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The ThePurpose Purpose
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By By philips Dr. Dr.Abu AbuAme Ameenah enah Bilal BilalPhili ps
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Copyright1995 1995Dar ©@Copyright DarAl Al Fatah Fatah Revised edition1997 1997 Revised edition AIIrights rightsreserved. reserved. portionof Noportion All No stored of this this book bookmay may be bereproduced. reproduced. storedininaa retrievalsystem, syst€n\ or or transmitted transmifiedinin any retrieval anyform form by by any anymeans meanselectronic. electronic. mechanical.photocopying, photocopyingrecording mechanical. without recordingor orothetWise othenvise withoutprior priorpermission permission ofthe thecopyright copyrightowner. owner. of
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fn, Purpose P"rprtt ofCreation C*ttu!. The = "f
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Introduction Introduction purposeof creation creation is is aa topic topic that puzzlesevery that puzzles every ffihe he purpose human being being at at some point in his or her lifetime. human some point in his or her lifetime. I r Everybodyat at some sometime time or Everybody or another anotherasks asksthemselves themselves question "Why do the question exist?"or the do I exist?'~ or "For what what purpose purposeam am I here on earth?" earth?" here on The variety variefy and and complexity The complexityof the the intricate intricatesystems systems which constitute constitutethe the fabric fabric of both which both human humanbeings beingsand and the the world in in which which they they exist exist indicate indicatethat that there theremust musthave havebeen beenaa SupremeBeing Beingwhocreated them.Design Supreme who created them. Designindicates indicatesaa designer. designer. When human beings come acrossfootprints When human beings come across footprintson beach,they on aa beach, they immediatelyconclude concludethat that aa human humanbeing immediately beinghad had walked walked by by there there some time time previously. one imagines some previously. No one imaginesthat that the the waves waves the -sea sea settled settledin the sandand from the produced aa the sand and by chance chanceproduced depressionlooking looking exactly exactly like depression like human humanfootprints. footprints.Nor do do humans humans instinctively instinctively conclude conclude that that they they were were brought brought into into existence is a existence without without a purpose. purpose. Since purposeful action action is Sincepurposeful product natural of human natural product of human intelligence. intelligence, lrumans humans conclude conclude that that the the Supreme Supreme Intelligent Intelligent Being Being who who created created them them must must have have done done so so for a specific specific purpose. purpose. Therefore, Therefore, human human beings beings need need to know the the purpose purpose for their existence existence in order order to make make sense sense of of this life and and to do what what is ultimately ultimately beneficial beneficial for them. them. Throughout Throughout the the ages, ages, however, however, there there has has been been a minority among among humans humans who have have denied denied theexistence the existence of ofGod. Matter, God.Matter, in their opinion, opinion, is eternal eternal and and mankind mankind is merely merely a chance chance product of accidental accidental combinations combinations of of its elements. elements. ConseConseproduct of
The The Purpose ofCreation of Creatior,t
quently, quently, to question"Why did God them,the the question to them, God create man?" createman?" had andstill hadand still has hasno no answer. answer. According Accordingto them, them,there theresimply simply purpose to existence. is is no no purpo:;e existence.However, However,the vast majority of the vast of humankind humankind over the ages have believed over the ages have believed and and continue continueto believe in the the existence believe in existenceof aa Supreme SupremeBeing who created Being who createdthis this world purpose.For world with aa purpose. For them was,and impoftant them it was, andstill still is, is, important to to know know about about the the Creator andthe purposefor which Creator and the purpose which He He humanbeings. created createdhuman beings.
The The Answer Answer To answer man?" it the question question"Why did did God createman?" answerthe God create perspectivethe which perspective question must mustfirst first be bedetennined from which determinedfrom the question point of view is being beingasked. Fromthe is asked. From would mean, mean, the point view of God Cod it would causedGod humanbeings?" beings?"while from from the "What caused the God to create createhuman point of view would mean what purpose view it would mean"For what human purpose did human point pointsof Both points God God create createhumans?" humans?"Both of view represent representaspects aspects question"Why do I exist?" exist?" In the of the the following the intriguing intriguingquestion questionwill pages, both aspectsof the question both aspects of the pages, will be be explored explored based based picturepainted paintedby the clear clearpicture divine revelation. on the on by divine revelation. This is is not not topic for human speculation.because humanspeculation, aa topic because human human guesswork guesswork producethe whole truth possiblyproduce the whole cannot possibly cannot truth in this this matter. matter. How human beings intellectuallydeduce can human beingsintelJectualJy deducethe can the reality reality of of their their when they existence they can can hardly hardly understand understand how their own existencewhen higherentity, entity,the its higher brain or its brain the mind, mind, functions? functions? Consequently, Consequently, philosophers manyphilosophers who the many the who have have speculated speculated on on this this question question with the ages have come innumerable down through up down through the ages have come innumerable of which are based answers,all of answers, which are based on on assumptions assumptions which which cannot cannot
The Purpose ofCreation
be proven. proven. Questions Questions on this this topic topic have have even even led led a number number of of be philosophers to claim claim that that we do not not really really exist exist and and that that the the philosophers whole uqorld V(0rld is is imaginary. imaginary. For For example,the example, the Greek Greek philosopher philosopher whole Plato (428-348 (428-348 BC) Be) argued argued tlrat that the the everyday everyday world of of Plato changeable things, things, which which man man comes comes to know know by the the use use of of changeable world shadow his senses, is not the primary reality, but is shadow primary reality, but is a his senses,is not the of I Many Many others, was previously previously mentioned, mentioned, as was others,as appearances.' of appearances. claimed that there there is is no no purpose purpose for the the claim that continueto claim claimedand andcontinue existence creation According to to thetrr, them, Human Human existence at all. all. According creationofhumans of humansat if life life purposeif is There Therecan can be be no no purpose productof chance. chatrce. is merely merelyaa product evolved from inanimate matter which only became animate which only animate matter became from inanimate evolved 'cousins,'themonkey by 'cousins,' the monkey supposed pureluck. Humankind'ssupposed luck. Humankind's by pure questions so why and apes are not bothered with questions of existence, so with existence. not are bothered andapes should with them? with them? beingsbe be bothered bothered humanbeings shouldhuman qrrestiori we are are put the why we Although of why peopleput the question" mostpeople Although most i.s extremely created aside after occasional brief reflection, it is extremely brief reflection. createdasideafteroccasional knowWithoutknowanswer.Without critical knowthe theanswer. beingsto to know humanbeings for human criticalfor indisbecomeindisledge hutnanbeings beingsbecome correct answer. answer.human the correct ledgeof the anirnal The tinguishable from the other animals around them. The animal animals around thern. the other from tinguishable pro-creating necessities eating,drinking drinkingand andpro-creating anddesires desiresof eating, necessitiesand and default.and become lrumanexistence by default, purposeof human existenceby the purpose becomethe When in this limited sphere. human effort is then focused in this limited sphere. When is then focused human efTort goalin in into the mostimportant importantgoal material the most developsinto satisfactiondevelops material satisfaction t 'fhis vierv was rvell his well I This view Repuhlicthrough his book book The TheRepublic throughhis in his was expressed expressedin rvorld physical is wlrere known metaphor of the cave. where the changing physical world is changin-e the knorvn metaphor of the cave. (Ihe graven images cave compared to shadows cast on the \\.all 0 r a cave by graven images (The wall by tlrc ol'a cast on compared to shadows v o l .25. 552). New 2 5 .p. n .552). Br itunnica. vol. EncltclopaediaBritannica. New Encyciopaedia
Purpose The ofCreation of Creation ThePurpose
life, human life, even humanexistence existencebecomes becornes evenmore degradedthan moredegraded thanthat that lowestofanimals. of ofanimals. Human II consistently misuse of the thelowest Humanbeings beingswi willconsistently misuse their G04-given their when Go{-givenintelligence intelligence whenthey theylack lackknowledge knowledgeoftheir oftheir purposeof existence.The purpose of existence. The degraded degradedhuman humanmind mind uses usesits its abilities abilitiesto to create createdrugs drugsand andbombs bombsand andbecomes becomesengrossed engrossedin in pornography,homosexuality, fornication,pornography, fornication, fortunetelling, homosexuality, fortunetelling, suicide,etc. Withoutknowledge suicide, etc.Without knowledgeofthe purpose purposeof of life, life, human human existenceloses losesall all meaning existence wasted, meaningand is consequently andis consequently wasted,and and the reward rewardof an an eternal eternallife life of happiness the happinessin in the the hereafter hereafteris is completelydestroyed. destroyed. completely Therefore, Therefore,it is isof the theutmost utmostimportance importance that human humanbeings beingscorrectly that correctlyanswer answerthe question"Why are the question are we here?" here?" we Humans most most often often turn Humans beings like like turn to to other other human humanbeings themselves forthe auswers.However. However.the themselves for the answers. place that that clear clear theonly only place preciseanswers and precise answersto questionscan to these thesequestions and is in the the can be be found found is books of divine revelation.It was divine revelation. was necessary books necessary that that God God reveal reveal purpose to manthrough the purpose to man throughHis His prophets. the prophets. because because human human beings are are incapable incapable of arriving beings arriving at at the the correct correct answers answers by themselves.All of the themselves. the prophets prophets of of God God taught taught tlreir their followers followers the answersto the the answers the question question "Why did God God create create man?" man?"
Judeo-Christian res Judeo-Christian Scriptu Scriptures A survey survey of of the the Bible leaves leaves the the honest honest seeker seeker of of truth lost. lost. The The Old Testament Testament seems seems more more concerned concerned with laws laws .. and and the the history history of of eariy early man man and and the the Jewish Jewish people people than than with answering answering the the vital vital question question concerning concerning humaniry's humanity's creation.l creation.:! 2 In Isaiah 2 Isaiah the the Israelites Israelites are are created created tbr for God's God's glory, glory, "'But .. IBut norv now thus thus says says you. the Lord. he rvho created the Lord. he who created you. O 0 .lacob. Jacob. he he who who formed formed you. you. O 0 lsrael:... Israel: ...
P u r p o sofCreation oef C r e o t i o n - TTI,e h ePurpose
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In world and Adam and Eve in in six ln Genesis, Genesis,God createsthe the world and Adam and Eve six God creates J 'rests' from work on Adam days from His days and and 'rests' His work on the seventh.3 Adam and the seventh. and punishedand Eve Eve disobey and are are punished their son disobeyGod God and andtheir sonCain Cain kills goesto live AbDland their their other othei son sonAbtl and goes live in the land land of Nod. Nod. And in the 'sorry' that God was 'sorry' mademan!4 thathe he had hadmade man!*Why are arethe the answers answers God was not terms? therein andunmistakable unmistakable not there in clear clearand terms?Why Why is is so so much much guess of the language symbolic, leaving the reader to guess at the language leaving reader of symbolic. the at its its in Genesis meanings? For example, example,in Genesis6:6 6:6 it is meanings? For is stated, stated,"When "When ground,and men to multiply on men began begzur faceof on the the face of the the ground, anddaughters daughters were born of God saw that the daughters were born to them, them, the the sons sons saw that the daughters were fair; took to wife such of of men men were fair; and andthey they took suchof them as they they them as chose." Who are these"sons chose."Who arethese EachJewish Jewishsect God"? Each sectand and "sonsof God"? the many who followed each each of the manyChristian Christiansects sectswho followed them them have have their their own own explanations. Which is explanations.Which is the the correct correctinterpretation? interpretation? the purpose purposeof The The truth truth is is that that the of man's man'screation creationwas was taught taughtby by prophets.of the of old, the prophets. old, however, however,some someof their their followers-in followers-in with the the devils-later changed collusion collusion with the scriptures. changedthe scriptures.The The vagueand answers becamevague muchof the revelationwas was hidden answersbecame andmuch the revelation hidden in in symbolic symbolic language. When God language.When God sent sentJesus JesusChrist the Christto the ''l will say 6'1 and to sayto to the the north. north.Give Give up. up"and to the the south. not withhold: rvithhold:bring south-Do not bring 7 my my sons from afar andmy my daughters end of the sons from atar and daughtersfrom fiom the the end the earth. evervone onc eafih.7 every who is is called name.whom I created glory, whom rvhomrI tanned who calledby by my my name. createdfor my glory, tbrmed (RevisedStandard Vcrsion.Isaiah and 1. 6-7.) and made.'" made."' (Revised StandardVersion. 43:llsaiah43: 6-7.) t "tAnd 3 â&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘ ~ And on s,hichhe the seventh day God finishedhis his work rvorkwhich on the God finished he had haddone. done.and seventhday and iSo u'hich he he work which done.350 he rested on the the seventh seventhday all his his work rested on dal from from all he had had done. God blessedthe seventhday day and hallowedit. becauseon God rested rested God blessed the seventh and hallowed it. because on it God (RSV. Genesis from all his his work work which whichhe in creation:' 2:2-3.1 fiom all hc had haddone donein creation."(RSY. Genesis2:2-3.) n 4 "And the Lord was sorry that man on Lord was that he hc had had made mademan on the the earth. earth.and and it (RSV. Genesis grievedhim grieved his heart." heart."(RSY. 6:6.) him to to his Cenesis6:6.)
ThePurpose PurposeofCreation of creation Tile
Jews, he heoverturned overturned Jews, the who thetables tablesof of those thosemerchants merchants who had had setup upbusinesses businesses insidethe set inside and against thetemple,' temple,S andhe preached hepreached against theritualistic ritualisticinterpretation interpretation the ofthe oftlre law practicedby lawpracticed bythe theJewish Jewish rabbis.He Hereaffirmed reaffrnnedthe rabbis. and thelaw lawof of Prophet ProphetMoses Mosesandrevived revivedit. it. He taught taughtthe thepurpose purposeof lifeto He of life to his hisdisciples disciplesand anddemonstrated demonstrated howto tofulfill fulfill itit until untilhis lastmoments how his last in moments in this thisworld. world.However. However. after his hisdepat1Ure departurefrom Fromthis after was this world. w'orld.his his message rnessage wasalso also distorted by sorne who claimed distorted by some who clairnedto to be beamong amonghis his followers. follorvers. The clear clealtruth tnrthhe hebrought broughtbecame The vague. became vague.like like the the messages messages of the tlre prophets prophetsbefore before him. of hirn.Symbolism symbolisrnwas was introduced, introduced. "Revelatiorrs" especialll' throughthe the'''Revelations'' especially through of John, John,and andthe theGospel Gospel which wasrevealed revealedto to Jesus Jesuswas which was was lost. lost.Four Fourother gospels othergospels conrposed by men menwere \verechosen chosenby composed by aa fourth bv Athanasius, Athanasius, fourthcentury century 6 bishop.6 to replace replacethe the lost lostGospel bishop, to Christ. And the the Gospelof Jesus Jesuschrist. And 23 books writings of Pauland 23 books writings of Paul others included included in in the the New andothers 7 Testamentoutnumbered outnumbered even Testament even tlre the four four versiolrs versions of of the the gospel.T gospel. As a a result, result, New Testament Testament readers readers can'ot cannot find precise precise answers to question the answers the question "Why did did God God create create rnan?"s manT,g And 'Luke RSV) 9 : 4 5((RSV). <; Luke t19:45 6 The.\'et, 6 The .Vew Encu-c'lop,aedia Encyclopaedia Britannir.r, Britannica, vo[. vol. l414. p. p. gl4. 814. 7 7 tn In tlre the rnicl-4th mid-4th ccntur,\'manuscnpt century manuscript callecl called C'odex Codc\ Sinaiticus. Sinaiticus. the Letter tl.re Letter of Hernrfl.rarc of Barnaba.s Barnabas and and the the shepherd Shepherd ol a/Hernias are included included as as aa part part of ofthe the New N'ewEncvclopctediu New Testament. Testament. (Tlrc (The Sew Encyclopaedia Brirunnica. Briwnnica. lol. \01. 14. 14. p. p. gl4.) 814.) t what 1\ What rnay may be be cited cited in in the the Kin-e King .lanres .lames Version Version as as the the purpose purpose o{'crcation. of creation, Revelation Revelation 4:ll 4: II "'fhou "Thou art art \vonh\. worthy, o0 Lord. Lord. ro III rcceive receive glor-v glory ancl (Inc! honor honor and and porver: power: lilr for thou thou hast hast creatcd created all all thin-ss. things. and and for for thv thy pleasure pleasure they they are are and and were ist-'dStandarcl were created." created." is is retranslated retranslated in in the the Rer Re\ised Standard Version Version as: as: "worthr,. "Worthy art art thou. thou, our our Lord Lord and and God. God. to lO reccrvc receive glor-r glory and and honcur honour ancl and pog.er-. power. fbr for thou thy will willthey they existed existedand and were werecreated." created.-' thou didst didst create create all all things. things. and and by by thy
ThePurpose Purpose ofCreation of Creation The
one is is forced forced to to blindly blindly follow follow the one the contrived contriveddogmas dogmasof of whateversect sectthey theyhappen happento to belong belongto whatever or adopt. The gospels to or adopt.The gospels are interpreted interpretedaccording accordingto to each eachsecfs are sect'sbeliefs~ beliefs,and andthe the seeker seeker is again againleft truth is left wondering~ wondering,which which one of truth one is is correct? correct?
The Incarnation Incarnation of God The God Perhapsthe theonly only common coffrmonconcept conceptto Perhaps to most mostChristian Christiansects sects regardingthe purposeof mankind~s the purpose mankind'screation regarding creationis is that that God God becameman man so so that that He He could could die became at the hands of men die at the hands mento to cleansethem themofsin of sin inherited inheritedfrom from Adam cleanse Adamand andhis his descendants. descendants. Accordingto tothem,this sin had hadbecome greatthat According them, this sin becomeso sogreat that no no human human act of atonement or repentance of atonement repentancecould is so act eraseit. could erase it. God good God is sogood that sinful man cannot sinful man cannotstan'd beforeHim. that stan'dbefore Him. Consequently~ Consequently,only God's sacrifice sacrificeof Himselfcould of Himself couldsave God's humankindfrom savehumankind from sin. sin. in this this man-made man-mademyth became the only source Belief in myth became the source salvation, according accordingto the for salvation, Consequently~ the the Church. Church. Consequently, the Christian of creation creation became became the the recognition recognition of of the the Christian purpose purpose of 'divine sacrifice' of Jesus Jesus Christ Christ as as the the 'divine sacrifice' and and the the acceptance acceptance of Lord God. God. This This may may be be deduced deduced from from the the followirrg following words words attributed in the the Gospel Gospel according according to John, John, "For God attributed to Jesus Jesus in so loved the the world world that he he Flove gave his only Son, Son. that whoever whoever believes believes in him should not perish but have have eternal eternallife.,,9 lift."' ln In Paul's Paul's letter letter to the the Colossians Colossians he he explains explains that that the the rvorld world was was created created fbr for .lesus Jesus "r5He .d5 He is the the image image of of the the invisible invisible God. God. the the first-bom first-born of of all creation: creation: r6for him 16for in in him all all things things were were created. created. in in heaven heaven and and on earth. earth. visible visible anr: amI invisible. invisible. rvhether whether throne's thrones or or dominions dominions or or principalities principalities or or authoritiesauthoritiesall all things things were were created created through through him him and and for for him."(RSV. him."(RSV. Colossians Colossians |I::15). 15). t John3 RSV). 9 John, .3:: 1 166((RSY).
The The Purpose of of Creation
purposeof creation However, ifthis is is the the purpose However, prerequisite creationand andthe the prerequisite life,why why was was itit not for life, for everlasting everlasting rrottaught taughtby prophets? by all all the the prophets? Why did did God God not not become becomeman in the the time time of Adam Why man in Adam and and his his thatall all mankind would have offspringso sothat mankindwould havean offspring equal chance an equalchanceto purposefor their purpose existenceand for existence fulfill their andattain attaineverlasting everlastinglife. life. did those thosebefore beforeJesus' Jesus'time haveanother purposefor Or did time have anotherpurpose peopletoday existence?All people todaywhom whom God existence? God has hasdestined never destinednever to hear hearof Jesus Jesusalso alsohave haveno to fulfill their supposed to no chance chanceto their supposed purposeof creation. purpose.is creation.Such Suchaa purpose, is obviously purpose obviouslytoo too limited limited needof humankind. the need humankind. to fit the
Everything is is God Everything God The Hindu Hindu scriptures gods, The scripfuresteach teachthat that there thereare are many manygods, gods,persons personsof incarnationsof gods, of God is incarnations God and andthat that everything everythingis Brahman. (atman) God, Brahman. In ln spite God, the belief the self spite of oftlre belief that thatthe self(atman) all living living beings beingsis is actually actuallyBrahman, Brahtnan,an of alJ caste an oppressive oppressive caste systemevolved evolved in in which which the Brahmans, the priestly caste, system the Brahmans, tlre priestly caste, possess spiritualsupremacy supremacy b5r They are possess spiritual by birth. birth. They arethe teachersof the teachers 10 Vedastj the the Vedas and and represent represent the idealof ritual purity and the ideal ritual purity and social social prestige. On the theother otherhand, hand.the the Sudra Sudracaste prestige. On casteare areexcluded from excludedfrom 1 "to serve meekly" I religiousstatus religious statusand andtheir theirsale soleduty duty in in life life is is sewemeekly"ll the other otherthree thousandsof subcastes. the threecastes castesand and their their thousands subcastes. t" 10 The The l'eda, I'eda, meaning ¡'Knowledge." is is a collective collective terrn term for revealed revealed (snili: (sruti: meaning"Knowleclge." heard) sacred sacred scriptures scriptures of of the the Hindus. Hindus. All other other works-in works-in which which the the heard) of I-lindus Hindus are are encoded-are encoded-are recognized recognized as as actual actual doctrines doctrines and and practises practises of having being being composed composed by human human authors authors and and are are thus thus classed classed as as smriti smriti having (remembered). ( The The New New Encltclopaedia Encyclopaedia Britannica, Britannica. vol. vol. 20. 20. p. p. 530.) 530.) lrememberedl. 1\ Manava Dharmasastra Dharmasastra 1.9t: (The New New Encyclopaedia Encyclopaedia Britannica, Britannica, vol. vol. 1.91.(The " Manaua p.. 5 553.) 2 0 ,p 53.) 20,
f n , Purpose n r p " t , ofCreation The pt9rta*"
According to to Hindu Hindu monist philosophers,humankind's monistphilosophers, According humankind's purpose is is the realizationof therealization purpose of their theirdivinity divinity and-following and-following aa (marga) to path (margq) (moksha)from to emancipation emancipation(moksha) path from the the wheel wheel of of rebirth-the reabsorbtion reabsorbtionof the the human (atman) into rebirth-the humansoul soul(atman) into the the ullimate reality, reality, Brahman. Brahman For For those ultimate thosefollowing the thebhakti bhakti path,l2 the purpose is the purpose path,12 God because is to love loveGod becauseGod God created created humankind to "enjoy "enjby aa relationship-as aa father humankind fatherenjoys enjoys his his (Srimad Blngwatam). For the children" (Srimad Bhagwatam). the ordinary ordinary Hindu, the the main aim aim ofworldly of worldly life lies liesin in conforming main conformingto to social socialand andritual ritual duties, to the the traditional traditional rules rules of conduct duties, conductfor one's one's castecastepath.r3 the 13 thekarma karma path. Although most mostof the religion of the the religion Although the Vedic Vedic texts, texts, which which revolves around around rituals rituals of of fire sacrifice, revolves sacrifice,has has been beeneclipsed eclipsed Hindu doctrines practicesfound docffines and and practices by Hindu found in other other texts, texts, the the absolute authority authority and and sacredness absolute sacrednqssof of the the Veda Veda remains remains a central tenet virtually all Hindu tenetof of virtually Hindu sects central sectsand and traditions. traditions.The The Veda is is composed Veda composed of of four four collections, collections, the the oldest oldest of of which which is is the the Rlgueda Rigveda ("Wisdom ("Wisdom of of the the Verses"). Verses"). In these these texts, texts, God God is is described described in the ~he most most confusing confusing terms. terms. The The religion religion reflected reflected inthe in the Rigveda Rigveda is a polytheism polytheism mainly concerned concerned with appeasing appeasing deities deities associated associated with the the sky sky and and the the atmosphere, atmosphere, the the "most most important important ofwhich ofwhich were were Indra (god of of the heavens heavens and and rain), rain), Baruna (guardian (guardian of of the the cosmic cosmic order), order), Agni (the sacrificial sacr~ficial tt The path 11 path of of devotion devotion to a personal personal God in which murtis are murtis(idols) are worshipped worshipped with with the the hope hope of of goingto going to krishnaloko krishna/oka (a spiritual planet) planet) in in their their next next lives. lives. 1' NewEncyclopaedia 13 The The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, Britannica. vol. vol. 20. 20. p. p. 520.
The The Purpose ofCreation of Creotion
(the Sun). fire), and Surya (the fire), andSurya Sun).In later Vedic Vedic texts, In later texts, interest interestin the the godsdeclines, Rigvedic gods polytheismbegins early early Rigvedic declines,and and polytheism be beginsto be replaced by aa sacrificial pantheismto Prajapati (Lord of replaced sacrificial pantheism of (secretteachings is the All. In Creatures), Creatures),who is ln the the Upanishads the All Upanishads(secret teachings concerning cosmic cosrnic equations), equations), Prajapati merges concerning mergeswith the the concept the supreme of concept of Brahman, Brahman,the realityand supremereality and substance substance 'universe, personification,thus the replacingany the ~universe, replacing any specific specific personification, thus transforming 14 If the mythology mytholory into into abstract abstractphilosophy. philosophy.'o transformingthe If the the thesescriptures were all that contents contents of of these scriptureswere that human humanbeings had beingshad guidance,one choose from from for guidance, would have to choose one would haveto conclude conclude purposeof creation that that God hid both both Himself and and the the purpose creationfrom from humankind. humankind. God is not not the God is the author authorof of confusion, confusion,nor nor does doesHe He wish wish mankind.Consequently, when He difficulty for mankind. Consequently,when He revealed revealed His final communication huqankind one communicationto hUl1J.ankind one thousand thousandfour yearsago,.He preserved was perfectly perfectly preserved hundred years ago,.Heensured that it was hundred ensuredthat generations the gene~ations of beings to come. human beings ofthe for all of of human that come. In that (Koran), purpose final God revealed His purpose God final scripture, scripture,the the Qur'an(Koran), revealed Qur'an for creating prophet. He last propheL mankindand, and,through throughHis last He clarified clarified creatingmankind all It is coutdcomprehend. the details which man cornprehend. is on the all of the detailswhich man could orrthe basis of this prophetic explanations that revelationand this revelation the prophetic explanations basis andthe that question"Why we precise answers we will analyze analyzethe answersto the the question the precise man?" in the coming pages. did God pages. God create createman?" the coming
tn 14 The The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, Britannica. vol. vol. 20. 20. pp. pp. 529-530. 529-530. NewEncyclopaedia
The Purpose PurposeofCreation The of Crcation
Why Did God God Create? Create? potNT OF vtEw OF RoM THE THE POINT ROM oF VIEW oF GOD, Goo, AN AN EVEN EvENmore more question needs fundamental question fundamental needsto be be asked, asked,"Why did questionshould God create?" God This question create?" This shouldbe be asked askedbecause because is not, greatestcreation. humankind is not, in in fact, the greatest humankind fact, the creation.God saysin God says ChapterGhaafir Chapter Ghaafir of the the final final revelation: revelation:
'c';r f JP~~I~ ~\~\ ~} ,-r't:jis,:,r,,*Lrr ,tiJl {~~~ {brH r
jki #', ...,..lf1, ~ ~ ...,..1-111 /r..3' ~f ~~ /fit f ....
creation of the "Indeed, the creation the heavens heavensand and the earth is greater than the creation creation of mankind, but most most of mankind do not realize it." realize it." Qur'an 4A:57 Qur'an40:57 The composition composition of human humanbeings The beingsis is far far less lesscomplex complex in which which they than than the the composition compositionof the the universe universein they exist. exist. peoplereflect few people However, However, very very few reflect on on this this reality. reatity. Because Because of of the the apparent apparentsupremacy supremacyof human humanbeings beingsover over the the other other journeys through creatures creatureson this earth, earth,man's man'sjourneys on this throughspace and the the spaceand their technology continued of their continued advancement advancement technologyand and knowledge, knowledge, humankind humankindin everyage arrogantand in every agebecomes becomesarrogant andconsiders considersitself greatestthing worth noting world. It is the thing in in this this world. notingthat that the the the greatest is worth humankind'samazing majority amazingdiscoveries discoveriesare are not not majority of humankind's Thus, concerning Thus, human being, surroundings. concerningthe the human being, but but his his surroundings. human materialworld rather rather tend to be be focused focusedon on the the material humanefforts effortstend
f n , Purpose P r r p r t "0/ Creation Cr"tti The "f
than human humanbeings. beings.In In this thisverse, than verse,God Godbrings bringshuman humanbeings beings backto totheir theiractual actualstatus statusin back in this thisworld. world.Humankind Humankindis is merely merely partofthe smallpart of theexistence existencethat aa small thatresulted resultedfrom from the themiraculous miraculous act of of divine divinecreation. creation.Thus, why Thus,in act in order orderto to understand understand why God God created mankind, mankind,one onefirst created first needs needsto to answer answerthe the even evenmore more fundamentalquestion questionof fundamental of why why God God created. created.
The Creator Creator The Creationis isfundamentally Creation of the fundamentallythe the consequence consequence the divine divine attribute of being beingthe the Creator. creator. A creator attribute who does creatorwho doesnot not create create is something contradictionin is something of aa contradiction in tenns. terms.This This is is not not to to say say that God God needs needsHis His creation. creation.God that God is is free free from from all all needs. needs.It is is creation which which needs needsHim. Him. But, the greatness of a writer But, as creation as the greatness a writer becomesapparent apparentin in his his writings, becomes writings,the perfectionof the perfection of the the divine divine creativeattribute attributeis the true true creation.Creation creative is manifest manifest in creation. Creationin the senseis sense is unique unique to God Although humans humans ascribe the God alone. alone.Although ascribethe act creationto themselves, act of ofcreation themselves, what what they they do is not not true true creation. creation. Humankind Humankind merely merely manipulates manipulates what what already already exists-what exists-what was was already already created created by God. God. A table table is is made made from wood wood which which came came from trees trees and and is held held together together with nails nails and and screws screws made made from metalthat metal that came came from rocks. rocks. Human Human beings beings did not make make the trees trees orthe or the rocks. rocks. In fact, fact, all human human creations creations can can be be traced traced back back to basic basic elements elements which which humans humans cannot cannot make. make. Even Even the artist artist ocreates' 'creates' designs designs based based on what he has has seen. seen. ItIt is is not not possible possible to to imagine imagine what what has has not not been been perceived perceived by the senses. senses. Thus, Thus, all all of ofthe the artist's artist's thoughts thoughts are are reflections reflections by the on on what what was was already already created. created. Only Only God God alone alone creates creates from from
The Parpose Purpose of of C.reation Creation
nothing. This This basic basic fact fact was was and and still is is incomprehEnsible incompreh~nsible to nothing. as well as as modern modern philosophers, philosophers, who who some. Some ancient as some. Someancient createfrom from nothing, nothing, could God could could create comprehendhow God could not comprehend originally claimed the created world and and its its contents contentsare areall all originally createdworld claimedthat thatthe 15 aa part part of took aa part part them,God God took That is, is, according accordingto them, of GOd. God.'t That is based conclusionis of based universe.This This conclusion madethe the universe. Himselfand and made of Himself 'create'by who can modiffing on comp~ngGodtoman, who by modifying canonly only 'create' on comparingGodtoman, any such such what denies any God,denies exists. However, However, God, already exists. what already give Him human comparisons would give humanlimitations. limitations.In comparisonswhich' would states: Chapter final revelation, revelation,He states: of the the final ash-Shooraaof Chapterash-Shooraa ~. ""i, g;*lJr ~\ ,r'ri,f ;.'~ ~ {{}*lr ~~JAJ~, __ ~ br -l d'
' . '... }
All"There Him and He is the AII"There is nothing like Him Hearer and the All-Seer." 42:11 Qur'an 11 Qur'an42: the divine divine conSequence Thus, of the act of creation.is creafionis aa consequence Thus, the the act asthe the attribute describesHimself as theCreator. God describes beingthe Creatot.God attribute of being Creator in a variety ofverses throughout the final revelation to the final revelation throughout ofverses avariety Creator to Him alone. alone. emphasize to humankind belongsto everythingbelongs thateverything humankindthat emphasize ts This ln reality. Brahman. Brahman. In the supreme supremereality. regardingthe This is is also also Hindu Hindu belief regarding Man" the Cosmic Cosmic Man" the in in the the "Hymn of the (lOth) book the Rigveda: Rr'3n'eda: last (lOth) book of the the last partsof was created the parts createdout out of the (PurusasukJa), (Purusasukta), it is universewas is said that the the universe saidthat (Ptrrursa) was burned and rvhenhis his body burnedand body was the when cosmicman man(Purl/sa) of a single body ofa singlecosmic the body from his his dismembered primordial sacrifice. tbur castes castesemerge emergefrom sacrifice.The The four at the the primordial dismemberedat (Raianya)from wanior (Rajanya) from the the body: the mouth. mouth.the the warrior (Brahman)from from the priest(Brahman) the priest body: the (Sudra)from (Vaisya)from from arms. the servant servant(Sudra) the thighs. thighs.and and the from the peasant(Vaisya) the peasant arms. the vol. 20. p. 53 the 20. p. 531). I ). (TheNew Britannica,vol. EncltclopaediaBritannica, NewEncyclopaedia legs.(The the legs. I!
The Purpose ofCreation of Creation
{~J ~~ JS" Js. JA J~~ Y ~~ ~l} "Allah of all things and He is the Creator of "Allah is the Creator agent things depend." depend." agent on which all things Qur'an 39:62 Qur'an 39:62
{~P~J~~IJ} tt;,;; ur;35iiii,rry crested you all and whatever you do." "And Allnh created "And Allah Qur'an 37:96 Qur'an 37:96 that nothing placein Man Man needs needs to realize realizethat nothingtakes in this takesplace this permissionof God. protection universe without the God. To seek universewithout the permission seekprotection good from from from evil or to seek seekto acquire acquiregood from any any source sourceother other people than than God major mistake. Due to ignorance, ignorance,many God is is aa major mistake.Due many people gain good good fortune attempt attemptto avoid and to gain fortune through avoid misfortune misfornrneand through palmistry, etc. aa variety and amulets, variety of of channs charmsand amulets,astrology, astrology,palmistry, etc. Consequently, Consequently,in the revelation,Chapter al-Falaq, God the final final revelation, Chapteral-Falaq, God humanbeings informs informshum~n beingsto¡seek to.seekrefuge-in refugrin God from evil: evil: God from
ty 6? u P,q'r'tii'y} "Say: I seek seek refuge in the Lord Lord of the dawn, from the evil of of what what He has has created." Qur'an I l3:1-2 Q u r ' a n113:1-2 good.He He is created Allah, is not notevil; is good. Allah, God God Almighty, Almighty, is evil; He He created goodcan aa world doneby whom world in which whichevil evil or good canbe by beings beingsto whom be done gavethis place He gave this ability. However,no no evil goodcan ability. However. evil or good cantake take place permissionof God world without withoutthe in .. This is in this the permission God..This is why why it this world is futile protection. is futile to turoto othersbesides besidesGod God for help help and and protection. turn to others
The Purpose of The Purpose of Creation Creation
n7l __
'11.,.*=.a y~i {~\ 6) {i' IJb~ ~1 r:,o~ ~ a -'t:ei La}
'" ""9i9 strikesexcept "No calamity strikes exceptby Allah's permission" permission" "No calamity Qur'an, 6. 4 :IIl I Q u r ' a n64: ,,~
prophet of God, The final final prophet The (ffi), further God, Muhammad Muhammad(~), furrher "Be aware elaborated elaboratedon on this concept,saying, this concept, saying,"Be owore that that if if the the whole whole mankindgathered gatheredtogether of mankind you. togetherto to do do something somethingto help help you, only be they would only be able able to they Allah to do do somethingfor you which u,hichAlloh had already alreadywritten you: Likewise. writtenfor had for you: the whole ofmankind Likewise,if the whole of mankind f gathered together together to to harm harm you, gathered you, they they would only be able to be able do something somethingto harm harm you which Allah do Allah had already written ,,16 yott."t6 tto to you. o hhappen appen to
The Merciful, The The Forgiving The Forgiving In the creationof humankind, the creation humankirrd,the In the divine divineattributes attributesof of forgiveness, mercyand kindnessare andkindness arealso forgiveness, mercy manifested. Human alsomanifested. Human were created goodand purewith aa natural beings were createdgood and pure beings natural awareness awareness goodand The Almighty alsocreated evil. The Almighty also createdin andevil. of good in humans humans desires. desires, gavethem them an ability to control controlthose and gave an ability and those desires desires according according law or to to divine divine law to tum turn them them loose looseand and follow them blindly. blindly. to follow them God mankind would created knowing that they God created mankind knowing that they would disobey disobey Him. Him. Hetaught Consequently, humanbeings, beings,beginning Consequently, He taught human beginning with Adam, Adam, how to repent and thereby repent and how thereby purifo purify themselves themselves of of their sins. sins. Adam and and Eve Eve represent representaa pattern Adam pattern for all mankind mankind to follow. 16
by 'Abbaas Reported by' and collected Reported Abbaas and collected by at-Tirmithee at-Tirmi!hee and and authenticated authenticated vol. in Saheeh. at-Tirmifuee, in Sunan at-Tirmi!flee, vol. 2.pp. 2. pp. 308-9. 308-9. no. no. 2043. 2043. $afueefoSunan
The Purpose 0/ of Creation Crcation
They forgot forgot the the commandment commandment of of God, God, and and Satan played on on Satanplayed They desires. After they they had had disobeyed disobeyed God, God, they they turned turned back back their desires. to Him in repentance, and In humankind's humankind's and He He forgave forgavethem. them.In repentance, divine disobedience and back to God in repentance, repentance, the turningback God in the divine disobedience andturning infinite mercy attributes and infinite mercy become become total forgiveness forgivenessand attributesof of total (x;) informed manifest. his followers followersof this this informedhis The final Prophet(~) final Prophet manifest.The turn to Allah, commitsins sinsand turn Allah. reality, reality, saying, "lf you did not commit saying,"If He would have seeking His forgiveness, forgiveness, He have replaced you with seeking another people who sin, ask forgiveness and who would sin, ask Allah's forgiveness another people ,,17 Every He the 114 of them."'t one of the ll4 Chapters Chaptersof would.forgivethem. Everyone He wouldforgive with prayer, "ln the final revelation, except one, begins with the prayer, "In the the final revelation,exceptone,begins Allah's Merciful."Allah's the the Most Most Merciful." the name Allah,the the Beneficent Beneficentthe nameof Allah, to encourage are to attributes forgiveness arestressed stressed encourage mercyand attributesof mercy andforgiveness matterhow greatthe sins humans how great the sins into despair. despair.No matter humansnot not to fall fall into if manturns turns forgivethem them ifman of human may be, be,God God can can forgive humanbeings beingsmay (x) was was back The Messenger Messenger The (~) repentance. in sincere sincererepentance. back to Him in made quoted createdthe the universe, universe,He He made quotedas "When Allah created assaying, saying,"When kept by by an documentkept an obligation on Himself [recorded} obligation on [recordedJ in a document wasalso Him: my wrath." 18 He Hewas alsoreported reponed mywrqtfr."l8 mercysupersedes supersedes Him: My mercy parts, to v,ith one one hundred hundredparts. "[Allah mercywith to have createdJmercy havesaid, said," [Allah created} humanbeings and thejinn, human was sent one upanthejinn. beingsand sentdown down upon one ofwhich of whichwas they love is out that they love other out ofthis oJ'thisone onepart that ather living beings. beings. It is the animals animals each kindnessto to each eachother otherand even eventhe other,show showkindness each other, reserved the treat with affection. Allah has reserved the has lheir offspring affiction. treat their ffipring 17 "
Ayyoob Sahih no. 6621. reportedby by Aboo Aboo Ayyoob vol. 4. 1435-6.no. 6621.reported 4. pp. pp. 1435-6. Muslint,vol. SohihMuslim.
al-An~aaree. al-AnEaaree.
t' Sahih Hurayrah. 4. p. 6628. reported p 1437. reportedby Aboo Hurayrah. vol.4. 1437.no. no,6628. by Aboo Muslint,vo!. SohihMuslim,
The The Purpose Purpose ofCreation of Creation
remaining ninety-nine remammg ninety-nineparts for His true true worshippers worshipperson on the the for His Ie Day ,,19 Day ofResurrection. of Resurr ect i on." wished,He Had Had Allah Allah wished, couldhave He could havecreated createdmankind mankindlike like angels, angels,incapable incapableof committing committingsin. sin. However, However,that that was was not not His wish, wish,as He had His asHe hadalready alreadycreated createdangels. angels.Human Humanbeings beings were created created capable capableof making were makingmistakes mistakesand and when when they they realize their errors and their errors andseek divine realize seekGod's Cod's forgiveness, forgiveness,the the divine attributesof mercy attributes mercyand forgivenessbecome and forgiveness becomemanifest. manifest.
Supreme SupremeJustice Justice judgmentof mankind thejudgment In the In mankindat the end at the end of this world, this world, justiceand God's attributes attributesof supreme supremejustice God's fairnessalso andfairness alsobecome become manifest.Based Basedon on His manifest. His infinite infinite knowledge, knowledge,God God could could have have createdall all members membersof the the human humanrace were to live live on on created racewho who were earthand placedsome and immediately immediatelyplaced paradise and and earth someof them them in in paradise the remainder remainderin in hell. hell.Before Beforecreating knew the creatingman, man,Allah Allah already alreadyknew what choices theywould would make choicesthey makein in this this life, life, what what provision provision and and what give them, opportunitiesHe would give He would in what what state state of of belief belief opportunities them, and and in disbelief they would die. Therefore,in they would die. Therefore, or disbelief in one one sense sense it could could be said saidthat that some somepeople be people were were created created for paradise paradise and and others others 'Aa'ishah, hell. 'Aa'ishah, wife of of the the Prophet Prophet Muhammad Muhammad (*g), (~), for hell. quoted you him as as saying, saying,"Don't lcnou, quoted him "Don't know that that Allah created created paradise and hell, hell, and He crealed created inhabitants inhabitants for each?,,20 each?"2o for If If God God had had immediately immediately placed placed those those headed headed for paradise paradise in paradise, paradise, they they would would not not question question God's God's decision. decision. Those Those in t n I b i d . .v o l . 4 . p 1 4 3 7 . o . 663 6 6 3I.1 .rreported e p o r t e dbbyy A booH urayrah. 19 Ibid .. vol. 4. p. 1437. n no. Aboo Hurayrah. t o I b i d . .v o l . 4 . p 4 0 0 .nno. o .6 435. 20 Ibid .. vol. 4. p. 1 1400. 6435.
ThePurpose PurposeofCreation of Crestion The
paradise wouldhappily happilyaccept paradise would life acceptan aneverlasting everlasting lifeof of bliss blissand and bethankful thankfulthat thatthey theywere be hell. However, those werenot notplaced placedin in helr. However,those immediatelyplaced placedin immediately in hell hellwould wouldask askwhy. why.They Theywould wouldfeel feel sense of unfairness aa sense ofunfaimess due of would dueto totheir theirignorance ignorance of what whatthey theywould have done done had had they they lived livedon have on earth. earth.Those Thosein in hell hell would would relentlesslyargue arguethat thathad hadthey relentlessly theybeen beengiven givenaa chance chanceto to live live out their lives on earth,they out their lives on earth, theywould wouldhave havebelieved berievedand anddon~ done righteousdeeds. deeds.Consequently, consequently, righteous Allah Allah allows allowshuman humanbeings beings to live liveout out their theirlives Iiveson on earth to and make all the choices earthand makeall the choicesthey they would have havemade, made,so sothat would thateveryone everyonewho who enters entershell heil will know know thatthey theychose chosehell hellby bythemselves. themselves. that They God's Theywill recognize recognize God's mercy in their their lives livesand andacknowledge mercy in their acknowledge their sin sin in in rejecting rejecting His signs signsand andguidance. guidhnce. His A.nd His judgment judgment A'd they theywill accept acceptHis as being beingjust and beyond beyondreproach. reproach.However, as just and they sti II However.they will still beg for for another anotherchance chanceto beg to do good in in this this world. world, as as cod God says says do good in Clrapter as-Sajdaft the of in Chapter as-Sajdah of the Qur'an: Qur'an:
t-i;di j-{ri iyr+.Jr it s; l-i~' dr'r+r'+'#;, ~~;.f~ ~ ~;~ rI;...fU ~;~,~! l.S} "f:} Jf~}
~A; 6t If! vta,1;';; ~~ ~ grti ~~~ t:;;, ~~ t{ rrti /
"If only you could see see [the lthe timel time) when when the the sinners sinners "If will bow their heads will their heads before before their their Lord, Lord, [sayingf [saying],, tour 'Our Lord! Lord! We We have have now now seen seen and and heard, heard, so so send send us back and we will do righteous us back and we will do righteous deeds, deeds. Verily; Verily; we we now now believe believe with with certaintv.' certainty.' "" Qur'an, 32:12 32: 12 Qur'an,
Purpose o[Crestion of Creation The Purpose
However, ifif Allah were were to send send them them back back to this world However, having forgotten forgotten whatthey what they had had seen seen of of hell, hell, they they would again again having choose evil and and end end up in hell as as before. before. God God spoke spoke about about choose this in Chapter Chapter al-An'aaml ai-An 'aam:
{iJ;~~ d* ~!J w ~ i# e ~ iririi 'J~\Al it\'r'i'r11 'J~) JlJ} {iji,iJ ...
"But ifif they were returned [to [to this worldl' world], they "But back.to what what was forbidden to would certainly go backlo thelD. Indeed thev they are liars." liars." them. Qur'an, 6:28 Qur'an,6:28
Divine Love existence, God's broughtinto into existence, in beings beingsbrought is manifest manifestin love is God's love if only enjoy life, life, if only for aa whether disbeliever,to enjoy believer or disbeliever, whether believer paradise of creation paradise brief moment. in the the creation is also alsorealized realizedin moment.It i~ in for those over statesin righteousness overevil. evil. Allah states chooserighteousness thosewho who choose (5:13), who do good(5: the 13), do good lovesthose thosewho that He He loves final revelation revelationthat the final (9:4),those pious(9:4), those (5:42),those arepious those thosewho who are who are arejust (5:42), those who put their (3:146), their trust trust in Him 146), those who thosewho put patient(3: are patient who are. and in repentance repentance and (3: 159), those turn to (3:159), who frequently to Him in frequentlytum thosewho (2:222). is He who However, it is He who those who purify themselves (2:222). However, themselves puriff those who andthe the has the scriptures scripturesand throughthe humanbeings beingsthrough for human definedfor has defined just and those pious.Consequently, ConseQuently, those prophets good,just andpious. is good, what is prophetswhat Chapter who In Chapter prophetsare mostbeloved to God. God.ln belovedto aremost follow the the prophets who follow 'lmraan, Muhammad'(#E) to say say Aal 'Imraan, Allah (~) to ProphetMuhammadinstructedProphet Allah instructed the to the the believers: believers: following to thefollowing
bll {~j~ ~, ~oi7.r;r kJ ~ ~!} ,rrt:hr t&;i ~ ~J ~\li"~::;.,; $;il ~~~
fh" Purpose P"rprt" ofCreation rf Crettir, The
WI _
65If you you really really love loveAllah, Allah, follow "If follow me meand and Allah Allah will witl you love and forgive your love you and forgive your sins." sins." Qur'an 3 : 3I Q u r ' a n3:31 The prophets prophetsshould should be The be followed followed not not only only in in the the compulsory actsordained ordainedby by God, compulsory acts God,but butalso alsoin in their theireagerness eagerness to do do acts actsof of voluntary voluntaryworship. worship. to The love love of of God God is is also The alsomanifest manifestin in His His mercy mercyand and blessings which He He grants grantsfo fo those blessings which thosewho who deserve deservethem themas aswell well as those thosewho who do do not. not. But, But, it is as is particularly particurarrymanifest manifestin in His His willingness to forgive the willingness to forgive the sins sinsof whomsoever whomsoeverturns turnsto to Him Him in sincere sincererepentance. repentance. From the in From the creation creationof Adam Adam and and Eve, Eve, repentancewas was granted granted to repentance their sins as to them them to erase erasetheir sins as an an example all human humanbeings beingswho example to all who would would follow them them into into this world. greathuman this world. No matter matter how how great human sins may become, become, the the sinsrnay door for sincere repentance door sincere repentance remains remains open open until until the the last last day day of of this this world. world. Anas Anas quoted quoted Allah's Allah's Messenger Messenger (#) (~) as as saying, saying, "Allah. the the Almighty, has has said.said: O 0 son son of ofAdam, Adam, as long as you askof you call call on Me and ask ofMe, willforgive forgive what you hate have Me, II will done, done, and II do not mind. mind. O 0 son son of ofAdam. even ififyour Adam. even your sins sins reached the clouds you asked andyou askedIrIy Myforgiveness, forgiveness, II witt willforgive reached clouds and forgive you. Adam, ,fifyou you came you. O 0 son son of ofAdam, came to to Me Me with with sins nearly as as sinsnearly great as the earth you met great as the earth and andyou met Me Me without without giving Me Mepartners, partners, II will you aa similar similar amount amount offorgiveness."2l offorgiveness. ,,21 will give give you
21 collected Collected by by at-Tirmithee at-Tirmi!hee and and authenticated authenticated in in galre Sab.eeb. atelt Sunan sunan atTirmilhee, Tirmifhee, vol. vol. 3. 3. pp. pp. 175-6. 175-6. no. no. 2805. 2805.
The Purpose ofCreation
Grace Divine Grace paradise, they will will not enter enter it solely solely based based As forthose in pmadise, of God that will will ultimately ultimately good deeds. deeds. It It is the grace grace of on their good of Allah (#) (~) said said in this carry them them there. there. The The final Prophet Prophet of carry your best best to do right, and be be l*ppy. happy. For For none none regard, "Try "Try your regard, will enterparadise enterparadise onlybecause only because of ofhis deeds. " His companions companions hisdeeds." will said, Messenger of Allah! Not even you?" He He replied,"Not replied, "Not "O Messenger evenyou?" of Allah! said,"0 Allah envelops me in His mercy and gtace.z2 grace. 22 even His mercy envelopsme unlessAttah even I,I, unless one deed most Allah is one most loved by Allah thst the the deed And bear in mind that However, God's done constantly, small. ,,23 However, eventhough though it is small."Z3 constantly,even done faith and and grace is based both correct correctfaith arbitrary.It is basedon on both grace is is not arbitrary. 'Imraan, Aill 'Imraan, Allah says: righteous says: ChapterAal deeds. In Chapter righteousdeeds.
",iI q.Ai'p'ai ~! ~~ ~ e#urrv ~::. I~ ~~ :,f; J ~~f ';:..s. ill f'y-alu. ;J~ ~~ J\o'Hl,i "q :;}
,+r+ p; ~ {~J~Hal {iiru ~r ;.A "Whoever will have [the brings a good deed, will "Whoever brings [the
deed value of] an evil deed and whoever brings an ofl ten like it, and will and they they will will punishedwith one one like it, and will only be be punished not be wronged." be wronged.tt 6 :160 160 Qur'an Q u r ' a n6: no one's one's Were to hold humankind strictly,no to account accountstrictly, humankindto WereGod Godtohold However,God God deeds.However, good their evil evil deeds. outweightheir good deeds would outweigh deedswould good valueof good the value has graceby by multiplying multiplyingthe His grace manifestedHis has manifested It is is by by facevalue. value. It at their theirface deeds, deedsat keepingevil evil deeds while keeping deeds,while 22 Sahih Muslim, vol. Hurayrah. Aboo Hurayrah. by Aboo p. 1473. no.6765. 6765.reported reportedby 4, p. 1473.no. Sahih Muslim, vol. 4. 'Aa'ishah. reported Sahih Muslim, vol. 4. pp. 1473-4. no. 6770. reported by "Aa'ishah. pp by no. 6770. vol. 4, 1473-4. Sahih Muslim, "
22 23
The Purpose 0/ Creation
I 241 Il
graceof paradise.This thegrace of God Godthat thatthe thetrue truebelievers the believersenter enterParadise. This does not mean that deeds have does not mean that deeds have no nofO,le. role.Deeds Deedshave haveaamajor major role, but but they they are are not not the role, the deciding deciding factor. factor.God's grace God's grace outweighsthem. them. outweighs Consequently,the thecreation creationof Consequently, of human humanbeings, beings,the theerrors errors that they make andthe goodthat thegood that they make and thatthey theydo do are areall all circumstances circumstances for the the manifestation manifestationof of God's and for God's attributes attributes of of mercy mercyand forgiveness, Hisattribute attributeofjustice forgiveness, His grace. ofjustice and andHis His attribute attributeof grace. of Humankind should should not question why Humankind not question why God God chose choseto to manifest His attributesin in this manifest His attributes this way. way. It can canonly only be beassumed assumed that this this was wasthe the best bestway, way, because that becauseAllah describes describesHimself as as being the the Most Wise wise and andthe being Humans the Most Knowledgeable. Knowredgeable. Humans canonly only understand understand what Allah can what Allah chooses choosesto to reveal revealto them. them.
lr +dr'c'?i*# r;} {~~ a ~ ~!~~<~~~~~} {",i "They will "They will only encompass encompass of of His trnor"hAge knowledge what what He wishes.tt wishes." Qur'an 2:255 2:255 Qur'an Thus, Thus, theyshould they should not try to equate equate themselves themselves with God. God. If If He has has told humankind humankind why He decided decided to do somerhing, something, itit is is not not for for them them to to question question why why He He decided decided to to decide. decide. such Such questions questions are are without without end end and and thus thus beyond beyond human human scope. scope. ItIt is is they they who who will will be be questioned questioned on on the the Day Day of ofJudgment Judgment about about their actionsand intentions their actions and intentions and and not not He.In He. In chapter Chapter al-Ambiyaa, al-Ambiyaa, Allah Allah addresses addresses this this point: point:
The Purpose of ofCreation Creation
"He questioned as as to what what He does, does, while while "IIe cannot be questioned will.be questioned." they will be questioned." Qur'an. Q u r ' a n 21 , 2 l:23 :23 (*) was was reported In this regardProphet reportedby this regard ProphetMuhammad Muhammad(~) 'Abbaas Ibn 'Abbaas to have the creation "Reflect on havesaid, on the creation ofAllah of AIIah but said,"Reflect do Allah. ,,24 To reflect on the Alldh is is on Allah."2o reflect on the reality reality of of Allah reflect on do not reflect when it to reflect boggles when And, as mind boggles on the the infinite. infinite. And, as the the mind reflect on reflects galaxiesand andthe the galaxies and of the the finite universe universeand on the the limits of reflectson stars confoundedwhen when it attempts it, it will be be more moreconfounded attempts stars within it, (ff) warned warnedthat that the the to understand the uncreated. The Prophet Prophet(~) uncreated.The understandthe satanic introducedoubts hearts would seek doubtsin in the the hearts forceswould seekto introduce satanic forces questions aboutGod. of the questions about God. the believers believersby by raising raisingunanswerable unanswerable (S) said, said, sMesseng~r Aboo relatedthat Allah's Messenger(~) Hurayrah related that Allah' Aboo Hurayrah Whocreated "Satan come to everyone everyoneofyou of you and ask: ask: Who "Sstan will will come this questions;Who Whocreated he questions: createdyour Lord? this and that?-until that?-until he When refugein Allah [say: seekrefuge he comes that, one one should shouldseek Wen he comesto that, fsay: prophetsJ25 )25 and 1I affirm faith in and avoid avoid in Allah and and His Hisprophets my faith ffirm my [such ,,26 thofrghtsJ."26 [such thoaghts].
ta Collected gl-lf.ilyah and by by aland authenticated alinql-Hi\ah authenticated Aboo NU}liym Nugym in Collected by by Aboo p 12. | 788, vol. 4. 4. p. 12.no. no. 1788. as--Sakeehah, a~-S.a!l.eebah, vol. Albaanee Silsilahal-A!l.aadeeth al-Aftaadeeth Albaanee in in Silsilah 'Umar collected collectedbya!-Iabaraanee by ag-Jabamanee There Ibn 'Umar fiom Ibn similarnarration narrationfrom Thereis is also alsoaa similar .Sftu'ab in and al-Bayhaqee in 'ab al-Eemaan. al-Eemaan. in Shu al-Bayhaqee in al-Awsa{ al-Awsaland 25 SahihMuslim, 25 Sahih 243. p 77. 77.nos. nos.242 242& vol. L l- p. &.2,43. Mttslim,vol. 'u lbid., vol. 4, p. p. 320~ 496. vol. 4, no, 496. 26 Ibid., p. 77. Al-BuWnri, vol. 320, no. 244and andSahih vol. 1, 77. no. no. 244 SahihAI-Bukhari, l, p. 24
The Purpose of ofCreation Creation
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Why Did God Create Mankind? God Create RO~ THE HUMANKIND, THE TF{E PERSPECTIVE PERSPECTTVEOF HUMANKIND, noM T.t qUESTION "Why did QUESTION implies"For createman?" man?" implies did God God create F{ what purposewas created?"In ln the the final revelation, I wasman man created?" final revelation, what purpose this question is without any ambiguity.Humans Humans answeredwithout any ambiguity. is answered this question every human humanbeing being is is born are born God that that every informed by God are first informed of 'raq/~ with an of God. God. In Chapter Chapteral-A al-A'raq/: an innate innateconsciousness consciousness Allah said: Allah said:
;;f ~!)} i11} {; ~\ ~ itA¥\) ~~~ .F ~ b~ i;; ~ JF:qli; e:*b ~ ~;~ ilJrl ~?~ ~ '.r'r\lfbf , i.\ ~:: ~i lr -~ i: iii'i ~~, ~U*ti - · 'i·'fi;;i~fi *y~~ ei It'*l~'~lii, y[ilr -,r,.y.\\l .r-l:............,~. - ~Jt y~ &t
',.-'^{r::t g', Jj t:,^:f u;qtl~~i !'-hiWl Glijjrr'ti'g#,v ~ i;~~ ~~ ~ ~i ~~ ,lA ,F ~ f b uJ1i~
~ .It..·~ i, ',;i ~ ~i· ~ {{ii9I'r ~ v- : - ~,.
"l,w':k#!tb$ "[Remember) from the Lord extracted extracted "[Rememberl when your Lord loins children their descendants descendantsand and loins of Adam's children 'Am I not your Lord?' made 'Am L,ord?' made -them them testify [saying]: [sayingl: 'Yes, we testify They testify to it.' [This was] in They said: said: 'Yes, [This was) 'We were Day of Judgment: were case on the the Day Judgment: 'We case you say say on tlt you unaware say: 'It was was our ancestors Or you say: ancestors unaware of this.' this.t Or God and and we are who worshipped others besides besidesGod are worshipped others • you then only their descendants. Will you then destroy destroy us us descendants.Will for what those liars did?'" did?'" thoseliars Qur' an, 7: 172-3 7:172-3 Qur'an,
The The Purpose Purpose of Creation of Creation
(#) explained The TheProphet Prophet(~) whenAllah thatwhen explainedthat Allah created createdAdam, Adam, He He took from him placecalled took from him aa covenant covenantat at aa place Na'maanon calledNa'maan on the then extracted from Adam fth day the 9th dut''7 ofthe of the 12th 12thmonth. month.He He then exffactedfrom Adam wltowould all all of descendants who would be of his his descendants be born born until until the the end endof generationafter the world, world, generation generation,and the after generation, and spread spreadthem them out out before before Him to to take takeaa covenant covenantfrom from them them also. also.He He spoke spoketo them, face face to face,making them, to face, makingthem them bear bearwitness witnessthat that He was He was 28 their every their Lord. Lord.z8Consequently, Consequently, eveiyhuman humanbeing beingis is responsible responsible for belief beliefin in God, which is for God,which is imprinted imprintedon on each eachand andevery every soul. soul. is based basedon onthis this inborn inbornbelief that It is that Allah Allah defined purpose definedthe the purpose humankind'screation creationin of humankind's Thaariyaat: in Chapter Chapterathagh-Thaariyaat: r.'1} 1! ~~I) c-il+ I.A)} {IJJ"w {ir:**l ~l .r"!lt ~\ ;,+Jt~ ttl "I did not create jinn?9 and the humankind create the jinn2e exceptthat they, they should except should worship Me." Qur'an 51l :56 :56 Q u r ' a n5 Thus, the the essential essentialpurpose Thus, purpose for whiclr which humankind humankind was was is created the worship However, the the Almighty is is not created is the worship of of God. God. However, needof human humanwors[rip. did not in need worship. He He did not create create human human beings beings 17 as the Known as the day day of of 'Arafaat. 'Arafaat. 2t Collected by Almad 28 Collected Ahmad and and authenticated authenticated in Siisi/a Silsilahh al-Ahaadeeth al-A!laadeeth aยง.as$.a!J.ee!lah. vol.'4, vol:4, p. p. 158, 158, no. no. 1623. 1623. $afteefuah, 2e The;inn are 29 Thejinn are a class class of invisible invisible rational rational beings beings created created by God from the elements fire. They God with free free will, will, like mankind. mankind. elements of offire. They were were endowed endowed by God Consequently, of them them are are righteous righteous believers believers and and others others are are evil Consequently, some some of disbelievers. disbelievers. The The evil among among them them are are commonly commonly called called demons. demons. evil evil spirits, spirits, devils. devils. etc. etc. 27
Purpose of ofCreation Creation The Parpose
of a need need on on His part. part. If If not not a single single human human worshipped worshipped out of God, it would not diminish diminish His glory in any any w&], way, and and if if all God, of mankind mankind worshipp.ed ~orship~ed Him, it would would not not increase increase His glory of any way. way. God God is is perfect. perfect. He He alone alone exists exists without without any any in any is it needs. All created beings have needs. Consequently, is needs. Consequently, needs.All createdbeingshave humankind that that needs needs to worship worship God. God. humankind
The Meaning Meaning of Worship God, To understand understand why human human beings beings need need to worship worship God, 'worship.' term 'worship.' one what is is meant meantby the theterm first understand understandwhat mustfirst onemust 'worship' comes from the Old English English The comesfrom the Old English term term 'worship' The English in the the worship in weorthscipe 'honor.' Consequently, worship Consequently, weorthscipemeaning meaning'honor.' 'the performance performanceof of devotional devotional English as'the is defined definedas English language languageis acts ,30 According man to this meaning,man Accordingto this meaning, deity.'30 acts in honor honorof aa deity. glorifuing Him. In gratitudeto God God by glorifying is instructedto ~how showgratitude is instructed Chapter revelation,Allah Allah says: says: final revelation, the final an-Na;rof the Chapteran-Na~r
{drh'#l your Lord." "Glorify praisesof your the praises "Glorify the I l0:3 Qur'an Qur'an110:3 to be harmony In glorifying manchooses choosesto be in harmony gloriffing God, God, man glorifies its which naturally naturallyglorifies its with the creationwhich the rest restof creation phenomenonin many many Creator. this phenomenon addressesthis Creator. Allah addresses Chapter al-Israa, For example, in Chapter al-lsraa, chapters example, in For chaptersof the theQur'an. Qur'an. Allah states: states: 3o The Living Webster Encyclopedic Dictionary. p. I 148 The Living lhebster Encltclopedic Dictionarrr, p. 1148.
The PurposeofCreation ThePurpose of Creation
Lr3ttr ;jrt ilJ] tt')'4 ;!rl ~~ ~ :;j ~~~\j ~\ ~\J~\ ~} c1,io's\t[Ir :F ~ ~!j
". ~I' o~ , ", , " " â&#x20AC;˘ ~ ~ , :".~ ~ {tiithJ-J l5[ 1F|#~ rtitir JfMi r ~J" :~ *The seven "The eerth and whatever whatever seyen heavens heavensand the earth is glorify Him is in them glorify Him and there is nothing which 31 preise.'' However, does glorify His praise. Howeyer, you do not does not glorify glorification.' understand their their glorification." Qur'an, 17:44 Qur'an,17:44
However, the language the final revelation, However, in Arabic, Arabic, the languageof of the revelation, 'ibaadah,whichis closely related the worship worship is is called called 'ibaadah, which is closelyrelatedto the 'abd,meaning'a 'a slave.' noun slave.' A slave slaveis is one one who is expected expected noun 'abd, meaning whatever his to do worship, his ma'ster ma'ster wills. Consequently, Consequently,worship, do whatever 'obedient according the final revelation, tothe revelation,meaas accordingto meaas'obedient submission submission to the will of was the the message the will of God.' God.' This was the essence essenceof of the messageof of prophetssent all the sentby God humankind.For example, the prophets God to humankind. example,this worship was was emphatically understanding of of worship emphatically expressed understanding expressedby Gospelaccording accordingto Matthew, Prophet Jesus in the the Gospel Matthew, 7:21, Prophet Jesus 7:21, 'Lord' who call me me 'Lord' will will enter "None those who enter the the kingdom kingdom "None of of those the will one who does does the of Father in the one wiII of of God, God, but only the of my Father quote means be noted notedthat heaven." '-will' in this quote means that'.will' shouldbe heaven." It should 'what God 'what God not 'what wants human beingsto do' and and not God 'what God wants human beings to do,' permits humans becausenothing nothinghappens happensin creation creation permits humans to do,' because 'Will of (permission)of God. God. The The 'Will of God' is without without the God' is the will (permission) prophets which the revealedlaws laws which the prophets in the divinely revealed contained the divinely contained in 3t The glori$ing God l3:13. the day as glorifying and night thunder is is described God in 13: day and 13, the The thunder describedas the mountains mountainsin 38:18. 38: 18. and the in 21:20 2 t :20 and in
The Purpose ofCreation of Creation The
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taught their their followers. followers. Consequently, taught obedience to Consequently, obedience to divine divine law is is the foundationof worship. thefoundation worship.In law glorification [n this thissense, sense,glorification also becomes worshipwhen whenhumans also becomesworship humanschoose chooseto to obey obeyGod's God's instructionsregarding glorification. instructions regardingHis His glorification.
Needfor Worship The Need The Worship Why do do human humanbeings Why needto worshipand glorifoGod beingsneed to worship andglorify God by obeying obeyingthe thedivinely by obedience divinelyrevealed revealedlaws? laws?Because Because obedience divine law to divine to law is is the the key key to to success successin in this this life life and andthe the next. next. The first first human The human beings, beings,Adam Adam and were created and Eve, Eve,were createdin in paradiseand and later laterexpelled paradise expelledfrom from paradise paradisefor disobeying disobeying the divine divine law. law. The the The only way for only way for human humanbeings beingsto return returnto paradise is is by by obedience. to the paradise obedience,to the law. law.Jesus, Jesus,the the Messiah, Messiah,was was reported in in the the Gospel Gospelaccording accordingto Matthew reported Matthewto have havemade made obedienceto the thedivine paradise:Now obedience divinelaws lawsthe the key key to to paradise: Now behold, behold, 'Good one came cameand said to him. one him, 'Good teacher, teacher,what good thing " So he may have shall I do that I may have eternal life? "So he said to him, him, "Why. do you call "Why me good? good? No one is but One, call me is good one One, that ri, God. God. But if if you is, you want to enter enter into into life, life, keep the ,32 Also Also in in Matthew Matthew 5: 19, JesusChrist Jesus Christ commandments. commandments.'82 5:19, was the was reported reported to have have insisted insisted on on strict strict obedience obedience to the saying,""Whoever Whoever" therefore breaks one one of of commandments, saying, commandments, thereforebreala the thesecommandments, the least least of ofthese commandments, and teaches teaches men men so, so,shall be called least in the the kingdom kingdom of ofheaven; whoever does does be heaven; but whoever be called great in the the kingdom kingdom teaches them, them, he he shall be and teaches heaven." of ofheaven." 3r 32 Matthew Matthew l9:16-17 19: 16-17 (RSV). (RSV).
ofCreation Creation The Purpose of
laws represent represent guidance guidance for humankind humankind in all aU Divine laws walks of life. They define right and wrong for them and wrong and offer and them walks of life. They define human beings beings a comp{ete com~ete system system governing governing atl all of of their afflairs. affairs. human The knows best best what what is is beneficial beneficial for His alone knows The Creator Creator alone creation what is not. not. The The divine laws laws command command and and creation and and what prohibit various acls acts and and substances substances to protect protect the the human human prohibit various spirit, human society harm. ln In order order humanbody body and and human societyfrom harm. the human spirit, the for their potential potential by living living righteous righteous beingsto fulfill their humanbeings for human lives, through obedience obedience to His worship God God through need to worship lives, they they need commandments. commandments.
Remembrance God Remembranceof God All ofthe various acts of worship the divine divine worshipcontained containedin the ofthevariousactsof is natural natural laws rememberGod. God.It is humansremember help humans aredesigned designedto help lawsare important most important for human forget even eventhe the most sometimesforget humanbeings beingsto sometimes things.. so engrossed engrossedin fulfilling their often become becomeso Humansoften things..Humans needs. spiritualneeds. their spiritual material thatthey forgettheir needsthat they totally totally forget material needs true day of the the organizethe day of the true Regular prayeris is ordained to organize ordainedto Regular prayer interweaves God. It interweaves of God. believer remembrance the remembrance around the believer around The basis.The needs daily material on a spiritual needs with material needs on a daily basis. with needs spiritual to the the daily daily linkedto is linked regular andsleep sleepis to eat, eat,work and needto daily need regulardaily to regard with With God. man's connection with God. With regard to need to renew connection man's to renew need Chapter revelation,Chapter the final final revelation, regular prayer,Allah states statesin the regular prayer,
Iaahaa: laahaa:
ThePurpose Puroose The of Creation Creation
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"Verily, is no no God beside besideMe, "Verily, I am Allah, there is so worship worrhip Me and and establish so establish regular prayer for My remembra~ce." remembrance." My Qur'an 14 20:14 Qur'an 20: Regardingfasting, Regarding fasting,Allah stated statedin Chapter Chaptera/-Baqarah: al-Baqarah:
J W"' ~ ~\ ~'{Jt'6 ~ol~ J iirvd/lr ~'~ '. .iiI '~I.i} J*" ,J., \ft*{{ } {~);J~~ ttfrtsiiF$
~,J., ., ~iUttr ~., ,y u$t ~ Ji.'-,?,;i 0#
"0 believe! Fasting has has been been prescribed "O you who believe! for you as as it it was prescribed for those those before you that you may become becomeGod-conscious." God-conscious." Qur'an 2:183 Q u r ' a n2:183 rememberGod The are encouraged God as The believers believersare encouragedto remember as much much possible.Although, Although,moderation iri all spheres spheresof as as possible. moderationin whether of life. life, whether generallyencouraged mater~al or spiritual, spiritual~ is is generally encouragedin divine material law, an divine law, an regardingthe is made maderegarding the remembrance remembranceof exception exception is of Allah. It is is virtually impossible impossibleto remember rememberGod God too much. much.Consequently, Consequently, Allah encourages the final revelation, revelation,Chapter Chapteral-A!lzaab, in the al-AfuzaaD, encourages possible: as often rememberGod God as often as the believers to remember the believers as possible:
{IJ#' \-)~ l,r ~I \rSitiF;*JJ'dq} i/t~1 i~~ ~~\ ~~} {r-*rri,
*O believers! "0 believers! Rememb-er Remember Altah Allah often." .. Qur'an, Q u r ' a n33:41 ,33:41 Remembrance of ofGod is stressed stressed because because sin sin is is generally generally Godis Remembrance is forgotten. forgotten. The The forces forces of evil evil operate operate committed when when God God is committed
rn"Purpose ofCreation The
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most freely freelywhen whenconsciousness most ofGod consciousness of Godis islost. lost.Consequently, Consequently, the satanic satanic forces forces seek the seek to occupy people'smiIids people'smiridswith to occupy with irrelevantthoughts thoughtsand irrelevant them forget God. Once anddesires desiresto to make makethem forget God. Once God is is forgotten, forgotten,people peoplewillingly join the God the corrupt comrptelements. elements. The final final revelation, revelation,the an, addresses this phenomenon The theQur' addresses this phenomenon Qur'an, in Chapter Chapteral-Mujaadalah al-Mujaadalaftas in asfollows: follows:
qT ~~f .rualSr~~ IJ~' ')~ ;•'#•:If. ~~I} 6'LJ.Jr s.*,1. ;f,l;!i ~\b:~~" rytii'~, fi ;..Al:.Jti ' ~ ~ {~' I.iJI \JIb .~~ II :../. ~I ~{ .r;7 ," oGii{r {lt}s.i' Jf!' ~ . £ 11 . !i U
"Satan of them and caused causedthem to "Satan got the better of Allah.Those partl'of forget Allah. Those are the party ofSatan. Truly Satan. Truly the forget party of Satan Satan are the real losers" losers" Qur'an 5 8 :19 19 Q u r ' a n58: God, through throughDivine Divine law, law, has hasprohibited God, prohibited intoxicants intoxicants and and gamblingprimarily primarilybecause because they cause causehuman gambling they human beings beings to forget forget The human God. The humanmind and body God. mind and body easily easily become become addicted addicted to drugs and gamesof chance. and games chance.Once drugs Once addicted, addicted, humankind's humankind's desire to continually desire continually be be stimulated stimulated by,them by them leads leads them them into forms of of comrption. corruption. and and violence violence among among themselves. themselves. God all fonns saysin in Chapter Chapteral-Maa'idah says a/-Maa 'idah of of the the final revelation: revelation: ·_~il
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~ {~-*;~: ~f:W ~\~\ ~J~' f~ ~ ~l:A!J;~ :~i~J
"Satan's plan is to incite enmity and hatred among you with intoxicants and gambling, and
The PurposeofCreation ThePurpose of Creatlon
| *r It(tt I I
hinder hinder you from from the tfte remembrance remembrance ofAllah of AIIaft and regular prayer. Will Will you not then abstain?" Qur'an, Q u r ' a n 5:91 ,5:91 Consequently, Consequently, humankind needto remember humankindneed rememberGod God for growth.All humans of their have times times of their own humanshave salvationand and growth. own salvation weakness in which they commit sins. If they have no means weaknessin which they commit sins.If they haveno means of of remembering rememberingGod, they sink God, they sink deeper deeperand and deeper deeperinto corruption the sin. However, However, those corruption with every every sin. thosewho follow the which will will divine divine laws lawswill be be constantly constantlyreminded remindedof God, God, which give them give The them aa chance chanceto repent repentand and correct themselves.The correct themselves. processin Chapter final revelation describesthis process final revelationaccurately accuratelydescribes Chapter 'Imraan: Aal 'Imraan: ' '.~, \J~'" i1i1,'&Ji iiit ~i"ri ~~ iji r1,1 li'ri./j~ ~i i~ \~~ ;!;,rr;l ~~'J} +o i);J ;l:;'i ..~ ~\
{~y~ te'ii. having done somethingshameful shameful or "Those done something "Those who, having wronged their own souls, souls,remember Allah having wronged immediately ask forgiveness forgivenessfor their sins..." and and immediately sins,.." Qur'an, Q u r ' a n3:135 ,3:135
Religion of Islam Islam The Religion The worship available The most completesystem systemof worship mostcomplete availableto human The human in the beingstoday today is is the the system systemfound found in the religion religion of of Islam. Islam.The beings The 'Islam' means 'submissionto the very name name'Islam' means'submission the will of very of God.' God.' 'the third of is commonly commonlyreferred referredto as Although it is as 'the the three three Although of the is not not aa new religionat faiths,' it is new religion monotheisticfaiths,' at all. all. It is is the the monotheistic prophetsof allcif religion brought broughtby all the prophets of God God for humankind. of the humankind. religion
fnt Purpose nry"tt o[ rf Crelltlon Cr"ttt"" The
Islam was wasthe the religion religion of Adam, Abraham, Islam of Adam, Abraham,Moses Mosesand andJesus. Jesus. God addresses addressesthis this issue issuein in the God the final final revelation revelationwith with regard regard to Prophet ProphetAbraham, Abraham,saying: saying: to
~' ~ ·.~r ~(. '-;.rqllti+ if ~J r;; rt # b'jr ~\S" r; if ~} J~ , ., ~\S" -,.rAJ(~'~.) ~J-,Jft~.)'!~ 1{r$i*
{~~I~~~ lg.#,'u o'g *Ahrahom was wa$ neither aa Jew nor-a "Abraham nor.e Christian, Christian, but he was wrs an upright upright Muslim he Muslim who did bot not worship othens besides besidesGod." God." others Qur'an 3:67 Qur'an3:67 Since there there is is only One One God, Since God, and and humankind humankindare are one one species,the religion which the religion which God species, God has hasordained ordainedfor human human beings is is one. He did prescribeone one.He did not not prescribe beings one religion religion for the the Jews, Jews, another for Indians, Indians, yet another another etc. Human another for Europeans, Europeans,etc. Human spiritual and and social social needs needsare uniform, and spiritual are unifonn, and human human nature naturehas has not changed changed since since the the first'man first 'man and and woman wOman were were created. created. Consequently, Conseq~ently, no other other religion religion 'is acceptable to God God beSides besides is acceptable 'Imraant Islam, Chapter Aal Aal '/mraan of of the final Islam, as as He clearly states states in Chapter revelation: revelation:
{~~~I l'+;irr ~\ ~ ~:UI i,1} ~!} {iyr:f'
*Surely "Surely Allah's religion religion is Islam."
Qur'an 3:19 3:19 Qur'an
~ ~~~\ .'J J p14F"'*6-r;>L)r JAJ ~ ~ ~ ~~ r~~\ F;;s. #i'i ¢Ft ~J}
'{~r"bJl {ir-rnri.i'
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ThePurpose htwose ofCreation of Creatlon - rThe
whoever desires desircsaa religion besides "And besidesIslam Islam will will "And whoever hnveit it accepted, accepted,and not have and he hewill will be beamong among the the losers losers in the heretfter." the hereafter." in Qur'an 3:85 Qur'an3:85
Every Act Is Worship Islqeig system, the Isla.mic system,each In the eachand and every every human humanact act can can be be transformed into into an act of worship. an act worship. In fact, transfonned fact, God God commands commands the believers believersto dedicate dedicatetheir whole whole lives the lives to Him. In Chapter Chapter al-An'aom, ai-An 'aam, Allah says: says:
-;- ~ t\AiI:""..1l -~" lsthn'2 \oN' jiJr,irf. ~J_ t:J.J~, eli} {{colni' ir:4.r ;;.J,l "" ~ J~J"" e6'tJ'i. "rr} 'Surely (
*Say: 'Surely my prayer, pmyer, my sacrifice, "Say: sacrifice, my ry living tiving end my dying are for for Allah, and Allah, the Lord Lord of of all the tt worlds.t " worlds.' Qur'an 162 6:162 Qur'an6:
However, However, for that that {edication c;ledication to be be acceptable acceptable to Allah, each each act act must must fulfill fulfill two basic baSic conditions: conditions: FIRST, FIRST, THE THE ACT ACT MUST MUST BE BE DoNE DONE SINCERELY SINCERELY FoR FOR the the 1 pleasure I pleasure of of God God and and not for the recognition recognition and and praise praise of of human human beings. beings. The The believer believer also also has has to be be ponscious conscious of of while God doing God doing the the deed deed to insure insure that that it is not not something something forbidden forbidden by Allah or the last last Messenger Messenger (#E). (~). In order order to facilitate facilitate this transformation transformation of of mundane mundane deeds (~) to deeds into worship, worship, Allah Allah instructed instructed the last Prophet Prophet (!$) prescribe prescribe short short prayers prayers to be said said before before even e~en the simplest simplest sf of acts ~~t~ The shortest shortest prayer prayer which may be used used for any
The Parpose Purpose of of Creation
circumstance is: is: ~\ ~ bismillaah(ln bismillaah (In the the name name of of Allah). circumstance l' -*, There are, are, however, however, many many'other prayers prescribed prescribed for specific specific There otherprayers of clothing clothing occasions. For example, whenever a new new piece piece of example,whenever occasions. For is Prophet (+E) C*) taught taught his his followers followers to say: say: worn, the the Prophet is worn, ,;-a V l-', ~?- X :JtJ .~:,:S ~f J:.;j\ ~ ~I ~ ~ ?-~ . j ~ l. ~~ ~~ X ~ ;;f~ ,j o for it is You You,for k due due to You, You who has AIIah, thanks is O Allah, !_:'J
clothed me. its benefit beneJit and the benefit me. I ask ask Youfor Yoafor its for which it was made, and seek refuge in Youfrom was Youfrom made, seek for its 33 wasmade. made.33 evilfor which it was evil and the evilfor its evil
done in THE ISTHAT THATTHE se done coNDrloN IS THEACT Acr BE sECoNDCONDITION THe SECOND J Arabic the the prophetic way, accordance with way, called calledin in Arabic with the theprophetic Laccordance followers prophets their instructed Sunnah. All of the prophets instructed their followers to the Sunnah. guidedby Whatthey wereguided they follow they theywere by God. God.What way because because theirway follow their who truths, those taught were divinely revealed truths, and only those who revealed and only were taught divinely would inherit inherit way and truthswould followed the truths andaccepted acceptedthe their way followed their Jesus, thatProphet ProphetJesus, ItIt is eternal paradise. is in in this thiscontext contextthat life in in paradise. eternallife him, was was God be be upon and blessings uponhim, may peaceand blessingsof God the peace may the "./ as saying, saying,"'I l4:6, as to John John14:6, reported accordingto in the theGospel Gospelaccording reportedin the unto the man cometh comethunto the life: life; no no man truth, and am way, the the truth. and the am the theway. Mas'ood ibn Mas'ood Abdullaah ibn Father, nte." Similarly,' Similarly,'Abdullaah but by by me." Father, but (#) drew in iine in drew aa iine MuhammadC~) ProplretMuhammad related day Prophet thatone oneday relatedthat in p. 1125. andauthenticated authenticated vol. 3. I 125. no. no.4009 33 4009 and in 3. p. Abu Dawud, Dawud, vol. Sunan Abu " Sunan n. o .3391~ 3393i vol. 2. 2 .p. p .760. 7 6 0no. Daawood,vol. S,ah.eeh. AbeeDaawood, SaheehSunan SunanAbee
nt Purpose nrp"tr ofCreation rlc*"t*" The
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the dust dust for for them themand andsaid, said,"This "ThisisisAllah's the Allah,spath." path." He Hethen then drew several lines[branching drew several lines off] to tothe theright rightand andto to the theleft left [branchingoff] and said, said,"These "Theseare are the paths [of thepaths misguidance] on each of and misguidanceJ on each oJ' [of which isisaa devil devil inviting invitingpeople peopleto which follow it. " He then recited tofolrow it." Hethen recited the verse: verse: "Verily, this is the is my my path, path, leading leadingstraight, "Verily, this straight, so so follow it. it. And And do do not not follow follow the follow paths for they will the [other] paths for they will [otherl scatter you you about about from from Allah's Allah's path. path. That scatter That is isHis His command command 34 you in to you in order order that that you you may Allah. ,,35 to may be be conscious consciousof of Allah.34"35 Thus, the only acceptable way to Thus, the only acceptable way to worship worshipGod God is is according accordingto to the way way of the the prophets. prophets.That That being the beingthe the case, case,innovation innovationin in religiousaffairs affairswould would be beconsidered consideredby religious by God Godamong amongthe theworst worst all evils. evils. Prophet ProphetMuhammad Muhammad(~) (x) was of all was reported reportedto have have said, "The worst ofall of all affairs is for said, is innovation innovstion in religion, rerigion, for every religious innovation is a cursed, every innovation cursed, misleading misleading innovation innovation leading to the the hellfire."36 hellfire. ,,36 Innovation Innovation in the the religion religion is forbidden forbidden and and unacceptable unacceptable to God. (~) was was also also reported reported by his his wife, God. The The Prophet Prophet (E) 'Aa'ishah, 'Aa'ishah, to have have said, said, "He who innovates innovates something something in this matter ours, that is not of matter of ofours, of it. will hqve have itit rejected.,,37 rejected. ,,37 it, will It is fundamentally It is fundamentally due due to to innovations innovations that that the the messages messages of of the the earlier earl ier prophets prophets were were distorted distorted and and the the many many false false religions religions in in existence existence today today evolved. evolved. The The general general rule rule to to 3a Soorah 34 Soorah al-An'aam al-An'aam (6):153. (6):153. 3s 35 collected Collected by by Ahmad. Ahmad. an-Nasaa'ee an-Nasaa'ee and and ad-Daarimee. ad-Daarimee. and and authenticated authenticated by al-Musnad, vol.6. vol. 6. pp. pp. 89-90. 89-90. no.4142. no. 4142. by Almad Ahmad Shaakir Shaakir in in al-Musnad, 16 36 Sahih Sahih Muslim, Muslim, vol. vol. 2. 2, p. p. 410, 410, no. no. lgg5. 1885. , 37 sahih Sahih At-Bukhari, AI-Bukhari. vol.3. vol. 3. pp.535-6. pp. 535-6. no. no. g6l. 861. andsahih and SahihMuslim.vol.3. Muslim, vol. 3. pp.. 9931. 3 1 .nno. o . 44266. 266.
The Purpose Purpose of ofCreation Creation The
in order order to to avoid avoid innovation innovation in in religion religion is is that that all all follow in of worship worship are are prohibited, prohibited, except except those those which which have have forms of been specificalty specifically prescribed prescribed by by God and and conveyed conveyed to to humans humans been the true true messengers messengers of of God. God. by the
The Best Best of of Creation Those who believe believe in One One Unique Unique God, God, without partners partners Those offspring, and and do righteous righteous deeds deeds [according [according to the aboveaboveor offspring, is, That of creation. of creation~ is, mentioned principles] become the crown the crown mentionedprinciples]become although not the the greatest greatest creation creation of of Allah, Allah, is not humankindis although humankind creation. His best of they have the potential become the best of creation. the become potential to the have they In Chapter fact as as follows: statesthis fact al-Bayyinah,Allah states Chapter a/-Bayyinah, lPu ..:r..u, r}.r.1J \."..~ u1} .rtr.Jr-elr\~ {~~\ Ji ~~\...QJ' clJri t-iJt iJl} {tu-,Jl.r?" -* ~ e ~ deeds righteous deeds "Surely, and do righteous believeand thosewho believe "Surely, those are creation." bestof creation." the best are the 98:6 Qur'an Q u r ' a n98:6
The Sin GravestSin The Gravest the is then thenthe creationis of one's one'screation To purposeof thepurpose contradictthe To contradict 'Abdullaah commit. 'Abdullaah cancommit. greatest beingcan humanbeing that aa human greatestevil evil that is (#) which whichsin sin is Messenger reported that he asked Allah's Messenger (~) Allah's asked he that reported give Allah "To hereplied, replied,"To give Allah aa the andhe sightand in Allah's Allah's sight gravestin the gravest others you."38 Worshippingothers ,,38 Worshipping partner, createdyou. He created thoughHe eventhough partner, even unforgivable the only Arabic,isisthe only unforgivable inArabic, besides shirkin calledshirk God,called besidesGod, her hisor or her from his withoutrepenting repentingfrom sin. dieswithout beingdies humanbeing If aahuman sin. If p p 50¡1: 5 0 ' 1 .no. ' n o156. .1 5 6 . M u s l i mvol. ,v o l .I.l . pp. S o h i hMuslim, " Sahih
fn" Purpose P"rp"t, ofCreation Crtrtt* The "f
l_{ u l
sins,Allah Allah may mayforgive forgiveall sins, In this alltheir theirsins sinsexcept exceptshirk. shirk.In this regard, Godstated statedthe thefollowing following in regard, God ': in Chapter Chapteran-Nisaa an-Nisaq,; gU'l iJJ~ r.J.;r~tr ~J pJ <\.!q ~~ elr.:4iJi {'"~~ 0i ~"'i.1l\ ir1} {ti.:"- ir"J~I~ ,ii,- I frr iJl} Allah will will not not forgive forgive the "Surely "Surely Allah the worship wonshipof of others others besidesHim, Him, but but He He forgives less than besides forgivessins sins lessthan that that to whomever whomever He He wishes." wishes." to Qur'an.4:48 Qur'an,4:48 worshippingothers otherdbesides involves Worshipping besidesGod God essentially essentially invorves giving the the attributes anributesof the the Creator giving creator to to His His creation. creation.Each Eachsect sect religiondoes or religion doesthis this in in their A small or theirown own particular particularway. way. smallbut but very vocal group of people peopledown very vocal group of down through throughthe the ages ageshave have actuallydenied deniedGod' God's s existence.ie existence.~9 To justifY their their rejection rejection of actually Tojustifo of the creator, they were the Creator, they were obliged obliged to make make the the illogical illogical claim claim that that this this world world has has no no beginning. beginning. Their Their claim claim is is illogical illogical because because all of the observable parts of the observable parts of of the the world world have have beginnings beginnings in in 3' Hinavana 39 Hinayana Buddhism Buddhism (400-250 (400-250 BC). BC). the the earrier earlier and and more more strict strict of of the the two interpretations of Buddhism Buddhism which which arose arose after after cautama Gautama Buddha's Buddha's death. death. interpretations of clearl;' clearly states states that that there there is is no no God. God. .lainism Jainism as as svstematizecl systematized by' by Vardharnana Vardhamana also also asserts asserts that that there there is is no no God. God. hut hut liberated liberated souls. souls. accordin_e according to to the the teachings. teachings. attain attain immortalitv immortality and and nmniscience. omniscience. ln In the the lgth 19th and and 20th 20th centuries centuries aa number number of ofEuropean European philosophers philosophers proclaimed proclaimed what what came came to to be be known ofGod God philosoph1,," philosophy."' The The German Gennan philosopher. philosopher. philipp Philipp known as as the the "death "death of Mainlander I 84 l - I 876). the Mainlander ((1841-1876), the Prussian. Prussian. Friedrich Friedrich Nietzsche Nietzsche ((1844-1900), I g44-I 900). the 1905-1980)all the Frenchman. Frenchman. Jean Jean Paul Paul Sarrre Sartre ((1905-1980) all argued argued the the non-existence non-existence of Philosophy,and of God. God. (Dictionary (Dictionary of ofPhilosophy and Religion, Religion. pp. pp. 72. 72.262-3.327 and 262-3. 327 and 508-9). 508-9).
The Purpose of Creation
time, therefore therefore it is is only reasonable reasonable to expect expect the sum sum of of the time, parts to also also have have a beginning. beginning. It It is also also only logicalto logical to assume assume parts that whatever whatever saused caused the the world to come come into existence existence could that not have have been been a part part of ofthe could it have have a beginning beginning the world nor could not like the the world. world. The The atheist atheist assertion assertion that that the the world has has no beginning means means that that the the matter matter which which makes makes up up the the universe universe beginning is is a statementof statement of shirk, shirk, whereby whereby God's attribute attribute is eternal. etemal.This is The of being without~ begi!ming is given creation. The given creation. to His being without'beginningis have historically historically always always been been numbers genuineatheists atheistshave of genuine numbers of quite in spite they instinctively instinctively their claims, claims,they spiteof their quite small smallbecause, because, know of decades decades of of That is, is, in spite spite of exist. That doesexist. that God God does know that and of Russians communist Russians and the majority majorityof indoctrination,the communist indoctrination, Creator Chinese The Almighty Creator in God. God. The believein continuedto believe Chinese continued saying: pointed an-I'laml,saying: phenomenonin Chapter Chapteran-Naml, this phenomenon pointedout out this
rlnF,it {I~J '(J ~ Gi!~r w.iiJ~J} tlo'i {,t t ~ il.tlij!f T8~;-a:.:" wrongfully and "And signsl wrongfully denied (the they denied [the signs] "And they themselvesthey were arrogantly, though within themselves though within convinced convincedof them." 2 7 :14 14 Qur'an Q u r ' a n27: purposebeyond beyond life has-no has'nopurpose To materialists,life andmaterialists, To atheists atheistsand their desires desires desires.Consequently, Consequently, the their of their theirdesires. the fulfillment fulfillment of to instead instead andsubmit submitto godwhich which they they obey obeyand also thegod becomethe also become of the final al-Furqaan In of Chapteral-Furqaan of the final God.In Chapter True God. of the the One OneTrue revelation, Allah said: said: revelation,Allah
The Purpose 0/ Creation
-**'ril {;IJA 4+- ....11 W, ~)} #, ~ {i,roia-Jl f 1
you seen seen the the one "Have onewho "Have you who takes takeshis his desires desiresas as hisgod?" god?" his Qur'an :43 25:43 Qur'an25
christians gave gaveProphet ProphetJesus Christians JesusChrist christ the theattributes attributesof of the the creator by by first first making making him then Creator him co-eternal co-eternalwith with God,40 God,a' then by by .Godthe making him him aa per.sonality perponalityof making of God Godwhom whomthey theytitled titled 'God the son.' Hindus, Hindus,on onthe theoilier otllerhand. Son.' hand,believe believethat thatGod God has hasbecome become man in in many manyages, ages,by by incarnations incarnationscalled man cailedavatars, svatars,and andthen then they divided divided God's God's attributes attributesbetween they three gods, betweenthree gods,Brahma Brahma the creator, creator, Vishnu vishnu the preserverand the preserver the and Shiva shiva the the destroyer. destroyer.
Love of of God Love shirk also alsooccurs occurswhen when human Shirk beings love, humanbeings love,trust trust or fear fear the creation Chapter al-Baqarahof al-Baqarah of the the creation more more than than Allah. In chapter last last revelation, revelation, God God said: said:
-H| nr ~, l-ii'Fh,J-rir.r;i ~ ~~ ,;,JJf ar ~I ;,i iJ J~ u ~ #,i ÂĽi :;",,~I ,,6t~J} '$iit;; , , , {l {..1s + ~~f i~~ ~~(, b-ili *There
"There are are emong among men men those those who who worship worship others others besides besides Allah Allah as as equals equals to to Him. Him. They They love love them them as as only onlyAllah Allah should shouldbe he loved. loved. But But those those who who believe stronger love love for for Allah." Allah." believe have have aa stronger Qur'an :165 Q u r ' a n22:165 a 0J o h n :l& 1 4 ""Ir lIn n tthe h e bbeginning e g i n n i n gwwas 40 John lI: 1&14 Word. Word a s tthe hew o r d . aand n d tthe hew o r d wwas as with And the the word Word became becameflesh flesh and and with God. God. and and the the word Word was was God....'t God .... 14 And dwelt ofgrace graceand and truth:" truth:" (RSV). (RSV). dweltamong among us, us, full full of
The Purpose ofCreation of Creation
When emotions are are directed directed more more theseand andother similar emotions When these strongly cause human human beings beings to disobey disobey the creation, creation,they cause strongly to the However, only Allah God pleaseother humans.However, an effort to please other humans. God in an deserves humanemotional emotionalcommitment, commitment, for it is completehuman deserves aa complete who should be loved and feared over all creation. creation. He alone should be loved and fearedover He alone Anas (~) said, " Whoever narratedthat the Prophet Prophet(*) said,"Whoever ibn Maalik narrated that the Anas ibn possesses {the following] three characteristics has the lrlers character,lsfi'cs tasted the three fthe followingJ 1ao.esesse.r offaith: he who loves Allah and His sweetness Hk Messenger and loves Allah sweetness offaith: beingfor Allah's Allah's above lrumnt beingfor lw who wln loves lovesanother another human aII else; afuve all else;he Allah sake disbelief afre, Allah md he he who wln hates lntes to return rettnn to disbeliefafter alone; and salre alone; has fire. ,,41 hates to be into a rescuedhim as as he he hates be thrown into afire.'Al hasrescued All the love other reasonsfor which which humans humanslove humansor the reasons other humans love than reasonsto love love God God more more than other created are reasons love other beingsare createdbeings dislike death death His creation. love life and and dislike Humanslove and success, success,and creation.Humans and and the ultimate of life and is the ultimate source sourceof failure. Since SinceAllah is and failure. of humankind. humankind. success, the full love the-full loveand anddevotion devotionof deserves He deserves success,He them them and and help help them Humans thosewho who benefit benefitthem Humans also love those also love help (7: 188) and when all benefit and help in need. Sinceall benefit(7:188) when they they are are in need.Since (3:126)come lovedabove aboveall else. shouldbe be loved all else. (3:126) from God, God, He He should comefrom
iril6~1J} bri} uu., iJ~ r i', ~ {lA~ {6}bti ~.11\ ,
*If you try will blessings'you will Allah's blessings, "If try to count Allah's [p." not be be able eble to add add them up." l4:34 Qur'an, Qur'an,14:34
41 "
p. 30, vol. 1, 67. Sahih l, p. 30, no. no. 67. Muslim, vol. SahthMuslim.
fnr Purpose nrp"t",il9rt"tt The ofCreation
However,the thesupreme However, supremelove which humans lovewhich humansshould shouldfee) feelfor for God must mustnot not be bereduced reducedto God to the thecommon comrnondenominator denominatoroftheir of their emotionallove lovefor for creation. creation.Just emotional Justas asthe the love lovehumans humansfeel feelfor for animalsshould shouldnot other notbe bethe animals the same sameas aswhat whatthey they feel feel for for other humans,a2 thelove loveofAllah humans,42 the the ofAllah should shouldtranscend transcend thelove lovehumans humans feel towards towards each each other. other. Human feel Humanlove loveof of God God should be, shouldbe, fundamentally,aa love lovemanifest manifestin fundamentally, completeobedience in complete obedienceto to the the 'fmraan,"If you Jove laws of God, God,as asstated statedin in Chapter laws ChapterAal 'Imraan, "ff love Allah, then follow me me [the Prophetl and and Allah will will love love [the Prophet] you.'/3 This yoU.,,43 This is is not not an an abstract abstractconcept, concept,because becausehuman humanlove love otherhumans humansalso also implies of other impliesobedience. obedience,That That is, is, if if aa loved loved one requests requeststhat that something somethingbe one be done, done,humans humanswill strive striveto accordingto do it according to the the level levelof their do their love love for thatperson. that person. The love love of of God The God should also be shouldalso be expressed expressedin the the love love of of whom God thosewhom God loves. loves.Ris It'is inconceivable those one who loves inconceivablethat that one loves Allah couldhate Allah could hate those those whom whom Allah Allah loves those whom whom lovesand and love lovethose He hates. (~)-was quoted quoted by Aboo Aboo Umaamah Umaamah as as hates. The The Prophet Prophet (*â&#x201A;Ź).was saying, loves for for Allah Allah and hates hates for for Allah, gives gives saying, "He who loves for Allah Allah and withholds withholds for for Allah, has has perfected perfected hisJaith.,Al his faith. ,,44 for consequently, Consequently, those those whose whose faith faith is is proper proper will love love all those those who love love God. God. In chapter Chapter Maryam, Maryam. Allah indicates indicates that that He puts puts love in the hearts of the the believers believers for those those who are are righteous. righteous. love the hearts of 12 The huge 42 huge sums sums of of money money currentlv currently being being spent spent protecting protecting endangered endangered species of animals animals while while humans humans are are leli left to to starve starve and and die die of of disease disease is is species of among among the the major major crimes crimes of of the the 20th 20th century. century. aJ 43 Qur'an, Qur'an, 3:3L 3:31. aa collected 44 Collected by by Almad, Ahmad, at-Tirmithee at-Tirmi!hee and and Aboo Aboo Daawood Daawood (stman (Sunan Abu Abu Dawud, Dawud, vol. vol. 3. 3. p. p. 1312. 1312, no.3664. no. 3664. and and authenticated authenticated inSaheehsunan in S-a!lee!l Sunan Abee Abee Daawood, Daawood, vol.3, vol. 3, p. p. 886. 886. no. no. 3915). 3915).
The Paryose Purpose of ofCreation The Creation
{,;~ ~:,J' ~ ~ lq{"rr ~~~, ifuji-*[ i#J i~~ irir ~~l i.r1] ~~} t\i'*lt'#'#h" "Surely, Allah will will bestow bestow love [in [in the hearts of of "Sunely, Allah the believens believers forl for] those those who believe believe and do righteous deeds." deeds." Qur'an l9:96 19:96 Qur'an (~) Aboo related that that Allah's Messenger Messenger (#) Hurayrahalso alsorelated Aboo Hurayrah *If said regard, "If Allah loves loves a servant servant He this regard, following in this the following said the informs So-and-so and tells him lovesSo-and-so informs angel angel Gabriel that He loves calls out to ThenGabriel calls loveshim. him. Then so Gabriel Gabriel loves to love love him, him, so 'Allah loves loves So-and-so, to the inhabitants ofthe heavens: 'Allah So-and-so, heavens: to the inhabitants of the ' of the heavens heavens love love therefore the inhabitants inhabitants ofthe hint ' So ,Sothe love him. therefore love people ofthe ,,45 him. eqrth."a5 granted the loveofthe of the eqrth. of thepeople he is is granted the love him. Then Thenhe
Prayers Prayers alone,for only God alone, Prayers directedto God be directed shouldonly only be Prayersshould is He is as long long as as He prayers.He He is is accessible accessible as He answerprayers. He can can answer called upon sincerely. sincerely. calledupon
sr.} iVi ~f -ti J~ iA ';lJ} *i ~) {iJ~; ;1 ~':UI i;.; rfyJS,io '-$~4+tV ~L {irrai'rilurritr
about Mulammadl abOut "When you [6 My servants sertants askyou [O Mu!!ammad] "When 'My near' I answer answer the prayer am near, Me, [tell them] that I am [tell them] w\o calls calls on Me." of everyone evelyone w~o 2 :186 186 Qur'an Q u r ' a n2:
nsSahih p.291. no.43l. vol.4. 45 AI-Bukhari, vol. 4. p. 291. no. 431. SahilrAl-Bukhari,
1385. 6373. 1 3 8 5no. .n o .6373.
p. vol.4. SahihMuslim, Muslim,vol. andSahih and 4. p.
ThePurpose Purpose orcrearion The ofCreation
[F| _l
,,Ifyou TheProphet Prophet(~) (S) emphasized emphasized The this point,saying, thispoint, saying,"If you ask prayer, in ask-only ask in prayer, ask only Allah, Allah, and andif if you you seek seekhelp, help,seek seekitit only from Allah.'46Thus, only Thus,prayer prayerto to human humanbeings from Allah.,,46 beingsor orthrough through human* beings,dead deador or living, living,isisaaform humanbeings, The one formof of shirk. shirk.The oneto to whom prayers prayersare aredirected directedbecomes of worship. whom object becomesan an object of worship. prophet(~) An-Nu'maan ibn ibnBasheer Basheerreported repoftedthat An-Nu'maan thatthe theProphet (*) said, said, " supplication is is worship. worship."a1 "Supplication ,,47
{~\i:.f;4- ~, ~J~ ~ ~;'Jj ~~I ~!} "Surely, those whom you calion in prayer besides Allah are servants like yourself." Qur'an 194 7:194 Qur'an7: Thus, the the Catholic catholic Christian christian practice praying te Thus, practice of praying to saints saints is shirk. If something is shirk. If something is is lost, lost. Saint Anthony of of Thebes Thebes is is saint Anthony 48 prayed prayed to in order order to help help find find it.a8 it. st. St. Jude Jude Thaddaeus Thaddaeus is the the patron impossible and and is is prayed prayed to for intercession intercession patron saint saint ofthe impossible in incurable incurable illnesses, illnesses, unlikely unlikely marriages marriages or the the like.ae like. 49 And itit used used to be that when when someone someone set set out on a journey, journey, Saint Saint christdpher, of travelers, travelers, was was the the object of of Christdpher, the the patron patron saint saint of prayers prayers for for protection. protection. However, However, in in 1969 1969 st. St. christopher Christopher was was a6 'Abbaas 46 Reponed Reported by by Ibn Ibn 'Abbaas and and coilected collected by by at-Tirmithee at-Tinnithee and and authenticated authenticated ninSabee Saf1ee!1 Sunanat-Tirmifute. at-Tirmi~ee. vol. vol. 2, 2, pp. pp. 308-9. 308-9. no. no. 2043. 2043. see See an-Nawawi's h sunan an-Nawawi,s Forty Hadith, Hadith, p. p. 68, 68. no. no. l9 19 and and lvlishkat MishkatA!-Masabih, AI-Masabih, vol.2 vol. 2 ,, p. p. 1099. 1099. *r,y n' 47 sunan SunanAbu AbuDnvud, Dawud, vol. vol. l,I. p. p. 387. 387. no. no. 1474 1474and and authenticared authenticated in insaheeh Sa!:J.ee!l Sunan SunanAbee Abee Daawood, Daawood, voI. voL I,I, p.277. p. 277. no. no. 1312. 1312. u The lllorld "The WorldBook Book Enc.vclopeita, Encyclopedia, vol. vol. l.1.p.p. 509. 509. t" l. p. 49 tbid.. tbid.. vol. vol. I1L p. 146. 146.
The Purpose of of Creation - ThePurp-lse Creation
tl-I I
unceremoniously sffuck struck offthe off the list of of saints saints by papal papal decree, decree, unceremoniously 50 Prayers after was confinned that he was fictitious. Mary, to fictitious.50 Prayers was that hewas it confirmed after the Jesus, and and to the the angels, angels, as as on on Michaelmassl Michaelmas 51 the mothc;r mothgrof of Jesus, â&#x20AC;˘ Christians who shun are shirk. Even Even Christians shun saint saint worship worship are also also shirk. prayers commit shirk whenever they direct prayers to Prophet Jesus, ProphetJesus, wheneverthey direct commit his name. name. Likewise, Likewise, any any Muslim Muslim who prays prays through him or in his throughhim (~) commits Consequently, to Prophet shirk.Consequently, commitsshirk. ProphetMuhammad Muhammad(#) God (~) to inform inform his his followers followers as as the Prophet Prophet(H) God commanded commandedthe follows 'raaf al-A'raaf. follows in Chapter Chapteral-A rr"a ~J rr ~~ lrr Sou. rll L. c-s YJ 1! I~ I:lr.iiu.,.tlJ ~i W,j ~ cUi ~i f~ ;0) Ji} JIJ ~\ F-Jti c..5
{So.,..J' {oF' ~ #br
L. J ~, ~ ..:;.; j5.:-~ =*Jt ~\ ;*Jt t,.:;*-f
'I have no power power to bring bring "Say Muhammadl: 'I "Say [0 [O Muhammad): if good or avert harm even from from myself, except if harm even knowledge of of the unse~n, unseen, I Allah If I had knowledge Allah wills. If only good and no would would surely surely have accumulated accumulated only me." evil would would have befallen me." 7 :188 188 Qur'an Q u r ' a n 7:
s The 417 vol. 3. p. 417. 3. p. WorldBook Encyclopedia.vol. Book Encyclopedia. TheWorld 'tt in the the Archangel.celebrated celebratedin 51 The Michael the the Archangel. t'eastof of St. St. Michael The Christian Christian feast 50
(Orthodox)Church Eastern(Orthodox) Church 29 and andin in the the Eastern western 29 September westernchurches on September churcheson SS. istheFeastof it Catholic Church, the Roman on November 8. In the Roman Catholic Church, it is the Feast of S5. In November 8. on its Church,its in the the Anglican AnglicanChurch, archangels: Raphael.archangels: in Michael, and Raphael, Michael. Gabriel, Gabriel. and (The New New and All All Angels Angels (The Michael and Feastof proper proper name of 51. St. Michael the Feast name isis the p. 95). vol. 8. 8. p. 95) Britannica, vol. Encyclopaedia EncyclopaediaBritannica,
The Purposeof creotion _The Purpose ofCreation
|E| -
..Warn Aboo Hurayrah Hurayrahreported reportedthat Aboo thatwhen whenthe theverse verse"Warn your nearest nearest relatives,"S2 prophet,he relativesr"s2was your wasrevealed revealedto tothe theProphet, he ,,Opeople said the the following following to to his hisrelatives: said relatives:"0 peopleofQuraysh, of eurrysh, securedeliveranc~ deliverancefrom AIIah [by from Allah for II secure doinggood gooddeeds], deedsJ,for [by doing cannot avail availyou you at st all all against againstA/lah. cannot .. O Faatimah, Allah...o Faatimah,daughter daughter of Mullammad, Mufiammad,ask askme mewhatever whateveryou of you wish wish [in thislife], lifeJ, but but [in this qvail you against havenothing nothing which which can II have Allah. ,,53 can avail against Allah.,,53
sr 52 Soorah Soorah ash-Shooraa ash-Shooraa (ZG):214. (26):214. st sahih Al-Bukhari, 53 Sahih A/-Bukhari, vol. vol. 4. 4. pp pp. 47g-9. 478-9. nos. nos. 727 727&.7zg. & 728. and andsahih Sahih Muslim, Muslim, vvol. o l . l l. . pp.. 1136. 3 6 .nno. o . 4402. 02.
Purposeof ThePurpose The Creation ol Creation
Why Did God God Create Create Mankind on on Earth? Earth?
creation may may be be expanded creation expandedto include includethe the world in in which they questionwould live.The which they live. wouldthen Thequestion thenbe, be,"Why did did humanbeings beingsin this world?" world?" Again, God God create createhuman in this Again,the the answer answer questioncan caneasily this question be found found in the to this easilybe the final final revelation, revelation, Chapters a/-Mu/k al-Mulk and anda/-Kahf: al-Kahf, Chapters pl J ~ i'5rJr )t-..r ~i gilrl .J--A j'".J1 JJ.)J*lt ~"J' JUiJ-?i ~to!.i.~~ .lt ,=,JJI} Fi,f*;
tJ,#I.it.,;,.!1 {.r.rtoJr r_-fl IIel who created created death and life to testwhich "fIt test which "[It is He] of you is is best in conduct; best conduct; and He is is the Mighty, Mighty, the Forgiving." Forgiving."
Qur'an 67:2 Qur'an 67:2
t l'" Ul} b~ u!} g,..ri ~i {'}\.w JPi~' Js- ~ {y* ~i SJ40tj a+-i~# ert+l ~ "r; .r.r!r sle "Surely I5o have havecreated createdall that thirt is is on on earth earth as ss its its "surely .54 ornaments best testwhich which of them ornaments that I may mev test them is is best in conduct.tt conduct." in Qur'an l8:7 Q u r' a n 18:7
3r r'1y*" "We" in the the originat original Arabic Arabic is the majestic majestic 'we,' 'we,' refening referring to God. God.
fhe Purpose P"rposeofCreation The Crrtlly "f
Isol __r
Thus, the purposefor the purpose for the Thus, the creation creationof of human humanbeings beingsin in 55 this world world is is to to test testtheir their conduct. this This conduct.st Thir world world of of life life and and wealthand death,wealth poveny,sickness and poverty, death, sicknessand and health, health,was wascreated created to sift out the righteous righteoussouls to sift out the soulsfrom from the the evil evil souls. souls.Human Human conductin in this this world world is is the the measure measureof faith. conduct faith. lt should shouldbe benoted, noted,however, however,that It thatthe thetests testsof conduct conductare are not to to inform inform God abouthumankind, God about not humankind,for for He He knew kneweverything everything there was wasto to know know about there aboutthem thembefore beforeHe He created createdthem. them.The The tests serve serve to to confirm confirm on tests on the the Day Day of Judgment Judgmentthat that those those going to to hell hell deserve deserveit and andthose going to going thosegoing to paradise paradiseonly got only got there grace. by God's God's grace. With With regard there by regardto human humanbeings beingsin in this this life, the thetest testofconduct,serves of conduct;erves life, two one, two basic purposes: basicpurposes: one,human human spiritualgrowth, growth,and andthe spiritual the other, punishmentor reward. other,punishment reward.
Spiritual Growth The tests testsof of this this world are The are primarily for the the spiritual spiritual growth growth of of human human beings. beings. Just Just as as an an intense intense fire separates separates pure pure gold gold from from the the rough rough ore ore to which which it is is bound bound in in nature, nature, tests tests purifo purify the the moral moral character character of of the the believers. believers. They They force force the the believers believers to choose choose their their higher higher spiritual spiritual qualities qualities over over their is passed, passed, even even their lower lower desires. desires. Although Although not not every every test test is in failure failure the the believer believer grows grows by learning learning spiritual spiritual lessons lessons to help help him him or her her in future future tests. tests.
ss See 55 See also also Chapter Chapter Hood Hood (l (11):7. l):7
The Purpose ofCreation of Creation
Generosity Contentment Generosity and Contentment For example, human societies societies the the qualities qualities of of example, in all human generosity among the most most generosity and and contentment contentmentare are considered consideredamong these traits can can noble neither of However, neither of these noble characteristics. characteristics.However, dev.elop Generosity ifeveryonehas hasthe the same sameamount amountofwealth. of wealth.Generosity developifeveryone human soul-aware that can when thethe'human soul-aware that o$y be be acqui~ed acquired when can 0!1ly is good-struggles against its desire sharing with the needy against desire the needy is sharing to hoard On the hand, contentment contentment is possessions. the other its possessions. other hand, hoard its produced envy and and greed. greed. produced when evils of the soul defeatsthe the evils of enry when the soul defeats The spiritual struggles wisely sets the stage thesespiritual struggles Creatorwisely setsthe stagefor these The Creator world. In by wealth in ln Chapter in this this world. distributingwealth Chapter by unequally unequallydistributing an-Nab.l of the final revelation, Allah says: says: an-Nahl the final revelation,
il'r} {Jj)\ j...Gi .iÂťIJ} {O;rl'J *dr .;s- ~ rfut }., d ~ *Allah has 'you over others in "Allah some of of 'you has favored some gugtenance.tt sustenance." Qur'an l6:71 Q u r ' a n16:71 natural corrupt forms the natural are corrupt forms of the Greed stinginess are and stinginess Greed -and informed by possess.The The bel are informed believers human ievers are to possess. desire to human desire givento humankind God. humankindby God. wealth is is aa trust tnlst given revelation that wealth revelation that are born and beforehumans humansare born and Possessions the world before exist in the Possessionsexist accordingto If wealth wealth is usedaccording die. If is used remain they die. after they thereafter remain there both who have have it in in both thosewho benefitsthose divine instructions, it benefits divine instructions, cursein this this becomesaa curse is used selfishly,it becomes worlds. usedselfishly, worlds. But But if it is a/the next. next.In In Chapter Chapteralpunishmentin in the life for punishment causefor life and andaa cause warns believers the believers to God warns the Anfaal revelation.God the final final revelation, Anfaal of the children: wealthand and children: beware dangersof wealth the dangers bewareof the
The T h ePurpose P u r p o s ofCreation e of Creation
fsTt ..
rytrrl} {4.o:oi {es ~.:l':iJiJ frf:ir ~,.,.i r.(lryi wi \~'J} (Know "Know that your wealth and end children are sre aI test." Qur'an 8:28 Qur'an 8:28 God further warns the God alfurther warns the believers believers in in Chapter' Chapter.a/Munaafiqoon not no{ to let MUlJaafiqoon children let their their desire desirefor wealth wealth and and children divert them them from divert from obedience obedienceto Him, for this this is is the the test test of of possessions. possessions.
rj:,h;*.rlr qirr} fr ~,.,.i {.iÂť\ loft.ill ~i~} {lrr .;r~ fi ~ if ~.:l':iJi fsIli ':iJ rr(Jrr.i~ Fftb ~f \.f"I~ believers!Do not allow your yourwealth "0 wealth and children "O believers! divert you from the remembrance of to divert of Allah." Allah." Qur'an 63:9 Qur'an63:9
t sr f*J ~~~.:l~ .rra:: p Jj~~)J} otg(r" Cl:} {~I.i~ {fuu l.J~~
'6He raised raised some some of of you over others in rank "He rank to test granted you." with what He granted you with Qur'an 6::165 165 Q u r ' a n6 The desire desireto accumulate The accumulate wealth wealth cannot cannot be be satisfied satisfied in this life. The more life. The this more human human beings beings have, have, the the more more they they want. want. Prophet (S) The Prophet stated, "If a man had a valley gald, he (~) stated, "If man ofgald. he of would desire for nothing u,ill willfill desire another, another, for his mouth but the fill his his graveJ. dirt [of his grave]. And And Allah Allah forgives forgives whoever sincerely sincerely dirt [of repents."56 repents.,,56 This negative negative desire desire can can only be be overcome overcome by # SahihAl-Bukhari, vol. pp. no. 447. 447. 56 Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol. 8, pp. 297-8. 297-8. no.
ThePurpose Purposeof The of Creation Creation
wealth charitably. giving of of one's one's wealth charitably.Thus, Thus, Allah commanded commanded prophetsto collect the prophets the collect charity charity from the more wealthy wealthy among the more among poor. their followers distribution among the poor. followers for distribution amongthe it} $.r.p ~'Jo"i {If.t {g ~ i/ ~} ercl,r 4j..L..P F.{5-ilj1J ~~ d'r.f ~ purify them "Take charity from their their wealth to purify "Take charity grow." and make mrke them grow." Qur'an 9 :103 103 Q u r ' a n9:
Charity was institutionalized institutionalizedin from its its inception Charity was in Islam Islamfrom inception 57 (compulsory under under the the Arabic name, name,Zakaah Every Zalcsahsi(compulsory charity). charity). Every give aa set portion believer wealth is is obliged obligedto give set portion believer with surplus surpluswealth needyannually worship.To withhold of the needy annuallyas as an an act act of of it to the of worship. Zakaah Zakaah is sin. Giving helps is considered consideredaa major major sin. Giving this this charity charity helps wealth is the realizethat is not not their own to the believers believersto realize that their wealth please.It teaches do teachesthem do with as they please. them that that they they are are only as they portion wealthwho must give aa portion temporary of this mustgive temporary custodians custodiansof this wealth of God who are of it to those thosewho are destitute. Consequently, God describes destitute.Consequently, describes who recognize right of true thosewho recognizethe the right needy true believers believersas asthose of the the needy portionof their wealth. toa to a portion their wealth.
{~J~'J jJW ~ {t.rrt J''1 JiiJJ o' ~'yi *ltr.i JJ} *tr} "And in their wealth the beggars and needy have heggars needy their have "And aa right." right." Qur'an 5l:19 Q u r ' a n51:19
57 Literally means 'purification' and 'growth'. and'growth' Literallyzakaah zakaahmeans'purification'
The Purpose ofCreation of Creotion The
However,giving giving in However, in charity charityshould shouldbe bedone donesincerely sincerelyfor pleasureof God, the pleasure God, and the and not not for show showor or control control of others. others. The reward rewardfor for charity charityis The is completely completelylost lost when when it is is done donefor worldly gains. gains. Allah Allah addresses worldly addressesthis this reality reality in in Chapter Chapterala/Baqarah as follows: Baqarah asfollows: l}le+i ~1 Ip\,. l.;rb ~.lh {',",~~IJ {'.rrlrj ~4 Cr.tU~\iJ...p Qlr-} ,}riJl \.tt~} n*UJ.r I~ believers, do not destroy your "0 your acts acts of of charity charity "O believers, generosity and by reminders of your generosity and by injury." injury." Qur'an 2:254 Qur'an2:264 Craving for wealth wealth is Craving is further further enhanced enhancedby envy. envy. Consequently,God God also also instructed instructedus Consequently, not to desire us not desirewhat what He He given others. has given others.God God addresses has addressesthis this issue issuein Chapter ChaptetanNisaa'of the final final revelation revelationas Nisaa' of the as follows: follows:
or.irrj..:Ai r" I~ r9r.s~J} {~jsI;} p.fu4 '4~' {'p. Jt ~ Jtai l.a for that "Do that by which Allah Allah has has favored "Do not wish for some of some of you over others." others.tt Qur'an 4:32 Qur'an4:32 The The Prophet Prophet (4E) (~) reiterated reiterated this this divine divine piece piece of of advice, advice, saying, lessfortunate those less fortunate than than you, you, and do not saying, "Look to those look to those you, in order that you those above above you; it is betterfor you, do not denywhat deny what Allah has has blessed blessed you with. ,,58 When When human human do vou v'ith."58 t r S a h i h A l - B u k h a r vi ,o l . 8 , p . 3 2 8 . 58 Sahih Al-Bukhari. vol. 8. p. 328. n no. Muslim. o . 497. 4 9 7 .and a n dSahih S a h i hM u s l i m ,vvol. o l . 4. 4 . pp.. I1530. 530.no. no. 7070. 7070.
The Purpose of Creation beings focus focus their attention attention on those those who have have more more wealth wealth beings and feel usually than they do, envy begins to develop. usually feel and develop. They do, begins than express that God has has been been unfair to them. them. Ultimately, they they express may commit commit many many sins sins to fulfill fulfill their desire desire for what others others may have. Instead, Instead, Islam Islam advises advises them them to consider consider those those less less have. fortunate than than themselves. themselves. No matter matter how difficult difficult fortunate always others others in more more circumsta;nces may be, be, there there are are always circumstances may less reflecting others difficult situations. Consequently, reflecting on others less Consequently, sinrations. diffrcult with hu.man beings beings of the many m~ny bounties bounties fortunate reminds human of the fo.rtunatereminds spiritualstruggle struggle this spiritual which God has blessed blessed them. them. It is is in this which God has quality of of higher quality of contentment contentment the higher that the envy that avoiding envy of avoiding the of the develops. teachingsof accordingto the the teachings Furthermore, according develops. Furthermore, wealth real wealth possessions constitutethe the real prophets, do do not constitute prophets,material materialpossessions (d*) quotedthe Messenger(~) the last lastMessenger of world. Aboo Hurayrahquoted Aboo Hurayrah this world. of this property, as saying, "Wealth is not [measured] in property, but in as saying, "F[/'ealth [measuredJ ,,59 contentment. contentment."59 should that-human beingsshould Being human beings npt mean meanthat doesnpt contentdoes Being content not in themselves they in ~nd acceet whatever circumstance they find themselves, accepJwhatevercircumstance 4nd not one's do one's strivingio try to do that,after after striving meansthat, themselves.It means to better betterthemseJves. t y to accept one should shouldaccept goodstandard best living, one standardof living, achieveaa good bestto achieve by is only only by what It is with aa clear conscience. clearconscience. destineswith what Allah destines effo4 aftermakingan making an effort, leaving thehands handsofGod, ofGod,after in the leavingone's affairsin one'saffairs pleasures desiresfor the the pleasures that the desires from the rest from heartsfind rest the hearts that the in Chapter Chapterar-Ra'd of this God states statesin regard,God this regard, In this this world. world. In of the revelation: the final final revelation:
Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol. 8. p. 304, no. 453,
fhe Purpose P"rprt" of rf Creation Crttttu Tht
[s6f _t {y.#JI ~~ ~f} Ar'f* ft} {+ptt ~ ,jr"l" ~I
is in in the the remem remembrance "Indeed, brance of "Indeed, itit is of Allah Allah that that heefts find find rest." rest." hearts Qur'an l3:28 Q u r ' a n13:28
Calamities Calamities .misfortune' Tests of this this life life also alsocome Tests comein in the thefonn form of 'misfortune" and calamities calamitieswhich which contribute contributeto and the spiritual to the spiritualgrowth growthof the the true believers andpurify themof sin. true believers and sin.Conversely, conversely,life's life's tests tests furiff them misfortuneremind reminderrant errantbelievers of misfortune believersto to return returnto the the correct correct path, andthey they punish punishdisbelievers disbelieversin path, and in this this life before beforethe the next. next.
Patience Patience calamities are are the the foundatio' Calamities 'foundation on on which which the the higher higher spiritualquality spiritual quality of of patience patience is is developed. Consequently, it is is developed.consequently, not surprising surprising to find that that the the righteo-us righteous are are subject subject to many many tragedies difficultiesin trage~ies and and-difficulties In their tbeir lives. lives~ sa'd Sa'd reponedthat reported.that he he asked asked theProphet(*) the Prophet (:~) whoamong who among mankind mankind had had the the most mosttrials, trials, and and he he replied, replied, "The prophets, prophets, Ihen then those those most most like them them and then those then those most like then. them. Man is tested tested according to the level his faith. ofhis faith. IfIfhis faith faith is firm, firm. his trials trials increase level of in severity, and ifif there is weakness weakness in his hisfaith, faith, he u,ill will be severity, and tried tried accordingly."oo accordingly. ,,60 True True patience patience is is the the product product of of complete complete trust trust in in God God at at the the time time of ofcalamity. calamity. Trust Trust in in one's one's Lord Lord is is an an important important aspect aspect o
lectedby 60 cof Collected by at-Tirmithee at~Tirmi!hee and and Ibn Ibn Maaiah M~jah and and authenticated authenticated in in saheeh (iaheeb. Sunan Sunan at-Tirmilhee. at- Tirmi!.b.ee. vol. vol. 2. 2. p. p. 286. 286. no. no. 1956. 1956.
The Parpose ofCreation The Purpose of Creation
naturalconsequence of of real worshipand and the the natural consequence real faith. faith. Since of worship Since placein belief in Allah means acceptingthat nothingtakes meansaccepting that nothing takesplace in withoutHis permission, the then His permission, thenonly deserves the universe universewithout only Allah Allah deserves promisethat humankind's completetrust. trust.For, For.it is humankind'scomplete is only only God's God'spromise that is is never neverbroken. matterhow righteousaa human broken.No matter how righteous humanbeing beingmay may be, is capable error.Humans she is capableof error. Humanswill always let be, he he or she always let each nature.Consequently, other down down due due to their erring nature. Consequently, each other their erring quotesProphet ProphetJacob in Chapter Allah Jacobin Yoosufas saying: Allalr quotes ChapterYoosufas saying: I
ii} "ll tl} )l ~\ {4Jys'~' ~~).;$ 4r ~ +J*r .:5j y ~ {o_rtEr"l, JS' J51,a)o r}G.Jr4Jl}
"The decision decisionrests restsonly with Allah. I put my trust in Him alone, should trust only alone,and and all who trust should in Him." Qur'an 12:67 Qur'an ]2:67 put their humankindthat if they Allah Allah further that if they put their furtherassures assureshumankind for them in their complete in Him, Him, He be sufficient sufficientfor themin trustin He will be their completetrust most trying times. mosttrying times.
*' Js{~ {..,.--~ r# ~\ ,F ~~ nrl1}J} ,F JS" "Whoever trusts in Allah, then He will will suffice suffice him." Allah. then "\ilhoeyer trusts Qur'an 65:3 Q u r ' a u65:3 Trust embodiedin in the firm belief beliefthat Allah Trust in in God God is is embodied the firm thatAllah rvhatis what alone firm for humankind; hurnankind; firm belief beliefthat thatwhat is best bestfor aloneknows knowswhat goodfor not, in for them may not, in humans perceiveas as being them may humans may beinggood may perceive the goodfor for them. them.As Allah said saidin in Chapter Chapter be good As Allah run,be the long long run, al-Baqarah: al-Baqarah.
fn" Purpose Prrp"tt of Creation Crr"tb, The "f
l.:rr lJAP U=$l1,.rr,i0i lJ^F 0i r)i ~J pf ~ .li ~J} JAJ JsJ ~,~ ,- JAJ rt'S ~ F ~ .r.-s;]
{oJ ~ ~X ~iJ ~'J ~ p.ir ~ {liyllr; ,d*,6,'-, $J ~ you may may dislike dislike something "Perhaps somethingand "Perhaps you and it is is good good you, and you may and you may like like something for you, somethingand and it is is bad bad you. Allah knows for you. knows and you and you do do not." Qur'an 2:216 Qur'an2:216 The trials trials by by which which Allah The Allah tests tests human human beings beingsare are specifically tailored to specifically tailored to their their own individual needs own individual needsand and circumstances. God creates createstrials trials for each circumstances. God personaccording eachperson according their to abilities in order orderto to their abilities in to bring bring out the best out the bestin in them. them.It would be be unfair unfair and and unjust would unjustfor human humanbeings10 beingsto be tried be tried beyondtheir theircapacities capacities punishedfor beyond and failures. andthen thenbe bepunished for their their failures. Consequently,God God emphasizes Consequently, in emphasizes in many manyverses versesof the the final final revelation that is not that He not unfair He is unfair to anyone. revelation anyone.For For example, example,He He says Chapteral-Kahf: al-Kahf: says in Chapter
{\.i:l-i ~) dl{ ~ T.,} 'lJ} {t.r-i eLtr
"And your your Lord Lord does does not oppress oppress anyone." "And Qur'an 18:49 I 8:49 Qur'an If If Allah is is truly just, it means means that that the the trials trials human human beings beings face face in this this life are are not beyond beyond their ability to handle: handle: In order order to reassure reassure humankind, humankind, Allah states states this this fact fact repeatedly repeatedly in the the Qur'an. An example example of of His reassurance reassurance may may be be found found in the second chapter, entitled the second chapter, entitled al-Baqarah: al-Baqarah:
The Purpose htrpose ofCreation of Creotion
{~J~!~~'~~} {td.-,r 1! L*ii ilr .,,,il5if} *Allah "Allah does beyond its capacity." doesnot burden aa soul beyond capacity.'
Qur'an 2:286 Qur'an 2:286 promisesthat Furthermore, Furthermore,the the Almighty promises that the the difficult which humans situations situationswhich humans face in life will not be without without face in not be intervalsof rest. werecontinuous would certainly intervals rest.If If trials trialswere continuousthey theywould certainly become become unbearable. unbearable.Consequently. Consequently"every everytest test is is followed followed by by aa perid of relief, twice period as Allah emphatically states twice in Chapter relief,asAllah emphaticallystates in Chapter al-Inshiraah: al-Inshiraaft: rr-r- .,,-al' 0! I)"'""'! {,)"'""'! \5} g. iJilp} g. iJ! {'r-,- .,,-all ,..-rjt ~ -rjt ~ *For surely with "For comes [a with difficulty difficulty comes ofl [a period of] with the difficulty ease. difficulty comes ense. Surely with comes [another [another period of] o{f ease." ease." Qur'an 94:5-6 Qur'an 94:5-6
Despair Despair prohibited It is that suicide thisreality realitythat suicideis explicitlyprohibited is due dueto this is explicitly in ': in Islam. saysin Chapter Chapteran-Nisaa an-Nisaa': Islam.Allah says
lrLa ~J} ir'E.rr iJ! Ol~i It} {~) ~ iJlS"~, {r.*.r,5 .lfuti '# yourselves,for surely "Do not kill yourselves, surely Allah is merciful with you."
Qur'an 4:29 Qur'an 4:29
Tn,Purpose P"rprt, ofCreation Crr*i The "f
l?ol . t lr
Those who who commit commitsuicide Those suicideare arebasically basicallysaying sayingthat that God has has burdened burdenedthem thembeyond beyondtheir God capacity. They falsely their capacity.They falsely accuse the theCreator creatorof of treating treatingthem accuse themunfairly unfairlyand andthereby therebyfall fall into aacorrupt corruptstate stateof of disbelief. disbelief.Due faith, into Dueto totheir theirrejection rejectionof of faith, their thoughts thoughtsabout aboutGod Godbecome their becomeevil evil and andthey theyfall fall into intoutter uffer ,.isso despair."Life," "Life," as as they they often despair. oftensay, say,"is sounfair unfairthat that itit isis pointlessto go on to go on living." living." pointless rlr C)J 4j!} T! ~\ {lJ J)lS:J 1 ~fl4lt jill ~1 {ir1j$r d/ J'~ -,,,! ~1 ~t} 3;.r .:r only aa disbelieving disbelieving people "Surely only people despair despair of mercy." Allah's mercy." Qur'an 12:87 Q u r ' a n 12:87 Consequently,God God has Consequently, hasinformed informedhumankind humankindthat thatthe the punishment punishment for those those who who harbor harbor evi thoughts about Him is evilI thoughts about is the eternal torment of hell. hell. In In Chapter al-Fat-lJ. Attah Allah says: says: the eternal tonnent of chapteral-Fat-h ;pU--bJt ~~\ .rtfriJr; ~15"."..w'J a{rijr1 ~ ;oWlJ .ttriu.Jr; ~~L:..J\J i^rrt;*Jt ~L:..JI t;j--f Y~J}} pJr i;Tl g+-.tl ~J Fts-lt \,e )G eirr k\ '--ar-l ~J ,~r-l' o;T~ ,r6J* ~ ,J-Jt ~r-l\ Ob ~ Irr, k4 *:tL; F-fi .r4J.r*i-1 {\~~LJ~~~iJ {'.0*, "That He He may may punish punish the the hypocrites, hypocrites, men men and and "That women, women, and and the the idolaters, idolaters, men men and and women, women, who who harbor harbor evil evil thoughts thoughts about about Allah. Allah. An An evil evil torment torment will will encompass encompass them, them, forAllah for Allah is is angry angry with with them them and and curses curses them. them. And And He He has has prepared prepared hell hell for for them; them; an an evil evil end." end." Qur'an 48:6 48:6 Qur'an
fn, Purpose P"rprt"ofCreation rt Cr"ftt The
Hope Hope On the theother otherhand, hand,the thedivine promisesofjustice On divinepromises ofjustice and and mercy fill fill the the believers believerswith with the mercy to the confidence confidencenecessary necessary to patientlyface facethe thedifficulties difficultiesof patiently hope of this Iife.Consequently, thislife. Consequently, hope in the the mercy mercyof of God God is is an anessential essentialpart partof in of faith. faith.Those Thosewho who believe in in Allah Allah and patientlystrive andpatiently striveto believe to do whatis do what right have is right have the right right to hopefor to hope for His His mercy, mercy,for for He the He has haspromised promisedto help to help and support supportthose thosewho who ate palient: arepatient: and
il' \ ~~IJ?~ athsl ,Jarjgaiti#;d,*+rr {~!~\ t- ~I~! \Jo~-!';. " \;-~ ~~I ~"G} {+-r,riol'g ft{ U} believers, seek seek help help in patience patience and "0 "O believers, and prayer. is with those thosewho are Truly, Allah is are patient." Qur'an 153 2:153 Qur'an 2:
'cLfri Lt} ~~f ~, J IJJA~J IJf-Le ~~'J l;-~ ~~\ J"'-. ;\rt"+':itr6 ,t_liiro ++rr~!} 1~ hirlr i*;1 {~~ ~~ ~\J~' ~~ o;t;~~~ {?'r"rP "Surely those those who believed, believed, emigrated and strove "Surely for for the sake sake of of Allah, Allah, hopefor hope for Allah,s Allah's mercy, mercy, for Allah is Oft-Forgiving Most-Merciful." Most-Merciful." Qur'an 2:218 2:218 Qur'an Of Of course, course, paradise paradise is the reward reward for patience p~tience based based on sincere sincere beliefin God. God. God God informs informs the the believers believers of of their their reward as follows: reward as foHows:
"^;=";'#.*,iii1~~I ~-y:~1 ?-iJ} 4yL-ir11a ~! U!J ~ 11 U! ijd l)~ ~:_~a~ ~~l H! ;;jJr ,s+..6tl'l {~~\~ {o'*..(,
The Purpose ofCreation
""...so ...so announce announce glad tidings [of paradise] to those those [of paradise] those who, when afllicted afflicted with with who are patient; those say: Truly Truly we belong belong to Allah Allah and to calamity, say: Him will return." return." Him we will Qur'an 2 :155-6 155-6 Q u ' a n 2: Patience based on whateverbefalls befalls Patienceis also on the the belief that that whatever also based of mankind consequence of their own evil mankind is is fundamentally fundamentallyaa consequence 61 reality in Chapter deeds. remindshumankind humankindof of this this reality Chapter deeds.6rGod God reminds ash-Shooraa saying: the final revelation, reveiation,saying: ash-Shooraaof ofthe -~ .. ' i ~.,' .~ ('.~f {{-g,r ~ ~ iJ"'tJ~, rtr6{i ~
<-:w,f \:I'} z# W u-ry ,.~, ~ J # a r"-i;;ai V: ~".
~ .
your what your "Whatever .esult of of what "Whatever befalls you is at result hands hands have have earned. earned. And He pardons much." 42:30 Qur'an Qur'an 42:30 their The is, God hasexcused humansfor much muchof their The fact fact is, God has excusedhumans evil. punishthem deeds, to punish themstrictly strictlyaccording their deeds, WereHe accordingto their evil. Were Heto addresses this would be destroyed.God God addresses they this be destroyed. andall all on on earth they and earthwould issue follows: issuein in Chapter Faagiras asfollows: ChapterFaa[ir
ju;t3i-'ijl 4ii;.. .~i4 IG ~r:: ~ i .J,(- ~' \!}l 1\ 1o.\,.J ¡x } 6}h {t{,t " ~ .Jr~ ~.tJ' U \A & li.r 6iF t u,,t' itt ' .Jt.J'J
people for what "And if Allah Allih were to punish -people "And if they earned, He would not leave aa living creature leave elrned, on the earth." on the face face of the earth.t' Qur'an 35:45 Qur'an 35:45
6r In fact. productof human is aa product humanmisdeeds. misdeeds. fact. all all of the the corruption corruptionon on earth earthis (30):41.quoted quotedlater laterin in this booklet. Allah that in in Chapter ar-Room(30):41. this booklet. Allah states Chapterar-Room statesthat
l r r l
T h ePurpose P u r p o sof e f Creation o Creation The
Consequently,both both the the trials goodand Consequently, trials of of good andthe the tests testsof of evil benefit benefitthe the believer. believer.The livesof The lives evil of the true believers thetrue believersare are balanced between betweenthe the extremes balanced extremesof of human humanbehavior. behavior.They They neitherbecome becomeso with life's sohappy happywith life's successes neither that successes thatthey theyforget forget nor do God, nor do they they become becomeso sodepressed with life's God, with depressed life's difficulties difficulties and failures failures that that they they lose lose hope hope in and in God. God. Instead, Instead,they they remembertheir theirLord andBenefactor, Benefactor, remember Lord and and in His andtrust trustin His decisions. decisions. ibn Sinaan Sinaanrelated relatedthat that the ~uhayb the Messenger Messengerof Allah (*) Allah (~) Suhayb ibn "The affair ofthe said,"The of the believer believer is is amazing! said, amazing! The The whole whole ofhis of his is beneficial, beneficial, and that is is only in the life is the case case ofthe of the believer. believer. When good times times come him, he cometo him, he is When is thankful thanffil and it is is good him, when times is for him, and when bad times befall him, he is patient and it is him, he is for godfor also goodfor him.,,62 him.'$2This also This is is the the state of one stateof who has onewho hasaccepted accepted God's destiny. destiny.Consequently, Consequently, God's belief in in both both the the good goodand the and the apparentevil evil of of what what has hasbeen destinedis been destined of apparent is the the sixth pillar sixth in Islam. faith in Islam. faith On On the the other other hand, hand, if if the the believers believers experience experience a life devoid of problems, any it should be be taken taken as as a sign sign that that devoid of any problems, should something something is is wrong. wrong. Under Under such such circumstances, circumstances, the the true true believer of his his or believer must must take take time time out and and reflect reflect on on the the realities realities of her her life. life. Either Either the the tests tests are are not not obvious obvious and and they they are are unaware unaware of of them them or they they have have deviated deviated from from the the right right path. path. Allah informs Chapter at-Tawbah at-Tawbah that that the the apparent apparent informs the the believers believers in Chapter enjoyment enjoyment which which the the disbelievers disbelievers take take from from their their great great wealth wealth and is only only a prelude prelude to their their punishment. punishment. and children children is
t' Sahih o l . 44.. pp.. 11541. u s l i m ,vvol. 62 Sahih M Muslim, 5 4 1 .nno. o . 77138. 138
The Purpose of of Creation
. \~.¡J'~~f1,~ JW"J;~'r ~l~'f~~~} crh'ri .,r-1 ~q ~ H.i ("+! * bfii'r+l.6lF!rJi; *!-: ~ J J Lil'rf (WT Y .~. r;l J {~/)~ F; ;.A~ il$i ~f 4,n'y'rg!.,sr JAj~ ~iJ\ {a#;? their children. "Do be awed their wealth or their children. awed by their "I)o not be these things with these Allah wishes to punish them with Allah only wishes souls to die while they in this life and allow their their souls are in a state of disbelief." state of 9:85 Qur'an Qur'an 9:85 yearn for shouldyearn believers should This the believers is not not to say that the This is say that problems their lives, Allah has hastaught taught lives,for Allah and calamities in their problems and calamitiesin us aa burden hurden like them pray:"Our "Our Lord, do not put on us them to pray: what you placed Instead,they they should should placedon before US.,,63 us.'t'-tInstead, on those those before He has them.However, However, thank whatevertrials trialsHe hasspared sparedthem. Allah for whatever thank Allah vigilant and not become become remainvigilant and not in mustremain they must easethey in times times of ease happiness often blind oblivious to tests, for success and happiness often blind successand tests, oblivious life. people trials of life. peopleto the the trials
Reminder Reminder punishingreminder asaa punishing reminderto those those Tests serve sometimes serveas Tests sometimes who have gone astray and an encouragement for them to them gone an encouragement astrayand who have peopledeviate, they seldom return path.When Whenpeople deviate,they seldom to the correctpath. the correct return to whenaa listen thosearound them.However, However.when adviceof those aroundthem. listen to the the advice calamity thosenear nearand anddear dearto them, them,it jolts themor those calamity strikes strikes them their error. into recognizing recognizingtheir effor. those who still somefaith faith into still have havesome thosewho
{ai.|'|^iilrl,rlt ,-,r;;itill ;rlr ,-,rjiir;1 6r Soorah (2):286. SoorahaJ-Baqarah al-Baqarah(2):286
The Purpose ofCreation
's164 64 will make make them them taste "1 will taste aa lesser lesserpunishment punishment before greater the punishment that before the greater punishment that perhaps perhapsthey they may return return [to the right pathl." right path]." may [to the Qur'an 32:21 Qur'an32:21 The test testof of calamities calamities whichremind which The remindhumankind humankindof of their their deviationmay maycome comein in the theform form of deviation of man's man'sinhumanity inhumanityto to his his fellow man, as in the case of the fellow man, as in the case of atrocities the unspeakable unspeakable atrocities unleashed bythe serbsagainst againstthe theBosnian unleashed by the Serbs BosnianMuslims Muslimswho who had had strayedfar far away away from from Islam, Islam,or strayed s brutal or Saddam' saddam's brutalinvasion invasion Kuwaitand andAmerica's America'ssubsequent subsequent of Kuwait indiscriminate bombing indiscriminate bombing of civilian civilian targets targets in in Iraq. Iraq. Allah Allah points pointsout out that thatwhatever whatever humans suffer suffer at at the the hands handsof other humans other humans, humans,they they brought brought upon themselves. themselves. However,the the suffering upon However, sufferingis is aa reJ!linder reminderto to returnto to the the path path of of righteousness righteousness. return .
'&-a+J.-rr .} :..u L....JI\1r~,-. ~\ ~ ~ ~'I\' I'll . ;UI ':.i:.} sr:il#';" ~--,~ .~Jft' ~ i*lj, f r FJ'; ..r'-,; ;gl
, {~ P.r.. -.- . -~;'I'ir,rt .i_c. .is, ~ -.. ~~_ lt+'t-il$ +rnt,-i*. 6'Corrufiion has appeared "Corruption has appeared on the land and in the sea sea because because of of what man's hands hands have have earned, earned, in in order order that that [Allahf [Allah] may make them taste taste a part part of of what what they they have have done, done, and and in in order order that that thev they mav may return return [to Ito the the right right path]." path]." Qur'an 0:41 Q u r ' a n 330:41
64 *1tr;r.r'in 64 "We" in the the original original Arabic Arabic is is the the majestic'we.'referring majestic ¡we.' referring to to God. God.
The The Purpose ofCreation of Creatian
Hypocrisy Calamitiesalso Calamities alsoexpose thosewho who falsely exposethose falsely claim faith, faith, as as as stmw show those thosewho who disbelieve well as disbelievethat that they they choose choosehell hell by their own free will. There their own free Therehave havebeen many cases people beenmany casesof people converting to Islam converting Islam for the the wrong wrong reasons, reasons,and and after after finding prior to difficulties in in their their livesthan more more difficulties lives than prior their conversion, to their conversion, they revert revertto their former beliefs. they their former beliefs.God statesin God states in Chapter Chapteral'Ankaboorof the the final final revelation: 'Ankaboot revelation:
ti st ~~ â&#x201A;Źt;iijjii~ ~fuiirr'ioi,"or ri;lt-r~ jp; ~~J ..AJ ~~ ij;; ~f ~\!JI ~f} L.-;(l ';.ju1r1g5 inrffilij*c*. br:;.iA;ij ~ ~!:i ~neit, {~~\Sjl ~I ~:.jJ i)J.:p ~~I ~I ~~I {c*,i63r people imagine that they will "Do will be be left alone alone "Do people and not tested tested with with affliction aflliction because becausethey say, say, â&#x20AC;˘ 'We believe'? Indeed, 1t't have 'We have tested tested thos~ those before Allah will will know those those who are truthful you. Allah truthful and those thosewho lie." Qur'an 29:2 Qw'an 29:2 ~5
Punishptent Punishnent Those who transgress Those transgressthe the limits set set by God God expose expose themselvesto punishment in this this life and thenext. themselves punishment in andthe next.Throughout ThFoughout pastnations the Qur'an, describes the numerous numerouspast who rejected nationswho rejected Qur'an,Allah describes guidance and were subsequently divine guidance and were subsequentlydestroyed. divine destroyed.These These stories of the the consequences consequences stories serve serve as as warnings warniJlgs to humanity humanity of of of rebellion rebellion against against the the commandments commandments of of God. God. In Chapter Chapter an-Noor, an-Noor, Allah gives gives a general general warning warning as as follows: follows: 55 "yy.r' 65
"We" in the the original original Arabic is the the majestic majestic 'we,' 'we,' referring referring to CodGod.
l / - -
fn" Purpose nrp"t" ofCreation rI?r""t*" The .,
I rlt
, , . t, :: ,.'. " !.., t, . t, . , " .~\I~ ~' : i, ~} ._,41 J ~ ~ lJ Of lJ~1li""! iJ.":!'J) _
{~r~,Js 1ii -';rl; 53Lâ&#x201A;Źt thosewho contradict his "Let those his command commtnd beware beware aa trial or aa severe lteverepunishment." trial Qur'an 24:63 Qur'an 24:63
punishmentmay The punishment comein aavariety The maycome varietyof different ways. different ways. Perhaps most the obvious punishment Perhaps the most obvious punishment afflicting humankind humankind all countries in all counffiestoday todayis is the in the disease diseaseAIDS,66 AIDS,66which which appeared appeared the first first time time in in medical medicalhistory historyin for the in the the beginning beginningof the the '80's.6?The vast majority The vast majority of those '80'S.67 who are thosewho are affected affectedby by it globe around the promiscuous. the globe are arethe the promiscuous. around Initially Initially homosexuals homosexuals werethe themain victims,then mainvictims, thenbisexuals, bisexuals, followedby were followed promiscuous by promiscuous heterosexualsand intravenousdrug and intravenous drug users. heterosexuals users.All ofthese groups ofthesegroups were in open rebellion againstthe were in open rebellion against the divine divine laws lawsthat that restrict restrict relationsto males sexual relations malesand femaleswithin sexual within the bounds of and females the bounds of marriage and andthose thoselaws laws that that prohibit the marriage of intoxicants. intoxicants. the use use of Some may Some may point out out that that AIDS was was also also spread spread to chaste chaste individuals individuals through through blood blood transfusions transfusions and and to children children by by their their parents. parents. However, However, medical medical statistics statistics show show that that such such cases cases are are relatively relatively few in comparison comparison to the the other other categories. categories. In any Chapter al-Anfaal al-Anfaal of of the the any case, case, Allah has has warned warned in Chapter tr
66 Acquired Acquired immune immune deficiency deficiency syndrome syndrome (AIDS) is a condition condition transmined transmitted by a virus which anacks attacks ttre the body's systâ&#x201A;Źm system of of defence defence agains against disease. disease. leaving leaving the the sufferer sufferer extremely extremely vulnerable vulnerable to disease disease and and likely to die eventually eventually fiom trom any one that anyone that he he or or she she catches. catches. (Chambers (Chambers Pocket Pocket Dictionary, Dictionary, pp. t9 19.)) 6? It tras 67 It was first first identified identified in in 1981.(The 1981. (The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, Britannica, NewEncvclopaedia 76.) vvol. o f. 110, 0 ,pp.. 6676.)
fn, Purpose nrprt" ofCreation tf Cr"tt*" The
final revelation revelationthat whenHis punishmentcomes final that when His punishment comesitit is is not not limited to theevil, evil, but butaffects limited to the affectsthe thesociety societyas asaa whole. whole.
\r-,[bt ~~ lnr~f zbv'Jq.\r{ib lf i~(, i4 i.,i1IJ} i-,ii'r} ~\ ~ i~ ~~\ ~:_;o1 ,y-$r i# ~T~ {y~I~~ {+qlr fu+s of aa trial trial which will not amict "Beware afflidt only only the the "Beware of among you, you, and severe and know that Allah is sinful among is severe punishment." in punishment." Qur'an 8:25 Qur'an 8:25 One thousand thousandfour hundred yearsago hundredyears One agoProphet hophet Muhammad Muhammad 'Umar quoted prophesiedthe the coming comingof such prophesied suchaa trial. trial. Ibn quoted Ibn 'Vmar as saying," saying, "Fl4tenever Whenever promiscuity is openly practiced him as openlypracticed among a people, among people, a plagae plague and anguish ang;uishwill will spread among among them which whichwas them was unknown predecessors.,,68 However, unknownto their predecessors."ut Ho*ever, AIDS is is only only one ~ne in in aa series Before AIDS, AIDS, aa seriesof of diseases. diseases.Before warning camein warning came in the the form another disease called herpes, form of of anotherdiseasecalledherpes, which which became became widespread widespread among among the the sexually sexually promiscuous promiscuous beginning 1960sand beginning in the the 1960s and '70s. '70s. It was was declared declared an an epidemic epidemic in America in the America the mid-seventies, mid-seventies, and and there there is no known known cure cure for it until today. People's attention attention switched switched from it by the the today. People's end end of of the the '70s '70s because because it was was not fatal,6e fatal,69 while AIDS was. was. (*) (~)
6t " coflected Collected by by Ibn Maajah M~iah and and authenticated authenticated in gafueefisunan s.ab.eeb. Sunan lbn Ibn Maajah, Maajah, vol. vol. 2. 2, p. p. 370, 370, no. no. 3246. 3246. tt when 69 When symptoms symptoms occur, occur, fever fever and and malaise malaise are are followed followed by by burning burning pain pain in in the the genital genital area area and and enlargement enlargement of ofttre the lymph lymph nodes nodes in in the the groin. groin. Blisters Blisters and and small small ulcers ulcers are are usually usually found found in in the the area area of of infection. infection. and and there there is is severe severe pain (The New New Encyclopaedia Encyclopaedia Britannica, Britannica, pain and and burning burning upon upon urination. urination. (?"he vvol. o l . 221. 1 , pp.. 5536.) 36.)
The Purpose Purpose of ofCreation Creation
Why Did God Create Create the World? \ilhy PURPOSE, RELATIVE RELATIVE TO TO HUMANKIND. HUMANKIND, l'OR FOR which which fTtHEHE PURPOSE, 'the -the world world and and its its contents contents were were created created is is specifically specifically II defined in the the final final revelation. revelation. Allah says says in Chapters Chapters defined Ibraaheem and and al-An' a/-An 'aam:# aam:# Ibraaheerr
(.~U ~L.. ~WI cr iJ' Jtit JJiJ ./}~'J ~\)U\ 6lt ~ .riJr ~..u, drr| .iÂť1} ; sltl r]l;Lr-lt CF.J rt "I.-Jt gr t4.! oy!4 ~\ g;ts cllilr F 0...... ~ ,*, ~J ts ~ u;, \ij) c;rr.:lt ~'."..:J';r .,r.Jr,/ ,-?~~,
~) ~h ~\) JI+i~' F ~ r*: ~) -pS. .ltgr1r r*.Jrl ~\ r..l'Jr ~ Jutg-;Tr F ~). {J~\J #'#J j.:J\ ~ {rreJ'; heevensand the "Allah the heavens created the the one one Who created is the "Allah is and with it the earth and sent down rain from the sky and sent earth and has put brought out fruit fruit for your provision. He has seaby His through the the sea ships sailingthrough service,sailing in your service, shipsin put rivers in the rivers He has has command; the likewise He and likewise command; and and moon moon in sun and the sun your alsoput the He has hasalso your service. service.He He made you; to and their orbits to be of service to you; and He made their orbits to be of senice your service." setryice." the in your day in and day night and the night 14:32-33 Qur'an Qur'an 14:32-33 u(,.plr ut,-.r ~\J ~\~ ~\J ~ ~\ ~J r.~~\ JIj} eJ-J'i \,;4-'du) ]ql3l'r)t -jrrl.p;Jr, 'n'lrlt jtjAl\;..J.Aj jtt I$jJ\ r;-ua:l~~\ ra \J~ giiit Jib) ~ -iiFt ./-$i rrr .~\ ..# ~ f3z"Jl~ F ~ +t Ib .ri ~\J.r.3\ Ll-4, J,j .:u-lt W,.aj {iJ~ pyJ ~4~\ ,r,Jt, ,Jt ~~ {O-r"t--~~
The Purpose ofCreation
Hel who who causes "[It causesthe thedaybreak, daybreak, made madethe "[It isisHe] the night night for rest, rcst,and andthe thesun for sunand andmoon moonfor for calculating calcu}rting [time]. [timel. That is is the the determination determination of That of the the All-Mighty, Al-Mighty, the the All-Knowing. It It is is He He who All-Knowing. who has has made made the the stars for stsnsfor your guidance guidancein in the your the darkness darknesson on land land and and at at sea. sea. hsve explained explained in II have in detail detail these thesesigns signsfor people people who ktrow.tt who know." Qur'an 6:96-7 Qur'an 6:96-7 The contents contentsof this world world were of this The were created createdfor the the service service humankind.Whether whetherthey theyare productsof man's of humankind. areproducts man's invention, invention, like ships, ships,or they they are arenature natureitself, like itself, all all have havebeen beengranted grantedby God for the benefitofkuman of humanbeings. are God the benefit beings.However, However, such suchgifts are not without without responsibility. responsibility.Humans Humansare not recognize are required requiredto recognize bountiesand and mercies merciesand give thanks Allah's bounties thanks to Him and and and give gloriff him. For example, example,He taught glorify taught the believers believers in Chapter Chapter az-zukhrufto pray az-Zukhrufto pray as as follows whenever whenever they they ride an animal animal or vehicle: vehicle: {.-L/, ~ F+JL-dl ~J""--"I t5l 1~1 F-l ~J i*rj ~ lJJSii IJ.?.lJ d~ o-l-f+li 0 JJf1' isle t1..rdj} 'J~} -U!,f dJ 15 ljl [r1 Ul j1ol . rtUr= , -f.r. ~1 U1J ~~ .y LoS" lot J l,la l;l .~ ~.lJI IJ~ : IIi jiJJ s-JI ,r.- .g;jJr
{IJ~I~U r{, {o11;;*l "For you to to mount mount the the backs backs [of [of animalsl animals] then then "For remember remember your your Lord's Lord's blessing, blessing, saying: saying: Glory Glory be be to He who who made made this this subseruient subsenrient to to us, us, and and we we to He could our could not not have have done done so so ouruelves. ourselves. And And indeed indeed our return return is is to to our our Lord." Lord." Qur'an 43: 43:l3 13 Qur'an
The Purpose ofCreation
Human beings beingsalso also carry carry the the responsibility responsibility to to govern govern the the Human purpose ofGod. God. This This is is man's man's purpose creation according according to to the the laws laws of creation to of creation. They are commanded to utilize utilize relative to the. rest commanded are They cteation. relative to the restof according to to the the laws laws of ofGod. God. Aboo Aboo the contentsofthisworld contents ofthis world according the (#E) as saying' Sa"eed al-Khudree quoted Allah's Messenger (~) as saying, Messenger sa'eed al-Khudree quotedAllah's ,,The HThe world world is beautiful and green, green. and andAllalr-be Allah-be Heexalted He exalted act."10 will you -has made you governors over it to see you will act. ,,70 how -has made it see governors Human beings beings are are not free free to do with with the world as as they please. please. Human materialist of secular materialist Consequently, the negative attitude of secular Consequently, the negativeattitude society towards nature nature is contrary contrary to divine revelation. revelation. societytowards as an enemy enemy to be be Materialist regards nature nature as an society regards Materialist society mount of the bbauty conquered. It is not enough to appreciate the beauty of mount appreciate enough not is conquered. year in conquering conquering everyyear Everest, lost every be lost haveto be lives have instead,lives Everest,instead, at the the maruelat sufficientto marvel it by is not not ~ufficient summit.It is to its itssummit. climbingto by climbing safarisof the safaris duringthe exotic instead,during world, instead, the world, animalsof the exotic animals into lruntedinto werehunted animalswere the theseanimals of these manyof century,many pastcentury, the past rooms' living rooms. Westernliving for Western extinction trophiesfor provide trophies to provide extinction to numbers reduced the Although stopped,the reduced numbers beenstopped, nowbeen havenow safarishave Althoughsafaris with bethreatened threatened to be continue of animals like the rhinoceros continue to with rhinoceros the like of animals ingredient as an hornsas an ingredient theirhorns of their of extinction to the importance imporfance duetothe extinctiondue aphrodisiacs' andaphrodisiacs. medicines for traditional and traditionalmedicines Eastern FarEastern for Far
Animals Animals for animalsfor killing animals revelation,killing According finalrevelation, tothe thefinal According to 'Abbaas Ibn"Abbaas God.Ibn of God. thesight sightof sport sinfulininthe andsinful forbiddenand sportisisforbidden 70'oSahih Muslim. vol. vol.4,4. Muslim, Sohih
p.p' \432, no.6606. 6606. 1a32.no.
The Purpose of The .Purpose of Creation Creatiln
-:,z1 .
(49)as reported ofAllah (~) reportedthe MessengerofAllah the Messenger assaying, saying,"Do not take takeas as a target thing. ,,71 Taking livingthing."Tr tqrgetany anyliving Takingthe the life of any any living animal animal prohibitedunless protectionof human is is prohibited unlessit is is for food, food, for protection life, humanlife, clothing.Killing or for clothing. Killing for fun and enjoyment fun and enjoymentis is fundamentally fundamentally when the evil. evenwhen evil. And, And, even the life of of aa human humanis is taken takenfor crimes crimes against society,or the against society, the life of an an animal animal is is taken takenfor food, food, it painlesslyas possible.Shaddaad must mrist be be done doneas as possible. aSpainlessly Shaddaadibn ibn Aws recounted which he recountedtwo things thingswhich he remembered rememberedthe the Messenger Messenger (*) saying, of Allah (~) "'Surely Allah has for saying,"Surely hasenjoined goodnessfor enjoinedgoodness god way everything; when you execute everything;so sowhenlnu execulesomeone. someone,do do so so in a good wry when you slaughter an god way. and when an animal, animal,do do so so in a good wuy. Let one of lorife ami every every one of you sharpen shrpen his his/entre wtd al{ow all.owthe the slaughtered slaughtered an imal lovers' animal die comfortab~v.,,72 comfortablv."lTAIthough animal to to die Although some some~'animal lovers' in Western haveopposed opposedthe in Western countries countries have the Islamic Islamicmethod methodof of animals, Westepr alternative slaughtering animals, the Western alternative of stunning the the stunning slaughtering the animals by electric crushingblows the head animalsby electricshock shockor crushing blows to the headare are painful to the far animals.When the neck far more more painful the animals. When the neck is is cut by an an quickly extremely extremelysharp knife, the the animal animal does doesnot not feel feel it and sharpknife, and quickly pumpsits loses as heartpumps its blood blood out out of the loses consciousness consciousness as the the heart the carotid carotid arteries. arteries. p . 1079. v, o l . 3. 3 . p. M u s l i mvol. 1 0 7 9 .no. n o . 4813. 4813. S o h i hMuslim, " Sahih when he grandfather:Anas ibn Hishaam that when he and and his his,erandfather.'Anas Hishaam ibn Zayd Zayd reponed rcportedthat ibn people saw] some people Maalik. visited the the home of Hakam ibn ibn Ayyoob. Ayyoob, [they some Maalik. visited home ofHakam saw] [they
using for their Anas related relatedthat using aa hen hen as targetfOT their arrows. arrows.Anas that Allah's Messenger Messenger as aa target p. vol. 3. had the tying of of animals Sahih Muslim, had forbidden forbidden the animals[as targets].Sahih Muslim, vol. 3. p. [as targets]. 4182. 1078. no. 4182. 1078.no. 1' Sohih Muslim, 7Z Sahih 4810. p. 1078. no.4810. vol. 3, 1078.no. Muslim, vol. 3, p.
The Purpose Purpo...e of ofcrearion Creation The
Caring for for animals animals is is enshrined enshrined in in the the divine divine law, law, even even Caring the case case of of dogs, dogs, which which are are generally generally barred barred from from Muslim Muslim in the 73 (fr) saying, as Aboo Hurayrah quoted the Prophet (~) as saying, homes. Prophet quoted the Hurayrah homes.tt man became became lhirsty thirsty while walking, walking, so so he he climbed climbed down down "A man dog drankfrom it. On coming out he saw sclwa thirsty dog a well and drankfrom 'This himseffi, panting and eating mud. The man said [to himselfl, 'This mud. The panting [to as thirsty as as II wss.' was. ' So So he he climbed down down the well animal is as shoe held his andfilled filled his shoe water. then shoe between between He then with water. hisshoe his gave lhe the dog water. water. AIIah Allah thanked thanked teeth,climbed out and gave his teeth, people The him andforgave him [and him paradisej.,,74 The people paradisr|-"'o in him put him him andforgave [and get we get a reward reward for asked, Do we Allah! Do "O Messenger Messengerof Allah! asked,"0 serving "In [the [the service service ofl oj) every every living replied,"ln He replied, animals?"He serving animals?" that narrated is a reward. ,,75 Aboo Hurayrah also narrated that being there also Hurayrah heing there is reward."75Aboo "Allahforgave aaprostitute Allah's prostitute (H) said, said,"Allahforgave Messenger(~) Allah's Messenger scarf and to [among the Israelites /6 who tied her shoe to her scarfand her shoe who tied [among the IsraelitesJ16 dying saw dying that-s^he dog that drew for a dog she saw wellJfor water[from somewater outsome dra,vout [fro* a well] her-"" Conversely, of thirst. Because ofthat, Allah forgave her." 77 Conversely, Allahforgave of that, of thirst.Because 73Muslims are guard pets.However, However,guard dogsas aspets. 73 from keepingdogs from keeping discouraged Muslims arediscouraged
quotedAllah's Allah's permined.Ibn' Ibn 'Umar dogs, Umar quoted dogsare arepermitted. huntingdogs andhunting dogsand sheepdogs dogs.sheep v'atching than other dog Messenger (~) as saying, '., Whoever keeps a dog for other than watching keeps a lvhoever (*) saying,'" as for Messenger his[scale mountdinsfrom the weightoftwo of twomountains theweight losethe wi[l lose [scale front his or hunting, hunting,will herdor theherd 38l5') p. no 826. vol.3ofgood] deeds daily.'¡ (Sahih Muslim. vol. 3. p. 826, no, 3815.) (Sahih Muslim' daity'^ goodJ deeds of 'n Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol. no.174. 174. 74 120.no, SohihAl-Bukhari,vol.1.l. p.p. 120. ,t Sahih vol.4. 4. lvfuslint. SahihMuslim. and Sahih no.551. 551.and 75 vol. pp.322-3. vol.3, 322-3.no, 3,pp. Al-Bttkhari.vol. SohihAl-Bukhan',
pp. 5577. n o .5577. p p .1215-6. l 2 l 5 - 6 .no. 673. no.673. Sahih A/-Bukhari. 448-9. no. pp.448-9vol.4.4.pp. Al-Bukhari,vol. Snlrih ,, Sahih vol. lvluslim. andSahih SahihMuslim. 538.and no.538. 77 vol. pp.338-9. vot.4.4.pp. 338-9.no, Al-Bukhari,vol. SohihA/-Bukhari.
'" 76
4.4 .p.p .1216. n. o 5579, .5579 1 2 1 6no.
rn" Purpose nrpgts ofCreation The yf Cr:ttW
lT4 _ |
harming animals animals is is aa major harming majorsin accordingto sinaccording to Islamic Islamiclaw. law. 'Abdullaah ibn 'Umar 'Abdullaah ibn 'Umar related relatedthat that the the Messenger Messengerof of Allah Allah o'Awomwt wasptmished said, "A said, woman was punished and placed in andplaced in hell helt because becauseof of which a cat sheimprisoned imprisoned until a cat which she until itil died died. She Sheneither neither gave gave itit nor water, water, nor nor did food nor did she sheset set itfree itfree to to eatfrom eatfrom the the rodents rodents ofthe 78 of the earth." earth."18 There are arecircumstances circumstances There where whereit is is necessary necessaryto to inflict pain on on animals, animals,such suchas pain get them ashitting hitting animals animalsto get to them to to move move and branding brandingthem them for identification. identification.However, and However,even evenin in these these situations, God gave instructions God gave instructionsto protect situations, protectthem. them.Jaabir Jaabir reported that (#) prohibited that the the Prophet Prophet(j:$) reported prohibited striking animals animals in theirfaces faces or branding them faces. 79 their them on on their theirfaces.le
Vegetation Vegetation Humankind's Humankind's responsibility responsibility of this world world of looking lookingafter after this does not stop stopat serving is servinganimals. does vegetable kingdom kingdom is animals.The The vegetable also also highly highly regarded regarded in divine divine law. law. So So much much so, so, that that Muslims Muslims engaged engaged in war are are forbidden forbidden to destroy destroy fruit trees,to trees,80 and and even even the of trees trees is considered considered an an act act of of charity. charity. Jaabir Jaabir the planting planting of quoted quoted Allah's Messenger Messenger (#) (~) as as saying, saying, "Any Muslim Muslim who who plants a tree gains the reward reward of ofgiving What is giving in charity. What eaten what the animals eaten from from ilit is chmity, charity, wlmt what is stolenfrom it, it, wlnt SahihAl-Bukhari, A/-Bukhari, vol. vol. 4, 4, p. p. 456. 456. no. no. 689. 689. and and Saftift Sahih Muslim, Muslim, vol. vol. 4. 4. p. p. "78 Sahih 11215. 2 1 5nno. . o .5573. 5573. 1e 79 Sahih Sahih Muslim. Muslim. vol. vol. 3. 3, pp. t1163, no. 5281. 5281. 163.no. to 80 Muwatta Muwatta Imam Imam Malik Malik, p. p. 200, 200, no. no. 958. 958. and and authenticated authenticated by byal-Albaanee al-Albaanee in in lrwaa'al-Ghaleel, Irwaa' al-Ghaleel, vol. vol. 5. 5. p. p. l3-4. 13-4. no. no. I190. 1190.
The Purpose of Creation Creatlon Putpose o[
eat and all charity. Anyone or or anything wlnt the the birds eat, eat, is all frd what for the the planter planter the the reward reward of of[giving that from it earns earnsfor tlnt takes takesfrom [giving ,,8] Islam encourages that no effort should be spared spared in] shouldbe Islamencouragesttrat ,nJ charity. clrorty.'*l that the the believer believer in planting, planting, even the last last thing that if it becomes even if becomesthe can do in this life. Anas the Prophet Prophet (48) (~) said, said, "If "ff that the Anas related relatedthat can do 'the -the [signs oj} the beginning ofthe Day ofResurrection appear Resurrection of appesr fsigts ofl ttrc beginningof the and one hand, he he should plant plant has a seedling seedling in his hand, one ofyou of you has it if begins. ,,82 the resurrection resurre.ctionbegins."82 before the he is' is able to do so so before ,f he Consequently, responsibility to look have a responsibility human beings beingshave Consequently,human after which they were created they were created environmentin which afterall aspects aspectsofthe environment as requiresan an active active opposition opposition duty to God. God. This requires as aa sacred sacredduty to the habitats pollution and destructionof of natural natural habitats and destruction massivepollution the massive world caused by today's materialistic, consumer societies the societies the caused today's materialistic,consumer negligenceof over. revel4tion,negligence of this this duty is According to revela.tion, over. According is an considered worship. an act act of of worship. sin while fulfillment of it is consideredaa sin
p. 818, no. 3764. 3764. vol. 3, 3, p. 818,no. Muslim,vol. SahihMuslim, " Sahih 12Collected by 183,]84 184and l9l, and and vol.3.pp. and 191, Ahmad in al-Musnad. vol. 3. pp. 183, inal-Musnad. Collected byA[mad aland authenticated authenticatedby alno. 479. 479. and al-Mufrad, no. al-Bukhaaree al-Adab al-Mufrad. al-Bukhaareein al-Adab p. ]I 1, 9. vol. I, l, p. l. no. no. 9. ag-$afteeftah. Albaanee vol. al-Ahaadeethaยง.-s.a!1ee!J.ah. Albaaneein in Silsilah Silsilahal-A!J.aadeeth
The ~rpose ofCreation
Conclusion Conclusion ITHOUTKNOWLEDGE KNOWLEDGE ITHOUT OF OF oFTHE THEPURPOSE PURPOSE oF creation, cTeation, human beings beingswander human wanderaimlessly aimlesslythrough throughlife, life, like like ships without rudders. at sea seawithout ships at rudders.Their goalsare Their goals areeither either wrong due dueto to incorrect incorrectreligious wrong religiousteachings, teachings,or materialistic materialistic and thus confined to this world. world. It is, and thu~ confined to this is, therefore, therefore,essential essentialfor their own own well-being well-being that that they they know why God created their whyGod createdthem. them. Fundamentally; AJIah Allah created Fundamentally~ order to manifest createdin in order manifestHis attributes.Consequently, consequently,creation creationis attributes. is the the consequence consequenceof of His being the the Creator, paradisemanifests creator, paradise being manifestsHis Mercy and and Grace, Grace, hell His His Justice, Justice,humankind's humankind'serrors hell errorsHis Forgiveness, Forgiveness,living and non-living beings beingsHis Generosity, and etc. The significance Generosity,etc. The significance of knowing knowingthatcreation is ~a mean,s meansby which that creation is which Allah manifests manifests atfibutes is isthathuman that human beings beings can can then then correctly correctly recognize recognize His attributes God accept and His decree God and accept decree and and their destiny. destiny. However, However, it is of of eJen ~ven greater greater importance importance thht that h-uman hpman belngs beings know the p.urpose p'urpose for which they they were were created. created. The The finalRevelation final Revelation tbachesthat teaches that it is to worship worship God because because humankind humankind must must worship worship Him in order to attain attain righteousness righteousness and the spiritual stafus status necessary necessary paradise. to enter enter paradise. The significance significance of of this knowledge knowledge is is that that human human beings beings understand understand that that worship worship is is as as much much aa necessity necessity as as eating eating and breathing breathing and and that that itit is is not not aa favor favor they they are are doing doing for for God. God. ItIt is is alsoessential also essential that that human human beings beings grasp grasp the the importance importance of of this this world's world's bounties bounties and and trials. trials. Without Without knowledge knowledge of ofthe the purpose purpose behind behind their their creation, creation, humans humans tend tend to to look look at at this this
The Purpose of of Creation Creation
as being being hostile hostile to them. them. However, However, God God created created it world as benefit. The The tests tests of of good good and and evil are are primarily for their benefit. designed to bring out the the higher higher spiritual spiritual qualities qualities of of the the designed human being. being. However, However, humans humans are are not not able able to benefit benefit from human the tests tests unless unless they they put complete complete trust trust in God God and and have have the patience in what what He has has destined destined for them. them. For those those who patience this world become become a punishment punishment for reject God, the trials trials of of this reject God, the them in this this life prior to the the eternal punishment in the the next next eternalpunishment them world. world. purposeof the world also makesthe the Knowledge the world also makes the purpose Knowledgeof the ible believer environmentally conscious. Humankind is responsible is respons Humankind believer environmentallyconscious. of the the creaturesof justly. The to The creatures bountiesof of this this life justly. utilizethe the bounties to utilize have been been atmospherehave earth and the the atmosphere vegetationand the vegetation and seas, seas,the earth and greatcare care take great put humansshould shouldtake Consequently,humans put in his his care. care.Consequently, within living creatures creatureswithin to preserve andthe the living preservethe the environment environmentand it as givingthanks to God. God. thanksto meansof giving asaa means purpose, With consciousness of purpose, consciousness suchaa comprehensive comprehensive With such into human whole.They aretransformed transformedinto They are becomewhole. human beings beings become way to righteousness. righteousness. guides the way guides for showingthe for humankind, humankind,showing bestof mankind mankind Consequently, Allah them asthe the best themas describes Allah describes Consequently, in revelation: final revelation: in the the final i.i ;?"r-;ri 4..i ~ Jt---iJ Jsi.l.f*lr+ J~4 IJJytb;UJ Jr G...r WJ ~.ri ,.- ~} JF-e IJrJ.f-sf ft.5l uril ~\ {~4 {aU0~jiJ f,*tt people mankind "You are the best people chosen for mankind chosen best "You are the evil because righteousness'forbid evil you command command righteousness, becauseyou and in Allah." and believe believein I l0 3:110 QUf'an Qur'an 3:
fA Purpose nrprt" of Creation Cr"tt*" The "f
Index of of Hadeeths Hadeeths Index *
createdJmercy mercywith "[Allah with one onehundred htmdredparts...." parts....,' 18 [Allah created} Ig *AIIah
"Allah forgave aa prostitute [among the Israelites} IsraelitesJ 73 7j [among the who tied her shoe... shoe..." who tied her " *Allah,
theAlmighty, Almighty, has has said: "Allah, the said: 0O son son ofAdam, of Adam, ds as 22 Zz as you call on on Me: long as .." Me..." man became became thirsty while walking, "A man walking, so so he he 73 73 climbed down down a well and drankfrom it...." climbed
"Any Muslim who plants plants a tree gains the reward reward 74 74 giving of in ofgiving charity." charity. " "A woman woman was was punished and placed placed in hell hell 74 because a cat." because of ofa "Be aware that ifif the whole of ofmankind mankind gathered together... together... ""
17 17
"Do "Do not not take take as as aa target target any any living living thing." thing. "
72 72
"Don't "Don't you you htow know that that Allah Allah created createdparadise paradise and and lg 19 hell..." hell..."
of Creation The ThePurpose hrpose of Creati?n
lrat Itlrr
"He who innovates 38 innovates something something in this matter of of 38 will have ours " ows that is not of of it will rejected." have it rejected. "He who for Allah and hates for Allah... who loves hatesfor Allah... .." lovesfor
43 43
*If Allah Allahloves angel Gabriel "If loves a servant seruantHe informs informs angel
45 45
that " He loves that He lovesSo-and-so... So-and-so..."
"If "If a o
desire 52 man man had a valley ofgold, of gold, he he would desire 52 another...." another...."
the beginning of of the the Day of 75 "If the {signs ofl the of 75 "If the [signs ofl
Resurrection ,Resurrectionappear... appear..."
"If prayer, ask .. " "If you ask ask only Allah. Allah..." ask in proyer,
46 46
"If you "If
did not commit sins and turn to Allah commit sins seeking forgiveness ... " seekingHis Hisforgiveness...
l8 18
do not fortunate than you, and do "Look to those than you, lessfortunate those less look to those thoseabove look to aboveyou..." vou..."
54 54
"O Allah, thanks 37 "0 You,for it is You You who 37 due to You,jor thanla is due " has me with it. it. " clothed me has clothed
"0 people of from of Quraysh, deliverancefrom "O people securedeliverance Quraysh, secure Allah. .. " Allah...
48 48
The Purpose ofCreation
"...prohibited striking striking animals "...prohibited animals in in their their faces or 74 74 faces or branding them themin in their theirfaces." branding faces. " "Retlect on the creation creation ofAllah on the of Allah but "Reflect but do do not reflect 25 not reflect Zs on Allah." Allah." on "Satsn will come cometo to everyone "Satan everyoneofyou of you and and ask: Who 25 ask:Who 25 that?* created this and that?" is worship. worship."" "Supplication is
46 46
"Surely Allah Allah everything..." everything. ., "
72 72
has enjoined goodness has for goodness -fo,
"The afair the believer ofthe believer is is amazing..." amazing. .. " "The affair of
63 63
"The prophets, prophets, Ihen then those those most most like them them and those those 56 rnost most like like them..." them... " "The world world is beautiful beautiful and green, green, and AIIah Allah has made made you you governors governors over it..." it... "
71 7l
"To "To give give Allah Allah aa partner partner even even though though He He created created 39 39 v1rt." you. " "Try "Tryyour your best best to to do do right..." right... "
23 23
The Purpose Purpose ofCreation The of Creation
is not [measured] property, but "Wealth is in property, but in 55 55 [measuredJ in contentment." contentment. " "Wen Allah AIIah created created the the universe, "When universe. He He made madean an obligation on Himself..." obligation on Himself.."
18 l8
When Allah created created Adam, Adam, He When He took took from from him him aa 27 27 placecalled covenantat at aa place covenant calledNa'maan... Na'maan... "Wlteneverpromiscuity is openly "Whenever promiscuity is practiced among openlyprflcticed among 68 68 a people, people, a plague and anguish will will spread among them..." them..."
"Whoever possesses [the following] three "Pfhoever po.ese^rses 43 three 43 fthe followingJ characteristics has has tasted tastedthe the sweetness characteristics sweetnessoffaith. offaitlt..... "
The Purpose 0/ Creation
Index of Qur'anic Verses Index Verses was neither aa Jew "Abraham Jew nor aa "Abraham was Christitn...tt Christian..."
3:67 3:67
35 35
created all things and He is "Allah is the "Allah created agent...tt agent..."
39:62 39:62
16 16
does not burden aa soul "Allah soul beyond beyond "Allah does capacity." its capacity."
2:286 2:286
59 59
has favored favored some over "Allah some of you youover "Allah has sustenance.tt others in sustenance."
16: 7] 51 16:71 5l
is the one "Allah one Who lVho created created the "Allah is heavens heavens and the earth.•." earth..."
14:32-3 14:32-3 69
*And Alleh "And Allah created created you all and whatever you do.tt do."
37:96 37:96
16 16
"And ifif Allah were to punish punish people people for "And what what they earned...tt earned•.•"
35:45 35:45
62 62
*And "And in their their wealth the beggars beggars and needy...tt needy•.."
51:19 5l : 19
53 53
The Purpose ofCreation of Creation
Irrr qJT
"And signsfwrongfully they denied denied [the "And they [the signs) and and arrogantly..." arrogantly..."
27:14 27: 14
4l 41
"And desires aa religion religion besides besides whoeverdesires "And whoever not...tt Islam will will not..."
3:85 3:85
36 36
18:49 58 58 "And not oppress does not oppress 18:49 "And your Lord does anyone." anyone.tt 68 68
"Beware will not afflict "Beware of aa trial which will only the sinful.,." the sinful..."
8:25 8:25
6tButif returned..." "But they were returned..." if they
2l 6:28 6 : 2 8 21
"Corruption has appeared on the appeared on the land "Corruption has and the sea..." sea...tt and in the
30:41 30:41
65 65
"Do awed by their wealth or be awed "Do not be ..." their children ..."
9:85 9:85
64 64
youruelves,for surely Allah "Do kill yourselves, "I)o not kill merciful,.." is is merciful..."
4:29 4:29
59 59
"Do not wish for that by which Allah has has favored favored some..." some...tt
4:32 4:32
54 54
fnt Purpose Prrp"tt ofCreation ,f Cr""ttm The
people imagine imagine that "Do that they they will will be be "Do people left alone...t' left alone..."
29:2 29:2
66 66
surely with every "For everT difficulty comes comes 94:5-6 "For surely 94:5-6 59 59 period o{l ease..." [a period of] ease..." [a you to mount mount the "For you the backs backs [of [of animalsl then then remember..." remember.,." animals]
43: 43:13 l3
70 i0
praisesof your Lord." the praises "Glorify Lord." "Glorify the
110:3 I l0:3
28 Zt
seen the the one "Have you seen one who takes takes his his desiresas as his his god?" desires
25:43 25:43
42 42
cannot be questionedas "He cannot be questioned as to what He does...tt does..."
21 :23 ZI.23
25 25
raised some some ofyouovâ&#x201A;Źrothersin of you over others in "He raised
6: 165 52 52 6:tGS
rank...tt rank..."
"If only you could could see see [the [the timel time] when when "If the sinners sinners will will bow..." bow..."
32: 12 3Z:lZ
20 Z0
o'ff "If you really love love Allah, follow me..." me..."
3:3 1 3:31
22 Zz
"If you try try to count Allah's blessings..." blessings..." 14:34 l4:i4 "If
43 43
ThePurpose Purpose ofCreation of Creation The
*'I did did not not create create the "I the jinn and and the the humankind except..." except..." humankind
51 :56 5l:56
'slndeed,it it is is in in the "Indeed, the remembrance remembranceof of Allah..." Allah..."
13 :28 56 13:28 56
the creation creationof the "Indeed, heavensand the heavens "Indeed, the and the earth is greater..." greater..." the earth is
40: 57 40:57
is He who causes causesthe the daybreak, daybreak, made "It made "It is the night..." night..." the
6:96-7 6:96-7 70 70
is He] Hel who created createddeath death and "[It and life to "[It is test which..." which..." test
27 27
13 l3
67:2 67.2
49 49
make them them taste "I taste a lesser lesser iZ:Zl 32:21 "f will make punishment before..." punishment before..."
65 65
"Know wealth and and children children "Know that your wealth are a test.tt test."
8:28 8:28
52 Sz
"Let those those who contradict his command command "Let
24:63 24:63
64: 11I 64:l
17 17
beware...tt beware..."
"No calamity strikes strikes except except by by Allah's Allah's "No permission.tt permission."
ThePurpose PurposeofCreation The of Creation
believers! Do "0 Do not not allow allow your your wealth wealth "O believers! and children..." children,.," and
63:9 63:9
52 Sz
believers,do "0 do not not destroy destroyyour your acts acts "O believers, of charity..." charity..." of
2:264 2:264
54 54
believers!Remember "0 RememberAllah Allah often." often." "O believers!
33:41 33:41
32 32
believers,seek seekhelp patiâ&#x201A;Źnceand "0 help in patience "O believers, and prayer.tt prayer."
2: 153 2:153
61 6l
you who believe! believe! Fasting "0 Fasting has has been been "O you prescribed for you..." you..." prescribed
2: 2:l183 83
jz 32
"Perhaps something "Perhaps you may dislike something good for you,.," good you..."
2:2 I6 2:216
58 58
"Satangotthe "Satan got tbe betterofthem better oftbem and and caused caused 5B:19 58: 19 33 33 them... them... tt"
"Satan's plan is to incite incite enmity and "Satan's hatred among you...t' you..." seek refuge refuge in in the the Lord Lord of of the the "Say: I seek dawn.tt dawn."
5:91 5:91
-2 13: I1-2 I] 13:
33-34 33-34
I16 6
The Purpose ofCreation
'f have Mu!amma'd]: 'I power haveno "Say no power "Sry [0 [O Mu!!amma~]: to bring good..." bring good..." to
7: 7:188 I 88
47 47
'Surely my prayer, prayer, my sacrifice, "Say: 162 36 36 sacrifice, 6: "Say: 'Surely my 6:162 my living...' living...' "" announce glad glad tidings tidings [of ""...so ...so announce [of paradisel to those..." those..." paradise]
2: 155-6 62 62 2:155-6
religion is is Islam." "Surely Islam." "Surely Allah's religion
3: 3: 19 l9
35 35
forgive the "Surely Allah will not forgive the others..." worship of others..."
4:48 4:48
40 40
I have have created created all that is on "Surely 1 earth as as its ornaments..." ornaments..."
18: l8:77
49 49
"Surely only despair..." despair..."
12: 87 1287
60 60
"Surely, those those who believe believe and and do "Surely, righteous righteous deeds..." deeds..."
98:6 98:6
399 3
"Surely those those who believed, believed, emigrated emigrated "Surely and stroYe...tt strove..."
2:218 2:218
a disbelieving disbelieving people people
ThePurpose Purposeof of Creation Creatiotr The
'oSurely,those those whom you call whom you "Surely, call on on in in prayer..." prayer..."
j:lg4 7: 194
charity from from "Take "Take charity them..." purify them..."
9: 103 53 53 9:103
their their wealth wealth to to
46 46
He may punish the may punish "That He the hypocrites, hypocrites, men and and women..." women...t' men
48:6 48:6
'oThe decision decision rests rests only "The only with Allah. AIIah. I trust..." put my trust..."
12:67 12:67 57 57
are among among men "There men those those who "There are who worship others..." worship others..."
2: 165 42 2:165 42
is nothing nothing like Him and and He is is "There is hearer and seer seer of of all.tt all."
42: 11 4T:ll
seven heavens heavens and the earth and "The seven whatever is in them glorify glorify Him..."
17:44 Zg 29 17:44
will only encompass encompass of of His "They will knowledge knowledge what what He wishes." wishes."
2:255 2:255
60 60
15 15
The Purpose ofCreation The Purpose of Creation
"Those 135 who, having having done done something something 3: 3:135 "Those who, shameful.,.tt shamefuL.."
34 34
god "Verily, Allah, there is no no god am Allah, there is "Verilyr I am beside Me...'l besideMe, so so worship Me...':
20:14 20:14
32 32
"Warn relatives." nearestrelatives." "\lVarn your nearest
26: 214 48 48 26:214
"Whatever result ofwhat befallsyou is aa result ofwhat vou is "Whatever befalls hands..." your hands..."
42:30 42:30
you (0 "When My servants servants ask ask you [O Muhammad] Mulammadl about about Me..." Me..."
2: 186 45 45 2:186
"When your Lord extracted extractedfrom the the loins loins of Adam's..." Adam's..."
62 62
7: 172-3 26 26 7:172-3
good deed, "Whoever deed, shall brings aa good shall "Whoever brings have it..." have ten ten like it..."
6: 160 6:160
23¡ 23
"Whoever trusts in Allah will find Him "'Whoever trusts sufficient." sufficient."
65:3 65:3
57 57
people chosen "You are best people chosen fur are the the best fior mankind,.." mankind.. ~"
3: I l0 3: 110
77 77
fnt Purpose P"rp:tr ofCreation rf Crtt!*" The
t_ eof
Bibliography Bibliography Albaanee,Naasirud-Deen Naasirud-Deenal-, Albaane~, al-,Irwaa Irwaa'J
al-Ghaleel, al-Ghaleel Beirut: Beirut:alalMaktabal-Islamee, al-Islamee,1st Maktab lst ed., ed..1979. 1979.
SunanAbee AbeeDaawood, -----------, ~a!J.eeh. Daawood,Beirut: Beirut: al-Maktab al-Maktab $afteehSunan al-Islamee, lst ed., al-Islamee, 1st ed.,1988. I988.Daawood Daowood SafteehSunan Sunanat-Tirmithee, at-Tirmigfiee,Riyadh: -----------,, Sab.eeb. Riyadh:Arab Arab Bureau Bureau Educationfor for the of Education theGulf States, States,1st I st ed., ed..1988. l9gg. gafueehSunan SunanIbn lbn Maajah, -----------,, Sab.eeb. Maajaft, Beirut: Beirut: al-Maktab al-Maktab alalIslamee,3rd 3rd ed., ed., 1988. 1988. Islamee,
-----------,, Silsilah Silsilah al-Ahaadeeth al-Ab.aadeeth a;-gafoeehah, a~-Sab.eeb.ah, vol. vol. 1, Beirut: l, Beirut: al-Maktab al-lslamee, aJ-Maktab al-IsJamee, 4th 4th ed., J985. ed., 1985. -----------,, Silsilah Silsilah al-Afuaadeeth al-Ahaadeeth as_-$afoeefiah, a~-Saheehah, vol. 4, Riyadh: Riyadh: Maktabah Maktabah al-Ma'aarif, al-Ma'aarif, 4th 4th ed., ed., l9gg. 1988. Chambers Chambers Pocket Pocket Dictionary, Dictionary, Edinburgh: Edinburgh: W & & R Chambers, Chambers, 1992. 1992. Hasan, Sunan Abu Abu Dawud Dawud fEnglish], [English], Lahore: Lahore: Sh. Sh. Hasan, Ahmad, Ahmad, Sunan Muhammad Ashraf Publishers, Publishers, I1st ed., lgB4. 1984. Muhammad Ashraf st ed..
of Creation Creation The Purpose of
Khan, Muhammad Muhammad Muhsin, Muhsin, Sahih Sahih Al Al Bukhari, Bukhari. [ArabicKhan, English], Riyadh: Riyadh: Maktabah Maktabah ar-Riyaad ar-Riyaad al-Hadeethah, al-Hadeethah, Englishl, 1981. . 1 981
Muwatta Imam Imam Malik [English], [English], Rahimuddin, Muhammad, Muhammad, Muwatta Rahimuddin, 1980. Lahore: Sh. Sh. Muhammad Muhammad Ashraf. Ashraf, 1980. Lahore: Reese, W.L.. W.L., Dictionary ofPhilosophy Religion. lrlew New of Philosophyand Religion, Reese, Jersey: Humanities Humanities Press. Press. 1980. 1980. Jersey: Sh.Muhammad Muhammad Robson, Mishkat Al-Masabih,I-ahore: AI-Masabih, Lahore: Sh. Robson,James, James,Mishkat Ashraf, 1981. Ashraf,1981.
Siddiq. Muslim [English], Lahore:Sh. Sh. Abdul Hamid. Hamid.Sahih SahihMuslim Siddiq.Abdul fEnglish],Lahore: Muhammad Publishers.1987. 1987. MuhammadAshraf AshrafPublishers. Dictionary, Chicago: Chicago:The The The \I/ebsterEncyclopedic EncyclopedicDictionary, The Living Webster America,1975. 1975. English Instituteof America, LanguageInstitute EnglishLanguage
The Chicago:Encyclopaedia Encyclopaedia Britannica,Chicago: New Encyclopaedia The New EncyclopaediaBritannica. Britannica, 1991. e d . .1991. B r i t a n n i c a15th l .5 t h ed., Chicago:World World Book, Book, 1987,. 1987. The WorldBook Encyclopediq,Chicago: BookEncyclopedia. TheWorld
Tableof Table of Contents Contents
Introduction Introduction
Why Did Did God God Create? Create? Why
13 l3
Why Did Did God God Create CreateMankind? Mankind? Why
26 26
God Create CreateMankind Mankind on Why Did God on Earth? Earth?
49 49
Why Did God God Create Create the the Wortd? World?
69 69
Conclusion Conclusion
76 76
Index Index of of Hadeeths Hadeeths
Index Index of of Qur'anic Qur'anic Verses Verses
82 82
Bibliography Bibliography
90 90
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