Travel and Hospitality (TnH) - August 2017

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Travel Hospitality I S S U E 11 | V O L U M E V I I I | A U G U S T 2 0 1 7 | ` 5 0

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GST IN FORCE Travel & Hospitality Industry struggles with compliance issues

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Where there is Unity there is Victory!

Publisher & Editor Srishti Rai Director Bharat S. Rai Managing Editor Prem Kumar General Manager-Marketing Prem Sagar (M) +91 99106 81111 Art Director Sunny Singh Web Designer Mohit Chaudhary Senior Reporter Archana Sharma Correspondent (Kolkata) Swaati Chaudhury Accounts Chander Shakher Balodi Administration Executive Sarwat Jahan

For any query, write to us at: Printed, published and owned by Srishti Rai. Printed at Somsons Printing Works, 1/7, DoctorĂŠs Lane, Gole Market, New Delhi - 110001, and published at P- 23/90, Connaught Circus, New Delhi 110001; Editor: SRISHTI RAI

I have learnt over the years that there is the world's way of doing things, which is the normal way, and then there is the Indian way. There are processes and policies that have successfully worked and continue to work across the globe but when we decide to adopt them we insist on remodeling them and making them worse. This is unfortunate because as a developing nation we have the opportunity and advantage to learn from more developed countries and come back and implement improved systems in India. Yet, somehow we seem to overcomplicate things repeatedly. The latest example is the Goods & Services Tax (GST) that was introduced on July 1st. It is a welcome, bold and long-pending reform and the government should be commended for having the political savvy, grit and determination to push it through after almost two decades since it was first introduced. Getting all our states on board was a complex exercise to say the least. The idea of unifying the country through the creation of a common market with the removal of all other tariffs translates to the free movement of goods within the country, better tax collection and less red tape, which in turn will lead to GDP growth. Done properly, this is a revolutionary reform, but as always we have proven to be our own worst enemies and have confused things terribly. Most

countries that have adopted this tax system have ensured a single slab for all goods and services. Not so in India. The GST still maintains three layersCGST, SGST and IGST as well as five slabs of taxation. Now take the tourism industry for example, different segments of the tourism industry have been placed under different GST rate slabs. There are also some debatable classifications because of which hotel rooms at different prices have different tax rates. With so many grey areas that are creating dilemmas, most business organizations in our sector, both big and small, are struggling with challenges related to GST compliance. As usual travel agents and tour operators seem to be affected the most. In the interest of the tourism industry, the government should clarify certain provisions of GST applicable to our industry or ideally bring all services provided by it under the single 12% rate slab. This is necessary to make GST a simple and progressive indirect tax that drives growth rather than retards it. Our cover story 'GST in force, Tourism Industry struggles with compliance issues', on page 20 written by our Managing Editor Mr. Prem Kumar gives a more detailed analysis of the implications of GST on tourism. On a lighter note, make sure you don’t miss a word of our stories on family travel in this issue. After all, family travel is the best kind of travel because what we live and work for if not them. Flip to page 24 for our story on 'Childfriendly holiday ideas in India' and then have a quick look at our list of safety tips while travelling with kids on page 23. Looking forward to making travel to and within India more convenient!

Srishti Rai Editor

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Travel Hospitality CONTENTS 40

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GST in force, Tourism Industry struggles with compliance issues

Important tips to travel safe with kids



India likely to revert to in-house visa application processing abroad


Sanctity of awards being seriously compromised by some organizations





28 43

Child-friendly Holiday Ideas in India

Ahmedabad: first World Heritage City of India



EXPLORE INDIA Mandu - a royal legacy of Parmars, Sultans and Mughals







Finland: a glorious country of varied landscapes and stunning natural beauty



'East Africa is becoming a hot destination for Indian travellers'

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INDIA LIKELY TO REVERT TO IN-HOUSE VISA APPLICATION PROCESSING ABROAD Indian Ministry of External Affairs is rethinking about outsourcing its visa application processing and is likely to return to its old practice of processing visa applications in-house by its embassies and consulates. Poor quality of visa application processing by some nonprofessional service providers and an increasing number of complaints from visa applicants may be prompting this shift.


ndian Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) is considering to revert to its earlier practice of inhouse visa processing by Indian embassies and consulates, according to sources. If the Ministry decides to implement this policy change, the

Indian consular services (including the Visa application process for foreign travellers to India) in all countries would be in-sourced again which means that visa applications would be handled completely by Indian consulates and embassies themselves in their respective countries. We spoke to an official in the Ministry of External Af-

Other possible reason behind the rethink could be

fairs, who declined to confirm or deny the proposal,

the successful expansion of the e-visa facility that

saying that he is not authorized to speak to the Media

India currently offers in 161 countries. Since it was first

on the issue. He added that as of now no such deci-

launched in 2014, the e-visa facility has been record-

sion has been formalized. However, it cannot be ruled

ing double digit growth rates. Today, e-visas account

out in the near future.

for approximately 12 % of total visas issued by India.

The MEA had outsourced its visa application pro-

However, even today most of the visas issued by the

cessing in 2007, and since then it has been using the

MEA are the physical visas stamped in passports, and

outsourced model in about 35 countries. One of the

the number of such visas is bound to decrease further.

key reasons behind this possible change appears to be

If Indian Foreign Ministry recalls its outsourced visa

the challenges the Ministry has faced in terms of

application processing, the business of some of the

awarding contracts for visa services. Besides, the Min-

external service providers who rely predominantly on

istry is also not satisfied with the quality of visa pro-

Indian visa business (for inbound travellers) will be se-

cessing services of some of these lowest-priced service

riously impacted. India currently uses about 9 external

providers, and the increasing number of complaints

service providers for managing the visa application

from visa applicants. These lowest -priced service

process in about 35 countries. Cox & Kings, BLS Inter-

providers got selected for the Ministry's visa applica-

national and IVS are some of the visa service providers

tion processing because the lowest price bid (L-1) is

whose revenues could fall significantly if the Indian

the key selection criteria. Litigation issues could also

government does implement the in-sourcing policy be-

be playing a part in the reconsideration. The MEA over

cause of their reliance on such business.

the past few years has also been bogged down in litigation matters relating to awarding of some contracts.




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‘FINDING SOLUTIONS OF WOES ARISING OUT OF THE GST WILL BE OUR TOP PRIORITY’ Neeraj Malhotra, the present Honorary Secretary of Travel Agents Association of India- Northern Region, has been elected as the new Chairman of TAAI-NR. The Chairman-Elect will take over after the national elections of TAAI to be held soon. TnH spoke to the newly elected chairman about his plans and priorities once he assumes charge as the new chairman. He said that his first priority as the new chairman of TAAI-NR would be to find out solutions of the problems arising out of the implementation of GST, which has emerged a major concern and challenge for all the fraternity and specially for the small and medium sized agencies. Malhotra said that new team of TAAI-NR would arrange workshops on the subject for better understanding and implementation, adding that "although we already had a workshop on GST but we are in the process to again organize the same and involve Govern-

ment participation on the subject so that members have clarity." According to Malhotra, TAAI-NR would also approach the airlines to seek their support in the matter of reporting of GST invoices they will be sending to the corporate and also request them for a suitable remuneration in terms of Agency Commission along with having parity of fares on their websites. Another key priority of TAAI-NR under the chairmanship of Malhotra would be to keep pressing for restoration of commissions by airlines to agents. "When other associations have given up on this issue, TAAI-NR is still focusing on the restoration of commission and credits to travel agents. With few airlines paying commission to travel agents on sale of ticket, ticketing business has lost its significance among agents; We want to educate our members about new destination and products and help them discover new avenues of business and

Neeraj Malhotra Chairman-Elect, TAAI-NR

Income." Asked about what agents should do to increase their revenues in the current difficult scenario, Malhotra said that now it is important for agents to diversify their business. "Promoting destinations and selling holiday packages and selling non-air products like cruises, international phone cards, insurance, foreign exchange cards could be one important way to diversify their busiby TNH DESK ness," he concluded.

Small Luxury Hotels of the World™ welcomes The LaLiT London Small Luxury Hotels of the World is de-

to the building’s history throughout, most no-

lighted to announce The LaLiT London as the

tably in the striking paneled Great Hall, two

latest addition to its collection of small, inde-

bars located in the former Teachers’ Room

pendently owned hotels in the UK capital.

and the Headmaster’s Room and some gue-

The hotel, which is available to book from

strooms which boast 30 ft ceilings.

26th July via the SLH website – – opened in February 2017

The dramatic great hall is home to pan-Indian restaurant Baluchi. Here guests can sam-

and is the first overseas venture for New

ple a selection of flavours from across India

Delhi-based hotel company The Lalit Suri

including Kashmir, Bengal, Kerala and Goa.

Hospitality Group.

The restaurant features a Naanery where

The LaLiT London sees the transformation

guests can pair wines with artisanal breads

of a derelict Grade II listed building into a 70-

prepared in the tandoor and an outdoor

room luxury boutique hotel following a five-

shisha terrace. During the afternoon guests

year restoration, and combines original

can enjoy the best of both worlds with a High

Victorian features with custom-made Indian

Chai Afternoon Tea as well as two bespoke

interiors and modern technology. Once home


to St Olave’s Grammar School, there are nods




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SINGAPORE AIRLINES LAUNCHES HIGHFLYER PROGRAMME FOR CORPORATES Singapore Airlines has launched an all-new Singapore Airlines HighFlyer programme for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) to get more mileage out of flights on company business. The new corporate travel programme is designed to reward both corporates and employees when they fly with Singapore Airlines and SilkAir. Corporates will earn HighFlyer points while employees continue to earn KrisFlyer miles each time an employee flies with Singapore Airlines or SilkAir, making it a more rewarding way to travel for business. With no minimum annual travel spend required, corporates earn five HighFlyer points for every S$1 spend on tickets booked through Singapore Airlines’ corporate booking platform or an appointed travel agent. Businesses have the flexibility of choosing how and when to utilise HighFlyer points earned, with the option to offset future ticket purchases partially or in full for flights on Singapore Airlines or SilkAir to more than 100 destinations across 30 countries. Through a self-service web portal, corporates can check HighFlyer points balance, utilise HighFlyer points, manage travellers and bookings, and download e-statements. by T NH DESK

South African Tourism targets Delhi’s Ultra HNHs through travel agent training programme South African Tourism concluded the 7th edition of its annual travel trade training sessions in Delhi. Aimed at equipping travel agents with the best tips to sell the destination, ‘Learn South Africa’ (Learn SA) is a 17-city training programme which covered urban metros and tier II & III markets. The sessions were structured to ensure that travellers enjoy many new, exciting, tailor-made itinerary options as a direct result. “Learn SA helps ensure that Indian travel agents know how to choose the best quality hotels for their customer’s budget and needs. It also teaches them how to choose the best in-destination partners to escort the traveller while on holiday. It also gives them updates about new things to see and do in South Africa and basics like visa and logistical know-how to ensure that travellers are catered to efficiently,” said Hanneli Slabber, Country Manager India, South African Tourism. TAAI's endeavor through training programs is to educate travel agents so that it is easy for the staff of travel companies to effectively sell the product. With SouthAfrican Tourism this is the second time that TAAI has undertaken this training.


StayWell Hospitality Group joins leading Japan hotel group Prince Hotels Prince Hotels Inc., a consolidated subsidiary of Seibu Holdings Inc., has acquired StayWell Hospitality Group including all the business operations of StayWell Group which operates and develops 30 hotels globally. Prince Hotels will establish the 100% fully owned Australian subsidiary StayWell Holdings Pty Ltd and this new company will acquire all shares of SWHG's 22 operating subsidiary companies from SWHG. Proceedings are expected to be completed within the next three months. This business acquisition will further strengthen the globalization of the Seibu Group's hotel and leisure businesses which serve as a driving force for continued and stronger growth for the Seibu

Group.This acquisition will add the 30 hotels operated and developed by SWHG in 7 countries and 21 cities to the existing Prince Hotels network which serves as the core of the Seibu Group's hotel and leisure businesses. The new properties will serve as further global development and operation platforms, which will allow the Seibu Group to expand the profit earning opportunities of its international hotel business and carry out faster development of hotels in Southeast Asia, Asia and Oceania, the Middle East, and Europe. Seibu Group plans to deploy 100 hotels in 10 years. Shigeyoshi Akasaka, President and Representative Director, Prince Hotels

said, “Prince Hotels is enjoying good performance with the recent growth of tourism within Japan. During these favorable conditions, we are looking toward the year 2020 and beyond and focusing on international expansion”. by TNH DESK



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SANCTITY OF AWARDS BEING SERIOUSLY COMPROMISED BY SOME ORGANIZATIONS The number of awards being distributed today is increasing day by day. Every other day there is an invitation to yet another award function. The situation in the Hospitality Industry is no different. However, not all awards are living up to the expectations of the industry and serving its cause. In an ideal situation, awards are won or conferred upon because of the excellence of the awardees, but these days awards are being bought by some organizations, thus bringing disrepute to award platforms and defeating its very purpose. Unethical practices are growing and money/sponsorship is becoming the sole criteria for selecting the recipients of such awards. You bid for an award, and if you are the highest bidder, you will be the win-

ents are selected in a transparent

person is the payment made by the

ner!! Indeed!

manner, awards greatly contribute in

award aspirant. No thought is given to

encouraging healthy competition

performance, reputation, track record

various organizations play an impor-

amongst different players in the in-

or the contribution made by the com-

tant role in recognizing achievements


pany or individual to the industry.

Travel and tourism awards given by

and excellence in every sector. Busi-

Unfortunately, of late, it has been

ness organizations seek awards to get

noticed that some organizations use

recognition for their outstanding per-

such an event to garner money rather

Chairman, TAAI-nr on the prevalence

formances, achievements and innova-

than recognise outstanding/ deserv-

of such conduct being practiced by

tion. So long as these awards are

ing players of the industry. Their sole

some organisations, he completely

given on the basis of merit and recipi-

criteria to award an organization or a

agreed, saying that such practices not

When we spoke to Rajan Sehgal,

only denigrate the essence of the awards, but also demotivate deserving winners. Ideally, the sole criteria should be to award the most deserving players. In the end, we feel that such malpractices should stop and something should be done to check this menace, or else the whole point of giving away such awards will lose their shine, sanctity, purpose and credibility, and deserving winners will surely shun attending award functions. by TNH DESK



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Goa Tourism participates in TTF Kolkata 2017 • Manohar Ajgaonkar, Minister for Tourism, Govt. of Goa, Chief Guest at concluding ceremony woos people of Kolkata to visit Goa and experience States's rich culture and heritage • Goa Tourism's pavilion bags ‘Best Decorated Stall award’

Hon'ble Minister for Tourism, Govt. of Goa,

grand finale of the three day mega event in

Manohar Ajgaonkar who was Chief Guest at

Kolkata, Ajgaonkar said that Goa is a lead-

the concluding ceremony of India's largest

ing holiday destination in India, and wooed

Travel and Trade Fair (TTF) in Kolkata

tourists and tourism stakeholders from

said, "Goa Tourism is committed on ensuring

Kolkata, rest of India and international mar-

safety and security of tourists, providing

kets to visit and experience Goa's natural

cleanliness and hygiene at tourist location,

beauty, culture and heritage.

especially along the beach belt and also

Other dignitaries present at the conclud-

improving and augmenting tourism related

ing ceremony included Pradeep Kumar

poration, Sanjiv Agarwal, Chairman & CEO,

infrastructure to meet the increasing de-

Borar, Special Secretary and Director, Ra-

Fairfest Media Limited, V Suresh, President,

mand from tourists to visit the State."

jasthan Tourism, Nabadeep Kalita, Vice

Fairfest Media Limited.

Addressing an august gathering at the

Chairman, Assam Tourism Development Cor-


Excellence 2017 By TripAdvisor for Top performance expands its presence in Mumbai, a global travel market place, opened a new franchise

Radisson Blu Plaza Delhi Airport and its famed restaurants

store at Charni Road, Mumbai, to cater to the growing travel demands

Neung Roi, NYC and The Great Kabab Factory (TGKF) received

in South Mumbai.

Certificate of Excellence awards from Trip Advisor for top per-

Managed by Pranit Shah, the outlet will provide a bouquet of travel serv-

formance in hospitality and

ices from leading travel suppliers from India and overseas. Services like

culinary expertise, respec-

flight tickets, hotels, packages, rail and cruise holidays are provided on a

tively. The accolade, which

single platform from a diverse mix of travel suppliers offering best in class

honours hospitality and culi-

offerings and services.

nary excellence, is given

Speaking at the launch, Ms Neelu Singh, CEO & Director, Ezeego1, said,

only to establishments that

“Distribution is the key to success in the growing travel market and the open-

consistently achieve out-

ing of our new franchise will help us gain a foothold in this market. Our of-

standing guest reviews on

ferings are curated from a slew of travel aggregators and we enable and

Trip Advisor, and is extended to qualifying businesses worldwide.

distribute it through our platform.’’

Only the top-performing 10 per cent of businesses listed on Trip


Advisor receive this prestigious award. It is indeed a proud moment for the hotel as this accolade honors hospitality excellence and is given only to establishments that consistently achieve outstanding traveler reviews on TripAdvisor. While Radisson Blu Plaza Delhi Airport and The Great Kabab Factory have received the Certificate of Excellence from TripAdvisor for the sixth consecutive year, Neung Roi & NYC have been awarded the certificate for the third consecutive year. The Certificate of Excellence award provides top performing establishments around the world the recognition they deserve, based on feedback from those who matter most – customers. by TNH DESK



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for Thailand’s golf industry to show the

joined by TAT executives, TAT overseas of-

hosted Thailand Golf Travel Mart (TGTM)

world why Thailand is such an amazing golf

fice directors, and marketing representa-

2017 from 25-28 July in the stunning envi-

destination while attracting new golfers to

tives, provided some advice on marketing

rons of Khao Yai in Nakhon Ratchasima,

play and enjoy the legendary Thai hospital-

strategies on how to strengthen the golf

Thailand where golf tour operators and

ity and unique local experiences. We hope

courses’ competitiveness in order to pro-

buyers from key international markets met

that evolved Indian travellers will come to

mote the country as the world’s golfing hub.

with suppliers and golf course owners from

Thailand to enjoy the Amazing Golfing ex-

Another highlight of the TGTM 2017 was the

across Thailand.


networking golf tournament for all partici-

TGTM 2017 showcased Thailand as a

More than 150 buyers from 32 countries

pants, which took place on 28 July at the

world-class golf destination, with its amaz-

signed up to attend the TGTM 2017 with the

Bonanza Golf Club; The Rancho Charnvee

ing courses that show beautiful scenery

majority being from Asia (65 buyers) and

Golf Country Club, and the Mountain Creek

while offering world-class amenities and fa-

the ASEAN region (48 buyers). These make

Golf Resort. This gave everyone the chance

mously friendly Thai caddies. The event

up the largest golf markets due to the prox-

to discover some of the up-and-coming golf

helped to create new opportunities for Thai

imity of Thailand and the kingdom’s excel-

courses and facilities in the region of Khao

golf business operators allowing them to

lent reputation for offering world-class


promote their services to vital foreign mar-

golfing. In addition, 31 buyers attended

kets. It is hoped the TGTM will increase the

from Europe and three from the USA. There

have achieved international recognition and

numbers of golfers coming to Thailand to

were around 95 local sellers representing

the resort towns of Pattaya and Hua Hin

play golf and so help raise revenue in all

Thai golf courses, tour operators, hotels and

were voted as the Golf Destination of the

parts of the country. To ensure the best ex-

travel agents attending to sell their services.

Year for Asia and Australasia by the Interna-

posure for sellers and give them the chance

TAT and the Sports Authority of Thailand

tional Association of Golf Tour Operators

to meet a wide array of buyers, the TGTM

(SAT) conducted ‘The Thailand Golf Para-

(IAGTO) in 2012 and 2014. Chiang Mai was

2017 hosted pre-scheduled appointment

dise’ seminar on 25 July, that was attended

voted The Golf Destination of the Year Asia

matching program and speed-dating.

by Thai and foreign experts to share their

& Australasia 2017 by 220 golf tour opera-

Soraya Homchuen, Director of the Tourism


Many Thai golf courses and destinations

valuable experiences in the golf industry. In

tors worldwide. In addition, early in 2017

Authority of Thailand in Mumbai com-

addition, the focus group meeting between

Thailand launched the first ever Thailand

mented, “Golf is big business in Thailand as

TAT and golf courses in Khao Yai held on 26

and Japan Golf Festival to encourage more

the country has some of the best class golf

July highlighted seeking joint promotions

players from Japan to visit Thailand for golf.

courses. TGTM 2017 was a great opportunity

for the golf segment. Also, the session,



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EASEMYTRIP BECOMES DISTRIBUTOR OF THE FILM JAB HARRY MET SEJAL FOR DELHI & UP REGION OF INDIA became one of the distributors of the film "Jab Harry Met Sejal", which is releasing on 4th August, 2017 in cinema halls. The company has taken the distribution rights of the movie for Delhi and Uttar Pradesh (UP) region of India. Jab Harry Met Sejal is an upcoming Indian romantic comedy film, which is written and directed by the very talented Imtiaz Ali. Shah Rukh Khan and Anushka Sharma are playing the lead roles in the film. The much loved Bollywood pair is collaborating for the third time after Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi (2008) and Jab Tak Hai Jaan (2012). Other supporting characters in the film will be played by Sayani Gupta, Evelyn Sharma and Aru Krishansh Verma. The story of the film “Jab Harry Met Sejal" revolves around the journey of two central characters Harry and Sejal. They search engagement ring of Sejal, which gives Harry a better understanding about love and relationships. Sejal,

played by Anushka Sharma, experiences this newly found freedom, security and comfort in Harry's company. In the mid of all this, you will come across adventure, fantasy, love, life, lies and much more. Pre-production of the film started in April, 2015 while principal photography happened in August 2016 at destinations like Prague, Amsterdam, Vienna, Lisbon and Budapest. The film is scheduled to release on August 4, 2017. The film went through lots of name changes before the one was chosen. EaseMyTrip will be responsible for the marketing of the film in entire theatres of Delhi and UP region of India. Prior to this, the company has also taken the distributorship of the films like Rustom and Tubelight. has entered into film business much before by associating with various Bollywood releases as brand partner, travel partner, event partner, distributor and producer. It also associated with the IIFA Awards


2017 as supporting partner. The trailer of the film launched on July 21, 2017 and it has reached up to 10,637,014 views on YouTube so far. The film has already been predicted to be a Super Hit and EaseMyTrip will have the reasons to celebrate this success in the coming month.

CALL OF THE HIMALAYAS One of the most peaceful and the only smoke-free state in India is definitely Himachal Pradesh. The Himalayan state has tourist destinations in every nook and corner. The state is well-focused in an array of adventure tourism activities ranging from river rafting, motor biking, mountain climbing and canoeing. The state has around 2,784 hotels and 850 home stay units. According to Di-

AVANI Hotels & Resorts has announced the development of its first hotel in Mauritius located along a stretch of the island’s unspoilt south coast. When it opens in 2021, the 150-key beachfront AVANI Bel-Ombre Mauritius Resort & Spa will offer the best of both worlds – stylish accommodation coupled with an untouched beach paradise. Only 30-minutes from the international airport, AVANI Mauritius Bel-Ombre Resort & Spa will comprise 150 guest rooms, including 134 Standard Rooms and 16 AVANI Suites. In addition twelve, offer for purchase, residential Four-Bedroom Pool Villas will also be included in the development. by T NH DESK



nesh Malhotra, Commissioner, Tourism and Civil Aviation, Himachal Pradesh, “The most number of domestic tourists visit our state from West Bengal. Last year, we had nearly 1.2 crore domestic tourists of which 40 lakh tourists arrived from West Bengal. The global tourists footfall was about 5 lakh.”


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IIFA Awards 2017, New York: EaseMyTrip was one of the brand partners of the very renowned, IIFA 2017. The International Indian Film Academy Awards (primarily famous as the IIFA Awards) are the set of awards

that are presented yearly by the International Indian Film Academy to tribute the actors and professionals of Bollywood. Started in year 2000, the award ceremony is organized in different countries across the world annually. The most recent one was held in New York on 14-15 July 2017. EaseMyTrip was one of the support partners of this IIFA In the last 17 years, since the IIFA Weekend and Awards started exist-

ing, many things have changed, many people influenced, different countries explored and a lot of new audience added. Indian Cinema not just expanded its wings and came across new horizons, but it has also created stronger bonds with new nations. The 18th annual edition of IIFA Weekend & Awards was hosted in New York, USA this July 14 EaseMyTrip also made its presence. The IIFA Weekend & Awards are much awaited by the Bollywood fans in the world. Nishant Pitti, CEO & CoFounder, was present in this award ceremony to represent his company. Along with witnessing action-packed weekend showcasing the best of Bollywood, Pitti presented the award for the Best Production Design category for the film Neerja to Aparna Sood & Anna Ipe. Another award presented by him was for the Best Editing category for the film PINK to Bodhaditya Banerjee. Being part of IIFA was a proud moment for EaseMyTrip. It will definitely bring the company close to the Bollywood and entertainment world. by T NH DESK



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MATATO (Maldives Association of Travel Agents and Tour Operators) has appointed Think Strawberries Luxury Travel Marketing as its International Representation Firm for all its PR & Media and Marketing activities. Asra Naseem, Deputy Secretary General, MATATO commented, "We are pleased to be associated Think Strawberries, a market and thought leader in the industry and we are looking at a global

partnership with them in the long term." Headquartered in India - Think Strawberries is a thought leader in promoting Global Travel Products in the Indian market, the MENA (Middle-East & North Africa) region with its areas of expertise growing to Australia, Europe and US as well in the near future. "We are excited about the new partnership and as a premium Representation Company, we look beyond the narrow

Amit Kishore

limiting horizons to anticipating and making the change. We’re passionate about shaping the next generation of travel representation, and to MATATO we will be offering PR & Media and Marketing; operational and strategic solutions on a global scale to take MATATO to the next level worldwide," said Amit Kishore, Cofounder, Think Strawberries. by T NH DESK

ROSEATE HOTELS AND RESORTS ANNOUNCES ITS 3RD ACQUISITION IN UNITED KINGDOM VILLA AT HANRIETTA PARK, BATH Roseate Hotels and Resorts, a global collection of unique and independent stay experiences by Bird Hospitality has announced its acquisition of Villa at Henrietta Park (formerly known as Villa Magdala) in Bath, United Kingdom. Acquired from the independently owned Kaleidoscope Collection, Villa at Henrietta Park is Roseate Hotels and Resort’s third property in the UK. The two existing properties being The Royal Park London –a Roseate House hotel, and - The Forbury Roseate in Reading. Tucked away in a quiet corner in the heart of Bath, the boutique property offers 21 spacious and exquisitely appointed rooms. Set in two carefully restored Victorian houses with individual gardens, Villa at Henrietta Park features a quirky yet elegant personal-



ity. The unique and picturesque property echoes chic classism blended with a buoyant yet relaxed ambience. Dr. Ankur Bhatia, Director, Bird Hospitality Services said, “We are proud to put our flag on one of the most iconic properties in Bath. Bath is an important market for us as it is one of the most visited cities and is amongst the major UNESCO World Heritage sites. Villa would be branded as The Roseate Villa Bath.” Commenting on the acquisition, Ravi

Birdy, Executive Director, Roseate Hotels & Resorts said, “Roseate Hotels and Resorts offers a portfolio of new and existing ultrachic luxury hotels carefully curated envisaging the best in design, art, hospitality, and personalization centered around guest experience. As one of the fastest growing ‘Indian’ luxury brand in hospitality, our focus continues to be on quality and customer service.” by TNH DESK

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CZECH REPUBLIC COMMENCES VISA APPLICATION OPERATIONS FOR RESIDENTS IN GURUGRAM In a move that will ease the visa application process for potential travellers from the surrounding regions of Delhi/NCR, the Embassy of the Czech Republic and VFS Global have opened a Visa Application Centre in Gurugram. Recently visa application centres were also opened for the Czech Republic in Chandigarh and Jalandhar. The new centre in Gurugram is well located in the heart of the city, and will manage the increasing volumes of visa applications from North of India for travel to the Czech Republic. H.E. Milan Hovorka, Ambassador of the Czech Republic to India, said, “The Gurugram centre marks the launch of another important location within Delhi & NCR where people can submit their Schengen visa applications for travel to the Czech Republic via VFS Global. We thus continue to deliver on our promises. This is not the end of our endeavours, as we will soon announce the opening of additional Czech Visa Application Centres in the market.” Since VFS Global first launched visa application centres for the Czech Republic in India around two years ago, the company has opened centres across several cities in the country, including Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Chandigarh, Chennai, Delhi, Goa, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Kochi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Puducherry, Thiruvananthapuram, Pune, Jalandhar and Chandigarh. The newest centre in Gurugram highlights the destination’s growing popularity among Indian travel enthusiasts. Commenting on the launch of the visa centre, Vinay Malhotra, Chief Operating Officer – Middle East and South Asia, VFS Global, said, "It is our privilege to be the trusted partner of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in India. The extension of our association

Baharvand Benetková, Head of Consular and Visa Section, Embassy of the Czech Republic in India & Milan Hovorka, Ambassador of the Czech Republic to India

with this esteemed client across the region reflects their faith in our ability to provide services to enhance the visa application experience for travellers. In view of the increase in travel to the Czech Republic, we are confident our efforts will make the travel experience seamless and smooth.” In addition to visa services, VFS Global was selected as the official representative of the Czech Tourist Authority – Czech Tourism, in India, in November 2016, and works closely with various stakeholders and the Indian travel fraternity to make the Czech Republic the preferred holiday destination among Indian travellers. VFS Global first partnered with the Czech Republic in 2008, when it set up visa application operations in Russia. Since then, it has established a robust network of 93 centres for this client government across 17 countries. Key features of the centre include: • Convenient and central location • Skilled staff well-versed with the local language to handle applications and queries • Dedicated website for easy access

to information including visa categories, requirements, checklist, applicable fees, visa status update • 100% secure handling of passports, documents and personal information • Doorstep delivery of passports Czech Republic Visa Application Centre ADDRESS: VFS Global Services Pvt. Ltd, ILD Trade Centre, 4th Floor, Sector 47, Sohna Road, Gurugram - 122001 HELPLINE: 022-67866023 EMAIL: WEBSITE: SUBMISSION TIMING FOR APPLICANTS, REPRESENTATIVES AND TRAVEL AGENTS: 09:00 - 14:30 (Monday – Friday except public holidays) Document Collection Timing: 09:00 - 17:00 (Monday-Friday except public holidays)




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Emirates highlights female role models in aviation with simulator challenge (DSI), a non-profit organization whose mission is to inspire and empower young females to become the next generation of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) and aviation professionals, through a global outreach mission. The outreach includes a global solo flight mission, where Waiz is piloting a single-engine Beechcraft Bonanza A36 to circumnavigate the globe. Waiz stopped in Dubai, one of 34 stops across 18 countries in her five continent journey which will clock in just under 47,000 kilometres upon completion. Shaesta was met at Emirates Aviation Col-

Adel Al Redha, Executive Vice President

inspired by Shaesta’s story. As the first civilian

lege by Bakhita Al Muheiri, Emirates Boeing

and Chief Operations Officer Emirates airline

female pilot from Afghanistan, she has

777 First Officer, to test her aerial skills in an

said: “Through our National Cadet Pilot Pro-

demonstrated that the world is full of possibil-

Emirates Boeing 777 simulator. Bakhita is one

gramme, we want to grow the next generation

ities and when we expose females to a wide

of Emirates’ youngest female Emirati pilots at

of female pilots, by creating an environment

range of careers in STEM and aviation we

24 years. She earned her wings in 2016 and

that retains, nurtures and values them so they

boost their interest to enter fast-moving sec-

has accumulated over 1,100 flying hours after

are able to progress and take a wider role

tors with a wealth of opportunities.”

completing the airline’s National Cadet Pilot

within our industry. We also believe that one of

Commenting on her twin engine Boeing 777

Programme. After a short briefing, Shaesta

the ways to support the need for pilots today

simulator challenge, Shaesta said: “An air-

and Bakhita began their simulator challenge

is to tap into the female talent pool and inspire

plane doesn't know if you are a girl or boy,

in the Boeing 777 cockpit, taking-off, landing

them to take their career path into aviation

what your religion or background is. It reacts

and piloting each assigned journey. Watch

which is one of the most rewarding fields."

based on the input of the pilot.

both pilots command the Boeing 777 simula-

Bakhita Al Muheiri also commented on the

tor and share their personal experiences here.

simulator experience with Shaesta: “I am truly


Indian travellers get a home away from home as RCI’s Navigator of the Seas replaces the cuisine of its premium Sabor restaurant from Mexican to Indian TIRUN, the exclusive India representatives

breadth of India through its culinary delights!

of Royal Caribbean International have come

“Sabor” will be available for 2017 European

with a great news for Indian travellers! Being

sailings only and can only be booked on-

a nation of people who love their food, Indian


travelers will now be able to enjoy authentic

In recent months, the number of Indian

Commenting on the decision, Ratna Chadha, Chief Executive, TIRUN said, “The

Indian cuisine from all over the country in

guests on the Royal Caribbean sailings has in-

number of Indian travellers onboard Royal

Sabor Indian Cuisine, the premium restaurant

creased exponentially. Furthermore, Indian

Caribbean International has increased consid-

in Royal Caribbean International’s pristine

travelers are particularly concerned about the

erably. Indians are true food lovers, and it is

cruise ship Navigator of the Seas. Sabor,

food and their taste buds are accustomed to

always a delight to prepare, as well as in-

which originally featured a Mexican cuisine,

the complex, spice-rich flavour of their delica-

dulge in a menu that comprises dishes reflect-

now offers everything from Alleppey fish curry

cies! These two factors together motivated RCI

ing the rich culinary heritage of India.

to Rogan Josh, mapping the length and

to bring a transformation in Sabor’s menu!




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DELICIOUS INDIAN DELIGHTS IN MONACO The Indian flagship restaurant, "Indochine" by Monaco Restaurant Group, located on the port of Monaco, boulevard Albert Ier, is all set to woo Indians visiting the Principality. "Indo" for Indian cuisine and "Chine" for Chinese cuisine! The new restaurant, "Indochine" is first of its kind in the French Riviera and offers comfort delightful lunch & dinner with quick "take away" facilities for you. The beautiful terrace seating, offers magnificent panoramic views of the Mediterranean, and promises an exhilarating experience, so you can lunch in the sun and dinner under a starry sky. Traditional cuisines from India and China are served in this dazzling restaurant, making it one of the best places in town to taste authentic two of the most

asked for Asian cuisines. The sumptuous menu is a rich amalgamation of elegance & taste by the master hands of Chef Karishman, that features fresh fish or meat in curry or masala or kabobs, served with well cooked steamed rice, pilaf rice or chinese noodles and veggies. You

won't be able to resist the mouth-watering Naans, especially made in front of you, in traditional tandoori ovens, by the talented Chef Manoharan, who finely presents it with garlic, cheese or even nutella garnish. by TNH DESK

KOREAN AIR SUPPORTS HOME BUILDING PROGRAM FOR THE FIFTH YEAR Korean Air has again joined hands with Habitat for Humanity Philippines (HFHP) to build quality homes for the local needy communities in the Philippines for the fifth consecutive year. A team of 10 Korean Air employees volunteered to build houses and give aid to the victims in Barangay Tubigon, who are still suffering in the aftermath of a 2013 earthquake which was “the most catastrophic in the country in the past 23 years”. This year, the Home Building Program continues to focus on Barangay Tubigon in Bohol, where thousands of families had their houses destroyed during the earthquake on October 15, 2013. The Korean Air volunteers worked together to construct houses designed with a new technology using bamboo, which promises to make each housing unit both safe and resilient.

The volunteers also helped the local residents with the painting, working shoulder to shoulder to bring back a sense of normality to the community. Korean Air said, “We take pride in the diversity of its corporate social responsibility initiatives that give back to the communities where it operates. We

have been working with HFHP for five years, and every time we are delighted to see how we build homes and hope for the community through the Home Building Program. We are pleased to be able to help residents to improve their lives in the wake of a natural disby TNH DESK aster.”



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MANDU - A ROYAL LEGACY OF PARMARS, SULTANS AND MUGHALS Mandu, a city lying 100 km from Indore is the medieval magic of Madhya Pradesh. Famously associated with the legends of Rani Roopmati and Baz Bahadur, the city is an architectural gem, mainly reflecting Afghan architecture. The royal love legend is documented in the folk songs of Malwa sung by the balladeers. High upon the crest of a hill, Roopmati’s pavallion still gazes down at Bazadur’s palace. Due to its strategic importance of being situated at an altitude of 2000 feet, Mandu due to its natural defenses was originally the fort-capital of the Parmar rulers of Malwa. It was re-named ‘Shadiyabad’ meaning city of joy by the Sultans of Malwa in late 13th Century. Jahaz Mahal, Hindola Mahal, baths and canals are the reminiscences of this phase of Mandu’s past. The fabulous five in Mandu:Hoshang Shah’s Tomb - This is India’s first marble structure, its beautifully proportioned dome, intricate lattice work lending it its identity. Shah Jahan sent four of his great architects to study the structure and draw inspiration from it. It is said that one of them Ustad Hamid, was later associated with the construction of Taj Mahal. Jami Masjid – The hugeness of the structure lends it uniqueness. Its inspiration was drawn from the great mosque of Damascus and was conceived on a grand scale. Its background is dominated by similar imposing domes . The structure of the mosque is surrounded by colonnades. Asharfi Mahal - This structure was



conceived as an academic institute by Mahmud Shah Khilji who was Hoshang Shah’s successor. A seven storey structure in the same premises was also constructed by him to celebrate the victory of Rana Khumba of Mewar. Jahaz Mahal- Built between two artificial lakes, Munj Talab and Kapur Talab, Mandu is famous for this palace known as Jahaz Mahal. This is a grand reflection of a medieval pleasure resort with its open pavilions, and balconies over hanging the water. On Moonlit nights lend it an out of the world beauty when the silhouette of the building reflects in water. Hindola Mahal- Its sloping sidewalls have lent it the name ‘Swinging Palace’, which was constructed as an audience hall. Innovative techniques are reflected in the making of its ornamental façade, delicate trellis work in sandstone and its uniquely molded columns. An elaborately constructed well, Champa Baoli which is connected with underground vaulted rooms is also seen by the side of Hindola Mahal. It is known to have arrangements for hot and cold water. Darwazas- Mandu is encircled by a 45 km parapet wall with 12 gate-

ways. Delhi Darwaza is the main entrance of the fortress city, for which the approach is through a series of gateways. Other places of interest near these monuments are Dilawar Khan’s mosque, the Nahar Jharoka, Taveli Mahal, and Ujali & Andheri Baolis. Mandu which is synonymous with the love stories of Baz Bahadur and Roopmati has many architectural witnesses for the love of this royal pair. One such is the Rewa Kund which was an aqueduct to provide Roopmati’s palace with water. Over the time this spot has gained religious sanctity. Baz Bahadur’s palace, built in 16th century is another of such reminiscence of the royal romance and still another is Roopmati’s pavilion. The pavilion was originally built as an army observation post. However it also became the favourite retreat of queen Roopmati as it offered a view of the Baz Bahadur’s palace and the river Narmada flowing through the Nimar plains far below. Fort of Dhar- On way to Mandu lies the Fort built by the Parmars, one of the earliest rulers of this region. Sheesh Mahal, inside the Fort, Kharbuja Mahal, Vishram Bhavan, Madan ki Sarai, Kothari Sarai, Karva Sarai, Roza ki Dargah and the other monuments deserve a visit. How to reach here: The nearest airport is Indore (100km away), connected to Mumbai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Pune and Nagpur while the nearest railheads are at Ratlam (124km) on the Mumbai-Delhi main line and Indore. Best time to visit Mandu is July to March with the monsoons being the best.

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AirAsia Introduces 2 New Direct flights to India

the same time, with 4 weekly flights

of the world’s oldest rock formations

from Bangkok to Tiruchirappalli, trav-

at 3.8 billion years ago and Sri Ran-

ellers can experience a city full of

ganathaswamy Temple, where some

culture and history that has long

of the country’s holiest relics are pre-

played a pivotal role in the South


AirAsia introduces two new Thai-

way visit India’s other popular cities,

India as Tamil Nadu’s center for

Thai AirAsia presently flies direct

land-India connections, paving the

Jodhpur (the Blue City), Udaipur (the

trade, industry and education. The

from Thailand to India’s 4 fascinating

way to the state of Rajasthan and

White City) and Jaisalmer (the Gold

city hosts fascinating attractions

cities of Chennai, Bangalore, Kolkata

the Taj Mahal with Bangkok-Jaipur 4

City), each with its own wealth of

such as the Ucchi Pillayar Rock Fort

and Kochi.

times a week (from Don Mueang In-

palaces, forts and religious sites. At

Temple, a structure made from one

ternational Airport every Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday) starting September 29, 2017, and flying to South India with BangkokTiruchirappalli 4 times a week (from Don Mueang International Airport every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) starting September 28, 2017. Aiming to attract Indian shoppers to Thailand, the new routes come with promotional fares available for booking from July 31 – August 13, 2017. Fly direct to Jaipur from only 1,990 THB per way for travel between September 29, 2017 and August 28, 2018, and straight to Tiruchirappalli from only 1,690 THB per way between September 28, 2017 and August 28, 2018. Tassapon Bijleveld, CEO of Thai AirAsia said that AirAsia plans to continually penetrate the Indian market in the latter half of 2017 as it is a major market with great growth potential. Indian travellers rank sixth among the most frequent visitors to Thailand while the Kingdom responds to all kinds of lifestyles from shoppers and night-time entertainment seekers to travellers looking for hospitality and wellness retreat. The airline is confident that the two new routes will stimulate tourism for both countries. For Thai travellers, the BangkokJaipur route is a dream come true as the Pink City boasts the gateway to the Taj Mahal and is home to opulent architectural treasures such as the Hawa Mahal, Amber Fort and Old City Market. It is also a great



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GST IN FORCE, TOURISM INDUSTRY STRUGGLES WITH COMPLIANCE ISSUES With Goods and Services Tax (GST) coming into force from July 1, many industries including travel and tourism industry are facing the compliance challenges that GST has brought along.

Pranab Mukherjee & Narendra Modi

v B Prem Kumar Y

Biggest economic reform since India's Independence, the Goods and Services Tax, an uniform new indirect tax regime, came into force from July 1, with its launch at midnight of June 30 and July 1 in the central hall of Parliament, in the presence of recently retired President Pranab Mukherjee, Vice President Mohammad Hamid Ansari, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Speaker of the Lok Sabha Sumitra Mahajan, Former PM HD Deve Gowda, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley, members of the Parliament and GST Council, many chief ministers and officials . The GST has replaced multiple central and state taxes levied on goods and services, with one uniform tax regime. The industry and opposition parties were demanding more time to prepare for the switchover to the GST regime, saying that the industry is not fully ready for the new regime. Speaking on the grand occasion, Pranab Mukherjee said that this historic moment is the culmination of 14 year long journey which began in December, 2002. The PM described GST a good



Ritesh Agarwal Founder & CEO of OYO

and simple tax. He added that GST is economic integration of India similar to political integration of the country done by Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel immediately after Independence. He said that GST might cause some minor problems at the outset but people will adjust to it soon. He further said that GST will help check black money and corruption. The Finance Minister said that earlier India was economically fragmented, now the country has one tax and one market for one nation. The GST launch has not gone very well with many sectors of the economy including the Travel and Hospitality Industry, and every sector has one or other

concern. While every segment (big and small) are struggling with challenges related to GST compliance, traditional travel agents and tour operators are among the most disadvantaged lot, whereas the OTAs are the big beneficiaries. The small and medium size travel agents are finding it quite difficult to calculate the GST because of different tax slabs for different services and many grey areas. As different segments of the tourism industry have been placed under different GST rate slabs, there are some grey areas that are creating confusion for business organizations. Travel agents and tour operators are finding it too difficult to comply with new tax regime. Some of them have almost stopped making new bookings. There is lack of clarity as to what is taxable and what is not taxable. Even tax professionals are finding it quite difficult to explain some of the provisions of the GST. In the run up to the launch of GST, the travel and tourism industry was concerned about high rate of GST levied on travel and hospitality services, fearing that tax rate as high as 18% will make travel and hospitality services quite high and India become an uncompetitive destination. Our neighboring countries such as Malaysia and Singapore have very low

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Dilip Datwani President, HRAWI

tax rates for their hospitality sector (8% and 7% respectively), making them a competitive and attractive tourist destinations. What was supposed to be a simple tax regime is proving, at least initially, a very complicated taxation system. The perceived complex nature of GST has made its compliance costly with small and medium-size companies having to increase its effort and time to file the returns. Travel agents and tour operators are facing huge difficulty in issuing bills since the goods and services tax (GST) regime came into force on 1 July, due to lack of clarity on many billing components in the new tax system. GST has also increased technological cost for travel companies. However, many in the industry believe that initial difficulties related to compliance will be over in a few initial months of GST implementation, and ultimately things would be normal in due course of time once the industry understands every nitty-gritty of the new indirect tax regime. But high and complex rates of GST levied on the travel and hospitality industry will further decrease competitiveness of India as a tourist destination. Speaking about the impact of GST on hospitality business, Ritesh Agarwal,

Founder & CEO of OYO, said that being a large-scale reform, there may be some initial teething issues, but the Government has already announced that companies would be allowed to file late returns during the first two months. This is a practical solution permitting flexibility in the early period as all stakeholders come to grips with the nationwide tax system. Agarwal added, "Of course, there may be challenges in compliance and implementation. But over time, there will be more clarity and familiarity, enabling all stakeholders to adjust, adapt and adhere. Already we have seen the GST slab for mid-market hotels have been revised in response to an industrywide request for relief. This is a progressive step and will ensure that more businesses come under the tax-net and deliver more revenue to the exchequer." Agarwal said that the lower tax rate for budget hotels sector will ensure that the industry's quality upgrade continues while delivering standardized accommodation to millions of middle-class travellers. This will also save and create thousands of new jobs which could have been impacted under higher tax-rates. The move will boost revenue from Travel & Tourism sector for the next many years. The industry is expected to contribute 280 billion dollars to the GDP by

Arun Arora GM, Radisson Blu Paschim Vihar

Rishi Puri VP, Lords Hotels & Resorts

2026 and will pass on benefits of uniform taxation across the country to travellers. According to Arun Arora, General Manager, Radisson Blu Paschim Vihar, "GST is a welcome reform brought in by the present government. It is a great initiative considering it is a single tax now and the business enterprise does not have to file multiple returns and deal with multiple agencies. However, the job is only half done. Relating with our industry, though the common name of the tax is GST, multiple tax rates has made it complicated. We were really hopeful to get a single tax slab also but unfortunately, on rooms we will have two different tax rates, similarly on a dining bill having food items, bottled water and aerated beverage, there would be three tax rates applicable respectively and if liquor is served that would have yet another levy of VAT and not GST. Configuring our softwares was a herculean task. Going forward, there will be challenges in taking the input credit as our vendors and suppliers are still confused and struggling to configure their HSN codes. It will be couple of months before everything settles down and we are able to streamline our processes. Hopefully, it will benefit the industry when the unbranded and stand alone banquets stop



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Rahul Sati

Revenue Manager, The Leela Ambience Convention Hotel, Delhi

dealing in no bill cash transactions. Perhaps, GST will put an end to this practice." According to Dilip Datwani, President, HRAWI, the hotel and restaurant industry has been witness to a slowdown in the last three weeks. The maximum downward impact was seen in the last week of June with almost 35 per cent drop in sale. During the implementation phase, we are expecting issues to crop up, especially in the first three months, but are not unduly worried about it as the Government is expected to help us resolve them. Hotel and Restaurant Association of Western India (HRAWI) will be offering support, suggestions and assistance to members as and when required. We also expect a few technical challenges along the way. But overall the industry is geared to adapt to GST regime. Amit Modi, CEO of The Bristol Hotel, Gurugram said that post the implementation of GST, we have seen a gradual growth in business in contrast to the anticipated dip. "We as a hotel believe that the reform is beneficial for the industry and in many ways makes our work easier. We now have a lot more clarity on the tax structure. In addition to this, our guests have taken the reform in a very positive manner as they have also im-



plemented the same reform in their own businesses around the same time. The only minor setback that we faced was that payments were delayed during the transition. However that was only momentary and everything is now in order.” Rishi Puri, Vice President, Lords Hotels & Resorts commented that there will be interim chaos as expected during the transition but we are optimistic that things will revert to usual in a couple of months. Many of our hotel units have already implemented the required backend changes and some are still in process. The scenario feels similar to the demonetization days when suddenly cash wasn’t available but then a couple months later everything fell in place. We will hope that this situation too will stabilize sooner than later and that GST works out for us and the nation. Rahul Sati, Revenue Manager at The Leela Ambience Convention Hotel, Delhi remarked that there is still a slight confusion with regard to GST, as customers are travelling with distorted information on the tax structure and tend to negotiate hard. "We have not actualized any dip in business as such because a major inflow of pre-contracted business was undertaken and seized by our organization much before time. However, in case of loss , we have tactics put in place to overcome them as complication in economic theory of demand and supply has got a new angle now and we can’t continue to rotate tariffs dynamically as per demand. We believe that post the implementation of GST the playing field which is the hospitality industry is now leveled.” However, there are some positive impact of implementation of GST on travel & tourism industry. With GST coming into force, the hospitality industry no longer will have to pays multiple taxes as was the case in the old indirect tax regime. The implementation of GST will

Amit Modi CEO, The Bristol Hotel, Gurugram

also reduce costs for customers and transaction costs for the industry. Because of a single tax structure, the industry will be able to save money on its transaction costs. Under the GST regime, standardized and uniform tax rates for the industry have created one market across India for the travel and tourism industry encouraging healthily competition across the country. Overall, GST is expected to increase the movement of goods that would help spur economic activities in the economy. One benefits of GST for the travel and tourism industry is that interstate movement of passenger/tourist vehicles has become seamless. As the PM said, "Long wait at toll plazas will end with GST integrating 31 states and UTs as one." Touted as the single biggest tax reform since India's Independence in 1947, the Government is of the view that GST will add 2% to India's GDP. In the interest of the tourism industry, the government should clarify certain provisions of GST applicable to this industry and bring all services provided by it under 12% rate slab or even under the lower slab and every travel and hospitality services should be brought under one tax slab to make GST really a simple and progressive indirect tax that drives growth rather than retarding it.

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IMPORTANT TIPS TO TRAVEL SAFE WITH KIDS Travel gives fun, but most parents avoid travelling with their kids due to various reasons. Like, they will have to stick to a sleep schedule that includes naps, carrying volume of necessary stuff and much more. Experience of new culture, food, music, and ways of living is part of the fun for adults, but it can prove too much for kids. Still, with a good deal of planning and thought, you can travel with children. However, before doing so, have a quick look at our list of safety tips when travelling with kids. By keeping these in mind, you can keep your family health, happy and

v B Archana Sharma safe… Y

Be like locals As they say, “When in Rome, do as Romans do!” Instead of standing out like a sore thumb in crowd, learn about the local dress codes as well as the laws of the region you are planning to visit. Dress and try to behave like locals in order to avoid being recognised as tourists. It will also help to gel with locals and also, make your chances less of being target of pick pockets. Plan itinerary for every single day If you've been to a common tourist attraction like zoo or Water Park, you must know by now that they are busy places. So, you can get your sightseeing trips to run smoothly if you leave your accommodation with a clear plan. Remember to keep handy your tickets, map out how you will be going there, and leave plenty of time so that you don't feel rushed or stressed. Dress to impress You must note that kids are likely to get lost or separated in crowded region so you must plan something to keep track of them. An interesting idea to keep check on them is to make them wear colourful clothes. Dress them in bright, discrete colours during the day so that you can spot them easily in a crowd. Even you can liven up their evening with some fun multicoloured glow sticks which will serve as a fun and easy way to identify them in the

dark area. Take photos We all know that taking group family photos is fun facet of any family holiday and one which can also be used to keep you all safe. At the beginning of every day, just take a photo of your family and make sure each of your children carries the same image with them. If you become separated, all you or your kids have to do is show this picture to officials and it will easily help you to locate one another. Emergency contact details At crowded or unknown places, there is a lot of chance for kids to get lost. So, make sure they know your phone numbers off by heart (age dependent of

course). Besides, you can also put an arm band or give them a notebook with a range of details on them; including emergency contacts, their name, age, blood group, and accommodation contact information (hotel details etc). If you can place these details inside a waterproof bag, your child can carry it at all times without any little hassle. Identify people for help In case of separation, practice and show your children how to identify officials, which include police officers or security personnel, as well as mums with children. You can try a mock drill just to check if they become lost they will be more likely to seek help from trustworthy and right people. Identify landmarks Whenever you arrive at any crowded place, like at any theme park or train station, you must pick an information desk, statue or shop, which can act as a landmark meeting place. Make your kids repeat these meeting places back to you, so that in case they become lost they’ll know where to find you. Carry emergency medicines Last but not the least; you must carry the medicine related to you and your kids. Medicines like crocin, cough syrup (as children are prone to cold when climate changes) and diarrhea tablets etc. So, keep these tips in mind and enjoy your holidays with family!



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CHILD-FRIENDLY HOLIDAY IDEAS IN INDIA Itching to go for a holiday somewhere, but feeling restrained by your toddler? Fret no further—with exciting avenues for fun, entertainment and education, families can look forward to a blissful holiday with the kids. Read on for our list of some of the most child-friendly holiday destinations and resorts in the country. Chokhi Dhani Jaipur

Jolly World Children Park Ooty

tion. It is important, particularly for city children, to be able to come out of the confines Puppet show Agra

v B Neha Kirpal Y

of their homes and value nature and the outdoors as much as they can. For this, a trip to

other colourful outing in the city. Teenagers

a hill town at least once a year in the sum-

or adolescents may even enjoy a visit to Jan-

mer is a must. There is plenty that children

Child-friendly vacation spots

tar Mantar or appreciate culture at some of

can grasp by interacting with birds, trees

With so much diversity and culture, India

the city’s fascinating forts, palaces and vi-

and butterflies. Also, a forest walk or short

brant markets.

hike will teach them much more about life

has a number of places that are perfect for taking your little ones for a holiday. With

Agra: The city of the Taj Mahal is mostly

than what months of education can.

young kids, the best holiday destinations are

easy to do with a child if you’re travelling

those that are a short flight or drive away.

from Delhi. The Delhi-Agra expressway is an

by the railways. During this stage, it may be

This way, parents can make sure that the

excellent road that gets you to the city al-

a good idea to embark on a train excursion.

children don’t get too bored or restless, and

most within two hours. If the child is old

Carrying a storybook and telling them all

can also stop on the way once in a while to

enough, he or she might enjoy a visit to the

about the destination during the journey will

stretch their legs if they need to.

Taj. If they are younger, they might prefer a

help keep them captivated about the trip.

puppet show or sound-and-light show about

The toy train that goes from New Jalpaiguri

makes for an easy driving holiday with kids.

the history of the city. A visit to Wildlife

to Darjeeling is a sheer delight for all chil-

Try to stay at a resort where the young ones

SOS's Agra Bear Rescue Facility might also

dren. Darjeeling also has plenty of tea gar-

have enough space to run around and ex-

be an exciting activity that will help young-

dens and waterfalls apart from a cable car

plore. The Amber Fort has an elephant ride,

sters become sensitized about wildlife con-

ride, all of which will keep the young ones

which is bound to be a hit with most kids.



Jaipur: Relatively close to Delhi, Jaipur

Further, an evening out with camel rides and swings at Chokhi Dhani makes for an-



Matheran: About a two-hour drive from Mumbai lies this quaint vehicle-free hill sta-

Darjeeling: Several children are intrigued

Ooty: Ooty is a haven for family holidays, complete with recreational treats like the

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Nilgiri toy train, horse riding and boat rides on the Ooty lake. The Honey & Bee Museum here has an educational tour on how honey is gathered. Further, the Jolly World Children Park has lots of exhilarating rides, stalls and slideshows for kids of all ages. Its go-kart track is fun for grownups too. And don't forget to try some of the famous chocolate goodies available at the local confectioners— something that no child will be able to resist! Child-friendly hotels and resorts As the trend of families travelling with Tree House Hideaway Bandhavgarh National Park

their offspring has steadily gone up over the years, hotels and resorts across the country have gone all out to cater to the market in

keep them busy. Their Tusker Trails property

the concept of an amusement park holiday,

various ways. With child-friendly activity

in Thekkady—a great combination of nature

the Wonderla Resort in Bengaluru is con-

centres, babysitting services and games to

and adventure—is their most ideal one for a

nected to the city's Wonderla Amusement

keep the little ones entertained, parents too

family vacation.

Park. The hotel provides a holistic experi-

get a chance to put their feet up and unwind during a family vacation.

Westin Sohna Resort and Spa, Sohna:

ence of a pleasurable family holiday. The fa-

This is the perfect choice for Delhiites look-

cade of the property resembles that of a

ing to spend a relaxing weekend getaway

castle, the rooms are all brightly lit up and

The Club Mahindra chain of hotels offers

with their kids at a family-friendly hotel

the amusement park has all the thrills and

several child-friendly activities and facilities,

close by. Its sprawling lawns, tennis courts,

adventures designed for kids having varying

like a crèche or fun zone with various games

bicycling area and cricket grounds will keep

interest—water rides, an XD movie experi-

(carom, table tennis, karaoke, children’s

the young ones amused, while their parents

ence, the scary Sky Wheel ride and the Mini

playing area, etc.). On long weekends or

take out time to rejuvenate at the spa! The

Venice ride.

during the peak holiday season, the hotels

hotel also has an in-house zoo that is sure to

even organize special events targeted at

catch any child’s fancy.

Club Mahindra Tusker Trails, Thekkady:

families travelling with their children to

Tree House Hideaway, Bandhavgarh National Park: One of the best resorts for an

Wonderla Resort, Bengaluru: Embodying

adventurous family holiday, the experience of staying in a tree house is one that any child will cherish for a lifetime. Bandhavgarh is home to several tigers, so a jeep safari is a must-do that will certainly electrify all kids. Apart from wildlife, children will also get to internalize the beautiful flora and fauna of the jungle while staying at the resort. Park Hyatt Resort and Spa, Goa: Camp Hyatt organizes entertaining interactive, educational indoor and outdoor leisure tasks for children such as art and crafts, pottery, a movie room, children’s library and play station games. There is another section having giant chessboards, soft toys, beach toys and kiddie pools, with lots of space for children to run and play around. The hotel even has a special menu for children, including tradi-

Wonderla Resort Bengaluru

tional favourites and healthy food items.



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B Nidhi Dalmia vHotels are much more than just a place to stay; they are home Y

in a strange place. There are some key factors that should be kept in mind as the original Hilton famously said – its location, location, location. To make the best out of one’strip proximity to the main attractions is a must; all the better if one can do it at a luxurious hotel. Other essentials to be aware of when deciding on a hotel is its ambience, charm of the common areas, the room, the facilities available, the food and drink options;they all add up. If there is a metro stop nearby that is a further plus point. I do travel frequently to different places. To choose my favorite hotel isdifficult, but here are some.

InterContinental, Budapest InterContinental is located at one of the most prominent areas of Hungary’s capital Budapest – the Paris of Eastern Europe. It is one of the only three Hotels on the river front and the best located of the three. It has gorgeous views of Buda, the magnificent Royal Palace and the Blue Danube. The larger rooms are very comfortable and well appointed. The hotel staff is friendly and helpful. The dining lounge has a serene ambience and the interior has a contemporary vibe and the restaurant serves exquisite delicacies. The hotel was built in 1981 and is owned by a state company Hungar Hotels.

Four Seasons Hotel George V, Paris Even amongst Four Seasons Hotels this is la crème de la crème. The feeling of comfort of being looked after is unparalleled. It is very close to The Golden Traingle of the city and the Champs Elysees. George V has its own history and tradition. That coupled with Four Seasons makes it something else. Above all it’s the staff. If you go for breakfast late and ask if it is too late, they will say “Monsieur – even if it’s the evening, it’s OK” The restaurants, bars, meeting rooms, the other facilities like massage and sauna are impeccable. And most importantly the rooms are really comfortable.

Palacio Duhau–Park Hyatt Buenos Aires Palacio Duhau-Park Hyatt is located in the district of Recoleta which is one of the popular upscale neighborhoods of the city.



This is a former palace and is set at three levels. It has two receptions. The hotel has charm and elegance, very good service, excellent breakfast and very pleasant rooms. The spa treatments are good. An art gallery connects two sides of the Hotel. There is an inner garden between two buildings. The beds are really comfortable as are the bedrooms overall. The bathrooms always important are good too. It is a gem of a Hyatt.

Hotel de Crillon, Paris Hotel de Crillonis one of the best known hotels in Paris. It has recently reopened, after two yearlong refurbishment. It is located at the heart of the city near Champs-Elysées and Jardin des Tuileries. The Obelisk is right in front of it and at the other end of the bridge the National assembly and Boulevard St. Germain. It is a charming and elegant hotel not just in its public areas – the lobby, the bar, the restaurant but most importantly this extends to its rooms. This is a storied Hotel which ably bridges the gap between its history and the 21st century. The staffis really helpful and they dotheir bit in making your stay memorable.

Park Hyatt, Tokyo Park Hyatt, Tokyo hotel has an exceptional view ofthe city and is located at the center of Shinjuku. The hotel occupies the top 14 floors of the 52-storey of Shinjuku Park Tower. The property offers personalized and comfortable service as well as top class gourmet dining options at the heart of this vibrant city. A fantastic swimming-pool and gym area is the best zone in the hotel to detoxify you. My son loved the gym area because of the wellequipped machines and fitness services. The hotel rooms are humongous! Much bigger than your standard hotel room, with sweeping views of this business city. The breakfast spread, which also includes some traditional Japanese delicacies, is something to look forward to in the morning. The hotel staff gives out a friendly vibe and provides you with a pleasant experience. The romantic Hollywood movie Lost in Translation was set here for a reason. (The writer is the author of a romantic fiction 'Harp')

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Swaminarayan Temple

AHMEDABAD FIRST WORLD HERITAGE CITY OF INDIA Known for its industrial profile, specifically in the textile sector, Ahmedabad, also known as the ‘Manchester of the East’, is a great place for tourists looking for cultural, historical and natural sites. This old city enjoys a flourishing cultural tradition, being the centre of Gujarati cultural activities and diverse traditions of different ethnic and religious communities. The city has recently been recognised as the ‘World Heritage City’ by UNESCO, thus becoming India's first city to be included in this coveted list. Read this feature to know what makes this historical city so special…

v B Archana Sharma Y

Also known as Amdavad, this World Heritage City outstandingly fosters its colours and culture making it a popular destination for tourists who want to get the taste of vibrant Gujarat. The walled city of Ahmedabad believed to be founded by Ahmed Shah some six hundred years earlier has 26 ASI - protected structures, hundreds of 'pols' that capture the essence of community living and numerous sites associated with Mahatma Gandhi who lived here from 1915 to 1930. An exciting amalgamation of traditions and modernism, Ahmedabad captures all visitors with its diversity of places, religious and ethnic communities. It is interesting to see how Indian atmosphere mix with the colonial British influence, how Hinduism, the



world's oldest existing religion develops in the globalizing world. For over 600 years, Ahmedabad has stood for peace as a landmark city where Mahatma Gandhi began India’s freedom struggle. It has stood for unity with its elegant carvings in its Hindu and Jain temples as well as standing as one of the finest examples of Hindu Muslim art and Indo-Islamic architecture. Beyond this, it epitomizes the United Nation’s objective of sustainable development as it accelerates in its development, chosen to be one of India’s first smart cities, while preserving its ancient heritage. What is the history of Ahmedabad? Towards the end of the thirteenth cen-

Dada Hari Wav

tury, Gujarat was captured by the Sultanate of Delhi. In the year 1487, the grandson of Ahmed Shah named Mahmud Begada established the outer city wall, so as to protect Ahmedabad from outside invasion. In the year 1573, the city of Ahmed Shah was taken over by the Mughal emperor Akbar. Under the rule of Mughals, Ahmedabad became the leading centre of textiles in Gujarat. However, Shahjahan spent a major part of his life in the Ahmedabad city. In fact, he also constructed the Moti Shahi Mahal in Shahibaugh. In the year 1753, the rule of Mughals came to an end and the city came under the rule of Maratha generals Raghunath Rao and Damaji Gaekwad. Then, the city was taken over by the British East India Company in the year

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World Vintage Car Museum

Sabarmati Ashram

How Ahmedabad got this title?

1818. The year 1824 led to the setting up of a military cantonment. These developments brought Ahmedabad in the map of leading centers of trade and manufacturing. Explore exotic culture of Ahmedabad Ahmedabad serves as a melting pot for all of Gujarat. It is cosmopolitan yet retains it’s exceptionally ‘gujju’ flavour. Garba and Dandiya Raas are popular forms of dance, which originated in Gujarat. ‘Uttarayan festival’ is celebrated as an international kite flying day on January 14 every year. The city is also famous for embroidery from Kutch and Saurashtra region. Its many art galleries, handicraft centres, museums showcase the skills of Ahmedabad and indeed, the rest of the state. You can

• Ahmedabad’s journey towards attaining a world heritage tag began in 1984 when the first study for conserving heritage structures was instituted by Ford Foundation. In March 2011, Ahmedabad made it to UNESCO’s tentative list of world heritage sites. In January 2016, it was chosen over Delhi and Mumbai as India’s entry for the title. • The countries unanimously supported Ahmedabad citing a secular co-existence of Islamic, Hindu and Jain communities along with exemplary architecture of intricately carved wooden havelis dating back hundreds of years. The countries also recognized that the city was a cradle for India's non-violent freedom struggle led by Mahatma Gandhi. • Ahmedabad has about 25 ASI (Archaeological Survey of India)-protected structures, hundreds of ‘pols’ (housing clusters in the walled city areas of Ahmedabad) that capture the essence of community living, and numerous sites associated with Gandhi, who lived here from 1915 to 1930. • The nomination of Ahmedabad was supported by about 20 countries including Turkey, Lebanon, Tunisia, Portugal, Peru, Croatia, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, South Korea, Croatia, Cuba and Poland.

Trivia • UN Cultural agency United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) on July 8, 2017 declared the 600-year-old walled city of Ahmedabad as a world heritage city, the first Indian city to make it to the list. With this title, Ahmedabad has joined Paris, Vienna, Cairo, Brussels, Rome and Edinburgh. • Of the 287 world heritage cities across the globe, the only two cities in the Indian subcontinent which has the status are Bhaktapur in Nepal and Galle in Sri Lanka. • Ahmedabad boasts of a one-of-its-kind ‘Sunset Drive-in’, Asia’s largest open-air theatre that can room 665 cars and 6000 people (approximately) at a time, while you enjoy watching a movie.

take visit the ‘Calico Museum of Textiles’ that is one of its kinds in the country, ‘Gandhi Memorial Museum’ for an interesting insight into the life and time of Mahatma Gandhi, ‘Shreyas Folk Art Museum’ for a peek into the very artsy side of Gujarat. The ‘World Vintage Car Museum’ is another must visit for its car collection that is more than just vintage. Thing to do and places to see here: Swaminarayan Temple: Located in the Kalupur area of Ahmedabad, Shri Swaminarayan Temple was built on the instructions of Swaminarayan, the founder of this sect of Hinduism. Green and yellow sculptures of various Hindu gods and goddesses grace this beautiful architecture. Sabarmati Ashram: Once the residence of Mahatma Gandhi and his wife Kasturba, it is certainly the biggest tourist attraction situated in the suburb of Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Located on the tranquil and serene stretch of Sabarmati River, it was also referred to as the 'Satyagraha Ashram' as Gandhi began the famous 'Dandi March' from here. The museum is interesting sections of the ashram as it displays some of Gandhi's personal letters and photographs. Dada Hari Wav: Built by a woman of Sultan Begara's harem in 1499 AD, these step-wells were made as a retreat during hot summers. Waiting to be filled with rain water, no matter what the weather is, it is always cooler within the Step-wells. World Vintage Car Museum: It is a connoisseur of vintage cars converted his private collection of vintage cars into a museum. The collection comprises of the



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sights of the city. The maximum temperature during this time of the year goes up to 35 degrees Celsius and the minimum drops to 12 degrees Celsius.

How to reach here:

Bhadra Fort & Teen Darwaza

best of the world - Rolls Royce, Bentley, Jaguar, Cadillac, Austin and many more. Jhulta Minar: It is well known for its swaying minarets, more commonly known as Jhulta Minar. A classic example of superb craftsmanship, Jhulta Minar is actually a part of the mosque Siddi Bashir. The mosque has been constructed in such a manner that, if you apply a little force on its upper arc, the Minar tends to sway. Law Garden Night Market: It is one of the most famous gardens of Ahmedabad the Law Garden becomes a favorite place for shopaholics with vendors and shopkeepers bustling on the scene. Hathisingh Jain Temple: Dedicated to the 15th Tirthankara of Jains, ‘Dharmanath’, this two-storied white marble structure provides a wonderful experience and the tiled courtyard is another unique aspect of the temple. Bhadra Fort & Teen Darwaza: The Bhadra Fort and its neighboring environment is the most scenic part of Ahmedabad. Located in the middle of lush greenery the huge 44 acre Fort got its name from the Bhadrakali Temple which is located inside. Tomb of Ahmed Shah and Ahmed Shah's Mosque: Tomb of Sultan Ahmed Shah who was the founder of the city of Ahmedabad. This tomb also has the cenotaphs of Ahmed Shah's son and grandson. It is to be noted that women are not al-



lowed in the central chamber. Indulge in the delicious cuisine of Ahmedabad Ahmedabad is a paradise for food lovers. The typical Gujarati thali which is served in the restaurants consists of mouthwatering dishes. A different kind of sweet flavor is prevalent in almost all the food items. Gujarati meal usually consists of rice, bread, rotli and vegetable curry called 'Shaak'. Different kinds of breads are served in the meal such as rotli, maal purah, thepla, puri, puran-pohli and bhakhri. For snacking, the people of Ahmedabad usually have Ghari and Khakhra. There are many Gujarati dishes that are relished not just by the Gujarati community, but by the people of all communities. To name a few, we have daldhokli, Dhokla, chevdoh, undhiyu, bhusu, Khaman, fafda, papdi, dhokli, and Sev mamra etc. Ahmedabad cuisine mainly consists of vegetarian dishes. However, non vegetarian delicacies are also available in selected restaurants. When to come here: The city of Ahmedabad has a different charm in different seasons. However, the period of November to February (winters) are the best time to visit this heritage city. During this time, the weather is mild and pleasant and is a great time to enjoy the

By Air: Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Airport caters to domestic and international flights. It is well-connected to Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru, London, Frankfurt, Singapore and few destinations in USA and Middle East. Flights for Indian cities such as Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Chennai, Goa, Pune and Kolkata can be availed from Terminal 1. There are regular Air India, GoAir, IndiGo, Vistara and Jet Airways flights available for these cities. Those travelling to international destinations like Sharjah, Newark, Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Singapore, can board Air Arabia, Emirates, Kuwait Airways, Singapore Airlines and Qatar Airways flights from Terminal 2. The airport is about 12 km away from the city centre and there are many options like cabs, buses and private vehicles to reach Ahmedabad. By Rail: Located at Kalupur area, at a distance of around 6 km from the city centre, Ahmedabad railway station, also known as Kalupur Station, connects the city to all major cities of India like Delhi, Jaipur, Mumbai, Goa, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Patna etc. Travellers can avail services of buses, taxis and rickshaws from the station, in order to reach any part of the city. By Road: The road network is very good and well maintained in Gujarat especially the ones leading to and away from Ahmedabad. Many important cities like Surat, Mumbai, Pune, Udaipur, Shirdi, Bhavnagar and Gandhinagar are connected to Ahmedabad.

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MANDARIN ORIENTAL, SINGAPORE LAUNCHES SINGAPORE NIGHT RACE PACKAGE As the exhilarating annual Singapore Grand Prix approaches, Mandarin Oriental, Singapore presents the Singapore Night Race package from 14 to 19 September 2017.

Start the lap of luxury right and revel in a stunning Marina Bay View room furnished with premium amenities. Recharge with a sumptuous breakfast or lunch at the sophisticated Melt Café featuring diverse Asian and European gourmet delights before zooming in on all the live action.

Guests will also get three-day tickets to either the Padang Grandstand, which offers an impressive view of the cars racing past the imposing National Gallery or the new Empress Grandstand, which rewards guests with perfect vantage points over the cars entering the historical Anderson Bridge. Both areas are located at Zone 4 which is lined with merchandise booths and other exciting offerings. The Singapore Night Race is a minimum three-night stay package and includes:

• One pair of three-day tickets for either the Empress or Padang Grandstand zone • International buffet breakfast or lunch at Melt Café for two adults • High speed internet access • Late check-out until 3 pm Valid from 14 to 19 September 2017.



Accessible NYC Visitor Resources on Help Make the NYC Travel Experience More Accessible Than Ever. July 13, 2017 —NYC & Company, New York City’s official destination marketing organization, today announced the launch of a new digital resource to make the NYC travel experience more accessible. With the new Accessible NYC travel planning tools, visitors will have an easier time plan-

ning a trip to experience extraordinary New York City. “Every single person who visits should be able to experience the countless attractions offered throughout New York City,” said Mayor Billde Blasio. “Our goal is to make sure accessibility does not stand in the way of enjoying incredible destinations across all five boroughs. Accessible NYC visitor resources help make that goal a reality.”

“New York City is the most inspirational and exciting destination on the planet, and we believe that experiencing its attractions and energy should be accessible to every visitor,” said Fred Dixon, president and by TNH DESK CEO of NYC & Company.

DJUBO LAUNCHES AUTOCOLLECT, PARTNERS WITH SPREEDLY AND IPAY88 TO ENTER 100+ COUNTRIES Payment collection, payment management and payment followups is a huge pain point for hotels especially in the long tail segment. Many OTAs rely on Pay at the Hotel model where OTAs simply pass on unverified credit card details of guests to hotels and expect them to honor such bookings. Because hotels do not have tech solutions to verify or charge these credit cards until the guest physically arrives at the hotel, it leads to as much as 35-40% Late Cancellations or No Shows, i.e. guests enter the wrong credit card number and just do not reach the hotel after asking the hotel to reserve a room for them. This is a major industry pain point and results in major revenue loss for hotels especially during peak dates. Also many hotels get queries on their phone and email



where they are not able to follow-up for conversion as well as they would like leading to loss of potential revenue. In order to help hotels globally solve this major pain point, DJUBO has launched AutoCollect which is an Intelligent Payment Collection feature tightly integrated with the DJUBO Centralized Reservation System. AutoCollect reduces Late Cancellations, reduces No Shows, automates Payment Follow-ups and maximizes upfront payment collection to improve better revenue yield for hotels. To top it all DJUBO has also completed its certification for PCI DSS compliance which is the global standard for Payment Cards Industry Data Security.


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COLONIAL CHARM OF GLENBURN Based on the lines of the vineyards of European countryside, Glenburn Tea Estate and Boutique Hotel takes the visitors on a memorable journey of the tea estate, rivers and hiking experience. For mountain lovers, there’s nothing refreshing than embarking upon a trip to the well-known Glenburn Tea Estate and Boutique Hotel in the hill resort of Darjeeling that takes the visitors on a delightful journey of the famed Darjeeling cuppa. The luxury heritage tea bungalow was created by a Scottish tea company way back in 1859 and it’s been past a century that the tea plantation estate is looked after by India’s pioneer tea plantation family of Prakashes. Resting on the banks of river Rangeet

in the Eastern Himalayas and overlooking the bewitching Kanchenjunga, Glenburn Tea Estate spreads over 1,000 acres of forest area with two rivers flowing through it and has been built on the lines of the vineyards of European countryside. Husna-Tara Prakash, Propri-

etress, Glenburn Tea Estate and Boutique Hotel informed, “We have opened the doors of our tea estate for travel junkies where they can get to experience the tea making process right from the tea gardens to packaging and tea by T NH DESK tasting.”

HILTON NAMED ONE OF INDIA’S BEST COMPANIES TO WORK FOR IN 2017 BY GREAT PLACE TO WORK For the second year in a row, Hilton (NYSE: HLT) has been recognised as one of India’s Best Companies to Work For, an accolade dedicated to companies with exceptional workplace cultures. Ranked 25thon the Top 100 list, Hilton has been distinguished for creating a high trust and high performance organizational culture by offering Team Members (employees) great environments, careers and rewards. "We are absolutely thrilled to be recognized as one of India’s Best Companies to Work For consistently for the second year running. As a business of people serving people, our Team Members truly are at the heart of our success,” said Brendan Toomey, vice president of human resources, Asia Pacific, Hilton. “I am extremely proud of our team in India and the incredible

culture that we have built together which aligns with our commitment to be the most hospitable company in the world." This recognition follows a series of other recent accolades for being a great place to work. Hilton was ranked third in the Asia's Best Multinational

Workplaces 2017 and Best Companies to Work For in Greater China 2017 by Great Place to Work®. Last month, Universum also named Hilton as a top hospitality employer and one of Top 100 Most Attractive Employers for business students in China. by TNH DESK



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ITDC SIGNS PACT TO STRENGTHEN LEADERS OF AIR INDIA IN HOSPITALITY AND SERVICE INDUSTRY • Successful completion of training for first batch of Leadership Training • 33 Senior Executives awarded with certificates of appreciation India Tourism Development Corporation Ltd. (ITDC) hospitality major under the aegis of the Ministry of Tourism, Govt of India has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with National Carrier Air India to upgrade the skills and knowledge base of Airlines senior executive & cabin crew in Hospitality and Service Industry. The MoU was signed in the presence of Ashwani Lohani, Chairman and

Managing Director, Air India and Sudha Chandra, Principal AIHTM and General Manager, HRD ITDC at Air India Head Quarters, New Delhi on 29th May 2017. Subsequent to the signing of MOU between Ashok Institute of Hospitality & Tourism Management (AIH&TM), ITDC and Air India to impart training to the executives of Air India; AIH&M conducted a 5-Day training program on “LEADERSHIP EXCELLENCE” from 11th-15th July 2017 for the first batch of senior executives of Air India at Hotel Samrat, Delhi.


v B Swaati Chaudhury Y

Le Maritime Kochi is poised to provide classy comfort to well-heeled class of tourists looking ahead to drop in at Cochin. For Kerala-bound big-spending tourists waiting to indulge in the world of luxury, here’s something waiting on the horizon. It is for the first time that Dubai’s Le Maritime has opened the doors of its classified five-star property in Cochin sometime in June, this year. Snuggled off Marine Drive Road, Le Mariime Kochi on Vipin Island is in the vicin-



ity of LN G Terminal and is a hub of activity. According to Sudheesh Babu, General Manager, Le Maritime Kochi, “The newly-opened hotel has a strategic location and provides panoramic views of Kerala backwater, Arabian Sea and Vembanad Lake. We have come up in Cochin since it is an emerging tourist destination and boasts of around 20 luxury hospitality brands. Our hotel is themed on Portuguese architecture and is furnished with teak wood furniture. There are four banquet halls and four

Speaking on the occasion of Valedictory function held at Hotel Samrat on 15th July 2017, Piyush Tiwari, Officiating Chairman & Managing Director and Director Commercial & Marketing, ITDC said that, “ITDC is grateful to Air India and Ashwani Lohani for their faith in ITDC’s expertise in hospitality training and management. We are proud that we have been the biggest force to drive tourism in India and have always contributed in nation building and progressive development of the industry. by T NH DESK

multi-cuisine restaurants. There are a number of MICE tourists coming into our hotel. Our hotel has the largest banquet facility in Cochin each with a seating capacity of 1,400.” The hospitality group is wooing both domestic and global visitors. Sudhesh Babu further said, “We are trying to popularize our hotel as a prospective wedding destination. As of now, our hotel is running around 60 to 80 per cent occupancy with high-end Arab tourists from the Middle East.” The perfect time to head to the luxury property is from September to December when one can go for a whirlwind tour of the city. by T NH DESK

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Luxury Bürgenstock resort to boost GCC visitors to Switzerland Lake Lucerne resort to pique interest of high-end health, leisure and culture visitors from Gulf region after a nine-year, US$569 million restoration and remodeling project. One of Switzerland’s most famous hotels, Bürgenstock Resort Lake Lucerne, is to reopen its doors on 28 August 2017, following a

more per day in Switzerland than in any

nine-year, US$ 569 million construction proj-

other region in the world.

ect that has seen the historic hideaway restored as an exclusive destination for health,

“The Bürgenstock Resort Lake Lucerne is According to figures from Switzerland

tailor-made for GCC travellers, with luxury at

leisure and culture tourists from the GCC

Tourism, between January and November

the forefront of everything we offer. Reserva-

countries as well as MICE and business trav-

2016, 327,551 GCC visitors generated

tion enquiries regarding Residence Suites

elers. Switzerland has enjoyed increasing

920,398 room nights in Switzerland with an

have also been very buoyant. Hotel apart-

popularity with Middle East visitors for many

average spend of US$ 430 per day. Visitors

ments that offer a more private environ-

years, due to its reputation for luxury hospi-

from Saudi Arabia accounted for more than

mentare well-liked by Arab travellers,” said

tality, crystal blue lakes, alpine forests and

50% of GCC overnight stays, followed by the

Robert P. Herr, General Manager, Bürgenstock

snow-capped mountains.

United Arab Emirates. GCC visitors spend


Lords Hotels & Resorts on MICE Tourism “Businesses or enterprises hold MICE events in different regions because those regions may be their markets or they may have some strategic tie-ups


Maulina Gupta bags ‘Most Admired GM of the Year’ Award at National Awards for Excellence in Hotel Industry 2017

there. To host MICE or related events be-

Maulina Gupta, General Manager - Hyatt Place Gurgaon, the

comes necessary for such enterprises to

best upscale business hotel in Gurgaon was recently nomi-

conduct their business without having to

nated for ‘Most Admired GM of the Year’ category and has won

operate from that particular region. In not

the prestigious award by the National Awards for Excellence in

being able to receive an Input Tax Credit

Hotel Industry held on July 7th, 2017 at Taj Lands End, Mumbai.

(ITC) under the Goods & Services Tax

The event was held to honor the achievers of the hospitality in-

(GST) will act as a deterrent in conducting such a practice which is directly bad

Rishi Puri Vice President, Lords Hotels & Resorts

dustry. The National Awards for Excellence in Hotel Industry is a premium forum bringing together the stalwarts of the Indian

for business. Not only is it bad business for one such enterprise but it’s bad

Hospitality world and awarding them for their outstanding con-

for the hospitality industry too. Lords Plaza which is our brand of business

tributions to the industry.

hotels, has been receiving enquiries for hosting MICE and on realizing that

With a career spanning almost 20 years and having worked

they won’t receive the ITC, in case where they are registered in a different

across the country, Maulina brings with her a keen understand-

State, they are not confirming it. We have lost on approximately 8 per cent

ing of the hospitality industry in India. Having been associated

MICE bookings since the beginning of the month. We have invested quite

with Hyatt Hotels Corporation for more than 6 years, she em-

a lot in installing state of the art equipment and infrastructure for hosting

braces the values of the organization and is committed to

MICE at our hotels. Loosing potential business because of this ITC anomaly

demonstrating them in her new assignment as she leads the

will translate into big losses for us. We feel that the Government may have

young, dynamic and vibrant team of Hyatt Place Gurgaon /

overlooked this aspect while charting out the GST for hospitality.

Udyog Vihar.





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SPECIAL SCREENING OF THE FILM ‘GUEST IIN LONDON’ BY EASEMYTRIP, a leading name in travel industry of India, kept the screening of the Bollywood film ‘Guest Iin London’ at Odeon Cinemas, Connaught Place on July 6, 2017. ‘Guest in London’ is the sequel of comedy drama film ‘Atithi Tum Kab Jaoge’ which was released in year 2010. Leading stars in this Bollywood comedy film are Kartik Aaryan, Paresh Rawal, Kriti Kharbanda and Tanvi Azmi. The film has been written and directed by Ashwni Dhir. The film is revolves around a couple, who are into a complicated relationship and two of their uninvited guests creating comic scenes. It is released July 7, 2017 on silver screens. The film is produced by the makers of Pyar Ka Punchnama series. is co-producing the film "Guest Iin London" that is releasing on this July 7, 2017 in cinema halls. Nishant Pitti, CEO & Co-founder, Easy Trip Planners Pvt. Ltd is one of the co-producers of the movie. The main photography of the film was started from October 1, 2016. Shooting of movie was done at various locations including London, Birmingham, and New York City. The screening of the film at Odeon Cinema was hosted by the company with a purpose to share the happiness with its media partners. Many reporters and journalists from several media houses were invited to watch the film. Marketing team of EaseMyTrip was present to welcome the guests and share the token of thanks

with them. Screening Date: 6th July, 2017 Screening Time: 7:00 PM Screening Location: Odeon Cinemas, Connaught Place, New Delhi

THREE THEME BASED THAILAND WATER PARKS NAMED AMONG TOP 10 IN ASIA • The Ramayana Water Park in Pattaya took the third spot • The Black Mountain Water Park in Hua Hin took the sixth spot • The Cartoon Network Amazone in Pattaya took the seventh spot Three of Thailand’s fun-filled water parks have been listed as among the Top 10 in Asia by renowned travel website TripAdvisor in their 2017 Travellers’ Choice awards. The Ramayana Water Park in Pattaya took the third spot in the Top 10 Water Parks in Asia with The Black Mountain Water Park in Hua Hin taking sixth spot. Also in Pattaya, The Cartoon Network Amazone is making a splash and was named the seventh most popular water park in Asia. Soraya Homchuen, Director of the Tourism Authority of Thailand in Mumbai said, “Thailand offers various fun-



filled activities for families, youth and children equally; becoming an ideal destination for a getaway with your kids. Most of the Indians have grown

up watching Cartoon Network and know the Ramayana story; visiting these theme parks will definitely elicit your childhood memories, not forgetting how much fun your kids will have there. We are delighted to get such positive reviews from travellers who visit Thailand and have a great vacation with their family.” According to TripAdvisor, award winners were determined using an algorithm that took into account the quantity and quality of reviews and ratings for water parks worldwide, gathered over a 12-month period. The Ramayana Water Park in Pattaya has been praised for its “beautifully clean water” and “excellent rides” while Black Mountain Water Park was reviewed as “safe,” “family-friendly” and “a great day out”. by TNH DESK

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SriLankan Airlines connects Visakhapatnam, Hyderabad and Coimbatore to the world SriLankan Airlines is pleased to announce the launch of new services to Coimbatore, the second largest city in India’s southern state of Tamil Nadu. Accordingly, the airline will be offering a four-times-a-week service to Coimbatore, connecting the state’s second largest city to the world through its global route network. Coimbatore is one of three South Indian cities that SriLankan commenced operating to from this week, together with Visakhapatnam on 8th July and Hyderabad on 12th July. With these additions, SriLankan now operates126 flights per week to 14 cities in India, with existing services to Chennai, Trichy, Trivandrum, Mumbai, New Delhi, Gaya, Madurai, Varanasi, Kochi, Bangalore and Kolkata. SriLankan Airlines’ Chief Commercial Officer Siva Ramachandran said: “We are delighted to extend our services to yet another vibrant city in Tamil Nadu, offering travelers a seamless travel experience from their doorstep to the rest of the world via our global network. The new destination indeed would further strengthen ties between both countries, promoting two way travels for leisure, business, MICE tourism, pilgrimages, health requirements and education.” Accordingly the new service would offer travellers from

Calling Indian tourists with the lure of epic trail Sri Lanka is welcoming Indian tourists with the promise of the Ramayana trail, evergreen beaches and verdant forests. For those who intend to feed their persistent sense of wanderlust with the Ramayana trail, luxuriate on the pristine stretch of beaches and visit the vast expanse of forestland teeming with faunal wonders, the island-nation of Sri Lanka is definitely their calling card. For the first time, Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau (STPB) visited Kolkata to host an interactive tourism road show sometime on July 6. Sri Lanka Tourism Road Show 2017 marked the presence of 14 destination management companies flying down from Colombo to Kolkata. Viranga Bandara, Assistant Director, STPB informed, “Sri Lanka has an amazing wildlife to flaunt to tourists and a number of new destinations have emerged in the eastern part of the country.”


Coimbatore direct travel to Sri Lanka to enjoy its many tourist attractions and experience for themselves the reasons why the island is fast becoming one of the most highly sought after tourism destinations in the world. The new services by SriLankan would also facilitate the businesscommunity in Coimbatore, a major hub in South India for textiles, industries, commerce, education, information technology, healthcare and manufacturing, enhanced opportunities for rapid and seamless transport of all types of cargo throughout SriLankan’s network. by T NH DESK

BRUSHING UP HOSPITALITY SKILLS With an emphasis on quality upgradation of trainers, THSC has industry-oriented courses to prepare skilled professionals as front office staff in hospitality and tourism sectors. At a time when the tourism and hospitality industry of the country is looking for skilled manpower, it comes as really good news to hear that Tourism and Hospitality Skill Council (THSC), a product of National Skill Development Council Jaideep Anand General Manager, The Leela Ambience (NSDC) organized digital platform in Kolkata. Delhi Convention Hotel Aimed to connect the tourism and hospitality industry with its trained partners and skilled manpower for providing job options, the council is an initiative of Pradhan Mantri Rozgar Yojana. The digital platform- had the presence of trainers along with professionals from tourism, hospitality, food and beverage sectors. Presiding the conclave, Jaideep Anand, General Manager, The Leela Ambience Delhi Convention Hotel said, “The council has a pan-India presence and it started in West Bengal around three years ago. Today, Bengal is one of the fastest states in India that has taken up the courses of the council. We identify the skill partners who will look after the courses.” by TNH DESK



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BY Swaati Chaudhury

Panda tourism, The Great Wall and the Silk Route form the essence of China’s tourism campaign in the current period. For outbound Indian travellers hankering to indulge in heritage monument and yearning for sighting pandas, China National Tourist Office (CNTO) is popularizing panda tourism in a major way with its themeBeautiful China More than Pandas. Some of the iconic landmarks of the dragon land include the ancient wonder of The Great Wall. The country has a plethora of tourism potential. According to Tian Xin, Director, CNTO, “Both India and China are neighbouring countries and with mutual cooperation, tourism is on the progress path. Panda is incidentally the national tourism brand of China and we are offering a boost to both panda tourism and The Great Wall. Sichuan Province forms the base of panda tourism while Shaanxi Province is the starting point of Silk Route.” New Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata are the major tourist source markets for China. Xin said, “There is high demand for more number of flights from all Indian metros to China. China Eastern Airlines is the only airline connecting Kolkata to Kunming with regular flights. With the surge in Indian economy, more number of Indians are travelling to global destinations. We are looking ahead to extend our footprints to Bengaluru and South India.” The country has exceptional facilities for MICE tourists and the leading MICE tourist destinations are Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chengdu while Nanking, Hubei and Anhui are emerging MICE destinations. Xin added, “Incentives are on offer for MICE tourists.

Bangladesh eyes for tie-up in tourism with India India’s next door neighbour- Bangladesh has plenty to offer in heritage and pilgrim tourism. The neighbouring country of Bangladesh shares close ties with India. Bangladesh Tourism Board has set on its agenda to lure Indian tourists particularly from West Bengal since it shares common culture and language with the state. At a recent Travel Trade Interaction hosted in Kolkata on July 8, there were travel groups present from Bangladesh. Nikhil Ranjan Roy, Director (Joint Secretary), Bangladesh Tourism Board commented, “India has made a plethora of sacrifices to liberate Bangladesh. Our country serves as the gateway to South-East Asia and East Asia. We can forge tie-ups with India on tourism frontier to create opportunities in tourism development in future.” The land stands tall in heritage and pilgrim tourism. Roy said, “We have the longest mangrove forests of the Sundarbans that form the tangible heritage.”





Gulmarg’s first and foremost luxury hospitality venture has a slew of amazing options for MICE tourists. For luxury tourists on a visit to Kashmir Valley’s Gulmarg, here’s something exciting to look forward. Khyber Hotels and Resorts, best known as a premier Kashmiri luxury brand in the hospitality industry has set up its first signature creation- The Khyber Himalayan Resort & Spa. Located in the vicinity of the gondola ride to the Affarwat peak at a height of 14,000 feet that forms the world’s highest ski lift, the popular luxury venture came up sometime in December, 2012. Vinit Kumar Chhabra, General Manager, The Khyber Himalayan Resort & Spa explained, “There has been a dearth of accommodation facilities of global standards in Gulmarg and our hospitality group has thrown the gauntlet to place the tourist destination of Gulmarg back on the global tourism map. It took around five years to complete the venture and we have received a number of awards making it a highly preferred destination for high-end travellers. We are emphasizing on bolstering and upgrading our hotel and experience for our guests. We would look for expansion based on opportunities.” With normalcy returning in the Valley, Gulmarg is no longer considered as a conventional honeymoon destination and has emerged as a 360º tourist retreat. The 80 luxury and premium room hotel has worldclass facilities for the well-heeled class. Chhabra said, “Our hotel provides one-of-a-kind setting for the corporate sector, those on business trips and board meetings. by T NH DESK

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Finland: a glorious country of varied landscapes and stunning natural beauty A serene and beautiful country dubbed as the last wilderness of Europe, Finland's every region has its own distinct character, from the wilds of Lapland to the inspiring lakes to the archipelagos of the South-West and the lively attractions of the Capital, Helsinki. In an exclusive interview to TnH magazine, H.E. NINA VASKUNLAHTI, Ambassador of Finland to India, talks about tourism potential of her country. She says that Finland is a unique and non-mainstream holiday choice.

v B Prem Kumar



How important is the tourism sector for Finland's econ-

omy? Tourism is an important sector of our economy. Finland’s tourism industry has rapidly grown over the years to become an important export sector and provider of employment in the country. Tourism’s contribution to the GDP of Finland is 2.5%. Development of tourism in Finland is guided by 'Achieving more together', the roadmap for growth and renewal in Finnish tourism for 2015 2025. The aim is to make Finland the number-one tourist destination



in the Northern Europe by 2025. In 2015, the total consumption expenditure of Finnish and foreign tourists in Finland was €13.8 billion, with the foreign travellers accounting for 27% of the country's total tourism consumption.


Globally, how popular is Finland as tourist destination? Finland is not among the most visited countries, but it has increased its popularity during the recent years. This year Finland is celebrating 100 years of its Independence with a series of events planned throughout the year. The country

has received good publicity from both tourist guides Lonely Planet and National Geographic as they listed Finland as the top interesting countries to visit in 2017. Finland is the eighth largest country in Europe in terms of area (338,440 km2) and the most sparsely populated country (only 18.1 inhabitants per km2) in the European Union. Finland has lots of forests and lakes as well as a long shoreline with a beautiful archipelago, so there are lots of different landscapes which you can enjoy in different seasons; winter, spring, summer and autumn. In a nutshell, Finland is a unique, non-main-

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DIPLOMAT CORNER stream and exceptionally amazing holiday destination.


What attracts foreign tourists to Finland? What are the popular places to visit in Finland? A hidden gem in Europe, Finland offers a comprehensive choices for tourists that include high quality life, culture events and nature at its best. The country boasts of its rich natural, historical and cultural heritage. It has seven UNESCO World-heritage sites. The country boasts of a number of ancient castles and fortresses. A country rich in natural diversity, Finland has 40 national parks. The country recently opened its new national park Hossa to celebrate Finland’s centennial of Independence. The country’s landscapes are a glorious variation on the theme of forest and water, where the comforts of modern life are never far away. Yet each region has its distinct character, from the wilds of Lapland to the inspiring lakes to the archipelagos of the south-west and the lively attractions of the capital, Helsinki. Also all four seasons offer varied and unique experiences. • Lapland – With the Northern Lights and the Midnight Sun, rich wildlife and vast wildernesses, Finnish Lapland situated at the Arctic Circle is all about soothing natural beauty and wild adventures. • Lakeland – The towns and villages on the shores of Lakeland offer a variety of lovely accommodations and activities in breath-taking scenery. Visiting tourists must try renting a summer cottage or house boat. • Coastal Areas and Archipelago – Historical cities, harbor towns, lighthouses and maritime culture in general characterize Finland’s 1100

kilometers of coastline and the rocky archipelago off it. • Helsinki – A modern and compact European capital by the Baltic Sea, Helsinki is a haven for design and architecture buffs. The sea fortress of Suomenlinna, a UNESCO

"Finland is seen as a counterpart to the hectic and everaccelerating rhythm of daily life. The country offers peace and quiet, and space to breathe, even in the heart of the city. Here, visitors can take things easy, stay at a cottage, enjoy a sauna, and explore an untouched natural environment." World Heritage Site located in Helsinki, is one of the most popular attractions in Finland. A paradise for art lover, Helsinki has a number of art galleries that exhibit modern and contemporary arts. The small towns and green area such as Porvoo and Raseborg around the city are great for day trips.


How different is Finland from other parts of the Europe as a tourist destination? Finland is seen as a counterpart to

the hectic and ever-accelerating rhythm of daily life. The country offers peace and quiet, and space to breathe, even in the heart of the city. Here, visitors can take things easy, stay at a cottage, enjoy sauna, and explore untouched natural environment. Finnish nature offers opportunities for spectacular nature activities such as snowmobile and husky sledge safaris, island hopping by boat, canoeing in the archipelago or even a snowball fight in the city. Finnish culture is unique and at the same time, it evokes global phenomena, such as Finnish design, Father Christmas, heavy metal and delicious natural products. Finland is often dubbed as the last wilderness of Europe.


Why do you think that Finland is a good destination for Indian visitors? Finland offers unique experiences for Indian travellers, like snow activities, Northern lights and Santa Claus in Lapland, as well as endless summer nights and pristine nature in the Lakeland and Coastal/Archipelago areas. In Helsinki, you can easily experience urban Finnish culture and still not be far away from

Lapland Finland



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DIPLOMAT CORNER the nature. Even in the middle of summer, Finland has pleasant temperature of around 20 degrees celcius and fresh air, and the country offers summer festivals, music, art and poetry etc. Finland is also famous for its numerous fairs and festivals that include art and opera festivals. Finland is also a popular conference destination with cities like Helsinki and Espoo having worldclass infrastructure, state-of-art convention centers and pleasant climate along with a variety of recreational options.

verse vegetarian culinary culture flourishes in Finland especially in bigger cities, and it is getting more popular all the time. Finland also hosts a number of Indian restaurants that can cater to Indian visitors.



What are your key international tourist markets? Finland received 7.7 million visitors in 2016. In addition to our neighboring countries, Russia, Estonia and Sweden, the other main visitor groups came from Germany, China, United Kingdom and Japan. Finland had 5.8 million overnight stays by foreign visitors in 2016. Top five countries were Russia, Sweden, Germany, United Kingdom and China (incl. Hong Kong).


Tell us about the current state of tourism exchange between India and Finland? How is the number of Indian visitors to Finland has grown in recent years? The number of Indian visitors to Finland is still quite small but the growth has been strong lately. In 2016 there were 71,000 Indian visitors in Finland, which is twice as high compared to 2015. Also the number of registered overnights by Indian travellers has increased recently in different areas in Finland.


How important is the Indian outbound market for Finland's tourism sector? How do you



plan to increase Indian visitors to Finland in future? There is a great potential for Finland in the Indian outbound tourism. The awareness about our country in India has gradually improved but Finland as a brand is still relatively unknown in India. To tap the Indian outbound tourism market, we are crafting carefully a strategic plan to make Finland more known among Indians. For this we are organizing Meetings, Incentives, Conferences & Events (MICE) and Familiarization (FAM) trips to Finland, and collaborating with other stakeholders such as Finnair, Holiday Club, etc., to capitalize on the potential of Bollywood to promote Finland and more.


How is the food scenario for Indian visitors in Finland? Finnish cuisine includes fresh ingredients, root vegetables, often fish, foraged berries and mushrooms. Di-

How simple is the visa process of Finland for Indian travellers? How about first time travellers? As one of the Member States of the Schengen Area, Finland issues Schengen visas. Finnish Embassy in New Delhi has outsourced its visa application processing services to VFS Global. VFS Global Visa Application Centers are situated in Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Kolkata and Mumbai. Applicants can get information concerning the visa application from their webpage including the needed documents. We try to keep the processing times as short as possible. People can apply for visa three months prior to the start of the planned journey. There is no difference between first time or regular travellers.


How is the air-connectivity between the two countries? Finnair has direct flight between New Delhi and Helsinki. The Finnair route is geographically shorter between Asia and Finland making the flight time approximately 6.5 hrs. Finnair will add a weekly frequency on its Delhi route in November 2017, flying six times a week to the Indian capital during the winter season. This shows a growing interest in India. Apart from Delhi, from November 2017 onwards, Finnair starts flights for Goa (twice a week).

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Give a brief background of your group? In East Africa, Serena Hotels is a leading group with 25 properties. We are in Kenya, Tanzania, Zanzibar, Uganda, Rwanda and Mozambique in Africa. It also has properties in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Tajikistan. Our key focus is to impact positively in the growing economies of the third world countries by contributing to the hospitality and tourism industry. Serena Hotels which I represent has four different brands in its portfolio. The city hotels are present in all key urban centers mentioned in the Africa. Some of them are actually leading hotels of the world like the Polana Serena, which is our flagship hotel and leading property in the world. Kampala Serena Hotel (Uganda) is another property that is offering five star levels of product, service and hospitality. Then, within our portfolio we also have safari lodges. Kenya and Tanzania are very famous for safari because of its beautiful wildlife. We have very beautiful wildlife parks and game parks in Kenya and Tanzania. Now, Serena has properties in all of the key locations like Maasai Mara, Ambosali (in Kenya) and Ngorongoro, Serengeti and Manyara (in Tanzania). So, you can enjoy Kenya and Tanzania safaris and staying at beautiful Serena properties located at the strategic locations. Then, we have beach resorts on the Indian Ocean coastline. Lastly, we have some of the most beautiful secret locations in Tanzania, and small high-end locations with huge number of wildlife.


Tell us something about your key markets? Our key traditional source markets include the Northern America, mainly USA and Canada, Europe (Western Europe: UK, Germany, France etc.) and Africa. Also, fastest growing new emerging markets includes Asia that is especially China and India.


Kindly tell us about your plans for the year ahead? Indian market for Serena Hotels has been consistent because we started our efforts in the markets about 10-15 years ago. At that time, I first came to India to promote destination Kenya and Serena product in the Indian market. Over the years, it has been a consistent market. From around three years ago, it has dipped because of the issues of security and issues about vaccination that affected the Indian numbers. But, we have seen in last two years that there is a turnaround and therefore, we have come back and began this association with Nijhawan group as our marketing representative because what we have began to see is that the Indian travellers have suddenly become so much more interested in destination Africa, we can see very positive signs of our growth in

Rosemary Mugambi, Regional Sales & Marketing Director, Serena Group of Hotels

this market here, especially in family traveller segment, then there is MICE market, which we are able to see and can do a lot in creating opportunities for the MICE market and another area that I am seeing as great opportunity is destination wedding because we are seeing that Indians wish to get married or spend their honeymoon in Africa. So, I am actually quite excited about the opportunities I have.


How important is the Indian market for you? It is very important. It is so important that we have chosen Nijhawan as our marketing representation to continuously keep promoting the Serena Hotels because it is very important that we have diverse source market places as many as possible. The Asian market, Indians as well as Chinese market has suddenly exploded to become the world travellers. Africa has become an important destination for them. I believe that we have the product, destination and services to craft a memorable experience specifically for the Indian travellers.


Why did you choose Nijhawan Group to represent your properties in India? What are your expectations from them? I had to make sure that I got the right partner who also understands the Indian market, has good reputation and also knows Africa. Nijhawan passed the tests to prove that they are capable to do so very well. That is why, we chose Nijhawan Group as our partner. We have very high expectations from them. I wish that they will help us and we will be able to increase the numbers of visitors especially within the next one or two years. This is my expectation and believe that they will help us to do so. by T NH DESK



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Upcoming festivals in August-September 2017 The upcoming months bring wonderful festivals and art fairs for travellers around the world. From the great beer drinking festival (Oktoberfest in Germany) to the popular harvest festival Onam (in India), here are some of the best festivals / fairs which a traveller must witness! August 25 - September 6, 2017 Location: Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India

Onam The harvest festival, New Year celebration and secular carnival, Onam is the pride & joy of the people of Kerala. Onam is a time when the people of Kerala come together, regardless of religious affiliations or class status, to celebrate their rich culture with ten days of folk art, food, sporting events, and gift-giving. The festival falls during the Malayalam month of Chingam (August - September) and marks the commemoration of Vamana avatara of Vishnu and the subsequent homecoming of the mythical King Mahabali. In Kerala, it is the festival celebrated with most number of cultural elements such as Vallam Kali, Pulikali, Pookkalam, Onathappan, Thumbi Thullal, Onavillu, Kazhchakkula, Onapottan, Atthachamayam etc. In short, Onam is, much like India itself, a colorful kaleidoscope of moving parts.

September 16 - October 3, 2017 Location: Munich, Germany

Oktoberfest Munich's largest and most traditional breweries, Oktoberfest is the largest beer fest in the world. It has become a significant part of the Bavarian culture. Drinking beer by the liter, relish traditional Bavarian foods, listen to live brass bands playing traditional Bavarian music and enjoy yourself along with hundreds of people from all over the world. Oktoberfest began as a wedding for the Bavarian crown prince Ludwig to Princess Therese from Saxony-Hildburghausen on October 12, 1810, and was attended by the local community. Held annually in Munich, Bavaria, Germany, it is a 16day folk festival running from mid or late September to the first weekend in October, with more than 6 million people from around the world attending the event.

September 7 - 10, 2017 Location: Dorset, United Kingdom

Bestival Revelers catch ferries to England’s largest island in the English Channel to officially close out the UK summer festival season. Bestival pulls out all the stops by holding a Fancy Dress Parade each year (usually on Saturday). Bestival is a four-day music festival held at the Robin Hill country park on the Isle of Wight, England. It has been held annually in late summer since 2004. There are around 30 different stages and performance areas, which are located in the main arenas. From the Accessible Campsite, the Castle Stage is closest, the Box is about 700 metres and the Bollywood stage is 500 metres from the Accessible Campsite. Bestival is often described as a "boutique festival" due to its non-corporate feel..



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September 7 – 17, 2017 Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Toronto International Film Festival The Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF, stylized as tiff.) is a publicly attended film festival held each September in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It is world-renowned film fest that brings top-notch movies and loads of celebrities to the Great White North, for an 11-day Hollywood binge. The Toronto International Film Festival, originally known as The Festival of Festivals, was founded by William Marshall, Henk van der Kolk and Dusty Cohl. This festival is a VIP event bringing Hollywood VIPs to Canada's largest city for 11 days of glamour and gleaming white teeth. More than 300 movies screen. Many have star power, but more are low-budget films from independent makers in, say, Laos or Qatar or Morocco.

September 16 - 24, 2017 Location: London, England

London Design Festival The London Design Festival is a city-wide celebration of design which spans over a period of nine days in every September. Conceived by Sir John Sorrell and Ben Evans in 2003, this concept was to create an annual event to promote the city’s creativity, drawing in the country's thinkers, practitioners, retailers and educators to a deliver a diverse celebration of design. Since 2009 the Victoria & Albert Museum has acted as the central Hub location for the London Design Festival. In succinct, it is a big smoke that catches fire by design, exploding in a colorful burst of innovative exhibits, talks, installations, pop-ups and more. The festival programme is made up of over 400 events and exhibitions staged by over 300 partner organisations across the design spectrum and from around the world.

September 22 - 24, 2017 Location: Galway, Ireland

Galway International Oyster and Seafood Festival 2017 More than 20,000 people from over 25 countries descend upon Galway during the last weekend in September to indulge in oysters and practically anything else from the sea. Founded in 1954, the Galway International Oyster and Seafood Festival celebrates the lowly but inspired mollusc, Ostrea edulis, aka European flat oyster, or a belon, in menu-speak. Pubs along the city’s Oyster Trail sell oysters by the thousands during the three-day culinary festival. Of course, an oyster’s decidedly salty nature only encourages the eater’s thirst - unsurprisingly a remedy roundly suggested by participating pubs is a pint of Guinness. Galway International Oyster and Seafood Festival will celebrate its 63rd Birthday in September 2017 with a 3 day programme of fantastic events in the festival marquee on Nimmo’s Pier, Galway City!



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S KAL D ELHI M EET Members of Skal Delhi met recently at hotel EROS Shangri-La, Ashok Road, New Delhi. They discussed issues of common interest, and had a very sumptuous lunch and fun on the occasion.



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TAAI-NR ELECTS NEW TEAM Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Travel Agents Association of India-Northern Region (TAAI-NR) was held on 21st July at hotel The Claridges, New Delhi. Rajan Sehgal, Chairman of TAAI-NR presented a report to the members at the meeting. Gaurav Dogra, Honorary Treasurer of TAAI-NR also presented a report to the members present. At the AGM, the new team of TAAI-NR for the term 2017-19 was announced which will take over after the national elections of TAAI. Neeraj Malhotra has been elected as new Chairman of TAAI NR for the term 2017-19. He is currently the Honorary Secretary of the Association's Northern Region. Gaurav Dogra, the present Honorary Treasurer of TAAI-NR has been elected as the new Honorary Secretary of the Association's Northern Region, and Gurvinder Singh has been elected as the new Honorary Treasurer of the TAAI - Northern Region.



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Leslie Thng Vistara CEO, TATA, SIA and Vistara Board Leslie Thng has been appointed as the new CEO of Vistara by the Board of Vistara (TATA SIA Airlines Ltd), effective from October 2017. This is subject to approval of the Government of India. Thng, who started his career in SIA, has held many senior positions in the airline, and has significant experience across international markets and various businesses. Prior to being appointed Chief Commercial Officer for Budget Aviation Holdings (BAH, a Singapore Airlines owned holding company), he was Chief Executive of SilkAir. Leslie will lead Vistara in its next phase of growth, including international operations, building on the solid foundation and momentum achieved by the airline under the leadership of Phee Teik Yeoh.

Simarjeet Singh General Manager, The Chancery Pavilion Simarjeet Singh has been appointed as the General Manager of The Chancery Pavilion, Bengaluru. His career spans close to two decades of rich and diverse experience in the hospitality industry. His previous assignment was with Hilton Garden Inn, New Delhi, where he significantly helped improve the overall hotel performance. He has held eminent positions with renowned brands like Radisson Blu, Park Plaza and Intercontinental to name a few. In this new role he will provide leadership and strategic direction to the hotel team and will focus on maximizing revenues and creating personalized guest experiences. He is a native of Delhi and holds a Bachelors’ degree in Hotel Management from Institute of Hotel Management (IHM), Bengaluru.

Sujeet Kumar General Manager, Sheraton Grand Bangalore Hotel at Brigade Gatewa Sheraton Grand Bangalore Hotel at Brigade Gateway appoints Sujeet Kumar as the new General Manager of the property. With over 2 decades of experience in the industry, Sujeet is a highly articulate, innovative, confident and persuasive leader with the ability to relate to diverse cultures and multi ethnic teams. At Sheraton Grand Bangalore, his role will be to capitalize on his extensive experience in the fields of Operations, Sales & Marketing, and strategizing to take the property to new heights while working in tandem with talented senior leadership teams in the hotel. Prior to being transferred to Sheraton Grand Bangalore Hotel at Brigade Gateway, he was working as the General Manager in establishing the upcoming, Sheraton Colombo, Sri Lanka. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Hotel Management from Welcomgroup Graduate School of Hotel Administration in Manipal. In his free time he enjoys good music, is a self-confessed foodie, loves travelling and is an avid follower of Formula One racing.



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Clinton Anderson President, Sabre Hospitality Solutions (SHS) Sabre Corporation has named Clinton Anderson as president of Sabre Hospitality Solutions (SHS), effective August 7, 2017. He will succeed Alex Alt who has accepted an executive position at another company. Anderson joined Sabre in 2014, and he currently serves as senior vice president of strategy where he has been instrumental in key product, technology, business and investment strategy initiatives. Prior to joining Sabre, he co-founded Emerson/Anderson, a private investment fund focused on small cap businesses. He was also a partner at Bain and Company where he served as a leader of consumer products and performance improvement practices and led consulting engagements across many industries to drive profitable growth, operational efficiency and strategic differentiation.

Praveen Sharma Director of Sales and Marketing, Courtyard by Marriott Pune Hinjewadi Praveen Sharma has joined as Director of Sales and Marketing for Courtyard by Marriott Pune Hinjewadi. In his new role, he will be responsible for driving all the sales and marketing efforts for the hotel. He brings over 17+ years of varied experience working in the travel and hospitality sector with different brands across the Marriott portfolio. Praveen brings with him a rich sales experience that will aid him in accelerating the business growth. Praveen’s expertise lies in developing and implementing sales strategies in sync with market conditions, client engagement, revenue and team management that makes him the ideal choice for this role.

Amit Raman Food & Beverage Manager, Holiday Inn Mumbai International Airport Holiday Inn Mumbai International Airport, part of the InterContinental Hotels Group announced the appointment of Amit Raman as the Food & Beverage Manager. Amit has over seventeen years of experience in the hospitality industry. A strategic planner with experience in leading the Food & Beverage operations, he is resourceful at developing procedures, service standards and operational policies with proven. Prior to joining Holiday Inn Mumbai International Airport, Amit has worked with renowned brands including Holiday Inn Resort & Spa Goa, The Kenilworth Beach Resort & Spa Goa, Le Meridien New Delhi. He has completed his Master’s degree in Hotel Management from Institute of Hotel Management & Catering Technology & Applied Nutrition, Goa. He completed his Bachelors in Tourism from IGNOU, New Delhi. Amit believes in creating an indelible impact on guest experiences and his team members by raising their spirit of camaraderie.



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JAYPEE GREENS GOLF & SPA RESORT, GREATER NOIDA, DELHI/NCR, INDIA HONOURED TO HOST AMIR OF KUWAIT His Highness – Sabah Al-Ahmad AlJaber Al-Sabah, Amir of the state of Kuwait with an entourage of 38 people recently visited India and gave an exceptional privilege to Jaypee Greens Golf & Spa Resort, Greater Noida, Delhi/NCR, India to host them. His-Highness availed an impeccable medical treatment from Jaypee Hospital, Noida which provides best in class medical facilities with a stellar line up of experts in the profession. The resort’s 5-star luxury and exquisite quality severed him and his retinue with paramount of comfort and grandeur of rich taste and cultured services of India. Jaypee Greens Golf & Spa Resort’s hospitality offers exotic splendor, emotionally and intellectually spirited staff, refined room services that can be attributed to their symphony like seamless team-work which makes high profile visits possible

effortlessly. Jaypee Greens Golf & Spa Resort’s maintenance of high standards and opu-

lence in hospitality makes it a class apart staying experience for anyone; from Noby TNH DESK bility to the ordinary.

MEDIA FAMILIARIZATION TRIP TO MALAYSIA Tourism Malaysia, New Delhi in association with Air Asia recently conducted a familiarization trip for the bloggers and print media from 19th July to 26th July 2017 to highlight an amazing and magical experience in Ipoh, Kota Kinabalu & Kuala Lumpur. During the trip bloggers and print media got chance to stay in some of the premium properties - The Haven Resort, Ipoh, The Hilton, Kota Kina balu, The Shangri La's Rasa Ria Resort, Tauran and Seri Pacific Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. The trip was intended to increase awareness and give a different experience of new activities and products. The trip began with tour of Asia’s first animation park -MAPS, 7 elements of adventure - Lost World of Tambun, one of the longest cave in Malaysia Gua Tempurung, and The Banjaran Hot-



springs Retreat Resort in Ipoh followed by tour of second largest pontoon in the world - Borneo Reef World, North Borneo Sunset Cruise, scenic beauty of

Mount Kinabalu in Kota Kina Balu. The trip ended with the experience of Jalan Alor's street food and shopping in Kuala by T NH DESK Lumpur.

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DL (ND)-11/6167/2017-18-19 | DATE OF POSTING: 5-6 OF MONTH | RNI NO.: DELENG/2010/33723 | DATE OF PUBLISHING: 4 th OF THE MONTH

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