UP 3
06-2006 JM
XX-1958 RH
07-2007 ND
07-2007 ND
XX-1958 RH
07-2007 ND
04-2004 JM
XX-1958 RH
XX-1958 RH
XX-1958 RH
XX-2006 ND
XX-2006 ND
XX-1958 RH
04-2004 JM
XX-2006 ND
XX-1958 RH
04-2004 JM
07-2007 KD
07-2007 KD
07-2007 KK
XX-1958 RH
07-2007 KK
UP is a fanzine focusing on interesting architectures UP3 is initiated by Koenraad Dedobbeleer (KD) & Nico Dockx (ND) & Kris Kimpe (KK) & Jan Mast (JM) remembering René Heyvaert (RH) this issue stars the 1957-58 architectural project by René Heyvaert in the Hellegatstraat, Destelbergen, Belgium this issue is designed by JM with KD & ND & KK ND & RH & JM courtesy LIGHTMACHINE.INFO
©2007 UP and the artists UP appears regularly with an irregular interval
produced by
olga vzw
with the kind support of
07-2005 JM
06-2005 JM