Travel and Hospitality - February 2015

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Travel Hospitality Issue 05 | Volume VI | february 2015 | `50

s d r a w A llnd TnH , e c n e l l e c x E g n i r Honou & t n e l a T g n i s i n g o Rec n o i t a v o n n I g n i g a r Encou

||FROM THE EDITOR || Organisations Par Excellence

As all our readers may be aware, last month we hosted the second edition of the Travel and Hospitality Awards. Our awards were handed out to a select group of organizations and individuals, who are recognized industry leaders, for their singular contributions to the Indian tourism industry. Since by definition awards are an occasion to reflect upon significant accomplishments, our entire February issue is dedicated to our award recipients. All our winners have proven their distinction in the travel community and delivered on the promise of providing us with unique, innovative and quality travel products. As you read this issue, you will find a lot of valuable information in the interviews featured. The executives who have responded on behalf of their organizations play vitally important roles in the success of their companies and our industry.They have successfully ensured the positive growth and expansion of their organizations and they promote brands that not only enjoy the highest level of customer loyalty but also positively contribute to the over-all impression of the Indian tourism industry. I hope that while you flip through the following pages, you stop to think about your own organizations and perhaps implement a few tweaks to your management philosophies if you recognize a need, or pat

yourself on the back if you or your organization are already featured in the issue. Finally, on behalf of the entire team at Travel and Hospitality I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all our guests for taking time out of their busy schedules to come and support us. Our show provided me with an excellent opportunity to interact with all of you. A special thank you is also in order for all our esteemed sponsors. Travel and Hospitality Awards were fortunate enough to receive strong, and generous support from the most reputable organizations in the Indian travel and tourism world. Our awards were a success because of your faith in us. Again, Thank You

srishti rai editor



Most Respected Veteran of Hospitality Industry S. S. H. Rehman, Non-Executive Director on the Board of ITC How do you feel about being honored with the ‘Most Respected Veteran of the Hospitality Industry’’ award at the Travel and Hospitality Awards 2014? You feel humbled and honoured when such a prestigious recognition is bestowed upon you. I am very pleased that my professional successes have been acknowledged and I have received the award for being the ‘Most Respected Veteran of the Hospitality Industry’’ at the TnH Awards 2014. How did you manage to achieve such an outstanding position in the hotel industry? What were your success mantras? Well, I started my career with the Indian Army so that taught me discipline. I joined ITC in 1979, I always tried doing my best in my line of duty and strived to broaden my comprehension and enrich my core profession. My philosophy or my mantra for success in the hospitality industry is that one must remember that the customer comes first, the organization and its people next and you yourself come last. What advice would you like to give to next generation of hoteliers who desire success in this industry? Like I briefly mentioned before, to succeed in the hospitality sector, budding hoteliers should take time out to broaden their comprehension 360 degrees outward to the best of their capabilities, all the while enriching their core profession as a pivot.



“Doing my best in my line of duty in order to broaden my comprehension and enrich my core profession. In my philosophy, customer comes first, organization and its people next and myself last.”


SPECIAL AWARDS Most Powerful Woman in The Industry Jyotsna Suri Chairperson & Managing Director Bharat Hotels Ltd. How do you feel about being hon-

itless hospitality. Training is contin

ored with ‘Most Powerful Woman in

ously being conducted to achieve the

The Industry’ award by TnH at its

highest level of service.

Travel & Hospitality Awards 2014? What does winning this award

What have been the long-term vi-

mean to you?

sion and objectives of your chain?

I feel privileged to receive this award.

Where would you like to see your

It reiterates the strength of a woman

brand in next five years?

and reaffirms my belief that hard work

My vision for my hotel chain is to reach

and perseverance always pays off.

the highest level of hospitality and that is where I would like to see my brand

What motivated you to achieve

in the next five years.

such an outstanding position in the industry?

What advice would you like to give

I have pursued my goals with determi-

to young female executives who de-

nation. There is an on-going effort to

sire success in this industry?

achieve excellence in product and

I would advise every woman to believe


in herself and never give in. No matter what life throws, she should take it as

What will you describe as most rewarding achievement of your entr preneurial career? The most rewarding achievement of

“I feel privileged to receive this award. It reiterates the strength of a woman and reaffirms my belief that hard work and perseverance a ways pays off.”

my career has been to carve a new identity for The Lalit Suri Hospitality Group under the brand name ‘The Lalit’. The brand has established its credibility.We define ourselves as ‘Tr ditionally Modern, Subtly Luxurious, Distinctly Lalit’. What do your customers value most about your hotel brand? How do you maintain service excellence in your operation? Our customers value our signature lim-



a challenge and overcome it.


The annual Indian visits to main land China have maintained increase in recent years as seen in the below form: On the list of China's main source markets in 2014, India was No. 10.


549 thousand

22.4% increase


607 thousand

10.4% increase


610 thousand

0.6% increase


677 thousand

10.9% increase


710 thousand

4.9% increase


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SPECIAL AWARDS Most Outstanding Organisation of the Year: InterGlobe Enterprises How do you feel about your group

utes satisfaction guarantee. These

InterGlobe Enterprises being ho-

amongst other factors have made

noured with ‘Most Outstanding

our brand stand out and define its

Organisation of the Year’ award at

own niche in a cluttered market

TnH’s Travel & Hospitality Awards


2014? We feel honored and privileged to re-

What are the long-term vision &

ceive the prestigious award by the

objectives of InterGlobe Hotels?

TnH magazine on this unique plat-

With 10 ibis hotels open and 9 under

form recognizing patrons and defin-

development, the company shall

ing excellence in the travel, tourism

have a portfolio of 19 operational ho-

and hospitality industry. This award

tels with room inventory of about

is a testimony to our best-in-class

3500 rooms by 2017. InterGlobe Ho-

products and services. Our relent-

tels will also commit to 5,000 rooms

less focus on providing world class

by 2017. We are also looking at

services, state of the art technology

strengthening our presence in Tier-II

and overall great price value equa-

and Tier-III markets. We at Inter-

tion has made us one of the leaders

Globe Hotels are well positioned to

in our industry.

ride this wave of improved market sentiment. We are already present in

What will you describe as the

all important cities and we have 3

most defining characteristic of In-

more scheduled openings at Goa,

terGlobe hotels? What do your

Kochi and Chennai planned for the

customers value most about your


hotels? InterGlobe Hotels(IGH) has had a

What advice would you like to

fantastic run since its inception

give to next generation hotel pro-

nearly a decade ago. IGH represents

fessionals who desire success in

one of the most noteworthy financial

this industry?

commitments made to the mid-mar-

The hotel industry is the fastest

ket hotel segment in India by any In-

growing industry when it comes to a

dian and/or international hotel chain.

flux of new professionals. The initial

We have ensured that we have a

years in any industry require a pro-

Pan-India presence with hotels in

fessional to hone their skills, be re-

most major cities so that we can be

ceptive to any kind of learning that

present where the customer needs

may come along their way and ex-


plore their areas of interest. A mantra

We stand out for our consistency of

of exploration- interaction and ex-

product and service, value for money

prience should be followed by all pro-

pricing and hassle free experience,

fessionals for long term success in

but above all for the unique 15 min-

our field.



J B Singh President & CEO, InterGlobe Hotels

“This award is a testimony to our best-inclass products and services. Our relentless focus on providing world class services, state of the art technology and overall great price value equation has made us one of the leaders in our industry.”


SPECIAL AWARDS Most Outstanding Travel Technology Provider: InterGlobe Technology Quotient “This award is testimony of our efforts in providing best-in-class products and services with exceptional qualities to our partners and customers. Our commitment to timely deliverables with a focus on high-end technology has made us a leader in the industry, a position we are certain to uphold in the years to come.”

How do you feel about InterGlobe Enterprises being honored with’ Most Outstanding Organisation of theYear’ award and ITQ being honoured with ‘Most Outstanding Travel Technology Provider at TnH’s Travel & Hospitality Awards 2014? We are honored to receive this prestigious award by TnH magazine on this unique platform recognizing patrons and defining excellence in the travel and tourism industry. This award is testimony of our efforts in providing best-in-class products and services with exceptional qualities to our partners and customers. Our commitment to timely deliverables with a focus on high-end technology

cess in this industry?

has made us a leader in the indus-

The travel and tourism industry is

try, a position we are certain to up-

growing at a fast pace when it

hold in the years to come.

comes to a dynamic flux of new professionals. High income levels of

What will you describe as the most defining characteristic of

Anil Parashar President & CEO, InterGlobe Technology Quotient

ITQ? What do your customers

travelers and the constantly evolving travel industry have led to an increase in the number of people trav-

value most about ITQ?

been extremely crucial. We now

eling across the globe today. While

Cutting edge travel technology solu-

What have been the long-term vi-

allow agents to search for flights,

95% Indian travelers plan domestic

tions with unmatched inventory op-

sion and objectives of ITQ? What

fares and hotels in a number of

holidays, 66% travel abroad, indicat-

tions is something that we at ITQ

is current top priority?

ways, including using maps to cre-

ing that travelers are spending more

take great pride in. Customers

Our vision is to be provider of a plat-

ate the best travel options for their

on travel plans. Education is the

across the globe value our focus on

form that is redefining travel com-

customers. We have also been off

foundation for growth and success

technology and the merchandising

merce for our customers. Our focus

the blocks with our Travelport Mer-

of next generation travel profession-

platform with rich branding content,

is to deliver the best possible rich

chandising Platform which has rede-

als. Since travelers are educated

offering a unique value proposition

travel content through our Travel

fined the way airlines sell their fares

about the travel industry, they look

in terms of accuracy, quality, flexibil-

Commerce Platform which enables

and ancillaries through the travel

for the best option that suits them.

ity and cost savings to a large num-

agents to search and book travel in

agency channel.

Hence, connecting with and provid-

ber of airlines, travel management

real-time, through innovative pointof-

companies, online travel companies,

sale technology which is both desk

What advice would you like to

should be the fundamental objective

travel technology companies and

and mobile oriented.

give to a next generation travel

of any travel professional in the in-

professional who desires suc-

dustry, in order to succeed.

hotels, provided by ITQ.

The launch of Smartpoint has

ing customers with what they want



Most Outstanding Travel Company & Most Outstanding Service by a Travel Company: TUI India Vishal Sinha, COO, TUI India

How do you feel about your

rate of customers. Our fully

company being honored with

trained employees offer personal-

‘Most Outstanding Travel Com-

ized attention to each of our cus-

pany’ award byTnH at itsTravel


& Hospitality Awards 2014?

customer keep coming back to

What does winning this award

us. Also, with our heritage from

mean to you?

TUI Group, we have over 250

We are ecstatic after winning this

brands globally, ensuring that the

award. Getting such recognition

traveller gets the best holidays

from this platform only encour-

along with the best deals. Our

ages us to do better in the indus-

stores are strategically located for

try. TUI India has been in India

effortless accessibility, while the

holiday experiences to make a dif-


now for over 6 years and our un-

audio-visual presentations give

ference as well as what our cus-

brands from TUI’s global portfolio.

derstanding of the Indian market

an elite experience to our cus-

tomers get when travelling with us

With social media enhancing our

has helped us reach where we

tomers, guiding them to make the

– be transformed to the best ver-

experiences when it comes to

are today.With all the hardwork of

best decisions for their holiday

sion of their true self by re-ener-

travel, TUI India is striving to bring

gizing their life with moments that

out a TUIrist in everyone.We want

really matter.

to ensure that every customer




our trained employees who work

“We are ecstatic after winning this award. Getting such recognition from this platform only encourages us to do better in the industry. TUI India has been in India now for over 6 years and our understanding of the Indian market has helped us reach where we are today.” unique



relentlessly to provide the best

What have been vision and ob-

services to our customers, this

jectives of TUI India?

award is a testimony of our excel-

Our vision: Making travel experi-

Kindly elaborate upon the role

back with rich travel experiences.

lent service offerings.

ences special for our customers.

your company plays in Indian

TUI India helps our customer feel

Our objective: Our global claim


more connected to the place and

What factors led to your com-

sums up what the TUI brands are

India is an exciting market for us

its history and bring back lasting

pany achieving such an out-

famous for and works as our

and we have seen tremendous






travels with a smile and comes

promise towards the customer. It

potential for growth here. Our in-


expresses what we do - designing

tention has been to create a di-

How has been growth of your

TUI India boasts of high retention

personalized hotels, services and

verse product portfolio by bringing

company in Indian market?




SPECIAL AWARDS What are the key achievements

to keep abreast of changing times

concept stores across India are

of your company?

to provide fun filled holidays for

designed to give personalized

We have got tremendous re-

every traveller.

and quality services to every cus-

What are the values and culture

tomer that visits our office. Our

your company stands for?

sponse from the market hereboth

the journey.

from the B2B as well as the B2C

How do you maintain high qual-

website allows our customers to

Our values:

channels. In B2C, we have ex-

ity in your services?

contact us through email.We also

T – Trusted: BBeing a part of TUI

panded our presence in North

TUI boasts of an impeccable rep-

have a helpline service to answer

Travel PLC, our quality is in line

India with 4 retail stores in Delhi,

utation in providing quality serv-

every query. We have incorpo-


and now we have moved to West

ices in India and abroad. All our

rated some of the best Global

which makes us one of the most

with a store each in Mumbai and

practices followed within the

reliable choices for travel.

Ahmedabad. Our

group company- this helps us en-

U – Unique: WWe understand

pricing policy and differentiated

sure a seamless and a delightful

that the requirement of every trav-

products like Quarks, Moorings,

experience for the TUIrist through

eller is different. Our innovative




Intrepid Holidays have enabled us

packages are exclusively de-

to scale our B2B business rapidly

signed around our customer’s

Pan India. Our company is grow-

needs, giving them a true 360 De-

ing at a CAGR of 50% year on

gree experience.

year and we expect the trend to

I – Inspiring: At TUI, we act as a

continue over the next 5 years.

modern, responsible and innova-

We are in process of introducing

tive brand. We keep innovating

our Mobile App as well as the

and engaging with our clients,

transactional website that will only

while staying up to date to help

help us become the most pre-

them make informed decisions.

ferred Travel Company in India. What advice would you like to What is the USP of your com-

give to next generation travel


professionals who desire suc-

What makes TUI unique from

cess in this industry?

other travel companies is the

Tailored vacations are going to

breadth of experience in deliver-

play a big role in the travel indus-

ing refreshing holiday experi-

try. With a lot of Indian travellers

ences to most of the countries

looking for newer experiences, it

and consumers in the world. Our

is important to customize and per-

parent company, TUI Group is

sonalize for each customer. Keep-

one of the world’s largest travel


group, and we have over 250

requirements of each traveler, it is

brands globally, ensuring that the

important to provide personalized

traveler gets the best holidays

attention to each of them and cu-

along with the best deals. TUI

rate an experience which suits

India is constantly working to-






wards selecting the best products indicating a right balance of Quality and Cost. Also, we understand that everyone has a unique requirement and we go the extra mile to fulfill them. We are constantly innovating our itineraries




TOURISM SUPPORTING ORGANISATIONS How do you feel about being honored

What advice would you like to give to

with ‘Excellence in Corporate Social

next generation travel professionals

Responsibility’ award by TnH maga-

who desire success in this industry?

zine at its Travel & Hospitality Awards

I think to achieve success in any profes-

2014? What does winning this award

sion, your aim should always be larger

mean to you?

than mere commercial success. When I

Awards are always thrilling. But since the

started Minar Travels and even today, my

award has come for the recognition of a

goal remains to ensure my client’s travel

cause, which is very dear to me, it

experiences are joyous from every as-

means a lot not only to me but to the en-

pect. I push my team to ensure every

tire organisation. The acknowledgement

customer receives tailor-made conven-

of our efforts towards the society is an

ience and benefits as well as peace of

encouragement to do more in this direc-

mind all the way. This is the only way a


journey becomes unforgettable and ultimately memories count as life's greatest

What motivated you to work for soci-

treasure. I think that is why we have been

ety and achieve ‘Excellence in Corpo-

able to reach the point we are at today.

rate Social Responsibility’?

But, my most valuable advice to the

Minar Travels had a modest beginning

younger generation is to have a noble vi-

with one employee and a capital of Rupees one Lakh. But we were very fortunate, today our company has staff strength of 250 employees, we have 8 offices in India and 5 overseas offices. While our business started expanding, I was always mindful of my social responsibility. As years went by and we started growing bigger my urge to give back to society only got stronger. The realization

H. S. Duggal Managing Director, Minar Travels (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Excellence in Corporate Social Responsibility: Minar Travels (India) Pvt. Ltd.

that I need to immediately act on my urge to do something for society came

sion for their companies. I always knew I

when I found small girls abandoned by

wanted to create employment, National

their families because of gender bias or

Wealth and foster harmony amongst

acute poverty. I would be pained to see

people through travel. I would also advice

their plight on the road near garbage

them to start feeling the joy of giving

dins. And in 2001 I started my associa-

early on in their careers. Everyone

tion with Asha Niwas. The fact is in a

should remember that you could start

country like India all such charitable insti-

doing charity in the most modest way. For

tutions need financial help and here I

example, to begin with you can adopt a

found an opportunity to adopt a few chil-

small under privileged dwelling in the

dren, and look after their total needs like

neighbourhood and later join resources

food, shelter, education and rehabilita-

to expand this to a bigger scale.

tion. Nothing has given me more satisfaction than assisting these young girls. Today Asha Niwas has two campuses in Delhi that accommodates 90 girls. We want to add more places to protect and rehabilitate underprivileged children.

“Awards are always thrilling. But since the award has come for the recognition of a cause, which is very dear to me, it means a lot not only to me but to the entire organisation. The acknowledgement of our efforts towards the society is an encouragement to do more in this direction.”


TOURISM SUPPORTING ORGANISATIONS Most Promising Works for its Members : Travel Agents Association of India-Northern Region

Rajan Sehgal, Chairperson, TAAI-NR

Neeraj Malhotra, Hon. Secretary, TAAI-NR

Gaurav Dogra, Treasurer, TAAI-NR

How do you feel about TAAI-NR being hon-

What does winningTnH award mean to-

TAAI-NR was honoured for ‘Most Promising

oured for‘Most PromisingWorks for its Mem-


Works for its Members’ byTnH at itsTravel &

bers’ at TnH’s Travel & Hospitality Awards

I feel that winning this award gives recognition

Hospitality Awards 2014? How inspiring is


not only to the office-bearers of TAAI-NR but to

this for your team?

It’s great honour for us and very motivating for

all the members of the Northern Region be-

Indeed, it makes me feel nice to know that our

our team. This honour will give our team more

cause it is due to their encouragement, support

efforts are appreciated by partner other than our

energy to work for the betterment of travel indus-

and guidance that we could do something good

members. It inspires us to be more creative for

try and our members.

and as a Hon. Secretary of my region I feel really

our members and help them to think out of the

proud of them and my colleagues at TAAI-NR.

box to create wealth from other aspects of

This recognition gives us more impetus to work

tourism other than air-ticketing.

“It’s great honour for us and very motivating for our team. This honour will give our team more energy to work for the betterment of travel industry and our members.”

harder and to do much better work to live up to the expectations of our members which will be

What would be highest priority ofTAAI-NR in

beneficial for the entire travel trade fraternity.

2015? We will help TAAI regain its glory in the both do-

According to you, what has been the biggest achievement of TAAI-NR in recent time? The biggest achievement of our region has been

What would be your focus areas to serve

to bring back faith and trust within the members.

your members in future?

This award accorded to TAAI-NR has proven the

Our main aim is to bring back the commission

fact that members have started to regain the

and credit to our members which was the only

confidence, faith and trust with the current of-

main source of their income. We will work very

fice-bearers under the able leadership of our

closely with Ministries of Tourism and Civil Avia-

most trusted and respected Chairperson Mr.

tion, tourism boards, airlines and other related

Rajan Sehgal who has promised to address the


Issue of the two 'C' s: Commission and Credit to the highest of levels by reaching out to the Government Authorities and the Media



mestic as well as international markets.


HOTELS & TRAVEL TECHNOLOGY Most Outstanding Luxury Resort:DusitDevarana, NewDelhi& Most OutstandingGlobal TravelDistribution System: Amadeus How do you feel about receiving two accolades for Bird Group- Amadeus as the ‘Most Outstanding Global Distribution System ' and Dusit Devarana New Delhi being awarded as ‘Most Outstanding Luxury Resort’ award at theTravel & Hospitality Awards 2014 organised byTnH? We are delighted to have received this important recognition from TnH.This reinforces our strategy to imagine, innovate and empower the industry and society towards excellence and further encourages us to continue improving our contribution towards providing the best and optimal services to all our customers and partners.Travel & Hospitality Awards are considered as the most renowned and prestigious awards in the Indian tourism Industry. So yes, I am proud to have received this recognition from Travel & Hospitality. What will you describe as the most outstanding feature of Amadeus? There are many features for which Amadeus is considered as outstanding. In an increasingly complex and highly competitive market, and in an ever-changing business environment, Amadeus India has been introducing innovative and flexible business solutions based on the technology of the future.We offer services that are distinctly ahead of their time and thus, unmatched in the technology arena. Amadeus GDS is chosen time and again over its competitors because of a comprehensive offering of customized tools across the board in the travel industry. Its powerful and userfriendly software tools manage sales processes and agency networks while corporate travel management solutions allow business travellers to book arrangements from their desktop. Amadeus applications streamline and enhance the value of business processes for both travel service providers and users and deliver a decisive competitive



Ankur Bhatia Executive Director, Bird Group. advantage to them. What are the key features that make Dusit Devarana New Delhi an Outstanding Luxury Resort? Every aspect of the Dusit Devarana New Delhi is a novel concept and is outstanding, be it the architecture which leverages the existing rich natural landscape or a 102-meter long temperature controlled luxury pool. Every room has an IPAD connectivity to operate all inroom gadgets (even to lock or unlock doors). Spacious 650 sq.ft.guest rooms are equipped with state-of-the-art technology, attentive yet unobtrusive ‘service Dusit Devarana’. Sprawling over eight acres of greens and water bodies, Devarana hotel is surrounded with 1000 manicured matured trees which makes a luscious green destination for the travelers. The resort reflects the ultimate in luxury and refinement, providing an enriching experience through artistic touch points and a modern yet

timeless aesthetic. Inspired by the ‘garden in heaven’ and nestled in complete solitude and serenity of nature, Devarana Spa is the perfect pathway to ultimate luxury and relaxation. Kiyan, the signature restaurant presents the best in world cuisines for its farm fresh produce, authenticity in taste and a picture perfect plate.The Iah Bar is also not just an architectural marvel but also a beverage connoisseur's destination with a host of mixology options, boutique brewery beers and new world wines. To sum up, Devarana provides business and leisure travelers a luxurious urban retreat in the heart of India. What advice would you like to give to next generation professionals who desire success in this industry? Be focused, follow your dreams with sincerity and nothing is impossible.


HOTELS Most Outstanding Hotel professional: Rajiv Kaul, President, The Leela Palaces, Hotels and Resorts New Delhi and Mumbai, The Taj Mahal Palace in Mumbai, and The Leela portfolio. A notable high point of my career was to be part of the exciting journey to build and operate The Leela Palace New Delhi, The Leela Palace Udaipur, and The Leela Palace Chennai, which show-

" Now is the best time ever to enter the industry, as it is poised for huge growth. We welcome tomorrow’s leaders and my advice to them would be to develop a great appetite for knowledge and make learning a continuous process - because a person who graduates today and stops learning tomorrow is uneducated the day after." case a unique tradition of luxury that has become synonymous with The Leela brand. Rajiv Kaul President, The Leela Palaces Hotels and Resorts

What advice would you like to give to young hotel professionals who desire success in this industry?

How do you feel about being honoured with

I am fortunate to really enjoy what I do and I

Now is the best time ever to enter the industry,

‘Most Outstanding Hotel professional’

have always sought inspiration from the

as it is poised for huge growth.We welcome to-

award by TnH magazine at its Travel & Hos-

adage– “Try not to become a man of success

morrow’s leaders and my advice to them would

pitality Awards 2014?

but a man of value.”

be to develop a great appetite for knowledge

I am deeply honored to receive this recognition

and make learning a continuous process - be-

from TnH magazine. Something coming from

What will you describe as high points of

cause a person who graduates today and stops

peers is always very special.

your career?

learning tomorrow is uneducated the day after.

Throughout my career, I have been privileged What motivated you to achieve such an out-

to look after some of the finest and grandest

standing position in the industry?

luxury hotels in India, including, The Oberoi in




HOTELS Most Outstanding Mid-Market Hotel Chain

Fortune Park Hotels Ltd How do you feel about Fortune Park Hotels

through its various sub-brands, the focus of For-

Ltd being recognised as 'Most Outstanding

tune Hotels is holistic in its development. The

Mid-Market Hotel Chain’ at TnH’s Travel &

properties are being set up in major metros, mini

Hospitality Awards 2014? What does winning

metros, state capitals and business towns. Each

this award mean to you?

hotel is created to suit the business needs of a

Firstly, I would like to thank Travel & Hospitality

particular environment leading to a perfect eco-

magazine for bestowing this honour on us. In a

nomic fit, and with each property taking its roots

career spanning about three decades in this in-

in one location it opens up the possibilities at an-

dustry, though there have been various mile-

other level in a neighboring hub of development.

stones, I think one of the most challenging and

Fortune plans to maintain its leadership position

at the same time satisfying experience has been

by following a balanced approach towards

heading ‘Fortune Hotels’ and seeing the com-

growth, expansion, brand extensions and provid-

pany grow exponentially in the past 7-8 years.

ing the same assured quality of product and

The company that was established with a clear

service across the country.

mandate of being a Hotel Management Com-

We plan to work towards taking further our vi-

pany redefined its vision in 2007, of unfurling a

sion of unfurling a Fortune at every 180 km by

Fortune at every 180 km, to cater to the midmar-

concentrating on Metro, Mini-Metro, Tier-I &

ket to upscale hotel segment.

TierII cities across India. In the next few years we

Today, with 71 signed alliances across 55 cities

see ourselves consolidating our position as the

and 44 operating hotels across the country, we

top player in the ‘first class, full service business

have come very close to realizing our vision and I feel truly happy and proud to have been a part of this growth. Awards like these encourage us

hotel segment’ and to be recognized as a Suresh Kumar COO, Fortune Park Hotels

provider of consistent quality products and services, thereby be perceived as the premier “value”

to work towards our goals with renewed energy

your hotels? How do you maintain service

brand in the Indian Hospitality scenario. The

and zeal.

excellence in your operation?

chain has extensive expansion plans and we are

Over the years, with its Tag Line “Let Fortune

looking at being a 90 hotels strong chain in the

What factors make your chain such an out-

Take You Places”, the Fortune chain has been

next couple of years.

standing Mid-Market Hotel Chain?

acknowledged for its distinctive branding, which

Fortune Park Hotels Ltd, a wholly owned sub-

is also being carried through in all aspects, i.e.,

What advice would you like to give to next

sidiary of ITC Ltd, was set up as a Hotel Man-

its branded restaurants, smart décor, convenient

generation hoteliers who desire success in

agement Company to cater to the ‘mid-market to

service design and sub-brands that cater to dif-

this industry?

upscale hotel segment’. The decision to launch

ferent categories of guests. The chain offers full

As is true for any work area especially the serv-

the chain was a natural culmination of the

service without compromising on quality, at a

ice industry, a right blend of passion and com-

group’s expansion plans to cater to this segment.

very people-friendly price. Its unique “value

passion would continue to drive service

Today, Fortune Hotels is recognized as one of



excellence. Therefore, my advice to all young

the leading ‘First Class Full Service Business

product/service positioning has made it carve a

professionals is to strike a work-life balance early

Hotel’ chains in the country.We have always em-

strong niche in the affordable hotel segment.

on in life as it is imperative to succeed in any



phasized on the power of our “spread” as “the length of the chain is the strength of the chain”. What do your customers value most about



field. It provides a distinctive edge to one’s perWhat have been the long-term vision and ob-

sonality and helps to focus on our core compe-

jectives of your chain?


As it continues its sweeping growth across



Fastest Growing Value Hotel Brand: Sarovar Hotels & Resorts How do you feel about your company being

Our Customers greatly value our first class

honored with ‘Fastest Growing Value Hotel

standard of hygiene, exceptional food and our

Brand’ award by TnH at its Travel & Hospi-

smiling and warm staff. They also value our

tality Awards 2014? What does winning this

special touch of adding happiness to stay of

award mean to you?

each guest like: free access to Internet, flexi

It really make me feel great to receive this hon-

checkouts, take away breakfast etc.

our. It is humbling and flattering and a realiza-

We maintain excellent service in operations by

tion that we carry greater responsibility to

consistent and continued training, now available

continue the journey in similar passion.

to every employee on an e-learning platform, regular one-on-one electronic guest feedback

What factors led to your hotel chain achiev-

surveys and benchmarking of standards at all

ing such an outstanding position in the in-


dustry? Mostly we target business travellers all midlevel

What are the long-term vision and objec-

corporate executives, individual businessmen

tives of your chain? Where would you like

and entrepreneurs even though we have a mid-

to see your chain in next five years?

market positioning. Service in our hotels and

Sarovar is looking to be a true pan India com-

particularly they like air conditioning, hot and

pany. Our brand “Sarovar Portico” and “Home-

cold water, television, quality of linen, cleanli-

tel” would drive our expansion as these brands

ness and hygiene matches the best five star ho-

can go into tier-II and tier-III cities. In the larger


cities we would like to move in with our brand “Sarovar Premiere”. The secondary market

What have been the high points of your

would be the main theme of our expansion

chain since its inception?

strategy in next 3 to 5 years. We are also ex-

One of the many high points in the Sarovar his-

panding in Africa where we have operations

tory is the achievement of 70 Hotels in the

and we are going to focus to expand there.

Ajay Bakaya Executive Director, Sarovar Hotels & Resorts

“It really make me feel great to receive this honour. It is humbling and flattering and a realization that we carry greater responsibility to continue the journey in similar passion.”

Sarovar Portfolio.The year 2014,despite being an indifferent year for Indian Hospitality, saw

What advice would you like to give to a next

season of several awards and recognitions for

generation hoteliers who desire success in

the Sarovar group

this industry? To achieve success in the industry it is really im-

What do your customers value most about

portant to be passionate about your dreams

your hotel brand? How do you maintain

and keep working on innovative ideas to trans-

service excellence in your operation?

form these dreams into reality.




HOTELS Most Outstanding Luxury Hotel

The Imperial New Delhi How do you feel about being honored with ‘Most Outstanding Luxury Hotel’ award by TnH at its Travel




2014? What does winning this award mean to you? Winning this esteemed award is like another jewel in The Imperial crown,

tyen’s design of universe made with

tuitive, helpful and discreet team of

reinstating our image of luxury

900 pieces of marble or get em-

associates. From Namaskar to wel-

hotel.TnH award came just after we



come our guests in a truly traditional

won the Best Luxury Historical Hotel

arrangement. Priceless and unique

Indian way to celebration of all

in Asia by World Luxury Hotel

art adorns the walls while the beau-

major festivals with guests, helps in

Awards 2014, strengthening our

tifully manicured gardens surround

acquainting them with Indian culture

the property.

and makes an everlasting impres-

reckoning in the luxury market and in the hospitality industry. These

Vijay Wanchoo Sr. Executive VP & GM, The Imperial New Delhi




sion. In my tenure with The Imperial

awards inspire us to keep The Impe-

ous environs of The Imperial. It’s a

What do your customers value

in the last five and a half years, the

rial experience- unparalleled and

bespoke journey preserved in the

most about your hotel? How do

hotel has been bestowed with sev-

impeccable at all times and at all

heart of New Delhi. It has been ‘The’

you maintain service excellence

eral international and domestic


place to stay for generations of vis-

in your operation?


iting celebrities and royalties. From

Unique history frozen in time , orig-

What factors make your hotel

the moment you sweep up the palm

inal art pieces, lithographs and the

What are the long-term vision





lined drive, your sojourn is guaran-

antiques across the hotel evoking

and objectives of your hotel?


teed to be distinct. Stepping inside

the bygone era is an experience you

My vision is and will always be to

A distinguished experience fringed

the jasmine fragrance filled lobby

will not want to leave. Service Excel-

provide our guests with exquisite

in a hash structure awaits you as

you are transported to another era

lence has always been my top

service, perfectly tailored to their

you step in the understated, luxuri-

while you stop to gaze at the Lu-

priority which comes true with an in-

needs making The Imperial an outstanding luxury historical hotel on the world map. This lofty promise has been and will be delivered upon. What advice would you like to give to next generation hoteliers who desire success in this industry? Adapt the best of hospitality practices- warm and personalized but always stick to your roots to create an authentic experience. When you work towards something no less than perfect, success follows your doorstep.





“Being recognised in the travel and trade fraternity through this prestigious awards ceremony organised by TnH is immensely rewarding. The show witnessed a gathering of some of the most prominent brands in the hospitality industry and it’s a great platform for The Claridges New Delhi to have been recognised for its achievements and consistent service standards that we endeavour to maintain at the hotel.”

Most Outstanding Luxury Boutique Hotel

The Claridges New Delhi How do you feel about your hotel being awarded with ‘Most Outstanding Luxury Boutique Hotel’ award at TnH’s Travel & Hospitality Awards? What does winning this award mean

Atul Lall V.P. Operations and General Manager – The Claridges Hotels & Resorts

to you? Being recognised in the travel and trade fraternity

ombined with our enviable location and the iconic

every colleague understands his or her role in line

through this prestigious awards ceremony organ-

status we have enjoyed over the years, has made

with the hotel’s objective.

ised by TnH is immensely rewarding. The show wit-

the property a preferred hotel option in Delhi for our

nessed a gathering of some of the most prominent


brands in the hospitality industry and it’s a great

What advice would you like to give to a next generation hoteliers who desire success in this

platform for The Claridges New Delhi to have been

What do your customers value most about your


recognised for its achievements and consistent

hotel? How do you maintain service excellence

In my view, following are some significant building

service standards that we endeavour to maintain at

in your operations?

blocks to consider to achieve success in the hospi-

the hotel.

Our customer feedback is clearly indicative of the

tality industry

fact that our service and the team delivering that

a.Manage by facts.

What factors make your hotel such an out-

service is the highlight of the customer experience

b. Teams win, individuals don’t. Focus on creating

standing luxury boutique hotel?

at The Claridges New Delhi. Currently we have an

winning teams by choosing the right people for the

The Claridges New Delhi has been an prominent

overall satisfaction level of 92% from guests who

right job.

boutique hotel of the city since 1955, with an art

have stayed and rated our services.

c. Have a well defined objective for the hotel and

décor façade and interiors, open spaces, expansive

In addition to a very stringent selection process,

garden, rooms with high ceilings, suite and room

there is a certification program which ensures that

all colleagues persistently.

sizes that are amongst the largest in the city. The

our colleagues are only allowed serve guests after

d. The "E3" approach with colleagues- Empower,

hotel has long been associated with elegance and

being certified by our training department to our

Engage, Enjoy.

a distinctly personalised and warm service – this

standards. Service excellence is delivered when

e. Be magnanimous in dealing with your customers.

ensure that the objective isn’t a secret. Share it with




HOTELS Most Outstanding MICE Hotel:

Crowne Plaza Greater Noida an outdoor pool with hydrobeds and a world class

sion everyday.

wellness centre – Sohum Spa. Additionally, Crowne Plaza Greater Noida features 11 meeting

What have been the long-term vision and ob-

rooms, 02 open lawns with a total of 47000 sq. ft.

jectives of your hotel?

of meeting space. A standalone convention centre

The vision is and always will be “to be No.1”. We

in the hotel premises for large conventions and

want to be Great hotels guests love and by achiev-

conferences. With 16 Breakout rooms, Crowne

ing this we wish to create the right combination of

Plaza Greater Noida holds the record for the high-

product, service and work culture to build confi-

est number of breakout rooms in Delhi NCR. If

dent employees who are able to interact with

that's not all, we have a total of 05 food and bev-

guests, attract more International conferences, in-

erage outlets, 03 operational and 02 more to

crease the Forex income for India and put India on

launch sometime this year. The Belgian Beer Cafe,

the map as a conference destination.

the first of its kind in India, is due to launch before

Greesh Bindra GM, Crowne Plaza Greater Noida

the start of the summers this year and I am sure

What advice would you like to give to next gen-

that would heighten the overall experience of our

eration hoteliers who desire success in this in-

MICE segment.

dustry? My advice to a next generation hoteliers is: Stay

What do your customers value most about

How do you feel about your hotel being recog-

your hotel? How do you maintain service ex-

nised as ‘Most Outstanding MICE Hotel’ at

cellence in your operation?

TnH’s Travel & Hospitality Awards 2014? What

Apart from our outstanding product, the customers

does winning this award mean to you?

value our service. I am fortunate to have an excel-

The most proud moment for me was the pride I

lent team who live and breathe the IHG vision “To

saw in Dr. Mahesh Sharma when I was honoured

be No. 1”. With this goal in mind, they ensure that

with the award. He has seen the hotel being built

they give undeterred attention to all our guests and

and now is in the start of the second year of oper-

with employee engagement activities and train-

ations. It is my team and their dedication that earn

ings; they manage to inch forward towards this vi-

us this award and I am extremely motivated to keep up the work we have been doing to continue to be “Great Hotels Guests Love” What factors make your hotel such an outstanding MICE hotel? Crowne Plaza Greater Noida offers 398 guest rooms comprising of 49 aervice apartment and 17 suites. Our quiet and comfortable rooms are equipped with plush and luxurious beds, a media hub, high-speed Wi-Fi and Bose music systems. Guests have a variety of amenities at their disposal such as a fully-equipped business centre, an on-site health and fitness centre which includes



Smart, Think Smart

“It is my team and their dedication that earns us this award and I am extremely motivated to keep up the work we have been doing to continue to be “Great Hotels Guests Love”


HOTELS Best Debut Mid-Segment Hotel:

Nirwana Hometel Jaipur How do you feel about your hotel being awarded as ‘Best Debut Mid-Segment Hotel’ award at TnH’s Travel & Hospitality Awards 2014? It makes me feel great that our hotel has been recognised as ‘Best Debut Mid-Segment Hotel’ by TnH magazine, which is a very prestigious publication in the hospitality industry. We are deeply honoured by this recognition. What are the key features that make your hotel such an excellent property? Our key features like location, price point, value for money, build quality, intelligent design, optimum use of available spaces, friendly and efficient service make our hotel an excellent property. What is your idea of best hospitality? How do you deliver that?

Veerendra Meel Owner, Nirwana Hometel Jaipur

We offer our hospitality from the heart with a genuine smile coupled with best in class services and facilities. What advice would you like to give to a next generation professionals in the hotel industry who desire success in this industry? To prospective owners I would say don't skimp on essential costs, specially for safety and security features, while building the hotel but at the same time don't lose sight of your ROI (return on investment) and go overboard. Location is the single most important factor for a property's success followed by a right fit brand backed by experienced operating team.



“It makes me feel great that our hotel has been recognised as ‘Best Debut Mid-Segment Hotel’ by TnH magazine, which is a very prestigious publication in the hospitality industry. We are deeply honoured by this recognition.”



Most Outstanding Online Company-B2C: Yatra How do you feel about Yatra being recognised

To succeed in any kind of business one should

as ‘Most Outstanding Online Company-B2C’ by

dream and have an unfathomable desire to achieve

TnH magazine at its Travel & Hospitality Awards

that dream. One should be passionate, committed


and most importantly be patient to do well in busi-

It always feels great to be recognized and appreci-

ness as there are no shortcuts to success.

ated for the effort one puts in to deliver the best and unique experiences to its consumers. This motivates us to do even better and push ourselves to constantly innovate and bring new travel deals for our customers. I am really thankful to the team at Yatra and the customers who have supported us throughout our journey. This wouldn’t have been possible without them. What will you describe as the most defining characteristic of your company? What do your customers value most about your company? Yatra is a very customer focused company and that’s our most defining characteristic as well. We strive to deliver what is the best for our customers and spend a lot of our efforts in technological development to ensure a superior product. The Yatra experience is a combination of great prices as well as a great user experience, and that has helped us maintain strong loyalty despite a very competitive OTA landscape. We are very bullish on our recently launched rewards cum loyalty programme – eCash, that rewards our customers with eCash that can be redeemed on the very next purchase with us. What has been the long-term vision of Yatra? Our vision is to make the most preferred travel company loved by its customers, provide a superior customer experience and deliver on our promise of creating millions of Happy Travellers. What advice would you like to give to young travel professionals who desire success in this industry?



Dhruv Shringi CEO, Yatra

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Nick J Parker Head of India & Middle-East, Virgin Atlantic

This year is our 15th year of flying to New Delhi

welcomed into the Virgin Atlantic fleet on the 2nd

and it remains a key business, leisure and VFR

of January and has now started flying to Wash-

route and continues to be popular with our cus-

ington DC. This is just the start of us moving to-

tomers. We aim to continue to grow our market

wards having a younger and more fuel-efficient

share and offer our customers a unique on- board

fleet as throughout 2015 we will be getting seven


more 787s, which will eventually total 21 by 2018.

We started last year with formalizing our Delta

In April 2015, we will be welcoming the brand

joint venture, opening a breadth of connectivity

new Dreamliner 787-9 to India which will start fly-

for the Indian market on the transatlantic route.

ing daily to London Heathrow from New Delhi.

We also announced £300m investment in cus-

The 787 is not just more environmentally

tomer experience, a sizeable chunk of which will

friendly, it is also our best aircraft for customer ex-

be in our cabins, seats and food & beverage.

perience. As well as moving towards a younger

Our strategy is about offering an innovative way

fleet, we will be investing in our existing aircraft –

to travel, bringing fun and glamour back that only

driving enhancements in food and wine services

we can offer at no extra cost. Our cabins, our

How do you feel about your airline being

namic travel experience that allows them to relax

awarded with ‘Most Outstanding International

earlier and arrive feeling fresh. It all attributes to

Airline of the Year’ award at TnH’s Travel &

how we make them feel and how we enable them

Hospitality Awards 2014? What does winning

to achieve what they want. It is about the whole

this award mean to you?

package, not about product and services in iso-

It is truly an honor to be selected by TnH as the


“It is truly an honor to be selected by TnH as the most ‘Most Outstanding International Airline of the Year’. Thank you to all those who voted for us, we're thrilled to bits. Fourteen years after we first flew from India, we're still pioneering and offering travellers the best possible experience in the air. Innovation and forward thinking are such an integral part of what we do and how we live to our brand promise.”

the Year’. Thank you to all those who voted for us,

What is the long-term vision of your airline?

as well as being the first UK airline to roll out WiFi

we're thrilled to bits. Fourteen years after we first

The success of our business strategy requires us

across our entire fleet. This means that no matter

flew from India, we're still pioneering and offering

to build on our foundations by focusing on the

where our customers fly, they will have the best

travellers the best possible experience in the air.

business and leisure markets, and driving effi-

possible experience on Virgin Atlantic.

Most Outstanding International Airline of The Year: Virgin Atlantic

crew and our service are our biggest differentiators. What do your customers value most about your airline? What is your mantra of service excellence? Customer service is our priority and we approach it with our own ‘Virgin flair’ and that is one of the reasons why our passengers choose to fly with us. We give our customers a vibrant and a dy-

most ‘Most Outstanding International Airline of

Innovation and forward thinking are such an inte-

ciency and effectiveness. India is a strategically

gral part of what we do and how we live to our

important pillar at the heart of Virgin Atlantic’s rest

What advice would you like to give to young

brand promise.

of world network and we remain committed to it.

aviation professionals who desire success in

We’re investing a great deal into our customer ex-

this industry?

What factors make your airline as the ‘Most

perience (£300 million over the next four years)

India has huge potential in the aviation sector

Outstanding International Airline of the Year’?

and those travelling with us will see lots of inno-

apart from the other opportunities. In this industry,

Although Virgin Atlantic is a global brand, we con-

vations and investments in the coming year and

experience and knowledge along with the pas-

sider ourselves to have local relevance. Our

beyond. In April, we will be opening a Clubhouse

sion to keep the customer at the heart of every-

unique product and premium service are at the

in Los Angeles for the first time.

thing is considered hallmark of a great career.

core of our brand – as well as our passion for innovating.


We took delivery of our first Boeing 787-9 in October last year. Our second Dreamliner was



AIRLINES Most Outstanding Airline Professional: Essa Sulaiman Ahmad, Vice President for India & Nepal, Emirates team of professionals , we believe in hard work and dedication. That is the DNA and that is where all the motivation comes from. What will you describe as the most important achievement of your career? I have been with Emirates for more than 10 years now. I have worked in different parts of the world under some very challenging conditions. I believe the overall journey so far has been an achievement. What do you find most fascinating in this industry? The industry has changed over the years and that is exactly the most fascinating part of our industry. Technology is playing a very important role and i am very fascinated with that. What advice would you like to give to young airline professionals who desire success in this industry? How do you feel about being honored with

It’s good to see youngsters with different back-

‘Most Outstanding Airline Professional’

grounds joining the industry. My advice will be to

award byTnH magazine at itsTravel & Hospi-

keep upgrading ones knowledge, one must get

tality Awards 2014? What does winning this

some technical knowledge about the economics

award mean to you?

of the airline business.

It is indeed a pleasure to honored with the award. I accept this award on behalf of Emirates and my team in India , as without a world class product and a dedicated team of professionals, this would not be possible. What motivated you to achieve such an outstanding position in the airline industry? At Emirates we always strive to be the best in whatever we do, whether it is creating a global inflight product , our network or a world class




AIRLINES Pride of the Nation:

Air India

Pankaj Srivastava Director- Commercial, Air India How do you feel about Air India being honored as the ‘Pride of the Nation’ at the Travel & Hospitality Awards 2014? What does winning this award mean to you? We are delighted and humbled by this award. It puts greater responsibility on Air India as the National Carrier to keep up the trust the Nation has bestowed on us. According to you, what are the factors that make Air India ‘the Pride of the Nation’ ? Air India is the National Carrier of the country. It has a history as old as the history of the Indian Civil Aviation industry itself. Air India has made a great contribution to the sector since its inception. It is also the second line of defense for the country and has contributed immensely in evacua-



tions of Indians from International

What is the long-term vision of Air

and domestic destinations during


Natural calamities, civil disturbances

The Long term vision of Air India is

and wars. Along with its business ob-

to be the leader in Indian Aviation

jectives, the airline has a keen un-

and India's ambassador to the world.

derstanding of its corporate social

The corporate Mission is to deliver

responsibility and corporate gover-

the highest quality service around

nance based on transparency, fair-

the world, be the epitome of Indian

ness and accountability in all its

hospitality and provide seamless


travel within India and the world.

What do Air India’s customers

What advice would you like to

value most about the national ca-

give to next generation Airline


professionals who desire success

Air India has been awarded the Most

in this industry?

Trusted Brand by Readers Digest 9

The success of any organization and

times in a row which really sums up

individual today is solely dependent

the customer expectations from the

on their adaptability to change with


the fast changing world and the same is true in the airline industry.


AIRLINES Aviation Game Changer: Vistara How do you feel on being honoured with

through designated queues and our various

fully at every customer touch point. For ex-

‘Aviation Game Changer’ award by TnH at

check in options including auto check-in. The

ample, to augment our comprehensive and

its Travel & Hospitality Awards 2014?

hassle-free check-in and boarding process

user friendly website, we are also providing a

What does winning this award mean to

with intuitively thoughtful on-board experi-

24x7 Customer Service Centre. This facility


ence, comfortable and spacious seating cou-

deploys state of the art technology and well-

This award is very special as this is one of

pled with carefully designed meals will

trained staff, and is meant to serve as a one-

the first awards we have won post our

stop centre for any of our customers’

launch. The past few months have been ex-

servicing needs that cannot be handled on

citing for us with the preparations for the

the website.

launch and finally our inaugural flights. This award coming to us is a reflection

What is the long-term vision of your

of our hard work and perseverance


to redefine the way travellers per-

We want to become the preferred full

ceive and experience air travel.

service airline of choice known for

This award recognises our ef-

its exceptional customer service.

forts and vision of transform-

At Vistara, innovation is at the

ing the aviation sector so I

core of our operations and serv-

would like to dedicate this to

ice and we have adopted global

my team as they have

best practices, out-of-the-box

worked relentlessly over the

thinking and hired and trained

last one year to get Vistara

the finest talent available. We

to the Indian skies.

are focused on approaching the market differently and this is reflected in the innovations we have

What factors position your

introduced across our product and

airline as an ‘Aviation Game

service offerings.

Changer’ in India? Vistara is all set to bring a positive change in the Indian aviation sector. Once customers experience Vistara – its product

What advice would you like to give to Phee Teik Yeoh CEO, Vistara

next generation civil aviation professionals who desire success in this industry?

and services and its unique proposition, they

The aviation market is highly competitive and

will enjoy the seamlessness of travel and will

dynamic. It is important that the customer’s

be able to appreciate how air travel experi-

deliver a seamless service experience to Vis-

needs and expectations are given top priority

ence can be crafted thoughtfully. We are har-

tara customers. To sum it up, through every-

while designing and delivering the product

nessing best in class technology and training

thing we are offering, we have endeavored to

and service propositions. Innovation and

people to bring about that experience

push the boundaries of air travel and offer

customer centricity should be the pivot as-

through all customer touch points- on-ground

our customers experiences that will trans-

pects for anyone wanting to enter the indus-

and on-board. We are introducing many firsts

form the way they perceived flying.

try. And ofcourse the sector is mired with

in our product and service offerings which in-

challenges and unpredictability so one has

clude being the first to introduce ‘Premium

What do your customers value most

to be prepared to deal with the trials and

Economy’ in domestic skies. Our value

about your airline? What is your mantra

tribulations with equanimity, transparency

based points accrual in Frequent Flyer Pro-

of service excellence?

and integrity. Having said that, the aviation

gram is yet another pioneer program. We

It is a combination of operational excellence-

industry has a high potential and is already

promise a seamless boarding experience

and service excellence, delivered thought-

on a growth path.





Ashwani Lohani Managing Director Cum Commissioner, Madhya Pradesh Tourism

Most Outstanding State for Tourism: Madhya Pradesh How do you feel about MP being awarded as “Most outstanding State for Tourism” by TnH magazine at its Travel & Hospitality Awards 2014? You always feel good when you get such recognition. I am happy that Madhya Pradesh has got recognized as ‘Most Outstanding State for Tourism’. I genuinely believe, Madhya Pradesh, ‘The heart of Incredible India’ is an incredible, outstanding and easily accessible destination that deserves all the recognition it gets.

“Madhya Pradesh has best of everything. Whether it is religion, culture, leisure, adventure, heritage, nature, wildlife or festivals, the state has something to offer to every tourist.”

What make MP as “Most outstanding State for Tourism”? What is most amazing thing about the state as a tourist destination? Madhya Pradesh has best of everything. Whether it is religion, culture, leisure, adventure, heritage, nature, wildlife or festivals, the state has everything a tourist in India can dream off. It obviously helps that it is a very large state with wonderful climate and





breathtaking landscapes. The feather in the

trade events ourselves to attract tourists to

cap is that MP is a peaceful state with warm

the state.

and hospitable people always eager to wel-

What kind of supports do you expect from Government of India in the develop-

come tourists.

What is your assessment of existing

ment of tourism in the state?

What would be your priorities and focus

tourism infrastructure in the state? How

The Ministry of Tourism (MoT), Government

areas for tourism Sector in the state?

are you going to augment it?

of India does overseas promotion of India as

We have to work very hard and focus on

We need to improve tourism infrastructure in

a tourist destination. It facilitates develop-

every area of the tourism sector to ensure

the state. With increasing number of tourists

ment and promotion of tourism. It provides fi-

we can fully tap the incredible tourism poten-

visiting the state we need more hotel rooms


tial of the state and achieve the kind of ex-

in every category, especially in the mid-mar-

development of tourism infrastructure and for

cellence a state which is so naturally gifted

ket segment, to cater to the increasing de-

marketing its tourist products. Tourism is one

is capable of. To answer your question, every

mands of hotel rooms. We also need to

of the key priorities of the Government of

area of tourism sector is important for us.

develop more convention centers to promote

India, and we will take advantage of the sup-

There is not a single area which we can

MICE tourism in the state.

ports offered by MoT.






overlook or where we don’t need to focus on.

We are seeking private investment in the

Our aim is to achieve all round excellence

tourism sector of the state to develop tourist

What would be your focus market: do-

without being selective and missing out on

infrastructure and other facilities. The private

mestic or foreign?

an important sector.

sector has a key role to play in the develop-

We will continue to focus on domestic mar-

We have already started working hard to

ment of tourism and we will assist them in

ket, which is a huge market and has huge

improve the image and perception of the

any way we can. Furthermore, we will re-

potential. We will strive to attract domestic

state as a tourist destination. We will create

vamp and renovate our properties under

tourists by providing them all kind of ameni-

compelling desire amongst tourists to visit

Madhya Pradesh Tourism Development Cor-

ties. We believe, if we can do well in the do-

Madhya Pradesh. We will conduct promo-

poration (MPTDC). We will soon come up

mestic market, foreign tourist arrivals to the

tional campaigns, organize road shows, par-

with a state- of-the art convention centre in

state will automatically get a boost.

ticipate in trade events and organize big





TOURISM DESTINATIONS Emerging International Tourism Destination: Monaco Most Outstanding International MICE Destination: Abu Dhabi Most Outstanding Advertising Campaign: Marvellous Mauritius Most Outstanding All-Season Destination: Kenya The destinations your company is handling

guest nights, which was up 25% year-on-year.

seem to be winning the most awards. How

Monaco has seen an evident increase from

does that make you feel?

India. From Jan to August 2014, approximately

Awards are a motivational force for people to

6,000 room nights were generated from India.

put in their efforts. TNH is the premier publica-

It is fast evolving and is increasingly becoming

tion to report on the Indian travel trade devel-

a niche strategic market. For Kenya, India is the

opments and Indian outbound trends in the

biggest source market in Asia. India ranks 4th

most accurate and unbiased manner. Conse-

overall in arrivals after UK, US and Italy.

quently, TNH awards are a great judge of the industry’s tastes and preferences and I feel ec-

Your organization has been representing

static that our destinations are being appreci-

foreign destinations in India. According to


you, how important is India as a market for







your clients? Each destination has its own unique aspects,

What do these destinations (Monaco, Kenya

offering an unmatched holiday with a vast

and Abu Dhabi) offer to Indians in terms of

range of activities. India is very important mar-

tourism products?

ket for destinations from across the world. The

Monaco is known for its style statement, scenic

destinations that are present in the market

beauty, classy lifestyle, spectacular architecture

have faith in Indian market potential and are

and renowned casinos, world-renowned culi-

getting the desired results from the market. Rajeev Nangia COO, TRAC Representations (I) Pvt. Ltd.

For Abu Dhabi, India continues to be the

Abu Dhabi is the perfect leisure and MICE get-

Kenya offers the traveller an unmatched range

35% year-on-year growth. Monaco is the

away for Indian FIT’s and business travellers. It

of options. It has diversity of wildlife, culture,

choice destination for the luxury destination

has stunning architectural wonders and tranquil

landscapes and unspoilt beaches and water

market, large Indian weddings and the honey-

oases to enjoy a complete holiday. One of Abu

sport activities. It offers unique opportunity to

moon segment. Kenya remains a popular des-

Dhabi’s most iconic landmarks is the famous

explore beaches to snow clad mountains or

tination with the Indian travellers looking at

Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque - recently voted

from a wild safari experience to cultural

exotic adventure holidays and wanting to be

second in TripAdvisors’ Travellers Choice


up-close with Nature. For long haul like Ja-

nary experiences, and the list is never ending when it comes to luxury and glamour.

awards for outstanding landmarks. Abu Dhabi

largest overseas source market with around

maica, India continues to be a growing market

is home to the opulent Emirates Palace and the

All the awards indicate that the year 2014

thanks to the large number of long haul trav-

complete family entertainment of Yas Water-

has been a successful one for Abu Dhabi,

ellers choosing this destination for a unique

world and Ferrari World. Saadiyat Island with

Monaco and Kenya. How have these desti-

holiday experience.

its sweeping beach, Saadiyat Beach Golf Club

nations gained in the Indian market in the

and stunning beachfront resorts, will also soon

past year?

Kindly brief us on the India-specific market-

be home to the first of a series of world-class

Yes, the year 2014 has been a successful year

ing strategies of these destinations.

cultural institutions. The Jean Nouvel-designed

for our destinations. Abu Dhabi welcomed

Our efforts while marketing any destination in

Louvre Abu Dhabi will open next year, followed

207,136 Indian hotel guests from Jan – Nov.

India are to ensure consumer awareness and

a year later by the Zayed National Museum and

2014 at a growth rate of 31% over the same pe-

building trade engagement to cater to the re-

the Guggenheim Abu Dhabi in 2017.

riod last year. These guests delivered 773,661

quirements of Indian clientele.





ally happy by showing that we are getting the fruits

Lifestyle Destination:

What makes Turkey the Most Outstanding

of what we are investing in India.

Lifestyle Destination? What will you describe as the most amazing thing about Turkey?


Turkey is at the crossroads between Asia, Middle East and Europe which gives the travelers a very unique experience of every blend. In that sense, I would describe Istanbul as the

I would describe Istanbul as the most amazing thing (or destination) in Turkey which is located on two continents, Asia and Europe. You will find the best of history, culture, fashion, shopping, night life etc in this city while crossing from one continent to another without even using your passport. Isn't that amazing?

most amazing thing (or destination) in Turkey which is located on two continents, Asia and Europe. You will find the best of history, culture, fashion, shopping, night life etc in this city while crossing from one continent to another without even using your passport. Isn't that amazing? How was the year 2014 for Turkey Tourism in India? What is your expectation from India in the New Year? A: The year 2014 was very successful for Turkey. We had almost one lakh twenty thousand Indian travelers, which is a 25% growth rate over 2013. Keeping in mind the increasing popularity of Turkey in Indian market, we are not expecting a growth rate less than 30 % in 2015. What new things are you plan-

Ozgur Ayturk Coordinator, Asia and Pasific Section, Directorate General of Promotion Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Republic of Turkey

ning to promote Turkey in India? Apart from the regular activities like running media campaigns,

How do you feel of Turkey being recognized as

participating in the major tourism fairs and conduct-

the “Most Outstanding Lifestyle Destination� at

ing joint marketing activities with the key players in

the Travel & Hospitality Awards 2014?

the market, we are also planning to organize road-

It is a great honour to achieve this award by TnH

shows and other promotional activities in Tier II and

magazine which is a leading travel trade publication

Tier III cities to realize the maximum potential in the

in the market. Carefully followed by the industry, TnH


magazine's awards ceremony is definitely a very well respected event and receiving the award made us re-




TOURISM DESTINATIONS Most Outstanding Leisure Destination: Thailand How do you feel about Thailand being recognised as “Most Outstanding Leisure Destination” by TnH magazine at its Travel & Hospitality Awards 2014? I am very happy that our country has been recognised as ‘Most Outstanding Leisure Destination’ by TnH magazine at its recent

“This recognition once again reconfirms that Thailand is a very popular leisure destination not only in India but across the world, and Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) remains the best tourism organisation. We are thankful to TnH and its team for considering our country for this recognition.”

Travel & Hospitality Awards 2014. This recognition once again confirms that Thailand is a very popular leisure destination not only in

from tourism and our efforts to increase rev-

India but across the world, and Tourism Au-

enue from Indian market have been suc-

thority of Thailand (TAT) remains the best

cessful. We are happy that expenditure per

tourism organisation. We are thankful to TnH

Indian per trip to Thailand has increased by

and it team for considering our country for

3 % in 2014 as compared to the previous

this recognition. These awards will encour-

year. In 2013, expenditure made by Indians

age us to stay stronger and ahead. We con-

per person per trip in Thailand was 33, 000

gratulate our team in TAT and our Thai

Thai Baht, which became 44, 000 Thai Baht

people without whom we would not have

in 2014.

been able to get such recognition. We are also grateful to our government for

What new things are you planning to pro-

their continued and strong support to tourism

mote Thailand in India?

sector. We also thank Indian travel trade for

We recently launched our new ‘2015 Dis-

promote Thailand. We are also grateful to In-

cover Thainess’ campaign to present Thai-

dian travellers who made Thailand their pre-

ness, Thai culture and festivals across the

ferred holiday destination.

world including India. We invite Indians to Runjuan Tongrut, Director, New Delhi Office, Tourism Authority of Thailand, Delhi

come to Thailand and experience Thainess. The campaign is being well-received in our

What make Thailand a preferred leisure

the best hospitality. TAT is a 55- year old or-

markets. We will undertake many other pro-

destination in Indian Market?

ganisation so we have a lot of experience to

motional activities this year to promote Thai-

It is our Thai hospitality which is appreciated

promote tourism. We have been very innova-

land in India. We recently appointed Mary

by Indian travellers and tourists from across

tive, creative and active in promoting Thai-

Kom, a five-time World Amateur Boxing

the world. Thailand is close to India. We are

land and keep doing new innovations.

champion, as Thai Boxing ambassador, to

an affordable, attractive and easily accessi-

promote Thai boxing. We invite Indians to

ble destination for Indians. Thailand and

How was the year 2014 for Thailand

India have many cultural similarities. A value

Tourism in India? What is your expecta-

for money destination, Thailand offers varied

tion from India in the New Year?

choices to Indian travellers. The country is a

The last year was a good year for us. We re-

favorite destination for family, weddings, ad-

ceived about one million Indian tourists in

ventures, golf and shopping. Whole family to-

2014. However, we are concentrating more

gether can visit Thailand. Ours is a

on expenditure Indian tourists make in Thai-

destination for all kinds of tourists. Many Indi-

land. We have been concentrating on luxury

ans love to go to Thailand because it offers

and high-end travellers to increase revenue



come to Thailand to experience Thai boxing.


TOURISM DESTINATIONS Most Outstanding Taiwan Island Destination How do you feel about Taiwan being

beautiful coasts and other natural as-

tourists in Asia (the others are Singa-

recognized as the “Most Outstanding

sets. In fact, Mother Nature is at her

pore and Japan); so in Taiwan you can

Island Destination” at the Travel and

best here. Home to north-east Asia’s

enjoy Asia’s safest and easiest tour ex-

Hospitality Awards 2014?

tallest mountain -- Yu Mountain in


It is indeed an honour and a matter of

Yushan, Taiwan is studded with numer-

pride for Taiwan to be recognized as the ‘most outstanding island destination’. We are very pleased that Taiwan is being recognized for its sheer natural beauty and stunning scenery.

“It is indeed an honour and a matter of pride for Taiwan to be recognized as the ‘Most Outstanding Island Destination’. We are very pleased that Taiwan is being recognized for its sheer natural beauty and stunning scenery.”

What will you describe as the most amazing thing about Taiwan as an Is-

ous mountains over 3,000 meters tall.

How was the year 2014 for Taiwan

land destination? What do travelers

No wonder, Taiwan is lovingly called

Tourism in India? What is your ex-

like most about Taiwan?

"Mountainous Island". Taiwan offers the

pectation from India in the New Year?

When the Portugese first sighted Taiwan

perfect combination of fabulous food,

The year 2014 was fantastic for Taiwan

in 16th century, they called it – Ilha For-

superb nightlife; night markets; hot

in general. Taiwan received a record

mosa, the beautiful island! How ab-

springs; enriching culture; history and

number of visitors, 9,910,204 to be

solutely right they were! Taiwan is

stunning natural beauty. Taiwan is also

specificl. Out of this a fairly healthy per-

known for its towering mountains and

among the top three safest countries for

centage were Indian tourists, who chose Taiwan for its safety, superb shopping, exciting night markets, culture, heritage and as an ideal family holiday destination. What new things are you planning to promote Taiwan in India? We are going to promote Taiwan aggressively in the trade and consumer sectors through advertising, participation in Trade shows, FAM trips, workshops, hoardings in major cities, in-cinema promotions and many other digital and online channels in 2015.


ntry Head, l Saxena, Cou

m Bureau

Taiwan Touris




REPRESENTATIONS Most Outstanding Company for International Tourism Representation in India: TRAC Representations (India) Pvt. Ltd. How do you feel about being honored with

great journey and we continue to walk.

‘Most Outstanding Company for International Tourism Representation in India’ award

With the Indian outbound market growing

at Travel & Hospitality Awards 2014? What

fast, how do you see travel representation

does winning this award mean to you?

business growing in India in future?

Travel and Hospitality Awards are one of the

We have stood shoulder to shoulder with our in-

most respected in the industry and being recog-

dustry partners and facilitated them with new

nised on this platform gives me immense pride.

opportunities. We strongly feel that it has been

It is always a pleasure when your vision and

a great collective industry effort to push the out-

hard work is applauded. I accept this award on

bound business and that is what has helped the

behalf of my entire team at TRAC, without

market grow at a phenomenal pace. Today, India

whose dedication and support this would not be

is the second fastest growing outbound market


and will continue to attract various destinations, products and services. There is an influx of var-

Kavi Ghei Chairman, Trac Representations (India) Pvt. Ltd.

“Travel and Hospitality Awards are one of the most respected in the industry and being recognised on this platform gives me immense pride. It is always a pleasure when your vision and hard work is applauded. I accept this award on behalf of my entire team at TRAC, without whose dedication and support this would not be possible.”

What makes your organization as one of re-

ious new destinations, tourism products and

pute and distinction? How do you maintain

services that want to capitalize on Indian out-

excellence in your services?

bound growth, thus making room for business to

TRAC pioneered the representation business in

grow by leaps and bounds.

India with an objective to grow the Indian outbound market. Over the years we have success-

How do you plan to grow in future and ex-


pand your presence?






international destinations and various products

The future always presents new challenges and

and services. We have worked on a customized

we believe that TRAC has a long and strong

approach and continue to provide innovative

standing to look up to. Our commitment to de-

marketing solutions to our clients, thus creating

liver results is visible and will continue to remain

an edge in the market and long lasting impres-

our strong point to expand in the future.

sions. We have been practicing and following the path of neutrality thus helping the fellow industry partners to grow their businesses. A focused approach broken down in simplistic implementable modules has been the key to our delivering the results. What have been high points of your organization since its inception? We believe we are a very young and committed organization with various result-oriented success stories. However each assignment brings its own challenges and we believe in creating a success out of the same. We feel it has been a





Most Outstanding GSA

Group ConCorDe

Prithviraj Singh Chug Director, Group Concorde

How do you feel about Group Concorde

such an outstanding position as a GSA?

we are a neutral entity and that we never com-

being honored with the ‘Most Outstanding

We've proactively managed the day to day ac-

pete with the other market players and focus

GSA’ award at the Travel & Hospitality

tivities ourselves and the board/shareholders

purely on our GSA activity with no retail busi-

Awards 2014?

have directly been involved with the principals


What does winning this

award mean to you?

and customers. We believe that this business

The feeling is rewarding and that of happiness.

cannot be sustained if you're not on the ground

What advice would you like to give to your

We have always just focused on doing our work

yourself; teams without leaders always face

generation of travel professionals who de-

and making sure that all our clients and their

challenges. The leadership of our Managing Di-

sire success?

products stand out in the market. Winning this

rector, Mr. Pukhraj Chugh and the guidance of

It is tough for me to give anyone advise to my

award gives us a sense of achievement that all

our CEO Mr. Jasraj Chug, have been instru-

peers as I'm a young professional in the indus-

these years of deep market penetration and re-

mental in our growth so far.

try myself. However, our managing director al-

lationships that we have developed duly recog-

ways encourages us to make sure that we are

nise our efforts. We hope we can continue this

What do your clients value most in your

able to deliver value to our clients before we


GSA business?

reap value for ourselves. That ways we create

Our clients value that we are there for them

a win-win for everyone.

What factors led to your company achieving



around the clock. Furthermore, they value that


TOUR OPERATORS & TRAVEL TECHNOLOGY Most Outstanding Online Travel Company-B2B: EaseMyTrip How do you feel about EaseMyTrip being

this industry?

recognised as ‘Most Outstanding Online

I would like to tell young travel professionals

Travel Company-B2B’ by TnH at its Travel &

that despite having all the challenges, travel in-

Hospitality Awards 2014?

dustry is a platform where you can perform bet-

Success always gives a great feeling. It seems

ter than any other industry. This is a profession

that your hard work has been given special at-

that doesn’t take your complete time. You can

tention. I am really pleased and proud to re-

be a travel agent after being a housewife, a

ceive this award from TnH. In fact, I feel that this

serviceman or while running any other busi-

achievement is a step in right direction for


achieving better growth in business and life.

For budding travel professionals, I would sug-

Receiving ‘Most Outstanding Online Travel

gest that they should be specialized for certain

Company-B2B’ from TnH magazine will give

destinations instead of being a generalist travel

me encouragement for excelling in travel sec-

agent. People actually value a real specialist.


Nishant Pitti CEO, EaseMyTrip

What will you describe as the defining characteristic of your company? What do your customers value most about your company? Innovation is the defining characteristics of EaseMyTrip. By following unique and relevant strategies, we are increasing number of potential clients for our company. Trust is an important characteristic for which our customers value us the most. They are sure of creativity and innovation of our company. They know that we won’t let them down while enjoying the most beautiful moments of their life. They trust in our

There are two kinds of travelers – those with lesser time and more money and those with more time and lesser money. Deliver the best

“Success always gives a great feeling. It seems that your hard work has been given special attention. I am really pleased and proud to receive this award from TnH. In fact, I feel that this achievement is a step in right direction for achieving better growth in business and life. Receiving ‘Most Outstanding Online Travel Company-B2B’ from TnH magazine will give me encouragement for excelling in travel sector.”

value to both of them differently. Keep an eye on market and offer the competitive rates to your clients. Build your reputation, develop trust among customers and create brand awareness. This will help your travel agency in getting more business.

products and services because we walk that extra mile to bring that precious smile on their

India by delivering the clients excellent services

face by offering best holidaying experiences. In

at the most cost-effective rates. We constantly

6 years of our existence, the turnover of our

plan to deliver efficient detailed oriented travel

company exceeded to Rs. 1000 Crores last

services and generate obvious savings for

year and we are constantly growing with a rate

them. As a renowned OTA of India, we value

of 25-30% every year. This is happening be-

our clients and serve them with personal care

cause our clients’ trust and reliability in our

and zeal. Our constant effort is not only to be-


come number one in Indian travel industry but also become an agent whom people can trust

What have been the long-term vision and

completely for their travel planning.

objectives of EaseMyTrip? The main objective of EaseMyTrip has always

What advice would you like to give to young

been to become the topmost travel company of

travel professionals who desire success in





Most Outstanding Tour Operator (Offline): Carnation Travels How do you feel about your company being recognized as the ‘Most Outstanding Tour Operator (Offline) at the Travel & Hospitality Awards 2014? We feel honoured as the award bestowed on us is highly appropriate since we are striving hard to be recognised as the ‘Most Outstanding and Trusted Tour Operator/ Travel Agent in the Offline segment’. It seems people have truly understood and appreciated the way we are branding ourselves. We also feel proud of the fact that we are the best in the field.

Rajesh Sethi Managing Director, Carnation Travels

What will you describe as the defin-

What advice would you like to give

ing characteristic of your company?

to young travel professionals who

What do your customers value most

desire success in this industry?

about your company?

To be very transparent and honest to

The transparency exhibited when

the customers which will be highly

bookings are finalized and personal-

beneficial for their success in the long

ized and the friendly service thereafter,


which is rarely available at other Travel Agencies is what sets us apart. What has been the long-term vision of Carnation Travels? To have a data base of clientele who have faith in our services and repeatedly give us the opportunity to plan their Tours/ Holidays and at the same time managing to give personalized service to each one of them.



We feel honoured as the award bestowed on us is highly appropriate since we are striving hard to be recognised as the ‘Most Outstanding and Trusted Tour Operator/ Travel Agent in the Offline segment’. It seems people have truly understood and appreciated the way we are branding ourselves. We also feel proud of the fact that we are the best in the field.


TOUR OPERATORS & TRAVEL TECHNOLOGY Most Outstanding Rooms Booking Technology: RoomsXML How do you feel about your company being recognized as “Most Outstanding Rooms Booking Technology” by TnH magazine at its Travel & Hospitality Awards 2014? It’s a great feeling. Such recognition truly encourages us to keep on improving our product features. We are a highly focused B2B company enjoying a niche in the accommodation segment. What will you describe as the most defining characteristic of your company? What do your customers value most about your company? In such a high competitive segment that we are in, it’s good to know that we are not competing on the price plank. While low price and extended credit terms are the norms in our segment, we are happy that we are far, far awayfrom all that. I like to believe that there are key parameters why Travel Agents like to work with us: a) The technology: There are 9 specific features (including de-duplication of the inventory) that we offer that were first and still remain so in the industry. The user experience is simply rewarding. b) Service: It’s beyond lip-service. In fact, we have quantified it. Our phones are answered within 45 seconds. Thanks to our inbuilt CRM System, most cases are resolved there and then. Those that cannot are put on alert till such time they are resolved. An issue just cannot remain unresolved beyond a certain point – it escalates the matter automatically.

Prakash Bang MD, roomXML

What advice would you like to give to young travel professionals who desire success in this industry? I have always been an advocate of doing more and more about less and less. Instead of holding 4 Jacks, I would suggest folks to hold an Ace.

According to you, how important has technology become in hotel distribution ? I believe it’s very important. And I see no reason why its importance will diminish in the near future. What have been the long-term vision & objectives of your company? You will be surprised to know that we don’t look beyond a year – the dynamics are changing too fast. The main objective of the company is to be profitable. And the growth has to be sustainable. We never look at the top-line. A healthy bottom line delights us and our vendors!





Most Outstanding B2B Entrepreneur of the Year

JaaL Shah Founder & Group Managing Director, Travel Designer Group

How do you feel about being honored as the ‘Most Outstanding B2B Entrepreneur of the Year’ at the Travel & Hospitality Awards 2014? What does winning this award mean to you? I am honored that TnH, rewarded me with the ‘Most Outstanding B2B Entrepreneur of the Year”’Award in the recent award ceremony held in New Delhi. It’s a privilege, awards like this makes you believe that you are on the right track and people are not only noticing but appreciating the work you are doing. We as a company always believe in continuous improvement, acknowledgement and appreciation like this definitely motivates our efforts. What factors led you to achieve such an outstanding position in the industry? I always believed in one thing - Whatever you can do, or dream you have, work on it and action it. Boldness has genius, power & magic in

it. So, once the idea to start up something on my own hit my mind, I was ready for it and was also prepared to face all the challenges related to it. Needless to say that success is something that doesn’t come easily; you need to sweat hard to earn that. We have faced lot many challenges in reaching this milestone and every challenge has made us more energetic & we have bounced back harder and on a stronger note. How do you achieve and maintain excellence in your services and operations? Apart from innovation, service plays a very important role for us. In order to better serve our travel partners we have a world class operations team in our head office and branches, which always make sure that they respond quickly to the queries of our travel partners and help them at each and every step. We also have set standards and guidelines which they

adhere to make the process smooth. What makes your company a preferred choice among your clients? Competition and competitors are there in every business, but the main point is how you differentiate yourself from others. We as a group always believe in offering best services with dedicated support team, innovative products and state of the art technology to our customers. What advice would you like to give to a next generation travel professionals who desire success in this industry? I will only say one thing, whatever you do, you need to have a clear vision to achieve it. Work on it with absolute passion, honesty and enjoy the same, till the time you accomplish your target.





Dr. Mukesh Sharma & Nakul Anand

Pratibha Advani & L.K. Advani

Li Qianguo,Yao Jing, Minister of China Embassy India

(L-R) Lalit K Panwar, Suman Billa, B Hariharan & Usha Sharma Anil Chadha & Vinay Malhotra

Vishal Sinha


Yashovardhan Azad, Shristi Rai, Kirti Azad & Shivani Wazir Pasrich


Rajji Rai and Aykut Renda, Charge d’ Affaires, Turkey



KTS Tulsi & Rajji Rai

Mukul Rohatgi & Nick J Parker Rajiv Kaul, Ajay Bakaya & Lalit K Panwar

Mrs. Sarin, Justice Usha Mehra, Justice Manmohan Sarin

Ashwini Lohani, Rajji Rai, Vijay Madan

Rattan Keswani and Anand Kumar

Rajji Rai & Hatem Tageldin, Ambassador of Egypt to India


(L-R) Suresh Kumar & J B Singh


S S H Rehman & Priya Pau

Keshav Suri, Jyotsna Suri

Charul Sarin & Anil Parash

epbhai Sanghani, Vinay

(L-R) Hon’ble Minister Dile Essa Sulaiman Ahmad

Malhotra, Rajji Rai,

Phee Teik Yeoh, Madhurima Rai, DG Vimla Mehra



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DL (ND)-11/6167/2014-15-16 | DATE OF POSTING: 6-11 OF MONTH | rNI NO.: DELENG/2010/33723 | DATE OF PUBLISHING: 4 th OF THE MONTH

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