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Valve Hospital
extremely important. Wellnitz maintains that checking up on the remaining life of various components during the preventative maintenance process of the VFD can be very beneficial. Especially the remaining life of transistors, capacitors, fans and pre-charge contactors should not be overlooked as this allows operations and maintenance staff to plan properly for service downtime once they know what the component life status is. According to Wellnitz, most VFDs utilize aluminium electrolytic capacitor technology as a fundamental component of the power structure. “When left unpowered for long periods the capacitor dielectric breaks down and permanent damage can occur if power is applied in this condition.” Whilst some newer VFD models might not require capacitor reforming he suggests it is made part of the preventative maintenance process. “It is an important step in recommissioning VFDs and one should always follow the manufacturer’s recommendations when powering up a drive that has been idle for more than six months.”
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