2 minute read
Looking to Christmas
by Lifewords
Christmas is always a great opportunity for sharing the Bible. All over the world, through services, events and gatherings, churches, groups, schools, and individuals invite others to share the story of Jesus’ incarnation.
Last year, Lifewords sent out nearly 85,000 Christmas resources in the UK. “Every year, people come to us for relevant, thought-provoking and welldesigned Bible resources to share with friends, family, and strangers at Christmastime,” says Elizabeth King from Lifewords UK. “People from all over use our resources and some in really creative ways. It’s always great to hear how our material is being used to open up the Christmas story and help people engage with the Bible.”
A Story For The Whole World
Last year, Lifewords added a new resource to its Christmas range. A Story for the Whole World looks at how the telling of Jesus being born harmonises with the common desires and longings of humans throughout history, and the shared human ache and yearning for something more. Using patterns and designs inspired by cultures around the world, A Story for the Whole World tells the story of Jesus’ birth in the Bible’s own words, inviting individuals, communities, and the whole world to find a place in it.
“Often, in the UK, we can turn the Christmas story into a western Christian winter festival,” says Dan Chalke, designer of the resource.
“A Story for the Whole World reminds us that it isn’t just about one culture, it’s about everyone. It’s bigger than just one experience and perspective. This resource is about how Christmas is represented and celebrated in different cultures. The patterns in the design look at family, identity, and where we fit in the world. It’s a perfect reminder that the Christmas story can be 2,000 years old, but the issues it’s addressing and confronting are contemporary and personal. This is the introduction to the story that answers all of the questions that all of these cultures have always been asking.”
Connecting People
St John’s Church, Southall have been using Lifewords Christmas resources for several years, including OUTSIDE/IN, and The True Light. Last year, they also used A Story for the Whole World. “We gave the resources out at every available opportunity and must have given away at least 250 booklets. That was more than ever! Many of our members said that they would be handing them on to friends, family, and neighbours,” said Rev Dr Anna Poulson, vicar. “We really appreciated the concept behind A Story for the Whole World because the members of our church come from a whole range of different heritage backgrounds, from India to the Caribbean, Iran to Nigeria – the resource emphasises the inclusive nature of the gospel. Some of our members are also refugees and this booklet captures the truth that the gospel has no hierarchy, no matter where you come from or what your documented status – the good news of Jesus is for each of us! The use of patterns from around the whole world made for a beautiful booklet and helpfully captured the sense that the Christmas story connects with people across time and physical borders.”
How will you use Lifewords resources this Christmas? Keep an eye on our social channels for stories and ideas of how to creatively reach your community.
Visit lifewords.global/christmas to browse our Christmas range, and read more about the concept behind A Story for the Whole World on our blog –lifewords.global/blog
Give thanks for the opportunities to share good news at Christmastime.
Praise God for Lifewords resources that help people engage with the Christmas story.
Pray for churches, groups, and individuals as they reach out to people this Christmas.