4 minute read
by Lifewords
world NEWS
Going online in Indonesia
In Indonesia, the Lifewords team have been fi nding new ways of communicating and training using online platforms. Much of the usual activity and travel by the team has been curtailed by the coronavirus pandemic, so, last year they started a series of training webinars for around 250 pastors from across Indonesia. The teaching focussed on reaching young people and talked about how to use Lifewords resources such as The Visible Story and the fl ip cards. Another webinar series takes place every Friday with around 50 pastors. Each week has a diff erent theme, and promotes Lifewords resources and off ers training. “Praise the Lord that through these webinar programmes we can reach more people, in many more places, and many more islands, all at the same time,” says Gunar Sahari, Lifewords Indonesia Director. “This is our opportunity in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.” The team also ran an online event for nearly 500 children last summer. During this National Children’s Rally, young people prayed for Indonesia and each other, engaged in worship, listened to Bible stories, and also took part in a quiz and a cooking demonstration. cooking demonstration.
God showed his love for us by sending his only Son into the world, so that we might have life through him. 1 John 4:9 only Son into the world, so that we might If we confess our sins to God ... he will forgive us our sins and purify us from all forgive us our sins and purify us from all our wrongdoing. 1 John 1:9 God, have pity on me, a sinner! Luke 18:13
day byday
Jesus said: “Those who hear my words and believe in him who sent me have eternal life. They will not be judged, but have already passed from death to life.” John 5:24 believe in him who sent me have eternal life. They will not be judged, but have already passed from death to life.” “I will never turn away anyone who comes to me.” John 6:37to me.” Yes, Lord! … I do believe.
Day by day © 2020 Lifewords Bible text taken from: GNB © ABS/BFBS, 1992
New design for Day by Day
At the end of last year, Lifewords John 11:27
printed 90,000 copies of a new version of the popular resource Day by Day. Day by Day was originally designed The Lord is near to those who call to him, who call to him with sincerity. Psalm 145:18 day by in 1977 for a UK English-speaking audience and has also been available in several other languages. This new God’s Word for each day: version has been redesigned for a www.LCWords.com
illustrations commissioned especially for this booklet. “We needed a more global feel in terms of graphics,” says Jarek Jankowski, Lifewords Bible Resources Director, “and a more standardised format making production and distribution more effi cient. The graphics have been created with a global audience in mind – the pictures show ordinary scenarios in diff erent parts of the world. Also, the content has been revamped and simplifi ed, making the publication more accessible. “The work for the booklet began during the Covid-19 pandemic, which has made the core themes of the publication – walking with God day by day, experiencing his presence, and asking for guidance and protection – very special. As the crisis continues, the need, validity and importance of the message of Day by Day remains important and timely.” The newly designed resource is now available in fi ve of the most high-demand languages: English, Polish, Portuguese (for Brazil), Spanish and French. More language versions will be prepared this year. “Pastoral titles like this are very popular and used in several areas,” says Jarek, “in hospitals, with the homeless, international tourists, students, in outreach. We hope the new Day by Day will bring encouragement to many lives.
New perspectives with NINE BEATS
Last October, as the pandemic continued to force us to change how we connect, NINE BEATS facilitated a
MARK SCANDRETTE with Danielle Welch
series of online events helping people engage with the Bible and Jesus’ perspective on our world. GROUP GUIDE
Following the themes from
Mark Scandrette with Danielle Welch NINE BEATS and the Ninefold Path,
webinars took place that continued
the conversation around the beatitudes. One, which focused on justice, looked at how we can engage with a chaotic and hurting world through courage and trust, rather than anxiety and fear. Eric Leroy Wilson and Mark Scandrette from NINE BEATS, together with Heather Cracknell from Fresh Expressions in the Church of England, challenged participants to consider how we can be part of genuine change amid a climate of fear, scarcity and unbalanced power by engaging with Jesus’ invitation to be open and trusting. In another online event, Mark was joined by pastor and musician, Michael Kim-Eubanks to explore the potential of lament to bring personal and collective healing. There were also three online music events, centred around “Dance of the Deep” the latest EP from NINE BEATS, released in collaboration with Heatherlyn, who is part of NINE BEATS Collective. According to louderthanthemusic.com, “‘Dance of the Deep’ is a haunting collection of songs to provide soul medicine for these heavy times”. Visit www.9beats.org to fi nd out more.