1 minute read
Message from the United Nations Civil Society Unit, Outreach Division, Hawa Taylor-Kamara Diallo, Chief
Hawa Taylor-Kamara Diallo
Chief, Civil Society Unit, Outreach Division, Department of Global Communications, United Nations
On the occasion of the 8th Anniversary of the International Day of Yoga, it is good to know that the International Day of Yoga Committee at the United Nations has been promoting yoga and its multiple dimensions including the positive health benefits and those that lead to peaceful and sustainable societies. Practiced by peoples of all backgrounds and ages across the globe confirm its universality.
Yoga’s acceptance especially in the past eight years have validated the continued wide global appreciation of how it can be an effective way to promote and accomplish some of the crucial Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to health and well-being, education, justice and peace, just to name a few.
I take this opportunity to celebrate with you and to thank the International Day of Yoga Committee at the United Nations for highlighting the advantages of the many different practices that yoga offers as well as advancing its deeper purpose. We have learned a lot from your activities. I also recognize the many efforts you put forth in highlighting important UN Days that promote the UN’s goals and values such as the International Day of Peace and International Women’s Day.
The numerous events that the Committee has organized in partnership with UN offices and other like-minded organizations in observance of significant United Nations Days is an example of the inclusivity and unity that is inherent in the understanding of yoga. By working together with civil society and NGOs, we at the UN can increase our vision and can make strides in creating a better world for the peoples of the world and our planet. I wish you every success today and in the future.