Travel and Hospitality (TnH) - June 2014

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Issue 09 | Volume V | rnI no.: deleng/2010/33723

TNH (TRAVEL AND HOSPITALITY) I n d I A’ s l e A d I n g T r AV e l T r A d e m o n T h ly


june 2014 | `50

Editor’s Note NEW GOVERNMENT BRINGS NEW HOPES Travel and tourism industry has probably never been so excited about the change of power at the Centre. The reason is very simple. In the past no national party has committed itself to development of tourism in its election manifesto. General election 2014 was the first elections in which the Bharatiya Janata Party in its election manifesto promised the development and promotion of tourism in the country. Moreover, tourism was one of the important talking points of PM candidate of the BJP during the election campaign. And now the BJP is in power and Narendra Modi is Prime Minister of India, that too with absolute majority in the Lok Sabha. This dramatic change in the country’s political fortune and spectacular victory of BJP/NDA have given new and fresh hopes to the travel and tourism industry. The industry feels that the new government, especially the PM, understands the importance and potential of tourism for social and economic development of the country. The industry is very hopeful that the new government would give high priorities to the development and promotion of tourism in the country. Now it is up to the new government to fulfill its promises toward tourism and live up to the expectation of the tourism industry. At the outset the new government should accord high priority to development of tourist in-

frastructure and civic amenities around tourist destination. The new government should also expedite the implementation of schemes launched by its predecessor. One of them is the introduction of E-visa for about 180 countries. The government should also accord high priority to ensuring proper hygiene in and around tourist destinations. Recent acts of violence against woman have again highlighted the poor security environment prevailing in the country. Recurrence of such kind of violence in the country not only dents the image of the country, but also deters foreign tourists from coming to India. The Government of India should actively work with state governments to improve security environment in the country. The Centre after consultation with states should evolve a mechanism which will deal with the concerns and needs of foreign and inter-state tourist. The Government of India should encourage every state to set up dedicated Tourist Police to ensure security and safely of tourists. In order to ensure fast conviction of culprits who committ offense against tourists, Tourist Police should be authorized and empowered to investigate such cases. Such initiatives will inspire the confidence in the prospective tourists who are planning to visit India, and gradually India will emerge as a safe tourist destination.

Printed, published, owned by srishti rai. Printed at somsons Printing Works, 1/7, doctor’s lane, gole market, new delhi 110001, and published at P- 23/90, Connaught Circus, new delhi 110001; editor: srIshTI rAI

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inside the issue june 2014 | Volume V | Issue 9

8 11 15 16

High expectation from the new Government Abacus reveals root causes of travel disruption Poll shows professional golfers are the ultimate business travellers Summer travel for Bengal tourists hits purple patch


‘Dream Deals’ campaign ensures Kerala Tourism has no off-season Shripad Yesso Naik assumes charge of Ministry of Tourism


Lufthansa celebrates 20 years in Chennai


Sheraton Grande Sukhumvit unveils newly renovated rooms


Lemon Tree Hotel debuts in a new avatar in Whitefield, Bengaluru

41 58

Third Holiday Inn Express opens in Thailand ‘We are institutionalising our operation in line with modern practices’


Special Appointments





In Conversation Rattan Keswani deputy managing director lemon Tree hotels



Asia’s tourism sector commits to face up to climate challenge The need to strengthen the tourism sector’s ability to address climate change took centre stage during the UNWTO-Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) International Conference on Tourism and Climate Change. The Conference was held in conjunction with the 26th Joint Commission Meeting for Asia and the Pacific (Legazpi, Philippines, 18-20 May 2014).

the benefits sustainability en-

Framework Convention on Cli-

tails for tourism and beyond:

mate Change (UNFCC), in her

“Energy-efficient and renewable

opening remarks to the Confer-

energy technologies can reduce

ence, thanked the participants

operational costs. Resource ef-

“for advancing the dialogue on

ficiency not only mitigates and

how to address the greatest

reduces the tourism footprint,

challenge of our time: climate

but fosters economic growth

change, and in particular, how to

and creates much needed jobs

address climate change in

in the process.”

tourism and in policy that pro-

sia-Pacific has been at the

change at the heart of the

both the need for greater re-

Christiana Figueres, Execu-

forefront of tourism growth

tourism agenda, underscoring

sponsibility from the sector and

tive Secretary, United Nations



motes tourism as an economic engine”.


and development over the last decade, and recent numbers confirm that tourism in the region continues to progress above average. With rising international tourist arrivals and receipts in 2013 (+6% and +8%, respectively),



tourism leadership is increasingly consolidated. Yet, continued




sustainable development depends




tourism’s sector resilience to climate change. "Climate change is real", said the President of the Philippines, Benigno S. Aquino III, opening the Conference. The President commended the celebration of events such as these and underscored the relevance of tourism as "one of the shortest and most efficient paths to inclusive growth". The Philippines is mainstreaming "climate change adaptation with local, sectoral, and national plans – all of which will consequently guide the development of tourism destinations and tourism activities per locality”. ”With the increasing risks of climate change, this is something we encourage other ASEAN-member countries, as well as countries around the world, to look into", he added. UNWTO Secretary-General, Taleb Rifai, made a call to position the fight against climate



Trade Spotlight

High expectation from the new Government The election of the NDA Government at the Centre under leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi has bolstered the morale of the Indian travel and tourism industry, and given them new hopes. The industry hopes that now ‘Incredible India’ will get much needed attention from the government. Prem Kumar

ple who are associated with

ernment,” said IATO’s Presi-

ture of Gujarat in a short span

the tourism industry whether

dent, expressing hope that the

of time. It is a great achieve-

they are tour operators, travel

E-visa authorization which

ment of Gujarat Government



was announced by the previ-

under the leadership of then

guides or transport operators,

ous government will be imple-


all supported the BJP because

mented as soon as possible.

Modi.” Sarkar expects that

they had put tourism in their



the vision of our new Prime

five point vision document,”

mented, tourists from over-

Minister will take the Indian

said Subhash Goyal, Presi-



tourism to a greater height.

dent, IATO.

avoiding coming to India due

Noting that BJP is the only po-


E-visas who





Modi is seen by the indus-

to visa problems will be en-

litical party which has prom-

try as a leader who has vision

couraged to travel to India





for the tourism industry, and

without any hassle and incon-

tourism in its election mani-

opes and expectations

one who understands the so-

venience”. He further added

festo, Sarkar said, “Under the

abound among the In-

cial and economic signifi-


leadership of the new prime

dian travel and tourism indus-

cance of tourism. As a chief



minister, the tourism industry

try in the wake of formation of

minister of Gujarat, he has a

dure which the Government is

is looking forward to a posi-

the NDA government at the

proven record of developing

trying to introduce need to be

tive growth in international

tourism in the state, and dur-

abolished. But in case for se-

and domestic tourism, not

ing his election campaign, he

curity concern it is essential,

only in number of tourists but

made development of tourism

it should be done at all immi-

also in terms of infrastructure

as one of his important talking

gration counters at all inter-

development: new airports,

points. In fact, it was on the

national airports of India so

better quality of roads and

instance of Modi that the BJP

that tourists do not have to

connectivity, better trains,



visit visa centers for this cum-

clean railway stations and

tourism in its manifesto for

bersome procedure and are

waterways development. In

the general election 2014. The

not discouraged from visiting

private sector, the industry

other reason of the excite-

India. Goyal also said that as

hopes new foreign and Indian

ment and expectation of the

mentioned in its vision docu-

investments in Hotels and

industry is PM Modi’s focus on

ment, BJP will make tourism

new airports.”

economic development. And if

as an instrument for economic

Amaresh Tiwari, Hony.

economic situation in the

change, women empower-

Treasurer, IATO & MD, A. T.


The BJP was the only party which had put tourism in its election manifesto and millions of people who are associated with the tourism industry whether they are tour operators, travel agents, hoteliers, tourist guides or transport operators, all supported the BJP because they had put tourism in their five point vision document.

Subhash Goyal President, IATO




country improves, business

ment, poverty eradication and

Seasons & Vacations Travel

Centre led by Prime Minister

travel to the country and

employment generation in the

said, “Industry is having lots

Narendra Modi.

within the country will also

country. The industry is sure

of hope from Modi and NDA

“The BJP

was the only party which had put tourism in its election manifesto and millions of peo-

We have high hopes from the BJP government as this is the only political party which has got the majority in the Lok Sabha after 30 years. We have full confidence in the leadership of our Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Pronab Sarkar Hony. Secretary, IATO and MD, Swagatam Tours



that Narendra Modi and his

government and I am quite

Goyal is hopeful that the

team will give the tourism in-

confident that he will deliver

new Government will stop the

dustry the priority it deserves.

the promises made by him in

discrimination to the tour op-

Pronab Sarkar, Hony. Sec-

his manifesto. He is very keen

erators and exempt them from

retary, IATO and MD, Swa-

to promote India as strong

service tax as the exporters

gatam Tours said, “We have

brand equity and tourism fits

are exempted based on their

high hopes from the BJP gov-

in this role very well. Tourism

foreign exchange earnings.

ernment as this is the only po-

is highly growth oriented in-

“This would increase the in-

litical party which has got the

dustry and need less capital

ternational tourist arrivals to

majority in the Lok Sabha

investment. He noted that

our country and in turn will

after 30 years. We have full

tourism can be a driving force

increase our foreign exchange

confidence in the leadership

for Indian economy and pres-

earnings and create millions

of our Prime Minister Naren-

ent regime understands this

of jobs in every nook and cor-

dra Modi. We all have seen

very well. Modi understands

ner of the country. No doubt it

the turnaround in Gujarat’s

the potentials of this industry

will also add crores of rupees

tourism sector and know how

and will do all the positive

in indirect taxes to the Gov-

tourism has changed the pic-

things to increase the tourist



Spotlight traffic towards India.” IATO were engaged with BJP



Varanasi within three days in

implemented will provide the

Modi, who has the futuristic

power shows Government’s

much needed impetus to gal-

picture of Indian tourism for a


vanize the tourism industry.



greater heights. He said,

members before the elections

Tourism. Modi has realized

According to Gosain,

“Modi has the quality to un-

by giving them necessary data

the importance of tourism

tourism was given less impor-

derstand the values of tourism

and information about in-

from economic development

tance in the previous govern-

in our economy and with the

bound tourism to India.

in Gujarat and we don’t see

ment, resulting in lesser

growth of tourism how coun-

any reason for not taking it to

growth, but he hopes that now

try can get the benefits, espe-

all over India.”

tourism sector under the lead-

cially it can generate millions

ership of Modi and newly ap-

of new jobs beside valuable

that the new central govern-



foreign exchange to the coun-

ment under the visionary and

Sripad Naik will progress in

try and better quality of infra-

dynamic leadership of Naren-



The industry strongly feels

Industry is having lot of hope from Modi and NDA government and I am quite confident that he will deliver the promises made by him in his manifesto. He is very keen to promote India as strong brand equity and tourism fits in this role very well.

Amaresh Tiwari Hony. Treasurer, IATO & MD, A. T. Seasons & Vacations Travel


dra Modi will give new direc-

Sarkar noted that Modi has

Gosai said that new gov-

tion and impetus to the

expressed in many forums

ernment should work on im-

development and promotion of

that he is looking for new


tourism in the country.

ideas for the better function-

implementation of E-visa, ra-



Atul Rai, MD, Ananya

ing of his Government, there-

tionalization of taxes on

Tours, said, “At the outset, it

fore, “we also expect that he

tourism sector and develop

would be apt to say that, for-

is open to all kind of ideas and

safe environment of tourist in

mation of NDA Government

we are sure that he shall get

India. “I am sure Narendra

led by BJP at the Centre

us desired changes and bene-

Modi as PM will take forward


the long pending demands of

Ravi Gosain, Hony. Joint

under Narendra Modi's lead-

Secretary, IATO and MD, Erco

ership will lead to enhanced

As regards the priorities of

the tourism industry and do

Travels said, “We are de-

emphasis to tourism and its

the new tourism minister,

all possible to flourish it in

lighted that BJP got the ma-

development as a key to over-

Sarkar said, “We expect the

coming day,”

jority and formed government

all economic development and

priorities of the new tourism

adding, “Sripad Naik, the new

said Gosai,

in centre. There is no doubt

growth. Realizing its potential

minister to interact with the

tourism minister should invite

about the sincerity of PM

contribution to Indian econ-

tourism industry stakeholders

IATO and other tourism trade


omy, essential policy changes



bodies to understand the hin-



We are delighted that BJP got the majority and formed government in centre. There is no doubt about the sincerity of PM Narendra Modi towards tourism in India. He talked about tourism in his elections speeches throughout the country and we hope there will be great results from this Government.

Ravi Gosai Hony. Joint Secretary, IATO & MD, Erco Travels



will be effected with greater

tourism related ministries so

drances in growth of tourism.

involvement of Indian foreign

that he is able to understand

He must develop good rela-

mission and embassies and

the needs of the tourism In-

tions with other ministries

their personnel in promoting

dustry and sort out by coordi-

who matters for the develop-

Indian tourism on foreign

nating with all of them to

ment of tourism in India.”

soil.” According to Rai, an in-

bring fast and positive deci-

Modi has already started

bound tourist to India from

sions for the development of

the initiative to unshackle the

abroad is not only a traveler

the Industry.” He added, “We

barriers and combined the

but he/she also acts as future

are sure the new Government

tourism and culture ministry

investor and a personalized

will bring lot of positive

together so that lot of time

'brand ambassador' of desti-

changes and the tourism in-

which was wasted earlier due

nation India, so, energizing

dustry will grow faster than

to bureaucratic procedures

and activating individual state


will smoothen, said Tiwari. He

tourism machinery on Indian

Sarkar reminisced that

added, “IATO also demands

soil, sustained advertorial and

when IATO convention was

E-visa, VoA to all major coun-

tourism in India. He talked

promotional thrusts besides

held in Ahmedabad in 2011,

tries, removal of service tax

about tourism in his elections

persistent and planned efforts

they had the opportunity to

from inbound tour packages;



to improve infrastructure in

meet then Chief Minister of

export industry status to

country and we hope there


and around existing and po-

Gujarat Narendra Modi dur-

tourism industry. These are

will be great results from this

tential places of tourist inter-

ing their interactive meetings,

the major barriers which hold

Government. Ganga action

ests, would be some of the

and they experienced a vision-

the tourism at back seat. We

plan which they initiated in

many measures which when

ary personality in Narendra

are hopeful that new govern-



Trade Spotlight ment will understand the im-

in and around our star attrac-

special attention to the follow-

quest the BJP Government to

portance and do their best to

tions and monuments, cities

ing key points:

make the Indian Railways to

remove these hurdles.” “As

etc. while simultaneously em-

a.) Implementation of E-visa

be at par with international

Modi has got the clear major-

phasizing and ensuring better

for maximum countries for

standard to begin with air-con-

ity in the house,” Tiwari said,

co-relation as well as interac-

tourism, convention and med-

dition compartments, change

“There is no reason which can

tion between nodal ministries,

ical tourism. This will help

the toilets to biodegradable

hold him to act positively. I am

the policy makers, imple-

most of the international visi-

chemical toilets with comput-

It would be apt to say that, formation of the NDA Government led by the BJP at the Centre under Narendra Modi's leadership will lead to enhanced emphasis to tourism and its development as a key to overall economic development and growth.

Atul Rai MD, Ananya Tours

menters and the key players

tors to apply visa without has-

erized bar coded passenger

involved in marketing India as

sle or inconvenience, this new

tickets to open the toilet doors

destination abroad.” Rai fur-

policy shall increase the num-

for exclusive use of the passen-

ther said, “Visa procurement

bers of foreign tourist by 15-

gers. This will help keep the

and its outsourcing have led to

20% per annum.

toilets clean and wastage can

'certain' vested interests com-

b.) Treat the tour operators

ing into play. Process of

at par with export of services

procuring visa for India is not

for foreign exchange earnings

user- friendly. Systems need to

for the country. Tour operators

educating our own people to

be evolved which are easier to

should get the exemption on

keep India clean especially, to

that is producing electricity. d.) We would also suggest

follow without compromising

service tax for providing serv-

start with, all tourist places,

on India's security interests.

ices to foreign tourists in India.

beach-fronts and roads. Clean

As, after all, destination India

The industry expects that the

India campaign should be in-

needs more tourists coming in

new prime minister will stop

troduced by all state and the

for overall betterment of the

the discrimination to the tour

Central Government tourism

quite confident that he will

nation. So why not work to-

operators. It will not be out of

departments along with the

push the tourism industry to a

wards simplifying the process

place to mention that during

tourism industry stakeholders.

new height.

instead of making it compli-

the previous NDA Government

All monuments areas need to

According to Tiwari, the new tourism minister must

cated to deter potential visi-

under the leadership of Atal

be cleaned and proper toilet fa-


Bihari Bajpai, the then Prime

cilities to be provided to the

VoA and E-visa are

show great willingness and ea-

moves in right direction, but

Minister did withdraw the

tourists visiting the monu-

gerness to promote tourism in

procedures and facilitation

service tax on foreign ex-


the country. “Modi is perceived

need to be simplified keeping

change earnings including

e.) Seamless road travel by

to understand that the tourism

in mind the larger interest of

tour operators services from

tourist vehicles without stop-

sector has immense potential


18 July 1998 to the end of Feb-

ping for inter-state road tax




which lies untapped and some-

tourists in mind.” Rai summed

ruary 2003. We expect the

and toll tax. It should be han-

what dormant due to poor pol-

up his observation by saying

same benefits from the new

dled by computerized smart



that “better days are here to

BJP Government under the

chip system by all states for

inadequate resource alloca-

come for tourism industry of

leadership of PM Modi. We are

tax/toll collections.

tion. We foresee a serious and


sure with this exemption we


f.) Electronic media cam-

purposeful movement in this

Sarkar offers a long list of

shall be able to compete with

paign to promote tourism to

direction,” said Rai, adding,

suggestions to unshackle the

our neighboring countries and

India in various India friendly

“Proper maintenance, cleanli-

barriers for a positive growth

there will be a positive growth

countries in their local lan-

ness, awareness and ensuring

in tourism. According to him

in Tourist arrivals.

proper hygienic environment

the government should give

The Ultimate Travelling Camp introduces a discerning guide to Glamour Experiential Travel Second leg of Travelling Camp kick-starts with The Chamba Camp at Thiksey, Ladakh.

be sold to the power industry

c.) We would also like to re-

guage to attract more and more tourist to visit India.

experiences as they set up there

ury, in the best locales, captur-

experiential travel camp at

ing the perfect views.”

Chamba, Thiksey, followed by

This nomadic super luxury

other larger-than-life camp ex-

camp introduces the discerning


he Ultimate Travelling

ence with all the benefits of lux-

periences. Explaining the con-

traveller to different adventures

Camp (TUTC) pioneered

ury when it welcomes its guests

cept, Deepak Raj, CEO, TUTC,

in carefully selected exceptional

the concept of ‘Glamping’—the

to its luxury nomadic mobile

said, “It’s a first of its kind lux-

locations in the mountains,

buzz word in Glamorous Camp-

camps. This year the company

ury nomadic mobile camp with

deserts, jungles and unexplored

ing, a complete outdoor experi-

brings even more enchanting

all the trappings of five star lux-



Trade with travellers’ plans. Road,

“We track these incidents

airport and even border clo-

against travellers’ itineraries

sures are a common outcome

two days before, during and

under such circumstances.

after their trip to provide as

All man-made political and

Abacus reveals root causes of travel disruption Travel disruption is mostly man-made, according to Abacus, which recently published metrics on the root causes of disruption in travel.



much information as we can

security related events ac-

to minimize the effects of dis-

counted for four in every ten

ruption,” said Robert Bailey,

alerts, often linked to each

President and CEO of Aba-

other.From the one-in-seven

cus. “Essentially, Abacus Tri-

that warned of localised po-

pAlert gives our agents a

litical activity came 136 riots

window to act, before their

with 64 curfews in 2013.

travellers’ options narrow.”

Looting was a by-product

Overall, the Middle East

mentioned in a separate 40

was the focus of the most se-


curity alerts at 437 last year:

“The domino effect is why

Iraq producing 209 and Syria

early warning is so impor-

115. Cairo was the subject of

tant,” explained PederKvend-

more alerts (of all types)

Oceania and Southeast Asia

set, CEO of Abacus partner

than any other place on the

took a battering last year

in early detection, AidCom.

planet. It was top of the list of

with 275 and 219 ‘nature’

“A political rally or election

cities for political alerts and

alerts, respectively. Globally,

turning violent quickly be-

third for those security-re-

the Americans suffered most

comes a security issue for

lated, just behind Baghdad

frequently overall, with al-

travellers. Reports of terror-

and Damascus.

most 500 alerts.

ist activity will also spike in

In Asia, bothIndia and

However, while man-made

the feeds, prompting compa-

Bangladesh witnessed fre-

disruption was secondary,

nies to consider their duty of

quent clashes and varied

care to staff working in the

protests. Pakistan’seconomic


capital Karachi produced 25

hile travel disruption

lyzed over 5,000 early warn-


is typically associated

ing alerts broadcast over the

deemed to be much more se-

course of 2013.

rious,compared to forces of

‘Traffic’ advisories follow

security alerts during the

with natural disasters; it ap-



pears that the real scourge of

Natural phenomena sur-

nature, as they often evolved

in number, detailing the loca-

year, just ahead of Bangkok’s

travel is, more often than not,

facedas the single largest

into other alerts as they es-

tionswhere congestion, can-

22 political alerts and nine

man-made. This is according


to Abacus, Asia Pacific’s

“The data from 2013 gave us

leading travel Technology

some indication of the risks for

Company, which today pub-

this year,perhaps explaining

lished metrics on the root

the interest in Abacus Tri-

causes of disruption across


the region and around the



agencies with clients who

Collated from broadcasts






travel to the most exposed

of the Abacus TripAlertser-

areas,”added Bailey.

vice, which advises travel

“While the travel industry

management companies of


incidents that threaten their

around these events to min-






imise the inconvenience, cor-

safety, the findings reveal the

source of inconvenience,with

calated. In fact, out of a total

ripple effects that are caus-

28% of all travel disruption

ing millions to alter their

stemming from either severe

travel plans. Along with its

weather conditions or other

partner in early detection

naturally occurring events.

‘severe’ and led to defensive

one or more of the 1,488 ur-

options and at least some de-

AidCom, Abacus has ana-

On a regional front, both

measures that played havoc

gent traffic alerts.

gree of control.”

cellations or closures are


of 1,451 ‘security’ alerts-

likely. Almost half of all polit-

appreciate the added foresight

broadcast by AidComlast

ical and security incidents

of the technology, which offers

year, 25% were considered

reported last year triggered

them the best possible range of








Airline's stated goal is worthy -- as long as implementation doesn't have unintended consequences: GBTA The public, whether traveling for business or leisure, should fully understand the impact of government imposed taxes and fees and that burden cannot be understated, says GBTA commenting on the Transparent Airfares Act of 2014 (HR 4156).






sistently break out the taxes

in the best interest of the

on travel-related services in-


and fees levied by the govern-

business traveler or the cor-

creased the total tax bill for a

ment on consumers.

poration that pays for their

traveler by 58 percent.

(GBTA)--the voice of the global business travel indus-

For corporations, who rely

travel," said Michael W. Mc-

"Not being able to compare


on business travel to drive

Cormick, GBTA executive di-

full costs of flights will disad-

Transparent Airfares Act of

business growth, the total

rector and COO. "Travelers

vantage the business trav-

2014 (HR 4156), which would

cost of air travel is a major

need to know the full cost of

eler," McCormick added. "In

allow advertisements for pas-

issue. GBTA's U.S. study,

the air ticket when compar-

particular, a business traveler

senger air travel to state the

Road Warriors Impact on

ing flights. However, GBTA

shopping within their com-

base airfare and separately

Jobs and the Economy, found

also believes the public,

pany's travel policy could pick




disclose any government im-

airfare is the largest spend-

whether traveling for busi-

a flight at a price that is within

posed taxes and fees and the

ing category with travelers

ness or leisure, should fully

policy, only to find out when

total cost of travel.

spending $128 per person per

understand the impact of

purchasing that the cost is

day on airfare during aver-

government imposed taxes

outside of the policy causing

age business trips.

and fees and that burden

unnecessary expenses. Air-

This bill, which is supported by the major U.S. airlines, states that its goal is to

"While the objective of this

increase transparency in the

bill is to make the traveling

According to the Travel

maintained. Otherwise, the

makeup of total U.S. airline

public aware of the impact of

Taxes in the U.S., The Best

unintended consequences of

ticket prices, and ensure that

escalating taxes and fees, we

and Worst Cities to Visit in

this bill could outweigh its

airfare advertisements con-

must be sure that HR 4156 is

2013, taxes levied specifically


Cox & Kings announces sale of its subsidiary HBR’s camping division for Rs 892 crore

cannot be understated."

fare transparency must be


ing receipt of regulatory ap-

the Management Board of


Homair Vacances said, “This

Peter Kerkar, Director, Cox

acquisition is a major develop-

& Kings Ltd said, “The sale of

ment for Homair Vacances. We

ox & Kings Ltd., the lead-

campsites across 12 European

camping is consistent with our

will develop this brand by re-

ing holidays and educa-

countries. Cox & Kings ac-

strategy of becoming a Leisure

specting its DNA, as we have

cash on completion and £ 3.7

quired the Camping Division

and Education travel group

done with other acquisitions”.

million is deferred relating to

as part of its acquisition of

and allows us to focus on

Holidaybreak Ltd. was ad-

a tax refund.

Holidaybreak in 2011. The

these businesses that have a

vised by Lincoln International,

The Camping division pro-

completion of the transaction

global footprint and market

financial advisers and Ever-

vides outdoor family holidays

is conditional to fulfilment of

leadership position”.

sheds, legal advisers.

at over 170 third party owned

customary conditions includ-

C tion




operations in 26 countries across continents, announced the sale of the Camping Division of its subsidiary Holidaybreak Ltd., (HBR), to Homair Vacances, a group that specialises in outdoor holidays and is a major player in France, for a consideration of Rs 892 crore (£ 89.20 Million). £ 85.5 million is payable in


Alain Calmé, Chairman of




UAE Exchange Wins ‘Travel Puraskar – 2014’ UAE Exchange Customer Service Centre in Hyderabad UAE Exchange India,

take all that we do, very seri-

pany flaunts a stack of lau-

bagged the 2014 award for

ously, setting on top priority

rels for quality service, lead-

‘Customer Delight’. Having

ership, internal magazine,

UAE Exchange has good

sure best customer experi-

the best ‘Corporate Travel

news for its customers in

ence at the 42 branches that

Management Company’ in

been in the travel industry

human resource develop-

Telangana and Seemandra.




for well over a decade has

ment and corporate social re-





Its new Customer Service

Nizamabad and Rajamundry



definitely afforded us an edge

sponsibility. It has been

Centre in Hyderabad was in-



hosted by the Department of

over competition. We cater to

awarded the PRSI Award,

augurated on Saturday, April

avowed to resolve any issues

Tourism Garden City College,

the needs of our customers

Global CSR Excellence &

12, 2014 by Mr Sudhakar,

related to customer service


keeping in mind minute de-

Leadership Awards, CMO

Vice President, Business De-

within 24 hours.”

tails of our customers’ pref-





Reshma, Cluster Head



velopment, UAE Exchange,

UAE Exchange, known

Bangalore and Mr. Denson

erences, convenience and

Udyog Ratna Award, Quality

India. The call center, de-

worldwide for its penchant

CD, Corporate Communica-

economy, be it travel for busi-

Brands India Award, Human

signed at par international

for customer service and

tion and PR officer received

ness or pleasure. The fact





standards, is at 3rd Floor, Kr-

trustworthiness, is aiming to

the award in a glittering

that we can also provide so-

Money Gram Award for three


enhance customer experi-

function held in Garden City

lutions like travel cards and

consecutive years apart from

Bank, Himayathnagar, Hy-

ence and hence it has come

College on March 19, 2014 at-

easy cash transfer or conver-

the Boss of the Year Award.

derabad-500004. N Gopi, Re-

up with this project. The

tended by corporate mag-

sion to go with the travel

UAE Exchange is also

gional Head, Hyderabad and

clientele of UAE Exchange

nates and business gurus

plans, adds to the appeal of

the corporate member of

other officials from UAE Ex-

branches in Telangana and

from around the country.

our services. We are glad


change were present on the

Seemandra can now delight

This is the 2nd edition of

that our dedication is recog-

tional Safety Council, ABCI,


in the new opportunity and

Travel Puraskar Awards.

nized and appreciated.”

KCCI and KMA, National Or-



Gopi said “Initially the

can avail assistance on all

centre will have 24 executives, working in shifts, to en-





UAE Exchange is IATA

services that the company of-

Antony, MD & Country Head

accredited and Ministry of


of UAE Exchange said, “We

Tourism approved. The com-

ganization for Commerce and Industry, and PRSI.

roomsXML launches a B2B mobile interface for travel agents at ATM, Dubai K nown for introducing in-

good in other markets too.”

novative ideas, room-

Very recently roomsXML

sXML has now introduced

was ranked as 100 most Inno-

another first in the category. A

vative Companies by Inc. India.

dedicated interface for smart-

Innovative 100 recognises 100

phones that gives access to

trailblazer mid-sized compa-

travel agents to book hotels in

nies ($10m to $250m) whose

real time and at net rates.

ideas, approaches and tools

Says Prakash Bang, Managing Director, “Everybody

are beyond fresh. They’re bold, unconventional,


thinks of travellers who are on

with a potential to revolu-

the go. There are zillions of ap-

tionise the business world. In-

plications for them. But what

novative 100 captures the role

about their travel agents? Why

of mid-sized business commu-

shouldn’t there be a facility

nity in the innovation journey

awarded the coveted ISO

quality certification body based

that makes life a little easier

that have demonstrated a flair

9001:2008. The ISO certifica-

in UK. roomsXML is the first

for the travel agent? The idea

for impactful innovation.

tion recognises roomsXML's

company in the world to get the

quality management systems.

Certification in the category it represents.

has delighted travel agents in

Apart from introducing

the Middle East and I am sure

many firsts in the industry,

The certification was done by

the response will be equally

roomsXML has also been

BM TRADA, world's leading





TripAdvisor unveils best value host cities for Indians planning to attend the FIFA world cup 2014 Research compares prices for accommodation, transportation, meals, snacks and match tickets ripAdvisor recently re-


vealed the results of its lat-





Manaus, Natal, PortoAlegre, Re-


Paulo are not included in this

pensive cities where the costs

survey to ensure an even com-

reach INR34,517.29.

parison). In Cuiabáthe cost would be even lower: 25,924.29

Rio de Janeiro most expen-



For Brazilian fans, Brasilia is

to follow their teams, at least if

Fans will need a larger budget the cheapest option

they are planning to attend a

Of the two cities that will host

game at the Maracanã stadium.

Brazil’s second and third quali-

Rio de Janeiro is the most ex-

cife, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador

Fans planning toattendfirst

fying matches(Sao Pauloplays

pensive cityamong the 12 hosts,

and Sao Paulo. The research

round matches in Cuiabá (MT)

host toBrazil for theopening

with costs up to INR 39,238.20.

comparison in Rupees of spend-

analysesthe average prices for

or Sao Paulo (SP) will find the

game, which is excluded from

Fortaleza (INR 34,517.29) and

ing a day in each of the twelve-

an individual based on the fol-

best value. According to the re-

this survey), Brasilia is the

Manaus (INR 31,674.35) com-

host cities for FIFA World Cup

lowing items: oneticket for the

search, a day in São Paulo will

cheapest atINR 30,636.19 . The

plete the list of the three most

2014: Belo Horizonte, Brasília,

qualifying round, accommoda-

cost INR 27,094.25(note: tickets

federal capital is cheaper than

expensive cities.

Cuiabá, Curitiba, Fortaleza,

tion, food, drinks and trans-

for theopening gamein Sao

Fortaleza, one of the more ex-

Among all the surveyed items,

Check out the full list with the average costsof all items surveyed (prices in Rupees) in the each hostcity:

ment responsible for making

accommodation is the maineleRio de Janeirothe most expensive placeto visit during thecompetition. The average daily room ratefor accommodation in Rio during phase one matches reaches INR 26,299.52 Hotel expensesrepresent the highest costs Among all the items surveyed by TripAdvisor, spending on accommodationrepresents


largest share in total costs, reaching 66% of the total expense on average. Not taking hotel costs into account, Recife becomes the cheapest city to enjoy a daytripduring the tournament (INR 12,198.05), whilst Manaus comes in second place with a total cost of INR 12,617.82ahead of Porto Alegre (INR 12,651.76). Recife features the lowest costs for transportation and food When it comes to food and transportation, none of the 12 cities are more cost-effective than Recife, where a round-triptaxiride of five miles each way1is justINR 835.30. by TNH DESK



Poll shows professional golfers are the ultimate business travellers The Crowne Plaza® Hotels & Resorts brand and the PGA TOUR reveal travel activity of golf professionals.

traveller. I just happen to do


and towels.

my work on a golf course,”

“Our guests want an envi-

said Fowler. “With limited op-

ronment where they can be

portunities during the day, I

productive while on the road

like to check my email, stay

for work,” said Gina LaBarre,

up to date with the latest news


and connect with fans on so-

brand management, Crowne



rom professional golfers

Tour are on the road for work

cial media when I get back to

Plaza, IHG. “When they’re

to caddies to tournament

– either for tournament play

my hotel, and the free Wi-Fi at

travelling thousands of miles

staffers, the golf community is

or sponsor obligations – at

Crowne Plaza hotels makes it

a year, whether they’re a pro-

comprised of seasoned busi-

least 150 nights per year, with

easy for me to connect quickly

fessional golfer or a more typ-

ness travellers. Results re-

22 percent amassing more

on the road.”

ical business traveller, our

leased today by the Crowne

than 200 nights on the road.


In addition to complimentary

guests need a hotel where

Plaza® Hotels & Resorts

The poll also revealed that

Wi-Fi, Crowne Plaza hotels in

they can easily focus on get-

brand reveal that PGA TOUR

staying connected while on

the Americas are rolling out

ting their work done, and

golfers travel on average

the road for work was impor-

several new features designed


more than 44,000 miles per

tant for players. Complimen-

to empower ambitious, ca-

Crowne Plaza hotels.”





Other notable findings from the player poll reveal: 92 percent of respondents travel with a smart phone; 73 percent travel with a tablet and 58 percent with a laptop while on the road for work 97 percent of respondents use hotel Wi-Fi multiple times per day while 100 percent said they use it at least once a day Being professional athletes, 58 percent of respondents stated that the ability to continue their fitness routine is most essential in helping year for tournament activity,

tary Wi-Fi, now standard at

reer-focused travellers, cen-

maintain a health and fitness

equating to almost two round

all Crowne Plaza hotels, was

tered on three key areas:

regimen while on the road.

the world trips .

a key priority with 86 percent

Connectivity, Wellness and

IHG, the parent company of

Ahead of the Crowne Plaza

of players polled marking this

Productivity. New technology

the Crowne Plaza brand, is


as one of the most important

offers single Internet sign-on,

the Official Hotel and Resort

Crowne Plaza® Hotels & Re-

things a hotel can offer them.

free and reliable Wi-Fi, one-

Partner of the PGA TOUR,



sorts, in partnership with the

PGA TOUR professional

click secure wireless printing


golfer and Crowne Plaza

and easy access to power out- Tour. The 2014

player travel activity and



lets and charging cords, en-

Crowne Plaza Invitational at

polled more than 70 golfers

Fowler is one of the sport’s

suring guests are “always

Colonial will be held May 19-

across the PGA TOUR, Cham-

most avid business travellers,

on.” Guests can stay healthy

25 at Colonial Country Club in

pions Tour and Tour

having competed in 24 tourna-

and re-energize with healthy


to uncover their travel-related

ments last year and racking

snacks and drinks for pur-

Crowne Plaza Invitational at

habits and preferences.

up more than 72,000 miles in



Colonial is the longest run-

2013 (PGA TOUR events and

fresh water for the essential

ning PGA TOUR tournament

sponsor obligations).

pick-me-up. Hotels also have

still being held at the original site.




Results revealed that more than half (56 percent) of



golfers across the PGA TOUR,

“I’m really not much differ-

the option to offer run stations

Champions Tour or

ent from the average business

providing local running routes










Summer travel for Bengal tourists hits purple patch There has been an upswing in summer travel for outbound leisure travellers from Bengal during the polling season. Swaati Chaudhury

lines and hospitality groups have designed special fares

and the United States to es-

ing with kids. They prefer

that we have passed down to

cape the sweltering heat. The


prospective travellers and

US Consulate in Kolkata is

options. Tourists are trying

the response was quite en-

open to facilitate the visa

to reduce the span of travel

couraging. The visa system

system and the process has

this time.”


for European destinations

become more tourist-friendly.

Take the case of Aaryan

like France and Italy that

Tourists mostly prefer de-

Holidays that has been into

have spread their presence



offering global departures


ith mercury levels ris-

in Kolkata has been stream-

downtown areas of Western

over the past decade. San-

lined. There are outbound

countries. We are sending

jeev Mehra, Director, Aaryan

eastern states reeling under

travellers from Bengal who

school students to Mussoorie


a heat wave, tourism busi-

are touring the European

and Nainital to attend sum-

tourists are intrepid, pas-

ness is booming in Bengal

destinations more than once

mer camp for a week.”

sionate travellers and play a

this summer. An increasing

in their life and moreover,

Although the United States

prominent role in the growth

number of leisure tourists

these destinations are quite

and European destinations

of the tourism industry of

have embarked into global

cooler than Asian countries.

are the latest craze for sum-

any country. The summer

mer travellers, there are new

travel season in Bengal be-

destinations that have picked

gins at the onset of summer

up well. According to Indra-

and once the school exams

jit Sarkar, Managing Direc-

are over, the season gains

destinations from Bengal and the eastern states of India and the tourism market in the region is hotting up. The polling season has failed to check the insatiable wanderlust of outbound travellers from Bengal. T n H interacted with leading travel houses based in Kolkata to find out the winds of change blowing in the travel business in Bengal. Most summer tourists are flying down to the Western countries of Europe, Canada and the United States this year. Anil Punjabi, Director, AR-ES Travels Private Limited and Chairman, TAFI, Eastern Region, explained, “The summer travel season

SnapShot Summer specials from Voyagers Club Tours: •A 13-day trip to China, Hong Kong and Macau costs Rs 1,40,000. •A trip for 17 days to the United States including East and West Coast would come for Rs 2,75,000 for an adult including air fare, visa, accommodations, meals and sightseeing. •AR-ES Travels has designed a nine-day summer camp for school-goers to Mussoorie and Nainital.

that kicked off in May has



tor, Voyagers Club Tours

momentum. There are no



such specific outbound desti-

Hong Kong and Macau are in

nations for summer tourists


high demand for summer

but more number of tourists

travellers from Bengal. Trav-

are travelling to Thailand,

ellers are touching down off-

the United States, Australia,

beat global destinations and

New Zealand, South Africa,

Kenya and South Africa have

Middle East, Scotland, Ire-

emerged as tourist’s delight

land and Eastern Europe.”

although the visa processing

There are tourists eager to

system takes a whale of time.

know about lesser-known

The high season for Kenya is

places like Georgia and Azer-


baijan, Mehra added, “The




Tourists are also flying down

trend for summer tourists is

to Thailand, Malaysia and

quite spectacular in this en-

Singapore. Mostly leisure

suing period. We are receiv-

tourists including retired

ing queries for destinations

people with families are trav-

like Bali, Singapore and the

elling during polling season

United States. With Brazil

There is 15 per cent upswing

and those on business trips

hosting FIFA World Cup- the

India. The Western countries

in summer travel in the cur-

have put their travel on hold

biggest global soccer extrav-

figure high on the itinerary of

rent year.”

owing to the polls. Polls have

aganza in June, tourists are

not affected leisure travel in

keen to know about the des-


tination. Tourists are inter-

been a late start in eastern Indrajit Sarkar MD, Voyagers Club Tours

around 25 per cent are tour-

ing everyday and the


Anil Punjabi Director, AR-ES Travels Chairman, TAFI, Eastern Region

Canada, the United Kingdom

travellers owing to rising air

During the polling phase,

fares from Kolkata to Asian

travellers have cast their

countries like Thailand and

votes and have packed their

The incentive groups usu-

ested for adventurous and

Bhutan and foreign currency

bags to fly to cooler climes.

ally travel during the lean


has gone down. A number of

Punjabi informed, “We have

season. Sarkar added, “We

The accommodations in de-

global tourism groups have

received a lot of tourists from

have a mix of urban and

mand are deluxe and three to



Bengal and North-east visit-

rural tourists hopping to out-


Kolkata this year. Global air-

ing friends and relatives to


strategic location.”











With 80% bio-diversity & ambitious future plans, Chhattisgarh Tourism Board aims to create India’s biggest eco-tourism hub Chhattisgarh Tourism Board has received 113.5 crores project prioritization from Ministry of Tourism, Government of India.


the state in welcoming new

foreign exchange earners,

tourist arrivals. We have al-

which apart from currency

ready been conferred the Na-

gains, also helps in important

tional Tourism Award 2012-13

human resource accrual. In

for the publication of best


tourism literature, which we


tourism development outlook

seek to make a common

of the new government in the

achievement every year by cre-

centre, Chhattisgarh Tourism

ating more tourism oriented

Board, under the aegis of

schemes. We aim to establish

Chhattisgarh Government has

Chhattisgarh as the top tourist

created a blue-print of future

destination in the country, and

tourism plans that will help es-

we are confident that our for-

tablish Chhattisgarh as India’s

ward looking measures will

biggest Eco-Tourism hub.

ing: • Gangrel Dam, the largest

sible decisions, our aim is to

water body in Chhattisgarh to

empower the region and show-

be projected as mega destina-

case it in a positive light to the


world. Our focus will be to in-

• Promote Sirpur- Kodar-

crease the tourist footfall from

Raipur-Tandula as a mega eco

the 1.5 million in 2012 to nearly

tourist circuit

3 million by 2015. Also we seek

• Creation of convention cen-

definitely help us achieve the

Chhattisgarh blessed with 80%


tional tourists while grooming

ourism is one of the major



through organised and respon-

lions of national and interna-

Prem Kumar




Santosh Misra, Managing Di-


Today, the immediate need

rector, Chhattisgarh Tourism

to create vistas of awareness

tres, developing niche seg-

melange of natural abundance

is to prioritize schemes per-

Board said, “Our aim is to de-

for the international tourists

ments of camping and caravan

tops in natural tourism where

taining to the tourism develop-

velop Chhattisgarh as India’s

whom we seek to attract with

tourism at important destina-

3 national parks, 11 wildlife

ment and related activities

biggest eco-tourism hub. Thus

our engaging packages and


sanctuaries, 30 plus significant

according to the Union Govern-

enhanced tourism by ways of

specially designed tourism jun-

• Development of wayside

waterfalls, abundant caves &

ment’s National Tourism Plan.

earmarked tourism plans will



untouched natural topography

A major focus of the prioritiza-

combine to create the most dy-

tion stands in the promotion of

Key points

century archaeological site of


• CTB has received 113.5 crores project prioritization from MoT. • Has earmarked ambitious plan outlay to establish the state as one of the most preferred tourism destinations in the country, in line with the National Tourism Policy • A rich culture, unexplored tourism circuits, gamut of opportunities like job creation & increased wealth, improved status of living will make it the biggest ever socio-cultural exercise • Is an endeavour to elevate social conditions in the state and create opportunities to counter Naxalism.

Sirpur and at Bhoramdeo, pop-





the rich & diverse tribal cul-

tourism experience ever. It is

ture, unexplored tourism cir-

this experience that the Chhat-

cuits and development of

tisgarh Tourism Board seeks to


promote on an international

with which major milestones

level via its ambitious future

like job creation in tribal sec-


tors and improved status of liv-


• Light and Sound shows at 6th

ularly known as Khajuraho of Chhattisgarh • Focus on Rural tourism and promotion of fairs and festivals The Chhattisgarh Tourism

Ajay Chandrakar, Minister of

ing can be achieved. Once

Tourism and Culture, Govt. of

implemented the go-getting

Chhattisgarh says, “Chhattis-

tourism development plans will

garh is a vibrant state which

help in developing the essential

enable us to develop tourism in

now looks forward towards de-

eco-tourism in the area, and

the state in a never-seen-before

Chhattisgarh Tourism Board

overall development of the

veloping Tourism as one of its

will enable Chhattisgarh build

magnitude. With our future

has received 113.5 crores

state tourism. The new tourist

richest assets. Based on qual-

up as India’s biggest eco-

venture, we seek to see greater

project prioritization from

model will be focused on the

ity plans and forward looking

tourism hub, one with probably

participation of the local com-

Ministry of Tourism Govern-

infrastructure of the state

measures our aim is to take

the biggest potential in South-

munity that will be the most fo-

ment of India. The project

that will nurture the fragile

Chhattisgarh Tourism to mil-

East Asia.

cused tool to counter Naxalism.

aims to achieve the follow-



Board aims to reach out to incoming tourists with an ambitious tourism plan which intends to bring about the



‘Dream Deals’ campaign ensures Kerala Tourism has no off-season Going against a general tendency to lie low during off-season, the Kerala government is bracing up with a novel scheme aimed at wooing visitors — especially from upcountry.

Tourism Secretary Suman

tions into the itinerary until

Billa revealed that the lean

they get the most comfort-

season has yet another ad-

able one”.

vantage: discounts on hospi-

In fact, “once they have fi-

tality expenses. “For the

nalised, they can share their





charges will be lower by



friends,” the Tourism Secre-

he state Tourism De-

website, have been pub-

around 30 per cent,” he in-

tary pointed out. Soon, this

partment has embarked

lished on a microsite (


will be an online ad cam-

on a campaign titled ‘Dream

As for the microsite which


paign on various internet

Deals’ in a bid to leverage

mdeals) for the user or

will enable the user to create


the potential during what is

wannabe visitor to create

a preferred itinerary, the

and Facebook networks.

traditionally dubbed ‘off-sea-

one’s preferred itinerary at

proposed visit plan will then

To boost this year’s cam-

son’ during the peak-sum-

a much economical rate.

be automatically forwarded

paign outside the cyber

Kerala Tourism Minister A

to five accredited tour oper-

world, Kerala Tourism will

mer months of April-May, followed by the monsoons. The discount-rate scheme,



P Anilkumar said the re-

ators in the state. They will

shortly be launching a print

sponse has been encourag-

get back to the applicant

ad campaign in leading Eng-

which is on from April until

ing. “This is also because

with the best rates, Billa

lish and regional dailies be-

the end of September, is now

June is peak summer and


sides general-interest and

poised to provide a new

school-holiday time in North

phase of experience for visi-

India, where rains are few



up with some of the airlines

tors, as the three-month

and far between,” he noted.

tions, budget and the num-

to have the Dream Deals

Besides helping create

travel magazines. It will tie

monsoons are set to hit Ker-

“Tourists from that part of

ber of days to spend in

brand on the back of board-

ala on June 1.

the country would be partic-

Kerala, ‘Dream Deals’ will

ing passes. Also, there will

Dream Deals’, the details

ularly tempted to sense the

give users the option to

be ads displayed in Delhi

of which can be accessed

cooler climes of Kerala till

“play around mixing and

Metro stations.

from the Kerala Tourism


matching various destina-




New tourist circuits in Puducherry Puducherry presents a slice of France and the tourism department is charting out new tourist circuits and roadmaps. Swaati Chaudhury

likely to be over in 2014-2015

“We want tourists to pull on

nur, Varadraja Perumal temple

fiscal. We have planned to

for more number of days. We


host festivals and events all

have identified historical des-

chanadishwarar temple at

round the year.”

tinations with archaeological


The tourism department is concentrating on the global markets of London, Paris, Germany, Italy, Singapore and

has planned a slew of interest-

Hong Kong to entice a large

ing projects to captivate a

number of global visitors. The

he well-planned coastal

large number of tourists. Ex-

well-beaten tourist tracks are


plained K K Singh, Director,

Sri Aurobindo Ashram and



Puducherry offers a unique



Auroville that provide spiri-

blend of heritage and spiritu-

Puducherry, “Our prominent

tual peace. The French archi-

ality. The bygone French set-

pipeline projects are the de-

tecture, Bharti Museum and

tlement is replete with French

velopment of Chunnambar

picture-perfect beaches are

villas, heritage structures,

comprising the resort and


shrines, churches, Auroville,

beach, building additional cot-

tourists, the day begins taking

serene beaches and backwa-

tages in Chunnambar, devel-

a Heritage Walk down the



opment of historic Arikamedu

French quarters offering a memorable experience.




tourism, Puducherry is quite

and the Art and Craft Village

determined to create the

in Murungappakkam. Setting






dankuzhi Mahadevar temple


at Madagadipattu and Thiru-

Initiatives of Puducherry Tourism: •Development of Chunnambar and Arikamedu. •Art and Craft Village, Family Entertainment Centre and Special Tourism Zone. •Identifying unexplored historical sites. •Setting up convention centre

There are a plethora of un-

moolanatha Swamy temple at Bahour.” Singh averred that the




tourists flow have been around 10, 72,473 and 63,137 last year. The destination has MICE tourists from medicine and Information Technology fraternity. “We have a special project for setting up convention centre to facilitate MICE tourism and we are encouraging private entrepreneurs to invest in establishing large convention centres through our financial incentive scheme. We are

tourist infrastructure facili-

up a Family Entertainment

explored destinations around

relevance in the outskirts of


ties for the convenience of

Centre in Puducherry and

Puducherry and the tourism

the city and these include

convention centres though


Special Tourism Zone are our

department is trying to ex-

Thirukameshwara temple and


pipeline projects that are

plore these sites. Singh said,

Saint Lourdes Church at Villia-


The tourism department

Showcase Karnataka: The 'Karnataka Tourism Roadshow' 'Karnataka Tourism Forum' will organize B2B travel-trade meet in Mumbai.









ential travel and many more.

offers the traveller. We are

Karnataka, KTF has encour-

‘Orange County Resorts,

particularly excited about the

aged and incentivized partic-

one of India's leading leisure

next KTF Road Show in Mum-


& holiday experience brands

bai and we will ensure it is


will be the main sponsor for

our best one yet!


the Mumbai Roadshow. series,

Mysore, and


CB Ramkumar, President

Karnataka Tourism Forum

of Karnataka Tourism Forum

(KTF) is a registered non-


added, ’until now, all our road

profit organisation compris-

Giving an insight on the Roadshow



participations and all have

Imam, Vice President of 'Kar-

shows have been Bangalore

ing tourism professionals and


been a success. The Mumbai

nataka Tourism Forum' said

centric – hotels and TA’s from

companies that are dedicated


Roadshow, under one roof,

'Drawing destination compar-

Bangalore. However as the

to make a meaningful contri-

Tourism stakeholders present


will afford an opportunity for

isons are clichéd and inconse-

Karnataka Tourism Forum,

bution to improve tourism in

'Destination Karnataka', a

travel partners in Mumbai

quential. However, there has

our interest is also to ensure

Karnataka. KTF was founded

one-day Roadshow for the

and Maharashtra to interact

now been almost a chronic

that all other parts of Kar-

in 2001 by a few keen stake-

travel-trade in Mumbai on

and do business with part-

call for creating awareness of

nataka are also focussed

holders in tourism businesses

Friday, 13th June 2014 at 'The

ners from tourism destina-

the ‘wholesomeness of Kar-

upon as they are interesting

that were eager to collectively

Hyatt Regency', Andheri.

tions of Karnataka under one

nataka’ as a destination.

tourism destinations with in-

take initiatives to improve


Through a series of Road

teresting tourism products.

tourism in the State. Now, in

‘The Roadshow will bring leading

The event will showcase im-

Shows across India over the

However some of these desti-

its rejuvenated avatar, KTF is

travel and hospitality part-



portant travel segments of ad-

past couple of years on a B2B

nations are filled with players

a structured and proactive

ners and specialists from di-


platform, it has been KTF’s

who are either too small, or

force that has taken upon it-


destinations, boutique hotels



are not sure of the benefits of

self to bring a radical change

Karnataka. The past road



tourism stake holders in

attending the road shows. So

to tourism at large by way of

shows in Gujarat, Chennai

MICE hotspots, Spa and Well-

other States with the myriad

to promote destinations and

global approach and dynamic

and Pune have seen record

ness centres, luxury, Experi-

experiences that Karnataka

products that are unique to










Government / Technology


Shripad Yesso Naik assumes charge of Ministry of Tourism hripad Yesso Naik took


ing with the media, the Minister

charge of his new assign-

said that all efforts would be

the smooth inflow of tourists in

including the construction of

tives, mandate and policy

ment as Minister of State (In-

made to boost tourism in the

the country. Shri Naik informed

Jattis. He also said that secu-

framework of the Ministry by



country and efforts would be

that an amount of `18 crore

rity of tourists would be given

Secretary (Tourism) and other

Ministry of Tourism. Interact-

made to remove the bottle-

has been sanctioned for the de-

top priority. Later, the Minister

Senior Officials of the Ministry.


necks that may be impeding

velopment of ghats of Banaras

was briefed on the key initia-

M-commerce: the next phase of booming travel technology industry

biles instead of laptops, pc's.

eller with too many choices

As the mobile phone over-

and intelligently use traveller

takes the desktop to become

context in the merchandizing

the most widely used internet

process, we will see even

ravel is one of the

simple activities like payment

terminal, travellers are mov-

more better results in near



of bills, booking travel reser-

ing towards mobile holiday-


growing industry. Through

vation, hotels, finding a cab

planning too which is a next

Leading travel technology


and so on.

step ahead in the travel t,

players like Abacus are also

e.g., booking, researching,

supporting this trend by





many travel agents were comfortable in using

According to a survey con-


ducted by FICO it states that


desktops which had ruled the

China and Korea has the


industry for a long time. How-

highest number of Mobile


ever the growth of mobile

users database which ac-

The travel management com-

in flight, terminal changes

users in Asian countries like

counts to China (51%) and



etc. while its product ‘Trip


experience smart

launching product's like ‘Trip Case’ for sending updates to its travellers about the delay



Korea (50%) were joined by

smarter about what products

alert’ to send alert to its pas-

India has given birth to

India (49 percent), this trend

they focus on through the mo-

sengers about any potential

Mcommerce. Individuals be-

can also be witnessed in

bile channel and how to pres-

natural disaster in the region

came more dependent on

travel as they browse various

ent inventory in a way that

they are travelling to.

smart phones apps even for

locations through their mo-

doesn’t overwhelm the trav-







South African Airways outsources to SITA for five more years SITA will establish command centre and help transform SAA’s technology.


outh Africa’s leading air-

tions delivers services to the


in its IT to ensure changes

standardization as well as

happen in a highly efficient

technical support specialists.

and structured manner. At

SITA is also working closely

the same time, we’re collabo-

with HP, which will manage

rating on new innovations

the airline’s data centre.

like establishing a compre-

SAA is Africa’s most-

laptop devices. SITA will also

hensive mobility capability

awarded airline and flies to

line, South African Air-

business. This new agree-

support the airline’s high-

and making the most of the

40 destinations worldwide. In

ways (SAA), will outsource its

ment builds on our long-

speed, resilient domestic net-

airline’s WiFi networks.”

its domestic market, it has an

domestic network services

standing relationship with


and its desktop and associ-

SITA, and will ensure IT and

ated server support services

business alignment, while in-

to air transport IT specialist,

tegrating new innovations

Africa, said: “SITA is helping

SITA. In a five-year deal an-

and reducing our costs.”



As part of its desktop sup-


port services, SITA will pro-

Command Centre for desktop

vide a catalogue of services to

and network management

automate delivery processes

and will help the airline im-

for authorized users, improv-

plement various transforma-

ing delivery time and quality.

tional projects in information

In addition, SITA will offer


role-based profiling to ensure

extensive schedule operating

Hani El-Assaad, SITA Pres-

sourced desktop and associ-

554 flights in total per week.

ident, Middle East, India and

ated server and domestic

Regionally, SAA offers 24 des-

network services to SAA for

tinations across the African continent. SAA’s international

Phinda Ncala Chief Information Officer, South African Airways

network creates links to all major continents from South

In order to enhance passenger service and ensure we remain competitive in the market, we need to transform the way IT Operations delivers services to the business. This new agreement builds on our long-standing relationship with SITA, and will ensure IT and business alignment, while integrating new innovations and reducing our costs.

South African Airways virtu-

nounced, SITA will also estab-

SITA has provided out-

Africa through 10 direct routes and code shares, with daily flights from Johannesburg. The airline has won the 'Best Airline in Africa’ Award

the last 13 years. This new

in the regional category for 11

Phinda Ncala, Chief Infor-

the airline is providing the

alize, standardize and consol-

agreement is an extension of

consecutive years. Mango, its

mation Officer, South African

right device and service to

idate its IT environment in

the previous deal. SITA has

low cost carrier, and SAA hold

Airways, said: “In order to en-

each user based on their spe-

order to decrease operational

partnered with Business Con-

the number one and number

hance passenger service and

cific needs. The agreement

costs and increase efficiency.

nection Limited (BCX), South

two successive spots as South

ensure we remain competitive

covers 130 international sites,

We’re working together to up-

Africa’s leading systems inte-

Africa’s most on-time airlines.

in the market, we need to

30 South African sites and

grade the airline’s technology

grator, who will provide lead-

transform the way IT Opera-

more than 7,000 desktop and

and to create new governance


Qatar Airways and Hamad International Airport to pilot innovative solutions for improved passenger experience and enhanced security The International Air Transport Association (IATA) welcomed and recognized the participation of Qatar Airways and the newly opened Hamad International Airport, Doha, in two key industry programs that enhance security and improve passenger convenience.




journey, Qatar Airways was

will be two of the key elements in

given the Fast Travel Green

that success.”


“We are delighted that Qatar

“Qatar Airways and Hamad

Airways and Hamad Interna-

International Airport are com-

tional Airport are partners in the

mitted to giving passengers the

Smart Security and Fast Travel

best experience possible,” said

initiatives. They join a growing

Qatar Airways Chief Executive

group of visionary airlines and

Officer, His Excellency Akbar Al

airports that are committed to

Baker. “To do that we are work-

the collaborative optimization of

mart Security: Hamad In-

curity achieves this by strength-

self-service. These are Check-in,

ing in close partnership to give

procedures and technology,”

ternational Airport, Qatar

ening security by focusing re-

Bags-Ready-To-Go (known lo-

our passengers the self-service

said Tony Tyler, IATA’s DG & CEO.


Airways, Airports Council Inter-

sources based on risk, using

cally as the Qatar Airways My Q-

options that they increasingly

national (ACI), and IATA signed

advanced screening technolo-

Tag service), Flight Rebooking,

expect. And we are pleased to be

“The community of airports

an agreement for a pilot pro-

gies and process innovations.

Self-Boarding, and Baggage Re-

among the world’s pioneering

around the world is working as-

gram for Smart Security. Smart

The pilot at Hamad International

covery. Plans are also in place for

airports for Smart Security. Our

siduously to increase the promo-

Security is a joint project be-

Airportis the third globally, after

the implementation of Document

new state-of-the-art gateway,

tion of excellence in all aspects



agreements with Amsterdam-

Check, the last of the Fast Travel

Hamad International Airport,

of their activities and passenger

strengthen security, improve the




Schiphol and London-Heathrow.

options. In recognition of its

and Qatar Airways want Hamad

care is at the forefront of our ef-

passenger experience, and in-

Fast Travel: Doha’s Hamad In-

achievement in giving passen-

International Airport to become

forts. ,” said Angela Gittens,

crease operational efficiency at

ternational Airport includes five

gers greater choice, conven-

the hub of choice for passengers.

ACI’s Director General.

airport checkpoints. Smart Se-

of the six Fast Travel options for

ience, and control over their

Smart Security and Fast Travel





Hong Kong Airlines announces code share with Air India Hong Kong Airlines (HKA) recently signed a code share agreement with Air India. Commercial Director of HKA, Li Dianchun, attended the contract signing ceremony in Delhi and jointly announced the code share with Pankaj Srivastava, Commercial Director of Air India. Under the code share agreement, HKA will place its code (HX) on direct flights operated by Air India between Hong Kong (HKG) and three cities including Delhi (DEL), Osaka (KIX), and Seoul (ICN) respectively.


between Hong Kong and

lished national carrier, to

partnership between the two

Osaka, as well as a four times

provide more travel options

airlines and we look forward



to our customers via this

to an expansion of the code

Mon./Wed./Fri./Sun.) between

code share arrangement. The

share to also involve the


Hong Kong and Seoul, all to

code share agreement broad-

transfer of AI passengers on

be served by Air India's latest

ens our reach to India, Japan

HKA network."

Boeing 787 Dreamliner, which

and Korea, making it a signif-

he agreement enables

roomier cabins, larger elec-

offers the ultimate in terms of

icant landmark in Hong Kong


passengers to book on




Airlines' network develop-

arrangements with renowned

roomier cabins, larger elec-

ment. And we look forward to

carriers including EVA Air-


further cooperation with Air

ways, China Eastern Airlines,

India in the future."





Besides Air India, HKA has code


HKA while with Air India as


the operating carrier to an

In-Flight Entertainment Sys-

expanded network of destina-

tem. The codeshare takes ef-


tions. HKA customers will be

fect for flights booked from 10

In-Flight Entertainment Sys-

Pankaj Srivastava, Com-

Hainan Airlines, striving to

provided with even better ac-

June 2014 (HKG=DEL) and 4

tem. The codeshare takes ef-

mercial Director of Air India,

provide better connections

cess to key parts of India,


fect for flights booked from 10

said, "As a National Carrier

for its customers.

Japan and Korea. They will

HKG=ICN) respectively.)

June 2014 (HKG=DEL) and 4

and India's leading domestic

Currently, the network of


and international airline, Air

HKA covers about 24 hot pick

India feels honoured to enter

business and leisure travel

into this significant code-

destinations in the Mainland





be able to enjoy daily flights

The agreement enables

between Hong Kong and

passengers to book on HKA

Delhi, a three times weekly

while with Air India as the







HKG=ICN) respectively. During the ceremony, Mr.



flight (every Tue./Thu./Sat.)

operating carrier to an ex-

Li of HKA said, "As a SKY-

share agreement with a pre-

China, Taiwan and Southeast

between Hong Kong and

panded network of destina-

TRAX 4-star airline company,

mier airline like Hong Kong

Asia. In 2013, HKA carried

Osaka, as well as a four times

tions. HKA customers will be

Hong Kong Airlines has al-

Airlines. Air India already

over 4.8 million passengers –



provided with even better ac-

ways been committed to

has code share partnerships

an increase of 35% compared

Mon./Wed./Fri./Sun.) between

cess to key parts of India,

strengthening its competitive

with 12 other prestigious air-

to 2012. Recently, HKA has


Hong Kong and Seoul, all to

Japan and Korea. They will

offerings in Asia Pacific and

lines across the globe – but,

also expanded its flight serv-

be served by Air India's latest

be able to enjoy daily flights

to expanding its network ac-

at Hong Kong, HKA is the

ice to provide new destina-

Boeing 787 Dreamliner, which

between Hong Kong and

tively. We are glad to have

first partner of Air India. The

tions for tourists, such as

offers the ultimate in terms of

Delhi, a three times weekly

this opportunity to partner

present code share with HKA

Tianjin, Ho Chi Minh City and


flight (every Tue./Thu./Sat.)

with Air India, a well-estab-

is only the beginning of the


The A380 service operating

Class, to the A380 Onboard

around the world alongside a



Emirates announces A380 service to Mumbai E

on the Mumbai route will fea-

Lounge where passengers in

range of games on the award-

ture 14 private First Class

the premium cabins can relax

winning ICE inflight enter-

suites, 76 Business Class lie-

in a social environment dur-

tainment system. The latest

mirates has announced



flat seats and a spacious

ing the flight; as well as 11.4”

technology allows passengers

a daily A380 service to

This will offer passengers fly-

cabin for our Economy Class

touch screen LED personal

to stay connected throughout

Mumbai International Airport

ing to & from India the chance



with effect from, 21st July



On board, passengers can ex-

Passengers across all cab-

Fi access and mobile phone

2014. Flights EK 500 and EK

hugely popular flagship air-

perience a range of unique fa-

ins can enjoy up to 1,800

and data services. All flights

501 between Dubai and Mum-

craft on key destinations in

cilities in all cabins - from the

channels of the latest movies,

have been updated in the re-

bai will be up-scaled to a

North America & Europe.

famous Shower Spas in First

TV shows and music from

spective GDS.





the flight with high-speed Wi-




Going abroad to study? Virgin Atlantic will ensure you are not alone! Virgin Atlantic Airways’ new offer for Students lets them pack more than ever, travel in comfort and most importantly travel with both their parents. s so many students pre-

mium Economy ticket. When

addition to this, Students can

rience. Beinga student pre-

Key points

pare to travel to the UK

both parents book their flight

avail a special discount of 10%

ferred airline we understand

& US for higher studies this

with Virgin Atlantic in Pre-

on every ticket booked in Pre-

how it feels to say ‘Goodbye’.

The offer is valid only on tickets issued on or before 31st July with travel up to 31st October To qualify for the 50% discount, both the tickets for the parents should be issued in Premium Economy only. The Student should also be traveling with airline in the specified promotion period. The offer is valid for booking made through Travel Agents and the Airline call center only.


year, Virgin Atlantic Airways

mium Economy, one will be

mium Economy. Because the

With these offers especially

is preparing for their flight of

gifted a special discount of

airline understands Student

the ‘Buy Mom’s ticket and get

success. The airline is today

50% on the base fare.

plans can change it is also of-

Dad’s at half price’ offer, we

launchingan attractive range

With Virgin Atlantic’s latest

fering one free of charge date

hope to give that sense of se-

of offers that extends not just

offer, Studentstraveling will

change.These offers will be

curity to students as well as

to the Students but also to

be entitled toa special bag-

open for ticketspurchased on

their parents.”

their proud parents. While

gage allowance. With 69 kg of

or before 31st July with travel

students will be able to pack

checked in baggage in Econ-

period open till 31st Octo-

offer please book through

as much as they’d like, par-

omy – 3 bags of 23 kg each;


your travel agent or call +91

ents will have no reason to not

and 92 kg in Premium Econ-

Stephen King, General Man-

accompany their children this

omy – 4 bags of 23 kg each,

ager, Virgin Atlantic India


Students can now pack hassle

says, “At Virgin Atlantic we


To make the most of this

124 4693030. To know more about the offer


To follow Virgin Atlantic on

The airline is rewarding the

free and take all their home

believe in providingexcep-

h t t p : / / w w w. v i r g i n -


proud parents with a special

comforts with them to start

tional customer service and

50% off on their second Pre-

their new academic lives.In

an extraordinary flying expe-



passengers. Smart Security

General and CEO.

Qatar Airways recognised for enhanced passenger comfort at 70th IATA AGM Qatar Airways awarded with IATA’s Fast Travel Green Award at the IATA’s AGM




and Fast Travel will be two of

“The community of airports

the key elements in that suc-

around the world is working


assiduously to increase the

Smart Security is a joint proj-

promotion of excellence in all

ect between IATA and the Air-

aspects of their activities and

he 70th International Air

proving passenger experience,

tation of Document Check, the

ports Council International

passenger care is at the fore-



last of the Fast Travel options.

(ACI) to strengthen security

front of our efforts. Collabora-

“Qatar Airways and Hamad In-

and increase operational effi-







(IATA) Annual General Meet-


ing (AGM) wrapped up recently

And in recognition of the air-

ternational Airport are com-

ciency at airport checkpoints.


in Doha with a press confer-

line’s achievement in already

mitted to giving passengers the

Smart Security achieves this

reach and makes progress pos-





ence attended by more than



best experience possible,” said

by focusing resources based on

sible. Smart Security, driven by

100 international media, at

choice, convenience, and con-

Qatar Airways Chief Executive

risk, using advanced screening

ACI and IATA, is one of the so-

which Qatar Airways was

trol over their journey at

Officer, His Excellency Mr.

technologies and process inno-

lutions that will increase pas-

recognised for its innovation in

Hamad International Airport,

Akbar Al Baker. “To do that we


senger satisfaction by reducing

passenger comfort.

Qatar Airways was awarded

are working in close partner-

“We are delighted that Qatar

the hassle factor associated

During the press conference at

the Fast Travel Green Award

ship to give our passengers the

Airways and Hamad Interna-

with current processes. We

the Ritz Carlton hotel, Chief

by IATA.

self-service options that they

tional Airport are partners in

congratulate Hamad Interna-

Executive Officer of Qatar Air-

Hamad International Airport

increasingly expect. And we

the Smart Security and Fast

tional Airport for spearheading


ways, His Excellency Mr.

already offers five of the six

are also pleased to be among

Travel initiatives. Qatar and

the transformation of the secu-

Akbar Al Baker, who was ap-

Fast Travel options for self-ser-

the world’s pioneering airports

Hamad join a growing group of

rity checkpoint and we look

pointed president of this year’s

vice, including Check-in, Bags-

for Smart Security. Our new

visionary airlines and airports

forward to seeing the benefits

AGM, confirmed that Qatar

Ready-To-Go (My Q-Tag), Flight



that are committed to the col-

that Smart Security will bring

Airways will pilot two key in-

Rebooking, Self-Boarding, and

Hamad International Airport,

laborative optimization of pro-

to our passengers,” said An-

dustry programmes aimed at

Baggage Recovery. Plans are

and Qatar Airways want HIA

cedures and technology,” said

gela Gittens, ACI’s Director

enhancing security and im-

also in place for the implemen-

to become the hub of choice for

Tony Tyler, IATA’s Director






Air Canada’s Rovinescu is the new IATA Chairman The International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced that Calin Rovinescu, President and CEO of Air Canada, has assumed his duties as Chairman of the IATA Board of Governors for a one-year term, effective immediately. ovinescu

DGCA Directs airlines to handle passengers with care I n first of its kind, DGCA has

walking distance at all air-



ports having annual aircraft

guidelines on ‘facilities/cour-

movements of 50,000 or more;

tors to report every month on

tesies to esteemed travelling

b) Provision of small trol-

passenger complaints and

public at airports’ in the form

leys after security check for

sengers; and e) Airlines/airport opera-






omy during the second cen-

of Air Transport Circular 1 of

carriage of hand baggage up

meanour, discourteous behav-

Richard H. Anderson,

tury of commercial flight,” said

2014. The Circular lays em-

to the boarding gate;




CEO of Delta Air Lines, whose




phasis on standardized pas-

c) Airlines/airport opera-

one-year term expired at the

“On behalf of IATA’s 240

senger complaint redressal

tors to display the details of

conclusion of the Association’s

members, I want to extend our

and courteous behaviour of

their Nodal Officer and Appel-

This will be ensured through

70thAnnual General Meeting

thanks to Richard for his

airline/airport staff dealing

late Authority in a conspicu-

surveillance done by the

(AGM) and World Air Trans-

strong leadership during a

with passengers. The guide-

ous manner at key areas of

DGCA, and in case of non-

port Summit in Doha, Qatar.

year in which an historic

lines, inter-alia, cover the fol-

the airport indicating their

compliance, the airlines/air-

Rovinescu joined Air Canada

agreement to develop a mar-

lowing aspects:

names, contact number and

port operator shall be liable to

in 2000 as Executive Vice Pres-

ket-based measure to manage

email addresses;

penal action as per the provi-

ident, Corporate Development

aviation’s carbon emissions

buggies free of charge for all

d) Ground handling staff of

sions of the Aircraft Act, 1934,

and Strategy. In addition, he

was reached through the In-

senior citizens, expectant

Airlines/airport operators en-

read in conjunction with Air-

a) Provision of automated

DGCA along with the action taken.

held the position of Chief Re-

ternational Civil Aviation Or-

mothers and disabled and

gaged in passenger handling

craft Rules, 1937 and other

structuring Officer during the

ganization (ICAO)with the

needy passengers in the ter-

to undergo periodic soft skill

relevant provisions of Indian

airline’s 2003-2004 restructur-

strong support of IATA,” said

minal building to facilitate



Penal Code. The Circular has

ing. From 2004 until he re-


their access to boarding gates

courtesy, behaviour and pro-

been uploaded on the DGCA

located beyond reasonable

cedures for assisting the pas-


joined Air Canada in 2009 in

“Under Richard’s leadership,

his current position, Rovinescu

IATA partnered with key

was a Co-founder and Princi-

stakeholders to deliver signif-

pal of Genuity Capital Markets,

icant results. We worked with

an independent investment

ICAO and governments tomod-

bank. Prior to 2000, he spent

ernize the approach of the



MoU for tapping solar energy at AAI Airports s a part of the series of ef-

AAI and Rakesh Kumar Direc-

cluding other applications of

forts of Airports Author-

tor, SECI from Solar Energy

renewable energy for various


more than 20 years in the legal

Tokyo Convention on the

ity of India (AAI) in tapping

Corporation (SECI) at Rajiv

establishments at airports. He

profession, including serving

treatment of disruptive pas-

alternative sources of energy,

Gandhi Bhawan, Safdarjung

said that projects shall be ac-

as the Managing Partner at

sengers. We concluded a for-

the organization is going to es-

Airport, New Delhi.

complished in a time bound

Stikeman Elliott in Montreal. “As we continue to celebrate

mal partnership with Airports

tablish solar power plants at

On this occasion, Ashok

manner and the airport-wise

Council International(ACI) on

its airports to meet not only its

Lavasa, Secretary, Civil Avia-

specific timelines shall be

100 years of commercial avia-

a broad range of issues. This

own requirements but also to

tion, highlighted the impor-

worked out and followed up for

tion, I am excited at the oppor-

includes the Smart Security

feed the surplus power gener-

tance of tapping solar energy

effective implementation.



ated to the local grid. An MoU

through various outlets includ-








AAI’s plan includes instal-

Chairmanship of the IATA

strengthen security, increase

between AAI and Solar Energy

ing storage of power generated

lation of 50 MW capacity

Board of Governors. Air trans-

operational efficiency, and im-

Corporation of India (SECI)

in rechargeable batteries. He

plants (cumulative capacity in

port delivers enormous bene-

prove the passenger experi-

was signed today in the pres-

also emphasized to use the full

Phase I) which will be en-

fits to the global economy

ence. And we worked with the

ence of Ashok Lavasa, Secre-

potential including roof top

hanced to 150 MW(cumulative)

every day. I look forward to

travel value chain to build

tary, Civil Aviation , Alok

surfaces as large areas are

over a period of time. The

working closely with Director

trust and support for the de-

Sinha, Joint Secretary, MoCA

available at airports. He stated

plants will be installed on sur-

General and CEO Tony Tyler

velopment of the standards for

& Chairman, AAI and Rajen-

that utilization of stored en-

plus land available with AAI

to encourage and support in-

the New Distribution Capabil-

dra Nimje, MD, SECI for the es-

ergy in an efficient and effec-

and at large roof tops of AAI’s

dustry and government poli-

ity (NDC), for which the US

tablishment of solar power

tive manner is very important

structures. In all about 30 Air-

cies and practices that will

Department of Transportation

plants at AAI Airports. The

and as such AAI shall identify

ports have been identified by

enable aviation to play an even

gave tentative approval in

MoU was signed by Sudhir

the outlets where the tapped

AAI for establishment of solar

bigger role in the global econ-

May,” said Tyler.

Raheja, Member (Planning),

energy can be channelized in-

power plants.





Qatar Airways turns its focus on Kolkata bound travellers from

ing upon their destinations.

Kolkata, here’s some good

Qatar Airways is in parleys

“We will do our best to ensure that passenger’s rights are not violated”: A Gajapathi Raju A

news on the horizon. Qatar

with the domestic carrier- Go

newly appointed Civil Aviation

Airways has launched imme-

Air for strategic equity pur-


diate onward flights from

chase. Go air is also concen-

Raju Pusapati office said, “We

Doha to six destinations in

trating on Kolkata market

will do our best to ensure that

the United States in an effort

and is planning to park a new

passengers rights are not vio-

to entice the travellers from

Airbus 320 aircraft that will

lated”. He added that opera-

Swaati Chaudhury


or the United States-

within 21 to 24 hours depend-


fter assuming his office

at Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, Ashok


Kolkata who have been mak-

operate early morning flights

tionalisation is one of the key

ing Emirates as a stop-over

from Kolkata. It will be based

concerns whereas an immedi-

before heading to the United

in the city sometime in Octo-

ate analysis of the crisis in the

States. This comes as a boon

ber once the mandatory

aviation sector is required, to

for corporate travellers from

checks and clearances are

take steps towards creating

The Minister emphasized

ing a viable and workable avi-

Kolkata flying to the United


States since the travel time

level playing fields for all air-

that the public sector does

ation policy. He also said that

Go Air has registered a

lines. Referring to the role of

have a place in the overall

the issues raised in the media

massive growth in the city

foreign players in the aviation

growth of the aviation sector,

and parliament, from time to

The flights to New York,

market and has posted a

sector, he said, `we have to be

but, `it has to perform’. He as-

time, would be addressed in

Washington, Houston and

jump of 65 per cent in passen-

of use to them without being

sured that all possible efforts

right earnest.

Chicago are already in place

ger arrival and departures in

detrimental to us’.

would be taken towards shap-

while the flight services to

2013-2014 as compared to the

will be sharply reduced.

destinations like Dallas, Fort

previous year. It is in the

Worth and Miami will take off

process of evaluating three

in June. Flyers boarding the

new flights from Kolkata in-

flight from Kolkata will reach

cluding one to Bhubaneswar.

IAA receives International Arch of Europe Award

DGCA issues ‘Standards of Services’ Document for Public D irector General Civil

erating Authorisation, Aero-

whom to approach for obtain-

Aviation (DGCA) has is-


ing a service in DGCA. As




for training and development by

Air Space and Air

sued, for the first time, the



part of its initiative for better

‘Standards of Services’ Docu-

proval of Schedules, Individ-

service, DGCA has also in-

ment ndian




services/transactions offered


uals, Other services and

structed the officers to seek





(IAA) has been selected this

pooling resources of the three

by DGCA to the public, oper-

The highlight of the Docu-

from the applicant, especially

year by the Business Initiative

mainstay organizations of civil

ators and others. The Docu-

ment is that it gives the time-

for services offered to indi-


aviation namely, Airports Au-

ment provides a concise

lines for the completion of an

viduals such as pilots, engi-



Madrid (Spain) for the Interna-

thority of India, Directorate Gen-

detail of the work involved in

activity resulting in the issue

neers etc. It is expected that

tional Arch of Europe Award for

eral of Civil Aviation and Bureau

processing an application/re-

of an approval, license, per-

the information provided in

quality and technology in Gold

of Civil Aviation Security. It con-

quest including the related

mit or a certificate by DGCA.

the Document would help the

Category. The award was re-

ducts training in airport man-

rules and regulations. It also

The listed timelines for pro-

applicants and service seek-

ceived by Rajiv Goel, Director;

agement, maintenance, airport


cessing and issuing the ap-

ers in submitting complete

IAA from Jose E. Prieto, Presi-

safety and regulations, HR dis-

charged for the service.

dent & CEO, BID Group at a

cipline, etc. The Academy has




provals have been reckoned

applications and availing the

For the benefit of general

based on the date of the re-

services/approvals without

function held in Frankfurt, Ger-

collaboration with several inter-

public, the services/transac-

ceipt of a complete applica-

any procedural delays. The

many. Later, the award was pre-

national agencies such as ICAO,

tions have been broadly di-

tion/documents. After the

‘Standards of Services’ Docu-

sented to Alok Sinha, Chairman,

IATA, ACI, FAA, European


issue of this Document, the

ment is available on DGCA

Airports Authority of India.

Union and CATC, Thailand.

headings: Aircraft, Aircraft

general public will get en-

website at http;//

Operator, Foreign Airline Op-

abled to know what to do and


The Academy has been set up








Lufthansa celebrates 20 years in Chennai Lufthansa celebrates 20 years in Chennai with new business class seat with full-flat, horizontal sleeping surface on its Chennai flight.


ufthansa celebrated 20

years of its presence in

Chennai with the introduction of new Business Class seat with full-flat, horizontal sleeping surface in its Chennai Frankfurt route. The new Lufthansa


our customers’ delight and we

seat boasts a full-flat horizon-


will continue to invest in the

The outcome is a seat that

tal sleeping surface measur-

future as well. We also take

meets the most discerning de-

ing the direction of travel.

ing 6.5 feet in length. The seat,

great pride in the fact that we

mands with regards to seating

This seating arrangement

which at the push of a button,

are the only carrier to offer

and sleeping comfort. The

also enabled Lufthansa to vir-

nical stability.

of the main wishes expressed by customers – to sit or lie fac-

converts to a comfortable bed,

flat-beds in its business class

horizontal sleeping surface is

tually double the distance be-

offers exceptional comfort as

across all group airlines. We



tween two neighboring seats

a flat bed or as an upright or

hope our Business Class cus-

Lufthansa’s passengers. This

at shoulder level, which in the

reclining seat, with its intu-

tomers in Chennai will enjoy

request was the focus for all

future will give Business Class

itive adjustments, additional

our new travel experience.”

other considerations. In addi-

passengers greater privacy.



storage space and enhanced

Lufthansa integrated its cus-

tion, Lufthansa has improved

The new Business Class

entertainment system. The

tomers very closely into the

many details which, taken to-

seat is a major component of

new Business Class seat is al-

development of the new Busi-

gether, create maximum com-

Lufthansa’s largest invest-

ready available in Lufthansa

ness Class so it would be able



ment to date in its inflight

flights to Delhi and Mumbai.

to offer a product that was to-

ergonomically improved cush-

product. Over the next few


Mr. Wolfgang Will, Director,

tally in line with their wishes

ioning to ensure a high degree

years, some three billion

South Asia, Lufthansa, said,

and requirements. Lufthansa

of comfort in a sitting or hori-

euros will be channeled into

“The first Lufthansa flight

conducted a survey of more

zontal position, as well as ad-

product improvements for

landed in Chennai in 1994 and

than 500 frequent flyers in

justable armrests that provide

passengers. The new seat

it’s been a wonderful journey

order to find out their prefer-

more space in the shoulder

rounds off the travel experi-

for us. On the occasion of com-

ences and their requirements

area when lying down. Each

ence for Business Class pas-

pletion of 20 years in Chennai,

of a Business Class seat. Once

sitting or horizontal position

sengers perfectly – from

we would like to thank our

the survey results were re-

can be adjusted individually

dedicated check-in counters

customers and our partners

viewed, the airline moved on

and continuously without the

and additional free baggage

with the introduction of our

to the next phase and devel-

need for the passenger to

allowances to fast-track secu-

latest global offering – the

oped various concepts with

stand up. Additionally, each

rity lanes, access to Lufthansa

new Business Class seat on

the aid of well-known er-

passenger has more surfaces

lounges worldwide and prefer-

our refurbished A340-300 air-

gonomics experts, designers

to place their personal items

ential boarding through to ex-

craft operating on the Chen-

and seat manufacturers. An

and additional storage com-

clusive inflight menus and the

nai-Frankfurt route. The new

eight-week trial was con-

partments on the actual seat.

excellent service provided by

Business Class seat with full-

ducted on the Frankfurt-New

Another novel feature is the

the cabin crew. “All of that

flat horizontal sleeping sur-

York-Frankfurt route. In all,

innovative seating arrange-

shows that we are offering our

face takes relaxation and

1,349 passengers and a spe-

ment in the form of a “V”. Two

Business Class customers an

comfort to a completely new

cially recruited test crew eval-

neighboring seats are angled


level. At Lufthansa, we are

uated the prototype on flights

towards one another along a

every step of the travel chain,”

constantly innovating and im-

LH 400 and LH 401 in terms of

central axis. This solution en-

said Wolfgang Will.

proving our products to add to

comfort, ease of use and tech-

abled Lufthansa to fulfill one







Delhi Airport welcomes the world’s largest passenger airline - A 380 Daily service from New Delhi to Singapore. Flight Schedule is: arrival SQ 406—2005, departure SQ 403—2205 elhi’s IGI Airport today


lief in the Indian market and

became the first airport

their aspirations to travel the

in the country to receive the

hiAirport. To add to the ex-

world which has been the key

Airbus380 (A380); the world’s

citement of the departing pas-

factor for Singapore Airlines’


sentation length of 90 meter as

casion- two free Bridge Climb

largest passenger aircraft.

sengers, the airport operator

growth story in India.” Singa-

against 75 meter for Code E

vouchers, which will allow

The 471-seat, double-decker

has installed a cut out of the

pore Airlines currently oper-


them both to climb to the top

aircraft landed at 2025 hrs In-

A380 and photo kiosk for pas-

ates 49 weekly flights to

•Larger sized gate lounges to

of the Sydney Harbour Bridge,

dian time on the airports Run-

sengers checking in; to for-

Singapore, connecting from

cater to the increased seating

and get a bird’s eye view of

way 29/11. Singapore Airlines

ever create a memory of their

six points (Mumbai, New

capacity of Code F aircraft

Sydney’s beautiful harbour.

has introduced a daily service

first departure from DEL on

Delhi, Ahmedabad, Kolkata,

•Fire and Rescue facilities

“I’m sure Saraogi and his

connecting Del to SIN aboard

this iconic machine. The de-

Chennai, Bengaluru).”

(category 10) for Code F air-

family will have a wonderful

the A380. The first flight had

parting flight will leave at

IGIA is fully equipped in terms


time in Australia”, Suckling

353 passengers on board with

2205 hrs with 470 passengers

of airfield facilities including

Nambiar, Shekhar


a crew of 25 (2+23). The air-

and 25 crew members.

Fire & Rescue, fuelling of the

craft was greeted with the

“They will not only get the

Commenting on the occa-

aircraft, ground handling and


chance to enjoy Sydney’s


sion, I. Prabhakara Rao,

passenger terminal facilities


iconic sights, they will also be

Salute. The first flight passen-

Chief Executive Officer, Delhi

to fully support A380 opera-


able to relax on the Gold

gers were received by senior

International Airport (P) Ltd,


officials from Delhi Interna-

said, “We are proud to be the




The Australian High Commis-

Coast’s stunning beaches, and

sion in New Delhi is celebrat-

explore one of the world’s

tional Airport and Singapore

first airport in India to wel-


ing a new landmark - for the

greatest living treasures- The

Airlines and were greeted

come Singapore Airlines A380

Runway 11/29 and its con-

first time in its history it has

Great Barrier Reef.”

with a marigold garland; a

operations on a daily basis.

nected taxiways and cross

issued more than 100,000

Suckling said Saraogi and

traditional Indian way of wel-

Our T3 has been designed and


tourism visas to Indians in a

his family will join an increas-

coming a guest.

built with the expectation that

taxiway and shoulder for

single financial year.

ing number of Indians who are



The arrival of the A380,

sooner or later the A380

Code F aircraft.

Australia’s High Commis-

travelling to Australia for

added focus on digital activi-

would commence services

•Aircraft parking stands for

sioner to India, Mr Patrick

tourism, business, and to visit

ties, helping the airport con-

from Delhi. The A380 does

Code F aircraft supported by

Suckling, held a brief cere-

friends and family.

nect directly with aviation

not only attribute to better

aircraft taxing lanes with

mony at his Residence to

enthusiasts throughout the

airside asset utilization but

larger object clearance (50.5

mark the achievement.

“The number of Indian visitors to Australia in the first

world, via social media. The

has contributed to airspace

meter as against 42.5 meters

The High Commissioner fe-

three months of 2014 jumped

landing of the first A380 at

decongestion worldwide. We

for Code E). This has in-

licitated New Delhi resident

by 10 per cent, fuelled by in-

DEL, is showcased live on

value the commitment and

creased the overall dimen-

Mr Manoj Saraogi, who re-

creasing numbers of tourists,

Delhi Airport’s official You

partnership, we have with

sions of these aprons.

ceived the 100,000th tourism

and people visiting friends and


Singapore Airlines.

It is a

•As per IATA recommenda-

visa issued in the 2013-14 Aus-

family within the growing In-

matter of great national pride

tion in-contact stands sup-

tralian financial year.* Mr

dian diaspora in Australia”,



and in my opinion, marks the


Saraogi’s wife and two chil-

Mr Suckling said.

launched a quiz contest and

beginning of a new era for the

operation have been provided

an A380 virtual game, where

Indian aviation sector.”


the user develops their knowl-




dren also attended the event.

“Tourism is vital part of the

with three numbers passen-

Saraogi and his family will

broader bilateral relationship

David Lau, General Man-

ger boarding bridges (two

leave New Delhi next week for

between India and Australia,

edge on the world’s largest

ager – India, Singapore Air-

serving the lower deck and

a holiday to The Gold Coast,

and we expect that these num-

passenger aircraft and even

lines commented, “The A380

one serving the upper deck).

Cairns, Melbourne and Syd-

bers will keep on growing.”

experiences “flying” it from

has received an overwhelming

•Larger Claim lengths for the


Singapore to IGI Airport

response from the Indian trav-

arrival baggage carousals

Suckling gave Saraogi and

through its official Facebook

elers. This reiterates our be-

supporting Code F flights (pre-

his wife a gift to mark the oc-

*1 July 2013 to 30 June 2014 by TNH DESK




Founder Chairman of The Leela Group Capt. C. P. Krishnan Nair passes away C

Nations Environment Program. He was also the recipient of many prestigious accolades for his invaluable contribution to

apt. C. P. Krishnan Nair,

the leading luxury hotel groups,

the tourism industry and for

Founder Chairman of The

Capt. Nair’s singularly inspir-

setting benchmarks for excellence in the hospitality industry.

Leela Palaces, Hotels and Re-

ing life was dedicated to the

sorts recently passed away

pursuit of excellence and ad-

peacefully with his family be-

vancement of tourism in India.

Capt. Nair is survived by his

side him, at the age of 92, fol-

Globally recognized as a ho-

wife Leela Nair, their sons –

lowing a brief illness. From a

telier extraordinaire, visionary

Chairman and Managing Direc-

young freedom fighter to an of-

and an environmentalist, Capt.

tor, Vivek Nair, and Co-Chair-

ficer of the Indian Army, to pio-

Nair is the recipient of the

man and Managing Director,

neering the globalization of

Padmabhushan from the Presi-

India’s textile industry, and

dent of India. For his untiring

later being a thespian of India’s

efforts in environmental con-

ferred the Global 500 Laureate

hospitality industry and one of

servation, Capt. Nair was con-

Roll of Honour by the United

Capt. C. P. Krishnan Nair Founder Chairman The Leela Palaces, Hotels and Resorts

a wide variety of cuisines.

Pullman Gurgaon Central Park makes 3 key appointments

Harleen brings with him

Dinesh Nair, their wives Lakshmi and Madhu Nair respectively, and their children. by TNH DESK

Chef Sunil Gangwal: ExecBhupinder Singh Rawat:

utive Sous Chef

more than 15 years of expe-

Executive Housekeeper

Chef Sunil Gangwal has a ca-

rience in the hospitality in-

With experience that spans

reer spanning over 13 years.

dustry. Most recently, he

over 15 years, Bhupinder

He brings with him a pas-

worked as Food & Beverage

brings with him a deep un-

sionate understanding of In-

Manager at The Radisson

derstanding of housekeeping

dian culinary culture.

Blu Hotel CP, New Delhi. He

operations, customer rela-

Most recently, he worked as

tive Housekeeper and Chef

has been a part of the pre-

tionship and manpower man-

Chef de cuisine at Lavana,

Sunil Gangwal, as Executive

opening team at Crowne

agement in the hospitality

Hyatt Regency, Gurgaon. He

Sous Chef.

Plaza, Okhla, New Delhi,


has also held positions at Taj

Harleen Singh Rawal as Food & Beverage Manager, Bhupinder Singh Rawat as Executive Housekeeper & Chef Sunil Gangwal, as Executive Sous Chef.


ullman Gurgaon Central Park



three key appointments. The only operational Pullman Hotel in India announced the appointment



Singh Rawal as the Food & Beverage Manager, Bhupinder Singh Rawat as Execu-

Shangri-La's Eros Hotel, New Harleen







at Pullman Gurgaon Central

Lands End Mumbai, The

Food & Beverage Manager

Cochin. Previously, Harleen

Park, Bhupinder worked as

Westin Mumbai Garden City

In this position, Harleen will

was with Taj Palace Hotel,

the Executive Housekeeper

and Jaipur Marriott Hotel.

oversee the Food and Bever-

New Delhi, The Imperial,

at Shangri-La's Eros Hotel in

Chef Sunil holds a diploma in

age offerings of the hotel that

New Delhi and Oberoi Hotels

New Delhi.



and Resorts. Harleen is a

worked with The Claridges,

Catering Technology from

restaurants, lounge & bars

graduate from the Institute

New Delhi and The Metropol-

the ‘Institute of Hotel Man-

and 35,000 square feet of

of Hotel Management in

itan New Delhi.

agement and Catering Tech-

banqueting facilities serving




Prior to leading the team




He has also



nology’, Kerala.




Le Cirque at The Leela Palace New Delhi L

e Cirque at The Leela

Designed by the renowned

Palace New Delhi, the

Design Spin Studio of Japan,

iconic restaurant chain’s first

the interior of Le Cirque at The

venture in Asia, is synonymous

Leela Palace New Delhi depicts

with luxurious and high-end

the theme of timeless elegance

dining. Bringing forth owner

of the hotel. Photographs of the

Sirio Maccioni's legendary hos-

Le Cirque family and of celebri-

pitality, Le Cirque at The Leela

ties who have dined with them

Palace New Delhi brings to its

adorn the walls of the restau-

guests a cuisine which is an en-

rant as in other locations of Le

tertaining mix of flavours and

Cirque. The restaurant fea-

colours amidst a candle-lit chic

tures three private dining

delicacies straight from the

The Leela Palace New Delhi

ambience and sophisticated at-

rooms including a Chef’s Table

chef’s kitchen, a show kitchen

represents a new level of inno-


where you can relish tempting

and separate bar areas.

vative fine dining in India. The

Seating Capacity: 144 seats

restaurant also offers an im-

Dinner served: 7.00pm to

authentic and classic allowing

pressive wine list with over 80


guests to experience the truly

labels of Italian wines and 100

Reservation number: +91 11

innovative Le Cirque cuisine.

labels of French wines. Lo-


Guests can also savour some of

cated on the 10th floor of The

Location: 10th Floor of The

the Le Cirque classic dishes

Leela Palace New Delhi, the

Leela Palace New Delhi

which are offered at other loca-

restaurant has 144 seats with

Child Policy: 12 years and

tions of this world-famous

an avant garde bar lounge and


restaurant group.

alfresco seating, offering a

Dress Code: Business or Smart

breathtaking view over the ma-


but most that we have an emo-

media, without losing the

tional connection to. Today,

power of them."

The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company shares guest stories with "Six Word Wows" Pays homage to Ernest Hemingway's Classic Line; Any great story can be told in six words. n a new digital campaign

to write a short story in only

another way for us to cele-

launching today, The Ritz-

six words: "For sale: baby

brate the special memories

Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C.

shoes, never worn." Suitably

that guests take away from a

will share eight original guest

in today's digital world, The

visit to our hotels all over the

stories, each told in just six

Ritz-Carlton has rolled out the


words. The unique execution

series of Six Word Wows to

French, Chief Sales and Mar-



will appear across multiple so-

their highly engaged audience

keting Officer of The Ritz-

cial media platforms and is de-

across social channels such as

Carlton. "We have known and

signed to encourage guests of

Facebook, Instagram, Sina

been passionate about the sto-

the luxury brand to share

Weibo, Twitter, Pinterest, and

ries created every day by our

their own memories and sto-

Google+, in English and Man-

ladies and gentlemen for some

ries in six words.


time. They are in no small part

The concept takes its cue

jestic diplomatic enclave.

Each of the dishes offered are

The opening of Le Cirque at




people share their memories

The decision by The Ritz-

online in the social sphere - it's

Carlton to place the campaign

the modern day campfire.

exclusively across social chan-

What we needed was a way to

nels demonstrates the brands

Ed French Chief Sales and Marketing Officer, The Ritz-Carlton

The Six Word Wows are yet another way for us to celebrate the special memories that guests take away from a visit to our hotels all over the world. We have known and been passionate about the stories created every day by our ladies and gentlemen for some time. They are in no small part the underpinning of our brand platform, 'Let Us Stay With You'. We all have stories to tell, some grand, some personal, but most that we have an emotional connection to. Today, people share their memories online in the social sphere - it's the modern day campfire. What we needed was a way to enable our guests to share their stories in a faster, easier-to-digest way through social media, without losing the power of them.

the underpinning of our brand

from novelist Ernest Heming-

Discover the full "Honey-

platform, 'Let Us Stay With

enable our guests to share

passion around literally in-

way, who, according to literary

moon, Take Two" Story

You'. We all have stories to tell,

their stories in a faster, easier-

volving the consumer in their

some grand, some personal,

to-digest way through social


legend, was once challenged

"The Six Word Wows are yet





Sheraton Grande Sukhumvit unveils newly renovated rooms Sheraton Grande Sukhumvit, A Luxury Collection Hotel, Bangkok recently unveiled its newly renovated luxurious rooms that will further elevate the renowned hotel’s international reputation for ensuring a truly exceptional guest experience. The launch of the Grande and Premier Rooms is the first of two exciting phases which later will also reveal beautifully renovated luxury rooms and luxury suites.


usiness and leisure trav-

300 thread count cotton sheets

Collection bed for an indul-

and topped with a lightweight

gent night’s sleep. The uphol-

duvet, and plump feather pil-

stered sofa chair and ottoman

lows or soft hypoallergenic pil-

creates an inviting reading

lows. The marble floored

corner opposite a spacious

bathroom features a generous




vanity area, separate bathtub

equipped with wired and wire-

and a large shower with dis-

less high-speed internet ac-

tinctly Thai bathroom toi-

cess. Generous and inviting

new sheer colored drapes

letries by THANN. Rooms are

bathrooms with a bathtub and

ble, and gold and pastel tones

ellers will find enhanced

to create a relaxed, sophisti-

standards of luxury and re-

cated personal space. Appeal-

finement in the stylishly de-

ing to traditional and modern

signed Grande and Premier

tastes, the spacious interiors

rooms. Incorporating local cul-

are further enriched by fur-

ture and heritage, the rooms

nishing and décor imported

will ensure a memorable stay

from Italy and America, fab-

for guests of the award-win-

rics and upholstery from India

ning downtown Sukhumvit

and Sri Lanka, gold colored


headboards printed with au-

Each beautiful room is the

thentic Thai decorative motifs,

work of talented Australian

and engaging local artworks

designer, Diana Simpson, and

and antiques. Additional en-

has been furnished and deco-

hancements to the fresh new

rated in a contemporary Thai

look include dark wenge fin-

style that draws from a palette

ishing to the timber, walk-in

of richly colored woods, mar-

closets, spacious bathrooms, from the Saint Moritz Sati col-

wired with the latest technol-

shower also provide natural

lection, and carpets. In keep-

ogy for greater productivity

body care amenities from

ing with the Sheraton Grande

and enhanced leisure time,

award-winning local producer,

Sukhumvit’s commitment to

and include a 40” flat screen


reducing energy use for a

Samsung LED TV with an

guests will benefit from the

more sustainable future, all

IPTV option, a dedicated

exceptional privilege of com-

standard lights have been re-

media hub with HDMi, Blue-

plimentary broadband and

placed with high efficiency

tooth and a USB port, and 60

wireless 60 mbps high-speed

LED lighting.

mbps high-speed internet ac-

internet access to stay in

cess with seamless connectiv-

touch or share their experi-

ity for up to three devices.


Guests of the 45 squaremetre Grande Rooms can enjoy a spacious and light-


Each elegantly appointed



Sheraton Grande Sukhumvit

filled room with a luxurious



looks forward to welcoming

ambience. The room’s subtle

Rooms feature a large window

new and loyal distinguished

blend of new classically styled

that boasts a spectacular

guests to enjoy inspiring mo-

furniture, beautiful fabrics



ments enriched by personal

and contemporary elegance

Ratchada or Bangkok’s glit-

service in the luxuriously re-




creates a unique sense of wel-

tering skyline. The rooms

designed rooms. To explore

come for an unforgettable stay.

have opulent interiors with

more, please visit our hotel

Guests can relish the blissful

artful and indigenous design


depths of the signature Lux-

accents, dark wood furnish-

ury Collection bed, dressed in

ings and the worldly Luxury


www.sheratonby TNH DESK



Luxuriate yourself with lusciously NEW collection of NEOVEDA SPA products from luxury lifestyle store, Craft House!


et gorgeous with lus-

Delhi Store

ciously NEW collection

The Metropolitan Hotel & Spa

providing oxygen and balanc-

Bangla Sahib Road

ing hormones, they also

of 'spa'-rkly products from

strengthen inner organs by

luxury lifestyle store, Craft

New Delhi - 110001

cleanse, balance & stabilize 3

House located at The Metro-

Tel - 011 42500200

bio and mental energies,

politan Hotel & Spa and also

which get unbalanced due to

at International Departure,

Airport Store

environment, life style, stress

T3, IGI Airport.

International Departure, T3

or aging process.

Indira Gandhi International

Infused only with the purest extracts, each product

So, bring home the beauty


of Ayurveda, burn the in-

is an expression of Craft


can explore the aromatic pos-


cense and just pamper and

House's belief in the remark-


sibilities of all natural soaps

E-Store: www.crafthousein-


able power of Ayurveda to

find the harmony of body,

and gels, scrubs and masks

scents of the fresh floral blos-

calm, refresh and renew.

mind, and soul.

as the purity of essential oils

The amalgamation of na-







soms, or treat yourself to


works its magic on your body,

wood or roots. They enter the

sweet, velvety delights by in-

ture and beauty, this rejuve-

Ayurveda products is made

mind and soul. Made from the

body & mind through skin


nated range of products is

with special combinations of

ultimate life energy and ex-

and sense of smell, keep skin

NEOVEDA spa collection.

available as FACE CARE,

pure essential oils and one

tracts of the flowers, leaves,

beautiful & radiant, help to








Accor deploys HotelInvest’s strategy with the purchase of 97 hotels in Europe Accor has just announced that its HotelInvest business will purchase two real-estate portfolios representing 97 hotels (12,838 rooms) for a total consideration of about €900 million.

good owner investor by re-

“I firmly believe that Accor

specting rigorous criteria. Both

boasts unique property assets

of the recent transactions met

that no other hotelier can

all the conditions for a success-

rival. It is therefore essential

ful purchase: high-performing

for us to find a way to ensure

hotels, located in key European

better value creation with

cities and on our most prof-

these assets and above all

itable market segments. For

preserve this value for the

Accor. “They are fully aligned

hotels and 1,592 rooms in

example, Moor Park’s proper-

benefit of the Group. This is

hese hotels properties


with our selective asset acqui-

Switzerland. This portfolio has

ties alone represent 40% of

only possible through the

were previously leased by

sition criteria: hotels located in

been operated by Accor since

Accor’s strategic assets in Ger-

complementarity between our

the Group. This major transac-

key European cities and deliv-


many and 60% of its strategic

two entities, HotelInvest and

Prem Kumar



tion is in line with HotelInvest’s

ering excellent operating per-


restructuring strategy and con-


brands: ibis (5 hotels), ibis

By purchasing assets oper-

tinct missions and objectives.

cerns nearly 13,000 rooms pre-

profitable market segments”.

budget (2 hotels), Novotel (3

ated under leases Accor re-

Acquisitions of this kind







assets in the Netherlands.”

HotelServices, which have dis-

viously operated under the ibis,

The first portfolio, represent-

hotels) and MGallery (1 hotel).

gains flexibility. Reducing the

would simply not have been

ibis budget, Mercure, Novotel

ing 86 hotels and 11,286 rooms

Both acquisitions will be ac-

number of leases will enable

possible without HotelInvest.”

and MGallery brands in Ger-

across Germany (67 hotels)

cretive to Accor’s EBIT in 2014.

Accor to recover control of its

On how is Accor financing

many, the Netherlands and

and the Netherlands (19 hotels)

Based on pro forma 2013 fig-

destiny, to be more serene, to

these acquisitions, Bazin said,


has been operated by Accor

ures, the relative contribution

decide independently which in-

“We have the requisite finan-

These transactions send a strong signal of our capability to rapidly implement the strategy of restructuring the HotelInvest portfolio. They are fully aligned with our selective asset acquisition criteria: hotels located in key European cities and delivering excellent operating performance in our most profitable market segments.

Sébastien Bazin Chairman and CEO, Accor

of owned hotels to HotelIn-

vestments are necessary, or

cial leeway because we gave

vest’s net operating income1

whether the sale or purchase of

ourselves the means with

will increase by around four-

a hotel is well-founded, given

which to initiate our strategy.

teen points to 68%. One of the

its location, brand and of

We notably launched a €750

key objectives for HotelInvest,



million bond offering last Jan-

the leading hotel investor in

“Thanks to HotelInvest, we

uary with an annual coupon of

Europe, is to raise this propor-

have the ability to carry out

2.63%, which is historically

tion to more than 75% over the

very precise arbitrage of our

low given the duration of the

medium term. Completion of

portfolio using the discerning

loan (7 years). In practice,

the acquisitions is subject to

judgment of our internal teams

these acquisitions are partly

the usual conditions for this

and on a case by case basis.

financed with Group cash.”

type of transaction, as well as

With more owned hotels, we

to regulatory approval. “As well as their positive financial impact, these two

These properties were part


Asked if the Group will lose

also enhance the clarity of our

money through transitions

business model on the mar-

like these, Bazin said that it is

kets, said Bazin.

quite the reverse. He added,

since 2007 under variable-rent

transactions have big symbolic

He further said, “My objec-

“In financial terms these two

of two real-estate portfolios.



value as they demonstrate our

tive has always been to create

transactions would be de-



The first was owned by Moor

brands: ibis (29 hotels), ibis

ability to rapidly implement the

value for Accor. My actions

scribed as accretive and value

Park Real Estate, an investor

budget (31 hotels), Mercure (17

strategy we unveiled last No-

today are still guided by that

creating. In other words, the

consortium, and the second by

hotels) and Novotel (9 hotels).

vember 27th. They illustrate

principle. For 40 years, we have

additional profits or expected

Axa REIM. These transactions

The total consideration for this

the advantages of creating an

been a bit schizophrenic. We

future profits exceed the cost

provided the opportunity for an

acquisition is €722 million. The

entity dedicated to one of the

have functioned according to

of the acquisition. This is the

update by Sébastien Bazin on

sellers are two funds, Moor

Group’s key areas of expertise,

a single business model, that

case because of our teams’ ex-

HotelInvest’s strategy and cur-

Park Fund I and II, advised by

property ownership. HotelIn-

of operator, franchisor, brand

pert management of negotia-

rent restructuring.

Moor Park Capital Partners, a

vest’s business model focuses

developer and owner investor.

tions. I’d like to add that these

“These transactions send a

pan-European real estate pri-

on improving the return on as-

We have also taken the easy

acquisitions also contribute

strong signal of our capability

vate equity investment advi-

sets and optimizing the im-

option, probably too often and

another, more long-term ben-

to rapidly implement the strat-

sory business.

pacts on the balance sheet,”

sometimes in different eco-

efit to the company. As I said


Besides, Accor has entered

said Bazin, adding that “this

nomic conditions, of variable-

earlier, the more hotels we

HotelInvest portfolio,” said

into exclusive negotiations

boils down to investing our

rent leases and succumbed to

own, the easier it is for the

Sébastien Bazin, Chairman

with Axa Real Estate for a sec-

money soundly and demon-


and Chief Executive Officer of

ond portfolio representing 11

strating our ability to be a very

Group’s debt.” He continued,









market to assess the value our portfolio.”



•Valid for bookings made from

Sweet Surprises at Courtyard by Marriott, Gurgaon

May – 30th September 2014

Stay for two nights and enjoy one complementary.

•This offer is only valid on the

1st May – 31st August 2014 •Valid for stays between 1st

standard / base category room njoy




ming pool area provides the

type. This offer is not valid on

leisure as Courtyard by

perfect avenue indulge in a re-

concierge level rooms

Marriott Gurgaon offers an im-

laxing swim in pleasant, sooth-

•Complimentary night is re-

plausible reason to extend

ing environs. Recognized for

deemable for stays until the

your stay. With the ‘three for

their world-class offerings in

30th September 2014 – stay

In addition this offer is not


two’ package, the hotel invites

hospitality, Courtyard by Mar-

must commence before 30th

valid for group travel, package

•The availability of services

guests to stay for two nights

riott Gurgaon is ideal to un-

September 2014

tours or conventions

mentioned would vary across

and receive the third night,


•A stay is defined as a mini-

•Complimentary stay vouch-

all hotels

free of cost. This offer is open


mum of 2 consecutive paid

ers can only be redeemed on

•This offer is subject to avail-





for bookings between 1st May

The offer will stand valid on

nights spent at the hotel, with

the next consecutive stay at

ability at the time of booking

and 31st August 2014 for stays

the standard / base category

no breaks between check-

the same hotel where the orig-

•All additional expenses need

between 1st May and 30th Sep-

room at the same property


inal paid reservation has been

to be settled by the guest pay-

tember 2014.

where the bookings have been

•This offer is applicable only

made. The voucher will state

ing the final account on check


for reservations made with the

the name of the hotel


The hotel offers warm, attentive service, exclusive dining options



amenities. The outdoor swim-






promotional rate codes and is

•Rates quoted are per room,

not valid in conjunction with

per night and based on avail-

any other promotion or offer.

ability at the time of reserva-

The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company shares guest stories with "Six Word Wows" Pays Homage to Ernest Hemingway's Classic Line; Any Great Story Can Be Told In Six Words.


n a new digital campaign

digital world, The Ritz-Carl-

been passionate about the

launching today, The Ritz-

ton has rolled out the series

stories created every day by

of Six Word Wows to their

our ladies and gentlemen for


some time. They are in no




L.L.C. will share eight origi-



For reservations please contact +91 124 488 8245 by TNH DESK

Ed French Chief Sales and Marketing Officer, The Ritz-Carlton

The Six Word Wows are yet another way for us to celebrate the special memories that guests take away from a visit to our hotels all over the world. We have known and been passionate about the stories created every day by our ladies and gentlemen for some time. They are in no small part the underpinning of our brand platform, 'Let Us Stay With You'. We all have stories to tell, some grand, some personal, but most that we have an emotional connection to. Today, people share their memories online in the social sphere - it's the modern day campfire. What we needed was a way to enable our guests to share their stories in a faster, easier-to-digest way through social media, without losing the power of them.

nal guest stories, each told in

across social channels such

small part the underpinning

just six words. The unique

as Facebook, Instagram, Sina

of our brand platform, 'Let Us

execution will appear across

Weibo, Twitter, Pinterest,

Stay With You'. We all have

multiple social media plat-

and Google+, in English and

stories to tell, some grand,

Carlton to place the cam-

our guests' power of memory.

forms and is designed to en-


some personal, but most that

paign exclusively across so-


we have an emotional con-

cial channels demonstrates


nection to. Today, people

the brands passion around

through that recall the beau-

courage guests of the luxury brand to share their own

Discover the full "Honey-

memories and stories in six

moon, Take Two" Story






share their memories online

literally involving the con-

tiful facilities, one-of-a-kind

"The Six Word Wows are yet

in the social sphere - it's the

sumer in their messaging.

on-site experiences and serv-

another way for us to cele-

modern day campfire. What

Behind each Six Word Wow is

ices provided by the ladies &

from novelist Ernest Heming-

brate the special memories

we needed was a way to en-

an original guest story which

gentlemen of The Ritz-Carl-

way, who, according to liter-

that guests take away from a

able our guests to share their

can be further discovered

ton," added French. 'Now we

words. The concept takes its cue





visit to our hotels all over the

stories in a faster, easier-to-

through visiting a collection

are inviting all of our guests

challenged to write a short



digest way through social

of guest's Memories from

to hashtag #RCMemories

story in only six words: "For

French, Chief Sales and Mar-

media, without losing the

Around the World.

their personal six word tales


keting Officer of The Ritz-

power of them."

Suitably in today's

Carlton. "We have known and

sale: worn."




The decision by The Ritz-

"The campaigns creative solutions draw explicitly on

online." by TNH DESK




Lemon Tree Hotel debuts in a new avatar in Whitefield, Bengaluru The all-new hotel is now spread over five floors with two new deluxe floors and an upgraded inventory of 130 stylish rooms

Lemon Tree Hotel, White-

productive. Importantly, all

field boasts of 130 upgraded

rooms in the hotel are de-

stylish rooms spread over five

signed to give guests a great

floors of which two are new

night’s sleep with excellent

deluxe floors. Equipped with

sound insulation and near-

hi speed WiFi, LCD televi-

perfect black-out curtains.

sions, mini bars, smart in-

To pamper its single lady

emon Tree Hotels re-

traveler guests and to cater to

cently announced the for-

their specific needs, the hotel

mal opening of their new hotel

also has dedicated rooms with

in Whitefield, Bengaluru. Re-

women centric amenities and

furbished and renovated into

special facilities along with


a fresh and vibrant avtaar, the

upgraded security. Like all

hotel opened in all its splen-

Lemon Tree’s, focus has been

dor, unveiling its many excit-




ing facilities and services.

guests as well and a specially

This latest addition to Lemon

designed room has been cre-

Tree makes it the group’s

ated to suit their specific






(Lemon Tree Premier, Ulsoor

Rattan Keswani, Deputy

Lake, Bengaluru and Lemon

Managing Director at Lemon

Tree Hotel, Electronic City,

Tree Hotels, said, “We are de-

Bengaluru, being the other

lighted to add Lemon Tree

two), thereby strengthening

Hotel, Whitefield, Bengaluru

the group’s presence and ex-

to our growing portfolio and

panse in the major IT and

look forward to welcoming

business hubs of the city- par-

our discerning guests here.

ticularly Whitefield.

This hotel opening brings us

Lemon Tree Hotels had

another step closer to our aim

earlier announced the acqui-

of becoming the fastest grow-

sition of the erstwhile Clarion

ing hotel chain in the country.

Hotel in Whitefield, Ben-

Lemon Tree Hotel, Whitefield

galuru. Fleur Hotels, the JV

not only enhances our portfo-

partnership between Lemon

lio mix in Bengaluru, but also

Tree Hotels and Dutch pen-

offers a great stay option at

sion fund manager APG ac-

an unbeatable value to guests

quired this property last year

visiting the companies situ-

and rebranded it as a Lemon

ated in its vicinity.”

Tree Hotel. The hotel has un-

Located in the heart of Ben-

dergone extensive refurbish-

galuru’s Whitefield – EPIP

ment and is now another

Zone, the hotel is in close

refreshing Lemon Tree.

proximity to business parks,

This stylish business hotel

only 18 minutes from Old Air-

with its vibrant and breath-

Café that elegantly flows into

center and outdoor swimming

room amenities and well

port Road and 40 minutes

taking atrium lobby is set

a lush green alfresco area, of-

pool all sport a vibrant new

appointed bathrooms each

from M.G. Road. The hotel is

around swirling stain glass in-

fering guests a beautiful van-

look aiming to delight and re-

room has been tastefully dec-

close to K.R. Puram station

stillations. The play of natural



juvenate guests. Needless to

orated and suited to meet the

and ITPL. With this new addi-




light and vivid colors in the

outdoors while relishing the

say, the innovative interiors of

specific needs of a business

tion, Lemon Tree Hotels now

lobby makes the area stun-

restaurant’s delectable cui-

this hotel and the inspiring

traveler. The rooms also have

has 3 properties in Bengaluru

ning and eye catching. Set in

sine. The fun and spirited hip-

artwork make for a setting

a full sized working desk and

and has spread its wings in 25

its heart is the popular multi-

recreation bar-Slounge along

that is truly refreshing and

an ergonomic executive chair,

locations across 15 cities in

cuisine restaurant- Citrus

with the fully equipped fitness


to make business-on-the-go





Kempinski Hotels to chart its own course in India After partying ways with The Leela Group about a year ago, Kempinski Hotels has decided to go on its own in India. Prem Kumar


empinski is one of the oldest




country on our own. This is

currently operates 73 hotels


one of the reasons that we

in 31 countries, has planned

Kempinski, Kigali, Rwanda

ended our association with

to open 13 hotels in next one

(Opening Q2 2014), Hotel

Leela. The group is looking



for right partners in India to

Kempinski opened its first





(Takeover and opening Q3

launch new hotels under

hotel in Saudi Arabia, Burj

2014), Kempinski Yanqi Lake

management contract in the


Hotel project: Yanqi Lake




Riyadh, which is located

Kempinski Hotel Beijing and

Globally the group follows

within the city's highest ver-


management contract model,

tical compound, which in-

House - managed by Kempin-




groups in the world. The

and in India too, the com-

cludes serviced apartments,

ski (Opening gradually from

hotel chain, which had nearly

pany will follow the same

offices and state-of-the-art

Q3 2014), Kempinski Hotel

two-and-half -decade-old tie-

model to spread its presence


up with The Leela in India,

in the country.


will expand its presence in

O'Rourke said that they are





2014), Phoenix Hotel Dalian

prominent King Abdullah Fi-

- managed by Kempinski





India on its own. As of now,

excited about the new gov-

nancial District. Set to be-

(Opening Q3 2014), Du Parc

the group has one hotel in

ernment in India. “With a

come the leading luxury hotel


Delhi. In order to enhance its

new government in the coun-

in Riyadh in both leisure and



footprint in India, the group

try, we are quite optimistic

corporate segments, Burj



that business environment in



intends to launch four luxury





Djibloho Equatorial

hotels in India by 2020.

Duncan O'Rourke Chief Operating Officer, Kempinski Hotels

the country will improve sig-

Riyadh is the closest luxury

Guinea (Opening Q4 2014),

These hotels will come in

Kempinski has over 70 hotels

nificantly, which will create

hotel to King Khalid Interna-

Summerland Resort Kempin-

places like Mumbai, Kolkata


further opportunities for us,”

tional Airport, and boasts


and Kerala.


said Duncan O'Rourke

349 luxury rooms and suites.

2014), Kempinski Hotel Gold

Other hotels slated to be

Coast City Accra, Ghana

Currently the international




Duncan O'Rourke, Global




hotel chain manages one

COO, Kempinski Hotels said,


lauched by the group are

(Opening Q1 2015) and Royal

hotel in India: Kempinski

“India is a very important


Kempinski Hotel Nay Pyi


Ambience Hotel New Delhi,

market for us, and wants to

Europe's oldest independent

Taw, Myanmar (Take-over

Cairo (Opening Q1 2015)


have our presence in the

luxury hotel group, which

June 2014), Hôtel des Mille







The Bamboo Festival held at Jade, The Claridges, New Delhi Guests savoured the different facets of fresh bamboo as used in authentic Chinese cuisine. he Claridges, New Delhi

As the name suggests, all

recently organised the

dishes includes fresh bam-

Bamboo Festival at Jade

boos, cooked and served in

where guest experienced the

bamboo shells which keeps

flavours of authentic Chinese

the flavours intact. This



unique conceptualization by

At the Bamboo Festival, the

Master Chef Lin Lin Yang,

menu and cooking techniques

highlights the dishes compris-

focused on bamboo as the key

ing of edible Bamboo shoots

ingredient in each recipe. The

of various bamboo species

festival was aimed to revive


an almost forgotten flavour palette by introducing dis-

and rank among the five most

cerning foodies to an array of

popular healthcare foods in

exquisite preparations.

the world. Bamboo shoots

rare Chinese Bamboo delicacies at jade, The Claridges, new delhi

give a delectable flavour to

New Delhi serves authentic


the food, and finding a food

Chinese cuisine from Main-

with its intimate settings, per-

flavoured, rich in nutrients,

festival showcasing this deli-

land China. Inspired by the

sonalised service style and

cacy is rare.

name, the restaurant’s interi-


The fine dinning Chinese

ors features object de arts

dished by a Chinese chef.

restaurant at The Claridges,

made in jade. The restaurant


continues to attract patrons







Mövenpick Hotels & Resorts announces 3rd property in India The upscale hotel company has signed a management agreement to operate a new hotel in Kochi, which will open at the end of 2014.


new 167-room hotel in

highlights of the urban well-

the southern port city of

being destination.

Kochi, will increase Möven-

Kochi is one of India’s

pick Hotels & Resorts’ port-

most important seaports and



widely regarded as the com-

The upscale

mercial capital of Kerala,

hotel company of Swiss her-

which has seen GDP growth


of over 8% during 2013.







Mövenpick Hotel Bangalore

Tourism is one of the most

and have already announced

important drivers of the

plans for a spa resort in



Andreas Mattmüller, Chief

Mövenpick Hotel Kochi, a

Operating Officer of Möven-

contemporary hotel with fu-

pick Hotels & Resorts for

turistic design elements, is

Middle East and Asia under-

strategically located on the

scored the significance of or-








road around 6 kilometres

sub-continent for the com-

from the city centre and 25

pany. “India has tremendous

kilometres from Cochin In-

potential for further growth

ternational Airport. Among

in the domestic and interna-

the six outlets count a spe-

tional travel segments. Last

ciality Keralite restaurant

year, revenues from domestic



tourism rose by 5% and that

venue, as well as a sky



figure is expected to increase

lounge bar and a modern

to 8% during 2014. Consider-

pub. The hotel is scheduled

ing this along with the coun-

to open towards the end of

try’s planned infrastructure


developments, we’re keen to

Business facilities include

continue expanding our ex-

an executive club lounge,

isting portfolio in India by in-

complemented by meeting


rooms and a banquet hall for

cities,” he said.



500 guests. Along with a

The management agree-

conclude this agreement and

Mövenpick Hotels & Re-

sort & Spa, an exclusive 124-

trendy swimming pool area

ment was signed with ITMA

look forward to having the

sorts entered India in 2011

room resort in the Northern

and health club, the land-

Hotels India Private Ltd, an



with the opening of Möven-

Indian Kangra Valley. Its



mark tower property will

associate company of Jomer

Mövenpick hotel, with the as-

pick Hotel Bangalore, a con-

magnificent Ayurvedic spa,

also be home to an impres-

Properties & Investments.




along with spectacular views





“This is our first hotel

global distribution reach and



of the indigenous forest and

Ayurvedic treatment zone,

venture and choosing a part-

international brand recogni-

leisure, dining and enter-

Himalaya Mountains are set



ner with a proven track

tion,” said Jose Mathew,

tainment facilities. The com-

to be the hotel’s main attrac-


record was an important de-

owner of Jomer Properties &

pany also plans to open


whirlpool and salon will be

cision. We’re delighted to


Mövenpick Dharamshala Re-










The Oberoi, Dubai voted “Middle East's Leading Luxury City Hotel” at World Travel Awards 2014 The Oberoi, Dubai has also been voted “The Best New Business Hotel’’ by Business Traveller Middle East Awards.


he Oberoi, Dubai, The

market with many outstand-

Oberoi Group’s first hotel

ing hotels. For The Oberoi,

in the UAE which opened in

Dubai to be recognized in this

June 2013, has been named

manner within its first year of

the Middle East’s Leading

opening is very good news in-

Luxury City Hotel at the pres-

deed. The award illustrates

tigious World Travel Awards

Oberoi Hotels & Resorts dedi-

and has also been voted Best

cation to offering guests

New Business Hotel by read-

world-class facilities and the

ers of Business Traveller Mid-

best service. Our people have

dle East.

The two awards

worked passionately to make

follow the recent announce-

The Oberoi, Dubai a success

ment that The Oberoi, Dubai

by ensuring guests receive

was ranked number one hotel

warm, personalized and car-

P.R.S. Oberoi, Executive Chairman, The Oberoi Group

ing service. Our people are

I am very proud that The Oberoi, Dubai has been voted the Middle East's Leading Luxury City Hotel and also the Best New Business Hotel. Dubai is a very competitive market with many outstanding hotels.

our biggest asset and I dedicate this award to them. I must also thank Sheikh Adel Aujan, Chairman of the Aujan Group, the owner of the property, for his Group's confidence in us. We look forward to bringing the Oberoi luxury experience to more markets in the Gulf and are currently working to develop and open an Oberoi beach resort near Dubai soon.” Karim Bizid, General Manager of The Oberoi, Dubai, said: "The Oberoi, Dubai

worldwide for service by Re-

brings an ethos of service

wards an exceptional guest

The World Travel Awards

travel industry professionals.


without compromise. This

experience. Oberoi Hotels &

have been established for 21

The Business Traveller Mid-

P.R.S. Oberoi, Executive

recognition shows that we

Resorts have received innu-

years and have been de-

dle East Awards highlight the

Chairman, The Oberoi Group

have consistently delivered

merable awards and acco-

scribed as the 'Oscars' of the

best operators in the hospi-

said, "I am very proud that

the service promise that the

lades including being named

travel and tourism industry

tality sector and are voted for

The Oberoi, Dubai has been

Oberoi brand is renowned for

the World's Best Hotel Brand

by The Wall Street Journal.

by discerning and well-trav-

voted the Middle East's Lead-

worldwide. This award is tes-

by the readers of Travel +

The World Travel Awards

elled readers of the maga-

ing Luxury City Hotel and also

tament to the passion and

Leisure in the World's Best

recognize and reward excel-

zine, the region’s leading

the Best New Business Hotel.

commitment each one of us at

Awards, 2013, so we are

lence in products and serv-


Dubai is a very competitive

The Oberoi, Dubai share to-

proud to continue this legacy".

ices and are voted for by



corporate by TNH DESK




Hilton Worldwide introduces new brand: Curio – A Collection by Hilton Global Collection will include highly anticipated SLS Las Vegas Hotel & Casino.

square foot development will

Located near the Mount

feature an all-encompassing,

Rushmore National Memorial,

mixed-use resort and casino

Hotel Alex Johnson is also on

with more than 1,620 guest

the National Register of His-

rooms and suites, 30,000

toric Places and has been a

square feet of flexible meeting

well-known fixture in down-

space and a collection of

town Rapid City since 1928.


ilton Worldwide has an-

J. Nassetta, president and CEO

SBE’s acclaimed dining and

Prior to joining Curio next year,

nounced the launch of

of Hilton Worldwide. “That de-

nightlife brands when it opens

the hotel will update its guest

Curio – A Collection by Hilton,

sire, combined with the current

later this year in time for the

rooms, public areas and meet-

including plans for the first ho-

size of the independent hotel

September U.S. Labor Day

ing rooms as part of a multi-

tels to join the new brand. Cre-

market and demand for differ-

holiday weekend.

million dollar renovation. The

ated for travellers who seek

entiated hotel stays around the

Nazarian said of SLS Las

Alex Johnson is owned by

local discovery and authentic

world, made for the right tim-

Vegas being one of the first

Cortez LLC, and operated by

experiences, Curio will be a

ing for this launch. Curio is an

Curio hotels, “Today’s an-

Isis Hospitality LLC.

carefully selected, global col-

exciting new brand for us – one

nouncement marks the begin-

Owned and operated by Win-

lection of distinctive four to five

of two unique concepts we’ll in-



star hotels. Just as the word

troduce this year.”






relationship between SBE and

Franklin Hotel is located in

“curio” can refer to something

Jim Holthouser, executive

Hilton Worldwide and an op-

downtown Chapel Hill, one

of interest, unique or even rare,

vice president, global brands,

portunity for me to work

block from the University of

each Curio hotel will be differ-

Hilton Worldwide, said, “Curio

alongside a mentor and good

North Carolina campus. It is

expands our portfolio to a total

friend in Chris Nassetta. Our

expected to join the brand in

of eleven exceptional brands

mission to redefine excellence

late 2014.

and creates additional oppor-

in hospitality to our guests at

Construction is planned to

tunities to serve our existing

SLS Las Vegas aligns per-

begin in early 2015 on a hotel

customers even better, attract

fectly with the Hilton World-

development by The Widewa-

new customers and grow our

wide vision for Curio. We have

ters Group Inc., in downtown

pipeline. With Curio, we can

a proven record of creating

Portland, Ore. The hotel is an-

help owners leverage our scale,

brands that provide memo-

ticipated to debut as part of the

scope and expertise while


collection in late 2016.

uality being a common thread,

keeping intact each hotel’s in-

whether in the hospitality, din-

As members of the Hilton

along with the quiet reassur-

dividual character.”

ing, nightlife or real estate

Worldwide portfolio, Curio ho-

ent from the next, with individ-



ance of the Hilton name behind

SLS Las Vegas, owned and op-



tels will offer guests the bene-

every location. Letters of intent

erated by SBE, is located on

Hilton and Curio allows us to

fits of Hilton HHonors, the

have been signed for the follow-

the northern end of the Las

maintain the SLS brand iden-

award-winning guest-loyalty

ing properties: SLS Las Vegas

Vegas Strip at the site of the

tity while offering the benefits

programme serving more than

Hotel & Casino; The Sam Hous-

former Sahara Hotel & Resort

of Hilton Worldwide’s com-

40 million members. Hilton

ton Hotel in Houston, Texas;

– a location steeped in Las



HHonors offers more ways to

Hotel Alex Johnson in Rapid

Vegas history. The hotel and



redeem points than any other

City, S.D.; The Franklin Hotel in

casino will open following a

HHonors loyalty programme.”


engines of



guest-loyalty programme.

Chapel Hill, N.C.; and a soon to

three-year, $415 million reno-

Originally opened in 1924,

More information about Curio

be named hotel development in

vation, which includes the

The Sam Houston Hotel is

– A Collection by Hilton can be

downtown Portland, Ore.

total redevelopment of three

listed on the National Register

found at

“Our customers and owners

existing Sahara towers. Billed

of Historic Places.

For 90

Media can access high resolution

have expressed strong interest

as a high-style collaboration

years, “The Sam” has treated

images and more information by

in a brand from us that in-

between SBE Chief Executive

guests to an authentic Texas

cludes hotels that can retain







Curio – A Collection by Hilton

their unique identity but also



downtown Houston. American

( is a global

deliver the many benefits of

Philippe Starck and James

Liberty Hospitality will main-

collection of distinctive hotels

our system, including our

Beard Foundation award-win-

tain management of the hotel

that are woven into the fabric of

Hilton HHonors guest loyalty

ning chef José Andrés, the re-

when it joins the brand later

their destinations.

programme,” said Christopher

imagination of this 2.5 million

this year.






Third Holiday Inn Express opens in Thailand New hotel owned by TCC Hotels Group is located in Bangkok’s city centre, giving savvy travellers easy access to business and leisure centres.




diverse and colourful cul-

Group (IHG) has recently

ture,electric nightlife and fa-

opened Holiday Inn Express




Thailand achieved record

bustling city of Bangkok,

numbers of tourist arrivals,

Thailand. Owned by TCC Ho-

with over 26 million visitors

tels Group, the 184-room

from around the world, mak-




hotel marks the brand’s third

ing the country an important

property in the country and

part of our growth strategy in

the second in the capital.





Just 30 minutes from Su-

Clarence Tan, Chief Operat-

varnabhumi Airport and with

ing Officer South East Asia

a central location in the

and Resorts, IHG.

Sathorn business district,

Owned by leading Thai

Holiday Inn Express Bangkok

conglomerate TCC Hotels

Sathorn is in the heart of the

Group, it will be the first Hol-

city and close to all the major

iday Inn Express hotel to be

international corporate of-

owned by the group, who also

fices, as well as the vibrant



Silom area, which is famous

Crowne Plaza and Holiday

for its shopping, dining and

Inn hotels under IHG’s brand

entertainment options.


“Opening our second Holi-




day Inn Express property in

Bangkok Sathorn has quick

the centre of Thailand’s capi-

access to commuter links

one of Asia’s largest shopping

fast or a Grab & Go option for

region. The new hoteljoin-

tal offers both business and

with the Chong Non Sri BTS

complexes, or the amazing

a smart start to the day


leisure guests an amazing op-

skytrain stop only two min-

Bangkok Art and Culture






Bangkok Siam and Holiday

room to upkeep your fitness

Inn Express Phuket Patong

regime while travelling

Beach Central as the third

portunity to stay in an ideal

utes away, which will take


location whether visiting the

travellers directly to destina-

hotel guests can take a

city for work or to absorb the

tionssuch as Siam Paragon,

leisurely walk to the majestic

A comfortable and restful

property in Thailand, which

Chao Phraya River with its

sleep with high quality bed-

will soon be followed by the-

exciting markets and temples

ding and a choice of firm or


including The Emerald Bud-

soft pillows

Sukhumvit 11,which is slated



dha Temple and museum in a matter of minutes. Holiday Inn Express Bangkok



guests a hassle-free stay with: Free and fast Wi-Fi avail-

Refreshing power showers



to open later this year.

with a three-function mas-

IHG currently has 16 ho-

sage showerhead and fluffy

tels across Thailand, offering

towels to help guests stay re-

a wealth of choice for trav-


ellers to the country, includ-

Holiday Bangkok



Express is


ing three InterContinental Hotels




able throughout the hotel to

eighth Holiday Inn Express to

Crowne Plaza hotel, nine Hol-

stay connected to loved ones

open in Southeast Asia, less

iday Inn Hotels and Resorts

and business associates Free Express Start™ Break-

than two years after the

and three Holiday Inn Ex-

brand made its debut in the

press hotels.





Marriott International accelerates growth in luxury & lifestyle hotels with plans to add 200 hotels over next 3 years Marriott International’s rapid global expansion strategy leads the industry.

donesia and Macao.

stone in less than three years.

Through an acclaimed part-

Exactly like nothing else and

nership with legendary hote-

the fastest brand launch in the

lier Ian Schrager, EDITION

history of the industry, the

hotels are stunning micro-

unique collection allows inde-

cosms of the world's top cities.

pendent hotels the opportunity

EDITION combines the best in

to tap into Marriott Interna-

service, food, beverage and en-

tional's powerful sales and

arriott International has

Marriott. At the same time, the

at five hotels in Washington,



marketing platforms including

announced its plans to

company continues to intro-

D.C., a series of print ads in

Schrager is known for with the and the award

significantly grow its global

duce new brands such as Moxy

LGBT media, an online portrait

global reach and operational

winning Marriott Rewards

portfolio of luxury and lifestyle

Hotels, and continues to evolve

gallery and display ads in cities

expertise of Marriott Interna-

guest loyalty program. With

brands. Accounting for nearly

its Renaissance Hotels brand

throughout the U.S.

25 percent of the company's system-wide pipeline, Marriott

Next generation travelers are poised to comprise more than 60 percent of our business over the next four years, and already represent a broad spectrum of diverse cultures and lifestyles that view travel as an important way to enrich their lives. Our approach to the luxury and lifestyle segment embraces this trend and is shaping our development strategy.

expects to add more than 200 luxury and lifestyle hotel projects over the next several years, reflecting over $15 billion of investment by the company's owners and franchisees. "The luxury and lifestyle category is stronger than ever and we see demand continuing to rise worldwide," said Arne Sorenson, President and CEO, Marriott International. "Next

Arne Sorenson President & CEO, Marriott International


generation travelers are poised


tional. Following the highly

twenty hotels expected to join

successful debut of The Lon-

this year, the portfolio is an

don EDITION last September,

evolving group of passionately

the brand is on target to open

independent hotel experiences

in Miami Beach this fall and

ranging from iconic properties

will debut in New York City's

such as The Algonquin Hotel

landmark Clock Tower build-

in New York City to the luxuri-

ing in the spring of 2015. Fu-

ous 15 room Kessler Canyon

ture hotels are also planned

hunting lodge in the mountains

for Abu Dhabi (2015), Gur-

of Colorado.

gaon, India (2015), Sanya,

Making its debut in world

China (2015), Bangkok (2016)

class destinations including

and West Hollywood (2017), as

Santiago, Chile and the south

well as the recently announced

of France, Renaissance Hotels

Times Square EDITION in New

is on track to open nine hotels

York City (2017).

in 2014. With five hotels

to comprise more than 60 per-

globally. We are delighted with

The breadth of the company's

JW Marriott Hotels & Re-

launched thus far and four ad-

cent of our business over the

the success of these tremen-

luxury and lifestyle portfolio is

sorts will debut in Italy in early

ditional locations on schedule

next four years, and already

dous brands, part of our ag-

largely represented by the fol-

2015 on the private island of

to open, the portfolio plans to

represent a broad spectrum of

gressive strategy to lead in the

lowing brands globally:

Sacca Sessola, a short boat

celebrate more than 160 hotels

diverse cultures and lifestyles

luxury and lifestyle category."

The Ritz-Carlton opened six

ride from the stunning city of

in 37 countries by year-end.

that view travel as an impor-

Also today as part of this seg-

properties in 2013, including

Venice. In addition, the brand

Renaissance Hotels is de-

tant way to enrich their lives.

ment-wide strategy, Marriott

hotels in Chengdu and Tianjin

is on schedule to open 23 new

signed around making busi-

Our approach to the luxury



in China; Aruba; Herzliya, Is-

hotels in the next two years,

ness travel fun again and

and lifestyle segment embraces

launched its new campaign,

rael; Almaty, Kazakhstan and

growing from 64 to 87 hotels in

helping its guests to discover

this trend and is shaping our

LoveTravels, a multicultural

Bangalore, India. Most re-

29 countries by the end of

unexpected surprises with

development strategy."

campaign that conveys the



2016. Centered in the idea of

every stay, whether it's listen-


opened its first hotel in the

well-being, JW Marriott Hotels

ing to live music in the lobbies,

"The company's current lux-




ury and lifestyle portfolio totals

make everyone feel comfort-

U.S. since 2010 with the open-

& Resorts offers a collection of

taking in a pop-up art exhibit

449 hotels across eight brands,

able being who they are, every-

ing of The Ritz-Carlton, Ran-

partnerships with leading lux-

or simply enjoying handcrafted

each offering its own unique



cho Mirage in Palm Springs,

ury brands in nutrition, culi-

cocktails and locally inspired

personality and distinctive

Ritz-Carlton, JW Marriott Ho-

California. Growth plans call

nary, art, culture, and wellness


guest experience. We have put

tels & Resorts and Renais-

for 15 additional hotels be-

as part of the brand's commit-

hotel brand whose mission is



It is a sophisticated

the power of Marriott behind



tween now and by year-end

ment to delivering a deeper

to encourage today's modern

the growth of iconic brands

participating in the ground

2016 including in Nanjing,

and more meaningful luxury

business traveler to Live Life



such as The Ritz-Carlton and

breaking campaign which fea-

China; Rabat, Morocco; Cairo,

guest experience at each of its

to Discover(SM) and make

JW Marriott Hotels & Resorts,

tures visually powerful images

Egypt; Jeddah, Saudi Arabia;

hotels worldwide.

every business trip an oppor-

as well as newer brands includ-

shot by acclaimed photogra-

Los Cabos, Mexico; Tunis,

Autograph Collection con-

ing EDITION, Autograph Col-

pher Braden Summers that will



tinues to grow rapidly having

lection and AC Hotels by

be displayed as building wraps

Panama City, Panama; Bali, In-

reached its 60th hotel mile-



tunity to experience a new story that can be shared. by TNH DESK



Brand USA organises a series of ‘Discover America’ educational seminars across India B

rand USA has organized

Hills Conference & Visitors

from the United States. The

a series of education

Bureau, Massachusetts Of-

seminars educated the travel

seminars across major In-

fice of Travel and Tourism,

community about the range

dian cities till date. These

Philadelphia Convention &

of diverse experiences avail-

multi-city seminars titled

Visitors Bureau,


able for travelers to the U.S.

‘Discover America’ were held

Miami Convention & Visitors

Sheema Vohra, Represen-

across 10 major cities in

Bureau , Las Vegas Conven-

tative Brand USA India, elu-

India that included major

tion & Visitors Authority, NYC


metros of Bengaluru, Chen-

& Company, Qatar Airways ,

provide a great platform for



nai, Mumbai, New Delhi,

San Francisco Travel Associ-

travel trade industry to di-

Kolkata, Hyderabad, Ahemd-

ation, Visit California, Visit

rectly interact with our part-

abad and tier 2 cities of

Florida, Visa Presentations -

ners and suppliers to gather

Chandigarh, Pune and Luc-

US Consulate and US Com-

support and tools they need

know. Around 1000 travel

mercial Services, and Brand

to sell this land, like never be-

agents and tour operators

USA India.

fore. We are very pleased to

were benefitted from these

With the aim of maintain-




educational seminars. These

ing a positive and ongoing re-

among the travel trade on the

seminars included presenta-

lationship with the travel

destination USA which offers

tions by multiple US destina-

trade, these seminars were

unique diversity in terms of



conducted to provide in-

experiences and activities to

Enterprise Holdings Inc.-


depth information on tourism

Indian travelers.”

Alamo-Rent A Car, Beverly








Educational seminars enhance travel agent’s knowledge of US travel products




Become an ‘Eco Tourist’ in San Francisco San Francisco, one of the popular city gateways of America, is a pleasant experience for a vacationer who seeks leisure in the green space surrounding the city.

he city dedicates more

As a tourist, you can con-

than 17 % of its 47

tribute to the growing trend of

square miles to parks and

being environmentally con-


open space. San Francisco is

scious and explore San Fran-

ranked as one of the top 10

cisco the green way. We give

“green cities” in the U.S. by

you more reasons to make the

The Green Guide, and the sec-


ond greenest U.S. city accord-





ing to Popular Science.


So if you wish to take a stroll

Experience the Ferry Build-

at the Golden Gate Bridge

ing Marketplace

amidst the natural surround-

Remodeled and repurposed

ings and open water space or

in 2003, the San Francisco

just bike your way in the wide

Ferry Building hosts up to 80

green space of the Golden

farmers who are certified pro-

Gate Bridge, you can head to

ducers who grow the products

San Francisco with clarity.

they sell at the markets. The

For the uninitiated, a live in-

65,000 square foot Market-

teraction with the aquatic

place is organized along a

creatures in the Aquarium of

central nave and provides a

the bay is possible. Get behind

distinctive marketplace for

the scenes in the ferry plaza

bringing together the Bay

market with the farmers com-

Area's agriculture wealth. A

munity. Go streetscaping to

historic transit terminal, is

view the Victorian and mod-

today within its beautiful inte-

ern architectural marvels of

rior - the Ferry Farmer’s Mar-

the old-fashioned image of

ket where over a hundred

San Francisco.

stores retails fresh organic



beginning in San Francisco and ending in Marin County. In the evening and on weekends, the east side of the bridge is primarily walkers (cyclists are allowed before 3:30 p.m.) while the west side is reserved for cyclists on weekends and weekday evenings after 3:30 p.m. Be sure to bring a warm jacket and camera to capture the views of Angel Island, Fort Baker, Belvedere, and the Marin Headlands. Aquarium of the Bay With a mission to create experiences that inspire conservation of San Francisco Bay and its watershed, Aquarium of the Bay brings visitors face-to-face Californian fruits and vegeta-

Garden; the National AIDS


Memorial; Shakespeare Gar-






tableware, ceramics.

tive on our planet.

traveled places such as the fa-

with local marine animals that


depend on a healthy Bay for

den and Rose Garden; and the

Challenge San Francisco’s

Street or Telegraph Hill.


many hills by foot





their habitat: sharks, bat rays, skates, octopuses, jellies and

(America’s first public play-

San Francisco’s natural incli-

Bicycle through San Fran-

more. Aquarium visitors have

ground, and famous for its

nations offer some challeng-



One of the largest urban

circa 1912 Herschell-Spillman

ing ascents for even the most

Rent a bike for the day, and

through crystal clear tunnels

parks in the world, Golden


physically fit. As one anony-

visit the Presidio. Once home

surrounded by these amazing

mous person quipped, "When

to the U.S. military, this is a

animals. There are many op-

Explore Golden Gate Park

Gate Park stretches for three




miles on the western edge of

California Academy of Sci-

you get tired of walking

very open space, as opposed

portunities for live animal in-

San Francisco. There’s not a


around in San Francisco, you

to most of compact San Fran-

teraction, allowing visitors to

single “Keep off the Grass”

Explore an aquarium, plane-

can always lean against it."

cisco. Scattered with former

experience the human/animal

sign and its 1,017 acres are a

tarium and natural history

Among the steepest streets:

barracks and brick adminis-

bond through direct touch. The

tonic for mind and body. Two

museum all under one living

Filbert between Leavenworth

tration buildings, the Presidio

aquarium’s PG&E Bay Lab fea-

major museums, splendid gar-

roof. Home to an aquarium,



features winding roads and

tures local and exotic animals

dens and facilities for more

planetarium, natural history

grade); 22nd Street between

navigable trails. These paths

as ambassadors for turning the

than 20 sports confirm that

museum, and world-class re-

Church and Vicksburg (31.5

offer breathtaking views, in-

tide on climate change.

this is a playground in every

search and education pro-

percent grade); Jones be-

toxicating scents, and the oc-

sense of the word.



tween Union and Filbert (29 %







Ride a Cable Car

Among the ever-evolving at-

Academy of Sciences is one of

grade); Duboce Avenue be-

From there you can head out

San Francisco’s cable cars were

tractions located mainly in the

San Francisco's must-see des-

tween Alpine and Buena Vista

of the city across the Golden

named a National Historic

eastern half of the park are

tinations. From the splashing

(27.9 percent grade).

Gate Bridge and take on the

Landmark in 1964 by the U.S.

the new California Academy

penguins in African Hall to the

For those who prefer to step

Marin Headlands and Ten-

Interior Department’s National

of Sciences; the de Young Mu-

wildflowers on the roof, the

vs. climb, explore one or more

nessee Valley for a daylong

Park Service. The historic cars

seum; the Conservatory of

building is bursting with life.

of San Francisco’s more than

biking excursion across the

run on tracks and are moved by

Flowers (the oldest surviving

A four-story living rainforest



an underground cable on three

wood and glass greenhouse in

and awe-inspiring coral reef

throughout the city which

the U.S.); the San Francisco

ecosystem will delight visitors

range from the local flights of

Walk or bike across the

cars in service: 28 “single-en-

Botanical Gardens (which

of all ages, while immersive

steps hidden by trees and

Golden Gate Bridge

ders” serve the Powell Street



routes. There are currently 40

covers 55 acres and features

planetarium shows will trans-

small gardens, to the dra-

Completed in 1937, the Golden

routes and 12 “double-enders”

more than 7,000 species of

port audiences through space

matic, carefully landscaped

Gate Bridge spans 1.7 miles

serve the California Street

plants); the Japanese Tea

and time for a new perspec-

stairs found in more widely

across the Golden Gate Strait






Glimpses of SKAL Delhi Meet Skal Delhi Lunch Meeting was held at The Claridges, Aurangzeb Road, New Delhi on May 21, 2014.







TAT Newsroom Contest 2014 launched The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) has launched its Newsroom Contest 2014 for photo, travel feature, and video documentary. he Tourism Authority of

ries, be in print, or through

here in the coming years to ex-


perience it for themselves,”




said Sugree.

“We believe that it’s the

To reach a global audience,

tourists who have experienced

all entries submitted for the

Thailand before and fallen in

“TAT Newsroom Contest 2014”

love with its blend of exotic ad-

must be presented in English.


munications of TAT said, “This

Thailand (TAT) has today

project aims to promote and

niques used, travel features

venture and natural beauty

All entries that win awards will

launched a contest in which

strengthen the positive image

with accompanying photos, or

who can best portray the na-

be published through various

both amateur and professional

of Thailand as well as show-

short video documentaries

tion in a truly positive light to

media channels of the TAT Newsroom.

captions and details of tech-

photographers, writers, and

case the kingdom’s gems to in-

with supportive stories that

the world. We feel that through

videographers from Thailand

ternational tourists. We would

provide a narrative.

this “don’t take our word for it,

In order to promote local tal-

and all over the world can take

like the world to appreciate

Recognising that domestic

ask people who’ve been here”

ent and encourage Thais to


our wealth of natural, histori-

tourism also provides fun and

approach, we are showing the

enter the competition, the TAT

cal, cultural, and traditional

2014’ for photos, travel fea-

attractions as well as our

tures, and short video docu-

bustling cities; all of which are

mentaries, which showcase

fascinating through the eyes of


enthusiastic travellers.”



under the theme ‘I Like. I

The contest offers a great

Share. Amazing Thailand: It

opportunity for local and inter-

Begins with the People…’ has

national entrants to use their

Newsroom Contest 2014 team

Sugree Sithivanich Deputy Governor for Marketing Communications of TAT

is organising a special workshop to disseminate knowl-

“This project aims to promote and strengthen the positive image of Thailand as well as showcase the kingdom’s gems to international tourists. We would like the world to appreciate our wealth of natural, historical, cultural, and traditional attractions as well as our bustling cities; all of which are fascinating through the eyes of enthusiastic travellers.”

The ‘TAT Newsroom Contest

edge and inspire potential entrants. In this workshop, professional photographers, writers and video producers have been invited to share

arranged cash awards of over

talents to present their impres-

200,000 Baht for the winners

sions of Thailand that capture

memorable experiences, the

best bits of the nation and en-

pass on their knowledge. The

and runner-ups from all con-

the “Amazing Thailand” slo-

competition is open to Thai

hancing Thailand’s reputation

workshop will be held on13


their tips and skills as well as

gan. Entrants can present

travellers as well as foreign

in a way that can’t be seen as

June, 2014, atthe TAT Head Of-

Sugree Sithivanich, Deputy

their work via three types of

tourists so that everyone gets

biased. This should lead to


Governor for Marketing Com-

creative media: photos with

the chance to share their sto-

many more visitors coming


tour packages as well as coop-

TAT estimates that the num-

TAT launching a range of activities to attract tourists from Europe and Middle East The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) is preparing to launch a range of tactical campaigns and special tourism activities for the Europe and Middle East markets to retain tourists’ confidence and ensure the growth of the country’s tourism industry, as part of the plans to combat recent challenges and setbacks. hawatchai Arunyik, TAT

proactive in our strategies and

erate with online travel agents

ber of visitors for 2014 to main-

in introducing tactical cam-

tain the same growth as the

paigns via digital platforms.

previous year at 2.18 per cent.

Also, we will be staging Amaz-

Among key factors seen as hin-

ing Thailand roadshows in

dering the growth in the num-

various European countries as

ber of visitors from the Middle

well as expanding the Thai-

East to Thailand, beside the


kingdom’s ongoing political sit-

through a range of proactive




uation, is the recent policy by

of 2.7 million visitors. During

customer relationships man-

European countries that al-

agement activities.”

lows Arab tourists to enter Eu-


Governor said, “During

activities to make sure that

the first four-month period,

the beginning of this year,

Thailand remains a must-visit

Russia contributed the highest

TAT’s Thailand Fan Club in

rope without a Schengen visa.

Thailand faced several volatile

destination among travellers

number, totalling 823,233 visi-

the UK, Ireland and European

The travelling time from the

factors including the ongoing

from these two markets, as

tors (12.32 per cent increase),



Middle East to Europe and to

domestic political situation,

well as other markets.”

followed by the UK at 341,448

120,000 members combined.

Thailand is approximately the

The “fans” are kept constantly

same or about five to six hours

up to date with interesting de-

by plane.

but we are pleased to see that

According to statistics by the Tourism







the overall European market


remained strong and positive

Sports, the number of trav-

The TAT Governor said, “To

velopments and latest special

In the first four months of

although the Middle East mar-

ellers from Europe to Thailand

attract more visitors from Eu-

tourism promotions as well as

2014, Thailand welcomed a

ket turned quite stagnant.

during January-April, 2014,

rope, TAT will join hands with

upcoming fun events in the

total of 171,323 visitors from

Given the results, we recognise

has been positive, recording a

airlines and tour operators in


the Middle East.

the need for us to be even more

7.63 per cent growth to a total

launching special promotional





For the Middle East market,



Experience splendid Kenya with your family

perience to the families. The

Kenya is one of the world’s most popular tourism destinations attracting millions of tourists over the past years.

crossing certificate which in-


equator is the line that divides the northern and southern hemispheres.



volves Masai men and women in full dress, and also a fascinating demonstration of how


he country is endowed

It is a melting pot of races, cul-

water spirals clockwise or

with attractive tourist

tures and traditions that has

anti-clockwise depending on

sites, rich culture, striking ge-

come a long way, and a more

which side of the equator you are standing – even just a few

ographical diversity and land-


scapes ranging from beautiful

brought with it a thriving

beaches, to animal parks and

tourist industry with top qual-

The most popular things to

archaeological sites.



feet apart. Kenya can be found through-

Indulge in full body massage

ity bed and breakfasts or holi-

see on Safari include The Big

out the country’s wildlife

then steam or sauna, perhaps

Kenya is a fantastic coun-

day apartments and villas

5 and the great migration of

parks and reserves.

just a facial or a complete spa

try for family holidays, espe-

available to the thousands of

tens of thousands of wilde-

times you are able to see ex-

treatment with wraps, scrubs



visitors that arrive each year.


otic animals like lions, chee-

and meditation with your fam-

opportunities for healthy and

It is blessed with breath taking

The country also has a

tahs, monkeys, and many


outdoor activities offered to

sceneries, a magnificent range

bountiful system of lakes and

others in their natural habitat.

South of Mombasa is the fa-

the travellers. It is a perfect

of captivating wild animals, an

rivers. Kenya lays claim to the

Although Kenya is known

mous Diani beach, one of the

family-friendly holiday desti-

array of culture, exquisite cui-

second largest fresh water

for its wild life & safari expe-

most renowned on the East

nation with much for the kids

sine and beautiful people pro-

lake in the world in Lake Vic-

riences, SPA & wellness holi-

African Coast, with its long,

to see and do - from building

pelling it to one of the most

toria. Mount Kenya is the sec-

day in Kenya is gaining

soft, white sand making it a

sand castles on the beach,

preferred family destination.









tropical paradise. There is

Kenya has a wealth of mag-

Africa and the highest in all of

There are numerous world

also an offshore reef which is

a joy ride in a theme park,

nificent locations from the

Kenya. Outdoor lovers and

class SPA resorts in all over

ideal for snorkelling and as

spotting wildlife on a game

highlands of Mt. Kenya, to the

hiking enthusiasts have two of

Kenya. On your holiday in

this also keeps the waves low

farm or enjoying adventure

Rift Valley, the sun kissed Sa-

the best mountains at their

Kenya be sure to visit the out-

it is an ideal beach for pad-

activities at one of many hotel

vanna and the luxurious coast

fingertips in Kenya.

standing spa and wellness re-

dling and swimming.


which offers incomparable ex-

swimming in the ocean, taking

The vast wildlife found in



sorts all over the country.





s e s u c fo n ig a p m a c m is Australia’s new tour on food and wine experiences

Tourism Australia has unveiled the latest evolution of its global campaign: ‘There’s nothing like Australia’ with exceptional food and wine experiences from around the country playing a starring role in an effort to convert the global appetite for Australia as a travel destination into more visits. aunched today at Sydney’s award‐winning Quay Restaurant, the new $10 million campaign is based on the idea of Australia being the world’s greatest restaurant, 'Restaurant Australia', and includes: • New advertising creative including broadcast ad (for TV, cinema and online) and print; • A dedicated online hub ( for Australian businesses to share their food and wine experiences with the world; • A strong focus on using digital channels, social media and advocacy; • Consumer promotions in a dozen key international markets; • Attendance by 80 international media and key food and wine influencers at the ‘Invite the World to Dinner’



gala event at Museum of Old and New Art (MONA) in Tasmania. Tourism Australia Managing Director John O’Sullivan said the roll‐out of the campaign would occur in stages, starting firstly with the ‘Rally Cry’ to encourage Australian operators with a food and wine focus to get involved ahead of ‘Ignite the World’ consumer promotions in international markets and culminating in a spectacular ‘Invite the World” gala dinner in Tasmania in November. “Restaurant Australia is all about bringing together the incredible stories of our people, place and produce to demonstrate to the world that every day, unique and exceptional food and wine experiences are being served‐up in remarkable locations, and then shar-

ing these stories through the creation of rich and compelling content,” O’Sullivan said. O'Sullivan said the best way to get the world to notice was by Australia's tourism, food and wine businesses working together to tell the country's stories, something that had never been done before. "When we originally launched ‘There's nothing like Australia’, we did it by asking Australians to talk about their 'nothing like' experiences. This time our rally cry is to industry, with Tourism Australia

providing the platforms to help show the world Restaurant Australia." By submitting stories, businesses, operators or people directly involved in Australia’s food, wine, tourism and hospitality industries can be listed on the new campaign website: for the world to see. Products or experiences can also be amplified through Tourism Australia’s social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) by using #restaurantaustralia. O’Sullivan said campaign activity would roll‐out in 12

International in our local cuisine. We want to win over their hearts, minds and their stomachs so that the dream of visiting Australia becomes reality,” O’Sullivan said. International visitors spent more than $4 billion enjoying Australia’s food, wine John O’Sullivan Managing Director, Tourism Australia

The roll‐out of the campaign would occur in stages, starting firstly with the ‘Rally Cry’ to encourage Australian operators with a food and wine focus to get involved ahead of ‘Ignite the World’ consumer promotions in international markets and culminating in a spectacular ‘Invite the World” gala dinner in Tasmania in November.

Restaurant Australia is all about bringing together the incredible stories of our people, place and produce to demonstrate to the world that every day, unique and exceptional food and wine experiences are being served‐up in remarkable locations, and then sharing these stories through the creation of rich and compelling content.

line networks internationally,” O’Sullivan said. “Their visit will conclude with all participants coming together for a special ‘Invite the World to Dinner’ gala event, which will see produce from around Australia prepared and served on‐site at MONA in Tasmania on November 14. “The word‐of‐mouth advocacy this familiarisation will generate internationally is aimed squarely at closing the gap on perceptions of Australia’s food and wine offering internationally and motivating people to travel here to indulge

key international markets in the coming months with high profile events and consumer promotions. In addition, an international media familiarization program will be hosted for ‘Restaurant Australia’ in partnership with all States and Territories in November this year. “The ‘Restaurant Australia’ familiarisation will bring together up to 80 media and key influencers, who will travel to different parts of the country to cover the food and wine experiences on offer in every state and territory during a week‐long visit and capture their experiences through their media and on-

and culinary experiences in 2013. Tourism Australia Chief Marketing Officer Nick Baker said the new campaign had been developed based on


recent research which showed Australia was well placed to capitalise on growing demand amongst international travellers for local culinary experiences as part of their travel. “The concept of ‘Restaurant Australia’ has been built based on consumer research which identified ‘food and wine’ as a key factor in holiday decision making and the most important emotive trigger, ahead of world class beauty, for influencing people’s destination choice,” Mr Baker said. “For people who've never visited Australia awareness of our food and wine offering is low. However, once they visit, people realise the variety and quality of our food and wine experiences is world‐class and Australia moves to the top of the rankings as a one of the world’s best culinary destinations. “This perception gap presents a real opportunity to bring Australia’s culinary credentials to the fore by developing rich content through traditional and social media channels that highlights the array of exceptional produce, created and served by people with fresh thinking, in the most stunning locations in by TNH DESK the world,” Baker said.




GTM Germany Travel Mart celebrated its 40th birthday The GTM Germany Travel Mart, the largest inbound travel workshop for the German tourism industry, celebrated its 40thbirthday in 2014. rganized by the German

professionals attended from

National Tourist Board

south-east Europe, plus 95


(GNTB), the sales event this

from south-west Europe and

year took place from 11 to 13

83 from the Americas and Is-

May in the cities of Bremen


and Bremerhaven. It was

Romit Theophilus, Director,

hosted by Bremer Touristik-

Sales & Marketing, German

Zentrale, the tourism and

National Tourist Office, India

marketing organization for

said “The Indian participants

Bremen, in conjunction with

from the travel trade and

Bremerhaven Tourist Board.”

media were not only updated

The GTM offered an outstand-

on various attractions of des-

ing B2B platform for Destina-

tination Germany through

tion Germany,” says Petra

various interactions but also

Hedorfer, Chief Executive Of-

availed this opportunity to ex-

ficer of the GNTB.

plore Bremen and its sur-

During the three-day event

rounding regions”.

in Bremen and Bremerhaven,

In various pre-convention

about 600 key accounts, travel

tours, participants got an idea

trade professionals and jour-

of the different facets of desti-

nalists from 43 countries got

nation Germany in advance of

together with around 340 Ger-

the GTM. For international

man exhibitors from the hotel,

buyers and journalists there

inbound tourism and trans-

were few tours on offer on the

port sectors and from local

subjects of UNESCO World

and regional tourism organi-

Heritage Sites, Cities of cul-

zations. The largest contin-

ture in western Germany,

gent was from Asia, with 124

Smart Luxury Travel, 25

participants. North-east Eu-

years since the peaceful revo-

rope was represented by 104

lution, Family holidays and

delegates and north-west Eu-

sustainability etc.

rope 99. A further 98 industry





Jazz Jaunt to Jamaica this June Celebrate the Infinitely Appealing and Pulsating Ocho Rios Jazz Festival.

amaica's 'village of eight

also for the international jazz



scene. Jamaica has given to

Leading Tourist Board by the







sounds of cool jazz by top

the world a number of great

World Travel Awards (WTA)

local stars and internation-

jazz musicians such as Bertie

from 2006 to 2013. Also in

ally renowned artists at the

King, Jiver Hutchinson, Joe

2013, Jamaica earned the

Ocho Rios Jazz Festival every

Harriott, Cecil Lloyd, Dizzy

WTA’s vote for the World’s

year. Jamaica’s Ocho Rios

Reece, etc. The Jamaica Ocho

Leading Cruise Destination,

Jazz Festival will take place

Rios Jazz Festival is very

Caribbean’s Leading Destina-

between 8th to 15th June this

boastful of its local jazz musi-

tion and Caribbean’s Leading

year. It will be celebrating its

cians and features many mu-

Cruise Destination for the

24th Anniversary with excit-

sicians and groups dedicated

seventh consecutive year. Ad-

ing days filled with events of

to jazz.

ditionally, the Historic Fal-

great music and superb entertainment.

The Annual Jamaica Inter-






national Ocho Rios Jazz Fes-

the byline Greatest Names in

who have contributed to the

recognized as the World's

showcases international as

tival dates back to 1991 when

Jamaican Jazz. Within a span

art and distinguished them-

Leading Tourism Develop-





it was first started as an ex-

of three years the event grew

selves internationally.

ment Project while Ocho Rios

Caribbean Jazz musicians


perimental one-day event

from one to eight days and

In addition to the visitor's

was named the Caribbean’s

and artists.

called the Ocho Rios Mini

became the Caribbean’s com-

search for sun, sea and fun in

Leading Cruise Port and

Jazz Festival. The famous

plete jazz vacation.

June, the Ocho Rios Jazz Fes-

Sangster International Air-

tival offers the unique cul-


Born out of a mix of African and European music tradi-




The festival features some




tions, jazz is all about music

Sonny Brandshaw, a jazz pio-

of the greatest names in jazz.

tural cross-fertilization of

Caribbean’s Leading Airport.

that includes qualities such

neer, produced and directed

This year’s lineup will include

musicians, painters, artistes,

In Canada, Jamaica was

as swinging, improvising,

the festival. The main reason

Joe Sizemore and Friends,

Jamaican art & crafts and

voted the Favourite Honey-

group interaction, developing

to start the festival was to re-

Pie Grande, Pat Braxton and

jazz for the youth.

moon Destination by Travel

an individual voice and being

define the musical scene of

Niki Walters performances.

open to different musical pos-

Jamaica and to provide enter-

The festival organises com-

Jamaica - Once you go, you

sibilities. Jamaica has a long

tainment and an enjoyable at-

munity concerts, exhibitions



and productive jazz tradition.

mosphere for families. With

and also boasts Youth Pro-

The Jamaica Tourist Board

Miami, Toronto and London.



that in mind, Father's Day


(JTB), founded in 1955, is Ja-

Representative offices are lo-

Caribbean island has always

was chosen for the event. The

Jazz Hall of Fame Awards



cated in Berlin, Barcelona,

been the main supplier of top

festival was first held in Carib

which recognises Jamaican

agency based in the capital

Rome, Amsterdam, Delhi and

jazz talent for the region and

Inn Beach of Ocho Rios under

and Caribbean musicians

city of Kingston. The JTB was



It has established



JTB offices are located in Montego





$20 million extension to Air New Zealand and Tourism New Zealand partnership

talise on this momentum is a

international visitors in the

new priority emerging markets

natural progression that will

year to March. Notably, the

India and Indonesia.”


Air New Zealand and Tourism New Zealand have today announced a $20 million extension to their marketing partnership.


growth we are seeing is being

"We know that working in

Zealand's tourism industry and


driven by holiday arrivals from

partnerships extends the reach

is a wonderful example of col-

the key markets that our

and effectiveness of our cam-

laboration which supports the

agreement enabled increased

paigns, and I look forward to

Tourism 2025 framework for growth," says Luxon. "Our joint activity to market

he airline signed a Mem-

clude Singapore and South

The Hobbit films offshore has

orandum of Understand-

East Asia, in support of Air

been incredibly successful. The

T ing




New Zealand's proposed al-

most recent campaign resulted

Zealand last year to under-

liance with Singapore Air-

in not only strong fare sales but

take joint marketing activity


also showed the activity really

promoting travel to New

Air New Zealand Chief Ex-

resonated with our target audi-

Zealand in key international

ecutive Christopher Luxon

ences with a recent survey


says the extension of the part-

showing 14 percent of holiday

Today's announcement,

nership will allow the organi-

arrivals were influenced to

which will see the partnership

sations to continue to build on

travel to New Zealand by the

continue through financial

the success of their initial


year 2015, will extend cooper-


ative marketing activity to in-

"Working together to capi-


Air New Zealand to build on the positive results we have achieved to date." "Under the MoU, Air New Zealand and Tourism New Zealand will each invest $10 million over the next 12 months in co-operative marketing activity in the key markets of Australia, China, Hong Kong, Japan, North America, the United Kingdom and Europe as well as increased activity in

joint activity in - including

emerging markets such as

China, the UK, Europe and

India, Indonesia and Latin

than five percent to 2.75 million

North America as well as our


by 12.2% compared to 2012, a

sengers, employees and the

VIA Rail Canada ( has released its 2013 Annual Report to the public after it was tabled in the House of Commons. Ridership

Working together to capitalise on this momentum is a natural progression that will positively impact New Zealand's tourism industry and is a wonderful example of collaboration which supports the Tourism Industry Association's Tourism 2025 framework for growth.

continuing to collaborate with

"Visitor arrivals are up more

VIA Rail releases its annual report 2013 aul G. Smith, Chairman

Tourism Industry Association's



year when there used to be

public are of utmost impor-

14% more frequencies offered

tance. Throughout the year

on this service. The average

the corporation worked to im-

occupancy rate of this service

prove the safety and security

creased by 6% compared to

was 62.8%, compared to 66%

of our operations and to in-

in 2012.

form the Canadian public

of VIA Rail's Board of Di-

Constant compared to the

2012. Between Ottawa and

rectors, remarked that "2013

previous year, total ridership

Toronto, ridership and rev-

In 2013, the intermodal

about railroad safety. 2013 ini-

was a productive year at VIA

stood at 3.9 million passen-

enues increased 6% and 4%

strategy initiated by VIA Rail

Rail Canada, during which



has resulted in an increase in

Collaboration on various

our employees and partners

reached $270.4 million, down

use of intermodal transport

activities organized by Opera-

completed important projects

2.3% compared to 2012.

tion Lifesaver;




For the long-distance

tiatives included:

routes, adjustments to the

between VIA Rail and its part-

frequency in scheduling that

ners by 25% compared to

sor corridor trains, the total

took effect in 2012 improved

2012. On average, 199 cus-

International Railway Safety

number of miles travelled by



tomers per day purchased a


some major changes at our

all passengers - the passen-

Ocean. The average occu-

ticket from VIA Rail's website

Revision of VIA Rail's

corporation. From our trains

ger-miles - rose by close to 6%

pancy rate for the service be-

that included using the serv-

Safety Rules following the

and stations to the technology

compared to 2012. In the seg-

tween Montréal and Halifax

ices of more than one trans-

tragic events at Lac-Mégantic;

that will bring great things for

On the Québec City - Wind-

our customers. Over the past four years, we have seen



Participation at the 23(rd)

we use, VIA Rail has been


reached 71.7%, compared to

portation company. More than

transforming and moderniz-



68.2% for the same period in

20 intermodal partnerships

ing from top to bottom. It was

Québec City, where 28 new

2012. This service saw a de-

have been created since 2010,

in 2013 that many of these

departures per week were

crease in passenger-miles of

in order to provide intercon-

crossings as part of a contin-

projects came to fruition, both

added at the end of 2012, pas-

33.7% in 2013, despite the fact

nectivity with other passenger

uous program of projects re-

internally and for our cus-

senger-miles increased by

that there were 50% fewer

carriers across the country.

lated to safety and security;

tomers, making it a year of

7.4% during the year. The

trains over the time period.


Montréal - Québec City line

On the Canadian service, be-

Safety and Security

plan related to Enterprise

saw a growth of 14% of its rid-

tween Toronto and Vancou-

The safety and security of VIA

Risk Management.


ver, passenger-miles dropped

Rail's operations for its pas-

Performance | Revenues |








Continuation of the Critical Care Program; Closure of many private

Development of a work



Fun and show-packed Abu Dhabi summer season Abu Dhabi Summer Season, the latest offering from Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority (TCA Abu Dhabi) – featuring headline, blockbuster international theatre, ballet, comedy, regional film premieres, World Cup extravaganzas and a host of locally-produced activities in hotels, malls and attractions - will run from 5th June to 31st August, 2014. he authority has teamed


mer in India. Speaking on these joint promotions,



sumers. With the great offer-

was concluded by Bonton

ings that Abu Dhabi Summer

Tours across 15 cash-rich small


Season has, it will surely be of

towns of India in close co-oper-

Country Manager – India, Abu

immense interest to the Indian

ation with TCA generated over-

Dhabi Tourism & Culture Au-

consumer considering this is




thority said, “Abu Dhabi Sum-

the peak time for Indian out-

witnessed a lot of enquiries

mer Season is an excellent

bound travel. We are elated to


opportunity to promote the des-

have partnered with TCA Abu

Varanasi, Coimbatore, Rajkot

tination among a diverse and

Dhabi and would expect this

among others. The aim of these

large set of Indian target con-

summer season to be of great

roadshows was to reach out to

sumers as there’s much more

advantage for the destination

the small towns where a lot of

to do in the emirate this sum-

as well as the travelers”.

individual travellers and corpo-



mer. The programme boasts

Vishal Sinha, COO, TUI

events ranging from interna-

India, expressed his views on

sumers in these areas are

tional performances to local

this association saying, “We are

usually sparsely aware of a

rate travellers exist.


sporting challenges, mall acti-

extremely pleased to announce

destination’s offerings and

To promote this excellent op-

vations and the best summer

this partnership with Abu

hence reaching out to the B2B

ganisers to deliver a pro-

portunity in the India market,

deals around for hotels and at-

Dhabi Tourism & Culture Au-

fraternity and educating them

gramme jam packed with loads

TCA Abu Dhabi’s India office

tractions. I appreciate and wel-

thority. At TUI India, we take

was the main focus. Through

of action, performances by

has teamed up with four travel

come our joint promotion

pride in associating with part-

this initiative we are expecting


up with leading event or-

partners for joining hands with

ners that are in sync with our

the number of passengers from

TCA for this initiative to en-

philosophy of showcasing a

India to Abu Dhabi to go up

hance Abu Dhabi’s appeal as a

wide variety of exciting options


family destination”.

to our customers. This year we

Mercury Travels is going full

are jointly promoting the Abu

thrust on print media promo-

Abu Dhabi Summer Season will be promoted throughout

Dhabi Summer Season, which

tions with leading mainline

the country via print media,

will feature some of the finest

newspapers. The print cam-

new age media including Face-

mega events and shows. Over

paign, along with continuous

book, Twitter, blog posts, EDMs

the years, Abu Dhabi has

online presence on Mercury’s

and website branding, and on

gained popularity with tourists,

social media channels, is bound

ground promotions like road-

especially those with a pen-

to ensure a top of mind recall

shows and mall activations.

chant for sports and luxury

for its customers.

Expedia has an aggressive

travel. We have witnessed a sig-

“Holidays are a time for mem-

digital media campaign to bet-

nificant rise in the number of

orable experiences and family

ter engage its audience and

queries in the recent past as

bonding. The ‘Abu Dhabi Sum-

give them quick information

well and are confident that this

mer Season’ campaign show-

about destination Abu Dhabi.

association will show positive

cases the various experiences

As a part of this promotion, it


for holiday goers to Abu Dhabi

will be promoting Abu Dhabi

Bonton Tours, on the other

- from slivery beaches to the Al

Summer Season via its Face-

hand, has targeted tier-II cities

Ain oasis, from the adrenaline-

book page, which currently en-

for this promotion. It conducted

filled Ferrari World theme park

joys an active community of

a 15-city exclusive Abu Dhabi

to the scintillating Yas Water-

330K fans.

roadshow to promote the desti-

world, from quaint souks to glit-

nation among trade partners in

tering malls and the Summer

Southeast Asia, Expedia said,

tier-II cities.

Season with its world-class

“In this dynamic and evolving

Arun Hattangadi, COO, Bonton

shows, theatre productions and

industry, it is imperative to have

Tours expressed his views on

sports events. Abu Dhabi is

Vikram Malhi, GM South &

artists from throughout the

partners namely – Expedia,

Middle East, Russia and the

TUI India, Bonton Tours Pvt.

a deep understanding of what

this association saying, “Bon-

truly a great destination for an

USA, live kids’ shows and many

Ltd. and Mercury Travels Lim-

consumers want and our asso-

ton Tours has joined hands

unforgettable holiday” says

more activities to ensure Abu

ited. All four partners will be

ciation with TCA Abu Dhabi is

with TCA Abu Dhabi to conduct

Ashwini Kakkar, Executive

Dhabi Summer Season caters

carrying out a series of activi-

testimony to our commitment

several joint promotional activ-

Vice-Chairman, Mercury Trav-

to the needs of the entire fam-

ties spanning the entire sum-

to get the best for our con-

ities. The recent roadshow that





In Conversation

‘We are institutionalising our operation in line with modern practices’ keeping pace with its fast growth, Lemon Tree Hotels is institutionalising its operation in line with modern practices and changes.

Prem Kumar uccess of a business or-

a fair amount of changes in its


ganization depends to a

website in line with modern

it can be op-


Rattan Keswani Deputy Managing Director Lemon Tree Hotels

great extent on its ability

changes in the world. “There have

erated directly by

to understand ever changing

been fair amount of changes in

few people, but when it becomes

Hotels offers its customers a con-

trends in the world like changes in

our website. With these changes

large, you will have to institution-

sistent service and experience

Lemon Tree

behaviour of people, and techno-

now we have a robust website,

alise processes in modern ways to

across its hotels. “Delivering qual-

logical advancement, and a hotel

which is able to seamlessly inte-

operate your organisation effec-

ity services with consistency to

company is no different. These

grate with new forms of social

tively,” said Keswani, adding that

our guests has been hallmark of

days Internet, Mobile and various

media,” said Rattan Keswani,

“as our company is expanding we

our company,” said Keswani.

forms of social media play key

Deputy Managing Director, Lemon

need to institutionalise our opera-

In another change, Lemon Tree

roles in distribution and market-

Tree Hotels.

tion to deliver seamless experi-

has renamed its Reward pro-



ing of hotels.

Institutionalisation is consid-

It has now been re-

Lemon Tree Hotels has grown

ered a key concept in performance

“The world is changing around;

named as Lemon Tree Smiles. The

enormously over the years. Hav-

optimization. Institutionalisation

social media is also changing. In

Progrmm is very robust and has

ing made a pan-India presence,

becomes more important for a

order to keep pace with these

been very well received by its

the hotel company is now focusing

large organisation to get desired

changes, we will have to keep our

guests. “Until the last year we

on institutionalisation of its vari-

result without any glitches.


system robust. Our distribution

have 100,000 captive regular mem-

ous processes to deliver quality

large organisation working on a

channels, both traditional and

bers for our reward programme.

services to its customers and to

larger scale requires institutional-

modern, have to be robust. So we

By the end of this year this num-

engage with them seamlessly.

isation of its works to address the

are always in line with all modern

ber is expected to reach 300, 000.

Lemon Tree Hotels are not only

challenges that come along with

practices related to online market-

Lemon Tree primary focus has

adopting these facets of modern

growth of the organisation, and

ing, distribution channels, social

been on domestic business trav-

life but also institutionalise them

also to operate in a systematic

media, our website and its reach,

ellers. Now the hotel chain also in-

in its organization. Keeping pace


mobile application and mobile

tends to launch a luxury brand in

“We are institutionalising our

website. We began all these last

India in association with an inter-

with its growth and expansion, the company


various processes, which have be-

year but now they are being insti-

national hospitality chain. The

every aspect of its operation in-


come imperative for us with the

tutionalised. Now we have our mo-

company’s foray into luxury seg-

cluding sales and marketing, on-

expansion of our portfolios and

bile website running. In the next

ment will largely depend on the

line visibility and social media.

operations,” said keswani.

six months we will also launch mo-

economic revival in the country.

The hotel chain has brought about


“When your organization is

bile app.

Special Appointments

Shripad Yesso Naik


MoS for Tourism (Independent Charge)

Civil Aviation Minister

Shripad Yesso Naik has been appointed as Union

ister of India with cabinet rank. He is a first time MP

Minister of State for Tourism (Independent

and has been elected to Lok Sabha from Viziana-

Pusapati Ashok Gajapathi Raju is the new Civil Min-

Charge) and Culture (Independent Charge). Naik

garam Lok Sabha Constituency. He is a senior leader

has been elected as member of current Lok

of the Telugu Desam Party. Raju belongs to the royal

Sabha from North Goa constituency from the rul-

family of Gajapati from Vizianagaram. A seven-time

ing the Bharatiya Janata Party. Born in 1952 at

MLA in the former state ofAndhra Pradesh, Raju had

Adpai village, North Goa District, Naik was

served as finance and revenue minister in the cabi-

elected to the 13th Lok Sabha from Panaji con-

P Ashok Gajapathi Raju

stituency in Goa. He has held his seat in this con-

nets of former chief ministers, NT Rama Rao and N Chandrababu Naidu. Raju is widely travelled, well

stituency winning in 2004, 2009 and 2014

read and a serious legislator. As finance minister in


Naidu’s cabinet, when the State was going through a financial crisis, he gave up official car and facilities and stuck to his own.

Railway Minster DV Sadanada Gowda has been appointed as Rail-

Minister of Surface Transport, Highways & shipping

way Minister of cabinet rank. A former Karnataka

Nitin Gadkari has been appointed as Minister of

CM, Gowda has for the first time been appointed

Surface Transport, Highways and shipping with

as union minister. He started his political career

cabinet rank. A BJP leader from Maharashtra,

with the ABVP. Appointed in 2006, Gowda was the

Gadkari is the first time MP in the Lok Sabha,

President of the Karnataka unit of BJP when the

who won election from the Nagpur Lok Sabha

party won the Assembly elections for the first time

Constituency. He was BJP's national president

in South India in May 2008. Gowda became chief DV Sadanada Gowda

Nitin Gadkari

rashtra between 1995 and 1999 in the erstwhile

BS Yeddyurappa as CM. Gowda was elected to the

BJP-Shiv Sena government, he supervised the

Karnataka Legislative Assembly in 1994 and 1999.

construction of the remarkable Mumbai-Pune ex-

Gowda was elected to the 14th Lok Sabha in 2004

pressway and 55 flyovers in Mumbai, is credited

from the Mangalore Lok Sabha constituency.

with improving the state's road infrastructure.

MoS for Civil Aviation

GM Siddeshwara

from 2010 to 2012. As PWD minister in Maha-

minister of Karnataka in 2011 after resignation of

Minister of State for Railways

GM Siddeshwara is new Minister of State for Civil

Manoj Sinha has been appointed as Minister of

Aviation. A three-term Lok Sabha member, Sid-

State for Railways. Hailing from Ghazipur District

deshwara has been elected to new Lok Sabha

of Uttar Pradesh, Sinha has been elected to the

from Davanagere, Karnataka as a BJP member,

new Lok Sabha from Ghazipur Lok Sabha con-

defeating S S Mallikarjun of Congress by a margin

stituency as a BJP member. He has an M. Tech. in

of 17,607 votes. Siddeshwara is son of G Mallikar-

civil engineering from Indian Institute of Technol-

junappa, who was also member of Parliament

ogy (BHU) Varanasi. He was also elected to Lok Sabha in 1996 and 1999. He was among the most

from BJP. Siddeshwara has worked at various party positions both at state and national levels.

Manoj Sinha

best performing members of the Parliament of 13th lok sabha with a very high attendance and asked many questions on various topics related to public welfare. He used all the money allotted to a parliament member for public welfare, which is rare.




ATUL LALL VP-Operations The Claridges Hotels & Resorts

MATTHEW TRIPOLONE Head of Development, Australasia InterContinental Hotels Group has


GAURAV WATTAL Director of Operations JW Marriott Mumbai

Atul Lall has been appointed as



Gaurav Wattal is the newly ap-

Vice President-Operations of The

Tripolone to the role of Head of De-

pointed Director of Operations

Claridges Hotels & Resorts, and

velopment, Australasia. Effective

at JW Marriott Mumbai. He has

General Manager of The Claridges

from early June 2014, Matthew will

spentnearly 12 years in the

New Delhi. Associated with the

be based at the company's Australia

hospitality industry at various

hospitality industry for many

head office at Bond Street in Sydney.

positions at many prestigious

years, Atul brings with him a wealth of experience

Matthew will lead IHG's strategic growth and develop-

hotels like The Oberoi group, and Trident be-

in luxury hotel management, sales & marketing and

ment across its Australasia region, including Australia,

fore joining the Marriot International in 2011.

financial planning with illustrious hospitality brands

New Zealand and the Pacific Islands. He joins IHG from

Gaurav has worked as the Director of Food and

such as The Oberoi Hotels & Resorts, Taj Hotels

Accor Hotels where he held the role of General Man-

Beverage at Goa Marriott Resort and Spa, and

Palaces & Resorts and Keys Hotels. He is an expert

ager, Development Pacific, since 2008. Prior to that

JW Marriott Bengaluru, during which he had re-

on turnkey five-star hotel projects and is well-known

Matthew has worked for a number of leading compa-

markable achievements.

for his knowledge of design implementation at the

nies specialising in development, planning and acqui-

project and pre-opening stage.

sition including Scanna Developments and Urbis.

YOGESH DHIMAN General Manger Park Inn Jaipur

AMIT TAYAL GM, Mahagun Sarovar Portico Vaishali, Ghaziabad

Sarovar Hotels announced the

SHALABH ARORA Director of Sales & Marketing The Ritz-Carlton, Bangalore

Sarovar Hotels also announced the

The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company

appointment of Yogesh Dhiman

appointment of Amit Tayal as Gen-

L.L.C. is pleased to announce the

as General Manager at Park Inn

eral Manager at Mahagun Sarovar

appointment of Shalabh Arora as

Jaipur .

Portico, Vaishali in Ghaziabad. Amit

the Director of Sales and Market-

Yogesh Dhiman is an astute

Tayal, with over 22 years of rich ex-

ing for The Ritz-Carlton Banga-

leader and dynamic professional,

perience in the hospitality industry,

lore, India. In his capacity as the

who come with over two decades of varied experi-

brings with him expertise in areas including F&B, Op-

Director of Sales and Marketing, Shalabh will be

ence in the hospitality industry. Prior to joining the

erations Management and Strategic Planning to name

heading the Sales & Marketing division which en-

Sarovar Group, he was heading Fortune Jamshed-

a few. An enthusiastic, energetic and creative profes-

compasses corporate sales, wholesale, MICE, cater-

pur as General Manager. An alumnus of IHM

sional, Amit has previously worked with Sarovar as

ing, conference services, marketing, public relations,

Bhopal, Yogesh has previously worked with Cen-

General Manager at Park Plaza Jodhpur and Park Inn

revenue management and reservations.

turion Group, Pride Hotels and St. Laurn Hotels as

Jaipur. His last assignment was as General Manager

General Manager.

at Holiday Inn Jaipur.

With over 18 years of experience, Shalabh joins The Ritz-Carlton from his role as the Director of Sales, The Oberoi Group, North Mumbai.

MICHAEL GARDNER Director, Food & Beverage The Westin Sohna, Resort and Spa

HOSSAM NABIL Director of Sales and Marketing Millennium Airport Hotel Dubai

NEHA KAPOOR Director of Sales Park Hyatt Hyderabad

The Westin Sohna, Resort and

Neha Kapoor is back to the Hyatt

Millennium Airport Hotel Dubai

Spa has appointed Michael Gard-

family as the new Director of

has appointed Egyptian-national

neras, Director, Food and Bever-

Sales. She brings along ten years

Hossam Nabil as its new Direc-

age. Michael has a long standing

of experience from all around in

tor of Sales and Marketing.

relationship with Starwood Ho-

fields of management and sales.

Hossam brings with him 18

tels and Resorts, having previ-


years’ UAE experience within




ously been a crucial member of the pre- opening

Kolkata in 2004, Neha started her career with

the hospitality industry, having held senior sales

teams at The Westin Gurgaon, New Delhi and The

Grand Hyatt Mumbai and has Marriot, Sofitel and

and marketing positions with leading hotel brands

Westin Guangzhou.

Shangri-La, Mumbai to her credit. Moving from

such as the Intercontinental Hotel Group (IHG),

Before his appointment at The Westin Sohna,

Palladium Hotel in Mumbai, she will take her po-

Time Hotels and Rotana Hotels.

Michael worked as Restaurant Manager at CVOC

sition as the director of sales in Park Hyatt Hyder-

GastronomiaItaliano, a successful independent


restaurant chain in Shanghai, China.

Hossam joins the hotel at a time when it is in the final stages of completing a major expansion project which has already delivered 150 new superior rooms and 75 new club rooms.


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