Newsletter 2011/2012
Pa s t or’s L e t t e r Page 1
Ministry Events Page 11
Tenacious Faith Page 3
Contents Pastor’s letter
Page 1
Tenacious Faith Page 3
Ministry Events
Page 11
r e t t e L s ’ r o t Pa s As we look back on 2011, we see a year filled with chaos, confusion, disasters and destruction but we also see a year filled with glory, grace, hope and victory. In 2010 the Lord revealed what we were to expect in 2011, “As for 2011, the number 11 in the Word of God is the number that represents chaos, confusion, trouble and turmoil. However, it also represents the prophetic and the miraculous. The Lord spoke to me and said that 2011 will be a year filled with spiritual activity that will manifest with an intensifying of activity in the natural realm. A year where we will see the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy especially for Israel - Israel will dominate headlines especially towards the end of the year. A year where we will see the fulfillment of many prophetic promises for us and the nations. A year where we will see an increase of confusion, trouble, turmoil and natural disasters in the world as well as the intensifying of God’s presence in our lives. A year where we will be propelled to new realms in the Spirit, where we will see signs, wonders and miracles we have never experienced before, purification and transformation, answers to prayers and the fulfillment of God’s promises to us.” (Richard Pace – Pastor’s letter 2010) God NEVER makes a mistake and once again, this is EXACTLY what we saw. In January we saw the devastating floods in Queensland. In February we saw the destructive earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand. In March we saw the unprecedented earthquake/tsunami that occurred on the East Coast of Japan. There were at least ninety two natural disasters which were documented to have
occurred right up until October 2011. This in itself is absolute proof that the earth is indeed experiencing the “birth pains” or “Beginning of sorrows” that Jesus mentions in the Gospel as evidence of His second coming (Mt 24:1-39). 2011 was undoubtedly the year of natural disasters. But we also experienced a greater outpouring of the Holy Spirit than we ever have before. In October 2010, the Lord said that in 2011, He will increase the anointing for the gift of faith upon the Church. This is because He is taking us to a deeper level of relationship and intimacy with Him, He will perform greater signs, wonders and miracles for and through us and we will face challenges unlike any we have faced before and to go deeper with the Lord, receive what
He has for us and overcome any challenges we are facing or will face, we will need an increase of the gift of faith. This too is EXACTLY what occurred. The world and the Church faced challenges unlike any it has experienced before and many found themselves in situations where they were almost forced to make a decision to put their faith in God or not. Many in the Church saw their relationship with God strengthened and their faith significantly increased. The Lord also revealed that He will increase the gift of the discernment of spirits and wisdom in the Church because we will need it more than we ever have before. The Lord revealed that the enemy will attempt to deceive the Church through false teachings and doctrines to the point where some
will even dare to declare the date of the coming of the Lord and the end. This too occurred. A man falsely declared the very date of the coming of the Lord and the end as being this year. These things will carry over and continue into the New Year and the years to follow. In 2012 we will see the same and more. We will see an intensification of the frequency and severity of natural disasters especially tsunamis, earthquakes and floods. The number 12 in the word of God represents governmental perfection – The perfection of God’s will and purposes
in the earth, the Church, our lives and circumstances. It is a perfect number and is found as a multiple in all that has to do with government and rule. There will be another shift in secular and Christian government (leadership). Many secular and Church leaders will be removed and replaced with more competent leaders. However, the enemy will attempt to place evil people in government to counter the Lord’s plan. God will make His presence, power, authority and will known in a greater way and will sovereignly move to fulfill His will in situations where it seemed like nothing was happening. With the ever looming threat of rumors concerning the end of the world connected to the year 2012, a spirit of fear will take hold of many but God will utilize this (turn it around) to bring many to salvation and the Church. As 2011 draws to a close and 2012 quickly approaches, many will enter the New Year with uncertainty, fear and apprehension of what is to come. Many will be dismayed as news of disasters – droughts, earthquakes, floods, cyclones, volcanic eruptions, cold snaps, heat waves and other unusual disasters, worse than we’ve heard of or seen so far, as well as continued rumors of the end of the world, flood the airwaves. Despite this, we have no reason to fear. In the late 90’s the
Lord spoke to me and said that “If we pray, many of the disasters that have been predicted for our time will either be minimized or will not occur at all.” “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 2 Chron 7:14 (NKJV). Jesus stated, “But of that day and hour (of His second coming and the end), no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” Mt 13:32 (NKJV, parenthesis added). Jesus stated that NO ONE can predict the day or hour of His coming and the end. So, that being the case, how can anyone claim to know the date of His coming and the end? Contrary to popular belief, the world WILL NOT end in 2012 however, there will be significant changes. Despite what transpires next year and the years to come, God will continue to protect those who put their faith in Him and walk with Him in obedience. 2012 will be a year where we will see greater growth and multiplication in the Body of Christ. We will see greater things in the Church, our families and circumstances. The darkness will continue to grow darker in the world but the glory of God will continue to grow stronger and brighter in the Church. Be Prepared! Be ready! Watch and pray! Get ready! We will see greater things with the Lord in 2012! My prayer is that the Lord will continue to bless you and your family throughout the New Year and the years to come. Blessings.
Richard Pace Light of the World Ministries Church.
In October 2010, the Lord spoke to me and said that in 2011 He will increase the gift of faith upon the Church. This is because He wants to take us deeper in our relationship with Him, show greater signs, wonders and miracles for us and we will be facing greater challenges than we’ve ever faced before and in order to go deeper with God, receive what He has for us and overcome the challenges we will be facing, we will need the gift of faith in a greater measure especially in the weeks, months and years to come. As I think back on events that have unfolded in the world this year, it becomes more and more evident that this message is coming to pass before our very eyes. People everywhere are finding themselves in situations where they are almost being forced to choose whether they will put their faith in God and His word or not. Those who do will see victory. Those who don’t will see defeat. It is for this reason that we will need TENACIOUS FAITH! At times we will need to lay hold of what God has for us. Not because He is reluctant to release it to us but because we will need to breakthrough obstacles, barriers, attacks and opposition. There are times where we will have to fight, persist, persevere and stand for what is ours in Christ. When we will need to persist in prayer, stand on the promises of God’s word, resist opposition and persevere to the end. However, we will not be able to do this in our own strength but only by the grace, power or help of God. These are the times when we will need to walk in TENACIOUS FAITH!
Jesus exclaimed, “And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.” Mt 11:12 (NKJV). Although Jesus was referring more to those who attack the kingdom of heaven, I believe there is a principal here we can apply to laying hold of the kingdom of heaven. At times we will be required to aggressively lay hold of what is ours in the Spirit.
However, tenacious faith is not something you turn on and off like a tap when you need a breakthrough. Tenacious faith is ABSOLUTLEY vital for a relationship with God. If you want to know God, walk with Him, have intimacy with Him, grow stronger in your relationship with Him and prosper in Him, you will need to continuously walk in tenacious faith. Why? We are daily bombarded with distractions, obstacles, barriers and problems that compete for our attention and we have an enemy who uses these things to draw us away from God and destroy our relationship with Him. It is also for these reasons that we will need to walk in tenacious faith! This is the faith that makes it possible for us to go deeper with God and overcome every test, trial, difficulty, hardship, challenge, distraction, obstacle, barrier, temptation and demonic attack and begins with a simple decision we make each day to walk in it.
Each and every one of us have, are at the present time and will face situations where we will have to choose to exercise faith.
Tenacious faith is faith that says, “I WILL put God first and pursue and obey Him no matter how I feel, what people are saying or doing around me, what Satan and demons are saying or doing around me or how the circumstances look. (Mt 6:33). Tenacious faith is faith that says, “I WILL persist, persevere and press through the circumstances until I touch God and see the breakthrough!” (Ps 18:2-3). It is faith that earnestly clings to God and lays hold of the word of God, the things of the Spirit and what God has for you. It “locks on” and NEVER let’s go. We are commanded to have tenacious faith. (1 Cor 16:13, 1 Tim 6:12, Jude 1:3).
The word “Tenacious” means; to hold firmly – a tenacious grip. That retains well. Holding together strongly; cohesive. Clinging, adhesive. Persistent. This is how we are to be with God and our faith. This is the type of faith we must exercise if we want to go deeper in God and overcome any tests, trials, difficulties, opposition or demonic attacks that will come our way.
We live in a generation where distractions of all types and forms are competing for our attention. These distractions appeal to our feelings and tempt us to abandon God. We live in a generation who “goes after whatever is in their hearts”, at the risk of disobeying and even walking away from the Lord. These are the times when we MUST decide to have tenacious faith.
Most people, including Christians, are too quick to give up, give in or walk away when things don’t seem to be going their way. They are quick to grumble, complain against and criticize God and others when problems arise and intensify. But these are not times when we should give up, give in, walk away, grumble, complain or criticize but are times when we should dig our heels in, press into God, stand on His word, persist, persevere and lay hold of God and His promises to us. Many Christians make the mistake of waiting for God to “drop” faith into their lap before they “have” faith. Or they wait until they “feel” like they have faith before they say they “have” faith. Faith is still a widely misunderstood concept, even by Christians but the word of God has made it very simple. Faith is not something you can muster up in the flesh (your own power), nor is it merely mental assent. The key to understanding faith and how it works is knowing that faith is not based on feelings but decisions. Feelings can influence decisions but decisions can over-ride feelings. You can “choose” to have faith in God and His word despite how you
feel. You may be feeling the worst you have ever felt in your life. You may be feeling absolutely depressed, crushed, defeated and ready to give up but you can make a decision to put your faith in God and His word despite how you feel and see victory. You can get, receive, activate and walk in faith by making a decision to do so despite your feelings. In Mk 11:22, Jesus stated “Have faith in God.” The word “Have” can also mean, “Get” or “Receive”. So Jesus was also saying, “Get” or “Receive” faith in God. How do you “Get” or “Receive” faith in God? By simply making a DECISION to have faith in God. Also, the words Jesus used here suggest a deliberate “taking hold of”, a “getting of”. We “Get” faith in God by making a decision to “Have” faith in God or to put our faith in God and making that decision despite how you feel, how the circumstances look, what people are saying or doing around you or what Satan and demons are saying or doing around you. Tenacious faith is the type of faith that does not depend or rely on our feelings at all but gives us the power to press on and breakthrough despite our feelings. It is the key to a deeper relationship with God, miracles and breakthroughs! This however, will require commitment. There will be times when you will feel like you can’t go on. This is not when you should give up. This is when you need to persist, persevere and press through by faith with God’s help until you breakthrough. Two examples of tenacious faith from the word of God 1. The woman with the issue of blood (Mk 5:24-34, Lk 8:43-48) A woman with an issue of blood for twelve years, who spent all her money on physicians who could not help her, heard that the great physician was in the vicinity. When she did, she pressed through the crowd to touch Him. The crowd pushed her, pulled her and shoved her but despite this she pressed through all the more until she touched the hem of Jesus’ garment. When she did, power went out of Him into her and instantly healed her. Jesus exclaimed, “Who touched Me?” (Vs. 45). The crowd denied it but Jesus perceived that power went out of Him. There were many who touched Him but when this woman touched Him, power went out of Him. She literally “pulled” the anointing out of Him. This touch was a special touch. It was the touch of a woman with tenacious faith. A woman who would not give up until she touched the Lord and received her breakthrough despite her circumstances and the opposition of the crowd. Notice, when Jesus addressed her He stated, “Your faith has made you well” (Vs. 48). He didn’t say, “I have made you well” or “My power has made you well” although this was the case, but stated, “YOUR FAITH has made you well”. This woman’s faith in Jesus and His ability to heal her was what made it possible for her to receive her breakthrough despite the circumstances. 2. Blind Bartimaeus (Mk 10:46-52) A blind man named Bartimaeus sat on the side of the road begging. When he heard that Jesus was passing by he cried out, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” (Vs. 47). This in itself was a statement of faith which publicly declared
his faith in Jesus as the Messiah of Israel and the Savior of the world. When the people heard him they tried to silence him but he cried out all the louder, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” This was a man of tenacious faith. A man who would not be silenced but shouted all the louder and continued until he got Jesus’ attention, which he did. Jesus called Bartimaeus over and healed him. Then Jesus said the same thing to him as he said to the woman with the issue of blood, “Go your way; your faith has made you well.” (Vs. 52). He didn’t say, “I have made you well” or “My power has made you well” although this was the case, but “YOUR FAITH has made you well”. This man would not let up until he got Jesus’ attention and received his breakthrough. This is tenacious faith. Tenacious faith breaks through ALL difficulties, hardships, opposition, circumstances and gets God’s attention. If you want to get God’s attention, walk in tenacious faith. This is how we need to be when it comes to faith. These people did not let up until they touched the Lord and received their breakthrough. Even to the point of pressing through opposition to do so – the greater the opposition became, the more they pressed through. We too must persist, persevere and breakthrough and the greater the opposition becomes, the more we must press through. This is they key to a strong and prosperous relationship with God, effectiveness in ministry and breakthrough. How to activate tenacious faith Activating tenacious faith is SIMPLE. More simple than we realize. Tenacious faith is activated by a simple decision to have tenacious faith – to be tenacious about your faith. To persevere, persist and press through until you touch the heart of God and see the breakthrough (Rev 3:10, Rom 5:2-5). •
First of all, find out what God’s will is for you, your situation or the people you are praying for. You do this by 1. Seeking God in prayer and 2. Searching His word (Rom 12:2).
Secondly, wait for God to confirm it through the mouths of two or three witnesses (2 Cor 13:1). Once you know God’s will for you, have received confirmation, then and ONLY then, run with it and never give up until you see the answer (Hab 2:2-3). NOTE, be sure you are not confused about God’s will for you or that you do not run with your own selfish or sinful passions and desires mistaking them for God’s will. and
Thirdly, NEVER GIVE UP! No matter how you feel, how the situation may look or how intense the opposition becomes! Actually, the more intense the opposition becomes, the more tenacious YOU must become! Press through UNTIL you see the breakthrough! (Gal 6:9-10). This is TENACIOUS FAITH!
I pray that you will learn to walk in tenacious faith and that, by God’s grace, you will be able to breakthrough every test, trial, difficulty, hardship and opposition to go deeper with the Lord and see your breakthrough. Blessings! - Richard Pace
Available from
Rising With The Eagles: Two cd teaching series revealing how to go to higher and deeper levels of intimacy with God. “Pastor Richard Pace’s message on “Rising with the Eagles” has been such a life changing message for me. Using the Eagle as an analogy of who we are in Christ and biblical examples to back that up, Richard has really opened my eyes to the truth of God’s word and the fullness of life we have in Christ. I have been fed spiritually to overflow. “TOP MESSAGE PASTOR RICHARD!” - Sylvette
Receiving From God: Twelve cd teaching series revealing how to receive from God.
“Before hearing this teaching, I had difficulty relating to and receiving from God and as a result, felt down, dry and spiritually weak but after hearing it, not only have I learnt to easily relate to and receive from God but my relationship with God has intensified dramatically! This is a very inspiring and uplifting teaching for those who desire to know God more intimately, to receive what He has for them and to see His perfect will fulfilled in and through their lives.” - Pastor Anthony
The Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ:
Fourteen cd teaching series revealing the cleansing, healing and restoring power of the blood of Jesus Christ. “I listened to “The Power of the Blood of Jesus” whilst visiting Australia in early 2008. I’ve been a Christian for 24 years and heard lots of good teaching over the years, but there came new revelation in this teaching that was like the light being switched on. Amazing...I would like to hear more from Richard Pace!” - Christine
Exposing the Hidden Things of Darkness: Nine cd teaching series, including mini book, exposing the dangers of the occult and the demonic realm. “This is a very powerful teaching that will certainly bring you into a deeper with ther Lord, as well pas bring you a estep r irelationship c h a d a c closer to developing an immunity to the enemy’s tactics.” - Julia “Richard Pace has been greatly used by the Lord in this teaching and uses solid biblical truths to support his message. I strongly recommend this teaching as I believe it’s something we all need to know!” - Kristen
$54.95 A Prophetic Message from the Lord to the Church
A Prophetic Message from the Lord to the Church
Come Up Here COME UP HERE - A Prophetic Message from the Lord to the Church:
things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven. And the first voice which like a trumpet speaking with me, saying, “Come up here, and I will show you things take place after this.” (Rev 4:1)
e in God’s agenda? What hour is it on God’s time clock? The signs of the times point to Jesus Christ is returning soon! We are in the last days! We are coming into a season where ringing us to higher levels in the spirit, where He is bringing us out of the wilderness into d land and where we will see the fulfillment of the promises of God to us. A great revival is oss the earth. God is moving in ways unlike any we have seen or heard of before and now go higher. God is continually urging us to ascend to greater heights in and with Him. We content to remain where we are but must desire to go higher and now is the time to rise to l.
A Prophetic Message from the Lord to the Church
Seventeen cd teaching series including digital booklet/cd rom revealing God’s heart for the church and the world.
ise to greater heights in and with God n giants in the land and how to defeat them s to going higher in and with God ning of the prophetic call; “Come up Here!” for us d is saying to the Church and the world right now
ECAP DRAHCIR Richard Pace & Light of the World Ministries Church, 2007 LIGHT OF THE WORLD MINISTRIES CHURCH
“I listened to the series “Come Up Here” and it been etic messagehas you will discoververy inspiring for me. Not only did it d is saying torevive the Church and the world now things thatright I already knew but gave me fresh ning of the prophetic call; “Come up Here!” for us s to going higher in and with God revelations of the things of God as you go to the n giants in the land and how to defeat them with ise to greaternext heightslevel in and with God Him. I would greatly recommend ore. it to anyone who is keen to keep growing in God LIGHT OF THE WORLD MINISTRIES CHURCH as there is no for one wanting to go higher Richard Pace & Light of thelimit World Ministries Church, 2007 with Him.” - Nina
mportant Prophetic message, Richard Pace shares the heart and mind of God on where we genda not only for the Church but also, the world and the eternal significance of this.
“And Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will accomplish for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you will see again no more forever. The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.” Exo 14:13-14 (NKJV) Many at the present time are facing intense tests, trials, difficulties, hardships and demonic attacks. If you are, do not be afraid. The Lord will FIGHT for you! In Exo 14:13-14, the Israelites were in a difficult situation to say the least. They were trapped between the Red Sea and Pharaoh’s army. They had the Red Sea before them and Pharaoh’s army behind them ready to tear them to pieces! They could not move forwards nor could they move backwards. They could not turn to the left nor could they turn to the right. They could not run nor hide. You may feel like the Israelites; trapped, closed in, hemmed in from behind and before. You may feel like you can’t move forwards or backwards, you can’t move to the left or to the right and you can’t run or hide but be encouraged, the word of God in Exodus 13:13-14, gives us seven encouraging messages.
Do not be afraid! “And Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid” (Vs.13). This is a commandment, not a suggestion! There is no reason to be afraid because the Lord has promised to be with us and to fight for us! The word of God declares in Exo 15:3, “The Lord is a man of war; The Lord is His name”. Isa 47:4, “As for our Redeemer, the Lord of hosts (armies) is His name, the Holy One of Israel”. And in 2 Chron 20:15, “And he said, “Listen, all you of Judah and you inhabitants of Jerusalem, and you, King Jehoshaphat! Thus says the Lord to you: ‘Do not be afraid or dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours, but God’s”. At times fear may rise but the sin is not so much in feeling fear but in allowing fear to consume you, control your decisions and destroy your faith in God. Do not be afraid. The Lord WILL FIGHT FOR YOU!
Stand still! “Stand still...” (Vs. 13). At times, especially when nothing is going right, it’s easy to panic and get out in your own power in an attempt to resolve a situation that only God can resolve. Some find it easier to get out in the flesh to solve a problem than to “be still” and trust in the Lord to do it. However, when we take matters into our own hands, it usually makes matters worse. “Stand still” is referring to not getting out in the flesh but trusting in the Lord and standing on His word! Do not try to resolve something that only God can resolve. It will only wear you out. Cast your cares upon and surrender yourself, your family, your circumstances and problems over to Him and trust Him to take care of it (1 Pet 5:7).
You are about to SEE the manifestation of your breakthrough! “And see the salvation of the Lord, which He will accomplish for you today.” (Vs. 13). You are about to SEE your breakthrough in the natural!
You will SEE the breakthrough TODAY! “Which He will accomplish for you today.” (Vs. 13). Whether it literally occurs today, in a week or a month, you are coming into a season where you will see the breakthrough you have been waiting for. No matter how long it takes, be patient and continue to wait on the Lord (Ps 27:14).
The Lord WILL remove every hindrance, obstacle, barrier and demon in your way! “For the Egyptians whom you see today, you will see again no more forever.” (Vs.13). The Egyptians were the enemies of God and His people. Here, the Egyptians represent Satan, demons, hindrances, obstacles or barriers in your way and the Lord has promised to remove them forever!
The Lord will FIGHT for you! “The Lord will fight for you...” (Vs. 14). You will not have to fight alone! The Lord will fight for you! 2 Chron 20:15, “And he said, “Listen, all you of Judah and you inhabitants of Jerusalem, and you, King Jehoshaphat! Thus says the Lord to you: ‘Do not be afraid or dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours, but God’s”.
HOLD YOUR PEACE! “And you shall hold your peace.” (Vs. 14). This can mean two things 1. Do not let anyone or anything steal your peace! HOLD ON TO IT! And 2. Be still! Do not allow anxiousness, fear and confusion to overwhelm and
control you and do not get out in your own power to resolve something only God can resolve for you. Trust Him to do it! One of the ways you hold your peace is through prayer – bringing your fears, worries and concerns to the Lord in prayer. The word of God in Phil 4:6-7 states, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” (NKJV) As you are waiting on the Lord for your breakthrough, take courage, strength and peace from these words and hold fast to them without wavering until you see them fulfilled. “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.” Heb 10:23 (NKJV) - Richard Pace
Thank you to all who have supported Light of the World Ministries Church in 2011. And a special thanks to the following people for their help, support and contribution to the ministry during the year:
Intercessory Team and Prayer Warriors: Intercessory Pastor: Grace Pace Sarah Palluma, Neda Lucic, Richard Pace, Anthony Pace
Prophetic Team:
Senior Prophet: Richard Pace Grace Pace, Anthony Pace, Jeff Lellmann
Prayer Ministry Team: Richard Pace, Anthony Pace, Grace Pace, Sarah Palluma, Zacha Phinyopan
Administration: Anthony Pace
Announcments: Pania Lellmann, Grace Pace
Children’s Ministry: Grace Pace, Mary Camilleri
Hospitality Ministry: Mary Camilleri, Zacha Phinyopan
Tithes and Offerings: Jeff Lellmann, Sara Palluma
Music Ministry:
Music Director: Anthony Pace Worship Team: Anthony Pace, Richard Pace
Equipment Facilitator: Anthony Pace Richard Pace, Sara Palluma, Sylvette Ricaud, Zacha Phinyopan, Melissa Cambell, Jorg Diebold, Adrian McCabe
Resources: Sylvette Ricaud
And a very special thank you to Narelle Bengtsson (Creative Spark Design), Steven Charman, Daniel Howell (Intelligent Developments) and Koorong. And a big THANK YOU to all who have contributed and who continue to contribute to the tithes, offerings, ministry finances and service of Light of the World Ministries Church. God bless you and see you in 2012. In Christ’s love,
Richard, Anthony and Grace Pace (Light of the World Ministries Church)
Ministry Events NovEMBER
Ministry Outing (picnic)
The School of the Holy Spirit (Discipleship Class)
Ministry Christmas Party
26 2
Saturday the 26th of November 2011. Western Sydney Regional Park, Old Plough and Harrow Precinct. 10am to 4pm. Admission free. All welcome. BYO food and drinks.
The final class for the year will be held on Friday the 2nd of December 2011. George Mepham Hall, Toongabbie Community Centre, 244 Cnr of Targo Road and Toongabbie Road, Toongabbie; 7:30pm and will Resume Friday the 6th of January 2012. Same venue and time as above.
Friday the 9th of December 2011. George Mepham Hall, Toongabbie Community Centre. 7:30pm. $20 admission. Children free. Family and friends welcome.
Intercessory Meetings
The final intercessory meetings for the year will be held on Tuesday the 13th of December 2011, 10:30am and 7:30pm, 64 Hampden Road, Wentworthville. The intercessory meetings will resume on Tuesday the 3rd of January 2012, 10:30am, 64 Hampden Road, Wentworthville and 7:30pm, George Mepham Hall, Toongabbie Community Centre.
Revival Fire Meeting
The final revival fire meeting for the year will be held on Wednesday the 14th of December 2011 at 7:30pm, 64 Hampden Rd Wentworthville and will resume on Wednesday the 4th of January 2012, same time and venue as above.
Christmas Eve Service
Saturday the 24th of December 2011 George Mepham Hall, Toongabbie Community Centre 7:30pm-11:00pm
New Year’s Eve Meeting
A special meeting of prayer and praise will be held on New Year’s Eve to give thanks for the year that has passed and to pray in the New Year. The meeting will commence at 7:30pm, Saturday the 31st of December 2011 and will continue until 11pm when we will have supper and see in the New Year. The meeting will be held at George Mepham Hall, Toongabbie Community Centre. 244 Cnr of Targo Road and Toongabbie Road. Please bring a plate of food. Soft drinks supplied.
Enquiries: Contact Anthony Pace on 96364172 or email us at
To view the newsletter with additional details and articles visit us online at
Have a truly
Wonderful Christmas and a
Blessed New Year
or unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end. Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, to order it and establish it with judgment and justice, from that time forward, even forever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.
Isaiah 9:6-7
nd behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Highest; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David. And He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His kingdom there will be no end.
Luke 1:31-33
Light of the World Ministries