Green party Identity Guidelines v 18

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visual iDENTITY GUIDELINES logo styles 1.0 strapline 2.0 use of logo as an illustration 3.0 logo colour 4.0 colour palette 5.0 fonts 6.0 paper 7.0 young greens 8.0 OTHER LOGOS 9.0 OCTOBER 2015 /V18



Logo on the left The Green Party logo is supplied in three designs to suit a variety of uses. Please always make sure you place the logo on the front of your document so that the reader knows who the document is published by. The logos can be downloaded from for print (CMYK only) or screen use.

Logo centred

The green is a strong part of the identity so please use it freely. Black logos are provided for single colour black print such as newspapers.

Logo stacked

Always use the logo with the ‘Green Party’ wording as provided there is no need to typeset it separately. The white or green backgrounds ensure that the logo is clearly seen alongside the Green Party house colour green making it as identifiable as possible by the public. For advanced designers who want to use the logo as white out of a dark green background for example, or for those local parties who would like their constituency name applied to the logo, or artwork for a banner please contact Do not use this pdf as artwork or carry on using any old style logos or colours.

Ballot paper logo

2.0 Strapline

The current Green Party strapline is ‘for the common good’. There is no need to typeset it as it is part of the logo supplied. Please use on your promotional literature and always feature on the front of any documents so that the reader knows who the document is from. It can be download from for print (CMYK only) or online use. The green is a strong part of the identity so please use it freely. Black logos are provided for single colour black print eg. newspapers. The white or green backgrounds ensure that the logo is clearly seen alongside the Green Party house colour green making it as identifiable as possible by the public. Do not use this pdf as artwork or carry on using any old style logos or colours.

3.0 use of logo as an illustration

The logo is sometimes known as the ‘Petals’. You can use it as an illustration in the House Green, white on green or a tint but it must never be used instead of the logo + Green Party wording to identify a document. It can be download from for print (CMYK only) or online use. Black logos are provided for single colour black print eg. newspapers.

Green Party for the common good


for the com


for the

4.0 logo Colour

The logo colour is the same as the house green of the Party. Please use it freely along with other suggested colours on the next page.

For full colour print (CMYK) 65 Cyan + 100 Yellow (Do not use Pantone 361 converted to CMYK which is slightly different and will not match the logo artwork)

For photo editing software RGB: 106/176/35 For single and two colour print Pantone 361 For HTML HEX: #6AB023

5.0 Colour PALETTE These colours go well with the House Green especially the Dark Green which has been used successfully on placards and banners.

Colour breakdowns Please use the House Green freely. Refer to page 4.0 for explanations of the following terms if you are not sure what they mean. Please note that the breakdowns for the greens do not match the Pantone references exactly so do not convert to CMYK from Pantone. Name


C - M - Y - K

R - G - B


House green


65 - 0 - 100 - 0

106 - 176 - 35


Dark Green


100 - 0 - 78 - 42

23 - 103 - 52


Mid green


36 - 0 - 100 - 0

176 - 210 - 53


Fluorescent green (for screen use only)

96 - 255 - 0


Dark purple 2612 64-100-0-14





54 - 56 - 0 - 0

118 - 43 - 133


Dark blue


100 - 0 - 0 - 58

0 - 94 - 130


Mid blue


85 - 0 - 15 - 0

0 - 181 - 213


Sky blue


42 - 0 - 21 - 0




Bright Red

0 - 79 - 85 - 6

238 - 51 - 36




0 - 13 - 100 - 0

250 - 222 - 0




0 - 88 - 5 - 0

238 - 68 - 145


Sand 7534


200 - 195 - 180


Warm Grey

0 - 14 - 28 - 55

138 - 121 - 103


Warm Grey 10

6.0 fonts There are two font families which can be downloaded for free online.

bebas neue abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 Bebas Neue is free to download from Bebas Neue is only available in capitals and is best used for headings. It is a great typeface for making a statement on placards and banners also.

Helvetica Neue Condensed abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ


Helvetica Neue Condensed abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 Helvetica Neue is free to download from the ‘Free Helvetica fonts’ tab from Helvetica Neue Condensed is good for all text purposes and can be downloaded as Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic, Light and Light italic

7.0 paper An estimation of the environmental impact saved by using 100% recycled paper for the European elections 2014 freepost leaflets instead of non recycled paper.



Eural Supersilk and


Eural Supersilk

rather than a non recycled paper, the environmental impact was reduced by :


As quoted by paper merchant ArjoWiggins. If any local or regional Party would like a talk by ArjoWiggins on the benefits of recycled paper and the paper making process please contact cherry.lifework@gmail. com

100 g/m2


Number of pages 4

kg of landfill



kg of CO2 of greenhouse gases



km travel in the average European car


2,105,732 litres of water

Number of pages

405,981 kWh of energy





161,794 kg of wood

Quantity 21,323,000 Source: Carbon footprint data evaluated by FactorX in accordance with the Bilan Carbone methodology. Calculations are based on a comparison between the recycled paper used versus a virgin fibre paper according to the latest European BREF data (virgin fibre paper) available. Results are obtained according to technical information and subject to modification.

Please set an example and make use of 100% recycled paper for printing your publications. Printers usually have recycled paper in stock which makes it cheaper than having to buy in another brand. Recycled paper is normally offered as: Coated - matt or gloss Uncoated - which is sometimes not the cheaper that coated! You can download a recycled logo to add to your artwork. Please add the wording ‘Printed on 100% recycled paper’.

8.0 young greens The Young Greens have their own logo – see http://younggreens. get-involved/start-ayoung-greens-group/ younggreenslogo/ NOTE: They must always be identified as being a branch of the Green Party so that the public know exactly who they are. Please use the logo wording on this page for front covers and online.

The youth branch of the Green Party of England & Wales

9.0 OTHER LOGOS Logos that are different from the national Green Party should always be identified as being a part of the Party so that the public can identify who they are. A strapline such as this used by the Green Left is useful and should be used at the first point of contact in all materials.

Green Left is the anti-capitalist, ecosocialist group within the Green Party of England & Wales

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