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@CoopendIve Offtce at Olllccfor lorCall Call&&Guidane Guidano rt Batha, 8rthr,1995 1995
KIng Cataloglng.ln- Publication Data fhg FIhd Fild NltIonIJ t|ltoml Ubrary UbnryCrleloglryilnPubllcation lbtrr Philis, Philis,Bilal Bilal
The The True True religion. religion. 2Op; x 177 em. ?0p:12 12x1 cm. ISBN: 798-10-0 ISBN:996(). 9960"798-10-0 1-lslam l- lslam
22- Islamic lslamictheology theology
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ISLAII THE THE RELIGION RELIGIONOF OF ISLAM The first thing knowand thingthat and clearly The first that one one should shouldknow clearly "lslam" understand about Islam is what the word "Islam" is what about lslam the word understand itself lslamis itselfmeans. Thereligion religionof of Islam isnot not named namedafter means.The after personas aa person as in in the the case caseof of Christianity Christianitywhich which was was named afterJesus JesusChrist, namedafter Buddhismafter afterGotama Christ,Buddhism Gotama Buddha, Gonfucianismafter Buddha, Confucianism after Confucius, Gonfucius, and and Karl Marx. Marxism Marxismafter Nor was afterKarl Marx.Nor was it named namedafter after a fike Judaism tribe Judaism after after the tribe like the tribe tribe of Judah Judah and and Hinduismafter afterthe theHindus. the Hinduism Islam is the true religion Hindus.lsfamis true religion "Allah" and its name name represents and as as such, representsthe of of "Allah" the such, its principleof "God's" religion; central principle Allah's "God's" religion;the central of Allah's the "God". The total submission to the the will total The submissionto will of Allah Allah "God". word "Islam" "lslam" means Arabic word means the Arabic the submission submissionor willto the surrenderof one's theonly trueGod surrender worthy of one'swill Godworthy onlytrue "Allah"and worship"Allah" and anyone anyonewho who does is termed worship termed doesso so is
" Muslim",The The word "peace"which wo:'dalso also implies implies"peace" is which is a "Muslim". the natural conseguence naturalconsequence of total totalsubmission the of the submissionto the will of Allah.Hence, Allah.Hence, wasnot it was nota new religionbrought newreligion will brought (PBUH)Iin Arabia by Prophet ProphetMuhammad Muhammad(PBUH)I by Arabia in the the century,but seventhcentury, but only only the religionof Allah seventh the true true religion Allah in its its final re-expressed final form. re-expressed in form. (l) PBUH: peace pcacebe be upon upon him. (I)
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Islam givento is the religionwhich lslamis thereligion whichwas wasgiven to Adam, Adam,the the prophet first firstman f irstprophet of manand thefirst andthe of Allah, Allah,and anditit was wasthe the
prophetssent religion religionof the prophets allthe sentby Allahto of all byAllah to mankind. mankind. not The name The nameof religionrlslamrwas God'sreligion,lslam_was of God's not decided decided generationsof upon upon by latergenerations man.Itlt was by later of man. waschosen chosenby by Allah mentioned in His final Allah Himself Himselfand and clearly mentioned clearly in His final revelation revelationto man. In In the final book to man. the final book of divine divine revelation, Allah states the following: revelation,the the Qur'aan,. Allah Qur'aan,. statesthe following:
L=\;&.rF iirf i;irp !.! *~ ~J;~::}~ e5i#--F# ·~.jtF~~·~,js-tF;;H» ~~~;£'i\~ {6;-ti''F
"Thb day perfectedyour religion "Thl. you, have I perfected rellglon for you, day heye you, end favour upon completed f,y feyour compleled My upon you, and heft have chosen choren you ,.Iem lor you lrlem e. rf your religion". for rellgfon". (SoorahAI-Maa'idah (Soorah Al-Maa'idah5:3) 5:3)
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"fl .nyone dedrur e a religion rellglon other Inyonr dellre. "If then lrlem '.'em othcr then (rubmlulon (God) never Alhh (God) (.ubm'nlon to AI18h will It be eccepted nGwrwlll tt beecceptcd (SoorahAal'imraan l{lm" (Soorah ol Him" Aal'imraan3:85) 3:85) of
"'\~L:~r;: _...·;'~~c;'''''6( ·~1/t.»/' ;'·\S~):.. ~.J ..) rA' .J ..).H:~.:I.tT
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yel e nol a "Abnhrm w.. mt not I Jew Jcr nor yet r Chrlst'an; "Abr8h8m Chrlrllen; but en (SoorahAal'imraan uprfghl MUlllm." tulllm." (Soorah upright Aal'imraan 3:67) 3:67) you Nowherein in the the Bible Biblewill will you find find Allah Allah saying saying to Nowhere people or their descendants Moses' people Prophet Moses' Prophet descendants that
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religion is Judaism, Judaism, nor to the foflowers followers of their religion religion ls is Christianity. Christianity. In fact, fact, Christ that their religion even his name, name, nor was it Jesusl Jesus! The Christ was not even "Christ" rom the Greek Greek word Christos name comes ffrom means the annointed. annointed. That is, is, Christ is a which means "Messiah". title" Messiah". The Greek translation of the Hebrew title name "Jesus" on the other hand, hand, is a latinized latinized name of the Hebrew name Esau. version Esau. version h o w e v e r ccontinue For will For ssimplicity's im plic it y ' sssake, o n ti n u e to a k e ,lI w i l l however refer (PBUH) as as Jesus. Jesus. As for his Esau (PBUH) Prophet Esau reler to Prophet h i s followers fo l l o w e rsto. religion, wha t he to . Like L ike was what h e called c a l fe d his re l i gion,it was people prophets before the prophets him, the he called the people to him, he called before (w h i c h is l a h ; (which surrender Allah; is th e will w i l l of wil l to the o f Al t heir will su rrender their Islam) he warned warned them them to stay lslam) and he stay away from the false gods of human hum a n imagination. i ma g i n a ti o n . l a l se gods
According New Testament. Testament, he taught taught his the New According to the pray as willbe be done on followers follows:"Yourswill as follows:"Yours followers to pray earth is in in Heaven". Heaven". as it is earth as THE MESSAGE OF ISLAM ISLAM MESSAGE OF will to Allah Since Altah one's will total submission submission of one's Since the the total represents the essence basic of worship, the basic the essence represents l s l a m is i s the t he re l i g i o n , Islam message A llah' s divine d i v i n e religion, me s s age of Allah's worship worship and the the avoidance aloneand avoidanceof worship Allahalone worship of Allah place or thing person, place than directed thing other other than any person, directed to any
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Allah. Allah,the Allah.Since everythingother otherthan thanAllah, Sinceeverything theCreator Greator may be of all things, is Allah's Allah'screation; things,is creation;itit may be said saidthat that of all in essence essencecalls callsman manaway from the Islam, fslam,in awayfrom the worship worship
invites him creation and him to of of creation and invites to worship worship only its only its He is is the the only deservingman's Creator. only one onedeserving man'sworship worship Creator.He prayersare as is only His will will that as itit is only by thatprayers areanswered. by His answered.If lf prayers prays man to a tree treeand and his his prayers are areanswered, man prays to answered,it prayersbut was the tree tree which which answered answeredhis was not not the his prayers but prayedfor the circumstances Allah prayed Allah who who allowed allowedthe circumstance$ for to to place. One might say, "That is take say, "That is obvious," take place. One might obvious," tree-worshippersit might to tree-worshippers however, however, to might not not be. be. prayersto Jesus, Similarly, Similarly,prayers Jesus,Buddha, Krishna,to Buddha,or Krishna, Saint Christopher, or Saint Saint Christopher, Saint Jude Jude or even even to not answered by them Muhammad, Muhammad, are are not answsred by them but but are are answeredby by Allah. Allah.Jesus Jesusdid nottellhisfollowersto tell his followers to answered did not him but worship worship Allah. worship him but to worship Allah. As As the the Our'aan Qur'aan states: states:
p j.J:Jr. wlLfu~d~ ;.~~:\. ~~\J~~'~}.. rlig {r,1; qE;ii ii *:+{r.r'iJ "" "" v", ;' r-v v.~;.~ ~T #Ei if ~-:".",. -t "" iJ'6t!~~~~, ';»\~.J~~~ * v *d;l~~\.J t +iKu,ir#". J\iJu1i'i • .-!
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"And behoidlAl18h bdroldl Alhh will "O J81U8 wlll "r: np "0 J.rur the [rr son ron of ilryt Old Dld you ..y M.ryt rrt !o to rncnf men. Wonfrlp Worahlp mr me .nd rnd my godr besld. mothrr •• er god. brlldcl Alhhd'Hr mother Al18h'?'He rllt wlll ..':'Olory rrf Glory to
-- 44-
you you I could neyersay my what whsl I had hrd no right rlght (to say')" could never rey'[' (Soorah (SoorahAI-Maa'idahAl-Maa'idah-5:116. 5:116. Nor he worshipped worshipped himselfwhen when he did he he worship worshiphimself Nor did
ratherhe worshipped but Allah. This basic he worshipped principteis Allah.This basicprinciple is butrather enshrined in the the Our'aan, the opening openingchapter chapterof the Our'aan, enshrinedin known Al-Faatihah,verse 4: verse4: as Soorah SoorahAI-Faatihah, known as
"You alone do we worship lrom you alone dO do wonhlp and from we seek helP". eeek help". revelation, the Elsewhere, the final final book of revelation, Elsewhere, in the said: Cur'aan, Allah also also said: Qur'aan, Allah c:.c
~4fJ-#.Jx-ri;ri,'4:J\rj) ยงJ~l);'~\r ~~JJ~.J'
your Lord uYI:"CaIl wlll answer "And and I will teand tnlwer "And your uyt:"Ctll on Me tu'mln 40:60) your(preyer)."(Sooreh Mu'mln you(praycr!."($oonh {0:60} noting that messageof Islam It is worth worth noting that the the basic basic message lslam is creation are are distinctly different that Allah and and His His creation distinctly different that Allah partof it. nor noris Hiscreation oraa part entities. creation or of it, is Neitheris is Allah AllahHis entities.Neither part of Him. Him. Him or a part His His creation creationHim
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man's worship This might seem but, man's seem obvious. worship of This might obvious, but. of instead of the creation large degree the Creator Creator is to a large creation instead degree ignoranceof this lt is is the belief based basedon ignorance this concept. concept.It beliefthat that is everywhere essenceof Allah Allah is the the essence everywherein His His creation creationor presentin some His divine is or was was present that that His divinebeing being is some aspects asp€cts providedjustification His creation, creation,which which has hasprovided of His the iustificationfor the though such worship may becalled worship worship of ol creation creationthough maybecalled suchworship Allahthrough worship of Allah hiscreation. the the worship creation.However, How ever,the throughhis the prophets message message of Islam lslamas as brought broughtby the the prophets of Allah is Allahis worship only Allah Alfah and avoid the to worship and to avoid the worship of his his creation indirectly. either directly directly or indirectly. craation either In the tha Cur'aan Qur'aanAllah In states: Allah clearly clearlystates:
,,-:"',t "''''·1 ~t,''''';;·-4 1~ . ( :"';~-:t").. ,;tlrirtJnr::,4+outJ;.{jy ~~,~ .J"""..J~'~~' • .J..AJJT
r -M< t - "( t i l , . 4 "'~~\\>. "{ ~.!J "FoJ We Wc a..uredly errundly 88ftt peoplc "For ront amongst rmongrt every cvsry people prophrf(wlththe mcend )wonhlp me and avoid e a prophet,(wlth avold thocommand commend)wonhlp godf " (Sooreh (Soonh AI-Nahl |rlr gods f.l. Al-Hehl 18:38) fE:36|
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questionedas worshipperis is questioned why When Whenthe idol worshipper the idol as to why idols created he men, the the he or she she bows bows down down to idols createdby men, invariable reply is that that they they are not actually invariable reply are not actually image, but is worshipping the stone Allah who worshipping the stone image, but Allah who is present within it. They the stone They claim present within it. that the is claimthat stoneidol idol is point for Allah's only a focal and is is not in focal point Allah'sessence in essenceand Allah! One the concept itself who has has accepted acceptedthe concept of itseff Allah! One who presenceof God's in the God's being within His His creation the presence being within creationin way will any will be acceptthis this argument argumentof any way of be obliged obligedto accept idolatry. who understands the basic idolatry. Whereas, Whereas,one who understands one the basic -- 66-
message of of lslam Islam and and its its implications implications would would never never message concede to to idolatry idolatry no no matter matter how how itit is is rationalized. rationalized. concede for themselves themselves Those who who have have cfaimed claimed divinity divinity for Those down through through the the ages ages have have often often based based their their down claims on the mistaken mistaken belief belief that Allah Allah is present present in claims man. They They merely merely had had to assert assert that that although although Allah Allah man. according to their their false false beliefs, beliefs, is in afl all ol of us, us, He He is according in rest Hence, us. Hence, more present in them than the rest the of us. present than them more they claim, claim, we we should should submit submit our will will to them them and and they person in or as they are either God in person worship them God are either they them as worship person. God concentrated concentrated within within the the person. God Similarly, those those who who have asserted the the godhood godhood haveasserted Similarly, passinghave found fertile fertile have found of others their passing after their others after false of the belief ground those who accept the false belief of accept who groundamong amongthose graspedthe the hasgrasped God's presencein One who who has in man. man.One God'spresence could its impfications of Islam and its implications could basic message and lslam of message basic under humanbeing beingunder never anotherhuman to worship worshipanother agreeto neveragree is aa in essence essenceis any God's religionin God'sreligion circumstances. any circumstances. the Creator and clear call to the worship of the Creator and the the of clear call to the worship Thisis isthe the form.This in rejection inany anyform. of creation-worship creation-worship rejectionof meaning lslam: mottoof of Islam: of the the motto meaningof
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"Laa Elaaha "laa ElaahaIIlallaah" lllallaah" (There is god but (There Allah) is no no god but Allah)
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I t s repetition r epet it ionautomatically a u to ma ti c a l l ybrings Its b ri n g sone o n e within w i th i nthe the {o ld of ls lamand and sincere s i n c e rebelief g u a ra n te esone fold of Islam b e l i e fin i n iti t guarantees one Pa r adis e. T hus , fi n a l Prophet th e final P ro p h e t of Paradise. Thus. the l s l a m is o f Islam is re por t edto t o have'said, hav e' s a i d"Anyone ," An y o n e who reported w h o says: s a y s :There is T h e re is g o d n o b u t A l l a h a n d d i e s holding h o l d i n gthat no god but Allah and dies ( b e t i e f )will t h a t (belief) wilf par adis e",(Reported (R e p o rte d by e n t er paradise" enter Ab u Dharr b y Abu D h a rr and and c o l l e c l e dby b y AI-Bukhaaree A l - B u k h a a r e eand a n d Muslim). collected Muslim). c ons is t sin in the t h e submission s u b mi s s i o nto ItI t consists to Allah A l l a h as a s one o n e God, G od. yi elding t o Him Him by H i scommandments, yielding to by obeying o b e y i n gHis c o m m a n d m e n ts,and and poly th e i s mand th e denial denial of polytheism p o l y th e i s ts . the a n d polytheists. THE MESSAGE M E S S A G EOF THE O F FALSE F AL S E RELIGION R EL IGION T her e are ar e so There s o many ma n y sects, s e c ts , cults, c u l ts , religions, re l i g i ons, p h ilos ophies ,and and movements mo v e m e n ts in philosophies, i n the th e world, w o rl d , all a l l of whic h claim c laim to t o be th e which the right way or the only true ri g h t w a y o r th e o n l y tru e path path be A llah. How can c a n one to Allah. o n e determine d e te rmi n e which w h i c h one is o ne is if, in fact, fact, all correct or if, all are are correct? correct? The method by whic he answer ans wercan whichh tthe found u n d is c a n be i s to clear b e fo c l e a r away a w a y the su per f ic ial differences superficial thee te teachings i n th dif f er e n c e s in a c h i n g s of o f the va r iouscclaimants laim ant sto th various thee u ultimate truth, and l ti m a te tru th , a d e nti fy n d iidentify th ent r al objec thee ccentral objectt o off w worShip which they call,l , o r$ h i p to w h i c h th e y cal d irectly o n d i r e c t l y .F a l s e rreligions directly orr iindirectly. False alll l h have eligionsa a v e iin n co m m on one bas common basic with regards Allah. i c cconcept i th re oncept w g a rd s to Al l ah. Th e y eit o d s oorr that her cclaim a t aalll l me They either that menn aare laim th re ggods sp ec if ic m en were llah o at n specific men were A Allah orr th that nature Allah or a tu re iis sA l l a h or tthat hat A i g m e n t ooff m l l a h iiss a ffigment a n ' s iimagination. Allah man's magination.
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Thus, it may may be be stated stated that that the the basic basic message message of Thus, false religion religion is is that that Allah Allah may may be be worshipped worshipped in the the false form of His His creation. creation. False False religion religion invites invites man man to form the worship worship of creation creation by by calling calling the the creation creation or the prophetJesus some aspect Jesus For example, some aspectof it God. example,prophet God. For who invited followers to worship worship Allah Allah but those who invitedhis hisfollowers but those people to claim followers today today call be his claim to be his followers calf people worship Jesus, Jesus. claiming that he was Allah! Allah! he was worship claimingthat Buddha was a reformer who introduced introduceda number number reformerwho Buddhawas principlesto the of humanistic the religion religionof India. India.He He humanisticprinciples he suggest his did nor did to his not claim God nor did he sugg€stto did not be God claim to be today followers that he he be worship.Yet, Yet,today followersthat be an an object objectof worship. most found outside of India to be India whoare befound mostBuddhists Buddhistswho areto outsideof prostrate idols have have taken him to be be God God and and prostrate to idols taken him perceptionof his likeness. made his likeness. in their their perception madein
principleof identifying By identifyingthe obiectof the principle theobject By using usingthe worship, and fafsereligion religionbecomes very obvious obviousand worship,false becomesvery the As God natureof God contrivednature of their their origin clear.As the contrived origin clear. said in the saidin the Qur'aan: Qur'aan:
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That Thal which you worship worlhip besides besides Him are are only names invenled for lorefathers have have invented names you and your forefathers which Allah has sent sent down no authority: aulhority: The Allah has command belongs only to Allah: Allah: command belongs He has worrhip Him; has commanded commlnded that lhal you only worship that is rlght religion, religlon, but bul most men do not is the right ( S o o ra h Yoosuf understand". Yo o s u f 12:40) 1 2 :4 0 ) u n der iland " . (Soorah It I t may r e l i g i o n steach good m a y be b e argued a r g u e d that t h a t all a l l religions t e a c h good things follow. w h y should m a t t e rwhich t h i n g sso s o why s h o u l d iti t matter w h i c h one o n e we w e follow. fa l s e religions The is that re l i g i o n steach g re atest Th e reply r eply is t hat all all false te a c hthe th e greatest evil, wor s hipof creation. c re a ti o n .Creation-worship t he worship C re a ti o n -w o rs h i pis i s the e vi l ,the ma n can g re a t es t sin s in that t hat man greatest c a n commit c o mmi t because b e c a u se iti t p u rp o s e of contradicts t he very v e ry purpose o f his h i s creation. M an co nt r adic t s the c re a ti o n . Man was t o worship wo rs h i p Allah Al l a h alone wa s created a l o n e as a s Allah h as c r eat ed to Al l a h has in the explicitly th e Our'aan: s t at ed in e xplic it ly stated Qu r' a a n : ...rii..- i i t'_lt 1t - \ A . , . r r r ' - l { r /·~r/~ ,i0J-'(;\~1 t\.~;L~/~ lJ*+l.: Alj-Y't '11(... .5l-VI.rrY ~__ ~~~ ~~ Q1r-l-t
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"l have "I that they may heye only created created Jlnns Jlnnr and men, men,lhat :56 me" (Soorah Zaareeyaat) Zaareeyaat) 51 worship worshlp me"(Soorah 51:56 t h e worship is Consequently, w o rs h i p of o f creation, w h i c h is c re a ti o n , which Cons equent ly ,the idol a try ,is i s the th e only the th e essence es s enc eof idolatry, o n l y unforgivable u n fo rg i v a b l esin. si n. i d o l a tryhas in this t h i s state h a s sealed hi s One On e who dies s ta teof o f idolatry dies in s e a l e dhis i s not n o t an life . This T h i s is fa te in in the nex t life. a n opinion, o p i n i o n , but but a fate t he next Allah in his final revelationto revealedfact fact stated final revelation revealed stated by Allah ma n: man: A..~-// .Ici(<-
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"Yerlly "Verlly Alleh Allah wlll will nol not lorglvc forgive lhe the folnlng Joining of pnilnen pertne,. wlth with Hln, Him, bul but He mry may lorglue forgive (rlnr) (.In.) lerr I••• than thel that for whomroevcr whomsoever Ho H. wlrher"(Soorah wl.he."(Soorah Anthen Nisaa 4:48 4:48 and and 116) 116) Nisaa THE UNIVERSALIW UNIVERSALITY OF OF ISLAII ISLAM THE Since the the consequences consequences of false false religion religion are are so so Since mustbe Allah must grave, the the true true religion religion of Allah greve, be universally universally understandable and attainable, attainable, not conlined confined to any any and understandable place people, place There or time. There can not be conditions people, be conditions tim€. can for a in a man, man,as like as a saviour saviouretc., beliefin etc.,for like baptism, baptism,belief paradise. Within believer to enter paradise. Within the the central central enter believer (the in its its definition, principle principle of Islam definition, (the lslam and and in lies the will to God) surrender the roots roots of God) lies one's will surrenderof one's Islam's Wheneverman man comes the comes to the lslam's universality_ universality.Whenever is one His realization Allah is and distinct distinct from from His one and that Allah realizationthat creation, Allah,he he becomes himselfto to Allah, and submits becomes submitshimself creation,and for a Muslim and is is eligible spirit and in body and spirit eligible for body and Muslim in most paradise. in the paradise.Thus, at anytime anytime in Thus, anyone anyone at the most remote Muslim,a worldcan can become regionof the the world becomea Muslim, remoteregion follower lslam,by religion,Islam, by merely merelyrejecting reiecting God'sreligion, followerof of God's Allah turning to to Allah the and by by turning of creation creationand the worship worshipof however,that the (God) noted however, that the (God) alone.lt be noted alone.lt should should be requiresthat recognition of and submission to Allah requires that toAllah and submission recognitionof wrong and and such such aa one right and and wrong betweenright onechooses choosesbetween held Man will be choice implies accountability. Man will be held implies accountability. choice
1 1 --- 11
responsible forhis hischoices. choices,and. responsible for and,as assuch, such,he heshould should good and his utmost to do try his utmost to and avoid try do good avoid evil. evil. The The goodbeing ultimategood ultimate beingthe theworship worshipof Allahalone of Allah aloneand and the ultimate ultimateevil evilbeing beingthe the worship worshipof the Hiscreation of His creation alongwith withor insteadof or instead Allah.Thisfact Thisfactis along expressed ofAllah. isexpressed in the final revelation the final revelationas follows: as follows: in
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"Verlfy thOle thor who who believe, belleve,those thole who "Verlly *f,o follow foffow the the (Scrlplurerl, lhe Christians Jewlrh (SCrlpturel), the Chrlrtloneand Jewish end the lha Sablans Srblanr belleyoIn Allah Allah and any who believe rnd the any larl day, lhe la,t dey, and and work wort rlghteournerr rhall heue their lhelr reward rlghteousne.. shall have reward with wlth their thelr wlfl not be overcome Lord;They Lord; They will oyercomeby fear leer nor grief" grlel ,, (So,crahAl-Bagarah 2:621. (Soorah AI-Baqarah 2:62).
• ~Je ... r# ~~~·hJ·~t . . \~ ~r""i.J t;Ai ~.·:t\i >\il.>~'''''''}.. t;iiir |i-6'#i ., ~n.= .. 'l t's4it ~~ ~ t ~r!.J'" rr iy~iYT tri L.t r:t:. rN... j / '.... Z.. l"; .....". 1 i t ;.J.. -.... a 'E , r,.J ("t .... .J.?... -:'... |• 1 /... .,- E <-y io-e5; iir fr-XL. -ttc- qj fi.git l3A ~;:~t:':';~jl~~.J~"'~~~J' O./.
~5J::!t;;t::~~=-;~ 4.'oft::rvrt#ry3
"lf "If only they hed had rlood .tood by thc the lew,lhe law, the Gorpcl, Gospel, rnd and ell all the reyelellon revelation lhet that wer wa, rnl ..nt lo to thcm them lrom from thclr their Lord, ihay they would havc have cnfoycd enjoyed hrpplncr hIIpplnea from cvcry every dde. .'de. Then The,. lr II frum from rmong among thcm them ra prrty party on on thc the rfghl right
-- 112 2 --
course; but but meny many ol of Urcm them follow follow te coullc cou.... lhrt h i bI. courre; evil.". (Soorah AI~Maa'idah 5:66) (Soorah 5:66) Al'ltiiaa'idah oyll.".
RECOGNITION OF ALLAH RECOGT{ITIOil question which which arises arises here here is, is, "How can can all The question given Allah in people be expected expected to believe believe Allah given their their people varying backgrounds, backgrounds, societies societies and and cultures? cultures? For For varying people to be be responsible responsible for worshipping worshipping Allah Allah they they people access to knowledge Allah. The The all have knowledgeof Allah. haveaccess all haveto have have the mankind have final revelation teaches that that all all mankind the final revelationteaches parl imprintedon theirsouls, recognition Allah imprinted souls, a part on their recognitionof Allah are created. created. of their with which which they they are naturewith very nature their very
Allah 172'173; Allah In Verses 172-173; Al-A'raaf, Verses fn Soorah Soorah AI-A'raaf, He caused explained that when He created Adam, He caused Adam, He created when that explained into existence existence all to come come into descendantsto all of ol Adam's Adam'sdescendants notyour pledgefrom Am II not and your from them them saying, saying,Am and took took a pledge " lU' wctrdlfy Lord? Ycr' we t..tlfy to 11;' npllrd' Vel, rll replied, thry ell wlrlch the, Lorf? To which all of mankind of mankind Allah why He He had had all explainedWhy Allah then thenexplained true and only He is bear witness that He is their creator and only true their croator that bear witness "Th.l ••• In ce.. wrr In ctt He said, God said,"Thet worship.He of worship. worthy of God worthy thr dry of you (mankind) should uy on the day of (menklnd) rhould rry on fou rll thla." lhb." Resurrection, ol all rr ..... uflr Ullll..... umwrlf of "Urtlly we Rolunrctlofi, "Verlly YouAllah, Allah,were were That hadno no idea ideathat thatYou we had is to to say, say,we Thatis supposed onlysupposed our wewere wereonly toldus usthat thatwe Noone onetold God.No our God.
13 --- 13
Youalone. to alone.Allah toworship worshipYou Allahwent wenton onto toexplain explain Th.t Thrt you .hould fn «:8. wm rho In crrf. you riouE uY. Itll w••• *f, "Certalnly "Glrltlnfy Itlt w•• wrr prilnrrr (With our anee.to,. who m.de our rncfrlorr who mrdr Pltrtne,. (Wllh AII.h) Alleh) and and weare lhclr detcendllntl; rre only we only their dtrccndenb; will wlll You Youthen thrn destroy dcrtroy ur for for what u. whet tho.. lhom II.,. fhn did?" Thus, every dld?" Thus, every child is chitd is born with with aa natural naturalbelief born in Allah Allah and belief in and an an inborn inborn inclinationto worshipHim to worship inclination Himalone alonecalled calledin in Arabic Arabicthe the " Fitrah". "Fitrah",
lf the If thechild childwere wereleft leftalone, alone,he hewould wouldworship worshipAllah Allah in his hisown own way, way,but but all in alfchildren childrenare areaffected affectedby by those those things around around them, them, seen things se€nor unseen. uns€en.The The Prophet Prophet (PBUH) reported reported that (PBUH) that Allah Allah said, "l created said, "I my created my servantsin in the right religion the right religionbut devils servants made them devils madethem ,,Each go astray". (PBUH) also astray". The The Prophet Prophet (PBUH) go atso said, said, "Each is born chifd is in a state born in parents child stateof ol "Fitrah", "Fitrah", then then his his parents makehim him a Jew, Jew,Christian Christianor a Zoroastrian, the way way make Zoroastrian,the gives birth an animal animal gives birth to a normal normal offspring. an offspring. Have Have you noticed noticed any any that that were you were born mutilated?" born mutilated?" (Collectedby AI-Bukhaareeand just as Al-Bukhaareeand Muslim). SO,justas (Collected Muslim).So, physical the child submits submits to the the physical laws laws which which Allah Allah the child put in has put in nature, nature,his his soul soul also also submits submits naturally naturally to has the the fact fact that that Allah Allah is his Lord Lord and and Creator. Creator. But, But, his parentstry to make make him him follow follow theirown way and the parents chifd of his child is not strong strong enough enough in the early early stages stages ol life resist or oppos€ oppose the will of his parents. parents. The life to resist religion religion which which the child follows follows at this stage stage is oneof
' | 4 --- ' 14
custom and and upbringing upbringing and and Allah Allah does does not hold hold him him custom account or punish punish him him for this this religion. religion. to account Throughout people's people's lives lives from from childhood childhood until until Throughout signs are shown to to them in in all the time they die, signs regions of of the earth and in in their their own souls, souls, regions until it becomes becomes clear clear that that there there isonly is only one one true God until (Allah). lf If the the people people are are honest honest with with themselveg, themselves, (Allah). reject their thei r false fa lse godsand gods and seek seek Allah, Allah, the the waywiflbe way will be reject made easy easy for them them but but if they they continually continually reiect reject made Allah's signs signs and and continue continue to worship worship creation, creation, the Allah's For escapâ&#x201A;Ź.For more will be them to escape. be for them more difficult difficult it witl the Amazon regionof the Amazon example, the South Easternregion in the South Eastern example,in primitivetribe jungle tribe jungle in America,a primitive South America, in Brazil, Brazil, South idol Skwatch, erected a new hut to house their main idol Skwatch, hut house their main neyv erected The creation.The all creation. representing the supreme supremeGod God of all representingthe pay young hut man the hut to pay following day a young man entered the entered following day prostration in prostration he was wasin homage andwhile whilehe God,and homageto to the theGod, and was his his Creator Creator and to taught was beon taugh"t he had had been what he to what into walked flea-riddendog dog walked into Sustainer, mangyold old flea-ridden Sustainer,a mangy in time youngman seethe the timeto see the lookedup up in manlooked Theyoung hut.The thehut. pass idol. on the urine dog lift its hind leg and pass urine on the idol. leg and dog lift its hind the youth chased out of the Outraged, the dog dog out chased the the youth Outraged, the realized that hs temple, but when his rage died down he realized that rageclied down whsn his but temple, Allah theLordof the Lord of the not be the universe. universe.Allah bs the idol could couldnot the idol to act act on on now had had aa choice must he now choice to elsâ&#x201A;Źwhere.he must be be elsewhere. go his Allah,or to dishonestly dishonestlygo andseek or to seekAllah, hisknowledge knowledgeand
1 5--- 15
with the falsebeliefs along thefalse histribe. tribe.As alongwith beliefsof his Asstrange strangeas as young Allah for that it may that was wasa sign from Allah signfrom that young mayseem, seem,that guidancethat man. within man.Itlt contained contained withinitit divine divineguidance thatwhat what false. he he was was worshipping worshippingwas was false. weresent. Prophets Prophetswere as was wasearlier earliermentioned, sent,as mentioned,to to to support every nation and and tribe tribe to support man's man's natural natural every nation in Allah man's inborn inborn inclination belief Allah and belief in and man's inclinationto Him as as well well as reintorcethe worship worshipHim as to to reinforce the divine divinetruth truth revealedby Allah.Although, in in the the daily daily signs signs revealed by Allah. Although,in in prophets' teachings most most cases, much of of the the prophets' cases, much teachings portionsremained point remainedwhich became becamedistorted, distorted,portions which point For example, out wr6ng. For example, the right and and wrong. the ten ten out right Torah,their commandments of theirconfirmation confirmationin in the Torah, commandments of the the and the existenceof laws laws against against Gospels and the existence the Gospels
in most most societies. murder, adulteryin societies. murder,stealing stealingand and adultery held to Consequently, every will be be held everysoul soul will to account account Consequently, its acceptance for acceptanceof the for its its belief belief in in Allah and its the Allah and religion religionof lslam;the the total totalsubmission submissionto the will will of of Islam; to the of Allah. Allah. pray to Allah, We We pray Allah, the the exalted, exalted, to keep keep us on the pat h to g u i d e d us, right ri g h t path t o which whic h He H e has h a s guided u s , and a n d to bestow b e s tow Him, He is is indeed incleedthe Most on us us a blessing blessing from Him, g ra ti tu d ebe Merciful. Me r c iful. Praise P r ais eand A l l a h ,the an d gratitude b e to Allah, th e Lord L o r d of peace and the worlds, and and peace the worlds, and blessings blessings be on prophet his Family. F a m i l y ,his h i s companions, Muhammed, Mu ham m ed,his c o mp a n i o n s ,and a n d those th ose who f ollow them. wh o rightly r ight ly follow th e m.
- 16 1 6 --
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