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Message from Ken Greenwood, Acting LEEASA Chairman
2020 To date
We hope that you are all in good health and spirits. Some of our members passed away from COVID, and some were quarantined and survived. We sincerely share the grief and trauma experienced by our members who were affected. It appears that lockdown is still going on and we must be vigilant and stay safe.
LEEASA web site
Our website is updated and the revised constitution is well underway. This has to go to the members for approval so we must be patient. The assistance of Lifting Africa with the website has been excellent. Please use it at least once a month. www.leeasa.co.za
We have to delay the Durban workshop and will announce the new date shortly. Details will be announced and be on our website. After this, we plan our next AGM in Johannesburg and on-line. Dates will be announced shortly. Please look out for further information on all these events on our web site and in “Lifting Africa”.
Lifting Africa still makes a difference!
Until next time, Ken Greenwood. Acting Chairman.