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BK Dadi Gulzar


In Loving Memory of BK DADI GULZAR

Rajyogini Brahma Kumari Dadi Hirdaya Mohini, affectionately known as Dadi Gulzar, has been associated with the Brahma Kumaris (yagya) right from the beginning in 1937, since her tender age of 8 years. Dadi was awarded the honorary degree of Doctor of Literature by the North Odisha University, Baripada, Mayurbhanj, Odisha (India) for her contribution towards spreading the message of values, spirituality, and social service in her unique role as a godly messenger. She has devotedly served the Godly mission by visiting as many as 112 countries where she opened many centres, delivered lectures, and motivated/guided the new members of BK spiritual university. She has delivered innumerable lectures on various subjects like spirituality, philosophy, Raja yoga, and stress-free living connected with our dayto-day life. She has also been a prime organizer of many international and national conferences, spiritual fairs, exhibitions, and campaigns.

Tribute by BK Gayatri Naraine Our senior elder sister (Dadi) Gulzar left us. The soul was radiant and left behind the worn costume of an old body. Her power was her silence. On her ascension, she tied our hearts and minds and pulled us to a subtle experience of silent stillness. Like an incense stick she never drew attention to herself but filled the air with the fragrance of her subtle purity and sweetness. In honour of this beautiful soul, students of the Brahma Kumaris around the globe spent the day in silence. Please join us in sending good wishes to the soul for her onward journey. And remember the wise ones in your life who have left.

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