LIGHT FOR PRESENTATION AND RETAIL Shopping means Âidentifying with brands and companies. It has increasingly become part of people’s leisuretime activities, they enjoy it with all their senses. Lighting solutions in Humanergy Balance pay as much attention to the salespromoting and human aspects of light as to energy efficiency.
LIGHT FOR PRESENTATION AND RETAIL Shopping means Âidentifying with brands and companies. It has increasingly become part of people’s leisuretime activities, they enjoy it with all their senses. Lighting solutions in Humanergy Balance pay as much attention to the salespromoting and human aspects of light as to energy efficiency.
The fascination of light Humanergy Balance
Light and marketing
Global Zumtobel network
International rollout
Integral lighting solutions
L O O K G O O D�
� 18–31 ����
T A S T E G O O D �
60–85 �����
Interview: Retail store design�
Interview: International store management�
References fashion & accessories
References shopping mall
References health & beauty
References supermarket
References sports & home accessories
References fresh food
F E E L G O O D�� 32–59 ����
Taste good zones Fruit and vegetables
Interview: Rollout management�
Cheese, bread and pastries
References telecommunications & hifi
Meat, cold meat and poultry
References automotive
Fish, frozen and dairy products
References bank outlets
Delicatessen, convenience food
Dry foods
Cash points, kiosks
Look good & feel good zones Facades, display windows
General lighting
The evolution of light
Peripheral areas and shelving
Innovations with LED
Deco points, display tables, showcases
Added value with LUXMATE and ONLITE
Chillout, lounge
Branch-specific design notes
Fitting rooms
Typical lighting solutions and product categories 98–101
Stairs and circulation areas
Overview of Zumtobel competences
At the Stadion Center (Vienna/A), LEDs in variable colours transform the lift housing packed in ice blocks to an attractive meeting point within the shopping mall. Colour-matched LED light strips provide visual guidance.
Humanergy Balance Lighting solutions for the balance between the shopping experience and energy efficiency
Intelligent solutions optimise lighting quality and energy efficiency. They create the perfect atmosphere: providing harmony between the shoppers, the goods on display, the environment and the retail interior
Energy efficiency A feasible investment into the future, thanks to advanced lighting technology and intelligent control of light Lighting quality Goods presented in the right light, ensuring a lasting shopping experience
P rod H u m anerg u kt N aymbealance S eitenthe m a
Shopping experience and energy efficiency Intelligent lighting solutions achieve the optimum combination
The target
The basics
The measures
With the Humanergy Balance
People perceive light on three
• Targeted ������������������������������ product illumination
concept, Zumtobel aims to
different levels. On the first level,
is the most important task.
bring the requirements of light-
light renders rooms and objects
For this purpose, the spot-
ing quality and energy efficiency
recognisable, and protects
lights must be exactly posi-
customers and employees from
tioned and their size matched
stumbling and wrong decisions.
to the products.
Both are a means to an end.
The second level of lighting
• One of the maxims is to adapt
Lighting quality aims at increas-
quality concerns emotion. An
ing profit. With a greater number
attractive interior design with a
• In terms of atmosphere, light
of visitors, an increased pur-
pleasant lighting scene creates
colour is of utmost impor-
chase impetus and the care
positive sales effects. The inner
tance. Colours communicate
of brands and image. Energy
biological clock characterises
messages quickly and effec-
efficiency helps to minimise both
the third level for the perception
costs for day-to-day operations
of light. Lighting that takes the
• Special attention is given to
and regular maintenance.
rhythm of people into account
brands and products with
The conscious handling of the
is subconsciously perceived as
Active Light scenes.
energy resource additionally
particularly beneficial.
colour rendition to products.
• In terms of lamps, metal
promotes a company’s social
halide lamps with ceramic dis-
and environmental responsibility.
charge tubes show excellent qualities. They convince users with high luminous efficiency and colour constancy. • A simple method of lighting control is the use of automatic timer systems, with the most effective being daylight-based lighting management.
Energy efficiency is determined arithmetically:
LENI, the Lighting Energy Numeric Indicator, is measured in kWh/m² a and estimates energy consumption per year and per square metre. It is defined within the European standard for assessment of energy consumption (EN 15 193) and is a basis for national guidelines and standards.
H u m anerg y b alance
The shopping experience is based upon five aspects of lighting quality: A
ELI, the Ergonomic Lighting Indicator, makes lighting quality tangible. Five axes give information about the thematic areas of visual performance, vista, visual comfort, vitality, and empowerment. With reference to shop applications, the aspects of product recognition, identity, goods presentation, emotion and lighting magnagement are expressed.
A Recognition of goods:
C Presentation of goods:
E Lighting management:
Light on the goods
Light stimulates people
Light is considerate
The quality of light affects the
Light guides people and has a
Different visual needs and hours
image of the illuminated prod-
major influence on their well-
of use require individual adap-
ucts. A lighting solution that
being. Thus, balanced bright-
tation of the lighting situation.
stimulates sales must be perfect
ness levels, correct colour
Sensors and control systems
and authentic. Illuminance level,
temperatures and beam angles
help adjust the lighting situation
contrast and uniformity, colour
or flicker-free ballasts increase
to specific requirements and thus
rendition and glare limitation are
the length of people’s stay in
reduce energy consumption.
the relevant criteria.
the shop.
B Identity:
D Emotion:
Light creates character
Light attracts people
Like architecture, light is a
Dynamic, colourful lighting sce-
design element with functional
narios and effects good enough
and creative tasks. They persist-
for the stage provide entertain-
ently influence the ambience
ment for shoppers. Less obvi-
and thus the brand identity of a
ous but just as effective are
store. Luminaires with a strong
gently changing lighting scenes
character underline the inde-
that respond to times of day
pendence of a lighting solution.
and seasons of the year, and also to weather situations and the circadian rhythm of people, with various colour Âtemperatures.
Sustainability Our responsibility to the environment
In line with its corporate vision,
with respect to environmentally
ing to strict quality criteria.
ment of new, energy-efficient
the Zumtobel Group has assu
sound production processes
For its worldwide facilities, the
products. Today, a full 19
med special responsibility
based on the considerate use
organisation is aiming at certifi-
percent of global energy con-
for the environment – led by
of resources.
cation according to ISO 14001
sumption are used for artificial
its conviction that economic
As an organisation with pro
in stages. The production facili-
lighting, more than 80 percent
success and environmental
duction facilities around the
ties in Dornbirn, Jennersdorf,
of which are accounted for by
protection are correlated,
globe, the Zumtobel group
Innsbruck (all in Austria) and
professional lighting systems
mutually fostering each other.
respects internationally accept-
Landskrona in Sweden were
and luminaires. Intelligent con-
For the globally active group,
ed quality standards. Its pro-
certified according to this stand-
trol systems using presence
this applies both in terms of
duction processes are to a high
ard several years ago.
detectors and user-related pro-
developing innovative, energy-
extent geared towards the effi-
One of the group’s major con-
gramming, innovative reflectors
efficient products and intel-
cient use of resources; materials
tributions to the optimised use
or new types of surface finish
ligent lighting solutions, and
are selected and used accord-
of resources is the develop-
materials, as well as state-of-
Z u m to b el A N D S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y
the-art electronic control gear
ing to the sustainable use of
award honours outstanding and
or energy-efficient LEDs with a
resources. The “Zumtobel Group
sustainable approaches to solu-
long service life can all make a
Award for Sustainability and
tions in architecture and engi-
contribution towards achieving a
Humanity in the Built Environ-
neering which reduce present
higher light output at low mate-
ment”, which was awarded for
and future energy consumption
rial and energy consumption.
the first time in 2007, originated
while improving people’s quality
For Zumtobel as a technological
from the awareness that vision-
of life. The award is presented
leader, the conflicting priorities
ary solutions in architecture and
every two years.
of reduced energy consumption
urban development can help to
and more light for the benefit
reduce global energy consump-
of people represent a special
tion while improving people’s
opportunity to further expand its
quality of life in general. Funded
market position while contribut-
with a total of € 140,000, the
Light as a marketing tool The sixth sense for successful retail concepts
Sensual AUTHENTIC indiv nat
C idual tural
The world is spinning faster
As a part of this development,
than ever. The range of goods
subtle lighting scenarios will
and the sensitivity of consumers
replace the usual static light-
are increasing at the same pace.
ing. By changing its intensity,
The most desired customers are
colour, colour temperature and
those that cannot be standard-
direction, light will meet trends
ised and who place the individual and needs. Product and brand at the centre. Men and women
presentations gain a new
who long for a new authenticity,
dynamism and govern the steps
and who follow a ‘lifestyle of
and thoughts of customers.
health and sustainability’.
Shopping malls, retail areas
Together with globalisation, a
and display windows will, for
new yearning for local colour
instance, forever be newly set
manifests itself. Pulled to and
centre stage using translucent
fro between realism and the
luminous walls or coloured light
digital revolution.
fields. Touch screens make
Light is a marketing tool with
lighting choreographies available
a future. It will transform retail
at the touch of a button. The
areas into rooms for experience,
abolishment of classical light-
make brands and messages
ing from above gives the design
the centre of attention, and
of architecture and space new
establish a relationship between
impulses. Intelligently controlled
product and consumer. Natural-
light stimulates active experi-
ness, honesty, diversity, quality,
ence – in an atmosphere that
modernism, openness and com-
appeals to every human sense:
fort – all of these are messages
unique and unmistakable.
that can be communicated using light.
Awarded the International Shop Application Award in the categories ‘Best Shop Concept’ and ‘Best Innovation Concept’: the Victoria Arena in Gothenburg/SE was originally built as a movie theatre and is today a highly modern lifestyle arena.
Zumtobel lighting solutions consultants At home throughout the world
A r a b R e p u b l i c A r g e n t i n a A u s t r a l i a A u B u l g a r i a Ca n a d a C h i n a C r o at i a C y p r u s C F i n l a n d F r a n c e G e o r g i a G e r m a n y G h a n I n d i a I n d o n e s i a I r e l a n d I s l a m i c R e p u b Ka z a k h s t a n K u w a i t La t v i a L e b a n o n Ma u r i t i u s M e x i c o R e p u b l i C o f M o l d a v i a M N o r w a y O m a n P h i l i p p i n e s P o l a n d P o r Sa u d i A r a b i a S i n g a p o r e S l o va k i a S l o v e n S w e d e N S w i t z e r l a n d Ta i w a n T h a i l a n d U n i t e d A r a b E m i r at e s U n i t e d S tat e s U r u
As a global brand, Zumtobel
The international platform
has 50 sales offices, numerous
of showrooms, in which
representative offices and 14
Zumtobel’s world of light can
production facilities in as much
be experienced, is completed
as 70 countries on 5 continents.
by Light Forums and Light Centers in Milan, Rom, Zurich, New York, London, Stockholm, Brussels, Berlin, Lemgo, Frankfurt, Vienna and ������������� Dornbirn.
s t r i a Ba h r a i n B e l a r u s B e l g i u m B r a z i l C z e c h R e p u b l i c D e n m a r k E g y p t E s t o n i a n a G r e e c e H o n g K o n g H u n Ga r y I c e l a n d b LI c o f I r a n I s r a e l I ta ly J a pa n J o r d a n L i t h u a n i a L u x e m b u r g Ma c a u Ma l t a a M o n t e n e g r o M o r o c c o N e t h e r l a n d s r t u g a l Q u ata r R o m a n i a R u s s i a S e r b i a n i a R e p u b l i c o f S o u t h K o r e a S pa i n S y r i a n T u r k e y U k r a i n e U n i t e d K i n g d o m P e r u u g u ay V e n e z u e l a V i e t n a m N e w Z e a l a n d
As a globally active company,
This ensures that customers
Zumtobel and its partners offer
are provided with a complete
their customers the complete
service package for their retail
range of products and services
business, ranging from the
design and supply chain through to life cycle management.
International rollout One brand, seventeen countries and more than 80 shops
From Copenhagen to Casablanca, from Madrid to Athens. In Florence, Paris, Stockholm and a further 80 cities. Levi’s® is Levi’s®. Branding, products, shop design and also lighting are governed by a characteristic concept. Those responsible at Levi’s ® found what they needed to manage an international rollout at Zumtobel Lighting. As a globally active organisation with branches and representative offices on five continents, Zumtobel offers its customers a powerful network of broadly trained employees offering the complete range of products and services on site. In collaboration with the customers, they disseminate a lighting solution’s look all over the world. And there is always only one contact person: a centrally installed key account team takes on procurement and project organisation. This in turn maintains close contact with local organisations in order to consider countryspecific requirements and to address concerns at any time.
In a time period of two years, the rollout of the brand-specific lighting concept for more than 80 European and North African Levi’s® stores took place.
Everything from a single source Luminaires, emergency lighting systems and lighting control
An up-to-date lighting concept
is more than just light. It com-
Attractive and distinctive light
lighting concepts take on the
bines the various tools to make
is the challenging aim of sales
aspects of flexible and dynamic
a unified whole. In an emergen-
promotion. To this end, lumi-
lighting. Static lighting concepts
cy, luminaires for general lighting
naires are needed that master
make room for varied lighting
become emergency luminaires,
the art of setting the stage,
choreographies that sensitively
and control systems influence a
both formally and functionally.
combine general lighting and
luminaire’s intelligence.
The more efficient the lighting
effective accent lighting.
Zumtobel provides luminaires,
concept, the more important
emergency lighting and light
is simple handling. Successful
control from a single source – with the significant advantage that all three components speak the same language, and various are created. Paired with the
Emergency lighting systems
merits of a competent, profes-
For retail areas and exhibition
The coupling of light and emer-
sional partner for all three areas.
spaces accessible to the public,
gency lighting results in both
emergency lighting systems with
creative and economic benefits.
corresponding emergency lumi-
Where luminaires for general
naires and escape sign lumi-
lighting are also used as emer-
naires are a must. It is not only
gency luminaires, the total
a matter of meeting national
number of luminaires can be
standards, but also of taking
reduced and their appearance
on responsibility for large visitor
synergies and new possibilities
numbers and guaranteeing their safety.
Lighting control Lighting management deter-
energy efficiency. Among others,
mines a system’s intelligence.
intelligent lighting management
It enables a lighting system to
also makes use of the scien-
respond to daytime and sea-
tifically proven, ergonomic and
sonal situations as well as to
economic qualities of daylight.
special occasions, to implement dynamic lighting scenes and to fully exploit the potential for cost reduction with greater flexibility, maintenance comfort and
look good
Retailers must be increasingly nimble and adapt themselves. Expectations of our trendsetting e-society who do not rely purely on brands but proactively gain inspirations globally, from the real and the virtual world, means consumers are often ahead of the buyers these days. Attitudes and emotions have become more important than social groups. Modern consumers expect quality in value, exceptional service, personal hospitality, and to be treated as individuals. What does that mean in reality? Design gets you through the door and to the product; product gains your interest; service sells the product and brings you back. So design is one of the three key tools for financial success. To compete for the e-society, retailers have to entertain their customers in-store and convert the shopping to a real event with control for the individual. Retail designers, understanding the brand’s identity and customers, create a visual point of difference in the store. They guide the customer not only physically but also emotionally. Light is key in this collective experience to accentuate the product and promote sales but still remains largely misunderstood by both clients and many professionals. Don’t be afraid of the dark; contrast accentuates the messages we want to convey. When a place is lit in a controlled way, with colour temperature, dynamics and contrast, it creates a compelling vista. Stephen Cowles, Associate Director Dalziel + Pow, ÂL ondon/UK
inter v iew
retail store design
“When you can only change two things in a store, make it your graphics and your lighting. Getting it right creates the biggest impact and visual difference for the consumer.”
LOOK good
L O O K good
The retail concept of Betty Barclay is geared to足wards priming brand positioning and communi足cating an international lifestyle. In line with the brand store in the Nova Eventis Center in Leipzig/D, Betty Barclay plans the rollout: with 足swi足velling Cardan-Spirit downlights for general lighting and Vivo spots for the peripheral areas.
R eference� s
fashion & accessor I es
Fashion & Accesso ries Project Hug o Architectur Boss, Chicago/U S A e and shop Blocher Blo concept ch Stuttgart/D er Partners, Hugo Bo ss heigh tens the of its bra power nd to allu re custo with a hig mers hquality interior. flexible C The ardan-Sp irit syste the self-c m frees onfident display ta and sho bles wcases fr o m annoyi reflection ng s.
A common denominator for brand and lighting solution: As can be seen here in Chicago/USA, Hugo Boss goes for the magic of success and exclusivity. Swivelling Cardan-Spirit downlights underline the interior design and set goods centre stage in well-illuminated wall alcoves.
Light and fashion have one
led intelligently in this way also
a wide range of light tempera-
thing in common – they attract
increases energy efficiency.
tures and lighting qualities cre-
people. With both, a high
The fundamental sales talent of
ate atmospheres of all kinds. In
degree of sensitivity is required,
a lighting solution is based upon
this way, typical light stimuli can
and the difference between top
horizontal general lighting, verti-
be achieved for times of day or
or flop is minimal. It is a matter
cally supplemented for shelv-
according to seasons. Or har-
of setting brands and trends
ing and deco islands. Display
monious light for areas where
centre stage and guiding and
tables and cash point counters
slight colour differences play
catching the eyes of custom-
warrant similar attention. High
an important role. In the future,
ers. That works particularly well
illuminance levels focus atten-
innovative LED luminaires will
with dynamic lighting solutions.
tion here as well. In rooms
be increasingly taking on these
Intensity, colour and light direc-
with great depth, a high level
tasks as they offer not only a
tion vary in recurring intervals
of brightness reduces people’s
wide choice of technical lighting
or depending upon daylight
uncertainty of entering the store.
features but also primarily eco-
and visitor levels. Light control-
State of the art: luminaires with
nomic benefits.
L O O K good
Fine materials such as natural
White pinpoint light appears
The fine colour shadowing of
leather, crystal and precious
especially brilliant, and as such
natural leather is especially
stones place high demands on
is an argument for the use of
appealing with warm light col-
a lighting solution. On the one
LED luminaires, optical fibres,
ours below 3,000 Kelvin. Shown
hand, the attractiveness
and low voltage halogen lumi-
in such light, it communicates
of products increases with a
naires���������������������������� and ��������������������������� metal halide luminaires
zeitgeist and elegance and
higher illuminance level, and on
with corresponding filter tech-
emits a feeling of homeliness
the other hand sensitive sur-
nology. Lighting must be much
and authenticity.
faces must be protected from
more unobtrusive where cus-
heat and ultraviolet radiation.
tomers try on spectacles, jewel-
Ultraviolet light, for example,
lery or shoes. Which style appeals
makes rubies fade, and dark
is a question of feeling – and is
opal cracks when subjected
therefore closely related to the
to heat.
appropriate lighting scene.
For Swarovski, star designer Tokujin Yoshioka developed a revolutionary shop interior design characterised by innovative lighting solutions. The special highlight in London/UK: a very dominant structural pillar in the middle of the room was panelled with glass and its entire surface backlit with LEDs positioned at a distance of only 10 cm.
Product and lighting solution are perfectly matched: square recessed downlights conjure up a welcoming atmosphere in the Swarovski shop, the showcases are indirectly lit by LED modules. In addition, high-performance LEDs whose light is directed towards the precious crystal objects provide dynamic accent lighting with high contrasts.
R eferences
FA S H I O N & A C C E S S O R I E S
The flagship store in London/UK has set the example for Shutopia stores throughout the UK: a combination of fixed and swivelling Panos downlights makes the eyes of customers shine. The Arcade wallwasher has an excellent long-range effect with its intensive wide-area light.
L O O K good
R eferences
H E A LT H & B E A U T Y
Health & Beauty ery, glas Perfum and Project Dou g/ D Interior design ei Braunschw gn Ladenbau Köster, si lighting de Hagen/D
and ociations uses ass ro binaa m t o h c ig L .A agination im g e tin th h s fire and lig ownlights ther ra , ly tion of d e m o ates a h uides coves cre re that g . tmosphe direction d re private a esi s in the d lk ta s le sa
In perfumeries and chemist’s
commitment and service skills
shops, it is essential to sell
to the fore. In addition to this,
satisfaction and self-confidence
light must fulfil further function
– attractively packaged in high-
al tasks��������������������� :�������������������� creating order and
quality containers and lavish
allowing goods to be identified
outer boxes. Light can help to
more easily, making fine colour
heighten susceptibility for fine
variations visible and shelf sign
scents and textures. Whether
age legible from top to bottom.
man or woman, the customer
Luminaires with a high level of
wants to be flattered, making
thermal radiation and UV com-
a pleasant light colour for skin
ponents should be strictly avoid
and hair an essential selling
ed. Such circumstances would
affect the quality of creams and cosmetics, resulting in possible
The quality of lighting reflects
skin irritations. Filtered optical
the quality of goods. Lighting
fibres, LEDs and metal halide
solutions characterised by an
lamps are recommended.
individual perspective underline a shop’s corporate identity and bring the employees’ personal
The Doğa Boutique in the Macrocenter in Istanbul/TR uses the strength of swivelling Cardan-Spirit downlights to brilliantly set the stage for shelving and signage. Decorative glass attachments are used above the service counter, and Panos downlights for general lighting.
L O O K good
The hair stylists Egger in Lustenau/A spoil its clients with all their senses: A large-format Active Light Wall behind the cutting stations, the square 2Light Mini, and indirectly illuminated coves and shelves create a pleasantly creative atmosphere. Light colours and intensities change according to time of day and compensate for adverse weather conditions outside.
The Wella Studio in Darmstadt/D joins hands with a chain of further trend-studios in Lisbon, Paris and Moscow. Here visions are created, new methods are tested and workshops are organised. The inspiring lighting mix for this is provided by subtly backlit mirror walls and 2Light, the downlight with a charming combination of direct and diffuse light.
R eferences
H E A LT H & B E A U T Y
With hair stylists and beauty
Apart from shadow-free light for
Diffuse, warm light allows peace
salons, expectations are very
cutting, this mainly needs sensi-
and relaxation to enter everyday
high. Customers want to spoil
tive light. Coloured light, applied
life. When hair is washed or
themselves and when finished
as decorative lighting modules
during beauty treatment, customÂ
meet the world as a new per-
or in the form of lighting coves,
ers’ eyes look up to the ceiling.
son. It is not only the visible,
affects the emotional level very
This offers the exceptional
outer result that counts here.
strongly. The customers’ biolo-
chance to spoil the customer
The stay itself should cause the
gical clock is influenced via
with light and to underline the
whole personality including its
changes in lighting intensities
sensitivity of the service mentality.
inner values to shine.
and colour temperatures.
No hard shadows, but better contrasts instead: At the Salon Martinique Deluxe in Bregenz/A, uniform light from luminous ceilings makes the finest nuances visible and embraces customers in pleasantly gentle light.
L O O K good
me Sports & Ho Accessories New York/U SA Project Adidas, Park, New York/ h et nn Architect Ke oup g Kunzweiler Gr tin fit op Sh A US /D Rhein GmbH, Weil am
in sucanding results Consistent br stores centre its ts se s cess. Adida minated ree gently illu stage using th sts ra nt co ing tivat light strips. Ac ceilings and ck bla by d te are crea spots Cardan-Spirit accentuating . rs he as llw and Arcade wa
R eferences
S ������ ports & ho m e A ccessories
Physical and mental fitness, health and nature. Where sports and leisure goods are sold, lighting must prime the customer to these factors and support the creation of a stimulating atmosphere. Sporty light is bright and white and has a light colour of 4,000 Kelvin or more. The ideal sparring partner for this are sensitively applied accent luminaires that bring out the best of high-tech materials, natural fibres and natural mate rials. Dynamic light acts as an interdisciplinary model, setting idols and ideals in the right light. Fast movements and intensive colours encourage top perfor mance and are ambassadors for style and fun. Where recovery and enjoyment are the main priorities, gentle light changes and subdued colours are appropriate motivators. The supporters of such intelligently controlled lighting solutions grow continuously – and not only because of their social aspects. Energyefficient lighting management integrates free daylight within lighting concepts and allows not only luminaires, but also Globetrotter in Cologne/D: The store becomes a landscape that makes shopping a fascinating trip through the world of outdoor sports an leisure time. A consistent lighting effect is created using Vivo spots, an uncomplicated all-rounder that offers a maximum of flexibility.
the sales staff to take a break with the use of specific lighting choreographies, so that luminaires need not operate at full power during the whole length of the day.
look good
Interface Overseas C arpets in Tokyo���� /JP� follow the recommendations of the Koizumi Lighting Corporation. They have implemented Miros projector-reflector systems for lighting the high halls. A flexible mounting system ensures the required flexibility within exhibition areas.
The home is a world full of feel-
right mood and so heighten
from various directions creates
ings with an interior that is a
their will to purchase. Home
an atmosphere, and light reflec-
combination of cosiness and
textiles and floorings require
tions upon metal and specular
style. High-quality lighting is an
large presentation areas. This
surfaces enhances the value of
element that is becoming ever
needs a proper mix of horizontal
goods. The right feeling for cur-
more important for the home
and vertical illuminance levels.
rent trends is seen with the cor-
– and correspondingly ever
Small-format exhibits on the
rect handling of light colour and
more important for the sale of
other hand are presented using
colour rendition. The right tools
furniture and accessories. Every
narrow-beam accent light. The
are LEDs, low-voltage and metal
time of day has its own light-
smaller the product, the smaller
halide lamps.
ing scene, each room its own
should be the beam spread of
function. Lighting concepts
the luminaire. The characteris-
and choreographies adapted to
tics of materials and surfaces
products and their applications
are brought to effect by a bal-
create an appropriate environ-
anced combination of bright and
ment, bring customers the
dark, of light and shadow. Light
R eference��� s
S ports & ho m e A ccessories
At the Victoria Arena in Gothenburg������� /SE���� ,a former movie theater has become a lifestyle mecca. A consistent lighting concept was designed as a contrast to the wide variety of architectural forms. Spirit spotlights installed on Tecton trunking provide both general and accent lighting.
The trademark of the Missoni shop system is a stylish and homely atmosphere. This has been designed by Matteo Thun for Missoni home boutiques all over the world. Cardan-Spirit spots with their characteristic frame design take on the task of individual accent lighting, while backlit furniture and shelving give goods a floating appearance.
In England we have newly fitted more than 265 shops within 12 months, and in peak times we were opening an average of 12 stores per week across the whole of Europe. For this we need a partner that presents itself just as internationally as our shop concept. With Zumtobel we can make sure of a design chain, delivery chain and lifecycle support at the same time in every country. The sometimes crazy race for the best locations creates a great deal of time pressure. It’s impossible to plan more than three or four months in advance. Meaning a concept design that provides the best solution for each individual floor plan is all the more important. There is no such thing as ‘one size fits all’ lighting. What we want is constantly high quality. The identity of a globally active brand is guaranteed primarily via three-dimensional brand presentation. This requires more than a unified logo. What is important is which experience I offer the customer. Employees must be made to achieve top performance. This requires a shop that is functional and of high quality. It is not just an invention of industrial psychology that people’s surroundings have a positive effect on their performance and productivity. Lars Bolle, T-Mobile Vice President European Sales Marketing
inter v iew
rollo u t m anage m ent
“In the last three years we have rolled out a unified concept to over 2,000 shops across Europe. With much success in my opinion. Design confidence and a high degree of discipline are decisive factors.�
R eferences
uniTelecomm i hif cations & Zone
M Samsung Seoul/ Project ex Mall, in the Co chitects Ar a re South Ko dl, ber + Kain design Schmidhu ng ti gh Li h Korea Munich/D Seoul/Sout Phase II, make light and colour Dynamism OTION EM e e. Th an experienc sy control ea s l ensure touch pane special d ous wall an of the lumin aires. in m lu ed nt ceiling-mou
Communication is a basic requirement for people, and not just since yesterday. Modern tele communications have indeed discovered possibilities of overcoming great distances within seconds. Music is not found on black discs any more but is downloaded as data files from the Internet. A few years ago, the demand for these products exceeded their supply. The retail quality in the first generation of hifi and mobile phone shops was therefore of minor importance. Fascination for communication technologies remains boundless. Today’s abundance of supply and the vehemence of customer loyalty programmes call for a new form of light. A solution that considers all human aspects of light. The visual component is the basis for ensuring that all products can be seen. In order to pave the way for sustainably successful sales discussions and demonstrate competence and innovative strength, light must also show emotional and biological effects.
Not a commercial shop, but a place for meeting: With its M zones, Samsung is aiming to intensify customer loyalty via personal experience with its electronic products. The new form of communication takes place in a pleasant atmosphere characterised by plenty of diffuse light and colour changes.
The Range of goods for sale and the lighting solution characterise the innovative appearance of the Bose flagship store in London/UK. The sales success of high-tech is closely related to its design, and the lighting solution standards were set accordingly high. The decision was taken for an impressive combination of Lighttools lighting channel systems, Cielos luminous ceilings, and CardanSpirit and Panos downlights. A sensitive detail: the Artsign escape sign luminaire also features a technically linear design language.
At Bose, a skeleton of ‘luminous ribs’ guides customers directly to presentation areas and shelving. Lighttools lighting channels have been fitted here with spot components for accent lighting and linear luminaires for general lighting. The store’s main circulatory aisle is brightly illuminated by Cardan-Spirit spots, and Vivo spots provide effective accent lighting for display windows.
Tough sales arguments step back for ‘soft’ factors. Where products lack rational characteristics that differentiate them, emotional aspects become more relevant: room atmosphere, fascination and comfort. State-of-the-art interior design concepts in terms of technology and design correspond with luminaires that pick up on the products’ technically innovative characteristics. Dynamic lighting solutions also open up a wide range of options for effective d ifferentiation concepts. On a visual basis, glare-free merchandising requires uniform light in large quantities. This extra basic brightness enhances the materiality of goods more effectively than accent lighting. Lamps with colour temperatures of approximately 3,000 Kelvin appear particularly pleasant. The programme for display windows is a great deal richer in contrast. Here it is important to emphasise focus points with light. Countless bestsellers celebrate their debut in showcases. Brilliant lighting accents and coloured LEDs turn these into attractive stages for presentation.
As well as the colour magenta, the square logo has a fixed place in the Europe-wide brand book for T-Mobile, Bonn/D. Cardan-Spirit as a special luminaire references the square design of the logo. Central areas thus profit from a double effect –���������������������������������������������������������������� �� ��������������������������������������������������������������� a design reflecting an image, and a pleasant lighting ambience.
e Automotiv
Tokyo/JP di Forum, sign Project Au de d re an Architectu ternational Japan In ts ting Projec o/JP Ligh Inc, Toky umi Lighting iz Ko design Tokyo/JP gy Corp, Technolo a contrast fast lane: as Light on the lour, the co backlit in to the walls dictates em st sy l ne lighting chan ving the gi l, ve tra n of the directio . al mic appe hall a dyna
Audi uses light as an architectural element. Here in Tokyo, a luminous wall with variable colours and diffuse distribution immerses all rooms and storeys in atmospheric light.
It lies in the nature of things.
sumption – and ideally to reduce
Luxmate lighting management
Only those that use energy as
it, as can be seen in the lighting
system is capable of offering the
a force for propulsion are able
arena primarily with the use of
perfect ratio of artificial light to
to apply it as efficiently as pos-
intelligent control systems such
daylight, 24 hours a day, fully
sible and thus to contribute to
as Luxmate. Record savings
automatically – with valuable
a reduction of CO2 emissions.
levels are minus 80 percent.
plus points in terms of flexibil
The way forward for the auto-
ity and individuality: lighting
motive industry is similar to that
Modern architecture provides
scenes can be adapted at the
of Zumtobel. The conscious
valuable support for efficient
press of a button to personal
handling of resources is closely
lighting concepts. Generous
requirements; luminaire groups
dependent upon product qual
glazing and light inlets allow
and functions can respond to
ity. Innovative technologies are
large quantities of free daylight
changed situations at a click of
therefore mainly used to make
to enter halls, whereby both the
the mouse.
products more efficient and to
economic and environmental
design them more attractively
potential of a daylight-based
without increasing energy con-
control system increases. The
At their customer and delivery centre in Neckars ulm/D, Audi AG lets the sun shine using the Miros projector-reflector system. Thus large quantities of light can be directed in any direction.
The automotive industry is characterised by strong brands. Emotional binding counts for more than a host of rational arguments. One of the strongest sales arguments is authentic surroundings. Here innovative light has the great advantage of being able to respond flexibly to the needs of brands and customers. In the evening and during nighttime hours, light has the task of slowing down passers-by and to attract their attention to products, brand messages and customer loyalty measures. An optimally illuminated showroom establishes a friendship between people and cars. Suitable tools for this are large-area lighting systems that emphasise the forms of coachwork and avoid irritating reflections. High-performance spots make surfaces sparkle like diamonds – from different directions, thereby avoiding hard shadows. An excellent alternative are lighting channel systems or continuous-row systems that combine general and accent lighting in a visually attractive system.
For Toyota in Ekaterinburg���������������� /RUS������������ , the local lighting experts from Tochka Opory designed and implemented a concept with a high level of ambient brightness. The Panos downlight range perfectly satisfies the special requirements in high halls and decorative areas. Additional accents are provided by Vivo spots and architecturally designed light lines.
At the Porsche Centre in Ginza, Tokyo/JP, highperformance luminaires make the high-grade coachworks sparkle. The high level of flexibility and extraordinary brilliance were the two main arguments that convinced the Koizumi lighting designers to opt for a lighting solution using Xeno spots and Panos downlights.
ts Bank Outle it4me rtis Cred Client Fo D Design or n/ se Es GmbH, Interi +Romani Cronauer nsheim/D Be s, er Design allation and inst GmbH, Fitting nbau de La nn Hoffma ck/D l-Holtwi Rosendah by light tity created Brand iden innovative is th r: rio te and the in op can be bank and sh mixture of many. er G in times found 130
A particular feature of the interior are the curved wall surfaces. The lighting solution consistently follows these curves: in front of the goods displays with curved tracks and CAP spots from the special product range, and above the self-service lounge with Panos S downlights. A special luminaire marks the central hub of the store and creates the basis for a homely atmosphere with a high level of uniform light. (Picture nora systems GmbH)
Shop or bank? Boutique or
reflections. Neutral general light-
insurance company? The new
ing creates a good combination
outlets for service providers
of presence and discretion.
need some of both to bring
This is mainly required where
service and benefit nearer to
customers seek personal infor-
customers. As a consequence,
mation at self-service terminals
display windows and part of
or with a consultant. The light-
the retail areas are used for
ing scene should therefore be
activation. Where products and
serious and discreet, and should
messages are set centre stage,
meet the European standard
a vibrant shop atmosphere
EN 12464 on “Lighting of indoor
dominates. Backlit displays,
workplaces”. That principally
large-format flat monitors and
means good coordination of
properly illuminated presentation
vertical and horizontal illumi-
walls captivate the glances of
nance levels.
viewers, ideally without irritating
Here in Stuttgart/D, as in all its easyCredit shops specialising exclusively in consumer loans, easyCredit relies primarily on a well-staged brand and individual ambience.
A stage to the street The magical talent of display windows and facades
In a display window a company does not only present its goods but its whole identity. In or out? First impressions count, and light is an important criterion in deciding whether a customer enters a shop or hurries to the next. Brightness by itself is not enough. The lighting solution must specifically orient itself according to the composition and quality of products, and impart feelings and mood. Customer desire is the correct starting point when designing a lighting solution. In general, a wealth of lighting effects should be offered, thereby slowing down the pace of passers-by with visual stimuli. Customers’ length of stay in
Just one glance into the retail area, and people feel magically attracted. With its authentic interior design, Fossil in Cologne/D sets the stage for the brand and the product.
SOLUTION: Vivo spots demonstrate their all-round talent in every zone and storey: for general and accent lighting, installed on tracks, and as swivelling ceiling-recessed luminaires.
front of a display window has a direct influence upon shop frequency, a fact confirmed by sales psychologists. Shop designers thus use the whole potential of a facade ever more intensively to catch people’s attention. They allow a view into the interior of retail areas across several storeys and thus take advantage of the magical possibilities for alluring provided by selection and size. The lighting solution here has the additional task of enticing people over a long range.
Using variable background panels, Betty Barclay in Hamburg/D is able to give its display window backdrops a high degree of flexibility.
SOLUTION: the flexibility of the lighting solution corresponds to the flexible display window design allowing a glimpse into the shop interior. In unison with the architecture, a row of arbitrarily lockable Vivo spotlights that can be pivoted through 360° creates enticing accents.
Z one S
With a brightly illuminated entrance zone and a display window facade on the first storey, Orsay in Munich/D catches the attention of passers-by.
SOLUTION: With high illuminance levels, Panos downlights show customers the way into the shop. On the first floor, Vivo spots set strong accents along the front of the display window.
F acades , displa y windows
Light for seeing The potential of general lighting
This way please! Light is capable of giving orientation. A well-structured arrangement of luminaires and well-distributed brightness levels give customers the necessary aid for visually assessing the retail area. Higher levels of illuminance and linear light sources guide customers past pedestals and other stumbling blocks. The sun’s out! Weather influences the customers’ moods and therefore their purchasing desire. On dull days, the desire to purchase comes better to the fore with increased quantities of light. Striking the right note! Differen-
Dornbirn/A: Merchandising and shop both aim to strengthen the Mohrenbräu brand.
SOLUTION: 2Lights combine both aspects of a sales-boosting lighting solution within one luminaire. Gentle lighting creates pleasant ambient brightness, and warm light colours emphasise the natural grain of wooden cubes.
Burrioptik in Zurich/CH places emphasis on high-quality materials and modern linearity.
SOLUTION: Luminaires reflect the interior design language in terms of form and arrangement and strengthen these with clearly defined parallels. Four square 2Lights illuminate the central area within the columned square. Oblong Cardan-Spirit downlights show their strengths with accent lighting above the long counters with lateral multimedia screens and along the wall shelving.
tiation of the range of goods on offer using colours addresses customers at an emotional level. Seasonal goods sell better where light colour corresponds to the natural lighting scene appropriate at that time of year. Authentic lighting scenes are the precondition for making people feel at ease. Cool, rational light with few accents from simple, sober light sources is the language of light for bargain hunters.
Z one S
As long as a catwalk, as high as a concert hall: extravagant dimensions characterise the appearance of Hugo Boss in Stockholm���� /SE�.
SOLUTION: Recessed Cardan-Spirit modules fitted with several lamps illuminate the high-ceiling retail area with concentrated power while at the same time creating accents. Their linear arrangement and the backlit shelving on the rear wall guide customers into the depths of the space.
G eneral lighting
Light as a design element Flair and functionality for showrooms
Successful brands have one
The Vodafone VIP-Net Project encompasses 30 outlets in all the towns of Croatia, creat足 ing a brand personality that looks to the future with the aid of high brightness levels and a young, fresh design.
thing in common: a strong personality that consistently sets itself centre stage, highlighting all its peculiarities. In addition to emotional criteria, the outer appearance of a shop is the
SOLUTION: An exciting mix of Panos downlights with wide-angle and narrow-beam distribu足 tion optimally addresses the various room situations. Lighting coves illuminated by Tecton Tetris dissolve spacial boundaries.
main decisive factor. Richly coloured exhibits with shiny surfaces have different demands than materials with strong 足t extures, for example. Diffuse or directional light? Both concepts have proved their worth for showrooms, and both in combination. With a diffuse solution, light flows undirected into the room. It is dispersed in all directions, creates minimal shadowing and provides sufficient brightness and guidance to serve as general lighting. Prominent protagonists are luminous ceilings with frosted or opal glass. Backlit coves also emit mainly undirected light. Accent lighting has its particular strengths in setting exhibits centre stage. The interplay of light and shadow emphasises forms and textures, but care must be taken to avoid hard shadows upon adjacent objects. This can be avoided using a combination of diffuse and directional light or special accessories such as barn doors.
In a showroom that opens upwards, Wilkhahn Japan presents ergonomic seating for the office.
SOLUTION: Suspended Serondo luminaires provide pleasant ambient brightness and create an architectural plane of light. The Koizumi lighting designers positioned tracks fitted with Vivo at the same height, and each exhibit was assigned one spotlight.
Z one S S howroo m
In this unique automobile world of experience in Cologne/D, the ÂMercedes-Benz brand is presented to a very broad target group in a Âfascinating way.
SOLUTION: Active Light Fields bathe the cars in impressive lighting and create an artificial horizon, thus enhancing the brand’s classic lines. In addition to numerous recessed luminaires, Xeno spotlights are used in combination with Luxmatecontrolled light walls and the Miros projector-mirror system in the giant glass dome.
Light for near and far Lighting strategies for peripheral areas and shelving
Like the proverbial ‘light at the
of the luminaires determine
end of the tunnel’, optimally illu-
how efficiently and how deep
minated shelving guides streams
light falls into the shelf niches.
of visitors into the depths of the
Shadows must not be allowed
room. Without brightly accented
to be cast on goods, even
peripheral areas, visitors would
where the customer stands
miss visual leads and would
directly in front of the shelf.
therefore lose their sense of
The ideal beam spread is relat-
overview. This situation calls
ed directly to the size of goods
for technical lighting features
presented. The smaller the
that can uniformly illuminate
product, the smaller the beam
large surfaces. The result is
spread should be. Extra atten-
an excellent long-range effect,
tion must be paid to products in
giving customers orientation and
shelves having built-in lighting.
bringing advertising messages
Where luminaires are in direct
at a distance visually closer to
proximity to the products, only
those luminaires that do not
Criteria for the near range are
emit damaging IR and UV com-
completely different. Angle
ponents are suitable.
of beam entry and alignment Orsay boutiques such as here in Munich/D have a very high c ustomer frequency.
SOLUTION: White Panos S downlights are arranged regularly along peripheral areas, enabling clothing and accessories to be illuminated without shadows.
Eindhoven/NL: Multimedia screens and lighting provide for welcome variety in the House of Shoes. The design for the Dutch shoe brand was developed by retailLAB. SOLUTION: Based on high ambient brightness levels supplied by Panos downlights, backlit shelves and Solar II spotlights set the stage for the product range.
Z ones
With a homely atmosphere, Mangold in Ulm/D underlines their high affinity to authentic and natural materials.
P eripheral areas and shelv ing
SOLUTION: With their warm light, Panos S downlights awaken cosy memories, and their simple design emits an inner calm. The materiality and feel of the products are presented to 足optimum effect.
Light for looking Glare-free deco points, display tables and showcases
Accent lighting can be likened
This can only be optimised
The basis for glare-free mer-
An additional challenge are
to a drum beat. Within an
where the illuminance levels
chandising is general lighting
mini-displays足 and showcase
orchestra of lighting instru-
of accent lighting are distinctly
that is not targeted directly on
boxes constructed of highly
ments, it takes on the task of
higher than those of general
customers. The most effective
specular material. Light entering
providing variety and of setting
lighting. A rule of thumb is:
remedy are luminaires with
at a particular angle is re足flected
highlights. The ideal atmosphere
the more exclusive the goods,
good glare control, ensuring
back at that same angle.
for presentation and retail is
the more sophisticated the
that customers are neither
created by a contrast between
lighting solution must be.
irritated nor disturbed in their concentration.
general and accent lighting.
T-Mobile, Bonn/D: the unified concept is rolled out across Europe as a threedimensional brand experience.
SOLUTION: The individual branding of the lighting solution can be seen amongst other things in the suspended Cardan-Spirit special luminaires that have been adapted specifically to the furniture in order to avoid irritating glare on mobile phone displays.
With light and transparent-looking interiors, the Loeb Loewe Gallery in Karlsruhe/D lends product innovations a futuristic touch.
SOLUTION: Vivo semi-recessed spots, Panos downlights and backlit display panels together provide an optimal lighting solution without glare. Light from the floor gives the displays a floating appearance.
zoneS Deco points, display tables, showcases
Fossil, Cologne/D: The variety of 足p resentation matches the variety of products. SOLUTION: Fully swivelling Vivo spots bring light rays into the best position for both reflection-free glass showcases and optimally illuminated shelving.
Direct contact Light for chillout and lounge
Sales psychologists see a direct
ing the shop. Where walls or
Light used with tact and feeling
connection between stress and
partitions tend to isolate these
protects their private sphere,
shopping behaviour. Where
rest zones too much, light is
even where direct sight of
customers feel excessive stress,
then given the task of visual dif-
brightly illuminated presentation
they terminate shopping pre-
ferentiation. Warm light sources
and retail areas is still possible.
maturely. In order to prevent
with significantly reduced illu-
this, zones are created where
minance levels offer the most
customers can withdraw. Many
appropriate contrast to active
of them attract with the flair of
retail areas, protecting those
a fine bistro. A cappuccino or
seeking rest from both reflected
snack in a cosy atmosphere
glare and the feeling that they
helps customers to recover and
are being looked at as if they
collect themselves without leav-
were figures in a shop window.
Noticeably comfortable: At Betty Barclay in Leipzig/D, extravagant sofas invite passers-by to stay.
SOLUTION: Cardan-Spirit ceiling-recessed luminaires direct light elegantly past the chillout zone, creating a pleasant atmosphere completed by homely accessories.
On the first floor at T-Mobile in Bonn/D, customers can devote themselves to the theme of communication without being disturbed.
SOLUTION: Akin to daylight, the Cielos luminous ceiling floods the room with pleasantly soft brightness. A Lighttools lighting channel fitted with spots creates varied accents.
C hillo u t, lo u nge
Language-independent branding: In Ekaterinburg������������������ /RUS�������������� , Toyota lets colours and forms speak.
SOLUTION: The unusual lighting design takes on elements from the brand logo and sets these creatively centre stage. Decorative Panos downlights are arranged around oval lighting coves and uniformly illuminate the service room.
Light for making buying decisions Fitting zones with added value
For decades, the fitting room has been grossly neglected, although it is here that the selected garment is tried on for the first time. Today, zones for fitting are granted more space and attention. The cubicles are becoming larger, and the anteroom now has mirrors and seating. The right light offers just as much help when deciding what to buy. Much more advantageous than a luminaire emitting light from above is pleasantly soft light from light slots in mirrors or walls. To avoid glare, luminance levels are reduced to a pleasant level. The ‘First Lady’ among light colours is warm white. Light temperatures around 2,700 Kelvin appear friendly and flatter the skin. The lighting design service for exclusive fashion stores goes one step further: several light colours are offered for fitting. Individual customers can select the most appropriate lighting atmosphere for the garments they wish to try on.
Nuremburg/D: The Wöhrl fashion store is well-known for its friendly atmosphere, extending as far as the fitting rooms.
SOLUTION: Slender Slotlight light lines were positioned on both sides of the mirrors, providing uniform illumination. Modifiable colour temperatures provide adequate lighting scenes that can be adjusted to the occasion for which the clothing is needed or to the customer’s skin type.
Z ones
Momo in Heilbronn/D has decorated their fitting rooms completely in white and with an inviting brightness. SOLUTION: Wall lights with indirect and direct distribution at eye level create足 pleasantly uniform, glare-free light.
F itting roo m
The bodyguard for your customers Light for stairways and circulation areas
“My favourite leisure activity
In Zagreb/HR, Vodafone works with light and architecturally sophisticated devices to design interiors and stairways that seem to invite.
is shopping”. The number of people who count shopping as one of their favourite leisure activities is increasing across all
SOLUTION: The Panos downlight range is also the perfect choice for corridors and circulation areas. Uniform, glarefree illumination renders steps easily recognisable.
levels of the population. Department stores and shopping malls are increasingly taking over the function of leisure and experience centres. Zones that are not actively used for retailing are now gaining the attention of lighting designers. The motto is guiding and leading with light. Light serves as a routing system through the complex variety of goods on offer and points the way to these. Central areas are impressively set centre stage as market places, and stairways and landings are illuminated in conformity with relevant standards. For all of these areas, there is a wide range of appropriate lighting concepts. Creativity knows no bounds. Light and architecture merge to become one unit. Circulation areas are marked effectively using indirectly illuminated ceiling projections. Ceiling-recessed luminaires or LED lighting systems can also be used as direction signs. The subject of lighting control is becoming increasingly more important – for rendering the property more attractive and at the same time reducing consumption of energy. This is p articularly possible with the intelligent integration of daylight.
Edeka in Lindau/D accompanies customers through the store with sweeping lines.
SOLUTION: Coloured cove lighting underlines the interior design and helps customers to find their way. The Panos HIT downlight takes on the task of arousing sympathy, providing a high level of ambient brightness.
zone S
Applying numerous innovative LED solutions, the Stadion Center in Vienna/A is a technical pioneer among modern shopping malls.
SOLUTION: LED light strips with 足variable colours make architecture recognisable at a glance and thus also simplify orientation. Optimum general lighting, across several 足storeys, is provided by Panos HIT downlights.
S tairs and circ u lation area
taste GOOD T aste good
“Fresh and Value. 24-hour shopping. Food to go and food to stay. We see the same trends all over the globe but we see them at different times.�
inter v iew
I N T E R N AT I O N A L S tore Manage m ent
All around the world, we see the same trends in retailing, but we see them at different times. Formerly, in America you had only large supermarkets or very small convenience stores. Now there is also the middle size stores, with a focus on quick and convenient shopping. In some countries, convenience stores are flourishing, while in others it is shopping malls that attract customers most. What is decisive is the lifestyle that predominates in a region. Food to go and food to stay are particularly important in areas where you have a high percentage of women in the workforce. It is crucial that the stores open before customers are at work or at school. 24-hour shopping is convenient for all those who work at night or on weekends. Today, we also set great store by sustainability on all levels, including efficient use of energy. This also applies to lighting. In the early 1980s, we felt very revolutionary when we talked with Zumtobel about lighting the products instead of floors and ceilings. Then we began to use spotlights to highlight various elements of the store. The next step was to adjust the lighting to the products. Today, lighting has to fulfil another important task: it must create the right atmosphere – which, of course, will vary greatly from country to country. Dr. Gordon Campbell, CEO Spar International
T aste good
City Center Celje/SLO ========= ============ Slovenia, Client Spar O Architect Ljubljana/SL tur und ek it ch Ar A&GP ng, Vienna/A Generalplanu sultants on 足c Electrical a/SLO an lj ub Lj P, IM ========= == == == == ====
nter e face-lift, the Ce After an extensiv ce. pla ng eti me urban has become an all amount by an sm no in ed aid This is changg solution: with intelligent lightin ents, a on mp co t ligh ol ing warm and co d inside rte po ns tra is ere daylight atmosph t has ligh red lou ved. Co and power is sa orientation ing aid of k tas taken on the ention. and arousing att
During night hours, too, the lighting is omnipresent: in order to do without buried spotlights, 400 pin spots have been built into the blue metal facade of the shopping centre.
An eye-catcher that attracts the mobile passers-by at a busy crossing: the mall marks its entrance area with a jutting roof that is illuminated from below with daylight brightness.
Light and how the retail stage
The lighting concept is aimed
framed, square light fields were
is set play an essential role in
at creating an atmosphere of
built into the ceiling. For the dif-
the world of shopping malls.
well-being. For this, a mall
fusers, high-quality pearl material
Just how successful intelligent
needs wide-area lighting to the
has been used, and the special
lighting solutions can be is
greatest possible extent. Where
luminaires have been fitted with
demonstrated by the Celje City
lighting also provides guidance,
warm and cool fluorescent
Centre in Slovenia. The former
it is essential that the flow of
lamps. These are in turn linked
one-storey shopping centre has
customers is toward shops and
to a daylight sensor. It is thus
managed to multiply its catch-
that even with low customer
possible to adapt the colour
ment area with expansion and
frequencies they never get the
temperature and intensity of
modernisation throughout.
feeling of being alone. Ambient
lighting to the weather situation,
illumination on the ground floor
and so create a connection with
was provided by large blue-
the outer world.
Square luminaires specially designed for the mall provide widearea illumination on the ground floor, which – according to weather conditions – emit either warm or cool light.
A generous quantity of daylight enters the building via a 1,000 m2 glazed roof. This high hall houses a playtree for children, the food court, and an area used by the public for cultural events. Lighting has the task of making the most of free daylight, and also of “letting the sun shine” during the evening hours and at night. This has been implemented throughout the building using the Luxmate Professional lighting management system. Up to 70% of electricity can be saved during a daily cycle thanks to intelligent lighting control. In line with the Humanergy Balance concept, a balance is achieved between lighting quality and
The Active Light Wall clearly visible from both floors creates excitement and variation, while the spotlights between the skylights simulate the magical effect of a starry sky.
energy efficiency. In addition to headlights installed around the skylights, spotlights have been integrated into the steel construction in order to create a starry sky appearance. As a backdrop for the vibrant space, an Active Light Wall has been installed featuring electronically controlled red, green, blue and white fluorescent lamps. Its colours change several times per minute to create a striking, dynamic overall picture.
The market place in the heart of the shopping mall: free daylight enters through a 1,000 m2 glazed roof and is energy-efficiently supplemented by the right quantity of artificial light, which, if required, takes on the complete lighting task.
As soon as dusk arrives, absent light is automatically compensated for: Luxmate controls a balanced mixture of indirect general lighting and impressive accent lighting.
T aste good
Todays concentration of super-
With its consistent strategic
markets is extraordinarily high.
orientation as a ‘supermarket
At many locations, two or more
with an innovative range of
stores are situated just a few mi
goods at moderate prices’ it has
nutes apart from each other. And
achieved a transformation from
the range of goods is becoming
a range of grocery stores to a
increasingly similar. Even organic
supermarket chain valued by both
products or regional specialities
customers and professionals.
can be found in almost every
A particularly noticeable dis-
supermarket and also in exclusive
tinction is the lighting. Decora-
delicatessens and discounters.
tive luminaires underline the
With such a high level of competi-
independence of the brand and
tion it is a challenge to win the
lastingly characterise its image.
favour of customers every day.
This concept makes the Dutch
One of those that have succeed-
chain an international forerunner
ed is the C 1000 supermarket
for the implementation of new
chain, with over 450 locations in
ideas and concepts.
the Netherlands.
Supermarkt C 1000*, Nuenen/NL ========= ============* 0 Client C100 Nuenen/NL Supermarket, anding Br Design SVT oup, & Design Gr NL m/ da er Amst ========= ============
tiation: g tool for differen Light is a strikin ires ina lum d pe n-sha decorative balloo area, Proton-Tec s od go sh fre mark the head task of gondola spots take on the g. tin ligh nt ce ac illumination and
The range of goods that differentiates C 1000 supermarkets from its competitors gains additional appeal and presence with a like-minded lighting solution.
T aste good
Fluorescent lamps with Tecton reflectors and white anti-glare louvres create wide-area illumination for shelving, and Proton-Tec spots set well-proportioned accents.
Since a large part of the retail areas already existed, all C 1000 supermarkets have an independent character. But whichever branch a customer enters, he always finds the same quality at the same price. The supermarket in Nuenen is the best example of how a pleasant shopping atmosphere boosts sales. Differentiation in the range of goods and innovative service is also apparent in an independent lighting solution. The Tecton continuous-row lighting system used throughout the supermarket has been fitted with vane louvres for cashpoint areas. The result is a glare-free zone for working and waiting.
Large balloon-shaped lumi-
naires float above the fruit and
reflectors and white anti-glare
or send it via e-mail. Digital snap-
vegetable areas and exhibit not
足lou足vres were selected. For the
shots can be brought to print on
only visual but also emotional
cash point areas, the continuous
site, and for mobile phones there
characteristics. Green plexiglass
rows have been fitted with glare-
is a wide selection of ring tones,
panels underline the theme of
free vane louvres, and above
melodies and games. Dispensing
freshness and serve to complete
gondola heads and along shelving
machines take orders for tobacco
the branding. The Tecton continu-
Proton-Tec spots set accents.
goods and spirits around the clock.
ous-row lighting system is used
The high-quality lighting solution
as a system for general lighting
displays the innovative concept
throughout the stores. Its techni-
to optimum effect. Customers
cal lighting features have been
with questions about nutritional
adapted according to the specific
themes such as gluten or allergies
requirements of individual zones:
can find information with the help
for general lighting, wide-angle
of a computer screen, print it out
Supermarket lighting sets an example: high levels of ambient brightness with good glare control are supplemented by narrow-beam accent luminaires.
T aste good
Begle Bakery Bludenz/A: ========= ============ Begle, n Client Anto itect ch Ar A z/ en Blud enz/A ud Bl e, gl Be Josef lations al st in al Electric s/A er Bu , Cavada GmbH ========= == == == == == == retail xibility for small A high level of fle tem sys g tin ligh ls oo areas. The Lightt s the le modules keep with its adjustab date for the to up ion lut so lighting ts obtrusive downligh long term, and un tness. gh bri nt bie am t provide pleasan
Eyes have a sense of appetite,
tion and image-building takes
presented to particularly good
and light is the main appetiser
place. A friendly and pleasant
effect on inclined shelving sur-
in retail areas. With proÂfessional
atmosphere is therefore just
faces. The optimal lighting sup-
lighting, golden-brown rolls,
as important as reflection-free
plements are recessed luminaires
delicious snacks and other
illumination of the showcase.
that direct their light specifically
foodstuffs, gain significantly
Agreeable light creates sympa-
and efficiently onto the goods
more power to allure. Good
thy and is a successful way of
on offer. In addition, protection
light creates higher sales, and
creating awareness among cus-
against heat and UV rays is an
directs the consumer’s attention
tomers for customer orientation
important factor. Infrared filters
away from price and towards
and proximity. Comfortable light
and modern lighting technolo-
quality. A particularly tempting
for the corner seating has the
gies, such as optical fibres and
eye-catcher is the counter. This
effect of a passive invitation to
LEDs, reduce any negative
is used for goods presentation,
stay for a coffee or snack. The
impact to a minimum.
and is also where communica-
variety and quality of goods is
The smaller the shop, the more impressive it is to set the retail area centre stage as a complete object. A high level of ambient brightness combined with distinct lighting accents arouses the attention of passers-by.
In order that food can appear fresh and appetising, it requires high quantities of light and precautionary measures to protect goods against drying out or fading.
Sunny lighting accents For the freshest fruit and vegetables
More than any other zone, the fruit and vegetables department characterises the image of the store. This department is therefore given first priority when assigning retail areas. In many supermarkets the effect of dewy-fresh salads and colourful fruits is used to slow down entering customers and to stimulate their appetite. Sunny light has a much better effect on fresh goods than any stop sign. Light colour and light distribution are the decisive factors of the artificial sun. Using the right lamps and reflectors, the freshness and attractiveness of the various types of fruit and vegetables are effectively highlighted.
The fruit and vegetables department at Edeka in Lindau/D forms a selfcontained area.
SOLUTION: A distinction to general lighting is achieved using swivelling Panos S downlights. They have been fitted with SDW-T lamps (100 W) and gold-coloured flood reflectors.
The way into the Coop supermarket in Milan/IT leads through the fruit and vegetables department.
SOLUTION: The Tecton continuous-row lighting system marks aisles and surfaces. Proton-Tec spots installed on the trunking have been fitted with SDW-T lamps (100 W) and gold-coloured flood reflectors.
Lighting solutions with spotlights are especially effective. They make goods stand out from the sea of lights, and highlight special offer displays flexibly created with the aid of palettes, boxes and crates.
Z ones
At Eurospar in Götzis/A, fruit and vegetables are set centre stage by a combination of daylight and artificial light.
SOLUTION: The 3-circuit track as a consistent element for the fruit and vegetables department has been fitted with Vivo spotlights pivoting through 360°, SDW-T lamps (100 W) and champagne-coloured flood reflectors.
F r u it and v egeta b les
Tone on tone Light for cheese, bread and pastries
Bread and pastries appear especially crusty where light takes on the warm yellow tone of the baked goods and thus multiplies its effect. The concept of colour intensification is also used for cheese specialities. The various types on offer are presented according to their individual colours. Cheese and pastries both respond noticeably to excessive temperatures and IR radiation, and so must be protected from the effects of dehydration by appropriate lighting technology. The uniformly bright illumination of showcases requires luminaires with wide-angle distribution. Pinpoint lighting accents on the other hand liven up rear walls and heighten the longrange effect.
In Budweis/CZ, Interspar displays a wide variety of cheese specialities in self-service showcases.
SOLUTION: Suspended Vivo spots bring light nearer to the products. Fitted with SDW-T lamps (100 W), gold-coloured reflectors and IR filters for temperature and IR protection.
Eurospar in GĂśtzis/A places bread and cheese counters in the centre, both architecturally and in terms of lighting.
SOLUTION: Arranged in a circular pattern, Panos S downlights focus both the light and the consumers’ attention. The swivelling recessed luminaires have been fitted with SDW-T lamps (100 W) and gold-coloured reflectors.
Z ones
Crispy diversity is set effectively centre stage at Interspar in Budweis/CZ.
C heese , b read and pastries
SOLUTION: Design and lighting quality are part of a sophisticated solution. The suspended Vivo spots have been fitted with SDW-T lamps (100 W), gold-coloured reflectors and IR filters.
Carefully and skilfully Setting the stage for meat, cold meat and poultry
The high art of lighting meat products is closely connected to a careful tuning of light colour. Although it should set juicy freshness tantalisingly centre stage, it must still appear white in order not to unlawfully mislead customers. Special filters, lamps and 足reflectors allow the design of an appealing lighting solution: covering a wide area and free of reflections, with minimal IR and UV impact and with reduced illuminance levels to prevent meat taking on a 足p remature greyish look.
Fresh meat and cold meat is offered by Edeka in Lindau/D below a redorange roof structure.
SOLUTION: Two rows of recessed downlights direct their light onto the showcase and rear wall. Panos S have been fitted with SDW-T lamps (100 W), 足silver-coloured flood reflectors and special filters for illuminating meat and cold meat products.
The delicatessen department of Coop in Brescia/IT scores with Mediterranean charm.
SOLUTION: Proton-Tec spots with SDW-T lamps (100 W), silver足coloured flood reflectors and special filters for meat and cold meat products.
Z ones
Fish, delicatessen, meat and cold meat products can be found at Eurospar in Götzis/A at an unusually long counter. SOLUTION: As a contrast to the Vivo spots (fitted with 70 W HIT lamps), recessed Panos S downlights mark the service area. They have been f itted with SDW-T lamps (100 W) and, dependant on the goods illuminated, with gold or silver coloured reflectors and IR or meat and cold meat filters.
Meat, cold m eat and po u ltr y
Refrigerated and frozen Fresh light for fish, frozen and dairy products
Refrigerated and frozen food-
of foodstuffs seems intuitively
lent colour rendition are advan-
stuffs gain extra freshness
greater in visually cool rooms.
tageous for the wide variety of
using very white light. HIT or
Counterproductive in refriger足
foodstuffs; high illuminance levels
fluorescent lamps are therefore
ated areas are luminaires that
make fine details more visible.
recommended with high colour
emit measurable quantities of
temperatures. Cool light colours
heat with high levels of IR radia-
with 6,000 Kelvin are an emo-
tion. They unnecessarily raise
tionally effective cooling device.
the amounts of energy needed
The shelf life and freshness
for cooling. Lamps with excel-
In Budweis/CZ, Interspar relies on a formally uniform system for both normal and refrigerated shelving.
SOLUTION: A Tecton continuous row with special reflectors for fluorescent lamps (2 x 80 W) directs appetising light into refrigerated shelving.
Ratio in M端nster/D presents fresh fish set upon cool ice.
SOLUTION: Recessed downlights with HIT lamps (70 W) and silver-coloured spot reflectors let ice sparkle.
Z ones
High-ceilinged rooms and a wide selection characterise the deep-freeze department at Top CC in R端mlang/CH.
F ish , frozen and dair y prod u cts
SOLUTION: Suspended spots combine both design and functional qualities. Light is 足e fficiently used when positioned near to products. The suspended luminaires have been 足f itted with HIT lamps (70 W) and silver-coloured flood reflectors.
Special guests for lighting design Wines, delicatessen and convenience food
In terms of lighting, high-quality products are treated differently than general products. Differentiated lighting solutions ‘slow down’ the pace of passers-by and create an inviting atmosphere. The better this works, the longer the customers stay and the greater is their readiness to purchase expensive products. Directional light from spotlights heightens the three-dimensional appeal of goods and makes the glass of bottles sparkle. Presented in strongly focused light, the costly liquids have a much more valuable appearance than in wide-area light provided by fluorescent lamps.
The wine department of Edeka in Lindau/D b enefits from a high level of attention.
SOLUTION: Shop fitters have made full use of the signalling effect of colour and light. Swivelling Panos S downlights have been integrated into the red ceiling and fitted with HIT lamps (70 W). Gold-coloured filters expertly set the fittings and decorative objects centre stage.
With a walk-in humidor, Top CC in Rümlang/CH shows its special status.
SOLUTION: Sensitive tobacco products show their diversity to the full below 2Light Mini downlights fitted with corona effect and 20 W HIT lamps.
Z ones
D elicatessen , con v enience food
At Eurospar in Gรถtzis/A, great importance is placed on an authentic presentation of wines.
SOLUTION: Vivo spots fitted with HIT lamps (70 W) emit brightness and brilliance. Silver-coloured flood reflectors emphasise the natural effects of wood and terracotta.
Impressive and effective Trendsetting solutions for the dry foods assortment
Edeka in Lindau/D have arranged their shelving rows parallel to the main aisle. SOLUTION: The Tecton continuous rows have been fitted with double asymmetrical RSR reflectors for the aisles between the shelving units. For wall shelving, single asymmetrical RSR reflectors are used. Proton-Tec spots accentuate the gondola heads.
At the C 1000* supermarket in Nuenen/NL, continuous rows are arranged parallel to the shelving in order to bring light to where it is needed. SOLUTION: The narrow Tecton continuous-row lighting system with wide-angle light distribution illuminates shelving on both sides, its white vane louvres protecting shoppers from a direct view of the lamps.
Continuous rows arranged
illuminated for the attractive
helpful aids for orientation
parallel to shelving score twice:
presentation of products.
and for the display of special
light is distributed to the right
But not the floor of aisles
offers where light sets striking
place and energy efficiency is
and circulation areas take a
high. The idea is to use light
back seat to the presentation
and luminaires specifically where
of goods. The end-points of
they are needed. The vertical
shelving receive particular atten-
shelving surfaces are brightly
tion. Gondola heads become
Z ones
Shelving at Top CC in R端mlang/CH also provides sufficient space for large cash & carry units.
D r y food
SOLUTION: The Tecton continuous row was positioned centrally above the wide shelf aisles. Special reflectors and twin fluorescent lamps (80 W) guarantee optimal illumination of goods.
Making the most of waiting time Lighting impulses for cash points and kiosks
The most highly frequented zones in supermarkets are the cash point areas. Not only is payment made here, but there is an extremely high level of turn over within small areas. Impulse buying stimulates business. Similarly so at the kiosk. Purchase decisions are made within seconds, and a great deal of cash changes hands. Light therefore has two tasks to fulfil. Firstly, waiting time should be made as pleasant as possible for the customer. This period is
Saeki-Koremasa in Tokyo/JP uses high-quality office luminaires for offering perfect conditions at cash points.
SOLUTION: The innovative Orea waveguide luminaire provides pleasantly glare-free light that heightens concentration and leaves a good impression in the customer’s mind.
At Top CC in Rümlang/CH, the cash point areas have been designed to handle cash & carry items.
SOLUTION: Copa high-bay luminaires (250 W) with wide-angle reflectors provide high ambient brightness and create a pleasant lighting atmosphere.
Interspar in Budweis/CZ have their own kiosk for newspapers and tobacco goods.
SOLUTION: Panos recessed downlights satisfy the range of requirements with differing lamps. Compact fluorescent lamps (2 x 26 W) illuminate the room, and HIT lamps (70 W) installed directly above the counter provide sales-stimulating accents.
used for impulse buying, and the previously made selection is confirmed. Secondly, lighting must be able to meet the high visual requirements of cash point workstations. Only excellent lighting conditions ensure error-free and concentrated work over a period of several hours. Directives and specifications are laid out in EN 12464, DIN 5035 Part 2 and the ASR 7/3 workplace directives.
Z ones
Macrocenter in Istanbul�������������� /TR����������� heightens appeal and improves orientation using a striking lighting solution.
C ash points , kiosks
SOLUTION: The soft light of floating light blocks heightens activity at the cash point zones. Copa high-bay luminaires provide pleasant brightness for surrounding areas.
Innovations in LED Entering the future now
With the new Stadion Center,
into a special experience. As
Vienna has been given another
a consequence, six innova-
shopping attraction, from both
tive LED lighting solutions were
an architectural and lighting
developed especially for this
point of view. Innovative LEDs
project in close cooperation with
prove their worth here – in great
lighting designer JĂźrgen Hassler.
diversity and with impressive
And now a network of thousands
energy efficiency.
of LED luminaires transforms the
Inspired by a location between
shopping centre into a gigantic
large urban sports stadiums
where enjoyment and events
Colour and dynamism play an
have a long tradition, a concept
important role in the lighting of
was formulated whereby shop-
the circulation and rest areas.
ping should be transformed
Innovative LED technologies are
I nno v ations with L E D
used for adapting the atmos-
ceilings. In order to keep the
lighting effects and delicate
phere to times of year or special
‘cinema ceiling’ exciting every day,
colour sequences. Varied colour
occasions. Light and media strips
the 22,000 pre-programmed
changes immerse the ice tower
as well as concealed LED coves
video clips can be revised with
in impressive light.
bring a certain dynamism into
new sequences, images and
the galleries and give the ceiling
text at any time.
an almost floating appearance.
As the main attraction, the
Over a length of more than one
23 m high central lift housing
kilometre, they emphasise the
was transformed into a frozen
lines of the architecture, invite
waterfall containing 2,300 ice
the eye to wander and entice
blocks, which is unique in the
visitors to observe and to stay.
world (see picture on page 2).
A particular attraction are the
Special LED luminaires were
nine video-compatible luminous
integrated to create dynamic
When flowers bloom and clouds drift through the shopping mall, innovative LED technology is at play: at the Stadion Center in Vienna/A, video clips on the luminous ceiling create a high level of attention. Coloured light strips and coves complete the impressive LED lighting concept.
LED highlights LED, the multitalent
Light emitting diodes (LEDs) offer a wide range of benefits that are – if fitted into an
•C olour is an architectural tool for design and creativity. Facades and interiors gain emotionality, brands emphasise their strength and identity with colours. • LEDs create very intensive colours, control occurs via the three primary colours red, green and blue (RGB). • Thanks to LED, outstanding lighting effects can be created while keeping operating costs low.
•L ED lighting solutions protect sensitive goods such as foodstuffs, cosmetics or wax products from a loss of quality. • Light emitted by LEDs is free of ultraviolet and infrared rays. Supplementary filters are therefore not required. • Sensitive goods stay fresh for longer and need not be replaced so often.
•C ool light opens up new possibilities for lighting in close proximity to products. This is especially useful in showcases, furniture or ‘cold’ locations such as refrigerated rooms, freezers and refrigerated shelving. • Thermal output is minimal. This does not only expand the area of application for LED luminaires but also their energy efficiency. • Cool light protects both goods and lamps, cutting operating and maintenance costs.
Service life
•T he service life of LEDs is many times that of conventional lamps. They last for 50,000 hours or more. • The long service life pays dividends with inaccessible locations. Costs for maintenance and for replacement lamps are reduced. • Maintenance intervals of lighting installations can be significantly prolonged.
Energy efficiency
•L ED luminaires need significantly less energy than other lighting technologies to achieve attractive effects. • In view of constantly increasing energy costs, LED among all technologies has the highest potential in the future. • LEDs do not only cut energy costs for lighting but also help reduce energy requirements for air conditioning.
•D epending on the functionality required, LED luminaires offer appropriate control systems for every application (DALI, DMX, video control). • Flexibility and economic efficiency come together at the highest level: the individual change of colour and intensity has no negative effect upon service life. • Lighting management provides for optimal operation of the lighting installation and is user-friendly.
appropriate luminaire – further extended by innovative designs and technologies. At Zumtobel, development takes place concurrently. LED technologies and luminaires are developed in close cooperation, and in teamwork with Zumtobel’s experts for lighting management and emergency lighting, new ideas and possibilities are created for perfectly combining LEDs with every aspect of a lighting solution. Advantages of LED technology that show a high level of effect in shop environments: • Saturated colours • Small designs • N arrow-beam lighting pattern • L ow surface temperature • Flexible lengths • Long service life • Low wattages • O ptimal operation at low temperatures • C an be flexibly controlled • D ynamic lighting applications
Applications where LEDs can make p articularly good use of their strengths: • F or goods responding sensitively to IR and UV rays • E verywhere where light sources should be inconspicuous and small • F or art in conjunction with architecture • W hen luminaires can be walked on or touched and should therefore not be hot • W here maintenance means high costs, such as in high halls or stairwells • W here luminaires are used round the clock, e.g. nightlighting, pathways and car parks
I nno v ations with L E D
6000 K
4000 K
2700 K LED brings colour into play: intensive colours and uninterrupted transitions are multipliers for impressive presentations. A further plus point for LEDs are the individual designs and the many possibilities for 足setting the lighting stage. Apart from various lighting tiles, lighting coves and light ribbons, LED media luminaires can also be implemented, meaning that texts, images and videos can be shown.
LED shows tact and sensitivity: with the precision and wide range of colour temperatures available, an LED lighting solution can respond to weather conditions or times of day to always present products in their most ideal surroundings. The Tempura LED spot was designed in cooperation with the EOOS design studio. Its impressive features result from an ideally balanced combination of design, visual effect, and thermal and lighting management. Step by step and as required, the colour temperature can be set from 2,700 to 6,500 Kelvin.
LEDs take on responsibility and are gentle on products and the environment: energy consumption is reduced, and light output remains constant over many years. Products are protected from IR and UV radiation and the room is not heated uncontrollably. Thus shelf lighting with LED downlights uses the whole range of benefits.
The right light at the right time: Optik Nasahl in Feldkirch/A makes use of the qualities of Luxmate Emotion to adjust lighting quality to the visual task concerned and at the same time increase energy efficiency.
Added value with lighting management 足systems and emergency lighting systems
The tasks of light are very diver-
and ONLITE emergency light-
sified. Light conveys messages,
ing systems are the second and
moods and feelings. It is both a
third pillars of a successful light-
sales and a marketing tool. Light
ing solution. They adapt light in
enables safety and orientation.
all its dimensions to the situation
Standards and directives must
at hand. They make use of the
be adhered to. With a growing
emotional and biological charac-
awareness for the environment
teristics of light for boosting sales.
and energy issues, the impor-
And they use a whole range of
tance of lighting as an economic
automatic systems to make control
and social factor is also increas-
as comfortable as possible and to
ing. Some of these tasks and
keep operating costs to a minimum.
responsibilities are taken on by intelligent lighting solutions such as those by Zumtobel. LUXMATE lighting management
A dded v al u e with L U X M A T E and O N L I T E
Dynamism Attention Safety Organisational talent EMOTION Touch
Ideal control for flexible and creative shop or display window concepts: up to 16 rooms each with 16 scenes and lighting choreographies at the touch of a button. Further information at
Plug&Play Controlling light with the ZBOX
As practical as it is impressive:
The ZBOX is factory preconfig-
the touch panel is both control
ured; only luminaires and
unit and operating unit, saving
momentary-action switches
static and dynamic lighting
must still be connected in the
scenes and keeping them ready
shop environment. Lighting
at the touch of a button.
scenes can then be registered
The cost-efficient plus: flexible
with simple RGB colour dynamics
luminaire configurations, a high
and adapted if necessary with the
energy-saving potential with time
web browser. The Circle control
management and the integration
units make operation easy,
of daylight sensors or presence
although standard momentary-
detectors, and the integration of
action switches can also be used.
ONLITE escape sign luminaires
Integration within central lighting
and emergency luminaire systems.
management is also possible.
‘The quick Plug&Play solution for shops and supermarkets’: up to 10 lighting scenes can be programmed and transferred to the ZBOX of further branches. Further information at
A lighting composition that creates excitement: Optik Nasahl, Feldkirch/A treats its customers to changing Âcolour scenes.
Comfort Flexibility Efficiency Increased well-being
More attention
tions, gentle changes of light
More comfort
Customers that feel good stay
Movement arouses interest.
over the course of the day can
The higher the requirements
longer and buy more. The emo-
From light to dark, from left to
be implemented just as easily as
made on a lighting solution, the
tional and biological characteris-
right and from white to blue:
stage-ready light shows. Crea-
simpler Zumtobel designs its
tics of light come into their own
effectively controlled light
tivity knows almost no bounds,
controls. With the development
when lighting scenes change
changes in three dimensions.
thanks to ongoing innovations
of controls systems and their
according to the goods on offer,
And the concepts are as dif-
such as the Tempura LED spot-
operating elements, the customer
the target group, or time of day
ferent as the goods displayed
light with its variable colour tem-
is the most important factor –
or year.
and the people who buy them.
installation and commissioning
Using intelligent lighting solu-
should be as simple as possible.
A dded v al u e with L U X M A T E and O N L I T E
Time of day
Lighting quality benefits
Advantages of automation
6:00 cleaning begins
At the touch of a button, luminaires for general lighting illuminate the retail area right into its corners.
Simple controlling means energy is saved, as accent and effect luminaires are not switched on when not needed.
7:00 rush-hour traffic commences
At the beginning of rush hour, specific luminaires are automatically switched on so that display windows or deco points catch the attention of passers-by.
Cannot be overlooked, and involves no additional effort: the shop looks its best for drivers and passers-by.
8:30 the shop opens its doors
Lighting is optimised for long-range effect, the time frame for the earlymorning lighting scene is set.
Control is carried out automatically without manual intervention.
9:00 daylight brightens the display window and retail areas
General lighting is continuously dimmed so that a maximum of free daylight is used while a constant lighting level is maintained. Control for the display window is cyclic: the brighter the daylight, the higher the illuminance level.
Lots of energy can be saved with the integration of daylight. The sun can take over a part of general lighting. Where display window lighting responds automatically to ambient light, goods remain easily recognisable.
10:12 a service installation engineer sets the lighting
As soon as the goods on offer change, spots are realigned and if necessary the lighting scene is adapted.
Adaptations occur quickly and precisely and therefore minimise down time.
13:00 the sun is at its zenith
The daylight automation optimises the energy balance.
Energy efficiency helps to save costs and aids environmental responsibility.
14:20 putting customers in the right mood
Light stimulates emotions, where for example cool light is selected for winter garments.
The most appropriate light for any time of day and year is ready at the touch of a button.
16:45 dusk begins
Display window lighting may be dimmed a little, lighting of the retail area must be increased.
The lighting solution makes use of its strengths at all times, and where possible simultaneously saves energy.
19:00 the shop closes
Closing-time for the lighting in the retail areas as well, only light for window shoppers is left on.
Switching off the luminaires saves energy and visually informs customers that the shop is now closed.
22:30 the calmness of night. Fewer passers-by
For a ‘long-range effect’, a minimum of light is required. For night hawks, a presence detector automatically activates the light. In the background, emergency lighting is automatically tested.
Even in energy-saving mode, the customer benefits: Controlled light is alert to his needs and automatically monitored systems ensure safety.
23:00 guard duty commences
Luminaires required for the security beat are activated via presence detectors.
Presence detectors reduce energy consumption and increase safety, as they also respond to intruders.
More safety
Less energy consumption
potential for saving is offered
More flexibility
At Zumtobel the highest level
Modern electronic ballasts
by daylight-based lighting
Intelligent lighting management
of safety is assured, without
and luminaires with high light
control. This optimally exploits
and emergency lighting systems
neglecting design aspects. A
output ratios form the basis
freely available daylight without
are an investment in the future.
further plus point for uniform
of an energy-efficient lighting
neglecting the interests and
They increase the flexibility of
appearances: almost every
solution. Durable luminaires
emotions of customers.
installations: for both changing
Zumtobel general lighting
and intelligent control systems
lighting concepts and new room
luminaire can take on the func-
keep maintenance overheads in
concepts and their consequent
tions of an emergency luminaire.
check. In addition to presence
and time sensors, the greatest
Overview Branch-specific lighting solutions
Clothing and textiles
Leather goods
Creating basics
•G eneral lighting with high horizontal illuminance levels. • High vertical illuminance levels for shelving, deco points and special offer displays. • Brightening up room depth in deep rooms for reducing customers’ uncertainty of entering the store.
Creating an atmosphere
• J ust as timelessly elegant, valuable leather is able to fascinate customers, so a lighting solution must also demonstrate this capability. • Brand-appropriate lighting scenes outshine competitors. • Light transforms shopping into an experience.
Arousing feelings
•C reate sympathy with light and flatter the skin. • Adapt light colours to applications, e.g. use of different light for evening wear and daytime wear. • Create a seasonal lighting scene with light colours.
Doing justice to the m aterial
•L eather is a valuable natural product that only shows its best with balanced light compositions. • Warm light colours with less than 3,000 Kelvin render colours optimally. • Leather must be protected from thermal and UV radiation, as surfaces will otherwise become brittle and colour will fade.
•H igh illuminance levels animate display tables and cash point counters. • Lighting effects channel attention to trends and deco points. • ‘Colour-neutral’ zones permit objective colour comparisons.
Feeling against the skin
Thinking in terms of zones
Don’t forget protection
•T he less UVA rays, the less is the danger of fading. • High thermal radiation in rest zones and fitting rooms is perceived as unpleasant • Consider plants when carrying out lighting design.
Preferred light sources
• • • •
ED L Low voltage halogen lamps Metal halide lamps Low pressure lamps
Preferred light sources
Jewels, spectacles and watches
Focussing attention
•M ore than with other branches, display windows are the visiting cards for shops. • The more point-source and white the light, the better exhibits appear. • An optimal ratio of vertical to horizontal illuminance creates an exclusive atmosphere. • Individual illumination of discreet zones where customers try on jewellery, watches and spectacles.
Protecting effectively
•T hermal radiation and ultraviolet light may cause considerable damage with valuable objects. • Rubies fade when exposed to excessive UV radiation. • Too much heat causes bursting of crystal water molecules within opals. • High levels of thermal radiation deform spectacle frames. • Oil within timepieces may resinate if subjected to excessive temperatures.
Preferred light sources
• • • • •
•L eather is a sensual product. Correspondingly subtle light heightens the customer’s enthusiasm for the natural product. • Decisive for a purchase is the correct lighting scene for fitting. • • • •
LED Optical fibres Sodium vapour lamps Low voltage halogen lamps
ED L Optical fibres Low voltage halogen lamps Metal halide lamps Luminaires that formally subordinate themselves and do not appear too technical • Decorative glass luminaire accessories are permitted For detailed planning and design, please contact your Zumtobel lighting consultant!
Branch - specific design notes
Valuables, glass products and gifts
Increasing brand value
Exceeding demands
Preferred light sources
•L ight arouses needs, even where no real need exists. It counts as one of the classical marketing tools. • The lighting atmosphere in display windows and retail areas is part of a shop’s corporate identity. • The sophisticated ratio of vertical to horizontal illuminance distinguishes a shop. • Light from various directions creates an unusual atmosphere for goods presentation. •T he visually spoiled person needs good light more than ever to judge the quality and value of goods. • Light reflections upon metallic and specular surfaces particularly underline the value of goods. • The size of an exhibit corresponds to the size of beam spread of the luminaire: ideally, the smaller the object, the narrower is the emittance of light rays. • Glass and light are inseparable, as this medium can transmit light rays in a mysterious way. • Sparkling glass makes the eyes of customers shine. •L ED • Optical fibres • Low voltage halogen lamps
Perfumeries, chemists and hair stylists
Radiant beauties
•L ight and its effect upon flacons is improved by decorative luminaire accessories of glass with different colours. • Many cremes and cosmetics respond to thermal and ultraviolet radiation with loss of quality that may lead to skin irritation.
Preferred light sources
•O ptical fibres • Low voltage halogen lamps • High pressure sodium vapour lamps
Electronic entertainment media and books
Technically the very best
•A lighting solution characterises the appearance of an organisation, both visually and virtually. • Dynamic light attracts the attention of passers-by directly onto the goods presented. • Vertical lighting is perfect where the transition from ceiling to floor shows no nuances.
Considering differences
•V ertical illuminance for book, video and CD shelving creates particular attention. Luminaires with distinct wallwasher characteristics transform searching into finding. • Cash point workstations have high visual demands that are laid down in standards and directives. One of the main requirements is a nominal illuminance level of 500 lux.
Preferred light sources
•L ED • Low voltage halogen lamps • Metal halide lamps
HST sodium vapour lamps • w arm colour rendition, especially good in the red spectral area • h igh energy efficiency with 45 – 50 lm/W
HIT metal halide lamps • h igh colour stability • h igh energy efficiency with 80 – 100 lm/W
LF 930 HIT metal halide lamps Osram Shoplight • g ood colour rendition in red and green spectral area • s lightly warm radiation • g ives products a fresh and colour-true appearance • especially high energy efficiency with 75 – 95 lm/W LF 930 HIT metal halide lamps Philips Mastercolor Elite • g ood colour rendition in red and green spectral area • s lightly warm radiation • g ives products a fresh and colour-true appearance •e specially high energy efficiency with 75 – 95 lm/W
Demon strating good taste
•E yes have a sense of appetite. The better the lighting solution, the greater the appetite. • High levels of brightness do not only make produce visible but emphasise hygiene.
Vitamins for a lighting solution
•A ppropriate light colours accentuate the characteristic features of various produce types. • Many foodstuffs are yellow, green, red and brown. This colouration and the sensitivity of produce demands a high degree of sensitivity when selecting light sources. • Special offer displays are livened up with stimulating presentation of produce. • Foodstuffs keep their fresh look longer where they are protected from thermal radiation.
Recessed lighting solutions
•L uminaires for installation in shelving, counters or showcases must be technically and photometrically suited to this task. Here it is necessary to gather information beforehand concerning special protective measures. • A particular challenge for lighting design is light for refrigerated appliances, where lately LED solutions have been increasingly used.
Preferred light sources
• • • • •
LF 827/830/930 fluorescent lamp • for use in cheese counters and refrigerated counters • h ighly suitable for installation hin wall shelving • h igh energy efficiency with 75 – 95 lm/W
LF 840 fluorescent lamp • for refrigerated counters and display cases, emphasises the impression of refrigerated areas • h igh colour temperatures optimal for white goods • h igh energy efficiency with 75 – 95 lm/W
low voltage halogen lamps • d immable • s mall size, can be focussed • e specially good warm colour rendition
Intermediate white: 4,200 Kelvin
LED, light emitting diodes • smallest size • narrow light distribution, for accent lighting • very long service life • dimmable • no UV/IR radiation • dynamism in colour and colour temperature
ED L Optical fibres Low voltage halogen lamps Sodium vapour lamps Metal halide lamps
Branch - specific design notes
Accent lighting of fresh produce Recommendations for the correct combination of lamps, reflectors and filters
Meat, cold meat and poultry
• I lluminance levels above 800 to 1,000 lux trigger a photochemical process with meat products and quickly cause them to take on a grey appearance. If these limits are adhered to, we can recommend both Philips SDW-T lamps and Osram HIT Shoplights. • Ideal accessories are meat and cold meat filters. These retain a part of the blue and green colour spectrum of lamps. Silver-coloured flood reflectors distribute light uniformly within the showcase.
Cheese, bread and pastries
•T he inherently warm light of Philips SDW-T and Osram HIT Shoplight lamps is additionally intensified by gold-coloured flood reflectors. • Thermal load however should be kept to a minimum. Suitable lamp wattages and IR blocking filters protect sensitive product groups from drying out. • An exception are confectionary goods with cream. These must not be illuminated with gold-coloured reflectors as the slight yellow tone has a negative effect on the visual quality of the cream.
Fruit and vegetables
•S un-ripened produce is insensitive when subjected to high illuminance levels. This means that the sales-stimulating effect of accentuating spot reflectors can be used for fruit and vegetables departments. • Philips SDW-T lamps or Osram HIT Shoplights in combination with silver, gold or champagnecoloured reflectors cast fruit in a friendly, yellowish light. • Thanks to its better colour rendition properties, the HIT Shoplight has the advantage of presenting the whole range of goods with true colours – red and yellow fruit just as well as green salads and dark aubergines. • Applies to the whole harvest: IR and UV rays should be kept to a minimum.
•S moked and fresh fish with white or reddish colours are rendered well with Philips SDW-T lamps and Osram HIT Shoplights. The combination with a silver-coloured flood or spot reflector is decisive. • Very often fish and seafood is displayed on ice. Here it has been found wise to use HIT lamps with a high colour temperature to emphasise the fresh character of the fish department.
Delicatessen and conve nience pro ducts
•F or the wide variety of goods in the ‘hot’ counters, the best light is created with the right combination of lamp and reflector: In combination with gold-coloured reflectors, we recommend Philips SDW-T lamps or Osram Shoplights with a colour temperature of approximately 3,000 Kelvin and a colour rendition index above 90. • Light colour should also be considered when using fluorescent lamps. For meat, for example, light colour 76 by Osram is appropriate. Fluorescent lamps create widearea light and cannot therefore set sales-stimulating accents as can for example a lighting solution with spots.
When deciding which goods should be illuminated by which lighting solution, the habits of customers and brand identity are also important factors. Consequently, we concentrate on general recommenda tions here. At the same time we can guarantee that solutions designed and implemented by Zumtobel adhere to current standards and directives, as the recommended light is still ‘white’ and not coloured.
Typical lighting solutions and product categories
Facades General lighting Shop windows Wall Room Peripheral areas and shelving Daylight and sunshine are simulated as the light comes from above.
Light from below achieves much greater dramatic effects.
Brightening of vertical display areas by spotlights supports the general lighting.
If recessing is out of the question, a mix of spotlights and suspended luminaires is called for.
Spotlights can easily be adjusted to changing requirements. Their flexibility can be further increased by using two parallel tracks.
Daylight is simulated as the light comes from above. Different lighting technologies in a single system offer greater flexibility.
Light from below achieves dramatic effects. Different lighting technologies in a single system offer greater flexibility.
Recessed systems offer plenty of flexibility when matching the lighting to changing product displays.
Modular lighting systems provide efficient lighting solutions and many opportunities for using light to set the scene.
Many small points of light coming from fibre optic systems achieve excellent, almost shadowfree lighting in restricted spaces.
The lighting becomes restrained. It has a subtle effect and becomes an integral component of the shop’s architecture.
Attractive effects are achieved by light from below.
Cones of light and lighting patterns on the surfaces of walls can become integral elements of room design.
Ambient lighting using downlights whose regular arrangement corresponds to the geometry of the room.
Integrated lighting is particularly good for highlighting products displayed on shelves.
A wide-area illuminated wall makes rooms seem larger, creating spatial depth with a friendly lighting atmosphere. Various technical lighting features are incorporated in gimbal-mounted luminaires which undertake the duties of a flexible lighting system.
Ambient lighting using square or linear luminaires in a geometric layout as either recessed or surfacemounted versions. Gimbal-mounted luminaires can illuminate up to four different objects from one point simultaneously.
Ambient lighting using suspended luminaires which are laid out to follow the geometry of the room. Wallwashers ensure uniform lighting of posters and billboards.
Very high shop windows require large amounts of light in order to guarantee an appropriate quality of presentation.
Swivelling downlights provide lighting nearly without any shadows, even when their positions are changed.
Indirect lighting creates a uniformly bright, open room atmosphere.
Continuous-row systems provide a high amount of flexibility, as they can quickly be adjusted to changed layouts.
In changing rooms, the surface of the body must be uniformly illuminated without shadows.
Light emphasises room peripheries and defines specific areas.
Wide-area lighting and freedom from glare from deep reflectors provide high visual comfort.
Wallwashers with asymmetrical distribution illuminate shelves very uniformly and without shadows.
If recessing is out of the question, lighting tasks are performed by suspended luminaires. LED luminaires with variable colours can take over the “designing� of individual surfaces as if they were inlaid.
Lighting tiles can change their colour just like a chameleon and be matched to changing design concepts.
Thanks to changing colours, products presented on shelves look attractive and lively.
Deco points, display tables, showcases
Service and brand islands
Display fittings are illuminated according to the number of items displayed.
Uniform lighting makes the products easier to examine.
Lighting systems can be adapted easily and flexibly to suit changing product presentations.
Fibre optic lighting in display cabinets reduces the build-up of heat and prevent damaging UV radiation.
As downlights tend to be inconspicuous, the products are able to dominate the scene.
Counter lighting must be glare-free and must not create reflections on glass or metal surfaces.
Pendant luminaires attract the consumers’ attention, together with the products displayed.
The beam angle is crucial when it comes to shelf lighting.
Display fittings must be illuminated so that overlapping areas do not cast shadows.
Stairs and circulation areas
Spotlights literally throw light on the brand, setting the stage for its spectacular presentation.
With high illuminance levels, projector-mirror systems ensure optimum visual conditions even in high rooms.
Downlights play second fiddle to architecture, putting the brand island dramatically centrestage.
Downlights provide general lighting and, depending on their arrangement, also orientation.
Discussions benefit from uniform, glarefree task area lighting, ideally complemented by coves and recessed wall luminaires. Suspended systems ensure uniform illumination.
Chillout, lounge
Soft, diffuse light from organically shaped luminaires creates a relaxing atmosphere.
Generously backlit walls lift the boundaries of space and enhance perception.
Low suspended pendant luminaires provide atmospheric, discreet lighting.
Recessed luminaries complying with the shape and arrangement of furniture provide a harmonious room appearance.
Wallwashers with double asymmetrical distribution provide uniform illumination for shelves that are arranged on both sides. Coloured light as well as light with variable colours enhances architecture and facilitates orientation. Pendant luminaires emphasise deco points and provide cash point zoning at important locations.
Coloured LED luminaires encourage the viewer to look more closely.
LED lighting systems do not dominate display cabinets, require minimum space, and have an above-average service life.
Uniform, glare-free task area lighting is ideally complemented by coves and recessed wall luminaires.
Decorative wall luminaires with architectural and emotional qualities create a feeling of well-being.
To ensure safe stair climbing, small recessed wall luminaires provide standardised illuminance levels directly on the stairs.
L ighting sol u tions and prod u ct categories
CLaris 2 systems LIGHTTOOLS
panos Q
CIELOS circumflex
VIVO pendel
2light c/mini
2 light mdw
VIVO RECESSED spirit asym.
systemled floodline PANOS MWW
ONLite eCO
cielos ledos 2
TECton F T16
Sconfine sfera Sconfine linea
Sconfine cubo
L ighting sol u tions and prod u ct categories
LUXMATE lighting management
One room or one zone
Shop windows Entrance areas Circulation areas Cash point areas Storage rooms Parking lots
Shop windows Entrance areas Facades
Several rooms or several zones
Shops, boutiques Service enterprises Car dealerships Branch banks, bank outlets
Service enterprises Franchised branches Food retailers Supermarkets Discount stores
Banks Supermarkets
Building or building complex
Hypermarkets Department stores Shopping malls
ONLITE emergency lighting All ONLITE luminaires are available with separate battery, group battery or central battery supply. Escape sign luminaires
Emergency luminaires
Ecosign safety
Recognition ranges conforming to DIN 4844 and EN 1838 conforming to VKF (CH)
15 m 45 m
30 m 15 m
26 m 15 m*
26 m 15 m*
32 m 16 m
15 m/8 m** 16 m
16 m
90 m
Housing colours
anodised aluminium
anodised aluminium
Light sources
T 16 LED
Installation options
* Version CH
** �������������������������� surface-mounted on ceiling
recessed into ceiling, recessed into wall
LED suspended, surface-mounted on ceiling, wall-mounted, TECTON continuous-row system
T 16 LED
recessed into ceiling, suspended, surface-mounted on ceiling, wall-mounted, TECTON continuous-row system
recessed into ceiling, suspended, surface-mounted on ceiling, wall-mounted, TECTON continuous-row system
T 16 LED
suspended, surface-mounted wall-mounted surface-mounted on ceiling, on ceiling, wall-mounted wall-mounted, TECTON continuous-row system, Safety also recessed into ceiling
suspended, surface-mounted on ceiling
ind u str y and engineering
sport and leis u re
Zumtobel is the internationally leading supplier of integral lighting solutions for a wide variety of applications in professional interior lighting:
Industry and engineering Offices and communication Education and science Presentation and retail Hospitality and wellness Art and culture Health and care transit areas and car parks
offices and C O MMU N I C A T I O N
Sport and leisure Transit areas and car parks Orientation and safety
We provide unique customer benefit by integrating technology, design, emotion and energy efficiency. Under the Humanergy Balance concept, we combine the best possible ergonomic lighting quality for people’s well-being with the responsible use of energy resources. presentation and retail
hospitalit y and wellness
The company’s own sales organisa tions in twenty countries as well as commercial agencies in fifty other countries form an international network of experts and design partners provid ing professional lighting consulting, design assistance and comprehensive services.
art and c u lt u re
health and care
Corporate goal: We want to use light to create worlds of experience, make work easier and improve communications and safety while remaining fully aware of our responsibility to the environment.
Track and spots
Modular lighting systems
Recessed luminaires
Surface-mounted and pendant luminaires
LED, task, wall and uplights
Continuous row and batten luminaires
High-bay luminaires
Luminaires with extra protection
Lighting management
Emergency lighting
Medical supply systems
United Kingdom Zumtobel Lighting Ltd. Unit 4 - The Argent Centre, Pump Lane London Hayes/Middlesex UB3 3BL T +44/(0)20 8589 1800 F +44/(0)20 8756 4800 M USA and Canada Zumtobel Lighting Inc. Location Highland 3300 Route 9W Highland, New York 1258-2630 T +1/(0)845/691 62 62 F +1/(0)845/691 62 89 Australia and New Zealand Zumtobel Lighting Pty Ltd 333 Pacific Highway North Sydney, NSW 2060 T +61/(2)8913 5000 F +61/(2)8913 5001 M China Zumtobel Lighting China Beijing Office T5-2-152 Tayuan Diplomatic Compound, No. 1 Xin Dong Road, Chaoyang District 100600 Beijing T +86/(10) 8532 3886 F +86/(10) 8532 3889 M Singapore Zumtobel Lighting Singapore No. 5 Kaki Bukit Crescent #04-03 416238 Singapore T +65/(0)6848 2560 F +65/(0)6234 4972 M Hong Kong Zumtobel Lighting Hong Kong Unit 319, Level 43, Tower 1, Metroplaza, 223 Hing Fong Road, Kwai Chung, N.T. T +852/(0)2503 0466 F +852/(0)2503 0177 M United Arab Emirates Zumtobel Lighting GmbH Dubai Airport Free Zone, 3rd East Wing, 4th Floor, Office 413 PO Box 54620 Dubai T +971/(4) 214 9845 F +971/(4) 214 9501 Art.-No. 04 797 323-UK 02/08 Š Zumtobel Lighting GmbH Technical data was correct at time of going to press. We reserve the right to make technical changes without notice. Please contact your local sales office for further information. Printed on environmentally-friendly chlorinefree paper. Printed on Galaxy Bright.
Norway Zumtobel Belysning Pilestredet 75 C 0354 Oslo Postbox 5829 Majorstuen 0308 Oslo T +47/22 46 85 00 F +47/22 46 85 02 M Sweden Zumtobel Belysning Birger Jarlsgatan 57 113 56 Stockholm T +46/(0)8/26 26 50 F +46/(0)8/26 56 05 M Czech Republic and Slovak Republic Zumtobel Lighting s.r.o. Vlastislavova 11 Praha 4 140 00 Praha T +420/(2) 41 740 301 F +420/(2) 41 740 308 M Poland Zumtobel Lighting GmbH Sp.z.o.o. Przedstawicielstwo w Polsce ul. Narbutta 46/48 02-541 Warszawa T +48/(22) 856 7431 F +48/(22) 856 7432 Russia Zumtobel Lighting GmbH Official Representative Office Skakovaya Str. 17 Bld. No 1, Office 1104 125040 Moscow T +7/(495) 945 36 33 F +7/(495) 945 16 94 Slovenia and Croatia Zumtobel Licht d.o.o. Dunajska cesta 159 1000 Ljubljana T +386/(1) 56 09 820 F +386/(1) 56 09 866 M Headquarters Zumtobel Lighting GmbH Schweizer Strasse 30 Postfach 72 6851 Dornbirn, AUSTRIA T +43/(0)5572/390-0 F +43/(0)5572/22 826 Zumtobel Licht GmbH Grevenmarschstrasse 74-78 32657 Lemgo, GERMANY T +49/(0)5261/2 12-0 F +49/(0)5261/2 12-7777