Albino killings in Tanzania

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ALBINO KILLINGS IN TANZANIA Around lake Victoria in Tanzania, the evil is driven by the belief that albino body parts possess magical powers to bring riches if used in potions produced by local witchdoctors. Since 2007, 47 people with albinism have been brutally murdered. A Photo story by Franck Vogel / LightMediation

2492-01: In the Tanzania Albino Society office, newspapers articles dealing with lately albino killings are pasted on the walls. Here one about Mariam Standord, 28 years, from the Kagera region. October 18th, 2008, was a nightmare for her... » They cut off her 2 arms !», explains Mathew Michael. «They cut us in pieces for that stupid witchdoctors and their rich clients who want to get always richer ! Even if it's risky, poor people are doing the dirty work for 2000$ an albino arm. A real business. Sometimes people make fun of me in the streets and say: '' we can get a lot of money with you, you know ! ''»

Contact - Thierry Tinacci - LightMediation Photo Agency - +33 (0)6 61 80 57 21 -email:

2492-01: In the Tanzania Albino Society office, newspapers articles dealing with lately albino killings are pasted on the walls. Here one about Mariam Standord, 28 years, from the Kagera region. October 18th,

2492-02: Ngeme Luhahula, 51 years old, prays every day on her daughter's grave in Ilungu village. Vumilia Makoye was killed in front of her eyes at the age of 17 in Mai 2008. To avoid the grave pillage,

2492-03: Yussuf Elias, 26 years, lives in Ilungu in the Lake Victoria Region, where witchcraft and albino killings are the highest. His village numbered 3 albino end 2007. In November 2007, Rebecca

2492-04: Juma Ramazani, 38 years, is a farmer from Tabora. To save his life, doctors from the Ocean Road Cancer Institute in Dar-es-Salaam cut off his left arm. It could have been for witchcraft, but that time

2492-18: Japhet Felix dresses his son Camillius, 3 years, under his wife's eyes. For albino men it is rare to see tanned hair, Japhet is an exception. He feels better like that. With their boy, they live in Kiwalani, a poor Dar-es-Salaam suburb near the airport. Japhet is a construction worker and Agnellar make colorful scarves. /// Japhet Felix met les chaussures à son fils Camillius, 3 ans, sous le regard de sa mère Agnellar, 29 ans. Japhet a poussé la coquetterie jusqu'à ce teindre les cheveux. Très rare chez les hommes albinos. Ils vivent à Kiwalani, une banlieue pauvre près de l'aéroport de Dar-es-Salaam et gagnent leur vie en fabricant des écharpes colorées.

2492-05: In Tanzania, in the Lake Victoria area, witchdoctors are very popular and respected by many tribes and especially Sukumas. Over 80% of the people visit witchdoctors for treatment against cancer,

2492-06: Bibiana Mbushi (10 years) experienced hell a night of January 2008. After her parents' death (AIDS), she was adopted with her 2 sisters (Tindi - 7 years and also albino - and Sikujuwa) by her aunt,

2492-07: Bibiana Mbushi (10 years) experienced hell a night of January 2008. After her parents' death (AIDS), she was adopted with her 2 sisters (Tindi - 7 years and also albino - and Sikujuwa) by her aunt,

2492-08: In Tanzania, in the Lake Victoria area, witchdoctors are very popular and respected by many tribes and especially Sukumas. Over 80% of the people visit witchdoctors for treatment against cancer,

2492-09: Ngasamo gold mine has been worked by Germans up to World War 2. A terrible water-flood killed over 200 workers in the mine, which was closed right away. In the 1990's, businessmen bought

2492-10: In Tanzania, in the Lake Victoria region, witchdoctors recommend to throw albino hair in fishnets to get more fish. In Igombe, near Mwanza, some fishermen follow that principle and say that it works.

2492-11: Ali Omali (25 years) lives in Vikindu, a village 50 km away from Dar-es-Salaam, and refuses to rely on people's generosity... Unlike many albino, he's not begging and prefers to work hard and earn his

2492-12: Gaston Mcheka, 34 years, is a freelance journalist and lives with his wife Pamela, also albino, and their 3 children (Viktor, Isaac and Joshua) in a little house in a poor Dar-es-Salaam suburb. The

2492-30: Tatu Fadhili (12 years) is doing very well in her new class. The Dar-es-Salaam Salvation Army School for disabled children accepted few months ago 2 albinos girls (Tatu Fadhili, 12 years, and Lulu Hassani, 11 years) thanks to the new NGO, «Under the Same Sun», founded by a rich Canadian albino, Peter Ash. Since April 2009 they have a new office in Dar-es-Salaam. /// Tatu Fadhili (12 ans) est une excellente élève dans sa nouvelle classe. Elle a été acceptée avec Lulu Hassani (11 ans) dans l'école pour handicapés de l'Armée du Salut de Dar-es-Salaam grâce à l'action de l'ONG internationale «Under the Same Sun», qui a désormais une antenne en Tanzanie. Cette ONG a été créée en 2008 par Peter Ash, un riche homme d'affaire canadien, lui aussi Albinos.

2492-13: Barak Focus, 11 years, belongs to Bugollo village in the Mwanza area. Lately 4 albino from his village have been killed. His father, Murungu, took him and his best friend for a 16h bus journey to

2492-14: Esta Rafael, 29 years, comes from Tabora for a treatment against her skin cancer. The Ocean Road Cancer Institute in Dar-es-Salaam is the only place in Tanzania that can help her but she knows that

2492-15: Al-Shaymaa Kwegyir, the albino MP nominated by the Tanzanian President, organized with the Egyptian Embassy a lunch for around 200 Albino in Dar-es-Salaam March 25th, 2009. Sun cream, hats,

2492-16: Al-Shaymaa Kwegyir, the albino MP nominated by the Tanzanian President, organized with the Egyptian Embassy a lunch for around 200 Albino in Dar-es-Salaam March 25th, 2009. Sun cream, hats,

2492-11: Ali Omali (25 years) lives in Vikindu, a village 50 km away from Dar-es-Salaam, and refuses to rely on people's generosity... Unlike many albino, he's not begging and prefers to work hard and earn his own money by working in his fields. Now cousins and uncles are asking him for help !! A lesson for life. Ali has a black girlfriend and a little non-albino girl. He plans to marry soon. That's why he work so hard, often after lunch when the sun is worst, and without sun's too expensive. Albino life expectancy is around 30 years./// A 25 ans, Ali Omali vit à Vikindu (50km de Dar-es-Salaam) et ne veut pas être une charge pour la société. Contrairement à beaucoup d'Albinos, il refuse de se lamenter sur son sort en demandant de l'argent aux autres, il préfère travailler et cultiver la terre. Maintenant, ce sont des cousins ou des oncles qui viennent lui demander de l'argent !! Une vraie leçon de vie. Ali a un copine noire et une petite fille non albinos. Il espère se marier prochainement. Pour cela il travaille dur, souvent sous un soleil de plomb, sans crème solaire...c'est trop chère. Comme beaucoup d'Albinos, il risque de mourrir avant l'âge de 30 ans, rongé par le cancer de la peau. Le soleil est son pire ennemi.

2492-17: Al-Shaymaa Kwegyir, the albino MP nominated by the Tanzanian President, organized with the Egyptian Embassy a lunch for around 200 Albino in Dar-es-Salaam March 25th, 2009. Sun cream, hats,

2492-18: Japhet Felix dresses his son Camillius, 3 years, under his wife's eyes. For albino men it is rare to see tanned hair, Japhet is an exception. He feels better like that. With their boy, they live in Kiwalani, a

2492-19: Pamela, 29 years, is married with Gaston Mcheka, 34 years and also albino. They live with their 3 children (Viktor, Isaac and Joshua) in a little house in poor Dar-es-Salaam suburbs. The children are all

2492-20: The TAS headquarter (Tanzania Albino Society) in Dar-es-Salaam is based in shabby 2-room-office in the entrance building of the Ocean Road Cancer Institute. Most of his members have skin

2492-20: The TAS headquarter (Tanzania Albino Society) in Dar-es-Salaam is based in shabby 2-room-office in the entrance building of the Ocean Road Cancer Institute. Most of his members have skin cancer problems...The chairman, Ernest Kimaya, is typing a letter while a meeting is held with the Ziada Msembo, the General Secretary. The society is mainly supported by NGO - only 2% of the meager budget is provided by the Government. TAS is representing the Albino and organizes meetings to promote the use of sun cream,... but corruption is too high. Another NGO, «Under the Same Sun», founded by a rich Canadian albino, Peter Ash, just opened its Tanzania doors and should be able to give better help to albino./// Le siège de TAS (Société des Albinos de Tanzanie) est situé à Dar-es-Salaam dans le local exigu dans le pavillon d'accueil de «Ocean Road Cancer Institute». Le président, Ernest Kimaya, est en train de taper une lettre lors d'une réunion avec les responsables de TAS Mwanza mené par Ziada Msembo, la secrétaire générale. Ils sont principalement soutenus par des ONG - seulement 2% de leur subvenion vient de l'Etat - et organise des actions mais helas il y a trop de corruption. L'organisation «Under the Same Sun», financé par un riche homme d'affaire canadien, Peter Ash, lui aussi Albinos, a ouvert une antenne à Dar-es-Salaam et devrait mieux pouvoir aider les Albinos.

2492-21: ÂŤUnder the Same SunÂť has been founded by a rich Canadian albino, Peter Ash (left, with his brother), to help people having albinism worldwide. End 2008, he heard about the albino killings in

2492-22: After school, Lulu Hassani (11 years) helps her friend Happy Thobias (14) to go back to the dormitory. The Dar-es-Salaam Salvation Army has a school for disabled children. They accepted few

2492-23: Tatu Fadhili (12 years) with her new friend, Rehema Selemani (15), near the dining hall from the Dar-es-Salaam Salvation Army School for disabled children. They accepted few months ago 2 albinos

2492-24: Mitindo Primary School, 40km from Mwanza, welcomes 96 albino and 46 blind children for a total of 1200 kids. Unique in Tanzania, albino children come from all over the country. Since albino have all

2492-26: In Dar-es-Salaam, near the Ocean Road Cancer Institute, unique place in Tanzania for cancer treatment, the «Albino United» soccer team trains 6 days a week. The team manager, Oscar Haule, and his brother John, official coach, are both black. Every weekend they play games and the last one against the Aga Khan's team was a huge victory: 7-0. /// A Dar-es-Salaam, non loin de l' Ocean Road Cancer Institut, l'unique centre pour cancéreux du pays, l'équipe des «Albino United» s'entraîne 6 jours par semaine sur ce terrain vague. L'équipe est gérée par Oscar Haule et son frère John - coach de l'équipe - qui sont tous deux noirs. Leur dernier match contre l'équipe du centre Aga Khan s'est soldé par une écrasante victoire 7 buts à 0.

2492-25: Mitindo Primary School, 40km from Mwanza, welcomes 96 albino and 46 blind children for a total of 1200 kids. Unique in Tanzania, albino children come from all over the country. Since albino have all

2492-29: Mitindo Primary School, 40km from Mwanza, welcomes 96 albino and 46 blind children for a total of 1200 kids. Unique in Tanzania, albino children come from all over the country. Since albino have

2492-27: Agnellar, 29 year, look after her son Camillius, 3 years, who plays in the courtyard. With her albino husband, Japhet Felix, it's their first child. They live in Kiwalani, a poor Dar-es-Salaam suburb near

2492-28: Japhet Felix, 29 years, takes a walk with his son Camillius, 3 years. For albino men it is rare to see tanned hair, Japhet is an exception. He feels better like that. With his albino wife Agnellar, they live in

2492-08: In Tanzania, in the Lake Victoria area, witchdoctors are very popular and respected by many tribes and especially Sukumas. Over 80% of the people visit witchdoctors for treatment against cancer, AIDS or to find love...or to get rich, which is the main reason they need albino body parts. Since 2007, over 45 albino have been killed and mainly children. A leg, an arm or albino blood is worth 2000$ each...that means an albino body is worth10 000 for a male and even 12 000 $ for a female. Rocket high prices that gives over 10 years of a farmer's salary. Witchdoctors use the body parts to make magic powders, potions to locate gold. Rich businessmen visit them after buying a mining land...Since they don't have albino body parts, witchdoctor can arrange to get one for 2000$. Vicky Ntetema from the BBC did an undercover investigation with a hidden video camera and got that offer. She brought it on air and since then witchdoctors and even some State Ministers want to kill her...not that surprising: they are also visiting witchdoctors before elections. Mohamed Maulid is a witchdoctor from Mburahati village, about 30km from Dar-es-Salaam. He admits that some "Sukuma collegues" use albino bodyparts but only in the Mwanza region. He adds: "I'm not a Sukuma and I don't agree with them"

Albino killings in Tanzania. « They cut off her two arms with machetes! », explains Mathew Michael, a 22-year-old albino, as he shows a photo of Mariam Stanford, killed at the age of 28. «They cut us in pieces for those stupid witchdoctors and their rich clients who always want to get richer or more powerful ! Even if it's risky, poor people are doing the dirty work. Imagine, 2000$ an albino arm ! Sometimes people make fun of me in the streets and say: '' we can get a lot of money with you, you know ! ''» Around lake Victoria in Tanzania, the evil is driven by the belief that albino body parts possess magical powers to bring riches if used in potions produced by local witchdoctors. Most « clients » are rich businessmen eager to get more gold out of their mines or politicians, who want to be elected. Since 2007, official reports indicate that 47 people with albinism have been brutally murdered and their body parts hacked off and sold to witchdoctors for huge amounts of money: 2000$ a leg, an arm or the blood...that makes a whole albino body worth 10 000$. The horror business is even now crossing the borders (Congo, Burundi, Kenya). Albinism is defined as a genetically inherited disorder resulting from lack of pigmentation in the hair, skin and eyes. Tanzania has the highest rate of albino in the world; one in 3,000 are affected, compared to one in 20,000 in Europe and North America. Besides the horrible killings, African Albino suffer daily discrimination in the street, at school, and

due to vision problems face difficulty in completing educational programs resulting in chronic unemployment. Hussein Adam, 26 years, is one of the rare albino students at Dar-es-Salaam University. Next year, he'll become à teacher. The country counts 10 albino student, and everything's harder for them. « Three years ago, when I entered university, I got a personal loan for my studies and I decided to buy a pair of glasses. Unfortunately, few months later, as I was walking in the street I stumbled and broke them. » Since then, he works with his eyes 2 inches away from his paper or his computer monitor. Hussein believes his very lucky, but even though he cannot afford buying sun cream. « Later for my kinds, once I'll get my teacher's salary. » Unlike Hussein, Ali Omali (25 years) doesn't know how to read, but he refuses to rely on people's generosity... Unlike many albino, he's not begging and prefers to work hard and earn his own money by working in his fields. "Now my cousins and my uncles are asking me for money ! " explains Ali proudly. A lesson for life. Ali has a black girlfriend and a little non-albino daughter. He plans to marry soon. That's why he works so hard, often after lunch when the sun is worst, and without sun's too expensive. Like most Albino, due to skin cancer, he might die before turning 30. Only 2% live beyond 40 years. The Tanzania Albino Society struggles to help and teach their members but suffers from corruption and the Tanzanian government is still divided despite President Kikwete and Prime Minister's efforts. In April 2008, the President nominated an Albino Member of

Parliament, Al-Shaymaa Kwegyir, and organized in April 2009 secret polls to find albino murderers, as well as police operations to arrest witchdoctors. The process is moving very slowly because some high ranked policemen are taking part in the business. The Minister for Interior Affairs still says about Vicky Ntetema (BBC journalist, who brought the story on air), "she is a shame for the country ! All that for only 47 dead albino !" Thanks to "Under the Same Sun", a Canadian NGO founded by Peter Ash, an albino businessman, the future looks a bit better for Tanzanian Albino. End 2008, he heard about the Albino killings in Tanzania and decided to do something. He called Samuel Mluge, who was at the time General Secretary of the Tanzania Albino Society, and they decided to open an office in Dar-es-Salaam in April 2009. The NGO's goal is to provide sun cream, shirts, hats, and to help albino children to go to school.

Captions 2492-01: In the Tanzania Albino Society office, newspapers articles dealing with lately albino killings are pasted on the walls. Here one about Mariam Standord, 28 years, from the Kagera region. October 18th, 2008, was a nightmare for her..."They cut off her 2 arms !", explains Mathew Michael. "Theys cut us in pieces for that stupid witchdoctors and their rich clients who want to get always richer ! Even if it's risky, poor people are doing the dirty work for 2000$ an albino arm. A real business. Sometimes people make fun of me in the streets and say: 'we can get a lot of money with you, you know !'" 2492-02: Ngeme Luhahula, 51 years old, prays every day on her daughter's grave in Ilungu village. Vumilia Makoye was killed in front of her eyes at the age of 17 in Mai 2008. To avoid the grave pillage, she was burried on the same spot she was murdered: in her house, which was destroyed on top of the grave after burrial. The family built a new one just near the grave to protect it. Albino bodies have recently been plundered to remove arms and legs.The gouvernment is supposed to seal albino graves with cement but Ngeme is still waiting. Yussuf Elias, 26 years, lives also the same village in Lake Victoria Region, where witchcraft and albino killings are the highest. The village numbered 3 albino end 2007. In November 2007, Rebecca Machungwa, 10 years, was killed and her legs chopped off with a machete. Later, in Mai 2008 came Vumilia Makoye's turn. Today, Yussuf is scared to death: "I'm the next on the list ! Since Vumilia's death, I always carry my whistle in my's my only protection."

2492-03: Yussuf Elias, 26 years, lives in Ilungu in the Lake Victoria Region, where witchcraft and albino killings are the highest. His village numbered 3 albino end 2007. In November 2007, Rebecca Machungwa, 10 years, was killed and her legs chopped off with a machete. Then, in Mai 2008 came Vumilia Makoye's turn. She was 17 years. Today, Yussuf is scared to death: "I'm the next on the list ! Since Vumilia's death, I always carry my whistle in my's my only protection." 2492-04: Juma Ramazani, 38 years, is a farmer from Tabora. To save his life, doctors from the Ocean Road Cancer Institute in Dar-es-Salaam cut off his left arm. It could have been for witchcraft, but that time they did burn the tumoured part to prevent from thieves..."How will i do to keep on working in my fields?"...He still lives with his parents. The Ocean Road Cancer Institute in Dar-es-Salaam is the only place in Tanzania where they treat cancer. Albino life expectancy in only 30 years... 2492-05: In Tanzania, in the Lake Victoria area, witchdoctors are very popular and respected by many tribes and especially Sukumas. Over 80% of the people visit witchdoctors for treatment against cancer, AIDS or to find love...or to get rich, which is the main reason they need albino body parts. Since 2007, over 45 albino have been killed and mainly children. A leg, an arm or albino blood is worth 2000$ each...that means an albino body is worth10 000 for a male and even 12 000 $ for a female. Rocket high prices that gives over 10 years of a farmer's salary. Witchdoctors use the body parts to make magic powders, potions to locate gold. Rich businessmen visit them after buying

a mining land...Since they don't have albino body parts, witchdoctor can arrange to get one for 2000$. Vicky Ntetema from the BBC did an undercover investigation with a hidden video camera and got that offer. She brought it on air and since then witchdoctors and even some State Ministers want to kill her...not that surprising: they are also visiting witchdoctors before elections. Mohamed Maulid is a witchdoctor from Mburahati village, about 30km from Dar-es-Salaam. He admits that some "Sukuma collegues" use albino bodyparts but only in the Mwanza region. He adds: "I'm not a Sukuma and I don't agree with them" 2492-06: Bibiana Mbushi (10 years) experienced hell a night of January 2008. After her parents death (AIDS), she was adopted with her 2 sisters (Tindi - 7 years and also albino - and Sikujuwa) by her ant but her uncle was very unpleased. An albino brings shame on the family and is felt like a holly punishment. When he got a chance to sell them, he took it. Begining January 2008, at 10pm, three men armed with a machete and a torch entered the children house and told the children that they are from the police and that they had to take something. Bibiana was the first to be in the light ray - luckily they didn't know that two girls were albino - and one man ran over her and quickly choped her right leg and 2 fingers off. All children, petrified, started to cry...Tindi, hidden in the drakness told me she did see a man leaving the house with her sister's leg on his shoulder. The uncle was arrested and put in jail but the 3 murderers are still free. Bibiana is one of the only albino that survived such an attack thanks to an ambulance from the geita hospital. While visiting Bibiana in the hospital, albino MP Al-Shaymaa Kwegyir decided to adopt her

and her 2 sisters. They are now in a School near Mwanza. Tindi has already many friends but Bibiana is still very shy and fear to be sold again... 2492-07: Bibiana Mbushi (10 years) experienced hell a night of January 2008. After her parents death (AIDS), she was adopted with her 2 sisters (Tindi - 7 years and also albino - and Sikujuwa) by her ant but her uncle was very unpleased. An albino brings shame on the family and is felt like a holly punishment. When he got a chance to sell them, he took it. Begining January 2008, at 10pm, three men armed with a machete and a torch entered the children house and told the children that they are from the police and that they had to take something. Bibiana was the first to be in the light ray - luckily they didn't know that two girls were albino - and one man ran over her and quickly choped her right leg and 2 fingers off. All children, petrified, started to cry...Tindi, hidden in the drakness told me she did see a man leaving the house with her sister's leg on his shoulder. The uncle was arrested and put in jail but the 3 murderers are still free. Bibiana is one of the only albino that survived such an attack thanks to an ambulance from the geita hospital. While visiting Bibiana in the hospital, albino MP Al-Shaymaa Kwegyir decided to adopt her and her 2 sisters. They are now in a School near Mwanza. Tindi has already many friends but Bibiana is still very shy and fear to be sold again... 2492-08: In Tanzania, in the Lake Victoria area, witchdoctors are very popular and respected by many tribes and especially Sukumas. Over 80% of the people visit witchdoctors for treatment against cancer, AIDS or to find love...or to get rich, which is the main reason they need albino body parts. Since 2007, over 45 albino have

been killed and mainly children. A leg, an arm or albino blood is worth 2000$ each...that means an albino body is worth10 000 for a male and even 12 000 $ for a female. Rocket high prices that gives over 10 years of a farmer's salary. Witchdoctors use the body parts to make magic powders, potions to locate gold. Rich businessmen visit them after buying a mining land...Since they don't have albino body parts, witchdoctor can arrange to get one for 2000$. Vicky Ntetema from the BBC did an undercover investigation with a hidden video camera and got that offer. She brought it on air and since then witchdoctors and even some State Ministers want to kill her...not that surprising: they are also visiting witchdoctors before elections. Mohamed Maulid is a witchdoctor from Mburahati village, about 30km from Dar-es-Salaam. He admits that some "Sukuma collegues" use albino bodyparts but only in the Mwanza region. He adds: "I'm not a Sukuma and I don't agree with them" 2492-09: Ngasamo gold mine has been worked by Germans up to World War 2. A terrible water-flood killed over 200 workers in the mine, which was closed right away. In the 1990's, businessmen bought some land and restarted mining but in a traditionnal way. They went to witchdoctors to get information on the digging places and then on the direction they have to dig to find as much gold as possible. Unfortunately, witchdoctors need albino blood, leg or arm for that...If the man doesn't have one, the witchdoctor can fix that for 2000$. An albino body is worth up to 10 000$ (including blood,

worth also 2000$). Vicky Ntetema, BBC reporter, brought it to air after an undercover investigation as a business woman. "Witchdoctors share albino body parts in their East Africa network, and work with corrupted policemen", reveals Vicky. "Politicians and even the Minister of Home Affairs seems to take part in it !" She is now death threated by witchdoctors and even politicians...The Minister of Home Affairs told her in a plane in front of albino MP and a Canadian-Norwegian delegation: "Shame on you ! You brought shame on your country !" 2492-10: In Tanzania, in the Lake Victoria region, witchdoctors recommend to throw albino hair in fishnets to get more fish. In Igombe, near Mwanza, some fishermen follow that principle and say that it works. They get or buy albino hair from hairdressers... The Nile perch has been introduced in the lake 50 years ago and can weight up to 100kg. Most villagers don't have boats and they use huge nets, that they pull from and to the shore in 2 on each side. 2492-11: Ali Omali (25 years) lives in Vikindu, a village 50 km away from Dar-es-Salaam, and refuses to rely on people's generosity... Unlike many albino, he's not begging and prefers to work hard and earn his own money by working in his fields. Now cousins and uncles are asking him for help !! A lesson for life. Ali has a black girlfriend and a little non-albino girl. He plans to marry soon. That's why he work so hard, often after lunch when the sun is worst, and without sun's too expensive. Albino life expectancy is around 30 years. 2492-12: Gaston Mcheka, 34 years, is a freelance journalist and lives with his wife Pamela, also albino, and their 3 children

(Viktor, Isaac and Joshua) in a little house in a poor Dar-es-Salaam suburb. The children are all black because their parents have 2 different type of albinism (Type 1 and 2). Those 2 genes are recessive. Some months back, a tumour cancer. He knows that his days are now numbered. Gaston is also General Secretary for the "Albino United", the Dar-es-Salaam albino soccer team. They have 6 trainings per week on a field near the Ocean Road Cancer Institute and TAS office (Tanzania Albino Society). Every weekend they play games and the last one against the Aga Khan's team was a huge victory: 7-0. 2492-13: Barak Focus, 11 years, belongs to Bugollo village in the Mwanza area. Lately 4 albino from his village have been killed. His father, Murungu, took him and his best friend for a 16h bus journey to Dar-es-Salaam to get some treatment for his skin cancer. Barak serenity contrasts with his father's fear: "I knew he was not supposed to go in the sun but he always ran out !" The Ocean Road Cancer Institute in Dar-es-Salaam is the only place in Tanzania that can help him but his father knows that his life is almost over. Albino life expectancy in only 30 years... 2492-14: Esta Rafael, 29 years, comes from Tabora for a treatment against her skin cancer. The Ocean Road Cancer Institute in Dar-es-Salaam is the only place in Tanzania that can help her but she knows that her life is almost over. Albino life expectancy in only 30 years... 15. Al-Shaymaa Kwegyir, the albino MP nominated by the Tanzanian President, organized with the Egyptian Embassy a lunch for around 200 Albino in Dar-es-Salaam March 25th, 2009. Sun

cream, hats, shirts have been given to all albino to protect them from the sun. Because of their skin color and their vision problems, they are excluded and few have a real job. To help them coming to the meeting, each albino got 2000 Tsh (about 1,5$) for bus fares. 16. Al-Shaymaa Kwegyir, the albino MP nominated by the Tanzanian President, organized with the Egyptian Embassy a lunch for around 200 Albino in Dar-es-Salaam March 25th, 2009. Sun cream, hats, shirts have been given to all albino to protect them from the sun. Because of their skin color and their vision problems, they are excluded and few have a real job. To help them coming to the meeting, each albino got 2000 TSh (about 1,5$) for bus fares. The MP gives a hat to Dunia Sultan, general secretary of AMIT (Albino Mungano Investment Trust). He was attacked less than a week ago (March 20th, 2009) by 6 armed men at 8.30pm. ÂŤI did run as fast as I could and I was very lucky...a bullet choped off my left ear...but its not much !Âť, explains Dunia. 17. Al-Shaymaa Kwegyir, the albino MP nominated by the Tanzanian President, organized with the Egyptian Embassy a lunch for around 200 Albino in Dar-es-Salaam March 25th, 2009. Sun cream, hats, shirts have been given to all albino to protect them from the sun. Because of their skin color and their vision problems, they are excluded and few have a real job. To help them coming to the meeting, each albino got 2000 TSh (about 1,5$) for bus fares. 18. Japhet Felix dresses his son Camillius, 3 years, under his wife's eyes. For albino men it is rare to see tanned hair, Japhet is an exception. He feels better like that.

better like that. With their boy, they live in Kiwalani, a poor Dar-es-Salaam suburb near the airport. Japhet is a construction worker and Agnellar make colorful scarves. 19. Pamela, 29 years, is married with Gaston Mcheka, 34 years and also albino. They live with their 3 children (Viktor, Isaac and Joshua) in a little house in poor Dar-es-Salaam suburbs. The children are all black because their parents have 2 different type of albinism (Type 1 and 2). Those 2 genes are recessive. A difficult life but still happy: she likes to tan her hair in black...»I'm more beautiful like that !» 20. The TAS headquarter (Tanzania Albino Society) in Dar-es-Salaam is based in shabby 2-room-office in the entrance building of the Ocean Road Cancer Institute. Most of his members have skin cancer problems...The chairman, Ernest Kimaya, is typing a letter while a meeting is held with the Ziada Msembo, the General Secretary. The society is mainly supported by NGO - only 2% of the meager budget is provided by the Government. TAS is representing the Albino and organizes meetings to promote the use of sun cream,... but corruption is too high. Another NGO, «Under the Same Sun», founded by a rich Canadian albino, Peter Ash, just opened its Tanzania doors and should be able to give better help to albino. 21. «Under the Same Sun» has been founded by a rich Canadian albino, Peter Ash (left, with his brother), to help people having albinism worldwide. End 2008, he heard about the albino killings in Tanzania

and decided to do something. He called Samuel Mluge (back), who was at the time General Secretary of the Tanzania Albino Society, and they decided to open an office in Dar-es-Salaam. He is since April 2nd, 2009, chairman and Josephat Torner (right), vice chairman. The NGO's goal is to help Albino in Tanzania: provide sun cream, shirts, hats,... and help albino children to go to school. 22. After school, Lulu Hassani (11 years) helps her friend Happy Thobias (14) to go back to the dormitory. The Dar-es-Salaam Salvation Army has a school for disabled children. They accepted few months ago 2 albinos girls thanks to the new NGO, «Under the Same Sun», founded by a rich canadian albino, Peter Ash. 23. Tatu Fadhili (12 years) with her new friend, Rehema Selemani (15), near the dining hall from the Dar-es-Salaam Salvation Army School for disabled children. They accepted few months ago 2 albinos girls (Tatu Fadhili, 12 years, and Lulu Hassani, 11 years) thanks to the new NGO, «Under the Same Sun», founded by a rich Canadian albino, Peter Ash. 24. Mitindo Primary School, 40km from Mwanza, welcomes 96 albino and 46 blind children for a total of 1200 kids. Unique in Tanzania, albino children come from all over the country. Since albino have all vision problems, they take the first row. It's a government school but is mainly sponsored by International NGO (Caritas, Rotary, Lion's Club,...). It's still not enough: most of classrooms are table, no bench, and just concrete floor. The albino dormitory has lately been furnished by NGOs with mosquito nets and mattresses. 25. Mitindo Primary School, 40km from

Mwanza, welcomes 96 albino and 46 blind children for a total of 1200 kids. Unique in Tanzania, albino children come from all over the country. Since albino have all vision problems, they take the first row. It's a government school but is mainly sponsored by International NGO (Caritas, Rotary, Lion's Club,...). It's still not enough: most of classrooms are table, no bench, and just concrete floor. The albino dormitory has lately been furnished by NGOs with mosquito nets and mattresses. 26. In Dar-es-Salaam, near the Ocean Road Cancer Institute, unique place in Tanzania for cancer treatment, the «Albino United» soccer team trains 6 days a week. The team manager, Oscar Haule, and his brother John, official coach, are both black. Every weekend they play games and the last one against the Aga Khan's team was a huge victory: 7-0. 27. Agnellar, 29 year, look after her son Camillius, 3 years, who plays in the courtyard. With her albino husband, Japhet Felix, it's their first child. They live in Kiwalani, a poor Dar-es-Salaam suburb near the airport. Japhet is a construction worker and Agnellar make colorful scarves. 28. Japhet Felix, 29 years, takes a walk with his son Camillius, 3 years. For albino men it is rare to see tanned hair, Japhet is an exception. He feels better like that. With his albino wife Agnellar, they live in Kiwalani, a poor Dar-es-Salaam suburb near the airport. Japhet is a construction worker and Agnellar make colorful scarves. 29. Mitindo Primary School, 40km from Mwanza, welcomes 96 albino and 46 blind children for a total of 1200 kids. Unique in

Tanzania, albino children come from all over the country. Since albino have all vision problems, they take the first row. It's a government school but is mainly sponsored by International NGO (Caritas, Rotary, Lion's Club,...). It's still not enough: most of classrooms are table, no bench, and just concrete floor. The albino dormitory has lately been furnished by NGOs with mosquito nets and mattresses. 30. Tatu Fadhili (12 years) is doing very well in her new class. The Dar-es-Salaam Salvation Army School for disabled children accepted few months ago 2 albinos girls (Tatu Fadhili, 12 years, and Lulu Hassani, 11 years) thanks to the new NGO, «Under the Same Sun», founded by a rich Canadian albino, Peter Ash. Since April 2009 they have a new office in Dar-es-Salaam.

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