3 minute read
Dani Lorta, M.A., Student Life Manager, Life West
Tanmay Shinde traveled across the world with a dream: to become a pioneer of chiropractic in his home country, India, and Life West was, without any doubt in his mind, the place where he would step into his vision. A native of Mumbai, from a family of medical professionals, he completed his Medicine and Surgery degrees in 2018. After working for several years as a government medical offi cer, he joined the Life West family in Winter 2020. But his journey to Life West began years before submitting his application. Tanmay is an observant, thoughtful student. When he began volunteering in 2015 as a translator in the chiropractic pavilion at Life West’s service trips to Mumbai in partnership with the Sant Nirankari Charitable Fund, he fi rst experienced the value of chiropractic. He was translating for the ten doctors and thousands of patients who came through the clinic over four days. He then spent four years as a translator and saw fi rst-hand many chiropractic miracles, including previously paralyzed patients walking unassisted after being adjusted, and non-speaking children suddenly fi nding their voices. Seeing these tremendous changes, Tanmay understood that chiropractic, in contrast to the medical model he had been studying, addresses the root cause of the issue rather than just treating the symptoms. He knew he had to do the work to bring chiropractic to India. Since his fi rst quarter at the college, Tanmay has been inspired by many of his professors in basic sciences and clinical sciences. In his fi rst quarter, he met Diana Romo, the International Student Counselor at Life West, who helped him become familiar with life in the Bay Area. Within a short time, he gravitated toward the radiology courses taught by Dr. Jamie Motley and Dr. Savannah Shortz and their lessons in pathologies. In quarter 3, Tanmay began tutoring for bone and joint and radiology courses. Working as a tutor boosted his confi dence in his subject matter expertise and in his interactions with the students. On top of that he worked as a circulation desk assistant at the Learning Commons for six quarters. Inspired by Dr. Janet Wesdorf’s chiropractic skill and utterly loving personality, he was drafted into her pod for his internship in the Health Center. Additionally, he was approached by Dr. Monica Smith, head of the Research Department, to conduct a Research Honors project at the college. Guided by Dr. Smith, he published a retrospective case study. As a result of his work, Tanmay was awarded with Research Honors at June's commencement ceremony. Through his studies at Life West he was always motivated by Dr. Ron and Dr. Mary Oberstein, whose guidance and motivational speeches made him feel he was in the right place, and pointed him toward business opportunities after graduation. When Tanmay began his studies at Life West, just months before COVID-19 would change so much about how he expected his education to proceed, he was overwhelmed by the differences between Mumbai and Hayward, California. Notwithstanding this dramatic change, with the encouragement of Drs. Ron and Mary Oberstein, and with scholarship support from the Indian Association of Chiropractic Doctors, Tanmay quickly found a place for himself at Life West. He became a Student Ambassador, representing Life West to prospective students, and found fellowship with the other Student Ambassadors. He experienced the benefi ts of regular adjustments to his sleep and general function. He found great cultural diversity at Life West and made friends with students of many different backgrounds. He is most impressed with how the Life West community truly cares about its members and embodies the values of Lasting Purpose - Giving, Doing, Loving and Serving. He is looking forward to now participating in college service trips, and to come full circle from translating to adjusting patients himself and bringing those chiropractic miracles to his own patients. Still the vision of returning to India stays strong and Tanmay has no lack of strength to make it real and to bring chiropractic back to India.