Activity Plan and Budget 2019-20

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3. 2019-20 SEASON




5. ACTION PLAN 2019-20










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1. MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Here we are! Implementing our fifth action plan - the first of a new mandate that is now starting. First of all, I have to give a word of thanks to the Sports Companies, who have bet on myself and my directors to implement the (R)evolution we propose. We present five strategic axes and 90 measurable actions that are embodied in this Plan that we show today. We are at the very beginning of an intense journey. After four years of creating value and ensuring the sustainability of both Liga Portugal and the Sports Companies, we are ready to embrace the new challenges! We are prepared to give continuity to our plan and determine what will be the future of Portuguese Professional Football. One thing is for certain: If I am signing off on this Plan, it is because we cannot stay as we are. It is not a public fight, nor an internal fight. It is a fight for our Professional Football to take a stand and earn the place it deserves internationally, which must start by making us more robust and competitive internally. Estamos juntos! (We’re together!) An expression that already derives from our internationalisation that, albeit shy, will now firmly and consistently kick off with a greater projection, one that is endorsed by all. We will promote a process of industrialisation and modernisation to increase our competitiveness, with a cohesive and highly competent team. With this renewed vote of confidence, we are confident that, more than ever, we are not alone in this “Competition�. We are with the Sports Companies. Together, we will move towards higher levels of efficiency and profitability, leading Portuguese Professional Football to levels of excellence never seen before, thus improving our international standing. Revolution is the path for the evolution that Portuguese Professional Football cries out for, and to which we will give shape to over the next four years of this mandate. The Future begins now!

Revolution is the path for the evolution that Portuguese Professional Football cries out for, and to which we will give shape to over the next four years of this mandate. The Future begins now!


2. STRATEGIC POSITIONING 2019-23 At the end of the first term of the current

se Professional Football, defining tactics

of action for the 2019-23 cycle.

be followed by the institution over the next

Liga Portugal leadership, it was deemed

capable of enhancing and projecting the

The Action Plan is the supporting docu-

four years.

necessary to define the strategy for the

competitions it hosts.

ment for the execution of the activities

This annual document is indispensable for

organisation’s upcoming four years. The

Thus, based on the past, and planning for

for the next season, presenting the posi-

an organisation that strives to stand as a

resulting business plan would have to al-

another four years, a Strategic Plan was

tioning, strategy, and projects that Liga

reference institution in Portuguese football.

low for leveraging of the current phase of

drawn up by EY Portugal for Liga Portugal,

Portugal proposes to implement - aligned

To rise successfully to these challenges,

maturity, as well as to project Liga Portugal

as well as a brand new business model. On

and approved by the Sports Companies.

Liga Portugal has outlined an ambitious

in Portugal and the rest of the world. With

the basis of that document - and unders-

This document aims to achieve, through

strategy for Professional Football as an in-

Liga Portugal in a stable period, the duty

tanding the current state of the sector, as

the definition of concrete actions and

dustry, to strengthen and boost the com-

and obligation of the organisation are to

well as where we should project our foo-

respective budgeting, the objectives and

mercial, economic, and sporting value of

identify the major challenges to Portugue-

tball - we defined five new strategic axes

guidelines that should guide the path to

Portuguese Professional Football.









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2.1 MISSION, VISION, AND VALUES The Mission, Vision, and Values articulate the essence of the organisation’s aspirations, establishing its position before the World. They are the way an organisation positions itself before its stakeholders, indicating where it wants to go and how it will get there. Liga Portugal has redefined new values that not only reflect what we believe in but also our aspirations as an organisation to achieve our goals. These values are the principles that guide our actions and activities. They remain aligned with the current standards of Rigour, Talent, Professionalism, and Aggregation, but are adjusted to a new dynamic and ambition. Despite aspiring to the same, these values show a wider range of positioning and a greater concern with the awareness of our Football inside and outside borders.



To guarantee the excellence of the organisation of professional competitions, in full respect for the economic and financial sustainability of the institution and its members.

Create the conditions to uphold the best interests of football.

CREDIBILITY In all aspects, both in competitions and in business management;



Gather the ingredients so competitions are increasingly spectacular, inside and outside the stadiums;

Both in competitions and their participants, as well as in the industry as a whole;


To establish itself as one of the most important Leagues in Europe, permanently on the path of good international practices, while economically and sportively enhancing Portuguese Professional Football.

VALUE PROPOSITION Football with Talent

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2.2 GLOBAL STRATEGY The future strategy of Portuguese Professional Football should be geared towards its (re)positioning

The alignment of national Professional Football with recent technological and digital advances is

in the Top 5 European Leagues, as well as for increasing its economic and sporting value.

also fundamental. At this stage, it is essential to invest in strategic partnerships (e.g. LaLiga).

Capitalising on its strong strategic vision, its professional and qualified management, along with

The commitment to the globalisation of Portuguese football is an equally vital path to follow, capi-

its skills in contract negotiation, Liga Portugal has sought to enhance its professional competitions.

talising on the advantages of existing specific know-how, particularly with regard to scouting and

These have been achieved by involving highly-reputable, quality partners, and by executing rele-

training of players and coaches.

vant projects.

The establishment of partnerships along with the definition of a concerted strategy in international

At the same time, Liga Portugal needs to assert itself more as an agent that promotes change. For

markets - especially in countries that have players and coaches playing in Portugal, as well as in

this, it needs greater visibility and protagonism in a national and international context, as well as a

countries that attract Portuguese players and coaches - are key to the success of this strategy.

model of governance that is more suited to the challenges it faces.

The leadership of Liga Portugal, with the intervention axes and the global strategy in mind, defined

It is equally important to change course according to the valuation of Portuguese Professional

five strategic axes for the 2019-23 cycle.

Football competitions, making them more competitive, more sustainable in financial terms, and

The long-term partnership established between Liga Portugal and EY has been instrumental for the

more transparent.

cycle of growth of Portuguese Professional Football.

The future strategy should also boost the industrialisation of Portuguese football, giving priority to its

Thus, several documents were drawn up with the aim of democratising and increasing transpa-

commercial value. Football is an entertainment show, so needs to be sold as such. Good internatio-

rency in the sector. Among these, are the Portuguese Football Yearbook, and the Liga Portugal

nal practices suggest that Liga Portugal should reinforce all aspects that contribute to increasing its

Strategic Plan 2019-23, which served as the basis for defining the approach to be implemented in

spectacularity, thus making it more marketable. At this level, it is absolutely crucial to adopt a con-

this new cycle.

certed strategy between clubs, that overcomes the constraints of the existing cultural paradigm

The constant and continuous work - within the scope of this partnership - involved an exhaustive

and promotes social dialogue.

gathering of information. This allows us to understand the dimension of the sector and its positioning in the national economy, as well as the paths it will have to follow to achieve the objectives that we set ourselves.

February 2018

March 2019

May 2019

July 2019

Strategic Diagnosis Extensive consultation work with the aim of a more indepth knowledge about Portuguese football, as well as Liga Portugal and its role in European and World football.

Strategy and Action Plan 2019-23 Strategy and action plan to respond to the existing challenges and constraints, aiming to position Portuguese football among the five main European leagues and promoting it as a business.

Business Plan 2019-23 Document of an operational nature and internal jurisdiction of Liga Portugal, with the Financial Plan associated with the implementation of the actions identified and presented in the Strategic Plan for the 2019-23 cycle.

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2.3. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES This action plan is based on the presentation of the concrete actions to be carried out within one year. These are based on the main strategic objectives that have been macro-defined for the 201923 cycle, and which have contextualised the following four action plans. Thus, the strategic objectives for the 2019-23 cycle are:









Stimulate the competitiveness of competitions, by planning for the best structure for their competitive models and frameworks;

Invest in global expansion, seeking to project Portuguese Professional Football beyond borders, as well as to diversify its sources of revenue;

Ensure the financial sustainability of Sports Companies, through effective implementation of demanding rules for enrolment in competitions;

Promote an active policy for technological innovation as a catalyst towards an honest and healthy sports environment, as well as for emotional and commercial ties with fans;






Stimulate the adoption of a joint, across-the-board strategy to combat manipulation and corruption by actors in football, to ensure the integrity of the sport;



Counter some of the cultural idiosyncrasies that hinder the implementation of a more advantageous business model;

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Develop commercial strategies that meet the new consumer profile and their needs;



Implement a new governance model - simultaneously democratic, agile, and reliable - that promotes a modern management of Liga Portugal.


Contribute towards the qualification and increase in value of the show, stimulating the interest of partners and boosting a greater economic return;



Prepare for reflection of new challenges faced by Sports Companies in relation to their audiovisual rights.


Contribute to social dialogue, converging the interests among the protagonists of the game;

| 2019-20 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 13

2.3 STRATEGIC AXES OF INTERVENTION The strategic objectives of Liga Portugal for the 2019-23 timeframe were clearly defined. These objectives of an operational nature are translated into five axes of action and development, resulting in 90 areas of concrete action. For each strategic axis defined, a set of objectives was identified. These will be delivered in 90 specific actions and projects. Despite the development of a 4-year Strategic Plan, it is in the document now presented as the Action Plan where the tasks to be implemented are materially and financially laid out.

1 1. Approve and implement a new model of credible, democratic, and professional governance that facilitates decision-making and ensures greater transparency and accountability of management at all levels. 2. Promote a study to gauge how the organisation is perceived by its primary stakeholders, assessing the positioning of the institution and devising strategies that promote the brands associated with Portuguese Professional Football. 3. Develop a Liga Portugal - Sports Companies Trainee Programme, in order to acquire and retain talent. 4. Strengthen the organic structure of Liga Portugal to keep up with growing needs, allowing for the development and implementation of future strategies and projects. 5. Raise the degree of professionalism of management at the upper and middle levels, as well as increase the degree of academic qualifications and international experience of staff. 6. Adopt a policy of continuous training, allowing for the flow of professionals between Liga Portugal and the various football institutions across the world. 7. Postgraduate in Management: capitalise on the current postgraduate degree to attract international expertise for the purpose of internal training.


Strategy for greater visibility and protagonism of Liga Portugal. 8. Postgraduate in Marketing: carry out a postgraduate degree in Marketing in Professional Football, in partnership with the Universidade Católica de Braga’s Faculty of Communications. 9. Institutionalise a follow-up session of the strategic plan on a six-month basis. 10. Promote a semi-annual staff meeting. 11. Consolidate the reporting and accountability policies. 12.Expand and optimise funding sources, focusing on commercial activity and thus strengthening the financial position. 13.Promote a support study to evaluate the feasibility of negotiation in the future of television rights. 14. Create a Centre for Studies and Research on Portuguese Professional Football, in close collaboration with the academic world. 15. Think Tank: further the concept of think-tanks, stimulating synergies and complementarities with other entities. 16. Use the Ambassadors’ project to positively promote football, its culture, and the values of Liga Portugal and its competitions. 17. Reformulate and resize Liga Portugal’s marketing strategy, seeking to free the institutional side from the more operational side.

18. Promote a new agenda with the media, political and sports actors, as well as international organisations, thus adopting a more interventive strategy in the various theatres. 19. Present a multimedia mega-campaign that highlights the advantages of aggregation for those involved in professional football. 20. Carry out studies for the implementation of collective actions aimed at the qualification of Sports Companies. 21. Activate the Football Foundation, placing social responsibility at the service of the brand. Launch an emblematic social responsibility initiative per season. 22. Liga Portugal Headquarters: Implement/requalify the best infra-structural conditions to accompany the evolution of needs for the coming years. 23. Create an integrating, dynamic, and modern observatory on the phenomenon of football in Portugal. 24. Brand Equity: develop a strategy to position Liga Portugal alongside major brands, in order to promote institutional growth on par with top European leagues.



Strategy for greater transparency and better regulation of Portuguese Professional Football

25. Develop a digital tool to monitor accounts of Sports Companies, e.g. financial ratios vs targets defined by UEFA, supported by an alert system. 26. Consolidate the Licensing Manual for participation in national competitions, based on the standards of European competitions. 27. Renew the conditions for participation in competitions. 28. Create an official Liga Portugal bookmaker, which will be a driver for new revenues. 29. Create a progressive framework for the implementation of Financial Fair Play targets, inspired by the parameters of Financial Fair Play of UEFA 1.0 and Financial Fair Play of UEFA 2.0. 30. Analysis of Foreign Investment: collaborate with government and administrative authorities on key topics in order to capture international investment in Portuguese football. 31. Pact for Football: create a document on values to be promoted and codes of conduct to be adopted by agents of football. 32. Improve Fair Play prizes, adding rewards and increasing media exposure. 33. Promote the Liga Portugal Work Groups that bring together the technicians with influence at a club-management level.

34. Study the possibility of implementing Goal-line Technology (GLT) in Liga NOS. 35. Introduce technology to support game analysis (e.g. tactical feed), as well as automatic analysis (e.g. tracking available to all teams). 36. Further develop existing platforms with the addition of new features. 37. Create the concept of Fan ID for the accreditation of all football fans who go to the stadiums. 38. Institutional Information: create a data link between Liga Portugal and the Portuguese Football Federation. 39. Develop training courses for sports commentators. Provide information to promote the positive element of football.



Integrated strategy for greater commercial value of the game, managed as a business

40.Lead campaigns to encourage fair play and the promotion of the game together with fans. 41.Increase the creation of educational, festive, positive, and civic content for football as a sports show for families. 42.Promote a study on the current consumer profile, configuring differentiated commercial strategies for the different supporter profiles. 43.Develop training courses and forums for various types of football agents, including players, coaches, match officials, team officials and representatives. 44.Stimulate the presence of families at stadiums with a programme of initiatives aimed for this purpose. 45.Pink Fan: encourage the presence of women, with a range of initiatives aimed at this segment. 46.Audience: develop engagement mechanisms with clubs, which contribute to obtaining higher attendance rates. 47.Violence in the Game: devise a campaign for the eradication of violence in the sport, in conjunction with the Authority for the Prevention and Combat of Violence in Sport. 48.Set up, in partnership with broadcasters, a weekly programme to be held in the vicinity of a stadium.

49.Conduct a study for the optimisation of the competitive model and identification of the best structure among competitions. 50.Television Broadcasts: draw up a proposal for a performance guide that harmonises the recording, production, and broadcasting of games, and that promotes the show. 51.Promote the classification of stadiums and accessibilities with the elaboration of specifications. 52.Fan Zones: develop and promote their proliferation. 53.Implement a campaign to promote a status of tax benefits for footballers. 54.Advocate before the right authorities for the reduction of VAT to 6% on tickets for football matches. 55.Sports accidents insurance: defend a clear objectivity of the law to reduce the insurance premiums paid by Sports Companies. 56.Aim to increase the properties for the naming sponsor. 57.Prepare a feasible and measurable Business Plan.

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BETTING ON DIGITAL Strategy to accelerate digitalisation at Liga Portugal and in Portuguese football

58.Establish an autonomous Digital Department with an appropriate budget and structure for future challenges. 59. Further the development strategy of channels, with the creation of a study to maximise their return. 60. Implement a new model of communication between advertising and marketing. 61. Improve the Liga Portugal digital platforms for the purposes of branding and buzz, for better generation of traffic and conversions (CRM/FRM development). 62. Develop a study that analyses the tools to be used (e.g. SEO, CRO, etc.), as well as the return on investments in digital marketing. 63. Encourage Sports Companies to define and implement a digital strategy through the creation of specific digital guidelines. 64. Produce digital content that stimulates the increase in fans from different geographies to their idols playing in national competitions. 65. Use international bloggers and YouTubers to promote the spectacularity of competitions and their participants.

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66. Partners: seek solutions for the development of projects with major players in the digital world. 67. Develop an integrated e-commerce platform (together with the Sports Companies) for the online sale of merchandise. 68. Define a sponsoring strategy. 69. Reinforce the commitment to eSports and gaming. 70. Qualification and international appreciation of the eLiga. 71. Create, classify, and promote the concept of e-Fan internationally. 72. Improve digital content via the LIGA TV channel (in the form of a video-on-demand and/or webTV platform). 73. Digital Media Operator: implement a digital media operator creative strategy (in the form of a video-on-demand and/or webTV platform)



Strategy to obtain a significant international appeal for Liga Portugal

74. Draw up an internationalisation plan for Liga Portugal, including adequate human, material, and financial resources. 75. Formally create the “Internationalisation Department” within the internal organisation chart of Liga Portugal. 76. Promote a study to support the assessment of the viability of negotiations for international television rights in the future. 77. Prepare a roadshow for international bid placement. 78. Design and implement collective actions and/or joint projects to finance internationalisation (e.g. PT2020). 79. Set up Liga Portugal shops in the main airports in Portugal. 80. Create simultaneous Fan Zones for Portuguese communities outside of Portugal. 81. Foster greater proximity to international agencies. 82. Form partnerships with relevant international players. 83. Develop and implement the internationalisation process for the Taça da Liga. 84. Carry out training sessions and develop consulting and training projects in countries belonging to the PALOP countries.

85. Use the Ambassadors as promoters of Liga Portugal, its competitions, and the Sports Companies in foreign markets. 86. Create a database of players with varied audiovisual content that allows for the development of content to be broadcast in international media, thus facilitating interactions with international partners and enriching the Liga TV channel. 87. Participate in international fairs to promote Liga Portugal and its competitions. 88. Create international competitions (e.g. Torneio Quadrangular, Copa Ibérica). 89. Cooperation: define protocol allowing the joint use of international offices. 90. Adopt LaLiga as a strategic benchmark.

All actions to be implemented must be measured in results and be consistently geared to achieve the five strategic axes. Liga Portugal intends to play an increasingly interventive role with regard to the services it provides to Sports Companies, as well as in the search for a financing model that allows for higher levels of income for Portuguese Professional Football in general, and, more specifically, for Liga Portugal. In addition to developing actions of greater commercial and promotional coordination with Sports Companies, such as developing an internationalisation plan that can be supported by European funds, developing commercial proposals with higher levels of integration, as well as finding new drivers of revenue, such as consultancy, marketing of official products, training, generation of information, among others. This path of diversification for the source of revenues by Liga Portugal is already being followed. However, new projects need time to reach economic maturity. The fact that Liga Portugal is simultaneously implementing all of its investment projects means that everyone is still in a phase of development instead of economic and financial maturity.

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3. 2019-20 SEASON Competitiveness and emotion continue to shape Portuguese Professional Football. The three Liga Portugal competitions are characterised by the quality of the show and the game’s intervenients.

SL Benfica kick off the 2019-20 season as hol-

second on this list. The Top Scorer also came

to repeat, or even improve, in 2019-20. Howe-

of some is the downfall for others, especially in

ders of the National Champion title - secured

from SL Benfica: Seferovic wrapped the sea-

ver, their other opponents will certainly have

a Liga NOS that has not lacked competitive-

in Round 34 of last season with an expressive

son up with a total of 23 goals - three more

a say in this. Sporting CP, Liga NOS’ 3rd-pla-

ness. There were plenty of nail-biting emotions

(4-1) victory over Santa Clara. The Luz club

than second-placed Bruno Fernandes.

ced team, as well as SC Braga and Vitória SC,

right down to the last minute of the relega-

entered the final round only needing a draw,

As far as defending is concerned, it was the

complete the league’s Top 5, which means

tion battle to see who would be the last team

which would grant them 1st place and their

blue and whites who stood atop the podium,

that these are the teams that will represent

to head to LigaPro for 2019-20. GD Chaves

37th league title. FC Porto, however, promi-

with only 20 goals conceded, shadowing

Portuguese Professional Football in European

lost to a direct opponent, CD Tondela, and

sed not to give up, ultimately losing out only

Benfica’s number of 31. A statistic worthy of

competitions. It is also a special season for Gil

couldn’t resist the cruelty of numbers. The

due to their main rival’s result.

note: there were 826 goals scored in the Liga

Vicente, which, after 13 years of the “Mateus

team from Trás-os-Montes thus joined CD Na-

The National Champion finished the season

NOS this season - exactly the same number

case”, have been reinstated in Liga NOS. The

cional - relegated on Round 33 - and CD Fei-

with the best attacking record, having scored

as those scored in 2017-18. These are figures

Barcelos team joins the top league for 2019-

rense, which, with only 20 points earned, had

103 goals - 29 more than FC Porto, who were

that both SL Benfica and FC Porto will want

20 and promises for an exciting return. The joy

already consummated their fate long ago.

| 2019-20 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 21

Competitiveness. This is the word that de-

over their direct opponents, evidenced by

team finished the season with 43 points (the

fines the 2018-19 LigaPro season. Matters

their numbers and the 20-point advantage

same as Ac. Viseu and UD Oliveirense), yet

were successively postponed until the end,

over 3rd-placed Estoril Praia. The final round

were only 3 points (!) clear of 16th-placed

particularly regarding relegation to the

would come to confirm this reality, with FC

FC Arouca, who could not avoid relega-

Campeonato de Portugal. As for promotion

Famalicão - having only a small chance of

tion. SC Braga B and Vitória SC B followed

to the Liga NOS, FC P. Ferreira, led by Vítor

aspiring to 1st place - losing their match at

that same downward path and will no lon-

Oliveira, were the first team to clinch that


ger be part of the professional leagues.

spot - even if the league title was only won

Back to intense battles. Numbers are our

Two more teams will move up from the

on the last round after a win (2-0) over CD

best ally, and all it takes is a look at 10th-pla-

Campeonato de Portugal and join the

Cova da Piedade. The team from the Ca-

ced SC Farense’s point tally to realise that

2019-20 LigaPro season. However, these are

pital of Furniture showed their supremacy

emotions were running high. The Algarve

still to be decided over promotion playoffs.

| 2019-20 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 23

Four months after having reached Spor-

3-1 advantage to seal the title.

ted aside Pedro Proença, the “Dragons”

ting CP’s presidency, Frederico Varandas

This was, in fact, the team from Alvalade’s

and “Eagles” went head to head in a har-

achieved a much-desired title. This was the

modus operandi to reach the final, after

d-fought “clássico”. Brahimi gave FC Porto

first silverware for the new leadership team

having defeated SC Braga in the cup’s

the lead, but Rafa Silva levelled the score.

and Marcel Keizer, won from the spot-kick

semi-final in a game that also ended in a

Marega would then restore the lead for FC

over a penalty shootout. The Allianz CUP

draw (1-1) after regulation time. Dyego Sou-

Porto, and Fernando Andrade sealed the

final between FC Porto and Sporting CP en-

sa scored early (3’) for the hosts, but, still in

blue and white victory. This result meant Ser-

ded with a draw (1-1) after regulation time,

the first half, Sebastián Coates equalised

gio Conceição’s team were through to the

with the “Lions” ultimately securing the win.

at the 37’ mark. The scoreboard remained

final. All in all, it was a competitive Allianz

Curiously, it was FC Porto who scored first.

unchanged right to the end, where Marcel

CUP with huge success - both inside and

Fernando Andrade waited until the 79th mi-

Keizer’s team would go on to show their su-

outside the stadium.

nute to break the deadlock, but Bas Dost

periority in the penalty shootout, winning by

In the Fan Zone, there was no time for rest,

left it to the dying seconds of the match


with daily activities filling Braga’s city centre.

(90+2’) to put one past Vaná Alves and

In the other semi-final, the first one, FC Porto

From the Liga Portugal Ambassadors, to the

bring the score level. The late equaliser

overcame SL Benfica to make it through to

presence of Rádio Comercial and SportTV,

meant the game would be taken to penal-

the final. With the presidents of both clubs,

as well as the Fan Music, there were many

ties, which Sporting came out on top with a

Pinto da Costa and Luís Filipe Vieira, sea-

fun reasons to visit this area of the city.

| 2019-20 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 25

Teams in the 201

Competitions 9-20

4. OPERATIONAL OBJECTIVES 2019-20 To ensure that, strategically, the defined actions will allow reaching the objectives set for the four-year period, short-term strategic objectives were identified. These allow for maturity to be reached in the short and medium-term.

Operational Objectives 2019-20

Financial Objectives

Commercial Objectives

Total revenue target


Commercial revenue target


Target Debt Ratio (P/CP)

Distribution of income to Sports Companies target (services, products, and financial value)

164% Total target operating results


€1,022,880 Target Solvency Ratio (CP/P)

T61% Average payment deadline to suppliers

New sponsorships target

€750,000 / season

30 days

| 2019-20 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 31

Advertising and Communication Objectives LIGA PORTUGAL WEBSITE

● Page views - 11,000,000 ● Unique users - 2,000,000 ● Sessions - 4,000,000



LIGA PORTUGAL APP ● Screen views - 40,000,000 ● Total users - 160,000 ● Active users - 125,000 ● Sessions - 14,000,000

● Screen views - 65,000,000 ● Unique registered users - 100,000 ● Sessions - 18,000,000



LIGA PORTUGAL FACEBOOK • ● Number of Followers - 75,000 ● Interactions - 27,000,000 ● Reach - 15,000,000 ● Post Engagement Rate % (Average) - 0.20%


● Number of Followers - 10,000

● Number of Followers - 2,500

● Number of Followers - 450,000

• ● Number of Followers - 5,000

● Interactions - 2,000,000

● Interactions - 50,000

● Interactions - 160,000,000

● Interactions - 60,000

● Reach - 1,400,000

● Reach - 25,000

● Reach - 40,000,000

● Reach - 40,000

● Post Engagement Rate % (Average) - 1.90%

● Post Engagement Rate % (Average) - 0.20%

● Post Engagement Rate % (Average) - 2.50%

● Post Engagement Rate % (Average) - 15.00%




● Number of Followers - 370,000 ● Interactions - 35,000,000 ● Reach - 16,000,000 ● Post Engagement Rate % (Average) - 0.80%


● Expected user base - 60,000 ● Number of Subscribers - 2,000

● Number of Followers - 4,000

● CTR% - 3.50%

● Interactions - 400,000

● Interactions - 100,000

● Open Rate % (Average) - 22%

● Video views - 70,000

● Post Engagement Rate % (Average) -

● Bounce Rate % (Average) - 1%


● Unsubscribe Rate % (Average) - 0.35%


• ● €1,300 million AVE in Liga NOS ● €160 million AVE in LigaPro

● 3.7 million spectators for Liga NOS

● €240 million AVE in Allianz CUP (including

● 550 thousand spectators for LigaPro

Final Four)

● 300 thousand spectators for Allianz CUP

● €97 million AVE in Allianz CUP Final Four


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5. ACTION PLAN 2019-20

Liga Portugal is structured into a group of departments that guarantee the execution of actions and that allow leveraging the defined strategy, enabling the previously laid out objectives to be met.

The projects and activities to be developed can be classified into two large groups:


je o r l p ities a s r iv ve act s n


n sa


which in many situations are led by one of the departments - require the joint, organised, and unified participation of the various departments, and are therefore transversal to the entire organisation;

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je sp cts a ec n de ific d ac pa to t rtm ea ivitie en ch s despite contributing to the whole, these are t concentrated and developed in a specific way by one department.

The various departments also develop a set of actions that, although not isolated, are specific to each department. These tasks are aligned with the strategic orientation, as well as with the objective of achieving the goals set by the organisation.



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Kick-Off 2019-20

● Continue to award official prizes, boos-

● Monitor home-grown and Under-23

Leading the launch of the season, Kick-Off

ting the competition’s talent and promo-

players, using the LigaPro match reports,

marks the beginning of professional com-

ting the best professionals and the various

ensuring that the Sports Companies inclu-

petitions held by Liga Portugal: Liga NOS,

stakeholders of Liga Portugal;

de the minimum number of these players

LigaPro, and Allianz Cup.

● Define the concept of delivering the tro-

required by regulation, in order to enable

It is intended to be the first significant mo-

phy to the winner, so that, at the beginning

the training of the young Portuguese pla-

ment of the season, both in the Portugue-

of April, it is possible to approach the res-


se football scene and in society in general.

pective Sports Companies in order to make

● Develop new opportunities and cam-

The event will feature the draw for all three

them cognisant of the planned event;

paigns to promote the competition and its

competitions, with an award ceremony to

● Promote the competition in a 360º logic

young talents, while also emphasising the

be broadcasted on television.

(fans, families, sponsors, partners, commu-

continuity of the LigaPro magazine - un-


nity, and tourists), to increase the number of

der the care of Liga Portugal, and others;

spectators at Liga NOS stadiums;

● Develop a campaign to attract new

● Restructure the model of commercial ex-

sponsors and/or partners for award cere-

PIn addition to the usual planning of the ga-

ploitation of properties that can be marke-

monies and other initiatives, as well as for

mes and their scheduling - ensured by the

ted in this competition, with the support of

other assets still available in this competi-

Competitions Department - this competi-

the Sports Companies;

tion, with a view to boost its exposure;

tion will require the integration and partici-

● Develop the Competition Manual;

● Encourage broadcasters to improve

pation of the various departments of Liga

● Increase technological integration, na-

the quality of match transmission (cur-

Portugal, always in constant communica-

mely in terms of the competition’s manage-

rently all are broadcast via conventional

tion and coordination.

ment and operational applications.

operation or streaming);

Throughout the season, there will be a set of


● Define the concept of delivering the

Liga NOS

actions aimed at promoting and projecting

trophy to the winner, so that, at the be-

it, namely:


● Define new brand initiatives for the 2019-

The focus of Liga Portugal for this compe-

the respective Sports Companies in order

20 season, together with sponsors and

tition is to find a new naming sponsor for

to make them cognisant of the planned

partners, as well as in cooperation with the

LigaPro, giving the league greater visibility.


Sports Companies, television operators,

It also envisages the implementation of fac-

● Develop the Competition Manual.

and other sports agents;

tors aimed at the requalification, professio-


● Implement an opening ceremony to ce-

nalisation, increasing value, and promotion

lebrate the start of the League;

of LigaPro, namely, through higher-quality

● Ensure greater media exposure for this

pitches, infrastructures, and organisation.

competition, with a view to increasing its

In a coordinated manner, a set of actions

advertising value equivalency (AVE);

will be carried out over the 2019-20 sea-

● Create new opportunities with spon-


sors and partners, namely in terms of their

● Implement a Stimulation Plan for Liga

clients’ engagement and experiences with

Pro, already defined during the 2018-19

the game;


ginning of April, it is possible to approach

| 2019-20 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 41

Allianz CUP and Final Four

more stability to the competition. From an

brand initiatives in the various stages of the

dium activities;

Allianz CUP has stood out for its entertaining

operational point of view, this allows for a


● Coordinate all players involved: from

show, full of emotion, revealing a very inte-

better streamlining of the event, providing

● Ensure the organisation, support, and

the host city to the security forces, sponsors,

resting return per Euro invested.

for a more efficient and cost-effective im-

coordination of draws & fixtures throughout

clubs, and other entities;

The strong investment in the #semanado-


the competition;

● Consolidate creative ways to involve

futebol (#footballweek) concept - with the

For the next edition, we intend to find new

● Organise all the operational mechanics of

sponsors and to attract new partnerships;

creation of a Fan Zone in the centre of Bra-

formulas to attract even more fans and part-

the stadium in order to hold the Final Four in

● Provide all conditions necessary to the

ga, where ancillary activities took place - re-

ners to the #semanadofutebol.

all aspects, including ticketing, game organi-

teams involved;

gistered, yet again, a much higher adhesion

This way, concrete and integrated actions

sation, transport, accommodation, catering,

● Together with television operators and

rate than previously anticipated. More than

are ensured by the various departments to

accreditation, security, signage, promotion,

the media, develop a greater interest in this

200 thousand fans participated in the nu-

achieve common objectives, highlighted for

communication, protocol, marketing opera-

competition. This may entail creating more

merous activities that took place in the Fan

this season:

tions, ceremonies, among others;

interactive content that better appeals to


● Consolidate the naming of the cup and

● Develop several marketing, communica-


In 2020, the Final Four will take place in the

ensure greater media exposure for the com-

tion, public relations, and promotional tools

● Create and implement the integrated

last week of January. Braga will, once again,

petition, as well as the sponsors associated

to create awareness and consolidate acti-

promotion and communication plan for the

host the Final, for the third consecutive time.

with it;

vities already implemented, such as eSports,

competition over the three stages.

From a competitive point of view, this brings

● Develop and implement Allianz CUP

Fan Music, Fan Race, among other non-sta-


42 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2019-20 SEASON |

ANNUAL CONFERENCES Working Groups and Annual Conferences

working year of the respective Working

lowing areas:

changes and the creation of tools and me-

Groups with the presentation of their pro-

● Competitions;

chanisms that increase efficiency, value, and

The Working Groups at Liga Portugal are

posals and conclusions, which will then be

● Content and Media;

potential of competitions in general, and of

intended to promote a debate between

incorporated into the various regulations.

● Finance;

Sports Companies in particular.

the staff and the Sports Companies’ ad-

Liga Portugal will hold the fourth edition of

● Legal;

Next season, and as presented at the

ministrators, concerning common issues

the Annual Conference, on 2 April 2020,

● Marketing;

Annual Conference in April 2019, a new the-

related to the competition, marketing,

at an event that will take place at the

● Technology;

me will be introduced: Social Responsibility,

advertising, technology, prevention and

José Alvalade Stadium in Lisbon.

● Prevention and Safety;

given the importance that football has, not

safety, as well as legal and financial as-

Five periodic meetings of each Working

● Social Responsibility.

only in sports but in society in general as well.


Group are scheduled each season to dis-

These groups aim to align the various collec-

Thus, the themes laid out for the 2019-20 sea-

The Annual Conference concludes the

cuss topics of collective interest in the fol-

tive themes, with a view towards regulation

son are as follows:


Competitive framework model; Infrastructure value;






Media accreditation;

Financial conditions;

Regulation of Liga Portugal eSports;


Digital stadium;

Promotion of competitions.

New technologies in football; Internationalisation of Liga Portugal; Coaching sports agents.

44 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2019-20 SEASON |

Totonegócio; Sports betting.

Analysis of changes defined by FIFA; Taxation in professional football.

Ticketing / Stadium;



Digital security; Digital football.



Monitoring the enforcement of the law;

Values in football;

FAN ID; Violence prevention regulations.

Liga Environment; Social responsibility in football.

Liga Portugal Talent Hub

In light of the signals that the Portuguese

The Liga Portugal Talent Hub emerges fol-

football industry is emitting, it is vital that

lowing the success achieved by the first

Liga Portugal increases the demand for the

three editions of the Postgraduate Degree

skills of its professionals. This is an opportu-

in Organisation and Management in Profes-

nity to, through training, share some of the

sional Football and the launch of the new

experience that characterises us, improving

Postgraduate Degree in Advertising in Pro-

the know-how in specific domains.

fessional Football.

Football is an industry which, given the

Liga Portugal inaugurated this new centre

millions that it involves and the growing in-

with the aim of bolstering the professional-

ternational gulf, needs to be more profes-

ism of all agents in football and attracting

sionalised. This means that all its interpreters

new talent to the sector.

must be better trained. The courses are

Parallel to the well-reputed Postgradua-

scheduled to begin in September and will

tion in Organisation and Management

take place at the Liga Portugal headquar-

and a prestigious partnership with Universi-

ters, in Porto.

dade Catรณlica do Porto - which provides a


unique standard of education in the most diverse fields regarding professional competitions, such as organisation, marketing and advertising, legal framework, Sports Companies management and accounting - the 1st Edition of the Postgraduation in Communication in Professional Football was launched. This course features a technical and scientific degree on par with the best universities in the country and aims to develop the new themes in the sector. Journalism, new media, and ethics are some of the topics addressed in this course. The most recent Liga Portugal course was in partnership with the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Universidade Catรณlica de Braga. Both training courses have a distinguished teaching body, from both the Porto and Braga Universidade Catรณlica, as well as renowned guests from the world of Professional Football.

Presidents’ Summit Last season, Liga Portugal hosted three Presidents’ Summits, in which the top directors of the 32 Sports Companies of professional football competitions were present. Over this past season, key issues for the development of the Professional Football industry were discussed by the Presidents of Sports Companies. In 2019-20, two Presidents’ Summits are planned to be held, further promoting one of the strongest values of Liga Portugal - Aggregation. ////////////////////////////////////////////////

Copa Ibérica

● Promote

The Copa Ibérica (Iberian Cup) takes

the Liga Portugal brand and Portuguese

participating clubs, among others;

place under the cooperation agreement


● Devise creative ways to engage spon-

signed in September 2017 between Liga

● Organise all the operational mechan-

sors and form new partnerships;

Portugal and LaLiga, aimed at the devel-

ics of the stadium in order to successfully

● Provide all conditions necessary for all

opment of Portuguese and Spanish foot-

carry out the event in all aspects, including

teams involved;


ticketing, match organisation, transport,

● Together with television operators and

This was the first step taken by Liga Portugal

accommodation, catering, accreditation,

media, develop a greater interest for this

towards the internationalisation of Portu-

safety, design, signage, promotion and

competition. This may involve creating

guese Professional Football and its teams,

production of content, protocol, market-

more interactive content, that appeals

corresponding to the current demands of

ing operations, ceremonies, among others;

more to fans;

this industry.

● Develop several initiatives for market-

● Stimulate football-centric festive days

Last season, Liga Portugal and LaLiga

ing, advertising, public relations, as well as

with the creation of a Fan Zone in Portimão;

Foundation hosted the first edition of the

promotional tools, to generate awareness

● Hold a charity event in conjunction with

Copa Ibérica - Iberian Encounters. Four

and consolidate the competition;

the competition, for about 100 guests.

teams from Liga NOS and LaLiga Santand-

● Define brand initiatives with LaLiga,


er (Spain) participated in this competition.

sponsors and partners, as well as in coop-

In 2019-20, the second edition of the Copa

eration with Sports Companies, television

Ibérica will be held between 19-21 July in

operators, and other sports agents;

Portimão. The competition will have four

● Create moments with fans, sponsors,

games and will feature four teams: two

and partners, namely in terms of experi-

Portuguese and two Spanish.

ences and engagement with the compe-

Over the course of this competition, a set


of actions will be set in place to test its pro-

● Promote the competition in a 360º logic

motion and projection, namely:

(fans, families, sponsors, partners, commu-

● Promote the naming of the competition

nity, and tourists), in order to increase the

and ensure a high media exposure of the

number of spectators at Portimão stadium;


● Articulate among all parties involved,

48 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2019-20 SEASON |




from the host city, security forces, sponsors,

For reference, in the 2018 USA edition, 78

fessional Football. This event’s programme

In 2019-20, as in previous seasons, the

countries and 91 companies were repre-

features the interventions of the Director of

Match Centre will remain in operation

sented, featuring services and partnerships.

Global Communications of LaLiga, Joris Evers,

throughout the sports season, with the aim

In total, over 120 speakers took to the stage.

and university professor Gisela Gonçalves

of monitoring all matchdays of professional


(Beira Interior University), among others;

football competitions.

● 2020 Refereeing Lab, held by the Por-

The consolidation of the Match Centre

Liga Portugal is an institutional partner of Soc-

tuguese Association of Football Referees

corresponds to the formalisation and sys-

cerex, an event of international significance


tematisation of already existing practices.

that will take place on 5 and 6 September

● I Forum of Liga Portugal Captains, organ-

These aim to strengthen the professionali-

2019 in Oeiras. The event will discuss several

ised in conjunction with the Players’ Union.

sation in the operational management of

points related to the business of football and

For this season, the second cycle of Thinking

competitions, as well as to provide greater

is scheduled to take place in our country - in

Football is scheduled to take place from 2 to

efficiency and rigour.

Oeiras - for the coming three years.

3 September, bringing together, for a single


Over these two days, Portugal will be the

week, all those involved in national and inter-


focal point of global football. It is with great

Thinking Football

pride that Liga Portugal has allied itself to this

Last season, Liga Portugal launched the

By joining forces with Soccerex, Liga Portugal

event, which will propagate Portuguese Pro-

Thinking Football cycle of events, which aim

intends to concentrate a multitude of events

fessional Football as a brand around the world.

to encourage reflection, debate, and the

relevant to the Professional Football industry.

Combining synergies with this major global

presentation of proposals related to the fu-


event, it was decided that this would be

ture of professional football.

an opportunity to conduct an entire week

The first cycle took place from 21 to 25 Jan-

dedicated to the Promotion of Football with

uary, within the context of the Allianz CUP

the completion of various awareness initi-

Final Four. Over these successive days, Hotel

atives for Liga Portugal - culminating in its

Vila Galé, in Braga, brought together agents

presence at the Soccerex event.

of Professional Football, including managers,

Thus, the following events will take place

players, referees, and team officials.

from 2 to 6 September:

During this week, several forums and discus-

● Allianz CUP 3rd stage draw;

sion groups aimed at the presentation and

● Forums with the main Liga Portugal

discussion of topics shared by all agents of


the sector were hosted.

● Presidents’ Summit;

● I Forum of Liga Portugal Coaches, in an

Match Center

● Swearing-in of the 2019-20 Ambassadors;

initiative jointly organised with the National

The Match Centre - Monitoring Centre for

● Liga Portugal presence at Soccerex.

Association of Football Coaches;

Professional Football - is intended to moni-

This year, Soccerex returns to China in

● Football Associations Meeting, together

tor the matches of three competitions, thus

May, and to the United States in Novem-

with the Braga Football Association;

providing centralised support to the dif-

ber, so having Portugal on its internation-

● Social Dialogue Meeting;

ferent agents involved in the organisation

al tour is an important milestone for our

● 1st Edition of FuteCOM - National Meeting

of matches, including delegates, Sports


of Communication and Press Offices of Pro-

Companies, referees, press, and sponsors.

national football.

| 2019-20 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 51



| 2019-20 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 53


This department is responsible for the administrative and financial duties of Liga Portugal and is entrusted with a set of specific and transversal activities for the 2019-20 sports season. It is also in charge of the financial and administrative monitoring of the entire organisation and the Sports Companies. • Action Plan and Budget Control • Administrative and Financial Monitoring • LigaPro Infrastructure Fund • Competition Licensing Manual • Totonegócio • Liga Portugal Infrastructure Management • Central Liga • Training Programme 2019-20

Action Plan and Budget Control

with the current needs of Liga Portugal;

ning to the Competition and Financial and

of a digital platform for the insertion of

The action plan is the predictive structuring

● Carrying out budgetary control, by cost

Legal areas, Liga Portugal has prepared

data by Sports Companies, in order to mo-

document that contains all the objectives

centre and project, with quarterly monito-

the Licensing Manual for Professional Com-

nitor various indicators, ensuring sporting

and strategies of the organisation. The va-

ring of the ROC, whose reports will be sub-



rious departments will develop their action

mitted quarterly to the management of

These were months of intense work, focu-


plan based on the available budget for

Liga Portugal;

sed on a single objective, which culmina-

the season, which, once approved, is sub-

● Preparing the annual financial state-

ted in its approval by the Board of Directors


ject to a rigorous and transversal review by

ments in accordance with the accounting

and was published in Official Communiqué

This process, which began in 1997, was in-

the Financial Department.

standards in force, reflecting in a true and

no. 216, on March 14, 2019. This manual

cluded as a topic in the Financial Working

Each department’s accountability for its

transparent way the existing financial situa-

encompasses, in a single document, the

Group of the previous season. After the

own budget, under centralised control, will

tion, developing the organisation’s Annual

criteria for sports, legal, infrastructure, and

Sports’ Companies also raised the issue

allow - in an efficient and timely manner - to

Report and Accounts.

financial licensing, as well as the timeline

and various aspects of the theme were

detect budgetary deviations, identify po-


for their presentations and all respective

analysed, it was understood that Totone-

administrative measures for those wishing

gócio should remain in the Working Group

to apply for professional competitions in

for the 2019-20 season, in order to give

tential corrections, and permanently understand the evolution of the budget approved

LigaPro Infrastructure Fund

by the members under General Assembly.

Together with the Sports Companies, Liga

the 2019-20 season.

continuity to the full clarification of exis-

The planning phase will take place from

Portugal will continue to find solutions to

In this context, the Financial Department

ting doubts.

March to May 2020, with financial control

improve the sports infrastructures, so that

- with the support of the Legal Depart-


taking place on the 8th of each month.

the game is increasingly appealing and

ment - will analyse all the documentation

This is then sent to each other department,

valued by its agents, namely its fans and

submitted by the Sports Companies at the

alerting them of any deviations or poten-

direct intervenients.

beginning of the sports season, relating to

Liga Portugal Infrastructure Management

tial deviations, so that contingency plans

The training of talent in an increasingly

compliance with the different criteria. The

Today, and facing a new paradigm, there

can be activated immediately.

competitive market requires the conti-

department will also be responsible for mo-

is an urgent need to carry out a renova-


nuous improvement of infrastructures.

nitoring all the information and preparing

tion and upgrade to the current building,

In this sense, Liga Portugal will continue its

all charts and analyses to be provided to

built in 1999. This is required for us to meet

programme of support for Sports Compa-

the Audit Committee.

the current needs both in terms of human

nies for improved infrastructures, in order to

This will include the receiving and analysis

resources, as well as in terms of functional

Through a wide array of activities all across

boost the value of our industry. This finan-

of the reports and accounts of the Sports

and operational areas.

the board, the Financial Department will

cial support/fund derives from the Statutes

Companies, as well as the monitoring of

Following the renovation of the headquar-

ensure the normal functioning of the admi-

of Liga Portugal and arises from the expec-

the Sports Companies’ economic and fi-

ters building, which began last season,

nistrative and financial areas of Liga Portu-

ted positive results of the commercial ex-

nancial sustainability programme.

the remodelling of the exterior and interior

gal, particularly:

ploitation of the Liga Portugal professional

The aim of this programme is to rationalise

of the building will continue to take place,

● Processing all documents on a daily ba-


spending in relation to revenues and to list

thus allowing the increase of its capacity

sis, allowing for the monthly closing of ac-


objective targets in the respective ratios

and the improvement of its staff’s working

that Sports Companies will have to meet,

conditions. Solving the latent shortage of

Administrative and Financial Monitoring

counts on the 6th day of each month; ● Analysing variations in cash-flow needs

Competition Licensing Manual

to balance the industry in general, as well

space and placing the buildable space

and resources on a monthly basis, keeping

In association with the Sports Companies

as the Sports Companies in particular.

at the disposal of the needs of growth and

the treasury budget updated and aligned

participating in the Working Groups pertai-

Plans are underway for the development

organic development at Liga Portugal is a

| 2019-20 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 55

priority of the Board of Directors.

tage through the reduction of costs. This

Next season, the concept, cost-benefit

project is clearly an evolving one and will

Performance Management and Evaluation System (SGAD)

analysis, implementation strategy, and

certainly reach its state of maturity in futu-

Liga Portugal intends to give continuity to

project finance for a new building will be

re seasons.

the implementation of this Evaluation Sys-

developed in order to build new facilities


tem, based on the best international prac-

for Liga Portugal. New facilities will allow for

tices in human resources management.

an increase in capacity, an improvement

Training Programme 2019-20

to the working conditions of the staff, and

The continuity of the internal training pro-

and nurture talent, professionalism, and ag-

will generate revenue.

gramme for Liga Portugal employees is

gregation. The system also aims to assess all

The Financial Department will be responsib-

planned for 2019-20.

Liga Portugal employees and expand their

le for the implementation of this project, as

The development of Training Projects has

skills, thus adding value to the organisation.

well as for the management of the existing

become an integral part of the global


infrastructures, ensuring the improvement

Liga Portugal strategy, from the perspec-

and maintenance of the main headquar-

tive of growth and expansion that ena-

ters building.

bles the enhancement of individual and


organisational flexibility and adaptability.

Central Liga

Using Liga Portugal’s internal resources, we intend to continue the internal training

The Shared Services Centre - Purchase

programmes, which foster the sharing of

Centre was implemented during the pre-

knowledge and good-practices with the

vious sports season. This Centre provides

rest of the team. This way, the programme

various goods and services - in an aggre-

aims to create synergies, generate value,

gated manner and with better conditions

and share knowledge and good practic-

- to the Sports Companies. The Shared

es with team members. The Training Pro-

Services Centre model is characterised by

gramme was developed under the follow-

the aggregation of service management

ing assumptions:

into a single organisational unit.

● Compliance with legal training require-

This platform is managed by the Finan-


cial Department, which is responsible for

● In accordance with the survey of train-

the management of this business area,

ing needs for the 2019-20 season;

as well as for the negotiation of all goods

● Effective assurance of knowledge-shar-

and services. The sharing of value chain

ing and increased skills of Liga Portugal

activities between business units, and in

human resources.

accordance with the first balance of the

During the season, the 2019-20 external

value generated in the previous season,

training programme will be coordinated

the corporate strategy of Liga Portugal

and launched, with a view to addressing

and the Sports Companies allowed to

skills that are not developed internally.

feed, albeit mildly, its competitive advan-


56 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2019-20 SEASON |

The objective of this system is to increase


The core business of Liga Portugal is to ensure the organisation of professional football competitions in Portugal, and the constant analysis of competitive models so that the competitions are self-sustaining. As such, this department represents the focus of Liga Portugal’s activity. The Competitions Department is also responsible for ensuring that all match organisation mechanics are carried out in a normal manner and in full compliance with the applicable regulatory standards. This department liaises with all those involved in the organisation of matches, including security forces, stadium initiatives, municipalities, television operators, among others. For several specific reasons, this department has a number of responsibilities and, every season, performs a series of very unique actions. • Match Scheduling and Sports Calendar • Preparation for the New Sports Season • Sports Accompaniment 2019-20 • Technical Inspection Commission (CTV) • Bid for better pitch conditions • Stadium Licensing • Workshop with the Campeonato de Portugal Sports Companies • Delegates Project • Refereeing and Video-Referee • Analysis of Competitive Competition Models • Accreditation System • Infrastructures Portal • Clubs Portal • Training Courses

Match Scheduling and Sports Calendar

for each respective team, as well as for

● Encourage a closer relationship with the

tory checks throughout the season.

the distribution of official balls for the com-

Sports Companies, allowing for a targeted

Among some of its responsibilities, its ob-

The sports calendar is a fundamental part


accompaniment, adjusted to reality;

jectives are the monitoring of infrastruc-

of the planning for the sports season. Be-

All the information that is gathered during

● Ensure the conformity of documents

tures, supporting Sports Companies, and

fore the start of each season, Liga Portu-

the match is compiled and inserted into

required for each matchday and season,

overseeing pitch conditions.

gal prepares the sports calendar with the

the e-Liga, one of the platforms used by

always per regulatory standards, including

support of the Permanent Committee of

Liga Portugal’s Competitions Department.

models O, P, L, I, and F;

Bid for better pitch conditions

Calendars and the Sports Companies. This

Training is one of the most important tools

● Ensure that all concerned operational

Liga Portugal intends to continue to provi-

initiative takes place in full cooperation

for the performance development of all

teams have the correct knowledge of the

de guidelines to reduce the asymmetry of

with the Portuguese Football Federation.

intervenients. As such, together with mat-

real scenarios and situations;

the playing fields between the various sta-

Throughout the season, following the

ch, safety, and press delegates, Liga Por-

● Coordination, operation, and proce-

diums, thus providing the best conditions

applicable regulatory norms, Liga Portu-

tugal has been developing two workshops

dural follow-up in the context of e-Liga,

for the sport.

gal - in conjunction with the Permanent

that will take place before and during the

ensuring constant updating of this techno-

As a result, for the second consecutive

Committee of Calendars, the Sports Com-


logical tool, in collaboration with the Tech-

season, Liga Portugal presented the Gui-

panies, and television operators - coordi-

Given that safety is an area that can ne-

nology Department;

de for Grass Pitches, which aims to contri-

nates the match scheduling sessions.

ver be overlooked, every season, there is

● Disclosure of the action plan laid out by

bute to the framework and development


also an initiative with the doctors in Profes-

Liga Portugal and the winners of monthly

of Professional Football.

sional Football, in full articulation with the

awards to the Sports Companies;

In this sector, where the competitive and

National Association of Football Doctors.

● Approve actions requested by the Sports

technical requirements are at the highest

Preparation for the New Sports Season

These actions make it possible to conso-

Companies promptly, aligning them, when

level, the good state of conservation of

At the beginning of each season, it is ne-

lidate the active communication with

necessary, with the respective regulations;

the pitches is a fundamental condition to

cessary to create, perfect, and adjust do-

Sports Companies, in order to increase

● Verify and validate, following the Com-

guarantee the quality of the game. Fur-

cuments that allow for a fast, effective,

the quality and entertainment of the com-

petition Regulations, the requests for pro-

thermore, this also affects the evolution

clear, and professional contact between


motional actions requested by the Sports

of the industry, which depends, to a large

the Sports Companies and the Competi-



extent, on the aesthetic image showca-

● Training with partners in order to coordi-

sed on television broadcasts.

nate procedures and to provide expertise

The Competitions Department - in part-

tions Department. ensure its smooth start to the season - is it

Sports Accompaniment 2019-20

to all intervenients;

nership with the Technical Inspection

necessary to liaise with the Marketing De-

In a transversal manner, and through a wide

● Articulate procedures between the va-

Commission and an external partner - will

partment on operational matters. These

range of activities, this department ensures

rious entities and agents involved, including

maintain the monitoring of pitch condi-

include aspects such as stadium initiati-

the monitoring and support of the various

Security Forces, Liga delegates, match offi-

tions and alert teams when necessary,

ves, event sponsors, vouchers to be awar-

aspects of match organisation.

cials, among others.

in order to achieve the high-quality stan-

ded, ticket layout, backdrops, sponsor

During the 2019-20 season, the focus of the


dards of pitch that allow for better perfor-

and partner information, among others.

competitions will be:

It is the Competitions Department, toge-

● Monitor the games on a weekly basis, to

ther with the Sports Companies, that is

manage unexpected situations throughout

Technical Inspection Commission (CTV)

responsible for the management of the

the matchdays, such as, for example, pitch

The Technical Inspection Commission de-

wards better pitch quality, the third edi-

entire operation regarding the official kits


velops monitoring initiatives and regula-

tion of the prize for best football pitch will

Additionally, before the season - and to

mance during competitions. As a way of rewarding the evolution and commitment of the Sports Companies to-

| 2019-20 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 59

be awarded this 2019-20 season.

tion in the Campeonato de Portugal.

these sports agents, increasing the requi-

to obtain indicators regarding future needs

Also within the scope of pitch improve-

This introductory workshop allows Liga

rements in terms of knowledge, skills, and

for change and improvements to compe-

ment, Liga Portugal will hold a second

Portugal to provide the necessary in-



workshop focused on sharing information

formation on the process of profes-

● Continuing the development of the

Continuous monitoring and analysis of the

regarding the various areas of interven-



SAND platform - Support System for the

statistical data of the three competitions

tion, with the aim of ensuring the imple-

initial contacts with a view to expedi-

Appointment of Delegates, in collabora-

will be carried out. Furthermore, a diag-

mentation of best practices.

ting the stadium licensing procedure.

tion with the Technology Department. This

nosis will be made of the current state of

This workshop will count on the presence


new IT platform, at the service of these

affairs, with an evaluation of the internatio-

sports agents, is reflected in greater pro-

nal benchmarking and the delineation of

fessionalism and rigour. The aim of this sys-

a tactics plan and concrete actions for the

of several specialised companies, so as to




provide more knowledge and know-how

Delegates Project

in this area.

Delegates are the sports agents who re-

tem is to provide greater objectivity, crite-

promotion of each of the competitions.

present Liga Portugal at each match.

ria, and a historic record of appointments

These actions aim to obtain information on

Their main objective is to help Sports Com-


competitive formats and improvements

Following the best European practices,

panies to comply with current regulatory


to be considered for the various compe-

Liga Portugal has been anticipating the li-


censing of stadiums in order to enable the

Thus, Liga Portugal’s commitment to trai-

Refereeing and Video-Referee

timely implementation of sports infrastruc-

ning and the conditions under which de-

Liga Portugal will continue to coordinate

tures conditions.

legates perform their duties is increasingly

with the Refereeing Council of the Portu-

Accreditation System

This is an area of major importance, sin-

important. Currently, Liga delegates have

guese Football Federation all the informa-

Liga Portugal will continue to work on a

ce the appreciation of the competition

support tools that contribute and enhan-

tion and logistics necessary to ensure the

more efficient and secure accreditation

necessarily relies on improving the con-

ce their roles.

operation of this aspect.

system, in conjunction with the Technolo-

ditions provided to the fans, media, and

In each round, the logistics for their

In each round, Liga Portugal will monitor

gy Department. The intention is to create

sports agents.

appointment is prepared, and all the ne-

- per regulations - the implementation of

an automatic accreditation module that

Throughout the season, the Technical Ins-

cessary support for the games is provided.

VAR and all the logistics inherent to the

will allow for the replacement of all cre-

pection Commission will monitor the in-

Throughout the season, Liga Portugal has


dentials, for all events, with a QR code

frastructure: particularly, the pitches, whi-

the support of an external company, se-


and scanning applications.

ch are the stage for our competition and

lected through an open tender to carry

the first portrait of each stadium.

out the recruitment, appointment, and

Stadium Licensing

Workshop with the Campeonato de Portugal Sports Companies

titions. ////////////////////////////////////////////////

This platform will define and control the

evaluation of delegates. Always under

Analysis of Competitive Competition Models

the supervision and guidance of Liga Por-

The analysis and monitoring of competitive

process at stadiums and will facilitate


frameworks will always be a theme that will

the intervention of ARDs (Sports Complex

access to stadiums for each game. This way, it will streamline the identification

We will continue to focus strongly on:

have to be on the agenda of the Competi-

Assistants), increasing the security of all

In order to anticipate access to Liga-

● Valuing the performance of delegates

tions Department. This is in order to monitor

agents involved in competitions.

Pro and to ensure accurate unders-

through the current format of recruitment

the various models in international terms,


tanding of the rules and regulations

and access to the cadre. The aim is to

and in full articulation with the format of

for access to competitions organised

enhance the skills and performance of

national competitions.

Infrastructures Portal

by Liga Portugal, an annual workshop

these professionals;

Thus, Liga Portugal will continue the analy-

Liga Portugal will keep working on the

is held for clubs fighting for promo-

● Training and continuous evaluation of

sis of current competitive models, in order

Infrastructures Portal, resulting in the in-

60 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2019-20 SEASON |

tegration of all the information collected

- provided to match delegates, security,

regarding inspections carried out. The

and press.

portal will aggregate the technical data

Moreover, a training session will be carried

sheets of all stadiums, which will be avai-

out with the AMEF (National Association of

lable on the delegate’s tablet and safety

Football Doctors), as well as another ses-

reports, thus optimising the reporting of ir-

sion aimed at sports agents, all in accor-

regular situations.

dance with the guidelines established at

All information collected in the scope of

the Competitions Working Group.

the Technical Inspection Commission will

Once again, priority will be given to trai-

be duly worked and processed through

ning for pitch conditioning.

this portal.



Clubs Portal This portal will continue to be developed so that constant contact can be made with sports agents, referees, and delegates, allowing for the sharing and consultation of match information. It will be a portal of communication between sports agents, the Competitions Department, and e-Liga for verification of reports. This tool will allow Liga Portugal to provide all documentation in a secure way, facilitating its access and verification. In this manner, Liga Portugal will continue the dematerialisation that has been implemented, namely via e-Liga. ////////////////////////////////////////////////

Training Courses Training





areas is a priority for Liga Portugal. The implementation of training for the various agents with specific functions on matchdays has proven to be an added value. For this reason, we will maintain our commitment to training - which is mandatory

| 2019-20 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 63



This department is structured into two main sections, which act in an integrated and coordinated way for the objectives that are common to the whole organisation. Given its specificity and areas of activity, the Legal and Registration Department is fundamental as a support to Liga Portugal’s activity, as well as the other departments and the associated Sports Companies.

LEGAL • Monitoring of Protocols, Contracts, and Legal Situations • Regulatory Changes, Statutes, General Regulations, Official Communiqué no. 1 (CO1) • Legal Accompaniment and Participation in Legislative Amendments • Football Integrity Unit • Joint Arbitration Commission

CONTRACT REGISTRATION • Registration of Contracts and Registration of Players and other Sports Agents • Wage Compliance for Players • Competition Licensing Manual • TRANSFER V3


Monitoring of Protocols, Contracts, and Legal Situations

The Legal division concentrates its acti-

the competitions organised by Liga Por-

From a comparative law perspective, mo-

tugal will be drafted in collaboration with

nitoring the regulatory evolution of other

For 2019-20, the main activities in this area

the other departments, the Sports Com-

leagues, namely European leagues. This

vity on the interpretation and applica-

will be as follows:

panies that are part of the Regulations

will ensure that Liga Portugal adapts its re-

tion of regulations, as well as on the pre-

● Negotiation of collective bargaining

Working Group, and other entities invited

gulations and processes to the best practi-

paration of a proposal for their revision;

agreements with entities such as the

to contribute to the process.

ces of its counterparts.

on the accompaniment and endorse-

Union of Professional Football Players

Also in this process, it is important to point

The accompaniment of partner entities of

ment of legal actions; on the drafting

and the National Association of Football

out the work that will be developed in the

Liga Portugal - such as the Union of Profes-

and analysis of employment contracts,

Coaches, among others;

Working Groups created with the purpo-

sional Football Players, the National Asso-

provision of services, sponsorships, and

● Consultation and legal support to statu-

se of reflecting the real needs of the sport

ciation of Football Coaches, the Portugue-

others; on the issuance of reports, rulings,

tory bodies, as well as other departments

and the Sports Companies in the regula-

se Football Federation, and the Secretary

and affiliates throughout the season.

and responses to consultations, whene-

tory changes.

of State for Youth and Sports - with which

● Respond to all types of notifications

This department will be responsible for

Liga Portugal maintains close relations and

This division has the fundamental action

and solicitations from courts, enforce-

coordinating the work and meetings of

shared views, throughout the whole sea-

to ensure that the organisation of com-

ment agents, the Judicial Police, Public

the Legal and the Prevention and Safety


petitions takes place in strict complian-

Security Police, National Republican

Working Groups, in order to ensure that

For this purpose, it devises and sets out the

ce with the attributions of Liga Portugal

Guard, the Tax Authority, Social Security,

useful conclusions for the promotion and

position of Liga Portugal, analysing docu-

and the legal and regulatory norms that

and other public authorities and entities;

growth of Professional Football in Portugal

ments and projects whilst providing propo-

are presented at the Annual Conference

sals and contributions to the work of these

in April 2020.


In this regard, it should be noted that the


ver solicited, among other activities.

govern them. All while contributing in an essential way to the management of relationships with, and between, Sports Companies and the numerous entities

● Management




throughout the sports season; ● Internal backing of court cases to which Liga Portugal is a party;

proposals that the department prepares

● Monitoring and refining of the protocols

with the Regulations Working Group will

Football Integrity Unit

and its agents.

signed by Liga Portugal and the various

be presented to Liga Portugal’s mana-

The Football Integrity Unit will maintain its

In this way, it is a division responsible for

partnering entities;

gement for subsequent submission to the

operation in strict collaboration with the

vote of associated Sports Companies at

Sports Companies, the Secretary of State

and organisations related to football

regulatory integrity, acting preventively

● Management of the partnership for coo-

and in a way that supervises the rules

peration between entities such as the

the General Assembly.

for Youth and Sports, the Portuguese Foo-

that govern the activity, serving, addi-

Foreign Borders Service, the Portuguese


tball Federation, the Union of Professional

tionally, as a driving force behind the

Football Federation and the Union of

process of adapting regulations to the

Professional Football Players, Social Se-

requirements of competitive models

curity, and the Tax Authority.

and the promotion of competitions.


Regulatory Changes, Statutes, General Regulations, Official Communiqué no. 1 (CO1)

Legal Accompaniment and Participation in Legislative Amendments

Football Players, the Portuguese Association of Football Referees, UEFA, FIFA, LaLiga, as well as the Judiciary Police, Public Prosecution Office, the Santa Casa da

Systematic analysis of legislation in force

Misericórdia, bookmakers, Interpol, and

and in the pipeline, on which it issues opi-

world agencies. This unit will be responsib-

nions and proposals for alteration (contri-

le for preventing and supervising possible

butions) or amendments. This is with a view

match-fixing phenomena, monitoring in-

The proposals to amend the Competition,

to ensuring that the legislation is constantly

ternational reports, controlling complian-

Discipline, and Refereeing Regulations of

adapted to professional competitions.

ce with the principles of financial and

| 2019-20 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 65

sports integrity, and overseeing transfers.

organisations fighting piracy and counter-

To this end - and continuing the project -

feiting. The project also has the direct su-

the refreshing of knowledge, coaching of

pport of the National Institute of Industrial

tutors, and production of teaching mate-


rials will be encouraged.


Through the Match Centre, the department will provide support in all professio-

Joint Arbitration Commission

nal matchdays, regarding integrity issues

The Legal Department will be responsible

in competitions held under the aegis of

for the management and administrative

Liga Portugal.

support to the members of the Joint Arbi-

Commission for the Protection of Intellec-

tration Commission (CAP), particularly the

tual Property

treatment of the files received and dispat-

Given the importance attributed by the

ched, the instruction of proceedings, and

Sports Companies to the fight against the

notifications of dispatch and decisions. This

violation of intellectual property rights, a

department will also be in charge of orga-

team responsible for the implementation,

nising the entire CAP archives.

execution, and maintenance of this pro-


ject will be created. The aim is to focus on four main areas: ● Product counterfeiting; ● Misuse of trademarks and other distinctive commercial features; ● Television broadcasts; ● Protection of Liga Portugal and Sports Companies’ merchandising. For this purpose, this department will carry out the development of procedures and a platform for the aggregation of complaints from Sports Companies and individuals. Legal support may be pre-judicial or judicial, namely by creating drafts of extra-judicial interpellation, of denunciation to the Public Prosecution Office, private accusation, and other documents necessary to combat piracy. This project includes Liga Portugal, the Sports Companies, ASAE, the Judiciary Police, as well as national and international

66 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2019-20 SEASON |

each squad, under the regulatory terms.

From the 2017-18 season, registration of

The registration of players and other sports

players became mandatory through this

This division is responsible for all the proces-

agents is made through the TRANSFER di-


ses associated with the registration of con-

gital platform.

Since July 1, 2018, registration processes

tracts of the various sports agents of the


of all sports agents, technical teams, doc-

Contract Registration

Professional Football sector in Portugal.

Wage Compliance for Players

tors, and other agents, are also required to be conducted through this platform,

This consists of wage compliance by the

thus dematerialising the entire area of

Sports Companies to players and coa-

transfers and registrations in professional

ches, in the periods defined by the regu-


lations within each sports season.

If requested by the Sports Companies,

To allow the assessment of whether the

training sessions may be carried out to

Sports Companies are complying with the

clarify doubts, receive inputs, and en-

Its primary function is to receive, analy-

aforementioned assumption under the

gage the various people responsible for

se, and register employment contracts

terms of the Liga Portugal Competition

using this tool.

of players and coaches, any changes to

Regulations and Disciplinary Regulations,


their clauses - and their termination - tem-

at the risk of being penalised/sanctioned

porary concessions and revocations of


these, as well as the registration and licen-


Registration of Contracts and Registration of Players and other Sports Agents

sing of these players, coaches, and other sports agents in professional competitions.

Competition Licensing Manual

The main stages concerning the act of re-

The Registration Department will collabo-

gistration of contracts and players, which

rate with the Financial Department on the

are closely monitored by this Department,

analysis of the documentation delivered at

will be as follows:

the beginning of the season by the Sports

● Registration periods - July and August

Companies - regarding compliance with

2019; and January 2020;

the mandatory Financial Prerequisites - in-

● Regulatory


cluding all documentation related to salary

player) - September 2019 to February 29,


compliance to players and coaches. Failu-


re to comply with these prerequisites will re-

● Regulatory exception (injured goalkee-

sult in a penalty/sanction.

per, youth player, among others) - Sep-


tember to December 2019; and February to June 2020.


As such, validations will depend on the

TRANSFER - a platform for the registration

submission of documents within the es-

of sports agents - is the result of a joint and

tablished deadlines and will control the

constant work between the Legal Depart-

maximum number of players registered in

ment and the Technology Department.

| 2019-20 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 69

CREATIVITY BOX DEPARTMENT Liga Portugal has been asserting itself as a key player in the promotion and appreciation of the professional competitions it organises. Keeping its core business as the running of competitions, a wide range of new tasks and functionalities have been developed in order for it to comply with the goals set out in its statutes. These include the general guidelines for the promotion, increase in value, and profitability of professional competitions. Thus, several new functional areas were developed, resulting in a large area of operation, designated Liga Portugal Creativity Box. This division is split into two large subdivisions, which naturally contribute towards the same objectives, but that are concerned with the performance of tasks of a different nature, such as:

Marketing, Commercial & Business Development tasks of a more operational nature, ensuring the execution of operational marketing actions, events, among others; actions focused on the financing of Liga Portugal; and where tasks related to the development of new areas of business, research and information are performed.

Content & Media with the responsibility of managing the communication and positioning of Liga Portugal and its competitions, strategically defining its tones of communication, as well as target audiences; the development of the entire digital strategy, both in terms of platform and communications, is this division’s responsibility.

Technological advances have led to pro-

tion between teams. There is clearly a posi-

Liga Portugal brand - and its competitions -

Liga Portugal among its stakeholders, particu-

found global changes, especially regar-

tive relationship between internal commu-

and in finding new sources of revenue.

larly with the Sports Companies and the fans.

ding communications with fans, marketing

nication and corporate effectiveness. Thus,

The Creativity Box Department is hence one

This operational segment is therefore di-

and organisations. The aim of this organisa-

Liga Portugal has defined a functional and

of the vital support teams of Liga Portugal.

vided into two major strategic branches,

tional innovation is to increase the fluidity of

organisational area that is considered fun-

The department aims to develop actions to

each of which aggregates four major areas

communication and the sharing of informa-

damental to increase the awareness of the

increase the penetration and promotion of

of action and operational focus.







Official Products

Business Development



Strategic Planning of Communication

Digital Strategy

Business Intelligence

Public Relations

Digital Ecosystem Development

Operational Promotion


Relationship with Stakeholders

Digital Applications Management

Internal Marketing


Crisis Management

Digital Content Management

Events & Marketing Operations Brand Management

Commercial Area Sponsorship Management

Production of Content


Media Management Production of Press Content


Establishing Action Plan Project Implementation

Media Monitoring Events

| 2019-20 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 71

PROMOTION & COMMUNICATION CAMPAIGNS 2019-20 SEASON In the last four years, Liga Portugal has guided its performance, both in the area of

1. Liga Portugal

operational marketing and in the way it

Liga Portugal Global Positioning

communicates and positions itself, using specific and strategically defined campaigns as its basis.

Football with Talent

As a result, the development of Liga Portugal aims to increase visibility, promote its competitions and products, and create engagement with fans, partners, and Sports Companies. The promotion made through campaigns strengthens the Liga Portugal brand, strengthens its positioning and competitions in an integrated manner and consistent with the

2. Institutional Strengthen Positioning

Events and Activities


guidelines defined for the organisation. Thus, four areas of promotion were identified, which will be the target of campaigns during the 2019-20 season.

3. Competitions

Promotion and Appreciation of Competitions

Events and Matchdays

4. Special Days

Engagement with specific target audiences


72 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2019-20 SEASON |


Monthly Awards Final Four Season Ending




• Liga Portugal Ball Launch Campaign

• Development and Licensing of Liga Portugal

• Marketing and Promotional Materials

Official Products

• Monthly and Annual Awards

• Development of Points of Sale

• Charm Initiatives

• Management and Operationalisation of

• eSports Competitions • Internal Marketing • Team Building • Liga-nos Sorrisos

Official Products Sales • Development of Liga Portugal Merchandising and Gifts

• Commemorative Dates


• Christmas Parties

• Development of Studies

• Liga Environment

• Internationalisation of Liga Portugal

COMMERCIAL AND SPONSORS • Management of Sponsorship and Current Partners • Commercial Activity • Creation of Network of Contacts • Monitoring the Return on Investment of Sponsors and Partners

• Development of Cooperation Platforms with International Leagues and Organisations

Liga Portugal Ball Launch Campaign

oped in a digital environment, according

eSports Competitions

to the targets defined. Thus, for the 2019-

In collaboration with Electronic Arts (EA),

This team is responsible for marketing

20 season, the following publications are

last season, Liga Portugal held the first edi-

operations, events, and brand initiatives,

already defined:

tion of the eLiga Portugal tournament - a

among others. It is responsible for en-

● Annual Conferences;

competition included in the FIFA 19 Glo-

suring the delivery of Liga Portugal’s own

● Football Finance Yearbook 2018-19;

bal Series, which counted with the partici-

marketing actions, as well as those defi-

● Action Report 2019-20;

pation of 15 Liga NOS Sports Companies.

ned with partners and sponsors.

● Action Plan 2020-21;

The tournament was played in the FIFA

This team also carries out, in an integra-

● International Women’s Day brochure.

Ultimate Team mode, in a 1v1 format, on

ted manner, the management of the


the PlayStation 4 platform.


brand, marketing materials, operational

The first edition of this competition deter-

promotion, signage, and Liga Portugal’s

The professional competitions of Liga Por-

Monthly and Annual Awards

outdoor media, supporting the other

tugal will have a new ball, which will be

The concept of monthly and annual


teams in related operational issues.

presented in June 2019.

awards has been a successful bet by Liga

For 2019-20, the goal will be to consolida-

Many of the activities managed and or-

The new ball will be provided by SELECT; a

Portugal to nurture talent, promoting the

te and promote the new Liga Portugal eS-

ganised by this team will be in across-the-

brand already present in a large number

best among the best, and bringing toge-

ports competition and boost the contest

-board projects, as it ends up acting as a

of European leagues - the most important

ther the various Liga Portugal stakehol-

played in the Allianz CUP Final Four, in Ja-

support or coordinating department for

one being the Bundesliga.


nuary 2020.

the other crucial areas for the implemen-

The launch campaign aims to boost the

This asset has generated value through its

After the success of its first two editions, it is

tation of Liga Portugal actions.

image of the ball, through influencers

marketing to sponsors and/or by boosting

urgent to start monitoring the commercial

As clubs in Liga Portugal steadily grow

such as Ambassadors, who will promote

the communication and positioning of

and promotional impact of these events.

in popularity, there is an increase in the

the new SELECT ball alongside various

Liga Portugal.


number of projects and tasks performed

sports agents, stakeholders, and fans.

This concept will be repeated next season

by each collaborator. This team will also


under the same mechanics.

provide support in the area of internal


communication and maintaining high le-

Marketing and Promotional Materials

vels of team morale.

The Marketing team is responsible for the

This activity consists of the development of

development of all marketing and pro-

an active policy of networking and proxi-

motional materials supporting the various

mity with the various stakeholders. It pro-

actions and departments of Liga Portugal.

vides premium and exclusive experiences

These include presentations, rulebooks,

for our partners and the governing bodies.

brand architecture, stationery, templates,

These actions should encourage moments



of aggregation, create strong and lasting

outdoor media and decoration, gifts, and

relationships between Liga Portugal and its


partners so that they feel identified with the

Liga Portugal is preparing an annual pub-

values of the organisation.

lishing plan, which will be printed or devel-


marketing, in all things related to internal



mined the first national champion of eLiga

Charm Initiatives

| 2019-20 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 75

Internal Marketing

Team Building

● European Week of Sport;

the dynamics of Secret Santa, fostering a

This team is responsible for the set of mar-

Team building offers several advantages.

● St. Martin’s Day;

moment of interaction and exchange of

keting actions focused on the staff of Liga

It is an activity we consider to be funda-

● International Men’s Day;

gifts within this Liga Portugal family.

Portugal, aiming to promote the organisa-

mental in providing new dynamics and

● Liga Portugal Christmas Party;


tion’s values among all collaborators. Inter-

improving the performance of working

● International Women’s Day;

nal Marketing has assumed a leading role

groups, including:

● Earth Hour;

Liga Environment

at Liga Portugal. The focus is on the com-

● Increase productivity;

● International Day of Sport for Develop-

Continuing this project launched last sea-

mitment of staff to the organisation and its

● Improve communication;

ment and Peace;

son, the aim is to raise the awareness of


● Maintain morale;

● Easter;

Liga Portugal staff on the importance of re-

● Develop the ability to solve problems;

● Children’s Day;

cycling and to implement practical mea-

● Strengthen the values of Liga Portugal.

● World Blood Donor Day;

sures in the daily life of the organisation,

After the success of the first team-building

● Season closing party;

taking these into account:

initiative, in 2019-20 another event will be

● Staff birthdays, Staff work anniversaries

● Energy-saving;

promoted for the Liga Portugal emplo-

or departures from the organisation.

● Reduction in the amount of waste;

yees. The event will be outdoors, informal,

Encouraging team spirit has a very posi-

● Reuse of materials;

and sports-related, always fostering the

tive impact on people’s performance,

● Recycling - separation of what can be

value of aggregation.

contributing to the union between staff

given a new life.


and to internal communication, being an

Liga Portugal aims to lead the way regar-

efficient way to promote integration bet-

ding responsible behaviour practices and

ween employees and managers.

in promoting sorting. Internal awareness


actions will be organised to stimulate the

Liga-nos Sorrisos In 2019-20, the Liga-nos Sorrisos (Smiles Connect Us) campaign will be launched,

Christmas Parties

a positive working environment among all

Replicating two landmark events from last


Liga Portugal employees. This campaign

season, Liga Portugal Christmas Parties

From an economic point of view, recycling

will not remain behind closed doors, so will

will be organised once again. The Official

leads to a more rational use of natural re-

also aim to bring smiles to young people

Liga Portugal Christmas Dinner is intended

sources. From a social point of view, it in-

and children. Each department will be in-

for the organisation’s human resources,

creases the quality of life and preservation

vited to sponsor a young person or child

while the Kids Christmas Party is destined

of nature.

from an institution to be defined, offering

for the children of the staff and governing


them friendship, care, smiles and a gift

bodies of Liga Portugal.

that they need.

In 2019-20, Liga Portugal will once again


open its doors and hopes to outdo the first

Commemorative Dates

76 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2019-20 SEASON |

change of attitudes and the creation of

with the aim of promoting happiness and

two editions of the Kids Christmas Party, promoting a remarkable moment of unity

Several moments were identified to conduct

and bonding at a time when the values of

staff group activities to promote team spirit

family and union are celebrated.

and transmit the values of Liga Portugal.

This festive season will also be marked by

new habits concerning the use of natural

Commercial Activity

as possible through various marketing stra-

The increase in the revenues of Liga Portu-

tegies such as charm initiatives at the Final

This area is responsible for the ongoing

gal is only possible if, together with stakehol-

Four and award ceremony games, behin-

management of sponsors and partners,

ders, we are able to develop and find new

d-the-scenes stadium tours, free tickets,

including among its activities operatio-

models for the exploitation of existing and

hospitality, and invitations to Liga Portugal

nal and strategic planning, monitoring of

potential assets, for the promotion of com-

events, including the Annual Conference,

sponsors, analysis of returns and added

petitions in an integrated manner, including

Kick-Off, Copa Ibérica, and many other en-

value of sponsorships, as well as ensuring

the creation of memorable experiences

gagement activities.

the fulfilment of contracts.

and fan engagement initiatives.

One of the major focuses of commercial

It also carries out all conceptual and ope-

The renewal of partnerships that generate

activity will be the active networking policy,

rational activities with a view to develo-

greater returns for Professional Football and

taking full advantage of relational marke-

ping new sponsorships and partnerships.

increased visibility for Sports Companies, as

ting, following the identification of poten-

well as the negotiation of new business that

tial sponsors with consequent commercial

will reinvigorate the passion of fans for this


competition - thus boosting visibility, initia-


Commercial and Sponsors

Management of Sponsorship and Current Partners

tives, and engagement - are essential for

The management of sponsors and partners is

the football industry.

fundamental for the strengthening of existing

It is urgent for the industry to look for new

ties and for the ongoing sharing of the orga-

sources of revenue and new business dri-

Monitoring the Return on Investment of Sponsors and Partners

nisation’s values with the various stakeholders.

vers. The main commercial actions for 2019-

The monitoring of the impacts of the

It is crucial that the relationship with sponsors,

20 are therefore defined:

commercial and promotional activity of

which extends over long periods of time, is pro-

● Renegotiate active contracts that are

competitions and their partners is one of the

ductive, building a win-win relationship.

about to expire and/or find new sponsors

concerns of Liga Portugal.

One of the essential points is to keep sponsors

and/or partners;

The control of this monitoring will be carried

up-to-date and informed, through newsletters,

● Submit proposals, negotiate, and find in-

out throughout the sports season, by the

meetings, or reports of all Liga Portugal activities.

novative business solutions for the list of po-

following means:

The presentation of each partner’s investment

tential sponsors and partners identified for

● Return

results and the demonstration of the value it

the three competitions.

competitions and assets in the Media

has added to the brand. Furthermore, the sha-


and Digital Channels, for all competitions,





ments made were met, including key figures,

Creation of Network of Contacts

monitoring, photos, interviews, etc., is essential

The whole dynamic of commercial activity

● Measurement of the main return impacts

for efficient partner managing.

depends on the number of contacts that

of the Liga Portugal events.

During the season, regular meetings will be

the commercial department maintains. The

This tracking allows partners to be provided

scheduled in order to share all this information.

size and volume of sponsorships depend

with all the information regarding their

The goal is to always get feedback from the

on the number of contacts Liga Portugal

investment, as well as to measure the value

sponsors for future actions.

can reach. In this way, this team will be res-

of the competitions held by Liga Portugal.


ponsible for generating as many contacts


ring of detailed reports on how the commit-

including the Copa Ibérica and eSports Competitions;

| 2019-20 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 79

Development and Licensing of Liga Portugal Official Products

of revenue and in control of production

Establish a commercial and operational

agement and development of a control

This area will be responsible for the de-

plan for Liga Portugal Official Products in an

model for sales, as well as the billings of

velopment, creation, and operationa-

integrated manner. Study licensing and oth-

points of sale, are crucial to the success of

lisation of the Official Products of Liga

er opportunities for the development of this

this activity. In the 2018-19 season, a mod-

Portugal. The strategy of positioning is

type of business.

el for stock management and control was

one of the main business tools. In a time

● Implement operational and commercial

developed, and now it must be improved

of excessive competition in the global


with the growth in business.

economy, in which the concept of bu-

● Define the Official Products to be market-

Sales will be regularly tracked, with re-

siness success is to differentiate and dis-


al-time analysis of the main KPIs associated

tinguish, it makes sense for us to launch

● Develop concrete actions for the produc-

with the business of selling Liga Portugal Of-

a line of official products, so that fans

tion and quality control of products;

ficial Products.

feel closer and closer to our brand.

● Define an active Licensing policy, estab-



lishing contacts and exploring potential op● Define a marketing, promotion, and active

Development of Liga Portugal Merchandising and Gifts

communication plan for the whole season.

Define, produce, and implement a policy


for Liga Portugal Merchandising and Gifts,


Development of Points of Sale

including all stakeholders involved. These should be segmented into several cate-

Liga Portugal will continue to manage and

gories and defined levels.

develop the current points of sale, such as


the online store and the Official Store at the Allianz CUP Final Four. Next season, a market analysis will be carried out, with the development of a business model and strategy for the opening of new points of sale. One that is already set for launch in 2019-20 is at the Liga Portugal headquarters. ////////////////////////////////////////////////

Management and Operationalisation of Official Products Sales A management and control model for the marketing of Liga Portugal Official Products will be developed, both in terms

80 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2019-20 SEASON |

costs and stock management. The man-

BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT The development, creation, and negotiation of new assets, products, and services - to try to increase the Liga Portugal supply available for the generation of income - will be under the scope of the Business Development team. This branch will also lead a strategy of adding value to football, producing knowledge, and contributing to the growth of the Liga Portugal brand.

Development of Studies Liga Portugal has been organising and systematising the sector’s information, with a view to generating wealth and creating jobs. The organisation also provides this information so that all players can use it and incorporate it into the definition of their strategies, all towards greater professionalism. Liga Portugal intends to continue to spark measures that highlight the importance and economic value of football, through the study and spread of knowledge concerning the economic activity surrounding football, thus showing how the latter should be viewed by the management of Sports Companies and the consumer himself - in a similar way to other productive industries. In the context of the development of the Business Development area, which acts as a promoter of highly-relevant information on the Professional Football industry, Liga Portugal and EY Portugal established a strategic partnership.

This partnership provides for the develop-

The scope of football goes far beyond the

plementation of various actions with Inter-

Angolan Federation

ment of the annual report with the prepa-

90 minutes of the game, as it is also both an

nacional Leagues and Organisations.

Liga Portugal is collaborating with the An-

ration of the 3rd Edition of the Portuguese

entertainment show and a business. Liga

Last season, protocols were signed within

golan Football Federation (FAF), with the

Professional Football Yearbook 2018-19.

Portugal aims to position itself at the level of

the context of the internationalisation of

purpose of implementing the Liga Angola,

Another study that is in its planning stage is

the Premier League, LaLiga, and Bundesliga

Liga Portugal, which allowed for a close

under a Memorandum of Understanding sig-

the Study of the Portuguese Football Consu-

with its ability to see football outside of the

collaboration with organisations.

ned between the two institutions, in Luanda.

mer Profile. Getting better acquainted with

four lines and across borders.

For 2019-20, planned measures include ac-

The commitment defined between the two

the consumer of football as a product is es-

In 2019-20, the foundations for the interna-

tions such as the exchange of experiences,

parties is to launch professional competitions

sential for the development of more effec-

tionalisation of Liga Portugal will be created

creation of synergies, sharing of good prac-

by 2020, already under the aegis of Liga

tive and surgical marketing campaigns. This

in a professional and realistic process of stra-

tices, as well as the development of joint

Angola. This corresponds to a challenge

allows the economic value of the sources

tegic definition and planning. This plan will

initiatives and consultancy.

embraced in conjunction with FAF, which

of revenue to be boosted and the spon-

include several areas, from marketing and

sor portfolio to be optimised by targeting

communication to the provision of consul-


actions that are more in line with the fans’

tancy services to counterparts in other cou-

In 2019-20, the second edition of the Copa

FAF also announced the creation of a Tech-


ntries in areas where Liga Portugal personnel

Ibérica will take place as a result of an al-

nical Commission to work directly with Liga

The drafting of these documents represents

has accumulated significant know-how.

liance between Liga Portugal and its Spa-

Portugal on administrative issues and strate-

a vital tool for the growth and development

Priority target markets defined in the Interna-

nish counterpart. This collaboration agree-

gic development, so as to understand how

of our industry.

tionalisation Plan:

ment will allow the appropriation of cost

the organisation of Portuguese Professional


● Countries that are consumers of Portu-

synergies and capitalise on LaLiga’s expe-

Football works in its various areas of operation.

guese football;

rience in joint promotion actions, making


● Countries with a strong incidence of Por-

the most of the strong image and presence

Internationalisation of Liga Portugal

entails the exchange of experiences and know-how.

tuguese emigrants;

LaLiga has in its various international mar-

For 2019-20, the development of an active

● Community of Portuguese Language

kets. The objective is to join forces between

Liga Portugal internationalisation policy is ex-

Speaking Countries;

the two entities to share knowledge and

pected and is aimed at the worldwide pe-

● Countries with players in Portugal;

increase the Iberian power of placement.

netration of the brand.

● Countries with Portuguese players/mana-

stood out for the performance of its national

● Countries where the football industry is

teams, most notably winning the European


Championship in the Main and Under-19

● Countries considered as new economic

Business Confederation of the Community of Portuguese Language Speaking Countries (CE-CPLP)

categories. These titles result from the main

powers (e.g. China, India).

This protocol aims to make official the for-

competitive advantage of Portuguese foo-


mal and regular relations between the CE-





tball: the scouting and coaching of talent


-CPLP and Liga Portugal, with the sharing

emergence of strong and internationally-

Development of Cooperation Platforms with International Leagues and Organisations

-projected brands that attract millions of

Liga Portugal expects to continue to deve-


people and fans from all around the world.

lop an active policy of promotion and im-

Speaking Countries).

when it comes to both players and coaches. The industrialisation of football has led to the

of technical knowledge that will lead to a more competitive and professional football in the countries that form the CPLP of



| 2019-20 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 83


STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION • Content Creation • Public Relations

DIGITAL 360º • Desenvolvimento do Ecossistema Digital • Gestão das Aplicações e do Conteúdo Digital • Desenvolvimento de Conteúdo Digital

MEDIA • Media Management • Press Content Creation

AMBASSADORS • Ambassadors Induction • Ambassadors Training Plan • Charity Games and Events • One Value, One Ambassador • Visits to Schools, Universities, and Institutions • New Concept and Category of International Ambassadors

Content Creation

Liga-te magazine (Connect yourself)

at the end of the season. Eventually, to be

Content creation will have to follow the

Strategic communication is designed to



Bi-monthly publication dedicated to the

credibility in the media sector;

rethink the way in which Liga Portugal

as macro messages, prioritisation of key

activities of the Professional Football Indus-

communicates internally and externally -

themes according to the strategic and

try, promotion of the Liga NOS, LigaPro,

in the actions included in the marketing

political placement of each instance, de-

and Allianz CUP competitions, as well as to

Informative report on the professional competitions

and communication strategy - in order

dicated guidelines for each channel of

actions of Social Responsibility and of sta-

With a bi-monthly periodicity, it aims to

to ensure greater integration and cohe-

communication, as well as identification


provide relevant analysis data on each

rence in the initiatives developed in the-

of the most relevant target audiences

se two areas. This branch is responsible

and an approach strategy for each one

Season Review

for the strategic communication plan for

of them.

Annual publication with the previous sea-

indicators capable of defining the lines

Liga Portugal and its competitions and

It is important to guarantee and monitor

son’s summary, performances, ratings, and

of action for improvement to professional

includes an active public relations policy

the integrity and global coherence of the

statistics. The season is reviewed in detail,


as well as content management.

Liga Portugal communication at all levels,

across the various aspects of Professional

The overall Communication Plan for the

with all audiences and in all platforms and


2019-20 season envisages reformulating


and resizing the Liga Portugal commu-

The Liga Portugal global communication

Liga TV

nication strategy, seeking to make the

strategy for the 2019-20 season predicts

Systematised video coverage of the Liga

Instagrammers, Bloggers), with the purpose

institutional side more autonomous from

the creation of the following contents:

Portugal activities, namely those related to

of producing promotional content for Liga

professional competitions, their protago-

Portugal and its competitions. This content

nists, institutional initiatives, Social Responsi-

is aimed at new audiences and intends to

bility actions, and actions with stakeholders;

reach specific targets, thus fostering a clo-

Strategic Communication

the operation side (related to the orga-



co-organised with an external entity with

of the competitions for the Sports Companies and Media. It also plans to develop

Influencers Define the strategy of collaboration with reference digital influencers (YouTubers,

nisation of competitions). Thus, creating

Institutional and Informative

actions aimed at bringing together the

Communicate in a consistent form the

different Liga Portugal audiences, huma-

institutional activity of Liga Portugal with

nising it (e.g. launching the Ambassadors,

the Sports Companies and the Gover-

Milestones and e-Liga STATS

personified by former football stars), and

ning Bodies, emphasising the values of

The collection of this information allows to

further popularising and disseminating



mark the performance milestones of pla-

the image of Liga Portugal in local and

Entertainment. Informative accompa-

yers, coaches, referees, and delegates in

regional economies, assuming itself as a

niment of the Liga Portugal activity, as

professional competitions and subsequently

meeting point for economic agents as

well as of all stakeholders, giving spe-

create positive content for social networks

well as for the population itself.

cial relevance to information related to

and the awarding of mementoes that ce-

Creation of institutional content and operational support for all channels, events, President and Executive Board

Part of this plan includes the mapping of

Sports Companies;

lebrate a personal event. It also allows the

Comunicados, discursos, editoriais e ar-

availability of official competition statistics,

tigos Announcements, Speeches, Edito-

namely for Sports Companies and in a mo-

rials, and Opinion Articles.

del that can be distributed by the Media;


potential themes and sensitive areas that



and the respective action plan for these

Communication and promotional content

scenarios, at a strategic, functional, and

Specific communication content asso-

operational level.

ciated with our competitions brands allo-

could cause a crisis (internal or external)

ws us to generate engagement with fans

“Football with Talent� Photography Award

and the general public;

Promoted by Liga Portugal and exhibited

ser relationship with the younger public, which has more specific content requirements;

| 2019-20 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 85

Public Relations

for improvements, which will contribute to a

This area is responsible for defining and

better clarification of the issues associated


operating the charm and networking

with our competitions;

Digital has increasingly become a strategy, or set of communication strategies, that promotes

action plan, together with the group of

constant contact with fans, Sports Companies, and other agents.

This set of actions is defined for the 2019-

Cooperation with influencers with a recognised reach and impact on the key target audiences identified

20 season:

These actions aim to increase the visibility

regarding this area.

of Liga Portugal with various targets - al-

The core business of Liga Portugal allows us to produce a large volume of content with a high level

ways focusing on positive football and

of attraction for millions of users around the world. The objective of Liga Portugal is to consolidate

Annual strategic meeting promoted by

the dissemination of messages that allow

the digital ecosystem developed last season, allowing us to increase engagement with the public

Liga Portugal, which will target the staff

for greater and more effective social dia-

thanks to the ease and speed with which the information reaches the fans.

and management who work daily in the

logue around Professional Football as a

departments of Communication, Marke-

show, as a business, and as a cultural pro-

ting, and Press at Sports Companies;

duct consumed en masse by the Portu-

opinion makers identified in the strategic communication plan and the various stakeholders.


Meetings with Media and Opinion Makers

There is a need to give the digital domain the importance it will have in the future in football management operations, as well as in fan consumption and their relationship with other intervenients in the Professional Football sector. For this purpose, a new functional department was created in the organisation of Liga Portugal, equipped with the necessary means to pursue the strategy it defines

guese population. ////////////////////////////////////////////////

Social Media

Regular and focused meetings with members of the media and opinion-makers, whose objective is to debate the current themes of Liga Portugal and its competitions, in order to improve the awareness of public opinion;

Official representations at events, award ceremonies, galas, and games



(Single Sign On)

Actions that allow for greater contact with Sports Companies and with entities in general, creating moments of dialogue and stronger ties to the various players in football;

Sports Companies Roadshow Promote an active policy of proximity with all Sports Companies, in order to boost their use of positive messages and receive feedback

86 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2019-20 SEASON |



Digital Ecosystem Development The digital age has led to a shift in the consumption of information and in the profile of the football consumer. It has become necessary to focus the communication


strategy, branding, and buzz on the generation of traffic and conversations through digital media. This is achieved with actions consistent with and designed for the various segments of Professional Football consumer profiles, using the most appropriate available tools for this purpose. The increased segmentation of the target au-

CRM SYSTEM Liga Portugal Website


Business Management

Clubs Portal

dience will tend to increase the interest of

eSports Website

Liga Portugal Application Platform

various stakeholders. development of digital tools to use in its operations and in its relationship with the

of know-how accumulated across borders. During the 2019-20 season, Liga Portugal will pursue the implementation of the cur-

PHC IntraLiga Internal Tickets Management

Central Liga e-Fan

tion development plan is ambitious, as can be seen by the multidisciplinary nature of

This project aims to organise the various existing platforms of Liga Portugal, as well as the integration of new ones, both at the level of business management and audience management. Therefore, making it possible to define the project of integrating the Liga Portugal databases, in accordance with the objectives for the season.

88 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2019-20 SEASON |

Sponsor Tickets

Single Sign On

of interaction with audiences. The applica-

under construction.

Final Four App


Resource Management

rent application structure, namely in terms

the applications already built and those

Liga Portugal App

Audience Management

Sports Companies, as a way of making of competitions, thus increasing the level

Fan Race Website

Audience Management

Liga Portugal will continue to invest in the

football credible and adding to the value

Foundation Website



The strategy should be based on harnes-

● Supervision of the strategic integrity

sing the power of digital communication

defined for the entire Liga Portugal digital

tools to bring together fans, players, clubs,


and sponsors, to make stadium attendan-


ce more appealing and rewarding, as petition outside the stadium more exciting

Digital Content and Application Management

and viral.

Knowing the consumer of football better, as

Development of new digital platforms:

a starting point, is fundamental for the de-

● Integration of global Liga Portugal da-

velopment of assertive and more effective


communication campaigns. In 2019-20, it

● e-Fan Platform;

is intended that the contents of each plat-

● Audience Management Platform;

form be segmented, thus promoting an in-

● Collection and analysis of DATA;

crease in value that is more adjusted to its

● Liga Portugal Podcast;

respective profile of fans.

● Football Foundation Website.

Media and other campaigns of a more

Maintenance and Upgrades in terms of

restricted nature will be developed that

Features and Design:

will make evident the advantages of the

● Website;

aggregation of the various actors in Pro-

● Liga Portugal App

fessional Football. In parallel, these will also

● Virtual Liga NOS;

allow a greater and more effective social

● Social Networks:

dialogue around Professional Football. In-

well as to make the following of the com-

● Liga Portugal Facebook;

creasing the educational, festive, positive,

● Football Foundation Facebook;

and civic content of football as a sports

● Postgraduation Facebook;

show with a family nature is essential for the

● Liga Portugal Instagram;

promotion of the sector and for attracting

● eSports Instagram;

new targets.

● Twitter;

The management of digital applications will

● Youtube;

focus on:

● LinkedIn.

● Conceptual




● CRM - Liga Portugal Email Marketing.

operational campaigns resulting from the

The monitoring of the strategy will be

defined operation and strategy;

carried out throughout the sports season

● Multi-channel publishing plan aligned

using tools such as:

with the defined campaigns;

● Dashboard




evaluation metrics for all digital activity; ● Operational alignment with other Liga Portugal functional areas;

● Strategic content creation for all platforms. ////////////////////////////////////////////////

Digital Content Development

● Press releases aligned with the global

The creation of objective, precise, and ori-


ginal content is essential to promote the

Liga Portugal should assert itself as an

Liga Portugal brand, its competitions, and

increasingly relevant and indispensable

Sports Companies.

player in the national media, made pos-

● Informative content for channels;

In its general concept, this branch aims to

sible by the growing credibility and qua-

● Media support content, such as media

produce content that is highly relevant to

lification of the sector.

fans and largely consists of producing content that is significant or has an extremely

Media Management

positive impact on users - be it institutional, in-

This branch will keep close and constant

formational, or simply entertainment content.

contact with the Media, in order to advise

The production of content is fundamental

them on the issues/themes associated with

not only for the organic traffic it genera-

Liga Portugal and its competitions. The ob-

tes but mainly for the perception it creates

jective is to maintain the relationship and

among fans.

operational coordination with these profes-





It will be responsible for the day-to-day ma-

exponentially increases brand awareness.

nagement with the Media and will ensure

The creation of this content generates en-

all its operational activities, such as accre-

gagement among fans, increasing aware-

ditations and vests. Furthermore, it will also

ness of Liga Portugal competitions, both in

perform the daily monitoring of the press re-

the national and international markets. The

view, as well as the ongoing tracking of the

sharing of content throughout the season

media’s digital activity and the monitoring

can lead to lasting organic traffic over time,

of relevant content in alternative channels,

which translates into attracting potential

such as blogs and social channels.

partners and sponsors to the industry.

Media Management also plays an impor-

There are several types of content that we

tant role in all events, being its responsibi-

will focus on next season, and that includes

lity the convening the Media and their re-

global management of the Liga Portugal

ception and accompaniment throughout

social channels, such as:

the event, as well as the management of

● Copywriting;

moments of communication, the definition

● Photography and video;

and development of content, and the pre-

● Multilingual content;

sentation of the event.

● Internal multimedia content;



campaigns/actions developed by Liga Portugal at each moment;

kits; ● Collection of information for media.


through the generation of relevant content,

● Coordination of all multichannel content.

communication strategy, as well as the

Press Content Creation All contents for the press are under the remit of this department, including:

| 2019-20 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 91

Ambassadors Induction

ch even more people in need, who can

In 2019-20, there will be a reformulation of

benefit from football’s mediatic impact

This project was devised and implemented last season, with the presentation of Ambassadors

the group of the Liga Portugal Ambassa-

to satisfy some of their needs. The Ambas-

during the Allianz CUP Final Four week, in Braga.

dors. An Induction ceremony will be held

sadors, as football icons, have the ability

Historic names from our championships were invited to this programme, aimed at the pro-

for the new season, on the 4th September

to carry the message further and, in this

motion and appreciation of Professional Football. Some of the stars present were: Vítor Baía,

in Oeiras, during Soccerex week.

way, Liga Portugal will be able to make an

Nuno Gomes, Ricardo, Quim, Helton, Neno, João Pinto, Luisão, Jorge Andrade, Ricardo Ro-

At this event, the new Ambassadors for

even more significant difference.

cha, Sandro, Chaínho, Alan, Hélder Postiga, Manuel Fernandes, Paulo Futre, Beto, Deco, and

the 2019-20 season will be announced,

The causes to be supported next season will

André Villas-Boas.

and the programme - and its objectives

be related to the fight against cancer and

Vítor Baía, Nuno Gomes, and Paulo Futre were also appointed as coordinators of the Ambas-

- will be presented to the national and

the eradication of hunger, which are inclu-

sadors’ programme. These personalities will represent Liga Portugal in actions of social respon-

international public, reinforcing the Liga

ded in the UN Sustainable Development

sibility, solidarity, or even activities abroad. Alan, SC Braga’s director of institutional relations, is

Portugal message on such a global stage.

Goals. These will be made operational in

also an ambassador for the Allianz CUP Final Four and the Fan Race.

The presence of the Ambassadors at Soc-

the action plan of the Football Foundation.

The Liga Portugal Ambassador is a communication strategy that uses the credibility and trust

cerex will increase the visibility of Liga Por-


of professionals to promote and give greater visibility to the Professional Football sector. The

tugal as a brand and institution of referen-

aim of this programme is to strengthen the position of the Ambassadors as vehicles of commu-

ce in world football.

One Value, One Ambassador

nication for Liga Portugal, partnering former players of professional competitions as promoters


Plans are underway to create the “Citizen


of the football industry. These will take part in various Liga Portugal events and in social res-

Ambassador” programme, which aims to

ponsibility initiatives for the Football Foundation, thus providing greater media exposure and

Ambassadors Training Plan

visibility to actions of a solidarity nature.

This plan, which is part of the Working

in the “Social Values in Football” Football

The presence of Ambassadors at events allows them to share the messages, and make them

Groups, aims to add the Ambassadors

Foundation’s Action Plan - in each Am-

more positive and consistent with football fans, creating engagement and proximity with all

to our project on a permanent basis, thus

bassador, and promote them to the fans.

fans. The aim is for them to be the image of Liga Portugal and to develop professional pride, a

empowering the sense of belonging of the

This programme, with a social, ecological,

sense of belonging, shared responsibility - in short: the values of the organisation.

Ambassadors. The main objective of the

and educational aspect, aims to empha-

In addition to participation in Liga Portugal events, specific projects were outlined for the

training plan is to align the external mes-

sise the importance of good examples in

Ambassadors programme, described below.

sage of the Ambassadors, as a means of

society, because the passing on of impor-

communication for Liga Portugal.

tant human values is the basis for a more


peaceful and sustainable future.

Charity Games and Events


there will be one or two annual Ambassa-

Visits to Schools, Universities, and Institutions

dor games, whose ticket sales will revert

Next season, monthly visits by Ambas-

to an Association or Entity of social cha-

sadors to schools, universities, and ins-


titutions will be scheduled. These visits

Nowadays, Liga Portugal has an active

- which are intended to be vehicles for

participation in social, national, and in-


ternational responsibility, but aims to rea-

tion in the most diverse themes - will be

From a perspective of social responsibility,

92 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2019-20 SEASON |

personify the values - to be implemented




made during initiatives and lectures at schools, with the presence of renowned speakers from the football industry. The programme endeavours to create synergies with Sports Companies, in order to expand the impact of these actions, and will be carried out in constant coordination with the Football Foundation. ////////////////////////////////////////////////

New Concept and Category of International Ambassadors An additional concept to the Ambassadors Programme will be implemented through the creation of a new name category, maintaining the current concept as an anchor project. The new concept, under the name Ambassadors / League Legends or Stars (TBD), will be based on adding players and managers currently active outside Portugal. It aims to strengthen the current project through complementary activities, as well as to boost the internationalisation of the Liga Portugal brand, in their respective areas of national influence, and, particularly, internationally. Every season, the elements of the Ambassadors programme will be defined, allowing for a rotation according to the professional path of the players, thus increasing the international visibility of Liga Portugal. ////////////////////////////////////////////////


This department is responsible for the integrated management of the Liga Portugal technological infrastructure and for supporting the organisation of its competitions. As such, it is responsible for the programming and development of CRM, ERP and business/competition management applications, managing the Liga Portugal physical IT assets, help desk/technical support, ensuring the security of systems, support in the collection and management of databases, support for the management of mobile applications, and device management, among others. • Technological Evolution of IntraLiga • Consolidation and Maintenance of the e-Liga Platform • SAND V3 • TRANSFER V3 • SMJJ - Statistics and Control • Data Bridge Liga Portugal-FPF • Clubs Portal •Accreditation System• Relógio e-Liga • e-Liga Watch • Notification System • Tournament Mode • Miscellaneous Department Support Activities • Quality and Development Environment • Digital Security • Document Management Platform

Technological Evolution of IntraLiga As a central management tool for all Liga Portugal information, IntraLiga has modules that allow for integration between the various Liga platforms. In 2019-20, it will be necessary to consolidate, update, and optimise the platform in order to streamline the data and critical developments to the operation. In this sense, the evolution of some modules that make up the platform is to be expected, such as Registration, Match Organisation, and Accreditation. These modules will allow for the control and verification of all platforms that Liga Portugal has.



The development of a smartwatch application is planned in order to allow Liga delegates to report any anomalous situations in the pre-match so that the Match Centre can intervene immediately, if necessary. Project in cooperation with the Competitions Department;

Portal of communication between sports agents and e-Liga, for the management of information models (presented in Official Communiqué no. 1). Project in cooperation with the Competitions Department;


Consolidation and Maintenance of the e-Liga Platform Positioned at the forefront of sports technology, e-Liga’s main objective was to facilitate the processing of information and eliminate, as much as possible, the

The notification mechanism, which currently communicates with the various sports agents via email, is expected to evolve to sending SMS. Thus making the process more agile and efficient for all stakeholders involved;

possibility of error, dematerialising the documentation of professional football matches. Simultaneously, it groups, by touch,


the various “pieces”, thus combining in an

The development of a way to use e-Liga in competitions such as the Allianz CUP Final Four and the Copa Ibérica is currently expected.

ecosystem fed by several platforms, with direct and harmonious connection to the central system of Liga Portugal: IntraLiga. In 2019-20, however, it will be necessary to consolidate, update, and optimise the platform in order to streamline the data


and critical developments to the opera-

Continue the process of analysis and development of the accreditation platform, started in the previous season. This will make it possible to access critical areas of stadiums, such as technical areas, on a computerised basis;

tion. Accordingly, plans are underway to create modules for monitoring and verifying the platform and match operation, namely:



The development and implementation of complementary options for this platform are expected, namely the integration of the appointment of assessors and trainees, as well as the inclusion of the financial system for them. Project in coordination with the Competitions Department;

LIGA PORTUGAL - FPF DATA BRIDGE This project aims to implement the mechanisms of the data bridge between Liga Portugal and the Portuguese Football Federation, which were developed last season. These ensure total security in the communication and information transfer services between the two organisations, particularly in terms of registrations, match reports, and discipline. It also develops and implements the evolutions that are relevant and critical to the established objectives;

TRANSFER V3 The Technology Department, in partnership with the Legal Department, aims to extend the scope of TRANSFER in order to improve the currently existing financial module, which links TRANSFER data with the financial ERP used by Liga Portugal;

SMJJ - STATISTICS AND CONTROL Further development of the control and monitoring platform for the scheduling of games and fixtures, which will allow consistency in scheduling them. Project in cooperation with the Competitions Department;

| 2019-20 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 95

Miscellaneous Department Support Activities

● Development of a platform for reporting

Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

infringements of intellectual property, in

The challenge is significant, but Liga Portugal

There are a number of projects in which this

coordination with the Legal Department.

is committed to working on the construction

department will intervene extensively, whi-


of information platforms that raise the awa-

ch, although already presented, are impor-

reness of all employees and stakeholders

● In all web-based Liga Portugal platfor-

Quality and Development Environment

ms, install institutional and/or promotional

For next season, Liga Portugal will launch

To protect Liga Portugal from possible se-

advertising spaces, with the capacity to

a Quality and Development Environment,

curity threats, the Technology Department

define quotas and measure impressions

which consists of a pipeline for the develo-

will develop the following actions:

and clicks. This project will ensure that Liga

pment of new platforms. This environment

● Security mechanisms in all Liga Portugal

Portugal has the tools to actively promote

will allow tests to be carried out, right from


its campaigns and/or negotiate digital ex-

the moment their need is reported to the

● Physical and logical barriers on Liga Por-

changes with sponsors and partners;

Technology Department - from the deve-

tugal premises;

● Maintenance and continuous updating

lopment of the platform to its placement

● Technological support in the implemen-

of the Liga Portugal and the Virtual Liga

in production.

tation of ISO 27001;

NOS websites;


● Technological support in the implemen-

tant to mention:

● Maintenance and continuous updating

regarding the importance of following good practices of digital security.

tation of GDPR.

of the Milestones platform;

Digital Security

● Maintenance of the Liga Portugal App

Currently, digital security is at the centre of

and the platforms that support it;

Liga Portugal’s attention. Information se-

● Further implementation of a CRM plat-

curity - notably in terms of data protection

Document Management Platform

form, as well as the management of con-

and classified information - is vital in the re-

The development of a document manage-

tact, target, and audience databases in

lationship between Liga Portugal, the Sports

ment platform is expected, allowing for the

the Liga Portugal ecosystem;

Companies, and all other parties involved.

archiving and searching of Liga Portugal

● Further implementation tests of the In-

Security in digital environments is a complex


frastructures Portal, which will group toge-

challenge. We can think of different types


ther the technical data sheets of all the

and levels of security. In the age of informa-

stadiums, so that they are available on the

tion, protecting and caring for this data is a

delegate’s tablet and safety reports. Thus,

task set for everyone.

optimising the reporting or irregular situa-

The digital revolution has exponentially in-

tions. Project in collaboration with the Com-

creased exposure to cyber-risks. Not only

petitions Department;

can cyberattacks block access to confiden-

● Development of the Monitoring Platform

tial information, but they also cause harm to

for the Competition Licensing Manual;

organisations and their staff. This could inclu-

● Creation of an online platform to centralise

de, for example, copyright infringements,

and dematerialise the media accreditation

disclosure of sensitive data and company

process in professional competition matches;

assets, or even the requirements of General

96 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2019-20 SEASON |




This department provides direct support to the President, the Executive Board, and the governing bodies of Liga Portugal. DADE is responsible for organising, coordinating, and executing all the actions inherent to the advisory, secretarial services, and protocol of the Executive Board, as well as advising on the connection between the various Liga Portugal stakeholders, and public and private entities. The department manages the logistics related to meetings, acts of representation, visits, invitations, and others. It also ensures the correct implementation of protocol norms at events hosted by Liga Portugal and supports various organisational processes. • Secretarial Accompaniment and Document Management • General Assemblies Support • Event Management Support and Protocol Monitoring • Database Updates • Quality Certification - NP EN ISO 9001:2015 • Information Security Certification - ISO/IEC 27001:2013

Secretarial Accompaniment and Document Management

protocol rules, and reception of guests at

During the 2019-20 season, DADE will con-

keholders that risks are suitably addressed.

the following events: 1) Kick-Off; 2) Copa

tinue to manage and ensure the mainte-

Liga Portugal is thus in the implementation

This department will manage and control

Ibérica; 3) Soccerex; 4) Allianz CUP and Fi-

nance and improvement of the quality

phase of the ISO/IEC 27001:2013 standard.

the agenda and the commitments of the

nal Four; 5) Annual Conference - opening

management system, certified by the NP

The Information Security Policy is disclosed

President, the Executive Board, Manage-

session and meetings; 6) Presidents’ Sum-

EN ISO 9001:2015 standard. It will also be

for all interested parties and the general

ment, and Governing Bodies, as well as

mit; 7) Postgraduation; and 8) Liga-te.

responsible for driving and monitoring the

public on Liga Portugal’s official website.

provide support to the General Assem-

It is also responsible for the implementa-

implementation of actions drawn out in


blies, Jurisdictional Council, among others.

tion of festive events of an internal nature,

the Quality Plan to address the risks and

During the 2019-20 season, it will prepare,

as part of the internal marketing policies.

maximise the opportunities, as well as to

record, and promote the dissemination


achieve the objectives set.

of dispatches, circular letters, communi-

Furthermore, this will monitor the treat-

qués, internal communications, and other

Database Updates

decisions of the President and Executive

An event and guest management plat-

vement of the annual audit programme.


form has been introduced, which will be


It will maintain support in practical wor-

constantly updated throughout the 2019-

kday issues in the preparation of docu-

20 season in line with the changes made

ments, such as presentation, letters, inter-

to our databases. To improve DADE’s area

nal and external communications, and

of operation, an integrated database ma-

Information Security Certification - ISO/IEC 27001:2013

others. A strategy will be developed to

nagement platform will be implemented.

The reality we live in today is based on a

improve document management: organi-


society that increasingly values the levels

sation of the physical and digital archives of information. ////////////////////////////////////////////////

Quality Certification - NP EN ISO 9001:2015

ment of corrective actions and the impro-

of security and management that are given to information. Therefore, as an institution whose objec-

Liga Portugal has invested in the imple-

tives are to receive, store, and transmit

mentation of a Quality Management

information - especially from its member

DADE will be supporting the manage-

System that documents processes, proce-

Sports Companies - Liga Portugal is re-

ment and organisation of the General

dures, and responsibilities involved in the

quired to define, as a key element for its

Assemblies, collaborating with the Board

fulfilment of quality and objective policies.

organisation, the implementation of an

of the General Assembly, with three to

The system has improved internal lines of

information security management system.

five major meetings planned for the

communication, the standardisation of

Hence, the Liga Portugal leadership has

2019-20 season.

documents, and the monitoring of pro-

approved the implementation of the stan-


cesses and objectives. This system is ba-

dard that aims to establish, implement,

sed on the increase in operational quality,

maintain, and continuously improve an

which is reflected in more efficient mana-

information security management system.

gement. Besides the processes, this system

This system preserves the confidentiality,

This department manages the protocol for

has an analysis dashboard that constantly

integrity, and availability of information

various events, direct or transversal to Liga

monitors the achievement ratios of the

through the application of a risk-manage-

Portugal: invitations, implementation of

defined goals and objectives.

ment process, inspiring confidence to sta-

General Assemblies Support

Event Management Support and Protocol Monitoring

| 2019-20 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 99


Activity Transversal Projects and Activities Kick Off 2019-20 LIGA NOS LigaPro Allianz CUP and Final Four Work Groups and Annual Conferences Liga Portugal Training Presidents’ Summit Copa Ibérica Soccerex Thinking Football Match Centre Projects and Activities Specific to Each Department Financial Department Action Plan and Budget Control Administrative and Financial Monitoring LigaPro Infrastructure Fund Competition Licensing Manual Totonegócio Liga Portugal Infrastructure Management Training Programme 2019-20 Performance Management and Evaluation System (SGAD) Central Liga Competitions Department Match Scheduling and Sports Calendar Preparation for the New Sports Season Sports Accompaniment 2019-20 Technical Inspection Commission (CTV) Delegates Project Refereeing and Video-Referee Analysis of Competitive Competition Models Accreditation System Infrastructures Portal Clubs Portal Training Courses Legal and Registration Department Monitoring of Protocols, Contracts, and Legal Situations Regulatory Changes, Statutes, General Regulations, CO1 Legal Accompaniment and Participation in Legislative Amendments Football Integrity Unit Commission for the Protection of Intellectual Property Joint Arbitration Commission Registration of Contracts and Registration of Players and other Sports Agents Wage Compliance for Players Competition Licensing Manual TRANSFER V3 Executive Management Support Department (DADE) Secretarial Accompaniment and Document Management General Assemblies Support Event Management Support and Protocol Monitoring Database Updates Quality Certification - NP EN ISO 9001:2015 Information Security Certification - ISO/IEC 27001:2013

102 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2019-20 SEASON |





November December












November December







Projects and Activities Specific to Each Department Marketing, Commercial & Business Development Department Liga Portugal Ball Launch Campaign Marketing and Promotional Materials Monthly and Annual Awards Charm Initiatives eSports Competitions Internal Marketing Activities Team Building Liga-nos Sorrisos Management of Sponsorships and Current Partners Commercial Activity Creation of Network of Contacts Monitoring the Return on Investment of Sponsors and Partners

Liga Portugal Official Products Development of Studies Internationalisation of Liga Portugal Development of Cooperation Platforms with International Leagues and Organisations Content & Media Department Strategic Communication Institutional, Informative, Communication and Promotional Content Creation Liga-te magazine Season Review Liga TV Public Relations FuteCOM Digital Ecosystem Development Digital Content and Application Management Digital Content Development Media Management Press Content Creation Ambassadors Induction Ambassadors Training Plan Charity Games and Events One Value, One Ambassador Visits to Schools, Universities, and Institutions New Concept and Category of International Ambassadors Technology Department Technological Evolution of IntraLiga Consolidation and Maintenance of the e-Liga Platform SAND v3 TRANSFER v3 SMJJ - Statistics and Control Liga Portugal - FPF Data Bridge Clubs Portal Accreditation System e-Liga Watch Notification System Tournament Mode Miscellaneous Department Support Activities Quality and Development Environment Digital Security Document Management Platform

| 2019-20 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 103


7.1 INTRODUCTION | EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Having always as its starting point July

20), and using the management tool we

million, resulting in a positive operating

mindful of new challenges and specific

30, 2015, when the - now re-elected for

present as the budget, we believe that it

outcome of €1 million. As can be seen

targets. Portuguese Professional Football

the 2019-23 four-year term - Board of

highlights the principles of maturity and

from the chart below, results show the

should be at the forefront in terms of

Directors first took over, the Board was

stability of the best international practi-

evolution of income, expenses and res-

growth opportunities while maintaining

faced with an extremely worrying and

ces, based on objectives and planned

pective operating results in recent years.

sustainability. This is a mandatory requi-

serious situation, with economic and fi-

activities focussed on various pillars/

In a simple way, we estimate an evo-

rement for the current Board!

nancial insolvency looming.

goals and positions of Liga Portugal.

lution towards constant positive results

Facing this scenario, the focus of activi-

This will be a year in which the budget

and, for 2019-20, the largest budget on

ties was the financial restructuring and

proposal is very conscious and balan-

record for Liga Portugal.

mapping of concerns. This was done

ced in order to allow Liga Portugal to

The current Board of Directors has con-

based on rigour and hard work, always

continue with the necessary barrage of

tinued the rigorous management and

highlighting, as its primary objective, the

positive results. Given the expected im-

operation of previous years, while also

securing of sponsors, which led to an in-

plementations for this season, this action

investing and implementing new pro-

crease in Liga Portugal revenues.

plan also intends to continue to increase

jects. These provide a new and profes-

Since that turning point, work has been

its contribution to the Sports Companies,

sional structure to Liga Portugal and its

constant and arduous, with clearly de-

thus establishing a greater distribution of

competitions, developing relevant stra-

fined, projected, and efficiently execu-

funds to the Liga associate members.

tegic activities in a sustainable manner

ted objectives and targets. These are al-

We will continue to meticulously and ri-

that always understands the meaning of

ways in line with the continuous search

gorously control all Liga Portugal expen-

“long term”.

for the sustained stability of Liga Portu-

ses, not only through the various internal

The goal of Liga Portugal continues to

gal at all levels, but, fundamentally, fi-

control mechanisms introduced but also

be to invest and create new tools for su-

nancially - a recognised cornerstone for

by investing more and more in the struc-

pport and organisation, maintaining its

stability in all structures.


positive results - continuously and con-

The first four years of this Board of Di-

This investment will translate into an or-


rectors were of rehabilitation, and with

ganisation that is even more robust, ef-

As such, from this perspective, the gro-

the collaboration of all, it was possible

ficient, competent, and adjusted to the

wth in budget expenditure is largely due

to recover Liga Portugal. The coverage

reality and objectives that are intended

to the increase in the funds distributed to

of all the negative retained earnings -

to be achieved, thus embracing new

Sports Companies, both via goods and

accumulated in the years prior to 2015,

and dynamic projects towards the satis-

services, as well as financially, through

amounting to five million euros - was

faction for our associates and the foo-

participation prizes in the Allianz CUP


tball industry.

and previous proposals approved at the

But there is still room for more and for

Carrying on with the recommended

General Assembly.

better; and for us to grow, internally, but

work, and in clear search for comple-

This is a time of challenges and expan-

also abroad, where Liga Portugal can

te financial stability, the budget for the

sion for Professional Football, with other

have a say in.

2019-20 season predicts total revenues

business and financing models. Liga Por-

Ready for another sports season (2019-

of €18.1 million and spending of €17.1

tugal remains particularly interested and

106 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2019-20 SEASON |

Evolution of the Liga Portugal Income, Expenses and Operating Results (Figures in thousands of Euros; 2013-14 to 2019-20 seasons)

18 233

12 263

11 908 11 182

11 805

16 222

15 554

14 812

14 672

12 342

18 183

17 160

13 384

9 730

2 867

(2 532) Executed 2013-14

2 469

2 170

2 011

1 022

(726) Executed 2014-15

Executed 2015-16 Revenue

Executed 2016-17 Expenditure

Executed 2017-18

Predicted (*) 2018-19

Budget 2019-20

Operational Results

(*) The expected result of the 2018-19 sports season is the actual one up to April 2019 and estimated from June 2019.

| 2019-20 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 107

The Liga Portugal financing structure is divided into income, expenses, and distri-



bution of funds to Sports Companies. In a



simple and schematic way, Liga Portugal

1) 2) 3) 5) 6) 7)

presents the following Financing Model.

Naming Sponsors Sponsors Official Partners TV Share Ticketing and Hospitality Other Commercial Income

1) Taรงa da Liga Prizes 2) Commercial Rights 3) B-Team Fees 4) Sports Betting 5) UEFA Solidarity Fund 6) Solidarity TV Share


1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

The proposed operating budget is avai-



Registration and Transfers Fines and Protests Associative Fees B-Team Fees Sports Betting Other Associative Income

1) Stadium Surveillance Service 2) Anti-doping Control 3) Ball Distribution 4) Equipment Distribution 5) Referees 6) Observers 7) Delegates 8) Dec 17 GA Fund


Thus, for the 2019-20 season, the following financing structure is expected:

lable at the end of this section in a comExecuted 2013-14

Executed 2014-15

Executed 2015-16

Executed 2016-17

Executed 2017-18

Predicted 2018-19

Budget 2019-20


9 730 836

11 182 623

14 672 875

14 812 822

15 554 766

18 233 600

18 183 770

Associative Income

3 438 769

4 016 137

4 604 351

4 796 255

4 889 299

4 740 050

4 433 790

Commercial Income

6 292 067

7 166 486

10 068 524

10 016 567

10 665 467

13 493 550

13 749 980


5 308 237

5 359 582

5 378 643

5 932 488

7 314 775

9 124 095

9 234 650

Organisations and Entities

1 376 480

1 507 477

1 490 151

859 160

833 782

802 050

844 400

343 940

447 319

547 183

666 802

1 317 018

1 647 415

1 610 290

prehensive and detailed way. On the other hand, the following chapters will provide a brief analysis of the projections for both income and expenses.

Events and Training Structure, Services and Others

3 587 817

3 404 785

3 341 309

4 406 527

5 163 974

6 674 630

6 779 960


6 954 843

6 549 214

6 427 118

6 410 359

6 069 814

7 098 274

7 926 240

Direct Distribution

1 403 664

413 822

1 279 705

2 028 310

1 981 707

2 637 320

2 405 000

Indirect Distribution

5 551 178

6 135 392

5 147 413

4 382 049

4 088 107

4 460 954

5 521 240

(2 532 244)

(726 173)

2 867 113

2 469 975

2 170 177

2 011 232

1 022 880


| 2019-20 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 109


The Liga Portugal income is subdivided

Evolution of the Liga Portugal Income

into commercial income and associative

(Figures in thousands of Euros; 2013-14 to 2019-20 seasons)

income. Commercial income refers to all income

13 750

13 494

related to the organisation and practice of Professional Football and its compe-

10 069

titions. Associative Income is all income

10 665

10 017

derived from the statutes, the purpose of which is to contribute to the Liga Portugal running costs. Compared to previous seasons, there has been a continuity line in both associati-

7 166

6 292 3 439

4 016

4 604

4 796

4 889

4 740

4 434

ve and commercial income. However, it is important to mention that, for the next sports season, a growth in commercial income is expected, reaching â‚Ź13.7 million. Meanwhile, associative income is expected to remain around the figure of â‚Ź4.4 million.

Executed 2013-14

Executed 2014-15

Executed 2015-16 Associative Income

Executed 2016-17

Executed 2017-18

Predicted (*) 2018-19

Commercial Income

(*) The expected income for the 2018-19 sports season is the actual one up to April 2019 and estimated from June 2019.

110 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2019-20 SEASON |

Budget 2019-20


7.2.2 Commercial Income

Associative Income accounts for about

re of this income. Taking into account the

Commercial income naturally plays an important role in the structure of the total income

24% of total expected income for the

prevalence of the previously mentioned,

for Liga Portugal, with a significant weight of 76% for the season under review. Thus, a com-

2019-20 season. Thus, the most relevant

for the next season, revenues from sports

mercial income of around â‚Ź13.7 million is expected.

items are registrations and transfers, and

betting are expected to reach about 25%

It is worth mentioning that despite the fact that the negotiation to obtain a new LigaPro

fines and protests, which represent arou-

of the total associative income for Liga

naming sponsor has not yet been concluded - and bearing in mind the current renegotia-

nd 70% of the total associative income for


tion of some of the existing contracts - it was possible to increase the value of the global

Liga Portugal.

As a result, the following distribution of

sponsorships intrinsically linked to professional competitions.

Conversely, the revenue from sports bet-

associative income is predicted for this

Consequently, the following distribution of commercial income is predicted for the sports

ting (Placard and Online Betting) is beco-

sports season:


ming increasingly important in the structu-

Other Income 1%

Fines and Protests 33% Sports Betting 25%

Quotas Equipas B 2% B-Team Fees 2%

Other Commercial Income 6% Ticketing and Hospitality 5% TV Share 13%

Registration and Transfers 35%

Naming Sponsors 47%

Official Partners 6%

Regarding Online Betting, it should be no-

is expected. The reduction is due to the

ted that this revenue is directly derived

decrease in the number of B-Teams in the

from the Special Online Gambling Tax

competitive framework of LigaPro for the

(IEJO). So if in the future discussion and

season under review, as well as the neces-

approval of the State Budget for 2020,

sary prudence in the budgeting of most

there are changes in the calculation of

of these associative revenues, since by

this tax, this will naturally affect our pre-

nature, they tend to be quite inconstant

dictions and thus have an impact on the

and variable.

Sponsors 30%

Liga Portugal budget. Compared to the forecasted figures for the previous season, a slight reduction in associative income

| 2019-20 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 113

7.3 DISTRIBUTION TO SPORTS COMPANIES The distribution is made by Liga Portugal, either directly, with the distribution of funds to the Sports Companies, or indirectly, supporting the expenses inherent to the organisation of competitions. As can be seen from the analysis on the graph below, this item has had a positive evolution over time and is expected to increase by about 12% in 2019-20, thus reaching the figure of â‚Ź7.9 million.

Evolution of the Liga Portugal Distribution of Funds to Sports Companies (Figures in thousands of Euros; 2013-14 to 2019-20 seasons)

7 926 6 954

Executed 2013-14

6 549

6 427

6 410

Executed 2014-15

Executed 2015-16

Executed 2016-17

114 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2019-20 SEASON |

7 098 6 069

Executed 2017-18

Predicted 2018-19

Budget 2019-20

7.3.1 DIRECT DISTRIBUTION As far as direct distribution is concer-

each B-Team according to the respecti-

ned, the main amount to be transferred

ve regulations - the decrease of this item

to the Sports Companies corresponds to

is expected for this season, given that the

the Taça da Liga prizes. In this sense, the

outcome of the previous season reduced

values of the prizes annually represent

the number of B-Teams to two for 2019-20.

75% of the value obtained from sponsor-

Meanwhile, as was already the case in

ships within the scope of the commercial

the 2018-19 season, with the change in

activity of the aforementioned competi-

the concept of TV Share approved by the

tion. For 2019-20, it is estimated that the

Sports Companies, a solidarity share of

total figure of prizes for the Taça da Liga

€300,000 was created to directly support

will be €1.9 million, compared to the €1.8

the teams relegated to LigaPro at the

million allocated in 2018-19.

end of the season.

Regarding the values of the B-Team

A value of €550,000 has also been allot-

fees - to be equally distributed among

ted for the constitution of a “fund” to

the teams participating in LigaPro, and

deal with any unforeseen events that

maintaining the numbers to be paid by

may arise.

As such, and regarding direct distribution, in addition to the funds relating to sports betting and the UEFA solidarity fund - where Liga Portugal simply intermediates the transaction - allocation for the 2019-20 season will be as follows:

Solidarity TV Share 13%

Commercial Rights 2% B-Team Fees 4%

Taça da Liga Prizes 81%

7.3.2 INDIRECT DISTRIBUTION Indirect distribution includes all expenses in-

of football. Furthermore, in the case of Sports

As a result, a global analysis of the direct and indirect distribution of funds to Sports Companies,

curred by Liga Portugal that are intrinsic to

Companies taking part in LigaPro, this budget

and estimating an average value per company, results in the following table:

the organisation of professional competi-

also includes the expected expenses for the

tions. Therefore, Liga Portugal predicts the

surveillance of stadiums.

Direct Distribution

continued support to the Sports Companies

The expenses incurred with referees, obser-

in general, regarding expenses inherent to

vers, and delegates also have a considera-

Taรงa da Liga Prizes

1 950 000

57 400

anti-doping control within the context of

ble weight in the budget under review. Thus,

Placard Earnings

3 550 000

104 500

professional competitions and the expenses

for the 2019-20 sports season, the following

Online Betting

2 700 000

79 500

with the acquisition of balls for the practice

distribution is expected:

UEFA Solidarity Fund

4 200 000

155 600

Distribution of Commercial Rights

55 000

5 000

B-Team Fees

100 000

6 300

Solidarity TV Share

300 000

23 100

12 855 000

431 400

Anti-doping Control 2%

Ball Distribution 13%

Dec 17 GA Fund 10%


Official Ticketing Supply 0,6%

Indirect Distribution

Stadium Surveillance Service 2%

Observers 7%

116 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2019-20 SEASON |

Referees 58%

Average Value per SC

Budget 2019-20

Average Value per SC

Stadium Surveillance Service

110 000

7 400

Anti-doping Control

113 000

3 200

Ball Distribution

696 280

19 400

Equipment Distribution

Delegates 8%

Budget 2019-20




3 228 910

89 700

Observers Delegates Dec 17 GA Fund TOTAL

369 350 421 700 550 000 5 489 240

10 300 11 800 15 300 157 100


18 344 240

588 500

7.4 EXPENSES Overall, the spending budget for the 2019-20 sports season has the following distribution:

Organisations and Entities 9%

Events and Training 17%

Depreciation and Amortisation 1%

Other Operating Expenses 6%

Structure and Services 67%

For the season under review, and in comparison with previous seasons, the following evolution of the values of spending for Liga Portugal are expected:


Executed 2013-14

Executed 2014-15

Executed 2015-16

Executed 2016-17

Executed 2017-18

Predicted 2018-19

Budget 2019-20

5 308 237

5 359 582

5 378 643

5 932 488

7 314 775

9 124 095

9 234 650

The expected increase in spending for next season is only 1.2%. Although this increase is not significant, it is the result of a constant focus on new projects and the desired and ever-pursued improvement of the service provided to the associated Sports Companies.




All protocols and agreements in force during the current season are to be maintained for the

As a proposal for the season in review, this item is broken down as follows:

2019-20 period. However, we plan to sign a new protocol with the Portuguese Association of

Postgraduation 6%

Football Referees (APAF), with a view to increasing involvement between all the organisations involved in professional football. It is worth noting that the entity with the most relevant values in this item is the Portuguese Football Federation, representing about 62% of the total value. Therefore, the following breakdown in the values to be distributed to various organisations and entities for the next season is expected:

International Entities 9%

Other National Entities 3%

Taça da Liga Final 31% Other Events 44% Copa Ibérica 19%

Players Union 26% Portuguese Football Federation 62%

To the scrutiny of all, the events organised by Liga Portugal acquire more and more prestige and media coverage. So, with the paramount objective of increasing returns for Sports Companies and sponsors, hosting these events requires a greater commitment and investment from Liga Portugal. The Allianz CUP Final Four is the event with the greatest financial impact, representing around 31% of this item. The recently-created Copa Ibérica, born from the cooperation agreement signed between Liga Portugal and LaLiga, is also an important event for the 2019-20 season, accounting for around 19% of the total for this item. With a 6% investment, training is another increasingly ambitious clear bet from Liga Portugal, reiterating the strengthening of the professionalisation of the various football agents. The remaining events include, among others, the Kick-Off of professional competitions, the Annual Conference, award ceremonies for both competitions, as well as the bet on the growing popularity of the eSports competition.

| 2019-20 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 119

7.4.3 STRUCTURE AND SERVICES Liga Portugal has been implementing an ambitious process of development and modernisation of its services. It should be noted that it is only by increasing competitiveness and the ability to value and project the competitions it organises, as well as by seeking to create and maintain a cohesive and highly competent team, that objects are achieved. Thus, for the next sports season, the Liga Portugal structure, as well as the services provided in accordance with the action plan presented in this document, the following distribution of expenses is to be expected:

Governing Bodies and Support to the Executive Board 10%

Disciplinary, Legal, and Registration Services 16%

Content and Media 16%

Administrative and Financial 9%

Technology 10%

Competitions 12% Marketing and Sponsorship 27%

120 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2019-20 SEASON |

7.5 OPERATIONAL RESULTS AND FINAL COMMENTS The expected results for the 2019-20 season amount to €1 million, thus reflecting a clear stability

Reflecting on the aforementioned expla-

and constant focus on the services provided by Liga Portugal, seeking thereby to achieve the

nation, it is proposed that this budget be

continued satisfaction of its members.

approved so that the Liga Portugal services

This evolution is detailed in the following table:

can carry it out in its entirety.

Executed 2013-14

Executed 2014-15

Executed 2015-16

Executed 2016-17

Executed 2017-18

Predicted 2018-19

Budget 2019-20


9 730 836

11 182 623

14 672 875

14 812 822

15 554 766

18 233 600

18 183 770


12 263 080

11 908 796

11 805 762

12 342 847

13 384 589

16 222 368

17 160 890


(2 532 244)

(726 173)

2 867 113

2 469 975

2 170 177

2 011 232

1 022 880

The presented budget proposal is naturally prudent and balanced on a single objective of maintaining the positive results of Liga Portugal, once again - much in the sense of continuing the path of positive results. The most important factors in this budget proposal are: ● Continued income as planned for the current sports season. The budgeting of the various items should be considered from a conservative perspective. These may suffer positive impacts, depending on the development of some commercial processes that are underway; ● Increase in the distribution of funds to Sports Companies in the order of 12%, due to renegotiation of the Taça da Liga contacts, the contract for official ball distribution of the professional competitions, and the increase in funds to be supported by Liga Portugal relating to referees, observers, and delegates; ● Increase in spending of around 1%, focused on improving the value of our staff and on maintaining the excellence of our product. As can be easily seen, this investment represents a clear growth, but also allows us to continue affirming the strong Liga Portugal brand, the consolidating and growth of our competitions, as well as the increase in the impact of their visibility. As previously mentioned, this is a time of challenges and expansion for Professional Football, with other business and financing models. Liga Portugal remains with “eyes wide open” to new challenges and specific targets. Portuguese Professional Football should be at the forefront in terms of growth opportunities while maintaining sustainability.

| 2019-20 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 123


Associative Income Commercial Income TOTAL INCOME


DIRECT DISTRIBUTION Taça da Liga Prizes B-Team Fees Commercial Rights Solidarity TV Share Others

INDIRECT DISTRIBUTION Stadium Surveillance Service Official Ticketing Supply Anti-doping Control Ball Distribution Dec 17 GA Fund Referees Observers Delegates Others TOTAL DISTRIBUTION TO SPORTS COMPANIES


ORGANISATIONS AND ENTITIES Portuguese Football Federation Players Union Other National Entities International Entities EVENTS AND TRAINING Taça da Liga Final Copa Ibérica Other Events Postgraduation STRUCTURE AND SERVICES Governing Bodies and Support to the Executive Board Administrative and Financial Technology Competitions Marketing and Sponsorship Content and Media Disciplinary, Legal, and Registration Services OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES DEPRECIATION AND AMORTISATION FINANCIAL EXPENSES PROVISIONS



Executed 2016-17

Executed 2017-18

Predicted 2018-19

Budget 2019-20

4 796 255 10 016 567 14 812 822

4 889 299 10 665 467 15 554 766

4 740 050 13 493 550 18 233 600

4 433 790 13 749 980 18 183 770

1 522 212 250 000 256 098 2 028 310

1 500 000 250 000 231 707 1 981 707

1 875 000 200 000 262 320 300 000 2 637 320

1 950 000 100 000 55 000 300 000 2 405 000

115 411 39 710 108 175 5 031 3 485 922 377 389 250 411 4 382 049 6 410 359

112 062 32 762 100 026 135 779 3 038 529 338 991 329 958 4 088 107 6 069 814

98 532 31 000 113 000 245 700 550 000 2 749 848 323 670 349 204 4 460 954 7 098 274

110 000 32 000 113 000 696 280 550 000 3 228 910 369 350 421 700 5 521 240 7 926 240

537 354 241 356 14 400 66 050 859 160

522 134 234 199 14 400 63 050 833 782

501 000 212 000 14 400 74 650 802 050

525 000 215 600 28 800 75 000 844 400

488 733 126 785 51 284 666 802

648 229 550 996 117 793 1 317 018

676 000 908 485 62 930 1 647 415

500 000 300 000 704 280 106 010 1 610 290

583 521 303 478 521 570 544 867 592 892 119 155 854 927 3 520 410 793 433 81 894 10 790

575 756 490 703 573 501 560 939 830 005 248 388 1 001 175 4 280 467 788 696 91 500 3 311

594 800 535 750 622 380 738 600 1 662 730 1 001 100 1 015 460 6 170 820 471 140 105 000 33 000

5 932 488 2 469 975

7 314 775 2 170 177

619 936 574 706 774 291 742 782 1 385 334 456 450 857 691 5 411 190 703 439 100 000 25 000 435 000

9 124 095 2 011 232

9 234 650 1 022 880

7.7 OPERATING BUDGET BY COMPETITION ASSOCIATIVE INCOME Fines and Protests Registration and Transfers Associative Fees B-Team Fees Sports Betting Other Income TOTAL ASSOCIATIVE INCOME COMMERCIAL INCOME NAMING SPONSORS Naming Sponsors 1st League Naming Sponsors 2nd League

SPONSORSHIPS Taça da Liga Official Ball and Equipment Banking Institution Technology Partner Other Sponsorships

Official Partners Fleet Insurance Game Licensing Statistics Collection Services Bookmaker

OTHER COMMERCIAL INCOME TV Share Ticketing and Hospitality Postgraduation Postgraduation TV Rights Other Income


Liga NOS

Liga NOS


Taça da Liga


1 195 000 1 200 000 64 650 550 000 20 700 3 030 350

195 000 455 000 28 740 100 000 550 000 14 700 1 343 440

60 000 60 000

1 450 000 1 655 000 93 390 100 000 1 100 000 35 400 4 433 790

5 060 000 5 060 000

500 000 500 000


5 060 000 500 000 5 560 000

409 025 317 500 45 000 771 525

409 025 317 500 45 000 771 525

2 600 000 2 600 000

2 600 000 818 050 635 000 90 000 4 143 050

31 350 25 000 80 000 108 500 200 000 444 850

31 350 25 000 108 500 200 000 364 850


62 700 50 000 80 000 217 000 400 000 809 700

1 726 990 20 000 23 000 81 270 200 000 200 600 2 251 860

20 000 15 000 81 270 193 600 309 870

632 500 3 000 40 000 675 500

1 726 990 672 500 41 000 162 540 200 000 434 200 3 237 230

8 528 235

1 946 245

3 275 500

13 749 980

11 558 585

3 289 685

3 335 500

18 183 770

DISTRIBUTION TO SPORTS COMPANIES DIRECT DISTRIBUTION Taça da Liga Prizes B-Team Fees Commercial Rights Solidarity TV Share Others


Taça da Liga


55 000 55 000

100 000 300 000 400 000

1 950 000 1 950 000

1 950 000 100 000 55 000 300 000 2 405 000

18 000 75 000 348 140 275 000 1 890 709 192 465 256 106 3 055 419

110 000 12 000 38 000 348 140 275 000 1 100 138 161 515 119 629 2 164 422

2 000 238 064 15 370 45 965 301 399

110 000 32 000 113 000 696 280 550 000 3 228 910 369 350 421 700 5 521 240

3 110 419

2 564 422

2 251 399

7 926 240

408 684 203 600 22 419 58 383 693 087

116 316 10 000 6 381 16 617 149 313

2 000 2 000

525 000 215 600 28 800 75 000 844 400

300 000 511 477 82 523 894 000

129 662 23 487 153 149

500 000 63 141 563 141

500 000 300 000 704 280 106 010 1 610 290

463 020 417 053 471 392 451 135 1 004 804 694 759 790 481 4 292 645

131 780 118 697 145 638 171 939 384 194 262 295 224 979 1 439 522

5 350 115 526 273 732 44 046 438 654

594 800 535 750 622 380 738 600 1 662 730 1 001 100 1 015 460 6 170 820

235 570 52 500 16 500 -

235 570 52 500 16 500 -


471 140 105 000 33 000 -


6 184 302

2 046 554

1 003 794

9 234 650


2 263 864

(1 321 291)

80 307

1 022 880

INDIRECT DISTRIBUTION Stadium Surveillance Service Official Ticketing Supply Anti-doping Control Ball Distribution Dec 17 GA Fund Referees Observers Delegates Others


EXPENSES ORGANISATIONS AND ENTITIES Portuguese Football Federation Players Union Other National Entities International Entities

EVENTS AND TRAINING Taça da Liga Final Copa Ibérica Other Events Postgraduation

STRUCTURE AND SERVICES Governing Bodies and Support to the Executive Board Administrative and Financial Technology Competitions Marketing and Sponsorship Content and Media Disciplinary, Legal, and Registration Services

Other Operating Expenses Depreciation and Amortisation Financial Expenses Provisions

| 2019-20 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 125



Value €


Value €


Value €


Value €

Associative Income

4 433 790

Distribution to Sports Companies

7 926 240

Associative Income

3 030 350

Distribution to Sports Companies

3 110 419

Commercial Income

13 749 980


9 234 650

Commercial Income

8 528 235


6 184 302

14 000 000

20 000 000 € 18 000 000 €

18 183 770 € 17 160 890 €

12 000 000

11 558 585

16 000 000 € 10 000 000

14 000 000 € 12 000 000 €

9 294 721

8 000 000

10 000 000 €

6 000 000

8 000 000 € 4 000 000

6 000 000 € 4 000 000 €

2 000 000

2 000 000 € 0€











Total Annual Income

18 183 770

Total Annual Income

11 558 585

Total Annual Expenditure

17 160 890

Total Annual Expenditure

9 294 721


126 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2019-20 SEASON |

1 022 880


2 263 864



Value €


Value €


Associative Income

1 343 440

Distribution to Sports Companies

2 564 422

Associative Income

Commercial Income

1 946 245


2 046 554

Commercial Income

5 000 000

60 000 3 275 500


Value €

Distribution to Sports Companies

2 251 399


1 003 794

4 000 000

4 610 976

4 500 000

3 500 000

4 000 000 3 500 000

Value €

3 335 500

3 255 193

3 000 000

3 289 685 2 500 000

3 000 000

2 000 000

2 500 000 2 000 000

1 500 000

1 500 000

1 000 000

1 000 000

500 000

500 000 0












Total Annual Income

3 289 685

Total Annual Income

3 335 500

Total Annual Expenditure

4 610 976

Total Annual Expenditure

3 255 193


(1 321 291)


80 307

| 2019-20 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 127


The previous seasons were dedicated to

will be settled at around 95% at the end

result of accumulated surplus, moving the

to resort to the use of treasury financing to

the effective financial restructuring of Liga

of 2019-20.

organisation into a clear path of positive

meet the current needs of Liga Portugal.

Portugal, with a very rigorous and arduous

With this financial restructuring carried

cash-flow results.

Even with this possibility, Liga Portugal is

work renegotiating debts, emphasising

out in recent seasons, and with careful

The flow of the Liga Portugal operational

expected to achieve a positive accumu-

the involvement of all partners without

management, it was possible to meet all

activities resulting from the action plan

lated cash-flow result of around €52,000.

which this recovery would not be feasible.

the commitments and generate liquidity

presented here, as well as the decisions

Consequently, agreements were reached

for the current activity of Liga Portugal.

to distribute to its associates, will have a

that were fundamental to the financial

In 2017-18, Liga Portugal was finally able

negative flow of around €1.5 million for

sustainability of Liga Portugal, such as:

to reverse cash deficit, thus achieving a

2019-20. As a result, it may be necessary

● Portuguese Football Federation - circa €2.6 million; ● Union of Professional Football players with a debt of over €600,000;

Evolution of Cash-flow

● Pledged Current Account, whose ba-

(Figures in thousands of Euros; 2014-15 to 2019-20 seasons)

31 370 € 29 665 €

lance already amounted to €850,000;

31 219 €

27 268 €

It is also important to highlight the adhe-

23 736 €

sion of Liga Portugal to the Special Plan for Reducing Debt to the State (PERES) -

29 492 €

26 050 €

23 254 €

approved by Decree-Law No. 67/2016, on 3rd November - in the form of 36 instal-

15 028 €

ments, including in the plan all the tax fo-

14 555 €

reclosure processes in existence to date. This adhesion provided a significant benefit, with a reduction in default interest, compensatory interest, and procedural costs, totalling the amount of €519,000 - a


In accordance with the payment plans agreed and which have been scrupulou-

(€2 054)

(€1 581)

(€1 452)

Starting Point




sly complied with, these retained charges


2017-18 Period Cash-flow




re economic results.




Accumulated Cash-flow


Starting Point








15 028

23 736

27 268

29 665

31 370



14 555

23 254

26 050

29 492

31 219

Period Cash-flow




1 218



(2 054)

(1 581)

(1 452)




Accumulated Cash-flow

130 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2019-20 SEASON |

€1 218



value that will have repercussions on futu-

In detail, the treasury plan that the Liga Portugal management presents as a proposal for this season is as follows:


Starting Point

OPERATIONAL ACTIVITIES INFLOW Sports Companies Naming Sponsors Sponsors Official Partners Other Inflows Sports Betting UEFA Solidarity Fund TOTAL OPERATING INFLOW OUTFLOW Suppliers Distribution to Sports Companies Organisations and Entities Staff State Postgraduation Sports Betting UEFA Solidarity Fund Other Outflows TOTAL OPERATING OUTFLOW OPERATING ACTIVITIES FLOW INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES INFLOW Financial Investments Tangible Fixed Assets OUTFLOW Tangible Fixed Assets Intangible Assets Interest and similar income INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES FLOW FINANCING ACTIVITIES INFLOW Financing Obtained OUTFLOW Financing Obtained Interest and similar expenses FINANCING ACTIVITIES FLOW NET CASH-FLOW FOR THE PERIOD Holdings Opening Balance for the Period Closing Balance for the Period ACCRUED CHARGES Opening Balance for the Period Variations Closing Balance for the Period NET CASH-FLOW FOR THE PERIOD ACCUMULATED CASH-FLOW

(2 053 758) (2 053 758) (2 053 758)

Executed 2015-16

Executed 2016-17

Executed 2017-18

Predicted 2018-19

Budget 2019-20

4 767 037 5 100 000 3 302 550 24 000 164 289 1 670 207 15 028 083

4 863 755 5 800 000 2 728 436 536 515 5 687 153 4 119 950 23 735 808

5 036 992 5 848 150 2 834 874 260 864 1 426 508 7 652 913 4 207 406 27 267 706

6 267 000 4 830 000 4 105 200 509 700 1 568 900 8 129 900 4 254 100 29 664 800

5 930 000 5 060 000 4 835 800 945 500 1 565 000 7 334 000 4 200 000 29 870 300

4 044 325 4 894 107 1 070 873 755 474 1 555 329 1 245 237 869 960 14 435 307 592 776

3 348 710 5 650 981 1 725 339 990 086 2 084 320 47 001 4 879 661 3 991 202 296 955 23 014 254 721 555

4 359 440 5 282 218 1 621 579 1 241 373 2 579 138 6 035 022 4 064 709 626 165 25 809 644 1 458 062

5 045 000 5 981 800 1 610 800 1 406 800 2 597 200 106 800 7 303 600 4 525 600 538 100 29 115 700 549 100

5 850 000 7 897 404 1 739 800 1 710 000 2 920 000 154 900 6 250 000 4 200 000 494 000 31 216 104 (1 345 804)









142 000 22 200 (164 200)






1 500 000

120 000 (120 000) 472 776

240 000 (240 000) 481 555

240 000 (240 000) 1 218 062

230 000 4 000 (234 000) 150 900

3 000 1 497 000 151 196

1 112 837 1 585 613

1 585 613 2 067 168

2 067 168 3 285 230

3 285 230 3 436 130

3 436 130 3 587 326

(2 053 758) (2 053 758) 472 776 (1 580 982)

(2 053 758) 120 296 (1 933 462) 481 555 (1 451 907)

(1 933 462) 1 035 796 (897 666) 1 218 062 320 396

(897 666) 1 025 857 128 191 150 900 279 091

128 191 (227 727) (99 536) 151 196 51 660

| 2019-20 SEASON | ACTIVITY PLAN | 131

STATUTES AND REGULATIONS The Statutes of Liga Portugal and its Regu-




Liga Portugal services are available on



lations are available for consultation in full

weekdays from 09:00 to 19:00

on the Liga Portugal website:



Address: Rua da Constituição,



• Statutes of Liga Portugal;

nº 2555 - 4250-173 PORTO

• General Regulations;

Tel.: 22 834 87 40


• Competition Regulations;

Fax: 22 834 87 56



• Refereeing Regulations;

GPS: 41° 9’ 53.315” N 8° 37’ 41.219” W



• Disciplinary Regulations;

LISBON OFFICE: Address: Rua Castilho,



n.º 13 D, 6º A - 1250-066 LISBOA



GPS: 38° 43’ 16.176” N 9° 9’ 0.547”


134 | ACTIVITY PLAN | 2019-20 SEASON |

Rua da Constituição 2555 4250-173 PORTO

T: +351 228 348 740

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