The quran and modern science

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t4thr WHAT ALL ABOUT ABOUT THIS BOOK BOOK IS I$ ALL WHAT THIS In this book, tbe bool, Dr. Dr. Bucaille Bucrillc nuntes nrrrrtc his encounter with tbc cncounter with Qur'an. frith in Islam," Isllmr" says is not ar faith seys Dr. Dr. Bucaille, Buceilh, cothet lirst "It is "thlt first Qur'rn. colt guided rc*rrch for the guidcd my stcps, simplc research thc truth. truth. This is how I stGF, but simple see frct which, by the thc time timc I had It WIS wrs mainly meinly Cact hrd finished linirhcd todry. It saeit today. my study, see in the Qur'an tcrt revealed lcd me rirreded to Ir me to see hed led snrdy, had Qur'en ar text frct it would bc prophet." be wrs the thc fact lcd him to this conviction w~ propha." Whit Vhrt led unthinkable been thc the of Muhammad's Muhrmmrd's time timc to have hrvc becn men of unthintrblc ufor "for ar man author hnowledge in tccount of strtc of of knowledge strtemcnts on account of the state of such statements ruthor of his his days." drys." study, Dr. Bucaille For the of his his !ltudy: Bucrillc grouped such thc purpose Furpoce of gencrd hcedings vcrscs containing ~dings Qur'anic contrining scientific data drtr under undcr general Qur'rnic verses IS rs Creation, Egrth, etc. etc. Crcrtion, Astronomy, the Eanh,

Touching notion he refutes the age Crcetion, he rge old Western Vestcrn notioo Touching on ("..reation, (delibcretc or through ignorance) (deliberate thrt Muhammad Muhrnrnrd only copied igrromnce) that copicd gcncrd ('utlines tbe the outlines of the Bible. He compares thc version vcrsion of thc general comprres the of tbc rnd that thrt ofthe rnd concludes concludcs that Bihle ofthc Qur'an thrt the Biblc version vercion is Bihlc and thc Bible Qur'rn and whcrcrs the vercion, not only unrcoeptrblc, whereas thc Qur'anic scientifically scientificdly unacceptable, Qur'rnic version, pcrfcctly with dis<.overcdby modern with the thc data &tr discovered scicne but agrees but rgrccs perfectly rnodern science is remarkably remrrkebly free erroneous notions of of the thc tim. also time. rlso is frce from the erroneous *'e then, thcn, he Hnw his How can crn we hc asks, rsks, imagine that thrt ar man men who drew drcw hir hrve been tbe inspiration inspirrrion from the thc Bible Biblc could have becn the author ruthor of of thc rnd, of his own accord, have corrected corrccted the Biblical Biblicd text Qur'an, lccord, have tcxt to Qur'rn, and, et ar general generd concept formrtion of conept concerning conccrning the the arrive rrrivc at thc formation of thc whcn this concept ccnturics after wrs not formed formcd until concept was until centuries efter Universe, Univcrsc, when derth? his death? precious message aonteinsae precious nrcssqgcfor today's todny's scientists scientists in This book contains gcncral, but it should not bc peniculrr and rnd modern modcrn man panicular be mrn in general, suthor himself forgottcn, as rs the wrrns, that thet the Qur'an is not thc author himsclf warns, forgotten, be ar scientific book but it is religious book, par intcrcstcd to be interested purpose in inviting Thc Qur'an's inviting man rcflect upon cxccllarce,The mrrr to reflect exctl/mu. Qur'en's purpose pbcnomcnr is is to stress the natural neturd phenomena strcss Divine Divinc Omnipotcoce. Omnipotcncc. The Thc fact frcr the thrt, in these thctc reflections, rcflcrtions, we ure can cen find alusions dusions to dati drtr connected connectcd that, rnothcr of knowlcdgc is is surely surcly another Crod's gifts whocc of God's with scientific knowledge whose vrfuc must ageof materialistic materidistic athiesm. rthicsm. must shine shinc out in this this age value

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ACKNOWLEDGEI}tENT 'lhe The Muslim Convens' thank Associetionof Singapore wishesto th.nh C-onvens'Association Singeporewishes The)slamic ja)8O Daud) (20B Jdan Behru, Accdcmy of Science Daud, Kg. Bahru, The Islamic Academy Scicnce (20B Kuala pu-blishthis Kuaia Lumpur) consent to publish Lumpur, Malaysia) Melaysir) for giving the thi consent book. book.


NOVEMBER 1976, 1976, an ON 9 NOVEMBER unu3u.l lecture en unusu<ll lccrure was wes given givcn at rr the rhc 'Phyriologicel Frcnch Academl Acedqqr of Medicine. Medicinc. Its title french of titlc was sas 'Physioiosicai and end dete in the Qur' Embryologicel data Embryololical an. I presented prescntcd my mt ltudy rhrJy on the rbc Qur'en. thc Qur'an existence eristence in the of certain certain statements stetcment3 concerninl concerning physiophytioQur'ln of logy and reproduction. reproduction. My 10lY My reason rcason for doing doing this was wes that ther our lnowledge of of these disciplines knowledge disciplincs is such, that thet it is impossible impossible to ex路 erplein how ar text produced at tert produced plain rhe Qur'an .t the time of of the could have Qur'en could idcas that contained contained ideas that have heve only only been bcen discovered discovered in modern times. modern times. worl prior prior to modern There is indeed indecd no human humen work modern times timcs that thet conteins statements contains statcmcnts which were equally equelly in advance advancc of the rhe state stete of knowledge at et the time they thcy appeared eppeered and which might mighr be compercd to the Qur'an. pared Qur'en. eddirion to ro this, ar comparative In addition comprrrtive study of of datil darr of a similar similrr containcd in the Bible (Old Testament kind contained Tesrament and Gospels) seemed sccmed dcsirable. This is how the project was formed of a confrontadon desirable. confronrelion between modern modcrn knowledge and end certain passages passages in the Holy lloly Scripturcs of eacb nronotheistic religion. Scriptures eech monotheistic rcligion. It resulted in the publica路 publice. tion of a book under the title, The The Bible, Bible, the the Qur'a,. Science. Qur'an and Science. (Seglers, Paris). The first French Frerrch edition appeared in May 1976. 1976. (Seglers, English路 E n g l i s h ' and a n d Arabic A r e b i c editions c d i t i o n s have h a v e now n o w been published. b e e n published. It comes as rs no surprise to learn thar rhar Religion ilnd Scicnce and Science a l w a y s been h a v e always b e e n considered t o be t w i n sisters h.l\路e c o n s i d e r e d to b e twin s i s t e r s by e n d that thet b y Islam l s l a m and toJ,,). t o c l e ; , ar a t a time w h e n science t i m e when h a s taken t a k e n such g r e a t strides, s c i e n c e has s t r i d c s , the'y they s u c h great continue to be furthcrmore certain still continurbc associated, associeted, and furthermore cerrain scientific d a t a are a r e used data t h c bener u s e d for f o r the b e t r e r understanding tert. u n d e r s t a n d i n g of o f the r h e Qur'anic Q u r ' a n i c text. W h e t is i s more, m o r e , in What c e n t u r y where. i n a cenrury w h e r c , for f o r many. m a n y , scientific s c i c n t i f i c truth t r u t h has has deathbloy to religious belief. dealt ae deathblow' belief, it is precisely the discoveries science that, in an objective examination of science rhe Islamic exeminarion of the Revcletlslamic Revelat:he supernatural ion, have highlighted character of of certaill espccrr highlightcd the supernetural characrer certein aspects Reveletion. of the Revelation. When Whcn all ell is said and done, generally speaking. spcaking. scientific scicntific hnowledge knowledge would would seem. may say. to be seem, in spite of what people mey highly highly conducivc conducive to reflection reflection on the existence of of God. 'Publirhedby 'Publish~d by Arnericen Am~rican Trurr Trusr Publicerions. Publicarions. ?216 7216 S. Madison Avc., Aye., S. Medrron lndierrepolir, Indianapolis, Ind. Ind, 46227. 46227, USA. USA.

Once en unbiased unbiescd or unprejuerl ourselves ourselvcs in an wc belin bcgin to ask Once we diced dcrivcd from from some somc the meraphysicallessons mctephysicallessonsto be be derived diccd way wey about ebout the of today's knowledgeof the thc infinitely todey'r knowJedle. cremple our knowledge lnorlcdgc. (for example small problem of life). wc indeed indeed discover. meny reasons rersons for !ife), we discover many for thc problem rmell or the lincs. When When we we think ahout ehout the thc remarkable rcmarleble thinanl thesc Jines. thinhiry alona rlong these life, 'it it thc birth and orlanisatioD prcsiding over oyer the end maintenance maintenance of life. or3eniitioo presidins result of surely thet the being the the result the likelihood lilelihood of it being bccomcr dear clcrr that rurcly becomes ger less es our knowledge knowledge and end progres~ progress in this chance lcrr ~d and less. less. as rhis chencc lets field must appear increesingly unlield expand. crprnd. Certain Certain concepts conceptsmust epperr to be increasingly unacceptable; rcccptrblc; for example. rhe one onc put forward forward by the the French Frcnch eremple, the priae for Medicine gct people people to winner thc Nobel who tried to uinner of the Nobcl prize Medicinc who ro get admit thet living matter mrttcr was ses self-created self-creetedas as the thc result result of fortuiedmit that tous toul circumstances circumrtrnccs .under thc effect effcct of c~rtain ccrtein outside outside influences influences ,undcr the usinl elcrnenrs as rs their this it is ufinl simple rirnplc chemical chcmicel elements thcir base. bese. From From this thrt living orlanisms thc reclaimed chimed that orgenisms came being, leading leeding to the came into beins. markable merleble complex celled man. would seem conrplex called men. To me, me, it would 3cem that th.t the thc scientific protrcs$ made made in undclStanding the fantastic fentestic compleunderstanding the complerientilic prolress xity xiry of hi.her hfher beinss strong arguments fevour of the thc bcingr provides strona rrtument3 in favour opposite opporitc theory: othcr words, vords, the the existence en extraordinaricxtreordinerithcory: in other eristence of an presiding over remerkablc arrangely methodical methodiceloraanization over tf,e the remarkable orgeniretion presiding arrengephenomcnaof life. ment of the rhe phenomena terml, perts of the leeds. in simple In many rnrny paus Bool, the the Qur'an simple termi. the Book. Qur'en leads. conteins infinitely infinitcly to this generel reflection. Brrr it also elso contains thfu kind lind of seneraJ reflection. But vhich are facts discovered more precite data ere directly direcdy rdated rclercd to facts discovercdby more precise dete which rnegneticattraction modern whet exercise erercise aa masnetic attrection for for there are rre what modern science: lcience: these today's todry's scientists. rcientirtr.

ENCYCLOPEDIA ENCYCLOPEDIA KNOWLEDGE KNOWLEI}GE NECESSARY NECESSARY TO UNDF..RSTANP UNDERSTAND nlE TTIE QVR'AN QUR'AN rhem, because beceuse w.s unable For tb study study -them, For many man was unable to mrny centuries, ccnturies, man todey thet he that posscsssufficient scicntific means. only today sufficicnt scientific mcrns. Ids lt'is only hc did not possess yerscs of the phenonicne an dealinK numerous dealing with natural neturel phenomena the Qui' numcroui verses Qur'ln go so esto say 3.y cycn So have shouldeven sofar as hrve become becorncfully comprehensible. comprehcnsibie. I should that, irs compartmentalization everthc 20th comprrtmcntelizetionof everthrt. in the ccntury. with its 2fth century. easy for fot the average inereasins evcrege scientcicnnot always elways easy incrcesing knowleqe. hnowlcdgc, it is not (]ur'en such subthc Qur' on !Ouch 010 unders.and an on tist he reads reads in th~ subeicrythirrg he unJerrtend everything jects. without restlrch. This mctns ;eus. research. to speciahzeJ This means without having heving recourse fccourseto specieirzed it today that verscs of the the Ql;•. :.* -- -- -- is todey rereunderstand all thet to understand ell such such verses Qt . :"." which I quired quired to have knowledge, by whkh ebsolutelyencyclopaedic heve an en absolutely encyclopeedicknowledge. mean. vcry many mrny discipline'S. discipliner. whichembraces m?rn. OM onc which embtecesvery 2

'science' to mean 1 mc.n knowledge rhich hal usc the word word 'science' knorledgc which hu beea bcca I use soundly includc the thc theories roundly established. establishcd. It does not include rheorhr which, rhich, for ar phcnorpcnon or a series time, time, help help to explain serics of of phenomena. pbcnonrcnr, erplein a phenorpenon only lercr on in favour favour of of explanations cxplenethnr which rhich ha.. only to ro be abandoned ebendoned later hrvce becorne more plausible pleusible thanks protrcrr. become I ba~ic.U1 bericrlly thenks to scientific scientific progress. intcnd to deal with comparisons only intend dcal with thc comperisons between statements strremcntr in the ro be subject Qur'an likely to furthcr knowledge which which is not likely subjcct to further Qur'rn and knowledge fects which which are discussion. yet scientific facts .rc not IGt discursion. Wherever Whcrever JI introduce inrroducc scientific l000f0 . l0O% estabHshed, quite clear. clcer. esteblished, I shall, meLe this quite shell, of course, make of statements There arc also vcry rare rere examples thc Therc are elso some sonre very eremplcs of stetcmcntt in the Qur'an confirmed by modem which have nrodcru hlvc not, as .s yet, been confirmed Qur'en which scicnce: I shall refer pointing out that science: refer to these by pointing rhar all ell the rhc evidence cvidcoce lcads scientists icientists to r~gard es being leads regerd them rhem as highly probable. probrblc. An being highly An errmple of this example this is the statement statemcnt in the Qur'an that life life is of of aquatic equ*ic Qur'en that origin; and end another origin; rhet somewhere enother is that thete are somcwherc in the Universe Universe theTe ere eerths similar to earths ro our own. own, Thcse scientific consideretions should These scicntific considerations shorrld not, however, hor?vcr, make male us ur forget that thet the Qur'an forget pin' excellenre remains ae religious rcligious book booh par cxccllcnre and td Qur'en femains 'scientific' thet it cannot, crnnor, of that of course, bourse, be expected purporc expected to have heve ae 'scientifiC' purpose per se. Whenever man is invited se. Whenever per invitcd to reflect reflect upon thc works rorlc of upon the of creatcrcatend the numerous numcrous natural ion and nerural phenomena phenomena he \:an cen observe, thc obobrcrve, the intention, in using such examples; ¡vious ..ious intention, ro stre~s exrmples, is to Divine strcrs Dirine Omnipotence. The Omnipotence. lact that, thet, in these Thc fact thesc r~nections, rcflections, we can crn find find allusellurdete connected ions to data connected with with scientific knowlcdgc is surely surcly another anorhcr scientific knowledge of God's gifts whose value must shine rge where scienshinc out our in an age tificelly based besed m~teri~nstic tifically meterirfistlc atheism gein control at thc eJ(etheism seeks et the seels to ro gain expensc of the rhe t;>elief pense belief in God. Throughout my research It have constantly remein Throughout constently tried tried to remain totelly tot all}' objective. I believe I have rhc heve succeeded epproeching the srrccceded in approaching study of the Qur'an u,ith the thet a doctor has seme objectivity that ber rhe same Qur'an with when he opens a file on a patient: In other words, by carefully cercfully confrorrting all the symptoms he can find to arrive froruing errive at et ae diagnosis. diegnosir. I must admit edrnit that thet it was certainly thet first firrt cerrainly not a faith in, in Islam lslem chat guided my step.., guidC'd reseerch for the fruth. rruth. This is how steps, but simple research hor I my see see it today. timc I had finished finishcd my wes mainly mairrly fact which, by the thc time roday. It was rcveeled co prophet. study. rert rC'vealed to ae prophet. srudy, had led lcd me to see see in the Qur'an Qur'en ae text llle shall examine We exemine statements stetcmenrs in the rhe Qur'an rppcar toroQur'an which appear mercly to trurh, but which men in former day mt'rely ro record scientific scicntific truth, formcr times were only able to grasp the rhe apparent apperent meaning meening of. How How IS rs it¡ it' possiblc to imagine imegine that, thlt, were thele possible there any subsequent alterations alteretions to terts, these these obscure passages the t('xts, passagcs scattered scarrered throughout throughout the thc teJ(t tert of of the Qur'an tc e!icaOe ablc to erraoe human hurnen manipulation? menipuletion? The stia ht rlightQur'an were able 3

heve destroyed dcstroyed the est tcri would thc text would automatically .utom.ticelly have crt aheration .ltcr.tion to the prcvenremarkable vhich is characteristic them, and prevenrcmerleblc coherence cohcrcnce which charauirisric of them, ted their conformity with modern modern Jtnowledae. tnowledgc. from establishina crteblishing their conformity with tcd us from prcscnce of The an thcsc statements srrtcments spread throughout the Qur' Thc presence of these rpread throuahout Qur'en authenhellmarl of authenlooks observcrlike an obvious hallmark thc impartial en obvious impertiel observ~tlike lools to the ticity. ticity. men in The preaching which was made mrde known hnown to man Thc Qur'an Qur'err is ae preachina yeers. It the course which lasted lestcd roughly roughly twenty twcnty years. e Reveiallon Reveiatpn which coursc of of ill thc Heaira. Hegira. spanned tulo periods pcriods of equal cqual length on either side of the spenncd two In wrs natural neturel for reflections having ae scientific vicw of this, it was ln view of a study throughout the Book. In the case aspect cese of study .spcct to be be scattered scertered throughout eccording such ro regroup rcgroup them them according we-hlve made, ruch as onc we-have mlde, we had to ls the one to them sura ro subject, rubjcct, tollecting sure by sura. collecting them How indicatrhey be classified? could not find any indicatHow should clessified? I ,,,uld rhould they perticular classification. clessificetion. So ions So I ionr in the Qur'an suggesting any eny particular Qur'en suggesting have prescnt them according eccording to my own personal personel one. havc decided dccided to present rhe first wirh is It would would seem first subject to be dcalt with me, that the bc .leah secm to me. the Creation. possible to compare compere the verses referring Crearion. Here referring to Here it is possible rhe general prevelent today todey on the formation ths topic with vith the general ideas idees prevalent formetion ycrses under dl Universc. Next. Next. I have divided up verses thc followfollowthc Universe. havc divided under the of the generel headinas: ins hcedings: Astronomy, thc Earth, Earth. the Animal end ing aeneral Asrronomy, the Animel and prrtiVesetable Yegcteble Kingdoms. Man, and Human Humen Reproduction in partiKingdoms. Man, cular; thc latter is ae subject which, in the Qur'an. vcry culer; the elloted aI very Qgr'an, is alloted important plecc. To these general generel headings heedings it is possible to add edd importent place. sub-headings. rub-heedings. Furthermore, thought it ir useful make a ,comparison Furthermorc, I thought useful to malte .comparison between vrew of tuecn Qur'anic end Biblical narrations nerrations from the point of view Qur'enic and modern nrodcrn knowledae. Lnowledgc. This This has been done in the thc case cese of of such subjcctr jects as ar the thc Creation. end the ~xodus. Creation, the Flood and f xodus.

CREAnON TTIE UNIVERSE OF mE UNIVERSE CREATION OF Let first examine Let us first the Creation examine the as described described in the Qur'Qn. Creetion as Qur'an.

An errremely important importanr general An ~xtremely cmerges: this is its irs tcneral idea emerges: idee contradicts the dissimilarity dissimilerity with with the rhe Biblical narration. narration, This idea uhich are euthors parallels parellcls which wrongly, drawn ere often, and end wrongly. dra*'n by western authors to underline terts. resemblanccs between the two texts. underline solely rolely the resemblances When as of other subjects, there is a Creetion, as lVhcn talking telhing of the Cre.ation, thet Muhammad Muhemmad only copied strona tcndency in the West to claim that Itrong tendency the aeneral generel outlines lt is indeed possible to compare comprre outlincs of the Bible. It describcd in the Bible, plus an en extra the ertra thc six cir days deys of th~ the Creation as es described 4{

drl of rG$ dr God'r rrbbrth, (7:l{1. ttt(!


rith rbir



from nur Al A'r.rll

,i;5ra.b'I(J;:U .4$l--r',i

Your Lord il lVho created ir Allah Alhh Who crerted the rhc heayens hervcnr and rnd the rhc earth cuth ill b . dr. dryr. daYI. orrt sttaisht We Wc mUlt murt point out rtrright away modcm commentatan etty that rher modern cdnorcntrt(rl Itrest intcrprctrtion o( ayyam, one tnndetion of which ol 4)')'4m, olrc translation thict is ir rtrcrf the interpretation 'long 'dlyt', a.meaninl 'rger' rather periodr' or 'ales' nther than 'days', periods of u rnerning 'lonl periodl' thrn perirdr twenty-four lrourr. trcnty-fow hour•. lf,het to me rppcrrt to be What that, of funclamental mc appears bc of importraoc is fundrmcntrl importance fu th$, in conttalt nerretion contined contrut tb the rhc narration conJincd in tbe Biblc, the Qur'... tbc Bible, docr Qnr'rn cIoa rhe Creation not Heafor the lry down dorn ar sequence requcncc (or Crertbn of the Earth rnd Hcrnor lay Eertb and Yens. rcfctr both to the Heavens Heercns before renr. It refer. bcfore the thc Earth Eerth aDd thc Earth Brtd rnd the before then it t~lks rhc Heavens, Hcevcnr, when telb o( of the rhc Creation Creetbn in .eneral... bcforc the b Jeacrd, er ill (20:{).. this verre of the thc sura rute Tah4 Tehe(20:4) rhir yerse

.~~~~..:.J~ -.\ "~\' '. ·~~t~.::'itS\;·~·': ~,. ~ (fulrhocrcrtcd the earth rhc hilh (God) who created the eenh and rnd the hith heavens. hcevenr. thc Qur'... ir one onc ofa of r In (act, fecr, the thc notion to be deriveetfrom dcrivcf frorn the Qrrr'rn is cvolstiqlr. 11wre end terrestrial tcrrcrtrid evohatioDa. lterc are rtc con-eomitance rhc celestial celcrtirl and con-conritence in the thc ealtenee u drtr CODCeminl erirtcncc of ... rbrolutcly fundamental fundrmentd data coacerning the also rbo absolutely rholc elerhich is rnd whOle cb. ir unique uniquc and initial rnrrr (tlwltha") inirid laseoul f&llanJ which Sucorr masl (ratq) subsequently b* togethet (ralq) rubrequcntly beet first fuscd toaetber mentl, dthurgh at firrt fused rncntr, althouSh (fatq). This ir expressed rcn crpterrcd in .the came Thir notion il crmc separated rcprtrried Ulllq). .tbc sun (f l:ll). Pel...,., hnil|rit (41:11).


.'nt*hjri-F,Jt rer smoke. rmolc. rhcn it wa. God llervcn when rurned to Heayen God turned

crprerred in the thc sura ir expressed thc same rure Al rll AnbiY4' rtnbiyc'(2t:t0l. (21 :30). And the rrnc i.

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1>0 not the the Unbelievers thet ehe the heavens Do not scc that heevens and Unbclicvcrs see end the rhc earth certh were joined tOlecher, joined to3erhct, then rhcn We dove clovc them thcm asunder? esunder? The proccss resulted Thc separation resulted io rhc formation rcperetion proce~s in ehe formation of of multiple nrulriplc worlds, ae notion which crops up dozens dozcns of eimes times li ehe th* Qur'an. Qur'en, (t:l). unce I). thc firse vcrse in the uncc it has hes formed formcd the first verse rhc sura rll Fal.laa sure Al Farihu (1:


.r. 1.







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v -11

Puise the Worlds. Lotd of ehe bc to God, God. the Lord Praisc be All this is in perfect agreement rgreement with modern modcrn ideas on cn the excristence of primary primery nebula nebule and end the process proccss of secondary scparetion secondery separation of ehe thc elements elcmcnts that thet had hed formed forrncd the initial initiel unique mass. This Thic sescrcsultcd in the formation patation paretion resulted formation of galexics and then, when of galaxies then, when dividcd, of sears werc to be born. these thesc divided. sters from which the thc planets were Refer~nce Refercncc is also elso made en intermediary madc in the Qur'an interrnediary Qrrr'an to an Creation thc Heavens and the Earth, Earrh, as es in the sura Crcetion between the rure ,r|l (25:59). F u r q a n (25:59). FlI'qoJn


4W.6,#iyS+#,cr;iti t/.

,LF;,j. rsrrrt6IL;?f fr,q, fu the one. Who lilho created creeted the heavens. the earth God is ehe t:anh end and whet whae is is.b e t w e e n them. them. between It would seem inrcrmediary Creation corresponds seern that this intermediary Ie conesponds to thc modern ntodern discovery of bridges of matter nrarter which are bridges of rrc present outehe side organised orgenised astrollomical astroromicel systems s1rstenrr certeinly c;hows shows us how modern This survey certainly modern date data and statestatcagrec on a large number ments in the Qur'an number of of points. points. Wc We have Qur'en agree â‚Źome ae long way wey from tlre come the Diblicel Biblical tcrt tellt with with its successivc successive pheses phases ere totally rotelly unacceptable; uneccepteble; e"speciany that are placing the CrcaCreaespccielly the one placing (on the rion of of the tht Earth Eerth (on thc 3rd drylbefore tion before rher that of of the Hcevens Heavens (on (on the the lrd day)


4th dey), day), rhcn when itit iris r• Lnorn known fecr fact that that our our planct planet cotncs comes from from itr it. rth own lirar, 5tar, the the Sun. Sun. ln In such sUCh circumstences. circumstances, hor how ctn can tc we irneginc ima,ine oun that ea men man rho who drc* drew hir his inspiretion inspiration from from thc the Eible Bible could could hevc have rhet brrn the the ruthor author of of thc the Qur'rn, Qur'an, end, and, of of his his own own eccord, accord, heve have been corrected the the Biblicrl Biblical text text to to lrrivc arrive at .a gcncrrl general concept concept concetnconcerncorrecred ing the the formetion formation of of the Universe, Universe, when when this this conccpt concept wes was not not to to bc br ing formed until centurics centurirs rftet aftel his his deeth? death? formed until



Let subject of of Astronomy., tur.a to t',e the subject Astronoray., trou' turn Lct us rlOUI

Whenever thr deteils Jetails the thr Qur'en Qur'an contlins contains on cerdcscribe the Whenever I de5cribe tain westerners, it is unusuel unusual for for someonc someone of ao;tronomy estronomy to westernets, tein points of not to reply that nothing special. spt'ciat. in this. this, considering considering the ther there is nothing Arabs discoveries in this this field field long long before before :he the important discoveries made important Arebs made Europeans. Europeens. This is, in fact, ~e singularly idea regulting re$ulting from from en an singularly mistaken idee ignorance was dcvclopcd developed in first place, scienu science wes histor.y. In the ficst ignorencc of history. Arabian was considerably after the considerebly after ri ae time timc that wes Arebien countries at Qur'anic scientific Revehtion had occurred; in the second, the scientific Qur'enic Revelation civilization wotrld would Islamic civilizetion knowledge of IsI...mic highpoint of prevelent at ri the highpoint lcnowledgc prevalent not have written hrrmen being for ar human being to have written hevc made it possible fat thc Qur'an. !IItatements Heavens comparable comperable to those in the 5trtements on the Hea"ens Qur'en. rn Here again, provide an cen only provide so wide that I can agein, the subject is so outline of it. tffherees the Bible talks of the Sun and the Moon Whereas two es tvo Moon as distinguishcs between luminaries differing in size, size, the Qur'an lumineries differing Qur'an distinguishes them Moon, thr use use of different different epithets: light (nur) thenr by the fnur/ for the Moon, inerl body which which reflects reflects torch (siraj) first is an inert fsirajl for the Sun. The first permenent formation in ae state of permanent light. second aa celestial f"rmation light, the thc second end heat. combustion, and ae source source of light and hcat. 'ster' (na}m) is accompanied enother qualifying quelifying The accompanied by another wotd 'star' The word fnajra/ es it pierces itit which thet it burns and end consumes itself as which indicates irrdicetes that thalib. the night: it is the word thalrib. through through the shadows shadows of the plethc ptamcln the In laurlab definitely seems secms to mean ln the the Qur'an, Qur'en, the Jrawlrab thet reflect rcflect and do not produce nets which are nets which ere celestial celestial formations that light light like lilcethe thc Sun. Sun. orgenisetion is balanced belenced cclestiel organisation Today it is known how how the the celestial Today it is known o[ interpley of in ae defined orbit and the interplay position of of stars defined orbit by by th~ sters in the position mass and end speed spced of move8ravitational gravitetionel forces forces related related to their mass whet the Qur'an motion. But isn't isn't this what ment, its own own motion. ment, each with'itg eech with' Qur'rn cornprchensiblc in only become heve only become comprehensible describes, vhich have in terms terms which describes, in 7

rhc foundation our foundetionof this our own ovn day, uhcn it mentions mentions rhethir balance dey, when belrncc in in :t3). the thr sura (21 :33). sureAI Anbi,,,' Anbip'(21

.;\' ff~ZJ.~ .j)\~;J~;


(God creered the rhc night, rhc nighr, the day, dey. tht' rhe sun and end the lcod isl the One Who cruted moon. Each Eech oneone is trave-lling rravelling in an mOOn. an orbit orbir with wirh irs own motion. morion.

The Thc Arabic Arebic word which expresses erpresse$ this rhir movement is ae verb (yasbahun in tht' sabaha (yasbc11ulrI sab"laa the te-Xl); terr); it carries wirh it Ihe cerries wi.h rhe ide-a idca of ae motion which vhich comes from motion frorn any rny moving moving body, rhc movemc,'nt b",ly, be it ir cht." nrovement of o[ oat's legs as onc runs on the thc ground, or tht' action one's er one lclion of swimminl swimming in w r t e r . In I n the t h e case c e l e s t i a l boo)', water. c e s eo( o f ae celt'5.ial b o d y , ont' i s (orcc.'d i t in in o n t is f o r c t d 10 r o transla.e r r e n s l e t e it 'to ara",e1 (!wn motion'. the originrl sense. rhe thet is, 'ro trlrrel with wirh ont"s ont"s l'Wn rensc, that nlotion'. The description of tht' thc s("quenl"t~ of day da.v .md .rnd night would, would. in scquence o( itsell, be rather rether commonplace itself, commonplecc were it noc not (or for the thc fa('r fecr that, thet, in the rhe lQul'ln. it is expressed Qur'an, erpressed in terms tcrms that thet tod.,y todr.y arc.' ert highty highly significant. significorrt. l,rrlr,,rrd in the sura Al beceuse it uses thc verb kIlIC'"'''''' /l Zum", This is because uses .he Zunar ' w i n d s ' or ' c o i l s ' itself ( J 9 : 5 ) to (39;5) t h e way t o describe d e s c r i b e the w e y thc.r h e night n i g h t 'winds' o r '('oils' i t s e l f about ebour j u s r as, t h e day tht' t h c day d r y and r n d the d e y about e b o u r the t h e nighl, n i g h r . just i n the r s . in t h c original originel mcening of the verb, verb. ae mrban muning rurban is wound aroull\i uround the head. This is ae t o t e l l y valid v e l i d comparison; c o m p a r i s o n ; ye-t y e r at t h e time.' r h e Qur'an totally l t the r i m t the w a s rnealc.-d, reveeled. Q u r ' e n was the astronomical ertronomicel data dete necessary neccssary to draw ir it were unknown. unlnown. The evolution cvolution of the.' thr. Heavens ilnd end the nOlion nolion of ae settled serrled place 'fhey elso desnibcd. for the Sun are also describcd. They au' agrc."c.'ment wirh highly agrr.rmenr wilh highly detliled moder.n modern ideas. The Qur'an detalled sccrrrs to have alluded elluded to Qur'an also St't'ms of the Univc.-fSe. erpension orthe the expansion Universe. There is also of space.-. elso the conquest o( spece. This has been undertaken undertelen thenlr to remarkable technological thanks temerleble techllological progrerrs and end has hls rrsulted resutred in man's journey to the dnen's journey thc Moon. Moorr. Rur Bur this surel)' surely springs to ro mind mind when (55:ll). . *c read AI lI"ftma" we rced the sura rure AI ltahmatr (55:33)

glii rtWri,).rr )\;9..#;6_ 5$3 13,,,b)y\ ; ura;J5tJ3,i, ''ltbf '*9;4:#


jinnr and oO assembly euembly of you can can penetrate if you pcnctrete resions of jinns rnd men. mcn, if regions of of the the heevenrand heavens thcm! You rhe earth. thar penetrate pcncrnd the ?ilth, theft You will not nil peneFacurre them! trrt? them trate thcrnsave rith (our) sevcwith Povcr. lourl Power. from the This powcrcomes comer from the All-Mighty. All-Mighty. and Thir power end the rhe subject subjcct of the rhe rholc sura isan whole sureis invitetion to to recosnize an invitation rccognircGod's God's Beneficence Bcneficenceto ro man. m.n. THE EARnf 11IE EARTII


relur|, to Earth. nowret""."s usnow Earth. I.rl Lct us eltmirre, for us examine. for nample, Let eremple, this rhis verse verscin in the the sura sure AI Z"rita,. Zunar ( 3 e ; 2).1 ) . (39:21

Hesr thou not nor seen rher God sent s?en that urerer down from the Hast scnr water thc sky and end led lcd rhrough source's rhe ground? groundl Then rourccs into the it throulh Thcn He' ceused sown He caused sosn Eidds fields of of differenr colours to grow. different $uch notions seem rodry, but Such scem quite natulal nerurel t\l ro us today, wc should bur we, forget that rhetrhey prcvelent lana long ago nor prevalent ego It Ihey were not not unril until not foraet wes nor lt was thc sixteenth sirteenth century. with Bernard cenrurl'. with Pelissy, rher Bcrnerd Palissy. lained thc the the that we geincd cohercnt d~scription description of wrter cycle. of the rhe water first coherent to this, Ihis, peoplc prople cyclc. Prior ro talled about rhc theory whereby ebout the urhereby the rhe weter talked water of of the occrns, oceans, under under effecr of winds. were werc thrust rhrusr towards towrrds the inrerior the effect interior of of rhe the conriconti¡ ncnts. The)' They then rhen returned rerurned to the rhe oceans ocerns vie great abyls, abyss, nents. via thc the greer rince Plato's Pleto's time, hes been celled caned rhc the Tarrerus. Tanarus. ln In rhe the which, since' time. has scvcntcenth century, grerr thinkcr century. a r great sennteenth thinker such es as Descertes Descartes belicved believed in it. and end even in the ttre nineteenth nineteenth cenrury century thcre there wes was still still rell talk of of AristoAriSlotheory. according tlc'r tht'ory, eciording to which rle's which *1"r., 'outer wes was condensed in coot cool rnountlin caverns formed undcrground clvcrnt and end formed underlround lekcs lakes thet that fed fed rprings. sprinls, mountain 'fodey. Today, we know thet tholt ir it is rhe the infilrretion infiltration of of reinwerer rainwater thet that is responsible for this. lf If one comprrcs compares lhc the frcts facts of of modern modern hydrology hydrology sirh with rhc the dete data to be found in numerou3 numerous verscr verses of of thc the Qur'en Qur'an ou on rhit this rubject, onc one clnnot cannot feil fail to notice ntltice the the remerl,eble remarkable degrcc degree of of egrec. alreesubject. mcnt ment betrecn between the two. ln knowledle is is rhc the In 3eology. geololY' ra fect fact of of recently recently rcquired acquired Lnowledgc phenomenon phenomenon of of folding, folding. which which wes was ro to form form rhc the mountein mountain rrnfcr, ranle•.


The the Earth's crustr which is is like on F.erth'scrust, lile aa solid solid shell rhcll on The same semeis true of the end which the deeper laycrs are ere hot hot and fluid. and c.n live, livc, while the decper layers and fluid, which we uc can thet the thc stactethus lifc. It tr is hrcun that any form of life. is also elso known thus inhospitable inhospiteble to any linled to phenomenoo of foldina, folding. for bility thc mountains ro the thc phenomenon mounteins is linked bility of the relicfs that it was wes the foldr that thet were to foundations for the reliefs thet ro provide foundations thc folds constituted constitutedthe the mountains. mounteins. vith one Let iC.:as with one verse vctsc amons now compar~ compera modern modern ic~as amont Lct us us now tekcn from many this subject. subjcct. It the Qur'~n thet deals dcels with this lt is taken from meny in the Qur'en that (78;6-7). the the sura sureAl Naba' Naba'(78:6¡7).

.tr1i,iiljt3+"i;ri,#F, Ha"e expanse and the medc the rhe earth an, an.expansc thc mountains rnountlins Hevc We not made stakes? stelcs? (awtad), which are The stakes stekes (awradJ, ere driven into inro the ground like those used to anchor a tent, tcnt. are the deep foundations foundetions of of geological gcological folds. Here, es in the case of of other topics. the objective Herc, as othcr ropics, objcctive observer observer feil to notice the absence of any cannot cennot fail eny contradiction contradiction with *.ith modern modcrn knowledge. lr.nowledae. wes struck. then anything enything else, else, I was But more than et first. statestruck, at first, by statedeeling with ments in the Qur'an with livina living things. both in the animal enimel Qur'en dealina vegetebla kinadoms. end veaetable kingdoms. especially with with regard and regerd to reproduction. rcproduction. I must fect. that it is only only since modern modern must once aaain egein ~tress rhe fact, strcss the progrcss has of many meny such times, lres made madc the content content of timcs, that that scientific scientific prolress ycrscs more verSes 'comprehensible to us. There Tltere arc ere also elso other verses more,comprehensible biowhich which are which conceal a biorre more but which morc easily cesily understandable. understendeblc, hut of the This is the case cese o( logical logical meanina highly significant. significant. This mcrning that thet is highly prrt of quoted: sura r{l Anbiya', which has already been quoted: sure AI Anbiya', a part of which hes already ,r.r!,


.t - r/. rr Lirti(

-rr .uj2}yYg,ql,ef

,( | t,



eerth were were end the thc earth Do not the unbelievers heevcns and thet the thc heavens sce that unbclicycri see lrllc lot cvcry end We joined together, jotncd asunder and clovc them asunder thcn We lVc clove togcther, then tot every (21:30) then not not believe: belicve: (21 Jivi~S :30) thcy then our of the eltcr. Will they thing out rhc water. ii"itrg thins origin of life lifc This effirmetion of the ir an en affirmation thc modern modcrn idea idee that the oriain Thir is is ir aquatic. equetic. 10 lo

in botany erthe the time Pr0lress Progrcrr in botrny at drneof of Muhammad Muhammed was ras in no counin DO Gountry advanced edvenccdenoulh for itit to try enough{or ro be esnblished as bc established cs aa ",Ie nde that plentr thei plants heveboth ferneleparts. bothmale andfemale p.rrs. Nevertheless, have meleand Neverthcless,we we may mey read reed the thc followingin (20:53). in the following sure1'aha 7bf,a(20:53). thesura


~\k;·ti8I ....~ \~ ''''~ .1~'(t-tl.b ~~t,


·~r~~~ ~'" . ';IJ r.. . .......,,,.,, ,~~\ ... ,gt[iirh,qAT',.L1t(il",^'J{S '-'/ •~ <.. ,...... · · .... '-":'-t!./ .,:., \"'~\,... ~-: . " . " \ .... ' ' ... -:J' ... t"L.A~'A\ ,UJ'L:,.J<~\· •



.*-F+#' to' .......


.''--iI". A..wJul.-j , •

(God is is the thc One One Who) Who) sent werer down from the (God sent water rhe sky and thereby W e brought b r o u g h t forth f o r t h pairs p a i r s of p l a n t s each We o f plants e a c h separate s e p a r a t efrom f r o m the t h e other. other. Today, we we know know that thar fruit comes Today, conres from plams planrs that have serual characteristics (even when it comes from unfertilized sexual unfertilizcd f l o w e r s , like l i k e banana'». b a n a n e s ) . In l n the r h e sura flowers. s u r a ,AI { l RtJ t t , r 'd ' d (13:3) w c read: read: { 1 3 : 3 ) we

,#."*i*;;L;j-J4+F,y# j(furi+fr Of all fruits [God] pleced [on the earrhl rwo oi e peir. Reflections on reproducron reproduction in the animal animOlI kingdom kingdom werc were linked to those on humen linked human reproduction. reproduction. We We shalt shall eximine examine them them p resently. presently. In In the the field of of physiology, physiology, thcre there is one vrrse verse which, which. ro to me, me. appears appears ertrcmel)r extremely significant: significam: one rhousand thousand years years before before the the disdiscovcry covery of of the circulerion circulation of of the blood, blood. and and roughly roughly thirteen thirteen centucenturies ries before before itit wes was Lnown known whet what heppened happened in in the the intestine intestine ro to ensure ensure thet that the the ortans organs werc were nourished nourished by by rhe the process process of of digestive digestive absorpabsorption. tion. a verse in in thc the Qtrr'an Qur'an describes describes the the source source of of tlrc the consticonstitucnts tuents of of milk, milk. in in conformity conformity with with thcse these notions. notions. To To understend understand rhis this verse, verse, we we have have to to know know that that chemical chemical rcactions reactions occur occur in in the the intcstine intestine end and that, that, from from rhere, there, substances subStances ertracted extracted from from food food pess pass into into rhc the bloodsrrerm bloodstream vie via ea complex complex system, system. sometimes sometimes by by way way of of the the liver, liver. dcpending depending on on their their checheilII

neturc. The blood transports mical micrl nature. trrmpont them ro all ell the ortrnr of the rhcm to rhe or,ans rhc glrndr. body, amonl ilnong which are ere the rhc milk-producinl rnilt-producing mamma" body. mrmmrtt II.nets. entering into detail. thrt, buicall,. bukdly, Without enterinl jUlt lay dcteil, let lct UI rry that. ur jurt therc is the thc arrival there errivel of certain from the contentl'of tlrc ccrtein substanccs contentrof ehe lub$encel (rom intestines intestines into rell itself, itrclf, and inro the rhc vessels vcsiels of the intestinal intertinel wall rnd the thc rrrnsport.tion of these transponatio'; thc bloodstream. there substances bloodrtrcrm. subltencer by the rpprecirted, if we This Thir concept conccpt must muu be bc fully appreciated. wc are rrc to 30 underundcrycrsc in the IJIand this verse rhe Qur'an Al N4IIh/(16:66). Nehl(16:661. rtand this Qur'en AI


,:+Flq verily. in nule cnrlc there rhcre is ae lesson leron for Verily, yon. We fior you. we live givc you drint of ol trou to drink whlt is in.ide inridc their thcir bodies, bodier, cominl what coming from from aa conjunction cJnjuncrion between bctrccn rhe tontents tonrenrc :)( cf the rhe intestines interriner and thr errd the thc blood, blood. ia milk rnilt pure and rnd plesanr(or for those pleunt thosewho sho drink drinl it. THE CREA.TION CREATIOT{ OF MAN mE MAI{ the Qur'an In the humen reproduction subject of human reproduction leads lcrdr to ar Qur'en the subject multitudc o( which constitute multitude of statements statements whic"h constitute ae challenle rhc challcngc to the embryologist seeking f'mbryologist secling aa human rc them. human explanation erplenation to rhcm. It lt was rer only thc basic after which were te contribute te after the birth of the scienceswhich w€rc to conributc to besic sciences our knowlege knowlege of biology, our and especially the invention biology, and cspecielly after aftcr the inyention or of the thc microscope,that man men was wes able eble to understand microscope, underrtrnd such tuch Itatements. rtrtementr. It lt was impossible was impossible (or for aa man mrn living in the the early eerly seventh sevcnth century cenrury to ro havc expressed erpressed such have suclr ideas. idcas. There There is ro indicate rhrt, at is nothing nothing to indicrte that. tt thir time. men in the this time, men thc Middle Middlc East East and end Arabia lncw anythinl Arebie knew rnything more morc about ebout this thir subject rubject than then men men living in Europe Europe or anywhere enyrherc else. cbc. Todey, there there are ere many Today, mrny Musiims with ae thorou,h thorough knowledJe thc knoelcd3c of the and natural Qur'an neturel sciences hevc clearly scicnceswho have clerrly recolnised rccognircd the thc comcomQur'ln and parisons to be parisons be made mede between thc verses verses of the the Qur'all dcding between the Qur'eq dealinl with reproduction reproducrionand rnd human humen knowledge. lnowlcdge. 1I shall shell always rcmcrnelweyr remember the ber thc comment commentof an en eighteen yc.r old eighteenyear old Muslim. Muslim, broulht btought up in Saudi SeudiArabia. Arebia, replyins replying to ae reference rcferenceto ro the thc quc.·stion quesrion of reproductreproducr'But this ion as as described described in the the Qur'an. ion thir Pointing to ro it. ir, he he s"'d, srid, 'But Qur'an. ~ointing providesus book provides book us with all the rhc essential informetion on on the thc subject. essentielinformation rubjcct. When I·l'ves When was at et schoof rchool they urcd the the Qur'an ro me how they used crplrin to hor Qur'en to explain 12 r2

your books on sex-education children children were werc born; born; your scr-cducetion are ae bit bit late lete on the r h e scene!' scene!' point in particular, particular, that It thel a comparison comparison between thc It is on this point betwecn the et the time beliefs current at thet were full beliefs current time of'the of thc Qur'an, full of of supenn¡ supcrrtr. Qur'ln, that tions and myths. myths, and the contents of the thc Qur'an contents of end modern modcrn data, dlre, Qur'en and leaves us amazed et the degree degrec of of concordance concordance between emezed at betwecn the latter letter and the thc absence of any reference referencc in the Qur'an absencc of mistakcn Qur'an to the mistaken ideas that wese prevalent prcvrlent at thet were et the time. thc time, rhese verses, isolate, from vetses, precise ideas Let us now isolate. from an ell these idees concerning the complexity complexiry of of the fertilizing liquid and fcrtilizing liquid rnd the fact that thet an en infinirely sman quantity is required to ensure fertilization. infinitely fertilitation, its small quantity 'sulala'. quintjssen6s' -- if quinte'ssence' if I may so translate trenslete the Arabic Arabic word 'swlala', The implantation implantation of the thc egg cgg in the female fcmele genital genitel organ orgen is 'Alaq, whioh is perfcltly perfectfy described in several verses by the word wotd 'Alaq, also the title titlc ofthe appears: of thc sura in which it appears:

. _yv-;Jfj.;, ,/




-jt1 .

~. ~~, ~1=-, ~I.J /.~ f a s h i o n e d man (96:2]. God G o d fashioned m a n (rom f r o m something s o m e r h i n g which w h i c h clings c l i n g s (96;2).

1I do not think rhink there is any reasonable translation of of the word ' . { l . r q other t o use o r i g i n a l sense. '.1lcll./ o t h e r than t h a n to u s e its i t s original sens". The evolution of the embryo embryo inside the ma:ernal maternel uterus is only briefly described, but the description is accurate, accurate, because bccruse the simple words referring referring to it correspond exactly errctly to fundamental fundamentel w e read stages i t s growth. i s what w h a t we i n a verse v e r s e from i n its g r o w t h . This T h i s is r e a d in f r o m the t h e sura s t a g e s in sura AI A I Mit M u ''mimm m i n u n (23:14) { 2 3 : l a ). .

' W et! folshioned w h i c h clings f a s h i o r r e dthe t h i n g which •W t h e thing c l i n g s into i n t o a chewed c h e w e d lump l u m p of o f flesh flesh and We fashioned feshioned the chewed flesh into bones and end We clothed clothcd the rhc bones b o n e s with w i t h intact flesh'. i n t a c t flesh'

13 t3

'chcred flesh' (mudgal cotresponds The term 'chewed cofrcsponds exactly crecdy to the llcsh' (mlAago} appearance thc embryo certain stage devclopment. cmbryo at stege in its development. lt ae certain rppc.r.ncc of the It is known insidc this mass mers and thet lno*rr that thet the thc bones boner develop dcvclop inside end that they covercd with uirh muscle. meaning of the thc rhey are ere then covered muccle. This is the meaninl (Iahml. term 'intact flesh' flcsh' (Iohm). rcrm'intrct plrts are where some The Thc embryo passes p.sicr through ae stage stagc whert' somc parts erc in proportion and vith what letcr to beand others othcrs out of proportion with whet is later bcthis is is tht: tlic meaninl verse in the come comc the the indi~dual. indifiduel. Maybe Meybe this mcening of ae verse the sura rcedsas es follows: follows: AI Hojj whichreads wt Al Hajj(22:5) {32:5)which

#:,;i#i1*,u'{,rc?*. .i:'{i'441#UF which clings clings into. into r lump of We something which Wc fashioned farhioned [man) [manl into something flesh in proportion .and end out of proportion.

Next, refcrence to the the appearance epperrrnce of the the senses scnscs heve ae reference we have Nelt, we (32:9}. and .41 S4jda the sura fuida (32:9). viscereein the cure,{l end viscerae

.'i3!{,i,tu;u5'jJJr,:Ftrt thc vis¡ vis' thc senses end the [God} appointed for you the sight and for you sensesof hearing, hcaring,silht rerae. llrt'"l"nn"inted Nothing end, furthermore. furthernrore, none today's data deta and, Nothing here-contradicts herscontradicts today's hes crept of an . crept into into the Qur' thc time time has rhe mistaken idces of of the misrrlen ideas of the Qur'en QVRAN AND BIBLE BIBLE QURAN AND Wt' thc laSit lest subject; subject; it is the confrontation. confrontation, nou come comc to the We have heve now pess.ges in the Qur'an erc also elso of passases thet are of with lnorlcdge, rith modern modern knowledle. Qur'en that rhc Dible. referred lliblc. rcfcrrcd to in in the glimpse of tellthc pr"blem problcrn when We ceughr ae llimpse of the when talkdtcedy caught Wc have heve already pcrfe.:t agreemetlt agreemerrr being stress*d the perfe\~t Earlier I stress!."d ing of of the thc Creation. Crcetion. ~arlier 14 t4

tween rwecn modern knowledge verses in the Qur'an, knowlcdge and rnd verses Qur'ln, and pointed out that were thet the Biblical nerrrtiun contained Biblicel narration conrained statt'mcms thet wcrc statemcnts that scienlifically when re we scienrificelly unacceptable. This is hardly surprising surprising when know that greet narration rhet the nerration of the Creation conteined in the rhc great C-reation com<lined Bible living in the sixlh century BC, hence Biblc was the work *orh of priests living si.rth cemury -Sacerdotel' narralion. the term 'Sacerdotal' narration. This s«ems mainly to h,ne seems mainly heve been conceived theme of a preaching designed 10 to exhort conccived as as Ihe the th«me exhort people 10 with a deto observe the sabbath. sebberh. The narration was constructed with (e former finite end in view, and, the Veux (a of rhc as Father dc Vaux former head of rnd, as Fathcr de Biblical Iliblicel School hes nOled, noted, this end was essentially School of Jt>fusalem) Jerusalem) has legalist lcgalist in c-haracter. cheracter. The of Thc Bible also contains ae much rnuch shorter and narration of end older narration 'Yahvist' version, which the Creation, which approaches Crcetion, the so-called epproeches so-called 'Yahvist' the subject subjcct from a completely completcly different engle. different angle. They the Peno[ thc first book of They are both both taken from fronr Genesis, the first tateuch but authot, but reteuch or Taurah: Teurah: Moses is suppost'd supposed to have been its author, the text we many *'e have today has, as undergone mrny as we know, undergone 'changes. 'changes. lsmous for its whimThr whimnarration of uf Genesis is famous The Sacerdotal Sacerdotel narration takes sical thet go back sicel genealogies, gcncalogies, that beclc to Adem, and ....-hich which nobody tekes ro Adam, very seriously. N('verthe1ess, as Metthew Ntverthcless, such Gospel authors eutbors as'Mauhew and their reprodured them, them. more verbatim. in rhcir end Luke have rl"produ..ed morc or less verbatim, gcnealogies of Jesus. genealogies Metrhew goes goes back as es Abraham, Abreham, and end as rar fer as .fesus. Matthew t o L t r l e 10 A d a n r . 1111 r h e s e wrilings, w r i t i n g s , are unaccepteblc. luke A l l rht'se a r e scientifically s c i e n t i f i c a l l y unacceptable, time man beceusc they sel figurc on the age of the thc world *orld and end the time because set a figure of keeping appeerd on Earth, Flarth, "'hieh out of appurd with uhich is most definitely definitely OUI leeping with whet has has today 6n what 'an, on trrday been cst:iblished cst:rblished with with certainty. The Qur Qut'rn. r h e other t h i s kind. h a n d . is i s complcldy c o m p l c t e l y frel:" f r e e of o [ dara o f this the o r h e r hand, d a t a of kirrd. attecs w e alsl> t h e Qur'an Earlier o n , we h o w perfectly p c r f e c t l . y th~ l i a r l i e r on, a l r o noted n o t e d how Q u r ' a r r agrees o f the the U niverse, t h e form f o r m ..tion a t i o n of with Universe. w i t h general. g e n e r e l , modern m o d e r n ideas i d e a s on o n the t o them; hc w h e r e a s the t h e n r ; tthe t h c Biblical n a r r a t i o n stands i n contradiction c o n t r a d i c t i o n to whereas B i b l i c e l narration s t e n d s in i s tthe n o r is h e crt"a· crea. t h e primordial p r i m n r d i a l walers w a t e r s i.. i s hardly h e r d l y tenabll:", t e n a b l e , nor a l l e g o r . yof o f the allegory hich o [ the t h e stars c r e a t i o n of t i o n oofi l iliRht g h r o on n the t h e first f i r s t day, d a y , before t h e creation stars w tion which b e f o r e Iht> rp r o d u c e this o f an a n evening a n d a morning morning b t h i s light; c v r n i n g and produce bel i g h t ; the t h e existence e x i s t e n c e of fore the creation of the Eanh; f'lre Eerth on the E,arrh; the creation of the Earth fourth: the appearance appeerencc o[ third day befor~ of belbre that of the Sun on the fourth; epperrrnce of rhe rhe sixth day after the appearance beasts the bcests of the thc Earth on the ell first, all ceme first: fifrh day, although birds of the air on the fjfth alrhough the former came prcvalcnt al et the time these statements rhe result of beliefs belicfs prevalent starements are ere the these time thrr thiS h a v e any o t h e r meaning. meaning. t e r t was w r i t t c n and n o t have a n y other w r s wrilten a n d do d o not text


As Ac for for the gencelogies cC'ntained the genealogies conreined in in the the Bible, Bible. which which form form the rhc thc Jewish basis of the beris of celendar and end assert that today asserr that today the world is Jewish calendar S?J8 years old, old, thesr. 97tt years thcsc are erc hardly herdly admissible edmissible either. eithcr. Our solar soler system Va billion mey well system may well be years old, be ..1r/t billion years old, and and the appearance eppearence on Earth of man, Eerth of men, as .s we we know Lnow him him today, roday. may mey be estimatr.d esrimeted in tens of rhotrsrnds of of years, ycers, if it not mor~. more. .housand~ It is is absolutely ebsolutely essential, It esrentiel, therefore, rhercfore, to note nore that thet the Qur'an Qur'en doer not not cont~in conltin any does any such such indications indicarions as as to date, and thet these are end that rre to the thc Biblical specific text. rpccific to Bibliceltext.


There i~ There' is ae second, second, highly highly significant, significent, subject subjcct of comparison comperison (fur'enr this is the Flood. between betwcen the rhe Bible Biblc and end the Qur'an: Flood. In ln actual fact, thc Biblinlnarratioo Biblical .nerratioo is the ie ae fusion of two rwo descriptions descriprions in which eycnts arcerc related relatcd differendy. event5 differenrly. The Bible speaks sperks of ae universal univcrsal pleces it llood and end place!'> ir roughly 300 flonct 300 years before Abraham. Abrahem. According ro what whet we *,e know ot' Abraham, to Lno*'of Abrahem, this rhis would imply imply oJe universal catacarathr twc.'nty-first clysm around tht' rwenty-first or twenty-second rwenry-second century Be. BC. This unrenahle, in view of historical data. would be untenahle, deta. llow can lIow cen we ..ccept rcccpt the idea idee that, in the twenty-first twenty-first or twrniy-second century BC, twrnty-second BC. all ell civilization civilizetion was wiped off off the rhe face face rhe Earth cetaclysm, when we know of the Eerth by aa univt"rsal universal C'iltaclysm, lnow that this rhis period corresponds, for example. the Middle Middle erample, to the one preceding rhe Kingdonr in F~ypr. tlgvpr. at roughly the datc Kingdon, Int~rmediary date of the first firsr lnr.:rmediary before the dt'vc.'nth period L('(or(' clrvcnrh dynas&y? dynasry? o f thc' t h e prl'ct'ding N u n e of s t r t e m e n t s is Nunr i s acceptable a c c e p t a b l e aC'C'ording a c c o r d i n g tto o P r c c e d i n g st"'tements r n o d r . r nItnowlt'dfte. knowledge. modl'rn t : r o n r this t h i s pOilU p o r r r r of o f view, v i c w . we ap Fronl measure rnormous gap w c can can m e e s u r e tthe he ? nornrous g s e p e r a t i r t g,ht" r h e Diblt' t l i b l r from r h c Qu,'an. 5ep.muing f r o m the Qur'an. f t r cum,,,,t c u n t r i r , t tt" t . t th·: r r r '·...n trn r h r . Rihle, B i i r l e , the t h e narration n a r r a t i o n ccontained In Qur o n t a i n e d iin n tthe lru q d r l l s "'irh w i t h al c.u.,d.vsm c ; r t i l c l v s n r,hat r h a t is i s limited l i n r i t e d rtoo N oah's p e o p l t ' . lTht'~' crt drOlls Noah's pcoplc.'. wcrt' 'hcv w puaished for fcr th.'rr sins. as were othcr other Lngo<tl-v ~ngodh' peopl1.5. pt'oplc:s. Thc The pUI1isht'd thl'lf sins, 'fhere locate thc doesnor Qur'ow nor IOC'3H' the cereclysm cataclysm in timt". Thc.·;e ,rr.. arl' .rbs'olurely ,lbs~lu,ely Q.rr':trr d~~ na hisforiC'a1 hirtoricel or .uchaeoJogicaJ erchaeologicel gbjccrions no Qbjections ro to rhc thr narretion narration in rhe the Qur' Q t r r ' ..n. an. t h i r d roint A third p o i n r of o f comparison. comparison, w h i c h iiss ccxtrerndy A whiC'h x t r e r n t ' l v ssignificant. i g n i f i c a n t . iiss lhc story of of Mosr.s, Mosl's. end and especially c."specially rhe th(" Exodus from from Eg-vpr egypt of of rhe the rhe' ..tory H e h r e w * e n s l e v e d tto he P o rthe haraoh. H r r l v g~ive i v c e.ol hhighl)' a r r oolll" e r e II ccan ighty Ht'hrew!'lrnsJaved Pharaoh. Here romptessed .ccount ,rrr in mv ('ompressed acCOunt of of the study of of this sub;ecr subject rh:rt Ihat .rppt .lppl',lt', my b o o l r , II h ave n o r e d rthr he p oiurs w h e r e rrhl' h t lBiblical l i b h c u l land have noted points whert' book. n r l eQur'aniC' ur'anic natrations narrations etrcc agrre and disegree, disagree. end, and, for sorne Stlrnc.' deririls. dC-l'li/s, II have found found points very uselul where the two two terr$ texts compl'ement comprem("nt eirch e'1l"h other in aaver)' ust"ful ')(Jints where rrry. WoJ)'. Anrong Anaong rhc thr mlny m.IIlY hvporheses hypotht'st's concerrring concerning the tht' posirion position l6 16

occupied by by the the Exodus Exodus in in the history history of of thc the phareoht, pharaohs, II have have con' conoccupied cluded that that the rhe most most likely likely is the rhe theory theory rhich which makcr makes Mcrnepteh, Merneptah, cluded R",meses ll's II's successor, successor, the the pharaoh pharaoh of of thc the Erodur. Exodus. Thc The conconRrmeses uf the the date data contained contained in in thc the Scriptures Scriptures with with erchecologiarchaeolosifrontation of frontation evidence speeks speaks stongly stongly in in fevour favour of of this this hypothcres. hypotheses. I un am cal evidence plrased to be eblc able to ro sry say that that the the Biblicel Biblical nrrretion narrarion con3ributet contributes pleased weighty evidence evidence leeding leading us to situete situate Moses Moses in in the the history history of of thc the weighty pharaohs: Moses was born born during during the reign reign of of Ramescr Rlimeses IL II. BibliBibliphereohs: data ere are therefore therefore of of considereblc considerable historicel historical velue value in in the the rtory story cal dara off M Moses. o oses. The medical medical study study of of the murnrny mummy of of Mernepteh Merneptah her has yieldcd yielded The further useful informetion information on the possible causet causes of of this pharaoh'r pharaoh's furrher dUlh. d earh. The fact 'act that thar we today today posscss possess thc the mummy mummy of of thie this phereoh, pharaoh, The of paramount paramount which, to be exact, was discovered in 1898, 1898, is one of i,"portance. but irnportance. The Thc Bible records that it was engulfC'!d engulfed in rhe sea, rca. but does became of of the does nor no: give any details as to what subsequently subsequcntly bccrme bodv. The Qur'an, body of of the rhc bodv, Yunus, notes that the lrcdy Qrrr'an, in the sura Yunus, pharaoh, who was urtcrl. ~aved from the waters. wes ro to be damnc:-d, damned, would be seved

8#;i6 E {iitr'i ;F,;i+1,1 tai*' furi'ti+{Jb .|ih69 C.' Sign This thce in rhy body so that thou mayest be ae Si,n This day We save thee (10:92). for tho!'>e those who come after thee (10:92). sholn morcover, shown hes, moreover, A medical examination mummyr has, examination of this mummy, beceurc watcr for long, because that nor have stayed in the water that the thc body could not submerr' prolonged submers¡ duc to prolonled it does deterioration due does not show signs of deterioration ion. ion. thc Qur'an nerration in the Here rhc narration Qur'en egain, the confrontation of the llere, give rise to docs not live lnowledge does with the data provided modern knowledle provided by mode-rn point uf view' of view. the slightest from aa scientific scientific point objection from sliglrtrst objecrion vorlc lirerery works The Old Testament conititutes aa collection of literary Testement constitutes which has hes rnd which centuries and produ(c:-d nine centuries of toughly tougbly nine course of produced in tlre course in the in the rhe pleycd by by Inan rnen in unll~"rgone pert played The part elternations. The meny alternations. undetgonc many considcreblc. is quite qrritc considerable. actual composition of thc Bible of the Biblc is rcxrs of of lht.' rhc texts ectuat-composirion

l7 17

T h e Qur'anic The h a s aa history R e v e l a t i o n has h i s t o r y which w h i c h is i s radically r a d i c a l l y difdifQ u r ' a n i c Revelation f e i e n t . from ferent. F r o m the t h e moment m o m c n r it i t was w a s first f i r s t communicated c o m m u n i c a r e d to t o man, m a n , iti r was was l e a r n t by b v hean learnt h e a r r and a n d written w r i t t e n down d o w n during o w n lifed u r i n g Muhammad's lifeM u h a m m e d ' s own t i m e . It l t is i s thanks t h a t the time. t h a n k s to r h r s that t o this r h e Qur'an prod o e s not n o r pose p o s e any e n y proQ u r ' e n does h l e m of o f authenticity. hlt'm aurhenricity. totall.y obje~tivt' objccrive examination of it, A totally ir, in the rhe light of modern k n o w l e d g e . leads knowlt'dge, l e a d s us t o recognise r e c o g n i s e the t h e agreement t h e two, u s to a g r e e m e n r between two, b e t w e e n the a s has h a s alrt'ady o n repeated r e p c a t e d occasions. ;IS a l r e a d y been b e e n noted n o t e d on m a k e s us o c c a s i o n s . It l t makes us d e e m it r t quite q u i r e unthinkable dt't'm u n t h i n k a b l e for f o r ..e man n r a n of o f Muhammad's t i m e to r o have M u h a m m a d ' s timt' have b e e n the t h e author o l such been s t l t e m e u r s . on a u t h o r of' s u c h statements, o n account o f the t h e state a c c o u n t of s t a t e of of knowledge k n o w l c d g e in h i s day. c o n s i d e r a t i o n s arc i n his d a y . Such S u c h considerations * ' h a t gives o f what gives a r e part l r a r t of t h e Qur'anic the i t s umque R c v e l a t i o n its u n r q u r place, p l a c e . and a n d f{\fces t h e impartial rmpartial f o r c e s the Q u r ' a n i c Revelation s c i t n t i s t to scie.'ntiSI t o admit a d m i t his i n a b i l i t y to t o pt:ovide h i s inability p q o v i d e an a n explanation e x p l a n a r i o n which which c a l l s solelv calls s o l e l v upon n l e t e r i a l i s t i c reasoning. u p o n nuterialistic reasoning.

It 18


Man's eristencein in this Man's ezist(:nc(: this world world and end th(: rhccreation crertion of of this this entire entire universe universc rre not not mere mereaccidents productsof are rccidcntsor or products of ar fonuitous fonuitous natur(:. nrturc, This This universe, ruriversc, every single etom of singlc atom ir, manifests menifestsand ever)' of it, rnd points poinrs us us to to th(: thc realization rcelizrrion of ar tFithour ae Creator Loving, Merciful Mcrciful and All-powerful Creator. Loving, end All-powerful Crearor. Without Crector nothinc nothin3 cen exist. exist. Every Evcry single can single ~oul soul knows krows that rher he hc is is existing cxisting and end that thet his his cristcnct is existence is de~ndenl dcpendent on on ae Creator Creltor -- he he knows lnows for sur(: sure that thet he he cannot ctnnot creatchim~e1f. himrelf. Therefore create Thercforc itit is rshis his duty dutv to ro know his his master miLstcrcreator crcrtor ~- God. God. MANKIND. MANKIND. Mrn is is ar unique uniquc creature. crc.rurc. God establishes Man estrblishes man man as rs His RepresenRcprc*ntrtivc or or Deputy to govcrn over to govern rll other tative ovcr all othcr creatures crâ‚Źuurtt in this world. He Hc is endowcd with the thc faculty frculry of REASON, endowed REASON, which differentiates differcntirres him from aU ell other animals. enimels. The Thc Prophet Prophct says: other seys: "Cod has hasnot nor created cretred anything enyrhing ~tter "God hetter lhan then Reason Reasonor anything more perfcct or more bcauriful than rnorc beautiful rhen Reason perfect .. Reason Togethcr with this frculty to discriminate this faculty discriminrte and Together Man is given and discern, disccrn, Men (frec-will) to choo'\(: thc freedom freedom (free-will) chmse for himsclf of lifc life worrhy worthy of of his the himself a way of esGod's Representativ~ Reprcsenrativeor cr ro ~ition to fell fall lowcr lower tl.en t'.an thc the lowcst lowest of of dl aU trosition as animrls or creations. crcrtions. Man Men is is born purc animals pure and and sinless. sinless. He H(: is is givcn giv(:n rhc the frec free will to do righteous righteousdeeds deedsor indulge indulge in sins. sins. DIVINE GUIDANCE. GUTDANCE. DIVINE God,out God,out of of his abundrnr abundant Lovc Love rnd and Merca Mercy for mrntind mankind has has not lcft left us us in drrkness darkness to discover discover rhe th(: right path by trial trial rnd and error elonc. alone. Couplcd Coupled with our intcllecturl intellectual capebiliry capability ro to rcason, reason, God bcstowcd bcstow(:d upon us DIDIltp4lralE rhet VINE VINE Gt GUIDANCE that ourhnc outline thc the Crirerion Criterion for trurh truth rnd and rhe the knowknowledge of our existence (:xistence in this world end and rhe the Hcrcrfrer. Hereafter. ledge end and rcrlity reality of REVELATIONS. REVELAnONS. From From the bcginning beginning of of manlind mankind God God scnr sent Prophcts Prophets to to convcy convey his his REVEI-ATION REVELATION end and ro to invire invite to to rhe the puh path of of TRUE TRUE PEACE PEACE rrd and I19 9

OBEDIENCE OBEDIENCE ro to orrc One truc true God. God. Thfu This is is ISLAM. ISLAM. This This mcssrge mcs511e wer wa.~ onveycd conveyed to lumrivc sucx:essive gerrcrrtions Jf'nerations of of mrn man through through diffcrent different Prophcts, Prophen, dl aU inviting invitina mmtind mankind to tbc the trmc same pth. path. Hwever However rll all ttrc the: crrlier earlier mesrrter messllCl or rrvcletions revelations from God wcrr were dbtottcd distorted by pcople people of oflatcr generations. As a rcsuh, result, pure Rcrrclrtion Revelation from lrtcr gcncrtions. Crod God wu wu polluted with with nyths, lIlyths, supcrstitious. superstitious. idol worship rnd and irrrtirnd irratiooal pttitcopti,crt philosophical idcok;ic. ideolocies. The rcliginn religion of of Crod God ws wu lct lost in r• phhon plethon of of rei..... rclfknr. Hurnrn Human hirtory history ir is ra chronic,lc ebronide of of mrn's man's drift drift bctwen between light rnd and drtlnar3, darkness, but God oirt out of of His Abundrnt Abundant Love for mrntind mankind hrs has ru not fOI'SIbn ru. us. fcr*ca FINAL NEVBL/ITTONS. REVELA.nONs. FINAL rcnt thc When mmtind mankind wrs wu iri ini thc the &ptb depth of thc the Drrk Dark A3cr, Aces, Crod God sent the (mal linrl Whcn (Mry pc*c bc upon Mnsenacr, Plophct Prophet Muhlamrd Muhammad (May peace be upon him) to rtdcem redeem Mcrcrgcr, hUlUnity. Thc The rcvchrion revelation to ProPhct Prophet Muhmrmrd Muhammad rcprcscntt represenu thc the ulti' ulti· hunrnity. guidrne for mankind. menlind. mate tounoEof guidance nrte and rnd PCr1MDCDt Frmrncnt source

CRITERIA FON. TRUTH. TRUTH. Cn|TERIA FOR uord ofGod? isthe ofCrod? theword lihtthc How know that arrcvclrtbn revelation like the Quran rrctmwtbet do we Hos do Qurm ill dl:1be crrily understand uudtnnnrt by a11:crn be be eMily Thc ,Titeria <ritcrir for truth can rnd inrct-sonand bcttowcd reason I. God bestowed Sina God TEACHINGS: Since l. RAnONAL RATIONAL TEACHINGS: trudr from from distingubh trodt tellect urc it to distinguish' ir our duty to usc ow duty mmlind, it is rcllcct to mankind, bc rational ntiond must be from God fu must raJscobood. rcvclrtion from undbtortcd revelation Tnc undistorted frbcbood. True and minds. out by all urrbirs minds. dl unbias bc reasoned rcrroncd out cn be md can (H is must be bc perfcct, His rcvchtion must Hir revelation 2. is all dl perfect, Sincc God 2. PERFECnON: PERFECTION; Since

end interpoletionsand perfect omirsionsinterpolations misr*cr, omissions fite from fium mistakes, perfcctand rerrnj3, free rnd KCUJ'lte, gontrdictbru in in its i13 bc free freefrom from ~ntradietions multiplicity vcrnions.It It should thould be of venions. nuttiptictty of narration. nrrrrtho.

fron God rcrrchtionfro", Ctodisis 3. True revelation SUPERSTITION$ True OB SUPERSnnONS: MYTHS OR 3. NO NO MY11IS or thc dignity or God God or thlt degrade dignity or free dcgndc the or superstitions supcrstitionsthlt mythsor free from fronr myths man. tnrn. rnr rll knowledge, hnorvlcdgc'true 4. {. SCIENTIFIC: of all tlre creator crtetor of $CENTIFICT Since Sincc God God isir the withstrnd the revelation thcchallenge chellcngcofscience etall rll rnd can crn withstand of scicnccat sckntific and rwchtion isir scientific times. tinrcc. 20 20

PnOPHEGT;Crod 5.5. PROPHECY: God isir the thc KDowcr pcr, praeat pttt tr lad l(mrcr of of the thc pat. rnrl future. futrrn. propbccicr in Thus Thur His Hb word uord of in His ot propbecia rcyclrtin will Hb revelation will be bc fulfilled fuUillcd •I prophuicd. prophrsied. 6. UN·IMITABLE BY MAN: 6. BY UN.IIiITABLE MANr True Truc revelation rrvchtioa from frorn God God isb iDiDfrlliblc IDd ClDible rad cannot clmot be bc imitlte<! irainted by by 1DIn. nrn. God", rcvtlrtirn isb Ir God'r true tnrc melldon nirulc, In Liviq Uvnt minde. rrr open opct book bot chllieftlinc chdlerUiry III dl IDIIIkiDd Elrtind to to see rcc IIId md provc for for themselves. prove thsurlvcr.


Dear Dcer R~ader, Rcarlcr, There is no compulsion compulsion for man acceptthe the TRUTH. Thcrc is man to accepl TRLffH. But it is is when man certainly upon the the human human intellect intcllctt when mrn is ccrtrinly ae shame is not even cven shameupon whet is interested intcrestcd in finding out as as to whet is the the TRUTH! TRUTH! given man teaclrcsthat Islam Islem teaches thet God has has given mrn the thc faculty frculty of reason reasonand end therefore therefore expects expccts man men to rea~on rearon things things out objectively obiectively and rnd syssysquestion and tematicrlly for himself. tematically himself. To reOect reflcct and and to question rnd to reflect. reflect. pressyou you to hastydecision Nobody Nobo-ly should should press to make makeae hasty dccisionto accept scrept any rny of the thc teachings terchesthat thet man teachingsof Islam, lslam teaches mrn should should be given Islam, for Islam bc given when man n ith the the chooae.Even Even when man is is faced facedwith the freedom freedomto choose. the TRUTH, TRUTH, thcrc is is no compulsion there embraceit. compulsion upon upon man man to embrace you begin But before an opinion about about Islam, lslam. ~k yoursclf bcfore you bcgin to form an askyourself your existi~g whethcr your existirg knowledge knowledgeof Islam whether Islam thorough rhoroughenough. cnough.Ask Ask yourself whether yourself whether that thet knowledge knowlcdgc has hrs been bccn obtained obtsined through oonnonparty sources who themselves probably been Muslim third party themselveshave haveprobably sourceswho bccn glimpsesof Islamic writings and exposed exposedto to only yet only random rendomglimpses lslamic writings and ha....e hrve yet to to reason reasonon obiectively and and systematically systematicdlythemselves. ur Islam Islam objectively themsclves. is fair It is frir that about the the taste that one one !lhould should form an en opinion about taste of aa particular dish who may particular just hy heresay dish just hcresayfrom others othcrs who mey themselves themsclves yet? Similarly you should not necessarily hevetasted thc dish necessarilyhave dish yet? should find Similarly you testcd the yourself about out for yourself sourcesand ebout Islam rcliablc sources and not not only islam from reliable u'ould taste wcll before you form an an opinion. opinion. That tastc it, but bur digest Thst would digcst it wdl bcforc you be be an en intellect intellect apprC'dch to Islam. Islam. rpprcach to you to make It is is up to you mekc the thc next ncxt move. move. you that y'our In making you mekingyour move,Islam Islam continuously continuouslyreassures rcassures thrt your !'our move, rights to freedom rights freedom of choice choicc and and freedom frecdom to use usc that thrt God-given God-given faculty resper,red.Every faculty of thought Every man mrn has hes thought and and reason reasonwill be tre respel,.'"ted. individual wiU. that wiU. No one elsecan can take takeaway aweythat thrt will and thet individual end force force one else you to surrender surrenderto you to find to the the will of God. You have haveto find Ollt orrtaud arrdmake make God. You that dccisionyourself. yoursclf. that decision Illay your intellectual intellectual journcy pleasrnt May journey towards L'TH be towardsthe rhe TR be aa pleasant TRLI"I'H one. one.

22 22

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