Travel and Hospitality - January 2015

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Travel Hospitality Issue 04 | Volume VI | JANuARY 2015 | `50

IInd TnH Awards, 2015 honouring excellence, recognizing talent & encouraging innovation Date:12th January, Venue: ITC Maurya, New Delhi

? WHO WILL SHINE ON THIS GLORIOUS pl atform of the industry


‘2015 Year of Discover Thainess’ Page No.


Year 2014: a mixed year for travel and tourism industry Page No.


2014: Challenging but better year for Indian hotel industry Page No.

Page No.

Industry congratulates TnH for Travel & Tourism Awards 2015


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||FROM THE EDITOR || May the best of our todays be the worst of our tomorrows! The last year was ‘a mixed bag’ for the tourism industry. Our sector faced many challenges; however, there was a lot of hope. We witnessed the change of the government at the Centre with the NDA Government led by Hon'ble Prime Minister, Narendra Modi coming into power. This is the first government yet which seems staunchly supportive of the travel and tourism sector. Even before he became PM, Modi made it clear through his muchtouted 5Ts mantra for brand India that tourism would be one of the key priority sectors of his government. He kept his promise after coming into power by according great importance to the development of tourism. The Hon'ble Finance Minister in his budget speech made a few key pro-tourism announcements including the launch of e-visa in a phased manner. Finally in November, 2014 after slight delay the Home Ministry launched the much awaited e-visa for 43 countries, thus fulfilling an important demand of the industry. This marked a new chapter for ‘Incredible India’. The past year also saw the emergence of two airlines in the country: AirAsia India and TATA-SIA’s Vistara, the first a budget carrier and the latter a full-service carrier, which will start operating its flights from January this year. While the start of two new airlines in the country was good news, the plight of financially distressed SpiceJet, which at one point of time was at brink of being grounded, left us wondering whether there was something deeply rotten at the heart of our civil aviation sector. After all the news of the airlines woes was playing at the

same time the world was grappling with the vulnerability and uncertainty of all the crashes we had to witness the past year. In this issue, we have done feature story (Pg. 24) on how 2014 was and how 2015 expected to be for the travel and tourism industry. This issue also summarizes the performance of hospitality industry in 2014 (Pg. 18). Finally, as you all are aware, TnH is hosting its IInd Travel & Tourism Awards show (TnH Awards 2015) on 12th January at ITC Maurya, New Delhi. Our next issue will be exclusively dedicated to our most coveted Travel and Hospitality Awards. It will bring to you all the highlights of the show as well as interviews of the winners. Our awards are a sincere and noble initiative to celebrate the splendour of the travel and tourism industry and recognize, promote and reward excellence within the industry. We have worked very hard to make the event a success and we would like to take this opportunity to thank our sponsors and congratulate the prospective deserving winners. Wish you all a promising and prosperous 2015!

Srishti Rai Editor

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Contents Publisher & Editor Srishti Rai Director Bharat S. Rai Managing Editor Prem Kumar General Manager - Marketing Prem Sagar (M) +91 99106 81111 Art Director Sunny Singh Correspondent (Kolkata) Swaati Chaudhury Accounts Chander Shakher Balodi Administration Executive Sarwat Jahan IT Executive Naveen Manchanda

10 12 18 22 24 26 28 34 36 46

TnH Awards 2015 all set to celebrate spirit & success of tourism industry


Industry congratulates TnH for Travel & Tourism Awards 2015 2014: Challenging but better year for Indian hotel industry Kanha Call of the Wild


Year 2014: a mixed year for travel and tourism industry 2nd Global Hospitality Conclave held

Vistara to take off on January 9, 2015 Tourism links between China and India further strengthened


‘2015 Year of Discover Thainess’ France eases visa procedures for Indian visitors

36 For any query, write to us at: Printed, published and owned by Srishti Rai. Printed at Somsons Printing Works, 1/7, Doctor’s Lane, Gole Market, New Delhi - 110001, and published at P- 23/90, Connaught Circus, New Delhi 110001; Editor: SRISHTI RAI



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TnH Awards 2015 all set to celebrate feats of tourism industry Travel And Hospitality (TnH) is all set to host its second Travel & Tourism awards (TnH Awards 2015) at ITC Maurya, New Delhi on January 12, 2015

efforts of each and every section create memorable guest experiences. In such scenario, “awards encourage peer-to-peer nominations and even more they help in recognizing frontline staff contributions.” Since the NDA led by PM Narendra Modi came into power last year, the industry is buoyant. The new government has given new hopes to the trade fraternity. So what could be better

nH’s Travel & Tourism Awards is

time than now and better way than awards to

an endeavor to celebrate the best

celebrate the industry’s spirit of hard work and

practices of this industry. It is a



sincere effort to recognize, hon-

Underlining the significance of the awards,

our and promote excellence and

Immediate Past President of FHRAI, S M Sher-

innovations. It is a platform to honour those who

vani said, “Awards are recognitions of good

have made outstanding contributions in the travel and tourism industry. “At TnH, we believe

Srishti Rai Publisher & Editor, Travel And Hospitality

works being done by various establishments in their field. It not only encourages one to follow best practices, but also allows us to continue to

that a successful trade magazine must go beyond reportage and analysis. It must celebrate

Tourism sector. Given the interest and depth of

innovate, improve and compete in order to do

best practice within the world of travel and hos-

knowledge in India’s tourism industry, I am sure

better than the competition. This results in great

pitality and recognize and promote excellence

you will ensure that only those who have deliv-

service and guest satisfaction.”

in the tourism sector. The TnH Awards is a part

ered get the recognition. This will be an event of

Rajeev Nangia, COO, TRAC Representations

of this endeavor,” said Srishti Rai, Publisher &

interaction with professionals. I am looking for-

(India) Pvt. Ltd. believes that awards motivate

Editor, TnH. The platform like TnH awards plays

ward to the event and wish the event a big suc-

people to put in their efforts. Congratulating the

key role in encouraging culture of hard work,

cess,” said Subhash Goyal, President, IATO, in

TnH team for their hard work to organize the TnH

competition and innovation in this industry to set

his message to TnH.

Awards 2015, Nangia said, “We wish TnH all the

Congratulating TnH for this endeavor, Anil

best for their endeavors and commend their effort

Through this endeavor, TnH also aims to high-

Parashar, President, ITQ said, “I would like to

to make valuable contributions to the field of

light the social-economic significance and role

congratulate the TnH team for hosting their sec-

travel trade journalism, networking and events.”

of the travel and tourism industry.

ond TnH Awards. These awards serve a unique

TnH awards function will be a perfect occa-

Every possible step has been taken to ensure

platform to felicitate and recognize patrons of

sion for veterans of the industry to interact with

that the highest level of confidentiality, accuracy

the Indian travel and tourism industry who have

each other as well as with top decision-makers

and objectivity is maintained at our awards. The

proved their vision and expertise on the global

from the government.

awards function is expected to be attended by

travel platform. TnH Awards recognizes and pro-

“TnH Awards comes at a time when India is

300 of the top stakeholders of the industry, mak-

motes excellence in tourism industry. I wish the

looking at a future of great economic prosperity

ing the show the most coveted event in the

TnH team all the very best so that they can con-

driven by ‘Tourism’, one of the 5Ts of the PM’s

tourism industry!

tinue to improve and innovate this platform and

development vision,” said S N Srivastava, Pres-

add more value to the travel industry.”

ident, Clarks Inn Group of Hotels, wishing the

new benchmarks.

Our Travel & Tourism Industry is quite excited about TnH Awards 2015, and is eagerly awaiting

TnH Award 2015 will help put into perspective

much-anticipated 2nd edition of TnH Awards a

the awards show. “I am pleased to know that the

the emerging trends in the Indian tourism sector.

great success, and expressing confidence that

second TnH Awards is taking place at ITC Mau-

We believe that a platform like TnH awards

TnH awards will boost the industry’s confidence

rya, New Delhi on 12th January, 2015. This

should not only reflect the new trends, but it

and motivate them to further set new bench-

award has been instituted to honour business

should also be a trendsetter.

marks in their respective domains.

leaders with outstanding qualities. This is also to

Ajay Bakaya, Executive Director, Sarovar Ho-

We at TnH are confident that the event will be

celebrate best practices within the world of travel

tels, believes that teamwork plays a very impor-

a grand success and go a long way in prompting

and hospitality and recognize excellence in the

tant role in hospitality world, and that collective

tourism in the country.



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Industry Congratulates TnH for Travel & Tourism Awards 2015 Anil Parashar, President, ITQ

Arjun Sharma, MD Le Passage to India

Subhash Goyal, President, IATO

team for hosting their second TnH Awards.

“In any sphere of life, felicitating high achiev-

is taking place on 12th January, 2015. This

These awards serve a unique platform to

ers is a very gratifying and encouraging gesture.

award has been instituted to honour business

felicitate and recognize patrons of the In-

Awards and recognition are an effective way to

leaders with outstanding qualities, and celebrate

dian travel and tourism industry who have

motivate better performance as also to set new

best practices within the world of travel and hos-

proved their vision and expertise on the

benchmarks in different sectors of the industry.

pitality and recognize excellence in this sector.

global travel platform. TnH Awards recog-

I wish Travel And Hospitality (TnH) the very best

Given the interest and depth of knowledge in

nizes and promotes excellence in tourism

in their initiative to recognise and honour excel-

India’s tourism industry, I am sure you will en-

industry. I wish the TnH team all the very

lence in the field of travel and tourism.”

sure that only those who have delivered get the

“I would like to congratulate the TnH

“I am pleased to know that 2nd TnH Awards

best so that they can continue to improve

recognition. This will be an event of interaction

and innovate this platform and add more

with professionals. I am looking forward to the

value to the travel industry.

event and wish the event a big success.”

Ajay Bakaya, Executive Director, Sarovar Hotels

Anil Chadha, GM ITC Maurya New Delhi

Rajeev Nangia, COO, TRAC Representations (I)

S M Shervani, MD, Shervani Hospitalities

“Teamwork plays a very impor-

“I congratulate TnH for organiz-

“We congratulate Srishti Rai & her

“Awards are recognition of good

tant role in hospitality world. Effort

ing its second travel & tourism

team on their hard work to organize

work being done by various establish-

of each and every section together

awards (TnH Awards 2015) at ITC

the TnH Awards 2015. TnH is among

ments in their field. It not only encour-

create memorable guest experi-

Maurya New Delhi on 12th January.

the premier publications to report the

ages one to follow best practices, but

ences. In such scenario, awards

I wish TnH awards a great success.

Indian travel trade developments in

also allows us to continue to innovate,

encourage peer-to-peer nomina-

Giving due recognition and honour

the most accurate and unbiased

improve and compete in order to do

tions and help in recognizing front-

to one’s efforts and success is very

manner. We wish TnH all the best for

better than the competition. This re-

line staff contributions. The TnH

important for the overall progress

their endeavors and commend their

sults in great service and guest satis-

Awards recognizes them in a very

and success of any sector as it en-

effort to make valuable contributions

faction. I wish the TnH all the best for

meaningful way. I believe the hospi-

courages competition and innova-

to the field of travel trade journalism,

hosting this event and would wish to

tality industry as a whole will benefit

tion. I am sure this awards will

networking and events. Thanks for

congratulate all the winners for their

from these awards.”

boost the morale of the industry.”

appreciation of industry efforts.”




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Dun & Bradstreet features amongst 100 leading SMEs of India 2014





world’s leading accommodation sup-

pliers catering exclusively to the travel trade. It was established in 2007 and since then has gradually entered various markets quite

Vinay Malhotra COO – South Asia, VFS Global

successfully. It has operations in Australia, India, Middle East, UK and the USA.

VFS Global appoints Vinay Malhotra as COO – South Asia

Established in 1841, Dun & Bradstreet is the world's leading source of commercial information and insight on businesses. Dun & Bradstreet felicitated leading SMEs at the SMEBusiness Excellence Awards 2014 held in New Delhi, India. The selection process for

VFS Global has appointed Vinay Malhotra as

Prakash Bang Managing Director,

its Chief Operating Officer (COO) for South Asia

the awards was comprehensive and rigorous

History. From the wider pool, the 100 best

effective 1 January 2015. South Asia is an im-

with participation from businesses across the

performing SMEs were recognised.

portant region for VFS Global and his key focus

country. Of the eligible SMEs, more than

Prakash Bang says, “It’s indeed an honour

areas include evolving business strategy, man-

4000 SME applications were evaluated in de-

to be featured in Dun & Bradstreet’s Premier

aging key client relationships and business de-

tail on a variety of performance parameters

Publication. The recognition encourages us

velopment. Malhotra will be based in New Delhi.

including Financial Stability, Management

to move ahead with greater energy to further

Systems, Technology Innovation & Growth

enhance our product and service offering.”

He holds an MBA degree from Bradford University, UK and his experience spans over two decades in the travel industry. Malhotra will also continue in his role as the Global Head for Dubai

RezNext Global Solutions raises $5 Million

Visa Processing Centre (DVPC). He has been a part of VFS Global since 2013 and has been honoured with several awards and accolades including the Best Professional – Marketing at the

RezNext Global Solutions has raised $5 Million of funding from New Enterprise Associates, Inc. (NEA), one of the world’s largest and most active venture capital firms, to further accelerate the company’s already impressive growth and customer success.


National Tourism Awards hosted by Safari India and the Pacific Area Travel Writers Association. VFS Global is the world's largest outsourcing and technology services specialist for governments and diplomatic missions worldwide. With1465 Application Centres and operations in

ezNext offers the best in distribution

confidence in our vision to become the de facto

118 countries across five continents as on 30th

technology for hotels in a real-time

switch for intelligent distribution for hoteliers and

November 2014, VFS Global serves the inter-

environment, helping hotels demys-

demand generators around the globe,” said

ests of 45 client governments. The company has

tify and automate the current complex hotel dis-

Mike Kistner, Chief Executive Officer, RezNext

successfully processed over 92 million applica-

tribution landscape. The technology also levels

Global Solutions. “This funding will help us sub-

tions since its inception in 2001. VFS Global’s

the playfield for lower and mid-scale hotels, al-

stantially increase our market penetration, de-


lowing them to quickly get online and leverage

liverour full product portfolio, and ensure that

9001:2008 for Quality Management System,

the opportunity the internet presents today.

our customers and partners succeed through

ISO 27001:2005 for Information Security Man-

RezNext has alreadyonboarded 1200+ cus-

increased collaboration, great customer service

agement System and ISO 14001:2004 for Envi-

tomersto its intelligent distribution platform and

and improved revenues. This will also fuel our

ronmental Management System by TÜV SÜD,

is in expansion mode, targeting other important

expansion plans in the domestic and interna-

one of the world’s leading external and inde-

markets in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.

tional markets.”

pendent certification bodies.

“This investment from NEA is a great vote of









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Udaan & Uniline tie up for Namaste Croatia The initiative has been supported by the dynamic Ambassador of The Republic of Croatia to India, His Excellency Amir Muharemi.


ncorporated in the year 1992,





to welcome tourist from the nation.

clients and business partners in-

Udaan India Private Limited

namism that “Namaste! India is a

We promise to be the BEST hosts

cluding our esteemed guests in

is India's leading visa facilita-

great country and it is a privilege

and we are committed to our

fulfilling their wishes in travel.”

tion company headquartered in Delhi and has branch offices in Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Bengaluru and Gurgaon. Udaan India with its PAN India Presence caters to providing Visa and Tourism Facilitation




Agents, Travel Management Companies, Corporate, and individual traveler. We as a Business Partner understand, analyze and offer best customized solutions to our clients. Uniline Chairman of the Board – Boris Zgomba Uniline is one of the leading destination management companies in southeast Europe operating successfully since 1990. Uniline is headquartered in Pula with 10 branch offices in Croatia, offices in Bosnia and Herzegovina,




(Shanghai) and representatives in Japan, Korea and Thailand. Uniline’s great success is based on incoming tour operating, offering accommodation, excursions, renta-car, transfers, individual and group




sports events, congresses and many other tourist services. Rajan Dua, Managing Director, Udaan India Pvt. Ltd. states with his usual sincerity, passion and enthusiasm that “we will provide the BEST and customized travel solutions to the tourists for this fantastic and charismatic destination: Croatia - The New Tourism Star of The European Union.” Boris Zgomba states with his



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Fortune Park Hotels unveils Fortune Park Moksha, McLeod Ganj


estled in the scenic Strawberry Hills and

The dining options at the hotel include Orchid –

surrounded by a thick cover of pine

a multi-cuisine restaurant offering 3-meal buffets

trees with beautiful view of the snow-

and all day dining, Neptune bar that serves some

capped Dhauladhar mountain range, Fortune Park

of the finest premium spirits in a relaxed atmos-

Moksha is conveniently located just 6 km from the

phere and Fortune Deli featuring light snacks and

town’s main square.

sumptuous confectionery. Other offerings at the

Owned by M/s Moksha Health Resorts, Fortune

hotel include a Wellness Centre with a Swimming

Park Moksha provides an ideal retreat to travelers

Pool, Spa and a well-equipped Gymnasium and

looking for leisure and peace. The hotel offers easy

Champion’s Zone that offers a range of recre-

access to all main tourist attractions in and around

strengthened its position in the leisure segment.”

ational facilities.

McLeod Ganj, the picturesque Himalayan town

The guest rooms at Fortune Park Moksha are

Fortune Park Hotels Ltd is a wholly-owned sub-

known for its natural abundance, forming a perfect

spread across three blocks, each with its own

sidiary of ITC Ltd. and is India's fastest growing

backdrop to a stay in the lap of nature.

charm. The 59 well-appointed rooms include 36

chain of first class, full service business hotels, with

Commenting on the launch, Suresh Kumar,

Standard Rooms, 20 Fortune Club Rooms and 3

71 signed alliances and 5632 rooms, across 55

Chief Executive Officer, Fortune Park Hotels Ltd.,

Suites. All the rooms have been done up in con-

cities in the country.

said, “We are extremely happy to announce our

temporary design and are equipped with a range

The ‘Fortune Hotels’ brand is further sub-cate-

43rd property, Fortune Park Moksha in McLeod

of modern amenities. Amenities include room serv-

gorised as; Fortune Select, Fortune Park, Fortune

Ganj. Since its inception, the Fortune Hotels chain

ice, Satellite LCD TV, Hi-speed Wi-Fi internet con-

Inn and Fortune Resort-each catering to specific

has provided contemporary accommodation and

nectivity, Working desk, Direct dial STD/ ISD,

needs. ‘My Fortune’, the latest addition to the For-

great value for business and leisure travellers. Now

Electronic safe, Mini bar, Tea/ coffee maker, Iron

tune brand portfolio, is positioned at high end of

amongst the largest and fastest growing in the

and ironing board, Hair dryer and Daily newspaper.

pyramid, with the second hotel under the brand

country, the chain caters to a wide spectrum of

The hotel also offers state-of-the-art meeting

travellers, through its various sub-brands. With the

and banquet facilities that can accommodate up to

launch of this hotel, Fortune Hotels has further

175 guests.

now open in Bengaluru. Fortune Park Hotels Ltd. brand philosophy is driven by its objective to provide contemporary accommodation that makes ‘Good Business Sense’ to business and leisure travellers through its wide range of accommodation in pertinent destinations, with emphasis on efficient service and great value. Fortune Hotels is a member of ITC's hotel group. ITC’s hotels business is inspired by its vision to promote India’s rich tourism heritage. One of India’s largest hotel chains, with a collection of 100 hotels in over 70 destinations, ITC's hotels has redefined the fine art of hospitality. ITC operates its hotels under four distinct brands; ‘ITC Hotel’ at the Luxury end, ‘WelcomHotel’ in the 5 star segment, Fortune in the mid-market to upscale segment and ‘WelcomHeritage’ in the heritage leisure segment. by TNH DESK



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2014: Challenging but better year for Indian hotel industry “The last year was a better year for the hotel industry in comparison to the past. Occupancies picked up though rates had remained stagnant. Domestic travel, both commercial and leisure, had increased.” Rattan Keswani Deputy. MD, The Lemon Tree Hotel Company & Chairman, Carnation Hotels

“2014 went down as a challenging year for the Indian Hotel Industry and consequently for us. Sarovar maintained high occupancies in majority of its hotels.” Ajay Bakaya Executive Director, Sarovar Hotels & Resorts

“In 2014, Jaypee Hotels witnessed a positive growth in guests stay across our properties. Business has been fairly good; however growth from previous year has been marginal in terms of guest room units.” Manju Sharma Director, Jaypee Hotels



With improved occupancies, 2014 was a better year for hotel industry of the country as compared to 2013, although, the industry had to face many challenges the last year. v B PREM KUMAR Y


ear saw a little improvement in oc-

Hotels, adding, “The expectations were very

cupancies, but RavPAR remained

much met with what we had forecast. Busi-

under pressure with improvement.

ness has been fairly good; however growth

“The last year was a better year for the hotel

from previous year has been marginal in

industry in comparison to the past. Occupan-

terms of guest room units. MICE had im-

cies picked up though rates had remained

proved numbers all our units.”

stagnant. Domestic travel, both commercial

According to S N Srivastava, President &

and leisure, had increased. However as a fair

Co-founder, Clarks Inn Group of Hotels, 2014

amount of new supply came up in Bangalore,

was slightly better than the previous year

Chennai, Jaipur and the Delhi-NCR, the year

with little to write home in terms of achieve-

would pan out marginally higher than the last

ments. “However, the gloom that prevailed

year,” said Rattan Keswani, Deputy. Manag-

last year has certainly vanished after the his-

ing Director, The Lemon Tree Hotel Company

toric verdict of mandate that the people of

and Chairman, Carnation Hotels.

India has given to the current government,”

However, Ajay Bakaya, Executive Director,

said Srivastava, adding that they had fore-

Sarovar Hotels & Resorts, termed 2014 as a

casted 2014 to be only slightly better over

challenging year for the hotel industry. “2014

2013 for the hotel industry which stands vin-

went down as a challenging year for the In-

dicated now.

dian Hotel Industry and consequently for us.

Sharing his insights of 2014, S M Sher-

Sarovar maintained high occupancies in ma-

vani, Managing Director of Shervani Hospi-

jority of its hotels,” said Bakaya, “But ARRs

talities, said, “Though this winter we have

were under pressure. In that respect 2014

witnessed a slight increase in foreign arrivals

was a repeat of 2010,2011,2012,2013! It has

but the growth has been limited. Domestic

been a long wait for the great times on India

tourism has again been a life saver. The sig-

shores.” He added, “Positive sentiment,

nificant difference between domestic tourists

Strong political dispensations and an econ-

(of 1200 million) and foreign tourists (of 7 mil-

omy promising to do some magic came to-

lion) tell its own story. However, the key deci-



sion of the government to launch tourist visa

November. We believe this was the turning

on arrival facilities for 43 countries is defi-

point for Indian Hotels and better days lie

nitely a tremendous boost to our industry.”






ahead. We maintained high occupancies in

Some hotels had fairy good business in

most locations in 2014. ARRs dropped

2014. Rohit Dar, GM, Jaipur Marriott Hotel,

around 5 percent on the back of increased

“The year 2014 has been fairly good for the


Indian Hotel Industry; we have seen an in-

In 2014, Jaypee Hotels witnessed a posi-

crease in the tourist footfall both domestic as

tive growth in guests stay across our proper-

well as foreign. This has helped in maintain-

ties, said Manju Sharma, Director, Jaypee

ing occupancies in many cities in spite of the

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HOSPITALITY increase of hotel rooms across the country.

the first to offer geo-targeted, mobile offers

The rising number of domestic travelers is

using beacon technology. This year too, mo-

aided by the increase of disposable income

bile check-in and check-out facility was also

in households.”

rolled out at Marriott’s 4000 plus properties

According to Dar, the country witnessed an


upsurge of MICE and corporate events espe-

Vishal Singh, GM, Hyatt Pune Kalyani

cially for companies and business travelers

Nagar said that year 2014 was a mix bag:

which again lead to the rise in demand for

first half was slow due to the political uncer-

hotel rooms. The industry has also seen a

tainty and General Elections being held in

positive trend towards eco-tourism and med-

India but the arrival of a stable government

ical tourism.

post elections at the centre got a good cheer

Kanika Hasrat, GM, Courtyard by Marriott,

from the industry and raised a lot of Hopes.

Gurgaon, said, “2014 has been a roller

He added, “The second half was optimistic in

coaster ride for the Indian hospitality industry.

view of the growth and development intent

With a new government coming into power

shown by the new govt.

and a positive sentiment returning to the

stretched in all the markets due to demand

country, the sector showed double-digit de-

supply gap.” As for achievements of the in-

mand growth that ensured occupancies for

dustry in 2014, Vishal Singh said that the ini-

the year closing slightly higher. There was a

tiative of the government last year on e-visa

notable increase in supply as a number of

is a major step towards promoting Tourism in

hotels under development were inaugurated

the country and the industry will benefit from

and started operations. 2014 also saw couple


The rates were

of initiatives rolled out by the government.

Amit Jain, Director of Finance, Bengaluru

Visa on arrival (VoA) was one such initiative

Marriott Whitefield, said that hotel industry in

announced by the government which re-

India witnessed two noticeable scenarios in

ceived a positive response. The initiative in

2014. “There was an overall fall in revenue

the coming year will be fruitful for the hospi-

compare to last year whereas budget and

tality industry as well.”

economy hotels registered the highest rev-

Gagan Deep Singh, GM, Courtyard by

enue growth. Because of election season

Marriott Pune City Centre, “The hotel indus-

tourism and hospitality industry were not in

try in India went through a phase of transition

their peak,” said Jain, adding, “But post elec-

in 2014. With elections in the first half of the

tion with new govt. we could see many

year, we saw a jump in occupancy and

changes. Foreign tourist arrivals (FTAs) and

RevPAR in the second half of the year but the

domestic market sentiment has improved. In

economic environment continues to be chal-

the second year of operation, Bengaluru Mar-

lenging.” Singh said that with economic pres-

riott Hotel Whitefield ramped up brilliantly

sures, hotels last year had focused on

and registered a growth of 58% in total rev-

productivity improvement, optimizing costs

enue over last year.”

and gaining energy efficiency while improv-

According to Abhilash K Ramesh, Group

ing the top-line. “Another key achievement in

Director, Kigali Ayurvedic Group, “The year

2014 was that despite the economic chal-

2014 in general was a minor improvement for

lenges that were prevalent, the hotel industry

the Indian hotel industry but due to various

continued to grow in India. Hotel chains have

unforeseen factors it was not able to reach

introduced new brands across different cities

optimum levels.” Key achievements in his

in India that cater to different customer seg-

opinion were the Visa on arrival, and the sta-

ments and preferences. For instance, Mar-

bilization of the political scenario with mass

riott launched Fairfield brand in Bengaluru for

positive publicity has helped built interna-

the budget conscious customer,” said Singh,

tional tourist confidence in India. “Hopefully

adding, “At the same time, brands like the

this will work towards a brighter 2015 for the

Ritz Carlton are going to grow in the country.

hotel industry,” said Ramesh.

Strong initiatives have been made to engag-

Rohit Vig, MD –India, Staywell Hospitality

ing with guests through the mobile device.

Group, feels that the hospitality industry in

For instance, Marriott’s loyalty programme is

India is showing signs of recovery with hotels

“2014 was slightly better than 2013 with little to write home in terms of achievements. However, the gloom that prevailed last year has certainly vanished after the historic mandate that the people of India has given to the current government.” S N Srivastava President & Co-founder, Clarks Inn Group of Hotels

“Though this winter we have witnessed a slight increase in foreign arrivals but the growth has been limited. Domestic tourism has again been a life saver.” S M Shervani Managing Director, Shervani Hospitalities

“2014 was fairly good for the Indian Hotel Industry; we saw an increase in the tourist footfall both domestic as well as foreign. This has helped in maintaining occupancies in many cities in spite of the increase of hotel rooms across the country.” Rohit Dar GM, Jaipur Marriott Hotel



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“2014 was a roller coaster ride. With the new government in power and a positive sentiment returning to the country, the sector showed double-digit demand growth that ensured occupancies for the year closing slightly higher.”

reporting an improvement in room occupancy

Electronic VISA will propel tourism in India.”

in the third quarter of the calendar year, al-

He added, “We appreciate the development

though it's helped by discounted room rates.

as the schemes has opened its door to the

“Average room occupancy rate in the quarter

citizen of some of the major markets namely

ended September — traditionally the lowest

USA, Germany and Japan, which means that

period of business for hotels in the year —

India has just become much more accessible

stood at 56.5 per cent, up from 53.2 per cent

to people from three of the world’s four

in the year-ago period. For the nine months

largest economies. From the point of view of

to September, hotel occupancies were 58.2

the hotel industry, this is a welcome change

per cent against 56.4 per cent last year, ac-

as this will help in increasing the inflow of

cording to STR Global that tracks supply and

tourists. People from these countries need

demand data for hotel industry,” said Viz. He

not plan their travel well in advance as such,

added, “The sentiment has improved after

increasing the number of people who will

the change in government; it has yet to trans-

choose India for short getaways.”

late into a big boost in their business. Some

Manju Sharma said, “For the year 2015

Kanika Hasrat

of their gains of the third quarter were offset

consolidation of business and occupancy for

GM, Courtyard by Marriott, Gurgaon

by a poor show in October, but most said

your business would be our top agenda.

their business has improved this month. In

Keeping in view the increased supply if

spite of inbound tourism reducing by about a

rooms in some markets where we are pres-

third, corporate travel getting affected in Oc-

ent, we shall compete with our strong prod-

tober due to various festival holidays and

ucts and outstanding service delivery. The

elections, India losing out to international

ETA is definitely a big reason for all the hos-

tourism due to media reports leading to India

pitality players to cheer. The will boost the

being unsafe destination to travel to, etc. It is

business as well as leisure travel to the coun-

commendable that Hotels have managed to

try.” Talking about his expectation from year

maintain occupancies in this scenario.”

“The hotel industry in India went through a phase of transition in 2014. With elections in the first half of the year, we saw a jump in occupancy and RevPAR in the second half of the year but challenges remained.” Gagan Deep Singh GM, Courtyard by Marriott Pune City Centre

2015, Shervani said, “We are expecting betExpectations from 2015

ter figures for 2015 as compared to the pre-

With changing economic scenario and sen-

vious year both in terms of foreign as well as

timent in the country, the hotel industry of the

domestic tourists. With more and more trav-

country are quite optimistic about 2015.

ellers accessing mobile applications and sim-



ilar tools for planning their holidays, we have

FY15/16. The Visa on Arrival scheme and the

already seen a slight boost in terms of online

attention to Tourism bodes well. However a

bookings. Hoping this will continue through

lot will depend upon the budget announce-

2015. Furthermore, with the initiation of visa

ments in Feb, 2015 and on how the Govern-

on arrival, we definitely expect a rise in for-

ment handles the safety/security issues in a

eign tourists for the coming year.”




lot of the cities,” said Rattan Keswani, adding,

“2014 was a mix bag: first half was slow due to the political uncertainty and General Elections being held in India but the arrival of a stable government at the centre got a good cheer from the industry and raised a lot of Hopes.”


The biggest problem for the tourism and

“Investment policy announcements and infu-

hospitality industry, said Srivastava,


sion into Capex cycles will drive traffic-how-

that for a very long time it continued to be

ever the parliamentary stalemate may lead to

nowhere in Government’s scheme of things

a loss of business confidence. We would pre-

for driving socio-economic growth in the

fer to adopt a wait/watch approach for the

country, “which I can now say confidently” is


‘no more the case’ given the Prime Minister

On his expectations from 2015, Bakaya

himself endorsing tourism as one of his 5Ts

said, “ With the new government aggressively

agenda to drive change. “And therefore, most

inviting ‘Make in India’ entrepreneurs, open-

certainly year 2015 will not only be much bet-

ing up of FDI in insurance and others to fol-

ter than the previous year or the year before

low, business travel increase can already be

in business terms, but will also mark the de-

felt in metro locations. Domestic leisure too

cisive change in government’s attitude to-

Vishal Singh

is on upswing, however inbound from certain

wards the sector that may as well see us

GM, Hyatt Pune Kalyani Nagar

markets like Russia particularly to Goa has

looking at growth and investment friendly

been adversely affected. Visa on Arrival and

policies for the sector in the near future. As


final TNH Jan--06-01-2015:Layout 1 1/8/2015 2:43 PM Page 21

HOSPITALITY for industry, we need to press on the lever

2015, with focus on infrastructure and

harder than ever before to build on this mo-

tourism, India’s hospitality industry looks op-


timistic. The launch of the E-visa scheme has

Srivastava also feels that the current gov-

been a great initiative by the Government

ernment’s emphasis on tourism development

which is expected to double the tourist inflow

and making brand ‘India’ more powerful and

into India – this boost is welcomed by the

inviting globally augurs very well for the hos-

hotel industry. Also, the depreciating Indian

pitality sector. He said, “Simplification of Visa

rupee against the dollar is good news for for-

processes and extending Visa on Arrival to

eign tourists. With many new openings slated

citizens of 43 countries have been the

for 2015, the hotel industry which is labor in-

biggest achievements of the industry, which

tensive will continue to generate employment

I am confident will result in better businesses

opportunities. The fastest growing customer

across segments, including hospitality.”

base for hotels is the Millennial and we will

“In 2014, there was an overall fall in revenue compare to last year whereas budget and economy hotels registered the highest revenue growth. Because of election season tourism and hospitality industries were not in their peak.”

Rohit Dar said, “2015 is expected to be

see an increasing effort to engage with this

driven by the domestic market with travel for

customer type. In the coming year, we will

leisure, business, weddings and conferences.

continue to focus on enriching the mobile

Amit Jain

Inbound travel is likely to improve as well,

booking experience for the guest and we will

however not at the same pace as domestic

focus on many more aspects of the guest ex-

Director of Finance, Bengaluru Marriott Whitefield

travel. The tourism policy of the government

perience at the hotel which can be directly

and the various initiatives for improving

controlled by the guest from his device.” Amit

tourism such as improved infrastructure ,

Jain on expectations from 2015 said, “MHRS

safety of travelers especially women, Visa on

Whitefield has a very good Product, interna-

arrival will also help in ensuring 2015 a better

tional sales and marketing network and a

year.” Hasrat said, “We are looking forward

great service team. All these three traits of

to a fruitful 2015, given the new E visa poli-

Hospitality will make sure that Bengaluru

cies which in turn will provide a great oppor-

Marriott Hotel Whitefield will be a market

tunity for an increased demand in hotels. Also

leader in Whitefield by 2015. For next year,

there is tremendous opportunity for the in-

with growth in demand in Whitefield area, the

dustry to capture the outbound travel market

hotel is targeting a total revenue increase of

that is expected to grow to 50 million from the

9.9% over 2014.”

current 14-million benchmark. While some

Abhilash K Ramesh said, “It (2015) defi-

great brands bloomed in India under the um-

nitely should be a positive year for the hotel

brella of the international parent companies,

industry, by creating a more stable environ-

we are witnessing aggressive expansion and

ment for growth. And focused approach on

origination of more hotels. According to

yoga and Ayurveda, will play favorable to all.

Cushman & Wakefield, the hospitality sector

As these are our key strengths and cannot be

in India expects 52,000 new hotel rooms to

duplicated by any other nation. This should

be added in five years (2013-17). This will

definitely increase arrivals and benefit all.”

lead to a rise of over 65 per cent in total hotel

The next general budget of the new govern-

inventory in India. The National Capital Re-

ment will be very important for the hotel in-

gion (NCR) is expected to contribute around

dustry. Rohit Vig said, “Most hoteliers are

one-third to the total expected hotel rooms

waiting for the budget announcement to

supply during the period. We hope the de-

come in by February 2015 and that would de-

mand sets in, that will keep everything going.”

cide the sentiment for the next year as well.

Quite optimist of the new year, Vishal Singh

The recent launch of e-visa facility for tourists

said that the new year brings in a lot of hopes

from 43 countries will make travel in India

and expectations and is starting on a positive

hassle-free for foreign tourists and hence

note due to the optimistic business senti-

boost the sector overall. Stable government

ment, it needs to be now seen whether all the

and policies should ensure a better scenario.”

words are actually translated to decisive actions which would transform India into one of the fastest growing economies in the world.

“The year 2014 in general was a minor improvement for the Indian hotel industry but due to various unforeseen factors it was not able to reach optimum levels.” Abhilash K Ramesh Group Director, Kairali Ayurvedic Group

“The hospitality industry in India is showing signs of recovery with hotels reporting an improvement in room occupancy in the third quarter of the calendar year, although it's helped by discounted room rates.” Rohit Vig MD –India, Staywell Hospitality Group

As per Gagan Deep Singh said, “Going into



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Kanha Call of the Wild Kanha’s sal and bamboo forests, rolling grasslands and meandering streams stretch over 940 sq km in dramatic natural splendor.


anha National Park forms the core


dian hare, and dhole or Indian wild dog, barking

of the Kanha Tiger Reserve cre-

Forest Department guides accompany visitors

ated in 1974 under project Tiger.

around the park on mapped-out circuits which

should reward the visitor with a sight of:

The park is the only habitat of the

enable viewers to see a good cross section of

Indian fox, sloth bear, striped hyena, jungle cat,

rare hard ground Barasingha.

Kanha’s wildlife. The best areas are the mead-

leopard, mouse deer, chausingha or four horned

ows around Kanha, where blackbuck, chital and

antelope, nilgai, ratel & porcupine.

In the 1930s, the Kanha area was divided into

deer and Indian bison or gaur. Patient watching

two Sanctuaries, Hallon and Banjar, of 250 sq

barasingha can be seen throughout the day.

km and 300 sq km each. Though one of these

Bamni Dadar: Known as Sunset Point, this is

in the far east of the park, chinkara, to be found

was subsequently disbanded, the area re-

one of the most beautiful areas of the park, from

outside the park’s northern boundary, Indian

mained a protected one until 1947. Depletion of

where a spectacular sunset can be watched.

pangolin, the smooth Indian otter and the small

the tiger population in the years that followed led

The dense luxuriance of Kanha’s forests can

Indian civet.

to the area being made an absolute sanctuary

best be seen from here. Animals that can be

Commonly seen species include: Cattle egret,

in 1952. By a special statute in 1955, Kanha Na-

sighted around this point are typical of the mixed

pond heron, black ibis, common peafowl,

tional Park came into being. Since then, a series

forest zone.

crested serpent, racket- tailed drongo, hawk,

Very rarely seen species are-Wolf, which lives

of stringent conservation programmes for the

Mammalian species- Kanha has some 22

eagle & red wattled lapwing, various species of

protection of the park’s flora & fauna has given

species of mammals. Those most easily spotted

fly catcher, woodpecker, pigeon, dove, parakeet,

Kanha its deserved reputation for being one of

are the striped palm squirrel, common langur,

babbler and mynah, Indian roller, white breasted

the finest & best administered National Parks in

jackal, wild pig, chital or spotted deer, baras-

kingfisher & grey hornbill.

Asia, and an irresistible attraction for all wildlife

ingha or swamp deer and black buck.

lovers and a true haven for its animals and avian



Less commonly seen species are- Tiger, In-


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“Even though, the year 2014 was very challenging in terms of inbound tourism to India due to various reasons including visa problems, security issues etc., yet we manage a growth of about 9 per cent compared to last year.” Subhash Goyal President, IATO

“It has been a challenging year for the inbound industry in general. Business does seem to be down across the board. But one has got used to ups and downs of our industry over the years, as it is more resilient to externalities.”

“The Union Budget 2014, with its emphasis on tourism, has definitely been a significant achievement. The provisions in the Budget will certainly attract foreign tourists and boost inbound tourism,” Neelu Singh COO,

Rajeev Kohli Joint Managing Director, Creative Travel

Year 2014: a mixed year for travel and tourism industry Year 2014 was a mix year for the travel and tourism industry of the country. The industry saw a pro-tourism government coming into power at the Centre, which has accorded high priority to the development of tourism in the country. v B PREM KUMAR

troduced on 27thNovember, 2014, Tourist Visa on

a significant achievement. The provisions in the

The biggest achievement of the industry in 2014

Arrival enabled by Electronic Travel Authorization

Budget will certainly attract foreign tourists and

was the launch of Visa-On-Arrival enabled by

for 43 countries for the tourists arriving at 9 inter-

boost inbound tourism. The line between peak

Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA) in the month

national airports in India to begin with. More coun-

tourist season and off season is gradually dimin-

of November, which immediately came into effect,

tries will be added in phases,” said Goyal.

ishing as popular domestic destinations have


and getting good response from foreign tourists.

In the last month, MoT launched much awaited

been attracting foreign as well as domestic trav-

E-visa had been announced by Finance Minister

‘Tourist Help Line’, which had been a constant de-

ellers throughout the year. Goa, which is consid-

Arun Jaitley in his budget speech in July, 2014.

mand of IATO. Goyal further said, “With the active

ered to be the most happening year end party

Speaking about achievements of the travel &

participation of members of IATO and hard work

destination, reported high hotel occupancy rates

tourism industry in 2014, Subhash Goyal, Pres-

of its team, IATO has become the real voice of the

during this monsoon season, which is generally

ident, Indian Tour Operators Association of India

entire tourism industry.”

considered to be an off season. These achieve-

(IATO) said “Even though, the year 2014 was very

According to Neelu Singh, COO,,

ments are stepping stones towards placing India

challenging in terms of inbound tourism to India

“2014 was certainly a better year for the travel and

on the global tourist map as a desirable destination.”

due to various reasons including visa problems,

tourism industry as compared to 2013. As per

security issues etc., yet we manage a growth of

MoT, FTAs during Jan–Nov 2014 stand at 6.58

With all the positive things in 2014 for the in-

about 9 per cent compared to last year.” He

million, with large numbers expected in Decem-

dustry, the year was also a challenging year for

added that India could achieve this with hard work

ber, as compared to 6.97 million during Jan-Dec

the industry. “It has been a challenging year for

of IATO members and the excellent support from

2013. India’s outbound tourism sector also per-

the inbound industry in general. Business does

the Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India. He said that

formed well, with India being one of the key

seem to be down across the board. But one has

during the last one year, IATO made all sincere ef-

source markets for various destinations such as

gotten used to the ups and downs of our industry

forts based on the inputs given by its members.

Dubai, Britain, Singapore, amongst others.”

over the years, as it is more resilient to external-

“With our persistent efforts of over 20 years, we

Neelu Singh added, “The Union Budget 2014,

ities,” said Rajeev Kohli, Joint Managing Director,

became successful when government of India in-

with its emphasis on tourism, has definitely been

Creative Travel. “However, we did get some great



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FEATURE = Three things that made travel & hospitality industry of the country smile in 2014 were: 1) coming of NDA government led by PM Narendra Modi into power at Centre in May as Modi’s economic policy has been pro-tourism industry, 2) Announcement by Finance Minister in his budget speech in July that e-visa will be implemented in phased manner, and finally, 3) the e-visa in the form of visa-on-arrival enabled by electronic travel authorization (ETA) was launched in November for 43 countries in first phase = The Union Budget 2015 will be the most important occasion the Travel & Tourism Industry of the country is looking forward to in 2015. The industry expects that Union Budget 2015 to address its long pending demands. = One long standing demand of the industry has been the rationalization of taxes applicable to this travel & Tourism industry. The existing tax structure applicable to this industry has been very exorbitant and complicated.

victories, especially with the Visa on Arrival which

enabled by Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA),

targeted for this audience, which looks for a quick

will be a true game changer for the Indian inbound

which is going to help a lot in near future. “CEN-

getaway every once in a while, just to break the

industry,” added Kohli.

VAT credit was another big step by the finance

monotony of everyday routine,” said Singh.

Ravi Gosain, Managing Director, Erco Travels

ministry to help tourism industry on tax burden,”

As regards his expectation from the New Year,

said, “This year has been mixed for Indian travel

said Tiwari. Lauding the launch of Clean India

Kohli said, “The new government is sending some

and tourism industry. There were lots of interna-

campaign, Tiwari said that these are good meas-

great signals for our industry and we have a very

tonal as well as domestic problems which hinders

ures, adding “I am very confident about the gov-

business oriented Tourism Minister. We have a

growth of tourism, like tragedy of Malaysian air-

ernment’s commitments to promote tourism.”

very positive outlook for the New Year.” Expressing

lines which developed fears in mind of interna-

According to Arun Anand, Managing Director,

his expectation from 20154, Gosain said, “Indus-

tional travellers, problems in Middle east and

Midtown Travels, “the key achievement of the In-

try has lots of expectation from 2015 because our

various social problems in India. But despite of

dian travel and tourism industry in year 2014 was

tourism industry has been suffering with many

these problems, business has been steady but no

that for the first time, any Government has ac-

problems since 5-6 years. We hope to get several

major growth has achieved as expected. For In-

cepted the importance of Tourism and the new

expected favourable decisions from govt for Indian

bound there was a good news at later part of 2014

Government has been pro-active for inbound

travel and tourism industry in 2015, which will cer-

in terms of TVOA through ETA, which enabled 43

tourism. The second key achievement is Tourist

tainly help tourism to grow multifold in India.” On

countries in the world to get Indian visa through

Visa-on-Arrival (TVoA) which itself confirms that

his expectation from 2015, Tiwari said, “Our ex-

Electronic Travel Authorization. This is one of the

the Indian Government is very keen to increase

pectation from 2015 is waiver off on service tax

major achievements what Inbound tourism indus-

the inbound tourism to our country.”

on next budget; tourism needs to be given Indus-

try in India could get. However we are still hopeful

2014 has been year of challenges as well as

try Status to promote tourism, better infrastructure

to include few more countries which are important

progress. Tony Marwah, Managing Director, In-

and major Convention centres to be announced

source market for India.”

dian Travel Promotion Company said, “2014 had

in all major metros.” Marwah said, “We are excited

The last year NDA Government led by PM

been a mixed bag. My main market is the United

about 2015 and hope to see an increase in busi-

Narendra Modi came to power at the Center,

States hence I cannot comment for other markets.

ness. This is thanks to a more visa friendly regime

which sees tourism as key economic sector for

It started slow but with the US economy picking

in the form of e-visa. Modi’s visit to the US and

socio-economic development of the country.

up, business too had picked up in the last quarter.”

visit of US president to India in January will surely

“2014 saw a new government at the Centre which

evince some interest in India. We still have chal-

has positive mindset regarding tourism,” said

Expectations from the New Year

lenges in the form high rates, poor infrastructure,

Amaresh Tiwari, MD, A. T. Seasons & Vacations

Neelu Singh said that she expects the domestic

and irregular tax regime but are hopeful with the government’s priority to tourism.”

Travel, adding, “I am very confident about the gov-

sector to grow further as short weekend trips be-

ernment’s commitments to promote tourism.” Ti-

come a trend amongst Indian families. “Today,

According to Anand, with better political envi-

wari said that the Year 2014 was mixed year for

each of the metro cities has at least 15 destina-

ronment and with the support of the Government,

travel and tourism industry. According to Tiwari,

tions that can be identified as popular weekend

the inbound tourism is going to increase by at

the key achievements of the industry in the last

getaways. We are coming up with exciting domes-

least 15 to 20 percent during 2015 as more and

year included the launch of Tourist Visa-On-Arrival

tic as well as international products specifically

more countries will be added to the list for TVOA.



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2nd Global Hospitality Conclave held The Conclave gains greater prominence and brings together hospitality stalwarts from across the world.


lobal Hospitality Conclave 2014 was

ship Management to name just a few.

held at The Leela Gurgaon on Decem-

year the Conclave has grown in representa-

adigms are constantly being set to accommo-

ber 19, 2014. The Conclave is an ini-

tion and credibility into a

date new players


powerful forum

game are being rewritten every

day. New par-

with new approaches. The

tiative by the alumni of the erstwhile Oberoi

seeking to bring together professionals from dif-

Conclave touched upon trends and opportuni-

School of Hotel Management (OSHM), now

ferent areas


The Oberoi Centre for Learning & Development

dustry, encouraging interactions and debates

and the world at large, as well as,


Now in its second year, the Con-

thereby raising the bar of discussion on critical

priorities and arriving at all potential gate-

clave organized by the alumni of OSHM/

issues impacting the world in general and hos-

ways and drivers of growth in the coming

OCLD (the first batch graduated in 1968)

pitality in particular.

years. It also provided an opportunity for a se-

brought together over 100 participants includ-

clave is to get the alumni together annually

ing SS Mukherji, Vice Chairman & CEO, The

and go

beyond the customary batch re-

The conclave had panel discussions between

Oberoi Group and industry veterans like Rajiv

unions by creating a compelling platform of

the alumni. For the first time a live videoconfer-

Kaul, President Leela Hotels, Anil Madhok,

knowledge exchange, experiences and network-

ence was held between Oberoi alumni in the

Managing Director Sarovar Hotels, Ragini

ing opportunities.

US and participants at the Conclave in India.

of the service and hospitality in-

The objective of the Con-

in the hospitality landscape of the country discussing

rious rethink on existing models.

Chopra, Vice President Corporate Communi-

Today, the Oberoi alumni are employed in

An all-women panel discussed the various chal-

cations and Public Relations, Jet Airways, Dilip

different sectors across the world such as

lenges, opportunities and way forward for creat-

Puri, MD, India and Regional VP South Asia,

banking, aviation, universities and multina-

ing an equitable, fair and safe workplace.

Starwood Asia Pacific Hotels & Resorts, Rat-

tional corporations or spearheading success-

Guest speakers at the Conclave included Nakul


ful businesses as entrepreneurs. It is hoped

Anand, Executive Director, ITC, Dr. Lalit K

Lemon Tree Hotels.

that the Conclave develops into a sought after

Panwar, Honourable Secretary Tourism, Govt

The newer generation included Ravish Swarup,

event and more and more alumni join the idea

of India, and John Gerondelis, renowned Hos-

Chief Executive, Praxis Services Pvt. Ltd.,

exchange forum.With the world of hospitality im-

pitality Designer, SRSS, Atlanta, US.

Nirbhik Goel, HR Director•India, Barclays and

peratively moving toward an era of extensive

Sudhir Gupta, Chief Executive,

collaboration and partnerships, rules of the


Keswani, Deputy Managing Director,

TLC Relation-



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(L to R) Vistara crew members flank Rashmi Soni Head Corporate Communication, Phee Teik Yeoh, CEO, Vistara, Giam Ming Toh, Chief Commercial Officer, Vistara, Kishore Mardikar, Head Ma

Vistara to take off on January 9, 2015 with launching flights on three routes Vistara’s inaugural flights will take off on January 9, 2015 on three routes: DelhiMumbai, Delhi-Ahmedabad and Ahmedabad-Mumbai. The full-service carrier has unveiled its product, brand music, in-flight meal service and Frequent Flyer Program- Club Vistara. The airline also announced strategic partnerships with Taj Group and SIA, and unveiled its tagline ‘Fly the new Feeling’.

tara, said, “We have all been waiting a long time for this. Today we share with you details about our carefully conceived product and services, specially designed to ensure a joyful and seamless travel experience. Within three weeks, our first flight will take off and we hope to give our customers a memorable experience through the blending of our


iming to transform the air travel experi-

the spirit of the “carefree” world citizen connected

innovative spirit with traditional Indian hospitality”

ence in India, Vistara, the full-service

with the emotion of the “caring” Indian soul created

Leveraging on relationships with like-minded

carrier of TATA SIA Airlines Limited, un-

by a leading sonic branding agency - Brandmusiq,

service organisations, Vistara is working on inter-

was also launched at the event.

line sales agreements and other partnerships with

veiled its unique product and service elements that will fulfill its core brand promise. The full service

Interacting with the media at the event, Phee

a few major international airlines including Singa-

carrier will take off on January 9, 2015 with Delhi-

Teik Yeoh, Chief Executive Officer, Vistara, said,

pore Airlines and SilkAir. These partnerships,

Mumbai, Delhi-Ahmedabad and Ahmedabad-

“Today we unveiled our long-awaited product and

more details of which will be shared later, will give

Mumbai as its initial routes. The attention to detail

service elements that are a manifestation of our

customers of our partner airlines easier access to

in fulfilling its commitments, made when the brand

brand promise of delivering a seamless and per-

sectors serviced by Vistara. Further development

was unveiled, is clear. The hassle-free check-in

sonalized travel experience. My entire team and I

of these partnerships will bring additional benefits

and boarding process, with intuitively thoughtful

are ready and committed to putting the joy back

to Club Vistara members and strengthen our value

on-board experience, comfortable and spacious

into flying, by being intuitively thoughtful and re-


seating coupled with carefully selected meals will

sponsive to our customers’ needs at every stage

Vistara also announced a strategic partnership

deliver a seamless service experience to Vistara

of their travel experience. We thank everyone – our

with the Taj Group, India’s largest hospitality com-


partners and well-wishers for supporting us in our

pany. With a common objective to enhance the

Vistara also unveiled its tagline ‘Fly the new

journey so far. Let’s begin the New Year with a new

travel experience for our mutual customers, the

Feeling’, encouraging its potential customers to

airline and a new flying experience. We look for-

partnership will eventually include tie-ups which

explore the product and feel the difference. The

ward to seeing you onboard soon.”

will benefit members of the Taj Inner Circle (TIC)

aural identity (brand music) of Vistara, embodies



Giam Ming Toh, Chief Commercial Officer, Vis-

and Club Vistara loyalty programs.


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The Metropolitan Hotel & Spa celebrates 15 Years The Metropolitan Hotel and Spa recently celebrated completion of its 15 successful years. Having officially opened its doors for guests in 2000, these 15 glorious years personify a sense of satisfaction, delight and accomplishment.

During these years, hotel has successfully managed to undergo a journey of transformation. Nick-named as THE MET, this luxury 5 star deluxe property is a perfect amalgamation of panache and substance. It welcome guests to a fresh atmosphere with vivid, minimalist, urban, stylish designs, and let them slip into smoothest place with warm and thoughtful service. Appraise from guests and various honors, awards and accolades at international platforms like World Luxury Hotel Awards, International Hotel Awards, Luxury Travel Guide, Tripadvisor, and many more encapsulates THE MET’s eventful journey. Recalling the wonderful journey of the hotel, Executive Director, Vipul Gupta congratulates all on achieving this milestone. He says, “This is an exciting year and a momentous occasion for THE MET as it celebrates a historic past and looks forward to the future. This special milestone will not go unnoticed and we will kick-off our anniversary year with series of celebratory offers and packages.” He gives all the credit for this success to his staff for their undying spirit and impeccable services and shows gratitude towards his customers for their loyalty and support. THE MET has continued to spread the light and warmth of hospitality ever since it’s opening. In order to commemorate this huge success, THE MET will offer luxurious 15 Years Room package, interesting food festivals, rejuvenating 15 Years spa treatment, great discounts and many special offers. By offering such promotions, THE MET will add a sense of rarity, luxury and unique experiences to invite guests. So whether it’s a special room package or an offer at different outlets with a price to die for; a lot is on the cards to make the customers a part of this celebration. by TNH DESK



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Tourism links between China and India further strengthened In the year 2014, China National Tourist Office (CNTO) continued its endeavour to tap the Indian market and strengthen tourism links between the two countries. According to CNTO, the total Indian annual

friendly cooperation in various fields includ-

visits to mainland China have already sur-

ing travel and tourism industry is to

passed the mark of 7 lakh, which is indeed a

strengthen the understanding and friendship

historical milestone for China Tourism. “We

of the people between the two countries.

can feel the ever-increasing fervour of Indian nationals to explore China as a tourist destination,” said LI Qianguo, Director, China National Tourist Office, New Delhi In September 2014, Chinese President Xi Jinping paid a state visit to India. The national leaders of China and India have designated 2015 as the “Visit India Year” in China and 2016 as the “Visit China Year” in India. Under these initiatives, “the two sides will carry out a series of promotional activities to boost two-way tourism flows and strengthen people-to-people bonds.” The friendly relations between countries lie in the close contact of the people. The important and fundamental work in developing the

Total Indian annual visits to mainland China surpassed 7 lakh. China and India have designated 2015 as the “Visit India Year” in China and 2016 as the “Visit China Year” in India. Under the initiatives, promotional activities will be conducted to boost two-way tourism flows and strengthen people-to-people bonds.

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Explore beautiful China along the Silk Road The year 2015 has been designated by China National Tourism Administration (CNTA) as “Beautiful China, 2015-Year of Silk Road Tourism”.

huang Mogao Grottoes, Maijishan Grottoes, Jiayuguan (Pass) of the Great Wall, historic site of beacon tower in Han Dynasty (202 BC-220 AD), Ta’er Monastery - a famous monastery of

Tourists from home as well as abroad are

33 historical sites along the millennium-old

Tibetan Buddhism and the historic site of

welcome to explore Beautiful China along the

trade route, including 22 in China, eight in

Gaochang - an important town of the Silk

Silk Road in the New Year. The overland Silk

Kazakhstan and three in Kyrgyzstan. They


Road is a famous ancient trade channel with a

range from palaces and pagoda sites in cities

total length of over 7,000 km which traverses

to ruins in remote, inaccessible deserts. Earlier

hospitable and welcoming and good at singing

Asia and links Europe and Asia. It stretches

on September 7, 2013, Chinese President Xi

and dancing. They have different development

from Chang’an (the current Xi’an) in the east,

Jinping delivered a speech at Nazarbayev Uni-

history and keep their own unique ethnic char-

passes Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia, Qinghai and

versity, proposing to build “economic zone of

acteristics, traditional cultures and religions. In

Xinjiang, crosses Congling Ridge (the current

the Silk Road” to strengthen economic ties and

ethnic minority areas, tourists can experience

Pamirs), crosses the Commonwealth of the In-

deepen more mutual cooperation including

local life, enjoy folk song and dance, attend

dependent States, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq and

travel and tourism industry between European

local residents’ weddings, celebrate festivals,

Syria in Central Asia, and reaches the eastern

and Asian countries.

and purchase exquisite handicrafts.

edge (the current Rome) of the Mediterranean

Many ethnic minorities live here and they are

The Silk Road has its eternal charm with a

Closely linked with the above initiative, an-

Sea. The silk road in China is long for over

history of over 2,000 years and lots of historical

other great vision is the 21st Century Maritime

4,000 km, over half of the total.

relics, places of interest, magnificent natural

Silk Road, which was also put forward by Chi-

scenery and local conditions and customs

nese President Xi Jinping in late 2013 to revive

Kyrgyzstan in June 2014, part of the Silk Road

along the Road. In China along this Road, one

the ancient maritime trade and cultural routes

was added to the World Heritage List of UN Ed-

can find Terra Cotta Warriors, renowned as the

between China and its neighbours and part-

ucational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

eighth wonder of the world, Famen Temple

ners. Surely, tourism links over the Maritime

(UNESCO). The application approved inculded

which stores relics of Sakyamuni Buddha, Dun-

Silk Road will be further strengthened.

Jointly applied by China, Kazakhstan and

2015 has been designated by China Tourism as “Beautiful China, 2015-Year of Silk Road Tourism”. The overland Silk Road is a famous ancient trade channel with a total length of over 7,000 km which traverses Asia and links Europe and Asia. The silk road in China is long for over 4,000 km, over half of the total. Part of the Silk Road was added to the World Heritage List of UNESCO. Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2013 proposed 21st Century Maritime Silk Road to revive the ancient maritime trade and cultural routes between China and its neighbors & partners.

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Wat Pho’s Reclining Buddha among 10 of the World’s most impressive religious statues

‘2015 Year of Discover Thainess’

The famous Reclining Buddha image in Bangkok’s Wat Pho was recently listed as one of the 10 most impressive religious statues in the world by CNN Travel.

In 2015, TAT will be promoting Thailand with the new global marketing and promotion campaign under the “2015 Discover Thainess” slogan, which was soft-launched at the World Travel Market (WTM) in London in November this year, and official launch will be on 14th January 2015 in Bangkok.


he “2015 Discover Thainess” campaign

emphasizes on the priceless treasures of Thailand, which gives Thainess its charm

and makes the country unique. There will be a host of activities that offer the opportunity for tourists and visitors to appreciate the essence of ‘Thainess’ through the Thai way of life, Thai culture and Thai experiences. The unique ‘Thainess’ charms can be experienced from a wide variety of tourist attractions, abundant natural beauty, remarkable range of activities, and an array of religious celebrations and cultural festivals. TAT would like to invite tourists around the world to experience our Thainess which will impress all visitors with unforgettable impressive experiences. The campaign is focusing on seven fascinating features which epitomise Thailand’s unique Thainess character along with a glorious history and a unique culture.

January: Opening Ceremony of “2015 Discover Thainess” February: The Golden Kinship Celebration March: Muay Thai Festival April: Songkran Splendours May: Thailand Music Festival June: Thailand Grand Sale Festival July: ASEAN Music and Arts Festival August: Queen of Silk Festival September: Thailand International Food Festival October: Thailand Time Trial (TTT) November: Loi Krathong Festival December: In Royal Melody

Thai Food: Thai cuisine is well-known all over the world for its delectable flavours and unique

derstanding and recognition through the deli-

ways of cooking and preserving food, as well as

cious flavours of Tom Yum Kung, Phat Thai and

ensuring nutrition. Thai food plays an important

Massaman curry, to name but a few.

role in symbolisingThainess for international un-




The Reclining Buddha of Wat Pho is honoured for the massive size at 15 metres high and 43 metres long, as well as for the beautiful features. “The most ornate parts are the feet, which are inlaid with mother-of-pearl panels featuring symbols that represent the Buddha, including flowers, elephants and tigers,” the article described. Six of the statues listed in CNN Travel’s 10 of the world’s most impressive religious statues are found in Asia, while the Reclining Buddha at Bangkok’s Wat Pho has long been regarded as one of Southeast Asia’s most impressive religious icons. The image is covered in gold plating and housed in a Vihan boasting exquisitely painted murals, while the feet of the statue are decorated with 108 auspicious characteristics of the Buddha meticulously picked out in mother-of-pearl. Thawatchai Arunyik, Governor of the Tourism Authority of Thailand said, “This recognition will come as no surprise to most visitors that Wat Pho’s Reclining Buddha has been listed by CNN Travel as among the

world’s most impressive religious icons. For three hundred years, devotees have paid their respects and they are now joined by over 2,000 tourists a day who come to admire the statue.” The size of the Buddha impresses visitors, but it is the sense of peace that the statue exudes and the stunning craftsmanship that make it memorable. The Reclining Buddha image at Wat Pho has long been one of Bangkok’s greatest treasures, impressing writers, artists, tourists and pilgrims alike.

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China Tourism and TAAI-NR host Thanksgiving dinner party China National Tourism Office (CNTO) along with Travel Agents Association of IndiaNorthern Region (TAAI-NR) hosted a gala thanksgiving dinner party for members of travel trade on December 24, 2014 at hotel The Ashok, New Delhi. Those present on the occasion included officials of CNTO and members of TAAI-NR.



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Travels (India) Pvt. Ltd. Aviation - Tourism

Today’s Traveller Awards

India Travel Awards

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ATOAI celebrates its 20th anniversary Adventure Tour Operators Association of India ( ATOAI) recently completed 20 years in the trade. With its members, media, stakeholders, and friends in the industry, ATOAI celebrated this occasion on December 12, 2014 at The Westin, Gurgaon. ATOAI has been active for 20 years and has seen the industry grow and get a recognition not only in India but also internationally.



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Korea Tourism Organization hosts Korean Night ‘Unexpected Discoveries’ Korea Tourism Organization (KTO) recently hosted Korean Night ‘Unexpected Discoveries’ at The Taj Mahal Hotel, New Delhi. The event saw a huge participation from travel trade fraternity with a large number of tour operators and travel agents participating in the show. Dignitaries present on the occasion included H.E. Joongyu Lee, Ambassador of Republic of Korea to India, and Sang- hoon Na, Executive Director, KTO , Byugnsun Lee, Director, KTO, India, Guldeep Sahni, President, OTOAI and Karan Anand, Cox & Kings. On the occasion, Byugnsun Lee made an introduction of ‘Imagine Your Korea’ brand. An award ceremony was also held to honour trade partners of KTO .



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Skal New Delhi Skal New Delhi held its lunch meeting in Lawns of The Imperial, New Delhi, where members interacted with each other and discussed the issues of common interest.

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Rashmi Uday Singh, Tim Guillois, H.E. François Richier, Jean-Michel Cassé, Catherine Oden and Hicham Lahkim Bennani

France eases visa procedures for Indian visitors In order to open France even wider to Indian tourists, the French government has decided to drastically ease visa procedures for Indian visitors.

measures “show that once again, France is

Richier, Ambassador of France to India has de-

committed to strengthening the connectivity be-

cided to open 8 new France Visa Application

tween France and India even further at all lev-

Centres (VFS) throughout India from 1st De-

els. Removing barriers and hurdles is our core

cember 2014 in addition to the 6 already exist-


ing centres. The new centres will be located in

The number of visas delivered by French

the following cities: Chandigarh, Jalandhar,

consulates in India has jumped by 33% in 2014

Pune, Goa, Ahmedabad, Kochi, Hyderabad

compared to 2013, with a total of 80,000 visas

and Jaipur.

delivered from January to October – we expect

This extended network will enable French au-

to reach 90 000 visas delivered in 2014. Also

thorities to gain proximity to Indian applicants

commenting on the announcement about visas

and to cater effectively to the increasing num-

being issued in 48 hours, Mr. Yeshwant Pawar,

ber of tourists wanting to visit France. Visas will

General Manager, South Asia, Air France KLM

be delivered within 72 hours in these new cen-

declared: “We applaud this strategic move on

tres, to take into account the necessary trans-

the part of the Embassy as France is a great

portation of visa applications to the French

destination and Paris is highly popular among


the new generation of Indian travelers. We con-

Visa application now possible from anywhere

sider this as a significant move for making Paris

in India: Any Indian citizen having his main res-

the most accessible European capital for Indian

idence in India can now apply for a visa from

tourists.” These new measures have been an-

any VFS centre in India, (whereas, previously,

This facilitation is not only restricted to visa

nounced during a special event around the un-

applicants had to go to a specific VFS centre

processing but also providing innovative infor-

corking of Beaujolais Nouveau at the French

depending on their area of residence).

mation services especially developed for Indian

Ambassador’s residence. Jean Michel Cassé,

“ChaloParis” official travel app: “ChaloParis”

nationals visiting France.

Senior Vice President, operations – Accor, India

is an official travel app developed for smart

Delivery of visas within 48 hours: Tourist and

said: “we are both excited and proud to be host-

phones and tablets, custom-made for Indian

business visas for Indians visiting France will

ing the 'Beaujolais Nouveau' event at the

tourists planning a French holiday.

now be delivered by the French consulates

French residence and celebrate with our part-

The application provides useful information

within 48 hours (2 working days). During his

ners, guests and friends a long-standing cele-

on: monuments & tourist spots in Paris, restau-

visit to India in July 2014, H.E. Laurent Fabius,

bratory tradition. Accor is committed to India for

rants in Paris with a particular focus on vege-

French Minister for foreign affairs had an-

the long-term as we build a great network of ho-

tarian restaurants & some recommendations by

nounced this measure to be implemented as of

tels to offer travellers a range of options from

Rashmi Uday Singh, Paris-fan & acclaimed

1st January 2015. A text message will be sent

luxury to economy hotels at a compelling value.

food-critic and shopping areas in popular dis-

automatically to the applicant should there be

We at Accor aim to position all our brands as

tricts and night-life and visits to French regions

an extension of deadline due to missing docu-

‘Born in France, Made in India’ to suit the needs

easily accessible from Paris: Normandy, the

ments or inaccuracies in the visa application.

and palate of our Indian guests.”

Loire Valley, Mont Saint-Michel, Bordeaux & its

Ambassador Richier declared that these new



Creation of 8 new VFS centres: H.E. François



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Representatives from the four destinations signed an official agreement at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, where the two-day Cruise Shipping Asia-Pacific (CSAP) conference and exhibition took place. Founded by the HKTB and the

Asia Cruise Fund welcomes Hainan and The Philippines as new members The Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) and the Taiwan Tourism Bureau (TTB) welcomed two new members to the Asia Cruise Fund, Hainan and the Philippines, last week.

TTB in April this year, the Asia Cruise Fund aims at promoting regional co-operation in

fund, and above all, for their confidence in the Asian cruise industry. Our four destinations will work closely together to encourage cruise lines and our neighbouring ports to join and leverage the Asia Cruise Fund to expand their business. Meanwhile, Hong Kong will continue

ing stronger.

to enrich its cruise offerings and promote its di-

the area of cruise tourism, and motivating inter-

Dr Peter Lam, Chairman of the HKTB, said:

verse onshore experiences, including unique cul-

national cruise lines to deploy more ships to and

“When the HKTB initiated the concept of a cruise

tural experiences, and world-class dining and

increase their investment in Asia by supporting

co-op fund, we envisioned a strategic alliance

shopping, to cruise passengers from the region

the development and marketing of cruise prod-

which benefits not only cruise lines through fund-

and around the world.”

ucts featuring the port partners.

ing support for them to market their products, but

Dr Wayne Liu, Deputy Director-General of the

The fund’s two new members, together with the

also the member ports and the Asian region at

TTB, said: “In February this year, Taiwan and

HKTB and the TTB, unveiled the news at the Kai

large, as new itineraries and more ship calls to

Hong Kong broke through the conventional bar-

Tak Cruise Terminal, where 400 delegates, in-

Asia ultimately enhance consumer interest in

riers and signed an Asia Cruise Fund agreement

cluding cruise line executives, representatives

cruise travel in the region. We were pleased to re-

that establishes a model for the Asian area in the

from port authorities and national tourism organ-

ceive Taiwan’s support for the idea back in Feb-

joint development of cruise passenger sources at

isations, and media representatives, gathered for

ruary, which made the launch of the Asia Cruise

home and abroad. The Philippines and Hainan

the welcome reception hosted by the HKTB. The

Fund possible. We are excited that Hainan and

are joining the co-op fund, transforming the al-

chiefs of the respective tourism organisations ex-

the Philippines are joining us in our effort. We

liance from a single ‘line’ between two places to

pressed excitement at seeing the alliance grow-

would like to thank them for their support for the

an entire ‘area’.”


(L-R) Vijeta Kanwar, Immigration Manager, Immigration New Zealand; SriramRajmohan, Director, Centrum Group; Syed M. H Kirmani, Former Wicket Keeper , Indian Cricket team; Neha Bhola, Country Manager India, Tourism New Zealand; GopiIyengar, Sr. Vice President Chief Marketing Officer, Centrum Group



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Sheetal Iyer The Westin Gurgaon, New Delhi

Firoz Jangaria ibis Bengaluru City

Imit Arora The Lalit, Chandigarh

Ahsan Shervani Shervani Hospitalities

The Lalit Chandigarh has announced the appointment of Imit Arora as its new Hotel Manager. Imit brings with him over 14 years of experience in core hotel operations. Prior to joining The Lalit Chandigarh, Imit was the Resident Manager at The Lalit New Delhi. Imit began his career with The Leela Palaces, Hotels and Resorts as a management trainee. He joined Taj Hotels, Resorts and Palaces as Front Office Manager before progressing to Accommodation Manager at Taj Exotica Goa. Imit holds a Bachelor Degree in Hotel Management from Welcomgroup Graduate School of Hotel Administration, Manipal-Karnataka.

Shervani Hospitalities has appointed Ahsan Shervani as the new Vice-President of the company. Armed with an MBA in Hospitality from Les Roches International School of Hotel Management in Switzerland with a concentration in finance and a BSc in Management from Purdue University USA, Ahsan along with his MBA class was working as a strategic consultant for the Beau Rivage Palace hotel, Lausanne before returning to India. Shervani Hospitalities, Chain of Hotels, Resorts & Restaurants in Uttrakhand and Delhi is a public limited company in the business of Hotels and Restaurants.

The Westin Gurgaon, New Delhi appointed of Sheetal Iyer, as Director Of Rooms. Sheetal brings with her a strong foundation in the hospitality industry, having worked at many celebrated hotels and renowned organizationsSheraton Bangalore, Oberoi Hotels, Zuri Hotels and Le Meridien Bangalore- amongst others. Sheetal brings with her more than a decade of experience and leadership to her role as Director Of Rooms, with a multitude of experience in various departments, including Sales, Marketing and Front Office. In her current role, she will be overseeing operations of the Front Office Department at The Westin Gurgaon.

Ibis has announced the appointment of Firoz Jangaria as the Hotel Manager of the ibis Bengaluru City Centre. Ibis Bengaluru City Centre is the third ibis hotel in Bengaluru, located in the heart of the business district. The vibrant new hotel is designed for the smart, independent and savvy leisure and business traveller seeking comfort, convenience and value in a hotel. Firoz brings with him over a decade of experience in the hospitality industry and was most recently Director for Sales at Ibis Gurgaon. In his new role, he is entrusted with spearheading and managing the 173-room property.

Gaurav Malhotra Executive Chef – Novotel Pune

Gary Antony Henden Six Senses Samui

Prabir Chaki Aakar Lords Inn, Saputara, Gujarat

Tanushree Joshi Sunlux Collection

Chef Gaurav Malhotra has been appointed Executuve Chef at Novotel Pune. Having spent his last decade in Mumbai, London & China; Chef Gaurav played a key role being in the pre-opening teams of flagship properties like Holiday Inn Mumbai and Sofitel Mumbai BKC.Being with Accor for past four years, Chef brings over 13 years of wealthy experience to Novotel Pune.His last assignment with Sofitel Macau was a stepping stone for his career which has left an impressionable influence on him, one that he is excited to share with Pune’s rising dining scene.

Gary Antony Henden has been appointed general manager of Six Senses Samui. Prior to this posting, he held the same position at Six Senses Ninh Van Bay in Vietnam. Gary joined Six Senses Hotels Resorts Spas in 2005 as an executive chef, quickly climbing through the ranks of operational and executive management in its Asian and Indian Ocean properties. His tenures include the former Six Senses properties Soneva Fushi in the Maldives and Soneva Kiri in Thailand followed by Six Senses Ninh Van Bay, Vietnam before moving to Six Senses Samui, Thailand.

Aakar Lords Inn, Saputara, Gujarat, has appointed Prabir Chaki as Operations Manager. He brings with him more than 14 years of rich experience in the hospitality industry with specialisation in F&B Operations. Prior to his new role, he served as Executive Assistant Manager at The Duke Retreat. He is a Hotel Management graduate from IHRM, Kolkata. In his new assignment, he will be independently responsible for the entire operations and F&B of the hotel. Lords Hotels & Resorts, presently owns and manages 24 hotels in various cities across India covering business, leisure and religious destinations across India.

Tanushree Joshi has been appointed as Account Director India for Sunlux Collection by Sun International. The collection consists of three five star establishments, positioned in a ‘Golden Triangle’ that links Cape Town’s ,The Table Bay Hotel, Sun City’s The Palace of the Lost City and Zambia’s gracious Royal Livingstone Hotel. The hotels combined together provide an ultimate African experience for high end visitors from India. Tanushree will be responsible to brand build Sunlux Collection through Sales and Marketing efforts in India. Her last stint was handling Sales and Marketing for Switzerland based luxury resort, Grand Resort Bad Ragaz.



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