10 12 14 bulletin 07

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Welcome to

Weekend of October 11 & 12, 2014

Our Current Sermon Series:

First Baptist Church of Geneva fbcg.com



WE EXTEND A WARM WELCOME to those visiting with us today! Please fill out the attached Connection Card so we can provide any information you would like to receive, and drop the card in the offering plate or at the Welcome Center. The back of the card also offers a place to share prayer requests. We would love to pray for you over any personal concerns. JOB OPPORTUNITY FBCG is seeking a Coordinator for its Masterpiece and Buddy Break special needs programs. For information go to fbcg.com/about fbcg/job opportunities or contact Pastor Chris Sarros at csarros@fbcg.com. USHERS NEEDED With the introduction of our new worship service, Word & Table, we are in need of ushers. Ushers will serve at the East Campus 10:45 a.m. service. If interested, contact Sean at sean.ramsey@outlook.com. LIBRARY Our new East Campus library in the front lobby is not quite complete, but it is “open for business!” Stop in Sunday morning or anytime the campus is open and check out a book. Materials are available for both children and adults. MEMBERSHIP COURSE Are you looking to take the next step in connecting at FBCG? Do you have questions about our vision and mission? A two-session membership course will be offered on Sunday, October 19 and 26 in West Campus Room 103 from 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. Register at 630.232.7068 or email jbauserman@fbcg.com.



WE WOULD LOVE TO PRAY FOR YOU! Share your concerns, requests and praises with us at fbcg.com/submit-a-request or call Erin at 630.232.7068 x 131. If you would like to join our iPray team and share in the blessing of praying for others, please go to fbcg.com/iPray. FACING A CHALLENGING CIRCUMSTANCE If you are having relational difficulties, parenting challenges, or some personal

difficulties and would like some direction, contact Kristy at kdesanti@fbccg.com or 630.232.7038 x 151 for a confidential referral to a prescreened Christian counselor.

FAMILIES OF MILITARY will meet Sunday, Oct. 12, at noon in West Campus Room 103. We are a group who meets monthly to pray and support family members who are currently serving in our Armed Forces. Please join us! For more information call Peggy Reese at 630.208.7402 or email: pbreese1@gmail.com.

WE EXTEND OUR LOVE AND SYMPATHY to families that have lost loved ones: to Don Morrill on the passing of Don’s wife,

Geraldine Morrill on Friday, Sept. 26; to Mike and Lynn O’Reilly and Jim and Ann Sullivan on the passing of Lynn and Ann’s father, John Kilroy on Friday, Oct. 3; to Art and Barb Pincomb on the passing of Art’s mother, Estelle Pincomb on Saturday, Oct, 4. Please keep these families in your prayers.



PARENTING SPIRITUAL PARENTING CLASSES for parents of infants through high school students. Learn to create godly environments

in your home and receive practical advice on equipping your children to live as Christ followers. Childcare and/or ministry programs will be provided for all sessions for children up through grade 4. Register at fbcg.com/spiritualparenting for the class that best fits your schedule! October 17-19 classes are Friday, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m., Saturday, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Sunday, 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. Contact Children’s Pastor Chris Sarros with any questions at csarros@fbcg.com or 630.232.7068 x 125.

CHILDREN Join us at fbcg.com/children for more information on Children’s Ministries at FBCG. CHILDREN’S PROGRAMMING is offered during all services. Children’s Ministries would love to minister to your child while you worship. For further information contact Children’s Pastor Chris Sarros at csarros@fbcg.com.

CHILDREN’S MINISTRY NEEDS If you have old VBS T-Shirts (before 2007) you would be willing to donate to Children’s Ministries, please contact Chris Sarros, csarros@fbcg.com.

STUDENTS Join us at fbcg.com/ministries/students for more information on Student Ministries at FBCG. If you have questions regarding any of our student ministries, please contact Sue Ann Egan at 630.232.7068 x 132 or saegan@fbcg.com.

56 MINISTRIES (Grades 5 & 6) meets Sunday at 9:15 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. in the West Campus Alpha Room and at 10:45 a.m. in East Campus Room L37. Club 56 meets Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00 p.m. in the East Campus Student Center. SOULED OUT (Grades 7 & 8) meets Sunday at 9:15 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. in West Campus Room L05 and at 10:45 a.m. in East Campus Room L37. No D.P.T. tonight due to the Fall Retreat.

TREK (Grades 9 - 12) meets Sunday at 10:45 a.m. in the East Campus Student Center. Fall Retreat is Oct. 18-19 in Lake Geneva. Register at fbcg.com/ministries/student.

MEN Join us at fbcg.com/men for more information on Men’s Ministries at FBCG. T.E.A.M. IMPACT Men’s Ministry meets Fridays from 6:00-7:00 a.m. at the West Campus. Pastor Brian Coffey is leading Warrior: The Spiritual Battle of a Man’s Life. It’s not too late to join! SATURDAY MORNING MEN’S BIBLE STUDY meets at 7:30 a.m. on Saturdays in West Campus Room 103. Men’s Bible Study has started John Piper’s Why We Believe the Bible. Join us for coffee and Christian fellowship.

WOMEN Join us at fbcg.com/women for information on Women’s Ministries at FBCG. MOTHERS OF YOUNG CHILDREN are invited to join us for Moms Together as Karen Ehman presents Let. It. Go. Join us on Thursday, Oct. 16 from 9:15-11:15 a.m. at the West Campus. To register, visit fbcg.com/mt or stop by the Women's Ministries kiosk. Childcare is available. SINGLE MOMS are invited to brunch on Sunday, Oct. 19, 9:15 a.m., in the East Campus Chapel with Krista Brennfoerder, Licensed Clinical Counselor, who will speak on Living a Story Worth Telling. We'll discuss how the accomplishments, disappointments and grief in our lives can be used to tell a better story. RSVP by Oct. 16 to lcoffey@fbcg.com. MOTHERS OF TWEENS AND TEEN are invited to join us for Moms Connected on October 23 from 9:15-11:15 a.m. at the West Campus. Dave Veerman will be presenting Building Into Our Teens: Limits, Discipline, Service, and Love. Register at the Women’s Ministries Kiosk or at fbcg.com/mc. Child care is available. GIRLS NIGHT OUT 2014! Enjoy an evening of uncontrollable laughter along with a fresh perspective as Suzette Brawner shares Real Life in the Real World! Grab a girlfriend and join us Friday, Nov. 7 at 7:00 p.m., West Campus. Cost: $5. Register Sunday mornings, at fbcg.com/girlsnight or at the East Campus office, M-Th. Questions? Call 630-232-7068 x 160.

ADULT Join us at fbcg.com/adult for more information on Adult Ministries at FBCG. SOLA SCRIPTURA Join us Sunday, Oct. 19, 6:00-8:00 p.m. in the East Campus Student Center as Pastor Jeff Frazier continues a study of Romans. No registration is required, and first-time guests are always welcome! Bring your Bible and an open heart to hear from God's Word. PATHFINDERS Looking for a place to connect on Sunday mornings? Join the Pathfinders class at 9:15 a.m. in West Campus Room 5 (lower level) for their study of Andy Stanley's The Comparison Trap led by Dave Emigh.

LIFE BUILDERS is beginning a new series: Living a Life of Wisdom. Join the class at 10:45 a.m. in East Campus L36/38 as they learn how applying godly wisdom will lead to the best possible outcomes in life.



MISSIONARY OF THE WEEK: Art and Dorothy Helwig, Converge Nigeria. Praise God that the Gibbs are in Nigeria and the staff helped them with the transition. Praise God that the clinic addition is complete. Pray for peace in Nigeria. Pray for safety for Art as he finishes our work in Nigeria and returns to the U.S. THANK YOU FBCG family for contributing to a special offering last month to aid hurricane recovery efforts in Cabo San

Lucas, Mexico. Thanks to your generosity, $13,497 was raised! The funds are being used by our ministry partners, Pastors Luis and Ramon, to provide emergency relief to victims and for rebuilding damaged areas.

MISSIONARY CHRISTMAS OFFERING Each year our congregation graciously gives an offering for our missionaries. Help

make Christmas special by bringing your gifts on Oct. 12, 19 & 26. These offerings are used to provide gifts for their families, unexpected medical expenses, etc. You may write missionary Christmas on your giving envelope.

FBCG MISSIONARY LUNCH with Brian and Chrissie Cheney will be Sunday, Oct. 19 at noon in West Campus Room 103. REFUGEE AWARENESS EVENT Who is My Refugee Neighbor and How Shall I Serve Him? Thursday, Oct. 23, 7:00-8:30 p.m. in West Campus Room 103. Open to anyone who is involved or just interested in issues and services to refugees from our church and in our area. For information contact Cheryl at cpacilio@fbcg.com or 630-232-7068 x 152.



“Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” - 2 Corinthians 9:7

Last Week’s Giving

Oct. to Date Giving

vs. Budget

Year to Date Giving*

vs. Budget

General Fund †






Benevolent Fund ¥






Serve the World






*FBCG fiscal year ends 8/31

† General Fund - unrestricted gifts to support our on-going ministries, staff and facilities

¥ Benevolent Fund - gifts restricted for the use of those in need in the church and community For more financial information or alternative ways to give, see our website at fbcg.com/giving

For quick online giving through our website, please feel free to use this QR code

Sermon Notes

Upcoming Sermons Date

Sat. Night/West

Worship Café

East Sanctuary

West Campus

Oct. 11-12

Growing Pains Revolutionary Prayer: Trusting God’s Will Pastor Brian Coffey

Growing Pains Revolutionary Prayer: Trusting God’s Will Pastor Brian Coffey - video

Growing Pains Who Do You Think You Are? Opposition to the Gospel Pastor Jeff Frazier

Growing Pains Revolutionary Prayer: Trusting God’s Will Pastor Brian Coffey

Oct. 18-19

Who Do You Think You Are? Opposition to the Gospel Pastor Jeff Frazier

Who Do You Think You Are? Opposition to the Gospel Pastor Jeff Frazier - video

Revolutionary Prayer: Trusting God’s Will Pastor Brian Coffey

Who Do You Think You Are? Opposition to the Gospel Pastor Jeff Frazier

Oct. 25-26

Courageous: Overcoming Opposition Pastor Brian Coffey

Courageous: Overcoming Opposition Pastor Brian Coffey - video

A Severe Mercy: God’s Discipline Pastor Jeff Frazier

Courageous: Overcoming Opposition Pastor Brian Coffey

Missed a sermon? You can view any of our past sermons on-line at fbcg.com Worship Times Saturdays at West Campus, 5:00 p.m. Sundays at East Campus, 9:15 a.m. - Traditional or Worship Café; 10:45 a.m. - Word & Table Sundays at West Campus, 9:15 & 10:45 a.m. - Contemporary East Campus 2300 South Street, Geneva, IL 60134 West Campus 3435 Keslinger Road, Geneva, IL 60134 Church Office 232.7068 Fax 232.7092 Hand in Hand Preschool 208.4903 fbcg.com Affiliated with Converge Midwest and Converge Worldwide

/Fbcgeneva @Fbcgeneva

FBCG CONNECTION CARD Date _______________________________________ o East Campus o 9:15 a.m. (Traditional) o 10:45 a.m. (Word & Table) o 9:15 a.m. (Worship Café) o West Campus o Sat., 5:00 p.m. o 9:15 a.m. o 10:45 a.m.

ABOUT YOU Name________________________________________ Birth date: Month_________Day_______Year_______ Spouse’s Name________________________________ Birth date: Month_________Day________Year______ Address______________________________________ City, State, Zip________________________________ His Phone _____________________ o Cell o Home His Email ____________________________________ Her Phone_____________________ o Cell o Home Her Email ___________________________________ o Single o Married o Divorced o Widowed


(PLEASE GIVE BIRTH DATES OF THOSE 18 AND UNDER) Name____________________________________________ Date of Birth______________________________________ Name____________________________________________ Date of Birth______________________________________ Name ___________________________________________ Date of Birth______________________________________ Name____________________________________________ Date of Birth______________________________________

I AM A: (CHECK APPLICABLE) o First Time Guest o Regular Attender

o Returning Guest o FBCG Member

RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS: o I made a first-time decision for Christ today. o I would like to talk to a pastor about becoming

a Christian.

I WOULD LIKE MORE INFO (CHECK APPLICABLE) o What This Church Believes o Membership o Baptism o Children’s Ministries

o Infant-K

o 1st -4th Grade

o Student Ministries

Grade: o_ 5th-6th

o 7th-8th o 9th-12th

o Adult Ministries o College o Women o Men o Senior Adult

o Small Groups

o Adult Sunday Classes

o Support and Recovery



o Children’s Ministry - csarros@fbcg.com o 5-12 Grades - smoore@fbcg.com o Women’s Ministry - lcoffey@fbcg.com o Welcome Team - jgomoll@fbcg.com o Short Term Missions - sduncan@fbcg.com o Global Missions - bmcevoy@fbcg.com o Local Serving - cpacilio@fbcg.com o Worship Ministries - dcompton@fbcg.com jnewhouse@fbcg.com o Audio/Visual Ministries - jkruse@fbcg.com o Masters Hands - ewise@fbcg.com o Royal Family Kids Camp - royalfamilykids@fbcg.com o Masterpiece (disabilities) - andrea@firststepstherapy.com


o Confidential/Pastors Only o For the Prayer Team & FBCG Staff o I’d like to speak to a Pastor

___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

FINALLY.... o My contact information has changed o Please add me to the weekly email newsletter o I would like giving envelopes (you can pick up

temporary envelopes at the Welcome Center)

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