The Square Kilometre Array
Russ Taylor Russ Taylor Ins-tute for Space Imaging Science University of Calgary
The Hubble Deep Field: Probing Deep Space The Hubble Deep Field Our deepest image of the op-cal sky Galaxies as far as we can see
A complete History of time
Op-cal and Radio Pictures in the Milky Way
Op-cal compliments Alan Dyer, Telus World of Science Radio image image Canadian Galac-c Plane Survey
Sensitivity in Radio Astronomy Versus Time
Radio waves: A Rich History of Discovery Many Discoveries over the past 50 years 1974 -‐ pulsars -‐ microwave background radia-on -‐ Dark MaMer -‐ Quasars -‐ Jet & superluminal mo-on -‐ effect of gravity radia-on -‐ aperture synthesis
1993 1974
“I need a bigger telescope” Jodi Foster
SKA: The Movie Movie removed for this pdf version
SKA International Partnership SKA Born Global: 22 countries par6cipate in SKA planning
Canadian now a partner with 7 countries for pre-‐construc6on detailed design • Australia, China, Italy, New Zealand, Netherlands, South Africa, and the UK.
Canadian SKA Consor6um • partnership between government Universi-es and industry • Canadian Na-onal Astronomy plan recommends 10% partnership
Examining a hole
SKA Location
Australia + NZ
South Africa + 7 countries
SKA Timeline 2012
2008 € 200 M
2016 € 90 M
Site Selec6on SKA1 Pre-‐construc-on Preparatory Phase
2020 € 350 M
SKA1 250 15-‐m Dishes + f=0.1 Aperture Array
€ 1.5 B (1 & 2) SKA2 2500 15-‐m Dishes + f = 0.5 Aperture Array
0.5 – 10 GHz
0.1 – 0.5 GHz
SKA Technology Innovations • • • • •
Large collecting Area Large field-of-view technology Large bandwidth Power consumption Massive Data
Wide field-of-view technology Focal-‐Plane Phase-‐Array Systems: A Radio Camera
Wide field-of-view technology Na-onal Research Council of Canada – Herzberg Ins-tute of Astrophysics
Low-power, low-noise, broad-band signal detection
Data, data, data, informa‌..(gulp).
Radio Imaging Survey Data Rates
Current projects operate as partnership between observatories and university consor-a to execute and manage large survey projects
Data Outputs
1 degree
The Third Dimension: wavelength
Kelowna Police Officer
Expansion of the universe: wavelength v distance -me
Radio data cube
CyberSKA The beginning of a distributed global SKA big data network -‐ data management and processing -‐ data mining, visualiza-on and analy-cs
WestGrid UBC
UofC McGill
2020 Square Kilometre Array