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The President’s Circle are individuals committed to seeing Life West fl ourish and spread the principles of this great profession. Every dollar donated goes directly to the student experience. Consider joining the President's Circle and making a di erence for the next generation of chiropractors and the profession worldwide.
LEADERSHIP | $10,000+
David Amaral DC '88 & Mary Amaral Caren Cole DC '87 & Emil Gluekler Jay Dhaliwal Manjit Gauba DC & Reena Gauba Brad Glowaki DC & Jessica Glowaki Deed Harrison DC '96 & Shirlene Harrison DC David Marcarian Eric McKillican, DC, LCP FICPA, DPhCS '93 & Nancy McKillican Patricia McLean DC & Michael McLean DC Ralph Ortiz DC Paul Reed DC Walter Sanchez DC & Glenda Sanchez Aine Sweeney DC '94 Phil Tagami
PLATINUM | $5K - $9,999
Irene Gold, RN DC Kerry Keiser DC Daniel Murphy DC & Michelle Schaer DC Hayden Power Steven Silk DC '91 & Raelynn M. Cancel DC
DIAMOND | $2,500 - $4,999
Darcy Andersen DC Rob Anderson DC Dean Depice DC Selina Jackson DC & Kevin Jackson DC Peter Klein DC Brian Lieberman DC & Rachel Lieberman David Melendez DC & Lorraine Melendez DC Michael Moore DC & Donna Moore Christopher Murphy DC '10 Ronald Oberstein DC & Mary Oberstein DC Susan Salem DC '93 & Serge Merlin Reuben Sendejas DC '96 Jeremy Steel DC '10 & Jackie M. Steel DC Mark Zeigler DC & Gwendolyn G. Zeigler
EMERALD | $1,200 - $2,499
Daniel Abeckjerr DC Steven Adams DC '99 & Kathy Adams George Ahn Elizabeth Anderson-Peacock DC Claudia Anrig DC Ari Anthony DC '16 Michelle Arietta DC '20 Kailey Armor DC & Andy Armor Joseph Arvay DC & Ilene Arvay Derek Atchley DC Sergio Azzolino DC '95 & Channing L. Azzolino DC Nick Baker DC '07 Steven Baker DC '09 Joseph Ball DC & Carol Ball DC Rachae Bell-Hamilton DC '11 Ronald Benson DC '86 Ken Bergquist DC & Cheryl Bergquist Joseph Betz DC & Gracie Walker Sean Beukelman DC Sundeep Bhasin DC '99 Anatole Bogatski PhD & Malgosia Treter-Bogatski Waldemar Carrasquillo DC Frederick Carrick DC Touré Carter Lance Casazza DC George Casey DC Sandra Rocco Lona Cook DC Edwin Cordero DC & Debra Cordero Melissa Crago DC '13 Timothy Cummins DC '99 George Curry DC Nenos Damerchie DC Raymond Daniels DC '18 Marc Davis DC Ian Davis-Tremayne DC '08 Delphine Deignan DC Jason Deitch DC Jill DeLong DC Danny Desaulniers DC Philip Dieter DC '06 Scott Donaldson DC Richard Doss DC '16 Troy Dreiling DC '94 Kerri Duggins-Rames DC '86 Raleigh Duncan DC '00 Kari Figone DC Gary Fish DC Carolyn & Fish DC David Fletcher DC, FRCCSS C & Nancy Fletcher Leah Garlan DC Skylar Gemmer DC '09 & Vanessa Wise DC '09 Kristen Giles DC & Paul C. Ruscica DC Aaron Gillespie DC Michael Gorgas DC Gordon Gracey DC '81 Elizabeth Greene Martin Gri n & Carolyn Gri n DC
Standard Process Transformation Trust William M. Harris Family Foundation
Chiro One ChiroSecure NCMIC Foundation NCMIC Insurance
$10K - $19,999
Foot Levelers, Inc. New Patient Maven
$5K - $9,999
Biotics Research Corp CBP Seminars Chickasaw Nation Clearlight Infrared Sauna John & Elizabeth Moore Educational Trust
$1K - $4,999
Andersen Family Chiropractic BlueIQ Chart Talk ChiroPreferred ChiroTouch Doctor Multimedia doTERRA Erchonia Jane Software Inc. Leo Adler Foundation & Community Fund LightForce Therapy Lasers Magneceutical Health Medical Lien Recovery Myovision North Carolina Masonic Scholarship Foundation, LLC Nutragen Schillinger Chiropractic & Wellness Center SKED Inc.
$100 - $999
AmazonSmile Foundation Anonymous Donations Baxmax Supports Cervipedic Neck-Relief Chirolux Christian Chiropractors Association Premier Practice Consultants LLC Rapid Release Technology Seattle Natural Health Sherwood Family Chiropractic The Merrymaker's Orchestrina Thumper Massager
Chirolux Mark Foullong, DC Ryan French, DC Deed E. Harrison, DC David Hartz, DC Susan R. Hilliker, DC Eric Ho man Stuart Ho man, DC Dale Johnson, PhD Martin Rosen, DC Joanne Somerville, DC & Bill Somerville Vincent Su Mark T. Zeigler, DC
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Terri Hamilton DC '93 B. Hardick DC Cli Hardick DC Andy Harding DC Darren Hart DC Cameron Hastings DC & Janit Porter James Hawkins & Kathleen G. Hawkins Bharon Hoag DC Paul Hodgson DC '10 & Gina M. Illia DC Stuart Ho man DC Jay Holder DC & Rochel Holder DC Peter Holt Stanton Hom DC Mylene Hopf DC '10 Alvin Hsu DC '11 Ryan Hulsebus DC '08 D.D. Humber DC & Beth M. Humber Thomas Hyland Joseph Ibe DC '10 & Avegail Ibe Je rey Jacobs DC Kerry Johnson DC & Lisa Johnson Dale Johnson PhD & Susan Johnson Armen Kendig DC & Janet H. Kendig Peter Kevorkian DC & Patricia A. Giuliano DC Mark Kimes DC & Deborah Kimes Alain Kolt DC & Dawn Watkins DC Kyle Konas DC Darrel Kopala DC Jen Kordonski DC '04 & Mark Kordonski DC Mark Kordonski DC '04 & Jen Kordonski DC Daniel Kraus DC Stephanie Libs DC '13 Don MacDonald DC & Brandi MacDonald CA Christie MacDonald DC Albert Mansour DC & Suzane Mansour Robert Martines DC Eduardo Martinez DC Christina Meakim DC Lorraine Melendez DC & David V. Melendez DC Brian Moriarty DC & Laura Moriarty Michael Morris DC '98 Geraldine Mulhall-Wright DC '97 Susan Mullen DC '97 Jimmy Nanda DC '97 & Navjot Nanda Paul Newton DC '04 Lawrence Oberstein DC '84 Angel Ochoa-Rea DC '4 & James Ochoa-Rea Takeshi Ogura DC '98 Lori O'Hara DC '87 Thomas Oliver DC '98 Gregg O'Neill DC Erica Orduno DC Benjamin Ozanne DC Ronil Pala DC '14 Niraj Patel DC Arthur Patterson DC Palmer Peet DC & Catherine Breton DC Brooke Peters DC Reanna Plancich DC '10 Jess Pontious DC '87 Shawn Powers DC Romain Riberou DC Brandon Roberts DC '01 & Candice Rowlett Martin Rosen DC Russell Rosen DC Dorrin Rosenfeld DC '92 & Robert M. Woolery DC Paul Roses DC & Mary Ann Roses Toniann Roses-Sottile DC & Dean Sottile DC Justin Roth DC Kristopher Royal DC & Cara Royal Gregg Rubinstein DC Scott Sawyer DC Timothy Schaub DC David Scheiner DC & Laura Scheiner DC Mark Schillinger DC Bruce Schneider DC Je rey Scholten DC Jacob Schuppe DC Laura Sheehan DC '02 Kaitlyn Shikada DC '18 Jacob Shuppe DC James Siller DC & Kristene Siller Stephen Simonetti DC Jean-Marc Slak DC & Linda Slak DC Roechelle Smith DC '97 Timothy Smith DC '95 & Catherine Smith Kenneth So DC Raj Sohal DC Dean Sottile DC & Toniann Roses-Sottile DC Flint Sparks DC Clint Steele DC & Tina Steele Brian Stenzler DC & Brooke Stenzler Ashleigh Street DC '11 Rick Swecker DC '03 & Kerry Swecker Ryan Sweet DC '04 Larry Thill DC '91 Rebecca Tibbits DC Scott Turner CPA & Kelly Turner Roderick Van Buskirk DC '87 Erik Van Slooten DC '09 Michael Viscarelli DC & Tara Viscarelli Mindy Weingarten DC Robert Wol DC & Diana Wol Heather Wolfson DC '03 & Jack Wolfson DO Tim Yoder DC Nikolai Young DC & Paulina Young Sonya Young DC Christine Zapata Thiel DC '07 Miaken Zeigler DC & Steve Kunshier Rion Zimmerman DC Eva Zingone DC '17 & Joe M. Zingone DC

DIAMOND | $999-25,000
Aine weeney
GOLD | $500-$999
Barbara Fairfi eld LMFT & Donald Fairfi eld Kevin Hearon DC & Alison Hearon Ian Rassel DC '05
SILVER | $100-$499
Joanne Ares-Tabick & Robert Tabick Angelo Baez Douglas Bell DC '83 Bipin Bhosale Lynn Bunin DC '94 Lise Cloutier DC Daniel Crayk Huong Danh DC '10 Kenneth Daniels Bobby Doscher DC Karen Fairfi eld '00 Alex Foote DC '01 Matthew Francoeur DC Katherine Gentile June Gentle DC '94 John Guilford DC '86 Merry Harris DC '95 Paula Hedglon DC & Michael Hedglon Daniel Helm DC '96 Spencer Hill Eric Ho man Claire-Marie Holman DC '86 Rebecca Howard Darcy Kelly DC Samuel Krasner Lori Libs DC & David Libs DC Barry Lieberman DC Elliott Mantell DC Trevor Marum DC '18 & Virginia Marum John McCarthy DC '14 Riley Meha ey Jonathan Moukhtofi DC Katherine Murray DC '16 Isidoro Narvaez-Ruiz DC '02 Edward Pakdaman Dorothy Pangelinan Dennis Perman DC Troy Peters DC '05 Hien Pham DC '01 Angela Pino Edward Rak DC Elizabeth Rassel DC David Reed DC '00 Stephanie Rodriguez Anna Scarbrough Jon Scott DC Marilyn Shore DC Lindsey Squibb DC '18 Christopher Tabick DC Josephine Tabick Melinda Tamonte DC '02 Paige Thibodeau DC Anthony Wasem DC & Jina Foltz Richard Westbrook DC & Cynthia Martin-Westbrook DC Titima Williams DC '94 Michelle Wozniak DC Jamie Wyskiver DC Will Youngblood DC Harley Youngblood DC
Krystal Allen DC Macaela Bennett Ronald Berg DC Salim Bohsali Drew Boster & Mary T. Boster DC Brian Burns DC Anthony Carrano Patrick Chonzena Harry Dietrich Emily Downing Zachary Dunbar Rebecca Ellis DC '16 Brandon Fein Steven Forcash Maureen Huskey Raui Jitta DC Lauren Kilian Stephen Kutscher Steven Mamigonian DC Deborah Marin Elisabeth Miranda Reuben Montemagni DC '90 Namir Moussa '20 Kristopher Nguyen '19 Joyce Poliko Michael Reid Loren Roberts DC & Joyce M. Roberts Douglas Ross DC '85 & Virginia A. Frederick DC Todd Royse DC & Diedre Royse John Schuessler Sharon Seto Heidi Skye DC Jo Stroud DC '86 Karen Zamzow