3 minute read

From the Chairmans Desk

Just when we were getting into the swing of things for the year we were hit by a global epidemic and unexpectedly put into lockdown to protect our own lives and the lives of our families.

The LEEASA conference/workshop that was supposed to take place at ERPM planned for the 16th April 2020 obviously had to be postponed and put on hold until lockdown is over and things get back to a reasonable amount of normality. We have all come to the realisation over this trying period, so far, that our lives and the rules of engagement might never be the same as before.

"The ultimate measure of a person is not where they stand in moments of comfort and convenience, but where they stand at times of challenge, adversity and controversy." As South Africans we are well known for our ability to take on any challenge that is thrown our way and in times of difficulty. The South Africans desire to win Rugby World Cup 2019 was the key motivation to win and with typical South African determination and commitment towards an unrelenting pursuit to win against all odds, enabled South Africa to attain the success as the current champions of Rugby World Cup 2019. We can do anything as long as you have the passion, the drive, the focus and the support.



The Department of Public Works and Infrastructure (DPWI), together with its entities and professional councils (ECSA) met in a virtual meeting on Thursday 16 April 2020 to discuss the collective response

to the President’s call. The Minister of Built Environment through ECSA has therefore requested that we urgently establish a communication mechanism / system with the identified role players such as LEEASA and its membership post lockdown. This will be for online meetings, announcements, publications, notices guidelines and information on projects opportunities.

Further, it was requested that the Council for Built Environment provides a list through ECSA of companies and individual professionals that are struggling with lack of jobs or have taken a hiatus from their professions, not for reasons of misconduct, but mainly because they were not getting work. That list must provide the reasons for unemployment as it is understood that there will be differing reasons.

The Voluntary Associations (LEEASA) and through its membership base must take cognizance of Government’s announcements and any other developments regarding the COVID 19 and support the call to mitigate any spread of COVID 19. The Built Environment (ECSA) must rally behind the Minister and make their contributions that will mitigate the spread of COVID 19 during and post the lockdown period. The Built Environment must communicate in an organized and well-coordinated manner to give a maximized contribution in the fight against COVID 19.

Should any registered LMI’s needs assistance with registration renewal that became due over this period of lockdown or assistance with claiming discount from annual registration fees at ECSA please do not hesitate to contact me directly. I will do my best to sort out the

problem with ECSA.

SAUBC – South African United Business Confederation.

Recently, before lockdown I approached SAUBC for LEEASA to join SAUBC as a member of SAUBC. This accepted membership has worked out in LEEASAs favour with regards to business practices coming to a standstill and the need to get back to work as soon as possible. As a member of SAUBC, LEEASA as part of a collective of all the members of SAUBC, where SAUBC is in a position to lobby government on how the business stimulus package should be rolled out to jump start the economy, by giving support to SMMEs and specifically those in the Lifting Equipment Industry.

Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion. When going through a tough time we need to remind ourselves that it will not last forever, we will overcome, we will become a better people as we are strong enough to handle these challenges, wise enough to find solutions to these problems and capable enough to do whatever needs to be done, as our story will inspire others in the future.

When you cannot control what is happening, challenge yourself to control the way you respond to what is happening. Our power is the ability to stand together as South Africans to overcome whatever life’s adversity has place before us. We will prevail!

Until next time stay safe and take care, From your Chairman Arni Sommer.

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