Grow to Serve- 40 Day Devotional
Vision for Growing to Serve “Glorify the LORD with me; let us exalt His name together. Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him.” - Psalm 34: 3, 8 (NIV)
As we begin this 40 day devotional journey with the Lord, join with me as we praise the Lord for His goodness to us each day. What is the first thing you do when you wake up and begin your day? I say aloud Psalm 118:24: “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” This truth guides me throughout the day. I invite you to join me during this journey as we “taste and see that the Lord is good.” We are about to undertake a challenge that can only be met through prayer as we hunger and thirst after the righteousness of God. Each one of us in the congregation will need to seek God with all our heart. I believe that God desires to bless us to be a blessing through the expansion of our ministries to bring honor and glory to God. Please join with me in pouring out your heart to God and asking Him to fill you with His presence and power for the days ahead.
Pray – Gracious Lord, draw me to You by faith as I seek You with all my
heart. I seek to deepen my walk and understanding of You during these days as our congregation desires to be at the center of Your will and direction for our lives. Let us exalt Your name together and glorify You. In Jesus Name, Amen. Do you believe that the Lord is sufficient for all of your needs? Written by Pastor Roger Crites
Grow to Serve- 40 Day Devotional
Surrender All “In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.” - Proverbs 16:9 (NIV)
I often have an agenda for my own life. I am a planner and a list maker. I have things I want and need to accomplish: my jobs and other responsibilities. Another thing on my list of things I want to accomplish is the desire to be a blessing to others. It is in our human nature to make plans for our future. However, the surrendered life calls for us to be different. God, in His great love, calls us to give those plans to Him and trust that, in doing so, He will give immeasurably more than we could hope for. We are all on a spiritual journey in our own life as a part of the body of Christ. This day can be the start of a new season for me, for you, and for our church. Today, we can choose to surrender all our hopes, dreams, fears and desires and ask Him to transform them into His desires. It will be an adventure that will be like no other as we step out in faith and follow Him.
Pray – Lord, Today I choose to surrender all of who I am to You. I ask that
You help me to see the direction and path that You have chosen for me. Give me the courage to walk boldly in faith, to follow You and to grow in my love for You. Thank you for the journey that lies before me. I am choosing to walk this journey united with others in order to fulfill Your purpose for me as an individual and within this body. In Jesus Name, Amen. What do I need to surrender today? Written by Kristy DeSanti
Grow to Serve- 40 Day Devotional
Wait Expectantly “In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation.” - Psalm 5:3 (NIV)
Morning breaks into a new day, regardless of the time when you are finally awake! Take time to worship the Lord before you begin with your requests. I remember a time during my teen years when the majority of my time in prayer was simply requests. There was no time of praise and thanksgiving. Only requests. I expected God to fulfill them immediately. As I have grown in faith, I have recognized God’s desire to meet with me and hear my voice poured out with words of joy and delight for who He is and how He is guiding my life. The Lord desires to hear from you in the morning so He can speak words of direction and purpose for your day. One of my seminary professors would sit at his desk for 30 minutes for prayer and devotions and then wait another 30 minutes for God to speak to him. How long do you wait each day for God to speak to you? It will not be an audible voice. He speaks to the quietness of our hearts in that still, small, powerful voice of the Holy Spirit as we truly wait upon Him.
Pray – O Lord, it with great joy that I pour out my heart to you this
morning in praise and adoration. Thank you for how you bless my life in ways that are seen and unseen. Help me to wait expectantly upon you as you direct my ways for your purpose. I lift my spiritual ears to your lips as you call my name. This day, I desire to please and glorify your name as I let your light shine through me. Thank you for your goodness to me. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen Do you meet with the Lord at the beginning of your day? Written by Pastor Roger Crites
Grow to Serve- 40 Day Devotional
Congregational Care- Senior Adults
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. - James 1:2-4 (NIV) I have the privilege of loving and being loved by the senior adults in our congregation. Since my early adult years, I have always sought the wisdom of a godly man who was at least twenty years my senior. My motivation was to know if it was possible to faithfully persevere with the Lord until I would be called home to be with Jesus. Our senior adults continue to teach me valuable lessons. Do not miss out on the opportunity to be richly blessed by one of the senior adults in our congregation. Take time to talk with them and witness how the Lord has carried them through their own struggles. Invite them out for coffee or to your home for a meal. You will be blessed as they assure you that God will give you the strength and courage you need each step of the way. Pray for our senior adults as they persevere through the last days of their lives. The truly seek to honor God by becoming mature and complete, not lacking anything.
Pray –
O God our help in ages past, our hope for years to come. Strengthen our resolve to persevere with you through all the days of our lives. Bless our senior adults in our congregation to be a blessing to all who seek their wisdom and share in the experiences of their lives. Help us to rise up and be an intergenerational congregation that blesses your holy name, in Jesus Name, Amen. Do you know any senior adults who would appreciate a visit with you? Written by Pastor Roger Crites
Grow to Serve- 40 Day Devotional
A Little Help “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.” - 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 (NIV)
It occurs to me that it takes a great deal of courage and compassion to come alongside those who are in need or hurting. Most of us, in our humanity, like to surround ourselves with people who are “just fine.” However, there are so many among us who are not “just fine.” And, it takes a deeply loving heart to care for those who have been wounded and knocked around by this life. The Congregational Care Staff at FBCG take Paul’s words in 2 Corinthians to heart. Because they know personally and intimately the comfort our Lord and Savior provides, they work tirelessly to comfort those who come to them for support. They strive to glorify the name of Jesus by providing a place for people to get the physical, emotional and spiritual help they need. This help comes in many different forms: support groups, divorce care, bereavement support, food pantry help and financial support. The dedicated Congregational Care Staff journey through difficult life circumstances with God’s people by expressing the love of Christ and by showing what it means to be His hands and feet. They are a gift.
Pray – Compassionate Father-We are abundantly blessed by the
Congregational Care Staff of our church. They truly do, “comfort those in any trouble with the comfort [they] receive from God.” We ask that You care for them and guide their tireless efforts. Please, fill them with Your infinite supply of compassion and stamina. Continually comfort them as they sit with those who are in pain and in need. Refresh their hearts, minds and bodies enabling them to do the work You have called them to do. In Your Son’s name, Amen. What will you pray for the Congregational Care Staff so that they are equipped to serve those who need comforting? Written by Colleen Wartman
Grow to Serve- 40 Day Devotional
Redeemed “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” - Psalm 147:3 (NIV)
As a kid, I loved playing with my Etch-a-Sketch. You know, it’s that mechanical toy with a gray screen in a red plastic frame. It had two knobs used “draw” images on the screen. It was so cool how, when you were done, you could just shake the it and the image would disappear so you could start all over again. That toy reminds me of what God can do in a life. He can shake it until even the hidden wounds that none of us dare to share come clean. There is nothing He can’t “shake” away. Nothing is beyond God’s redemption. Of course God could redeem any wound or brokenness all on His own in the blink of an eye. But in many cases, He uses people to “bind of the wounds” of the brokenhearted. At FBCG, we are blessed to have a Support and Recovery Ministry that God is using to do just that. I know this because it is through this ministry that I have personally experienced the God’s healing power and His ability to redeem a broken life. I’ve experienced these glorious things because of this church’s dedication to providing a ministry that serves the broken and the hurting in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I have been redeemed, and so have many others. Our lives have been shaken and sifted out, in a way that is profoundly more tender and beautiful than an Etch-a-Sketch could ever do, leaving a blank slate on which our King can now draw a new, more sanctified life-a life that can now be lived to glorify its’ Creator.
Pray – Father God, Compassionate Healer, We thank You for the provision
of this desperately needed ministry and for the people who serve in it. We ask that You continue to grow this ministry so that there is a safe place where the brokenhearted can be healed, their wounds bound up and their lives sanctified. It’s in Your precious Son’s name, Amen. Do you have any wounds that only Jesus can heal? Written by Colleen Wartman
Grow to Serve- 40 Day Devotional
Hurting People “My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” - Psalm 73:26 (NIV)
The Bible talks about trials; we will have them, the hurts and heartbreaks will come. While we take up residency here on earth we can expect them. One of the most difficult aspects of my job as the Compassion in Action Coordinator is hearing all of the circumstances that have brought people endless pain. I have spent many a sleepless night wondering why? I not only wonder why, but also why so much? We live in a broken world; a world in need of a Savior. We struggle to understand pain and try to manage on our own. But God illuminates the vivid reality that we’re helpless and hopeless without Him. As much as I, myself, am “allergic” to pain, I can personally testify that it’s during the painful times that God has overwhelmed me with His love, presence and provision. One of the reasons I feel so privileged to be a part of the Compassion Ministry at FBCG is witnessing, first hand, how God REDEEMS. Our great God is in the redeeming business. I have rejoiced with the brokenhearted, the addicted, the lost, the helpless single mom and the struggling unemployed father because I have seen how God’s redemption has totally changed their lives. So often, those who have felt hopeless tell me that they would never rewrite their stories because they realize the pain was actually a gift given from the very Hands of a loving, redeeming God. His Word is true; “Weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.” (Psalm 30:5)
Pray – Lord, we come to rest in the knowledge that you know every struggle
and circumstance in our lives. You know each and every heartache. You’re well aware of every lost hope, all our brokenness and You even know the number of tears we’ve shed. Thank You, Lord, for Your perfect strength and portion forever. Amen Who do you know that needs redemption? Ask the Lord to reveal those people that need to be lifted up to His throne. Written by Erin Wise Grow to Serve- 40 Day Devotional
Compassion in Action “For I was hungry and you gave Me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave Me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited Me in.” - Matthew 25: 35 (NIV)
If we want to be like Jesus we need to love like Jesus. Jesus loved the unlovable and unlovely. Jesus looked past the doubts of the disciple on the water and reached out to him (Matthew 14:29-31). He ignored the hatred in the demon-possessed man and had compassion on him (Matthew 8:28-34). He cast no judgment on the prostitute who felt ashamed, lonely and scared and showed her mercy, love and forgiveness ( John 8:10-11). One way to show our love and devotion to God is by loving those He loves. If you want the gift of compassion keep your eyes fixed on the Savior. Make Him the number one priority in your life and He will enable you to love His people in a way you never knew possible. As part of my job, I have often encountered the unlovable and unlovely. God has always been so faithful when I’ve asked Him to give me His eyes and heart for each person. I find that when I’m obedient to extend compassion to those in need God blesses me through that person. I have been humbled by the stories I’ve heard and the faith I’ve seen.
Pray – Lord, Give me the spirit of compassion; grant me Your wisdom and
discernment as I seek out those in need. Give me a thirst for Your Word and increase my capacity to love; not a love based on emotion but a love grounded in Your truth and righteousness. I know when I love others I’m loving You. Amen. What can I do today to extend compassion? Written by Erin Wise
Grow to Serve- 40 Day Devotional
Faith of a Child “And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” - Matthew 18:3 (NIV)
If you’ve ever spent any time talking to little ones about God, you know why Jesus tells us to be like them. For them it’s simple. They love Him without needing proof that He’s real. They pray to Him with innocent and honest words. They read Scripture as it is intended-as a promise they know He will keep. And when they want to show Him they love Him, they usually make something they might make for their parents: a careful, stick figure crayon drawing of Him encircled by a pink heart; a wilting bouquet of dandelions picked by their own little hands. These gifts may not seem like much. But, just like I did when my own children gave me something from their hearts, I imagine our Father in Heaven accepting these offerings as though they are the most precious gifts He could ever receive. That’s what I want my faith to look like. I want to give Him all that I am— even if my gift seems to be just a scraggly bunch of dandelions. After all, what kind of offering says “thank you” enough for what He did? But I’m confident He will receive my dandelions as if they were the most beautiful roses He ever created-because I am His child. And so are you.
Pray – Father in Heaven, I thank You for making me Your child. I want to
give You all that I am. Help me to have the faith of a child and give all of me to You. Thank You for accepting my love offerings as extravagant gifts of the highest value! In Jesus Name, Amen. How can you act like a child when it comes to loving and following Jesus today? Written by Colleen Wartman
Grow to Serve- 40 Day Devotional
Making Space “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.” - Proverbs 22:6 (ESV)
This world is busy. It is filled with constant distractions that draw our attention away from God. Our children look to us to see the best way to navigate through life. I wonder if we consider the busyness of this world when we “train up” our children. In considering this I ask myself these questions: Do I teach my children about God? Of course. Do I teach them to pray and read and obey His Word? Yes. But, do I teach my children how to really do life in this busy world? Do I show them how to make margin in their day by saying, “no” to things people may ask of them? Do I assure them it’s okay to take a season off from travel sports or other huge time commitments? These are very important things to teach our children because it’s in this margin-these unhurried spaces- where they will learn to discern their Savior’s voice. What better gift can we give them?
Pray – Almighty Father, Please show us how to train up our children in the
way You would have them go. Help them to learn how to make margin in their days so that they may learn to discern Your voice and follow You all the days of their lives. In Jesus Name, Amen. What is something you can do today to make margin in your children’s lives? Written by Colleen Wartman
Grow to Serve- 40 Day Devotional
Good Intentions “But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.” - Joshua 24:15b (ESV)
So much of my time is spent caring for and about my family’s physical and material needs. This morning, those needs were last minute homework, breakfast, clean gym clothes, a trip to the orthodontist, a gift for their friend’s birthday and a poster board for one of my daughter’s first period classes. I’m not lying when I say I’m already exhausted! I realize I sometimes run out of energy or motivation to do the big stuff - the training of their hearts and minds, the genuine conversations about deep heart hurts they may have or intentionally carving out special times to nurture and love each one of them individually. While I am good at hollering out the door as they’re making their way to the bus, “Make good choices! Be kind! Make a new friend!” what have I given them in the hours since they left school to be equipped to do those things when they return? Although I want to be a good example of what it looks like to serve the Lord, most of the time I’m not. My plan is to spend time each day reading God’s Word with them and praying, but many days I don’t. We always make it our goal to turn off the tv during dinner and have real conversation, but sometimes the draw of “America’s Got Talent” is too strong! I am intentional in praying for them though. That’s where my hope lies. He is up to something in their lives and in our family. He is ultimately doing the good work there - not me. The pressure is off and that is a definitely a big relief to me!
Pray – Heavenly Father, Thank You for my family. Thank you for having a
plan for my children and being intentional all the time. Please help us to be the kind of family that truly is a “house that serves the Lord!” Amen. How can you and your family serve the Lord today? Written by Becky Chennault
Grow to Serve- 40 Day Devotional
Children’s Ministry- Volunteers
“People were also bringing babies to Jesus for Him to place His hands on them. When the disciples saw this, they rebuked them. But Jesus called the children to Him and said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” - Luke 18:15-16 (NIV) These few verses bring to mind how much Jesus valued children. He did not consider them a nuisance like His disciples did. He loved them, called them to Him and instructed everyone else to, basically, get out of the way. He used children to illustrate a truth about the kingdom of God: you can only enter it if you have childlike faith. Children’s Ministry volunteers are given the task of modeling the Savior’s love for His little children. This can seem daunting. However, the good news is that this kind of service doesn’t require people who are theologians or have some specialized training. It only requires people who love their Savior and His little children and have the desire to guide them on the path that leads to Him. This can be a huge blessing to the servant, as well, because children model the childlike faith necessary to accept and believe in their King. They usually don’t experience the doubts that hinder us as adults. If only we could all learn from them what real faith looks like.
Pray – Dear Father, We pray each day for Children’s Ministry volunteers
to model Your Son’s love for the children they serve. We pray Your grace on them and for You to help them to be patient and kind while working in Your ministry. We pray Your blessing on those who have chosen to nurture Your little children and for You to pour love and wisdom into them so they may lead the children to You. In Jesus Name, Amen. How can I specifically ask God to bless Children’s Ministry servants today? Written by Mike Chennault
Grow to Serve- 40 Day Devotional
Labor of Love “Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.” - 1 Corinthians 15:58 (ESV)
Since I am part of the Children’s Ministries staff, I felt a bit weird writing a devotional about and asking for prayer for our ministry. It felt a bit selfserving. But then I thought about it. Our great God tells us that we are to bring all requests before Him (Phil. 4:6) and that we do not have because we do not ask. ( James 4:2). When I looked at it in this context, I thought, “Who better to write this devotional?!” I am very blessed to serve alongside many dedicated and Jesus-loving women in Children’s Ministries. Like the other ministries at FBCG, it’s clear that they take, very seriously, their calling: in this case, it’s the call to “love children to Jesus.” Would you pray that, as we go forward and desire to “grow to serve,” our staff would remain unified in purpose and that we be ever vigilant in discerning God’s will as it pertains to equipping volunteers and leading children to His throne?
Pray – God, our Father, Thank You for the gift of children in our church.
Please help the staff of Children’s Ministries to be steadfast and immovable as they carry out the ministries You have designed for this year. Guide them and give them great wisdom and stamina as they coordinate hundreds of volunteers to guide Your children to come to know You more. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. How can I pray for Children’s Ministry staff today? Written by Colleen Wartman
Grow to Serve- 40 Day Devotional
Light to the World
“ You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.” - Matthew 5:14-16 (NIV) An interesting characteristic of light is that it is silent. No noise, no big splash, no banners – light simply shines. It reveals things that once were in darkness. God’s love is like that. And when we seek to show others the light and love that God has shown us, His light shines even brighter. By focusing our attention on being a light for others, He illuminates our path so we can see more clearly the direction we are to take. We can have a tendency to hide our light under a basket of fear, self-doubt, busyness or any number of other things. Rather than sharing our joy and excitement so that others may see God’s goodness in our lives, we tend to keep those things camouflaged. Light is meant to draw our attention to the thing it highlights. We want our lives to reflect the hope that comes from the Light of the World, Jesus Christ.
Pray – Help me today, Lord, to be a light to those near and far. Show me
small acts of service I may do that will bless people and illuminate the hope, grace and love You offer them. Give me a spirit of joy and gladness so that others will want to know the One that gives all good gifts and eternal life. In Jesus Name, Amen. What is one simple way I can be a light today? Written by Kristy DeSanti
Grow to Serve- 40 Day Devotional
Do Not Grow Weary
“For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.” - Galatians 6:8-10 (ESV) I’ve heard it said that Christians are both the best and the worst advertisements for Christ. It’s never truer than when we are in the business of “doing good.” Everyone likes a feel-good story: a generous donor, a relief worker serving in peril, a student helping his special needs peer. And when these things are done in the name of Christ, we celebrate all the more. But what about when a Christian woman gets snippy with her sister, a church volunteer refuses to work with that guy, or a competition between church ministers divides a community? What happens to Jesus’ reputation then? As we embark on Growing to Serve, we may be inclined to grow weary of doing good with those in “the household of faith.” It won’t be easy. The rich young man who asked Jesus in Mark 10, “What must I do?” was aghast at the reply to “give it all up.” We, too, might count the cost of doing good too high. In fact, Jesus affirms this notion by saying, “…with man it is impossible.” But Jesus has not left us without resources for doing good. He has given His Holy Spirit to guide, counsel and fill us where our flesh is lacking. He answers human inability with: “All things are possible with God.”
Pray – Lord, We pray that it is not merely our good intentions that lead us
in this growing process, but that it is Your Spirit--leading us in the ways of God, and filling us with the desires of God—that, in due season, reaps the blessings of God for the household of faith and beyond. In Jesus’ name. Amen What can the Holy Spirit empower me to do or let go of for the sake of the household of faith? Written by Cheryl Pacillio
Grow to Serve- 40 Day Devotional
Serve the World- Missionaries
“Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the Good News of the Kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. When He saw the crowds, He had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field.’” - Mathew 9:35-28 (NIV) Fewer passages in Scripture are as clear as the Biblical mandate to pray to God and ask HIM for more “workers” to deliver the Good News. There seem to be two important things to glean from Jesus in this passage: 1. We need to discern if God is calling us forth to be on the “harvest team.” 2. If we, ourselves, are not, we need to be praying for those who are called to obediently respond and GO into the fields that are tilled and ready for the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Today, as you reflect on this passage which commissions us to pray, ask the LORD to send workers to unreached people in places like Turkey, as well as regions of the world that have yet to receive the Word of God in their native language (i.e. Indonesia, where Ed & Jan Kotynski are translating the Scriptures). Additionally, ask Him to send workers to schools and universities here in the United States and around the world where young people are abandoning their faith as a result of the pressures of culture and the vices and sin that so easily entangle.
Pray – King Jesus, You are the Lord of the Harvest!
You know each of your children intimately and are calling each one of us to respond to Your commissioning to GO! Help me to discern Your call in my life and how I am to respond—where I am to serve. Please use me to inspire others to enter into their Kingdom assignment and obediently work in Your “Harvest field.” Rise up more to GO to the outer most ends of the world to take Your Gospel to people that have NEVER heard Your name. Protect these workers in areas that are hostile and where they are in danger for Your Name’s sake. By Your Spirit, hear our prayer. Amen. Who are those in the “field” working the harvest for the Gospel that you know? Written by Bruce McEvoy Grow to Serve- 40 Day Devotional
Serve the World- Global Partners
“…and pray on my behalf, that utterance may be given to me in the opening of my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel…” - Ephesians 6:19 (NASB) Turkey: temporary home of Abraham; land of Paul’s birth and three missionary journeys; birthplace of the Church where believers were first called Christians; and location of all seven churches the Lord addressed in the book of Revelation. Turkey is rich in Christian heritage. Sadly, however, one of the constants throughout history has been the persecution of believers in Jesus Christ all over the world. In Turkey, on occasion, the Church was decimated and nearly brought to extinction. Such was the case at the demise of the Ottoman Empire before and during World War I. Most ethnic Christians were condemned as enemies of the state. Christianity gave way to Islam and the gospel, once thriving in this ancient land, was hidden and spiritual darkness pervaded Turkey. Joyfully, in recent years, the Spirit of God has been moving across Turkey once again, opening hearts to receive a love of the Truth unto salvation. One has only to spend time with some of the selfless, tireless foreign and national workers, church leaders, and believers to be deeply humbled by their persevering, holy boldness in testifying about Jesus at the risk of losing family, livelihood, freedom and even their lives. Should we not be profoundly stirred to step up to the challenge of laboring in intercession on behalf of our vulnerable brothers and sisters in the Lord and the lost souls they seek to reach?
Pray – Oh Lord, please remind me daily to come alongside your long-
suffering workers in Turkey and around the world as they plant seeds in places of great spiritual darkness. Make the soil soft and open deaf ears so that Your love can be known to all who will hear. Bring about a great harvest in these places, Lord, for Your glory. Help me to be fervent in prayer and knit my heart to these workers in Your service. How will I regularly pray for the tireless workers in our Lord’s service in Turkey and other places of great spiritual darkness around the world? Written by Martha Johnson
Grow to Serve- 40 Day Devotional
Student Ministry- Volunteers “…but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity.” - 1 Timothy 4:12 b (NIV)
There is a common scene in movies that always gives me the creeps. The scene is set in a forest. It is late at night, the covering of the foliage does not allow for light from the moon and the stars to make visible a path. The blackness of night is almost tangible as the travelers carefully “feel” their way around. Suddenly, the whites of eyes pierce through the darkness and the travelers realize that they are not alone. Their every move is being closely watched. Youth ministry can feel this way at times for volunteer leaders. We can get lost in all that is going on around us. Our personal lives collide with the lives of students, as we navigate our life, and help students navigate through theirs. On top of this, it did not take long after getting involved in youth ministry for me to realize that I had many young eyes watching my every move. I like to say that I have twenty accountability partners that I meet with every week. Their eyes and their ears are a reminder to me that I must live a life that is above reproach.
Pray – Heavenly Father, I ask that You would continually draw the leaders
of our students ever closer to Your side. I pray Your protection over them against all the temptations and the schemes of the evil one. May the love that You so graciously pour out on us, be present in their lives. May these leaders be a representation of your Son by setting an example to our youth in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. I pray these things in the Name of Jesus. Amen. Today, in what way can I set an example in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity? Written by Jonathan Goble
Grow to Serve- 40 Day Devotional
Student Ministry- Students “How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to Your word.” - Psalm 119:9 (ESV)
The reality of the world we live in today is that, of the students involved in Christian youth groups in high school, only 50-60% of them maintain their faith when they reach college (according to a study conducted by Fuller Youth Institute). This means that our students are taking in the gospel but, by the time many of them reach college, their faith is not strong enough to last through the trials of youth and the lifestyle of excess in which we live. A large part of what we do in Student Ministries is to provide an environment in which students can safely engage in a larger discussion and ask the difficult questions. Wrestling with personal faith is something that all of us have probably gone through. It is often a messy process. Our role as a church body during this process is to surround the students with love and understanding, as we help them with the difficult aspects of developing lasting faith.
Pray – Lord- I pray for each and every student in this church body. I pray
that You would guide and protect them from the dangers of this world. Provide a place for them to question and to understand. I pray that you would give them courage and strength as they face the trials of adolescence and young adulthood. Draw them to You, Lord, so that they are able to develop a personal faith that has the ability to withstand trials through the power of Your Holy Spirit. Show them that Your way gives more life than that of the world and keep them seeking after Your heart. In Your name, Amen. How can I encourage or pray for a student today? Written by Gretchen Gilbert
Grow to Serve- 40 Day Devotional
Student Ministry- Leaders and Staff “Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith.” - Hebrews 13:7 (ESV)
Leadership is a blessing and a challenge, an opportunity and a responsibility. One of the challenges that faces anyone in ministry, either vocationally or as a volunteer, is the tendency to disassociate the content of what we teach and the truths of the gospel from our own lives. It can easily become content that we seek to know, understand and teach rather than the transformative truth that needs to be received in our own hearts, allowing it to change us from within. As we have the opportunity to serve in Student Ministries as staff at FBCG, it is imperative that we are a community that is first being changed through the power of the gospel before we seek to lead others in that direction, specifically our students who are in a critical time in their faith development. Our desire is to live a life of faith that is worthy of imitation, not only as a model for our students but also as a model for our communities, our friends and our families.
Pray – Lord – Impress on each of us the need to first be transformed
through a genuine relationship with our Savior. Give us the courage to be vulnerable as You accomplish Your work in us and bold as we seek to lead students in the same direction. Give us hearts that are prepared to receive and lives that are ready to respond, so that others might, “Consider the outcome of our way of life, and imitate our faith.” In Jesus Name, Amen. As you ask God to give our Student Ministries Staff the wisdom and intentionally to grow in Him first so that they can effectively lead our middle and high school students to do the same, ask yourself: “How can I grow in God first, as well? Written by: Sterling Moore
Grow to Serve- 40 Day Devotional
Praise the Lord “Serve the LORD with gladness! Come into His presence with singing.” - Psalm 100:2 (ESV)
I make the trek on Randall Road back and forth between Aurora and FBCG, on average, six times a week. That’s about four hours a week driving to and from our church. Because I love to listen to Christian music, that time in the car allows me about four hours for singing to the Lord! I admit that I am a lousy singer. However, if the volume is up loud enough in the car, no one can tell the difference between my singing and whoever happens to be leading worship on the CD! Besides, God enjoys my singing. He told me so last spring. I was on my way to lead a group of ladies preparing food for the FBCG Women’s Retreat. I was feeling great: prepared, with a heart ready to joyfully serve, and—for once–on time! Worship music was blasting and I was singing along as I approached the first of the 19 stoplights on my route from home to church. The light was red. The next one was red. Then: Red, Red, Red, Red, Red, Red. “Huh,” I thought to myself, “this is unusual.” I kept singing. I was excited to “serve the LORD with gladness!” No red lights were gonna take my joy away! I kept driving…Red. Red. Red. Red. Red.
No longer on time, I prayed in frustration, “God, REALLY?!”
He answered me in my heart, “I just want to hear you sing to Me.” I’ll never look at a string of red lights the same way ever again.
Pray – God, Your goodness makes me want to sing! Thanksgiving pours
out from my heart as I consider Your love for me, and the redemption that You bring for all people. All of Your creation bows to You in praise! May I become more and more aware of You as I join You in the work that You are already doing, so that I may serve You with gladness and joyful singing! Amen. What about the Lord makes you glad? Written by Tracy Barbel Grow to Serve- 40 Day Devotional
Glory of God “Everyone who is called by My name, whom I created for My glory, whom I formed and made.” - Isaiah 43:7 (NIV)
Have you ever wondered why you were created? What is the purpose for your life? I have wrestled with these questions on many occasions. As I sought to find answers, I did what we are often told to do; I went to Scripture. It was there I found that I was created for His glory. So there it was – my answer. I was grateful for the answer but did not understand how that was supposed to look as I lived out my life. I was supposed to display His glory. I searched for more answers and found that in 1 Corinthians 10:31 it says, “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” In all things, all areas of my life, I am supposed to live in a manner which glorifies God. How am I supposed to eat pizza on family pizza night to His glory? How do I make my husband’s lunch in such a way so that it glorifies God? How do I glorify Him while encouraging a hurting friend? I realized that, in order to glorify God, I need to trust Him. When I rely on Him, it shows I believe in His trustworthiness. He is pleased when I am satisfied in Him and surrender even the little things in my life and ask Him to show His love, compassion and mercy to those around me. In the midst of daily mundane tasks, if I live abiding in Him and aware of His constant presence with me, there is the hope that His great glory can be revealed in some small way.
Pray – Dear Lord—Please help me to remain mindful that You are always
with me. Remind me to surrender all areas of my life to You and trust You to use my weaknesses to show Your great glory. As I seek to worship You in all that I do, please continue to transform me into the image of Your Son. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. How can I go to work today, raise my children today, and even eat my pizza today for God’s glory? Written by Kristy DeSanti
Grow to Serve- 40 Day Devotional
Spirit of Worship “Ascribe to the Lord the glory due His name; worship the Lord in the splendor of His holiness.” - Psalm 29:2 (NIV)
“Worship the Lord in the splendor of His holiness.” How do we do this? What kind of worship is adequate for the King of Kings? God is so holy and glorious. What kind of sacrifice from me would He find sweet? A few years ago, my son, who was ten at the time, was watching me mop the kitchen floor. It was a summer afternoon and I had all the windows open. There was a breeze that carried the fragrance of our flowers inside and I had Christian music playing in the background. It was a perfect afternoon. My son came to me with tears in his eyes. I said, “Honey, what’s wrong?” He replied, “Mom I can’t help it. I’m so happy I can’t explain it. I love you and God and Iook at everything He’s done for us!” I’ll never forget that moment. I’ll never forget the way he looked. We weren’t at Disney World or skiing in the beautiful mountains of Maine. He was watching me mop the floor. So what moved him in such a powerful way that day? I believe that, on that day, my son had taken time to notice all God did for him and I could tell he was trying to grapple with just how big God is. He was so overwhelmed that he couldn’t take it all in and couldn’t contain his emotions. He couldn’t stop rattling off all the blessings he’d been given. I believe my son’s heart, at that moment, was a sweet sacrifice to God. He had such gratitude for what God had done for him that he was moved to tears. It occurs to me that, while my son was expressing his gratitude, God was blessing him with an overwhelming emotion of joy. Worship starts in the heart with a reverent understanding of how AWESOME and HOLY our Savior is. He is worthy of ALL our praise all the time!
Pray – Lord, Your love endures forever! Thank You for paying the ultimate
price so we can have eternal life with You. Cultivate in us a heart of praise and worship. May we honor and glorify You for the awesome God You are! Amen.
How can you offer your praise to God today? Written by Erin Wise Grow to Serve- 40 Day Devotional
Worship Ministries- Volunteers “I will sing with my spirit, but I will also sing with my mind.” - 1 Corinthians 14:15b (NIV)
Musicians appointed to lead worship at FBCG carry a huge responsibility on their shoulders. Not only are they to be good stewards of the musical gifts that God has given them, but they must also use them to point others to Christ. They are not tasked with pleasing the congregation; instead, they are to please an audience of one - God. To Him alone are they held accountable and to Him alone all glory is given. In 1 Corinthians 14, Paul gives instructions for worship in the early church. He communicates that worship should be clear, even blatant, about Who is being worshiped. It should not draw attention to one individual but should so obviously be about God that it draws even an unbeliever to “fall down and worship God, exclaiming, ‘God is really among you.’” (14:25) At FBCG, we have over 150 musicians who rotate through our 6 weekend worship services. They do not simply prepare music for the worship services; they also prepare their hearts by setting aside their own egos and the desires of their heart in order to honor God selflessly, sacrificially and Biblically. Attacks from the Evil One are around every corner and without prayer, they are prone to be distracted.
Pray – Great God, Thank You for the musicians that serve at FBCG. Thank You for the diversity of talents and their willingness to serve You. Protect them as they lead us, Your people. May we see You and only You in our worship services. May it be obvious to all that we worship the God of all gods. In Jesus name, Amen. How can I encourage the musicians who lead me in worship? Written by Angie Thomas
Grow to Serve- 40 Day Devotional
Worship Ministries- Staff “Care for the flock that God has entrusted to you. Watch over it willingly, not grudgingly - not for what you will get out of it, but because you are eager to serve God.” - 1 Peter 5: 2 (NLT)
In this exhortation to leaders, Peter reminds them that they must care for the people they lead as a shepherd would tend to his flock. A shepherd knows his sheep - individually and collectively - and he is careful to guide them towards health and joy and away from distraction and failure. Leadership, when done correctly, is a sacrificial act, and the joy of leadership is setting others up for success in their service to God. In serving the flock, leaders are serving God. Managing such a diverse group of artists at FBCG can be challenging. But God has appointed worship staffers who are uniquely gifted in their specific roles and well equipped to lead them. They encourage, motivate, and support these artists so that they can point others to God. These leaders do this, not because they have to, but because it is their joy to see the artists succeed in their service to God. In church ministry, Satan loves to use distraction and discouragement as weapons against effective leadership. The enemy loves nothing more than to attack those that are on the front lines of ministry, doing whatever he can to draw their attention away from God and the message of the Gospel.
Pray – Mighty God, We beg You to protect our church leaders, in particular those who lead us in musical worship at FBCG. We pray against the influence of the evil one and his scheming ways. May You strengthen our leaders so that they can be effective, whether they lead the congregation at large or the smaller flock that You have entrusted to them. Would you be willing to regularly pray for someone on the worship staff? Written by Angie Thomas
Grow to Serve- 40 Day Devotional
Committed in Prayer “Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” - Colossians 4:2 (NIV)
My friend Nancy is a mentor to me in prayer. She often says that, to her, “Prayer is like breathing.” She is naturally compelled to earnestly and consistently pray on behalf of someone or some cause. I believe she has been divinely enabled (gifted) to pray so passionately. Nancy is devoted to prayer. I don’t believe that everyone is gifted to pray as long and hard, and with the fervency and faith, as my dear friend. However, when we read Colossians 4:2, Paul is speaking directly to each one of us when he admonishes, “Devote yourselves to prayer...” Devotion implies commitment. Devotion often necessitates sacrifice. Devotion requires discipline. If we are devoted to prayer, then we are intentional about praying! May God bless you this very moment as you intentionally read this prayer devotion!
Pray – God Most High, You are so patient as You wait for me to come talk
with You. My own heart breaks because of my human condition. Forgive me for the times when prayer doesn’t flow naturally from my heart. Give me a heart that longs to cultivate prayer, so that I might grow in greater intimacy with You. Let me practice devoting myself to prayer, as Paul said, “being watchful and thankful;” not just when I wake or when I eat or when I go to sleep, but throughout my day (1 Thess. 5:17)! May I pray with eyes wide open; on the alert to see Your provision, Your power, and Your prompting. May I give You thanks and praise at all times, for all things (1 Thess. 5: 16, 18). Thank You for blessing me with Your presence. May I prayerfully find You! In the name of the One who draws me to Himself, by His Spirit, Amen! What step will you take today to become more devoted in prayer? Written by: Tracy Barbel
Grow to Serve- 40 Day Devotional
Women’s Ministry- Bible Studies
“All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It straightens us out and teaches us to do what is right. It is God’s way of preparing us in every way, fully equipped for every good thing God wants us to do.” - 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (NLT) How do we apply the word of God to our everyday ordinary lives here in the present? How is possible that these ancient words could apply to us? When I study the book of Esther on a Tuesday morning, how can the life of a Jewish queen speak to me and my experiences? How does being a “fisher of men” translate into my life? “Do not be anxious about anything...” Really? Does anyone know the number of plates I have in the air right now? Really???
People have told me that I view life through “God lenses,” that I live my days looking for God to show up. When I am in a Bible study, I know without a shadow of a doubt that I’m not there by accident or coincidence. He has something very specific for me in each study I do. When I was learning about Esther, for example, I anticipated that God had a “such a time as this” moment planned out for me, too—just like Esther. When studying Jonah, I was led to search my heart to determine what I was running from? I asked myself: “Who or what is my Ninevah?” When you look for God, you find Him. There are no coincidences with God. He is very intentional and purposeful and uses His word to show us that.
Pray – Dear Heavenly Father, I don’t know how to apply your word to
my life. Please show me, teach me, and guide me to see You in all I do throughout my day. Help me to understand why You have me where I am and what it is You want me to learn. I trust there is a purpose in my devotion to You. In Jesus’name, Amen. This week, can you:
-Set aside one hour to re-evaluate your plan for reading and studying God’s word? -Set intentional goals for your Bible study -Praise God for the power of His word? -Memorize 1 scripture verse? -Look for God throughout your day and credit him for all things good? May you have a “God-glasses” perspective on life this week. Blessings. Written by Cindy Prost Grow to Serve- 40 Day Devotional
Women’s Ministry- Moms Together and Moms Connected
“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another-and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” - Hebrews 10:24-25 (NIV) Friend /friend/ noun
1. a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically exclusive of sexual or family relations.
I remember a white water rafting trip my husband’s company took which included spouses. Our group of 8 arrived late, missed the safety speech and had 5 minutes to understand all the rules of the river. Was I scared? Yes, but I figured I was surrounded by friends who were literally in the same boat as I was; afraid, uncertain, untrained, ill-equipped, and stepping out in faith that we would survive. At one point, our guide suggested we go “side surfing” in a new area that he had never attempted before. We paddled our boat beside a waterfall area keeping it positioned securely in the current. Well, the current was so strong, the boat could not move away from the waterfall when we wanted it to and the water kept filling our boat. Each of us grabbed onto the person seated beside us to keep us from falling into the raging rapids. We relied on each other to get us through that danger. Does life ever feel that way? Does it ever seem that, without our friends, we would fall into the tumultuous waters? We need each other. We need to walk beside friends who will guide us forward, teach us, hold our hands, comfort us, reassure us, spur us on, love us and, sometimes, even go through the rapids of life with us. FBCG’s Moms Together and Moms Connected ministries are places where you can meet a friend willing to walk beside you during the many different seasons of parenting. We are blessed as a church to have these two ministries and we are blessed by the dedicated women who serve in them.
Pray – Dear Lord, Help me to seek other women who can walk beside me
through turbulent times and who will understand what I’m going through. Let me be a good friend to others as well; offering encouragement when we meet together and a helping hand in all seasons of life. In Jesus’ name, Amen Do I need to step out in faith and connect to another person for support? Is there someone that needs me to reach out to them? Written by: Cindy Prost
Grow to Serve- 40 Day Devotional
Women’s Ministry- Leaders “So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making His appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, “Come back to God!” - 2 Corinthians 5:20 (NLT)
Do you ever find yourself doubting that God wants to move in and through your life? Have you ever felt like you needed more faith to allow that? Are there circumstances in your life that have left you feeling “unqualified” to be the voice of life to others? Do you want to experience God’s strength and power in and through you--an ordinary, average woman? In the words of Christian speaker and Bible study leader, Priscilla Shirer, “YOU HAVE ENOUGH.” To illustrate this, let’s look at the life of infamous Bible character, David: David, the youngest son of Jesse, was sent as a teenager to the battle lines by his father to bring back news of his brothers. While there, David heard Goliath--a 9’7” giant Philistine--shouting his daily defiance toward the Lord and stirring up fear among the men of Israel. David volunteered to fight this man who had the audacity to defy God. His words to the Philistine were, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel.” You know what happened next: armed with the Lord’s favor, scrawny David defeated Goliath with a single stone and a sling. One of the best sayings I’ve heard recently is, “God doesn’t call the equipped, He equips the called”. Do you need encouragement as you step out in faith to serve our Lord? The God who calls you, will equip you. Just like He equipped David.
Pray – Heavenly Father, I’m so humbled that You would call me to anything. You have all the power needed to do every job, yet You ask me to join You in the work to be done. Thank You, Lord. Please make my heart willing to say, “yes” to everything You want me to do and to trust You with what You are calling me to. How could you encourage a leader today? Written by Cindy Prost Grow to Serve- 40 Day Devotional
Women’s Ministry- Staff “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you will overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” - Romans 15:13 (NIV)
It’s been a joy for me to watch eager women pouring into our church to learn more about Christ. I believe there is nothing more exciting for anyone in ministry or on staff than to see these women’s enthusiasm and excitement over our Lord and Savior. This year’s Women’s Ministry’s theme verse from Romans points to the hope, joy and peace only God can give. God can be trusted; and if He can be trusted, we can have hope. Our hope is in Him! This is the message that echoes throughout our church each Tuesday morning and Wednesday evening during Women’s Bible Studies. We had over 405 women in participate in WBS last year. Another 227 women attended Mom’s Connected. This is certainly reason to celebrate! God has given a great privilege to our Women’s Ministry staff. He has gifted them and prepared them for their roles in service to Him. Please join me in praying for this team of ladies.
Pray – Lord, we praise You for this group of women who have given of
their time and talents to serve other women in Your name. I pray that You would encourage them to seek You out every day and fill them mightily with Your spirit so they can pour into others’ lives. I ask that You give them great wisdom and discernment as they plan and prepare for their upcoming programming this year. I pray they would continue to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s leading in all aspects of Women’s Ministry. In what ways has God showed you His joy and peace as you have trusted in Him? Written by Erin Wise
Grow to Serve- 40 Day Devotional
Open the Eyes of our Hearts, Lord
“I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the rich hope to which He has called you, the riches of His inheritance in His holy people.” - Ephesians 1:18 (NIV) This verse can be taken in both a literal and figurative sense. Both are important in order for us to know “the riches of His glorious inheritance,” which, verse 17 tells us, is “a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the true knowledge of Him.” To know these spiritual truths, we must open our eyes, literally and figuratively. Each day, I look out for, what I call, “God sightings.” These are little reminders of His constant presence. One of my personal favorites is the appearance of a hawk soaring above me as I walk a path or drive my car. I see hawks as a reminder of God’s fierce and powerful love for me. As I watch a hawk soar, my heart is full, knowing that my Heavenly Father is always there, protecting me. This, very literal, experience of opening my eyes to “see God” leads me to figuratively opening my eyes, as Paul described, to the riches of the eternal life and eternal love I inherit from Jesus Christ. Do you watch for God sightings every day? Do you truly know the inheritance that waits for you?
Pray – Father God, Open the eyes of our hearts. Help us to really see Your
overwhelming presence in our lives. Thank You for leaving an inheritance for us that is beyond comprehension. We love You, Lord. Amen Look for your own “God sightings” throughout the day today. List them here: Written by Colleen Wartman
Grow to Serve- 40 Day Devotional
First Things First “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” - Matthew 6:33 (NIV)
I think it can be in our human nature to skip to the second part of this verse and only pursue “all these things” that we would like given to us. We desire financial stability, good relationships, comfort and happiness. So we pray asking God for things like prosperity and blessings. We know from Scripture that we can “…approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” (Hebrews 4:16) However, have you ever thought what may happen if we tried it the way God instructs us – seeking Him first? We would be amazed by the things that God would like to give us. Things like intimacy with the Creator that we never dreamed was possible, fulfillment for the desires of our hearts that we don’t even know exist, and peace that transcends all our understanding in spite of our circumstances. God asks us to seek Him and His kingdom first. We do that through prayer. Prayer is talking with God; a conversation – listening as well as speaking. We can ask the Lord what His desire for our days can look like as we surrender our schedules, plans and even our worries to Him. Then we can wait with expectation for Him to speak to us. He loves each of us perfectly and prayer is one of the ways that God will release all He has planned and purposed for our lives and this body of believers.
Pray – Dear Lord - Please help me to draw near to You through prayer.
I want to know You and hear Your voice and to discover Your plan for me. One thing I ask from the Lord, this only do I seek: “that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the Lord and to seek Him in His temple.” (Psalm 27:4) In Jesus’ Name. Amen What am I seeking before You Lord? Written by Kristy DeSanti
Grow to Serve- 40 Day Devotional
We are listening, Lord “So Eli told Samuel, “Go and lie down, and if the Lord calls you, say, ‘Speak LORD, for your servant is listening.’” So Samuel went and lay down in his place.” - 1 Samuel 3:9 (NIV)
Do the people in your life consider you a good listener? What does it take to become a good listener? Obviously, our focus must be solely on the speaker. How do you listen to the Lord? Do you need a quiet place to block out all distractions? The Psalmist reminds us to be still and know God. I grew up setting aside a time away from my daily routine to be still and listen to God. Listening to the Lord includes our willingness to be obedient to Him. As our congregation desires to move forward in ministry expansion, we need to be still and patient as God speaks to us individually. When God whispers your name, are you in a place where you can clearly hear His calling? Are you willing to be obedient to Him as He directs you in all areas of your life? Embrace the Lord with all your heart when He speaks to you, His servant.
Pray –
O Lord we are thankful for the privilege of coming before you in confidence, knowing that you will pour out your mercy and grace to help us at every point of need. Help me to open my heart and my spiritual ears so I can hear you clearly. I desire to be your faithful and obedient servant in the Name of Jesus I pray, Amen. Do you wait patiently listening to the Lord? Written by Pastor Roger Crites
Grow to Serve- 40 Day Devotional
True Treasure “Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal.” Matthew 6:20 (NLT)
Ever since I was a kid, I’ve been a saver—especially when it comes to sweet treats. Growing up with a health-conscious mom, my brother and I were rarely exposed to sugar in any form. But one day a friend from church gave each of us a gigantic candy heart—a dream come true for two kids who had been duped into thinking fruit was dessert. My brother ate his candy immediately, but I smugly put mine in my coat pocket, saving it for later. The only problem was, it was the last time I wore the coat that season. Months later I put my hand in my pocket, and to my horror, I found the gooey, linty mess that had once been a coveted candy heart. It was an early lesson in what Jesus talks about in Matthew 6: no matter how earnestly we try to hoard and protect our earthly treasures, they will eventually pass away. As grown-ups, we may not cling to sugary sweets, but we all have something we hold on to, thinking it will satisfy the longing in our souls. Maybe we’re keeping a tight grip on our bank account, our home, our career, our family, our reputation, or a certain relationship. But Jesus says that all those things will be destroyed by moths or rust or thieves—or gooey pockets. There is only one thing we can hold on to that will last forever, and that’s our relationship with Jesus. He is the true treasure—the only One who will never rust or decay or be snatched away.
Pray – Heavenly Father, I know that You are the only treasure that will last forever. Help me to loosen my grip on the earthly things I try to hoard so I can keep my eyes fixed on You, my true treasure. Amen. 1. What are you clinging to right now besides Jesus? 2. What would it look like to make Jesus your true treasure? Written by Stephanie Rische
Grow to Serve- 40 Day Devotional
Rejoice in Today “This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.” - Psalm 118:24 (NLT)
I’m someone who tends to have trouble with the present tense. It’s easy to find my mind wandering to the past—regretting things I’ve said or done, rehashing old wounds, longing for days gone by. Or I find myself fast-forwarding to the future—worrying about tomorrow, stressing about the unknown, looking forward to events yet to come. Somewhere along the way I’ve bought into the idea that happiness is something that happens only in the rearview mirror or in my crystal ball. But the psalmist paints a very different picture of joy. This verse says that this is the day the Lord has made. Today. Present tense. God must know about our tendency to focus on the past or the future, because throughout Scripture He reminds us to keep our eyes on the present. When God gave the Israelites manna in the wilderness (Exodus 16), it was good for only one day. When Jesus taught His disciples to pray, He instructed them to ask for the food they needed just for that day (Matthew 6:11). The truth is, we have no control over yesterday or tomorrow; we are only given today. And today is a gift—a day made by the Lord Himself. So what will we do with the gift of today? Will we fritter it away by ruminating over the past or obsessing about the future? Or will we see this day for what it is—a gift to be received with joy and gratitude?
Pray – Lord, You know my tendency to live in the past or the future, and
how I often fail to embrace the blessings of today. Help me to trust You to provide exactly what I need and let me rejoice in Your gift of this day. Amen. 1. What “tense” do you tend to live in—past, present, or future? 2. Make a list of 10 things you can rejoice about and thank God for today. Written by Stephanie Rische
Grow to Serve- 40 Day Devotional
Prayers for the Executive Council
“So then, men ought to regard us as servants of Christ and as those entrusted with the secret things of God. Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful.” - 1 Cor. 4:1-2 (NIV) Every church needs excellent leadership. We have been so blessed by the commitment and dedication of our Executive Council. The people who serve on the EC give wholehearted attention to prayer and ministry. Their responsibility is great. It’s the Executive Council’s job to explore FBCG’s mission and vision for each year. As they help our congregation to understand our church’s mission, set priorities and develop plans for fulfilling them, communicate progress and countless other tasks, may we continue to lift these dedicated servants in prayer as we grow into all God has planned for us as a church.
Pray – Lord, your Word tells us, “If anyone sets his heart on being an
overseer, he desires a noble task.” I thank You for these people You have called to serve. Keep them devoted to You and Your Word. I pray for unity so we glorify You with one heart. May You give the members of our Executive Council great wisdom and discernment as they carry out their responsibilities. What noble task has the Lord set before me? How may I accomplish that knowing that Christ I can do all things? Written by Erin Wise
Grow to Serve- 40 Day Devotional
The Buck Stops Here “Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which He bought with His own blood.” -Acts 20:28 (NIV)
I imagine being called to senior leadership in a church can be a daunting thing. It requires an incredibly obedient and humble heart and a faithful devotion to God and His people. For the most part, our senior leadership must take final responsibility for all matters concerning the church-in essence, the “buck stops here.” The congregation of FBCG is blessed to have a Senior Leadership Team that tries to lead with integrity and with a sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. As they oversee us as a flock and recognize the great responsibility that comes with leading a church that has been bought with Christ’s blood, let’s dedicate ourselves to doing our duty and lift them up in consistent prayer.
Pray – Mighty God, We thank You so much for the men who currently
comprise the Senior Leadership Team of our church. We know that they have an awesome responsibility that requires Your powerful hand. We ask You to give them supernatural wisdom and discernment that allows them to decide matters that affect the church in a way that honors and glorifies Your name. We pray that You bless them, protect them and dress them in Your armor to prevent them from yielding to any type of spiritual warfare. You are their King. Please, lead them. And cause them to follow obediently and with humble hearts. In the name of Your Son, Jesus, Amen. Will you commit to praying consistently for the men serving on the Senior Leadership Team? Written by Colleen Wartman
Grow to Serve- 40 Day Devotional
Fall Afresh on this Church “When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all the truth, for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak, and He will declare to you the things that are to come.” - John 16:13 (ESV)
Like many of you, the lyrics of Christian songs speak to me in a powerful way that causes me to pray. The song, “Fall Afresh,” comes to mind as I write this: “Spirit of the Living God, come fall afresh on me. Come and wake me from my sleep. Blow through the caverns of my soul, pour in me to overflow. Spirit come and fill this place. Let Your glory now invade.” This is what I pray for us as we embark on the Growing to Serve project.
Pray – Sovereign God, I pray that each one of us experiences a renewed
and overwhelming sense of the indwelling of Your Spirit in our lives- both individually and corporately as a church body. We need our Helper to discern Your will as we grow more equipped to serve the world. In order to follow You and not move on our own, we boldly ask You to “guide [us] into all the truth” and “declare to [us] the things that are to come.” In this way, we can be assured that we will glorify You in everything we do. Amen. Will you pray for the Holy Spirit to infuse the Growing to Serve project? Specifically, in your opinion, what is evidence of the Spirit moving in our church? Written by Colleen Wartman
Grow to Serve- 40 Day Devotional
God Can Do More “Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us.” - Eph. 3:20 (ESV)
I have read and prayed this prayer of Paul’s to the Ephesians a lot - so much so that the page is literally falling out of my Bible. It is a beautiful prayer to ask the Father to strengthen our hearts by Christ’s presence, His Holy Spirit, so that the absolute fullness of the Father’s love might be realized. It’s a huge prayer. It’s an awesome prayer to pray, and it’s an awesome prayer to have answered. When I read today’s verse, “Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us,” I hear the Lord challenging me to trust Him. I sense Him saying, “You have no idea! Wait and see what I will do!”
Pray – Father in Heaven, I celebrate Your love for me through Your Son,
Jesus! Thank You for the Cross, and for the privilege of coming to You because of it. Help me to be more like Jesus, living humbly and obediently for the glory of Your Name. I want to trust You more and have a heart surrendered and willing to sacrifice for Your Name’s sake! But mostly, God, I just want to know more of the breadth and depth and height and length of Your love for my own heart! Would You pour out Your Spirit and show this servant Your favor so that I might know more what the greatness of Your love feels like? Will You help me to walk in it, strengthened by Your Spirit, enjoying the fullness of Your love and presence? You are greater – more than I could ask or imagine! By Your Spirit, Amen! What prayer will I trust God with today, expecting Him to do more than I can ask or imagine? Written by: Tracy Barbel
Grow to Serve- 40 Day Devotional
Thanksgiving for Blessings
“Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth. Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.” - Psalm 100:1-2, 4-5 Life’s demands can sometimes keep us moving at a pace not of our own choosing, at times faster, or slower than we prefer to go. Do you recognize God’s hand on your life? Give thanks to the Lord and praise his name. On this day that we set aside as Thanksgiving, may the Lord remind you of His many blessings in your life every day. Take time today to truly count your blessings. With words and actions, love and thank the people that are in your life. When you gather with your family members on this Thanksgiving, take time to go around the table and speak words of praise to the Lord for how He has blessed your life. Too often our focus is on the difficulties of our life and we tend to feel sorry for ourselves. As you seek Him with all of your heart, know that He will meet you at your place of need. God calls us to let His light shine before men that they see our good deeds and praise our Father in heaven. God is counting on you to demonstrate His mercy and grace to the people that He places in your path.
Pray –
O God, help me see in you the hope and healing that you alone offer to all who trust completely in your. I desire to see you as the one true, everlasting God who mercy on those who seek you with all of their heart. Thank you that you accept me as I come to you, just as I am. Create within me a true vision of your holiness and you hope as I walk with you by faith. Amen Who are you thankful for today? Written by Pastor Roger Crites
Grow to Serve- 40 Day Devotional
Phone 630.232.7068 East Campus 2300 South Street, Geneva, IL 60134 West Campus 3435 Keslinger Road, Geneva, IL 60134