin Ubaid bin Umair (RA) when Aisha (RA) asked him about the sudden death, “The sudden death is a sad, angry taking for the disbeliever, and a mercy for the believer.” 10 My Acquaintance with Sheikh Tameem Sheikh Tameem and I knew each other through the Jihad. Our bonds of brotherly love were built on a land of burning fire, where souls prepared themselves for death, were near to their Creator and looked forw ard to meeti ng thei r Lord . I firs t met him in 1982 when he visited me at my home in Jordan during the summer. Our ties of frien dship stren gthen ed throu gh this bless ed Jihad , in which his blessings and influence affected most of the individuals and nations liv ing in the Isl amic Worl d at the time . By the year 140 8AH (1988CE), Sheikh Tameem had devoted himself entirely to the Jihad. I never saw a man the age of Sheikh Tameem, who was also of his character. Nor did I ever see the saying of the Prophet (SAWS) about yearning for Martyrdom, represented in any man as it was in Sheikh Tameem: “Of the men, he lives the best life who holds the reins of his horse (ever ready to march) in the Way of Allah, and flies on its back. Whenever he hears a fearful shriek or a call for help, he flies to it seeking death at places where it can be expected.” 11 Writing these few words hastily about Sheikh Tameem, indeed fails to give him his due, for entire volumes can be filled on the subject, no doubt. But still, it is necessary to write a few lines detailing some of the main point s of his life. May Allah have mercy on Sheik h Tameem. We must here

10 11

Reported by Ahmad, No. 93782. Saheeh. Reported by Muslim, No. 4655


comment that in presenting a mere summary of his life, we are depriving him his full due.

Youth Sheikh Tameem was born in Jerusalem in 1942. His father was the most famo us of Pal est ini an poe ts, Muh amma d Al -Adn ani . He ente red a cont est with the poet s of Pale stin e, in clud ing Ibra him Tooqan, and he came first. His father's poetry is extremely eloquent but Allah did not decre e for him to be influ enced by the Islami c Revival. Rather, he was influenced by Nationalism and by Jamal Abdul -Nasir. Sheikh Tameem's grandfa ther, Khurshid Pasha, was the Governor of Jerusalem from before the Uthmanid Rule. It was Allah's decree for him to be raised in Aleppo, Syria where he learnt from its learned scholars. After he completed Secondary School, his father sent him to study Politics and Economics, for he hoped for his son to be a man of Politics. His wish came true, for Sheikh Tameem did become a man of Politics...and Jihad and Religion, for Islam encompasses both politics and worship. The truth about Sheikh Tameem is that Allah had chosen him for this role from a very young age. Sheikh Tameem was different to the rest of his fami ly, as he was inc lin ed tow ard s rel igi on rat her tha n na ti on al is m. He ev en gr ew a be ar d in Se co nd ar y sc ho ol ! Dis agr eeme nts aro se bet ween She ikh Tame em and his fat her concern ing his beard. His father would say to him, “O my son, you are only in Secondary school and in the prime of your life! How can you grow your beard in this manne r – you resem ble the old men? This is shameful, now you will not be married!” But still, Sheik h Tameem insis ted on keepi ng his beard . He said, “We went to visit this Sheikh, Ahmad Al-Haroon once, when I was 15 or 16 years old. I greeted him with the rest of the men, and he looked at me and said, ‘O my son, do not make your father angry - obey him and shave your beard’” Sheikh Tameem was astonished at this, and said, “This was an issue which was only between me and my father in Aleppo, how did this man know of it when he was in Damascus! It was as thoug h he was sayin g to me, ‘You are still young, and the beard will create many problems for you in your youth.’”


The important point is that since his earliest youth, Sheikh Tameem was in such a state of devotion to Allah and His Deen. Allah – the Mighty and Majestic – later honoured Sheikh Tameem by allowing him to be educated by the eminent scholars of Aleppo. One particular Sheikh who taught him, (the Scholar of Aleppo as he was known), Sheikh Abdul-Fattah Abu Ghidda, was a specific source of pride for the young Sheikh Tameem. The Sheikh was most influenced by Abdul-Fattah Abu Ghidda, and he was of his top students.

Education His father wanted to educate his son to a high level, but the question was, where should he send him for his education? He decided on sending him to Cairo. Those were the days when Jamal Abdul-Nasir was in powe r, so his fath er said to him, “Stu dy Econ omic s and Commerce, for those are the subjects which are gaining respect.” Sh ei kh Ta mee m sa id , “So I wa s en ro ll ed in th e Co ll eg e of Economics. A while later, the Socialist Union held a fair and invited the College students to attend” Since Sheikh Tameem's grandfather was Khur shid Pash a, a Gove rnor of Jeru sale m in the Uthma nid (Ottoman) Empire, and his father was the famous Palestinian poet, Muhammad Khurshid Al-Adnani, also a well-known Nationalist and Socialist, it was on this basis that Sheikh Tameem was specifically invited to attend the Socialist fair. When Sheikh Tameem entered, he sa id to hi mse lf , “T he re ar e al so wo me n he re (i .e . a mi xe d gatheri ng).” He then began to speak out against Sociali sm, saying, “I spoke about Socialism and Nationalism, that there is no Socialism and no Nationa lism in Islam.” When Sheikh Tameem remembered this, it made him laugh his famous laugh, “HoHoHoHo!” and you all kno w it ver y wel l! He sai d, “I sab ota ged the ir fai r, and the y eventually were able to get rid of me with great difficulty, by kicking me out of the camp in a semi-tactful manner!” This took place in a time when nobody in Egypt was able to utter anyth ing conce rning Islam. Trust me, I sa w it with my own eyes. During the last days of Jamal Abdul-Nasir's rule, I was completing my Maste r's degre e in Egypt. At this time, our broth ers in Egypt were not allowed to enforce the wearing of Islamic dress upon their wives. It reached a stage where any house in which a woman wore long cloth es would be under Secre t Servi ces surve illan ce. At this time, there were


approximately 40,000 girls studying in Alexandria University, not a single one of which observed the wearing Islamic dress, except one. There was a girl in the College of Literature, who happened to be the niece of Sayyid Qutb – may Allah have mercy on him. She wore Isl amic dre ss, and was eve ntu all y abl e to con vin ce one of her classmates to start wearing long clothes also. However, when she did so, her family went crazy, and said to her, “You will cause a calamity to befall us! Where did you get these clothes from?” The girl had had a dress sewn, or had taken it from the niece of Sayyid Qutb. On the day of her first exam, which was at 8.30 or 9am, her family took her jilbaa b 12 and threw it into some water so that she would not be able to wear it, thu s the y cou ld for ce her to go to the exa m wear ing shameful clothes . Therefor e, she telepho ned her friend and simply said, “Brin g me your other jilba ab when you pick me up, so I can wear it to unive rsity .” The atmosp here in Egypt at that time was ten se, nob ody was all owe d to tal k abo ut Isl am at all . Isl ami c knowl edge had died out so drast icall y among the masses that we used to have a maid who would come to help Umm Muhammad13 at home. Umm Muhammad said to me one day, “Can you believe that there could be a woman who doesn't know that menstruation annuls fastin g? She is fastin g while she is menstru ating.” It was forbidd en for anyone to talk about Islam at all. His Ties to Marwan Hadeed In Cairo, he became acquainted with Marwan Hadeed14 – may Allah have mercy on him. His name indee d refle cted his chara cter; he really was Hadeed (iron). He would shout while difficulties were staring at him And he is unique in the field of time A Muslim, O difficulties, you will not overcome me, My severity is cutting, and my determination is iron


Jilbaab: single cloth worn by Musli m women that covers the head and chest


Umm Muhammad: the wife of Sheikh Abdullah Azzam Marwan Hadeed from Syria. The founder of the At-Tali'ah AI-Muqatilah (The Fighting Vanguard) group, in Hama, Syria, in 1965, that was one of the first Islamic groups to fight the Ba'athist Syrian regime. He died in a Syrian prison in 1975. 14


Marwan was even bolder than Sheikh Tameem and the only person I have ever met who was bolder than Sheikh Tameem was Marwan Hadeed. These two Sheikhs were so alike in their enthusiasm, in opposing evil, in their reactions to the pains of this Ummah, in their libe rati on from any chai ns of fear or appr ehen sion , and in thei r reliance on Allah – the Mighty and Majestic. Their reliance was in everyt hing, from issue s of suste nance to the time of their death s. Both, also, searched for death wherever it may be. They travelled to the Jih ad and liv ed wit hin the Isl amic Rev iva l. Lik ewi se, bot h divorced the World, with its glitter and possessions. I saw both of these lions, and they were the bravest of beasts I have ever seen in my life . They comb ined cour age and acti vity , with manners, humility and honour, and with mercy and kindness to the Muslims. "Humble towards the believers, stern towards the disbelievers..." [Quran 5:54] One year, the Arab Summit Conference was to be held in Cairo. At that time, Sheikh Tameem was a student of Sheikh Marwan. It was either the first or the second Arab Summit Conference to take place in Cairo. Marwan Hadeed, together with his students, wrote a leaflet for this Summit Confere nce, which said words along the lines of, ‘You must rule by Islam, not Western Secularism. You must do such and such. .’ His stude nts took the leafl et to the Confe rence , even though at the end of the leaflet it said ‘Written by Marwan Hadeed, of (such and such) address’! Thus when Jamal Abdul-Nasir read this, he was furious, so he passed Sheikh Marwan's address on to the Secret Services and said to them, “Keep a close eye on him.” Thus he was kept under surveillance by the Secret Services – they would follow him wherever he went. This did not decrease Sheikh Marwan's boldness. For example, Sheikh Marwan used to attend the College of Agriculture in Ain Shams University. When he stood waiting for the bus in the morning, the Secret Services Agent would wait with him. Now you all know what the buse s are like in Cair o: they are alwa ys so pack ed that it is difficult to find a space to stand let alone sit! So when the bus came, there would be people hanging from its doors. Thus, both the Agent and Sheikh Marwan would ready themselves to jump on the bus as soon as the other s got off. Howev er, someti mes, only the Agent would be able to jump on, due to lack of space . There fore, what Sheikh Marwan would do was 25

hold the arm of the Agent and pull him off the bus, saying, “Wait for the next Bus!” Sheikh Tameem learnt this kind of philosophy from Sheikh Marwan. Sometimes he too would ride the bus, and his own surveillance Agent would also ride it. Sheikh Tameem would take out his money to pay the fare, and would say to the conduct or, “Here is one fare for me and one fare for that Secret Services Agent who is sitting there.” The Agent's face would redden, and after dismoun ting the bus, he would say to him, “You exposed me on purpos e!” Sheikh Tameem would reply, “No, I just wanted to relieve you of the burden of paying your fare!” So anyw ay, She ikh Mar wan – may All ah hav e merc y on him – wanted to return to Syria. He managed to complete his studies, even though it came to the point that his books would remain closed until the night befor e the exam, when he would read a few pages , and pass! He was too busy spreading the message of Islam and visiting brothers. He wanted to travel, but it was impossible with the Secret Services constantly following him, day and night. The Agent would stay with him until he retired to his room for the night, then he would go home. In the morning before Fajr he would again be sitting at the door of the flat. If Sheik h Marwan even went to the mosque, he would go with him. Still, he asked his brothers to book his flight for Friday. When Friday came, he said to them, “Take my suitcas es to the airpo rt, as I want to go to the mosqu e to pray first .” He said, “The Agent was waiting for me...I entered the mosque and started to pray so then this Agent enter ed and start ed to pray too. I quick ly ended my prayer and sneaked out from the mosque while he was praying, and then I took a taxi straight to the airport!” By this time, the Agent had completed his prayer, but he could not find Sheikh Marwan so he was furious. Now, in Egypt, any foreigner who leaves Egypt needs an exit visa, but Sheikh Marwan did not have one. At the airpo rt he was asked , “Where is your exit visa? ” He repli ed, “Lo ok, I hav e fin ish ed stu dyin g and wan t to ret urn to my own country . Do you want me to stay here or somethi ng?” Eventua lly, they allowed him to leave without an exit visa. He thus returned to Syria. The Syrian-Egyptian Solidarity took place in 1958, so Abdul-Nasir visited Syria. The whole of Syria went to greet the leader of the Arab Nat ion !! She ikh Mar wan als o wen t. He sai d, “I sto od on the pavement and the topless car which was carrying Jamal Abdul-Nasir passe d me by. It was movin g very slowl y as the crowd s of peopl e were huge! When he became


parallel to me, I said to him, ‘Go! May Allah damn you!’ His look could have killed! The funny thing is, the next day he atta cked the Soci alis ts in his advo cacy beca use he th ou gh t I was a So cia li st ! He was al way s cal li ng fo r Ara b Nationalism.” Then Marwan himself passed to his Lord. The Stories He Told Sheikh Tameem used to talk about Sheikh Abdul-Fattah, and about AbulYusr, one of the famous scholars who taught many youth in Aleppo. He said about him: “The Earth had become barren and the sky had become dry, so the people came and asked the Sheikh to perform the prayer for rain. There fore, he said to the youth who were with him, ‘Puri fy your souls, and then purify your hearts, so that we can supplicate to Allah with humility and sincerity.’ So we went outside and prayed the rain prayer and the Sheikh began to supplicate, for there was not a single cloud in the sky. Upon the completion of the prayer, the rain began to pour down from the sky! The Sheikh sat down after Maghrib, and gave a talk to a group of traders. He said to them, ‘O Youth! O my Child ren! Do you know what made the rain come? ’ They repli ed, ‘Yes, it was Allah.’ He said, ‘But it was also due to the intention and actions of one of the brother s amongst you.’ Then he began to say, ‘O brothers! You must be sincere, for that is the secret of success.’ He began to narrate the story of this brother, without mentioning who he was, ‘Amon gst you there is a wealt hy broth er who leave s his house at night searching for the needy. We were surprised one day when a poor man said to us, “A veiled man comes to us every night in his car, which is like a relief plane, as it carries cans of food. He knocks at the door, then gives us two dishes: one contain ing meat and one cont aini ng some thin g swee t. When he give s us the full dishes, he collects the empty ones from the previous night. We asked him his nam e, but he ref use d to tel l us it. – O All ah, gra nt us Humility!” ‘The Sheikh went to this man's house one night to try and discover who this veiled man was; this man who sought 60 families every night that he could feed. The trade r knock ed at the door. It opened and suddenl y the Sheikh saw that this man was one of his own students! The Sheikh grabbed him and said, By my life! Are you him? Is he you?' The nameless man made his teacher swear to Allah 27

that he would not mention his name. The Sheikh then said to his congreg ation, So whilst I am telling you this story, I am unable to tell you who this man is, even though he is sitting amongst you, for he made me swear by Allah that I would not do so!’”

Working Life Sheikh Tameem completed university then went searching for work. In those days, the only real possibilit y of working as an accountant was in a ban k. His sis ter ’s hus ban d, who was als o his cou sin , happe ned to be the Direc tor-Gener al of many banks in the Arab World , so he said to him “O Sheik h Tamee m, I would like to offer you a job with my bank. After a while I will promote you, and you will become, God willing, a deputy for the Director of the bank with many branches in the Arab World.” Although it was a very tempting offer, Sheikh Tameem declined the offer. He would not even drink tea in his sister's house for a very long time, because her husband worked in a bank! Thus, he and his sister became more alienated. He would say to her, “I will not be of those who consu me Usury , or those who consume its products. Your husband deals with Usury and Allah cursed whoever consumes Usury or deals with it, or gives it, or receives it. Allah said they are all equal. Now, do you still want to feed me?” Sheikh Tameem told me, "When I used to visit her, she would bring me the best food, but I would not take it from her." Thus, he refused to work in a bank and found a job instead, as a teacher. He was fluent in English because his father made sure he learned it, for in those days English was very sought after. There was a private school in Jenin, I can still remember its name - Al-Madrassah Al-Arabiyyah – which was for both boys and girls. Sheikh Tameem began to work there as an English teacher. I myself heard at that time, for I was in Jenin, a rumour that a man named Tameem AlAdnani is teaching English in this school and he is very good at his subject. Marriage He noticed Umm Yasir amongst the other girls, for she was modestly dressed and seemed religious. The reason he was able to notice her was that Islamic dress was forbidden in Syria at that time. So to him, this girl wearing a skirt which covered her knees, long socks, and cover ing her hair,


showe d her incli natio n towards the Deen. He asked around concern ing her family backgro und and was told that she came from Arabiyy, from the family of Sinan. So he went to her family and asked for her hand in marriage and they were married. This caused tension and disputes between him and his family, for his family wanted him to marry a girl from a distinguis hed family, like the families of Khurshid and Al-Adnani. What is more is that they wanted him to marry a girl who would at least wear short sleeves ! But to wear long clothes, and to even go outside wearing long socks, was a great shame upon them! I can believe it, for at that time I never saw a single student or a teacher in Seconda ry School coverin g all her flesh, even with socks! In fact, I remember one of my Islamic teachers telling me that he sent his niece to Secondary School, but he made her school dress long. When the Headmist ress saw a girl wearing a long dress, - when it was onl y sup pos ed to come dow n to the kne e at most (!) - and covering her hair, she sent for the girl and asked her, “Why are you weari ng long cloth es?” The girl repli ed, “This is how my famil y wants it.” The Headmistress said to her, “Get out!” She sent her out into the sun when she should have been in classes, to punish her for dressing this way! The second day was also spent outside in the sun, so th e gi rl we nt ba ck to he r un cl e an d to ld hi m ab ou t th e Headmist ress’s reactio n. He said to his niece, “If she sends you out one more time, I will go and complain about her to the Ministry of Education. She should not think that the law is on her side because just as short clothes are a personal freedom, so are long clothes a persona l freedom .” When the Headmist ress was told that the uncle was prepared to lodge a complaint against her, she did not bother the girl any longer. A Wide Sustenance When Sheikh Tameem was married, he used to get paid very little. After that, however, Allah – the Mighty and Majestic – ordained for him to travel to Saudi Arabia. Due to his proficiency in English he obtaine d a post in a British airplan e company as an interpr eter and his salar y thus incre ased. The Direc tor of this Engli sh compan y happened to be looking for a Purchasing Manager. Therefore, he set Shei kh Tamee m a litt le ‘hon esty test ’. He told him to go to the market and buy him a vacuum cleaner. Sheikh Tameem did so and found the best bargain in the market. He


asked for a receipt from the shopkee per, who then said to him, “Shall I write a higher price on it?” (so that Shei kh Tamee m coul d clai m more mone y from the comp any than he paid ). He repl ied, “No.” The shop keep er was astonished at his honesty and exclaimed, “Why?! Everyone does it!” Sheikh Tameem replied, “I will not wrongly claim back more than I paid. ” He went back to his boss with the recei pt and the lefto ver money. His boss asked him how much he paid for it and where he bought it from, then he went to the same shop himself and asked the shopkeeper how much Sheikh Tameem had paid for the item. The shopkeeper replied, “He paid the price quoted on the receipt. I asked him if I should make the receipt price higher, but he refused.” Thus the Director realised that he was trustworthy, and appointed him as the Purchasing Manager. The company then became contracted with the Dhahran Airbase and Sheikh Tameem was posted to work there. He was given a company house and his salar y incre ased to SR210 00 (appr ox US$60 00) a month. Sheikh Tameem’s routine was that he would go from home to the mosque then to work, then he would return home. The managers of the Airbase noticed his sobriety and piety, so they placed him in charge of the Dhahran Airbase Mosque and appointed him to deliver the Friday sermons. He was not a scholar, but Allah – the Mighty and Majestic – caused his words to touch the hearts. He told me, “There were many young brothers who attended the mosque, who had a profound knowledge of the Sunnah, and knew the strong and weak hadeeths by heart. They began to drive me crazy, for whenever I finished a talk and came down from the pulpit to greet the people, all I would hear was, ‘Sheikh Tameem, you cited a weak hadeeth. It has so-andso in its chain, and he is deemed unreliable.’ So I told them one day, ‘You have driven me crazy! I don't know about the science of hadeeth! So bring me the authentic hadeeths and I will use only them in my lectures!’” She ikh Tame em wou ld say wha tev er was in his hea rt, due to whi ch his mosq ue bec ame a cen tre of att rac tio n for the peo ple of Eas ter n Arabi a. His congr egati on incre ased so much that the autho ritie s were for ced to ext end th e mos qu e fou r ti mes it s ori gi nal si ze. She ik h Tamee m woul d see foot ball bein g play ed (dur ing Sala h time ), so he wou ld tal k abo ut the evi l of foo tba ll. The n the aut hor iti es wou ld come to him and say, “Shei kh Tamee m, don't talk about footb all. You are a good man; keep your topics within the mosque.” Then he spo ke


abo ut Usu ry, and aga in, the y wou ld say to him , “O She ikh Tam eem, you are in an Air bas e, don 't tal k abo ut the se kin d of topics. ” So he turned to them and asked, “So what do you want me to tal k abo ut? Sha ll I tal k abo ut anyt hin g?” The y meek ly rep lie d, “Sheikh Tameem, you are in a sensitive area, a military base. And in a sensitive area you cannot touch on sensitive topics. Your salary is SR21,00 0 and mine is less than that even though I am in charge of you. We give you SR3, 500 extra, and for that I implore you to protect your positi on and your centre. ” He replied , “By Allah, my salary is not from you - it is from the Lord of the Worlds. Whenever He wills, He wil l tak e it awa y. He ope ned the doo r of sus ten anc e and whenever He desires, He will close it again.” The Call of Afghanistan Whil st in Dha hra n, She ikh Tame em hea rd of the Afg han Jih ad. He reco gnis ed that it was the Trut h, so he bega n to reac t to it and spea k of its mir acl es. Thi s dre w the cro wds eve n mor e, and the peo ple beg an to don ate mone y to the Afg han Jih ad. The fir st year he was able to colle ct aroun d SR200 ,000 (appr oximat ely US$50 ,000) and he brou ght it to Afgh anis tan in his annu al holi day, whic h he spen t with the brot hers . Ther e was not an offi ce in thos e days to unit e the Arab Mujahideen, for they were only a small group commanded by Sheikh Say yaf 15 in Jaj i. The y all inh abi ted a sin gle ten t, nic kna med the ‘Ar ab Ten t’. She ikh Tame em sta yed her e on his sec ond and thi rd visits. An ywa y, hi s sa la ry wa s SR 21 ,0 00 pl us SR 3, 50 0 fo r th e Fr id ay se rmo ns , an d a fr ee fu rn is he d ho us e. Ho we ve r, he sa id to th e offic ials when they would remind him of his salar y, “Thre e thous and five hundred Riyals are from Allah. Allah sent this money. I swear by Allah, not a dirham of it goes in my pocket: it is for the Mujahideen in Afghanistan. It came from Allah and will return to Allah. It was a bonus on top of my salary, and Praise be to Allah, my salary is suff icie nt for me.” He woul d coll ect it at the end of the mont h and keep it with him to give to the Jihad.


Thi s was writ ten bef ore Abd u Rab bir -Rasool Sayyaf joi ned the Nor thern Alliance and the Americans against the Taliban


Upo n hi s ret urn to Dha hra n fro m Afg han is tan , She ik h Tam eem del ive red the lec tur e, ‘My Fir st Jou rne y to Afg han ist an. ’ It was rec eiv ed wit h ent hus ias m and due to thi s, he was abl e to col lec t an eve n gre ate r amou nt of mone y, and he bro ught it to Afg han ist an in his sec ond ann ual vis it. Thi s vis it was spe nt wit h She ikh Sayy af in the Arab Tent. In th e se co nd ye ar , th en , he co ll ec te d cl os e to SR 1 mi ll io n (ap pro xima tel y US$ 275 ,00 0) and bro ugh t it to She ikh Sayy af. He went to the Arab Tent: this was the tent in which Nooru deen Al-Iraqi was mart yred , and all in the ten t can bea r wit nes s tha t the smel l of his bloo d was like that of musk . You were in that tent , were you not Abu Ahmad Al-Jaza 'iri , and you too, Abdu l-Qadi r Al-Jaza 'iri ? Abul Has san and Abu Ham za, you wer e als o the re tha t yea r. Any way , Shei kh Tamee m was with Shei kh Sayya f that year. It was the year in whi ch Jaj i was bad ly bur ned by the bomb ers . In thi s year , She ikh Sayy af dev ote d hims elf to the str ugg le. He was sta tio ned for fou r whole months that year. Sometimes he would issue himself with anti airc raft miss iles 16 , and in thos e four mont hs the Muja hide en on this front broug ht down 24 enemy plane s. It was a great victo ry from Allah, the Mighty and Majestic. She ikh Tam eem was ver y ple ase d and exc ite d abo ut wha t he saw that year in Afgha nista n, so he again retur ned home and recor ded his secon d casse tte, ‘My Secon d Journ ey to Afgha nista n’. It was a huge success. Th er ef or e, in th e th ir d yea r, Sh ei kh Ta mee m an no un ce d at th e beginning of Shaban, “Insha-Allah, I am going to Afghanistan soon, so whoever wants to donate anything to the Mujahideen, I will give it with this very hand to Sheik h Sayya f.” The money began to flow in and he tol d the peo ple tha t he was lea vin g a cou ple of days bef ore Rama dan . 16

There is a myth that the CIA donated Stinger anti-aircraft missiles to the Afghan Mujahideen, which enabled them to defeat the Soviets. The truth is that the Saudi Arabian Government paid the US Government US$1million each for the Stinger missiles, which were then sent to Pakistan. Pakistani Intellige nce the n sold the Sting er mis sil es to the Mujahid een for pri ces ra ng in g fr om US $7 0, 00 0 to US 10 0, 00 0. Sh ei kh Ta me em Al -Ad na ni hims elf saw the invoic es fro m the pur chase of these miss iles. The other point to mention is that the first Stinger missil es did not reach Afghanistan until 198 6, so what exp lains the Muj ahide en victor ies in the first six years of the war, 1980-1986?


Thi s pos ed a pro ble m, for the Sau di Arab ian s onl y pay the ir Zak ah in Ram ada n, so the y did not wan t to giv e him the ir money before that. He assured them, “I will take the money from you her e, in Sha ban , but I wil l not giv e it to the Muj ahi dee n unt il Ramadan, so it will be count ed as your Zakah .” Every Frida y, the mone y flow ed in with abun danc e. Shei kh Tamee m said , “By Alla h, the Offic ials would come to my house at night and say to me, ‘O Sheikh Tameem, here is fifty thousand Riyals’ or ‘Here is a hundred thousand Riyals. But we don't want anyone to know that we gave you any money.’” In this way he coll ecte d SR4mi llio n (app roxi matel y US$1 .1mil lion ) by Wed ne sd ay 12 Sh ab an . Th e P. I. A. (P ak is ta n In te rn at io na l Air lin es) fli ght to Pak ist an was eve ry Wed nes day . The Off ici als came to him and said, “We have received orders that you are to hand the money to us and that we are to deliver it to the Mujahideen ourse lves. ” Sheik h Tameem repli ed angri ly, “By Allah , you will not take a singl e Riyal .” The Offic ials were shoc ked, “What ? An order came from high place s and you are disob eying it?!” He said, “By Allah, you will not take a single Riyal, except over my dead body. I promised the people in the mosque that I would deliver it to Sheikh Sayyaf myself.” They questioned him, “Are you disobeying orders? Orders from high places?” He replied, “The orders of our Lord are highe r, and they tell me that I must deliv er the money to Sheik h Sa yy af my se lf !! ” Sh ei kh Ta mee m lo ok ed at th is man wh o wa s int err oga tin g him, who the n sai d, “O She ikh Tam eem, we are not able to oppose orders!” Sheikh Tameem said, “He and I were in the room alone, and I went crazy. I thought to myself ‘How can he take the money of the Mujahideen without me knowing what he is going to do with it?’ So I got up, grabbed hold of his neck and said to him, ‘Sheikh Sulaiman – fear Allah, fear Allah!’” He feared that Sheikh Tamee m woul d stra ngle him, for he saw him roar ing and thun deri ng and getting angrier, “Allah will ask you about this money of the Muj ahi dee n!” The Offic ial sai d to him , “O She ikh Tam eem ! O Sheikh Tameem! I swear to Allah that I love Allah, and I swear to Allah that your cassettes are in my house. O Sheikh Tameem, my wife listens to your cassettes, and my daughters send donations to the Mujah ideen .” Sheikh Tameem conti nued, “Fear Allah ! Fear Allah ! Fear Allah! ...” Rumou rs then bega n to spre ad that Shei kh Tamee m stol e the mone y and had no inte ntio n of givi ng it to the Muja hide en, so the Offi cial s


came and made him acc oun t for eve ry Dir ham and Riya l, and made him give recei pts for the gathe red monies . He said, “By Allah , if they had fou nd a sin gle Riy al una cco unt ed for , the y wou ld hav e di sf ig ur ed me .” Th e ne xt da y, th ey sa id to Sh ei kh Ta me em , “ Beware...make your journey a secret, for they (i.e. the Saudi Gove rn men t) may pr eve nt you fr om go in g.” So whe n She ik h Tameem delivered the Friday sermon, he said, “My fourth journey to Afghanistan is after midnight on such-and-such day, from Dhahran Airport, flying with P.I.A. So whoever wants his mother to lose her child, or to make his children orphans, or to make his wife a widow, then follow me to Dhahran Airport !!” 17 The next day some Official s came aft er him sayi ng, “Sh eik h Tam eem! What is thi s? Are you defying the State? Making our women widows and our children orp han s?! ” He sai d to the m, “No , I mea nt mak e the Soc ial ist s' women widow s, and their child ren orpha ns, not yours .” The only ans wer the Sec uri ty Off ici als cou ld fin d for thi s man was , “Go , Sheikh Tameem, may Allah not refuse your request. May Allah not refuse you, so that we can be relie ved of you!” He humbl y repli ed, “Wit h the Perm issi on of Alla h I will not be refu sed. May Alla h answer your dua and take me as a Shaheed.” She ikh Tame em came to Afg han ist an, and del ive red the mone y to She ikh Sayy af. He ent ered int o bat tle s, whe re the air pla nes wou ld ch an ge th ei r po si ti on s, so Sh ei kh Sa yya f wo ul d sa y to Sh ei kh Tameem, “Get down to the floor! Stand up! Get down to the floor! Stand up!” Sheikh Tameem said, “He saw me throwin g myself down and getti ng up again , and he laugh ed and said, ‘Shei kh Tamee m didn 't appe ar like he was gett ing down to the floo r beca use his length and his width were the same!’”

In Afghanistan Sh ei kh Sa yya f sp ok e ab ou t Sh ei kh Ta me em sa yi ng , “S he ik h Tam eem acc omp ani ed me to Kab ul and we wer e with She ikh


A similar sta tement to this was sai d by Umar bin Al- Khatt ab (RA) to the Qu ra is h on th e da y he wa s ma ki ng hi jr ah fr om Ma kk ah to Ma di na h. He wen t to the Sac red Mosqu e and ann ounce d publicl y, "If Allah will s, Umar bin Al-Khattab (RA) will me making hijrah to Madinah on such-and-such day. So whoever wants his mother to lose her child, or his children to become orphans, or his wife to become a widow, then let him meet me in such-and-such place at such-and-such time."


Rabbani18 . When we reached Azrow, we began to ascend a high mountain. Sheikh Tameem was not able to manage the climb to its summ it, for he weig hed over 155 kg. Yet he stil l insi sted on the ascent, so we brought him a horse, but when he mounted the horse, his weight brought fear into the horse!” So when Sheikh Tameem dis moun ted the hor se, it wou ld kic k whe nev er it saw him aga in to pre ven t him fro m rem oun tin g it, bec aus e he was hea vie r tha n the maximum load it could carry! Sheikh Sayyaf said, “I swear by Allah that I was humbled by Sheikh Tameem's courage and his determination. By Allah, however much money I would have been paid, I would not have been able to ride a horse on this path. The path was no wider than one foot (30 cm) so if the horse slipped at any place, it meant than Sheikh Tameem would fall with the horse and plung e to the botto m of the valle y and be smashed into pieces!” Whil e we were asce ndin g the moun tain , a man came to us shou ting , “She ikh Tame em has fall en from the hors e!” So I said to mysel f, “Al lah is Suf fic ien t for us! ” How wou ld we now res cue She ikh Tam eem 's bod y fro m the bot tom of the val ley for its bur ial ? But upo n my arr iva l at whe re the inc ide nt had occ urr ed, I fou nd tha t a moun d of sand , depo site d by Alla h, had save d Shei kh Tameem from plu ngi ng dee p int o the mou nta in pas s! Thi s clo se enc oun ter wit h dea th did not que ll She ikh Tame em's des ire to asc end the moun tai n on hors ebac k, for he once agai n insi sted on moun ting the hors e. By thi s time , the nig ht had low ere d its cur tai ns. The hor se tru dge d on with breat hless sighs . It passe d under a low-hangi ng branc h of a tree, whi ch cau ght on She ikh Tame em's nec k and flu ng him bac kwa rds . He conti nued to hold on to the horse 's reins , causi ng the horse to fall onto his ches t. He hurl ed it from his ribs with both hand s, but it was decre ed by Allah that his knee shoul d be smashe d in the proce ss. The hera ld once agai n aler ted Shei kh Sayya f and Shei kh Rabb ani. Upon th e si gh t of She ik h Tam eem lyi ng on th e flo or, She ik h Rab ban i laughed heartily, and said in jest, “This is your punishment; you wanted to squash many people, so Allah caused the horse to squash you!”19


This was writ ten well be fore Bu rh an ud een Rabb an i alli ed hi mse lf with th e Co mmu ni st No rt he rn Alli an ce an d th e Ame ri cans agains t th e Tali ba n 19

It was well-known of Sheikh Tameem that he would jokingly threaten to squash his fellow Mujahideen, for example, when the young Mujahideen would be lazy in getting up for the Fajr Prayer


A similar incident occurred once when Sheikh Tameem went to visit the brave commander, Jalaludeen Haqqani20. He had a horse, which Sheikh Tameem wanted to ride. When he mounted it, this horse too, found on its back a load heavier than it could carry, which was 140 kg. So after Sheikh Tameem dismounted the horse, the horse looked at him and memorised his appearance. Thus, whenever he tried to moun t it afte r that , the hors e bega n to neig h and rais e its tail in protest! The Guarding One thi ng I wil l nev er for get is his gua rdi ng whi ch too k pla ce thro ugho ut the year, desp ite the heav y snow s in the Lion 's Den Camp. He would wait calcu latin gly, surround ed by boys no older tha n his son , and dis pla y the type of ent hus ias m by whi ch his character distinguished. Enthusiasm which stemmed from an anguish which ate at his heart and soul, and which was caused by the pains and sufferings of the Muslims. Enthusiasm which stemmed from a heart that was overw rough t with emotio n, and from a soul which aspired for Martyrdom by any means. He parto ok in a few milita ry opera tions in Afgha nista n, where he was part icul arly impr esse d by the brav ery of one of Jala lude en Haqqani's commanders, Muhammad Hassan. He witnessed some miracles with him. For example, Sheikh Tameem said, “I went on an expedition to invade a fort and Muhammad Hassan wanted to ride on his horse, barely 100m away from the enemy fort. I said to him, ‘O my brother, they will see you. They will kill you.’ But he would reply, ‘O Sheikh Tameem, “And no person can ever die except by Allah's Leave and at an appointed term.’” [Quran 3:145]” He learnt from Muhammad Hassan, tawakkul (reliance) on Allah. Sheikh Tameem said, “We went on an expedit ion to invade a fort and were at a distance of only 100-200m from the fort. Muhammad Hassan was riding high on his horse, thus being apparent to any of the enemy in the fort. So I said to him, ‘Can't you at least lower your head, or else move further away from the fort?’ He replied, ‘Don't worry, they cannot see us, for I read the 20

She ikh Ja lalud een Haqq ani : based in the Pa kti a Pr ovinc e of South -Eastern Afghanistan, one of the bravest and most fearless of the Afghan Mujahideen commanders and of rmer Taliban Chief of Staffs, who inflicted crip pling defeats on both the Russians (197 9-1989 ), Communi sts (197 91992) and Americans (2001+)


verse, “And we have put a barrier before them and a barrier behind them, and We have covered them up, so that they cannot see.” [Quran 36:91]’” Sheikh Tameem learned this verse from him, so that he could use it whenever he wanted a person or enemy not to see him. Whenever he wanted Allah to ease a matter for him, he would read this verse. And believe me, my brothers, he recited this verse with such conviction that it always worked! I can give you the example of the security checkpoints . On the road to Sada were several checkpoints manned by the enemy. They were particularly harsh on the Arabs in their searching and questioning. They particularly posed a problem for the Arabs who were being questioned in Pushto or Farsi, but could not reply as they did not know these languages. Thus they would be sent back in the direction from which they came. I myself was sent back from this gate twice, after sunset. I had travelled all the way from Peshawar and I had almost reached my destination, Sada, when they sent me back! What some of us used to do to get around this problem was to search for alterna te routes. There was a mountain nearby, so our Afghan driver would drop us off at the base of the mountain, then he would drive on through the checkpoint. We would pass the checkpoint on foot by traversing the mountains or crossing a river, then meet the driver somewhere on the other side. Sheikh Tameem never had to do this a single time: he always just stayed in the car. Before he reached the point he would recite: “And We have put a barrier before them, and a barrier behind them, and We have covered them up, so that the y can not see .” [Qu ran 36: 91] and a bar rie r wou ld be pla ced between them, for he was never sent back! After witnessing Muhammad Hassan's attitude, Sheikh Tameem inc rea sed in bol dne ss and beg an tal kin g abo ut the mira cle s of Muhammad Hassan and Sheikh Jalaludeen Haqqani. One of the brothers who was in the tent said, “By Allah, I prayed the praye r of Istik harah 21 , and after wards I said, ‘O Allah , if Sheik h Sayyaf is on the Truth, then bring down an airplane now.’ This was because two months had passed and not a single plane had been bro ugh t dow n. Aft er ten or fift een min ute s, a pla ne cam e and attacke d. Sheikh Sayyaf began to fire 21

Istikharah: prayer for seeking Allah's guidance on a matter


on the DShk or the Zakoyak , and within fifteen minutes the plane was brought down. I knew it was from Allah.” After this year, Sheikh Tameem's devotions fully turned to the Jihad. He came, he took up positions, he prepared himself, he trained, he fought, and he incited the Muslims to fight. May Allah have Mercy on him.

I sacrificed myself and what my right hand possesses Knights, in whom I trust my doubts Knights who do not fear death If war broke out, there would be violent deaths His Courage One day Abu Abdullah Usama Bin Ladin had to travel back to Saudi Arabia so he looked for someone to replace him in his absence. He found Abu Hajar22, who used to lead them in prayer and said to him, “O Abu Hajar, you will be the Ameer (leader) in my absence.” After Usama left, Sheikh Tameem went to Abu Hajar and said, “O Abu Hajar, we want to attack one of the fronts .” Abu Hajar replied that he cou ld not make suc h a big dec isi on in the abs enc e of Abu Abdullah. Sheikh Tameem, however, kept on at him, urging him to take the initiative and allow them to set out, until he finally was able to convince Abu Hajar that it was necessary to go into battle in the Way of Allah before Abu Abdullah returned. They prepared themselves, and Sheikh Tameem left with some other brothers. When they were halfway to their destination, Abu Abdullah returned from his trip and asked of Sheikh Tameem's whereabouts. He was told that he was on an operation and so Abu Abdullah was absolut ely flabber gasted. He ordered their immediate return. Abu Hajar contact ed Sheikh Tameem on the radio and, "Abu Abdulla h has ordered you to return." Sheikh Tameem replied, "Tell him that I will not return." He tried to convince him, but it was of no use. The problem was that if the enemy opened fire, it would be difficult for Shei kh Tamee m to esca pe. They 22

Abu Hajar Al-Iraqi, real name Mamdouh Mahmud Salim, was the Imam of the Mujahideen in Afghanistan, having been blessed with a beautiful voice. Casse ttes of his recitation are sold in the Ara b Wo rld and his recitation is also online at m. He is currently imprisoned in New York, having been extradited there from Germany in 1998.


were at the lowe st part of the mountain — the younger men were like gazelles in their ability to bound up the mountain and climb it, but Sheikh Tameem could not do this. So when Sheik h Abu Abdul lah heard Sheik h Tameem' s rep ly, he gra bbe d hol d of the rad io and sai d to him , “Sh eik h Tameem, return at once! If you do not, then you will be sinful, for I am your Commander and I am ordering you to return!” As soon as Sheik h Tameem heard the words , “you will be sinfu l,” and “I am your Command er,” he returne d, but he swore that he would not eat or drink until he took part in an opera tion. Abu Abdul lah did not agree to let him participate in an operation, and thus he was unable to eat or drink, so as not to break his promise! After three days had passed without Sheikh Tameem consuming any foo d or wat er, he nat ura lly bec ame wea k. Thu s, She ikh Abu Abdullah was compelled to arrange an operation for him, just so he could fulfil his oath! They went to a mountain peak near the enemy posts , and fired a few mortar s and machin e guns; and so Sheik h Tameem kept his promise! An Arduous Test When She ikh Tame em ret urn ed to Dha hra n, he fou nd tha t the situati on there had changed. Firstly, they stopped him from giving the Friday Sermons. However, he still made prepara tions to record his third cassette, ‘My Third Journey to Afghanistan.’ However, now the prob lem aros e of wher e he woul d deli ver this lect ure? The actions of the authorities did not deter his determination : all he did was to put a tape recorder in his house and record the tape at home. He then presented it for distribution and even this tape spread like wild fire . When the auth orit ies hear d of what he had done , they recla ime d hi s ho us e. Thu s th e ten si on bet wee n hi m and th e authorities became more intense. The final order was given that Sheikh Tameem could no longer work in Saudi Arabi a and he must leave the count ry immedi ately. He prote sted that it would inter rupt his childr en's schoo ling, so they repli ed, “Your child ren may finis h schoo l, after which you must agree to leave the country calmly and peacefu lly.” Now normally when someone is evicted from the country, the authorities will stamp in their passport, words to the effect of, “Expelled from the country,” in that they will not allow him to enter again after that, but they did not do this for Sheikh Tameem. They 39

continued to allow him to enter Saudi Arabia. He agreed to leave, but the problem arose of where he should now go. The Qataris said to him, “You are welcome to come to Qatar. We will embrace you and accommod ate you.” Therefo re, he went to Qatar, where once again he attracted swarms of people. From Qatar he came to Afghanistan, and he wanted to devote himself entir ely to the Jiha d, but he need ed to supp ort his famil y in his absence. Thus brother Usama Bin Ladin – may Allah reward him – assured Sheikh Tameem, “I will look after your family financially, don't worry about that. Just come and fight with us.” Abu Abdullah Usama Bin Ladin was the one who constructed the camp in Jaji, and by Allah, whenever I remember those days, Sheikh Tameem rises a degree in my eyes. He fought alongsi de young men who were the age of his childre n, one of which was sometimes his commander. Once it was Saifudeen Al-Maghribi and another time it was Abdur-Rahman, but whoever it was, Sheikh Tameem would still be there in the snow, sacri ficin g himsel f for Allah 's reward , and remain ing obedient to his leaders.

His Travels Sheik h Tameem tour ed a group of count ries speak ing about the Afgh an Jiha d; as this was the only prob lem that his soul coul d consider. It commanded his feelings, his senses, and his soul. He travelled to Nigeria to open an exhibition there on the Afghan Jihad and he gave lectures in English, which he spoke fluently. In Nigeria, Sheikh Tameem became the talk of the town; all of the newspapers and television channels broadcast his speeches. He used to gather gold from women to give to the Mujahideen. Once he collected some gold in Jordan and put it in a bag. At this point, a brother phoned Afghanistan from Sweden saying, “Where is Sheikh Abdul lah Azzam ? I want to speak to him becau se he promi sed to send us Sheikh Tameem Al-Adnani to deliver some lectures here in Swe den .” He was in so much dema nd tha t whi le he was in the middl e of one event , he would be requi red for the next. Anyway, Sheik h Tameem wante d to bring this gold to Pesha war. He went from Jordan to Saudi Arabia by car, and at the Saudi Arabian border they search everything, for fear of any type


of smuggling, especially drugs. Their searching was so thorough that they would sometimes even dism antl e the car frame ! Natu rall y, this also happ ened to Sheikh Tameem: the whole of the car, even inside the tyres, were searche d; eve rything , that is, except the one bag that contain ed the gold! He took it from Saudi Arabia to Qatar, and then to Peshawar, where he gave it to the Mujahideen! Another time we were together in the United Arab Emirates. There Allah – the Might y and Majes tic – made the heart s of the peopl e accept his words fully. His speeches used to reach the hearts very qu ic kl y. He wo ul d sa y to th e wo me n, “1 wi ll ma ke du a (supplication), and I will tell the Mujahideen to make dua, for everysis ter who con tri but es her jew ell ery to the m.” Thu s, thr oug h app rox imat ely thr ee lec tur es tha t he gav e onl y for wome n, he gathered about 4 kg of gold earrings, bracelets, and the like! We put them in a bag, and I said to him, “O Sheikh Tameem, shall we take it with us?” He replied in the affirmative so I said to him, “But to take this amount of gold into the country is forbidden.” He said, “Don't worry, I will read on it, ‘And We have put a barrier before them, and a barrier behind them, and We have covered them up, so that they cannot see,’ [Quran 36:9] and it will be allowed through. Our intention, insha-Allah, is pure, for all we want is to serve the Jihad and the Mujahideen. We want this gold to go through for the sake of the Mujahideen.” And so it happened. I was with him and we had a bag containing 4kg of gold. In Peshawar Airport, they searched our luggage, but allowed the bag to pass through, without even opening it. If Sheikh Tameem ever believed in something, he would observe it to the letter. Courageous Stances Sheikh Tameem – may Allah have Mercy on him – used to take up such stances , that by Allah, I never knew anyone who was able to stand these stances with such boldness. For example, when he went to one of the Persian Gulf states and was going through Immigration, there was a Palestin ian man behind him who did not have an entry visa, so the officia ls forbade him from enterin g the country. After him, a Western man also went through Immigration, but did not have a visa. The officials asked for his passport and then said to him in Engli sh, “Which count ry are you from? ” When the Wester n man replied, the official stamped his passport and allowed him to pass. When Sheikh Tameem saw


the injustice which had happened, he grabb ed both passp orts from the hands of their owner s, ran to the issuing desk, stood on top of it and shouted , “Come and see! Look wha t is hap pen ing ! Thi s Pal est ini an man was pre ven ted fro m entering, while this Western Kafir was permitted to enter. Where is Islam?” Wha tev er She ikh Tam eem – may All ah hav e Mer cy on him – believed to be the truth, came from his mouth, and no blame can fall on him Islamically for doing so. When he considered a situation, he considered it only if it would please Allah or not please Him; if it pleased Allah he would perform it, whatever the outcome. Sheikh Tameem – may Allah have mercy on him – was very blunt with those around him. Once Sheikh Sayyaf reproached him saying, “Sheikh Tameem, at one time you used to come and visit us every night, now you don't even come once a month.” So Sheikh Tameem replied, “I am like the man who is married four times. I am married to so-and-so, and so-and-so, and so-and-so, and so-and-so,” and he ment ion ed the name s of fou r Comm and ers , so She ikh Sayy af laughed and said to him, “O Sheikh Tameem. He who has married four women will go to each one every four nights, but we don't even see you one night in a whole month !” They would take whate ver Sheikh Tameem said, to be the truth, however much they did not like it. The Battle of the Lion's Den, Jaji, Afghanistan, 1987 Then 17 Shaba n 1407 AH (Apri l 1987C E) came. It was the first operation that was undertaken by the Arabs without the help of the Afghans, and it was led by our beloved brother, Usama Bin Ladin. Sheik h Tameem said to him, “I want to take part in it,” but Abu Abdull ah said to him, “O Sheik h Tamee m, stay here and fire the mort ars. ” He and Abdu r-Rahma n were plac ed in char ge of the mortars on the high ground. By Allah, I will not forget the sight of Sheikh Tameem when he was bidding farewell to the young soldiers as they left the Lion 's Den on thei r way to the batt le. He woul d embrace them and cry with every embrace. In this battle, Ahmad Az-Zahrani was killed. One month after this battle, the Battle of Ramadan happened, where Russia attacked full on with all of its horses and men. On that day, Sheik h Tameem 42

felt that he could smell the Parad ise and that the breeze of its trees had drawn near, so he turned to Allah asking for Martyrdom.

Searching for Martyrdom On 26 Ramadan 1407AH (May 1987CE), the enemy forces attacked. On 30 Ramadan , Sheikh Abu Abdulla h ordered the group to break their fast so they could go out and fight, but Sheikh Tameem refused, saying “I am in the front-line of fire. Maybe Allah now will grant me Martyrdom whilst I am fasting!” The Soviet Commander advanced his troops and a fierce battle ensued. The Soviet Generals had defied Gorbachov. He had ordered them to withdraw from Afghanistan but they said to him, “If we withd raw now, in this lowly , despi cable manner, we will not give you that magical stick which you shoved into the face of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation).” This frigh tened Gorba chov, so he asked them what they wante d. They re pl ie d, “G iv e us ju st th is su mm er to at ta ck th e bo rd er s of Afgha nista n and seal them off, then after that we will throt tle the Jihad in Afgha nista n.” He gave them permis sion to do what they wante d until the end of summer, so they arran ged this sweep ing attack. Simultaneousl y, they launched offensives on Nangarhar, Kandahar and Pakti a (at Jaji) provi nces. The offen sive on the Mujah ideen Lion's Den Camp at Jaji was so fierce that it was the first operation the Muslims actually wanted to end. Even though we were on top of the mountain , it was shaking under our feet! The enemies of Allah had twenty-six 21-barrel BM-I323 Katyusha rocket launchers, which fire 21 rock ets at a time . They brou ght the Commu nist Gard ez Divis ion, the Grozn y Divis ion, and three of the Kabul Divis ions. Five regular Soviet Army battalions participated, in addition to two elite Spetsnaz Special Forces battalions. The habit 'of the Russian s was to first attack for three or four days with the airplanes bombing day and night so that the Mujahideen flee the area. Therefore, they bombed from 26 to 29 Ramadan. Then the tanks , the rocke t launc hers and the artil lery began to fire, so the shells came from every 23

BM-I3 `Katyusha' MLRS (Multiple Launch Rocket System), capable of firing 2I rockets at a time, each of calibre I32mm


direction. The sky was raining bombs and the Eart h was eru pti ng vol can oes . Fin all y, on 30 th Rama dan , the Russians advanced. Sheikh Tameem said to Abu Abdullah, “I want to be in the front-line of fire!” But he replied, “No, you stay in the Radio Control Room with Abu Mahmood AsSoori.” Sheikh Tameem replied, “Allah is Sufficient for us, and He is the Best of Judges,” as a measure of his dissatisfaction with this command. He sat at the door of the Control Room, which was underground. A tree marked the entrance, so he sat under this tree and began to recite the Quran. Meanwhile, the shelling continued like rainfall: bombs, planes, and mortars rocketed in from all sides. With all of this taking place around him, Sheikh Tameem was saying, “O Allah , grant me Marty rdom for Your Sake on 30 Ramad an! O Allah, do not forsake me of Martyrdom on the last day of Ramadan.” He said to me, “The bullets passed in front of my nose, in front of my ears, and I thoug ht to mysel f with suret y, ‘Now Marty rdom will come.’ Whenever I came across a verse of the Quran mentioning Paradi se I would repea t it twice , three times , so that perha ps the bull et migh t hit me upon the ment ion of Para dise . I comp lete d reading five Juz24 whilst volcanoes were erupting from above and below and the whole World seemed to be in flames. It was an attack, the like of which was never before witnessed in Jaji. When I finished five Juz, I said, ‘O Allah, if you are not going to give me Martyrdom, then at least give me a single wound, O Lord!’ I read the Sixth Juz, the Seventh...for four continuous hours I had been reading, but Martyrdom did not come. The branches of the tree above me began to break and fall on me. I eventually thought that if I had not been martyred yet, I would not be. The airplanes now began to attack and drop huge bombs. The Control Room under me shook, causing Abu Mahmood to come out of the room and say in his Syrian accent, “O Sheikh Tameem, for the sake of Allah! Fear Allah, Sheikh Tameem! Come down here at once, Sheikh Tameem! Don't do this, Sheikh Tameem!” I replied ‘Martyrdom, O Abu Mahmood,’”


Juz: one

thirtieth part of the Quran


Thus, Sheikh Tameem finally went down into the Control Room, saddened that he was not killed! After a while, Abu Abdullah Usama came and found that his men would most surely all be killed if they did not wit hdr aw, for the bul let s wer e com ing in lik e rai n. I remember that on that day I felt a thirst that I had never felt before in my whol e life beca use it was so hot. I had left Pesh awar in the morning and I arrived in Jaji in the heat of the late afternoon. Abu Abdullah therefore ordered his men to retreat, so they all went to the vans. All except Sheikh Tameem. They called out to him, “O Sheikh Tameem! We are retreating!” He cried out, “What?! We are leaving the Camp?!” and he began to pull at his beard and hair, and cry and shout, “Leave the camp?! After we built it, after we spent six months in it? After we put our sweat and blood into it?!!” Abu Abd ull ah sai d to me lat er, “By All ah, I tho ught he was possessed by Jinns25, for he began to pull at his beard and his hair and cry and scream. I said to him, ‘O Sheikh Tameem, the men are in the car: if a single one of them is killed, the sin will fall on your neck and you will be responsible for his blood on the Day of Judgement,’” So Sheikh Tameem was forced to go to the van, crying. We later found him in the Den at Barooja. There, Sheikh Sayyaf was in charge of the battle so Sheikh Tameem, Abu Abdullah Usama, Abul-Hassan Al-Madani and I went to Sheikh Sayyaf. I held Sheikh Sayy af' s han d and I sai d to him, “O She ikh Say yaf is it rea lly necessary to protect the Camp? I mean, should we have our brothers killed for the sake of a piece of land?” Sheikh Sayyaf said, “Yes, we nee d to pro tec t the Cam p bec aus e it has bec ome kno wn in the Islamic World, and its loss would be a moral loss to the honour of the Mujahideen.” I then said to him, “Then hold onto these men and forbi d them from leavi ng you.” There fore, Sheik h Sayyaf said to them jokingly, “O Abu Abdullah, Abul-Hassan and Sheikh Tameem, you are forbidden from leaving here.” Abu Abdullah said, “Not even for one day? Will you not allow Abul-Hassan and I to leave on Eid?” He said to them, “Okay, you can go.” Sheikh Tameem then stood up and began to kiss the hand of Sheikh Sayyaf, “For the sake of Allah, O Sheikh Sayyaf will you also allow the same for me?” Sheikh Sayyaf said to him, “You, Sheikh Tameem, are forbid den to 25

Jinn: lifeform made of smokeless fire who have a free-will and will be judged on the Day of Judgement. It is part of a Muslim's belief to believe in the existence of Jinn and that they can possess human beings.


even move! Sit here!” Sheikh Tameem protest ed, “O Sheikh Sayyaf I will kiss your hand, I will kiss your foot, just let me return to the Camp and fight.” He replied to him, “It will be in vai n. I for bid you fro m mov ing fro m her e.” He sai d, “Al lah is Sufficient for me and He is the Best Provider!” Therefore, he stayed at the side of Sheikh Sayyaf. Abu Abdulla h went the next morning and returned with a group of around thirty brothers, and the battle began. On Eid day, seven of our brothers were martyred and on the following day around six. Thus, thirteen Arab brothers were killed in this battle, during which Sheikh Tameem was at the side of Sheikh Sayya f. Late r, the Paki stan i mili tary brot hers surp rise d us with astou nding stati stics . They said, “Do you know how much of the enemy 's resou rces you destr oyed in this battl e? 122 tanks , a fuel tanker, an armoured vehicle, nine planes were shot down and 1500 men were killed. They do not know exactly how many were wounded, but the hospitals of Kabul were filled with men.” Preparation and Training After Sheikh Tameem returned from Jaji, he said to me, “Okay, now I want to train properly, and I will outdo everyone in my training!” There fore, we sent him to the Train ing Camp in Sada. His train er there, Sheikh Abu Burhan, made him wear furs for a while. This was how they emacia ted racin g horse s: they cover ed the horse s with a cover in a hot envir onment to make them sweat , and reduc ed the horse's intake of food, thereby causing them to lose fat. Sheikh Abu Bur han had some fur s in his pos ses sio n, so he sai d to She ikh Tame em, “Sh eik h Tam eem, you mus t wea r thi s fur coat eve ry morning and go out to the top of the mountain and then return. When men do thi s onl y wea rin g a shi rt, the y com e bac k dre nch ed in perspiration, so what about the one who wears a fur coat? Even if it was snowing outsid e he would still sweat!” Sheikh Tameem did as he was told, and in two days he lost 3kg. Thereafter he would lose 1.5 kg everyday. To the Front Once More After losing some weight he came back and said to me, “I want to go to the battlefront where Abu Anas is stationed.” I replied, “Sheikh Tameem, you are not fit enough to traverse seven mountains. For 14 days you will remain suspended between the sky and the Earth!” He said to me, “I put my trust in


Allah.” And that he did. Abu Ubaidah Al-Panjsheri26 took Sheikh Tameem together with 26 Arab brothers, and they made their way to the Front . The men cross ed mount ain after mountain with little problem, but Sheikh Tameem was delayed on one of the mountains. There were seven mountains all together in Nooristan, which were covered in snow for more than six months a year. They stayed suspend ed for 14 days between the sky and the Earth. The locals on the route were not helpful either. If you wanted to buy bread or eggs from them, they charged five times what they charged someone else. Therefore, it became difficult to find adequate food for the men. When the men were halfway, to their destination, a snowstorm occurred and it covered the road completely. One of the men, an Iraqi named Ali, was so thin that he did not even weigh 60 kg. He became very weak and tired, so he said to the others, “Leave me here to die in the snow.” He stayed there in his sleeping bag for three days, waiting to die. Then Allah sent a caravan which was returning from Afghanistan and it saved him. As Ali said to me – and I pray to Allah that he spoke the truth – “While 1 was sleeping one night, in my sleeping bag on the snow, I heard a voice from the sky saying, ‘Have patience, for Allah is with you.’” When all of the 26 Arabs were on their way back, I was told that Sheikh Tameem was still in Tiraal. However, some of the brothers were caught by the Police at the border and thrown into prison. Therefore, the remainder went to Sheikh Tameem and said, “Sheikh Tameem, so-and-so was captured from us, can you maybe speak to the Police Officer and try and have them released?” He went to the Policeman and spoke to him in English, “Why did you imprison the men who work with me?” The Polic eman said to him, “Who are you ?” He rep lie d, “Do n't tel l me you don 't kno w Tam eem Al-Adnan i? Don't you read the Pakis tani newsp apers ? Haven 't you seen my picture in them?” That Police Officer began to apologise, saying “Sorry, sorry, you must excuse me, I didn't know...” Anyway, he said to him, “You must release them now for I am the Minister of Education in the Hilal (Red Crescent) Society.” Thus, he was able to orga nise the rele ase of the impr ison ed brot hers . Ther eaft er we offered him the running and management of the Mujahideen Services Bureau in Peshawar, and he accepted, thus freeing us of much work, may Allah reward him for it. He travelled to Qatar and America, to Saudi Arabia and


Abu Ubaidah Al-Panj sheri , from Egypt, a deputy to Usama Bin Ladin, who was drowned in a ferry accident near Kenya in I996, may Allah have mercy on him


Jordan. There is not a youth associated with the Isla mic Awak enin g in thes e plac es who does not know Shei kh Tameem.

His Personality He was kind and affectionate to his children, and treated them like frien ds or brot hers . He taug ht them by acti on whic h was obse rved in hi s ch ar ac te r, an d hi s ch il dr en we re ab le to ta ke hi m as th ei r example. His ment ion exte nded to the hori zons , due to the many acti viti es he perfo rmed; he colle cted money for the Jihad , he prepa red himsel f, he in ci te d ot he rs , he fo ug ht , an d he to ok up po we rf ul st an ce s. Pers onal ly, I will neve r forg et the year in whic h Shei kh Tamee m lay in the snow betw een men no olde r than his sons . Some of thes e men were his command ers, and desp ite thei r age he woul d obey them and be pro ud of th eir po si ti on ov er hi m. Upo n see in g Sai fud een Al Maghr ibi, he would lovin gly state , “This was my Comma nder in the camp.” When he oppos ed injus tice and disbe lief, he was like a roari ng lion, a lea pin g pan the r, a sna rli ng bea st. Howe ver , whe n he was wit h his brot hers , he woul d lowe r his wing s of mercy to them , and beco me a copi ous well of sympa thy, comp assi on, mercy , and love . Somet imes he wo ul d be se en cr yi ng li ke on e be re av ed of a ch il d, wi t h affectionate, passionate tears, and heartfelt sincerity. He possessed ra re co ur ag e, ho no ur , an d un eq ua ll ed ge ne ro si ty wh ic h ne ve r dismissed a request. In my opin ion, – and Alla h know s best – Shei kh Tamee m did not just exh ib it on e or two per so nas , bu t he had man y di ffe ren t dyn ami c ones: for raisi ng morale s, ignit ing a sense of power in the souls of the lead ers and movi ng the soul s of crow ds. He prea ched in Bang lade sh, in Kar ach i and in Isl ama bad and he pro duc ed suc h an exh ila rat ed fee lin g in the cro wds tha t the y rus hed for ward aft erwa rds to rai se him on their shoulders. When he spoke about the American Muslim you th, he spo ke of the ir gre ed and the ir lac k of emb arr ass men t in crowding around him, for each would compete with another to hear 48

his words, disregarding all others, and would book him for series of lectu res which would last over two month s. They did this in an effor t to keep him with them to revive their dead souls and to kindle a fire in the chests of the Muslim youth. Once, his son Yasir said to him, “I want to take the Jihad magazin es to Qat ar to di st ri bu te th em. ” So th ey fil led on e su it cas e wit h hun dre ds and hun dre ds of maga zin es and the y fil led ano the r wit h twen ty or so magaz ines , in betw een Yasi r's belo ngin gs. He then said to his father, “O my father, read for me, ‘And We have put a barrier before them, and a barrier behind them, and We have covered them up, so that they cannot see.’ [Quran 36:9]” Sheikh Tameem replied to his son, “You read it,” but his son replied, “I want you to read it.” The ref ore , She ikh Tame em set tle d on a comp romi se, “Fi rst , you rea d it and the n I wil l rea d it. ” Yas ir rea d it ove r bot h bag s, but Sheik h Tameem was in a hurry so put his hand on the suitc ase full of maga zin es – abo ut 100 0 of the m – and rea d onl y ove r thi s one . At Doha Airpo rt, when openi ng the bags to searc h, they only opene d the bag wit h the twe nty or so mag azi nes . Fro m wha t the y saw in thi s bag , the y did not see the nec ess ity of sea rch ing the sec ond . Suc h a blessed man was Sheikh Tameem! I was dra wn to him by his imme nse sen se of hon our con cer nin g all thing s Islami c, and by his actio ns and react ions to Islami c event s. If I eve r spo ke to him abo ut the tra ged ies of the Mus lims , it was as if those trage dies were happe ning to him. He would cry much, and was ver y sof t-hea rte d, emot ion al and sen time nta l. When eve r he hea rd abo ut the fami ne in Hera t, he wou ld cry. When eve r he hea rd abo ut the raping of women in Afghanistan, he would cry...he would act as though each tragedy was happening inside his own house. It was as though he was replyi ng to each happe ning with the lines of Abdul lah bin AlMubar ak27,


Abdullah bin Al-Mubarak, lived 118-181AH (728-791CE), one of the greatest scholars of knowledge and Imams of Jihad in his era. Adh-Dhahabi said about him in Siyar A'laam An-Nubalaa': "He was the scholar of Islam, the leader of the pious, who spent his life seeking knowledge, participating in bat tles, br con duc tin g trade, spe ndi ng from his ple nti ful wealth on his others, the students of knowledge. He would sponsor them for Hajj and would support them in their study of knowledge and being steadfast on the methodology of the Truth."


How should a Muslim settle and be calm While the Muslim women are with the assaulting enemy? Saying, if we feared a scandal Through the rumours, "If only we were not born."

His Last Journey His last jour ney took him from Nige ria to Egyp t to Yemen to Qata r to Americ a, and it was in Americ a that he decid ed to remain for three months. He said to me, “I will only come back to Afghani stan when my weight is down to 90 kg, for I want to participate in battles. Then, perhaps, Allah will grant me Martyrdom on the Land of Glory and Honour, during combat on the battlef ield” He used to phone us now and agai n, reas suri ng us that all was well and he was losi ng weig ht, “I los t 10 kg / 5 kg / 20 kg, ” he wou ld say. In Amer ica , he als o tau ght the youn g Mus lims and the y beg an to comp ete to boo k him for lectu res in the Islami c centr es in their local ities . It reach ed a point whe re he was boo ked for con fer enc e pro gra mmes whi ch were to be hel d eve ry week end unt il the midd le of Oct obe r. The con fer enc es sold out, and many peopl e could not obtai n ticke ts, even thoug h they were trying to book months in advance! We sen t him to Nig eri a to ina ugu rat e an exh ibi tio n on the Afg han Jihad . There he became the talk of the town. Niger ia only ever heard abo ut the Jih ad fro m the mout h of She ikh Tame em. He beg an to be broad cast on the telev ision , and was writt en about in the newsp apers . From Niger ia, his plane stopp ed in Egypt. There , he was taken by the sec uri ty offic ial s for qu est io ni ng , for th ey no ti ced he had man y Pakistani visas in his passport. They asked him, “What do you do in Pakistan?” Sheikh Tameem replied, “I am not in Pakistan, I am in Afghanistan. I work with the Mujahideen there. I am a frank person so ask what you lik e and I wil l rep ly fra nkl y.” The y sai d, “Ar e the re any Egyptians there?” He replied, “Many.” They asked, “What are their names?” He replied, “Take notes: Abu Hurairah, Abu Musab, Abu Anas ...” They said , “O Shei kh Tame em, are you tryi ng to make a fool out of us? We want their real


names.” He said, “By Allah, I do not know their real names, and by Allah, even if I did know them, I would not give you a single name. Am I mad to give you the names of the men who fight with me in the Jihad?!” They said, “What do you think we are we going to do to them? Why are you scared to give us their names?” He replied, “I know what you will do: you will throw them into prison for many months and torture them. There used to be a brother with us called Abu Haneefah. He came to you and you put him in pri son for fou r mon ths . Tha t is wha t you wil l do to the ot her s.” Th ey ask ed, “Whe re is Abu Han eef ah no w?” She ik h Tamee m repl ied, “He retu rned to Afgh anis tan to figh t with us.” The y sai d, “So you see , She ikh Tam eem, we rel eas ed him .” He replied, “Only after you did what you did to him.” The n th ey sai d to hi m, “Do you kno w Muh amm ad Sh awq i Al Islambuli?28” He replied, “Who doesn't know the brother of the heroic martyr Khalid Al-Islambuli?! ” They said, “Heroic martyr?” He said, “Yes, heroi c marty r.” Bear in mind that he was sayin g all of this to the security officials in Cairo Airport, who had his passport and who had him und er the ir con tro l. The n he bec ame bol der and said, “I want a licence from you to speak about the Afghan Jihad in the mosques of Egypt.” They said, “The situation of the country does not permit it.” He said, “Then give me the address of Sheikh Kishk an d Sh eik h Al Mah la wi. ” The y sai d, “We do no t kno w th eir addr ess. ” And imag ine the reac tion of the Secr et Se rvic es – inst ead of him being under their contr ol, they fell under his contr ol! When he died, - may Allah have Mercy on him – by Allah, it was as though many strong frontlines had been brought down and destroyed. It was as though my right hand was cut off. The news of his death struck on my hear t like a thun derb olt, for nobo dy coul d take the plac e of Sheikh Tameem. In Egypt, he went searching for the mosque of Al-Mahlawi in Alexandria. He finally found it, so he went and prayed with him the Friday Prayer. After the prayer, he held the microphone in his hand and gave a speech which lasted an hour-and-a-half, about the Afghan Jihad. The masses of Alexandria began to gather around him like the waves of the poundi ng sea. He said, "I never saw this reactio n for one of my speeches, in my entire life....the


Br ot he r of Kh al id Al-Is la mb ul i, th e Eg yp ti an Ar my Of fi ce r who assassinated Egyptian President Anwar Sadat in 1981 and was subsequently executed


people they poured around me." He left Egypt the same day, so by the time the Security Officials came looking for him, he was already gone. From Egypt, he went to Yemen and also delivered lectures there. However, there he caught Malaria, which interrupted his scheduled lectures. From Yemen he moved to Qatar. From Qatar he phoned me and said, "My weigh t has incre ased again , and to be hones t with you , I can not sta y in Pes haw ar, for I wan t to ent er the bat tle s instead. My weight, however, is preventing me from fighting in the Way of Allah so I have to go somewhere to reduce my weight. The brother s here in Qatar have found me a doctor in Czechos lovakia that will help me accomplish this. I am 155kg now, and I want to go down to 90kg so that I can take part in battles." I thought about it and said to myself, ‘If Sheikh Tameem goes to Cze cho slo vak ia for thr ee mon ths , whe re the re is no Isl ami c com mun ity , no you th, no Isl ami c cen tre s, the n he wil l fee l lon ely . And Sheikh Tamee m is not the type who is able to remai n silen t; he will talk again st Commu nism and he will attac k Russi a.’ So I said to him , “Sh eik h Tam eem, I can not see you goi ng to Cze cho slo vak ia. Some broth ers have told me that they know who you are in Russi a , but as for Czech oslov akia we do not know, they may also know who you are . If the y do, the y wil l han d you ove r to Rus sia . By All ah, thi s fa ct or ca nn ot be el im in at ed fr om yo ur de ci si on . Bu t mo re importantly is the fact that you will be living alone for three months, cut off from the World, with no connection to the Muslims. This is another problem . Instead , I advise you to go to America, for there are thous ands of broth ers there who know you and love you, and who would race to serve you. You will find compa nions hip with them, and they will delight in your staying amongst them.” Thus , he went to Ameri ca. He visi ted most of the Stat es ther e, delivering lectures to the Muslim youth. Then he telephoned me and said, "The brothers in Canada want me to give lectures there, as do the brothers in Venezuela and Brazil." I told him that he could go wherever he liked, so he went to Venezuela, and found that people there had not even heard of Islam. He found communities which had forgotten Islam totally. There was a virtuous Saudi man working as an Ambassador in Venezuela – may Allah keep him in goodness –Sheikh Bakr Khamees, who knew Sheikh Tameem.


He welcomed him and sent him a car to meet him at the airport, and he left the car at his disposal during his stay. Most of the Islamic community in Venezuela were Palestinians, and Pal est ini ans ten d to lov e Abu Amma r (Ya sir Ara fat ) and his organisation. Sheikh Tameem intended to go there to speak about the Islamic Jihad and Hamas, not about Yasir Arafat and the PLO. The Muslims there were very ignorant about Islam, to the point that this Saudi Ambassador had built a mosque and called it Masjid Al-Quds (Mosque of Jerusalem). The Palestinians, however, changed its name to the Palestinian Association, and turned it into a recreation centre, rather than a mosque! When Sheikh Tameem saw this, he addressed the issue in his lectures, “The name of this mosque is Masjid Al-Quds and Al-Quds (Jerusalem) is both the heart and spiritual centre of Palestine.” They asked him his opinion on Abu Ammar, and he was the type of person who could not conceal what was in his heart, so he replied, “Who is this Abu Ammar? He is a political deceiver.” They asked him, “Why do you say this?” He replied, “First and foremost, Abu Ammar is a secularist, he does not call for Islam. Hamas are the Palestinians who call for Islam. So if you want to support anyone, support Hamas.” Furthermore, Sheikh Tameem only left Venezuela after the mosque was returned to being a mosque and was once again called Masjid Al-Quds. It was then that I received a call from America saying, “A conference has been organised in San Francisco for Muslims, and we would like to invite you to attend it.” I told them, “I cannot attend it, for I have work to do here . I will send you Shei kh Tame em inst ead, insh aAllah.” So Sheikh Tameem went to America to reduce his weight, and to atten d the confe rence . The broth ers there said to him, “We will find you a doctor here, who will see to your weight loss, inshaAllah , but we want to arran ge a progr amme for the whole of the United States which will see you travelling to a different State every weeke nd to deliv er a serie s of lectu res.” He agree d, and thus he travelled every weekend to a different state. He went to Arizona, to Tuscon....last weekend his lectures were in Orlando, Florida. It was in this journey that his eternal journey began.


A Soul Parts this World He had taken his family to America with him, and Allah – the Mighty and Majestic – decreed that his death should come to him in Orlando, Florida. On 17 Rabi Al-Awwal 1410AH (18 October 1989), the series of lectures he was giving in Orlando was interrupted by a fatal heart attack. He was making his way to the venue where he was schedul ed to give his lecture , but he had a heart attack on the way there. They called out to him, but he did not respond , so they took him to hospi tal. He had only been out of hospi tal for less than 24 hours, for the previous day he was also in hospital. The first time he suff ered a hear t atta ck was in Qata r, but it was very mino r and, Prais e be to Allah , he recov ered from it the same day. This was a month and a half ago. A few days later in Qatar he suffered another minor heart attack, then he went to America. In America, it would seem that he overexerted himself with all the travelling and lectures, so he had a heart attac k. He was taken to hospi tal, where he was restored to health, but he still insisted on delivering his scheduled lecture the following day. However, on the way there, he had another heart attac k and was once more taken to hospi tal. By the time he arriv ed at the hospi tal, his soul had been seize d by the Angel of Death - may Allah have Mercy on him and accept him amongst the righteous. I was in Sada the day before, so when I heard of the news of Sheikh Tameem's death, I went to Sheikh Sayyaf immediately and told him the sad news. He responded, “The loss of Sheikh Tameem is more hurtful to me than the destruction of an entire battlefront.” Whoever observed the Sheikh – may Allah have Mercy on him – and paid attention to his influence on the Islamic World, and whoever saw him defen ding the Jihad , would under stand the words of Sheik h Sayyaf: the fall of this Lofty Mountain was, indeed, greater on the Mujahideen than the destruction of an entire battlefront. Florida, Allah granted you your desire and you passed on to Him. Amongst you now are people who witnessed the events which took place when his wife stood by his side bidding farewell. There is Abu Tariq, who saw everything with his own eyes. Umm Yasir stood by the lifeles s body of her husband and said. “To the Paradis e, O Abu Yasir ! We will meet there .


You depar ted from this World with an envi ous posi tion . You left us as orph ans and wido ws. O hero of Islam, O you who affected the people and protested against their injustices. You have departed, a departure after which there is no turn.” Abu Tariq said, “The eyes of Sheikh Tameem's body filled with tears, and they began to fall down his face. His wife began to dry the tears from his face, and then I came and I dried the rest.” The only friend in every town When the aims increase, the helpers decrease Umar bin Al-Khattab (RA) heard a woman saying on the day that Khalid bin Al-Waleed (RA) died: You are better than a thousand, thousand men When the faces of men suppress Courage, you are more courageous than a lion Atrophied sadness, father of his cubs A hunter who moves in the mountains Umar – may Allah be pleased with him – asked, "Who is she?" He was told that she was Khalid's mother. So he turned to her and said, "You have spoken the truth. Abu Sulaiman (the nickname of Khalid bin Al-Waleed) was indeed as you described him." It was also narrated from Umar (RA) that he was approached by men who told him, “The women of the Al-Waleed family have gathered in Khalid's house and are crying and lamenting his death. If only you wou ld rep roa ch the m.” Umar (RA) rep lie d to the m, “Th ere is nothi ng wrong with the women of the Al-Waleed famil y shedd ing their tears over Khalid, as long as they are not putting sand on their heads or screaming with loud voices.” As Umar – may Allah be pleased with him – said, then may Allah also bless Abu Yasir, for he too was as Umm Khalid described, and there is nothing wrong with the women of the Al-Adnani family shedding their tears over Abu Yasir, as long as they are not putting sand on their heads or screaming with loud voices. Ano the r of the mir acl es tha t occ urr ed was the emi ssi on of a perfumed smell from his body, which diffused through the entire area. The second day after his death, whilst the body was still in Ameri ca, it was 55

plac ed in a hous e and was emit ting a perf umed scent. People who visited the house said to the house-owners, “It looks like you have used some perfume or scent on the body?” They replied, “No, by Allah, we have not applied anything like that to the body.” In Pakistan, we telephoned Sheikh Bin Baz and Sheikh AbdurRaz zaq Al -Afi fi to ask if it was all owe d for us to bu ry hi m in a cof fin . It had bee n on a jou rne y of 42 hou rs, fro m Orl and o to New York to Islamaba d to Peshawar . Sheikh Bin Baz said that if his body has changed or is emitting a smell, then there is nothin g wrong with burying him in a coffin. Sheikh Abdur -Razzaq Al-Afifi said that it was obvious that the body must have changed by now and would be emitting an odour, so out of respect for the dead person, it is better to bury him in a coffin. I used to fear that on this fifth day, his body would change and become hard, but all Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, it did not change. His body was received at Peshawar Airport by multitudes of people and then brought to the Pabi Graveyard of Martyrs. A large assembly of Ar ab an d Af gh an Mu ja hi de en ac co mpa ni ed hi s fu ne ra l procession. Sheikh Sayyaf prayed over it then gave a brilliant speech, in which he commented , “The news of his Martyrd om affecte d my soul more than the news that a strong front-line had fallen.” May Allah have Mercy on Sheikh Tameem, and gather us with him in the Highest Garden of Paradise. We pray that Allah – the Mighty and Majesti c – protect s his soul in Paradis e, in the hearts of green birds that fly wherever they desire, and then retire to lamps under His Throne. I say these words of mine and I seek Allah's Forgiveness for me and for you. All Glory and Praise is to You, I bear witness that there is no god but You, I seek Your Forgiveness and I turn to You in Repentance.

Sheikh Tameem and Martyrdom Sheikh Tameem's greatest hope, which teased him in his dreams, and never left his mind, was for Allah to seal his life on this World with Martyr dom.


“Whoev er sough t Marty rdom with since rity will be ranked by Allah among the martyrs even if he died on his bed.”29 We pray that Allah – the Might y and Majes tic – accep ts him as a martyr. Sheikh Tameem emigrated and took up battle stations. He fought, aspired, prepared, trained and toured the World, inciting the believers to spend in the Way of Allah, to unite and to travel to the land of Jihad. There are many hadeeth which speak of he who emigrated in the Way of Allah being accepted as a martyr, no matter how he died. One example is the hadeeth of Fadalah bin Ubaid (RA): “On the authority of Abdur-Rahman bin Shareeh (who took it from Sulaima n bin Amir, who took it from Abdur-Rahman bin Jandam) , that Fadalah bin Ubaid went on a sea expedition. A catapult missile came and hit one of the men, and anot her of them late r died (of natura l causes) . When they reached the shore, the men buried the two of them, after which Fadalah bin Ubaid sat at the grave of the latter. Those around him said to him: ‘You left the Shaheed and did not sit at his grave.’ To this he replied: ‘I am indifferent to which of the two graves I sit at, for Allah said, ‘Those who emigrated in the Cause of Allah and after that were killed or died, surely, Allah will provide a Good Provision for them. And verily, it is Allah who is indeed the best of those who make provision. Truly, He will make them enter an entrance, with which they shall be well-pleased, and verily, Allah indeed is All-Knowing, Most Forbearing.’ [Quran 22:5859]”30 It was narrated from Malik bin Hadam that he said: I heard Umar bin AlKhatt ab (RA) say, “What do you see in a group of three , who entered Islam together and emigrated (in the Way of Allah) together, and they did not commit any sins. The first was killed by the plague, the secon d was kille d by an abdom inal disea se, and the third was kille d as a marty r.” It was said to him, “The marty r is the best of them (in rank).” So Umar (RA) said, “By Him in whose Hand is my soul, they will be companions in the Next Life just as they were companions in this Life.”31 29

Reported by Muslim, No. 4695 Tafseer Ibn Katheer 3/201. Ibn Al-Mubarak transmitted this hadeeth in `The Book of Jihad' Section 96, Page 2, and it was also transmitted by Ibn Abi Hatim. Ibn Jareer transmitted a similar hadeeth. 31 Reported by Saeed bin Mansoor in his Sunan, Vol. 3, No. 2844 30


Abu Malik Al-Ashar i heard the Messe nger of Allah (SAWS) say, “He who goes forth in Allah's Path and dies or is killed, is a martyr, or has his neck broken through being thrown by his horse or by his camel, or is stung by a poisonous creature, or dies on his bed by any kind of death Allah wishes, is a martyr and will go to Paradise.”32 Verily, I am at my death with anxiety With my love and longing I am constant Allah gifted you with happiness like the sea And fulfilment of your wishes, 0 Tameem! Thus you passed, O Abu Yasir, whilst we were in our greates t need of you - after the Lord of Power. You left us behind on the Path, and we pray to Alla h – the Migh ty and Maje stic – to gran t you your desire and your aim, and award you Martyrdom, because the Lord of Honour equates the people who are killed and who die on the Way of Jihad, “And if you are killed in the Way of Allah or you die, Forgiveness from Allah and His Mercy are better than all that they can amass. And if you die or are killed, verily to Allah you will be gathered.” [Quran 3:157-158] So either being killed or dying in the Path of Allah – both of their reward s are Forgi venes s from Allah , and Merc y, whic h are bett er than this Worl d and all it cont ains . Being killed in the Way of Allah or dying, their rewards are in the tex t of th e Nob le Qur an: th ey are rew ard ed wit h a bea ut ifu l sustenance and a pleasing admittance (into Paradise): “Those who emigrated in the Cause of Allah and after that were killed or died, surely, Allah will provide a Good Provision for them. And verily, it is Allah who is indeed the best of those who make provision. Truly, He will make them enter an entrance, with which they shall be well-pleased, and verily, Allah indeed is All-Knowing, Most Forbearing.” [Quran 22:58-59]

Tribute to Sheikh Tameem The news hit my heart like a thunder bolt, in my room in Sada. My head was in my book s; I was abso rbed in stud ying the book s of hadeeth and fiqh, delving into the depths of the seas of knowled ge and gathering up 32

Reported by Abu Dawud, Book 14, No. 2493, Al-Haakim. Declared Saheeh by Al-Albani.


their pearls. Abu Ubadah entered the room and sat down opposite me silently. Then he recited the verse, “Every soul shall taste death.. .” [Quran 3:185] He then said, "Sheikh Tameem has passed away after a heart attack in America," and from then on the Voice of Truth speaking out for the Jihad was suddenly silenced, and it passed to Allah. Did that lion, known to its Den after living between bullets and guns and under the shower of pellets, really spend four continuous hours between the jaws of death on 30 Ramadan 1407AH, asking for Martyrdom? Yet it still passed you by even after the branches of the tree that shaded you were broken? What shall we say? The shock of the news has silenced our tongues. You Will Not Die: They said to me, “Shei kh Tamee m died. ” I said to them, “Shei kh Tameem did not die,” for Allah said, “And say not of those who are killed in the Way of Allah, ‘They are dead’. Nay, they are living, but you perceive it not.” [Quran 2:154] How can he, whose cassettes are heard all over the World, die? How can he, who participated in reviving the Age of the Jihad, die? How can he, whose name is linked to the most holy of all Islamic struggles on Eart h, die? The stru ggle of Afgh anis tan, by whic h Alla h has honoure d the Islamic Nation! How can he, who has left a beautif ul and lasting memory in the hearts and souls of people, die? How will you die when your memories fill our lives and shake us fro m our dep ths ? You r voi ce, whi ch roa rs on the cas set tes , is suffici ent to shake the World of Allah's enemies, and the chords of their hearts tremble by it. He does not die for whom there remains in this World positions; positions which the great people, the callers to Islam and the scholars shrink in front of. He does not die who wandered the World carrying with him the most noble of problems. Problems that affected his heart and ignited his che st wit h a fla me. A fla me tha t he spr ead to oth ers thr oug h passionate speeches


and fiery, impassioned words, which originated from the heart and therefore reached the hearts - with the Permission of the Knower of the Unseen. You were not a writer with a bewitching style, but your words had magic that captured hearts. You were not a scholar with extensive knowledge of fiqh, but Allah taught you what would benefit you and what He could benefit the people with, through you. Whatever traces you left in the age of the Awaken ing, the masses of schol ars fell short of. You were not the horseman who mounts horses in the fields, yet the horse men stand dwarf ed in front of your coura ge. What can I sa y about your bravery? Or the stances you maintained in the faces of the peop le of this Worl d? How many time s did I hear you say, “By Allah, I do not fear anyone in life other than Allah.” One incident I will not forget is when you gathered a million dollars for the Muj ahi dee n. The Sau di off ici als ask ed you for the mone y. Your repl y? – “I swea r by Alla h that even if you cut me to piec es, you will not take a singl e dolla r. I desir e Marty rdom, so kill me and take the mone y.” Nor did you keep the inci dent hidd en in your hear t. Rat her you roa red and thu nde red on the pul pit , say ing , “Wh oev er des ire s to mak e his mot her chi ldl ess , his chi ldr en orp han s, or his w i f e a w i d o w , s h o u l d c o me w i t h me t o Dh a h r a n Ai r p o r t o n Wednesday, when I will be leaving for Afghanistan !” In Afghanistan, you took the million dollars and gave it to the Islamic Union for the Mujahideen of Afghanistan. Nor will I forget the reply you gave to the intelli gence officia ls at Cai ro Air por t two mon ths ago . The y ask ed you if you kne w Muhammad Shawqi Al-Islambuli. You said, “Is there anyone who doesn't know the brother of the heroic martyr, Khalid Al-Islambuli?” So they asked you for the names of the Egyptian s in Afghani stan. You swore an oath that even if you knew their names, you would not disclose a single one. And how can I forget your boldness when you asked the intelligence services of Egypt to give you a licence to give lecture s on the Jihad in Afghani stan? Even they could not believe this kind of boldnes s, as they opened their mouths in amazement. Even though they did not grant you a license, you went to Sheikh Al-Mahlawi 's mosque in Alexand ria and began your speech after the Frid ay Praye r, burs ting with enth usia sm and over flow ing with 60

vital ity. For an hour-and-a-half, crowd s of men flowe d in to the mosque like waves of the copious sea, listening to you as if watching birds circling overhead. And why do we not sing of your bravery: Less distressed in calamities than an arrow And wiser than the nobles between the ranks The most cher ishe d son of this Worl d, and a lion when opposed You are a sword, and calamities are for swords You settle with the battles in every dwellin g As though you are a kinsman of every sword These few lines speak nothing of the feelings for you, which are harbour ed in people's hearts. You possess ed an honest heart and a pure natu re, none of whic h had been corr upte d by gree d for the World, nor polluted by the crooked nature of society. My opinion of you is that you had a nature which was as pure as that of a three year-old child33, a soul which burst with the enthusiasm of a 20 yearold youth, and a generosity which turned nobody away, be they needy or not - it gave as does one who has no fear of poverty. Yo u po ss es se d a ra re ty pe of tr ut hf ul ne ss , an d un fa lt er in g determination, untainted by despair. Your days amongst us were not many: you were only 47 years old. I have never met anyone like you. Your departu re weighed heavily upon our souls; it was as though my right hand had been cut off. I now repeat with bitterness: Are all the calamities with me, every one? Then how did you arrive from amongst the crowds? I was wounded by a wound in which there does not remain Any place for swords or arrows Allah vitalis ed your heart with a love of this religio n and with the love of His worshippers, with a love of the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet –


Usama Bin Ladin said about Sheikh Tameem: "Sheikh Tameem, may Allah have Mercy on him, had a pure soul and a nature as innocent as a two year-old child."


Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him. Will they then say you have died? We can no longer be recluse s because of you, Abu Yasir; how can we be so when your memor ies stir us in our mids t? When they enliven our dying souls? When they ignite a fire in our hearts against the enemies of Allah? And when they urge us on when an obstacle blocks our path or hinders our journey? How, O Abu Yasir, can we then live as recluses? Such are your qualities, your effects, and your stances. Such are your words which resound, and will continue to resound, in our ears. The Search for Martyrdom Sheikh Tameem passed to Allah and left behind him his sons: Yasir, Ahmad , Husa m and thei r sist ers. He also left behi nd him Umm Yasir. We pray that Allah protects these youth in the faith of their father – we consider him thus, nor do we sanctify anyone over Allah. We pray that you will be with your Lord in an honourable position. We pray that Allah – the Mighty and Majestic – joins us with you in the Highest Garden of Paradise. Indeed if you had died, your death was in the Way of Allah. Umar (RA) said, when Uthman bin Madhoon (RA) died, “I see his fate before me. He was the first of the Emigrators (Muhajireen) to die in Madinah. ” Umar thoug ht to himsel f that if Allah wante d Uthman (RA) to attain a high rank with his Lord, He would have made him be kil led in bat tle . Umar the n sai d, “Th en All ah' s Mes sen ger , (SAWS) died, and Abu Bakr died, and I found that the best amongst us were dying. So death is not an indicator of a lessened status with our Lord.” You searched for Martyrdom wherever you could find it, and asked for it with sinc erit y - so we cons ider ed and we do not sanc tify anyo ne abo ve All ah. And who eve r ask ed for Mar tyrd om wit h since rity will be grant ed it, even if he dies on his bed: “Whoev er sought Martyrdom with sincerity will be ranked by Allah among the martyrs even if he died on his bed” 34


Reported by Muslim, No. 4695


This fina l jour ney of your s to Ameri ca was itse lf an atte mpt to reduce your weight so that you could enter into battles. And what drove you to do this was Martyrdom in Allah's Cause. As Khali d bin Al-Waleed (RA) said, “Ther e is not in my body a single handspan which has not been hit by an arrow or stabbed by a spear or struck by a sword, and here I am, dying on my bed like a camel. May the eyes of cowards never find rest in sleep!” But his death in this manner does not decrease him from the station of the Mart yrs whos e deat h was on the floo r with bloo d gush ing from between their eyes. A Martyrdom of Truth Sheikh Tameem emigrated and did not desire the World in the least: to this we can bear witness. I once jokingly said to him, “O Sheikh Tamee m! Why don't you retur n to your job that was payin g you 25,000 Saudi Riyals (approximate ly US$6,000) a month? In it there is goodness in this World and the Next.” He replied, “By Allah, even if they gave me one million Riyals a month, I will not return to the Worldly Life, I will not return to my job. Have I lost my min d to tra de a mil lio n Riy als for the who le Worl d and all it contains? The Prophet (SAWS) said: ‘A single endeavour of fighting in Allah's cause in the forenoon or afternoon is better than the whole World and all it contains’ 35 How can I leave this kind of salary for only a million riyals?!” May Allah have Mercy on him, for his moral courage was that of a lion: A lion, the blood of the lion is a dye A unique lion, from whom death thunders What can we say about you, O Abu Yasir? You achieved what you dreamt of achievi ng, and for that we pray to Allah that He accepts you into the Highest Paradise. What shall we say? Shall we speak of your youth ; you were young in age, yet mature in devot ion – you grew your beard whilst you were only in Secondary school, at a time when the whole World was submerged in the darkness of Ignorance! Shall we speak of your piety and fear of Allah - when you forbade yourself to drink even a cup of tea in your 35

Reported by Al-Bukhari, Vol. 4, Book 52, No. 50. Narrated by Anas bin Malik (RA)


sister's house because her husba nd worke d in a bank! Shall we speak of your coura ge and brave ry - Sheik h Sayyaf himsel f has alrea dy testi fied to what he saw? It was not just he who saw it either, for we saw the same thing. We saw you in a multitude of stances, which, by Allah, were enough to dwa rf the gre ate st of men. Onc e you set your sel f a goa l, no obstacle could stand in the way of its realisation. You did not bother about the World, and you relied on Allah for your sustenance, in life and in dea th. Thu s, you wou ld foc us you r eff ort s ins tea d, on searching for death wherever it may be found. I never saw the saying of the Prophet (SAWS) about request ing Martyrdo m represe nted in any man as it was in Sheikh Tameem: “Of the men who lives the best life is he who holds the reins of his horse (ever ready to march) in the Way of Allah. He flies on its back whenever he hears a fearful shriek or a call for help, he flies to it seeking death at places where it can be expected.” 36 You toured the whole Earth, East and West, urging and inciting the Muslims to partake in the Jihad. You collected whatever money and jewellery you could, to support the Jihad, with truthfulness, sincerity, passion and love. You tied yourself to this Path, and we pray that you meet your Lord with the same pledge on which your soul was taken: ‘L a il ah a Mu ha mm ad ur Ra so ol ul la h. ’ Sh ei kh Ta me em 's effect on the souls was a wonder and thus through out the last week the women tired us with their telephone calls, “Is Sheikh Tameem the re? ” “Why ?” we ask ed the m. “We wan t to spe ak to him . We heard his cassettes and want to contact him to tell him...we want to come to the Jihad.” Sheikh Tameem passed away, taking with him his enthusiasm. This Lofty Mountain was no longer among us; the shining star has set. By Allah , we have never met anyon e like you befor e, nor have I ever cried over a person the way I cried over you. Our only consolation at your loss is that we believe that you are in a better position than us, and we pray that Alla h makes you as we beli eve you to be, and better. Do not forget, O Sheikh Tameem, the maxim by which you de pa rt ed fr om th e Wo rl d: ‘ Th ere is no go d bu t Al la h, an d Muhammad is the Messenger of Allā h’. We pray that Allah forgives us all and grants us Martyrdom in His Way. We pray that Allah establi shes that State which you were strivin g for, the State which 36

Reported by Muslim, No. 4655


you hoped would one day protect you under the shade of its rule – the Islami c State . It is coming , insha -Allah . We pray that Allah makes our feet firm so they do not falter, and that He seals us with Martyrdom, and that we meet you in the Highest Paradise. 37

Words on Sheikh Tameem by Abu Hafs Al-Misri

Sheikh Tameem was a simple-minded individual, with a clean heart free from evil or wickedness. He possessed a burning desire for the Deen and longed for Martyrdom in Allah's Path. During the Battle of Jaji, he recited six or seven juz of the Quran under continuous, uninterrupted shelling. When Abu Abdullah Usama Bin Ladin gave the orders to withdraw, he was very sad and began to weep. During the Battle of Jaji, I was at the bottom of a valley surrounded by two mountains surrounding the Den along with a group of about eight other brothers, including Abu Ubaidah Al-Panjsheri, Abu Sahl Al-Misri, AbulFadl and Muhammad Salah. We managed to make it to the top of one of the peaks with the inten tion of attac king the Russians. If we were to leave them alone, the Russians would have dug in, making the situation more difficult. I radioed Abu Abdullah Usama and said to him that we must attack the Russian s now, but Abu Abdullah refused and asked us to stay in our place. As the course of the battle changed , the Russian s began to get the upper hand and Abu Ubaidah was injured, Abu Abdullah radioed us to withdraw immediately to the rear position that he had reached. We final ly made it to Abu Abdul lah after an arduo us journ ey, under constant gunfire. The shelling from the enemy was still continuous and that was when Abu Abdullah decided to send a small group of brot hers to outf lank the Russ ians and atta ck them from anot her direction. At that point, in his desperation to go with this group, Sheik h Tameem, may Allah have Mercy on him, began to kiss the hands of Sheik h Sayyaf, plead ing with him to allow him to join the group . Sheik h Sayyaf refus ed to let him join the group and Sheik h Tamee m was extr emely upse t at that , so he bega n weep ing like a child. 37

Ab u Ha fs Al-Mi sr i, Mu ha mma d At if , Mi li ta ry Co mma nd er of th e Mujahideen and Deputy to Usama Bin Ladin


The Martyrs in Reality He says, Exalted is He who said it: “Think not of those who are killed in the Way of Allah as dead. Nay, they are alive, with their Lord, and they have provision. They rejoice in what Allah has bestowed upon them of His Bounty, rejoicing for the sake of those who have not yet joined them, but are left behind (not yet martyred) that on them no fear shall come, nor shall they grieve. They rejoice in a Grace and a Bounty from Allah, and that Allah will not wastethe rewardof the believers. Those who answered (the Call of) Allah and the Messenger (Muhammad, Peace be upon him) after being wounded; for those of them who did good deeds and feared Allah, there is a great reward. Those (i.e. believers) unto whom the people (hypocrites) said, ‘Verily, the people (pagans) have gathered against you (a great army), therefore, fear them.’ But it (only) increased them in Faith, and they said: ‘Allah (Alone) is Suffici ent for us, and He is the Best Disposer of affairs (for us).’ So they returned with Grace and Bounty from Allah. No harm touched them; and they followed the Good Pleasure of Allah. And Allah is the Owner of Great Bounty.” [Quran 3:169-174] Allah - the Mighty and Majesti c – has ordaine d that men should die in differe nt manners, but that their status after death would depend on their intenti ons. He ordaine d that this Religio n of His be built by the efforts of men and communiti es, be raised by their skulls and bodies, and accordi ng to the efforts which are exercis ed on the Path of this Deen. That it be raised by pains which are borne on its Way, and by sustain ing the hardshi ps of the Path. The result of all of this, then, would be the prosp erity of the Frien ds of Allah . The Deen of Allah – the Mighty and Majesti c – cannot be victori ous by a miracle fro m the sky, rat her man must exe rci se his eff ort s and und erg o hardships. The Deen of Alla h will be vict orio us acco rdin g to howe ver much man strives, however much he sheds blood on the way, and however much his limbs fall from his side. The peopl e will bear witne ss for the blood of the martyrs on the Day of Judgement – blood, the colour of which will be the


colou r of blood , but the smell of which will be smell of musk38. The angels will bear witness for them at the seizing of their souls. It is on thes e peop le that Isla m was firs t rais ed, and it will not be rai sed aga in exc ept by tha t way whi ch the Pro phe t (SAW S), the choicest noble Companions, and their helpers from the individuals of this Ummah underto ok. Whoever thinks that the Deen of Allah can be vi ct or io us by cu lt ur e an d te ac hi ng on ly , or by po li ti ca l infor mation and analys is, or obser ving event s, or only speec hes on the pulpit and guidance and sermons, then these people do not know the nature of this Deen, nor do they know the method of the final Messenger (SAWS). Kingdoms are not built like the mornings Nor are truths adopted or enforced For the killed ones are centuries of lives And for the prisoners are ransoms and growing old For the red freedom is a door Which hammers in every bloodstained hand And before the words of poetry are the words of the Lord of Might: “Do you think that you will enter Paradise before Allah tests those of you who fought (in His Cause) and (also) tests those who are patient?� [Quran 3:142] The best man in life, as the Prophet (SAWS) said, is he who stays up when the people are sleeping, and he who cries when the people are happy. They rise up if the people spend the night in frivolous entertainment. These are the knights of this Ummah, its virtuous for tif ica tio ns and its sol id str uct ure , who tur n to All ah Alo ne whenever anguishes or misfortunes increase. Thus, as was narrated in the authentic hadeeth 39, whoever protects the land 38

On the authority of Abu Hurairah (RA), the Messenger of Allah (SAWS) said: "No-one is wounded in the Path of Allah, and Allah knows best who is wounded in His Path, except that he will come on the Day of Resurrection with his wounds spurting blood. Its colour will be like the colour of blood and its smell will be that of musk." Reported by Al-Bukhari, Book 7, No. 441 39 On the authority of Abu Hurairah (RA), a man came to Allah's Apostle (SAWS) and said, "Instruct me as to such a deed as equals Jihad (in reward)." He replied, "I do not find such a deed." Then he added, "Can you, while the Muslim fighter is in the battle-field, enter your mosque to perform prayers without cease and fast and never break your fast?" The man said, "But who can do that?" Abu Hurairah added, "The Mujahid (i.e. Muslim fighter) is rewarded even for the footsteps of his horse


of the Muslims will receive the reward of the prayer of one who constantly prays, the fasting of one who constantly fasts, and the remembrance of one who constantly remembers Allah. This is because without these guards, nobody would be able to even grow a beard, or rise at night to pray, or secure their religion, their honour, or their wealth. “Permission to fight is given to those (i.e. believers against disbelievers) who are fighting them, (and) because they (believers) have been wronged, and surely, Allah is Able to give them (believers) victory. Those who have been expelled from their homes unjustly only because they said, 'Our Lord is Allah.' – For had it not been that Allah checks one set of people by means of another, monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques, wherein the Name of Allah is mentioned much would surely have been pulled down. Verily Allah will help those who help His (Cause). Truly, Allah is All-Strong, All-Mighty.” [Quran 22:39-40] Therefore, it is with the defence of these people, and the fighting of Muslims against the enemies of Allah, that the mosques with their minarets are protected, and that these places of worship will remain. And if you doubt this, then ask Bucha rest, and Yugos lavia , and Bulgaria and Czechoslovakia and Germany and others – what has happened to their mosques? Where are their worshippers whose recitation used to resound in the mosques like the buzzing of bees? Where are their Qurans and their scholars? Allah – the Mighty and Majesti c – chose people to partake in the Jihad. If their intention was pure and they were firm on the Path, they would be of those whom Allah has chosen to carry the message to reach the World. They prepared you for a decree, if you understood it For you are deemed far above being left to graze with cattle As I mentioned previously, the Prophet of Allah (SAWS) described that the best life of man is the horseman who takes the reins of his horse and rushes to the thick of the battlefield: “Of the men who lives the best life is he who holds the reins of his horse (ever ready to march) in the Way of Allah. He while it wanders about (for grazing) tied in a long rope." Reported by Al-Bukhari, Vol. 4, Book 52, No.



flies on its back whenever he hears a fearful shriek or a call for help, he flies to it seeking death at places where it can be expected.”40 Allah decreed for me to underta ke the journey of the Ansar 41 who came to Afghanistan to assist this blessed Jihad: this Jihad, through which Allah rescu ed the Islami c Ummah and shook it out of its coma. He also blessed me with the acquaintance of the individuals of this Ummah who came to present their souls, hoping for the favour of Allah and asking for the Paradise. I call these people Ushaaq-ulHoor 42 (Love rs of the Parad ise Maide ns). I witne ssed the battl es of the Lovers, the battles of the Lovers of the Hoor. I found through my observation s that our Lord chooses those who we think of as the best in this life, for Martyrdom. I also saw that the martyrs had common characteristics, the main ones of which are: little speech but plenty of action, thinki ng well of the Muslims, and racing to serve them. You will see that the martyr' s actio ns teach more than his words . This is as Umar (may Allah be pleas ed with him) said to the Compan ions, while he was saying that Allah entrusted him with them, and that he is not the best of them: “I am not your teacher except by actions, so I will leave my actions to teach you more than my words.”

The Fine Examples Peopl e are moved by livin g exampl es which resid e amongs t them: fine exampl es whose heart s are attac hed to the Highe st Place , but their bodie s live betwe en the peopl e, eatin g like the peopl e eat and drinkin g like the people drink. They are unique amongst the masses by their attac hment to Allah and their love of meetin g their Lord . And whoever loves to meet his Lord, his Lord loves to meet him.43 40

Reported by Muslim, No. 4655 Ansar: literally 'helpers', used in reference to Foreign Mujahideen 42 Hoor: Virgins or maidens of Paradise 43 On the aut hority of Ubadah bin As-Samit (RA), the Messe nge r of All ah (SAWS) said: "Whoever loves to meet Allah, Allah (too) loves to meet him and whoever hates to meet Allah, Allah (too) hates to meet him." Aisha, or some of the wives of the Prophet said, "But we dislike death." He said: "It is not like this, but it is meant that when the time of the death of a believerapproaches, he receives the good news of Allah's Pleasure with him and His blessings upon him, and so at that time nothing is dearer to him than what is in front of him. He therefore loves the meeting with Allah, and Allah (too) loves the meeting with him. But when the time of the death of a disbeliever approaches, he receives the evil news of Allah's Torment and His Requital, wh er eu po n no th in g is mo re ha te fu l to hi m th an wh at is be fo re hi m. Therefore, he hates the meeting with Allah, and Allah too, hates the meeting with him."Reported by AlBukhari, Book 8, No. 514. 41


Death began to choose the cream of the crop from amongst us. The eve nts bec ame so dif fic ult upo n us tha t it came to a poi nt tha t when ever I bade fare well to one of the marty rs, it was as if I was biddi ng farewe ll to a piece of my heart , or parti ng with one of my childre n. And with every one of them who was killed, I was belittl ed in front of these giants, and I felt that I was less than them, for why had Allah not chosen me just as He chose them? But Martyrdom is a choice and a selecti on, and is not on par with the station s in this life, nor is it on par with the paper certi ficat es which socie ties are now raise d on. Whenev er I remembe red those who prece ded me on the Path, for example, Sad Ar-Rasheed, AbdulWahab Al-Ghamidi, Abu Duja nah Al -Mis ri, Abd ul -Jab bar , I rea lis ed tha t in tho se time s Mart yrdo m did not sudd enly come like the glea ming of an acti ve swor d, but for some reas on, in this year, the amou nt of examp les whose souls Allah bought, increased. “And so that He may take mart yrs from amon gst you.” [Qura n 3:140] Many men were taken this year. I do not know many of their names, and I only came to know them after they were taken to the etern al and beautiful Abode, with the Permission of the Lord of the Worlds. As Sad bin Abi Waqqas (may Allah be pleased with him) wrote after the Batt le of Al-Qadi siyya h to Umar (may Alla h be plea sed with him), “O Amirul-Mumineen, Sad bin Ubaid Al-Qari was martyred, as was so-and-so... We do not know many of them, but Allah Alone knows them. If the night darke ned aroun d them, they produ ced a sound like the sound of bees, whilst they were reciting the Quran. But if they appeared in the field of battle, they were like lions, nay they were braver than lions.” Tho se who emig rat ed in the Way of All ah are tho se who wou ld achieve Martyrdom if their intentions were pure, as the Prophet (SAWS) said in the authe ntic Hadee th: Abu Malik Al-Ashar i heard the Messeng er of Allah (SAWS) say, “He who goes forth in Allah 's Path and dies or is killed, is a martyr, or has his neck broken through being thrown by his horse or by his camel, or is stung by a poisonous creature, or dies on his bed by any kind of death Allah wish es, is a mart yr and will go to Para dise .” 44 This hade eth is Saheeh, and there are many transmissions to this effect. 44

Repo rted by Abu Dawud , Bo ok 14 , No. 24 93 , Al-Haaki m. Declared Saheeh by Al-Albani.


Whoever emigrated to assist this Jihad or emigrated with his faith to assist the Deen, to any country in the World, whoever left his family and Worldly comforts for the sake of Allah's Deen, and came to a life of hardships and difficulties and tribulations, he is considered an emigrator in the Way of Allah. And whoever emigrates in His Way is a martyr no matter how he dies, and for him is the Paradise. In this last month Allah – the Mighty and Majestic – chose as martyrs men whom I knew and lived with: Abdullah AnNuhami, Abu Muslim As-Sana'ani, Ali Abdul-Fattah, Awad Al-Arada and others. But He also chose three men whom I used to secretly think of as the best of people: Dr Salih Al-Libi, Ahmad Al-Mubarak As-Somali, and Sheikh Tameem Al-Adnani – may Allah have Mercy on them. As for two of them, Allah chose them on the battl efiel d, these being Dr. Salih and Ahmad Al-Mubarak As-Somali. Whilst observing them externally, I used to feel that what was inside their souls was purer than what was outsi de, and that what they hid was more super ior than they made known. Dr. Salih was the first doctor who came to Afghanistan before the Arabs had a central base. He left his studies in London and entered Ghazn i, where he stayed with the Mujah ideen for eight month s, eating as they ate and drinking as they drank, despite the vast diffe rence betwe en a luxur ious, fine life in Londo n and a life of hardships and trials, which most of the Mujahideen used to, and still do, live. Dr. Salih continued to return to Afghanistan from London, so he became known to us. A brother from Mazar-i-Shareef came to us because he had seen a crew of nine Christian, French medical staff opening up a hospital in Balkh. Balkh was once the land of Scholars and Litterateurs, but they were expelled from the area. Dr. Salih reproached the inhabitants there, saying, “How can you accept these French amongst you?” The answer was immediate ly silenci ng, “We are only beginni ng to see the Arabs now. The French came four years before you. They live amongst us like we live, with biting hunger. They endure it as we endure it. In fact, they burden themselves with more severities and hardships and do not accept any of our own medicine. They bring us present s and sweets to our houses, where they sit on the bare floor just as we sit. And you want us to not like them after they have done all of this for us?” Then they added, “Bring us a single Arab doctor and we will dispense of these people.”


Therefor e, brother Abdulla h came to us from Mazar-i-Shareef and said, “We need only one Arab doctor to expel the French team from there.” We chose Dr. Salih as this doctor. Before he reached Mazar-i-Shareef, three Arabs arrived there. This was the first event of its kind in Maza r -iShar eef. When the Arab s arri ved, it was as if a miracle had happened which shook the whole area! All the people of Mazar left their homes in excit ement and walke d for days in the snow to meet these peopl e. Even a very old man, carryi ng a stick which he leant on in his right hand, and his grandson in his left hand, went to meet them. He wanted to show the Arabs to his grandson, because he himself was never before blessed with seeing an Arab. So as soo n as Dr Sal ih arr ive d in Maz ar -i-Sha ree f, the fro nt -lin e Comma nde r the re, Abd ull ah, who was in cha rge of ove r 100 0 Mujahideen, issued a fatwa saying that it was no longer permissible for a Muslim to sit with the French, speak to them or be treated by them, for now the Arabs had arrived. Thus, all of a sudden, the land shun ned the Fren ch and it beca me a diff eren t land . Befo re, the French had been welcomed with the hearts of the Afghans, but now they were discarded and distanced like the distanced camels. They began to sense the tension so they said to the locals, “Are we right in thinking you no longer want us?” The reply they received was, “Yes, you are right, we do not want you.” Therefore, the French decided to leave and take their hospi tal equip ment with them. The Afgha ns were indifferent to their departure. Before Dr Salih came to the area, there was a particular young man who had been hit by shrapnel in his spinal cord, thus paralysing half of his body and rendering him unable to move even from his bed. He was present ed to these French doctors , and when they saw him they said - and Allah is far Exalt ed above what they say – “Even if the Lord of Power came, He would not be able to cure him.”

The Miracles of Dr Salih When Dr Salih arriv ed, they broug ht him this same patie nt to see if he could do anyth ing for him. When he saw him he said to me, as was hi s nat ure , “I fel t so rr y fo r hi m whe n I sa w hi m br oke n physically and mentally. The same man who used to cause the Earth to shake under the feet of the Russians, could not find anyone to help him with his needs, and so he was urinating, excreting, eating and drinking in his bed. He could not even


turn his body to lay on his other side. ” Regar ding the treat ment of this man, Dr. Salih 's reply was, as he always said, “Baseetah, baseetah (it is not a problem, it is not a problem). Allah willing, he will be cured.” Dr Salih said this wit h ful l kno wle dge of the fie ld of med ici ne, whe re the law is ‘Wh oev er is inj ure d in the spi nal cor d can nev er be cur ed. ’ Howev er, Dr. Salih had his own law for treat ment: suppl icati ons to Allah, then the administ ering of food, followe d by the administ ering of medicine . In less than a month of followi ng this routine , this man wa s re st or ed to fu ll he al th an d wa s fi gh ti ng al on gs id e th e Mujahideen! After this incident, all the inhabitants of the region began to repeat, “A Salih (righteous) friend has come to us. His name is Dr Salih.” Moreover, the whole of Mazar-i-Shareef surrounded him and went to him for their treat ment. This one man singl e-hande dly repla ced a team of nine Frenc hmen. Such was the Afgha ns' love for him, that the same people who used to despise their daughters being married to someone outsid e their own tribe, would offer him their daughte rs so that they could gain the effects of his blessings. As for Ahmad Al-Mubarak, he truly was as his name described him (Mubarak means `blessed').

The Sincere Man As for Sheik h Tameem, whate ver good words you speak of him, I will believe you. I never saw a man with a purer soul than his. I used to say to myself, “This man is in his forties , but as pure as he was when he was created, or as though he is three years old. He is like a twenty year old who flows with enthusiasm and vitality.” He would always say, “By Allah, I am not afraid of anyone except the Lord of the Worlds.” Due to this, I felt that he would later adopt stances that not many people, myself included, would be able to adopt. In the past week, women from the Islamic World have been phoning my house and sayin g, “Where is Sheik h Tamee m Al-Adnan i? We want to speak to him. We have heard his cassett es and we want to tell him that we want to come to the Jiha d.” This effe ct was not broug ht on by a magica l rheto ric, but by since re words . They were the magic which came from the heart and thus reached the hearts of the peo ple and


env elo ped the m45. He was not a sch ola r, but he produced for this Jihad and its honour what masses of scholars could not produce. Sheikh Tameem did not die... “And say not of those who are killed in the Way of Allah, 'They are dead.' Nay, they are living, but you perceive it not.” [Quran 2:154] Sheik h Tameem did not die after leavi ng behin d him what he left, and we pray to Allah – the Might y and Majes tic – to gathe r us with him in the Highest Paradise and we will not say other than what our Prophet (SAWS) said, “O Allah, reward us in our trial and replace it with something better.” Sincerity Shei kh Tamee m was not a well-know n faqi h 46, nor was he a note d scholar, but I found in him a quality - as I perceived it to be, and Allah knows best – which made his speech accepte d in the hearts of th e peo pl e. Thi s qu ali ty was si nce rit y, and All ah kn ows bes t. Sinc erit y is the spir it of word s, and the life of examp les, beca use with sinceri ty and truthfu lness, the words exit from the heart and so they reac h the hear ts with thei r pass ion and with thei r infl uenc e. Sh ei kh Ta me em wa s a no rm al ma n, in hi s ma nn er s, in hi s knowledge, in his fiqh, but Allah – the Mighty and Majestic – blessed his words such that the problem of Afghanistan became a Wo rl dw id e pr ob le m. Th os e wh o co nt ri bu te d to ca us in g thi s transit ion were the brother s who partook in the Jihad, the main one of which was Sheik h Tameem (may Allah have mercy on him). He was the first who broug ht the issue to the Arabi an Penin sula. Abul-Hassan Al-Madani (Wa'il Jaleedan) said, “Before I came to the Jihad, I visited Sheikh Tameem to speak with him about the Jihad, may Allah have Mercy on him and bless him with whatever good deeds he presented and may He forgive him for his errors and wrongdo ings. Allah, the Mighty and Majesti c, gave the Sheikh this position in the mosque, and due to that, his lectures on cassettes were passed between the young Muslims. His cassettes spread like a light in 45

The scholars of the Salaf used to say: "Words that come from the mouth stop at the ears, but words , that come from the heart, reach the heart." 46 Faqih: scholar of Islamic jurisprudence


darknes s, like fire in the woods. The truth is tha t I fou nd som e ver ses I wro te in the fla mes of bat tle to be extremely fitting for the Sheikh: Less distressed in calamities than an arrow And older than the nobles between the ranks The mos t che ris hed son of thi s Worl d, and a lio n whe n opposed You are a sword, and calamities are for swords You settle with the battles in every dwelling, As though you are a kinsman of every sword." His Love for Fighting He alwa ys used to rejo ice in taki ng part in batt les, as Abu Tayyi b says: If you lived long, you made the war a mother And the spear a brother, and the sword a father For all his ruggedness, he meets Death smiling As if there was a wish for his killing On the mountain pass, the neighing horse almost threw him From his saddle, happy at the invasion and joyful If the Wish met them, it started Its frivolity, accusing both the Courage and the flight He really was a wonder in his courage and love for battles: The sound of the clashing is joy to my ears And my soul is delighted by the trickling of blood For how can I have patience to the cunning of the enemy? And how can I bear their presence? The soul of the honourables have two goals The arrival of death and attaining their desire In closure, we will voice our grief through the verses your father, the poet Muhammad Al-Adnani composed for you: I long for your embrace O Tameem A longing spoken by the breeze And echoed in the cave of my breast 75

My pallor is drawn out and it does not leave In your name my hear t find s mean ing And my thirst y soul hovers about you It calls, O Tameem! But there is no reply With it am I healed, for my grief to be dispelled It is said of you 'He who brings wishes to life, And he frees from the weak omens’ I pray that Allah – the Might y and Majes tic – recor ds goodn ess for you, and accepts you in the Highest Paradis e. O Allah, do not forget to bless us as you blessed him, and do not deprive us of his reward, and forgi ve him and us both. We pray that Allah makes us firm on His Path, and on the Jihad in His Cause. We pray that He resurre cts us amongst the righteous and seals our lives with Martyrdom, and we pray that He gath ers us with our Prop het Muha mmad (Pea ce and Ble ssi ngs be upo n him ). May All ah hav e Mer cy on you , O Abu Yasir, and may He enter you in the highest ranks. May He gather us with you in the Highe st Parad ise. Veril y, He is the All-Heari ng, All-Near, All -Respo ndent –Ameen! All Prais e is for You, I testi fy there is no god but You, I seek Your forg iven ess, and I turn to You in repentance.


Part II: The Battle of the Lion's Den, Afghanistan, 1987 Introduction by Usama Bin Muhammad Bin Ladin The famous Battle of Jaji was where Allah gave victory to the People of Truth over the Peopl e of False hood. This battl e will go down in history as one of the great battles of contemporary Islamic times and by so doing , it joins the long list of great victo ries for the peopl e of Isla m, whic h incl ude Badr , Yarmu k47 (fou ght agai nst the Roman s unde r the comma nd of Khal id bin Al-Wale ed), Al-Qadi siyya h48 (fought against the Persians), Hitteen49 (fought against the Christians whe n Mas jid Al Aqs a was occ upi ed, and led by Sal ahu dee n Al Ayy ub i), Ain Jal ut 50 (fo ug ht aga in st th e Mon go ls and led by Muzaffar Qutuz). Jaji goes down in history as a decisiv e and conclus ive battle towards the end of the 20 th Cent ury, duri ng the Afgh an Jiha d agai nst the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union at the time, had in its possession the lar ges t arm y of the Wor ld, whi ch symb oli sed the mig ht of the Warsaw Pact. The Soviet forces entered into Afghanistan in 1979CE (1399 AH). These dates , in both calen dars, signi fy the latte r part of each respective century. The Battle of Jaji was a great victory and miracle by the Grace of Allah. It was the ultimate confron tation pittin g the Muslims against the leadi ng idol-power at the time, which had in its posse ssion the latest and most advanced military technology and hardware. The Muslims, in comparison, had very little in terms of military resources and , in som e cas es, not hin g at all . The lea der s of the Mus lim countri es had become preoccu pied with the bounti es of the Worldly life, they abstained from the implementation of the Shariah and consequently halted the Jihad effort. Not 47

Battle of Yarmuk, August 636C E, in which a Muslim army of 40,0 00 soldiers led by Khalid bin AlWaleed, defeated a Roman army of 200,000 soldiers led by the Roman General, Gregory 48 Battle of Qadisiyyah, May 636CE, in which a Muslim army of 25,000 soldiers led by Sad bin Abi Waqqas, defeated a Persian army of 150,000 soldiers led by the Persian Commander Rustum 49 Ba tt le of Hi tt ee n, Ju ly 11 87 CE , in whi ch a Mu sl im ar my le d by Salahudee n Al-Ayyubi defeated a Crusa der army led by King Louis ian, many times its size 50 Battle of Ain Jalut, September 1260CE, in which a Muslim army led by the Mamluk, Muzaffar Qutuz, defeated a huge Mongol army led by Hulagu Khan, signalling the first defeat of the Mongols after conquests that spanned half the Globe


satisfied with this clear level of defic iency towar ds the Relig ion of Allah , they went a step fur the r and impr iso ned all tho se who wis hed to re est abl ish the Shariah and wage Jihad in the Path of Allah. The Soviets at the time had tens of thousands of troops, thousands of tank regiments and hundreds of fighter aircraft squadrons. This huge Super power collu ded with the Gover nment of Afgha nista n at the time to sprea d Commun ism and then insti gated an inter nal milit ary coup at the hands of Babrak Kamal. Thus, towards the end of 1979, the Red Commun ist Army enter ed Kabul . This incid ent sent shock wav es thr oug hou t the ent ire Mus lim and Wes ter n Wor ld. The Muslim World drew in a sharp breath recogni sing the danger of this lates t devel opment . An unche cked Sovie t prese nce in Afgha nista n and in the India n Subco ntine nt would ultim ately lead to the fall of the entire Arab World into the hands of the Communists. Thi s mov e was not onl y a t hre at to the Mid dle Eas t, but als o represented a threat to NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) and Western intentions of World domination in a time that can be regar ded as the peak of the Cold War era. NATO and the Wester n Wo rl d ha d sp en t ov er $4 50 B il li on in bu il di ng ba se s an d forti ficat ions in Europ e for prepa ratio n again st antic ipate d Russi an attac ks, once the Sovie ts had invad ed Easte rn Europ e. The Sovie t Army could move with great speed , takin g mere hours to comple te the invasion of a country, as in the case of Hungary and Romania in the 1960' s. Anyone refus ing to submi t to the rule of Commun ism wou ld soo n fac e the thr eat of Rus sia n tan ks. The lar ge Rus sia n milita ry plane s would trans port the entir e Sovie t milita ry machin e overnig ht to the target country, to the extent that the inhabit ants of that count ry would wake up the follo wing mornin g to be infor med that they had become part of the Warsaw Pact. This so-called 'Great Russian Bear', surprised the World in 1979 by invading Kabul with its military machine, via routes from Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. The sit uat ion at the tim e was one of a cla sh bet wee n Wes ter n Cap ita lis m and Sov iet Com mun ism . The Sov iet s suc cee ded in con vin cin g many of the Isl amic and Arab sta tes to acc ept the ir corrupt 78

ideology. This race between the two Superpowers to achieve World domination is commonly referred to as the 'Cold War'. Nobody had anticipated that the small state of Afghanistan, with its meagr e reso urce s, woul d be able to resi st the adva nce of the Red Army. The Mujahid een, however , not only resiste d the advance , but they also defeated, smashed and pulverised the Red Army, causing it to order its troop s to an embarr assin g retre at and withd rawal . This loss had greater ramifications and there shortly followed a complete collapse of the Soviet Union Superpower. This was largely as a result of the huge economic drain that the Jihad had placed on the Soviet econo my and a magnif icent blow to the morale of the Commun ist mindset. The ideol ogy of Commun ism came int o the Arab World under the guise of Socia lism and socia l equal ity. Iraq was swept along by the Socialist tide and dutifully entered under the submission of the Great Russian Bear. The ruling Ba'ath Party began to spread its evil claws amongst the Muslim population and started teaching them to worship and submit to Ba'athism, a new false Lord. This infe ctio us dise ase also affl icte d Syri a such that the Soci alis t motto spread amongst all the strata and spheres of society, apparently representing: ‘Unity, Freedom and Socialism.’ Sou the rn Yem en ent ere d who leh ear ted ly int o the ide olo gy of Commu nism . The Sovi ets cont inue d thei r rele ntle ss and ruth less advance and recruited Somalia during the reign of the doomed Ziyad Bar i. When the Pri me Min ist er of Soma lia wis hed to impl emen t Commun ism on the land, ten schol ars who refus ed to compro mise their relig ion for the sake of a few misera ble dolla rs, resis ted him. They refus ed to give Islami c backi ng to this ideol ogy, recog nisin g how it comp let ely con tra dic ted the pil lar s of Isl am. Ziya d Bar i gat her ed the m in Mog adi shu and bur nt the m all in fro nt of the gat her ed mas ses , may All ah' s Mer cy be upo n the se sch ola rs of Truth . Eritr ea follo wed after this. The Sovie ts were able to affec t a milit ary coup in Ethio pia throu gh its local Commun ist Party, thus takin g contr ol over a key area in North Afric a. The Sovie t machin e was movin g throu gh the Middl e East, devou ring one state after the other.


At thi s tim e, Ame ric a and its all ies wer e pre occ upi ed wit h the protection of Western Europe after the fall of Eastern Europe into the han ds of the Sov iet Uni on. The Comm uni sts eve n had Eas ter n Germany under their influen ce and control since the Second World War. The Wester n World was livin g in const ant fear of this Sovie t threat. Latin and Centr al Americ a were also not free from this World wide Rus sia n inv asi on. Cub a came int o the han ds of the Sov iet s. The strateg ic value of a country only a mere 100 miles from the shores of the USA resu lted in the Ameri cans livi ng in a cont inuo us stat e of fear. During this time , the Worl d also witn esse d a mili tary and nucl ear arms rac e, as a res ult of ong oin g Col d War pol iti cs. Bil lio ns of dollars were spent so that each side could maintain and further its domin ance throu gh a large r, more advan ced and effec tive military arsenal. The Soviet Prime Minister at the time of the Afghan invasion was Bre zhn ev, who dec ide d to dea l the ult imat e str ike and pla y his leading card by invading Afghanistan. The aim was to open a route to the Indian Ocean via Pakistan, and in turn have direct access to the Arabian Gulf and the World's largest oil and gas reserves. Many of the Wester n Europ ean count ries are depen dent upon the cr ud e oi l of th e Ar ab ia n Gu lf St at es in or de r to dr iv e th ei r economies, as they have little or no oil reserves of their own. Thus, it had been a strategic dream of the Russians, going back many decades to the time of the Tsars , in gaini ng contr ol over the Arabi an Gulf States. Hen ce, Bre zhn ev gav e the comm and and Sov iet for ces inv ade d Afghanistan; a fateful move, which would prove to have a disastrous effec t on the Sovie t empire . Polit ical analys ts immedi ately saw that the Soviet objective behind this daring manoeuvre was the oil of the Arabian Gulf. If the Arabian Gulf states fell into Soviet hands, this would effectively imply total Soviet domination of the Middle East and Arab World. The Americans did not have anyone in the area to repel the Soviets . Their milita ry bases , where exist ent, were small and not up to this great task of repelling the Soviet Army in full force. American agents in the Middl e


East and South -Centr al Asia were the Arabi an Gulf states and the Shah of Iran. The Shi'ite Revolution had overthrown the Shah and the Americ ans aband oned him, not even givin g him political asylum. An important lesson had been learnt here and those today in the Arabian Gulf who solely rely on America for protection, are intellectually and Islamically committing suicide. In Is la mic te rms , th is ex is te nt st at us qu o in th e Gu lf is no t permissible. The kings of these oil rich states have sold their lands and taken the disbelievers as friends and protectors. There is no other word for this othe r than disb elie f, whic h caus es the one guil ty of such to exit from the fold of Islam. Furthermore, in rational terms, th ese ki ng s are com mit ti ng su ici de bec aus e th e Jew s and th e Christi ans are from the enemies of Islam. Their presenc e in the area is not, as they claim, to protect these kingdoms, but rather it is to loot and pilla ge the riche s of these lands and corru pt the minds of the Muslim popul ation with their Satan ic cultu re. By the Permis sion of Allah they will leave the Arabian Gulf as a result of the strikes of the Mujahideen. Ret urn ing bac k to Sov iet domi nat ion , we saw tha t the Pak ist ani region of Balochistan had been invaded intellectually by the Soviet Unio n as a resu lt of the acti viti es of the loca l Commu nist Part y. Ther e was not a vill age, town or city , from Quet ta to the Gulf of Oman, except that the red flag of the local Communist Party fluttered menacing ly in the air. The pictures of Kamal, Lenin and Stalin were placed on the walls of the meeting points of tribal leaders. On the 27 th of Dec emb er of eac h yea r, th e dat e of Sov iet ent ry in to Afg han is tan , th e Bal och i Com mun is t Par ty wou ld lea d mas s celebrations in the streets. The mood was not one of resistance to the Soviet presence, but one of welcoming and anticipatio n to the arrival of the advancing Soviet Army. Had Allah not blessed this Ummah and bestowe d His Favour upon the Mus lims of Afg han ist an, the Sov iet s wou ld hav e tak en the Arabian Gulf states effortl essly. The Afghans were able to repel the larg est inva sion in rece nt time s, by the forc es of disb elie f agai nst Isl am. We ask All ah to rew ard the m wit h the bes t of rew ard s. However, this victory did not come without a price. Afghanistan's infr astr uctu re was dest roye d; an unco unta ble numb er of chil dren were orphaned; thousands


of women were widowed and hundreds and thousands were killed and injured. Hav ing see n the Sov iet Arm y def eat ed, in a mov e of ama zin g treachery and cold heartedness, the Gulf states turned their backs to Afgha nista n. They left the Afgha ns to fend for themse lves and to cope alon e, wher eas this was the cruc ial time that this prou d and resourceful nation needed the support of the Islamic World. The Communist Party had arisen in Afghanistan and began to invite peop le to clea r and mani fest disb elie f. Some of the scho lars and yout h tri ed to res pon d to thi s wit h Daw ah act ivi tie s, but the ir finan cial resou rces were very limite d and they were unabl e to repel this threat. Therefor e, Allah blessed the Mujahid een leaders hip with the abil ity to rais e the bann er of Jiha d. Henc e, it is impo rtan t to ackno wledg e the import ant role played by the leade rs of the Jihad su ch as He kma ty ar , Sa yya f, Ra bb an i, Yu nu s Kh al is , Sh ei kh Muh ammad i and Muj adi di. Eve n tho ugh the y may hav e err ed afterwards, credit must be given to where it is due. The withd rawal of the Sovie ts from Afgha nista n was accomp anied by an almost immedi ate break out of fight ing amongs t the Afgha n fac tio ns. The re exi ste d diff ere nce s bet ween the var iou s lea der s. Politic al differe nces in Islam that divide the Muslims are conside red evil and it is not possible for Islam to be established in their midst.Defe atin g an enemy may be poss ible whil st diff eren ces exis t, but Islam cannot be established on the land with these differences. On the aut hor ity of Umar bin Al-Kha tta b (RA) , the Pro phe t Muh amma d (Pe ace and Ble ssi ngs be upo n him) sai d 51: “Who eve r depa rts from the Jama 'ah (uni ted body of Musl ims) by even the length of a handspan, then he has removed the pledge of Islam from his neck.” He, (Peac e and Bless ings be upon him) also said 52, on the autho rity of Harit h Al-Ashar i (RA): “I comma nd you to five thing s of which Allah

51 52

Reported by Muslim Reported by Ahmad and At-Tirmidhi No. 3694


has order ed me: Jama' ah (the unite d body of Musli ms), to listen, to obey, Hijrah and Jihad.” All ah ble sse d She ikh Muh amma d Yun us Kha lis , by kee pin g him clear from this difference and infighting. The Arabs left Afghanistan duri ng the prob lems of the fact iona l infi ghti ng but Shei kh Yunu s Khalis welcomed them back. Then, Allah blessed the Muslims of Af gh an is ta n by un it in g th em ar ou nd a re la ti ve ly un kn ow n personality by the name of Mulla Muhammad Umar Mujahid. By the Grace of Allah, 95% of the land of Afghanistan lies in his hands today53, as a result of the gathering of the people around him and the Jama'ah. Durin g the Commun ist era of Afgha nista n, the Arab Mujah ideen used to be killed by the Afghans as a result of the cunning deception of the media and the rulings of the scholars and kings, which used to accuse the Mujahideen of being rebels against the state and leader (khawarij). The leader was a Communist disbeliever, but he fooled the people who said that he permitted them to pray, so he was a good man. However, when the people of Afghanistan saw the actual presence of the Soviet Red Army in their land, they awoke and realised that they had now been invad ed milita rily by Commun ism, in addit ion to being intellectually ruled and dominated by this wicked ideology. Hence, the Afghans rose to fight this force of disbelief and they answered the call of the scholars such as Muhammad Yunus Khalis, Jalaludeen Haqqani and others. Consequently, the Call of Jihad reverberated throughout the land of Afghanistan. On the 20th of January 1980, US President Jimmy Carter said: “The United States will not permit the Soviet Union to enter the Arabian Gulf” He added that they would use military force as necessary. However, this was an empty threat because the Americans did not posse ss a singl e sympat hetic state in the area which would allow them to carry out this threat. This was especially so after the fall of the American stooge in Iran, the Shah. Had it not been for the Grace of Allah and the people of Afghanistan, the Ara bia n Gul f Sta tes wou ld hav e fal len int o the han ds of 53

This was written during the Taliban rule from 1996-2001


Commun ism. We thank and prais e Allah that the Ummah is with Jihad and repelling the aggressing enemy. The Pakis tan Army Gener als conve ned as soon as news reach ed them of the Soviet invasion. The fall of Afghanistan into the hands of the Soviets would be swiftly followed by the fall of Pakistan. India was sympathetic to the Soviet Union and thus there was a great threat to the state of Pakistan. The Pakistan Army began to think how they coul d aver t this immin ent disa ster . They disc usse d the need for military preparation and tried to establish how much time they had. They knew that they could not repel India even on its own, so a comb inat ion of Indi a and the Sovi et Unio n woul d easi ly defe at Pakistan. It was suggested that the Afghans would not be able to hold back the Soviet Union for more than a week. The most optimistic opini on put forwa rd sugge sted that the Afgha ns might be able to resist for a maximum of two months, after which the Soviet forces would gain total land superiority in the country. Two months after the invasion, a group of Pakistani military officers went into Afghanistan to check the situation of the war. They found a popu lati on whos e moral e was high and who were commi tted to fighting the Russians. The Afghans had in their possession the rifles which their grandfathers and great grandfathers had used to fight the British. The Afghans were even selling their sheep in order to buy ammunition for their rifles. When the West ern Worl d saw that the Afgh an peop le had high resol ve, they decid ed to finan ce the Afgha ns to fight again st the Russi ans. Americ a sent out instr uctio ns to its agent state s in the Mi dd le Ea st to be gi n pu bl ic is in g th e ne ws of th e Af gh an Mujah ideen . The gover nment newsp apers and publi catio ns in the Gul f beg an to giv e ext ens ive cov era ge to the Muj ahi dee n in Afghanistan, to the extent that Saudi radio would cover the topic in its five daily broadcasts, speaking about the heroic stance of the Muja hide en figh ters . Cons eque ntly , char ity orga nisa tion s were established throughout the Saudi Kingdom, to gather money for the people of Afghanistan and the Mujahideen. Orders were sent to all organisations to support this Jihad effort and fatawa54 were issued by scholars, regarding the obligation of Jihad. However, this was only done 54

Fatawa: legal Islamic verdicts given by Islamic scholars


after the permission of the Wali-ul-Amr (leader of the count ry/aut horit y) of Saudi Arabi a, King Fahd, who in turn had received the go ahead from his Wali-ul-Amr, Jimmy Carter. Saudi Arabian Airlines were given orders to give a 75% discount to anyone flying to Pakistan with the intention of fighting in the Jihad. The fear of the Americans, its allies and the Arabian Gulf states was such that they failed to see the possible long-term effects of pursuing suc h a str ate gy. Thi s sho rt sig hte dne ss was to pro ve to hav e disastrous consequences for the American alliance after the Afghan Jih ad. The onl y thi ng tha t the Ame ric ans cou ld see was the advancing Soviet Bear, and it seemed that they were prepared to do anything to halt the Soviet Army in its tracks. All doors were opened for the Muslims to travel to Pakista n to join the Mujahid een. This was a great chanc e for the Musli ms to rise, becau se the shack les against travelling for Jihad had been removed, but even as this was the case, hardl y any key Islami c figur es respo nded to fulfi l this oblig ation. Those who did respo nd to the call, howev er, were the high school and university students. They responded and set off immediately to give victory to the banner of ‘There is no god worthy of worship except Allah.’ The only notable personality from amongst the schol ars of the Ummah , who bothe red to make a move, was Sheik h Abdul lah Azzam, may Allah accep t him and his two sons from amongst the martyrs. The Soviets acknowledge that at the end of the war, they had spent over US$70 Billion on the Afghan campaign . The outcome of the Battle of Jaji was what prompted the Soviet Prime Minister, Mikhail Gorbachov, to withdraw his troops from Afghanistan. The whole Muslim World could not believe that it was possible for the Afghans to stand up to the Soviet Union. People had lived in a comp let e sta te of fea r fro m thi s see ming ly 'in vin cib le' Sov iet military machine. This disease was not only present in the minds of the masses but also amongst the ranks of the scholars. This defeatism and pessimism was such that the scholars would advise any of their students who wished to join the Mujahideen, that the Soviets were impossible to defeat. Even after the Battle of Jaji, when the indicators seemed to suggest a Soviet withdrawal, the Muslims still refused to believe this could happen because of the severe defeatism and cowardice that had overwhelmed the Muslim minds. Even 85

when the Soviets announc ed that they were thinki ng about withdra wing, the mas ses of the Mus lim s sai d tha t thi s was a tri ck and the Mujahideen were 'crazy' to think that they could defeat the Soviet Union . The peopl e would say to the Mujah ideen that the Sovie t Uni on cou ld end the war in 24 hou rs if it wis hed , but it was prolonging the war as part of its long term strategy in the region. After the Battle of Jaji, Gorbachov gathered his ministers in Moscow and they suggested that a withdrawal from Afghanistan would be a huge embarras sment to World Communism, the Soviet Union and the Red Army. Gorbach ov explain ed to them that the war had bled the Russi an econo my dry and that they could no longe r affor d to fund this expensive war, which they could not see an end to. Th e Co mmu ni st st at es ar ou nd th e Wo rl d: Ea st Ge rm an y, Cze cho slo vak ia, Roma nia , Hun gar y, etc ., sen t del ega tio ns to Gorbachov pleading with him to renounce his decision to withdraw Sovi et troo ps. They clai med that a with draw al of Sovi et troo ps would cause great turmoil throughout the entire Communist empire. Intelligence reports revealed that if people saw that the poor, barefooted Afghans could defeat the Communists, then they could do so as well and the Communist states around the World were at threat of being overthrown. Gorbachov was aware of this, but he affirmed that he could no longer afford to keep funding the war effort. The Soviets entered Afghanistan on 27 December 1979 and they left, defeated and humiliated, on 15 February 1989. The war had lasted approximately ten years. Later that year, on the 25 December 1989, th e Sov iet fla g was tak en do wn fro m Sov iet emb ass ies and institutions Worldwide and was replaced by the Russian flag. By the Grace of Allah, the Soviet Union and its flag were thrown into the dustbin of history and it was split into 15 states.


Impressions of an Arab Journalist in Afghanistan by Is am Di ra z In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful “Am ong the bel iev ers are men who hav e bee n tru e to the ir covenant with Allah (i.e. they have gone out forJihad, and showed not their backs to the disbelievers], of them some have fulfilled their obligations (i.e. have been martyred), and some of them are still waiting, but they have never changed (i.e. they never proved treacherous to their covenant which they concluded with Allah] in the least.” [Quran 33:23] “Think not of those who are killed in the Way of Allah as dead. Nay, they are alive, with their Lord, and they have provision.” [Quran 3:169] “And you (Muhammad SAWS) threw not when you did throw but Allah threw, that He might test the believers by a fair trial from Him. Verily, Allah is the All-Hearer, All-Knower.”[Quran 8:17] On the autho rity of Abu Hurai rah (RA), the Messe nger of Allah (SAWS) said: “By Him in Whose Hands my soul is! Whoever is wounded in Allah's Cause, and Allah knows well who gets wounded in His Cause, will come on the Day of Resurrection with his wound having the colour of blood but the scent of musk” 55 "The martyr receive s six good things from Allah: he is forgive n at the first shedding of his blood; he is shown his abode in Paradise; he is preserved from the Punishment in the Grave; he is kept safe from the greatest terror; he has placed on his head a Crown of Honour, a ruby of which is better than the World and what it contains; he is married to seventy-two wives of the Maidens of Paradise with large dark eyes; and is made intercessor for seventy of his relatives.” 56

55 56

Reported by Al-Bukhari, Vol. 4, Book 52, No. 59 Reported by Ahmad, Ibn Hibban and At-Tirmidhi. Saheeh. Saheeh AlJaami No. 5058


Dedicated to the Mujahideen everywhere... “To eve ryo ne who hel ped me ach iev e my tas k of spr ead ing the message of the Jihad ... to serve the Afghan Jihad ...and to the souls of the Arab and Afghan martyrs.” In face of the significant events through which the Arab and Islamic nation lives, where a man is betrayed and stabbed in the heart by his own brother, are an Ummah's dreams of its families. The only thing left for us to do is to search for rays of light to guide us through this darkness and ruin. It was for this reason that I compiled this treatise, which speak s about the exper ience s of a group of belie ving Arab men – men who fought the forces of tyranny, disbelief and infidelity in Afghanistan. I am not only speaking with reference to the past, nor am I onl y spe aki ng abo ut Afg han ist an the pla ce. Rat her I am discove ring the rays of hope in our lives; I am trying to unveil the rays of strength in ourselves, and to discover the weapon which is in us all so that we may confront the oppression and aggression with all our strengt h, resolut ion and alertne ss, and with boundl ess trust in Allah's help, Exalted be He, to us. The Dangerous Bottle and the Plane Attacks This story actually took place when the Ma'sadatul-Ansar (Lion's Den of the Forei gn Muj ahide en) was locat ed in the mount ain of Tham ar Khai l, 10km from Jala laba d. Batt les were taki ng plac e aroun d us, and Usama Bin Ladin had built a trenc h betwe en two raised mountains to guard against the rockets and missiles that were recklessly being fired between the Afghan Mujahideen and the Communist Government Forces. On this particular day, the doctor in charge of the Den had come from Peshawar. He was an Egyptian doctor, known for his efficiency and piety. He had come to follow up news of the war, as well as to check up on medical matters, including the medical state of Usama Bin Ladin (Abu Abdullah); for he used to suffer from very low blood pressure which would sometimes render him unable to move and he would thus remain lying on the floor for many hours on end. He also needed to be given intravenous (I.V.) infusions, such as glucose. The doctor came to Usama Bin Ladin's trench, and took out a cannula by which to treat him. Abu Abdullah was in a lot of pain and extremely fatigued, and he was lying on the floor. This was after he had exerted his efforts to follow through the esta blis hmen t of new loca tion s 88

for the Arab brot hers , on top of buying weapons and establishin g plans for surveillance and attack. The doctor brought a bottle of glucose from a case which was outside the trench, and began to assemble a metal pole which was to act as a carrier for the bottle. He attached the I.V. tube that was attached to the bottle and fixed the cannula onto the end of it. Abu Abdullah uncovered his arm so the doctor could insert the cannula. At this moment , just befor e the inser tion, we heard the noise of a plane flying at a low altitude, followed by the sound of terrifying explosi ons around us. It was a tense moment. We left the trench to see what had been hit, but all Prais e be to Allah , the bombs had fal len on the pea ks of the hil ls and roc ks sur rou ndi ng us, but nevertheless there was thick smoke and dust around us. We entered the trench and Abu Abdullah sat back in his place. Some rocks had falle n on the trenc h, and the pole which was carryi ng the gluco se bottle had fallen. A few minutes passed in silence. The planes sometimes drew nearer, but then we would hear explo sions in the dista nce, and we would know they were further again. After a while, we felt that the situation had some what calme d down (in terms of the stat e of batt le, but obviously the bombing continued). By now, the doctor was standing in his place, and had begun to once again assemble the pole which carried the bottle of glucose. He fixed the bottle in its place in the holder, and began to stretch out the I.V. tube, which had now become en ta ng le d. He br ou gh t ou t a ne w ca nn ul a, fo ll ow in g th e contamination of the previous one after falling on the floor. He then said, in a loud voice, “In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.� Abu Abdullah stretched out his hand, and rolled his sleeves above his arm. Duri ng the same momen t in whic h the doct or was inse rtin g the cannula into Abu Abdullah's arm, we again heard a terrifying noise, which this time caused us to cover our faces while we were in the trench. We then heard a series of explosions that ripped out the rocks around us. Some of the rocks fell, as did some of the wooden beams that surrounded the trench, and the trench filled with dust and the smell of the explo sions . We raise d our heads , and sudde nly there were more violent and stronger explosions, causing us to dive for cover, for this time the bombs had actually fallen on the door of the trenc h. We felt as thoug h the mount ains aroun d us had been torn from their place, and that we were unable to raise our heads. We 89

remained like this for a few minutes, until we heard that the planes had flown further away. When the explosions calmed, we stood up and looked around us, finding it hard to believe we were still alive. We were silent for a few minutes, after which some of the brothers went outside to examine our losses. We started to contact the other locatio ns of the brother s, to find out how much damage this attack had cau sed , but the re were no ne wor th rec all ing . A few more minutes passed. The doctor was sitting in his place. Abu Abdullah cont acte d the othe r brot hers via radi o to assu re hims elf of thei r safety, and everything calmed down. The bottle had again been flung to the ground by the explosions, and its holder had been tossed into a cor ner of the tre nch , whi le the I.V. tub e lay in ano the r cor ner ent ire ly. The doc tor ros e cal mly, tryi ng to smil e, and he sai d, “Rejoice, all is well.� Abu Abdullah was lying in his place, unable to move. He smiled at the doctor, who then moved away to bring back the pole and pick up th e bo tt le fr om th e fl oo r. At th is mo me nt , we we re al l, coincidentally, looking at the bottle as though there were something magical in it; something strange that was linked to the planes coming to bomb us. We all, again coincidentally, said in unison "Isn't there any other bottle? " The doctor laughed and said, "Yes, there are other bottles. But why change this one?" We all glanced at each other's eyes, and read that we were all thin king the same though ts. The doctor noticed, and cuttingly replied, "Do not take it as an evil omen, it is- merely a coincidence." Thus, we could tell that he was thinking the same thing as us! We didn't understand what he meant, but one of the brothers said bravely, "O brother! Destroy this bottle! Ever since the morning, the same thing has continued to happen – as soon as we begin to assemble it and fix it in place, they attack! It has happe ned over five times now!" The docto r repli ed asser tivel y, "Fear Allah, O Sheikh! Do you believe such idle talk? What is the relationship between a bottle of glucose, such as this one, and the planes?" The doctor rose and began to once again erect the pole. He fixed the bottle in its place, and attached the I.V. tube. He opened his case and took out a new cannula to replace the other one, which had become contaminated by dirt, and attached it to the I.V. tube. Usama Bin Ladin submissively stretched his arm out, and calmly repeated, "O men, do not repeat such idle talk - it is a coincidence." The doctor then said with confidence and resolution, "They are all coincidences, and everything is by the Will of Allah." He then began to fix the pole firmly into


the ground, sat down by the mat tre ss of Usa ma Bin Lad in , and sai d – bu t th is ti me in a purpo seful ly raise d voice in order to silen ce us, "In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful!" At that very moment, befor e inser ting the cannu la, we again felt as thoug h the groun d beneath our feet was being torn apart. Powerful explosions, smoke, the smell of gunpowder, stones flying everywhere! A section of the trench's ceiling was torn down, all of us had unconsciously fallen to our faces, and we were reciting verses of the Quran. The explosions continued fiercely around us, in a manner of which there was no likeness. One of the Mujahideen called out saying, "They'r e cluster bombs!" We felt that it was impossib le for us to stay alive with such terrifying explosions around us. They continued for a few minutes, a few minutes that felt like an eternity. The bombing then calmed down and the sound of the planes dimmed as they grew more dista nt, but we remain ed on the groun d of the trench, in the same positions. It was only until one of the Mujahideen came and said, "They are attacking with poisonous gasses!" that we arose – and we could actually smell something permeating through the air, so we cover ed our noses with gas masks. A few minut es passed, and Usama Bin Ladin was lying on his back still in pain. The doctor began, once again, to fix the bottle on its holder, and stretch out the I.V. tube. We were all again looking at the bottle as though it was a livin g entit y with a secre t. As the docto r extra cted anoth er cannula from his case and attached it to the I.V. tube, and as Usama Bin Ladin was lying down on the floor and again stretching out his bare arm submissively and calmly, waiting for the insertion of the cannula into his veins, we found ourselves – everyone in the trench –shouting involuntarily and in coincidental unison, "Throw the bottle outside! Don't touch it!" and suddenly we all burst into continuous laughter. Abu Abdullah then told us, "Do not see it as an evil omen, my brothers, for evil omens are forbidden in Islam." However, we all cried out again, "We have to throw this bottle out! The planes come as soon as it is touched; throw it outside the trench!" Another wave of laughter befell us, and when the doctor tried to once again fix the bottle on the pole, Abu Zubair AlMadani57 (may Allah have Mercy on him) stood up laughing. He took the bottle and held it with his fin ger tip s as tho ugh he was car ryi ng a bom b on the ver ge of detonat ion. We laughed again, and he flung the bottle 57

Abu Zubair Al-Madani from Al-Madinah AI-Munawarrah, martyred in a battle against Serb forces at Sarajevo Airport in Bosnia, in October 1992


outsid e the trench without uttering a single word. The doctor rose from his place and prepared to leave amidst our laughter, with Abu Abdullah still silently lying in the same position, smiling. I found no better story than this one to begin the story of The Lion's Den of the Ansar for it touches on the gentleness of the deep human and brotherly bond which tied the 'Brothers-in-Arms' who fought Jihad with truthfulness, love and Iman around Abu Abdullah Usama Bin Ladin. Establishment of the Den Usama Bin Ladi n came to Paki stan earl y in Janu ary 1980 , afte r hearing of the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan, only seventeen days af te r th e in va si on oc cu rr ed . He ha d ne ve r be fo re he ar d of Afghanistan, despite it being a Muslim country and having excellent horses (Usama Bin Ladin loved horses). Abu Muhammad As-Soori says about Usama Bin Ladin's first trip, "Usama Bin Ladin came to Lahor e and the same night he went to the leade r of the Jamat -e-Islami in Pakistan. He gave the leader a considerable sum of money as a donation to the Mujahideen, who in turn gave his word that this money would reach the Mujahideen. In a following visit, the leader informed Usama Bin Ladin that the money had been handed to the leaders of the Afghan Jihad - Rabbani58 and Hekmatyar - because at that time, they were the only people in that field of work." Wh en Us am a Bi n La di n ca me to kn ow wh er e ex ac tl y th e Mujahideen were in Peshawar, he went to see them. Every time hewent to Paki stan , he used to befr iend one of the brot hers ther e, because the Arabs at that time used to come to Peshawar alone. In 1984CE (1404AH), Abu Abdullah Usama decided that there should be an organised Arab presence in Pakistan. He had defined goals for the Arabs to play a more effective role in the Jihad, so he opened an office to receive the Arab brothers coming from abroad, to prepare them and to send them to Afghanistan. Abu Muhammad As-Soori said about the experimental Mujahideen Services Office(Maktab Khidamat lil-Mujahideen), "This Office had both positive and negative aspects to it. The main manager of the office was Sheikh Abdullah Azzam (may Allah have Mercy on his soul), and the first person to be responsible for this office was a young Jordanian brother 58

Sayyaf was in prison at the time. Rumour s that he was released in 1980 are incorrect.


called Abu Akram. He stayed for a few mont hs and then retu rned to Jord an, part ly due to the continual complaint that there was no organised system in the Office. Thus, the lack of a defined authority and headquarters was the main complaint of whoever was consequently responsible for the Office, such as Abu Usama Al-Falastini, Abu Hajar Al-Iraqi, Abu Dawud Al-Urdun i, Abu Muham mad As-Sudan i, and Abu Muham mad As -Soori, who was one of the founders of the Lion's Den of the Ansar (Foreign Mujahideen). However, despite the many minus points, its plus points were undoubtedly greater, for it was this Office which developed the Arab Mujahideen to the stage at which they reached, in ter ms of an inc rea se in the ir num ber , and mor e eff ect ive participation in the battles." The Formation of the Mujahideen Services Office The Services Office was originally tantamount to a large guesthouse. The brother s had rented out a villa where the Arab brother s could live or stay for a tempor ary perio d. The admini strat ive side was divi ded into a numb er of sub -commi ttee s, namel y the Mili tary Committee, the Administrative Committee, the Training Committee, and the Dis pat chi ng Comm itt ee (sp eci fic all y for dis pat chi ng carav ans of broth ers to Afgha nista n). Usama Bin Ladin used to don ate abo ut hal f a mil lio n rup ees for the Off ice 's mon thl y expenditure (i.e. approximately US$25,000 per month). However, whe n the ren t inc rea sed in 198 5 198 6, he dec ide d to hav e a permanent building built for the purpose. He only used to visit now and again, but he preferre d to underta ke actual project s that would hel p the Muj ahi dee n inf ras tru ctu re, rat her tha n simp ly giv ing moneta ry contr ibuti ons to the Jihad . Thus, he s et about build ing roads through the mountains, and digging tunnels and huge hideouts to protect the Afghan Mujahideen from Soviet aerial attacks. These projects were in co-ordination with his brothers in Saudi Arabia, who were the owners of the huge Bin Ladin Corporation, and who helped him by sending digging equipment, huge Caterpillar bulldozers and electricity generators to Afghanistan. Abu Abdullah selected a group of brothers and trained them to help him in this task, after which they began working, in August 1986, to build roads and dig out trenches and caves, in a place that they nicknamed 'The Den', in the vicinity of Jaji in Eastern Afghanistan. The Den (Ma'sadah) later became known as Ma'sadatul-Ansar (Lair or Lion's Den of the Ansar).


The Story of the Lion's Den of the Ansar, as Narrated by its Commander, Usama Bin Ladin Usama Bin Ladin recounts, during a long interview I conducted with him at numerous times in Afghanistan and Jeddah: "All Prai se is due to Alla h, Lord of the Worl ds, and Peac e and bles sin gs on our Pro phe t Muh amma d and on his Fami ly and Compa nions . What I will say in the cours e of our discu ssion will speak of the blessings which Allah, Exalted is He, bestowed on us in inciting the believers to tread this Great Path. In 1399AH (1979CE), we heard news that the Russians had invaded Muslim land in Afghanistan. Immediately after hearing this news, I went to Pakistan to try to help our Muslim brother s in Afghani stan, where I stayed until Allah blessed me with the chance to enter Afghani stan itself The stat e of the Muja hide en was weak comp ared to that of the enemy, in terms of preparation and training for battle. I thus felt that we were failing to fulfil the rights our Afghan brothers held over us, by shirkin g our respons ibilit y, or not taking it serious ly. I decided that the best thing that would make up for such a dire failure would be for the Muslim to be killed whilst in battle for the Sake of Allah." Shei kh Usama cont inue d talk ing abou t the stat e of the Afgh ans saying, "The situation continued without much change, and it was by the Grace of Allah that the Mujahideen were able to eventually enter Afghanistan. I felt that the Muslims were betraying their brothers, bec au se th e Rus si an Com mun is ts wer e hel pi ng th e Afg ha n Communists in their fight." I asked Sheikh Usama about the formation of the Lion's Den, and he replied, "I noticed the Afghan's concern and joy at the Arabs amongst them. Seeing the Arabs was a means of increasing the Afghans in strength and belief and it would raise their morale to a high degree. Due to the strong love of the Afghans for the Arabs, they would treat them as guests, in that they would not impose any military or combat duties upon them. However, the Arab men wanted to be Mujahideen, and to do the work of the Mujahideen: they did not come to Afghanistan as guests. Due to this, I came up with the idea


of forming a place where the Arab brothers could be received and trained to fight. I sought permission from the leader of the Islamic Union for the Mujahideen of Afghanistan in 1404AH (1984CE), to form a military camp close to the Pak-Afghan border for the brothers to train in. At that time, about 100 brothers joined the camp, which was a small number. The reason for this was that the young Arab men had been raise d in their count ry in a life far remov ed from the reali ty and honour of the Jihad, and defending the religion of Allah, thus many men used to regard the Jihad as merely a recommended, voluntary act. The brothers would come in the summer and when the summer ende d and thei r stud ies star ted up agai n, most of the brot hers returned to their own countries to complete their education, despite the fact that those who came were some of the best brothers. Only a very small number of brothers remained on a permanent basis, less than ten altogether. However, Allah bestowed His Favours upon us and we fou nd a sui tab le loc ati on for the cam p in Jaj i, ins ide Afghanistan." Beginning the Work Inside Afghanistan "We formed a training camp in Jaji, and we began to train ourselves by any means available to us at the time. There were now about 50 of us, but again, when winter broke in, most of the Mujahideen left and returned to their home countries. There seemed not to be a complete awareness amongst the brothers, of the importance of making this Deen victorious, and of the necessity of fighting the disbelievers until the Religion is all for Allah Alone. At the end of the year 1406AH (1986), and the beginning of 1407AH (1987), we resolved to stay in Jaji, no matter how few of us there were. There were only eleven of us at that time, most of us from Al -Madin ah AlMunaw arrah , the City of the Prophet (peace be upon him). I remember from amongst them: Shafe eq bin Ibrah im Al-Madan i (may Allah have mercy on him ), Tal ib Abd ul -Azi z An-Naj jar , Abu Quta iba h As -Soo ri AlHam awi Al -Mad ani , Usa ma bin Mul la Hai dar (Az mar ai) Al Mad ani 59 (wh ose eth nic ity was fro m the Fer gha na Val ley in Uzbekistan), Muadh As-Sa'di, who was resident in Al-Madinah but was originally Palestinian, Abu Raja' Hassan Al-Ansari also from Al-Madinah, Abdou Ahmad Hamood Uthman, and Ahmad Hussain Bakhs i, also from Al59

Us am a bi n Mu ll a Ha id er , Az ma ra i, (a ls o kn ow n as Wa li Kh an Am in S h a h ) f r o m A lM a d i n a h A l- M u n a wa r r a h . C u r r e n t l y s e r v i n g l i f e imprisonment in USA.


Madin ah. There were eleve n of us, and we began building roads and tunnels in the hearts of the mountains, and hideouts in order to protect the Afghan Mujahideen. We had placed Shafeeq (may Allah have mercy on him) and Usama Mulla in charge of surveillance of the area. It is worth mentioning that all of these brothers were about 20 years old, may Allah honour them. They had left their studies and had come to perform Jihad in the Way of Allah. Thus the work continu ed. Shafeeq and Usama Mullah informe d us that there was a mountain overlooking enemy territory, which was free from any forces. I visited the area and found that it was a strategically vital location, so I enquired as to the reason that the Muj ahi dee n had not , as of yet , occ upi ed thi s are a des pit e its importance. I was told that in the winter, the rain and ice block the roads and prevent supplies from reaching the area. We had intended to set up a camp specifically for the Arabs, and thus decided to take this area for its location. By the time we began our work, only three brother s remaine d - Shafeeq , Usama Mulla and myself. The rest of the brothers were either on holiday or had been assigned other work. However, due to this location being extremely isolated and very far from the Mujahideen, but close to the enemy, we were in dire need of extra brother s to help us with our work, as well as keeping guard. One of the visiting brothers tried to dissuade us from our plans, but he failed to dissuade both Shafeeq and Usama. Allah then granted to us two more brothers, who were headed for another battlefront in Afghanistan, but had come to visit us. One of them was called Abudh-Dhahab, and he was Egyptian of Sudanese origin. Before he was due to leave , he came to me and said, 'We would like to stay here with you. ' This made me extr emel y happ y, and of cour se I agreed. By this time, we were working hard in the construction of the Camp. The terrain was open and exposed to enemy eyes, so they used to bomb us frequently. We thus decided to relocate to another place nearby, less exposed , which later came to be known as the Lion's Den of the Ansar. This period, when we were positioned close to the enem y, was one of the most beau tifu l time s that we spen t in the Jihad, may Allah accept it. We lived in one tent, built roads and dug trenches. We prayed together, we lived together and we ate together. We took turns standing guard, but felt extremely lonely because the place was frightening for both sides - for the enemy, because we overlooked them, and for us, because it was so isolated


and we were so few in number. None of us was able to venture too far out from the tent because there were many dense forests around us, and we were very close to the enemy. We stayed like this for a long time, but then the continuous guarding exhausted us, so we asked one of the other brothers to join us. Salih AlGhamidi came, and was later followed by another brother, which brough t our total up to seven. Despite that, we remaine d cheerfu l and optimistic that our numbers would increase, and within only two months, there were 40 of us. We were later joined by Abu Haneefah, Hussain Ajib and Muhammad As-Sakhri, who was a very resolute, unhesitant brother. I first met Muhammad As-Sakhri in the Prophet's Mosque in Al-Madinah, after the Fajr Prayer. I was about to travel to Afghanistan and Abu Haneefah told me that there was one brother who also wanted to go, after he finished his education the following summer. Therefore, I met him and we spoke for a few minutes, after which he resolved that he would leave with us the following day. He knew that it was an obligation on him, so he left his studies and his degree - and the World - and stayed with us in Afghanistan for four years, until Allah granted him Martyrdom in Jalalabad, may Allah accept him from the martyrs." I ask ed Usa ma Bin Lad in, "Ho w did you cho ose the nam e The Lion's Den of the Ansar'?" He answered, "We consulted each other on the name, and ended up with a number of different names, but we finally settled on calling it the Lion's Den - a name which we took from a line of poetry composed by one of the Compani ons (may Allah be pleased with him) of the Messeng er of Allah (SAWS)- in which he praises the Prophet (SAWS), saying: Whoever likes the type that confuse one other Like the confusion of burning pride Then let him come to a Den, which sharpens its swords With the provisions, and beams of the trench Abu Haneefa h returne d back to Al-Madinah to incite the youth to come for Jihad. He was absent from us for 23 days, and he returned with 23 men, after which our number continued to increase and we began to feel the importance and magnitude of our gathering. The bro the rs her e wou ld 97

lat er ask me, 'Wha t cau sed you r gro up of brothers to excel?' There were actually many reasons. Our brothers wo ul d co me fr om th ei r ow n co un tr ie s, an d th ey wo ul d be overwhelmed by their experience here and all the factors it included - such as the Jihad , the stran ge langu age, the harsh clima te and hostile topography." Background to the Battle of the Lion's Den, Ramadan 1407AH (May 1987) By the beginning of Ramadan of 1407AH (April 1987), the Den was still premature in its construction. It was then that we received a tip-off on the enemy's tactics, but the information was not enough. Thus, we con tin ued to dig the tre nch es, and pla nne d to lau nch a pre -empt ive atta ck on the enemy arou nd 14 Rama dan. The Afgh an lead er Gulb udee n Hekma tyar was alre ady in the area , and then She ikh Say yaf arr ive d, so we cha nge d our att ack dat e to 26 Ramadan. When the day arrived, we attacked the area directly below us, and the Russians retaliated from a distance using BM-21 Missile Launchers. This marked the beginning of the long battles that lasted for three weeks. The enemy was prepared for it, but we were only prepare d for a battle that would last one day. Our aim in the attack was to totally destroy this enemy base. The road to Jaji, however , was closed, and being one of the main supply roads in Afghanistan, it was to cause some probl ems. The battl e of 29 Ramad an was the fierc est day, the attac king force s being made up of about 10,00 0 men, comp ris ing thr ee Rus sia n reg ula r army bat tal ion s and a battalion of Spetsnaz60 Commandos.

The Battle of the Lion's Den - A First Hand Account Introduction The Batt le of the Lion 's Den bega n in Ramad an 1407 AH (May 1987). The Russian Minister of Defence had asked for a separate budget to enable him to cut off the supply routes between Pakistan and Afghanistan. He took a pledge alongside other senior generals that this budget would allow them


Spetsnaz: Elite Soviet Special Forces


to strike a decisive blow to the Mujahideen at a time when they were tired and morale was very low. The Pak-Afghan border route was a means of transporting weapons, food and othe r supp lies in Afgh anis tan as well as allo wing the passage of the Mujahideen between the two countries. The Russian Ministry of Defence affirmed that this new budget would cut off all suppl y route s into Afgha nista n. From amongs t the most import ant supply routes was the one from Parachinar in Pakistan, to Jaji in the Eastern Afghan province of Paktia. This route would normally carry aro und 60% of sup pli es int o Afg han ist an and the Rus sia ns were suffering from heavy losses throughout the country as a result of this supply line. Therefore, the Russians intended to cut off these border sup ply rou tes and for ce the comm and ers ins ide Afg han ist an to surrender. Allah, Gloriou s and Most High, willed the Afghan -Arab Mujahid een to hav e a key rol e in thi s dec isi ve bat tle . The Arab Muj ahi dee n occu pied the fron t-line posi tion s and it was they who inci ted the enemy into commenc ing battl e. The battl e conti nued for 21 days, with Russ ian arti ller y and firi ng dire cted at the Arab Muja hide en positions and their base camp, the Lion's Den of the Ansar. The Russia ns were based in a fortr ess calle d Chown i, of 1000m by 500m in dimension, and their other fortified positions were close to a nearb y mount ain. This area consi sted of dense fores tatio n and was 300m above sea level. In the winter, the entire area would be covered with snow and it was not possible to survive these conditions, which existed for six months every year, without a gas heating facility. The Russian positions in the mountains were about 2-3km away from the Mujahideen positions. However, there were no Arab positions in betw een and when the Arab s aske d the Afgh ans why this was so, they replied that during the winter, the amount of snow made these routes inaccessible. However, Allah blessed the Mujahideen and they were able to open a route through the snow after they brought over bulld ozers and heavy machin ery. They estab lishe d an under groun d camp for the Afghan Mujahid een near the enemy lines. The number of Arabs present at this time was very small and because of this, they vie wed the ir rol e as bei n g one of ope nin g rou tes and dig gin g of tun nel s in the moun tai nsi de. The Arab s hop ed 99

tha t the Afg han s woul d allo w them to join in some of the mili tary oper atio ns from time to time. However, to the astonishment of the Arabs, the Afghans did not wish to occupy positions that close to enemy lines. The distance from the Lion' s Den camp to the main camps of the Mujah ideen was 13km and it was 14km from the Lion's Den to the tunnels. The Arabs thus decided that they would occupy these close positions themselves, and so it bec ame the fir st cam p for the Ara bs ins ide Afg han ist an. Ther eaft er, they bega n to look for indi vidu als to guar d the camp, whilst all the heavy machinery was returned. There were only three ind ivi dua ls gua rdi ng the camp : Usa ma Mul la Azma rai , Sha fee q Ibr ahi m Al-Mad ani and Usa ma Bin Lad in. Usa ma Azma rai and Sha fee q were bot h hig h sch ool stu den ts in Al-Mad ina h. Usa ma Azma rai was ori gin all y fro m the Fer gha na Val ley in Uzb eki sta n, whereas Shafeeq was born in Al-Madinah but originated from Sindh, Pak ist an. The thi rd ind ivi dua l is a per son ali ty who nee ds lit tle intro ducti on. These three indiv idual s were posit ioned in the Den, fac ing an ent ire nea rby Rus sia n bat tal ion . At aro und Asr (la te-after noon prayer ) time, the three were prepa ring to set off towar ds th e Den fro m ano th er Muj ahi dee n cam p, whe n th ey met two individuals, Dhabeeh from Taif and Abudh-Dhahab from Egypt, as mentio ned earli er. In the eyes of these three broth ers, the arriv al of but one person was as if reinfor cements numberin g a thousan d had been sent. These two new arrivals had intended to join the Afghan commanders in the area . They sat, pray ed Asr and dran k tea with the grou p of three . Havin g finis hed prayin g, they felt at ease in the prese nce of the se thr ee and ask ed if the y cou ld joi n the m in wha t the y were doing . Hence , the first group to run the Lion' s Den consi sted of a group of five brothers. Brother Ali, witness to the battles of the Lion's Den, said, "I travelled to Afghanistan for the first time with Shafeeq Al-Madani, and we went to the Mujahideen Services Office in Peshawar, where we stayed for about two months. I then returne d to Saudi Arabia, only to return to Pakistan the following year, and again undertook a per iod of tra ini ng las tin g two mon ths . The re wer e a num ber of training centres in Afghanistan at that time, and the one I attended was the Mar u Cam p in Jal ala bad . Aft er my tra ini ng, I aga in retu rned to 100

Saud i Arab ia. My thir d visi t to Afgh anis tan was in 1407A H (1987 CE), by which time the Den had been forme d, and when I went there, in the beginni ng of 1407AH (1987CE ), I found only about seven or eight brother s present . There was at that time only one tent, and a room for the Afghans who shared the location with us. Most of the Arab broth ers were not train ed suffi cient ly, for two reasons. Firstly , there was a lack of organi sed traini ng courses at the time, and secondly, men themselves used to come to Afghanistan only to fight, and they wanted to do only the most basic training so that they could go to the frontline as soon as possible. Thus, they formed new training sessions to overcome this. The cons truc tion of the Den prog ress ed and Usam a Bin Ladi n instilled love in the hearts of the brothers for each other. He trained them to have patience with the lack of activity, but it was very hard convincing them, as was it hard on the men to continue their work, building hideouts and preparing reinforcements for seven months, without actually performing any operations. Thus, the brothers used to beg Usama Bin Ladin to plan some opera tions , even if they be smal l ones . Even tual ly, one such oper atio n actu ally took plac e together with the Afghan Mujahideen. The Soviet forces were in the middle of celebrating the anniversary of their Party's formation, and the Mujahideen shelled them and disturbed their celebrations. The Den devel oped, and soon also inclu ded a Centr al Comma nd room, the Badr Centre, the Zakoyak Room (for anti-aircraft defence), the Tai f Roo m, a foo d sto reh ous e, a wea pon war eho use and a kitchen. On 17 Shaban, the brothers decided to perform another operation, despite the Den still not being fully complete. Again, the aims of this opera tion were not achie ved, for a numbe r of reaso ns. One such reason was a lack of ammunition, despite the brothers working night and day without rest in the days prior to the operation, trying to tr an sp or t amm un it io n to th e mou nt ai n pea ks by mul e. The Commander of this operation was Yaseen Al-Kurdi (may Allah have merc y on him) , and he was one of the brot hers who work ed to transport the ammunition on time."


Thus, on 17 Shaban 1407AH (17 April 1987CE), there took place a confr ontat ion betwe en the Mujah ideen (Afgh an and Arab) and the Rus sia n for ces , whi ch was goo d in ter ms of exp eri enc e for the broth ers. The Mujah ideen then began to prepa re for an offen sive towards the end of Ramad an. This prepa ratio n was a co-ordin ated eff ort bet ween the main par ty lea der s (Hek maty ar, Sayy af and Rabba ni), the front -line command ers and the Arabs . The inten tion was to attac k the Russi an posit ions where their force s consi sted of about one thous and men. At the same time, the Mujah ideen were unawa re that the Russi ans were prepa ring to attac k them too, wipe the m out comp let ely and eve ntu all y cut off the most impo rta nt supply route into Afghanistan.

The First Military Encounter - Operation 17 Shaban Abu Muh amma d As-Soo ri nar rat es the fir st mili tar y enc oun ter embarked upon by the men of the Lion's Den of the Ansar, in which he himself participated and was injured. He said, "The first battle which the Arabs fought as a single group was in Ramadan 1406AH (May, 1986) in Khost. They formed a battalion called The Battalion of Al-Khurasa61 . This battalion fought some fierce battles, in which a large number of the Arabs were injured and others martyred. This took place before the Den was formed. When Usama Bin Ladin began building the roads and tunnels, and digging the trenches, he sent Shafeeq, Usama Azmarai and Abu Qutaibah to explore the area. They informed Abu Abdullah Usama of a mountain which overlooked the enemy's stronghold of Chowni, by which the Russians protected themselves, and which presided over the valley on the borders of Pakistan. Abu Abdullah Usama went to view this mountain for himself and chose it as the location for forming a base spe cif ic to the Ara bs. Wint er was app roa chi ng , and the sno ws preve nted any moveme nt in the mount ains. Usama Bin Ladin had asked the leaders of the area to coordinate their activities, so he contacted a wellknown leader called Abdus-Sami, whose camp was abo ut hal fwa y to the ene my' s str ong hol d. Usa ma Bin Lad in request ed the Afghan leader not to retreat this winter, and to stay firm in his place , and that he would take it upon himse lf to build retreats to protect the Afghans from the snow.


Accord ing to Abu Haj ar Al-Ira qi it was cal led The Bat tal ion of Ad-Dhurafa


Abdus-Sami, however , refused , because the snow was too thick to allow any form of life, let alone supplies, to pass through. Usama Bin Ladi n then offe red to supp ly them with wate r and all the othe r necessary supplies, on the condition that they do not leave the area in winte r. Abdus -Sami final ly agree d to this, and on 24 Octob er 1986, Abu Abdulla h Usama Bin Ladin erected the first tent of the Lion's Den of the Ansar: the same date on which they bought their first weapon from the Pakistani markets - a Gorjunov SG-436262 machinegun which was given to Azmarai." Abu Muhammad continued the story, "I reached the Den with Sheikh Abdullah Azzam (may Allah have Merc y on him) a mont h afte r it was form ed, and ther e were 14 people there at the time. I had gone to train in the area of Sada, close to the PakistanAfghanistan border, but it was decided that we shoul d go strai ght to the Den to gain prope r train ing on Afgha n terrain. When we reached the Den, there were some guests visiting, who tried to discour age our activit ies, and told Usama Bin Ladin and his men that the enemy would come and capture them alive, but Allah made their hearts firm upon the Deen. Our group, however, returned to Sada without any training, where we underwent a short training course before returning to the Den. Winter was coming and the snow had begun to fall, so the Den began to store its supplies and complete as much construction as possible to prepare for the winter. In only five months, a further seven or eight rooms were built, which were used by about 70 Arab men, who were preparing themselves for sacrifice and Martyrdom. During this period, the brothers were urging Usama Bin Ladin to organi se a militar y operati on in which they could partake . He, in turn , was tryi ng to calm them down , and conv ince them of the necessity of establishing their base firstly, and preparing all the necessary reinforcements. In reality, it was a very calm period, out of which a deep spiritual bond developed between the brothers. When the winter ended, and the snow began to melt, the brothers prepared themselves to perform operations against the enemy, the main aim of whi ch was to gai n exp eri enc e in pra cti cal com bat . The fir st operation organised, prepared, and performed by the 'Lions' of the Den, was on Friday 17 Shaban 1407 AH (17 April 1987CE), in which 62

Gor junov SG-43 medium mach inegun, of cal ibr e 7.6 2mm, with the ability to fire at 500-700 rounds per minute


120 men participated, including myself. We were divided into two groups – one in the front, commanded by Abu Khalid Al-Misri, which was to penetrate the enemy bases, and one supporting from behind, commanded by Abu Burhan As-Soori, which was to shell the enemy with arti ller y. A few days afte r the plan ning was comp lete , the operation began at 6pm on the Friday. Sheikh Sayyaf came to the Den especially to witness this operation, for it was a new experie nce for the Arabs. Sheikh Abdulla h Azzam was prese nt, as was Sheik h Tamee m Al-Adnan i (may Allah have mercy on them both), and of course Usama Bin Ladin, who was the overall commander. There were some touching moments before the battle, when the brothers bade farewell to each other, not knowing if they would be alive to see one another again, with each of their souls longing for Martyrdom." Abu Muhammad As-Soori continued, "I was in the attacking group. The plan was to penetrate the target that we nicknamed 'The Mother of All Trenches.' When we reached a distance of 3040 metres from the target, we were surprised to find that the enemy was fully awake. There were 16 targets that the Afghan Mujahideen were attacking altogether, all of which engulfed this area, except the two bases that we had planned to attack. However, their guard was awake: we saw him and we noticed that he saw us – or some shadows moving near him. He thus fired a few round s of bulle ts at us, and as we drew nearer, the bullets rained down on us. We returned fire, but when the cross-fire erupted, we could not lift our heads until night descended. Both of my legs were hit as soon as they began to fire on us with a Gorjunov SG-43 machinegun from an open hill to our left. This took us by surprise because we did not know that they had Gorjunov machi negun s. Thus, we were given orde rs to withd raw to a base nearb y, which had reinf orcem ents. We had named it The Front al Base. Abu Abdullah Usama Bin Ladin was there, and he was the one who issued the order to withdraw, fearing that his brothers would be hit by shrapnel, once the attack had been discovered by the enemy. However, nobody was able to implement the order until after dark, so that their withdrawal would not be noticed. It was nightfall when the brothers carried


me back to the Den. There were five supporting groups in all - four returned but one got lost and remained missing till midnight. Ahmad Az-Zahrani from Taif, was the first martyr of the Den, killed in this opera tion. He was firin g a heavy machin e gun, when he was hit by a mort ar roun d. He was an exce llen t brot her, may Alla h have mer cy on hi m. Id ri s As -Sa ud i wa s in ju re d in th is ba tt le , as wa s I. However, all in all, the Battle of Shaban was an importan t landmark in th e hi st or y of th e De n, fr om wh ic h th e br ot he rs le ar nt man y le ss on s wh ic h we re to he lp th em in fu tu re ba tt le s. Af te r th is operation, the brothers performed other operations, to gain more experie nce in direct combat with the enemy. It was during this period that brother Abudh-Dhahab was also martyred, when a mortar round fel l bet wee n th ree bro th ers du rin g a rec on nai ss anc e mis si on , insta ntly killi ng Abudh -Dhaha b and injur ing Azmara i. For a full mont h, oper atio ns, skir mish es and batt les cont inue d unde r the command of Abu Ubaidah Al-Panjsheri (may Allah have mercy on him).

The Battle of the Lion's Den: May 1987 Then came the Battle of 17 Ramadan (22 May 1987): an operation that the brothers thoroughly prepared for. Despite their preparations, howev er, the broth ers were unabl e to conqu er any bases becau se their commander, Abu Khalid Al-Misri, was injured right at the start of battle, by shrapne l from a RPG-7 rocket. Abu Sahl Al-Misri 63 (may Allah have mercy on him) was also injur ed, which creat ed anoth er obsta cle in the smoot h flow of the opera tion. The group nearest to the enemy was Shafeeq Al-Madani's group, who had with him eight Mujahideen, and returned with four of them injured. The entire operation was conducted under the chief command of Abu 63

Abu Sahl Al-Misri, Ayman Sabri, was martyred later in the War. He was an example of reliance upon Allah, patience and truth. One day before his Martyrdom, he had a dream in which he saw himsel f in a huge crowd of people standing outside the gates of Paradise. There was an angel with a register in his hand who would announce the full name of an individua l, then that individual would step forward towards the angel. The angel would give him a card and with that card, that individua l would enter Para dise. Abu Sahl waited and waited and waited but his name was not called out. After that, he resolved to himsel f that he would step forward at the next nam e tha t the ang el ann ounce d, eve n if it was someo ne else's nam e. Incidentally, the next name that the angel announced was Abu Sahl's name, so he rushed towards the angel, took his card and entered Paradise with it. Once he entered Paradise, he saw two brothers: one who had been martyred a ye ar ea rl ie r an d an ot he r on e, Dr . Sa li h wh o wa s no t ma rt yr ed until two years after this dream. Abu Sahl was killed the next morning, may Allah have mercy on him.


Uba ida h Al-Pan jsh eri . Usa ma Bin Lad in and myse lf wer e in Peshawar at the time, and when we came to know of the operation, we quickly rushed to the battlefront on 17Ramadan in order to participate in the battle. We arrived in the evening and sat in the Den following the news of the battle. From that day on, I stayed in the Den , to liv e thr oug h the most famo us bat tle s of the Arab s in Afg han ist an. In the se bat tle s, a tot al of 45 Sov iet sol die rs and off ice rs sur ren der ed the msel ves to one of the comm and ers of Hek maty ar' s Isl amic par ty, main ly due to the hea vy bomb ing directed at their bases by the Mujahideen. On 15 Rama dan 140 7 (20 May 198 7), Rus sia n fig hte r pla nes (Sukhoi's and MIG's) flew over all Mujahideen positions in the area. The Mujahideen responded immediately with anti-aircraft fire using DShk 64 and Zakoya k65 heavy machin e guns, forci ng the plane s to retreat. The aim of this manoeuvre was to enable the Russians to establish the location of Mujahideen heavy weaponry with pinpoint accuracy, so that when the Russians began their offensive they would know what positions to bomb. On 23 Rama dan 1407 (28 May 1987 ), two Russ ian heli copt ers descended to a low altitude, surprising the Mujahideen. The Zakoyak antiaircraft gun is not designed to fire at targets below a horizontal eleva tion of zero degre es; thus the helic opter s were out of firin g range. Three of the Arabs were nearby so they assigned one brother to load an RPG-7 rocket launcher and be on standby to fire at the helicopters if they approached. The Mujahideen later learnt that the Russians wished to view the positions of the Mujahideen heavy weaponry at close deciphering range, so as not to totally rely on the aerial photographs they had. Soon after wards , news reach ed the Mujah ideen that two Russi an units numbering nine to ten thousand troops, had been deployed andwere moving towards the area. The units arrived at an area called Nara, which was to be their point of gathering, whilst others entered the Chowni Fortress. On 27 Ramadan 1407 (01 June 1987), the Russians deployed their art ill ery and mult ipl e roc ket syst ems tow ard s the Muj ahi dee n positions. One of


DShk-38 heavy machinegun, of calibre 12.7mm, with the ability to fire up to 600 rounds per minute ZPU-1 `Zakoyak' anti-aircraft machinegun, of calibre 14.5mm, with the ability to fire up to 600 rounds per minute 65


these rocket systems was the BM-14 66 (referred to as the Chiloya k by the Afghans ), which fired its rockets (all 16 of them) towards a point in the Den called Hunain. Most of the brothers here were from Taif and they were very keen to engage the enemy. The rockets landed in a mountain behind the Den but succeeded in surprising those Mujahideen present in the area, because of their deafe ning noise , tremen dous force and inten sity of explo sion. A short while elapsed (a matter of minutes) and then a large, dark rain cloud came across the clear summer sky (June had just begun) and rested over the Den. Then Allah (SWT) commanded it to send forth a frightening wave of thunder and lightening, so heavy and intense in volume that the Mujahideen were made to forget the rockets that had just flown over their heads. This miraculous sign spread a wave of Sakeenah67 into the hearts of the brothers. Then, soon afterwards, hailstones began to fall from the sky over the Den. The brothers ate the hail and felt the earlier fear disappear from their hearts. This was from the first of the miracles that the brothers witnessed during this battle. On 28 Ramad an 1407 (02 June 1987) , the battl e began with full intensity. The Russians sent a squadron of over 24 fighter planes to bomb the region around the Den. They would circle the area after each bombing run and return to drop further bombs. The area encompassing the Den was a distance of 400m by 800m and yet the bombs being dropped were leaving craters of more than 12 metres in di am et er . Th e cr at er s we re se en to be ve ry cl os e to ea ch ot he r, indicating an intensive targeting of the area by the Russians. These craters are still present in the area today. On top of thi s, the Rus sia ns were she lli ng the are a wit h D-30 artil lery 68, 120mm mortar shell s and clust er bombs . The area was tota lly blit zed, with not a sing le tree esca ping damag e from the shrapnel of these bombs. By the Grace of Allah, all the Mujahideen pos iti ons were und erg rou nd and had bee n wel l camo ufl age d at ground level. This heavy bombing continued for the entire 21-day duration of the battle and by the Grace of Allah, the enemy was not able to destroy a single Mujahid een 66

BM-14 MLRS (Multiple Launch Rocket System), capable of firing, in a total of only eight seconds, 16 x 140mm rockets, to a maximum range of 10km 67 Sakeenah: tranquility and inner peace granted to Mujahideen by Allah, as in the verse of the Quran: "He is the One who sent down sakeenah into the hearts of the believers that they may increase in Iman upon Iman. And to Allah belong the forces of the heavens and the Earth. And Allah is All-Knowing, AllWise." [Quran 48:41] 68 D-30 122mm towed Howitzer artillery, capable of firing 122m rounds, with warheads of 21 kg, up to a distance of 15km


positi on. One vacated positi on was struck but not destroyed and another bunker received a hit from a 120mm mortar shell. The 40cm or so of sand and soil above the bunker was successful in absorbing the shock of the blast and the Mujahideen in that bunker escaped safely, all Praise is due to Allah. The shelling continued on 28 Ramadan until the late-afternoon time of the Asr Prayer, when the Russians deployed eight tanks that began to advance towards the Mujahid een positi ons. Once the tanks came into range of the Mujahideen's limited firepower, the brothers began to fir e. The Muj ahi dee n wer e fac ing the mig ht of the Sov iet Superpower Army, the most powerful army in the World, with only three 82mm mortars, a BM2169 rocket system, two 4x4 pick-ups and a truck carrying the BM rockets , at their dispos al. The Mujahid een that were sent to help the Arab s had an addi tion al four pick -up trucks. Sayyaf sent 20 of his troops with his commander, Kochai, in ch ar ge to ai d th e br ot he rs in th e De n. Th e to ta l nu mbe r of Mujahideen present at the beginning of the battle was 70; similar to the numb er pres ent at the hist oric al Pled ge of Aqab ah 70 and the number of Prophet Musa's (peace be upon him) companions. The 70 Mujahideen were split into two groups of 35. One group was placed in some tunnels around the perimeter of the Den and the other half of the fighting force were positioned inside the Den itself. These two groups would swap dutie s every 24 hours to enabl e the group inside the Den to take some rest from the continuous day and night she lli ng. The huma n sou l can not tol era te thi s type of 24 hou r continuous shelling without resting and it is all from the Grace and Favour of Allah that the Mujahideen were able to divide their force in this way to allow the brothers to get some much needed rest. The Russi ans presu med that after such heavy bombar dment, any human being in the area would have long fled the vicinity. Hence, as mentio ned earli er, they appro ached the area aroun d the Den with eight tanks and 12 armoured personnel carriers. As they advanced forward slowly, they continued to shell Mujahideen positions. The Mujahideen did not return fire 69

BM-21 'Hail' GRAD MLRS (Multiple Launch Rocket System) that has the ability to launch, in a total of only 20 seconds, 40 x 122mm rockets with an av er ag e le ng th of 2. 8m an d an av er ag e wa rh ea d ma ss of 19 kg (de pending on the type of warh ead used), to a maxi mum range of 20k m30km, depending on the type of rocket used 70 Pl ed ge of Aq ab ah whe re 70 Mu sl ims fr om Al-Ma di na h pl ed ge d all egianc e to the Pro phe t (SAWS) , layi ng the founda tio ns for the fir st Islamic State


and waited until the entire convoy was withi n range of their mortar s. The 82mm mortar has a maximu m range of 5km so the Mujahideen had to wait until the enemy was in range before they could open fire. Usama bin Ladin was observi ng the advanci ng enemy movements , waiting to give the brother s the signal to commence firing. As soon as the Russian tanks entered into range, Usama shouted "Allahu Akbar!" and ordered the brother s to start firing. A brother named Abu Abdur -Rahman was in charge of the BM-21 rock et laun cher , whic h is not in tend ed for achi evin g acc ura te dir ect hit s on a tar get , but is rat her use d for gen era l bomb ard ment of an are a. Howe ver , by the Grac e of All ah, the roc ket s and mort ars tha t were fir ed fro m the Muj ahi dee n were landing directly on the advancing convoy. The brother's spirits were elated and they were shouting "Allahu Akbar!" with each successive hit. An ambulance approached to pick up the Russian injured and dead. As the ambulance was approaching the carnage, a mortar landed in the road in front of it. The soldiers driving the ambulance turned the vehic le aroun d and fled for their lives . The broth ers were all in a state of elation and total ecstasy. The Mujahideen continued to shell the convoy until sunset and when they intercepted the Russian communications, they found the Russians blaming and insulting each other with the most obscene of phrases. As night fell, the Mujahideen stopped firing since the Russian targets had been covered with darkness. However, the Russians persisted in bombing the Mujahideen positions, and so the brothers were unable to rest during the night. A Russian plane would approac h the area and drop flare bombs to illuminate the atmosphere and then the plane following it would come and bomb the Mujahideen positions. This situation continued for the remainder of the night of the 28th and through out 29 and 30 Ramadan . The Russian s believe d that there was a large Mujahideen troop presence and hence it was imperative to thoroug hly 'comb' the area. They were unaware that there were only a few dozen Mujahideen that were facing their might. Dur ing the se thr ee days , the bro the rs bec ame phys ica lly and emotionally exhausted. All the brothers in the Den had broken their fast, as was the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (SAWS), who ordered the Companions to break their fast before the Conquest of Makkah71. 71

Yahya related to me from Malik from Sumayy, the freed slave of Abu Bakr bin Abdur -Rahman, from Abu Bakr bin Abdur-Rahman from one of the Companions of the Messenger of Allah (SAWS), that


On 30 Ram ada n 140 7 (04 Jun e 198 7), the Muj ahi dee n wer e expecting very heavy shelling from the Russians, so they left theCommand Bunke r (that was locat ed in the centr e of the Den) and went to a small cave (about 6m deep) . There was a group of ten brothers present there, from amongst them were: Khalid Al-Kurdi from Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah Khidr Al-Haili from the Eastern Province of the Arabian Peninsula Dhabeeh At-Taifi from Taif, Arabian Peninsula Abul-Fadl Al-Misri from Egypt Abu Haneefah Al-Misri from Egypt Abu Azzam Abu Sahl Al-Misri from Egypt Usama Bin Ladin from Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah The brot hers chop ped down two tree s and posi tion ed them in a manner to cover the entranc e of the cave. Khalid Al-Kurdi was so tired that he went inside the cave and fell asleep immediately. By the time the brothers had completed camouflaging the caves, sunset was approaching and they noticed the presence of Russian fighter jets in the sky. They could see the refle ction of the sunra ys off the jet's metal bodywork. Soon after, the jets started to drop their bombs over the Mujahideen positions. These bombs weighed up to 1000kg and by the Grace of Allah, the bombs were landing in the bottom of the valley, whilst the brothers were high up in the mountain. However, the intensity of the bombs made them feel as if they were landing on top of them. The severity of the explosions was such that the entire mountain shook and the dust thrown up by the explosions actually entered the cave where the Mujahideen were. The Mujahideen brothers remained in the cave and all of them were making supplications to Allah, Glory and Praise be to He, that He protect s them from the evil of the Russian s. These events occurre d on 30 Ramadan 1407 (04 June 1987) and by now, the brothers were completely exhausted from the exertions of the previous five days.

the Messenger of Allah (SAWS) ordered everyone to break the fast on the journey he made in the Yea r of the Conque st sayi ng, "Be strong for you r ene my. " Sah eeh . Reported by Malik in his Muwatta, Book 18, Number 18.7.22.


Saifudeen Al-Maghribi was stationed in one of the Den's observation posts and it was then that he saw groups of Soviet Spetsnaz Special Forces advanci ng through the hilly forests surroun ding the Den, in groups of eleven. The Mujahideen had agreed in advance that if three rou nd s of th e Zak oya k wer e fir ed, th en th is was a si gn of an impe ndi ng ene my att ack . One of the Muj ahi dee n fir ed the thr ee rounds. There were 40 Mujahideen present to defend the Den (five other Mujahideen had joined the previous 35 stationed at the Den). The ten brot hers in the cave , larg ely high scho ol and univ ersi ty stud ents , decid ed to set off to engag e these Speci al Force s command o unit s. The y had the adv ant age of bei ng on hig her gro und , whe rea s the Rus sia ns were cli mbin g upw ard s. One Muj ahi d was sta tio ned to count er a flank ing manoeu vre by the enemy and other Mujah ideen were posit ioned at diffe rent place s along this route . Their field of visio n was highl y restr icted becau se of the heavy fores tatio n and it was only possib le to see between the trees at a distanc e of up to ten metr es. The rema ini ng Muj ahi dee n: Usa ma bin Lad in, Khi dr Al -Haili and Mukht ar, moved to a point , which was a suita ble place to wait for ambushing the enemy. The Mujahideen took out their grenades and prepared to engage the enemy. Just as they were about to do so, Abu Ubaidah Al-Panjshe ri, the military commander of the Den, arrived with Dhabeeh At-Taifi. The Muj ahi dee n cou ld sen se th at th e Rus si ans wer e in clo se proximity to them, but they were unable to see them because of their camouf lage cloth ing. The Mujah ideen did not have such cloth ing, putt ing them at an immed iate disa dvan tage . One of the Russ ians spotted this group of three and opened fire with his AK-74 Kalakov ass aul t rif le. One of the se bul let s fle w bet ween Usa ma and Abu Ubaidah, whilst the next struck a rock behind them and the third one st ruc k Abu Uba id ah. The Rus si ans had bec ome awa re of th e Mujah ideen prese nce and conse quent ly the broth ers had lost their element of surpris e. The Mujahid een were anxious to open fire, but they could not see anyon e nor could they hear any noise from the ene my. Sud den ly, a hai l of mor tar sh ell s beg an to fal l on th e Mujah ideen . This conti nued with heavy inten sity for about half an hour. The time betwe en one shell explo ding and the next was the time it took to say ‘Subhan allah’ (Glory be to Allah). The advanci ng command o units had infor med their colle agues that they suspe cted an


ambush by the Mujahideen, so they retreated a little and requested that the area be swept with a 120mm mortar in order to flush out the Mujahideen. The shellin g was of such ferocit y that none of the brother s though t that they had a chanc e of survi ving. There follo wed a short respi te for less than a minute. Abu Ubaidah wanted to move, but Usama said that they should wait. A few seconds later, another shower of mortars land ed in the area . The Muja hide en then deci ded that they woul d make a move at the next short period of respite. The Mujah ideen in the lines behin d were commun icati ng with the brothers in the Den via walkie-talkies. Sheikh Abdullah Azzam was weeping and asking Allah to protect these Mujahideen brothers. Soon afte rwar ds, ther e foll owed a shor t peri od of resp ite and the brothers decided to make a move. They managed to run for about 50 metre s, when anot her wave of mort ar shel ls bega n to fall arou nd them. Meanw hile Khidr , who had been in a very forwa rd posit ion, assume d that all the broth ers had been killed . He knew there were about 200 Russi an Command os direc tly in front of him. Khidr was not afraid of dying, but he began to think that he might be capture d and tortured and so he became very anxious. He started to make remembran ce of Allah and suppli cate to Allah, Glory and Praises be to He. Brother Ali, who was present in the Lion's Den Operation, said: "The Mujahideen learnt some valuable lessons from the Battle of 17 Sha ban , and the y beg an pre par ing ano the r ope rat ion sho rtl y after wards , for 17 Ramad an. Durin g this time, we were told that large numbers of Russian and Communist Government Forces were advancing. They then began to bomb the Den by air. I was stationed in the Badr Centre at the time, and was defending the Den from its right wing, because the Badr Centre was on the side of the Den bordering the valley. It was a strategic location, and we had expected that the Russian Commandos would advance from that side. On 25 Ramadan, the bombing increased in intensity. There were about 70 brothers in the Den at that time, each with different levels of training, so


Usama Bin Ladin decided to send those Mujahideen who had insufficient training, to the supporting lines, in order to protect the Den from behind. He also sent some trained brothers with them. The Commandos continued advancing from the right, as expected, but by the Will of Allah, their whole battalion needed only six brothers to face them Usama Bin Ladin, Abul-Hassan Al-Madani, Khalid Al-Kurdi, Yaseen AlKurdi, Asadullah As-Sindhi72 (a Pakistani from Jeddah – may Allah have mercy on him), and Abul-Waleed Muhammad Al-Utaibi. These brothers alone faced all the Russian Commandos, and by the Grace of Allah, the only one to be killed was Abul-Waleed. He was in charge of firing missiles against the Russian tanks and thus had to be stationed on high ground, which was apparently unhidden from the enemy. He was subsequently hit with shrapnel in his back and was martyred instantly. That evening, Abu Yasir Al-Iraqi and myself went to his position to fetch his body, and we buried him in the Den, near the grave of Ahmad Az-Zahrani. He was considered the third martyr of the Battle, with Abudh-Dhahab as the second."

Usama Bin Ladin Narrates the Battle On 29 Ramadan, the Russian and Afghan Government Forces began their attack. Their tanks began to move in, and as soon as they moved into the firing range of the Mujahideen, we said "In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful," proclaimed "Allahu Akbar!" and gave the radio signal for everyone to begin fire. I was following the battle from the observatory and I saw our fire, by the Grace of Allah, the Exalted, land on the enemy vehicles and rip them apart . The cross fire was so sever e that it cause d the mount ains to shake, but by the Grace of Allah, none of the brothers was afflicted with any harm. The battle continu ed until sunset, after which I left the obser vator y and met broth er Abu Ubaid ah AlPanjs heri (may Allah have mercy on him), a man who had memoris ed the entir e Quran.


Asadullah As-Sindhi, a Pakistani resident in Jeddah, who joined the Muj ahidee n after bei ng one of the first Pak istanis to don ate mone y to Usama Bin Ladin in Jeddah for the Jihad. He was assassinated in Peshawar in 1997, may Allah have mercy on him.


We knew that the Russi ans would defin itely retal iate after such a defeat, and we expected their attack to be harsher the following day. We thus decided that 35 Arab brothers should return to the Den to prote ct it from behin d (ther e were about 70 Mujah ideen in total during the battle at that time). The following day our expectations material ised, and from the first rays of sunlig ht, we began to take heavy gunfire from the Russians. There were 35 of us who remained in the Den, and out of that, nine of us were station ed in a cave that we nicknamed the Frontal Base. It was a very small cave, unable to withstand heavy bombing. We realised that the enemy planes were firing bombs weighing 1000kg each, which caused the mountains to shake. The brothers had agreed previously on a specific signal - three gunshots from the Zakoyak – to be fired if they felt that there would be an attac k on our camp. We sudde nly recei ved a radio messag e from Saifudeen Al-Maghribi, who was in the right wing observatory in the Badr Cent re, sayi ng that he had seen app roxi matel y 200 Russian soldiers wearing Special Forces uniforms, sneaking towards the camp. Thus, he fired the warning signal. I requested the brothers to carry their weapons and advance, even though we were only nine of us (myself being the tenth), and the enemy. was 200. Nor were we trained soldiers - we had all been raised as civilians, but not a single one of us hesitated. The brothers advanced, may Allah bestow His Honour upon them. Everyone took hold of his weapon and advanced. We wanted to take possession of a high hill between the disbelievers and us. I dis tri but ed the bro the rs so as not to fin d our sel ves surrounded during the operation. I left Dhabeeh and Abu Sahl Al-Misri (may Allah have Mercy on him) with a radio in the Front al Base, and sent Abu Haneefah and some others to the right wing. We then advanced forth till we reached the peak of the hill. There were onl y thr ee of us lef t - Khi dr (fr om the Eas ter n Pro vin ce of the Arabian Peninsula), Mukhtar (also from the Eastern Province), and myself . I had asked Khali d Al-Kurdi to bring us water , dates and more RPG-7 rocke ts, so he went off and joine d us later with the goods. But how should only three people feel having to face 200 Commandos? I also knew that the Russians wanted to capture me specifically, and take me as prisoner, but Glory be to Allah, He had made us firm on His Deen, and we felt neither worry nor fear. We dispers ed on the peak of the hill, so that each of us could see and help the others if needed, and stationed ourselves


approximately 10 metres apart. We stayed like this for about an hour-and-ahalf Khidr then came to me and told me that Mukhtar had heard Russian voices from the nearby hill, talking between the trees. At this moment, we were still waiting for reinforcements, which had not yet arrived. However, the Russians had certainly arrived so I issued the command for the other brothers to join us on this hill. Khalid came, as did Abu Ubaidah, who had organised another group to advance from the direction of the Badr Centre to meet the enemy forces, meaning that we were advancing from the left and the other group from the right . We saw the Russi ans to our right , on a hill called Az-Zahrani (named after Ahmad Az-Zahrani - may Allah have Mercy on him – who was killed on this hill earlier). As soon as we saw the Rus sia ns beg inn ing to adv anc e, we too k out our han d grenade s to throw at them, since we were in a higher positi on than the y were . Howe ver , bro the r Abu Uba ida h sug ges ted tha t we dis tan ce our sel ves unt il the y all rea che d our thr owi ng ran ge. Suddenly, however, we were joined by four brothers from another camp, who had no idea what was happening. But it so happened that the Russians had heard the sound of their feet treading on the grass beneath the trees, and knew we must be somewher e nearby. Thus, they stopped their advancing and went on guard. The Russians had not known that there would be any Mujahideen in this location, and had in fact expected everyone in the Den to be wounded as a result of their heavy shelling for five continuous days. Surp rise d that we were ther e, they retr eate d sile ntly with out us sensi ng a thing . Howev er, we heard them talki ng over the radio (which we later took as booty), and it was clear that they had just informed their artillery, which was combing the land ahead of them, of our presence in this area. At this point, I was still carrying a hand grenade, waiting to throw it on them when they would advance, but I realised that they had already retreated about 200 metres. Suddenly, mortar rounds began to pour on us like rain. The bombing was so severe that we found it impossible to say a word or finish a sentence. The heavy bombi ng conti nued for about an hour, and then Allah granted us a gap of less than a minute between the bombings, so we quickly moved to the frontal position of our base and prepared to ambush them. They must have been sure that due to the severity and intensity of their bombing, everyone must have been killed or at least inju red. Thus , they asce nded the hill assu redl y, but when they reached the peak we began our attack. A few of


them were killed and the rest fled. Then came their planes, which returned with such a ferocity, illustrated by the missiles that they dropped on us and the smoke bombs which they let out, that fatigued our brothers mentally and psychological ly. We feared that the smoke was poisonous gas, (we later realised they were just smoke bombs), so we decided to withdraw ourselves to a more rear position. We regro uped at night and a group of Arab and Afgha n broth ers stayed in the Den. By the Grace of Allah, it was then that some of the Afg han Muj ahi dee n rei nfo rce ment s arr ive d, and the y fir ed 35 conse cutiv e RPG rocke ts on the Russi an Command o force s. This gave the message to the Russians that there was still a large fighting force inside the Den (even though there was not), so they stopped their attac ks, and remain ed in their posit ions overn ight, witho ut attacking. In the morning, we divided the brothers into two groups. We aske d the firs t grou p to adva nce, beca use we knew that the Russians were desperate to attack our base, as they knew it was a key to the whole strategic area. Abu Ubaidah suggested that he and eight broth ers shoul d encir cle the Russi an force and attac k them from behind. I asked him, "Is the left wing empty? Who is still there?" I was ill at that time – and I comp lain only to Alla h – so it was difficult for me to walk even a short distance by foot. Thus, I was surprised when Abu Ubaidah asked me to join the left wing. There were only three brothers left with me – Abul-Waleed Muhammad Al-Utaibi (may Allah have Mercy on him), Yaseen Al-Kurdi, and Asadullah As-Sindhi. We were then visited by a guest - brother Abul -Hassan Al-Madani - and all five of us went to the left wing. The enemy surrounded us and we heard many gunshots. Each of us had his finger on his trigger, but we kept advancing towards the left wing. I distributed the brothers to the left and the right. Abu Ubaidah, who had an RPG-7 rocket launcher, was the only one on the right , and on the left was Asadu llah, carrying a Gorju nov medium machinegun. Yaseen Al-Kurdi was in the rear, and I stayed in th e cen tre wit h Abu l-Has san Al -Mad ani . As so on as th e distr ibuti on was comple te, we were shock ed to disco ver that the Russian forces were only 70 metres away from the front of the camp. We immediately engaged them


in battle, using our light weaponry. I asked Yaseen Al-Kurdi and AbulWaleed to advance and attack from the left when I saw them. The Russi ans began to retal iate with their AK -74 Kalak ov rifle s. (The sound of the Kalakov is very distinct from the sound of a Kal ash ni ko v, and it is wel l kn own th at th e Kal ako v is us ed specifically by the Soviet Special Forces. The Kalashnikov, on the other hand, was used by regular Communist Afghan Government soldiers.) We damaged the Commandos in battle on the first day of Eid, thus Allah punished them and they began to withdraw group by group , each cover ing the other s' backs . I asked Yasee n and Abul Waleed to fire at them from a distance of approximately 150 metres, for this was the distance I expected them to have covered by now. I had imagined their attack to come from the left, but when 1 climbed to the peak of a hill to speak on the radio , I was nearl y hit by an enemy RPG, comi ng from the cent ral axis . It pass ed by me and exploded nearby, but I was not affected by it at all – in fact, by the Grace of Allah , the Exalt ed, it was as thoug h I had merely been covered by a handful of mud from the ground. I descend ed calmly and informed the brothers that the enemy was in the central axis and not only on the left wing. In these very moment s, I was tryin g to conta ct the group that had gone to encircle the Russians, commanded by Abu Ubaidah. I was eventually able to contact them, but there was no reply, so I became extremely worried. I had to cease my efforts in contacting them due to the new salvo of bombi ng which had just start ed, but I left the radio on just in case they replied. We were in the cave, and we took it in turns to stand guard outside, in case the Russians advanced. We decid ed that if the mortar s began to fall near the cave, we would leave the cave and ascend the mountain. We thus learnt a new lesson from this battle – that it is possible for the enemy to advance while bomb ing at the same time , bec aus e the y are abl e to dir ect the bombing to areas other than the ones they are in, to a distance of 200 metres ahead of them (during artillery and mortar bombings). I was still very worried for the safety of the brothers with Abu Ubaidah, when suddenl y I heard the sound of the radio crackling, which felt like a drink of cold water on a hot day to me. Then came the voice of Abu Ubaidah saying, "AbulQa'qa'73 – can you hear me?" 73

Usama Bin Ladin was using a different nickname on the radio to confuse enemy radio interceptors


I rus hed to the rad io and rep lie d, "Ye s, I hea r you wel l." Abu Ubaidah then began shouting in an excited voice, "Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! I convey good news! We have killed the Russi an Comma ndos! Their bodie s are strew n on the groun d under our feet as I speak! Allahu Akbar!" The repetition of Allahu Akbar spread through our location amongst all the brothers. We were all overjoyed at the Grace of Allah upon us. The broth ers had ambush ed the Russi ans from behin d, from a direc tion which they thoug ht nobod y could possi bly attac k them. Brot her Muha mmad Al-Azman (Muk htar ), was able to kill six of them in a sing le atta ck. They batt led with machi negu ns and hand grenades, which destroyed the Russian morale. There were only nine brother s against 100 Russian Spetsna z Special Forces troops, but out of shee r frig ht and pani c in the dens e fore stry , the Russ ians were una ble to mak e out the numb er of bro the rs. All in all , abo ut 35 Spetsna z soldier s and officer s were killed, and the rest fled for 3km. At the news of this wonderful victory, the morale of the Mujahideen soared, not only in our area but in the whole of Afghani stan – a true gift from Allah to the brothers.

Beneficial lessons from the Battle of the Lion's Den An experime nt such as the presenc e of the Arabs in Afghani stan, as wel l as for min g an exc lus ive ly Ara b bas e the re, sho uld not go unanalysed, for there is much benefit to be gained from this. I will summarise some of these lessons of benefit. One of the most benef icial lesso ns learn t, is a lesso n from the whole of Isl amic his tor y: tha t dir ect ly con fro nti ng the ene my on a mili tar y basi s is the best way to put an end to any oppr essi on. Conf ront atio n nee d not mean has tin ess and ras h act ion s; rat her wha t is int end ed is a res olu te con fro nta tio n. Thi s sho uld onl y tak e pla ce aft er comp let e tr us t ha s be en pl ac ed in Al la h, th e Ex al te d. Th is ha s be en cl ea rl y illus trate d by the Battle of Ramad an 1407A H/ 1987C E, when Usama Bin Lad in dec ide d to pul l his men bac k fro m the Den to a mor e rea r lo cat io n, aft er th ere had bee n air , roc ket and art il ler y att ack s for a number of days from the enemy. The reaso n behin d this retre at was 118

to mini mise loss es as much as poss ible . They then adva nced fort h to figh t the enemy , ther e bein g only seve n or eigh t men in the Den that day , in clu di ng th e Egy pt ian s Abu Uba id ah Al -Pan jsh eri and Abu Ha fs Al -Mi sr i (s ho wi ng co mp le te tr us t in Al la h) . It wa s al so il lu str at ed by Us ama Bi n La di n' s de ci si on to ag ai n co nf ro nt th e ene my whe n he ret urn ed wit h a gro up of men aft er the morn ing Faj r Prayer to the centr e of the Den. He decid ed to engag e in battl e with the Spetsna z Special Forces, who had not attacke d the Den at night out of fear and terr or. A comp lete atta ck was unde rtak en by the grou p in orde r to enci rcle the Comma ndos , comma nded by Abu Ubaidah and Abu Hafs. The decisio n to withdra w the men from the Den to minimise losses was tactically a wise decision – to firstly minimise losses, and then to amb ush the ene my. Usa ma Bin Lad in dec ide d to con fro nt the Rus sia ns, and the n ret urn ed wit h the mini mum numb er of men neede d to preve nt an attac k on the Den, by surro undin g the enemy and att ack ing the m. Thi s was the key to a sol id vic tor y in thi s spe cif ic bat tle , bec aus e it was a man oeu vre une xpe cte d by the enemy. Furthermore, despite the Afghan Mujahideen's support to the Arabs, the Soviet and Afghan Communist Forces had no intention of retr eat or with draw al. They actu ally ad vanc ed to the Az-Zahr ani Mountai n, which was only 100 metres from the main entranc e to the Den. There fore, the attac k on the Comman do force s which were better equippe d with men and suppli es - was the final chapter of the battle. Usama Bin Ladin and all of the Mujahid een – Afghan and Arab alike - ackno wledg e that the battl es of Jalal abad were comple tely diffe rent to any pre vio us bat tle s in the War, in the who le of Afg han ist an. The ter rai n was ope n and the Muj ahi dee n pos iti ons were in ful l vie w of th e en em y ae ri al fo rc es . It is on ly lo gi ca l, th er ef or e, th at th e op er at io ns wo ul d be of an en ti re ly di ff er en t na tu re . Th e ba tt le s of Ja la la ba d we re a sc ho ol in th em se lv es fo r th e Ar ab an d Af gh an Muja hide en, the most prom inen t less on of whic h was the nece ssit y of th or ou gh re co nn ai ss an ce be fo re an op er at io n. Th e av ai la bi li ty of info rmati on was the main key to the succ ess of any oper atio n; open lan d giv es the ene my a cha nce to dis cov er all move ment s ear ly on in bat tl e. The ref ore , if th e res ear ch and su rve il lan ce is no t pre cis e, any op er at io n is th re at en ed ri gh t fr om


th e ve ry be gi nn in g, wi th to ta l failu re. In mount ainou s terra in, attac ks and ambush are much easie r, but on pla in gro und , the con fro nta tio n is tot all y dif fer ent , as are any su pp or t op er at io ns an d th e su pp ly o f am mu ni ti on an d fo od . Howe ver , the per for manc e of the Arab s dev elo ped gre atl y in the battles of Jalalabad, to the extent that the Afghan commander of the region relied on the Arabs in many battles after them. The Arabs also participated in a number of conquests following these battles. The experiences of the Arabs in Afghanistan is a provision for the Muslims, a lesson in how to confront the calamities of the MuslimUmmah, and how to support the Jihad in the Path of Allah – which is the only way to resis t trans gress ion and injus tice. It is a lesso n in how to con fro nt the gre at opp res siv e Evi l as ill ust rat ed by the Worl d's gov ern ment al syst ems, whi ch impo rte d the cre eds of infidelity, suppressed the leaders of the Islamic nation, and crushed its people. The example of Afghanistan was an invaluable lesson, because the atheistic Communist system of government could only call for help from the Soviet Army to occupy Afghanistan. This was in order to protect themselves against a revolution from the Muslims. One may also look at the crimi nal gove rnmen tal syst ems in the Muslim World, which try to stab in the back any hope of there being an Islamic awakening. On the contrary, they connive with the forces of treachery and tyranny to destroy the main components of Islamic Soci ety toda y. The Muja hide en will stan d agai nst the forc es of aggre ssion , they will confr ont the treac hery, and their Jihad will continue to liberate our Islamic land from the forces of infidelity, injustice and oppression, by the Will of Allah the Almighty. And the last of our prayers are to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.


P a r t I I I : B i o g r a p h y o f Az z a m . C o m Correspondent Suraqah AI-Andalusi

"O Alla h! Do not let me leav e thes e mou ntai ns befo re you have granted me my Martyrdom here!" correspondent Suraqah Al-Andalusi was martyred by an Ame ric an clu ste r bom b in the Bat tle for Tor a Bor a, Eas ter n Afgh anis tan, on the nigh t of Frid ay 29 Rama dan 1422 AH (14 December 2001 CE). He was 28 years old and left behind him a wife and two young children: a boy and a girl.

Words of Remembrance Inspiration Your life did change since you had heard, The tape, "In the Hearts of Green Birds," You sought then to invite others, "Jihadis the way my brothers!" Rise up and free Islamic land, From the kafir oppressive hand. You lived the words of Sheikh Azzam, The scholar, Mujahid, great man. Your work not limited to your lips, Translating, writing, making trips, Your family you left behind, For dunya had not made you blind. This was not easy as you did, Love them – but for Allah your bid! You fasted on the hottest day, Hoping Allah would guide your way.


Love and Compassion Comp ass ion tha t was in your hea rt, Too k you to th e mid st of th e mar t. Naught for yourself was what you sought, All for other s was what you bough t, For the old and poor man a bike, For your little one the clothes he'd like, But for your wife you found nothing, That was worthy of her liking. So then you sent her all your love , And mad e ins tea d, for her abo ve, What no man of this World could give, Even if very long he'd live, A lovely house in Paradise, With gifts and flowers very nice. So dear sister, be patient, And turn to Allah repentant, And hold on tight to your Iman, And beware of evil Shaitan, And then be happy and rejoice, Thank and praise Allah for His Choice! Action You loved action, and act you did, No illness, trouble, could forbid, You from your mission, even if, Come mountain, rock, or dangerous cliff. While bombs and bullets came your way, You still were firm and did not sway. You ran uphil l and then downh ill, To treat the injured , sick, and ill. A doct or? No, but bett er than , The doct ors — are they even men? Who know the pain and hear the sigh, Of a brother hurt or a martyr high, Yet come not they to lend a hand, Like insects, clinging to the land.


Dua in the Heat of Battle With shelling, bombing day and night, Explo sions might y left and right , No lull , no brea k, not a resp ite, The U.S. show ing all its migh t. But all this did not lead to frigh t. Our brot hers cont inue d to figh t, For Paradise was `neath their sight. Tha t sur ely was a ble sse d nig ht, When you alone stood on the rock, You r rif le set , bul let s in sto ck. Your hands you raised up to the sky, And to Allah let out a cry: "0 Allah let me leave not here, UntilI get what I hold dear, That is to be killedin Your way, My life for You, Allah, I lay." Acceptance Allah took you, in His Mercy, In the blessed "Night of Destiny." The night better than every night, You were raised up the highest height, Of whi ch we can onl y but dre am! You are that shining light, that beam, Th at is sh in in g up to th is da y, Lighting our path, showing our way, Alo ng th e roa d th at go es up hi ll , Whic h we do hope to clim b unti l, We rai se our lev el ver y hig h, And in the Path of Allah die. We hope then with the likes of you, In Paradise we will live too! by Sister AM


From His Brother As a ch il d, Su ra qa h wa s li ke an ot he r ki d. He we nt to a com pre hen siv e sch ool and ach iev ed ver y hig h gra des in his secondary education. His upbringing was nothing out of the ordinary; his paren ts attemp ted to prote ct his family from the corru ption ofsociety and taught their children the fundamentals of Islam. He grew up in an area where there were few Muslims, and none whatsoever at school. When he went to university, his thinking became broader. He met many Muslims who were engaged in Islamic work. This gave a new dimension to his life and he began to attend many study circles and par tak e in the Isl amic wor k wit h the Isl amic Uni on at his universi ty. Whilst at univers ity, he met numerous dispara te groups and as time passed, he began to realise many of the flaws of each group. He could not find a single one that had the correct balance and gave everything its complete understanding. He felt many were very eloquent, but they lacked the actions which their words necessitated. One day, he came across an audio cassette calledIn The Hearts Of Green Birds. After hearing this cassette, he realised that this was the path that he had been searching for, for so long. This was shortly followed by various videos showing the Mujahideen from Bosnia. To him, it was as if he had found a long lost friend, from whom he could not depar t. In the Heart s of Green Birds deepl y moved him as it narra ted the true stori es of men who perso nifie d the messag e that they carried, men who were prepared to give up their most precious possession (life) in order to give victory to this Message. The n he came int o con tac t wit h the wor ks of the Muj adi d (re viv er) Sheikh Abdulla h Azzam. This was a scholar he deeply respect ed, as he wa s no t a te xt bo ok sc ho la r, bu t on e wh o tr ul y fo ll ow ed in th e footste ps of the Prophet s. His preachi ng was their preachi ng. He had an exce llen t char acte r, alwa ys read y to sacr ific e much and was tribulated by the people of falsehood. At univ ersi ty, Sura qah woul d give much enco urag ement to the brothers on his own course and those around him. He would stay up sometimes late at night speaking to them. The brothers in his year - by the Grace of Allah began to practise and they would do many activities together, solidifying and building up a strong brotherhood between themselves. 124

His was a good character and he was very resolute when trying to accomp lish anyth ing. The Islami c scene had indee d been an eye opene r for him and he was very grate ful for the benef its he had gained from it, but many key issues still had not been answered. The issues which vex many a youth today constantly troubled him: How will true change occur to the Ummah? What is the way forward? Who are the true inheritors of the Prophets? What is the ruling upon the regimes that rule the Muslim lands? The more he researched, the more he saw clear contradictions in the thi nki ng of many peo ple s and pat ent dou ble sta nda rds in the methodology of many of the callers to Islam. A statement he always clung onto was that of the great Companion of the Prophet (SAWS), Abdul lah bin Masoo d (RA): "The Jama' ah (body of Musli ms) is what agrees with the Truth, even if you are alone." Ma ny of th os e wh o cl ai me d sc ho la rs hip we re si le nt in fr on t of unmistakable evil; their silence justified by contortion of Islamic text. Suraqah adhered to his opinio ns, even if it cost him friends - as the words of Ibn Masoo d would rever berat e in his head. He felt that t h e wo r l d v i e w o f ma n y o f t h e M u s l i ms h a d l o s t i t s t r u e a n d comprehensive meanings. For instance, the meaning of theShahadah - pe op le wo ul d sp ea k ab ou t th is is su e wi th re sp ec t to Ta uh ee d, neg lec tin g the fir st pil lar of the Sha had ah, whi ch is to reje ct fal se deities . Suraqah felt that the main false deities of today are the man-made systems in the Muslim World (primarily Democracy), that the Pha rao hs of tod ay are the ir apo sta te reg imes and tha t who eve r preac hed this state ment (La ilaha illal lah) would surel y desce nd upon himself the enmity of these false deities . Suraqah oft repeate d the state ment of Waraqa h bin Nawfal to the Proph et (SAWS) : "No one came with that which you came with except enmity was shown aga ins t the m." The cru x of his phi los oph y was bas ed upo n the statement of Imam Abu Bakr bin Ayyash: "Ahl-us-Sunnah die and memories of them are given life to, and Ahl-ulBidah die and memories of them die with them; because Ahl-us-Sunnah revive what the Prophet (SAWS) came with and so they have a portion of 125

Allah's saying: 'And have We not raised high your fame.' [Quran 94:4] Ahl-ul-Bidah made it hard to revive what the Prophet (SAWS) came with so they had a portion of His saying: 'For he who hates you (O Muhammad) he will be cut off (from posterity and everything good in this World and the Hereafter).' [Quran 108:3]". Imam Ahma d famo usl y sta ted at the time of his impr iso nmen t, explain ing his stance: "If a scholar practic es tuqiyya h (concea ling the Truth that he believes) and the people are ignorant of the Truth, when will the Truth ever be manifest to them?" The more Suraqah read and heard about the Prophets and their struggle for La ilaha illallah; how the early generations and scholars like Imam Abu Haneefah, Imam Malik, Ahmad bin Hanbal and Ibn Taymiyya h striv ed in this path, the more he became convi nced that the path to be taken was the path of knowl edge and Jihad hand in hand. Con temp ora ry sch ola rs and cal ler s who had sig nif ica nt impa ct on his thi nki ng inc lud ed Say yid Qut b, She ikh Abd ull ah Azz am, Fiz aze e and She ikh Abu Muh ammad Al -Maq dis i. Eve ryo ne Sur aqa h wou ld mee t, fro m his rel ati ves to his fri end s, he wou ld cal l the m to thi s great path, tryin g to the best of his abili ties to convi nce the peopl e of th e tru th of hi s cal l. Man y a ti me wha t he was say in g wou ld be rejected ; people would ridicul e him saying things such as, "What are you goin g to do, chan ge the Worl d? What has the path of Jiha d changed and what have they achieved?" The deb ate s and dis cus sio ns he had wou ld not be for per son al vic tor y, but bor ne out of his lov e for the Muj ahi dee n. On one occasio n, when he had a lengthy discuss ion with a close companio n, his eyes fill ed with tear s at how peop le simp ly brus hed his idea s aside. Despite all this, he did not despair and he continu ed upon this path. He finally came to understand that to adhere to this path means that you are to be a stranger in this World. He read a book by Sheikh Abu Muhammad AlMaqdisi and was amazed by one of the Sheikh's arguments: "Two Worlds exist: the apparent World and the World of the Unseen. Actions done in the apparent World are rewarded in the World of the Unseen despite sometim es no change being brough t about in the appar ent World ." This 126

state ment quell ed any of the remaining doubts in his heart about his chosen path. After comple ting unive rsity, he got marrie d and Allah grant ed him two children - a boy and a girl. He also started a study circle in his community where he would teach young brother s the fundamen tals of Islam and the various milestones on the path. His wife said that he woul d get up for Taha jjud (vol unta ry nigh t prayers) and recite Surah At-Taubah, reflecting upon its verses, whi ch con tin ued to inc rea se his det ermi nat ion and sol idi fy his resol ve. His child ren delig hted him and whene ver he saw them or played with them, he would always quote the statement of Allah, "Al maalu wal banoona fitnah (your Wealth and your Children are a trial for you)." His charact er could best be describ ed as saying that he was very patie nt and organ ised. If a job neede d to be done, he would do it regardless of what sacrifices were required. Suraqah was very close to his paren ts; he would look after them and suppl icate much for them. The year before his Martyrdom, Suraqah decided to make Hajj, and up to this point, this was the trip that had the most impact on him. Suraqah used to say: "If anyone wonders why the Ummah is in this bad state, then Hajj will give you the answers." There he saw the ignorance of the Muslims: a people whose tongues were filled with expletives as if they were remembrance duas, and their failure to understand sharing and generosity when dealing with one another. He saw their innovations and Shirk when performing the Hajj. He saw outside the Sacred Mosque of Makkah, the interest-based banks in the very same land which 1400 years ago was purified from shirk by the first group of Muslims led by the Prophet (SAWS). His blood boiled at how this sacrifice, purchased for the Ummah by the sweat an d bl oo d of th e Co mpa ni on s - ha d be en af fr on te d by th e est abl ish ment of int ere st-bas ed ins tit uti ons ever ywhe re. Thi s consolidated his commitment to this path.


His Contribution to the Work of Azzam Publications Suraqah was part of the team that translated and typeset the script for the video, The Martyrs of Bosnia. He was also part of the team that conducted interviews, translated and researched the material for the Ji ha d La nd s se ct io n of Az za m.c om, na mel y th e la nd s of Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, East Turkestan (China) and Central Asia. He translated lectures and material on the Battle of the Lion's Den. Furthermor e, he trans lated an entir e book on the Jihad in Centr al Asia by himself, written by a Mujahid in Afghanistan, even though Arabic was not his mothertongue.

From the Friend and Companion of Shaheed Suraqah My dear brother, friend and companion, may Allah have Mercy on him and acce pt his Mart yrdo m, his life and depa rtur e from this World, reminds me of the words of Allah (SWT): "O you who believe what is the matter with you that when you are asked to march forward in the Cause of Allah you cling heavily to the Earth. Are you pleased with the life of this World rather than the Hereafter? Little is the enjoyment of the life of this World as compared with the Hereafter, if only you knew." [Quran 9:38] and: "Do you really think that you will enter Paradise before Allah knows which of you who fought (in His Cause) and which of you are patient?" [Quran 3:142] The Journey into Afghanistan The first time I met Suraqah was when we were about to embark on our journey to enter Afghanistan. I can still recall the smile on his face as I approached him and greeted him with salams. He was a thin man, of medium height, fair complexion with bright, shining eyes that emanat ed since rity. The noor (radi ant shine ) of his face and smile that day was something my heart will never forget. He was patient throughout the journey, remaining alert to any dangers and always lookin g out for the well-being of his


brother s. At our first stop, I can remember asking him jokingly why he hadn't been eating anything, to which he told me how bad his diarrhoea had been and that he didn't want to risk anything! He had been very patie nt despi te not havin g any food for many hours , someth ing that is very diffi cult on a long journ ey, but he didn 't want to inco nven ienc e anyo ne, so he bore his hung er in silence. I smiled because he was a new brother and I told him that his stom ach prob lems were only goin g to get wors e when we were inside! He smiled and gave me a determin ed look, almost as if he knew exactly what he was here for and that no sacrifice was to be too small for his Lord. En-route we stopped to pray Fajr. We had a short break and then set off again. After a while, we reached one of our pre-planned stops and all of us wer e to res t her e bef ore we wer e to be tak en in to Afghanistan. We had some food, of which he did eat a little and that made me smile. We had only rested an hour or so, before we were told that we could go in now, and as we were all keen, we agreed to this and set off once again. This was to be the more dangerous part of the journey and we all began to make remembrance of Allah and pray that we would reach our destination safely, I remember when we had finally crossed the border and I saw him with a big grin on his face. We had entered the one land where every Muslim and Mujahid felt safe; may Allah return that safety to the Muslims in Afghanistan. As our journey into Afghanistan continued, I can remember seeing that he had become a little more relaxed and even light hearted at times. All of us were happy that we had got through safely and I noticed how he was just continu ously lookin g out of the window, admiring the scenery and perhaps thinking about the future this land would hold for him, his family and his religion. The First Stages of Struggle How won der ful the lan ds of Jih ad are , in tha t tho se who hav e trav elle d, live d and been pati ent toge ther with sinc erit y, whil st having left their families and materialistic life behind, become of the closest of companions and friends in this World.


We had some prelimin ary work to do before Suraqah could go and get hi s tra in in g. The re was a lo t of res ear ch, mee ti ng s and translations that needed to be done and Allah had blessed him with many skills , all of which were vital to our task. This was the time that I would get to know him properly. During this time, one of our brothers fell very ill and had to return; the rest of the brothers went to those places they had come here for, which left him and I alone to do the work and this is how Allah had destine d that we were to spend time together. Initially, we had been living in a place on the outskirts of the city, where we had a lot of work to do. However, progress was slow and I can remember how much of a testing time this was, since both of us wanted to be in the 'action', but we always exhorted each other to patience. Our typical day during this time was usually uneventful and we would sometimes remind each other of our times back at home and all the things we used to get up to! One time we were speaking about families and I was telling him how difficult it always is to say goodbye to a tearful mother, not knowing whether you will meet her again in this life. He was silent for a while and then said, "No, brother, the bond between the wife and husband is a bond that is different than that of the mother and her son. It is something much stronger." I could sense that he felt a little sad when he said that, for he had told me that he had left his young wife and two young children behind, but I saw from the expression on his face that this was the sacrifi ce he was willing to give for the honour of this Deen. He would tell me how hard he had to work for the past year so that his family would have enough money when he left. He told me how he hated living in the West and how happy he was to be in this land of Islam. I would always see him recitin g and memorisin g Quran. Once we were speaking about the Muslims in the West and he said: "What have we to do with the count ries of the disbe lieve rs? By Allah, it's like living haram (forbidden things) every day, from the morning you wake up until the night that you sleep in. I had so little time for my prayers, for reading the Book of Allah, for learning this Deen and now I am free to worship Him as he deserves to be worshipped."


Throughout the times when we had nothing to do but be patient, I would see him reciting Quran or praying to his Lord. I saw in him a man who was determin ed to do somethin g for this Ummah, a man with ambition for this Deen and true concern for the honour of this Ummah. He would tell me how much he longed to seriously learn this Deen and that he wanted to sit with a certain Sheikh in Afghanistan, and to become a serious student of knowledge. I would talk to him about all the plan s we coul d have for the futu re and afte r meeti ng many important people, he told me how he wanted to migrate here with his family. He loved to see Islam being established in its entirety like he saw in Afghanistan and whenever he heard something of justice or good that had happened, his face would light up in happiness. I was amazed at how quick ly he became attac hed to this place and the peopl e, almost as if Allah had reward ed him for all his effor ts of Daw ah and pre par ati on whe n he was at home and tha t He had answered his supplications. Indeed Allah had chosen this as his final destination and brought his precious soul here to honour it with Martyrdom in His Way. The Character of a Shaheed As the weeks went by, we had started to make some progres s, but there was still a lot to do. There came a time where I became lazy in comple ting the tasks and I would take long break s of rest due to illness. However, he would always continue from where I had left off and I remember waking up in the middle of the night and saw him typin g away at the work. It was becau se of him that we met our deadlines and Allah Willing, the work he did will continue to inspire many in the future. There was an Afghani man who would come and give us food and he would spend a lot of time with him, since I wasn' t always in the place we were stayi ng in. This man was very poor and he would walk for hours on end just to get to the place where we were staying. Suraqah came to me one day and suggested that we should buy him a bicycle, so that he could be selfsufficient in doing more work and feeding his family. It's as if he was genuinely concerned about this man, and this is from the many things that made Suraqah so special.


I can remember how much of a task it was to get that bike back to the place we were staying at! I remember how much he laughed when we both tried to sit on the bicycle, only to end up puncturing one of the wheels and we got so fed up and tired in the end that we stuffed it in a taxi! Suraqah kept saying that "this is to help a good man" and I kept quiet and smiled. When we used to walk in the stree ts, we would have many poor children and old women coming to us and asking for money. I had become used to this, but it affected Suraqah in a big way. He couldn't help but give 10 rupees to every child he saw, and this happened on a number of occas ions. I aske d him as to why he didn' t just ignor e them, because it only fed their habit. He replied, "Every time I see these children, it reminds me of my own kids and I can't bear to see their faces so sad." It was almost as if he relived the memory of his own family through being generous to the people, may Allah have mercy on him. After meeting many of the Foreign Mujahideen, he had made the inten tion that he would bring his family here and live a life of a Mujahid. I remember how sometimes he regretted not bringing his family with him. He would always tell me about what he would say to his mother and fathe r espec ially in tryin g to convi nce them to come here and help the Muslims through their skills. As soon as he had intended this, he spent a lot of his free time in writing letters to his wife and his brother . I can remember him smiling as he would write, perhaps this was his way of feeling there was still a physical con nec tio n bet ween him and his fami ly - suc h is the lif e of a Mujahid. I can remembe r that he wante d to get into the 'acti on' as soon as possible and go to the front-line, but I kept stressing how important this work was and that he should be patient. He was a little frustrated one day and said to me: "I'm not made for sitting around, I want to go where the action is, this is what my nature is...." I said to him: "Be pati ent, my brot her, your time will come ..." He smil ed and continued with his work in silence. I could feel how much he wanted to be free and be train ing and strug gling with his broth ers for the Sake of Allah. It was almost as if he had been waiting for this all his life and now that he was here , he didn 't want to be dela yed any longer.


Our Final Moments We had to move to another city, for we had many people to meet and liase with. Suraq ah was happy that we were on the move again and that his chan ce for bein g in the acti on was draw ing near . I can remember the journey being a very difficult one and a brother with us had bec ome ver y wea k, deh ydr ate d and cou ldn 't sto mac h anything. Suraqah had studied basic first aid and medicine before, so he would very patiently make some re-hydration preparations for his brothers. Not once did I hear him complain throughout the journeys we had and I would always see him in deep thought and reflection. We would always try and pass the time by being light hearted and if provoked, he could always bring me to tears of laughter! May Allah bless me to join you dear friend so that we may laugh together in the Highest Paradise as we used to laugh in this life. After we arrived at the city, then, as my time was drawing to an end, it seemed as if Suraq ah became more detac hed from talki ng and speaking like he used to. He had become very inspired by meeting all the peo ple he had onl y eve r hea rd abo ut and I saw tha t he had become much more serious than before. Throughout the few weeks that we were in this new place, Suraqah started to become regular in Tahajjud (voluntary night prayers). I remember waking up in thirst one night and I saw him standing in prayer. He excelled in his memorisation of the Quran and I always found him attache d to his persona l copy of the Quran. I never saw him leave the remembrance supplications of the morning and the evening and he would be regular in reciting the Quran after the Fajr prayer. He had fasted a few days when we were in the previous city but it was here that he became more regular. The days here are very long and Suraq ah wasn' t used to fasti ng in these envir onment s. I knew he had stomach problems, but still he continued to fast. There was one day where we were both fasting and it had been a very hot day. In the last hour before sunset, we were just lying on the floor, utter ly exhau sted, when he said to me, "Don' t you know that the Salaf would cry on their death beds in that they wishe d they had fasted on those days that were long and difficult?" I can never forget the way he said that to me, may Allah accept all of his deeds.


On another occasion, we had a small journey to undertake and I suggest ed that he didn't fast so that he wouldn' t tire himself out as much. Suraq ah looke d at me and said, "It is throu gh these extra deeds that Allah will raise our status and give us the victory, just like the Sahabah...I will not stop fasting." I thought a lot about what he had said and realised then that this was no ordinary man. It was statements and actions like this that I believe made him so special infront of Allah (and we do not sanctif y anyone above Allah), for Allah only takes the best of believers as martyrs. Th e Dr ea m One hot summe r's nigh t in Augu st 2001 , he woke me up in the middl e of the night and said, "I had a stran ge dream tonig ht." I asked him about what he saw and he said, "I saw a tall structure that looked like the Eiffel Tower and it had been destroyed and there was a news broadcast saying how thousands of people had been killed" I joked about the ridiculous nature of his dream and told him to ignore it and go back to sleep, but maybe he had seen what was to happen in the future, Allah knows best, for Allah bestows good dreams to those whom He loves. Tw o Co mp an io ns Pa rt The time had come for me to leave and Suraq ah was to join his brot hers in the acti on. I remem ber sitt ing with him a lot and he advised me to come back and give help and victory to the Muslims in this blessed land. We went to the market one day and he was looking for a gift for his wife and children. I remember him joking about how he wouldn' t buy just any old clothes for his wife and that nothin g was here that she would have liked! He smiled a lot that day. We walked by a shop and he saw some clothes for his children and he asked for the best quality and chose the best colour. He bought them and handed them to me and said, "I want you to get this to my kids, so that my wife and they know that I haven't forgotten them." I was taken aback by the way he said that and I can still remember the sad look on his face. I cheered him up and started joking about how we got conned in the market and how terrible his bargaining skills were! He asked me to get his letters to his brother, whom he always spoke very highly of. I could see that they were close and I can remember him saying how much he wanted him to get married and come here to join him. He 134

always spoke with such enthusiasm for he had many ambitions for his Deen and his family - may Allah rejoin them in the highest of Paradise. A few days went by and it was time for Suraq ah to leave for the action. We sat and talked that morning and I advised him on things to do when he got there and what to do in certain situations. He was so happy that day, for he was final ly about to go where he had been longing for all his life. I felt happy for him but sad that we were to part company and that maybe I would never see him again. His transpo rt came that morning and I embraced him. Since there was nothing more for me to say; I just smiled and asked him not to forget me in his prayers. He smiled back at me and sat in the jeep. I just stood there looking at him and I can remember feeling very sad and thinking as to whether I would see him again. I remember this moment as if it was yesterday and when I found out that Allah had taken him as a martyr , a day hasn' t gone by that I haven 't thoug ht about my friend. He was from the sons of this Ummah, who fled from the deception of this materi alist ic life to the honou r and light of Jihad . A patie nt warrior who lived his ambition for the victory of this Deen is how this Ummah will remember you, my dear friend. May Allah inspire many from the story of your sacrifice and may He join your family, loved ones and companions with you in the highest of Paradise. The Battle for Tora Bora Thus began the latest Crusade against Islam and its people on 07 Octob er 2001. When the Talib an decid ed to leave the citie s and withdraw to the mountains, Suraqah was amongst the brothers who withdrew to the lofty mountain range of Tora Bora, in Eastern Afghanistan. In November 2001, the American Crusaders attacked the positions of the Mujahideen in Tora Bora and there commenced some of the fiercest battles of the war to that date. The Tora Bora mountain range comprises of low foothills and lofty mountains. It was expected for the Americans to land at the lower foothills first. Therefore, the Commander of the Mujahideen gave the order for new


and relat ively inexp erien ced broth ers to go to the higher mountains, leaving the experienced fighters at the bottom.Suraqah tried to persuad e his Section Commander to allow him to stay at the bottom since he wanted to face the Americans when they arrived . However, he was denied permissi on and relucta ntly made his way up to the higher mountains, in obedience of his leader. Throughout November 2001 in the month of Ramadan, 1422AH, the battle raged, with the Americans dropping bombs indiscriminately on the mountain s such that there was no differe nce betwe en the night and the day: the sky was raining fire and the Earth was erupting volcanoes. Suraqah had with him a personal first-aid kit that he had brought with him. He was not a doctor, but his contrib ution to the bat tle was more tha n wha t the doc tor s of the Mus lim Umma h contributed. Whenever he would hear on the radio that a brother Mujahid had been injured, Suraqah would take his first-aid kit and make the perilous journey to the site of the injured brother, dodging aerial bombs, bullets and mortars. No sooner had he tended to one injured brother that he would hear on the radio that another brother had been injur ed 2000f t lower . He would rush to tend to the new injury. Thus it was that he spent his battle going up and down the steep mount ains of Tora Bora. At times when he would face the enemy, he would bravely face them and not shy away from a fight. The Dua of a Mujahid The Prophet (SAWS) said: "The Mujahid in the Path of Allah, the one who performs Hajj and the one who performs Umrah, all are the guests of Allah! He called them and they answered. And they asked Him, and He shall grant them (what they ask for)!" 74 Suraqah had been there for a few weeks now and the blessed last ten days of Ramad an had arriv ed. Whils t on the mount ain durin g one night of the battle, a fellow Mujahid saw Suraqah alone, standin g on the moun tai nsi de. He was in his camo ufl age clo the s wear ing his chest rig of magazines and his AK-47 rifle in his hands. Despite the sub -zero temper ature and howli ng icy-cold winds , he was sweat ing as is nor mal dur ing int ens e phys ica l act ivi ty. All of a sud den he raised both of his 74

Rep orted by Ibn Maj ah and Ibn Hib ban . Sah eeh .


hands straigh t up in the air and shouted at the top of his voice, "0 Allah! Do not let me leave these mountai ns before you have granted me my Martyrdom here!" The Martyrdom The night was the night of Friday 29 Ramadan 1422AH and many of the Mujahideen there testified to the Lailatul -Qadr (Night of Power) th at ye ar ha vi ng fa ll en on th e 29 Ra ma da n. Th e ti me wa s approxi mately 9pm and Suraqah was with a group of 20 Mujahid eenwho were making their way to anoth er posit ion, on the steep Tora Bora mountain side. Suddenl y, the roar of an American B-52 bomber was heard above their heads , follo wed by the whine s of the falli ng bomb s: huge , soli d, metal mass es of inju stic e and tyra nny. As the clu ste r bomb exp lod ed int o many smal l bomb let s, the sou nd of exp los ion s simi lar to tha t of fir ewo rks was hea rd. One of the se bombl ets had the name of Suraq ah on it and it was in this glori ous manner that this lion and hero surre ndere d his innoc ent soul to his Lord , ther eby irri gati ng with his pure bloo d the land of hero ism, bravery, valour and Jihad. His body was found several weeks later by loc als and bur ied in the Afg han vil lag e of Mar kha nai , nea r Tor a Bora. May Allah accept him amongst the ranks of the martyrs.

Dreams Following His Martyrdom After Suraq ah was martyr ed, his family and frien ds had numero us dreams about him. His wife saw a dream of a bird on a remote island. The bir d's fea the rs were bad ly bur nt and it was lyin g pro ne and immobi le. Sudde nly, in the dista nce, anoth er bird flew towar ds the first bird, and eventually landed next to it. The first bird, which was burnt, then removed its external feathers and from it arose a bird with the most beaut iful colou red feath ers that she had ever seen. Both birds then rose up and flew away. His broth er had a dream where he came up to someon e and asked with great anxie ty, "Wher e is my broth er (Sura qah)? " The peopl e then pointed to a distant mountain. He asked again, "Where is my brother ?" and they gave the same respons e. Then he approac hed as close as he could


get to the mount ain and asked again . The peopl e then pointed to a white mountain. His sist er had a drea m in whic h Sura qah visi ted his famil y. Ther e was an immens e amount of light shini ng from him and his size was so large that the people around him had to crane their necks in order to take a look at him.

The Last Will and Final Testament of Suraqah AlAndalusi Excerpts from Personal Message to Family: May Allah bear witness to my love for you, but Islam came to give the limits to this love. Allah says: "Say: If your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your wives, your kindred, the wealth that you have gained, the commerce in which you fear a decline, and the dwellings in which you delight ... are dearer to you than Allah and His Messenger, and striving hard and fighting in His Cause, then wait until Allah brings about His Decision (torment). And Allah guides not the people who are Al-Fasiqun (the rebellious, disobedient to Allah)." [Quran 9:24] Message to the Muslim Ummah: So we can see that our love of our family and other matters of the Worldly life cannot be such that it is greater than our love for Allah and His Messenger (SAWS) and Jihad in His Path. If our excuse on the Day of Judgemen t for not answering the call of Jihad is family and loved ones, then we must see what Allah (SWT) warns us of in Surah Abasa: "T he n, wh en th er e co me s As -Sa ak hk ha h Resurrection's second blowing of Trumpet), That Day shall a man flee from his brother, And from his mother and his father,

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And from his wife and his children. Every man, that Day, will have enough to make him careless of others." [Quran 80:33-37] So here is a grave warning to those who reject Allah's Call, in favour of their loved ones and the other tempta tions of the World ly life (wealth , house, etc.). All of these things will be of no avail on the Day of Recompense in serving as an excuse for leaving Allah's commandments. If we look around us at the reality of the Muslims, we see a regretful state of total humiliation, with very few instances of dignity for the Muslims. The Muslims have generally, as an Ummah, abandoned the teachings of this Deen and Allah (SWT) has left us at the mercy of the forc es of disb elie f from the Crus ader s, the cowa rdly Jews, arrogant atheists and evil apostates. Nothing embodies this more than the state of affairs in Palestine today. Allah (SWT) has placed this small nation of cowardl y Jews over the necks of the Muslims. Allah (SWT) is most angry with these people "Al-magh doobee alayhim (those upon whom is Allah's anger)," [Quran 1:7] and He (SWT) says about them in Surah Al-Baqarah, "And verily, you will find them (the Jews) the greediest of mankind for life and (even greedier) than those who - ascribe partners to Allah (and do not believe in Resurrection Magians, pagans, and idolaters, etc.). Everyone of them wishes that he could be given a life of a thousand years. But the grant of such life will not save him even a little from (due) punishment. And Allah is All-Seer of what they do." [Quran 2:96] Yet these cowards have become lords of the Middle East and this is truly a sign of how far the Muslims have strayed off the Straight Path. We are currently observing the massacre and oppression of a Muslim people in the Holy Land of Palestine and the Ummah does nothing: The Ummah by its inaction seems to be saying to them: "Bury your children and your elders and all your dead, and here are a few dollars (to relieve our guilt), and be patient." Su bh an al la h! Th is is wh at ha s ha ppe ne d to th e Um ma h of Muhamma d (SAWS) whom Allah (SWT) descr ibes in the Noble Quran in Surah Ale Imran: "Let there arise out of you a group of people inviting 139

to all that is good (Islam), enjoining Al-Ma'ruf (i.e. Islamic Monotheism and all that Islam orders one to do) and forbidding Al-Munkar (polytheism and disbelief and all that Islam has forbidden). And it is they who are the successful." [Quran 3:104] The Caliphs in the past used to send out whole armies to avenge the hono ur of a sing le Musl im woman , but toda y the hono ur of the Muslim women is violated time and time again, and the Muslims are sla ugh ter ed and mass acr ed in a most hor rib le mann er, yet the Ummah does not move collectively. The reason is clear from the Islamic text. The Prophet (SAWS) said in an authentic hadeeth: "If you practised Tabaiya Al-Ainiya (i.e. selling goods to a person for a certain price and then buying them back from him for a far lesser pri ce) , fol low ed the tai ls of cow s, sat isf ied you rse lve s wit h agr icu ltu re, and aba ndo ned Jih ad, All ah wil l cov er you wit h humiliation and will not remove it until you return to your religion."75 The Ummah has abandoned the principles of its religion, leaving the most beloved action to Allah (SWT): Jihad in the Path of Allah and therefo re Allah (SWT) placed us at the mercy of the people of the Hell Fire. O Ummah of Muhammad, awaken and fear your Lord, as He ought to be feared! What is even worse is that the small body of courage ous Muslims who join the path of Jihad are labelled as extremists, rebels, bandits and terrorists by their own Muslim brethren. It is true that mistakes have been committed in the path of Jihad by some people of Islam, but this is true for many of the acts of worsh ip of Islam. Peopl e commit Shirk whilst praying and performing Hajj (this Shirk being the most grave transgressio n in the Sight of Allah) yet our response to this is not to stop prayin g or perfo rming Hajj, but to engag e in these acts of worship which are the pillars of the religion and purify them from innov ation and Shirk and invit e the peopl e to perfo rm the se act s of wor shi p in the bes t way: the way of the Pro phe t (SAWS) and his blessed Companions.


Reported by Abu Dawud. Saheeh. Silsilah Al-Ahadeeth As-Saheehah No. 11.


And likewise, with Jihad, which is the peak of the matter, how could we abandon Jihad when it was the way of the Prophet (SAWS) and his Comp ani ons ? If we are to be tru e fol low ers of the Pro phe t (SAWS) then we must also follo w him in his Jihad . My Musli m brothers and sisters, do not have pessimism and despair and do not approach this path in the Capitalist mindset. We too frequently hear Musl ims (bot h scho lars and igno rant ) sayi ng that this path has achieved nothing. Allah (SWT) says in Surah Ale Imran: "Think not of those who are killed in the Way of Allah as dead. Nay, they are alive, with their Lord, and they have provision. They rejoice in what Allah has bestowed upon them of His Bounty, rejoicing for the sake of those who have not yet joined them, but are left behind (not yet martyred) that on them no fear shall come, nor shall they grieve." [Quran 3:169-170] It is clear from this verse, that the losers are not those who die in the Path of Allah but those who stay alive and criti cise, becau se the martyr is "indeed alive finding sustenance with His Lord." These are the words of Allah (SWT) for the people of contemplation. Truly it is the people of desires who ignore these clear words. The victory will come from Allah (SWT), but upon us is to obey the commandmen ts and join the path of Jihad and be patient upon this path. Patience, as some believe, is not to sit at home and do nothing in the face of clear transgression and Kufr Bawah (clear and manifest dis bel ief ). Thi s, in fac t, is not hin g more tha n cow ard ice and humiliation. Patience is to fight in the Path of Allah, accepting Martyrdom or victory. Unlike the previous nations whereby Allah (SWT) would destroy the trans gress ors by a storm of thund er and light ning (Thamu d) or a fur iou s win d (Aad ) or oth er sig ns of the pre vio us pow ers , the Mus lims must fig ht the dis bel iev ers , ath eis ts, pol ythe ist s and apostates and Allah will punish them by our hands as Allah (SWT) says very clearly in Surah AtTaubah, "Fight against them so that Allah will punish them by your hands and disgrace them and give you victory over them and heal the breasts of a believing people." [Quran 9:14] Those who doubt this path are well advised to read the speech of Allah to see how much emphasis is placed on this issue and how 141

many times it is mentioned in the Quran. A study of the Biography of the Prophet (SAWS) reveals battle after battle to raise high the flag of Islam. The four Rightly-Guided Caliphs and the later generations of the Salaf (Pious Predecessors) continued this understanding. So let us see, my sincere Muslim brothers and sisters, what Allah (SWT) has prescribed for us if we are truly His slaves. Allah (SWT) says in Surah AlBaqarah: "Jihad (fighting in Allah's Cause) is ordained for you (Muslims) though you dislike it, and it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you. Allah knows but you do not know." [Quran 2:216] So here it is crystal clear - fighting is hated by Man but it has been prescribed for him i.e. obligated upon him by Allah (SWT.) It is interesting to note that the verb ordering the command to fight is the same used to order the believers to fast, "Ku Te Ba" in verse 2:183 of the same Surah, "O you who believe! Observing As-Saum (the fasting) is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become Al -Muttaqu n." [Quran 2:183], yet we see a great discrepancy between the implementation of these two rulings, and Allah is the source of all Help. Allah (SWT) says: "Will you not fight a people who have violated their oaths (pagans of Makkah) and intended to expel the Messenger, while they did attack you first? Do you fear them? Allah has more right that you should fear Him, if you are believers." [Quran 9:13] "Fight against them so that Allah will punish them by your hands and disgrace them and give you victory over them and heal the breasts of a believing people." [Quran 9:14] "Fight against those who (1) believe not in Allah, (2) nor in the Last Day, (3) nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger (4) and those who acknowledge not the religion of truth (i.e. Islam) among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued." [Quran 9:29]


"Say: If your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your wives, your kindred, the wealth that you have gained, the commerce in which you fear a decline, and the dwellings in which you delight ... are dearer to you than Allah and His Messenger, and striving hard and fighting in His Cause, then wait until Allah brings about His Decision (torment). And Allah guides not the people who are Al-Fasiqun (the rebellious, disobedient to Allah)." [Quran 9:24] "O you who believe (in Allah's Oneness and in His Messenger (Muhammad SAWS)! Verily, the Mushrikun (polytheists, pagans, idolaters, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah, and in the Message of Muhammad SAWS) are Najasun (impure). So let them not come near Al-Masjid-alHaram (at Makkah) after this year, and if you fear poverty, Allah will enrich you if He will, out of His Bounty. Surely, Allah is All-Knowing, AllWise." [Quran 9:28] "Those who believe in Allah and the Last Day would not ask your leave to be exempted from fighting with their properties and their lives, and Allah is the All-Knower of Al-Muttaqun." [Quran 9:44] "It is only those who believe not in Allah and the Last Day and whose hearts are in doubt that ask your leave (to be exempted from Jihad). So in their doubts they waver." [Quran 9:45] "And if they had intended to march out, certainly, they would have made some preparation for it, but Allah was averse to their being sent forth, so He made them lag behind, and it was said (to them), `Sit you among those who sit (at home)." [Quran 9:46] This is a clear warning to those who claim to have made the intention for this lonely, yet most beloved path in the sight of Allah (SWT): "O you who believe! What is the matter with you, that when you are asked to march forth in the Cause of Allah (i.e. Jihad) you cling heavily to the Earth? Are you pleased with the life of this World rather than the Hereafter? But little is the enjoyment of the life of this World as compared with the Hereafter." [Quran 9:38]


"If you march not forth, He will punish you with a painful torment and will replace you by another people, and you cannot harm Him at all, and Allah is Able to do all things." [Quran 9:39] "March forth, whether you are light (being healthy, young and wealthy) or heavy (being ill, old and poor), strive hard with your wealth and your lives in the Cause of Allah. This is better for you, if you but knew."[Quran 9:41] Fin all y I inc ite you wit h th e magn ifi cen t ver se fro m Sur ah At-Taubah: "Verily, Allah has purchased of the believers their lives and their properties; for the price that theirs shall be the Paradise. They fight in Allah's Cause, they kill (others) and are killed. It is a promise in truth, which is bindi ng on Him in the Taura t (Tora h) and the Injeel (Gospel) and the Quran. And who is truer to his covenant tha n All ah? The n rej oic e in the bar gai n, whi ch you hav e concluded. That is the Supreme Success." [Quran 9:111] The next verse goes on to describe more of the traits of this blessed group: "(The believers whose lives Allah has purchased are) those who repent to Allah (from polytheism and hypocrisy, etc.), who worship Him, who praise Him, who fast (or go out in Allah's Cause), who bow down (in prayer), who prostrate themselves (in prayer), who enjoi n (peop le) for Al -Ma'ru f (i.e. Islam ic Monot heism and all what Islam has ordained) and forbid (people) from Al-Munkar (i.e. disbelief polytheism of all kinds and all that Islam has forbidden), and who observe the limits set by Allah (do all that Allah has ordained and abstain from all kinds of sins and evil deeds which Allah has forbi dden) . And give glad tidin gs to the belie vers. " [Quran 9:112] Allah is striking a deal with the believers. It is a deal that does not exclu de the poor becau se all mankin d is in posse ssion of a soul. Alla h (SWT) wish es to purc hase the live s of the beli ever s and whatever wealth they can afford and He will give them the Paradise in return, on the conditi on that they fight in the Way of Allah and they kill and are killed.


O businessmen of the Ummah! Pay heed and do not lose out on the deal of your lifetimes. The Prophet (SAWS) said in an authentic hadeeth: "Whoever dies neither having fought (in Jihad), nor encouraging himself to do so, dies on a branch of hypocrisy. "76 The Prophet (SAWS) said: "The souls of martyrs reside in the bodies of green birds that perch on chandeliers suspended from the Throne and fly about in Paradise wherever they please. "77 The Prophet (SAWS) said: "Never will there combine in the nostril of a servant, the dust of the battle in the Way of Allah and the smoke of the Hell Fire. "78 The Prophet (SAWS) said: "He who gets his feet covered in dust (fighting) in the Way of Allah, the Hell Fire will be forbidden from touching those feet. "79 How then, after hearing all this honour and this great status could the Ummah turn its back on the path desig ned to prote ct Islam, the honou r of the Musli ms and to unfur l and raise high the banne r of Islam over disbelief, polytheism and apostasy? O believers and pious ones! Fear your Lord as He ought to be feared and if you are sin cer e to your Lor d the n eva lua te your liv es and intenti ons in the light of these gloriou s verses from our Creator and the guidance of our beloved Muhammad (SAWS). Let us lis ten to the elo que nt wor ds of Ima m Abd ull ah bin Al Mubarak, the famous hadeeth scholar of Khurasan who wrote to his devout ascetic friend Al-Fudail bin Ayyadh (who was known as Abid Al-Haramain - the Worshipper of the Two Holy Sanctuaries, because of the time he would spend in stayi ng and worsh ippin g there ). The verse of poetr y expre ssed Ibn Al-Mubar ak's disap prova l of Fudai l settling in the vicinity of Makkah and neglecting Jihad: 76

Reported by Muslim and Abu Dawud Reported by Muslim 78 Reported by Ahmad. Saheeh. 79 Reported by Al-Bukhari 77


"O Worshipper of the Two Holy Mosques! Had you witnessed us in the battlefield, You would have known that, compared to our Jihad, Your worship is child's play. For every tear you have shed upon your cheek, We have shed in its place, blood upon our chests. You are playing with your worship, While worshippers offer your worship Mujahideen offer their blood and person (life)." So , fr om th e wo rd s of a pi ou s mem be r of th e Sa la f (P io us Predecessors) we move to the words of a contemporary scholar, whotruly followe d in the footste ps of Abdulla h bin Al-Mubarak in being a schol ar of actio n rathe r than just words . This Sheik h is Abdul lah Azzam (may Allah have mercy on him) who said: "Islami c histor y is not written except with two lines: the black line which is the ink of the scholar and the red line which is the blood of the martyr." The words and statemen ts of this scholar are further encoura gement to today 's Musli ms, suppl ementi ng what has been quote d from the Qur an and Sun nah and sayi ngs of the Sal af. The pio us She ikh famously said: "When Allah chooses one of the brothers for Martyrdom or takes the life of one of our beloved children, who have participated with us in this path, I cry for myself because these people have preceded us and this is a sign that we are not yet worthy for Martyrdom. It is a clear pro of that we are not yet suita ble for this high rank. Allah (SWT) chose these people and I observed that these people shared common traits : good feeling s towards the Muslims and awarene ss of what they say to their Musli m broth ers and siste rs. You would not find them wasting their time because their deeds occupied them; their faults busied them from the faults of the people, so congratulations for him who busied himself with his faults rather than the faults of other people." The She ikh con tri but ed eno rmou sly to the Jih ad yet had gre at humbl eness and modest y when asses sing his own posit ion. Later , Alla h (SWT) bles sed him with the Mart yrdo m he soug ht. Shei kh Abdullah Azzam also said regarding the martyrs:


"These people, O Lord, are your servant s. They came out in Your Path seeking Your Pleasure and to give victory to the Deen and to raise Your Banner and to honour Your Shariah and to give victory and assi stan ce to Your belo ved ones , so plea se O Lord , do not disappoint them and please accept them and forgive them. They are emigr ants. They left their homes and their wealt h not becau se of poverty or because of need, but only to seek Your Pleasure." Sheikh Abdullah Azzam said: "It is with the likes of all these martyrs that nations are established, convictions are brought to life and ideologies are made victorious." Sheikh Abdullah Azzam also said: " 'Do men think that they will be left alone on saying' we believe and they will not be tested?" [Qu ra n 29 :2] . A sma ll gr ou p: th ey ar e th e on es who car ry convictions for this religion. An even smaller group from this group, are the ones who flee from this World ly life in order to act upon these convictions. And an even smaller group from this elite group, are the ones who sacrifice their souls and their blood in order to brin g victo ry to these convi ction s and ambit ions. So they are the cream of the cream of the cream." Shei kh Abdu llah Azza m furt her said "It is not poss ible to reac h glo ry exc ept by tra ver sin g thi s Pat h. It is not pos sib le for the struc tures of this Deen to be establ ished , nor for its banne r to be raised, nor for its vessel to be launche d, except by travers ing this Path. This Path is one: the Blessed Path of Jihad." She ikh Abd ull ah Azza m als o sai d: "In dee d, the man usc rip ts of history are not scribed except with the blood of these martyrs, except with the stori es of these marty rs, and excep t with the examp les of these martyrs." Th es e ar e th e wo rd s wh ic h li t th e bu rn in g fi re in my he ar t, mak in g me jo in th e pa th of Ji ha d an d to se ek th e ho no ur of Martyrdom (by the Will of Allah). And finally I warn the Muslim brother s and sisters to expel the Jews and Chris tians , athei sts and their puppe t apost ates from our three occupied Holy sites.


The Jew s hav e tak en Mas jid Al-Aqs a fro m the Mus lims and the impu re Ameri cans and thei r acco mpli ces from the trai toro us Ale Saud (Sau di Roya l Famil y) walk the Holy Land . Alla h (SWT) says in Surah At-Taubah: "O you who believe (in Allah's Oneness and in His Messenger (Muhammad SAWS)! Verily, the Mushrikun (polytheists, pagans, idolaters, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah, and in the Message of Muhammad SAWS) are Najasun (impure). So let them not come near AlMasjid-al-Haram (at Makkah) after this year, and if you fear poverty, Allah will enrich you if He will, out of His Bounty. Surely, Allah is Allknowing, All-Wise." [Quran 9:28] So it us upon us to liberate our Holy Sanctuaries from the terrorist, occupying American forces and to purify Masjid Al-Aqsa from the filth of the Jews. O Muslim Ummah! Rise and answer the Call of your Lord, because Islam is dignity and honour. The Muslims have abandoned Jihad and therefore they have no dignity and honour. Disbelieve in the Taghoot (false deities other than Allah in its comprehensive meaning) as Allah (SWT) says in Surah Al-Baqarah: "There is no compulsion in religion. Verily, the Right Path has become distinct from the wrong path. Whoever disbelieves in Taghoot and believes in Allah, then he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that will never break. And Allah is All-Hearer, All-Knower." [Quran 2:256] I advise you to show enmity to the apostate rulers and their allies in the Muslim lands who have replaced the Shariah with evil man made laws, spreading corruption and glorifying oppression. Disbelieve in Democracy for it is the way of the Shaitan (Satan) and know that revival will come through the methodology of Knowledge, Military Preparation and Jihad. They are not stages but may all occur at the same time. And I warn you to be aware of the scholars at the gates of the apostate rulers - who bend over backwards to accommodate the disbelief and sin of


our leaders. These scholars have strayed by going to the gates of the leaders, thereby opposing the Salaf and have gone astray themselves and sent the people astray. Listen to the scholars who do not fear the blame of the blamers nor the sword of the oppressor. I ask my family and anyone who knew me to forgive me if I wronged them in anyway. I ask you to pray that Allah accepts my actions and removes pride from our actions and deeds. Finally I leave you with the words of the martyr Abdul-Wahab AlGhamidi, who was killed in Afghanistan in the 1980's: "Most people choose the path of life as a way to death, but I have chosen death (Martyrdom) as a path to life (in Paradise)." O Allah! Accept our actions and forgive our loved ones and us and enter us into the Paradise Most High! O Allah! Give victory to the Mujahideen and give them victory over their ownselves and aid them in abiding by your boundaries! O Allah ! Liber ate our Holy Lands and rid the invad ing occup iers from the apostate ruling regimes! O Allah! Grant us Martyrdom! O Allah! We ask you for the Paradise!

Farewell Thus we bid you farewe ll, O belov ed broth er and frien d, with the words of the scholar whom you revered and whom we hope that you are together with, in the hearts of green birds that live in lanterns hanging from the Throne of the Most Merciful: Taken from the Words of Sheikh Abdullah Azzam: `And it might seem to the short-sighted eye and narrow mind, and to the individual besieged within the bounds of era and location, that it is a story that happened and finished. The mouth of death opened its mouth,


swallowed these martyrs and passed them with its wheel that saves neither old nor young. However, the clear-sighted eye and the enlightened heart knows that these sacrifices are the provisions of future generations for distant civi lisa tion s to come. Thes e stor ies, thes e sacr ific es and thes e examp les will remai n as supe rcil ious sign post s upon the enti re journey of this Deen, for he who wishes to make this journey from those wayfarers, or follow in the footsteps of this righteous elite. "All these are the ones whom Allah has guided, so follow their guidance..."[Quran 6:90] Indeed these exemplary individuals from the martyrs broke free from the shackles and fetters of this material istic life to reach opulenc e and bliss, and they came to the land of Afghanistan, living in the mountains of Afghanistan, until Allah (SWT) honoured them with Martyrdom. We ask Allah (SWT) to join us with them in the Hig hest Part of Par adi se, wit h the Pro phe ts, the Tru thf ul, the Mar tyrs and the Righteous, and that he blesses us with Martyrdom in His Way, and that he seals us with the Seal of Happiness, O Noble One.'


Sheikh Abdullah Azzam said about Usama Bin Ladin "We as k All ah (SW T) to pr ot ect ou r br ot her , Abu Abd ul la h Usa ma Bin Ladin; as for this man, my eyes have never ever seen a man like him in the entire World." "This man represents an entire nation." "By Allah, I bear witness that I could not find an equal to him in the whole of the Islamic World, so we ask Allah to protect his religion and his wealth, and to bless him in his life." "He lives in his house the life of the poor. I used to visit him at hishouse in Jedda h whene ver I used to go for Hajj or Umrah and I never found a single table or chair in his house: all of his houses. Hewas married to four wives and in all four of his houses, 1 never did see a single table or chair. Any Jordani an or Egyptia n labour er's house was better than the house of Usama. At the same time, if you asked him for a million riyals (US$275,000) for the Mujahideen, he would write you out a cheque for a million riyals on the spot." "Th e Afg han s wou ld see the Ara b as a man who had lef t his commerce, employment and company behind in Saudi Arabia, or the Arabian Gulf or Jordan, and had come to live a life of stale bread and tea on the peaks of mountains. And they would see Usama BinLadin as a man who had left behind his business deal of expanding the Sac red Mos que of the Pro phe t (SAWS) in Mad ina h, to his br ot he rs , th er eb y fo rf ei ti ng hi s sh ar e of it – SR 8m il li on (US$2.5million) – and throwing himself into the thick of the battles." "Usama went to one of his sisters and presented to her the fatwa of Sheikh Ibn Taymiyyah regarding the obligation of spending on the Jihad, so she took out her cheque book and wrote him a cheque of SR8mill ion (US$2.5 million ) immedia tely. The people said to her, `Have you gone crazy? Eight million riyals in a single donation?'


Many Muslim women tried to dissuade her; many Muslim men tried to discourage her husband and they said to her, 'You live in a rented flat: it will only cost you one million riyals (US$275,000) to build a house for yourself, so why not spend one million of this donation for your own house?' Therefore, she went to her brother, Usama, and consulted with him about spending one million riyals on building a house for herself so Usama said to her, 'By Allah, not even a single riyal ! You are livin g in a spaci ous flat whils t other s are dying , unable even to find a tent to live in.'" "Whe neve r he sits with you, you feel that he is a serv ant from amongst the servants of the house, with his manners and manhood. By Allah, we have found him to be like that. I said to Sheikh Sayyaf once, 'Keep this man with you and forbi d him from enter ing the battles,' whereas he, on the other hand, was always desperate to go and confront the enemy face-to-face." "Believe me, whenever he would come to my house in Peshawar and I would need to make a telephone call, he would go and get the telepho ne and place it in front of me, to avoid me having to move from my place. Manners, modesty, manhood: we ask Allah to protect him." "The first time he invited me to his house was in Ramadan . At the time of Maghrib, he brought in a plate full of rice containing a few bones with thin streaks of meat on them, and two or three kebabs." "Sayyid Diya', (an Afghan Commander of the Northern Alliance, a nep hew of Sa yya f an d on e of th os e who fo ug ht ag ai ns t th e Mujahideen in the US Crusade on Afghanistan that began in 2001), told a journalist from the French newspaper, Le Monde, 'We knew that Usama was wealthy, but he used to live amongst us a simple and meagre life. He was surrounded by the Russians on two occasions: one of these occasions was during a battle that lasted 24 days, and this is the longest battle that I have ever participated in, in my entire lif e. Usa ma was sur rou nde d for sev en day s, on the pea k of a mountain, with 100 of his men. They were being subjected to extremely heavy, continuous shelling from the Russians, so Usama ordered the wideopen plains to be mined in order to cut the supply route of the Russi ans, and then he attac ked the Russi ans on the seven th day, being victo rious in the battl e. Usama and the Arabs were really brave, in truth – and since that battle I have never seen a battle of that ferocity. To be honest with you, we were very afraid of the continuous shelling upon us, and we were waiting 152

inside our trenches for the Russians to approach us, so that we could open fire on them. The Arabs, on the other hand, were leaping up from the trenches and facing the enemy face-to-face: they were eager to fight the enemy hand-to-hand, whereas not a single Afghan was prepared to do that."


Glossary Ansar: anyone of the Companions of the Prophet (SAWS) from the inhabitants of Madinah, who received and hosted the Muslim immigrants from Makkah and other places Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamah: those who follow the authentic Sunnah of the Prophet (SAW) according to the understanding of the Companions of the Prophet (SAWS) Alim: scholar or man of knowledge Amir: chief, commander, leader, master Amirul-Mumineen: leader of the believers, the Caliph Ard: all things held in honour: women, family, dignity etc. Bidah: innovation in religion, any act or practice not found in the Sunnah of the Prophet (SAWS) or the Quran Dawah: preaching, inviting, propagating, calling Da’i: propagator, one who performs Dawah Faraid: compulsory, obligatory duties; plural of Fard Fard: compulsory, obligatory duty Fard Ain: greatest degree of obligation, compulsory on every Muslim, such as five daily prayers, Hajj, fasting Ramadan, etc. Fard Kifayah: Initially compulsory, but voluntary upon fulfilment of specific conditions, e.g. Funeral Prayer Fatawa: legal rulings, plural of fatwa Fatwa: legal ruling 154

Fiqh: Islamic jurisprudence Fitnah: trial, tribulation, temptation, mischief, strife Hadith: report of the Prophet's (SAWS) words or actions Hajj: the Piligrimage to Allah's House, the fifth pillar of Islam Haram: forbidden according to the Shariah Hasan: good: second highest degree of authenticity in hadeeth classification, after Saheeh Hijrah: emigration in the cause of AllÄ h Ijma: consensus of the Ulama (scholars) Iman: belief, faith and action linked to this Jama'ah: group, gathering, community Jizyah: head tax imposed by Islam on non-Muslims living under the protection of an Islamic State Kafir: disbeliever, infidel, non-Muslim, anyone who does not believe in the creed of Islam Kuffar: plural of Kafir Kufr: disbelief, infidelity, heresy Mathhab: school of thought in Islamic jurisprudence, the four major ones being: Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi and Hanbali Muhaditheen: Scholars specialising in hadeeth Mushrikun: polytheists, pagans, idolaters, people who practice Shirk Rakah: unit of prayer, consisting of one series of prostrations Ribat: waiting in preparation to meet the enemy, guarding the frontiers, etc.


Saheeh: correct, certified: highest ranking of authenticity in hadeeth classification Salaf: Pious Predecessors: pious people of the first three generations of Islam Shariah: Islamic law Shaheed: Martyr in the cause of AllÄ h Shaitan: Satan Sheikh: elder; title usually attributed to man of knowledge Shirk: associating partners with Allah, worship of false gods/idols Shuhadaa: plural of Shaheed Sun nah : leg al way s, pra cti ces , ord ers , act s of wor sh ip and sta tem ent s etc . of the Pro phe t (SA WS) tha t are a mod el followed by Muslims Tafseer: commentary, explanation, exegesis, interpretation of Quran Tahajjud: voluntary night prayer, usually prayed in the last third of the night Taq wa: fea r or religiousness

con sc io us nes s of

All ah,

pi ety , dev ou tn ess ,

Tauheed: belief in the Unity of AllÄ h Ulama: scholars, plural of Alim Ummah: the entire community of Muslims Zakah: compulsory tax of 2.5% per annum paid by Muslims


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