Travel & Hospitality - September 2014

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Travel Hospitality A N D

Issue 12 | Volume V | sePTemBeR 2014 | `50

Dl (ND)-11/6167/2014-15-16 | DATe oF PosTING: 6-11 oF moNTH | RNI No.: DeleNG/2010/33723 | DATe oF PuBlIsHING: 4 TH oF THe moNTH

Subhash Goyal President, IATO

Rajeev Kohli VP, IATO & Chairman, 30th IATO Convention

Sarab Jit Singh Sr. VP, IATO

New Beginning Fresh Ideas & Vibrant Future Amaresh Tiwari Hony. Treasurer IATO & Co-Chairman, 30th IATO Convention

Pronab Sarkar Hony. Secretary IATO

Ravi Gosain Hony. Joint Secretary, IATO

IATO Annual Convention 2014 New Delhi

||FROM THE EDITOR || BE THE CHANGE YOU WISH TO SEE There is something about us humans, we find it very easy to criticize but are equally reluctant to praise. We find fault with the flights we take, the hotels we stay in, the clients we sell to and the technology partners we use. Obviously, the trade organizations we are a part off and the conventions we attend seem to be no exception. Therefore, I should have anticipated the censure that IATO has been receiving for choosing Delhi as its convention venue. But I think it is only fair that we give the IATO team a chance to showcase what they have in store for us before we form any opinions. Sometimes we don’t realize what our colleagues have to contend with to organize these trade conventions. They carefully weigh the pros and cons of their choices and make decisions to the best of their capabilities. There is no excuse, of course, for a shoddy show, especially from a veteran organization like IATO. Still perhaps, sometimes, we need to cut organizers some slack and atleast wait until the close of an event to pass our judgment. As for the negative discourse I have been hearing about trade associations. It just leads me to wonder: Why do members continue to be associated with trade bodies if they abhor them? Moreover, why have these organizations survived for decades and why do their numbers seem to be growing by the day if most members are convinced they are outdated? Most importantly, why don’t these members take matters into their own hands and be the change they want to see in their associations? I was a denizen of the travel trade long be-

fore I officially joined it. I have grown up around talk of the perks of being a member of a respected trade association and the glory of being elected as its head. In fact, just recently the very successful Mr. Raghuvinder Singh of DPauls fame relayed the story of how hard he worked to get membership of TAAI. He told me the process it involved and the security being a part of it had insured. Therefore, for me it seems a little shaming that most people in the trade are giving up on these organizations. I agree, recently a lot of old associations have been marred by scandals. For example, for the life of me I find it impossible to understand why the current committee of TAAI hasn’t announced the pending re-election. Like what are you trying to do? More recently I heard rumors of foul play at the ADTOI elections as well. I wasn’t there so I have no comments. But please lets not forget, in their true form, these organizations are the voice of the industry. They represent us! I guess this is the way of the world though, isn’t it? And the travel trade is no different. We bash and disparage our organizations, all the while ignoring our responsibility to improve them. We spend hours talking about the elections, the politics, the foul play, the outrage, but we turn our faces when action is required. I know the diminished glory of our trade fraternity can come back if we all put our best foot forward. Subsequently, the theme of the 30th IATO convention seems fitting- ‘New beginnings, Fresh ideas and a Vibrant Future.’ Cheers to that!

srishti Rai editor

Contents Publisher & Editor Srishti Rai Director Bharat S. Rai




Managing Editor 08

ADB, GIT and PATA launch learning programme for travel industry professionals in Guilin


Nishant Pitti of joins Bollywood as Producer


MP Tourism to organise first ever 'Madhya Pradesh Travel Mart'


India’s Tourism Sector resolves to Co-Create, Collaborate and Co-achieve

Sunny Singh


Tourism in India is a low hanging fruit: Arun Jaitley

Correspondent (Mumbai)


IATO’s 30th convention to revitalise tourism industry: Rajeev Kohli


30th convention: IATO looks forward to a vibrant incredible India

Swaati Chaudhury


Mosaic Hotel, Noida offers an idyllic variety to all the guests



Clarks Inn Annual Retreat at Khajuraho


Kingdom of Dreams launches ‘ShowShaa’


In Conversation: RoomsXML Solutions exclusively focuses on selling hotels & apartments

Prem Kumar General Manager - Marketing Prem Sagar (M) +91 99106 81111

Art Director

Anand Shah Correspondent (Kolkata)

Chander Shakher Balodi

26 COVER STORY IATO Annual Convention 2014 New Delhi

48 In Conversation Prakash Bang Managing Director RoomsXML Solutions Limited

Administration Executive Sarwat Jahan IT Executive Naveen Manchanda

For any query, write to us at:


Printed, published and owned by srishti Rai. Printed at somsons Printing Works, 1/7, Doctor’s lane, Gole market, New Delhi - 110001, and published at P- 23/90, Connaught Circus, New Delhi 110001; editor: sRIsHTI RAI





ASIA PACIFIC DOMINATES GLOBAL BUSINESS TRAVEL GBTA Foundation Report forecasts global business travel spending to hit record high of nearly $1.2 trillion in 2014. Led by sustained growth in China, global business travel spending expected to rise nearly by 7 per cent.


The Annual Global Report & Forecast identified other key trends that could impact business travel

usiness travel in Asia Pa-

North America (21 percent) and

•Regionally, Asia Pacific is al-

over the next year, including politi-

cific, led by a dominant

Western Europe (24 percent).

ready the largest business travel

cal activity in Emerging Europe and the cost of oil.

China, outpaces the rest of

GBTA expects that by 2018, Asia

region in the world, comprising 38

the world, according to a newly re-

Pacific will have gained another 5

percent of global business travel.

Crimean crisis growth impedi-

leased travel forecast by the GBTA

percent in market share while the

Business travel spending in Asia

ment for Russia and emerging Eu-

Foundation – the education and re-

US and Western Europe will lose

Pacific totaled $392 billion USD in


search arm of the Global Business

three percent and two percent, re-

2013 – more than doubling in size

currently the biggest impediment to

Travel Association. Overall, the






since 2000 with a growth rate of

business travel growth in Emerging

GBTA BTI Outlook – Annual Global

“This report underscores that

7.5 percent annually. GBTA ex-

Europe and poses a major risk to

Report & Forecast, sponsored by

China, along with the other BRIC

pects business travel spending to

both the Russian and European

Visa, Inc. expects global business

countries of Brazil, Russia and

continue growing at a 10.2 percent

economic outlook. An escalating

travel spending to hit a record

India are leveraging their business

annual pace over the next five

Ukrainian crisis could push Europe

$1.18 trillion USD in 2014, a 6.9

travel expenditures into more eco-


and Russia into a recession.

percent growth over the previous

nomic opportunities,” said GBTA





Driven by infrastructure invest-

Michael W. McCormick. “We ex-

ments, exports and service devel-

pect to see this shift in business

opment, business travel spending

travel spending to continue.”

in China has grown from $32 billion USD in 2000 to $225 billion USD in 2013, an average of 16.2 percent each year. By comparison, growth

The report’s other key findings include: •89 percent of total business

in business travel spending from

spending around the world – total-

the US has grown at an annual rate

ing $984 billion USD – originated

of just 1.1 percent since 2000.

from traffic in Asia Pacific, Western

The report, which details travel

Europe or North America.

Michael W. McCormick Executive Director & COO, GBTA

that has been on the rise in recent years in terms of business travel spending – could see plummeting

This report underscores that China, along with the other BRIC countries of Brazil, Russia and India are leveraging their business travel expenditures into more economic opportunities. We expect to see this shift in business travel spending to continue.


Moreover, Russia – a country

“This year’s global BTI™ pre-

spending in 75 countries, along

•Even accounting for concerns

dicts single-digit expansion of

with the top industries, economic

over an economic slowdown in the

global spending on business travel

factors and characteristics that in-

country, GBTA expects China to

and the emersion of the Asia Pa-

fluence business travel, finds that

surpass the US in business travel

cific region as the world’s largest

record high business travel spend-

spending by 2016.

ing is driven by a few dominant

business travel activity if the crisis continues. Sanctions from the West aimed at Russia's top officials, businessmen and a few banks are already taking their toll on the Russian economy. GBTA expects business travel spending in Russia will fall more than five percent in 2014. Stable oil prices result in relatively stable airfare prices Oil prices have been stable

travel market, comprising 38% of

since mid-2011 at around $100 per

•Italy and Spain continue to slip

global business travel with two-

barrel. Despite geopolitical risk and

markets – namely the US, China

in GBTA’s annual rankings of the

thirds of that activity coming from

crises in the Middle East and

and Western Europe. The Global

top 15 countries by travel spend. In



Ukraine, supply of crude and re-

Annual Report & Forecast also

contrast, BRIC countries – Brazil,

Fordyce, head of Global Commer-

fined product has readily kept pace




shows that spending in the US and

Russia, India and China – continue

cial Solutions at Visa, Inc. “As

with slowly growing global demand.

Western Europe will grow more

to rise in the growth ranking, repre-

global business travel is expected

As jet fuel price tends to move in

slowly compared to Asia. Currently

senting four of the top six countries

to continue growing in the coming

lockstep with crude oil, this is good

Asia Pacific owns the largest share

in terms of business travel spend-

years, China is projected to sur-

news for both carrier profits and

of the business travel spend mar-

ing growth. A chart detailing the top

pass the U.S. as the top business


ket with 38 percent followed by

15 countries can be found below.

travel market in the world by 2016.”





ADB, GIT AND PATA LAUNCH LEARNING PROGRAMME FOR TRAVEL INDUSTRY PROFESSIONALS IN GUILIN The Asian Development Bank (ADB) in partnership with the Guilin Institute of Tourism (GIT) and the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) has invited travel industry professionals to attend the ADB-Phnom Penh Plan (PPP) for Development Management Learning Programme on ‘Tourism Management in the Greater Mekong Subregion.

Alfredo Perdiguero, Principal Re-

Professor of Tourism, University of

gional Cooperation Specialist, ADB

Tasmania; Dr. Li Fung Mei Sarah, In-

said, “The ADB-PPP Learning Pro-

dependent Consultant Specialising in

gramme has had many notable

China Tourism Development, Policy,

achievements. Since its inception,

and Planning; Alfredo Perdiguero,

2,458 GMS civil servants have at-

Principal Regional Cooperation Spe-

tended 121 programmes. This year,

cialist, ADB; Steven Schipani, Senior

we are delighted to welcome industry

Social Sector Specialist, ADB; and

professionals from the PATA network

George Cao, Dragon Trail Interactive,

to join our programme.”


Martin J Craigs, CEO, PATA

The programme will be con-

added, “This is the first time ADB is

ducted using a combination of learn-

welcoming participants from outside

ing methods -- lectures, case studies,

the GMS destinations to join this one-

field visits, group discussions, and

week training programme. This is an

problem solving and simulation exer-

opportune time for industry profes-

cises. Participants will be organised

sionals to learn and gain practical experiences from a team of experts and

The programme will in-

to network with government officials

clude the following themes,

from the GMS destinations. I would

topics, and activity:

like to encourage everyone within the

• Public private partner-

The five-day training programme

deal to develop a rural tourism project

PATA network to spend one fruitful


week in Guilin.”




will be held on October 13-17, 2014

by applying the new knowledge de-

at GIT in Guilin, Guangxi, China.

rived from the presentations and ma-

Yang Jie, President, GIT said,

• Value chain analysis and

Guilin is China's most picturesque re-

terials delivered during the prior

“On behalf of the Guilin Institute of

interventions including impor-

gion and has long been one of the

sessions of the programme.

Tourism, I am honored to extend our

tance of mainstreaming

world's most famous travel destinations.

In an effort to continuously im-

warmest welcome to all of the partic-

• Technology in tourism

prove the PPP and to ensure appli-

ipants, and would like to congratulate

marketing and knowledge dis-

The learning programme aims to

cation of learning in the work place,

each if you for making the right deci-

semination, and

demonstrate to participating GMS

the programme is targeting a mixed

sion in joining this workshop. You are

The learning programme will be taught by a team of experts who have extensive knowledge and experience in tourism policy, planning and management. They will be drawn from a pool of educators, civil servants and practitioners in tourism management, training and consultancy as well as staff of the Asian Development Bank.

and theoretical knowledge of the

middle level civil servants how to strengthen their competencies to develop and implement functional and strategic tourism interventions (policies, programs, and projects). It aims to develop participants’ abilities to analyse tourism issues and their implications for value chain analysis; provide best practices and failure case studies in tourism planning and management for poverty alleviation; and broaden appreciation of participants in tourism planning and management,




specialists with broad experiences

implementation, community-based

• GMS regional cooperation in tourism • Field visits to Long Ji Rice

tourism industry, therefore your par-

Terrace, Pingan and Miao Vil-

ticipation provides a great opportunity


for GIT to learn from your experiences. In the meantime I hope that

into learning groups to facilitate par-

during your stay in Guilin you can

ticipatory learning and emphasise

travel around the city and give us

practitioner orientation and action

your valuable advice on the future of


the tourism industry for this glamorous city.”

Registration fee is US$1,888 for PATA members, US$2,100 for Chap-

The learning programme will be

ter Members and US$2,400 for non-

taught by a team of experts who have

members. The fee will cover all

extensive knowledge and experience

expenses associated with participa-

in tourism policy, planning and man-

tion in this programme including tu-

tourism, designing pro-poor interven-

group of 24 participants comprising

agement. They will be drawn from a

ition, programme materials, activities,

tions, and using technology in

GMS National Tourism Office (NTO)

pool of educators, civil servants and

site visits, airport/hotel transfer in

tourism marketing and knowledge

counterparts, members of the GMS

practitioners in tourism management,

Guilin, and lunches/dinners listed in


Tourism Working Group (TWG), and

training and consultancy as well as

the official programme. The fee will

open applications for industry profes-

staff of the Asian Development Bank.

exclude air ticket, hotel accommoda-


The team includes Dr. Trevor Sofield,

tion and a few dinners.

Towards the end of the programme, participants will negotiate a





NISHANT PITTI OF EASEMYTRIP.COM JOINS BOLLYWOOD AS PRODUCER Nishant Pitti is a young entrepreneur of India running one of the leading travel agencies of India. He is CEO and Co-founder of In an interview, Pitti talked about the latest developments in his company and his move towards film promotion and production.


Director Hemant Madhukar in

scopic 3D cameras. The music in

Mumbai on 20th July 2014. These

the film is given by Mani Sharma,

films will be released worldwide

which is the main highlight of the

with a purpose to entertain visitors.

film. The trailer of the film has al-

After meeting with Hemant, I real-

ready been released and in few

ized that we share certain kind of

days of its release, 6.5 lakhs peo-

taste towards films. In few meet-

ple have already watched & appre-

ings and conversation with him, I

ciated this on YouTube in just 3

understood that we can look for-

days of video upload.

ward for an association. He is a

What new developments are

very talented film maker and wants

taking place in your company

to create such films that have con-

beyond film production?

tent as king and sole motive to en-

I and Rikant Pitti (COO of

ishant Pitti has recently

I love to do new experiments that

tertain their audience. With this have plans to ex-

signed a 3-film deal with

can help my company in gaining

3-film deal, we shall create some-

pand our franchise network in Tier

thing fresh.

- 2 and Tier - 3 cities of India to be


profitability and give it brand recog-

Madhukar. The first film of this as-



nition. No one is away from the

sociation is horror thriller ‘Mumbai

charm of Bollywood as this is a

125 KM’ to be released on 26th

great platform to earn brand value.

September, 2014. has already par-

Kindly share the objective

ticipated in several Bollywood

and vision of your company as

events by being travel partners or

an OTA.

promotion partners. This is for the

The main objective of Ease-

first time, when I am coming into is to become a leading

film production. The biggest reason

player of travel & tourism industry

was my desire to do something

of India by providing the client

creative and another reason was

most economical services. We

promotion. Presently, most of the

constantly endeavor to deliver effi-

brands are looking towards Bolly-

Tell us about the first release

in easy reach of those customers

cient detailed oriented travel plan-

wood to promote their brand and

of this partnership – ‘Mumbai

not having credit/debit cards for





savings for our clients. As a reliable online travel agency of India, we value our clients and serve them with personal care and zeal. We aspire to reach their optimum satisfaction level to convert them into our potential and loyal clients.

online transactions. We are also

"As a reliable online travel agency of India, we value our clients and serve them with personal care and zeal. We aspire to reach their optimum satisfaction level to convert them into our potential and loyal clients. Our constant effort is not only being the number one travel agency of India but also being a passionate and dedicated travel company that assures a memorable vacation across the world."

Our constant effort is not only being the number one travel

planning to open EMT Holiday Hubs in all metro cities of India to increase revenues from non-air products, including hotels and holiday packages, car rentals). EaseMyTrip already has hired more than 120 travel consultants for this process and is planning to double

generate interesting leads. Some

125 KM’.

this number in coming year. Our

agency of India but also being a

use product placements then oth-

‘Mumbai 125 KM’ is a horror

next plan is to open offices at over-

passionate and dedicated travel

ers become part of internal and ex-

thriller that will be released on 26th

seas locations like - Dubai, Singa-

company that assures a memo-

ternal promotional campaigns of

September, 2014. Hemant Mad-

pore, Hong Kong, and United

rable vacation across the world."

films. But somehow, they seek to

hukar is the director of this movie.

Kingdom to serve the customers of

associate with films. This is the

The film is starring Karanvir Bohra,

these locations with efficient and-

You are a successful travel agent, so what made you foray

reason that I thought to come into

Veena Malik, Vedita Pratap Singh,

cost-effective services. We have to

into film productions?

film production.

Joey Debroy and Aparnaa Bajpai.

promote India as a popular tourist

Prior to being a travel agent, I

Say something about your 3-

Veena Malik is playing the role of

destination in overseas markets of

am a businessman who loves to do

film deal with Film Director He-

main horror element in the film.

Hong Kong, London, Dubai and

innovative things keeping his cus-

mant Madhukar.

The entire shooting of ‘Mumbai

many other cities worldwide.

tomers in mind. As a businessman,

I signed a 3-film deal with Film

125 KM’ is done using Stereo-





‘CHANGES IN INDIRECT TAXES ARE A MIXED BAG FOR THE CAR MOBILITY SECTOR’ Post Budget 2014-15, corporate clients utilizing car rental services can claim CENVAT benefit on their car hire expenditure.


rospective tax and roll-out of GST.”



nion Budget 2014-14 has

However, some of the redeeming

brought certain changes in in-

features of the budget are as follows:

direct taxes which will affect

the Government seems to have real-

car mobility sector. “The changes in

ized the huge employment generating

indirect taxes are a mixed bag for the

capacity of tourism and hospitality.

car mobility sector and the imposition

The development of 5 new tourism cir-

of service tax on radio taxis will hit consumers,” said Sunil Gupta, CEO, Avis India. However, he added that in the context of the Finance Minister's

DAMAN & DIU, DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI UNVEIL VISION TO BECOME WORLDCLASS TOURIST DESTINATIONS The Union Territories of Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli recently unveiled their vision of promoting themselves as activity-filled, world class tourist destinations through a network of projects aimed at promoting infrastructure to attract tourists from India and across the world.

challenge to reduce the fiscal deficit •New tourism logo unveiled by the two Union Territories •Vision Unveiled for development of the UTs as worldclass tourist destinations •Outlay for the UTs increased from Rs 660 crores to Rs 1360 crores

from 4.7 per cent to 4.1 per cent, a pruning of the negative list of service tax was probably unavoidable. On the positive side, corporate clients utilizing car rental services can

In this connection, a new tourism brand logo, com-

now claim CENVAT benefit on their

mon for both Union Territories was unveiled on the occa-

car hire expenditure. “This is a wel-

sion by Minister of State (Independent Charge) for

come step since car rental services

Tourism and Culture, Shripad Y. Naik and Minister of

are essential to keep the growth engine chugging and a set-off will re-

Sunil Gupta CEO, Avis India

State for Home Affairs, Kiren Rijiju. Built around the tagline of ‘Small is Big’, the logo en-

duce their cost of hiring cars," said

cuits, new airports and the Convention

capsulates the core appeal of the Union Territories while


Centre in Goa are indicative of this

they are small dots on the map, they have so much more

According to him this budget

focus. There is a reiteration of a focus

to offer in the form of culture, heritage, wild life, architecture and natural wonders.

should be seen as an attempt to

on infrastructure related to highways,

course correct and signal the future

new airports in Tier I and II cities and

This will be followed by an extensive 360 degree mar-

direction which the Government plans

port connectivity. This will have a huge

keting campaign to promote the varied facets of the Union

to take to jump start growth and em-

multiplier effect on income generation,

Territories among tourist audiences. Ogilvy & Mather,

ployment and control the fiscal deficit.

flow of goods and services and mobil-

who have designed the logo, are also the agency that will

“The Budget document is short on de-

ity. The increase in FDI in defence and

manage the advertising and digital campaign for the

tails on many proposed schemes and

insurance was long overdue and one


initiatives and that could be because

hopes that this is progressively in-

A special publication titled ‘Vision 2020 - Dadra &

the Government is only 45 days old.

creased in the next couple of years.

Nagar Haveli’ was also released today by the Honourable


The pass-through tax treatment of

Ministers. It showcases various landmark project plans,

enough to simplify the corporate tax

REITs is a strong signal that foreign

the investment and planned completion dates to boost

structure and ducked making a firm

investment is necessary to bridge the

tourism as well as improve infrastructure in the Union Ter-

commitment on the application of ret-

funding gap.”










MP TOURISM TO ORGANISE FIRST EVER 'MADHYA PRADESH TRAVEL MART' Madhya Pradesh Tourism has announced the launch of Madhya Pradesh Travel Mart, which will be held in Bhopal on October 17-19, 2014.

THE LURE OF RHINOS, TEA AND GOLF TOURISM Assam Tourism has a plethora of surprises to offer for wildlife enthusiasts, beverage lovers and golf players. parks and 20 wildlife sanctuar-




ies rides high on biodiversity

he gateway to North-

zone. Kaziranga National Park

eastern region of India-

and Manas National Park are

Assam has categorized

listed in UNESCO’s World Her-

tourism into seven broad seg-

itage Site and are paradise for wildlife lovers. Dhruva Hazarika, Tourism Secretary, Assam said, “Till not so long ago, there has been a decrease in tourist footfall in the state owing to terrorist


set on a B2B platform with

100 registered Buyers and Media from over 10 countries exploring business opportunities for discerning travel and tourism products, will make the event one of the most sought after travel events in the country. The event hopes to enlist the support of major travel – trade and hospitality association in India such

• 100 hosted buyers and media from 10 countries and major travel markets of India to participate in the MP Travel Mart • The B2B mart will showcase wildlife, heritage, culture and tourism • Exhibitors will be from India from over 20 diverse tourism segments • Sphere Travelmedia & Exhibitors will organize the MP Travel Mart.

as ‘Association of Domestic Tour Operators Association of India

Pradesh such as UNESCO World

(ADTOI), Adventure Tour Operators

Heritage Sites, festivals of Madhya

Association of India (ATOAI), Indian

Pradesh, Heritage Hotels, Buddhist

activities but those turbulent days have long gone. Assam is a home to 600 indigenous variety of orchids. We have the



he Inaugural edition of ‘Mad-

hya Pradesh Travel Mart’ is

The state has nearly 750 large tea estates and 24 golf courses with 18 holes that are popular for high-end tourists,

• The state has 750 tea gardens with colonial bungalows. • There are plush 24 golf courses in tea gardens. • A number of tea gardens converted into golf resorts. • The state has the largest concentration of rhinos in Kaziranga National Park. • High on river tourism. largest concentration of rhinos around 2,000 in Kaziranga Na-

Association of Tour Operators

Trails in Madhya Pradesh, Wildlife

(IATO), Travel Agents Association of

Resorts and National Parks, Med-

India (TAAI), Travel Agents Federa-

ical Tourism, Destination Manage-

tion of India (TAFI), Federation of

ment Companies, Travel Agents

ments - wildlife, religious, cul-

National Park and Orang Na-

Hotel & Restaurant Association of

and Tour Operators, Religious

tural tourism, historical tourism,

tional Park. The state draws

India (FHRAI), etc

Tourism, Handicrafts, Cultural Vis-

tea and golf, river tourism and

around 6 lakh pilgrims to the

tas, etc

eco-tourism. The department of

highly revered Shakti Peeth of

tourism, Assam intends to carve

Kamakshya shrine in Guwahati

The event offers two exhibitor segments: Destination Madhya Pradesh, and Incredible India Section Exclusive Madhya Pradesh

tional Park. There are 600 types of avian species in Kaziranga

Madhya Pradesh Travel Mart 2014

out a tourist market in the coun-

every year and most visitors are

The Wildlife, Heritage, Cul-

try to attract a major chunk of

from Bengal.” Hazarika also in-

domestic and global tourists into

formed that the state received

the state.

tourists from eastern Bihar and

ture and Tourism Show

Pavilion: The exclusive pavilion of

Date: 17 – 19 October 2014

Madhya Pradesh shall showcase

Venue: Palash Residency,

the different facets of Madhya

Dhruva Hazarika Tourism Secretary, Assam.

Bhopal, India

The state with five national








he National Conference of

Naik announced that from next

Tourism Ministers was held

year, the conference will be a two-

recently in New Delhi as

day affair. He also said that the

part of the 100 days action plan of

MoT has decided to institute from

the Government.

2016 a new category in its annual

STATE TOURISM DEPARTMENTS TO TAKE APPROPRIATE STEPS FOR A SAFE & SECURE ENVIRONMENT FOR TOURISTS Second National Conference of Tourism Ministers has resolved to work for creating a safe and secure environment for tourists by taking appropriate measures including running mass awareness campaigns. The conference also resolved to take steps on priority to maintain cleanliness in and around various tourism destinations and cities.


he resolution says: “Having

after the deliberations today, the

noted that, the Departments

tourism ministers of the States and

of Tourism of all States and

Union Territories joined the Ministry

In his opening remark, the

National Tourism Awards to recog-

Union Minster for Tourism said that

nize the best efforts made by all

safety and security of all tourists,

States / UTs for ensuring cleanli-

of Tourism Ministers’ held on 18th

domestic as well as international,

ness at their prominent places of

July, 2013 had resolved to;

especially women, remains the top

tourist significance.

UTs in the last National Conference

• Ensure safety and security of tourists, especially women,

priority for all of us.

• Run a mass awareness cam-


paign called “I respect women”, • Ensure cleanliness at various

that the Departments of Tourism of all States and UTs will work for creating a safe and secure environment for tourists by taking appropriate measures including running mass awareness campaigns, that the Departments of Tourism

tourism destinations involving all

of all States and UTs will take steps


on priority to maintain cleanliness in

• Impart working spoken knowl-


of Tourism to further resolve;

he city’s Victoria Memorial

ings. The restoration work will be

edge of a foreign language to the

is all set for a huge restora-

taken up by the National Buildings

officials dealing with tourists

and around various tourism destinations and cities, that the Departments of Tourism

tion drive. And once over,

Construction Corporation- a wing

• Rationalize the tax structure to

of all States and UTs will strive to

the tourists can get access to the

of Union Ministry of Urban Devel-

make various tourism destinations

develop and promote niche tourism

entire first floor, the Eastern and

opment that had taken up the


products like medical & wellness,

Western quadrangles and a bird’s

restoration project of the Indian Mu-

• Promote seamless travel,

MICE, agro based and plantation

view of the campus. After a long

seum. The first phase of restoration

• Grant necessary licences / no

tourism, cruise tourism and adven-

wait of over two decades, the Union

will start off from May-end and

objection certificates for various

ture tourism, to overcome season-

Ministry of Culture has sanctioned

would be over by 2016. The

tourism services in a time bound


a grant of Rs 60-crore for the first

restoration project would also in-


that the Departments of Tourism

phase of restoration and once over,

corporate upgradation of all exist-

• Assess the carrying capacity

of all States and UTs will develop

similar grant will be given for the

ing nine galleries comprising the

of various tourism destinations, es-

Tourism destinations keeping in

second phase of renovation. Till now, the tourists will able to access only the first floor to gape at the semicircular Salisbury paint-

most cherished Royal Gallery that

pecially religious places, on the

view the principles of carrying ca-

remained closed for a decade and

basis of the principles of environ-

pacity and sustainability.

will be opened to visitors.

mental sustainability.”


Resolution further says: “And,





KERALA TO BE A DRY STATE, LIQUOR TO BE SERVED IN 5-STAR HOTELS Kerala Government recently finalized the new excise policy of the state that proposed to make Kerala alcohol-free state in 10 years.


LAKSHADWEEP TO TRANSFORM INTO BEACH DESTINATION FOR MICE TOURISTS The department of tourism, Lakshadweep is opening a new window of opportunity for adventure buffs, surfing enthusiasts and MICE tourists.


he Congress led-UDF



has decided to enforce

a liquor ban in the state

ment of Tourism Development, Union

t is a well-known fact that faraway

Territory of Lakshadweep informed,

Lakshadweep has emerged as a

“Water sports like scuba diving is

popular leisure and water sports

one the major attractions in the is-

destination for adventure buffs. The

land and the tourism department is

submitted its new liquor policy

department of tourism has finally set

acquiring water sports equipments in

to the high court. Earlier the

the agenda for tourism development

order to augment the water sports

state government finalized the

in the island and is bent upon attract-

amenities. We are procuring dive

to achieve complete prohibition. Government of Kerala has

details of the liquor policy. As

ing a large chunk of tourists during

boats and para sailing boats replete

per the new liquor policy that

the coming autumn season.

with equipments.”

will come into force from next

In an attempt to make Lakshad-

fiscal year, only five-star hotels

weep a comprehensive adventure

tourism is trying to boost the destina-

in Kerala can serve liquor.

and water sports destination, the de-

tion during rains. Hussain said, “Lak-

S.M. Shervani President, FHRAI

Over time, the department of

partment of tourism is making a sin-

shadweep is considered to be a fair

cere endeavour to spruce up water

season destination owing to nature

ishing tourism industry in the

tourism facilities in the island. A M

of operations and plans are ripe to

concern over the Government

state. These restrictions will

Hussain, Assistant Director, Depart-

develop it into a surfing destination

of Kerala’s proposed policy that

also send a negative message

The Federation of Hotel & Restaurant



India (FHRAI) has expressed

henceforth, only five-star hotels

to those investors, who are cur-

in the state, will be eligible for

rently contemplating large in-

bar licences. Voicing his disap-


pointment over the State Gov-

hospitality sector. FHRAI urges

ernment’s decision on this

the Government of Kerala to



issue, the FHRAI President,

take a pragmatic and long-term

S.M. Shervani said “Kerala has

view in this matter and we rec-

always been looked upon as a

ommend that all classified and

pioneer in terms of adopting a

government approved hotels

visionary approach and sup-

and restaurants should be eli-



he West Bengal Compre-

acre, the organic plantation will kick

hensive Area Development

off over 11 acres of land at Ayodhya

Corporation (WBCADC) and

Hills and Kumari Kanan that have

portive policies for encouraging

gible for bar licenses. We re-

IIT Kharagpur’s Science and Tech-

been earmarked sometime in the

the growth of tourism. Over the

main committed to working

nology Entrepreneurs’ Park (STEP)

monsoon months of August-Sep-

years, the state has made great

closely with the State Govern-

have entered into a joint venture to

tember. If the project goes according

strides in establishing itself as

ment to ensure that tourism

roll out a pilot project to grow coffee

to the plan, the area of coffee farm

a leading global tourist destina-

continues to play a vital role in

at Ayodhya Hills in Purulia that

would be expanded. Purulia has a

tion. However, the proposed

contributing to rapid job cre-

would promote the economy of the

conducive temperature for growing

changes in the excise policy

ation and economic prosperity

economically-backward district and

coffee and coffee beans would be

would mark a regressive step

in this vibrant state.”

boost tourism in the region.

procured from Araku valley in

and deal a setback to the flour-


With a budget of Rs 3 lakh per


Andhra Pradesh.


eco-tourism activities. Sports’ fishing is catching up in the islands and the ethnic culture is showcased at Minicoy and other islands to tourists. Hussain added, “The department of tourism is creating tourist infrastructure in all the islands and accommodation options are beefed up with financial support from the Union Ministry

of Tourism. We



GOA TOURISM PROPOSES NEW GUIDELINES TO BOOSTS GOA AS INDIA’S LEADING DESTINATION The Department of Tourism has framed new guidelines in order to issue permissions for tourism related events.


A M Hussain Assistant Director, Department of Tourism Development, Union Territory of Lakshadweep.


he aim is to simplify and

posal to the Department of

encourage people to or-

Tourism with a detailed plan for

ganize events all through

the theme of the event, event

“Lakshadweep is all set to emerge as a unique MICE destination with beach-based MICE tourism,”

Initiatives of department of tourism, Lakshadweep: • Creation of accommodation facilities in all islands. • Introduce two new ships in the coming period. • Start sea plane project and dedicated tourist ships. • Develop Lakshadweep into a surfing hub during monsoon. • Acquiring water sports equipment, para sailing and dive boats.

The new guidelines will be effective for holding minor and major events in Goa. These guidelines have been framed keeping in mind issue faced by people who wish to organize tourism related events in Goa.

planned to kick-stat two new ships in

the year. This will also encour-

details, number of participants,

the upcoming days. Our department

age transparency while granting

ticket rates, fire safety arrange-

popular among surf enthusiasts and

is contemplating to roll out sea plane

such permissions.

ment, parking, security, traffic

we are receiving a number of en-

project in the islands and we are ex-

during monsoon. Minicoy Island is

Dilip Parulekar, Tourism

arrangements, public amenities

quiries related to surfing.” Hussain

ploring the possibility of launching

Minister, said, “The new guide-

pointed out that apart from water

dedicated tourist ships in the island

lines will be effective for holding

All the applications of major

sports adventure and beach tourism,

to ease the connectivity to the desti-

minor and major events in Goa.

events will be placed before the

Lakshadweep is catching up with

nation from the mainland.”

These guidelines have been

State Level Permissions Com-

framed keeping in mind issue

mittee. The SLPC may evolve its

faced by people who wish to or-


ganize tourism related events in

and make a recommendation to


the State Government for deci-


The Department shall be the


corridors in North Bengal. An eco

authority to grant permissions to

he Mamata Banerjee gov-

and a detailed site plans.

sion. The SLPC will also study the

ernment is bent upon to de-

tourism board will be set up that will



proposal in detail for organizing

velop eco-tourism hubs near

boost and give clearance to propos-

beach weddings, handicrafts,

any major event from the point of

protected forests of North Bengal.

als and will be placed before state

night bazaars, music festivals,

environmental concerns, sound

The state government is interested

cabinet for formal clearance.

cultural events, MICE events,

pollution, garbage management,

and other tourism related festi-

CRZ violations, traffic move-

to pursue widespread development

There would be online bookings



in forest areas. On the contrary,

of forest bungalows through the

vals. All such events organized

ment, security, sanitary arrange-

there are apprehensions whether

website of the state tourism depart-

in private or public lands outside

ments, etc. The central idea is

tourism projects could be aug-

ment. When a tourist goes for online

licensed premises will come

facilitate organization of tourism

booking, the tourism department

under the purview of this single

events in the state subject to the

The law states that around one-

would retain around 50 per cent of

window permission.

condition that the organizers fol-

mented in core forest zones. fifth of the core forest area can be

the revenue. The state government

All those who want to seek

low all instructions and adhere

used for tourism purpose including

is putting an emphasis on raising

permission or any tourism re-

to safety guidelines and other

jungle safaris. The state government

the living standard of people resid-

lated event to be organized in


also intends to protect 12 jumbo

ing in forest and fringe areas.

the state shall submit his pro-




GOVERNMENT | say to sell products, we say ‘Con-

Centre believes and is committed

sumer is the king’; today the

to the idea of a low taxation Gov-

‘Tourist is the King’. He has to

ernment.” He explained, “If you

choose where to visit. We are at

load your products with lower

his mercy and therefore, our abil-

taxes then the products are

ity to attract him must be ade-

cheaper, their salability increases


ciple applies to hotels and the tourism industry. So if your airlines

If India is to grow, if Indian economy is to grow, tourism is certainly one of the low hanging fruits, which is more easily achievable. I have the least hesitation in saying that it is one of the underachieved sectors in India.

TOURISM IN INDIA IS A LOW HANGING FRUIT: ARUN JAITLEY Addressing conference of state tourism ministers in New Delhi recently, Jaitley said that the present Union Government is committed to the idea of low taxation regime and advocated the same for tourism industry to attract more tourists.


f India is to grow, if In-

rious to come and see what is in

dian economy is to grow,


tourism is certainly one

Jaitley said that there are

of the low hanging fruits, which is

countries which have one or two

more easily achievable. I have the

tourist attractions and they market

least hesitation in saying that it is

them or brand them all over the

one of the underachieved sectors

world in such a manner that the

in India,” said Jaitley .

world arrives to see these one or

“A country of India’s size

two branded image makers of that

should have ordinarily everything

country. Considering the entire

more than that. This prin-

are going to be costlier, if your hotels are going to be costlier, compared to the rest of the world, our tourist volumes will never be able to grow,” said Jaitely adding that higher taxation on tourism means less number of tourists which in turn means lower earning.

quate and sufficient,” said Jaitley.

“When we are loading the

Touching upon the issue of

tourism industry with higher taxes,

taxation, which is one of the key

there is going to be a lesser occu-


pancy and effectively lesser col-




tourism industry, Jaitley said that


“the present Government at the


GOVERNMENT TO REPLACE RTOS WITH AN EFFICIENT ALTERNATIVE SYSTEM Ministry of Road Transport And Highways is working on a legislation that will disband regional transport offices (RTOs). An efficient alternative system will replace RTOs.


inister of Road Trans-

rampant corruption in these of-

port and Highways Nitin


Gadkari, while speaking

The government will introduce

at a function recently in Pune,

a system that would employ new

said that some outdated laws and

technology to nab traffic violators.

rivals is an inadequate figure, said

systems need to be scrapped.

Gadkari informed that under the

Jaitley, calling for introspection as

“Systems like RTOs will soon be

proposed system, a notice will be

in terms of va-

to “where we are up to and unless

abolished; there is no need for

served at someone’s doorstep if

riety of what India has to offer, the

we ask the right questions, we

RTOs. We have prepared a law

he or she breaks a traffic rule, and

country has a great history. “We

won’t get the right answer.” Jaitley

which will be introduced soon to

if someone goes to court against

have nature, we have culture, we

emphasized the need to lay down

replace RTOs," added Gadkari.

the notice and lose the case, he

have large geography and all that

a red carpet for tourists


People face a lot of harass-

the world has been extremely cu-

wise they won’t come. “Just as to

ment at the RTOs and there is

going for tourism. It should have

basket of tourism that India has in

been crowded with tourist arrivals.

tourism, seven million tourist ar-

Why do tourists visit any part of the world?” said the finance minister, adding that


or she will have to pay three times of the fine.



MTDC APPOINTS COX & KINGS AS AN OUTSOURCED PARTNER FOR DECCAN ODYSSEY The Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation (MTDC), has appointed Cox & Kings Ltd (CKL), as its outsourced partner to operate the luxury train, Deccan Odyssey from October 2014.


APTDC TAKES A STEP FORWARD FOR TOURISM DEVELOPMENT APTDC is harnessing the long coastline of the state to develop a number of beach destinations with resorts to tempt the beach lovers.


There are new happenings on the tourism frontier of Andhra Pradesh ever since bifurcation. In a latest initiative, Andhra Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation (APTDC) has set the ball rolling by developing beach destinations in the state. The department of tourism has his partnership will cover full management of on-board and off-board services, sales, marketing and operational activities. The agreement is for a period of 5 years with scope for extension for another 5 years. Commenting on its decision to engage with CKL, Sumit Mullick IAS, Additional Chief Secretary & Chief Protocol Officer, Government of Maharashtra said, “With a long-term perspective and to boost the luxury train business, the


The Deccan Odyssey will commence its first journey on October 4th, 2014. MTDC has selected Cox & Kings. We are making efforts to showcase maximum possible destinations in Maharashtra. With the new partners, we are expecting innovative ideas to flow. The contract will be initially for five years and can be extended to 10 years.” Dr Jagdish Patil, Managing Director, MTDC said, “Deccan Odyssey is a prestigious product of MTDC and a big attraction for foreign tourists. We have won several accolades for this luxurious train and our priority is to maintain that quality standard of services and facilities. This association with Cox & Kings will assure the desired level of professionalism to

manage services which also need flexible itineraries suiting best to various demands of customers. Highly complex logistic arrangements have enabled us to offer 10 different itineraries for Deccan Odyssey.” The award-winning luxury train of MTDC, Deccan Odyssey, has been one of the major attractions for the discerning tourists from across the globe. With the increasing foreign tourists to India, MTDC has put up an aggressive plan to promote this luxury train internationally. The train has 21 coaches, out of which 12 are passenger cars accommodating 8 people per coach (10 passenger Cars, 4 coupes per coach - 2 Presidential Suite Cars, 2 coupes per coach), 1 Conference Car, 2 Dinning Cars, 2 Generator Cars with Luggage Store, 2 Staff, spare Car, 1 Spa Car, 1 Bar Car. The train has onboard facilities like T.V., Cable connection with central audio disc player, cell phones, Channel Music, Foreign exchange facilities, etc. Arup Sen, Director, Special Projects, Cox & Kings said, “It is a privilege and pride to be appointed as the outsourced partner for the Deccan Odyssey and we will ensure that this spirit of partnership will benefit Maharashtra and enhance its position in India tourism.” by TNH DESK

taken up aggressive tourism promotion campaign and has an active presence in social media and facebook. K S Reddy, Vice-Chairman and Managing Director, APTDC ex-

K S Reddy Vice-Chairman and MD, APTDC

plained, “Blessed by 972 km long coastline with valleys, beaches and

SNAPSHOT APTDC’s new efforts to develop tourism: • Developed four beach destinations- Baruva, Kalingapatnam, Ramayapatnam and Tummalapenta. • Recovered five Buddhist relics from Visakhapatnam, Vijayawada and Nagarjunakonda. • Highlighting underground Borra caves. • Vijayawada and Ananthpur are emerging MICE destinations. • Explored eco-tourist spot of Tyda close to Visakhapatnam. • Offering a fillip to exotic local weaves, craft and paintings. “Even after bifurcation of the state, our domestic and global tourism figures would remain the same this year,” K S Reddy, Vice-Chairman and Managing Director, APTDC.


caves, the state has an enormous potential for beach tourism something quite tempting to attract seafarers. We have opened up a new eco-tourist destination called Tyda, a two-hour drive from Visakhapatnam. The eco-tourist resort nestling in the jungle belt provides facilities for nature camp, bird watching, trekking and camp fire activities for tourists. We have built our own resort at Tyda.” Reddy was speaking at the Andhra Pradesh Tourism Press Meet held in Kolkata on July 4. The state occupies a pride of place in religious tourism and has Tirupati, the richest shrine in India. There are Borra caves that are underground marvel with million-year old stalactites and stalagmites. The department of tourism has developed four pristine beaches over the past couple of years.



IATO’S 30TH CONVENTION TO REVITALISE TOURISM INDUSTRY: RAJEEV KOHLI Rajeev Kohli, Chairman of 30th Convention of Indian Association of Tour Operators (IATO) said that this year’s convention of IATO will be about revitalising “our business, our industry, ourselves.” The convention will “take a holistic approach on three aspects of daily lives – Persons, Business and Industry.”


This is the second convention Rajeev Kohli is chairing and the third for which he has led the content development.

“We have

stayed true to our focus on addressing the needs, challenges

and desires of our members. We that stakeholders in our industry face. We want the content to inspire our audience. This has stayed true for our past two conventions and this year’s convention will be no different. The past two conventions had seen the content being mature in its format and topics. This year is no different. We have dug deep into our own personal experiences and challenges of operating in today's business environment to bring you

We have stayed true to our focus on addressing the needs, challenges and desires of our members. We have focused on the challenges that stakeholders in our industry face. We want the content to inspire our audience. This has stayed true for our past two conventions and this year’s convention will be no different. The past two conventions had seen the content being mature in its format and topics.

have focused on the challenges

Rajeev Kohli Chairman, 30th IATO Convention & Vice President, IATO

session that we hope is relevant to each one of us,” said Kohli. He

smallest and largest members

way we position ourselves in the in-

alike. We have brought in some il-

dustry. The recent general budget

lustrious speakers from all over the

of the government saw for the first

country, to share their experiences

time in many years that tourism

and insights. So do stay on for all

has been given a significant men-

the session and make the discus-

tion in the union budget and this is

sions meaningful through your in-

a great success for us,” said Kohli.

teractions. We also felt it was also

“The industry had been collectively

important strategically for the in-

lobbying all political parties in the

dustry to be in Delhi this year,” said

run up to the elections and had


also reached out to multiple critical ministries over the past many

‘New Beginnings | Fresh Ideas |

months. This is the first time that

Vibrant Futures’

such a collective action was taken

Elaborating on the theme of this

on this scale and that has clearly

year’s convention, Kohli said, “2014

shown its results. The combined

is a landmark turning point for In-

forces of a body like FAITH and our

dian tourism. For the first time in

own body IATO along with others

three decades the nation has

have shown the way forward for our

moved out of coalition politics at

industry to get more relevance in

the Centre. For the first time in a

the future. This signifies that

decade we have a Prime Minister

tourism does have some space in

that walks the talk on tourism. The

the mind of the Modi Government.”

recent budget has shown a path forward for our industry with the

New wave of thinking is required


in the Government



(ETA) visa system and some relief

Kohli feels that a fresh wave of

on taxes. 2014 also saw our mem-

thinking is needed in the Govern-

bers voting in a progressive and

ment at a basic level as they create

younger IATO Team. 2014 is a time

the policies and infrastructure that

of new starts all around. We have

the industry needs to make tourism

new hope in the industry. So our

happen. “In my opinion, we need to

theme for this year is very apt. We

throw out the old policy book all to-

want to focus on the great opportu-

gether and start from the scratch.

nities the new future holds for us.”

We need to be innovative. We need

The convention is being organ-

to be daring. The world of tourism

ised in Delhi with an intention to en-

marketing is already saturated with

gage the new Government at the

brilliant ideas and visuals. We need

added, “This convention will be

changed. The political environment

Centre, which is pro-tourism indus-

to top them all,” said Kohli, adding,

about revitalising our business, our

in the city has changed. So it is

try Government. “Being in Delhi will

“We in IATO intend to be active

industry, ourselves, and to take a

time for us to come, deliberate and

allow us to engage the new political

partners in that process and are in

holistic approach on three aspects

embrace those changes as our

leadership better and bring in the

constant dialog with the Govern-

of our daily lives – Persons, Busi-

own and work together to make the

top administrative decision makers

ment on obtaining our common

ness and Industry.”

Indian tourism industry even more

to our sessions,” said Kohli.

goals of making India a great

After seven years, the conven-

vibrant and progressive.”

tourist product.”

tion of IATO is taking place in Delhi.

A lot of behind the scenes effort

Last time in 2007, the convention

has gone into making this year’s

mind of the Modi Government

has a fascinating lie-up of speakers

was held in Delhi. “We are excited

content engaging, thought- provok-

“IATO is on a growth trajectory. We

from within the industry and from

to be back in Delhi after so many

ing and relevant to delegates of the

see some major changes coming

outside. It is healthy mix of govern-

years. This city has changed. The

convention. “We have focused on

into the way we work, the way we

ment, members and specialists.

way we showcase the city has

issues that are relevant to our

interact with our members and the

Tourism has some space in the


This year’s IATO convention




E M Najeeb Chairman, ATE Group of Companies

The theme of the 30th annual convention is ‘new beginnings, fresh ideas, vibrant future’. It is evident from the theme that it is essential for the tourism industry in India to evolve new ideas for a vibrant future.


mega gathering of the association, a

With ‘New Beginnings, Fresh

grand platform for its members to

Ideas and Vibrant Future’ as its

network and discusses issues that

theme, IATO’s 30th convention is all

matter for them. Convention is an oc-

set to give new direction and impe-

casion to exchange ideas and expe-

tus to the tourism industry of India.

riences, to hear and learn from

The convention will explore new

industry experts and also to interact

ideas and ways to take ‘Incredible

with Government representatives.

India’ to new heights. With a pro-

“IATO’s 30th annual convention will

tourism Government at the Centre ,

open up as an occasion for the tour

morale of the IATO is quite high and

operators community to get together

the association is quite bullish about

to familiarize, discuss business, de-

the future of Indian tourism industry.

liberate various issues of the indus-

Many in IATO believe that holding

try and voice demands and put forth

the convention in Delhi is a good

suggestions to the Government and

idea because this will help IATO en-

authorities. The theme of the 30th

gage better and effectively with the

annual convention is ‘new begin-

new Government at the Centre and

nings, fresh ideas, vibrant future’. It

apprise them the issues and chal-

is evident from the theme that it is

lenges of the industry. “As there is a

essential for the tourism industry in

new Government at the Centre so it

India to evolve new ideas for a vi-

is very essential to have the conven-

brant future. Indian economic devel-

tion in the National Capital to get the

opment is being planned inclusive of

attention of the new Government

the tourism sector. Innovative prod-

and to invite them at our convention,

ucts and services have to be devel-

so that we can introduce our associ-

oped for a successful industry. Also

ation and our members to them and

the industry has to be well in pace

put forward our ideas and inputs to

with the global trends of tourism, and

make India one of the most tourist

adapt information and communica-

friendly country. I am sure this con-

tion technology. The tour operators

vention will be one of the best if we

have to focus on effective product

are successful to impress upon the

development and marketing. The de-

new Government,” said Pronab

liberations of this convention will

Sarkar Hony. Secretary, IATO & MD,

help the members to evolve clarity

Swagatam Tours.

on their perspectives and future

Convention of IATO is an annual

plans for their business. More than


Our annual convention is one of the most important gatherings of stakeholders of Indian tourism industry. We are having lots of exciting topics, new concepts in this convention.

Arun Anand MD, Midtown Travels

Since the indications are that the present Government is pro-tourism, so by holding the annual convention in Delhi will make the government announce some new policies for the tourism sector.

It is very essential to have the convention in the Capital city to get the attention of the new Government and to invite them at our convention, so that we can introduce our association and our members to them.


Amaresh Tiwari Hony. Treasurer, IATO & Co-Chairman, 30th IATO Convention

Pronab Sarkar Hony. Secretary, IATO & MD, Swagatam Tours

30th IATO convention scheduled to be held on September 4-7, 2014, will have its theme as ‘New Beginnings, Fresh Ideas and Vibrant Future’. IATO sees the change of the government at the Centre as new beginnings because tourism is one of the key priorities of the new Government. As its theme suggests, the IATO’s 30th convention will focus on fresh ideas for vibrant future of Indian tourism industry.



HIGH EXPECTATION FROM CONVENTION our Industry. Secondly, the business

new dimension and the preference

ticipate in the convention,” said E M

sessions should be related to our

of tourism there will be many fresh

Najeeb, Chairman, ATE Group of

business and hurdles we face. We

ideas for the development of tourism

Companies, who is quite happy that

also expect some evening entertain-

in our Country. We all shall deliber-

this year’s IATO convention venue

ment for socializing among trade

ate this new theme during our con-

will be held in New Delhi. “For the

colleagues.” Amaresh Tiwari, Hony.

vention and shall pass on our

tourism industry in India, Delhi is the

Treasurer, IATO and Co-Chairman of

recommendations to the Ministry of

capital of tourism and a happening

30th IATO Convention, said, “Our

Tourism for the benefits of tourism

place. For the conference there are

annual convention is one of the most

industry and its vibrant future,” said

ample facilities in Delhi and this will

important gatherings of stakehold-


help to catch the attention of the

ers of Indian tourism industry. We

IATO has welcomed the an-

Government and all concerned au-

are having lots of exciting topics,

nouncement made in the Union

thorities who are keen on tourism

new concepts in this convention and

Budget 2014-15 that e-visa or elec-

development,” said Najeeb, adding,

I am confident that this convention

tronic travel authorization for foreign

“IATO has been conducting the an-

will help the stakeholders to under-

tourists would be introduced at nine

nual convention at different location

stand the global changes, how to

airports in a phased manner with the

whenever possible and those con-

solve various challenges they are

infrastructure support in the next six

ventions have been good experi-

facing in their business both in pro-

months. “With this announcement


fessional and personal lives. I think

we are sure there will be a drastic

previous convention was conducted

there will be lots of take-backs for

improvement in foreign tourist ar-

in Kochi, Kerala, which was a great

participants of this convention.”

rivals and boost inbound tourism in


participants. The

success. Since it has come back to Delhi, it is going to be an occasion to look forward to.”

the coming season,” said Sarkar, ‘New Beginnings’ ...

adding that this will not only help

IATO sees change of Government

generate new jobs for the young In-

at the Centre after the recent gen-

dians but also fresh investments in

Expectation from convention

eral election of Lok Sabha, and com-

infrastructure developments.

IATO’s members have high expecta-

ing of a pro-tourism Government led

bound tourism shall also contribute


tion from this year’s convention.

by PM Narendra Modi the new be-

a large inflow of most valuable for-

“The 30th IATO convention is very

ginnings for the tourism industry of

eign exchange for the country. This

special one as this is being held in

the country.

is the beginning of vibrant and better

the National Capital of the Country.

“The theme for this year's con-

Our expectation is always high from

vention is quite appropriate. There

IATO should have held its convention at a place other than Delhi because having convention in Delhi serves little purpose for its members.

future of tourism Industry,” said Sarkar.

any IATO convention as it brings all

have been new beginnings for us as

Explaining ‘new beginnings’ as

the members together under one

the Government has changed at the

part of the theme, Tiwari said that

roof, when we renew our association

Centre and the new Government is

the credit crunch and repeated re-

and exchange the latest happenings

the only Government who declared

cession of the last five years have

in the respective regions. I am sure

tourism in their manifesto and shall

put increasing pressure on medium

everyone attending the convention

give priority. The current Prime Min-

and small tour operators and the

has some kind of expectation and

ister Narendra Modi has specially

tourism policy adopted by previous

most of them shall go back satisfied

mentioned about the five Ts - talent,

regime has only added to the chal-

and some may not. However, every-

tradition, tourism, trade and technol-

lenges many are facing, thus come

one has to participate actively to

ogy. So tourism being one of Ts is

thought of ‘new beginnings’. As for

make the convention very fruitful,”

very encouraging and significant for

‘fresh ideas’, Tiwari said, “We need

said Sarkar. He added, “We expect

us. This importance to the tourism

to look at the realization that inspired

that the inaugural function of the

sector by the present Government it-

the successful tour operators. Start-

convention will be the memorable

self is the ‘new beginning’,” said

ing and running a business can be a

one, which is always the best one

Sarkar, adding that this gesture was

challenge and often tour operators

among all the trade conventions in

never there in the past. “With the

need guidance in various areas.


Ravi Gosain Hony. Joint Secretary, IATO

IATO convention came back to Delhi after seven years and all our members are excited about this. We hope to get larger participation from industry as well as government for convention being in Delhi.


Atul Rai MD, Ananya Tours

1500 delegates are expected to par-



IATO Convention gives the platforms

On Delhi being selected as the

get larger participation from industry

vention is very good but this hotel is

where members can interact with

venue of this year’s IATO’ conven-

as well as Government for conven-

too far for most of the tour operators,

each other and get the tips to getting

tion, Tiwari said, “We took longest

tion being in Delhi. Delhi was se-

“so if a centrally located venue was

a new business off the ground be-

time in our history to decide to bring


chosen, that could have made life

cause of ‘fresh ideas’ shared during

back our annual convention to Delhi.

executive committee of IATO and I

easier for the attending delegates.”

the convention during various ses-

Over the past years the character of

am sure it will have an impact on

Atul Rai, MD, Ananya Tours feels




sions.” Referring to the idea of ‘vi-

Delhi change a lot, it’s no longer

who matters most. There were a few

that holding IATO convention in

brant futures’, Tiwari said, “Vibrant

Edwin Lutyen's Delhi. Delhi became

other venues discussed for this

Delhi is not a good idea. According

futures for our stakeholders, our

the National Capital Region (NCR)

year’s convention but left out due to

to him, IATO should have held its

members, our co-workers and for all

and spreads to Gurgaon, Manesar,

logistics issues. Our theme covers

convention at a place other than

those whose livelihood depends on

Aerocity, Dwarka, Rohini, Faridabad,

fresh energy in India tourism with

Delhi because having convention in

tourism industry - directly or indi-

Surajkund, Greater Noida, Noida

new Government focusing promi-

Delhi serves little purpose for its

rectly. Under ‘vibrant futures’ we at

and East Delhi. Lots of international

nently on Tourism sector. With this


IATO enable the members to have a

hotel chains open their hotels in the

change and new policies Indian

mainly an annual event of its mem-

nationwide vision, planning, capacity

NCR region and as an industry as-

tourism is ready take off to different

bers. This is occasion when mem-

building and use technology that will

sociation we need to showcase our

level and we as an industry will have


to take full advantage.”

acquainted with new destinations so


“IATO convention is




help us to move forward and create

members the growing infrastructure.

opportunities for a more economi-

Secondly, Government at the Centre

Arun Anand feels that since the

that they can promote them among

cally and environmentally.” However,

is newly elected and we want to lis-

indications are that the present Gov-

their clients. That is why post-con-

Arun Anand, MD, Midtown Travels

ten there policy statements and hav-

ernment is pro-tourism, so by hold-

vention fam trips are organized for


ing them with us in the convention.

ing the annual convention in Delhi

delegates of the convention. But if

that the theme of this year’s

convention does not go well with the

All these factors contributed to bring

will make the Government an-

the convention is held in Delhi, there

current inbound tourism scenario.

the convention in Delhi.” Ravi Go-

nounce some new policies from the

is little to get familiar with because

The business is not so good and

sain, Hony. Joint Secretary, IATO

tourism sector, especially when the

Delhi is the capital of India and peo-

there is nothing vibrant at the mo-

and MD, Erco Travels said, “IATO

Prime Minister had made a refer-

ple are very much well-versed with


convention came back to Delhi after

ence to tourism during his speech

tourist attractions of the national

seven years and all our members

on Independence Day. According to

capital,” said Rai.

are excited about this. We hope to

Anand, the venue hotel of the con-

Delhi: venue of IATO convention

UNIGLOBE TRAVEL (SOUTH ASIA) ‘RACES FOR SUCCESS’ IN GOA Over 250 UNIGLOBE Travel Professionals from across South Asia gathered in Goa to celebrate individual and collective achievements, interact, sharpen skills, network and gain insights. UNIGLOBE Travel (South Asia)


as other parts of the globe.

he 9th Annual UNIGLOBE

the conference. With over 250

which was recently nominated as

Says Michelle Desreux, COO

Travel Regional Conference

UNIGLOBE Travel professionals at-

Asia’s Leading Travel Management

and Executive Director, UNIGLOBE

and Excellence Awards were

tending, insightful education ses-

Company at the World Travel Awards

Travel (South Asia), “Our theme for

conducted recently at the Zuri White

sions and entertainment packed

2014, organizes the conference

this year, ‘Racing for Success’ high-

Sands Resorts and Casino, Goa.

evenings, the two-day conference

every year to support inter-agency

lights the vital importance of what it

Themed ‘Racing for Success’ the vi-

turned out to be a great event cele-

networking, professional develop-

takes to build a high performance

brant state of Goa, famous for its

brating doing business in the fast

ment and to build relationships with

team that has the ability to compete

azure seas and lively beaches,

lane, best practices, new technology

each other and with key suppliers

at “top speed”, given the present

played host to this year’s edition of

solutions and the spirit of Goa!

from the South Asian region, as well

market scenario.”




TATA, SIA UNVEIL VISTARA, AIMS LAUNCH BY OCTOBER TATA-SIA Airlines Limited (TSAL) unveiled their new airline, Vistara, its logo and uniforms of its cabin crew and pilots. Vistara will start its operation by October this year.

the Group that pioneered civil

to make a significant difference

aviation in the country. The cre-

at every stage of their air travel

ation of a new full-service carrier

experience, and truly bring back

is a matter of great pride for us”.

the joy of flying”.

TSAL also unveiled the uni-

TSAL is yet to announce the

forms of crew and staff. Designed

routes on which it will start its

by the well-known duo, Abraham

flights. Yeoh refused to divulge

and Thakore, the ensemble cap-

the initial routes on which the

tures the spirit of Vistara – ele-

proposed airline will fly.

gant, practical and embodying the best of the Indian tradition.

Vistara’s brand name and logo is the result of an exhaustive

Phee Teik Yeoh, CEO,

design and creative process un-

TSAL, said, “We aim to deliver a

dertaken by India’s premier


brand consulting and design company Brand Union Ray+Ke-

TATA-SIA Airlines Limited

shavan. The core values, which

(TSAL) recently announced the

form the framework of brand Vis-

brand name of their proposed

tara, include excellence that sur-

joint venture full-service airline.

passes customer expectations,

The brand name of the new air-


line is Vistara, which is derived

strates empathy and understand-

from the Sanskrit word, ‘Vistaar’.

ing, trust that upholds integrity,

The logo of the new airline is de-

redefine the way we travel in

seamless experience via person-

rived from a ‘yantra’, a perfect

India. I can confidently say that

alisation of services for guests

mathematical form that reflects

Tata’s and SIA’s legendary hos-

the unbounded universe.

pitality standards and service ex-

The proposed airline will start its operation by October this

cellence will make Vistara a natural choice for passengers”.

year. Vistara aims at transforming

Dr. Mukund Rajan, Member

the air traveller’s experience.

– Group Executive Council and

Committed for quality in every

have five aircraft in its fleet in the

“We aim to deliver a seamless experience via personalisation of services for guests who travel with us. Whether they are leisure or business travellers, we would like to make a significant difference at every stage of their air travel experience, and truly bring back the joy of flying.”

beginning. The new airline plans

Phee Teik Yeoh, Ceo, TsAl

aspect of customer engagement, Vistara will treat travellers as unique individuals and delight them with intuitive thoughtfulness. Vistara will take delivery of its first aircraft in September and by this calendar year, and it will



fairness and transparency, innovation to deliver operational excellence and cost leadership,

SNAPSHOT •The brand name of TATA-SIA Airlines Ltd, Vistara, has derived from the Sanskrit word, Vistaar. •The proposed airline will start its operation by October this year. •TSAL also unveiled the uniforms of crew and staff, which have been designed by the wellknown duo, Abraham and Thakore. •TSAL has made an initial investment of $100 million, with Tatas having a 51% stake in it.

to increase its fleet to 20 aircraft,

and teamwork by building collaboration and diversity. The brand personality exudes an elegant and refined spiritedness reflective of a service experience that will be tech savvy, meticulous, and authentic. Vistara aims to anticipate the needs and desires of its customers such that they are imbued with the experience of a welcome guest rather than a seat number. Phee Teik Yeoh added, “We aim to build an emotional connect with our guests, through our service excellence delivered by

including A320neos, by the end

Brand Custodian, Tata Sons, and

who travel with us. Our core be-

of the fifth year of operation.

Director, TSAL, said, “All of us at

lief is that we will be intuitively

best in class technology and

Tata are extremely pleased to

thoughtful about our guests’

processes. Vistara will redefine

Speaking on the occasion,

the best people, supported by


have witnessed the coming to-

needs from the time they contact

industry standards and aim to be

TSAL, said, “Today is a momen-

gether of all the elements that

us to the time they leave the air-

the finest full-service airline of

tous day for the Tata Group and

have led to the realisation of Vis-

port. Whether they are leisure or


Singapore Airlines. Vistara will

tara, a long cherished dream for

business travellers, we would like







WAITING FOR MUCH-NEEDED PUSH FROM THE GOVERNMENT The hospitality scene in Western India is dogged by a number of issues like corruption, high taxation and outdated laws.


ing, change the overall attitude of the

grim scenario on the economy of the

cops, municipalities and authorities to-

ern India is going through try-

country. Western India is a tourist’s de-

wards the industry. We sincerely urge

ing times. The Hotels and

light but the tourism industry is still in

the government to not just declare it

Restaurants Association of Western

its nascent stage.”

as an industry but implement the poli-

India (HRAWI) based in Mumbai

The government needs to roll out

cies of the industry for an overall

prides in having around 1300 mem-

pro-hospitality initiatives to stamp out

growth of the hospitality sector and the

bers across Western India including hotels and five-star deluxe properties like The Taj, Trident, J W Marriott, Hyatt and The Leela. Formed way back in 1950, HRAWI has emerged as the voice of the hospitality industry in Western India and spreads across Maharashtra, Gujarat, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Goa and the union territories of Daman, Diu and Silvassa. The hospitality industry has been

SNAPSHOT Steps to revamp the hospitality scene in Western India: • Sops from the government. • Streamline licensing. • Restructure the tax and operation system. • Change in the attitude of cops, municipalities and authorities. • Implement the policies of the industry.

accorded the status of an industry but

Gurbaxish Singh Kohli Vice-President, HRAWI


The government needs to lend a helping hand to save the industry from its regressive state of affairs,

The common perception that the


he hospitality industry in West-

and unreasonable rules that reflect a

hospitality sector is an elitist industry prevails at large. The Indian hospitality industry is passing through a challenging period in terms of supply-demand dynamics. “The major issue affecting the industry is the shortage of supply which will become worse owing to the attitude of the govern-

explore the immense tourism potential

ment which is far from industry-

in Western India to break new

friendly. The government needs to

grounds in employment. The tourism

is far from receiving any benefits from

corruption and overcome the present

lend a helping hand to save the indus-

sector brings the highest foreign ex-

the Central government. According to

crisis plaguing the industry. Singh

try from its regressive state of affairs,”

change and its growth trajectory can

Gurbaxish Singh Kohli, Vice –Presi-

said, “In an effort to revitalize the hos-

further said Singh.

outnumber the growth of other indus-

dent, HRAWI, “The hospitality industry

pitality industry in Western India, the

Tourism and hospitality industry

tries that contribute our GDP. Owing to

is in need of a massive push from the

government should provide sops to

are inter-related. Tourism is the high-

complacency and lack of determina-

government in Western India and is

the industry, restructure the tax and

est creator of jobs and highest tax-

tion, tourism in India is still in infancy,”

reeling under corruption, high taxation,

operation schedule, streamline licens-

generating industry. “We have to

added Singh.

ABU SAROVAR PORTICO OPENS IN KILPAUK, CHENNAI - KILPAUK Sarovar Hotels recently announced the opening of Abu Sarovar Portico in Kilpauk, Chennai. This 4-Star hotel will be the group’s second hotel in Chennai after Radha Regent. The hotel is owned and promoted by Abu Estate Pvt. Ltd.


bu Sarovar Portico is strate-

shopping hub of

2kms away while the Chennai International Airport is 18kms away. In close proximity are local tourist destinations including Government




Guindy National and Snake Park, making it a perfect accommodation choice for business and leisure travelers to the city.

tres. Commenting on the opening, Anil Madhok, MD, Sarovar Hotels said,

Moreover, Abu Sarovar Portico is

“Abu Sarovar Portico intends to serve

also ideal for those visiting Chennai

both business and leisure travelers

for medical assistance as it is located

visiting Chennai. This is our second

on the Poonamalee High Road also

hotel in Chennai offering quality ac-

gically located near Mount

Chennai, and is easily accessible

known as the Med Street of Chennai

commodation at attractive price

Road, the commercial and

from the Central Railway Station just

housing a number of medical cen-






MARRIOTT HOTELS INDIA RECOGNIZED AS THE 3RD BEST COMPANY TO WORK Marriott Hotels India has been recognized as the third best companies to work by Great Places To Work Institute and The Economic Times, for 2014.



Customer Engagement, Carlson

rewards program from Carlson

Rezidor Hotel Group. “This recog-

Rezidor Hotel Group has been

nition reinforces our commitment

ranked among the top five hotel re-

to offering our members benefits

wards programs by US News and

that go above and beyond hotel

he Marriott Group has won

World Report. The publication


this accolade for the 8th

evaluated 17 hotel rewards pro-

Member benefits that position

year in a row from a total of

grams and used five key criteria to

Club Carlsonat the top of U.S.

600 organizations and 20 various

determine the best: network size,

News and World Report’s listin-

industries, who participated in the

property diversity, geographic cov-

clude: free Award Nights starting at

survey. Rajeev Menon, AVP – Area

erage, additional benefits and

just 9,000 points with no blackout

Vice - President – South Asia, Mar-

ease of earning free nights. The

dates on standard rooms, free In-

rankings were announced recently.

ternet for members at Carlson

sociates have been our greatest

deavor to ensure we provide the

“We strive to offer one of the

Rezidor hotels worldwide, valuable

strength and this is a principal that

ideal environment for each em-

most rewarding loyalty programs in

redemption options such as pre-

is believed in by all Marriott Hotels

ployee to grow and realize their full

the industry and we are honored to

paid cards andgift cards, airline

across the world. At Marriott we

potential. We are truly delighted to

be recognized by U.S. News and

partners, charitable donation part-

take great care of our associates,

have achieved this accolade yet

World Reportas a top program,”

ners,and the ability to earn Elite

while they in turn take great care of


said Rachael Marret, senior VP,


riott International Inc. said,”Our as-

our guests, it is our constant en-



uet India Project Develop-

With this addition, Duet Proj-

ment Services (DIPDS)

ects hotel experience enhances to


10 hotels, 1822 keys across 7 In-



awarded a Project Management

contract by a business house to

PREMIER INN INDIA LAUNCHES LOYALTY REWARDS CARD PROGRAMME Aims to increase repeat customers at its properties in the country.


remier Inn announced the

with each stamp, starting with compli-

launch of its Loyalty Rewards

mentary beverages and food and cul-

Card programmefor guests at

dian cities. “Securing this contract amid in-

all its properties across India. The

offer is now on and valid till 15 De-

minating in a free room night for two after the fifth stamp. V. V. Giri, Regional Director, Pre-

develop an Internationally Branded


Mercure Hotel by Accor in Chen-

demonstrates company’s rich do-


main expertise and a disciplined

To avail this offer, guests need to

Inn, we have always gone above and

The company is expected to

execution focus to be able to de-

enrol in the programme after which

beyond to maintain customer satis-

implement this project from con-

liver a stellar performance for dis-

they are issued a stamp card. For

faction and brand loyalty. With thisloy-

cept to commissioning in circa two

cerning clients and its obsession

every thousand rupees spent at any

alty rewards card programme, the

years. The hotel will have 102 keys


Client Satisfaction,” said

of the properties, the card is stamped

minimum spend by the guest remains

including suites, food and beverage

Babul Ganguly , Chief Operating

and the guest can avail exciting offers

the same, but the rewards just keep

outlet, banqueting functions etc.


on their next visit. Rewards increase





cember, 2014.


mier Inn South Asia, said, "At Premier



CLARKS INN ANNUAL RETREAT AT KHAJURAHO Clarks Inn Group of Hotels recently organised its annual retreat at Clarks Khajuraho. The retreat was attended by Clarks Inn’s various corporate heads along with the general managers of all its units from across India. The annual retreat are platforms where the Clarks Inn’s key managers along with all its unit heads get together to evaluate its performance and growth, learn from each other, chalk out strategies and future course of action as well as unwind and relax.




V RESORTS LAUNCHES OPTIMIZED PROPERTY MANAGEMENT The optimized solutions are for hotels, cottages and resorts in offbeat locations of India. These properties can be maintained and monetized through Resorts, a unique chain of Offbeat resorts in


India, recently introduced an online platform for

hotel, cottage and resort owners in the country.

Supported by institutional investors and managed by an adroit team of professionals, V has developed effective solutions and carefully designed processes that help maintain and monetize properties with 5-25 rooms, across offbeat locations of India. Properties set in pristine and less explored locations often struggle with low occupancy levels, high employee attrition and stressful daily management issues. Elaborating on the difference the company is making, Aditi Balbir, Managing Director of V Resorts, said, “We understand the owner’s anxiety and concern for their property and adopt their dream to remove all worries over its maintenance and care.” The unique model developed by V has taken a property from 100 room nights per annum

V Resorts is a chain of offbeat resorts with a pan India presence. Their unique property management services are targeted for owners of properties between 5-25 rooms located in beautiful unexplored destinations where nature, peace and solitude reign supreme. Under the 'V Resorts' brand, V seek to manage such properties, providing customers with unique locations and services which together contribute to a truly offbeat Indian experience. With 8 properties across 3 states bordering Delhi, V has been providing urban customers with various choices of interesting holiday destinations. Founded by travel enthusiasts and backed by institutional investors with a team of experienced professionals, V follows a strict code of conduct and is governed by integrity, professionalism & teamwork.

Aditi Balbir, Managing Director of V Resorts

to 100 room night per month on an annual basis The company provides enriched vacations that imbibe the local flavour and activities prevalent around each property. It engages with experts for designing experiences around yoga, rafting, kayaking, angling, bird watching, trekking, cycling, national park safaris and village tours. Ms. Balbir added, “By bringing quality and standardization to the less explored but breathtaking locales of India, we are opening many unique experiences for the traveller.” Within 3 years of inception, V Resorts already has under its mantle 8 resorts in the most exquisite locations across 3 states bordering Delhi. It takes over everything from beautification to regular upkeep, repairs, supervision and control of employees to taxation and other compliances required for business.




MARRIOTT EXPANDS MOBILE CHECK-IN AND CHECKOUT SERVICES As part of its global mobile strategy, Marriott International is makings a significant expansion of the company’s popular mobile check-in and checkout feature.





Hilton signs new DoubleTree in Ahmedabad


brands – The Ritz-Carlton,

Hilton Worldwide recently

JW Marriott Hotels & Re-

signed a management agree-

sorts, Renaissance Hotels, Auto-

ment with Hirise Hospitality Pri-



vate Limited for DoubleTree by

Courtyard, SpringHill Suites, Fair-



Hilton Ahmedabad. The hotel

field Inn & Suites, Residence Inn,

will be an iconic structure that

TownePlace Suites and Marriott Ex-

towers over the central business

ecutive Apartments – are joining the

district, just off S.G. Road

nearly 500 properties of the com-

(Sarkhej - Gandhinagar High-

pany’s flagship Marriott Hotels brand

way), near Satellite Road and a

in providing mobile check-in and

short distance from the city cen-

checkout to guests. With these latest

tre. The hotel will offer easy ac-

additions, these services are imme-

cess to prime business and

diately available at 1,200 properties worldwide, and will be live at more than 4,000 hotels worldwide by yearend. Marriott is laser-focused on delivering the mobile services travelers told the company that they want most and making these services as widely available as possible. The company is rapidly introducing mo-

With these latest additions, these services are immediately available at 1,200 properties worldwide, and will be live at more than 4,000 hotels worldwide by year-end.

bile services that improve the travel

languages: English, French, Span-

commercial hubs as well as a

ish, German and Mandarin.

range of dining, shopping and

Leading with its flagship Marriott

entertainment options.

Hotels brand, the company contin-

Earlier this year, Hilton

ues innovating in the mobile space.

Worldwide extended its portfolio

The brand now offers mobile service

of hotels in India by launching

requests in fifteen markets in North

three new hotels - DoubleTree

America, where hotels are serving

Suites by Hilton Bangalore,

as “mobile incubator” laboratories for


the future. For example, guests at

GolfLinks and Hilton Jaipur.



these hotels can use a drop down

These openings marked the

experience by giving guests added

tification when their room is ready.

menu of the most typical service re-

company’s entry into the impor-

convenience and greater choice,

Communicating in advance means

quests, such as extra towels and pil-

tant market of Bangalore and

while giving hotel staff the opportu-

the hotel is prepared for their arrival.

lows, or chat directly with hotel staff

among the most popular tourist

nity to deliver an even higher level of

Because payment information is

using a mobile app. The company

destinations in the country,

service. When it comes to fulfillment,

stored within members profiles,

will offer these and other mobile

Jaipur. Later in the year, Hilton

the company’s hotels have achieved

guests simply walk up to the expe-

services to its Marriott Rewards

Worldwide will enter Agra with

a near perfect success rate in exe-

dited mobile check-in desk where

members at the Marriott Hotels

the launch of DoubleTree by

cuting a half-million mobile check-ins

their pre-programmed key card will

brand beginning early next year.

Hilton Agra. Located minutes

to date, leading to nine out ten

be waiting for them.

“You cannot separate the mobile

from the Taj Mahal, it will be one

guests saying they will use it again.

At the end of their stays, guests

experience from the personal inter-

of the very few hotels offering

With the Marriott Mobile app,

receive a push notification alerting

action between guests and our hotel

views of the legendary mau-

scheck-in and checkout is simpler.

them that mobile checkout is avail-

associates. When executed flaw-

soleum. John Greenleaf, global

Marriott Rewards members receive

able. Upon completion, guests will

lessly and consistently, they comple-

head, DoubleTree by Hilton,

a push notification on their Apple

then be prompted to provide an

ment each other and enhance the

said, “Opening of DoubleTree

iPhones or Android devices after 4

email address where their bill should

overall experience,” said George


pm on the day before their arrival

be sent, allowing them to confidently

Corbin, senior vice president, Digi-

brand’s entry into the dynamic

alerting them they can check-in.

bypass the front desk. Mobile check-


state of Gujarat.”

Then they receive an automatic no-

in and checkout are available in five








Kingdom of Dreams

launches ‘ShowShaa’ An opulent MICE venue and a munificent theatre, ShowShaa caters to many needs and occasions.


ingdom of Dreams, India’s

introduced a grand, state-of-the art

majestic and ultimate live

MICE venue in the country which

entertainment destination

addresses comprehensive needs

launched its second, plush multi-

of the business industry that can

purpose venue ShowShaa Theatre

combine business with pleasure. A

over a razzle-dazzle evening of

first of its kind and a unique con-

glitzy entertainment. With lavish in-

cept in the country ShowShaa can

teriors and cutting edge technol-

be a 250 seat auditorium in the day

ogy Showshaa Theatre is an ideal

for corporate functions. On the

venue for hosting business meet-

touch of a button its automatic re-



cessing seats can transform it into

grand launches, exclusive recep-

a banquet hall in the evening for

tions and private parties as well as

social functions and a glitzy high

niche entertainment options like

energy night club on the week-

theatricals, musical concerts and

ends. Armed to the T with a 60 by

other events.

40 ft stage, complete with revolves,


The evening filled with glitz and

hydraulic stage lifts, fly bars, Kirby

glamour began with Gurbani Bha-

flying systems, state of the art light

tia playing golden melodies on the

effects and live size LED walls that

piano to the accompaniment of the

create a 3 D effect, the options cre-

Dreams, said, “After completing

valled technology in the country to

table, violin and the flute. The air

ated by ShowShaa will infuse a

more than 1300 shows of Zan-

make business meetings and pri-

redolent with intoxicating music of

breath of fresh air in meetings and

goora and 700 shows of Jhumroo,

vate occasions that much more ex-

the piano, the hypnotic flute and

conferences and provide an excit-

the popular Bollywood musicals at


the rhythm of the tabla, mes-

ing alternative to break the dull

the “state of the art” Nautanki

Anumod Gagan Sharma ex-

merised and stunned the audience

boardroom monotony. The world

Mahal and being awarded the title

pressed his happiness and said

who kept calling for an encore. Energetic bollywood dances by the talented DC Crew dancers set the

Glamour and Glitz rock the ShowShaa Launch at Kingdom of Dreams

“With the launch of ShowShaa Theatre, Kingdom of Dreams is now an ideal venue for both the

stage on fire with their joie d’vivre.

class aerial systems also enable

of best entertainment destination

business and leisure activities. Our

The evening concluded with an en-

options of a grand entrée on stage

in Asia, we are proud and excited

venues are state-of-the-art and at

tertaining and theatrical perform-

of the presenters and key manage-

to launch a second venue in the

par with the best in the world. We

ance by the Jazz Bastards who got

ment during an event. Projection

complex the ShowShaa Theatre.

can host a variety of events right

the audience grooving and moving

screens on left and right walls of

We are sure that Corporates and

from international shows, corpo-

to their melodic sounds.

the stage can be used for corpo-

business entities will find this a

rate and business seminars, an-

rate presentations and AVs.

perfect space for their events and


With this exquisite and enter-



taining evening at ShowShaa The-

On the occasion of the launch,

conferences. We now offer options

symposium or any other business

atre, Kingdom of Dreams has

Viraf Sarkari, Director, Kingdom of

for events of all sizes and unri-






SKAL New Delhi Meet Skal New Delhi hosted lunch meeting for its members on August 20, 2014 at Vivanta by Taj Ambassador, New Delhi, Sujan Singh Park, Subramania Bharti Marg, New Delhi.





Indonesia up 16.9 per cent and

Arrivals to the year-end June have shown stellar performance from key international visitor markets says Tourism New Zealand - with total annual arrival growth of 5.7 per cent equating to 150,000 extra visitors.

digit figures we have seen in pre-


he last 12 months



India up 13.3 per cent.” Arrivals from China were up 8.0 per cent for the year. "While still in growth, this is clearly a change from the double vious years and is largely due to the introduction of the China Travel Law in October 2013.” "However, what we are seeing

have delivered some fantastic arrivals to

New Zealand - with each month year-on-

year," says Kevin Bowler, Chief Executive, Tourism New Zealand. "To end our financial year with strong outcomes across our core markets is incredibly positive. It

Germany are up 16.6 per cent, the

is a positive change in the arrivals

gives us further confidence in our

UK up 2.8 per cent, and the USA

mix from China, with most of the

activity, as we head into the new

up 11.7 per cent.”

growth coming from independent

year, with our focus on continuing

"Our nearest and biggest mar-

travellers, rather than short stay

to deliver value to the tourism in-

ket Australia continued to grow, up

group tours, resulting in longer

dustry and the New Zealand econ-

4.4 per cent for the year.” "This

lengths of stay and more value per




"The past year has delivered impressive






growth from Asian markets, includ-

Overall international arrivals for


ing Singapore up 18.6 per cent

the month of June were up 1.7 per

Zealand's traditional western mar-

and Malaysia up 19.4 per cent, as

cent compared to June 2013.

kets, in particular arrivals from

well as the emerging markets of


VIETNAM PLANS VISA EXEMPTION TO INDIANS Vietnam is formulating a scheme under which Indians will be granted visa exemption to travel to the country. Besides, Vietnam will also facilitate filmmakers for shoots in the picturesque country. Hoang Thi Diep, Vice Chairman of Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, said that his ministry is in touch with the Indian Embassy to ease the visa process as well as to boost connectivity. At present there are no direct flights from India to Vietnam. However, a revised services agreement was signed in November 2013. It is hoped that the flights will begin from November this year. India too is keen to boost cultural ties with the strategically-important country. External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj, who was recently in Vietnam on an official visit, informed Vietnam’s leadership during her visit that India intends to open a cultural centre in Vietnamese capital Hanoi. She also invited the Vietnamese to have a cultural centre in India.


vention (US-CDC) among others,” said Khan.

EVD signs and symptoms • All foreign nationals who test

He enumerated various steps

positive and all citizens of affected

taken in the interest of tourists, which

nations denied entry in South Africa

are following:

Khan furthermore clarified that

• Installation of thermal scanners

South Africa does not share a land

at OR Tambo Johannesburg Airport,

border with any of the affected coun-

Johannesburg that detect inbound

tries because it falls under the cate-

travellers with raised temperatures.

gory of ‘low risk countries’, the same

e at South African

and would like to assure all tourists

These travellers, when identified, are

as India, Europe and most other na-

Airways give utmost

travelling to South Africa about all

quarantined and assessed at the

tions. “We request all tourists to not

priority to the health,

precautions being taken to prevent

medical facilities at the airport

panic and refer to our FAQ sheet (at-

well-being and safety of our passen-

the EVD. The department is working

• Regular fumigation and disin-


tached separately). With no case of

gers and staff. Following the reported

in close coordination with key organ-

fection of South African Airways’ air-

EVD reported in the country, South

outbreak of the Ebola virus in West

isations like the World Health Organ-


Africa remains open and completely

Africa, the South African National

isation (WHO) and the United States

• Increased surveillance by Port

Department of Health is on high alert

Centres for Disease Control and Pre-

Health Officials for travellers with


safe for all planning to visit the nation,” said Khan.





AMARI LOOKS TO SET FOOT IN INDIA Riding high on 45 years of luxury hospitality in Thailand, Amari is looking at Indian hospitality scene.


his Independence Day In-

the grand NATIONAL event held on

terGlobe Technology Quo-

15th August at various locations all

tient along with its travel

across the country. This effort was

partners undertook a very unique

entirely a result of team members of

initiative. In their endeavour to reach

ITQ and their travel partners who

we are trying to establish ourselves

and extend support to the under-

participated in this campaign very

world-renowned hospitality

in the Indian hospitality market and

privileged section of the society the

actively and managed to donate

group of Bangkok that is

we have our presence at SATTE,

first ever i Serve National Event for

generously for the cause.



trying to make its mark in

the Indian hospitality scene is

Amari from the house of Onyx. The luxury hospitality group lives up to the expectations of having 15 properties spread in Bangkok, Phuket, Pattaya, Hua Hin, Krabi and Koh

clothes collection was celebrated

Samui. Amari Hua Hin is the latest property of the group in Thailand

to Christoph Leonhard, General

Manager, Amari Hua Hin, “Our hos-

New Delhi.” Bangkok’s Amari Wa-

pitality brand has its presence in

lying nearly 500 metres away from the sea beach. The hospitality group has set its sales office in New Delhi and

Mumbai and is

Christoph Leonhard General Manager, Amari Hua Hin

Dhaka in the year-end. According

Anil Parashar, President and CEO,

part of this campaign boxes to col-

ITQ said, “It was a great privilege for

lect used clothes were placed at

me to be a part of this activity along

their branch offices as well as part-

with our travel partners in achieving

ners' office locations across the

this task of contributing something

country. This was a month long cam-

back to the society. These initiatives

paign to collect clothes at various lo-

are important aspects of being a

cations which were subsequently

good corporate citizen"

donated to the affiliated NGO's at



ordan touches every one of

mysterious sights, high standard ac-

your senses – from spicy aro-

commodations, exquisite cuisine

mas and culinary pleasures to

and countless activities that can pro-

an invigorating mud wrap, or the first

vide visitors with inspiration, motiva-

tergate is highly preferred by Indian

glimpse of Petra’s Treasury to the

tion, and rejuvenation.

luxury travellers.

sound of desert silence. You may

Jordan’s MICE industry has

even find that Jordan begins to

come of age. It understands the par-

The hospitality property has its • Popular for golfers and MICE tourists. • To set up four-star property in Ludhiana. • Provides concierge facilities for golfers in Hua Hin.

with great vigour and dedication. As

travellers are first to arrive and last to depart from Thailand,

eyeing to set up its next property in

Key focus of Amari

Commenting on this initiative

portal- Destination Amari and has

awaken your sixth sense. Make time

ticular demands of the meetings and

hosted two Indian weddings in the

to enjoy one of natures’s most un-

incentives market, and strives to ex-

current year. Leonhard said, “Host-

usual adventure playgrounds. Step

ceed expectations. It has harnessed

ing Indian wedding is a new con-

back into some of the world’s best

the ingredients needed to for a suc-

cept for us. We have around 20 per

preserved Nabatean and Roman

cessful event that touches the hearts

Thailand since past 45 years. We

cent Indian tourists at Amari Wa-

cities; float in the Dead Sea, the low-

of the most discerning delegates

want our guests to experience the

tergate and 3 per cent at Amari

est point in the world; and for an

and resides in their memories. Lo-

colours and rhythm of modern Asia

Hua Hin and we hope to increase

even greater adrenaline rush, try

cated at the crossroads of 3 conti-

and Thailand. Hua Hin has 11 golf

the figure by 5 per cent this year

hand gliding off the crags that tower

nents, Jordan is an ideal place for

courses within a short distance and

and 10 per in three years.”

over Wadi Rum; or abseil down wa-

hosting international events. Jordan

terfalls in Wadi Mujib.

boasts a fine array of international

is highly popular for golfers. We

The group has its focus on

perform bookings for golf courses

india the Indian hospitality industry.

From the magnificent landscape

hotels, with new investments con-

and do provide concierge facilities

“We have our project to foray with

of Wadi Rum, to the country’s

stantly adding a number of exciting

for golfers. We would like to woo

a four-star property in Ludhiana

bustling capital - Amman; from the

developments to the portfolio.

both leisure and MICE tourists from

that is currently on hold. The Indian

majestic ruins of bygone civilizations

All of Jordan’s top hotels have

India. We take up team building,

hospitality market is highly signifi-

to the timeless splendor of the Dead

fully-equipped conference and ban-

beach activities and vineyard visit

cant for Thailand and is quite loyal

Sea, Jordan is unveiled as a unique


for MICE tourists. At the same time,

to us.”

destination offering breathtaking and

friendly staff.




dedicated, by TNH DESK


TOURISM MALAYSIA IS ALL SET TO BE THE TOP CHOICE FOR INDIAN TRAVELLERS In the aftermath of the tragic twin Malaysian Airline crashes, Mr. Manoharan Periasamy, the Director of Tourism Malaysia, discusses the number Indian arrivals to Malaysia. He also shares his plans off positioning Malaysia as the leading destination for Indian tourists. continue to be a sought after destination among Indians.

Manoharan Periasamy Director of Tourism Malaysia Overall, how has the year 2014 for Malaysia Tourism been so far? How has been Indian market for you this year as compare to the previous year? What kind of growth do you expect in Indian arrivals to Malaysia by the end of this year? India has always been an important market for Malaysia. In 2013, a total of 650,989 Indian travellers visited Malaysia, maintaining its position as the sixth top tourist generating market to the country. This year we are expecting close to 7,80,000 tourists from India. What are the key trends you have observed in Indian inflow to Malaysia this year? Indians are travelling abroad like never before, to even the farthest never-explored places. That’s good news for us in tourism. Besides this, the Indian traveller is moving from ‘price conscious’ to ‘value conscious’ which means he is going to settle for nothing less than the best. It’s no more just about seeing as much as it is about experiencing. Initially travellers from India combined Malaysia in their itinerary with Singapore and Thailand and were coming here as a stop-over destination. Now we are seeing more ‘Malaysia- specific’ trips and tourists exploring all that the country has to offer. The duration of stay has also gone up. This is definitely a positive sign. Fortunately for us, Malaysia has always been a must-visit country for Indians. So with increasing number of travellers from India and our innovative offerings, we are sure that Malaysia will

What have been important initiatives taken by Malaysia tourism for Indian market this year? What’s their significance for Malaysia tourism? The 4th VISIT MALAYSIA YEAR (VMY 2014) is expected to woo the tourists with a series of year-long special events and activities. We will be promoting these events in India with an aim to send more and more tourists to Malaysia in conjunction with the events. In the Tier 1 cities we are moving away from the KL, Genting space and will focus on growing the portfolio by introducing niche products like spa & Wellness, Adventure & Eco-Tourism, Sports & Golf, and showcasing new and exotic destinations, among other experiences. Promoting Malaysia as a wedding destination is also high on our agenda. As the Indian Outbound is growing year on year, we aim to penetrate the growing Tier 2 & Tier 3 cities. We have embarked on high visibility and high impact marketing partnerships with local &regional agents to promote the destination amongst the first time travellers in the region. We also aim to equip the travel agents in the top 30 towns in India with information and knowledge of Malaysia through educational seminars. This year we have seen additional flights from India to Malaysia with Malindo Air starting their operations here. It will connect cities like Ahmedabad, Trichy, Kochi and will also add frequencies from Mumbai and Delhi which will make airfares attractive giving the tourists more choice. Tourism Malaysia will be also promoting its products through various media and other activities, which include campaigns on television, in newspapers & magazines and on the Internet, social media campaigns (Facebook, Twitter, etc), as well as joint promotions with local tour operators, airlines, other tourism boards, and select brands. We also encourage many FAM tours and attractive Incentives for Tour Operators, Travel Trade and Indian wedding planners to experience first-hand the services and facilities available.

MICE is another area of focus. The Malaysian Convention Bureau established by the Ministry of Tourism – Malaysia will play an important role to promote and position Malaysia internationally as the preferred destination for meetings, incentives, conventions and exhibitions including major events. The Malaysian Government had eased out visa issuance for Indians and Chinese with the introduction of Visa on Arrival for those travelling to Malaysia from a third country, namely Thailand and Singapore. This will definitely have a positive impact on the tourist arrivals from the respective countries. As more and more Indians are travelling overseas on holidays, they can also consider Malaysia as a Short break destination for long weekends and last minute travel plans. We also have seen growth in the number of movies and ad commercials being shot in Malaysia due to the tax rebates offered for filming. The availability of the crew and state of the art studios in Malaysia makes filming commercially viable for Indian filmmakers. We expect an increase in traffic from this segment too in the coming year. In recent past, Malaysia Airlines went through some big crisis. How has it affected the Malaysian tourism? What steps are you taking to rectify the damage done to Malaysia’s otherwise spotless position as a tourism destination? What role is the Indian travel trade playing? The Malaysia Airlines twin disasters have been unfortunate. Our prayers are always with the bereaved families. No words can heal the tragedy that has occurred. But in the spirit of the essence of travel, the show must go on. I have been overwhelmed by the response of the Indian Travel fraternity who has been so supportive during these trying times. Their reassurance to the travellers about Malaysia being a safe favourable destination of choice has gone a long way. We are in the process of working out attractive packages for the Indian traveller. With the holiday season around the corner, we hope the number will go up.





RoomsXML Solutions Limited is completely and exclusively focused on distribution of hotels and apartments of three-star and above. have eliminated that issue completely. In

“The product development started in the

fact, we offer a $5 credit to every dupli-

year 2003. It took us four years to build

xplaining the business model

cate hotel that a travel agent can spot in

the product and test it in market. It had

and activities of his company,

our system. So far we have

Prakash Bang, Managing Di-

had no claims! Because



rector, RoomsXML Solutions

we are highly focused

Limited, said, “We are a 100 per cent

(on nothing but ho-

B2B Company in the accommodation

tels and apart-

segment and work only with travel

ments to sell); we

agents. When travel agents connect with

need to be ex-

us they get access to over 80,000

tremely good with

unique properties (only 3-stars and

our offers, may it

above) around the world. We say it is

be inventory, rates

unique because every hotel and apart-

or service standards.”

ment we offer is de-duplicated. This is

its soft launch in the UK and Australia. I had the opportunity to work with

The inventory we offer is global. Our source market for now is limited to Australia, UK and India. By limiting our reach, we are able to support and service our travel agents in the best possible way.

As regards current


travel agents during my early days in marketing multimedia. It was then I realized the gaps and the challenges of a travel agent whilst booking hotel rooms. They had limited

important and one of our many USPs.

market presence of his com-

Our proprietary technology and human

pany and their targeted costumer seg-

be ‘a single-feed of multiple suppliers’

intervention ensures that each hotel is

ment, Bang said, “The inventory we offer

was the thought. And here we are.”

access to suppliers. Why not

shown only once.” Bang further said,

is global. Our source market for now is

“Systems working with multiple suppliers

limited to Australia, UK and India. By lim-

lutions Limited has grown exponentially

Since its inception, RoomsXML So-

display the same hotels a number of

iting our reach, we are able to support

and has become a company to reckon

times simply because every supplier has

and service our travel agents in the best

with in hotel distribution segment.

a different nomenclature to mark and

possible way.”

Speaking about the growth of the com-

categorize the inventory. This can be very confusing to the travel agent. We

Talking about the inception of RoomsXML Solutions Limited, Bang said,


pany and its key achievements since its inception, Bang said, “The growth has


been dramatic. On an average we are growing 60 per cent year-on-year for the

vative 100 Company by Inc. magazine.”

As far as competition in this seg-

As regards the USP of his company

ment is concerned, Bang said, “The

last three years. But most important, we

and the advantages it offers to its

competition is quite fierce. And that’s

are profitable with a healthy balance

clients, Bang said, “There are many fea-

how it should be. It keeps us on our

sheet. This is important for a business

tures that make us stand apart. To


to sustain itself. Top line doesn’t really

name a few, they are, de-duplicated in-

When asked what would be the fu-

matter to us much. That can be easily

ventory; made-to-order XML feed; quo-

ture plan of his company, his short an-

achieved by offering extended credit

tation generator; mobile interface for

swer was “Sustainable growth.”

terms. We would rather focus on grow-

travel agents; retail interface; online

ing steadily but surely. Our greatest

CRM; map-view search and a B2C

promote his business, Bang said, “Our

achievement is in our product develop-

widget for travel agents.”

marketing strategy is to keep doing

ment and service standards. The fea-

On the future prospect of his com-

Explaining his marketing strategy to

what we are doing with utmost sincerity.

tures that we have introduced are game

pany in India, Bang remarked, “Excel-

Existing customers are our best sales

changers and are still the industry stan-

lent at the very least. The response

managers. They do recommend us with

dards. We are the only one from the

from all our markets has been more

confidence. Nothing else matters. Some

segment to be Certified ISO 9001:2008

than encouraging. And in my opinion it’s

advertising in trade magazines is of

and to be recognized as being an Inno-

only going to get better.”

help too.”





Andreas Flaig Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group

Adrian Hardwick-Jones InterContinental Hotels Group

Puneet Singh Kempinski Ambience Hotel Delhi

Vijay Krishnan V Menon Four Points by Sheraton, Jaipur

Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group has appointed Andreas Flaig as Executive Vice President, Development for Asia Pacific. Andreas will be a key member of the Asia Pacific Executive Committee of the hotel group. In his new role, Andreas will be responsible for driving the development strategies for Carlson Rezidor in Asia Pacific to further grow its hotel portfolio and enhance its presence in this region. He will oversee the regional teams based in Singapore, China, India and Indonesia securing new management contracts as well as franchise and conversion opportunities.

IHG has appointed Adrian Hardwick-Jones as Regional Director, Design & Engineering (D&E), for South West Asia. Adrian will lead the regional D&E function, working closely with the company's development team to drive design excellence and brand consistency in hotels across South West Asia. He will be based in Delhi NCR. Adrian brings with him over 20 years of experience in architectural design and has worked extensively across Asiain a number of sectors including hospitality. Prior to joining IHG, Adrian was based in Delhi for six years with a number of real estate developers.

Born in New Delhi, Puneet has returned to his hometown as General Manager of Kempinski’s flagship hotel in India, following a successful two years as the General Manager of Kempinski Grand & Ixir Hotel in Bahrain. After working for more than two decades with Kempinski in eight different countries, Puneet now takes over the leadership of the team at Kempinski Ambience Hotel. Puneet previously served as General Manager at Kempinski Hotel the Dome, Antalya, Turkey and has held various leadership positions at Kempinski hotels in China, Tanzania, United Arab Emirates, Russia and Egypt,

Duet India Hotels has appointed Vijay Krishnan V Menon as the General Manager for their hotel Four Points by Sheraton, Jaipur. Vijay is a veteran hotelier with 19-year experience in the hospitality industry. In his new role Vijay will be responsible for implementing processes of operations at the hotel and brand management, positioning strategies, delivering the revenues and profitability. With strong leadership skills and ability to create high performing teams he has developed his mark for hands-on approach that results in an atmosphere which motivates the associates and ensures high level of productivity.

Rishu Roshan Marasa Sarovar Premiere, Tirupati

Anish Srivastava Mosaic Hotels, Noida

Pushkaraj Mungale Courtyard by Marriott Pune City Centre

Ashutosh Ranjan Thakur Renaissance Mumbai CCH

Sarovar Hotels has appointed Rishu Roshan as GM of Marasa Sarovar Premiere, Tirupati. The hotel is scheduled for launch in October 2014. With over 14 years of experience from around the world, Rishu joins Sarovar with expertise in operations, food & beverage operations, personnel management and much more. He holds Master of Science in International Hotel and Tourism Management from Oxford Brookes University, UK and is also a diploma holder from Institute of Hotel Management, Bhubaneswar. Prior to joining Sarovar Hotels, Rishu was Operations Manager at The Holiday Inn, UK.

Mosaic Hotels, Noida, one of its kind full service designer boutique hotel has appointed Anish Srivastava as the new Operations Manager. Fourteen years old quest of Anish in the hospitality fraternity has been nothing short of remarkable. A Hospitality Graduate, Anish began his enriching career as an Assistant Manager with Ramada Hotel Manohar (Now Fortune Hotel Manohar) New Delhi in 2000 and saw an exceptional rise in his career from there due to his professional expertise and dedication towards work and rose to the rank of F&B Manager with Mahagun Sarovar Portico (a unit of Sarovar Hotels).

Pushkaraj Mungale has been appointed as Director of Sales at the Courtyard by Marriott Pune City Centre. With over 13 years of experience in the hospitality industry, Pushkaraj has worked with some of the country’s most prominent hospitality brands. In his capacity as the Director of Sales for the city centre business hotel, Pushkaraj is responsible for the overall strategic planning of the sales department. He will lead the sales team in increasing overall market share of the hotel, establishing and maintaining client relations, identifying avenues for growth and mentoring his team.

Ashutosh Ranjan Thakur has joined the Marriott group as the Food & Beverage Manager at Renaissance Mumbai Convention Centre Hotel & Lakeside Chalet Marriott Executive Apartments. With over 11 years of experience, Thakurwas previously worked with 5-star hotels like JW Marriott (Marriott International), Holiday Inn (IHG Hotels), Westin (Starwood Hotels), BJN Hotels Ltd and Mirah Hospitality. Prior to joining Renaissance Mumbai Convention Centre Hotel, Ashutosh was working with Holiday Inn Mumbai International Airport as an Outlet Operations Manager for close to 3 years.


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